Cripes! Based on the BBC News website Trump’s 12 year old tax return is the most important news in the world today. But of course he leaked the documents himself.
They are giving it front & centre coverage on the telly news as well.
“Who gives a t*ss ?” was my thought on that just before switching the channel.
Perhaps sneering Sopel would like to do an in-depth investigation, he’s good at copying stuff down from other people’s’ notebooks because he doesn’t get interviews anymore.
The bBBC are all over a story about famine in Africa.
Somalia, Yemen, South Sudan, and Northern Nigeria all got a mention.
In Northern Nigeria, the famine is attributed in good part to the insurgency of a group called Boka Haram.
But strangely, the bBBC just could not bring themselves to consider or even mention whether the religious persuasion of Boka Harum might have anything to do with their murderous attacks, murders, torching villages, and kidnappings.
Now I just wonder which religion that might be?
Um, silly I know, but what happened to all the crop irrigation (?) that Geldorf’s Band Aid created ? clearly all these disaster funds they scramble to set up just evaporates into the CEO’s pockets. Tragic though these circumstances are, the big underlying problem remains – lack of birthcontrol, but this never gets mentioned on the Appeals, focusing instead on little babies with bloated bellies wafting flies away.
Yep we have been having appeals and throwing millions of pounds at starving Africa for as long as I can remember, yet it still happens.
They have to start looking after themselves and stop breeding like Rabbits, it’s harsh but they will never learn.
The nuns at my school in the 50’s were humiliating us daily, with a horizontal bar chart on the wall, with all our names on it and how much money we had given, or not more than likely, to the “poor children in Africa” Plus ça change!
I also often wonder how many of those helped by Band Aid et al, in the 80’s are now running around the place with Kalashnikovs and suicide belts, kidnapping and enslaving schoolgirls.
After the referendum I was apparently empowered to become an openly bigoted nazi nationalist racist, so therefore I openly choose to no longer give a fook
Who is Geldorf ? Do you mean Geldof ? Aid to poor countries is wasted. There is a stupid Afro-American rap singer “Akon” who is virtue-signalling in Gambia by paying for street lighting in some villages. These are places that don’t have clean water or many mosquito nets. Street lighting ?? Most of the houses don’t even have electricity. FFS ! Still if it makes that asshole feel good….
Grant, shurely you know that street lights are placed a certain distance from each other, to ensure that the drivers of vehicles are aware that there is a 30mph speed limit!
Please don’t confuse the issue, as any rap ‘artist’ will tell you, in his usual banal verbal scribble, that – oh – something or other will – er – “f*** b****** f*** s******” or even worse will happen!
But I suppose you need a car to do 30mph; perhaps that’s what he’s bleating about.
A lot of the charity money goes to the jihadis directly or indirectly.
The jihadis control most of these regions one way or the other. So you get the following happening:
a)Charity workers have to bribe the jihadis to access the regions.
b)Charity workers have to give the jihadis the food and equipment and hope the jihadis pass it on.
c)The jihadis steal the food and equipment once the stuff has been distributed.
Brissles – what we need is a selfless caring, Guy, with a big heart and an even bigger mouth who can step up to the plate and organise rock and roll to save the third world from famine, maybe even write a song! ……………..Who should it be?
Here’s the deal and I know it sounds harsh but it is never the less true.
The land is over grazed by livestock, particularly goats. The land is over populated with humans relative to what the environment can support.
Rushing in to support the starving will result in yet another generation surviving. In African terms this is a doubling of population. The next time, and there will be a next time in a much shorter period of time that this happens again.
You are delaying a disaster that is going to be bigger than you could ever imagine.
Yes – and the BBC is now demanding the British taxpayer stump up the cash for this “natural” disaster. They have got “Sir Mo Farah” to do their dirty work – by interviewing him and asking him leading questions so they can make their story which they headline: Sir Mo: ‘Act now’ to help starving children in East Africa
Well I’m sure if Bono, Farah, Sting, Beckham, Geldooorf, Law, Allen et al coughed up a few mill each – oh and not forgetting Lineker, it would help, instead of asking us plebs to send a tenner each.
What a good idea, perhaps they could have their names emblazoned on the side of the aid they have paid for? For example The Lily Allen AH-64 Apache Helicopter Gunship fitted with Lineker longbow hellfire missiles?
Or the Mo-Farah long distance Abrams M1A1 Tank? or just perhaps a fleet of armoured Mercedes with ‘Give us yer fukun money’ written on the sides?
Yes, it’s always the empty-headed slebs who bang on about giving money to African despots, while sitting back and doing bugger-all except swearing on TV, or even worse, moaning that they didn’t get a knighthood!
Any spare funds for charity in this particular household go to the Air Ambulance, who do a smashing job and help everyone, whatever the mishap.
“Now I just wonder which religion that might be?” – exactly the same as in the other countries you list……….
Why doesn’t Bob Geldoff step up to the plate again I ask.
I thought the BBC had said they were to use local reporters rather than send out expensive anchor men from the UK. And Clive Myrie is reporting from northern Nigeria because…….? Why exactly?
why exactly? several reasons..
1) Clive can be relied on not to ask any awkward waycist questions about why it is that decades after independence and the end of colonialism, and regardless of how much charitable and state aid money is thrown at it…Africa remains pretty much the same for most of its people.
2) Clive subliminally demonstrates that Black people don`t all live in poverty and if the “brightest and best” are able to migrate…why, they too may find useful employment at the BBC.
Though of course this opens the door to the question…what is it about Black people adopting White cultures ( and living in a majority White culture) that is different from Black people who remain in majority Black cultures….the question that dare not speak its name.
With personal experience of living in Africa, I can vouch for your comments. I telephoned one of my best African friends in Gambia yesterday. He was totally slagging off Africans. The frustration for the good ones like him is that they are in a tiny minority. To quote Abdou yesterday ” This is a continent full of goddam bumsters “. ( NB The Gambian word “bumster” does not require translation ! )
Dear Laura Kuenssberg, and indeed all BBC political commentators who have broadcast such totally objective, balanced and enlightening reports subjects such as about Brexit and Scotland’s second referendum and such like; you may find this newly discovered photograph useful in broadcasting your never ending multicultural Marxist propaganda.
Please feel free to use, I am not concerned about my intellectual property rights.
We had an historic night in uk political history on Monday night but going by the way they have reported it its like it never happened. They have been playing it down for all its worth, the pain is deep as their EU dream is crumbling around them brought on by the people they hate but pay their wages. They are focusing all their attention on Sturgeon hoping that she can save them but then Krankie is playing russian roulette with a full magazine and i’m afraid soon we will see her brains all over the walls. Was watching C4 news on monday at 7 just after the amendments were thrown out in the house of commons Snow was talking to clegg and theresa villiers. Clegg look like a spoilt child when all his tantrums had come to nothing but it was the way snow spoke to villiers that was an eye opener and his bias was on full display. He wasnt talking to her but shouting just short of screaming. It was like he had just stepped in dogshit and all the venom built up since june last year came to the surface. She should have just walked off instead of having to put up with that.
Now we just need theresa to trigger article 50 and more venom will be unleashed. I am getting used to be called a fascist , nazi and white supremacist since last june and we are being told leavers are full of hate.
now real question is …. just how wealthy would england be without our erm friends and for how many years could they fulfil englands so called immigration needs?
Dutch elections today – hopefully there will be another shock result!! I bet the EU are worried sick that Geert Wilders will be elected and their empire will really start to topple in a domino effect – Marine Le Pen next. Fingers crossed.
Quite. Another big upset and all the trendy, lefty liberals will be moving to Somalia, Saudi, Pakistan, N Korea, or one of the many other countries which suits their beliefs far better than the nasty, xenophobic, racist, UK.
(No such luck – at the end of the day they’d rather stay here and suffer!)
I have commented before that the Western World appears to be breaking up into, roughly, 49/51 percenters. Fortunately the 51% contains the common sense but, any bets on Geert Wilders joining the rest with a 51% ish win? Indecisive voting and small margins simply exacerbate the anger and venom of the losers.
I watched biased BBC Breakfast this morning (as usual)from 6.05 am to 6.25 am before going to work.
I was expecting some coverage of the very important Dutch election that is happening today,or the trouble escalating between the Dutch and Turkey,… not a sausage, the giggling buffoons on the sofa just blathered on about some other shite.
Do you think they are trying to ignore it?
Come on – you need to play the BBC filter game. If the right wing Dutch fella does well in the election it will either be ignored or downplayed . If he does badly ( less than well -in liberal speak) the BBC will be trumpeting the the top of their lair.
I don’t know which it will go but even the filtered pro Muslim immigration BBC has failed to filter out that the Nice Dutch are pretty fed up with what their political class has inflicted on them.
What will happen is Wilders party will win so many votes that another party will have to go into coalition with him, but will probably refuse, so what does that mean for democracy?
The trouble is, as the Dutch realise that if Wilders party gets in power the Muslims will riot and cause a lot of trouble, so like everyone else they will let the immigrant minority tell them what to do, by fear of terrorism.
Have you noticed how the media label any populist party’s result as a loss even if they come in 2nd place in a field of 10 or more? They also tend to say that the result is a ‘disaster’ for the party despite the fact it may be a good result with numbers up? A failure to win can be disappointing but that should no way be assumed to be a disaster!
Notice also how the Greens in many countries have had stagnating or decreased poll results. There are no calls for the party to disband or even msm articles predicting the decline of the Greens that I have seen.
In the West Australian state elections last week the One Nation party failed to live up to expectations and their support failed to materialise on the day. It was a self-inflicted error by Pauline Hanson doing a silly deal with the ailing Liberal Party (Con UK equivalent) and annoying her voters and undercutting her candidates and footsloggers. None- the-less, they still managed 7.5% whereas the Greens were only about half a percent higher. Not commented on by the media. Surprise surprise.
According to the latest polls the Dutch election is set to see the ruling party win about four seats more than Geert’s Freedom party which would meant that it dropped about 12 seats while Wilder’s party will have increased their number of seats. Don’t be fooled that would be a defeat or disaster as the msm will try and spin it.
Having said all that I am still hoping that Geert can do a ‘Brexit/Trump’ and come in first.
So I say with all my voice and kinetic energy “Go Geert Go!”
R5 Emma Barmynet later doing ‘what is hatespeech’ in her prog
“What is the Limit : freespeech vs Hatespeech ?”
She just asked for calls Tel : 0500 909 693
@Grant LibMob thinks like this :
“…….Anything WE say is FREEspeech
……Anything THEY* say is HATEspeech ”
By They, they mean us/Trump/Farage any Non-Libmob
She’s just had Pritti Patel talking about Foreign Aid
..Emma likes to do ‘pet issues’
Producer tweeted
@RozieBreen (Head of BBC R5 News)
” Coming up @Emmabarnett-> @patel4witham on foreign aid, £ well spent?
Plus Norway on Brexit
& the Peer who took in a Syrian refugee @bbc5live “
Surely the dividing line should be incitement to violence, other than that all opinion should be allowed as free speech.
There then might be a debate over manners, but manners should not be a matter for the criminal justice system
Hate speech is just a way of favouring groups over other groups and thereby attacking the principle of equality under rule of law.
Maybe all those African dictators, with their billions taken from their own countries and stored safely in Swiss bank accounts, could stump up a few million for the starving, often in their own countries.
And then how about the Gulf States, they have a few bob to spare, even with oil at $50 a barrel?
How about it, aid agencies?
Apparently the Somali Government is charging each charity “humanitarian” aider to enter the country. Yes, believe it or not and they keep charging and charging and charging. The Charities have, whats called, “protested”. Yeah, right………..
I watched a recording of ‘Hospital’ yesterday evening. I recorded the programme some while ago, just before Xmas I think. An innner Londonistan hospital and we, the viewers followed Terry, going about his business apologetically, trying to charge non-UK resident patients for using our Health Service. The programme focused upon patients who, suspiciously, arrived in the UK “on holiday” where an immediate illness suddenly manifested itself needing hospitliasation and major surgery. One such was a particularly sly looking Nigerian who admitted using IVF to become pregnant whereupon the Nigerian Health Service declared Nigeria was not the place to have multiple births and recommended the UK or US. No money, no ‘husband’ (apparently), just a desire to find someone or somewhere other than Nigeria, capable of delivering multiple births safely.
I often have some “hard talk ” with Africans. I say ” If you Africans cannot respect each other, why should the rest of us respect you ?”. This strikes right at the heart of the “African psyche “. And most of them know it.
“Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed him its glittering light.
His land swarmed with powerful and docile beasts, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart or sled.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched the surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.
He lived as his fathers lived – stole his food, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, dance and sport as the ape.
This creature, half child, half animal, the sport of impulse, whim and conceit, pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw, a being who, left to his will, roams at night and sleeps in the day, whose speech knows no word of love, whose passions, once aroused are as the fury of the tiger.”
Well that’s nice . Another communication from TV licensing who seem so concerned about me . Now it looks like they’re going to make a communal visit .
The weather is getting better so how shall I plan for this . I suggest a little bunting in the streets , a long table with finger food and some punch , a raised platform for some nice speeches about unique funding , impartial free and fair , a band and maybe fireworks to round off the day . Perhaps Lily Allen , Linecker or some other snowflake should be invited to attend and give us their profound knowledge of virtue signalling .
Advice please on what I should put in my speech to them .
LOL ! I sold my flat in Edinburgh last year and disposed of my TV. And had letters to prove it, which I sent to the Licensing Nazis. They are still pursuing me, even though they do not know where I am living now. My mail is being re-directed. I wonder what they will do ? Turn up at my old address and surprise the new owners ? Trace me to my current address where I am staying with my 92-year old mother ? These people and the whole TV licensing system is a load of bollocks.
Don’t talk to them don’t acknowledge them. If you happen to open the door to them do not enter into conversation just shut the door.
So Sturgeon can stage a second referendum anytime and about anything – is that correct?
Does anyone know if she’s any plans or has given the slightest thought to what happens if they leave and how they might survive in the wilderness without parasitizing the rest of us?
Come on Grant, you seem in the loop.
Krankie has no idea. She is pissing in the wind. And risking my country for her own selfish vanity. She has no plans. To quote my late granny, in another context, she is just “Teenie frae Troon “. Deeply ignorant, parochial and racist.
This references Schedule 5 – the powers that are reserved to ‘The Crown’, i.e. the UK government: (a) the Crown, including succession to the Crown and a regency, (b) the Union of the Kingdoms of Scotland and England,
(c) the Parliament of the United Kingdom,
(d) the continued existence of the High Court of Justiciary as a criminal court of first instance and of appeal,
(e) the continued existence of the Court of Session as a civil court of first instance and of appeal.
So Sturgeon can rant as much as she likes, the power to dissolve the union lies with the UK government.
Of course, as the BBC kept telling us yesterday, ‘the UK government will do what Sturgeon, (and we), want’.
Well, yes and no. The UK government can indeed tell Krankie to p*ss off and there’s not much she can do about it. But the reality is that to do that might be seen by many up here as Westminster ignoring the democratically-elected Scottish Parliament. Which may cause enough resentment to alter the dynamics.
It’s a difficult decision, but my view is that May should treat wee Nicola with disdain and pay her no attention for a few days, other than a curt, “Yes, I’m aware she said that, but I’ve got important things to deal with right now”. Sadly May isn’t tough enough to do that.
It may be that this is a boil which has to be lanced once and for all, but at what cost to my country can only be guessed.
Exactly. The UK Government has to agree. I think they should call her bluff and trigger a referendum for May 2016. But Treezer won’t have the balls for that.
Does not the Supreme Court decision generated by Gina Miller impact on the ultimate outcome of Sturgeon’s vote next week? She may get a Motion or Bill through the Assembly at Holyrood but until Westminster agrees to back it, any Referendum is merely an Opinion Poll.
U-turn over Budget plan to increase National Insurance
Mr Hammond had faced a backlash by Conservative backbenchers, who accused him of breaking a general election manifesto commitment not to put up National Insurance, income tax or VAT. In his letter explaining his change of heart, the chancellor said: “It is very important both to me and to the prime minister that we are compliant not just with the letter, but also the spirit of the commitments that were made. “In the light of what has emerged as a clear view among colleagues and a significant section of the public, I have decided not to proceed with the Class 4 NIC measure set out in the Budget.”
Great news. The BBC, of course, can’t wait to quote Chairman Corbyn’s verdict that this is an ’embarrassing u-turn’ for the Government, but I see it as a sensible, pragmatic move by the Chancellor to address a well-founded criticism and restore fairness to the system. As a self-employed worker myself I couldn’t be happier with this.
Grant, I have always had severe reservations about Mr Hammond (he’s a pro-EU stooge through-and-through), but I can’t say I’m not happy with his ‘idiocy’ re: the National Insurance reverse-ferret.
Grant, string of Tories since 1970 have had poor first or second Budgets as Chancellor – with the exception of Tony Barber (who probably got ALL his Budgets wrong) and one of your heroes from last week, Nigel Lawson, who had a good run until near the end of his stewardship, the sole failure due more to his boss than himself.
It was a major blooper but, in a way, it could work out favourably if they embrace significant tax reform.
The bloke who should resign is Osborne. Strangely, Laura, Kamal & Simon at the BBC have not been pointing much of a finger at the ‘sirry irriot’ who tied the Tories up in their 2015 Manifesto on this.
You know when I first heard this on budget day I was surprised, because I didn’t realise that the self employed paid less NI than the rest of us, I thought everyone paid the same, as we all get the same state pension.
So can’t see what the fuss is about?
NI is the same as any other tax. It is not hypothecated. I guess the idea is that the self-employed should pay less NI to compensate them for the risk. But Hammond is too stupid to understand that.
Grant, there is considerable debate at times over this, as there is over VED Duty which also, traditionally, is a hypothecated tax although this is now denied by various ‘researchers’. Those denials are despite Hansard and newspaper & broadcast records of various statements by Chancellors and others to the effect that ‘Road Tax’ is used to pay for roads.
I think there is or used to be a NI Fund that holds Gilts. The details used to be published in a London Journal, the correct name for which escapes me at present, although on recollection ‘London Daily Journal’ or ‘London Daily List’* strikes me as possibly being correct. This came up in discussion about seven years ago on Steffie Flanders’ or Nick Robinson’s Blogs and I did find some info on it. No time to do so at present but if I remember to search, I will.
The unhappy fact is that current NI contributions probably go out as fast or faster than they come in, although a considerable amount goes round in circles in, for example, the NHS.
Wild Bill, That was down to Gordon Brown who had increased so many other taxes to pay for this, that and t’other, that people on low incomes were really struggling. Retired folk were protesting by not paying their Council Tax and were prepared to go to jail over it. The Self-Employed did not have that ‘luxury’. Brown followed up the reduction in NI rates, if I recall correctly, with the 10% Low Income Tax Rate as a further concession, to help folk get by.
Hundreds of Afghan migrants come into UK disguised as Sikh …
“Not a BBC pet issue so not yet reported , nor selected for operation “banging on”
Hundreds of Afghan migrants get to UK disguised as Sikh relatives as turbans hide identity … Davinder Chawla faces jail over a Sikh passport scam.
Hundreds of Afghan migrants get to UK disguised as Sikh relatives as turbans hide identity
Not a great fan of 5 live but caught it by accident this morning with some rabid BBC presenter busily undermining the military – even more than the other PC – brigade – as a result of the appeal court handing down a diminished responsibility on RM Blackman ( who is still inside!).
I can only guess the presenter responds to the nodding of the rest of her BBC bubble in voicing such Unpopular views. Glad I don’t pay to hear such anti British vitriol.
Headscarf ruling : The times is the only one claiming the ruling will not apply in the UK
“After EU headscarf ruling, UK PM May says government should not tell women what to wear – Reuters — 12:48”
After EU headscarf ruling, UK PM May says government should not tell women what to wear – Reuters — 12:48
Shariamour! “Appeaser” May in da house
but … its not the government that does, its Islam that does.
Along with its Hijab “cheerleader” the Al BBC.
That’s why its a requirement the government protects them
once again utter abject failure, to do anything of any substance,
(if only its was hammering the poorest and most vulnerable eh!, she would spend any amount of time, any amount of money).
what happened to that shite compromised/orchestrated sharia review? …
No10 are an self serving, screw the nation liability.
We need a clear out … and fast!.
Stuff people say on Twitter after watching BBC push out PR
” Watching BBC news, and they’re promoting a Syria chef, who came across ten other countries, (to London) where he could’ve got refugee status, France”
“BBC news article about a chef who fled Syria because it was too dangerous. So dangerous, he left all his family there”
\\Piece on the bbc about a Syrian “refugee” (coward) working as a chef in London. “The hardest part was leaving my family behind”//
Pot, Kettle, Black. Re the Donalds tax return. To avoid hypocrisy and double standards, any journalist wishing to cast aspersions over other peoples tax figures should be made to reveal in detail their own recent tax returns, and those of the editors of the msm spreading such ‘news’. I’m sure they’ll happily agree to abide by their own ‘let’s get it all out into the open’ dogma, after all, it would be in the public interest.
Personally, I’d be a lot happier if the regressive msm could even pretend to be a little less hypocritical. They foam at the mouth about a rich man paying his taxes but seem to lose all journalistic inquiry whenever the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton’s staggering personal wealth is mentioned.
Anyone who is not fully-signed up to the regressive reservation is fair game, but if you’re in the club, and prepared to play by the rules, no problemo, comrade.
Many of whom, Grant, now benefit from the U-turn on NI. Rory Stewart was very good on WatO today (BBC R4 1pm) but had a tough job as ‘White Van Fan’ a.k.a. Emily Thornberry, was spouting about a lot.
Ok remember my complaint about the BBc reporting of the “triple lock pension increases.” I am appalled by the standard of what appears to be the latest agenda driven story on breakfast. Over the last few days I have seen an extended attack on the so called triple lock increases on pensions. I have watched several people comment on this issue. Not the BBc reporters I assume this will be so any complaints will be met with your usual “the views of third parties is their own” fob off. The story goes “young people” are jealous about the supposed fabulous increases that this gives a retirement pension. supposedly far more than working age groups income increase. Of course where this story doesn’t meet your agenda is the overall picture which no surprise has ever been shown at least whilst I’ve been watching. The truth is of course that the MAXIMUM state retirement pension at present is £119.3.6 = £6206.72pa, Or under the new pension scheme from 6/4/2016 £155.65 = £8,093.80 pa. You get one or the other depending on your date of birth. Looking at these figures it is obvious why the whole picture has not been revealed when it is implied pensions are now at some high flying figures Compare these to minimum wage , assuming a 36 hour week which ranges from £13.478.40 -£6552.00 pa. It doesn’t look so great now does it? Perhaps one of your reporters might of interjected to point out the overall figures that are being discussed? Or maybe that wouldn’t have the agenda. Perhaps characters like the girl I saw on Breakfast on Monday bitching about the triple lock should have been advised she might be happier living on a maximum wage of £155.65pw. Perhaps you can explain to me why a the whole picture is not shown when you run this story.”
I have received their template reply today,
Reference CAS-4260779-2J506Z
Thank you for getting in contact with us regarding the ‘Breakfast’ programme.
I appreciate you feel the BBC’s report on changes to pension allowance has not shown complete information and has instead shown a biased and negative attitude against it in your view.
We were concerned to learn of your unhappiness surrounding this particular programme, but we should explain that all BBC correspondents, reporters, presenters and editors are very well aware of our key commitment to impartial reporting at all times.
All BBC staff are expected to put any political views to one side when carrying out their work for the BBC, and they simply try to provide the information and context on the story or issue using their professional insight to allow our viewers, listeners and web users to make up their own minds.
The BBC aims to show the political reality and provide a forum for discussion on issues, giving full opportunity for all sides of the debate to be heard and explored. Senior editorial staff within BBC News, the BBC’s Executive Board, and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.
Our News editors ensure that over a reasonable period of time we reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends on particular issues, but it’s important to add here that our published Editorial Guidelines explain that not every issue or viewpoint necessarily has to be included in each individual report. The key point is that the BBC as an organisation has no view or position itself on anything we may report upon – our aim is to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of our audiences.
In dealing with any issue, we are required to give a fair and balanced report, but balance cannot be judged simply on the basis of the amount of time allocated to the representatives of either side of an argument. One spokesperson may make their points concisely, while another needs longer to explain a point of view or a complex issue, plus a change to the existing position or status quo may take longer to clarify. Account also needs to be taken of the way a subject is covered over a period of time; perfect balance is difficult to achieve on every single individual occasion, while overall it is a more achievable goal taking into account our coverage as a whole over a period of time.
However, we appreciate you may continue to feel differently and therefore, I have passed on your complaint to senior management and programme makers on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to get in contact with us.
Kind regards
Daniel Stewart
BBC Complaints Team
So the same old template reply. I will complain about this reply and see what template reply I get next.
I’m not bothered Dave.
You are referring to the largest voting bloc in the country. It is not coordinated but virtually all think alike over certain issues. I think that has already been demonstrated 23rd June 2016. Wise to not upset them!
I have just watched the Daily Politics programme on BBC. I was astonished to discover that neither the SNP representative or interviewers Neil and Coburn knew that to be accepted into the EU basket case of countries, a condition of joining is that the Euro currency has to accepted by the joining country.
Why was the SNP politician allowed to get away with saying that they (SNP), haven’t decided what currency to adopt yet?
Why didn’t Jo Coburn in particular, know this well known fact.
Hmm @Wronged Their was a 2012 Guardian discussionby Polly Curtis which ended
“seems there is a stage at which Scotland can decide whether to join the euro. It’s still expected by the EU, but it’s not automatic”
“I think my conclusion still stands, that ultimately the EU will expect Scotland to join the euro and that it comes down to a political negotiation between an independent Scotland and the EU as to when and how that happens. However, the SNP is right in saying that they could hold a referendum on it and in the case of Sweden the EU has currently allowed this to be delayed for its own internal political reasons. Whether Scotland can follow the case of Sweden though will be subject to a political negotiation.”
If daft Dave couldn’t get any concessions out of the EU during his, so-called, “negotiations”, does the Garden Gnome think she can?
In my humble opinion, Scotland will be required to join the Euro. If by some concession they don’t, they certainly will not avoid the boat loads of illiterate Africans currently still flooding into Europe (some figures indicate > 67,000 already this year). Perhaps the EU would simply re-direct their taxi service to Scotland for that country to have its share as determined by the leader of the 4th Reich?
Thanks Stew but I would recommend you read the following article which states that Spain will insist on Scotland joining the Euro and have to wait for five years before being accepted.
Telegraph 2014 is a bit more up to date.
I know Alex Salmond has said the opposite but he is an untrustworthy snake oiled lying lawyer. I wouldn’t trust a word he says. He hates the English and is therefore, like so many of the SNP, a racist.
Thankfully,we seem to have the more saner Scots on this site, sadly many of them are unable to vote.
You have to consider just how much consternation Brexit is causing the Brussels bureaucrats, and just how much they will be prepared to do to fuck the English. Junkers 87 and his petty minded despot pals are perfectly capable of turning all of their rules around joining on their head and making a special case for Jockland just to screw us.
Well the EU believe that new members need to follow the ‘Copehagen Criteria’.
“These conditions are known as the ‘Copenhagen criteria’ and include a free-market economy, a stable democracy and the rule of law, and the acceptance of all EU legislation, including of the euro.”
“Due to the huge volume of EU rules and regulations each candidate country must adopt as national law, the negotiations take time to complete.”
An ‘independent’ Scotland would find itself very deficient in EU law as it would lose the connection via UK law. Can you imagine Sturgeon having to put forward a Scottish bill to incorporate Westminster law if she achieved independence? Yes, I know May is proposing to do something similar, the real analogue would be Farrage as PM doing this!
Has anyone else noticed that the people who die fighting for this country tend to not be a ‘diverse’ bunch? Surely if we are living in a multicultural utopia like the BBC say everyone would be equally willing to lay down their lives for the nation? It almost makes you think that it is all a load of bollocks.
In broad terms I would agree, but when you read press like this about Sikhs you start to believe that everyone from the sub-continent is corrupt to a greater or lesser degree.
On Sky, one Faisal Islam was asking part time Uber driver Vikta Cantpronouncehisname his thoughts on the Hammond’s U turn on the self employed. Honest to God my Daddy and Grandaddy would turn in their graves, as this migrant in barely articulate English said that Hammond should stop writing jokes and get his maths right so he could run his country in this beautiful country. I’m sick to my ears at migrants being interviewed and opinionising what this country should do or not do. If they did that in their own homeland they might make their fortune there !!
I blame the liberal wan%£rs. Years ago the army brass spoke of raising a sikh brigade. The sikh council said you will have a full regiment within a year if you reinstate the sikh regiment. (Look up their ww2 record) Army spoke with clowns from the commission of racial equality who basically said this will encourage segregation and is against the multicultural agenda. Short sighted frikin tossers. You can see a report in daily mail about it.
4:30pm R4 KT Hopkins
Media Show @MaggieBMedia on @Channel4 head David Abrahams’ leaving
& @KTHopkins and @MarksLarks on twitter libel #R4Mediashow @BBCRadio4
Reckon this interview with the Saintly Katie is our baseline for % BBC Maximum Bias when interviewing.
Appalling-basically Emergency Howlett could only read out the judges opinion( judgement is not the word I`d use)-and tell us all how popular Katie is (650,000 followers she said).
Funny to hear the BBC demand an apology-clearly the Left see this as a way to go seeing as Corbyn wants the same from the Tories for their NI ballsup.
Since when did Corbyns crackers speak for self-employed people-we HATE them ,we know what Labour would do to us. As they always have done.
Summary : Catherwood was quite aggressive
KT explained she tweeted, went for dinner, found she made a mistake, deleted the tweet.
Was told to issue a retraction with the wording JackMonroes lawyers asked, claims she did this 2 weeks later “with the exact words requested”
Catherwood called this wrong cos KT didn’t use the word “sorry”.
KT said it was not an apology just a retraction and that the lawyers had not requested the word “sorry” for that.
KT said that during the 18 month legal process Monroes side never gave any evidence of harm. So if that is defamation then
“The defamation bar [on twitter] is as low as my labia”
And that of course she intends to appeal.
On the issue of the second tweet : Yes Monroe had made a £5K demand and yes she Hopkins had replied with a sarcastic tweet.
I say :
#1 Yes the first tweet went uncorrected for 2 hours but @KTHopkins followers probably already had low opinion of JackMonroe before the Tweets *So they made no financial impact*
#2 JM’s tweet demanding a conditional £5K apology
seemed disproportionate +like blackmail
Then the lawyer came on and didn’t roll over. Instead he could see KT had a point.
I heard the “interview” it fell to the standard of the Today programmed with the interviewer not allowing the interviewer to answer questions and just bullying. I thought there might be something personal between them but then realised Katherwood was probably auditioning to be the next Today presenter .
I’m not sure why she had Hopkins along in the first place, she was certainly not in the slightest bit interested in what she had to say. That, said, Perhaps Catherwood saw herself as some sort of meeja regulator and summoned Hopkins to Broadcasting House to sanction her and administer a punishment beating.
What particularly made me laugh was the crone’s repeated insistence that when a journo get’s it wrong they issue a retraction AND offer an apology. This rule though does not apply to the BBC, their ‘retraction and apology is always limited to, ‘we got it just about right’.
Birmingham Uni have made a booklet on Inclusive Journalism
..I’m guessing they don’t mean to INCLUDE “opinions like yours”
Everybody In: A Journalist's Guide To Inclusive Reporting For Journalism Students, an astonishing work @DianeKemp1
I wonder if there are any Brexit or UKIP voters involved in producing the document.If not there would appear to be a good change of a lot of opinions being excluded.
On a quick glance at the chapters
Despite Ethnicity and Religion already having chapter, there seems to be favouritism in having a Chapter 6. Islamophobia, when there is no special chapter for any other specific group like Antisemitism
..Nor anything about including all political viewpoints.
“If we just talk about diversity we can fall into ‘doing diversity’ stories. These, as any story, should be part of what we cover, but a better approach surely is to seek to be inclusive in all our news coverage: to reflect the interest and voices of our audience, wherever we are based. Any town, city or region offers us a diverse audience. That diversity might be in terms of social class, economic status, gender and age as much as religion, ethnicity or disability.”
Reflect the voices of the audience, that’s a novel idea for the BBC. Though maybe they think reflecting mirrors invert, (they don’t), which is why most of what they say is the opposite of what most people believe?
Next week Farming Today special week of programmes on exploring the environmental and farming opportunities that will come with Brexit
featuring a line-up of special guests.
Princess Anne, Germaine Greer, Jay Rayner and Sir Tim Smit (Eden Project) (whichcollects a subsidy of £20/patron)
* Tim Martin (Weatherspoons) Wed 22 March *
Watching the 1 O clock new looks like the beeb have declared all out jihad on the government judging by the way they reported the u turn on NI. Last week they were telling us that the NI increase would not bring in enough cash today its as if we are losing hundreds of billions by the U turn. Monday night must have hurt them hard like a knife through the heart and they have thrown all the toys out of the basket and continue to do so.
Everybody knows that the Tories messed up last week re their budget. But the BBC have spent nearly half their PM show dissecting this, moaning and sneering at this “U-Turn”.
In other words-they`ve listened to their voters, and thereby shuts down Labours only feeble efforts to talk of “shambles”-ye Gods…LABOUR saying this FFS!
So the BBC are livid, as are the Remoaning Press puppets who were rather hoping for the Tories to be hung for this idiocy, Good politics Tories-only thickos like McDonnell and Mair see this as ” an image problem for the BBC and for Brussels”. The rest of us don`t give a damn-and know that Libor will NEVER be in power again.
No matter the BBC and the broadshits are so bovva`d.
Govt deserves to get hammered over Budget U-turn.Obviously there was inexcuseable negligence at the top of the cabinet where it is clear that senior ministers had forgotten what was in their 2015 manifesto and yet as usual nobody resigns.
The major reason why the establishment is so out favour following Iraq,the financial crisis,Libya , Ulster green subsidies fiasco,railway chaos etc is that people have noticed nobody in authority ever resigns for inexcusable imcompentence
Radio 4 PM with Eddie Mayer and a guest (Rob Bailey of Chatham House) lying about the causes of it. Oh yes he can tell us conflict is a big issue, but he just can’t bring himself to tell us that it’s Islamic groups who are causing all this, although it is alluded to with a mention of British troops being present to help with the threat of Al Shabab.
He then goes on to talk about the drought, and tells that it was an EL Nino year, when it was in fact a weak La nina ! If you can’t even get that right then what chance is there of anything else being right?
The bBBC are publicising this map showing where recent violence across France has happened. Of course, they say it is false. In do not believe them, they have lied too often to me.
BBC Cheerleaders for Hijab – ‘Headscarf ban disproportionately affects Muslim women’
“Prevents muslim women from the public space” … no it doesn t
“Prevents muslim women from the workplace” … no it doesn t
“prevents muslim women progressing” … NO it definitely doesn t
It precludes them from adhering to sharia above a nations law, that s it!
that’s why the Al BBC, this muslim feminist rights woman (now there s a paradox).
are concerned.
The winds of change begin to blow.
nobody wants it, nobody wants to see it
If the Scottish government cede Rockall to the Irish Republic as a Scottish area under Irish protection, then when we leave the EU, Nicola Sturgeon could stay in the EU. But as a concession to EU rules on Islam, she should cover her head with an airtight black plastic bag.
Read a Josie Long review in the Independent today.
She went to a grammar school, but is violently against them. The reviewer commended her for “checking her privilege”, This surely is where we need a few trolls to explain THAT as being consistent.
This is the Left-totally barking, hounds of hell at each others nuts…the rest of us getting on with life.
But why are we paying?..
PS-Nicola Sturgeon and Kenny Dalglish-are they one and the same?
Long is a full blown corbynista so not surprised she’s on. Another political activist masquerading as a comic, there’s quite a lot of those at the Beeb. Her Twitter feed after the 2015 election was a hoot as she had built herself up for labour getting in but when it didn’t happen the toys got thrown out of the pram and even more after brexit, Tory voters are scum to her as she states quite often on her twatter page. Jezza can do no wrong in her eyes
bbc in full cock-a-hoop over Scottish independence. They obviously haven’t joined up the dots yet. it’s like turkeys voting for xmas. There will be no bbc Scotland funded by English taxpayers. Where will they get the revenue from? The English population is 10 times that of Scotland – they have had an easy ride thus far. That will come to an abrupt end I would imagine.
No, there will be; that’s why in “certain areas” the NHS policy is not to reveal the sex of the baby (to any couple) when it is scanned, as Muslim fathers don’t want daughters.
Support Scottish independence, support Islam, support uncontrolled immigration, support anti British sentiment, support the EU, support the BBC, support the mainstream press, support faux ‘victims’ everywhere, support the fascist liberal left and stick your finger up your bum while whistling Dixie.
‘The number of people diagnosed with tuberculosis in London has fallen by a third after potential immigrants were forced to undergo a health test before being granted a UK visa’
Yep, TB had pretty much disappeared in the UK but high and rising levels of immigration without ‘racist’ health checks coupled with immigrants visiting their homeland for extended periods.(Medication and monitoring lasts for six to twelve months.) So TB figures were boosted way up – not something that’s had much coverage for some reason.
I don’t remember the BBC reporting this anti white Racist attack on a white woman by cowardly Pakis in Birmingham, nor can I find any reference to it on the racist & Fascist BBCs website.
might be interesting given the huge number of Eastern Europeans that have settled in the area over the last 10 years or so, and the fact that the referendum result locally was 62% to leave the EU
I imagine the beeb are curious to find out if those two things could possibly be linked.
Good bit of telly from Holland the other night. What struck me is the Dutch elite shellshocked and seemingly unwilling to engage with Wilders in the big issues. And they come no bigger that whether or not Holland will still exist as a nation in a few years time. But the nice metrosexual men in suits simply have no words, no language, no experience and just want to wish it all away. Civilised debate-but Hollands politic elite are as effect and as complacent/cossetted as the rest of the EUs suits.
That said, it`s better telly than anything else on the BBC at the minute,
Thanks for posting that Alicia; Wilders is the only politician in Western Europe (including Madam Le Pen) who REALLY gets it and is prepared to express it, as to what a threat Muslims and their religion pose to our civilization.
I only hope that enough of his fellow countrymen have realized that too.
‘Muslim women face triple penalty’
Muslim women’s activist Shelina Janmohamed said the decision “disproportionately affects Muslim women” who faced a “triple penalty” of discrimination
BBC Cheerleaders for Hijab – ‘Headscarf ban disproportionately affects Muslim women’
“Prevents muslim women from the public space” … no it doesn t
“Prevents muslim women from the workplace” … no it doesn t
“prevents muslim women progressing” … NO it definitely doesn t
It precludes them from adhering to sharia above a nations law, that s it!
The hijab can only “prevent” something if it is treated as a prison, muslim feminists please take note, if that is the case … an outright ban should be enforced, not a work one.
Take the damn thing off if you want to work, quit whining let freedom reign
… and fit in FFS!.
That’s why the Al BBC, this muslim feminist rights woman (now there s a paradox).
are concerned.
The BBC should be ashamed
The winds of change begin to blow.
nobody wants it, nobody wants to see it
Earlier someone posted the insight that to the MSM, anything other than a victory by an ideological foe is a game over obliteration. The BBC top ‘analysts’ are prone to this deception/delusion. OT, but, I give you:
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Cripes! Based on the BBC News website Trump’s 12 year old tax return is the most important news in the world today. But of course he leaked the documents himself.
Maybe Katty Kay could ‘interview’ Rachel Maddow in that special way the BBC reserves for certain folk?
They are giving it front & centre coverage on the telly news as well.
“Who gives a t*ss ?” was my thought on that just before switching the channel.
About time we saw the Clinton’s tax returns…
Perhaps sneering Sopel would like to do an in-depth investigation, he’s good at copying stuff down from other people’s’ notebooks because he doesn’t get interviews anymore.
The bBBC are all over a story about famine in Africa.
Somalia, Yemen, South Sudan, and Northern Nigeria all got a mention.
In Northern Nigeria, the famine is attributed in good part to the insurgency of a group called Boka Haram.
But strangely, the bBBC just could not bring themselves to consider or even mention whether the religious persuasion of Boka Harum might have anything to do with their murderous attacks, murders, torching villages, and kidnappings.
Now I just wonder which religion that might be?
Um, silly I know, but what happened to all the crop irrigation (?) that Geldorf’s Band Aid created ? clearly all these disaster funds they scramble to set up just evaporates into the CEO’s pockets. Tragic though these circumstances are, the big underlying problem remains – lack of birthcontrol, but this never gets mentioned on the Appeals, focusing instead on little babies with bloated bellies wafting flies away.
Yep we have been having appeals and throwing millions of pounds at starving Africa for as long as I can remember, yet it still happens.
They have to start looking after themselves and stop breeding like Rabbits, it’s harsh but they will never learn.
The nuns at my school in the 50’s were humiliating us daily, with a horizontal bar chart on the wall, with all our names on it and how much money we had given, or not more than likely, to the “poor children in Africa” Plus ça change!
I also often wonder how many of those helped by Band Aid et al, in the 80’s are now running around the place with Kalashnikovs and suicide belts, kidnapping and enslaving schoolgirls.
After the referendum I was apparently empowered to become an openly bigoted nazi nationalist racist, so therefore I openly choose to no longer give a fook
Who is Geldorf ? Do you mean Geldof ? Aid to poor countries is wasted. There is a stupid Afro-American rap singer “Akon” who is virtue-signalling in Gambia by paying for street lighting in some villages. These are places that don’t have clean water or many mosquito nets. Street lighting ?? Most of the houses don’t even have electricity. FFS ! Still if it makes that asshole feel good….
Grant, I was being a bit ‘posh’ with Geldooorrrf, as in telling him to f… orrrrf !!
Grant, shurely you know that street lights are placed a certain distance from each other, to ensure that the drivers of vehicles are aware that there is a 30mph speed limit!
Please don’t confuse the issue, as any rap ‘artist’ will tell you, in his usual banal verbal scribble, that – oh – something or other will – er – “f*** b****** f*** s******” or even worse will happen!
But I suppose you need a car to do 30mph; perhaps that’s what he’s bleating about.
Let’s ask the BBC, they’ll understand!
A lot of the charity money goes to the jihadis directly or indirectly.
The jihadis control most of these regions one way or the other. So you get the following happening:
a)Charity workers have to bribe the jihadis to access the regions.
b)Charity workers have to give the jihadis the food and equipment and hope the jihadis pass it on.
c)The jihadis steal the food and equipment once the stuff has been distributed.
Brissles – what we need is a selfless caring, Guy, with a big heart and an even bigger mouth who can step up to the plate and organise rock and roll to save the third world from famine, maybe even write a song! ……………..Who should it be?
Here’s the deal and I know it sounds harsh but it is never the less true.
The land is over grazed by livestock, particularly goats. The land is over populated with humans relative to what the environment can support.
Rushing in to support the starving will result in yet another generation surviving. In African terms this is a doubling of population. The next time, and there will be a next time in a much shorter period of time that this happens again.
You are delaying a disaster that is going to be bigger than you could ever imagine.
Yes – and the BBC is now demanding the British taxpayer stump up the cash for this “natural” disaster. They have got “Sir Mo Farah” to do their dirty work – by interviewing him and asking him leading questions so they can make their story which they headline: Sir Mo: ‘Act now’ to help starving children in East Africa
Well I’m sure if Bono, Farah, Sting, Beckham, Geldooorf, Law, Allen et al coughed up a few mill each – oh and not forgetting Lineker, it would help, instead of asking us plebs to send a tenner each.
What a good idea, perhaps they could have their names emblazoned on the side of the aid they have paid for? For example The Lily Allen AH-64 Apache Helicopter Gunship fitted with Lineker longbow hellfire missiles?
Or the Mo-Farah long distance Abrams M1A1 Tank? or just perhaps a fleet of armoured Mercedes with ‘Give us yer fukun money’ written on the sides?
Yes, it’s always the empty-headed slebs who bang on about giving money to African despots, while sitting back and doing bugger-all except swearing on TV, or even worse, moaning that they didn’t get a knighthood!
Any spare funds for charity in this particular household go to the Air Ambulance, who do a smashing job and help everyone, whatever the mishap.
“Now I just wonder which religion that might be?” – exactly the same as in the other countries you list……….
Why doesn’t Bob Geldoff step up to the plate again I ask.
Are they Buddists? Scientologists? Jehova’s Witnesses? Sikhs? Jews? Jedi?
Have I missed any?
I thought the BBC had said they were to use local reporters rather than send out expensive anchor men from the UK. And Clive Myrie is reporting from northern Nigeria because…….? Why exactly?
why exactly? several reasons..
1) Clive can be relied on not to ask any awkward waycist questions about why it is that decades after independence and the end of colonialism, and regardless of how much charitable and state aid money is thrown at it…Africa remains pretty much the same for most of its people.
2) Clive subliminally demonstrates that Black people don`t all live in poverty and if the “brightest and best” are able to migrate…why, they too may find useful employment at the BBC.
Though of course this opens the door to the question…what is it about Black people adopting White cultures ( and living in a majority White culture) that is different from Black people who remain in majority Black cultures….the question that dare not speak its name.
With personal experience of living in Africa, I can vouch for your comments. I telephoned one of my best African friends in Gambia yesterday. He was totally slagging off Africans. The frustration for the good ones like him is that they are in a tiny minority. To quote Abdou yesterday ” This is a continent full of goddam bumsters “. ( NB The Gambian word “bumster” does not require translation ! )
Deborah – I don’t think they are anchors, merely something that sounds a lot like it.
Dear Laura Kuenssberg, and indeed all BBC political commentators who have broadcast such totally objective, balanced and enlightening reports subjects such as about Brexit and Scotland’s second referendum and such like; you may find this newly discovered photograph useful in broadcasting your never ending multicultural Marxist propaganda.
Please feel free to use, I am not concerned about my intellectual property rights.
We had an historic night in uk political history on Monday night but going by the way they have reported it its like it never happened. They have been playing it down for all its worth, the pain is deep as their EU dream is crumbling around them brought on by the people they hate but pay their wages. They are focusing all their attention on Sturgeon hoping that she can save them but then Krankie is playing russian roulette with a full magazine and i’m afraid soon we will see her brains all over the walls. Was watching C4 news on monday at 7 just after the amendments were thrown out in the house of commons Snow was talking to clegg and theresa villiers. Clegg look like a spoilt child when all his tantrums had come to nothing but it was the way snow spoke to villiers that was an eye opener and his bias was on full display. He wasnt talking to her but shouting just short of screaming. It was like he had just stepped in dogshit and all the venom built up since june last year came to the surface. She should have just walked off instead of having to put up with that.
Now we just need theresa to trigger article 50 and more venom will be unleashed. I am getting used to be called a fascist , nazi and white supremacist since last june and we are being told leavers are full of hate.
all the loonies are rattling their cages
now real question is …. just how wealthy would england be without our erm friends and for how many years could they fulfil englands so called immigration needs?
The majority of the Welsh voted to leave the EU,and anyway Wales would have less chance than Scotland of surviving on their own.
Dutch elections today – hopefully there will be another shock result!! I bet the EU are worried sick that Geert Wilders will be elected and their empire will really start to topple in a domino effect – Marine Le Pen next. Fingers crossed.
“Fingers crossed.”
Quite. Another big upset and all the trendy, lefty liberals will be moving to Somalia, Saudi, Pakistan, N Korea, or one of the many other countries which suits their beliefs far better than the nasty, xenophobic, racist, UK.
(No such luck – at the end of the day they’d rather stay here and suffer!)
I have commented before that the Western World appears to be breaking up into, roughly, 49/51 percenters. Fortunately the 51% contains the common sense but, any bets on Geert Wilders joining the rest with a 51% ish win? Indecisive voting and small margins simply exacerbate the anger and venom of the losers.
I watched biased BBC Breakfast this morning (as usual)from 6.05 am to 6.25 am before going to work.
I was expecting some coverage of the very important Dutch election that is happening today,or the trouble escalating between the Dutch and Turkey,… not a sausage, the giggling buffoons on the sofa just blathered on about some other shite.
Do you think they are trying to ignore it?
Come on – you need to play the BBC filter game. If the right wing Dutch fella does well in the election it will either be ignored or downplayed . If he does badly ( less than well -in liberal speak) the BBC will be trumpeting the the top of their lair.
I don’t know which it will go but even the filtered pro Muslim immigration BBC has failed to filter out that the Nice Dutch are pretty fed up with what their political class has inflicted on them.
BBC = 24 Leftist News-shite
Absolutely are – twits.
What will happen is Wilders party will win so many votes that another party will have to go into coalition with him, but will probably refuse, so what does that mean for democracy?
The trouble is, as the Dutch realise that if Wilders party gets in power the Muslims will riot and cause a lot of trouble, so like everyone else they will let the immigrant minority tell them what to do, by fear of terrorism.
Have you noticed how the media label any populist party’s result as a loss even if they come in 2nd place in a field of 10 or more? They also tend to say that the result is a ‘disaster’ for the party despite the fact it may be a good result with numbers up? A failure to win can be disappointing but that should no way be assumed to be a disaster!
Notice also how the Greens in many countries have had stagnating or decreased poll results. There are no calls for the party to disband or even msm articles predicting the decline of the Greens that I have seen.
In the West Australian state elections last week the One Nation party failed to live up to expectations and their support failed to materialise on the day. It was a self-inflicted error by Pauline Hanson doing a silly deal with the ailing Liberal Party (Con UK equivalent) and annoying her voters and undercutting her candidates and footsloggers. None- the-less, they still managed 7.5% whereas the Greens were only about half a percent higher. Not commented on by the media. Surprise surprise.
According to the latest polls the Dutch election is set to see the ruling party win about four seats more than Geert’s Freedom party which would meant that it dropped about 12 seats while Wilder’s party will have increased their number of seats. Don’t be fooled that would be a defeat or disaster as the msm will try and spin it.
Having said all that I am still hoping that Geert can do a ‘Brexit/Trump’ and come in first.
So I say with all my voice and kinetic energy “Go Geert Go!”
R5 Emma Barmynet later doing ‘what is hatespeech’ in her prog
“What is the Limit : freespeech vs Hatespeech ?”
She just asked for calls Tel : 0500 909 693
Of course, it would never occur to the vermin at the BBC that their reporting on Trump is “Hatespeech”.
@Grant LibMob thinks like this :
“…….Anything WE say is FREEspeech
……Anything THEY* say is HATEspeech ”
By They, they mean us/Trump/Farage any Non-Libmob
True . and that rhymes !!
She’s just had Pritti Patel talking about Foreign Aid
..Emma likes to do ‘pet issues’
Producer tweeted
@RozieBreen (Head of BBC R5 News)
” Coming up @Emmabarnett-> @patel4witham on foreign aid, £ well spent?
Plus Norway on Brexit
& the Peer who took in a Syrian refugee @bbc5live “
Surely the dividing line should be incitement to violence, other than that all opinion should be allowed as free speech.
There then might be a debate over manners, but manners should not be a matter for the criminal justice system
Hate speech is just a way of favouring groups over other groups and thereby attacking the principle of equality under rule of law.
#Breaking Royal Marine Alexander Blackman who shot an injured Taliban fighter in Afghanistan has murder conviction reduced to manslaughter
Maybe all those African dictators, with their billions taken from their own countries and stored safely in Swiss bank accounts, could stump up a few million for the starving, often in their own countries.
And then how about the Gulf States, they have a few bob to spare, even with oil at $50 a barrel?
How about it, aid agencies?
Even better why don’t the Liberal Lefties light some tealights and Tweet something on #stopthehunger or #westanduntiedwithafrica ?
Failing that we could always get Lillie Allen to go over there and apologise on behalf of the UK for the suffering we have caused.
Apparently the Somali Government is charging each charity “humanitarian” aider to enter the country. Yes, believe it or not and they keep charging and charging and charging. The Charities have, whats called, “protested”. Yeah, right………..
I watched a recording of ‘Hospital’ yesterday evening. I recorded the programme some while ago, just before Xmas I think. An innner Londonistan hospital and we, the viewers followed Terry, going about his business apologetically, trying to charge non-UK resident patients for using our Health Service. The programme focused upon patients who, suspiciously, arrived in the UK “on holiday” where an immediate illness suddenly manifested itself needing hospitliasation and major surgery. One such was a particularly sly looking Nigerian who admitted using IVF to become pregnant whereupon the Nigerian Health Service declared Nigeria was not the place to have multiple births and recommended the UK or US. No money, no ‘husband’ (apparently), just a desire to find someone or somewhere other than Nigeria, capable of delivering multiple births safely.
I often have some “hard talk ” with Africans. I say ” If you Africans cannot respect each other, why should the rest of us respect you ?”. This strikes right at the heart of the “African psyche “. And most of them know it.
“Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed him its glittering light.
His land swarmed with powerful and docile beasts, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart or sled.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched the surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.
He lived as his fathers lived – stole his food, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, dance and sport as the ape.
This creature, half child, half animal, the sport of impulse, whim and conceit, pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw, a being who, left to his will, roams at night and sleeps in the day, whose speech knows no word of love, whose passions, once aroused are as the fury of the tiger.”
Thomas F. Dixon Jr.
If he thinks that’s bad, he should try visiting Lewisham.
Well that’s nice . Another communication from TV licensing who seem so concerned about me . Now it looks like they’re going to make a communal visit .
The weather is getting better so how shall I plan for this . I suggest a little bunting in the streets , a long table with finger food and some punch , a raised platform for some nice speeches about unique funding , impartial free and fair , a band and maybe fireworks to round off the day . Perhaps Lily Allen , Linecker or some other snowflake should be invited to attend and give us their profound knowledge of virtue signalling .
Advice please on what I should put in my speech to them .
LOL ! I sold my flat in Edinburgh last year and disposed of my TV. And had letters to prove it, which I sent to the Licensing Nazis. They are still pursuing me, even though they do not know where I am living now. My mail is being re-directed. I wonder what they will do ? Turn up at my old address and surprise the new owners ? Trace me to my current address where I am staying with my 92-year old mother ? These people and the whole TV licensing system is a load of bollocks.
Don’t talk to them don’t acknowledge them. If you happen to open the door to them do not enter into conversation just shut the door.
Not to be found on the so called BBC
So Sturgeon can stage a second referendum anytime and about anything – is that correct?
Does anyone know if she’s any plans or has given the slightest thought to what happens if they leave and how they might survive in the wilderness without parasitizing the rest of us?
Come on Grant, you seem in the loop.
Krankie has no idea. She is pissing in the wind. And risking my country for her own selfish vanity. She has no plans. To quote my late granny, in another context, she is just “Teenie frae Troon “. Deeply ignorant, parochial and racist.
I thought Salmond a bit of a dreamer – Sturgeon just seems plain nuts.
Why did all those people vote them in – did they not understand?
The relevant legislation is the Scotland Act 1968, Section 30.
This references Schedule 5 – the powers that are reserved to ‘The Crown’, i.e. the UK government:
(a) the Crown, including succession to the Crown and a regency,
(b) the Union of the Kingdoms of Scotland and England,
(c) the Parliament of the United Kingdom,
(d) the continued existence of the High Court of Justiciary as a criminal court of first instance and of appeal,
(e) the continued existence of the Court of Session as a civil court of first instance and of appeal.
So Sturgeon can rant as much as she likes, the power to dissolve the union lies with the UK government.
Of course, as the BBC kept telling us yesterday, ‘the UK government will do what Sturgeon, (and we), want’.
Well, yes and no. The UK government can indeed tell Krankie to p*ss off and there’s not much she can do about it. But the reality is that to do that might be seen by many up here as Westminster ignoring the democratically-elected Scottish Parliament. Which may cause enough resentment to alter the dynamics.
It’s a difficult decision, but my view is that May should treat wee Nicola with disdain and pay her no attention for a few days, other than a curt, “Yes, I’m aware she said that, but I’ve got important things to deal with right now”. Sadly May isn’t tough enough to do that.
It may be that this is a boil which has to be lanced once and for all, but at what cost to my country can only be guessed.
Exactly. The UK Government has to agree. I think they should call her bluff and trigger a referendum for May 2016. But Treezer won’t have the balls for that.
I meant 2017 !
Does not the Supreme Court decision generated by Gina Miller impact on the ultimate outcome of Sturgeon’s vote next week? She may get a Motion or Bill through the Assembly at Holyrood but until Westminster agrees to back it, any Referendum is merely an Opinion Poll.
And if the answer is still NO, Nicola, what then?
Oooh dearhhh!
U-turn over Budget plan to increase National Insurance
Mr Hammond had faced a backlash by Conservative backbenchers, who accused him of breaking a general election manifesto commitment not to put up National Insurance, income tax or VAT. In his letter explaining his change of heart, the chancellor said: “It is very important both to me and to the prime minister that we are compliant not just with the letter, but also the spirit of the commitments that were made. “In the light of what has emerged as a clear view among colleagues and a significant section of the public, I have decided not to proceed with the Class 4 NIC measure set out in the Budget.”
Great news. The BBC, of course, can’t wait to quote Chairman Corbyn’s verdict that this is an ’embarrassing u-turn’ for the Government, but I see it as a sensible, pragmatic move by the Chancellor to address a well-founded criticism and restore fairness to the system. As a self-employed worker myself I couldn’t be happier with this.
If Hammond was a man of honour, which he is not, he would resign. He is an idiot. Pretty much par for the course for a politician.
Grant, I have always had severe reservations about Mr Hammond (he’s a pro-EU stooge through-and-through), but I can’t say I’m not happy with his ‘idiocy’ re: the National Insurance reverse-ferret.
He made his millions out of care homes, exploiting the elderly. He is a nasty piece of work. But , then so is Treezer and most of the rest of them.
Grant, string of Tories since 1970 have had poor first or second Budgets as Chancellor – with the exception of Tony Barber (who probably got ALL his Budgets wrong) and one of your heroes from last week, Nigel Lawson, who had a good run until near the end of his stewardship, the sole failure due more to his boss than himself.
It was a major blooper but, in a way, it could work out favourably if they embrace significant tax reform.
The bloke who should resign is Osborne. Strangely, Laura, Kamal & Simon at the BBC have not been pointing much of a finger at the ‘sirry irriot’ who tied the Tories up in their 2015 Manifesto on this.
It IS an embarrassing U-turn, and serves the Tories bloody well right.
So true. They are totally incompetent.
You know when I first heard this on budget day I was surprised, because I didn’t realise that the self employed paid less NI than the rest of us, I thought everyone paid the same, as we all get the same state pension.
So can’t see what the fuss is about?
Wild Bill,
NI is the same as any other tax. It is not hypothecated. I guess the idea is that the self-employed should pay less NI to compensate them for the risk. But Hammond is too stupid to understand that.
Grant, there is considerable debate at times over this, as there is over VED Duty which also, traditionally, is a hypothecated tax although this is now denied by various ‘researchers’. Those denials are despite Hansard and newspaper & broadcast records of various statements by Chancellors and others to the effect that ‘Road Tax’ is used to pay for roads.
I think there is or used to be a NI Fund that holds Gilts. The details used to be published in a London Journal, the correct name for which escapes me at present, although on recollection ‘London Daily Journal’ or ‘London Daily List’* strikes me as possibly being correct. This came up in discussion about seven years ago on Steffie Flanders’ or Nick Robinson’s Blogs and I did find some info on it. No time to do so at present but if I remember to search, I will.
The unhappy fact is that current NI contributions probably go out as fast or faster than they come in, although a considerable amount goes round in circles in, for example, the NHS.
*London Daily Official List?
Wild Bill, That was down to Gordon Brown who had increased so many other taxes to pay for this, that and t’other, that people on low incomes were really struggling. Retired folk were protesting by not paying their Council Tax and were prepared to go to jail over it. The Self-Employed did not have that ‘luxury’. Brown followed up the reduction in NI rates, if I recall correctly, with the 10% Low Income Tax Rate as a further concession, to help folk get by.
Until April 2008.
The rest is history.
Unhappy history.
Hundreds of Afghan migrants come into UK disguised as Sikh …
“Not a BBC pet issue so not yet reported , nor selected for operation “banging on”
Hundreds of Afghan migrants get to UK disguised as Sikh relatives as turbans hide identity … Davinder Chawla faces jail over a Sikh passport scam.
Not a great fan of 5 live but caught it by accident this morning with some rabid BBC presenter busily undermining the military – even more than the other PC – brigade – as a result of the appeal court handing down a diminished responsibility on RM Blackman ( who is still inside!).
I can only guess the presenter responds to the nodding of the rest of her BBC bubble in voicing such Unpopular views. Glad I don’t pay to hear such anti British vitriol.
Headscarf ruling : The times is the only one claiming the ruling will not apply in the UK
“After EU headscarf ruling, UK PM May says government should not tell women what to wear – Reuters — 12:48”
It is not right for muslim men to tell women what to wear. Treezer is mental.
Nail, Head, Hit!
Shariamour! “Appeaser” May in da house
but … its not the government that does, its Islam that does.
Along with its Hijab “cheerleader” the Al BBC.
That’s why its a requirement the government protects them
once again utter abject failure, to do anything of any substance,
(if only its was hammering the poorest and most vulnerable eh!, she would spend any amount of time, any amount of money).
what happened to that shite compromised/orchestrated sharia review? …
No10 are an self serving, screw the nation liability.
We need a clear out … and fast!.
And follow who, precisely?
Press report jailing of white guy for abuses of 13 year old in N Lancs
but 7 lovers were involved, so it makes you suspect a grooming gang, but nothing mentioned
“Girl’s ticklist snares child abuse pervert: A man who had sex with a 13-year-old girl was caught out when her”
Stuff people say on Twitter after watching BBC push out PR
” Watching BBC news, and they’re promoting a Syria chef, who came across ten other countries, (to London) where he could’ve got refugee status, France”
“BBC news article about a chef who fled Syria because it was too dangerous. So dangerous, he left all his family there”
\\Piece on the bbc about a Syrian “refugee” (coward) working as a chef in London. “The hardest part was leaving my family behind”//
Pot, Kettle, Black. Re the Donalds tax return. To avoid hypocrisy and double standards, any journalist wishing to cast aspersions over other peoples tax figures should be made to reveal in detail their own recent tax returns, and those of the editors of the msm spreading such ‘news’. I’m sure they’ll happily agree to abide by their own ‘let’s get it all out into the open’ dogma, after all, it would be in the public interest.
Personally, I’d be a lot happier if the regressive msm could even pretend to be a little less hypocritical. They foam at the mouth about a rich man paying his taxes but seem to lose all journalistic inquiry whenever the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton’s staggering personal wealth is mentioned.
Anyone who is not fully-signed up to the regressive reservation is fair game, but if you’re in the club, and prepared to play by the rules, no problemo, comrade.
And Beeboids salaries are ?? And these cnuts were avoiding tax through personal service companies. Hypocritical wankers !
Many of whom, Grant, now benefit from the U-turn on NI. Rory Stewart was very good on WatO today (BBC R4 1pm) but had a tough job as ‘White Van Fan’ a.k.a. Emily Thornberry, was spouting about a lot.
Ok remember my complaint about the BBc reporting of the “triple lock pension increases.” I am appalled by the standard of what appears to be the latest agenda driven story on breakfast. Over the last few days I have seen an extended attack on the so called triple lock increases on pensions. I have watched several people comment on this issue. Not the BBc reporters I assume this will be so any complaints will be met with your usual “the views of third parties is their own” fob off. The story goes “young people” are jealous about the supposed fabulous increases that this gives a retirement pension. supposedly far more than working age groups income increase. Of course where this story doesn’t meet your agenda is the overall picture which no surprise has ever been shown at least whilst I’ve been watching. The truth is of course that the MAXIMUM state retirement pension at present is £119.3.6 = £6206.72pa, Or under the new pension scheme from 6/4/2016 £155.65 = £8,093.80 pa. You get one or the other depending on your date of birth. Looking at these figures it is obvious why the whole picture has not been revealed when it is implied pensions are now at some high flying figures Compare these to minimum wage , assuming a 36 hour week which ranges from £13.478.40 -£6552.00 pa. It doesn’t look so great now does it? Perhaps one of your reporters might of interjected to point out the overall figures that are being discussed? Or maybe that wouldn’t have the agenda. Perhaps characters like the girl I saw on Breakfast on Monday bitching about the triple lock should have been advised she might be happier living on a maximum wage of £155.65pw. Perhaps you can explain to me why a the whole picture is not shown when you run this story.”
I have received their template reply today,
Reference CAS-4260779-2J506Z
Thank you for getting in contact with us regarding the ‘Breakfast’ programme.
I appreciate you feel the BBC’s report on changes to pension allowance has not shown complete information and has instead shown a biased and negative attitude against it in your view.
We were concerned to learn of your unhappiness surrounding this particular programme, but we should explain that all BBC correspondents, reporters, presenters and editors are very well aware of our key commitment to impartial reporting at all times.
All BBC staff are expected to put any political views to one side when carrying out their work for the BBC, and they simply try to provide the information and context on the story or issue using their professional insight to allow our viewers, listeners and web users to make up their own minds.
The BBC aims to show the political reality and provide a forum for discussion on issues, giving full opportunity for all sides of the debate to be heard and explored. Senior editorial staff within BBC News, the BBC’s Executive Board, and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.
Our News editors ensure that over a reasonable period of time we reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends on particular issues, but it’s important to add here that our published Editorial Guidelines explain that not every issue or viewpoint necessarily has to be included in each individual report. The key point is that the BBC as an organisation has no view or position itself on anything we may report upon – our aim is to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of our audiences.
In dealing with any issue, we are required to give a fair and balanced report, but balance cannot be judged simply on the basis of the amount of time allocated to the representatives of either side of an argument. One spokesperson may make their points concisely, while another needs longer to explain a point of view or a complex issue, plus a change to the existing position or status quo may take longer to clarify. Account also needs to be taken of the way a subject is covered over a period of time; perfect balance is difficult to achieve on every single individual occasion, while overall it is a more achievable goal taking into account our coverage as a whole over a period of time.
However, we appreciate you may continue to feel differently and therefore, I have passed on your complaint to senior management and programme makers on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to get in contact with us.
Kind regards
Daniel Stewart
BBC Complaints Team
So the same old template reply. I will complain about this reply and see what template reply I get next.
I’m not bothered Dave.
You are referring to the largest voting bloc in the country. It is not coordinated but virtually all think alike over certain issues. I think that has already been demonstrated 23rd June 2016. Wise to not upset them!
I have just watched the Daily Politics programme on BBC. I was astonished to discover that neither the SNP representative or interviewers Neil and Coburn knew that to be accepted into the EU basket case of countries, a condition of joining is that the Euro currency has to accepted by the joining country.
Why was the SNP politician allowed to get away with saying that they (SNP), haven’t decided what currency to adopt yet?
Why didn’t Jo Coburn in particular, know this well known fact.
Not good enough BBC.
Incompetent or intentionally incompetent.
Hmm @Wronged Their was a 2012 Guardian discussionby Polly Curtis which ended
“seems there is a stage at which Scotland can decide whether to join the euro. It’s still expected by the EU, but it’s not automatic”
“I think my conclusion still stands, that ultimately the EU will expect Scotland to join the euro and that it comes down to a political negotiation between an independent Scotland and the EU as to when and how that happens. However, the SNP is right in saying that they could hold a referendum on it and in the case of Sweden the EU has currently allowed this to be delayed for its own internal political reasons. Whether Scotland can follow the case of Sweden though will be subject to a political negotiation.”
If daft Dave couldn’t get any concessions out of the EU during his, so-called, “negotiations”, does the Garden Gnome think she can?
In my humble opinion, Scotland will be required to join the Euro. If by some concession they don’t, they certainly will not avoid the boat loads of illiterate Africans currently still flooding into Europe (some figures indicate > 67,000 already this year). Perhaps the EU would simply re-direct their taxi service to Scotland for that country to have its share as determined by the leader of the 4th Reich?
We should start building a wall right now.
Thanks Stew but I would recommend you read the following article which states that Spain will insist on Scotland joining the Euro and have to wait for five years before being accepted.
Telegraph 2014 is a bit more up to date.
I know Alex Salmond has said the opposite but he is an untrustworthy snake oiled lying lawyer. I wouldn’t trust a word he says. He hates the English and is therefore, like so many of the SNP, a racist.
Thankfully,we seem to have the more saner Scots on this site, sadly many of them are unable to vote.
You have to consider just how much consternation Brexit is causing the Brussels bureaucrats, and just how much they will be prepared to do to fuck the English. Junkers 87 and his petty minded despot pals are perfectly capable of turning all of their rules around joining on their head and making a special case for Jockland just to screw us.
Well the EU believe that new members need to follow the ‘Copehagen Criteria’.
“These conditions are known as the ‘Copenhagen criteria’ and include a free-market economy, a stable democracy and the rule of law, and the acceptance of all EU legislation, including of the euro.”
“Due to the huge volume of EU rules and regulations each candidate country must adopt as national law, the negotiations take time to complete.”
An ‘independent’ Scotland would find itself very deficient in EU law as it would lose the connection via UK law. Can you imagine Sturgeon having to put forward a Scottish bill to incorporate Westminster law if she achieved independence? Yes, I know May is proposing to do something similar, the real analogue would be Farrage as PM doing this!
Has anyone else noticed that the people who die fighting for this country tend to not be a ‘diverse’ bunch? Surely if we are living in a multicultural utopia like the BBC say everyone would be equally willing to lay down their lives for the nation? It almost makes you think that it is all a load of bollocks.
In broad terms I would agree, but when you read press like this about Sikhs you start to believe that everyone from the sub-continent is corrupt to a greater or lesser degree.
They’d all rather drive taxis Chill !
On Sky, one Faisal Islam was asking part time Uber driver Vikta Cantpronouncehisname his thoughts on the Hammond’s U turn on the self employed. Honest to God my Daddy and Grandaddy would turn in their graves, as this migrant in barely articulate English said that Hammond should stop writing jokes and get his maths right so he could run his country in this beautiful country. I’m sick to my ears at migrants being interviewed and opinionising what this country should do or not do. If they did that in their own homeland they might make their fortune there !!
I blame the liberal wan%£rs. Years ago the army brass spoke of raising a sikh brigade. The sikh council said you will have a full regiment within a year if you reinstate the sikh regiment. (Look up their ww2 record) Army spoke with clowns from the commission of racial equality who basically said this will encourage segregation and is against the multicultural agenda. Short sighted frikin tossers. You can see a report in daily mail about it.
4:30pm R4 KT Hopkins
Media Show @MaggieBMedia on @Channel4 head David Abrahams’ leaving
& @KTHopkins and @MarksLarks on twitter libel #R4Mediashow @BBCRadio4
Reckon this interview with the Saintly Katie is our baseline for % BBC Maximum Bias when interviewing.
Appalling-basically Emergency Howlett could only read out the judges opinion( judgement is not the word I`d use)-and tell us all how popular Katie is (650,000 followers she said).
Funny to hear the BBC demand an apology-clearly the Left see this as a way to go seeing as Corbyn wants the same from the Tories for their NI ballsup.
Since when did Corbyns crackers speak for self-employed people-we HATE them ,we know what Labour would do to us. As they always have done.
Summary : Catherwood was quite aggressive
KT explained she tweeted, went for dinner, found she made a mistake, deleted the tweet.
Was told to issue a retraction with the wording JackMonroes lawyers asked, claims she did this 2 weeks later “with the exact words requested”
Catherwood called this wrong cos KT didn’t use the word “sorry”.
KT said it was not an apology just a retraction and that the lawyers had not requested the word “sorry” for that.
KT said that during the 18 month legal process Monroes side never gave any evidence of harm. So if that is defamation then
“The defamation bar [on twitter] is as low as my labia”
And that of course she intends to appeal.
On the issue of the second tweet : Yes Monroe had made a £5K demand and yes she Hopkins had replied with a sarcastic tweet.
I say :
#1 Yes the first tweet went uncorrected for 2 hours but @KTHopkins followers probably already had low opinion of JackMonroe before the Tweets *So they made no financial impact*
#2 JM’s tweet demanding a conditional £5K apology
seemed disproportionate +like blackmail
Then the lawyer came on and didn’t roll over. Instead he could see KT had a point.
I heard the “interview” it fell to the standard of the Today programmed with the interviewer not allowing the interviewer to answer questions and just bullying. I thought there might be something personal between them but then realised Katherwood was probably auditioning to be the next Today presenter .
Crikey, she was up herself wasn’t she?
I’m not sure why she had Hopkins along in the first place, she was certainly not in the slightest bit interested in what she had to say. That, said, Perhaps Catherwood saw herself as some sort of meeja regulator and summoned Hopkins to Broadcasting House to sanction her and administer a punishment beating.
What particularly made me laugh was the crone’s repeated insistence that when a journo get’s it wrong they issue a retraction AND offer an apology. This rule though does not apply to the BBC, their ‘retraction and apology is always limited to, ‘we got it just about right’.
Not, to my knowledge, broadcast on the Beauty Broadcasting Corporation –
Perhaps others could confirm whether the BBC broadcast this item – I’m currently weaning myself off the ‘news’ in general to ensure sanity!
Birmingham Uni have made a booklet on Inclusive Journalism
..I’m guessing they don’t mean to INCLUDE “opinions like yours”
I wonder if there are any Brexit or UKIP voters involved in producing the document.If not there would appear to be a good change of a lot of opinions being excluded.
typo ? “be a good CHANCE of a lot of opinions being excluded.”
On a quick glance at the chapters
Despite Ethnicity and Religion already having chapter, there seems to be favouritism in having a Chapter 6. Islamophobia, when there is no special chapter for any other specific group like Antisemitism
..Nor anything about including all political viewpoints.
“If we just talk about diversity we can fall into ‘doing diversity’ stories. These, as any story, should be part of what we cover, but a better approach surely is to seek to be inclusive in all our news coverage: to reflect the interest and voices of our audience, wherever we are based. Any town, city or region offers us a diverse audience. That diversity might be in terms of social class, economic status, gender and age as much as religion, ethnicity or disability.”
Reflect the voices of the audience, that’s a novel idea for the BBC. Though maybe they think reflecting mirrors invert, (they don’t), which is why most of what they say is the opposite of what most people believe?
Next week Farming Today special week of programmes on exploring the environmental and farming opportunities that will come with Brexit
featuring a line-up of special guests.
Princess Anne, Germaine Greer, Jay Rayner and Sir Tim Smit (Eden Project) (whichcollects a subsidy of £20/patron)
* Tim Martin (Weatherspoons) Wed 22 March *
Watching the 1 O clock new looks like the beeb have declared all out jihad on the government judging by the way they reported the u turn on NI. Last week they were telling us that the NI increase would not bring in enough cash today its as if we are losing hundreds of billions by the U turn. Monday night must have hurt them hard like a knife through the heart and they have thrown all the toys out of the basket and continue to do so.
Everybody knows that the Tories messed up last week re their budget. But the BBC have spent nearly half their PM show dissecting this, moaning and sneering at this “U-Turn”.
In other words-they`ve listened to their voters, and thereby shuts down Labours only feeble efforts to talk of “shambles”-ye Gods…LABOUR saying this FFS!
So the BBC are livid, as are the Remoaning Press puppets who were rather hoping for the Tories to be hung for this idiocy, Good politics Tories-only thickos like McDonnell and Mair see this as ” an image problem for the BBC and for Brussels”. The rest of us don`t give a damn-and know that Libor will NEVER be in power again.
No matter the BBC and the broadshits are so bovva`d.
Govt deserves to get hammered over Budget U-turn.Obviously there was inexcuseable negligence at the top of the cabinet where it is clear that senior ministers had forgotten what was in their 2015 manifesto and yet as usual nobody resigns.
The major reason why the establishment is so out favour following Iraq,the financial crisis,Libya , Ulster green subsidies fiasco,railway chaos etc is that people have noticed nobody in authority ever resigns for inexcusable imcompentence
There’s an election in the Netherlands today but you would hardly know it from the BBC because the article is buried on the bottom of the page.
All they have is a smallish sub-story about it with a smiling hijab wearing voter(no bias there) and a heap of waffle.
The only surprise is there’s a HYS.
I wonder if they’re afraid of the result……?.
Come on Geert Wilders!!.
I’ve noticed that quite a few of the HYS’s don’t appear to be going to plan these days. Do you think that people are finally seeing the light?
Radio 4 PM with Eddie Mayer and a guest (Rob Bailey of Chatham House) lying about the causes of it. Oh yes he can tell us conflict is a big issue, but he just can’t bring himself to tell us that it’s Islamic groups who are causing all this, although it is alluded to with a mention of British troops being present to help with the threat of Al Shabab.
He then goes on to talk about the drought, and tells that it was an EL Nino year, when it was in fact a weak La nina ! If you can’t even get that right then what chance is there of anything else being right?
The bBBC are publicising this map showing where recent violence across France has happened. Of course, they say it is false. In do not believe them, they have lied too often to me.
BBC Cheerleaders for Hijab – ‘Headscarf ban disproportionately affects Muslim women’
“Prevents muslim women from the public space” … no it doesn t
“Prevents muslim women from the workplace” … no it doesn t
“prevents muslim women progressing” … NO it definitely doesn t
It precludes them from adhering to sharia above a nations law, that s it!
that’s why the Al BBC, this muslim feminist rights woman (now there s a paradox).
are concerned.
The winds of change begin to blow.
nobody wants it, nobody wants to see it
If the Scottish government cede Rockall to the Irish Republic as a Scottish area under Irish protection, then when we leave the EU, Nicola Sturgeon could stay in the EU. But as a concession to EU rules on Islam, she should cover her head with an airtight black plastic bag.
Read a Josie Long review in the Independent today.
She went to a grammar school, but is violently against them. The reviewer commended her for “checking her privilege”, This surely is where we need a few trolls to explain THAT as being consistent.
This is the Left-totally barking, hounds of hell at each others nuts…the rest of us getting on with life.
But why are we paying?..
PS-Nicola Sturgeon and Kenny Dalglish-are they one and the same?
8pm R4 grammar schools are the Moral Maze topic
Long – Her tongue is too big for her estuary mouth – how she gets on the radio is beyond me.
Long is a full blown corbynista so not surprised she’s on. Another political activist masquerading as a comic, there’s quite a lot of those at the Beeb. Her Twitter feed after the 2015 election was a hoot as she had built herself up for labour getting in but when it didn’t happen the toys got thrown out of the pram and even more after brexit, Tory voters are scum to her as she states quite often on her twatter page. Jezza can do no wrong in her eyes
bbc in full cock-a-hoop over Scottish independence. They obviously haven’t joined up the dots yet. it’s like turkeys voting for xmas. There will be no bbc Scotland funded by English taxpayers. Where will they get the revenue from? The English population is 10 times that of Scotland – they have had an easy ride thus far. That will come to an abrupt end I would imagine.
Great- they can cut the License fee!
Life is cheap, gets cheaper all the time:-
One in four pregnancies in the U.K. ends in termination – that is absolutely appalling.
I guarantee none of them are to Muslim women !
No, there will be; that’s why in “certain areas” the NHS policy is not to reveal the sex of the baby (to any couple) when it is scanned, as Muslim fathers don’t want daughters.
Support Scottish independence, support Islam, support uncontrolled immigration, support anti British sentiment, support the EU, support the BBC, support the mainstream press, support faux ‘victims’ everywhere, support the fascist liberal left and stick your finger up your bum while whistling Dixie.
I think that about covers it?
The BBC take an interest in health issues. Let us know when the BBC report this…
‘The number of people diagnosed with tuberculosis in London has fallen by a third after potential immigrants were forced to undergo a health test before being granted a UK visa’
Yep, TB had pretty much disappeared in the UK but high and rising levels of immigration without ‘racist’ health checks coupled with immigrants visiting their homeland for extended periods.(Medication and monitoring lasts for six to twelve months.) So TB figures were boosted way up – not something that’s had much coverage for some reason.
I don’t remember the BBC reporting this anti white Racist attack on a white woman by cowardly Pakis in Birmingham, nor can I find any reference to it on the racist & Fascist BBCs website.
Another Kris Donaldson?
“If so, then we don’t want you working for us.”
BBC Question Time is in Bognor Regis tomorrow, which is just up the road from me, and according to the local paper Mr Rees-Mogg will be appearing.
might be interesting given the huge number of Eastern Europeans that have settled in the area over the last 10 years or so, and the fact that the referendum result locally was 62% to leave the EU
I imagine the beeb are curious to find out if those two things could possibly be linked.
Good bit of telly from Holland the other night. What struck me is the Dutch elite shellshocked and seemingly unwilling to engage with Wilders in the big issues. And they come no bigger that whether or not Holland will still exist as a nation in a few years time. But the nice metrosexual men in suits simply have no words, no language, no experience and just want to wish it all away. Civilised debate-but Hollands politic elite are as effect and as complacent/cossetted as the rest of the EUs suits.
That said, it`s better telly than anything else on the BBC at the minute,
Thanks for posting that Alicia; Wilders is the only politician in Western Europe (including Madam Le Pen) who REALLY gets it and is prepared to express it, as to what a threat Muslims and their religion pose to our civilization.
I only hope that enough of his fellow countrymen have realized that too.
Is the Dutch vote rigged ?
Is the Pope Catholic?
These days, that’s debatable.
‘Muslim women face triple penalty’
Muslim women’s activist Shelina Janmohamed said the decision “disproportionately affects Muslim women” who faced a “triple penalty” of discrimination
BBC Cheerleaders for Hijab – ‘Headscarf ban disproportionately affects Muslim women’
“Prevents muslim women from the public space” … no it doesn t
“Prevents muslim women from the workplace” … no it doesn t
“prevents muslim women progressing” … NO it definitely doesn t
It precludes them from adhering to sharia above a nations law, that s it!
The hijab can only “prevent” something if it is treated as a prison, muslim feminists please take note, if that is the case … an outright ban should be enforced, not a work one.
Take the damn thing off if you want to work, quit whining let freedom reign
… and fit in FFS!.
That’s why the Al BBC, this muslim feminist rights woman (now there s a paradox).
are concerned.
The BBC should be ashamed
The winds of change begin to blow.
nobody wants it, nobody wants to see it
Here she is espousing erm “modesty” ie sharis
The caption should read, “The headscarf on my head doesn’t stop my brain from working but it does dictate how my brain functions”.
Rather like a baseball cap, then.
Nigel Farage meets Marine Le Pen
Earlier someone posted the insight that to the MSM, anything other than a victory by an ideological foe is a game over obliteration. The BBC top ‘analysts’ are prone to this deception/delusion. OT, but, I give you: