” Ok Amira and Kallea I want you and Seamus to head the diversity team to accompany the outside broadcast team whenever we cover a live football match. It’s your job to spot ethnic supporters . The cameramen have been informed that they must show close usp of ethnic supporters on at least ten occasions during the match.”
If you are referring to the Chelsea v Man Utd match last night, I saw it too, and it was pathetically obvious what was going on. It seems that Stamford Bridge was entirely populated by Asian fans of the beautiful game. That was why they went back to a shot of the same Asian man with a Man Utd scarf at least twice. It was worse than Midsomer Murders!
The left wing BBC must think we are so stupid, and then they wonder why we hate them.
There were a few occasions when the cameraman* did find some white faces amongst the vast crowd but it was obviously a struggle as he/she/person of non-specific gender had to resort to close-ups of BAMES for much of the match.
It must be Amira and Kallea I keep seeing on Flog It. It has been particularly noticeable the last few weeks that as the camera pans round the people bringing in their objects, the close up shots are of people from a BME background.
The problem the BBBC have is that when a wide angle view of the crowd is shown it is obvious that at most matches the crowd is at least 90% white and probably 80% male.
Mind you, this does cause a problem. Surely the crowd’s ethnic makeup should reflect that of the footballers on the pitch. How about positive discrimination for spectators?
” Ok Amira and Kallea I want you and Seamus to head the diversity team to accompany the outside broadcast team whenever we cover a live football match. It’s your job to spot ethnic supporters . The cameramen have been informed that they must show close usp of ethnic supporters on at least ten occasions during the match.”
However, as Al points out, some ethically sourced megabuck bath salts going East versus £2b is a no brainer disaster for those aromatic inhabitants of the BBC.
If people can make it to Marylebone Station they don’t need Arabic to find their train at Marylebone Station. I expect the Mandarin is added so it is not too obvious that the focus is on Arabic Islam, but expect it to be dropped later when Sharia Law is introduced.
Probably just to make it easier to get to Bicester Village, as the article says. What annoys me more is the fact that the station in Southall, Middx, had for many years bilingual signs in Punjabi script. According to wikipedia these have now gone – but only because speakers of other Indian languages complained! An example of utter tokenism and bending over backwards to ingratiate.
“The Islamification of London continues: Marylebone Station to make Arabic and Mandarin announcements”
The announcements in English are impossible to understand due to the mumbling and lack of diction and the appalling sound system. No one will be able to tell the difference whatever language they are in.
I thought for once that i would turn on the 6 a.m. radio 4 news to see how they covered last night.
Blow me down with a feather they led on Scottish independence and played 4 soundbites of Scottish people, none of which I could fully understand what they said being such short snippets. I think one said “bring it on”, but do not know if they achieved “impartiality “over the four!
Think Theresa May was unwise to immediately dismiss Nicola Sturgeon’s call for another Independence referendum. There might have been some capital in the PM saying she would listen to all calls, from the public as well, before leading Parliament in a debate and decision.
JH on the TOADY Prog about to get going on this as I write. (BBC R4 8.11am) Uggghh! Doomsberg goes first.
It would be nice if there was a referendum and vote went to remain part of the UK. Maybe then Nicola could do a Cameron, resign and give us all some peace. It would also stop the media in this country dragging her out as the poster child for everything pro BBC/SKY/Guardian.
I lived and worked in Scotland for twenty five years. It is a marvellous country and the Scots are great people. If they choose to leave I will be disappointed. I have never been to NI but if their democratic wish ,on both sides of the historic divide is to leave the union and remain a part of the EU , not necessarily uniting with Southern Ireland which , I suspect , would be a step to far for Unionists, then they should be free to do so. So I would regret the break up of the United Kingdom , but there is a huge positive, see below.
What will be the position of the BBC on breakup? They will see it as a lever to force a soft deal so that the secessionist countries can remain in the U.K. . Which , with the oil price so low, may well be the whole reason behind this secessionist talk from Scotland. I doubt the BBC would really want secession because it would certainly result in a greater feeling of nationhood in England and Wales. Something the BBC has been trying to destroy for thirty plus years.. it will be interesting to see how the corporation plays this one.
The big positive from secession would be money. Without the subsidy to Scotland and NI , and not having to pay our EU subs , we would be at least 25 billion a year better off. Not an inconsiderable sum. Who would pay the subsidy to Scotland and NI is interesting because they would both need it or face immediate bankruptcy. England and Wales need to insist that we are not liable in any way shape or form because the EU will certainly try and get us to pay it for years to come.
You are right, Doublethinker about the savings. However, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if their independence comes, if both NI and Scotland hold out the begging bowl to England and Wales and expect us to give generously.
I expect England & Wales (well, their Parliament, on our behalf) to splash taxpayer cash liberally into both bowls.
I could just see a united Ireland happening but I suspect that the support for the Nationalist dream is fading a little in Scotland. The PM should consider – if the SNP get Assembly approval – to grant via Parliament a fresh Independence Referendum. If the SNP lose that, then it is ‘Goodbye and goodnight’.
Doublethinker, you have hit the nail on the head with what you say.
Watching Victoria Derbyshire on BBC earlier it seems clear that the SNP do not want independence so much as they want a soft brexit.
Both Dominic Raab and Victoria Derbyshire put it to the SNP spokesperson (the Nichola Sturgeon gob alike Tasmina Ahmed Sheik) that it may be sensible (my words) to await the outcome of the final deal before contemplating an independence referendum, giving the Scottish people an informed choice.
But ‘gob on a stick’ was having none of it. Unless I’m mistaken a desire to affect the outcome of the Brexit negotiations seems to be the only logical reason for this sudden urgency for another referendum.
Hi doublethought: on the BBC website, the BBC have in several prominent locations the screaming headline: May ‘should not block independence vote’
So the BBC want another independence vote to go ahead. Also don’t imagine the BBC is a single entity with a single voice. There seems to be several internal voices as well as external influences. So it may be there is a strong internal voice that rather wants Independence – probably many that work for “BBC Scotland”. But I agree with your overall analysis – that it is likely the mainstream BBC voice sees this as a leverage for the final deal or non deal they want with the EU.
“Without the subsidy to Scotland and NI……”. Not forgetting Wales of course where prescriptions are free to all, compliments of the English taxpayer under the Barnett Formula gift.
“I doubt the BBC would really want secession because it would certainly result in a greater feeling of nationhood in England and Wales. Something the BBC has been trying to destroy for thirty plus years.. “
You must be joking. Cultural Marxism is the very blood of the modern BBC. They are like an idiot sitting in a tree with a chain saw, slashing away at any branch, even the one they are sitting on.
If the union was to lose Scotland and NI they would set to work on hiving off the Welsh. England isn’t immune either, Cornwall has its seperatists and the true Yorkshireman isn’t aware of anything outside the county boundary.
I don’t understand why you think a low oil price would encourage Scotland to leave. Sturgeon isn’t the SNP and the SNP isn’t Scotland, indeed it has its roots in Irish republicanism, which is a reason why Glasgow has a football team called Celtic, a home for the displaced Irish.
I think I may have confused you. The BBC in London ( thank you see Caliphate above ) will not want anything that strengthens Englishness and secession of Scotland and NI will do just that. Yorkshire men, I’m one, are English to the core believe me. Perhaps my wording re oil price isn’t very good, what I meant to say was that no sensible people in Scotland would want independence with oil prices so low , so there must be another reason why the SNP are pushing for it right now.
A lot here. I’ve read some of it already , rest later. I left Scotland in 2006 and after reading this I’m glad I did. If the Tories had done what is alleged here the BBC would be demanding they be drummed out of the HoC. Thanks
Wow. The BBC are going absolutely bananas over the breaking news of a European Court of Justice ruling that the “EU workplace headscarf ban is legal”
They have prominent links to this “breaking news” story across the whole website:
The BBC Homepage
The BBC News Homepage
The BBC World News Homepage
The BBC European News Homepage
The BBC Politics Homepage
Why is this even a breaking news story and why are the BBC going hysterical over it?
Because it is a measure that slows down or opposes the rising Islamification of Europe and hence the BBC considers it to be a bad move: “It is the court’s first decision on the issue of women wearing Islamic headscarves at work.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39264845
But the false message the BBBC give is that there is no compulsion to wear a hijab. That’s only true until the Muslim presence in an area is sufficient to enforce it.
Short video about an Amsterdam local girl flat sharing with 2 Syrian refugees. You too can laugh along with them as they wave handkerchiefs and dance, smile and laugh.
But wait…. ‘it’s a 2 way road’ as the refugees cook food for her to taste so everyone is a winner.
In answer to the BBC heavily weighted question ‘Is this Europe’s most harmonious flatshare?’ the answer is ‘f*** off BBC’.
bbbc – again….Just a constant mix of pro EU, pro Scottish independece propaganda. I am sick of hearing the same old invited guests wheeled on to the tv screen – Anna Soubry, Angus Robertson, Nicola Krankie, Alex Salmond and anyone else who has a view that coincides with that of the far left bbbc.
Can anyone remember the bbbc broadcasting a pro Brexit or pro United Kindom programme? No, me neither
At every opportunity the bbbc support any minority view whether it be the above or the reduction in standards of English Language-spoken and written, questioning and devaluing any English customs and practices that have become the norm.
If the scots want independence then why doesn’t anyone ask the English – they’d soon get it. Personally, I would vote for the full, complete financial and political and in every other aspect – that means that every one of us in England can stop paying the much quoted £1683 per English person donation to scotland. We can build a wall and have proper border controls, they can have their own passports, laws and whatever they want. In return we can bring back the shipping industry back to England, remove all the defence/military protection they receive from us.
They can have their own currency (which is only theirs) – not recognised as lawful currency in England. What are they suggesting the ‘new scottsh pound’? What is that going to be worth? Perhaps one drachma?
They can even run their own, separate, independent economy. (I wonder how long that would last?)
Ah well, rant over…. who listens to my voice? Certainly not the bbbc
English gentleman, I am ‘mixed race’ – of Scots parentage but born and raised in England, and thus consider myself a Briton first and foremost. That said, if the Scots genuinely want independence and vote for it, I say good luck to them – BUT it should be without a penny piece of English money.
The problem is, Sturgeon knows Scotland cannot survive without English or EU handouts, the latter not being available for at least five years. ‘Independence’ can only work if the English pay for it in some sort of alimony system until they can rejoin the EU.
So when she talks about Indepdendence, it means ‘independent of everything except financial support from England’. And to that, I must say, no, No, NO.
But, who will pay the cost of this repeat “once in a lifetime” Referendum? What happened last time and should the Garden Gnome be told, ‘yes’ you can have your Referendum but it will be totally paid for by the Scottish Parliament (aka Scottish taxpayer).
I also agree that the rest of the UK should have a vote in the Referendum.
Anyone seen anything from the state organ regarding the almost simultaneous announcements from snp on a second referendum………and sinn fein agitating for a united Ireland referendum.
They couldn’t be in cahoots , could they?
Laura Kuensberg of ” is she one of yours” fame ( Trump to May, during the PM’s US visit) was slabbering at the prospect of an impact to Brexit from this latest snp sideshow…….
does anyone think Dublin is really over-keen to pickup Northern-Ireland’s bills at the moment?
they can have their referenda if they want, but there should be a cost just for holding it, I suggest the end of the barnett formula whichever way it goes.
All the more, the merrier! http://www.newobserveronline.com/janfeb-17477-third-world-invaders-land-europe/
Numbers are well over those from 2015 and 2016. But no focus or mention by the BBC? ‘Black and White’ censorship journalism is now becoming so obvious even their reliable cult followers (the general public) are noticing.
The BBC in full angst mode over a European Court ruling about headscarves and other religious symbols. Straight over to the Women’s Muslim Network. This seems to be another Muslim Grievance Organisation that is a go-to for the BBC on any flimsy pretext. Wouldn’t it to be great to listen to a news programme with no mention of Muslims ?
Project fear.
“Lush may invest abroad due to Brexit”
“British cosmetics firm Lush says future expansion might have to be outside the UK, due to risks over Brexit.”
Operative words ?- ‘may’ and ‘might’. I might win the lottery this week ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39261974
Lush are also very pro-Palestinian. If they leave the UK – young people could stop paying large sums of money for absolute rubbish and start saving for a deposit/their pension/the latest iphone!
Yep Lush basically take Tescos soap put it in a pink packet, then sell it for £25 ..making a £24 profit, the keep £20 and give £4 Professional anti-fracking protesters.
(The COOP also fund anti-fracking #fakenews film shows)
It appears that Geert Wilders party in the Netherlands is showing falls in the polls. Just like the 21st/22nd June 2016 apparently: day or so before, polls showed large falls for the Brexit side. Now we know the outcome, any questions regarding the veracity of the polling? If so, the anomalies appear to be repeating themselves in the Netherlands. No more to be said. All very strange…….. http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/754516/Dutch-election-2017-will-Geert-Wilders-win-latest-polls-Netherlands-election
The fix is in. The so-called polls are rigged, just like the polls before Brexit and the US election. Pollsters can give their clients whatever result they want, and they clearly wish to give the impression that support is draining from Geert Wilders.
This is obviously implausible. Supprters of Wilders must be people who are worried at the islamification of Holland. In the last weeks, we have seen mass Turkish rallies in Holland, a huge diplomatic row between Holland and Turkey, and the president of Turkey calling the Dutch “Nazis” and threatening them.
In this context, can anyone think of a single reason why a Wilders upporter would suddenly think that he or she had been wrong about islamification and the muslim threat all along, and decide instead to vote for a liberal appeasement party? Obviously not. The proposition is beyond ludicrous.
I remain hopeful of wins for Wilders and Le Pen as the best chance to save Europe and end the European Union. With a bit of luck, Theresa May won’t have to bother leaving the EU, it will have already collapsed by 2019.
Perhaps the BBC would like to interview the BBC pollsters Guru, Professor Curtis of the Strathclyde University for his opinion? Don’t think so somehow, the BBC would not want to induce the public to ‘smell a ‘similarity’ rat’ would they?
Not BBC, so apologies; but just been listening to a couple of 12 year olds on Sky debating the ‘Brexit’ issue; one looked like Harry Potter (for Brexit), and the other was a young lady called Ash Azuria (?) (remain). Of course I appreciate that everyone, regardless, has an opinion, but God on a bike, the media are dragging every so called ‘author/journalist/columnist’ no matter how experienced or junior, articulate or otherwise, for their views on the current mess ! We’ll be having nappy walkers from Tumble Tots in their highchairs next. But to be told by young and ethnic remainers (who stopped short of calling Leavers racist) that I didn’t know what I was voting for to leave the EU, had me foaming at the mouth.
As someone who, owing to dangerously high blood-pressure, has almost given up on the BBC, I was astonished to find a fair, balanced, almost sympathetic presentation about Marine Le Pen on their web site. If their broadcasts were as even-handed as this, I might start listening to them again; as it is, I tune in my wireless just once a week to a soothing programme of old records on Radio Lancashire, where the closest thing to an Islamic apologia is Richard Tauber singing “One Alone” from “The Desert Song”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/marine_le_pen
They are expecting severe weather on the East coast of the USA. Travel warnings issued, flight cancelled,
blizzards and so forth. Storm Stella.
Reich Chancellor Merkel has had to postpone her trip to meet with Mr President.
I was just about to say, it wont be long before Steptoe has her parachuted into a safe labour seat ( or even enobled) but of course, with him at the helm, there really is no such thing as a safe labour seat these days.
With regard the BBC’s reporting of the European Court of Justice ruling on when the hijab can and cannot be banned from the EU workplace – they have changed their article about four times already. It is clearly being passed around as people modify and add things to it – all from the muslim / Islam perspective.
The European Court of Justice ruling is actually not very good – as it doesn’t recognise Christianity as part of the European Culture. It says if the hijab is banned then so must the wearing of crosses, the wearing of Turbans and so forth. So in a sense it is a victory for Islam – as it is helping to de-Christianise the workplace and society. And the BBC are going full throttle to claim this gives licence to the discrimination of Muslims and Islam and are asking the general public to give them sob stories about mistreatment of Muslims etc. All very sickening and obvious. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39264845
It must be causing a lot of difficulties at the Beeb – the ECJ is not meant to go against the anti-western agenda – does not compute, does not compute!
Whenever I hear ‘European’ and ‘Court’ in the same sentence, whether it’s from Strasbourg or Luxembourg – you can usually be sure the ruling will be to Britain’s detriment somehow.
Mind you our own ‘Supreme Court’ is another cosy old boys club of elitist nitwits, who never have to live with the consequences of their foolish liberality.
“…The European Court of Justice ruling is actually not very good – as it doesn’t recognise Christianity as part of the European Culture. It says if the hijab is banned then so must the wearing of crosses, the wearing of Turbans and so forth.”
That’s the BBC, pushing it’s cultural relativism. The BBC considers all cultures to be equal – it’s post modernist Marxism 101. Nation states are just a construct, as are ‘borders’, as are the differences (and iniquities) of different faiths (all of which are essentially worthless mumbo-jumbo to the Marxists, anyway). The BBC is engaged in playing dirty tricks, race-baiting and playing off one religion against another whilst falsely claiming (or at the very least implying) that all religions are worthy of the same respect.
Does Islam – a bigoted, homophobic, openly racist, anti-semitic religion – deserve the same respect as Christianity? You betcha.
Borders are not only desirable but a necessary result of evolutionary biology. Humans are a gregarious social species, and along with every other social species on the planet, ever, they have evolved into groups based upon basic similarities within the group (in group) to the exclusion of those who do not share those traits ( out group ). From an evolutionary point of view the sharing of resources with members of an out group is a novel strategy.
So groups have formed, expanded by combining with other groups until they meet a group which cannot be assimilated due to insurmountable differences between the in group and out group. That is when a border forms. Borders are also commonly formed along geographical boundaries, rivers, seas, mountain ranges and the like.
Still better than when the Air Steward and Nurse were told they could not wear a crucifix but nothing said about hijabs and turbans. It still took a court case though FFS.
An Albanian refugee who gained B/Citizenship in 1999 and now sentenced to 35 years for killing an elderly couple in East Anglia, has been called everything by the BBC except a migrant !
I reckon that qualifies him and her for a peerage at least.
Now, questions will surely follow over any committee or panel she sat on and the decisions taken by that deliberating body: did she make the critical decision on any equally balanced deciding panel? If so, who/what benefited?
Were the panel to be a local authority, the person with the connections must excuse themselves from the panel otherwise he/she risks being referred to the Standards Board. Interesting to see how this Bank of England one pans out.
Curiously, the figures show that the UK lags behind the rest of Europe in its fear of Islamic terrorism and thoughts of stoping importing Muslims. Ah well, it will only take one of the estimated 600 returnees to the UK from ISIS to change all that I suppose. You know, just one simple dedicated soul, one of the 600 that are being tracked 24/7 by MI5 with its 600 x 36 officers. That’s 21,600 MI5 officers. Do I feel safe and/or actually believe there are 21,600 officers out there protecting the population?….. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10014/europe-the-era-of-liberal-babble
Anyone with a scintilla of practical common sense understands how the growth of Islam in the UK will pan out in the not too distant future.
They will probably be even more upset this year as it clashes with St. Jo Cox day and they will be unable to join in with all the street parties with their haram food, drink and dancing!
Perhaps Mr. Cox would help ‘community cohesion’ by providing street prayer mats so we can all submit together?
Expect the BBC to come more and more down on the side Of Erdogan. As for the Londonistan
programme .Wait until there is a march in support of Erdogan. You will see all the usual suspects from this daily Trotskyist trash come out of the woodwork in support.
Kemal Ataturk must be turning over in his grave as his beloved secular Turkey goes further
down the road to a Islamic dictatorship.
Foscari -An Islamic dictatorship which could very well lead straight to a revived Ottoman Caliphate. Sultan Erdogan and/or a successor would lay claim to an enormous territory.
BBC Law In Action : Talking about the law regarding headscarves
2 cases today
– Agkabutta* case – not direct discrimination, but was indirect discrimination, cos it impacted Muslims more than others
– Ms Bougonoir* case, ..added you can’t accept the argument that “the customers don’t like it” is not an acceptable argument.
But the principle is that you can ban headscarves
eg Group4 was OK to ban headscarves if that was part of a general prohibition on general religious symbols
“Action must be proportionate” ..eg you must think of alternatives like redeploying employee
* not sure of spelling
For expert analysis of the headscarves judgment — and the judicial recruitment crisis in E&W — listen to Law in Action, coming up now Radio4
I reported on here not so long ago that Debenhams had started to sell hijabs. Perhaps in the name of ‘integration’ we’ll see body-con dresses, killer heels, gladiator sandals, and skimpy tank tops sold in shops in the Asian quarter eh ? The Asian men strangely don’t like to see Western dress in their own areas, but don’t mind who’s wearing it to satisfy their own desires !!!!! Biggest load of hypocrites ever.
Basically an article about how the Fascist Left want to carry on allowing as much Islamic migration as they can get away with despite the peoples objections and how they intend to do it by stopping so much name calling and trying to tell everyone what a set of good eggs Muslims are.
What a dick head ! Clearly not the first idea and he does at least admit this:
“When I see ever more Arab families with shrouded women moving into my neighbourhood, I do not feel culturally threatened, even when they play no part in the community and do not return my morning greeting. I take the world as it comes and accept that just now it is coming to London.”
But, unlike many Londoners, my neighbourhood is not my world. No foreigners are taking my job or leaving my child isolated at school. They are not demanding, as on the Continent, to be taught in their language rather than mine. I can afford to be broad-minded.
At least he recognises his position is untenable and it’s only his middle class elitism which is protecting him from the negative consequences of Fascism.
And then this – which the BBC would do well to take a good note of:
“What went wrong in the Netherlands appears to have been the fallacy of liberal totalitarianism — the view that other people’s opinions, fears and insecurities do not matter because we find them intolerant and bigoted. Even the bigoted can vote. As the new politics is showing across Europe and America, people whose opinions are disregarded will eventually hit back. When that happens in the Netherlands of all places, liberals should worry.”
It is vital instead to hear the protests of those we expect to bear the burden of such immigration. It is their schools, clinics, families and housing estates that want assistance, as much as the immigrants. If not, we should watch the Dutch. Voters under pressure no longer just suffer. They get very angry.
Jenkins is putting London forward as a model of integration just because people appear to get along.
Surely he must realise that London has long attracted people from within the UK precisely because ‘no-one knows your name’, this is and was a place to be anonomous, unlike the ‘home town’ where everyone knew your name and what you may or may not have done.
“Second and third-generation immigrants constitute a majority of Londoners and I have no doubt they will become ordinary citizens, working, playing, complaining, even voting, like everyone else. Just as it was famously hard to find an “English” surname in the New York phone directory, so it is becoming hard in London. Mine was almost the only one in my last jury service.”
He deludes himself if he thinks these families of immigrants will become ‘English’, they have no reason to. The public authorities have adapted to them by providing services in their languages and the internet allows a 24 hour connection to their cultural roots. He even deludes himself that Jenkins is an English name! But pehaps that is him being clever, to show how an immigrant Welshman can become more English than the English!
The integration in London that Jenkins believes will happen, as it did in the past, will not.
It will not, because there is no longer a settled native British majority which will impose its culture simply by being the majority. Instead there are now dozens of minority “communities” all vying for power and control over the areas they have occupied. Over time these communities will be increasingly concentrated, becoming mono-cultural silos. London overall will be diverse, but will really be simply a set of non-diverse districts that happen to be geographically proximate.
Because many of the imported cultures are so repellent to others there will be very little intermixing and breeding.
What went wrong in the Netherlands as it has gone and will go wrong across the rest of the liberal west…is that Islam is a total system…religion, culture, legal and political system all rolled up in one.
It cannot compromise, since it is the will of Allah as set out in the Koran.
Wealthy western liberals still do not understand this, or more likely, think that their wealth will lead to their being immune from its effects on society on themselves, and rather fancy the idea that the proles will be kept in check.
They are so, so stupid and have obviously never lived in an Islam dominated society.
Only the mass of the people will be able to resist what is coming, but resist they will as the history of the Ottoman incursion into Eastern Europe and the Moorish incursion into Spain and France have demonstrated.
Germany still running REGULAR subsidised steam trains (in the Eastern mountains) ..was apart of Saturdays R4 FooC prog I just checked the photo @PetrocTrelawny tweeted
Masses of black smoke in their #SoICanBreathe season
Indeed, made in Darlington, the home of the railways. They are now building a Peppercorn class A1 Pacific which presumably will also have a German boiler!
BBC WS prog Breaking News About Media Bias Towards Trump
The media in the United States is broken. Most journalists and media organisations dismissed the possibility of Trump Presidency. Many backed Hillary Clinton to win. It has left them in a precarious position with serious questions about their credibility, fuelled by the president and his inner circle who have branded them ‘enemies of the state’. Kyle Pope, editor of the Columbia Journalism Review asks how the media should respond to a hostile administration and more importantly how can they gain the trust of the vast numbers of people who think they are hopelessly biased.
Sneaky old Democrats:
“Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command,” Napolitano said. “He didn’t use the NSA, he didn’t use the CIA, he didn’t use the FBI, and he didn’t use the Department of Justice.”
Instead, Napolitano said, Obama used GCHQ, a British intelligence and security organization that has 24-7 access to the NSA database.
“There’s no American fingerprints on this,” Napolitano said. “What happened to the guy who ordered this? Resigned three days after Donald Trump was inaugurated.”
Saw the headline in the pile of unsold “New European” newspapers.
Alastair Campbell accuses Theresa May of politically assassinating someone old and fragile-loyal servant to her party and all that.
I look inside-and Bagpipes is fussing over the career of Michael Heseltine.
“I didn`t you you cared” comes to mind. I myself thought of Canpbells REAL role in the death of a fragile loyal servant to this nation-Dr David Kelly.
But no-Campbell would NOT be talking about that in the New European would he? Nor indeed anywhere else.
What circle of hell is Campbell going to do you think?
G-D presumably will be needing a tenth specially built on a HS2/Infrastructure investment project with a Brown PFI deal.
There is perhaps only one thing more loathsome and vile than SNP scum and that is Sinn Fein IRA filth. Vermin like this bitch are in no position to tell Britain jack sh*t.
I’m getting sick and tired of the media giving Sinn Fein, anti-British excrement like Adams and this cretin coverage.
If there are any more marches in London involving Antifa or HopeNotHate vermin, then this chap needs to be leading the charge against them; “Based Stickman” took it to the self-same turds when they turned up to attack members of a pro-Trump rally at Berkeley in California – which is basically ground zero for Leftism in the U.S.
The police weren’t doing anything to defend the Trump supporters from being attacked and beaten, women and the elderly amongst them, presumably having been ordered to stand down by their higher-ups: so Based Stickman stepped up.
I bet the Antifa tw@t Stickman took his stick to needed a few Nurofen afterwards though!
There is also some footage mixed in of police in Portland, Oregon sorting out some anti-Trump scum too.
Of course, he was later arrested but I don’t think any of the Antifa were, as is the case with HopNotHate “counter-demonstrations” to EDL marches.
Is that a recent photo? I was under the impression that in this liberal utopia we are compelled to endure, the police have to call themselves a Service. ‘Force’ sounds terribly authoritarian, doesn’t it?!
Kaiser – No one should be surprised watching that video: if a First World country allows Third World people to move to it, eventually it will regress to a Third World country; this is merely a visible display of part of that process – savages behaving savagely.
If the perpetrators had been three whites and the couple ethnic minorities or Muslim, then you can be certain that the police wouldn’t still be looking for them three months after the attack occurred. They would have been found; charged; prosecuted and have had the book thrown at them.
It would also have been all over every radio and tv news programme across the MSM.
“Girls ‘too poor’ to buy sanitary protection missing school” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39266056
Another good reason to use the money wasted on Foreign Aid for our own people .
Also covered on WH this morning, interviewed two girls who said the mothers didn’t given them sanitary products.
..No ethnicity was mentioned but they did have possibly foreign accents, one was from single parent family.
Blackburn, BRITISH Science Week event aimed at kids (Receptionto Year5) Celebrating 1001 Muslim Inventions An event by Abu Hanifah Foundation
16-18 March 17:00-19:00
“Celebrating Islamic inventors such as…”
“There will also be a competition (for best vintage inspired outfit),
a themed food stall
and an exhibition based on the book ‘1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in our World'”
No they didn’t invent maths. It was invented thousands of years ago independently across the world.
That’s how they build the pyramids, thimgs in South America and do you think the Chinese say Muslims invented maths?
@Taffman They stuck the thing on as the third sentence from last this time.
..”The winter storm follows a spell of unusually mild weather in the north-eastern US, with last month being the second warmest February since record-keeping began in 1895.”
BTW There’s quite a few brainwash the kids on Climate Events as part of BRITISH Science Week until 18th across the country. (search on Climate as well)
The Battle of Britain begins………….
Al Beeb, the MSM, and the EU did not want Brexit so they use the SNP stooge Sturgeon to scupper our freedom in a failed attempt to preserve the EU. Europe has always sought the dismantling of Great Britain.
Shakespear’s Henry V……… “But there’s a saying very old and true: “If that you will France win, Then with Scotland first begin.” Act 1, Scene 2
Will Brexit be the rerun of the Battle of Agincourt?
Remember Sturgeon’s grand tour of the EU leaders ? Was there a secret deal ?
Not really a BBC story looks like our fishing industry (or whats left of it) will be bought as another offering to the EU High alter in an attempt to keep Junker and pals sweet in the coming EU negotiations.
Up to now, pretty much everything Nigel Farage has said has been shown to be true, and his treatment by the Government tells us all we really need to know about Theresas intentions as regards Brexit.
I suspect despite her weasel words about JAMS she is more concerned about lining the pockets of the banking industry (who have been screwing us all for decades) and having a service based economy rather than revitalising an industry which has been deliberately run down in favour of our European rivals and to which we now have an opportunity to bring real wealth to some of the poorest parts of our country. Actually creating a new export industry.
Theresa is not to be trusted – As far as I am aware there are no plans to build more fishery protection vessels just like there are no serious plans to build more patrol vessels to keep our borders secure.
Sorry to keep banging on about this – but actions always speak louder than words and Theresas reactions to these particular issues are incredibly symbolic of everything that is wrong with the EU and the Liberal consensus which has held sway for the last few decades.
In some ways I have a lot more regard for Corbyn (wrong though he may be) – at least we know where he is coming from. Theresa is a bit like Dave in a skirt, both devious and inefectual. Afraid or unwilling to take the decisions that need to be made, but preparing the ground so that others can make the unpopular calls and then playing Little Miss Innocent when all we get instead of radical change is some bastardised form of “business as usual”.
At heart she is a liberal (just look at her cabinet) and she does not have the conviction to carry out brexit effectively. Maybe it is time she left the Tories and asked little Timmy for a job at last she would be going home.
Oaknash: “Theresa is not to be trusted – As far as I am aware there are no plans to build more fishery protection vessels just like there are no serious plans to build more patrol vessels to keep our borders secure.”
Think that is true for any politician. They do not have a good track record over the years. ‘By their deeds ye shall know them.’
Theresa May has made her Day 1 commitment. (I would have advised her not to do things like that, but she did not ask!) It is now something on which we can engage with her & the current Government. We should do that. Let the PM know about what we consider ‘unfair’ and that disadvantages us or others. Keep the pressure on. She made the commitment. Now she has to step up and deliver.
I think one of the historical problems of post-WW2 politics in the UK is that we do not engage with our representatives, beyond turning up to help fill a Ballot Box, and also directly with Government. We should not carry on like that in the 21st century.
Instead, apathy has ruled. That creates a void in which the politicians are enabled to do just what they want. Be as competent or incompetent as they like. We cannot rely on the media. We have tended to do that for seventy years and while they may at times in the past have done a good job, they cannot now be relied upon, possibly not trusted. They have their agendas and bottom lines to protect.
Oaknash: “Sorry to keep banging on about this – but actions always speak louder than words and Theresas reactions to these particular issues are incredibly symbolic of everything that is wrong with the EU and the Liberal consensus which has held sway for the last few decades.”
No apology needed, Oak! You are right. It is up to us to engage with our MPs, even if they are from a Party we would not vote for, they have the job of representing us in Parliament. The supremacy of Parliament has been underlined in the last few months. It is where the Queen meets her people.
“In some ways I have a lot more regard for Corbyn (wrong though he may be) – at least we know where he is coming from” – Or going to perhaps? – oblivion (thank goodness!).
And just how handy is it that we are now paying for 80 extra Brussels Broadcasting “newspersons”to “interpret” and spread the SNP/EU propaganda message. The tories, having utterly failed to tackle the BBC bias during last year’s charter review, are now about to face the consequences.
Here’s a selection of BBBC guff from this morning’s TOADY between 07:00 and 07:30.
1 – there is an “EU naval force” involved in the Somali piracy. Mustn’t tell us that Beeb, we might start thinking the EU is becoming a supranational entitiy.
2 – women do worse in FTSE 100 companies because their male managers deny them opportunities. Change the record, read the Conservative Woman for countless well researched articles about the real reasons.
3 – Donald Trump’s 2005 tax return shows that he paid a lot of income tax. Even Justin had to admit that “a lot of people” would be surprised about how much, rather than how little. Couldn’t let it go though, now “pressure was growing” for full disclosure of all tax returns. Interview with an American woman went badly; she said no one cares about DT’s tax returns, they’re only interested in their own, ie how much tax they have to pay. She started reeling off a list of improving US financial indicators, but sadly Justin had to stop her in mid flow as “we’ve run out of time”
4 – Dutch election. Support for Wilders is “waning”. Reporter cruises around downtown Amsterdam interviewing wealthy young things. Says to one “I haven’t met anyone who is prepared to say they will vote for Wilders”. Response “Amsterdam is a bubble, his support comes from the villages”. No time left for the reporter to travel outside the bubble/safe space to interview those folks (probably frightened of their pitchforks or that he might hear something he doesn’t agree with).
Thanks for saving me the trouble. It was just an absolutely ceaseless stream of left wing favourite narratives this morning.
And you didn’t even mention the Africa famine, which, obviously has nothing whatsoever to do with a certain religion.
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
” Ok Amira and Kallea I want you and Seamus to head the diversity team to accompany the outside broadcast team whenever we cover a live football match. It’s your job to spot ethnic supporters . The cameramen have been informed that they must show close usp of ethnic supporters on at least ten occasions during the match.”
If you are referring to the Chelsea v Man Utd match last night, I saw it too, and it was pathetically obvious what was going on. It seems that Stamford Bridge was entirely populated by Asian fans of the beautiful game. That was why they went back to a shot of the same Asian man with a Man Utd scarf at least twice. It was worse than Midsomer Murders!
The left wing BBC must think we are so stupid, and then they wonder why we hate them.
There were a few occasions when the cameraman* did find some white faces amongst the vast crowd but it was obviously a struggle as he/she/person of non-specific gender had to resort to close-ups of BAMES for much of the match.
*Edit – apologies for the use of ‘man’, here
It must be Amira and Kallea I keep seeing on Flog It. It has been particularly noticeable the last few weeks that as the camera pans round the people bringing in their objects, the close up shots are of people from a BME background.
The problem the BBBC have is that when a wide angle view of the crowd is shown it is obvious that at most matches the crowd is at least 90% white and probably 80% male.
Mind you, this does cause a problem. Surely the crowd’s ethnic makeup should reflect that of the footballers on the pitch. How about positive discrimination for spectators?
” Ok Amira and Kallea I want you and Seamus to head the diversity team to accompany the outside broadcast team whenever we cover a live football match. It’s your job to spot ethnic supporters . The cameramen have been informed that they must show close usp of ethnic supporters on at least ten occasions during the match.”
Desperate much?
If Waitrose move their empty jam jar production offshore it will be End of Days at W1A.
It would appear Vodaphone aren’t as despondent about Brexit as Lush, with a two billion pound investment over the next three years.
Strangely the headline does not say “WILL” only may.
Just like so many BBC report headlines on Brexit matters contain the word “could”.
Where is all that certainty that rehashing of press releases and expert opinion by the BBC used to provide?
The BBC does like to cover its behind.
But gets the job done anyway.
However, as Al points out, some ethically sourced megabuck bath salts going East versus £2b is a no brainer disaster for those aromatic inhabitants of the BBC.
Nicky seems excited. Edinburgh a wise choice what with the Lush distaster looming.
Still, he is inviting input, but given the BBC filter it will likely be the same four SNP Glaswiggians again.
Lush leaving UK, problem solved
Newsnight’s Editor either easily confused, or hoping the ‘upsetting both sides’ argument will dig him out of the hole he has dug their reputation:
Seems they are on a drive:
Comments could be going better if any recruits have ambitions beyond unique funding and zero accountability advocacy.
That isn t a non white young woman is it … is that a hint BBC?
White applicants call BBC racist for rejecting them from BAME scheme
BBC turns down trainees because they are WHITE
BBC seeks Panorama researcher but only apply if you’re ‘black, Asian
The Islamification of London continues: Marylebone Station to make Arabic and Mandarin announcements
If people can make it to Marylebone Station they don’t need Arabic to find their train at Marylebone Station. I expect the Mandarin is added so it is not too obvious that the focus is on Arabic Islam, but expect it to be dropped later when Sharia Law is introduced.
Interesting choices. I wonder if the former will get priority on Fridays?
One could ask the BBC, but they’d probably say it is a secret.
Probably just to make it easier to get to Bicester Village, as the article says. What annoys me more is the fact that the station in Southall, Middx, had for many years bilingual signs in Punjabi script. According to wikipedia these have now gone – but only because speakers of other Indian languages complained! An example of utter tokenism and bending over backwards to ingratiate.
“The Islamification of London continues: Marylebone Station to make Arabic and Mandarin announcements”
The announcements in English are impossible to understand due to the mumbling and lack of diction and the appalling sound system. No one will be able to tell the difference whatever language they are in.
I thought for once that i would turn on the 6 a.m. radio 4 news to see how they covered last night.
Blow me down with a feather they led on Scottish independence and played 4 soundbites of Scottish people, none of which I could fully understand what they said being such short snippets. I think one said “bring it on”, but do not know if they achieved “impartiality “over the four!
Yesterday our Sky News supplied radio station appeared to have vox pop insights from the same four.
When you control who you invite to interview and what you broadcast gets said, much can be still controlled.
Think Theresa May was unwise to immediately dismiss Nicola Sturgeon’s call for another Independence referendum. There might have been some capital in the PM saying she would listen to all calls, from the public as well, before leading Parliament in a debate and decision.
JH on the TOADY Prog about to get going on this as I write. (BBC R4 8.11am) Uggghh! Doomsberg goes first.
It would be nice if there was a referendum and vote went to remain part of the UK. Maybe then Nicola could do a Cameron, resign and give us all some peace. It would also stop the media in this country dragging her out as the poster child for everything pro BBC/SKY/Guardian.
If you want to read more (alarming) details about what the SNP are really up to, look here.
Historic links to Nazis, and to Sinn Fein and Muslim radicals
I lived and worked in Scotland for twenty five years. It is a marvellous country and the Scots are great people. If they choose to leave I will be disappointed. I have never been to NI but if their democratic wish ,on both sides of the historic divide is to leave the union and remain a part of the EU , not necessarily uniting with Southern Ireland which , I suspect , would be a step to far for Unionists, then they should be free to do so. So I would regret the break up of the United Kingdom , but there is a huge positive, see below.
What will be the position of the BBC on breakup? They will see it as a lever to force a soft deal so that the secessionist countries can remain in the U.K. . Which , with the oil price so low, may well be the whole reason behind this secessionist talk from Scotland. I doubt the BBC would really want secession because it would certainly result in a greater feeling of nationhood in England and Wales. Something the BBC has been trying to destroy for thirty plus years.. it will be interesting to see how the corporation plays this one.
The big positive from secession would be money. Without the subsidy to Scotland and NI , and not having to pay our EU subs , we would be at least 25 billion a year better off. Not an inconsiderable sum. Who would pay the subsidy to Scotland and NI is interesting because they would both need it or face immediate bankruptcy. England and Wales need to insist that we are not liable in any way shape or form because the EU will certainly try and get us to pay it for years to come.
You are right, Doublethinker about the savings. However, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if their independence comes, if both NI and Scotland hold out the begging bowl to England and Wales and expect us to give generously.
I expect England & Wales (well, their Parliament, on our behalf) to splash taxpayer cash liberally into both bowls.
I could just see a united Ireland happening but I suspect that the support for the Nationalist dream is fading a little in Scotland. The PM should consider – if the SNP get Assembly approval – to grant via Parliament a fresh Independence Referendum. If the SNP lose that, then it is ‘Goodbye and goodnight’.
Doublethinker, you have hit the nail on the head with what you say.
Watching Victoria Derbyshire on BBC earlier it seems clear that the SNP do not want independence so much as they want a soft brexit.
Both Dominic Raab and Victoria Derbyshire put it to the SNP spokesperson (the Nichola Sturgeon gob alike Tasmina Ahmed Sheik) that it may be sensible (my words) to await the outcome of the final deal before contemplating an independence referendum, giving the Scottish people an informed choice.
But ‘gob on a stick’ was having none of it. Unless I’m mistaken a desire to affect the outcome of the Brexit negotiations seems to be the only logical reason for this sudden urgency for another referendum.
Hi doublethought: on the BBC website, the BBC have in several prominent locations the screaming headline: May ‘should not block independence vote’
So the BBC want another independence vote to go ahead. Also don’t imagine the BBC is a single entity with a single voice. There seems to be several internal voices as well as external influences. So it may be there is a strong internal voice that rather wants Independence – probably many that work for “BBC Scotland”. But I agree with your overall analysis – that it is likely the mainstream BBC voice sees this as a leverage for the final deal or non deal they want with the EU.
“Without the subsidy to Scotland and NI……”. Not forgetting Wales of course where prescriptions are free to all, compliments of the English taxpayer under the Barnett Formula gift.
“I doubt the BBC would really want secession because it would certainly result in a greater feeling of nationhood in England and Wales. Something the BBC has been trying to destroy for thirty plus years.. “
You must be joking. Cultural Marxism is the very blood of the modern BBC. They are like an idiot sitting in a tree with a chain saw, slashing away at any branch, even the one they are sitting on.
If the union was to lose Scotland and NI they would set to work on hiving off the Welsh. England isn’t immune either, Cornwall has its seperatists and the true Yorkshireman isn’t aware of anything outside the county boundary.
I don’t understand why you think a low oil price would encourage Scotland to leave. Sturgeon isn’t the SNP and the SNP isn’t Scotland, indeed it has its roots in Irish republicanism, which is a reason why Glasgow has a football team called Celtic, a home for the displaced Irish.
I think I may have confused you. The BBC in London ( thank you see Caliphate above ) will not want anything that strengthens Englishness and secession of Scotland and NI will do just that. Yorkshire men, I’m one, are English to the core believe me. Perhaps my wording re oil price isn’t very good, what I meant to say was that no sensible people in Scotland would want independence with oil prices so low , so there must be another reason why the SNP are pushing for it right now.
Have a read of this. The SNP has other agendas.
A lot here. I’ve read some of it already , rest later. I left Scotland in 2006 and after reading this I’m glad I did. If the Tories had done what is alleged here the BBC would be demanding they be drummed out of the HoC. Thanks
Wow. The BBC are going absolutely bananas over the breaking news of a European Court of Justice ruling that the “EU workplace headscarf ban is legal”
They have prominent links to this “breaking news” story across the whole website:
The BBC Homepage
The BBC News Homepage
The BBC World News Homepage
The BBC European News Homepage
The BBC Politics Homepage
Why is this even a breaking news story and why are the BBC going hysterical over it?
Because it is a measure that slows down or opposes the rising Islamification of Europe and hence the BBC considers it to be a bad move: “It is the court’s first decision on the issue of women wearing Islamic headscarves at work.”
Notice how the BBC call it a ‘headscarf’ rather than the correct term ‘Hijab’.
They are trying to normalise Muslim repressive dress codes as something all women wear like a fashion accessory.
But the false message the BBBC give is that there is no compulsion to wear a hijab. That’s only true until the Muslim presence in an area is sufficient to enforce it.
Is this Europe’s most harmonious flatshare?
Short video about an Amsterdam local girl flat sharing with 2 Syrian refugees. You too can laugh along with them as they wave handkerchiefs and dance, smile and laugh.
But wait…. ‘it’s a 2 way road’ as the refugees cook food for her to taste so everyone is a winner.
In answer to the BBC heavily weighted question ‘Is this Europe’s most harmonious flatshare?’ the answer is ‘f*** off BBC’.
The new series of “Man About The House’ may take a darker turn.
Still, the spin-off ‘Mohamed and Mildred behind Him’ will be a big hit.
“Ahmed & June”
“Men Behaving Badly” – was that a comedy or a euphemistic portent of what was to come?
“Outnumbered” – was that a comedy or just a demographic forecast?
“Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em” – was that a comedy or a documentary about immigrant birth rates?
BBC RADIO 4 You & Yours, call- in today: how Brexit affecting yr business/job?
I spot remoaners campaiging on Twitter
“PHONE IN. We must make Remain voices heard! #brexitshambles”
Remain voices? They’ve been skriking away at the top of their lungs for the last 9 months.
bbbc – again….Just a constant mix of pro EU, pro Scottish independece propaganda. I am sick of hearing the same old invited guests wheeled on to the tv screen – Anna Soubry, Angus Robertson, Nicola Krankie, Alex Salmond and anyone else who has a view that coincides with that of the far left bbbc.
Can anyone remember the bbbc broadcasting a pro Brexit or pro United Kindom programme? No, me neither
At every opportunity the bbbc support any minority view whether it be the above or the reduction in standards of English Language-spoken and written, questioning and devaluing any English customs and practices that have become the norm.
If the scots want independence then why doesn’t anyone ask the English – they’d soon get it. Personally, I would vote for the full, complete financial and political and in every other aspect – that means that every one of us in England can stop paying the much quoted £1683 per English person donation to scotland. We can build a wall and have proper border controls, they can have their own passports, laws and whatever they want. In return we can bring back the shipping industry back to England, remove all the defence/military protection they receive from us.
They can have their own currency (which is only theirs) – not recognised as lawful currency in England. What are they suggesting the ‘new scottsh pound’? What is that going to be worth? Perhaps one drachma?
They can even run their own, separate, independent economy. (I wonder how long that would last?)
Ah well, rant over…. who listens to my voice? Certainly not the bbbc
English gentleman, I am ‘mixed race’ – of Scots parentage but born and raised in England, and thus consider myself a Briton first and foremost. That said, if the Scots genuinely want independence and vote for it, I say good luck to them – BUT it should be without a penny piece of English money.
The problem is, Sturgeon knows Scotland cannot survive without English or EU handouts, the latter not being available for at least five years. ‘Independence’ can only work if the English pay for it in some sort of alimony system until they can rejoin the EU.
So when she talks about Indepdendence, it means ‘independent of everything except financial support from England’. And to that, I must say, no, No, NO.
But, who will pay the cost of this repeat “once in a lifetime” Referendum? What happened last time and should the Garden Gnome be told, ‘yes’ you can have your Referendum but it will be totally paid for by the Scottish Parliament (aka Scottish taxpayer).
I also agree that the rest of the UK should have a vote in the Referendum.
I know the jocks have a generally unhealthy lifestyle but if a ‘generation’ up there is four years then they really are in trouble.
Exactly…but why do the bbbc NEVER put that to her?
Oh, perhaps I can guess the answer on my own….lol
The eu want £billions from us when we want to leave them.
Scotland wants £billions from us when they want to leave us.
Anyone seen anything from the state organ regarding the almost simultaneous announcements from snp on a second referendum………and sinn fein agitating for a united Ireland referendum.
They couldn’t be in cahoots , could they?
Laura Kuensberg of ” is she one of yours” fame ( Trump to May, during the PM’s US visit) was slabbering at the prospect of an impact to Brexit from this latest snp sideshow…….
does anyone think Dublin is really over-keen to pickup Northern-Ireland’s bills at the moment?
they can have their referenda if they want, but there should be a cost just for holding it, I suggest the end of the barnett formula whichever way it goes.
I’ve posted this elsewhere but have a read of this about the links between the SNP and Sinn Fein et al.
I think most Scots are unaware that the SNP’s vision of utopia is based on 1950’s Hungary.
All the more, the merrier!
Numbers are well over those from 2015 and 2016. But no focus or mention by the BBC? ‘Black and White’ censorship journalism is now becoming so obvious even their reliable cult followers (the general public) are noticing.
The BBC in full angst mode over a European Court ruling about headscarves and other religious symbols. Straight over to the Women’s Muslim Network. This seems to be another Muslim Grievance Organisation that is a go-to for the BBC on any flimsy pretext. Wouldn’t it to be great to listen to a news programme with no mention of Muslims ?
“Wouldn’t it to be great to listen to a news programme with no mention of Muslims ?”
You mean like a BBC report of a terrorist attack?
Project fear.
“Lush may invest abroad due to Brexit”
“British cosmetics firm Lush says future expansion might have to be outside the UK, due to risks over Brexit.”
Operative words ?- ‘may’ and ‘might’. I might win the lottery this week ?
BBC – a ‘may be’ broadcaster? So-called.
Boycott ‘Lush’ then, only women buy that shite anyway don’t they?
Lush products are shite, and if that wasn’t enough to boycott them, the owner or ceo or whatever is involved in “green activism”
I’d love it if they buggered off…
They are based near me. I can tell you they planned to open a factory in Europe well before brexit.
Lush are also very pro-Palestinian. If they leave the UK – young people could stop paying large sums of money for absolute rubbish and start saving for a deposit/their pension/the latest iphone!
Yep Lush basically take Tescos soap put it in a pink packet, then sell it for £25 ..making a £24 profit, the keep £20 and give £4 Professional anti-fracking protesters.
(The COOP also fund anti-fracking #fakenews film shows)
It appears that Geert Wilders party in the Netherlands is showing falls in the polls. Just like the 21st/22nd June 2016 apparently: day or so before, polls showed large falls for the Brexit side. Now we know the outcome, any questions regarding the veracity of the polling? If so, the anomalies appear to be repeating themselves in the Netherlands. No more to be said. All very strange……..
The fix is in. The so-called polls are rigged, just like the polls before Brexit and the US election. Pollsters can give their clients whatever result they want, and they clearly wish to give the impression that support is draining from Geert Wilders.
This is obviously implausible. Supprters of Wilders must be people who are worried at the islamification of Holland. In the last weeks, we have seen mass Turkish rallies in Holland, a huge diplomatic row between Holland and Turkey, and the president of Turkey calling the Dutch “Nazis” and threatening them.
In this context, can anyone think of a single reason why a Wilders upporter would suddenly think that he or she had been wrong about islamification and the muslim threat all along, and decide instead to vote for a liberal appeasement party? Obviously not. The proposition is beyond ludicrous.
I remain hopeful of wins for Wilders and Le Pen as the best chance to save Europe and end the European Union. With a bit of luck, Theresa May won’t have to bother leaving the EU, it will have already collapsed by 2019.
Perhaps the BBC would like to interview the BBC pollsters Guru, Professor Curtis of the Strathclyde University for his opinion? Don’t think so somehow, the BBC would not want to induce the public to ‘smell a ‘similarity’ rat’ would they?
Not BBC, so apologies; but just been listening to a couple of 12 year olds on Sky debating the ‘Brexit’ issue; one looked like Harry Potter (for Brexit), and the other was a young lady called Ash Azuria (?) (remain). Of course I appreciate that everyone, regardless, has an opinion, but God on a bike, the media are dragging every so called ‘author/journalist/columnist’ no matter how experienced or junior, articulate or otherwise, for their views on the current mess ! We’ll be having nappy walkers from Tumble Tots in their highchairs next. But to be told by young and ethnic remainers (who stopped short of calling Leavers racist) that I didn’t know what I was voting for to leave the EU, had me foaming at the mouth.
As someone who, owing to dangerously high blood-pressure, has almost given up on the BBC, I was astonished to find a fair, balanced, almost sympathetic presentation about Marine Le Pen on their web site. If their broadcasts were as even-handed as this, I might start listening to them again; as it is, I tune in my wireless just once a week to a soothing programme of old records on Radio Lancashire, where the closest thing to an Islamic apologia is Richard Tauber singing “One Alone” from “The Desert Song”.
They are expecting severe weather on the East coast of the USA. Travel warnings issued, flight cancelled,
blizzards and so forth. Storm Stella.
Reich Chancellor Merkel has had to postpone her trip to meet with Mr President.
Trump can even control the weather! 😉
Lucy – And don’t forget he foresaw the merry muslim mayhem in Sweden, that erupted within days of his reporting it! The man is a Prophet, I tell you.
I see Gina Miller has re-surfaced saying how ‘bitterly disappointed’
Gina Miller will take Govt back to court if it doesn’t keep Brexit promise
People won’t forget her or her backers. There’s something about her face that must curdle milk and make babies cry.
how ‘bitterly disappointed’ she is (typo sorry).
Well I think 17.4 million Brits are ‘bitterly disappointed’ with you Gina Miller.
Her and wee Jimmy really are awful and wish they would both just dissolve into their pits of nauseum.
I think she re-surfaced in my toilet pan this morning. But I pulled the chain quick before she could tell me about how she cares for democracy.
Is that what’s known as a stool pigeon?
Ha ha – spot on Oaknash and Restroom Mole.
I was just about to say, it wont be long before Steptoe has her parachuted into a safe labour seat ( or even enobled) but of course, with him at the helm, there really is no such thing as a safe labour seat these days.
With regard the BBC’s reporting of the European Court of Justice ruling on when the hijab can and cannot be banned from the EU workplace – they have changed their article about four times already. It is clearly being passed around as people modify and add things to it – all from the muslim / Islam perspective.
The European Court of Justice ruling is actually not very good – as it doesn’t recognise Christianity as part of the European Culture. It says if the hijab is banned then so must the wearing of crosses, the wearing of Turbans and so forth. So in a sense it is a victory for Islam – as it is helping to de-Christianise the workplace and society. And the BBC are going full throttle to claim this gives licence to the discrimination of Muslims and Islam and are asking the general public to give them sob stories about mistreatment of Muslims etc. All very sickening and obvious.
It must be causing a lot of difficulties at the Beeb – the ECJ is not meant to go against the anti-western agenda – does not compute, does not compute!
Whenever I hear ‘European’ and ‘Court’ in the same sentence, whether it’s from Strasbourg or Luxembourg – you can usually be sure the ruling will be to Britain’s detriment somehow.
Mind you our own ‘Supreme Court’ is another cosy old boys club of elitist nitwits, who never have to live with the consequences of their foolish liberality.
“…The European Court of Justice ruling is actually not very good – as it doesn’t recognise Christianity as part of the European Culture. It says if the hijab is banned then so must the wearing of crosses, the wearing of Turbans and so forth.”
That’s the BBC, pushing it’s cultural relativism. The BBC considers all cultures to be equal – it’s post modernist Marxism 101. Nation states are just a construct, as are ‘borders’, as are the differences (and iniquities) of different faiths (all of which are essentially worthless mumbo-jumbo to the Marxists, anyway). The BBC is engaged in playing dirty tricks, race-baiting and playing off one religion against another whilst falsely claiming (or at the very least implying) that all religions are worthy of the same respect.
Does Islam – a bigoted, homophobic, openly racist, anti-semitic religion – deserve the same respect as Christianity? You betcha.
The BBC: Islam’s tireless enabler.
Borders are not only desirable but a necessary result of evolutionary biology. Humans are a gregarious social species, and along with every other social species on the planet, ever, they have evolved into groups based upon basic similarities within the group (in group) to the exclusion of those who do not share those traits ( out group ). From an evolutionary point of view the sharing of resources with members of an out group is a novel strategy.
So groups have formed, expanded by combining with other groups until they meet a group which cannot be assimilated due to insurmountable differences between the in group and out group. That is when a border forms. Borders are also commonly formed along geographical boundaries, rivers, seas, mountain ranges and the like.
Still better than when the Air Steward and Nurse were told they could not wear a crucifix but nothing said about hijabs and turbans. It still took a court case though FFS.
An Albanian refugee who gained B/Citizenship in 1999 and now sentenced to 35 years for killing an elderly couple in East Anglia, has been called everything by the BBC except a migrant !
As far as the BBC is concerned, he’s as British as someone whose ancestors built Stonehenge.
Eastern Europe does seem to have more than its share of psychos’.
Apparently the Italian nickname for Albania is: “the prison yard”, nice folk to let into our country.
Weren’t they telling us a while back that we’re all immigrants?
BBC News – Charlotte Hogg resigns as Bank of England deputy governor
What about bloody Mark Carney!
Mark Carney’s judgment in question | Canada | News | Ottawa Sun
Carney fails smell test: Bank of Canada governor shouldn’t flirt with
Is Canada’s economy paying the price for Mark Carney’s hands-off
Did Mark Carney get it all wrong here in Canada?
How did he ever get the job in the first place?
I reckon that qualifies him and her for a peerage at least.
Now, questions will surely follow over any committee or panel she sat on and the decisions taken by that deliberating body: did she make the critical decision on any equally balanced deciding panel? If so, who/what benefited?
Were the panel to be a local authority, the person with the connections must excuse themselves from the panel otherwise he/she risks being referred to the Standards Board. Interesting to see how this Bank of England one pans out.
Curiously, the figures show that the UK lags behind the rest of Europe in its fear of Islamic terrorism and thoughts of stoping importing Muslims. Ah well, it will only take one of the estimated 600 returnees to the UK from ISIS to change all that I suppose. You know, just one simple dedicated soul, one of the 600 that are being tracked 24/7 by MI5 with its 600 x 36 officers. That’s 21,600 MI5 officers. Do I feel safe and/or actually believe there are 21,600 officers out there protecting the population?…..
Anyone with a scintilla of practical common sense understands how the growth of Islam in the UK will pan out in the not too distant future.
Ramadan kicks off in late May and lasts until late June. Book your holidays accordingly – and carefully.
They will probably be even more upset this year as it clashes with St. Jo Cox day and they will be unable to join in with all the street parties with their haram food, drink and dancing!
Perhaps Mr. Cox would help ‘community cohesion’ by providing street prayer mats so we can all submit together?
Can’t come fast enough.
Ramma Damma Ding Dong
Ram a lamb (or goat) Ding Dong!
With acknowledgement to Leslie Phillips
Expect the BBC to come more and more down on the side Of Erdogan. As for the Londonistan
programme .Wait until there is a march in support of Erdogan. You will see all the usual suspects from this daily Trotskyist trash come out of the woodwork in support.
Kemal Ataturk must be turning over in his grave as his beloved secular Turkey goes further
down the road to a Islamic dictatorship.
Foscari -An Islamic dictatorship which could very well lead straight to a revived Ottoman Caliphate. Sultan Erdogan and/or a successor would lay claim to an enormous territory.
BBC Law In Action : Talking about the law regarding headscarves
2 cases today
– Agkabutta* case – not direct discrimination, but was indirect discrimination, cos it impacted Muslims more than others
– Ms Bougonoir* case, ..added you can’t accept the argument that “the customers don’t like it” is not an acceptable argument.
But the principle is that you can ban headscarves
eg Group4 was OK to ban headscarves if that was part of a general prohibition on general religious symbols
“Action must be proportionate” ..eg you must think of alternatives like redeploying employee
* not sure of spelling
I see already mentioned this morning
The BBC page as open comments
here’s the Guardian story
I reported on here not so long ago that Debenhams had started to sell hijabs. Perhaps in the name of ‘integration’ we’ll see body-con dresses, killer heels, gladiator sandals, and skimpy tank tops sold in shops in the Asian quarter eh ? The Asian men strangely don’t like to see Western dress in their own areas, but don’t mind who’s wearing it to satisfy their own desires !!!!! Biggest load of hypocrites ever.
Basically an article about how the Fascist Left want to carry on allowing as much Islamic migration as they can get away with despite the peoples objections and how they intend to do it by stopping so much name calling and trying to tell everyone what a set of good eggs Muslims are.
What a dick head ! Clearly not the first idea and he does at least admit this:
“When I see ever more Arab families with shrouded women moving into my neighbourhood, I do not feel culturally threatened, even when they play no part in the community and do not return my morning greeting. I take the world as it comes and accept that just now it is coming to London.”
But, unlike many Londoners, my neighbourhood is not my world. No foreigners are taking my job or leaving my child isolated at school. They are not demanding, as on the Continent, to be taught in their language rather than mine. I can afford to be broad-minded.
At least he recognises his position is untenable and it’s only his middle class elitism which is protecting him from the negative consequences of Fascism.
And then this – which the BBC would do well to take a good note of:
“What went wrong in the Netherlands appears to have been the fallacy of liberal totalitarianism — the view that other people’s opinions, fears and insecurities do not matter because we find them intolerant and bigoted. Even the bigoted can vote. As the new politics is showing across Europe and America, people whose opinions are disregarded will eventually hit back. When that happens in the Netherlands of all places, liberals should worry.”
It is vital instead to hear the protests of those we expect to bear the burden of such immigration. It is their schools, clinics, families and housing estates that want assistance, as much as the immigrants. If not, we should watch the Dutch. Voters under pressure no longer just suffer. They get very angry.
Jenkins is putting London forward as a model of integration just because people appear to get along.
Surely he must realise that London has long attracted people from within the UK precisely because ‘no-one knows your name’, this is and was a place to be anonomous, unlike the ‘home town’ where everyone knew your name and what you may or may not have done.
“Second and third-generation immigrants constitute a majority of Londoners and I have no doubt they will become ordinary citizens, working, playing, complaining, even voting, like everyone else. Just as it was famously hard to find an “English” surname in the New York phone directory, so it is becoming hard in London. Mine was almost the only one in my last jury service.”
He deludes himself if he thinks these families of immigrants will become ‘English’, they have no reason to. The public authorities have adapted to them by providing services in their languages and the internet allows a 24 hour connection to their cultural roots. He even deludes himself that Jenkins is an English name! But pehaps that is him being clever, to show how an immigrant Welshman can become more English than the English!
The integration in London that Jenkins believes will happen, as it did in the past, will not.
It will not, because there is no longer a settled native British majority which will impose its culture simply by being the majority. Instead there are now dozens of minority “communities” all vying for power and control over the areas they have occupied. Over time these communities will be increasingly concentrated, becoming mono-cultural silos. London overall will be diverse, but will really be simply a set of non-diverse districts that happen to be geographically proximate.
Because many of the imported cultures are so repellent to others there will be very little intermixing and breeding.
A sound recipe for conflict sooner or later. I suspect that previous rioting will not be a patch on what’s to come.
What went wrong in the Netherlands as it has gone and will go wrong across the rest of the liberal west…is that Islam is a total system…religion, culture, legal and political system all rolled up in one.
It cannot compromise, since it is the will of Allah as set out in the Koran.
Wealthy western liberals still do not understand this, or more likely, think that their wealth will lead to their being immune from its effects on society on themselves, and rather fancy the idea that the proles will be kept in check.
They are so, so stupid and have obviously never lived in an Islam dominated society.
Only the mass of the people will be able to resist what is coming, but resist they will as the history of the Ottoman incursion into Eastern Europe and the Moorish incursion into Spain and France have demonstrated.
Germany still running REGULAR subsidised steam trains (in the Eastern mountains) ..was apart of Saturdays R4 FooC prog I just checked the photo @PetrocTrelawny tweeted
Masses of black smoke in their #SoICanBreathe season
Love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
Bloody Hell. I thought that Volkswagen had fixed the problems with their emissions control software.
No that was fake news
A good, clean, modern British steam locomotive!
It does have a German boiler though…
Indeed, made in Darlington, the home of the railways. They are now building a Peppercorn class A1 Pacific which presumably will also have a German boiler!
Harriet Gilbert on A Good Read asks Harriet Harman if she ever did drugs.
Harriet Harman says, “Not really”. Harriet Gilbert asks her what she meant by that!
The politician Harman struggles to tell the truth.
Wasn’t Harman once left in charge when PM Brown was abroad. What a scary memory.
Brown ever being PM was a scary memory, I wish you hadn’t reminded me.
BBC WS prog Breaking News About Media Bias Towards Trump
Well, this young lady may well decide to apply to that BBC recruitment ad, as they are about the only chance she has:
“Scottish independence: Sturgeon says Holyrood ‘must shape’ plans for vote”
Its another ‘best of three’! Interesting HYS running now.
Sturgeon is giving it all she’s got and all she’s got tastes very bitter.
Just remembered who wee Nichola reminds me of – “poison” Ivy from Coronation Street
But with worse hair.
And less sex appeal!
She is a grim apparatchik with the warm personality of Rosa Klebb.
Strangely in the book ” From Russia with Love “, Rosa is a lesbian ! On the other hand Krankie is quite sexless .
Sneaky old Democrats:
“Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command,” Napolitano said. “He didn’t use the NSA, he didn’t use the CIA, he didn’t use the FBI, and he didn’t use the Department of Justice.”
Instead, Napolitano said, Obama used GCHQ, a British intelligence and security organization that has 24-7 access to the NSA database.
“There’s no American fingerprints on this,” Napolitano said. “What happened to the guy who ordered this? Resigned three days after Donald Trump was inaugurated.”
Saw the headline in the pile of unsold “New European” newspapers.
Alastair Campbell accuses Theresa May of politically assassinating someone old and fragile-loyal servant to her party and all that.
I look inside-and Bagpipes is fussing over the career of Michael Heseltine.
“I didn`t you you cared” comes to mind. I myself thought of Canpbells REAL role in the death of a fragile loyal servant to this nation-Dr David Kelly.
But no-Campbell would NOT be talking about that in the New European would he? Nor indeed anywhere else.
What circle of hell is Campbell going to do you think?
G-D presumably will be needing a tenth specially built on a HS2/Infrastructure investment project with a Brown PFI deal.
There is perhaps only one thing more loathsome and vile than SNP scum and that is Sinn Fein IRA filth. Vermin like this bitch are in no position to tell Britain jack sh*t.
I’m getting sick and tired of the media giving Sinn Fein, anti-British excrement like Adams and this cretin coverage.
If there are any more marches in London involving Antifa or HopeNotHate vermin, then this chap needs to be leading the charge against them; “Based Stickman” took it to the self-same turds when they turned up to attack members of a pro-Trump rally at Berkeley in California – which is basically ground zero for Leftism in the U.S.
The police weren’t doing anything to defend the Trump supporters from being attacked and beaten, women and the elderly amongst them, presumably having been ordered to stand down by their higher-ups: so Based Stickman stepped up.
I bet the Antifa tw@t Stickman took his stick to needed a few Nurofen afterwards though!
There is also some footage mixed in of police in Portland, Oregon sorting out some anti-Trump scum too.
Of course, he was later arrested but I don’t think any of the Antifa were, as is the case with HopNotHate “counter-demonstrations” to EDL marches.
This is another good one.
He needs a better bat!
Is that a recent photo? I was under the impression that in this liberal utopia we are compelled to endure, the police have to call themselves a Service. ‘Force’ sounds terribly authoritarian, doesn’t it?!
see if you can find this on the bbc
the usual classy big men when in a gang
That’s hard to watch. And enough reason to start deportations now.
Kaiser – No one should be surprised watching that video: if a First World country allows Third World people to move to it, eventually it will regress to a Third World country; this is merely a visible display of part of that process – savages behaving savagely.
If the perpetrators had been three whites and the couple ethnic minorities or Muslim, then you can be certain that the police wouldn’t still be looking for them three months after the attack occurred. They would have been found; charged; prosecuted and have had the book thrown at them.
It would also have been all over every radio and tv news programme across the MSM.
A West Midlands Police spokesman has confirmed as this will not be treated as a racist attack and absolutely NTDWI.
Perhaps our Nicola might take note of the plaque in the EU Parliament’s Visitors’ Centre:
An ethnic Scot urging a union of peoples.
“Girls ‘too poor’ to buy sanitary protection missing school”
Another good reason to use the money wasted on Foreign Aid for our own people .
Also covered on WH this morning, interviewed two girls who said the mothers didn’t given them sanitary products.
..No ethnicity was mentioned but they did have possibly foreign accents, one was from single parent family.
Blackburn, BRITISH Science Week event aimed at kids (Receptionto Year5)
Celebrating 1001 Muslim Inventions An event by Abu Hanifah Foundation
16-18 March 17:00-19:00
“Celebrating Islamic inventors such as…”
“There will also be a competition (for best vintage inspired outfit),
a themed food stall
and an exhibition based on the book ‘1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in our World'”
‘1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in our World’
1. The basic arithmetic principles.
2. ??????????????????????????????????
No they didn’t invent maths. It was invented thousands of years ago independently across the world.
That’s how they build the pyramids, thimgs in South America and do you think the Chinese say Muslims invented maths?
Sorry Stew – I said arithmetic as in the 12 base numerical system and the ability to add and subtract (goats?), not maths.
“Snowstorm strikes north-eastern United States”
More evidence of ‘global warming’?
@Taffman They stuck the thing on as the third sentence from last this time.
..”The winter storm follows a spell of unusually mild weather in the north-eastern US, with last month being the second warmest February since record-keeping began in 1895.”
BTW There’s quite a few brainwash the kids on Climate Events as part of BRITISH Science Week until 18th across the country. (search on Climate as well)
Most unusual in NE US.
I can’t think why the elite de-camp to Florida in the winter months?
Something to do with the North Atlantic Drift?
Has Blue Peter taken over the BBC ?
If you’re using Countryfile as an example (or Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter – Watch).
The Battle of Britain begins………….
Al Beeb, the MSM, and the EU did not want Brexit so they use the SNP stooge Sturgeon to scupper our freedom in a failed attempt to preserve the EU. Europe has always sought the dismantling of Great Britain.
Shakespear’s Henry V……… “But there’s a saying very old and true: “If that you will France win, Then with Scotland first begin.” Act 1, Scene 2
Will Brexit be the rerun of the Battle of Agincourt?
Remember Sturgeon’s grand tour of the EU leaders ? Was there a secret deal ?
Not really a BBC story looks like our fishing industry (or whats left of it) will be bought as another offering to the EU High alter in an attempt to keep Junker and pals sweet in the coming EU negotiations.
Up to now, pretty much everything Nigel Farage has said has been shown to be true, and his treatment by the Government tells us all we really need to know about Theresas intentions as regards Brexit.
I suspect despite her weasel words about JAMS she is more concerned about lining the pockets of the banking industry (who have been screwing us all for decades) and having a service based economy rather than revitalising an industry which has been deliberately run down in favour of our European rivals and to which we now have an opportunity to bring real wealth to some of the poorest parts of our country. Actually creating a new export industry.
Theresa is not to be trusted – As far as I am aware there are no plans to build more fishery protection vessels just like there are no serious plans to build more patrol vessels to keep our borders secure.
Sorry to keep banging on about this – but actions always speak louder than words and Theresas reactions to these particular issues are incredibly symbolic of everything that is wrong with the EU and the Liberal consensus which has held sway for the last few decades.
In some ways I have a lot more regard for Corbyn (wrong though he may be) – at least we know where he is coming from. Theresa is a bit like Dave in a skirt, both devious and inefectual. Afraid or unwilling to take the decisions that need to be made, but preparing the ground so that others can make the unpopular calls and then playing Little Miss Innocent when all we get instead of radical change is some bastardised form of “business as usual”.
At heart she is a liberal (just look at her cabinet) and she does not have the conviction to carry out brexit effectively. Maybe it is time she left the Tories and asked little Timmy for a job at last she would be going home.
Oaknash – Solid post.
Which is why Farage had to be kept out of Parliament at all costs – the b@st@rds!
Oaknash: “Theresa is not to be trusted – As far as I am aware there are no plans to build more fishery protection vessels just like there are no serious plans to build more patrol vessels to keep our borders secure.”
Think that is true for any politician. They do not have a good track record over the years. ‘By their deeds ye shall know them.’
Theresa May has made her Day 1 commitment. (I would have advised her not to do things like that, but she did not ask!) It is now something on which we can engage with her & the current Government. We should do that. Let the PM know about what we consider ‘unfair’ and that disadvantages us or others. Keep the pressure on. She made the commitment. Now she has to step up and deliver.
I think one of the historical problems of post-WW2 politics in the UK is that we do not engage with our representatives, beyond turning up to help fill a Ballot Box, and also directly with Government. We should not carry on like that in the 21st century.
Instead, apathy has ruled. That creates a void in which the politicians are enabled to do just what they want. Be as competent or incompetent as they like. We cannot rely on the media. We have tended to do that for seventy years and while they may at times in the past have done a good job, they cannot now be relied upon, possibly not trusted. They have their agendas and bottom lines to protect.
Oaknash: “Sorry to keep banging on about this – but actions always speak louder than words and Theresas reactions to these particular issues are incredibly symbolic of everything that is wrong with the EU and the Liberal consensus which has held sway for the last few decades.”
No apology needed, Oak! You are right. It is up to us to engage with our MPs, even if they are from a Party we would not vote for, they have the job of representing us in Parliament. The supremacy of Parliament has been underlined in the last few months. It is where the Queen meets her people.
It is important that we show up.
“In some ways I have a lot more regard for Corbyn (wrong though he may be) – at least we know where he is coming from” – Or going to perhaps? – oblivion (thank goodness!).
And just how handy is it that we are now paying for 80 extra Brussels Broadcasting “newspersons”to “interpret” and spread the SNP/EU propaganda message. The tories, having utterly failed to tackle the BBC bias during last year’s charter review, are now about to face the consequences.
BBC World Service last night: Zenab Badawi in Hard Talk with former Governor of Florida (Dem.). Did I say, Hard talk? I meant a nice cosy chat.
Here’s a selection of BBBC guff from this morning’s TOADY between 07:00 and 07:30.
1 – there is an “EU naval force” involved in the Somali piracy. Mustn’t tell us that Beeb, we might start thinking the EU is becoming a supranational entitiy.
2 – women do worse in FTSE 100 companies because their male managers deny them opportunities. Change the record, read the Conservative Woman for countless well researched articles about the real reasons.
3 – Donald Trump’s 2005 tax return shows that he paid a lot of income tax. Even Justin had to admit that “a lot of people” would be surprised about how much, rather than how little. Couldn’t let it go though, now “pressure was growing” for full disclosure of all tax returns. Interview with an American woman went badly; she said no one cares about DT’s tax returns, they’re only interested in their own, ie how much tax they have to pay. She started reeling off a list of improving US financial indicators, but sadly Justin had to stop her in mid flow as “we’ve run out of time”
4 – Dutch election. Support for Wilders is “waning”. Reporter cruises around downtown Amsterdam interviewing wealthy young things. Says to one “I haven’t met anyone who is prepared to say they will vote for Wilders”. Response “Amsterdam is a bubble, his support comes from the villages”. No time left for the reporter to travel outside the bubble/safe space to interview those folks (probably frightened of their pitchforks or that he might hear something he doesn’t agree with).
So there you are, all’s well with the world!
Thanks for saving me the trouble. It was just an absolutely ceaseless stream of left wing favourite narratives this morning.
And you didn’t even mention the Africa famine, which, obviously has nothing whatsoever to do with a certain religion.