Last week I saw the BBC was often talking about crimes against immigrants in Germany.
Obviously no mention of the number of crimes against Germans by the incomers.
“Germany hate crime: Nearly 10 attacks a day on asylum centres in 2016”
It seems a leaked, confidential police report says there were 3,500 attacks on refugee and ‘asylum seeker’ hostels, yet immigrants committed 208,000 crimes, in 2015 alone.
Given that the flood didn’t begin until mid-2015 and Germany has a population of around 8.6m people, 1m of which would’ve been immigrant/’asylum seekers’ . . . . well, you do the maths, but it looks as though the ‘asylum seekers’ may be a little overrepresented when it comes to crime.
Facts, figures and sources on Sargon’s video at 1:10:45
Long before Merkel’s ‘open door’, fires at Turkish immigrant hostels were quite frequent but no one took much notice.
Anyhow, in Spain this weekend – ‘Anarchists’? throwing petrol bombs at violent protests caused by an anti immigration speaker.
Anarchists? How respectable? Not rioters or criminals but ‘anarchists’?
And today despite Muslims smashing up Paris, Europe takes another step toward establishing Sharia blasphemy law.
– A French Mayor is in court & faces a fine for making a true statement about there being too many Muslim students in the schools of his city. I hope this is big news in France & that it helps Le Pen’s campaign.
The very sensible mayor is reported to have said: “In a class in the city center of in my town, 91 percent of the children are Muslims. Obviously, this is a problem,” he said in an interview on the French news channel LCI in September. “There are limits to tolerance.”
Where can we get more leaders like this please? A lot of them.
If someone said it was ‘a problem’ that 91% of actors, TV presenters, company directors or MPs were White, they would be applauded. With the BBC leading the cheers.
With the BBC it is always about presentation. When Judge Lindsey Kushner commented on young women drinking themselves to a degree where they were vulnerable, the BBC immediately found people who criticized what she said. Certainly the news I watched did not have people to support her views.
I imagine that the BBC has young female left-leaning, privately educated employees, sitting in expensive offices in Broadcasting House, trawling the internet ie Twitter, Facebook and the like, looking for people who are ‘aggrieved’ by something. Of course they will believe what they find anyway (that is how they will have got the job) but for their items to be used, they will have to fit in with group think. But for those of us who live in the real world, they add to the view that the BBC is becoming irrelevant.
If I leave my house unlocked and the windows open, and I am burgled, the insurance company will refuse to pay out because they will say I was negligent.
If I leave my keys in the car and it is stolen, again they will not pay out because of negligence.
Neither of them would actually be my fault, but they fault of the criminal who stole from me, and this is that point.
It is not victim blaming pointing out a level of negligence for ones personal safety. We know that the fault and the criminality lie exclusively with the rapist, however that does not entirely absolve the victim from all responsibility.
I also do have to compare and contrast the attitudes of the Fascists when the Mayor of Cologne began victim blaming after the great grope in her city, when she blamed women for wearing revealing clothes (hardly revealing when outdoors at midwinter!) However despite all this it appears it isn’t rape when Muslims do it, and all bets are off !
On Toady R4 at 0725 this morning (Mon) the sport section focussed entirely on the 64-0 rugby victory of England over Scotland.
64-0 ????
Wasn’t the score 61-21?
Errr, no. The feature was entirely about the Women’s rugby result.!!!!!
The men’s match, you know the one with the 82000 sell out crowd, received no coverage.
Sluff-I am not surprised by this at all. The great majority of presenters and reporters
on BBC are now women. What amazes me is that Gary Lineker is still allowed to present “Match of the Day.”
Woman’s Hour had the couple on who have a book about how the guy raped the girl when she was 16 and he was 18.
– WH still didn’t dare ask what the girl felt about getting drunk etc.
Of course the guy was the aggressor so cannot be excused, but the rape would not have happened if she had been sober.
Perhaps he was drunk and therefore incapable of determining clearly if he had been given consent. After all, women who are drunk are assumed to be incapable of giving informed consent.
Men who are drunk are assumed to be incapable of driving.
No one seems to be getting this – any woman, scantily clad and paralytic on booze and or drugs, should be able to stagger about and lie in the gutter without anything untoward occurring.
In the space of less than a century we have gone from a society in which respectable women were not even allowed to be alone with a man who was not their husband or a close relation, to one where it is considered a woman’s right to indulge in ANY kind of behaviour, no matter how outrageous or risky, and if anything untoward occurs to her, blame must only fall on the other party. It’s like saying to a man that he can walk into a Rangers pub in Glasgow with a Celtic top on, shout ‘F*ck King Billy!’ and expect to remain unmolested.
Once, I overheard a man at a pub bar saying to another, in effect, that women can only be given any credibility when they stop painting their faces to look different to what they actually are. I’ve thought long on that one over the decades.
Since the referendum result the Pro EU bias of the BBC has exceeded expectations. They are fully paid up members of the liberal left globalist elite who have enjoyed unchallenged power for thirty years and they will not give up that power easily. A good read about why the elite are so anti Brexit , anti Trump and antii democracy , apart from when it delivers results they want, is in Mike Hume’s book ‘Revolting’ . Hume is a Marxist and is no fan of President Trump or Nigel Farage but he does believe that the elite are trying to undermine democracy in opposing Brexit and Trump. Of course he sees Brexit in the context of the democratic struggle of the proletariat to achieve power and therefore has some notions that seem very odd but the book is worth the Three Pounds cost nonetheless.
I think that the BBC is set to play a pivotal role in the elite’s attempt to reverse the democratic referendum result. The game they are playing is a long and dirty one. The first thing will be to try and get a parliamentary veto on Brexit i.e. The so called meaningful vote amendment . If this fails ,and it looks like it will, then, in league with the EU, the elite will make the negotiations as difficult as possible and promote as much unrest as possible in Scotland and Northern Ireland, they will have business leaders predicting millions of people losing their jobs. It will worse than Project Fear. Meanwhile the BBC will be running themes about how terrible the deal is looking , how much it will cost , how high immigration is and will remain, why take such enormous risks etc, all aimed at softening up the public . Then the meaningful vote proposal will rear up again , opinion polls will be rigged to show people are in favour of Remain now that they know the shape of the deal, as it is being portrayed by the BBC of course. This will give the MPs the cover needed to vote down the Brexit deal and if the government is still committed to Brexit ( are we really sure that they are now, or is the pro Brexit stance an elaborate establishment charade?) the only option will be a GE. Of course by 2019 things other than Brexit may not have run in the governments favour and the election may result in change of government to one which is elected on a Remain platform and Brexit is lost by the manipulated democratic will of the people, job done under the mask of democracy. . As I said a long and dirty game in which we are played by the liberal left establishment using the BBC to do its dirtiest work.
The BBC and the rest of the ctrl-Left have adopted a view of democracy once espoused by that great philosopher Andy Capp.
“What’s the point of democracy if the bloke yer vote for doesn’t get in?” he complained to his friend Chalkie.
As Hume points out, this sustained attack on “populism” is simply an attack on pluralism at the ballot box, garnished with a generous helping of elitist condescension.
I would love to have the opportunity to ask a Beeboid: “Do you believe that there was even one intelligent, well-informed and well-meaning member of the British public who voted to leave the EU?”
Most likely, they would be forced, through gritted teeth, to answer Yes, in which case I would follow up with: “Then why don’t you debate on that basis that there is a serious case for leaving, rather than merely engaging in sneers and abuse?”
I don’t recall the Remain side ever advancing any valid reason for being a member of the EU. Their whole shtick was about what evils would befall us if we left.
So you are right – remain voters on the whole didn’t know what they were voting for. A minority are financially advantaged by the UK being in the EU; they conflated their personal situation with the good of the country.
Incidentally all the UKIP MEPs will eventually lose out financially, but they acted unlike those fabled turkeys – they voted for Christmas.
Charles Moore referred to it as “Who`s in the Dock” type of trail by media.
In other words the Brexit case is ALWAYS getting hauled up before the beak in full media glare and set up. The Remoaners are NEVER asked to account for their use of public funds, riots in Paris or Nantes, rapes in Cologne or Malmo, lorries in Nice or Berlin.
Let alone catastrophic Euro collapses in Greece, Italy, Spain-unemployment in all these bedevilled countries as well as Ireland and Portugal, especially among all their youngsters.
Nor do we hear of border violations and barbed wire around Austria and Germany, Slovenia and Hungary -particularly in the case of the first two nations that prided themselves on specifically NOT doing this.
Nor the scandalous lack of accounting re finances since even before Kinnocks Commission got fired then restored in 1999.
Nor the incalculable fall out from the likes of Blair and Ashton in places like Ukraine and the Balkans-wherever the EU went, disaster followed.
So fuck off libtards-we voted to LEAVE your Godawful EU-there was not space enough on the bus to tell you why,we just wanted out so you lot would get removed or trashed as failed states within states.
Let no self-styled Freisler yell at a Leaver without some dogs abuse back in return, sick and bored of the likes of Yellow Snow and Johnny Dimmock sneering and presuming that WE are on trail.
I agree wholeheartedly. Just take a look across Europe to see the mess they’re in. Very little of it ever broadcast by the Beauty Broadcasting Corp. If the BBC were even-handed in coverage of Europe, I for one, suspect the Brexit support would have been much higher last year. But there, hence the lack of factual reporting.
Such faded nonentities as Ken Clarke and John Major have much to thank Brexit for, allowing them another brief spell under the spotlight, but their short term fame pales into insignificance beside the absurd promotion of Heseltine by the BBC.
This posturing vainglorious backstabbing charlatan, reliant on height, coiffure and public school arrogance for any claim to fame or ability, has been artificially promoted to ‘National Spokesman’, challenging bravely on our behalf.
Well not mine matey, not mine.
Interesting article on Kuenssberg’s totally biased attempt to rubbish EU negotiations before they have started:
“Britain’s Biggest Deal, BBC2’s programme about the triggering of the Brexit process, had a prime time slot, and was presented by the Corporation’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg. It was thus a shop-window effort on conservativewoman website:
Impartial, in line with the BBC’s Charter requirements? No. It was a no-holds-barred attempt to put across how nightmarish the exit process will be.
Since June 24, as News-watch’s report on the Brexit Collection showed, the Corporation has been on a flat-out mission to convey how stupid the British people were in voting ‘out’. ”
Its also interesting how the BBC has eagerly joined the band of fakers who are trying to tell us that exiting the EU without a bespoke deal i.e. on WTO terms would be a disaster!
Charlie Martel was correct to point out the irony of Erdogan calling the Dutch fascists
BUT BUT we have to be aware that in the Netherlands & UK the totals on the right column are not really zero.
Cos our Liberal societies have a kind of stealth intolerance : People are not sacked by the gov, but they are kept out of being hired as academics/judges by Liberal groupthink and intolerance.
They can like the guy from Bristol die in jail cos they have “the wrong political views”
As for “Media outlets shut down and journalists arrested” Mostly no apart from Press TV being shut down, but journalists can be intimidated in other ways.
Pravada : Dutch journalists ordered to shut their mouths on MH17 disaster
“The police of the Netherlands detained two Dutch journalists Stephen Beck and Michel Spekkers in Amsterdam, upon their return from the Donbas. The police confiscated all the materials that the journalists collected in the south-east of Ukraine.”
And people are not really free to express their views about Black Pete e..etc.
We need numerous Left wing loons in the public sector to be sacked, and we need several extremists to be detained as well.
I can think of several schools colleges and universities which would be better closed down instead of spreading left wing lies and promoting Islamism, in a sector almost entirely staffed by left wing activists.
Equally I can think of several so called activists who should lose their jobs as a result of the above (Mary Beard anyone?)
Following the Brexit result in the courts it seems that there are quite a few Lawyers & Judges who need to be dismissed.
Media outlets shut down – do I need to comment?
Journalists arrested???? Wow where do you begin with that one ?
No it isn’t Turkey which is in a absolute mess caused by Left Wing liberalism its Holland.
Erdogan is doing the right things for his country, and it’s a crying shame our elites are doing the right thing for his country too!
The time is come for a strong leader to take charge in Europe !
Yes your right “jailing of journalists can sound sinister”
But “jailed for using public funds for political campaigning” could cover a large number of BBC names
Classic Radio 4 deception on ‘Today’. In the discussion about Brexit, they had an international lawyer on called Miriam González Durántez, who described how the UK will suffer after leaving the EU.
What the BBC omitted too say was that she is the wife of Nick Clegg, the Former deputy prime minister who wants parliament to be given a veto over the details of the Prime Minister’s Brexit negotiating strategy.
In no part of the interview was the relationship between Durántez and Clegg mentioned.
There is some context : recently at a big conference of female leaders after introducing everyone else in their business roles she was introduced as “Mrs Nick Clegg”
– She is a big business person, being head of some windfarm corps
…which kind of heavily benefit from EU anti-freemarket pro subsidy policies Today didn’t mention that either.
The biased BBC clearly have a love-fest with persons related to Lib Dem leadership, without mentioning any connection.
They periodically have been known to engage with an economics ‘expert’, one Vicky Pryce, who as we know, was jailed for perverting the course of justice after falsely accepting responsibility for a motoring offence actually carried out by her then partner, Chris Huhne, one-time Lib Dem cabinet member. According to the BBC report of the time she was described by the judge as “controlling, manipulative and devious”
Strange that our fine state broadcaster should place in high regard the opinions of someone so described.
But then, agenda and narrative is all in the bBBC alternative universe.
Given the appallingly dim media blathers by old Dusty Corbyn, it`s clear the Pryce, Huhne, Heseltine and Clarke are the BBCs ONLY hope of getting us all to be “measured” “statesmanlike” and “to reflect temperately on all the issues and facts” before we agree that-YES,they were right all along, and we now MUST stay in-and up Abus nightie with a damp tongue)
Hence the infestation of ex-beens has beens and no-beans like Davey, Farron and Lord Panic all over the media…no doubt with interns called Straw and Pressed Sock helping them up the zimmer frame to Slanket Central.
Robinson this moaning fed pureed apple pap to poor Dusty-but Corbyn(poor coot) didn`t recognise those figures that Becky-Bally Wrong had gone to SO much trouble to get Marrs Hole Show to mock up, knock up by way of graffix!
His Tresury poppet(Michelle O Neill clone from yesterdays Lie In With Labour/Andrew Marrs Soul Shoal)was rumbled as being thick and clueless yesterday-but hey, that`s Labour Incest for ya!
Marr told her to send in the figures once she knew what her library monitor had meant for her to say-she said she would by end of the day yesterday)
Marrs Show felt obliged to get poor Becky to do her homework again-and get an adult to post it in for Marr by the end of study yesterday.
Oh dear-yes, the Commons library might have actually DONE the homework for you Becky-but you at least needed to read it before pissing it up as your own.
Less than 24 hrs later poor Corbz STILL had no recollection of that big bald 70 Billion figure that Becky had piped to Ma Marr (disability roolz OK?)-and so the BBC and Labour will have to huddle once more and try again.
Robinson said he`s see to it that they WERE allowed to appeal the SEN diagnosis, and still keep all access and passes to spouting shit as Labour and the BBC are wont to do.
Thanks for another creative link chrisH. Never noticed before but McDonnell has much of a Ted Rogers look about him, without the humour and humanity. And Ted’s 3-2-1 sleight of fingers replaced by JM’s sleight of sincerity.
With a glowing character reference like that from the judge, Ms Pryce will go far in the BBBC.
Probably future DG material if she wasn’t hampered by her lack of melanin
The fragrant Mrs Clegg had a hissy fit a while back about being announced as Mrs Clegg, too patriarchal you see.
The BBBC is only complying with her wishes. Suits their purpose too as you say, so it’s win-win.
I noticed too, in an example of typical al beebus impartiality, how Nick Robinson gave Mrs Clegg (Remainiac) both the first and final words in the discussion with Liam Halligan (Leaver).
Fund started to pay legal costs of farmer cleared of shooting suspected thief
Lawyer Mr Loophole, has started an online fund for Mr Hugill, who had never been in trouble with the police before.
“The farmer will have to pay the £30,000 legal costs he incurred during the three-day trial despite being cleared The Hugill family said they would have to take out a loan.”
Shouldn’t be necessary ..Yes workers have to paid, but it was an unnecessary prosecution so money should come out of the CPS pension fund or something.
(I note someone else has started a page, but just be careful about fake donation sites)
6:33pm Look North’s Peter Levy had an exclusive TV interview with the farmer
2 facts emerged
– The farmers son phoned the police at 2:30am He didn’t mention shots cos he claims he was not aware
(who would incriminate them-self without speaking to a lawyer given the police’s unreasonableness ?)
– 5pm Police turn up at the farm with Armed response team and helicopter, cos eventually the thief after changing his story a few times said it was someone on the farm that had fired a shot.
That is a massive disproportionate use of force and waste of taxpayer money.
It makes it look like the police have cash to protect officers from farming families, at the same time that they don’t have resources to defend farmers from bad guys.
Every time the police turn up at a farm they know the farmer has a gun, so this time when the family have already reported trespassers why would they assess there is deadly danger to their officers ?
Then The Mr Loophole guy came on remotely to talk about the crowdfunding.
One thing he said was that the family were badly advised not to apply for legal aid, cos even though they wouldn’t have got it it would allowed them to write off 45% off tax.
The poison dwarf has confirmed she will attempt to get a second Scottish independence referendum held after the 2 year article 50 process.
In short Nicola, bored now. Please go away and take your racist, anti-English supporters with you.
This is interesting news, she has advocated the timing to co-incide with the possible culmination of the Brexit negotiations.
The BBC will be all over this, trying as best they can to create conflict, problems and other issues along the way. The whole thing will take bias to a whole new level.
If that ever goes down and Scotland does eventually re-join the EU, there’ll be some jobs going re-building the wall. She still demanding they have the use of our currency or does she now favour the Euro?
You can see her as Orville to Merkel’s Keith Harris.
“I wish I could fly way up in the sky ………….”
She is mental. Should get on well with Mad Merkel. “Independent” Scotland would have to have its own currency and central bank and apply to join the EU by which time the EU will have collapsed anyway. As I say, Krankie needs medical help.
She wants independence from the most democratic country in the world and wants to join an undemocratic European Union. Braveheart’s cry for ‘freedom’ is wasted .
Don’t get me started on ” Braveheart” ! I often ask SNP racists which country they would like to have a border with ? Germany ? Russia ? China ? Mexico ? Egypt ? etc. Never any reply. They are truly insane !
The atmosphere in Scotland has been poisonous since the last independence referendum. God only knows what it will be like after a second one. But perhaps the boil needs to be lanced, because if the Nats lose another one it will be a long time until the next one.
This time, however, the Westminster government should ensure that Scots living south of the border are allowed to vote. Or take a leaf out of the Remainers’ handbook and attempt to tie the whole thing up in the courts.
If a majority of Scots want to go independent (and back into the EU) then we shouldn’t really stop them. However the timing of this is all wrong, let’s just deal with one secession (the UK from EU) at a time please. If we ever do manage to get the Article 50 ball rolling that is.
When the Scottish referendum is re-run can we also have a parallel referendum in England, Wales & NI where we are asked if we actively want Scotland to leave?
The referendum on Scotland’s position remaining as part of the UK or not, should be conducted across all four nations; obviously it would have to be done on a proportional basis (due to England having the far larger population, thus able to out-vote the other three combined) but it would be much fairer – as the whole (eligible) population of the UK would have the chance to decide and not just one part of it.
It’s way beyond time the Scottish tail stopped wagging the UK dog.
Remember about 10 years ago we started to see a lot more flowers along countryside verges etc cos authorities cut back on weedkiller chemicals ? Well apparently they are all now dead cos of “air pollution”
“Plant Link** UK network, backed by organisations including Plantlife, the National Trust, Woodland Trust & RSPB,
…. found that 90%* of heathlands … were suffering because of nitrogen emissions”
* Made up number ..why isn’t it 100%, well cos numbers like 90%, 97% seem more believeable
** PR name ? cos the Twitter name PlantLink has been held by Swedish Universities since 2011
*** Same old list of hijacked NGOs who gather donations for political lobbying rather than actual things listed on their charters.
I heard similar nonsense on Toady this morning. I though I must have done a Rip van Winkle and slept until 1st April.
The poor woman trying to scare us about the evils of nitrogen perhaps doesn’t know that the atmosphere is almost 80% nitrogen gas. She seemed confused about the effects of oxides and ammonia.
Was she talking about nitrogen oxides emitted by vehicles. Hard to say as the fearless investigative Toady interview somehow failed to ask her to clarify and for any real scientific evidence to back up her mutterings that would embarrass an 11 yr old starting a GCSE chemistry course.
I would advise the BBC to use equipment supplied by British Oxygen to remove the dangerous Nitrogen gas from all rooms & offices at the BBC. After a while it would be advisable to check that the dangerous Nitrogen gas has been removed, by striking a match.
I thought that the biggest threat to Britain’s wildlife was farming practices which are encouraged by the EU. Things should improve once we leave the Evil Empire.
Old Krankie eh! Always another reason for independence … the very nature of the SNP, even if the economic indicators are wrong, the oil business on shaky ground etc.
Not surprised at all, now “tastrophe” Treezer? and her response… that is what we need to be concerned about, for the good of our nation?, or just like the way they re manipulating the EU exit, (and as I suspect) for the good of the this poisonous and rotten Tory party?.
Oh, Krankie, please go away in your little pedal car and leave the grownups alone. You are becoming rather tiresome now. Spain has already made it clear they will block any attempts to fast-track an independent Scotland to full EU status, meaning it would have to survive outside the UK and EU for five years. Scotland would somehow have to wangle five years’ worth of handouts from the remainder of the UK before it could pass the begging bowl to the EU. If it could not, it would likely face economic collapse and therefore a third referendum to return to the UK.
Quite right. But, after “independence” there will be no way back in. Krankie is not only very stupid, she is risking the future of my country for no reason other than racism.
Grant – I suspect Wee Jimmi and the ‘Saycunnd Rayferayndumm’ is being used as a pawn in the game by somewhat higher powers. She can be used to distract attention while all sort of negotiations and manipulations go on behind the scenes, like conmen using a little kid to ring on an old lady’s doorbell and ask for his ball back, while the conmen steal the silver.
Bet the BBC won’t be commenting on this because it might destroy the illusion of a Religion of Peace.
Our lying Church leaders who are not Christian, but Socialist through & through would do well to remember the warning Christ gave them about Mohammed coming in the future:
Matthew 6:15-17
15 Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.…
BBC News at One: ‘Nicola Sturgeon catches government by surprise with demand for referendum….’
Really? None of us were in the least bit surprised by yet another shit-stirring, rabble-rousing speech from that tiny geisha-like mouth – minus the charisma, attraction and tradition. Just one more anti-English rant, couched this time in ‘much as it pains me’ terms, but essentially one more attempt to squeeze another tranche of concessions from the taxpayer. The reality of independence is a such a red herring the only amazing aspect is that Westminster appears to pay any attention. So please, no more last minute dashes across the border by senior English MPs, you should have more pride. The rest of us have.
Sin Fein in Ireland? The Scotseparatists in Scotland?
Why do I get the feeling that George Soros, Gina Miller and all manner of Deep State agents are in play here?
Any chance of some REAL News you BBC scum?
Or do you expect to us to believe that you, Eurovision, Verhofstad/Barnier and the other World Left Cartel are NOT co-ordinating and synthesising all these distractions on cue and to a media-friendly timetable?
Sturgeon and Adams are only doing what the Irish did at the start of both world wars(especially clear in WW1)-which was to be the Germans trojan horse to hamstring the British Government.
Same today…and probably STILL German in origin!
Providing the SNP agrees to fund it, and providing that should they fail again they agree to disband as a party then I see no problem with a second referendum.
Sturgeon is a complete Fascist fantasist, who above all things HATES the English people. She is like many Fascists before her, completely delusional, yet Fascism is a seductive ideology.
In scapegoating a group of people she has come to believe earnestly that all her countries problems can be laid at the feet of one racial group. The reality however is that Scotland will be a completely failed state within 5 years, utterly poverty stricken and devoid of industry, with massive debts and no public services.
To be honest it is in reality the UK which keeps Scotland afloat, and without UK government funded employment Scotland would have few jobs, mainly because it hates private industry with a passion and does its level best to close it down whenever it springs up.
England would be well rid of this destructive basket case!
I spluttered on that one too – a ‘bombshell’ that has been on a slow burning fuse in broad daylight since Sturgeon took over the reins.
It’s just a BBC hope that if they ‘big up’ the story it will panic the House of Commons into keeping all of the House of Lords’ ammendments, which are, of course, intended to destroy our negotiating position with the EU.
No way does the wee lass really want independence. She knows that Scotland could not cope. She just wants to prevent Brexit by saying it would break up the UK.
I voted against last time but am tempted to vote yes next time just to prove that I am right that independence would be a disaster for Scotland. I think England should have a vote to kick Scotland out of the UK. And I am a Scot ! Krankie is the bitch from hell and even worse than Treezer and that is saying something !
Kaiser Woa!
If we send all the immigrants to Scotland we would likely end up in a state of war. With Islamic Albastan constantly attacking us from our Northern border. Plus the idea of tartan hijabs makes me want to cry!
All of above: two words – ‘Barnett Formula’ which amounts to roughly £1400 per man woman and child in Scotland. Paid for by the English alone. Note, the BBC likes to tone it down my referring to, ‘about £1000 per head’.
Nicola Sturgeon reminds me of General Galtieri of Argentina. A puffed up little dictator who has failed her country and is looking for a Malvinas like boost to her popularity. Looking for a smokescreen hoping millions will line the streets screaming support forgetting the plan last time relied heavily on high oil prices.
“The establishment of one or more local parliaments must have one of two consequences; either the conversion of the unitary parliamentary state into a federal state, with a written constitution which prescribes the respective spheres and powers of the federal parliament and the local parliaments, or alternatively the dissolution of the unitary state itself into two or more independent states. No third possibility exists.”
J. Enoch Powell.
This ‘surprise’ is a classic BBC ‘tell it often enough’ attempt that again shows they really have not grasped most people still can think for themselves and do have access to more trustworthy sources of information.
Her every outing (and there are too many) should be captioned ‘spoiler alert’.
I thought I had heard all the brexit bullshit but I was wrong. On bbc breakfast this morning a botanical conservationist was telling us that hedgerows are being destroyed by too much nitrogen and ammonia in the atmosphere which allows nettles and dock to thrive. How could this story possible be steered towards brexit one might ask? Well the government targets, which clearly aren’t working by the looks of things, might be subject to change after brexit. (the same brexit we haven’t even started yet) Are you fucking kidding me?
last I heard on the BBC was a call for wild gorillas to be vaccinated. This is where we end up when eco quacks aspire to be scientists, but end up in the soft mush of post-Babe/Charlottes Web posturing. Nitrogen allows nettles and hogweed to choke the nastursiums , but our Green Cross Poppet is on the case like the Green Goddess of old.
Well-at least we have yet ANOTHER charity to run for-Planet Aid.
But not near traffic eh?…and Islam will wipe it all out with their goats and camels anyway.
Interesting insight from David Goodhart today-but note how poor Marr gets the vapours with any effort to absolve populism of its rhino horns.
Well Marr may have learned nothing-but at least we are better informed-not that the BBC or poor Olly Leftwing got the message.
10 mins in-up to 18 mins or so.
@chrisH : Your link screwed up cos its got a space in or something..that’s why its come up as a link back to this page…
OK I’ll do it
Marr show minute 10:25 David Goodhart (Lucy Kellaway’s husband) book The Road to Somewhere
(Anywhere people are a small elite used to run country, now joined by others to make a 25% Liberals whose dogma of 100% open borders rule)
(Somewhere people belong to a place and therefore feel an identity they are 50% .. a “decent popularism”
.. he claims nums comes from reliable surveys)
Oliver Letwin tried in denial to fight back min 23:20 “The Truth is the majority will benefit from a liberal approach they want to be badly off ?”
and Goodhart pointed out people like him are just doubling down in denial.
Ta for this Stew.
Just heard the BBC refer to Sturgeons ball bearing act re thwarting Brexit as a “surprise move, that took No 10 by surpise”. No-it was the Telegraphs lead story and predicted easily on the front page of last weeks Spectator.
Suppose the BBC read only the Guardian and Morning Star…and their sheer arrogance means that it`s only news when THEY report it. Even after two weeks on the shelf at Taunton library.
Sturgeon must have had this planned for months, timed to take attention away from the triggering of article 50,and the bBBC will have known about it too.
I hope she gets another referendum because she will look a fool if she loses again, and a fool if she wins and Scotlands economy goes down the pan.
Friends! A slightly different subject than usual is tackled by my piece in today’s Far-Right Guardian: namely, the distressing lack of enlightened and Progressive views within what I guess we should call the Canine and Feline Community.
It can be found in my Blog, together with a link to the original article and comments, here:
Christian precedents : finally a man has been punished for criticising Christianity
He made youtube videoa harassing a Christian couple
So court jailed him for 8 weeks..
banned him from churches for 5 years and from making further social media allegations
Prof Brian Cox was on 5Live promoting his new show … and his disdain for nationalism, waffling on that science has only benefitted from free movement of people … sorry to have to say it.
Islam Brian? what happened??
Anyway talking of free movement, news from Germany that the Al BBC will not report.
“German states spent more than €20bn (£17.5bn) on refugees in 2016, government figures have indicated as Angela Merkel continues to come under pressure for her policy on migration.
Statistics seen by The Independent for the states of Bavaria, Schleswig-Holstein, Hesse and Berlin show that the cost of housing and integrating asylum seekers has far outstripped official predictions. The Bundestag’s statistics service has listed a total spend of over €7bn (£6bn) for those four states alone in 2016, meaning the nationwide figure is likely to be far higher. Johannes Singhammer, Vice President of the German parliament, told Die Welt: “[The figures] show that if the costs are added up for all federal states, around €23bn (£20bn) has probably been spent on migrants and refugees in 2016.”
And Germany has all this money due to it’s huge trade imbalance with the rest of Europe. So instead of recycling the cash to Greece, Italy and co., it blows it on imported millions from Africa and ME. Madness.
Cox was on Radio 2 tonight plugging his tour,I was almost considering maybe going, to see the big screen galaxy pics etc.,but he blew it by saying some crap about Trump and Brexit,he should stick to science.
O/T but Police state incompetence
2011 Police raid a guys home arrest ed him seized his computers ..but couldn’t understand why they couldn’t find the expected masses of child porn on his partner’s computer.
They sent social workers round etc.
Case didn’t progress but police didn’t apologise until 2014 when his lawyers got them to reveal they’d written down the IP address wrong so had got the wrong house.
I switched on BBC R4 in the car last week. It was “The Archers”. Apparently the village cricket team is short of players, so the captain suggests that they allow women to play alongside the men. A number of proletarian-accented male players express their unhappiness about his proposal. The skipper then reveals that he has already held a “secret net”, and that one prospective female player with an Asian name could be particularly useful.
Spoiler alert. Forthcoming Ambridge Cricket Club plot lines:
* one of the women cricketers turns out to be better than one of the men. Will the captain drop him, pick her and win the cup? Or will the captain be a sexist loser?;
* ban on sausage rolls at cricketers’ tea time causes consternation;
* sandwich-making wife gets the hump about women in the team;
* woman cricketer single-handedly wins or loses the cup final. Either way, the result will be balanced on a knife edge as the closing music plays. Tum-ti Tum-ti Tum-ti Tum; Tum-ti Tum-ti Tum Tum etc.
We are all treated as CBeebies by the BBC
regardless of age.
Treated like naive children..
(Don,t mention the indoctrination of my grand children….blood pressure might go off the scale..)
The Archers …!?
More like “Neighbours”…..
The BBC treat us as fools…
But perhaps we are…
We fund this megolthic edifice
Turn off the BBC
I recently caught an episode of The Archers, one character was bemoaning Brexit and said something on the lines of Brits would not work in the fields. Can you think of any other group that they’d denigrate in that way? No sense of history. Farmers particularly would remember their parents and grandparents’ tales of land army etc. There was a time too when backpackers hiked around Europe taking on these jobs for the cultural experience and cheap way of getting about. Call me cynical, I doubt that another character would counter the argument by optimistic thoughts on Brexit, but I don’t listen enough to say for certain.
This ought to be a matter of concern. It is a anti hate video. It is aimed at white working class young people who are so easily led into hate crimes.
The underpinning assumption is that hate crime, extremism, comes from the right, that patriotic movements are merely a disguise for hatred against ethnics, especially moslems
Is this coming from the Government funds to prevent extremism?
Both film and website feature high production values so unlikely to have been cheap. An organisation called Upstanding Neighbourhoods (UN) appears to be behind them.
UN’s Facebook page describes UN as “a grassroots-led community group run by people who grew up, live and work in the community finding solutions to local issues.”
UN says that it has “taken advantage of an offer to work with RICU to utilise its professional communications services to help us widen and increase the impact of our message, predominantly online. These services have included technical support for film production; helping us to increase our online footprint; and public relations advice.”
RICU stands for Research Information & Communications Unit which is a cross-departmental strategic communications body based at the Office for Security and Counter-terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office. RICU aims to coordinate government-wide communication activities to counter the appeal of violent extremism while promoting stronger grass-roots inter-community relations.
Not much on the web … looks like focus on Luton and Lowestoft
openyoureyestohate explained here in the local newspaper and
Strange thing is that local paper gets excited about promoting that group yet itself tonight has a story about a 15 year girl’s body being found in a park which seems dismissive
“The death is being treated as unexplained. However, there do not appear to be any suspicious circumstances at this stage”
But the strangest thing is that after getting so exited about people who spread fear about the RightWing Bogeyman its main story tonight is about an ethnic Muslim who did a local double murder. #ironycity
“And now, after Ali Qazimaj was found guilty of the brutal double murders of Peter and Sylvia Stuart, in June last year”
Ali Qazimaj has been found guilty of the murder of #Weybread couple Peter and Sylvia Stuart.
The openyoureyestohate twitterfeed doesn’t look like it’s run by gov
eg it’s got a tweet gloating about Breitbart supposedly losing advertising
“Right-wing website loses advertising deals”
Paradoxically rather than anti-hate operation, the nature of its tweets make it look like it SPREADS Hate against people it chooses to label a rightwing and so sow FEAR among Asian people.
Maybe its just some people scamming grants out of government.
The media lockdown against reporting Muslim crime
10th March 2 dead in Basel shooting
..a police officer told The Associated Press: “This is a local incident. It has nothing to do with Islamists or terrorism.”
.. God how many stories get completely buried
Serious questions are raised today over hundreds of millions of pounds of British taxpayers’ money being ‘wasted’ on climate change projects such as an Ethiopian wind farm and Kenyan solar power plant.
A Telegraph investigation shows little benefit so far from a £2 billion foreign aid programme to tackle climate change that was established eight years ago.
One scheme, costing £260m of UK taxpayers’ money, has produced only enough renewable electricity to power the equivalent of just 100 British households – about the size of a typical street.
Guess Al beeb is too busy on Trans and other trivia
For too many people of colour – ‘Roots’ is all they have. With the Scot’s it’s, ‘Braveheart’ and Culloden. Maybe time to move forward but neither has a clue.
The Scots lost (heavily) to England at Culloden, cf Twickenham 2017. Bonnie Prince Charlie had to slink away with his sporran between his legs.
Bannockburn was one fixture that the Scots won.
Interesting that you mention Culloden (1745). I don’t think the SNP ever do … they prefer to dig way further back into history with Bannockburn and even the Arbroath declaration (1300s!). Why is Culloden downplayed by the Nats? Because Scottish troops were on either side of the battle.
Yup, it would point up that Scotland was a bankrupt and divided country when it joined the Union. My guess is it would be again as the potential internal divisions include catholic vs. protestant, West vs. East, mainland vs. Shetlands and Islands.
And of course the Nats themselves are at the division game again … driving hard for another divisive (and be in doubt abusive) referendum only a few years after the last one, giving no time to heal and move forward together. It’s not good for Scotland and the people at all. Led by petty monomaniac nationalists.
Maybe May can be sharper than Cameron and insist that the vote includes Scots in the whole UK, doesn’t include 16-18 year olds, etc..
Remind me again-who voted for HER then?
And who`s paying for her now?
And-how come she and her cases always get greased botties and slip up the greasy pole to the Soupweem Cort?
Had this been a pensioned wanting her TV License fee back-they`d deliberately ensure that it stayed out of court long enough for the poor old girl to die.
Who’s paying her? Who do you think? Why do you think the other parties to her action(s) went to the High Court and were successful in remaining anonymous?
It is almost unbelievable that a legal action of such gravity, the decision of which so profoundly effects our country, can be instigated and most of the people bringing it can do so secretly.
It is your MP’s right to keep his vote in the referendum secret. I would respect his right to keep his opinions to himself too.
However when it comes to voting in parliament his constituents have an absolute right to know what he says and how he votes on divisions. To do otherwise is a recipe for a ‘bought’ parliament but conversely an ‘open’ parliament doesn’t guarantee that the system is clean.
It would cost a lot to buy 16 million electoral votes, how much to buy 326 MPs? And if someone had bought them they would want to see them being used so might take legal action to enable that. Not that anyone with integrity would ever do such a thing.
N.B. With due deference to International Women’s Day, the male MP embraces the female.
“We’re not focused on your qualifications – what we want to know is whether you have the drive, commitment and ideas necessary to make it in the media.”
So. Seaweed wants another referendum and the biased BBC are wanking themselves silly at all the problems this will cause the government, who will have their hands pretty full on the Brexit ‘negotiations’. Kuennsberg was visibly salivating.
But let’s look on the bright side. At a stroke we can kiss goodbye to that drip drip drip of casual anti English racism we have endured these past years from the hateful Sturgeon and her clan. Meanwhile true British patriots north of the border, especially those stifled by Scottish statism and anti-business sentiment can be sure of a warm welcome in England.
Bring it on. And give the English a vote as well !
So, the UK government were taken by surprise at wee Krankie’s announcement, timed perfectly at the mooted triggering of Article 50. Right, why were they surprised ? clearly Krankie got wind of this Brexit timing, so are her informers better than ours ? Who is the mole in our government then ? the tea-lady ? the guy who opens the door at no. 10? we need to know ! Richard Whiteley and Adam Faith are long passed, perhaps its Tom Cruise.
I have reached the point (probably with many others) with this vile little witchy, where I just wish the Scots would just piss off and take their attention seeking, poisonous, shrill dwarf with them. (Apologies to the likes of Grant and Calvin – I dont mean this personally)
Part of me does not want this to happen but I am sick to death of her attention seeking behavior and confidant – “I speak for all of Scotland” approach aided and abetted by the BBC which loves a good shit stir and has given wee Jimmy far more exposure than her unlimited talents and her obvious stunning good looks warrant.
It is interesting that from originally being saddened by the possible loss of Scotland from our nation – I now just wish she would get on with it, rather than having to listen to any more constant carping, scolding and posturing from this vile venomous harpee.
With her constant over exposure and promotion by the media – I do wonder whether this is another attempt by our trusted state broadcaster to weaken the union between our two nations – As I know we are both stronger together. I also know that many Scots do not support her and see her as a national embarrassment. However this is never really discussed by the media, and with her fat, conceited, Cheshire catlike mentor they are just constantly forced into our faces as Scotland’s true voice day in and day out.
I suppose if the Scots see themselves as constant victims to English oppression and the English are becoming sick to death of hearing Scots accents constantly whining then we really are not in a good place as neighbours. If I could find my Corries CD I would chuck it down the drain!
Unlike the UK and the EU I really do believe that our two nations are stronger together. However my heart tells me that the Scots will never be satisfied. And I do wonder whether the BBC are aware of the Sturgeon “irritation factor” with us brits and therefore push it even more knowing that the more fractured we become as a nation the weaker we become.
Yet again I begin see another dimension in the style of the BBC coverage of this issue. Or am I just being paranoid?
I have always loved Scotland (the most beautiful place on earth to me)
They’ve always been pleasant to me whenever I have stayed there. I’ve never had any problems with the Scottish people I’ve worked with over the years either.
I was sad at the idea of splitting up & was very happy when the referendum result was delivered. All the Scots I’m acquainted with down south voted to leave the EU though so maybe I’m lucky. I think the people I know are just grateful that they have work.
It’s only since the Brexit result that I’ve been hearing all this irrational hatred of the English spewing forth from some. I guess they were bottling it up. I didn’t take much notice of Krankie or the Scottish referendum campaign because I didn’t think it was really my business. I hope the majority of the Scots don’t hate us & I’d hate to lose them but at the end of the day if they hate us so much that they would rather be under the thumb of Europe I’ll be spending my holiday £’s in Wales & Switzerland instead, 😉 (I’m half Irish BTW but I can’t be doing with all this Anglophobia)
Lucy Pevensey
Yea, Wales is very nice, but then I would say that wouldn’t I?
The Scots lass is trying the old EU trick………..
‘Keep on having referendums until they get the right answer’
As was the beginning of the Welsh Assembly. Voted out the first time, then it got ‘in’ on a very narrow margin in the final referendum.
Perhaps its time we had another one in Wales ? , my bet is that we would abolish it .
Wales is stunning & a wee bit quicker to get to. I’ve made it up to the top of Yr Wyddfa 4 times by 3 different routes so far & I am proud to say I have never taken the train! Also I cherish some wonderful childhood summers on the beaches of Wales. Splendid country. I love the little villages where you can hear people still speaking Welsh in the pubs & corner shops. (scratches head) I wonder if it’s too late to book an Easter week break?
I second that. Thoroughly enjoyed my two visits to NI. I found the people friendly and with a good sense of humour (more so than the people I met in the Republic) and the countryside very green and beautiful. Bear in mind of course the BBC brought me up to believe the whole of NI was a war zone similar to the Lebanon.
Lucy – I am definitely beginning to think that some relationships (when they become destructive) are not worth maintaining. And I am sorry to say this is probably the case here. However I do wonder what most Scots really think. The BBC told us Brexit would never win the the referendum and look what happened.
Unfortunately this is what happens when you have a state broadcaster that is more interested in mischief making and encouraging disloyalty and fractions rather than uniting a nation. The meddling BBC probably sees this as a useful spoiler in their self appointed battle against brexit.
I suppose this also says a lot about the mettle of our current Prime Minister in that she appears utterly frozen when it comes to calling out this wretched sack of traitors.
As to wee Jimmy. I partially blame Grant for her bitterness towards humanity.
If only he had asked her out to the Prestwick and Dreghorn junior interspin disco in the 1980s, maybe shared a can of Tenants super T and deep fried mars bar with her in the park and told her she had beautiful eyes – then just maybe, she would not have had so much bitterness which she has obviously directed on us!
Joking aside. I always thought of most Scotsmen (or should that be scotspersons or people of scotishisness?) as fairly pragmatic. I suspect they will baulk when it comes to it, and they realise that leaving the UK (and possibly joining the EU) will mean the felling of the money tree and a country which will be expected by the likes of Merkel to take its “fair share” of migrants and the rape of its fishing waters.
We will see – But what I do now know is I no longer care. Pity.
“It is interesting that from originally being saddened by the possible loss of Scotland from our nation – I now just wish she would get on with it, rather than having to listen to any more constant carping, scolding and posturing from this vile venomous harpee.”
Excluding the announcement yesterday, it can only be a matter of time if the SNP under the Gnome’s control, continue with the ‘leave’ rhetoric. At least these days, ‘Fifth-Columnists’ ( are no longer hidden: they now exalt in being high-profile unlike the old-fashioned likes of Soros et al.
Watching parliament debating this today, in my opinion there were many bitter and twisted ‘remainers’ trying to derail our road to freedom despite the continued uncertainty and damage they cause to our economy .
Get out before the EU collapses I say, then see what Scotland do .
Readers of a certain age may remember Carlos the Jackal. A committed Marxist-Leninist (natch), Ilyich Ramírez Sánchez was responsible, and is currently surviving a life sentence, for the murder of a dozen people and injury to more than 150 other persons in a series of attacks in France during the 1970s. He also has numerous further—thankfully unsuccessful—attacks to his name. [Edit: some sources attribute more than eighty murders to him.] All in aid of the liberation of Palestine.
By any possible criterion, in other words, and in the language of the vast majority of those who receive the BBC’s broadcasts of all political persuasions and none, he’s a terrorist.
He’s currently standing trial for an attack in Paris in 1974 in which two were killed, and thirty-four wounded. Proceedings began today, as reported on R4’s six o’clock news. In which he was described as a ‘political extremist’. The words terrorist and terrorism were not used at all in the report.
There’s news, there’s politicised opinion, and then there’s editorialising. And at £3.7bn p.a., a bargain, too.
Yes, noted this.
The BBC loves its old rebels and rogues doesn`t it. Having done a rectal scrape on Castro-well who else to put the marigolds on for if not this jet-setting internationalist who was no mere Venezuelan-no-he was a Marxist gun for hire who Castro funded as did the PLO.
How romantic-“jeux sans frontiers”-and one for the ladies a la Raffles. Yes of course he threw a bomb or two-but as Frances very own Laurent Tailharde once said ” What do the victims matter, as long as the gesture is beautiful”.
Look it up-and delightfully,he lost an eye soon later in an anarchist attack as he dined.
Irony?…main non…
Listening to Nigel on LBC for the first time.
I feel really peed off as wee Jimmy wants a 2nd independence referendum. I seriously think the rest of the UK should be allowed to vote too. I am convinced there would be a unanimous vote for the Scots to piss off.
I don’t personally want them to. My grandfather was a Scot but enough is enough – Westminster would save millions in subsidies.
Wee Jimmy is deluded.
How refreshing to hear Mark Rutte holding forth once more. Last I heard of him, we was telling us that this country was now “politically, economically , materially and constitutionally” buggered/screwed or whatever. He said this within days of our leaving the EU.
And as we see his once-great country now getting dragged into the first salvo in its existential crisis with Islam-I can only laugh that such a lying off beam off key Eurocratic loser STILL gets interviews as if he knows anything any more.
The Clegg Conch shell I suppose…yet only the lefty liberals get to speak and to answer.
Breaking up the UK is exactly what the BBC and the EU wants. A strong national government that represents a large chunk of the population of the EU and provides a super tranche of the contributions is a pain to ‘the commission’.
An EU of the regions will have so many tin-pot ‘leaders’ they will be like the barons of old, swaggering about thir little fiefdoms but ultimately likely to be wiped out by their feudal king and his army. In the short-term it will be easily for the commission to play off one ‘krankie’ against another, longer term a new treaty will ‘streamline’ the system so that what the commission says goes. That is what Verhofstadt wants. The process started with ‘qualified majority voting’ and willcontinue.
Rather than cut off the Scots, why not go the other way and have a confederation of the British Isles? Many in England have Scots and Irish roots, it is a time for the British Islanders to put aside minor family disputes and come together to resist the erosion of our joint history, values and cultures.
It will come to this if the outright hostility that Sturgeon keeps pushing gets worse.
Scotland now seems to be on the verge of self destruction. Having ditched every one except the Nats the Scots are in a spot. Sometimes bluffs have to be called. Give her the referendum she wants and hopefully the Scots will make the right decision .
Now on R4 The BBC #StopWilders prog is on
It is the same as the prog already aired on WS The Documentary-20170309-InSearchOfHenkAndIngrid
(BBC trick of airing same prog under different titles)
Ta Stew-now listening.
Tim Whewell eh?…wasn`t Gabriel Gatehouse there a few weeks ago? Any reason why HE could not have done it seeing as he too had a lavender hankie to wring out in the Dijk?
Well-given the BBCs track record-this would only help him get a landslide, if only the BBC were listened to by anybody anymore?
Golden moment as a Dutch Far Left Wing leader mentions ROTHERHAM! and why the hell the Left is so supine. Tim goes off it- “because it`s RACIST”-he shouts back. God Bless our Dutch lefty-halfway through the programme. He then says that “no wonder the Labour party is stuffed if they won`t even march over THAT!”
Brilliant moment-all th better in that it was so unexpected-good old Internet eh?
Didn’t here that on BBC
Now the positive Trump petition 316,352 signatures
Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.
Donald Trump should be invited to make an official State Visit because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that appose our point of view should be gagged.
Unbelievable how BBC could get away with putting out such an agitprop left wing programme on Holland as Radio 4`s Analysis prog tonight.
Not only did presenter Tim Whewell spend 30 mins implying anybody who did not share his left wing version of Islam was ignorant but he also omitted mentioning both the murder of Pim Fortuyn in 2002 or the relentless hostile treatment of Islamic female freethinker Ayaan Hirsi Ali by fellow muslims which combined with the Dutch `liberal` establishment turning a blind eye lead to her leaving Holland for the USA.
I listened to it. Just a typical student leftwing show more suitable for an unreadable leftwing rag. Very poor indeed and his bias shone through . Where do they find these idiots? I suppose the pods are in the basement of Braodcasting House.
Yes the Dutch have no logical reason to fear Muslim extremists.
well there were the political assassinations
– On 2 November 2004, Theo Van Gogh was murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim due to his controversial film about ..
– The assassination of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn during the 2002 by Volkert van der Graaf “to stop him from exploiting Muslims as scapegoats”
Don’t forget, sometimes they try and fail
2010 someone tried to kill Stephen Timms Labour MP : Roshonara Choudhry, student and al-Qaeda sympathiser knife attack
2002 Bertrand Delanoë Mayor of Paris, France Paris by Anti-gay, Muslim immigrant, Azedine Berkane Knife attack.
Plus back in 1993 There were attempts and killing to do with people against the book “The Satanic Verses”
BBC False-narrative – That prog & BBC progs keep saying
“Wilder’s party intends to ban the Koran and ban mosques”
..That just sounds too unbelievable to me it’s the propaganda trick of amplifying to the extreme.
AFAIK the proposal was to ban NEW mosques and restrict Islamic Koran schools.
I think there was something about comparing the Koran to Mein Kamf and suggesting I should be banned from bookstores and only be available to scholars. Rather than actually seizing it from people’s houses.
The Biased Left Wing BBC have refused to accept the following:
1. Farage has created a world wide and developing situation through his own efforts.
2. Brexit was created and won by Farage.
3. Trump won and was inspired by Brexit.
4. France is inspired by Brexit.
5. Holland (not the French gimp) is inspired by Brexit.
Question. When will Farage reach the tipping point for a Knighthood? Mo Farah made it by running fast and being from an African country. Should Farage start running fast? Would it help?
I’m eating Dutch Edam cheese with biscuits at the moment. Does that make me a racist? Should I give up the biscuits…?
“Question. When will Farage reach the tipping point for a Knighthood? Mo Farah made it by running fast and being from an African country. Should Farage start running fast? Would it help?”
Are you implying that, like Farah, Nigel should move to the US to seal his receipt of a Knighthood?
Brussels Broadcasting currently spiking the Lords vote giving Treezer her green light in favour of the attempted bushwhack by Nicola Queen of Skits. Having clutched at one straw, Brussels Broadcasting now seizes on another.
Amazing that they would seek to sideline the most important political news item for many a year in favour of a cheap political trick, but then that’s all we ever expect from them.
Apologies if covered elsewhere. Please ensure you are sitting down, preferably with restraints, before reading further.
The D. Mail reports that the truly disgusting BBC spent £1.3million of licence fee payers money in the last financial year making 23 staff redundant ( average payoff £56,000)……..only to rehire them.
I think I’m going to puke…..with luck, all over them.
Lib Dem Lord Taverne attacks “a dangerous step” towards the doctrine that “the people’s will must always prevail”. That, he says, is the doctrine favoured by Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. Yes, because those three were great supporters of democracy weren’t they. You couldn’t make this stuff up (unless you’re a Lib Dem of course).
There was similar nonsense on Start the Week this morning. Apparently people who don’t vote in the way this guy wants them to are stupid, racists and misled. He had an entire theory to divide up the good guys (liberals) from the the bad guys (non liberals).
I don’t follow. When Labour won 3 elections in a row, and Bill Clinton won 2 in a row, the BBC/Guardian didn’t seem to have a grievance against democracy. No one compared Blair’s 3 wins with Hitler.
“Sweden … look whats happening in Sweden”
Oh hello there, you caught me doing a Trump impression
Well nothing much according to the BBC.
Sooo … huge police presence after shooting at restaurant in central Malmö, Sweden, at least 1 wounded, wouldn t concern the BBC
Dear old Sveeeden, its a daily occurrence, reminds me, how are your migrants doing?
The BBC is of course too busy concentrating all out on anti “populism”, no time for real terror.
BBC – Dutch PM warns of populism in TV debate and a good old anti Wilders special on R4, remember BBC Wilders Europe s most dangerous man … some things never change eh! BBC.
Meanwhile a group of AKP-supporters in Istanbul have attacked a Norwegian journalist because they thought, he might be Dutch.
Prof Brian Cox on Radio 2 and 5Live … sheesh! getting his airtime today
must be all that free global people movement crap and anti Trump stuff that did it.
To cool things down a bit after today’s vote, and to remind readers that this has gone off topic for some reason? here is an example of global warming …………
Just in case you dare get the message that ice means the planet is not heading towards frying, the article ends : “Last month was the second warmest February on record since record-keeping began in 1895.”
They forgot to add “don’t you dare look at the satellite record , stick to the adjusted gerrymandered,limited dataset surface records which are set up to seem to confirm each other, but are actually the same ADJUSTED data underneath”
“Last month was the second warmest February on record since record-keeping began in 1895.”
1895 ? Only just over a hundred years ago . What’s that compared with the age of this planet ?
The BBC article about the frozen house omits to point out that even ‘upstate New York’ (let alone the City which is even further south) shares a latitude with the south of France and northern Spain. I seem to recall that while we, the UK, were having a hot February (except in south-east England when it was jolly cold for at least half the month), if I recall correctly they have had an even colder time in France & Spain. Am I right in thinking they have had heavy snow in Spain?
Unfortunately, here in the UK, growing things which do not have a voice demonstrate temperature to the Green’s & BBC’s noisy AGW/CC PR-campaign more loudly than any of us scientific sceptics can. Thorn blossom has only appeared here at the very end of February (early December has been a frequent occurrence in the last quarter century) and is now – thanks to a very warm start to March – colliding with cherry blossom. The daffodils were showing at the end of December 2015 last winter but this year stayed snuggled below ground until the end of February 2017.
Science is about observing, BBC. Please take note.
Fake News
“‘LED street lights are disturbing my sleep'”
Close the bloody curtains ! Simples .
What news is this article burying ?
When I work the occasional night I find that big bright thing in the sky disturbs my daytime sleep, bizarrely my response, along with many others faced with a similar problem, was to buy a blackout blind and not to go crying to the BBC about it.
Same here, but my curtains are sufficient enough to block the sun out. Its the door to door salesmen banging on the knocker that are a problem .
An often repeated message to Al Beeb – “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
I am sure that the ‘so called’ Trustees are aware of this by now.
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wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
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MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Last week I saw the BBC was often talking about crimes against immigrants in Germany.
Obviously no mention of the number of crimes against Germans by the incomers.
“Germany hate crime: Nearly 10 attacks a day on asylum centres in 2016”
It seems a leaked, confidential police report says there were 3,500 attacks on refugee and ‘asylum seeker’ hostels, yet immigrants committed 208,000 crimes, in 2015 alone.
Given that the flood didn’t begin until mid-2015 and Germany has a population of around 8.6m people, 1m of which would’ve been immigrant/’asylum seekers’ . . . . well, you do the maths, but it looks as though the ‘asylum seekers’ may be a little overrepresented when it comes to crime.
Facts, figures and sources on Sargon’s video at 1:10:45
Long before Merkel’s ‘open door’, fires at Turkish immigrant hostels were quite frequent but no one took much notice.
Anyhow, in Spain this weekend – ‘Anarchists’? throwing petrol bombs at violent protests caused by an anti immigration speaker.
Anarchists? How respectable? Not rioters or criminals but ‘anarchists’?
Interesting article on the Dreamboat president of the Socialist Workers Republic of Canada which is fast going the way of Sweden.
French mayor in court for saying that there were too many Muslim children at the schools in his city, and implied that the ethnic French population is being “replaced”.
Repost of Lucy Pevensey’s comment from the end of the last thread
If someone said it was ‘a problem’ that 91% of actors, TV presenters, company directors or MPs were White, they would be applauded. With the BBC leading the cheers.
With the BBC it is always about presentation. When Judge Lindsey Kushner commented on young women drinking themselves to a degree where they were vulnerable, the BBC immediately found people who criticized what she said. Certainly the news I watched did not have people to support her views.
I imagine that the BBC has young female left-leaning, privately educated employees, sitting in expensive offices in Broadcasting House, trawling the internet ie Twitter, Facebook and the like, looking for people who are ‘aggrieved’ by something. Of course they will believe what they find anyway (that is how they will have got the job) but for their items to be used, they will have to fit in with group think. But for those of us who live in the real world, they add to the view that the BBC is becoming irrelevant.
If I leave my house unlocked and the windows open, and I am burgled, the insurance company will refuse to pay out because they will say I was negligent.
If I leave my keys in the car and it is stolen, again they will not pay out because of negligence.
Neither of them would actually be my fault, but they fault of the criminal who stole from me, and this is that point.
It is not victim blaming pointing out a level of negligence for ones personal safety. We know that the fault and the criminality lie exclusively with the rapist, however that does not entirely absolve the victim from all responsibility.
I also do have to compare and contrast the attitudes of the Fascists when the Mayor of Cologne began victim blaming after the great grope in her city, when she blamed women for wearing revealing clothes (hardly revealing when outdoors at midwinter!) However despite all this it appears it isn’t rape when Muslims do it, and all bets are off !
On Toady R4 at 0725 this morning (Mon) the sport section focussed entirely on the 64-0 rugby victory of England over Scotland.
64-0 ????
Wasn’t the score 61-21?
Errr, no. The feature was entirely about the Women’s rugby result.!!!!!
The men’s match, you know the one with the 82000 sell out crowd, received no coverage.
Pass the sick bag.
Sluff-I am not surprised by this at all. The great majority of presenters and reporters
on BBC are now women. What amazes me is that Gary Lineker is still allowed to present “Match of the Day.”
Isn’t he a eunuch?
Woman’s Hour had the couple on who have a book about how the guy raped the girl when she was 16 and he was 18.
– WH still didn’t dare ask what the girl felt about getting drunk etc.
Of course the guy was the aggressor so cannot be excused, but the rape would not have happened if she had been sober.
Perhaps he was drunk and therefore incapable of determining clearly if he had been given consent. After all, women who are drunk are assumed to be incapable of giving informed consent.
Men who are drunk are assumed to be incapable of driving.
No one seems to be getting this – any woman, scantily clad and paralytic on booze and or drugs, should be able to stagger about and lie in the gutter without anything untoward occurring.
In the space of less than a century we have gone from a society in which respectable women were not even allowed to be alone with a man who was not their husband or a close relation, to one where it is considered a woman’s right to indulge in ANY kind of behaviour, no matter how outrageous or risky, and if anything untoward occurs to her, blame must only fall on the other party. It’s like saying to a man that he can walk into a Rangers pub in Glasgow with a Celtic top on, shout ‘F*ck King Billy!’ and expect to remain unmolested.
Once, I overheard a man at a pub bar saying to another, in effect, that women can only be given any credibility when they stop painting their faces to look different to what they actually are. I’ve thought long on that one over the decades.
As so often the person who is to blame and the person who could have stopped it are two different people; both are in some degree responsible.
Since the referendum result the Pro EU bias of the BBC has exceeded expectations. They are fully paid up members of the liberal left globalist elite who have enjoyed unchallenged power for thirty years and they will not give up that power easily. A good read about why the elite are so anti Brexit , anti Trump and antii democracy , apart from when it delivers results they want, is in Mike Hume’s book ‘Revolting’ . Hume is a Marxist and is no fan of President Trump or Nigel Farage but he does believe that the elite are trying to undermine democracy in opposing Brexit and Trump. Of course he sees Brexit in the context of the democratic struggle of the proletariat to achieve power and therefore has some notions that seem very odd but the book is worth the Three Pounds cost nonetheless.
I think that the BBC is set to play a pivotal role in the elite’s attempt to reverse the democratic referendum result. The game they are playing is a long and dirty one. The first thing will be to try and get a parliamentary veto on Brexit i.e. The so called meaningful vote amendment . If this fails ,and it looks like it will, then, in league with the EU, the elite will make the negotiations as difficult as possible and promote as much unrest as possible in Scotland and Northern Ireland, they will have business leaders predicting millions of people losing their jobs. It will worse than Project Fear. Meanwhile the BBC will be running themes about how terrible the deal is looking , how much it will cost , how high immigration is and will remain, why take such enormous risks etc, all aimed at softening up the public . Then the meaningful vote proposal will rear up again , opinion polls will be rigged to show people are in favour of Remain now that they know the shape of the deal, as it is being portrayed by the BBC of course. This will give the MPs the cover needed to vote down the Brexit deal and if the government is still committed to Brexit ( are we really sure that they are now, or is the pro Brexit stance an elaborate establishment charade?) the only option will be a GE. Of course by 2019 things other than Brexit may not have run in the governments favour and the election may result in change of government to one which is elected on a Remain platform and Brexit is lost by the manipulated democratic will of the people, job done under the mask of democracy. . As I said a long and dirty game in which we are played by the liberal left establishment using the BBC to do its dirtiest work.
The BBC and the rest of the ctrl-Left have adopted a view of democracy once espoused by that great philosopher Andy Capp.
“What’s the point of democracy if the bloke yer vote for doesn’t get in?” he complained to his friend Chalkie.
As Hume points out, this sustained attack on “populism” is simply an attack on pluralism at the ballot box, garnished with a generous helping of elitist condescension.
I would love to have the opportunity to ask a Beeboid: “Do you believe that there was even one intelligent, well-informed and well-meaning member of the British public who voted to leave the EU?”
Most likely, they would be forced, through gritted teeth, to answer Yes, in which case I would follow up with: “Then why don’t you debate on that basis that there is a serious case for leaving, rather than merely engaging in sneers and abuse?”
Dear Mr. Ken Clarke, I think those people who voted to remain in the EU did not know what they were voting for.
Well, they didn’t!
Northern D.
I don’t recall the Remain side ever advancing any valid reason for being a member of the EU. Their whole shtick was about what evils would befall us if we left.
So you are right – remain voters on the whole didn’t know what they were voting for. A minority are financially advantaged by the UK being in the EU; they conflated their personal situation with the good of the country.
Incidentally all the UKIP MEPs will eventually lose out financially, but they acted unlike those fabled turkeys – they voted for Christmas.
Charles Moore referred to it as “Who`s in the Dock” type of trail by media.
In other words the Brexit case is ALWAYS getting hauled up before the beak in full media glare and set up. The Remoaners are NEVER asked to account for their use of public funds, riots in Paris or Nantes, rapes in Cologne or Malmo, lorries in Nice or Berlin.
Let alone catastrophic Euro collapses in Greece, Italy, Spain-unemployment in all these bedevilled countries as well as Ireland and Portugal, especially among all their youngsters.
Nor do we hear of border violations and barbed wire around Austria and Germany, Slovenia and Hungary -particularly in the case of the first two nations that prided themselves on specifically NOT doing this.
Nor the scandalous lack of accounting re finances since even before Kinnocks Commission got fired then restored in 1999.
Nor the incalculable fall out from the likes of Blair and Ashton in places like Ukraine and the Balkans-wherever the EU went, disaster followed.
So fuck off libtards-we voted to LEAVE your Godawful EU-there was not space enough on the bus to tell you why,we just wanted out so you lot would get removed or trashed as failed states within states.
Let no self-styled Freisler yell at a Leaver without some dogs abuse back in return, sick and bored of the likes of Yellow Snow and Johnny Dimmock sneering and presuming that WE are on trail.
cH – solid post.
I agree wholeheartedly. Just take a look across Europe to see the mess they’re in. Very little of it ever broadcast by the Beauty Broadcasting Corp. If the BBC were even-handed in coverage of Europe, I for one, suspect the Brexit support would have been much higher last year. But there, hence the lack of factual reporting.
Such faded nonentities as Ken Clarke and John Major have much to thank Brexit for, allowing them another brief spell under the spotlight, but their short term fame pales into insignificance beside the absurd promotion of Heseltine by the BBC.
This posturing vainglorious backstabbing charlatan, reliant on height, coiffure and public school arrogance for any claim to fame or ability, has been artificially promoted to ‘National Spokesman’, challenging bravely on our behalf.
Well not mine matey, not mine.
Interesting article on Kuenssberg’s totally biased attempt to rubbish EU negotiations before they have started:
“Britain’s Biggest Deal, BBC2’s programme about the triggering of the Brexit process, had a prime time slot, and was presented by the Corporation’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg. It was thus a shop-window effort on conservativewoman website:
Impartial, in line with the BBC’s Charter requirements? No. It was a no-holds-barred attempt to put across how nightmarish the exit process will be.
Since June 24, as News-watch’s report on the Brexit Collection showed, the Corporation has been on a flat-out mission to convey how stupid the British people were in voting ‘out’. ”
Whole article :
Its also interesting how the BBC has eagerly joined the band of fakers who are trying to tell us that exiting the EU without a bespoke deal i.e. on WTO terms would be a disaster!
Charlie Martel was correct to point out the irony of Erdogan calling the Dutch fascists

BUT BUT we have to be aware that in the Netherlands & UK the totals on the right column are not really zero.
Cos our Liberal societies have a kind of stealth intolerance : People are not sacked by the gov, but they are kept out of being hired as academics/judges by Liberal groupthink and intolerance.
They can like the guy from Bristol die in jail cos they have “the wrong political views”
As for “Media outlets shut down and journalists arrested” Mostly no apart from Press TV being shut down, but journalists can be intimidated in other ways.
Pravada : Dutch journalists ordered to shut their mouths on MH17 disaster
“The police of the Netherlands detained two Dutch journalists Stephen Beck and Michel Spekkers in Amsterdam, upon their return from the Donbas. The police confiscated all the materials that the journalists collected in the south-east of Ukraine.”
And people are not really free to express their views about Black Pete e..etc.
Personally I’m on the side of Erdogan here!
We need numerous Left wing loons in the public sector to be sacked, and we need several extremists to be detained as well.
I can think of several schools colleges and universities which would be better closed down instead of spreading left wing lies and promoting Islamism, in a sector almost entirely staffed by left wing activists.
Equally I can think of several so called activists who should lose their jobs as a result of the above (Mary Beard anyone?)
Following the Brexit result in the courts it seems that there are quite a few Lawyers & Judges who need to be dismissed.
Media outlets shut down – do I need to comment?
Journalists arrested???? Wow where do you begin with that one ?
No it isn’t Turkey which is in a absolute mess caused by Left Wing liberalism its Holland.
Erdogan is doing the right things for his country, and it’s a crying shame our elites are doing the right thing for his country too!
The time is come for a strong leader to take charge in Europe !
Yes your right “jailing of journalists can sound sinister”
But “jailed for using public funds for political campaigning” could cover a large number of BBC names
Classic Radio 4 deception on ‘Today’. In the discussion about Brexit, they had an international lawyer on called Miriam González Durántez, who described how the UK will suffer after leaving the EU.
What the BBC omitted too say was that she is the wife of Nick Clegg, the Former deputy prime minister who wants parliament to be given a veto over the details of the Prime Minister’s Brexit negotiating strategy.
In no part of the interview was the relationship between Durántez and Clegg mentioned.
The censorship by omission continues…
There is some context : recently at a big conference of female leaders after introducing everyone else in their business roles she was introduced as “Mrs Nick Clegg”
– She is a big business person, being head of some windfarm corps
…which kind of heavily benefit from EU anti-freemarket pro subsidy policies Today didn’t mention that either.
The biased BBC clearly have a love-fest with persons related to Lib Dem leadership, without mentioning any connection.
They periodically have been known to engage with an economics ‘expert’, one Vicky Pryce, who as we know, was jailed for perverting the course of justice after falsely accepting responsibility for a motoring offence actually carried out by her then partner, Chris Huhne, one-time Lib Dem cabinet member. According to the BBC report of the time she was described by the judge as “controlling, manipulative and devious”
Strange that our fine state broadcaster should place in high regard the opinions of someone so described.
But then, agenda and narrative is all in the bBBC alternative universe.
Given the appallingly dim media blathers by old Dusty Corbyn, it`s clear the Pryce, Huhne, Heseltine and Clarke are the BBCs ONLY hope of getting us all to be “measured” “statesmanlike” and “to reflect temperately on all the issues and facts” before we agree that-YES,they were right all along, and we now MUST stay in-and up Abus nightie with a damp tongue)
Hence the infestation of ex-beens has beens and no-beans like Davey, Farron and Lord Panic all over the media…no doubt with interns called Straw and Pressed Sock helping them up the zimmer frame to Slanket Central.
Robinson this moaning fed pureed apple pap to poor Dusty-but Corbyn(poor coot) didn`t recognise those figures that Becky-Bally Wrong had gone to SO much trouble to get Marrs Hole Show to mock up, knock up by way of graffix!
His Tresury poppet(Michelle O Neill clone from yesterdays Lie In With Labour/Andrew Marrs Soul Shoal)was rumbled as being thick and clueless yesterday-but hey, that`s Labour Incest for ya!
Marr told her to send in the figures once she knew what her library monitor had meant for her to say-she said she would by end of the day yesterday)
Marrs Show felt obliged to get poor Becky to do her homework again-and get an adult to post it in for Marr by the end of study yesterday.
Oh dear-yes, the Commons library might have actually DONE the homework for you Becky-but you at least needed to read it before pissing it up as your own.
Less than 24 hrs later poor Corbz STILL had no recollection of that big bald 70 Billion figure that Becky had piped to Ma Marr (disability roolz OK?)-and so the BBC and Labour will have to huddle once more and try again.
Robinson said he`s see to it that they WERE allowed to appeal the SEN diagnosis, and still keep all access and passes to spouting shit as Labour and the BBC are wont to do.
Thanks for another creative link chrisH. Never noticed before but McDonnell has much of a Ted Rogers look about him, without the humour and humanity. And Ted’s 3-2-1 sleight of fingers replaced by JM’s sleight of sincerity.
With a glowing character reference like that from the judge, Ms Pryce will go far in the BBBC.
Probably future DG material if she wasn’t hampered by her lack of melanin
This is interesting- thanks – wouldn’t have known about this . Another subject where censorship by omission is very common See
That’ll be the Nick Clegg that is obliged to be pro-EU if he wants to keep his EU pension?
The fragrant Mrs Clegg had a hissy fit a while back about being announced as Mrs Clegg, too patriarchal you see.
The BBBC is only complying with her wishes. Suits their purpose too as you say, so it’s win-win.
I noticed too, in an example of typical al beebus impartiality, how Nick Robinson gave Mrs Clegg (Remainiac) both the first and final words in the discussion with Liam Halligan (Leaver).
“What the BBC omitted too say was that she is the wife of Nick Clegg”.
I think it would be more accurate to say that Nick is the husband of Ms Durantez.
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Fund started to pay legal costs of farmer cleared of shooting suspected thief
Lawyer Mr Loophole, has started an online fund for Mr Hugill, who had never been in trouble with the police before.
“The farmer will have to pay the £30,000 legal costs he incurred during the three-day trial despite being cleared The Hugill family said they would have to take out a loan.”
Shouldn’t be necessary ..Yes workers have to paid, but it was an unnecessary prosecution so money should come out of the CPS pension fund or something.
(I note someone else has started a page, but just be careful about fake donation sites)
6:33pm Look North’s Peter Levy had an exclusive TV interview with the farmer
2 facts emerged
– The farmers son phoned the police at 2:30am He didn’t mention shots cos he claims he was not aware
(who would incriminate them-self without speaking to a lawyer given the police’s unreasonableness ?)
– 5pm Police turn up at the farm with Armed response team and helicopter, cos eventually the thief after changing his story a few times said it was someone on the farm that had fired a shot.
That is a massive disproportionate use of force and waste of taxpayer money.
It makes it look like the police have cash to protect officers from farming families, at the same time that they don’t have resources to defend farmers from bad guys.
Every time the police turn up at a farm they know the farmer has a gun, so this time when the family have already reported trespassers why would they assess there is deadly danger to their officers ?
Then The Mr Loophole guy came on remotely to talk about the crowdfunding.
One thing he said was that the family were badly advised not to apply for legal aid, cos even though they wouldn’t have got it it would allowed them to write off 45% off tax.
The poison dwarf has confirmed she will attempt to get a second Scottish independence referendum held after the 2 year article 50 process.
In short Nicola, bored now. Please go away and take your racist, anti-English supporters with you.
This is interesting news, she has advocated the timing to co-incide with the possible culmination of the Brexit negotiations.
The BBC will be all over this, trying as best they can to create conflict, problems and other issues along the way. The whole thing will take bias to a whole new level.
Treezer will be mad to accept the timeline.
If that ever goes down and Scotland does eventually re-join the EU, there’ll be some jobs going re-building the wall. She still demanding they have the use of our currency or does she now favour the Euro?
You can see her as Orville to Merkel’s Keith Harris.
“I wish I could fly way up in the sky ………….”
Have a word with Ms Sturgeon will you .
She is mental. Should get on well with Mad Merkel. “Independent” Scotland would have to have its own currency and central bank and apply to join the EU by which time the EU will have collapsed anyway. As I say, Krankie needs medical help.
She wants independence from the most democratic country in the world and wants to join an undemocratic European Union. Braveheart’s cry for ‘freedom’ is wasted .
Don’t get me started on ” Braveheart” ! I often ask SNP racists which country they would like to have a border with ? Germany ? Russia ? China ? Mexico ? Egypt ? etc. Never any reply. They are truly insane !
The atmosphere in Scotland has been poisonous since the last independence referendum. God only knows what it will be like after a second one. But perhaps the boil needs to be lanced, because if the Nats lose another one it will be a long time until the next one.
This time, however, the Westminster government should ensure that Scots living south of the border are allowed to vote. Or take a leaf out of the Remainers’ handbook and attempt to tie the whole thing up in the courts.
If a majority of Scots want to go independent (and back into the EU) then we shouldn’t really stop them. However the timing of this is all wrong, let’s just deal with one secession (the UK from EU) at a time please. If we ever do manage to get the Article 50 ball rolling that is.
When the Scottish referendum is re-run can we also have a parallel referendum in England, Wales & NI where we are asked if we actively want Scotland to leave?
The referendum on Scotland’s position remaining as part of the UK or not, should be conducted across all four nations; obviously it would have to be done on a proportional basis (due to England having the far larger population, thus able to out-vote the other three combined) but it would be much fairer – as the whole (eligible) population of the UK would have the chance to decide and not just one part of it.
It’s way beyond time the Scottish tail stopped wagging the UK dog.
Today’s Eco-Horror propaganda : BBC not caught up yet
Apparently the UK landscape is DEVASTATED
Remember about 10 years ago we started to see a lot more flowers along countryside verges etc cos authorities cut back on weedkiller chemicals ? Well apparently they are all now dead cos of “air pollution”
That’s sounds like PR hype rather than news to me
YP pg 8 “Air pollution is devastating UK landscape”
Indy has “Air pollution is devastating UK’s wild flowers turning countryside into ‘monotonous green badlands’ comments
DMail is almost the same
That all sounds pretty calm and measured to me
“Plant Link** UK network, backed by organisations including Plantlife, the National Trust, Woodland Trust & RSPB,
…. found that 90%* of heathlands … were suffering because of nitrogen emissions”
* Made up number ..why isn’t it 100%, well cos numbers like 90%, 97% seem more believeable
** PR name ? cos the Twitter name PlantLink has been held by Swedish Universities since 2011
*** Same old list of hijacked NGOs who gather donations for political lobbying rather than actual things listed on their charters.
I heard similar nonsense on Toady this morning. I though I must have done a Rip van Winkle and slept until 1st April.
The poor woman trying to scare us about the evils of nitrogen perhaps doesn’t know that the atmosphere is almost 80% nitrogen gas. She seemed confused about the effects of oxides and ammonia.
Was she talking about nitrogen oxides emitted by vehicles. Hard to say as the fearless investigative Toady interview somehow failed to ask her to clarify and for any real scientific evidence to back up her mutterings that would embarrass an 11 yr old starting a GCSE chemistry course.
The BBC don’t do science.
I had the same suspicion, but thanks for confirming!
I would advise the BBC to use equipment supplied by British Oxygen to remove the dangerous Nitrogen gas from all rooms & offices at the BBC. After a while it would be advisable to check that the dangerous Nitrogen gas has been removed, by striking a match.
What about the phlogiston?
Nothing a good shot of penicillin can’t cure.
I’d prefer it if they removed the oxygen, sold it off and re-reimbursed at least some of the licence fee.
I thought that the biggest threat to Britain’s wildlife was farming practices which are encouraged by the EU. Things should improve once we leave the Evil Empire.
Old Krankie eh! Always another reason for independence … the very nature of the SNP, even if the economic indicators are wrong, the oil business on shaky ground etc.
Not surprised at all, now “tastrophe” Treezer? and her response… that is what we need to be concerned about, for the good of our nation?, or just like the way they re manipulating the EU exit, (and as I suspect) for the good of the this poisonous and rotten Tory party?.
Oh, Krankie, please go away in your little pedal car and leave the grownups alone. You are becoming rather tiresome now. Spain has already made it clear they will block any attempts to fast-track an independent Scotland to full EU status, meaning it would have to survive outside the UK and EU for five years. Scotland would somehow have to wangle five years’ worth of handouts from the remainder of the UK before it could pass the begging bowl to the EU. If it could not, it would likely face economic collapse and therefore a third referendum to return to the UK.
Too true – She has all the credibility of, Major, Clegg, Blair and Heseltine without having retired to obscurity.
Unfortunately they haven’t retired to obscurity.
As far as I’m concerned – they have.
Quite right. But, after “independence” there will be no way back in. Krankie is not only very stupid, she is risking the future of my country for no reason other than racism.
Grant – I suspect Wee Jimmi and the ‘Saycunnd Rayferayndumm’ is being used as a pawn in the game by somewhat higher powers. She can be used to distract attention while all sort of negotiations and manipulations go on behind the scenes, like conmen using a little kid to ring on an old lady’s doorbell and ask for his ball back, while the conmen steal the silver.
Bet the BBC won’t be commenting on this because it might destroy the illusion of a Religion of Peace.
Our lying Church leaders who are not Christian, but Socialist through & through would do well to remember the warning Christ gave them about Mohammed coming in the future:
Matthew 6:15-17
15 Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.…
BBC News at One: ‘Nicola Sturgeon catches government by surprise with demand for referendum….’
Really? None of us were in the least bit surprised by yet another shit-stirring, rabble-rousing speech from that tiny geisha-like mouth – minus the charisma, attraction and tradition. Just one more anti-English rant, couched this time in ‘much as it pains me’ terms, but essentially one more attempt to squeeze another tranche of concessions from the taxpayer. The reality of independence is a such a red herring the only amazing aspect is that Westminster appears to pay any attention. So please, no more last minute dashes across the border by senior English MPs, you should have more pride. The rest of us have.
Sin Fein in Ireland? The Scotseparatists in Scotland?
Why do I get the feeling that George Soros, Gina Miller and all manner of Deep State agents are in play here?
Any chance of some REAL News you BBC scum?
Or do you expect to us to believe that you, Eurovision, Verhofstad/Barnier and the other World Left Cartel are NOT co-ordinating and synthesising all these distractions on cue and to a media-friendly timetable?
Sturgeon and Adams are only doing what the Irish did at the start of both world wars(especially clear in WW1)-which was to be the Germans trojan horse to hamstring the British Government.
Same today…and probably STILL German in origin!
Providing the SNP agrees to fund it, and providing that should they fail again they agree to disband as a party then I see no problem with a second referendum.
Sturgeon is a complete Fascist fantasist, who above all things HATES the English people. She is like many Fascists before her, completely delusional, yet Fascism is a seductive ideology.
In scapegoating a group of people she has come to believe earnestly that all her countries problems can be laid at the feet of one racial group. The reality however is that Scotland will be a completely failed state within 5 years, utterly poverty stricken and devoid of industry, with massive debts and no public services.
To be honest it is in reality the UK which keeps Scotland afloat, and without UK government funded employment Scotland would have few jobs, mainly because it hates private industry with a passion and does its level best to close it down whenever it springs up.
England would be well rid of this destructive basket case!
I spluttered on that one too – a ‘bombshell’ that has been on a slow burning fuse in broad daylight since Sturgeon took over the reins.
It’s just a BBC hope that if they ‘big up’ the story it will panic the House of Commons into keeping all of the House of Lords’ ammendments, which are, of course, intended to destroy our negotiating position with the EU.
No way does the wee lass really want independence. She knows that Scotland could not cope. She just wants to prevent Brexit by saying it would break up the UK.
I voted against last time but am tempted to vote yes next time just to prove that I am right that independence would be a disaster for Scotland. I think England should have a vote to kick Scotland out of the UK. And I am a Scot ! Krankie is the bitch from hell and even worse than Treezer and that is saying something !
yes we should all get a vote
if the scots choose to leave so be it
if the rest of us choose for them to leave so be it too
we can always swap our beloved immigrants with muslim lovin krankie for unionist-scots
nothing makes me madder than england based scots nationalists so they can have them back too
sometimes i really am ashamed of my own scottish heritage
Kaiser Woa!
If we send all the immigrants to Scotland we would likely end up in a state of war. With Islamic Albastan constantly attacking us from our Northern border. Plus the idea of tartan hijabs makes me want to cry!
Yes, the SNP racists make me ashamed.
All of above: two words – ‘Barnett Formula’ which amounts to roughly £1400 per man woman and child in Scotland. Paid for by the English alone. Note, the BBC likes to tone it down my referring to, ‘about £1000 per head’.
Nicola Sturgeon reminds me of General Galtieri of Argentina. A puffed up little dictator who has failed her country and is looking for a Malvinas like boost to her popularity. Looking for a smokescreen hoping millions will line the streets screaming support forgetting the plan last time relied heavily on high oil prices.
Spot on there.
SNP will always look for any excuse to call another referendum. If it wasn’t leaving the EU they would find something else.
“The establishment of one or more local parliaments must have one of two consequences; either the conversion of the unitary parliamentary state into a federal state, with a written constitution which prescribes the respective spheres and powers of the federal parliament and the local parliaments, or alternatively the dissolution of the unitary state itself into two or more independent states. No third possibility exists.”
J. Enoch Powell.
This ‘surprise’ is a classic BBC ‘tell it often enough’ attempt that again shows they really have not grasped most people still can think for themselves and do have access to more trustworthy sources of information.
Her every outing (and there are too many) should be captioned ‘spoiler alert’.
Thought I`d put this up to show you what the liberal left seem to think is OK these days.
THIS is where Lefty entitlement and indulgence gets us.
Notice how the web address uses “facist”. There seems to be a lot of this kind of spelling these days!
I thought I had heard all the brexit bullshit but I was wrong. On bbc breakfast this morning a botanical conservationist was telling us that hedgerows are being destroyed by too much nitrogen and ammonia in the atmosphere which allows nettles and dock to thrive. How could this story possible be steered towards brexit one might ask? Well the government targets, which clearly aren’t working by the looks of things, might be subject to change after brexit. (the same brexit we haven’t even started yet) Are you fucking kidding me?
last I heard on the BBC was a call for wild gorillas to be vaccinated. This is where we end up when eco quacks aspire to be scientists, but end up in the soft mush of post-Babe/Charlottes Web posturing. Nitrogen allows nettles and hogweed to choke the nastursiums , but our Green Cross Poppet is on the case like the Green Goddess of old.
Well-at least we have yet ANOTHER charity to run for-Planet Aid.
But not near traffic eh?…and Islam will wipe it all out with their goats and camels anyway.
Interesting insight from David Goodhart today-but note how poor Marr gets the vapours with any effort to absolve populism of its rhino horns.
Well Marr may have learned nothing-but at least we are better informed-not that the BBC or poor Olly Leftwing got the message.
10 mins in-up to 18 mins or so.
@chrisH : Your link screwed up cos its got a space in or something..that’s why its come up as a link back to this page…
OK I’ll do it
Marr show minute 10:25 David Goodhart (Lucy Kellaway’s husband) book The Road to Somewhere
(Anywhere people are a small elite used to run country, now joined by others to make a 25% Liberals whose dogma of 100% open borders rule)
(Somewhere people belong to a place and therefore feel an identity they are 50% .. a “decent popularism”
.. he claims nums comes from reliable surveys)
Oliver Letwin tried in denial to fight back min 23:20 “The Truth is the majority will benefit from a liberal approach they want to be badly off ?”
and Goodhart pointed out people like him are just doubling down in denial.
Ta for this Stew.
Just heard the BBC refer to Sturgeons ball bearing act re thwarting Brexit as a “surprise move, that took No 10 by surpise”. No-it was the Telegraphs lead story and predicted easily on the front page of last weeks Spectator.
Suppose the BBC read only the Guardian and Morning Star…and their sheer arrogance means that it`s only news when THEY report it. Even after two weeks on the shelf at Taunton library.
Sturgeon must have had this planned for months, timed to take attention away from the triggering of article 50,and the bBBC will have known about it too.
I hope she gets another referendum because she will look a fool if she loses again, and a fool if she wins and Scotlands economy goes down the pan.
Do I need a TV licence to listen to that ?
Give it time Brexit will cause impotence and an aversion to sheds, beer and all forms sport.
California Communism
Friends! A slightly different subject than usual is tackled by my piece in today’s Far-Right Guardian: namely, the distressing lack of enlightened and Progressive views within what I guess we should call the Canine and Feline Community.
It can be found in my Blog, together with a link to the original article and comments, here:
Christian precedents : finally a man has been punished for criticising Christianity
He made youtube videoa harassing a Christian couple
So court jailed him for 8 weeks..
banned him from churches for 5 years and from making further social media allegations
Prof Brian Cox was on 5Live promoting his new show … and his disdain for nationalism, waffling on that science has only benefitted from free movement of people … sorry to have to say it.
Islam Brian? what happened??
Anyway talking of free movement, news from Germany that the Al BBC will not report.
“German states spent more than €20bn (£17.5bn) on refugees in 2016, government figures have indicated as Angela Merkel continues to come under pressure for her policy on migration.
Statistics seen by The Independent for the states of Bavaria, Schleswig-Holstein, Hesse and Berlin show that the cost of housing and integrating asylum seekers has far outstripped official predictions. The Bundestag’s statistics service has listed a total spend of over €7bn (£6bn) for those four states alone in 2016, meaning the nationwide figure is likely to be far higher. Johannes Singhammer, Vice President of the German parliament, told Die Welt: “[The figures] show that if the costs are added up for all federal states, around €23bn (£20bn) has probably been spent on migrants and refugees in 2016.”
Brian Cox is a prick.
Great in the Glimmer Man though.
LOL !!!!
And Germany has all this money due to it’s huge trade imbalance with the rest of Europe. So instead of recycling the cash to Greece, Italy and co., it blows it on imported millions from Africa and ME. Madness.
Cox was on Radio 2 tonight plugging his tour,I was almost considering maybe going, to see the big screen galaxy pics etc.,but he blew it by saying some crap about Trump and Brexit,he should stick to science.
O/T but Police state incompetence
2011 Police raid a guys home arrest ed him seized his computers ..but couldn’t understand why they couldn’t find the expected masses of child porn on his partner’s computer.
They sent social workers round etc.
Case didn’t progress but police didn’t apologise until 2014 when his lawyers got them to reveal they’d written down the IP address wrong so had got the wrong house.
I switched on BBC R4 in the car last week. It was “The Archers”. Apparently the village cricket team is short of players, so the captain suggests that they allow women to play alongside the men. A number of proletarian-accented male players express their unhappiness about his proposal. The skipper then reveals that he has already held a “secret net”, and that one prospective female player with an Asian name could be particularly useful.
Who’da thunk it?
There is no escape from the BBC village …. hahhahaha
Spoiler alert. Forthcoming Ambridge Cricket Club plot lines:
* one of the women cricketers turns out to be better than one of the men. Will the captain drop him, pick her and win the cup? Or will the captain be a sexist loser?;
* ban on sausage rolls at cricketers’ tea time causes consternation;
* sandwich-making wife gets the hump about women in the team;
* woman cricketer single-handedly wins or loses the cup final. Either way, the result will be balanced on a knife edge as the closing music plays. Tum-ti Tum-ti Tum-ti Tum; Tum-ti Tum-ti Tum Tum etc.
We are all treated as CBeebies by the BBC
regardless of age.
Treated like naive children..
(Don,t mention the indoctrination of my grand children….blood pressure might go off the scale..)
The Archers …!?
More like “Neighbours”…..
The BBC treat us as fools…
But perhaps we are…
We fund this megolthic edifice
Turn off the BBC
This indoctrination must end
I recently caught an episode of The Archers, one character was bemoaning Brexit and said something on the lines of Brits would not work in the fields. Can you think of any other group that they’d denigrate in that way? No sense of history. Farmers particularly would remember their parents and grandparents’ tales of land army etc. There was a time too when backpackers hiked around Europe taking on these jobs for the cultural experience and cheap way of getting about. Call me cynical, I doubt that another character would counter the argument by optimistic thoughts on Brexit, but I don’t listen enough to say for certain.
This ought to be a matter of concern. It is a anti hate video. It is aimed at white working class young people who are so easily led into hate crimes.
The underpinning assumption is that hate crime, extremism, comes from the right, that patriotic movements are merely a disguise for hatred against ethnics, especially moslems
Is this coming from the Government funds to prevent extremism?
Both film and website feature high production values so unlikely to have been cheap. An organisation called Upstanding Neighbourhoods (UN) appears to be behind them.
UN is described as a “Muslim charity” by Spiked and an “anti extremism charity” by the Guardian
However, UN does not appear on the UK Charity Commission’s online list of registered charities .
UN’s Facebook page describes UN as “a grassroots-led community group run by people who grew up, live and work in the community finding solutions to local issues.”
UN says that it has “taken advantage of an offer to work with RICU to utilise its professional communications services to help us widen and increase the impact of our message, predominantly online. These services have included technical support for film production; helping us to increase our online footprint; and public relations advice.”
RICU stands for Research Information & Communications Unit which is a cross-departmental strategic communications body based at the Office for Security and Counter-terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office. RICU aims to coordinate government-wide communication activities to counter the appeal of violent extremism while promoting stronger grass-roots inter-community relations.
So the answer to your question is: “Yes – at least partly, and quite possibly entirely”.
Tom Kenny
Thanks for this information. This is clearly the work of some shady outfits who may well have the ear of the state
Not much on the web … looks like focus on Luton and Lowestoft
openyoureyestohate explained here in the local newspaper and
Strange thing is that local paper gets excited about promoting that group yet itself tonight has a story about a 15 year girl’s body being found in a park which seems dismissive
“The death is being treated as unexplained. However, there do not appear to be any suspicious circumstances at this stage”
But the strangest thing is that after getting so exited about people who spread fear about the RightWing Bogeyman its main story tonight is about an ethnic Muslim who did a local double murder. #ironycity
“And now, after Ali Qazimaj was found guilty of the brutal double murders of Peter and Sylvia Stuart, in June last year”
The openyoureyestohate twitterfeed doesn’t look like it’s run by gov
eg it’s got a tweet gloating about Breitbart supposedly losing advertising
“Right-wing website loses advertising deals”
Paradoxically rather than anti-hate operation, the nature of its tweets make it look like it SPREADS Hate against people it chooses to label a rightwing and so sow FEAR among Asian people.
Maybe its just some people scamming grants out of government.
The BBC wouldn’t report if an Ohio Anti-fracking Organizer Gets Jail for Voter Registration Fraud
– Breitbart does (she was charged with 35 counts)
along with other accounts eg man who voted in 2 states
and \\ conviction of Noe Abdon Olvera, a U.S. Postal Service delivery man who accepted bribes from Democrat political operatives in exchange for information indicating where and when absentee ballots would be delivered. The report noted where a former compatriot claimed Olvera would personally offer help in obtaining “citizenship papers” if a voter supported his candidate.//
also massive double registration in one area
Amy Rutland’s sexy doppelgänger across the pond (if mostly floating on it)?
The media lockdown against reporting Muslim crime
10th March 2 dead in Basel shooting
..a police officer told The Associated Press: “This is a local incident. It has nothing to do with Islamists or terrorism.”
.. God how many stories get completely buried
Oops somehow the BBC misses Hundreds of millions of British aid ‘wasted’ on overseas climate change projects PH covering the Telegraph story about
Guess Al beeb is too busy on Trans and other trivia
StewGreen – I think that story pales into insignificance compared to to vital matter of Women’s Rugby.
That explains the position “hooker”then.
I didn’t know women played rugby. Why didn’t the BBBC tell me this exciting news?
For too many people of colour – ‘Roots’ is all they have. With the Scot’s it’s, ‘Braveheart’ and Culloden. Maybe time to move forward but neither has a clue.
The Scots lost (heavily) to England at Culloden, cf Twickenham 2017. Bonnie Prince Charlie had to slink away with his sporran between his legs.
Bannockburn was one fixture that the Scots won.
But I agree with your gist!
Interesting that you mention Culloden (1745). I don’t think the SNP ever do … they prefer to dig way further back into history with Bannockburn and even the Arbroath declaration (1300s!). Why is Culloden downplayed by the Nats? Because Scottish troops were on either side of the battle.
Yup, it would point up that Scotland was a bankrupt and divided country when it joined the Union. My guess is it would be again as the potential internal divisions include catholic vs. protestant, West vs. East, mainland vs. Shetlands and Islands.
And of course the Nats themselves are at the division game again … driving hard for another divisive (and be in doubt abusive) referendum only a few years after the last one, giving no time to heal and move forward together. It’s not good for Scotland and the people at all. Led by petty monomaniac nationalists.
Maybe May can be sharper than Cameron and insist that the vote includes Scots in the whole UK, doesn’t include 16-18 year olds, etc..
Gina Miller shows her true colours by telling Eddie Mair on PM that MPs should be allowed secret votes!
Think of the opportunities for a few back-handers!
She is a very nasty , hateful bitch .
Remind me again-who voted for HER then?
And who`s paying for her now?
And-how come she and her cases always get greased botties and slip up the greasy pole to the Soupweem Cort?
Had this been a pensioned wanting her TV License fee back-they`d deliberately ensure that it stayed out of court long enough for the poor old girl to die.
Who’s paying her? Who do you think? Why do you think the other parties to her action(s) went to the High Court and were successful in remaining anonymous?
It is almost unbelievable that a legal action of such gravity, the decision of which so profoundly effects our country, can be instigated and most of the people bringing it can do so secretly.
Our MP decided to keep his vote in the Ref secret. It did not serve him well.
It is your MP’s right to keep his vote in the referendum secret. I would respect his right to keep his opinions to himself too.
However when it comes to voting in parliament his constituents have an absolute right to know what he says and how he votes on divisions. To do otherwise is a recipe for a ‘bought’ parliament but conversely an ‘open’ parliament doesn’t guarantee that the system is clean.
It would cost a lot to buy 16 million electoral votes, how much to buy 326 MPs? And if someone had bought them they would want to see them being used so might take legal action to enable that. Not that anyone with integrity would ever do such a thing.
N.B. With due deference to International Women’s Day, the male MP embraces the female.
Our MP decided to keep his vote in the Ref secret. It did not serve him well.
Should focus on her husband hedge fund and ties to Soros
Bit worried about the diversity aspects shown, mind. That bears little similarity to who gets to the screen eventually.
“We’re not focused on your qualifications – what we want to know is whether you have the drive, commitment and ideas necessary to make it in the media.”
May be worth changing one’s name to Khan, in a driven, committed way. Just an idea.
So. Seaweed wants another referendum and the biased BBC are wanking themselves silly at all the problems this will cause the government, who will have their hands pretty full on the Brexit ‘negotiations’. Kuennsberg was visibly salivating.
But let’s look on the bright side. At a stroke we can kiss goodbye to that drip drip drip of casual anti English racism we have endured these past years from the hateful Sturgeon and her clan. Meanwhile true British patriots north of the border, especially those stifled by Scottish statism and anti-business sentiment can be sure of a warm welcome in England.
Bring it on. And give the English a vote as well !
So, the UK government were taken by surprise at wee Krankie’s announcement, timed perfectly at the mooted triggering of Article 50. Right, why were they surprised ? clearly Krankie got wind of this Brexit timing, so are her informers better than ours ? Who is the mole in our government then ? the tea-lady ? the guy who opens the door at no. 10? we need to know ! Richard Whiteley and Adam Faith are long passed, perhaps its Tom Cruise.
I have reached the point (probably with many others) with this vile little witchy, where I just wish the Scots would just piss off and take their attention seeking, poisonous, shrill dwarf with them. (Apologies to the likes of Grant and Calvin – I dont mean this personally)
Part of me does not want this to happen but I am sick to death of her attention seeking behavior and confidant – “I speak for all of Scotland” approach aided and abetted by the BBC which loves a good shit stir and has given wee Jimmy far more exposure than her unlimited talents and her obvious stunning good looks warrant.
It is interesting that from originally being saddened by the possible loss of Scotland from our nation – I now just wish she would get on with it, rather than having to listen to any more constant carping, scolding and posturing from this vile venomous harpee.
With her constant over exposure and promotion by the media – I do wonder whether this is another attempt by our trusted state broadcaster to weaken the union between our two nations – As I know we are both stronger together. I also know that many Scots do not support her and see her as a national embarrassment. However this is never really discussed by the media, and with her fat, conceited, Cheshire catlike mentor they are just constantly forced into our faces as Scotland’s true voice day in and day out.
I suppose if the Scots see themselves as constant victims to English oppression and the English are becoming sick to death of hearing Scots accents constantly whining then we really are not in a good place as neighbours. If I could find my Corries CD I would chuck it down the drain!
Unlike the UK and the EU I really do believe that our two nations are stronger together. However my heart tells me that the Scots will never be satisfied. And I do wonder whether the BBC are aware of the Sturgeon “irritation factor” with us brits and therefore push it even more knowing that the more fractured we become as a nation the weaker we become.
Yet again I begin see another dimension in the style of the BBC coverage of this issue. Or am I just being paranoid?
I have always loved Scotland (the most beautiful place on earth to me)
They’ve always been pleasant to me whenever I have stayed there. I’ve never had any problems with the Scottish people I’ve worked with over the years either.
I was sad at the idea of splitting up & was very happy when the referendum result was delivered. All the Scots I’m acquainted with down south voted to leave the EU though so maybe I’m lucky. I think the people I know are just grateful that they have work.
It’s only since the Brexit result that I’ve been hearing all this irrational hatred of the English spewing forth from some. I guess they were bottling it up. I didn’t take much notice of Krankie or the Scottish referendum campaign because I didn’t think it was really my business. I hope the majority of the Scots don’t hate us & I’d hate to lose them but at the end of the day if they hate us so much that they would rather be under the thumb of Europe I’ll be spending my holiday £’s in Wales & Switzerland instead, 😉 (I’m half Irish BTW but I can’t be doing with all this Anglophobia)
Lucy Pevensey
Yea, Wales is very nice, but then I would say that wouldn’t I?
The Scots lass is trying the old EU trick………..
‘Keep on having referendums until they get the right answer’
As was the beginning of the Welsh Assembly. Voted out the first time, then it got ‘in’ on a very narrow margin in the final referendum.
Perhaps its time we had another one in Wales ? , my bet is that we would abolish it .
Wales is stunning & a wee bit quicker to get to. I’ve made it up to the top of Yr Wyddfa 4 times by 3 different routes so far & I am proud to say I have never taken the train! Also I cherish some wonderful childhood summers on the beaches of Wales. Splendid country. I love the little villages where you can hear people still speaking Welsh in the pubs & corner shops. (scratches head) I wonder if it’s too late to book an Easter week break?
We are the true Brits and if you are in my pub I will buy you a pint .
Croeso !
Hi Lucy, come and visit Northern Ireland!
I second that. Thoroughly enjoyed my two visits to NI. I found the people friendly and with a good sense of humour (more so than the people I met in the Republic) and the countryside very green and beautiful. Bear in mind of course the BBC brought me up to believe the whole of NI was a war zone similar to the Lebanon.
Lucy – I am definitely beginning to think that some relationships (when they become destructive) are not worth maintaining. And I am sorry to say this is probably the case here. However I do wonder what most Scots really think. The BBC told us Brexit would never win the the referendum and look what happened.
Unfortunately this is what happens when you have a state broadcaster that is more interested in mischief making and encouraging disloyalty and fractions rather than uniting a nation. The meddling BBC probably sees this as a useful spoiler in their self appointed battle against brexit.
I suppose this also says a lot about the mettle of our current Prime Minister in that she appears utterly frozen when it comes to calling out this wretched sack of traitors.
As to wee Jimmy. I partially blame Grant for her bitterness towards humanity.
If only he had asked her out to the Prestwick and Dreghorn junior interspin disco in the 1980s, maybe shared a can of Tenants super T and deep fried mars bar with her in the park and told her she had beautiful eyes – then just maybe, she would not have had so much bitterness which she has obviously directed on us!
Joking aside. I always thought of most Scotsmen (or should that be scotspersons or people of scotishisness?) as fairly pragmatic. I suspect they will baulk when it comes to it, and they realise that leaving the UK (and possibly joining the EU) will mean the felling of the money tree and a country which will be expected by the likes of Merkel to take its “fair share” of migrants and the rape of its fishing waters.
We will see – But what I do now know is I no longer care. Pity.
“It is interesting that from originally being saddened by the possible loss of Scotland from our nation – I now just wish she would get on with it, rather than having to listen to any more constant carping, scolding and posturing from this vile venomous harpee.”
Excluding the announcement yesterday, it can only be a matter of time if the SNP under the Gnome’s control, continue with the ‘leave’ rhetoric. At least these days, ‘Fifth-Columnists’ ( are no longer hidden: they now exalt in being high-profile unlike the old-fashioned likes of Soros et al.
“Brexit bill: MPs reject first of Lords changes”
Well, were on our way!
HYS is interesting ……..
Watching parliament debating this today, in my opinion there were many bitter and twisted ‘remainers’ trying to derail our road to freedom despite the continued uncertainty and damage they cause to our economy .
Get out before the EU collapses I say, then see what Scotland do .
Readers of a certain age may remember Carlos the Jackal. A committed Marxist-Leninist (natch), Ilyich Ramírez Sánchez was responsible, and is currently surviving a life sentence, for the murder of a dozen people and injury to more than 150 other persons in a series of attacks in France during the 1970s. He also has numerous further—thankfully unsuccessful—attacks to his name. [Edit: some sources attribute more than eighty murders to him.] All in aid of the liberation of Palestine.
By any possible criterion, in other words, and in the language of the vast majority of those who receive the BBC’s broadcasts of all political persuasions and none, he’s a terrorist.
He’s currently standing trial for an attack in Paris in 1974 in which two were killed, and thirty-four wounded. Proceedings began today, as reported on R4’s six o’clock news. In which he was described as a ‘political extremist’. The words terrorist and terrorism were not used at all in the report.
There’s news, there’s politicised opinion, and then there’s editorialising. And at £3.7bn p.a., a bargain, too.
Yes, noted this.
The BBC loves its old rebels and rogues doesn`t it. Having done a rectal scrape on Castro-well who else to put the marigolds on for if not this jet-setting internationalist who was no mere Venezuelan-no-he was a Marxist gun for hire who Castro funded as did the PLO.
How romantic-“jeux sans frontiers”-and one for the ladies a la Raffles. Yes of course he threw a bomb or two-but as Frances very own Laurent Tailharde once said ” What do the victims matter, as long as the gesture is beautiful”.
Look it up-and delightfully,he lost an eye soon later in an anarchist attack as he dined.
Irony?…main non…
Listening to Nigel on LBC for the first time.
I feel really peed off as wee Jimmy wants a 2nd independence referendum. I seriously think the rest of the UK should be allowed to vote too. I am convinced there would be a unanimous vote for the Scots to piss off.
I don’t personally want them to. My grandfather was a Scot but enough is enough – Westminster would save millions in subsidies.
Wee Jimmy is deluded.
How refreshing to hear Mark Rutte holding forth once more. Last I heard of him, we was telling us that this country was now “politically, economically , materially and constitutionally” buggered/screwed or whatever. He said this within days of our leaving the EU.
And as we see his once-great country now getting dragged into the first salvo in its existential crisis with Islam-I can only laugh that such a lying off beam off key Eurocratic loser STILL gets interviews as if he knows anything any more.
The Clegg Conch shell I suppose…yet only the lefty liberals get to speak and to answer.
His debate with Wilders tonight should be worth a watch on YouTube, when someone puts it on there with subtitles.
Breaking up the UK is exactly what the BBC and the EU wants. A strong national government that represents a large chunk of the population of the EU and provides a super tranche of the contributions is a pain to ‘the commission’.
An EU of the regions will have so many tin-pot ‘leaders’ they will be like the barons of old, swaggering about thir little fiefdoms but ultimately likely to be wiped out by their feudal king and his army. In the short-term it will be easily for the commission to play off one ‘krankie’ against another, longer term a new treaty will ‘streamline’ the system so that what the commission says goes. That is what Verhofstadt wants. The process started with ‘qualified majority voting’ and willcontinue.
Rather than cut off the Scots, why not go the other way and have a confederation of the British Isles? Many in England have Scots and Irish roots, it is a time for the British Islanders to put aside minor family disputes and come together to resist the erosion of our joint history, values and cultures.
It will come to this if the outright hostility that Sturgeon keeps pushing gets worse.
Scotland now seems to be on the verge of self destruction. Having ditched every one except the Nats the Scots are in a spot. Sometimes bluffs have to be called. Give her the referendum she wants and hopefully the Scots will make the right decision .
Population Scotland: 5,373,000;
Population England (alone): 54,300,000
‘Tail (trying to) wagging the dog’?
Now on R4 The BBC #StopWilders prog is on
It is the same as the prog already aired on WS The Documentary-20170309-InSearchOfHenkAndIngrid
(BBC trick of airing same prog under different titles)
Ta Stew-now listening.
Tim Whewell eh?…wasn`t Gabriel Gatehouse there a few weeks ago? Any reason why HE could not have done it seeing as he too had a lavender hankie to wring out in the Dijk?
Well-given the BBCs track record-this would only help him get a landslide, if only the BBC were listened to by anybody anymore?
Golden moment as a Dutch Far Left Wing leader mentions ROTHERHAM! and why the hell the Left is so supine. Tim goes off it- “because it`s RACIST”-he shouts back. God Bless our Dutch lefty-halfway through the programme. He then says that “no wonder the Labour party is stuffed if they won`t even march over THAT!”
Brilliant moment-all th better in that it was so unexpected-good old Internet eh?
Didn’t here that on BBC
Now the positive Trump petition 316,352 signatures
Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.
Donald Trump should be invited to make an official State Visit because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that appose our point of view should be gagged.
Unbelievable how BBC could get away with putting out such an agitprop left wing programme on Holland as Radio 4`s Analysis prog tonight.
Not only did presenter Tim Whewell spend 30 mins implying anybody who did not share his left wing version of Islam was ignorant but he also omitted mentioning both the murder of Pim Fortuyn in 2002 or the relentless hostile treatment of Islamic female freethinker Ayaan Hirsi Ali by fellow muslims which combined with the Dutch `liberal` establishment turning a blind eye lead to her leaving Holland for the USA.
I listened to it. Just a typical student leftwing show more suitable for an unreadable leftwing rag. Very poor indeed and his bias shone through . Where do they find these idiots? I suppose the pods are in the basement of Braodcasting House.
Yes the Dutch have no logical reason to fear Muslim extremists.
well there were the political assassinations
– On 2 November 2004, Theo Van Gogh was murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim due to his controversial film about ..
– The assassination of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn during the 2002 by Volkert van der Graaf “to stop him from exploiting Muslims as scapegoats”
Don’t forget, sometimes they try and fail
2010 someone tried to kill Stephen Timms Labour MP : Roshonara Choudhry, student and al-Qaeda sympathiser knife attack
2002 Bertrand Delanoë Mayor of Paris, France Paris by Anti-gay, Muslim immigrant, Azedine Berkane Knife attack.
Plus back in 1993 There were attempts and killing to do with people against the book “The Satanic Verses”
BBC False-narrative – That prog & BBC progs keep saying
“Wilder’s party intends to ban the Koran and ban mosques”
..That just sounds too unbelievable to me it’s the propaganda trick of amplifying to the extreme.
AFAIK the proposal was to ban NEW mosques and restrict Islamic Koran schools.
I think there was something about comparing the Koran to Mein Kamf and suggesting I should be banned from bookstores and only be available to scholars. Rather than actually seizing it from people’s houses.
The Biased Left Wing BBC have refused to accept the following:
1. Farage has created a world wide and developing situation through his own efforts.
2. Brexit was created and won by Farage.
3. Trump won and was inspired by Brexit.
4. France is inspired by Brexit.
5. Holland (not the French gimp) is inspired by Brexit.
Question. When will Farage reach the tipping point for a Knighthood? Mo Farah made it by running fast and being from an African country. Should Farage start running fast? Would it help?
I’m eating Dutch Edam cheese with biscuits at the moment. Does that make me a racist? Should I give up the biscuits…?
“Question. When will Farage reach the tipping point for a Knighthood? Mo Farah made it by running fast and being from an African country. Should Farage start running fast? Would it help?”
Are you implying that, like Farah, Nigel should move to the US to seal his receipt of a Knighthood?
G – Knighthood will be his when he finally becomes a muslim!
Brussels Broadcasting currently spiking the Lords vote giving Treezer her green light in favour of the attempted bushwhack by Nicola Queen of Skits. Having clutched at one straw, Brussels Broadcasting now seizes on another.
Amazing that they would seek to sideline the most important political news item for many a year in favour of a cheap political trick, but then that’s all we ever expect from them.
Apologies if covered elsewhere. Please ensure you are sitting down, preferably with restraints, before reading further.
The D. Mail reports that the truly disgusting BBC spent £1.3million of licence fee payers money in the last financial year making 23 staff redundant ( average payoff £56,000)……..only to rehire them.
I think I’m going to puke…..with luck, all over them.
Article says BBC spent £34.3m making hundreds redundant only to then invite them back to work
Lib Dem Lord Taverne attacks “a dangerous step” towards the doctrine that “the people’s will must always prevail”. That, he says, is the doctrine favoured by Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. Yes, because those three were great supporters of democracy weren’t they. You couldn’t make this stuff up (unless you’re a Lib Dem of course).
Exactly, Heisenberg.
There was similar nonsense on Start the Week this morning. Apparently people who don’t vote in the way this guy wants them to are stupid, racists and misled. He had an entire theory to divide up the good guys (liberals) from the the bad guys (non liberals).
I don’t follow. When Labour won 3 elections in a row, and Bill Clinton won 2 in a row, the BBC/Guardian didn’t seem to have a grievance against democracy. No one compared Blair’s 3 wins with Hitler.
“Sweden … look whats happening in Sweden”
Oh hello there, you caught me doing a Trump impression
Well nothing much according to the BBC.
Sooo … huge police presence after shooting at restaurant in central Malmö, Sweden, at least 1 wounded, wouldn t concern the BBC
Dear old Sveeeden, its a daily occurrence, reminds me, how are your migrants doing?
The BBC is of course too busy concentrating all out on anti “populism”, no time for real terror.
BBC – Dutch PM warns of populism in TV debate and a good old anti Wilders special on R4, remember BBC Wilders Europe s most dangerous man … some things never change eh! BBC.
Meanwhile a group of AKP-supporters in Istanbul have attacked a Norwegian journalist because they thought, he might be Dutch.
Talking of Turkey … Amsterdam 5hrs ago, where s a “populist” when you need him
I dearly hope that Wilders prevails over Clegg’s pal on Wednesday and becomes PM.
He despises both the EU and Islam – what’s not to like about that?
I wonder if the BBC would allow Treezer to copy Wilders’s speech.
Prof Brian Cox on Radio 2 and 5Live … sheesh! getting his airtime today
must be all that free global people movement crap and anti Trump stuff that did it.
To cool things down a bit after today’s vote, and to remind readers that this has gone off topic for some reason? here is an example of global warming …………
Just in case you dare get the message that ice means the planet is not heading towards frying, the article ends :
“Last month was the second warmest February on record since record-keeping began in 1895.”
They forgot to add “don’t you dare look at the satellite record , stick to the adjusted gerrymandered,limited dataset surface records which are set up to seem to confirm each other, but are actually the same ADJUSTED data underneath”
“Last month was the second warmest February on record since record-keeping began in 1895.”
1895 ? Only just over a hundred years ago . What’s that compared with the age of this planet ?
The BBC article about the frozen house omits to point out that even ‘upstate New York’ (let alone the City which is even further south) shares a latitude with the south of France and northern Spain. I seem to recall that while we, the UK, were having a hot February (except in south-east England when it was jolly cold for at least half the month), if I recall correctly they have had an even colder time in France & Spain. Am I right in thinking they have had heavy snow in Spain?
Unfortunately, here in the UK, growing things which do not have a voice demonstrate temperature to the Green’s & BBC’s noisy AGW/CC PR-campaign more loudly than any of us scientific sceptics can. Thorn blossom has only appeared here at the very end of February (early December has been a frequent occurrence in the last quarter century) and is now – thanks to a very warm start to March – colliding with cherry blossom. The daffodils were showing at the end of December 2015 last winter but this year stayed snuggled below ground until the end of February 2017.
Science is about observing, BBC. Please take note.
Fake News
“‘LED street lights are disturbing my sleep'”
Close the bloody curtains ! Simples .
What news is this article burying ?
When I work the occasional night I find that big bright thing in the sky disturbs my daytime sleep, bizarrely my response, along with many others faced with a similar problem, was to buy a blackout blind and not to go crying to the BBC about it.
Same here, but my curtains are sufficient enough to block the sun out. Its the door to door salesmen banging on the knocker that are a problem .
Be interesting if they give voice to those advocating braziers full of burning tyres, as AGW friendly alternatives.
This ‘report’ rather smacks of a DIYD,DIYD piece not fully thought through by the duty editor.
Good news
I think the bookies are giving Wilders and Le Pen to win.
An often repeated message to Al Beeb – “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
I am sure that the ‘so called’ Trustees are aware of this by now.