Have to laugh at the complete historical illiteracy of those who say that we are heading back to the thirties as the great unwashed vote for the Nazis once again….otherwise known as Brexit…from Guido…
LibDem peer Lord Taverne with the maddest contribution to the Brexit bill debate last night:
“It is a very dangerous step towards the doctrine that the people’s will must always prevail. My Lords, this is the doctrine which has always been Hitler, by Mussolini, by Stalin, by Erdogan at this present time. It is denial of the essence of democracy which we have supported to great effect in this country, and now we are abandoning it. My Lords we are the guardians of parliamentary democracy, we are right in this, we are the democrats and we are right to support the democratic cause.”
Of course it’s a mad line peddled by the BBC so often itself…and not just about Brexit..Trump gets tarred with the same Nazi brush….
Mr Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy have led to comparisons, from some quarters, with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany. His use of “enemies of the people” raises unavoidable echoes of some of history’s most murderous dictators.
Funny how the BBC is suddenly interested in the usually almost invisible crimes of Stalin and Mao….the BBC always preferring to label evil people Nazis and not Communists as Nazism, mistakenly, has been connected to the Right when Hitler was in fact a national Socialist…much like our own wee Sturgeon.
But back to our friend in the LibDems and his claim that the people put Hitler in place…no, they didn’t, it was politicians and Big Business and the Press that put Hitler in place…the people merely followed their sage advice for a unifying strong man….Hindenburg did not want democracy and nor did so many others in the Establishment…
President von Hindenburg had never been terribly convinced that democracy was the way to go. Indeed, the World War I hero and his supporters had long yearned for a strong leader free from parliamentary meddling Von Hindenburg’s skepticism of parliamentary democracy was shared by many in German society, especially in heavy industry and among the country’s powerful farming sector. Hitler wanted more; priority number one for his new government was the dissolution of the Reichstag and, yet again, new elections. His goal was clear, and it was one shared by much of the country’s political elite: Once the Nazis and their allies had a majority, the Reichstag was to hand over power to the chancellor. In short, Hitler wanted parliament to vote itself out of existence.
Now that does sound familiar doesn’t it? Politicians, Big Business and the Media orchestrating a campaign to tell us how to vote and to do so for an all powerful, unifying force that is, they insist, good for us and ending the national democratic parliament, stitching up deals to suit themselves believing it will all work out in the end despite all the evidence pointing otherwise….how did that work out for the world then in the 1930’s?
This might have a little resonance today as the Left urges boycotts of ‘Israeli’ goods and Jews in Univerisities come under ever more pressure…
On April 1, they organized a nationwide boycott of Jewish shops, doctors and lawyers. On April 25, the share of Jewish university students was set at 1.5 percent.
Another resonance with how the Remain camp act and the Nazis’ actions is the Reichstag fire that was used as a propaganda godsend, the Nazis blaming the fire on the Communists and using it to entrench their power…much as the BBC and the Remain camp used the death of Jo Cox to attack the Leave campaign and pro-Brexit voters…
It was the wave of arrests set off by the Reichstag fire that ultimately made the rapid construction of prisons necessary. Many of those prisons would later become concentration camps.
Remember how the Left respond to such events as Jo Cox and indeed Breivik, as they use them to smear anyone who dares to talk about immigration control, many suggesting such talk should be criminalised, at the very least anyone who does talk about immigration demonised as racists who spread division and hate….similarly with climate change sceptics who were to be locked up, and some wanted, executed.
Think back to the recent Stoke by-election when UKIP was beaten by Labour…the instant response from Labour’s winning candidate was to say hope had won out over those who spread hate and division [ie UKIP], Corbyn echoed exactly the same message, as indeed did a Tory MP when he came on the BBC. So much for reasoned, intelligent debate about immigration and all those ‘political’ reassurances from Labour that talking about immigration shouldn’t be considered racist…it’s the same old tactics that come out of the closet when they think they are winning and no longer have to moderate their language and pander to the voters who think immigration is a serious issue….we get the real views…talk about immigration and you’re a racist spreading hate and division.
So yes BBC, we are heading back to the 1930’s, a new 1930’s that is dominated by the socialist elite joining forces with big business to masquerade as champions of the people, that elite raging against democracy and working hard to manufacture back-room deals between themselves to thwart and block the will of the people and to impose in its stead an undemocratic, power greedy regime that has only its own political project as its sole aim.
Welcome to SS-EU.
It’s easy to make up a case that we are living in some historical parallel where events are replaying themselves…it’s nonsense….the BBC needs to stop equating events today with the 1930’s….it’s quite obvious that they use that comparison purely to smear and demonise Brexit voters as Nazis. The BBC is fast becoming a fact-free zone, morals also seem to have gone astray as do professional standards. Perhaps what we need is a post-BBC era where truth and accuracy are once again valued and put into practise.
I watched a little of HoL debate live and this old doddery chap stood up and started holding forth that the rights of Parliament should take precedence over the sovereignty of the people. Just another Remoaner I thought who can’t accept that they lost the referendum and will stop at nothing to overturn the result. Then up popped his name , Lord Taverne, I thought it couldn’t be the chap who resigned from Labour in the seventies and stood as an independent and won in Lincoln could it ? No , I thought he must have died years ago. But it was , he had risen from his grave to speak elitist drivel. The elite really do detest democracy. It just isn’t right for uneducated, stupid plebs to be Allowed to vote and to even vote against what the elite want. . As the noble Lord said , the people are the enemies of democracy.
“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them”
Apt quote, I thought, and one which seems to be entirely applicable to our Liberal ‘elite’ these days.
A thought from Burmese activist Aung San:
“It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it…”
This “Yes Prime minister” titled “Power To The People” is extremely resonant with your post.
No point me giving specific time-points because every line in the script is pitch-perfect.
Like all “remainers” he is an enemy of this Country and its People, but then so are all limp-dims, Corbin and not a few of the so called “conservative party”. I am not convinced by Treezer, she will not take advice from ones who know precisely how the EU works but listens to the stupid and nay sayers who supposedly advise her. Time she got out more. As to his remarks about democracy, he obviously does not understand the meaning of the word. With the single exception of the Referendum we do not have any democracy in this Country. We have a bunch of weak politicians who totally neglect their role in Parliament which is to hold the Executive to account on behalf of the People, who themselves are ultimately Sovereign.
I have just been half listening to You and Yours phone in on Brexit. Winifred finished up with someone’s comment that you never hear pro Brexit comments on the BBC. As this programme proved, you do……but you just hear so many more pro Remain.
There was the teacher who had resigned from teaching after over 10 years in the job teaching IT. Well he didn’t come over on the radio as the most articulate of people. Moaned that all the firms where he was applying for jobs were saying they were not taking on people because of the uncertainty of Brexit. Had I been Winifred, I would have asked Ash Patel why he gave up his job before he had at least checked the job market, or better still, waited until he had a job offer. Presumably he was contacting firms who were not advertising, so maybe they were the wrong firms to apply to.
Then there was the girl from Eastern Europe with a South African boyfriend. They were going to get married until the Brexit vote means they are uncertain they can stay in this country. Surely it would have been better to marry, stay together, and consider alternatives to which country they could live in? Perhaps the boyfriend isn’t as keen on marriage as all that.
There was the farmer who said Brexit was good for his business. He grows wheat and wheat prices have gone up since Brexit vote. Once Winifred realised he was a wicked arable farmer (who is to blame for everything from Climate Change to capitalism) she just said ‘oh’ and moved on to the next caller.
The BBC is obsessed with foreigners in the Uk on the verge of suicide (or the BBC thinks they should be) due to the leave vote. Are foreigners here really feeling that way, and indeed if they do, is that because the BBC has said it so often, they feel they should think this way?
Perhaps they could fuck off to SA for a while. If they avoid Zuma’s lynch mobs and make it back alive, they may think twice before whinging about ‘intolerance’ and ‘xenophobia’ in Britain.
Hitler abolished elections . Can’t the elite see that the way to dictatorship is not through elections but by curtailing them or making them meaningless ? The Nazi regime was also secretive about what it was up to .
So to avoid dictatorships
1 ; have as many elections and referenda as possible .
2; the civil service and other organs of governance to be open and accountable .
In their fear over losing control to ‘evil forces’, the Liberal old guard seem willing to stoop surprisingly low, apparently unaware of the paradox that they are, in the process, only feeding that which they fear, and are themselves behaving like an ‘evil force’.
‘Mr Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy have led to comparisons, from some quarters, with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany.’
To echo Lord Lawson on a recent BBC debate, Who? Who has made these comparisons, from which ‘quarters’? Unless there is a name, it is just BBC weasel words.
Taverne’s words are contradictory and border on gobbledegook. He seems to have no idea what he’s talking about and throws in a few random historical villains for good measure, surprisingly omitting Jack the Ripper and Rolf Harris. As good an advert for complete reform of the House of Lords as any – other than its obvious total lack of democratic accountability.
Regarding young sturgeon and her plans for Scotland to go solo.
Does Gina miller know about this?
I would have thought the guyanian attention seeker would have put a stop to this.
Doesn’t miller want to go to court about any of this or is she going to let her get on with it.
She had been running rings round the ditherer and is ready to continue trying to wreck Brexit.
She certainly is having a big say about what 17.4 million of us voted for, one bird causing HM Government so many problems.
Rather than activate article 50 now it looks like the ditherer is leaving it for a while, just enough time for the Gina miller gang to get organised and do some other ‘court’ thing.
A tip for rab c sturgeon, if she wants to win scotlands independence then ask that the English be able to vote as well, we should be able to swing it for her and she can then have her wish come true, an independent Scotland ruled by the eu.
“… towards the doctrine that the people’s will must always prevail.’ I wonder if this utterly useless old geriatric fart thinks that his £300.00 daily Lords’ allowance ‘must always prevail’?
Notice he uses the word Will , as in Triumph Of the Will a Nazi film . Why not the words choice , decision , deliberation or if he must use that word ; the people’s democratic will ?
just spotted this on the beeb website
“Why does everyone keep making Nazi comparisons?”
search “Nazi” on the Beeb website, and your be there ’til Christmas going through the results.
“reductio ad Hitlerum”! Godwin’s law:
“if online discussion goes on long enough someone will make a Hitler comparison ”
I add : that someone does that cos they don’t they don’t have any proper arguments so resort to calling people Hitler.
That BBC article about “Why does everyone keep making Nazi comparisons?”
uses itself as an excuse to repeat some nasty sneers about Trump
in the “oh we are just reporting some things OTHER people say” sense.
BBC pro-migrant propaganda? You decide.
Poor old Dick Taverne, he was an insignificant twit forty years ago and the passing of time hasn’t changed that one bit. His reference to Hitler and the Nazis along with the other dictators is nothing but a complete fantasy invented to suit his own misguided ideas.
It was not the will of the people who those dictators claimed gave them the right to behave as they did, it was the demands of The Party, meaning their will and desires and those they selected to have around them, which is the thing which must be made forced on the people whatever their wishes and whatever the cost.
Now doesn’t that sound very much like the very thing Dick Taverne is demanding, the will of the people should be ignored and the demands of the Party, the fanatical LibDem Europhiles, must prevail over the will of the people at all costs. What a senile plonker to think his demented rantings can stand even the simplest scrutiny.
Trump just tweeted about Jobs..will BBC report ?
If Le Pen or Gert Wilders did get elected – I wonder whether Theresa will be going out of her way to introduce them to her sour little liberal “attack shit tzu” Kuenssborg just to ensure that relationships between our respective countries stays in the worst possible shape.
I reckon she earned plenty of liberal “smarty points” for her last diplomatic triumph with favouring the borg to ask questions in an insulting fashion to Trump. If she plays her cards right she could well be able to achieve a liberal “hatrick” by pissing off two European leaders who are also somewhat anti EU and who are broadly sympathetic to our leaving the EU.
Keep up the good work Theresa – Dont want to spoil our chances of having an unsuccessful brexit by making friends with potential leaders from other countries!
Enjoying reading some old history books. All we`re now going through seems very similar to all that was thrown at Mrs Thatcher when she set about saving this country and turning it around.
Dick Taverne pops up briefly and there are wonderful descriptions of Roy Jenkins and Baroness Warnock as they flubber around at the coarse peasants as led by this shrill harpie. M&S clothes, unable to pass the port as Woy and his Euroblubber High Table toffs would like.
Pleasant and superficially intelligent-but crashing snobs, clueless as the little people flat out,refused their advice and scorned their policies and practice.
So-nothing new-the liberal dozy lazy snobs simply have replaced Maggie with Nigel, Ronald with Donald.
They`re either in historys urn or soon to be collected for the bin.
They HATE history this lot-rub their faces in it.
This is worth reading.
A Republic, If You Can Keep It
By Paul Pauker
The media’s daily outbursts about the danger to democracy posed by the current administration, while highly amusing, omit a key piece of information. The United States is not a democracy; the United States is a republic.
As far as I know, like that Islamic Party in Algeria, the Nazis campaigned and won power with a mandate to abolish democracy. I think there is an election campaign film showing him openly criticising democracy. Hitler said “Democracy is the canal through which bolshevism lets its poisons flow into the separate countries and lets work there long enough for these infections to lead to a crippling of intelligence and of the force of resistance.”
He also called for referendums in Germanic areas under foreign rule, but then invaded Poland because he had zero confidence that the Poles would vote in favour of annexation by Germany, in a referendum.
Like Hitler, John Major and Lord Taverne also regard democracy as a canal through which a populist tyranny of the majority lets its poisons flow, etc, and a very dangerous step towards the doctrine that the people’s will must always prevail. But unlike the Germans, we cannot vote for Members of the House of Lords, campaigning on a mandate to abolish democracy. Because the House of Lords is much less democratic than the Reichstag was in 1933.
As far as I know, like that Islamic Party in Algeria, the Nazis campaigned and won power with a mandate to abolish democracy. I think there is an election campaign film showing him openly criticising democracy. Hitler said “Democracy is the canal through which bolshevism lets its poisons flow into the separate countries and lets work there long enough for these infections to lead to a crippling of intelligence and of the force of resistance.”
He also called for referendums in Germanic areas under foreign rule, but then invaded Poland because he had zero confidence that the Poles would vote in favour of annexation by Germany, in a referendum.
Like Hitler, John Major and Lord Taverne also regard democracy as a canal through which a populist tyranny of the majority lets its poisons flow, etc, and a very dangerous step towards the doctrine that the people’s will must always prevail. But unlike the Germans, we cannot vote for Members of the House of Lords, campaigning on a mandate to abolish democracy. Because the House of Lords is much less democratic than the Reichstag was in 1933.
Erogan The would-be Muslim Messiah thinks we are all Nazis.
(Don’t mention the Armenians)
He is sounding very much like the head of the libtards. Libtard Sultan Erdogan.