1. A Michigan district court judge ordered that Corinne Miller, the former director of epidemiology at the state’s Department of Health and Human Services, publicly apologize to the residents of Flint for withholding information about the presence of the Legionella bacteria, the microbe that causes Legionnaires’ disease, in the city’s drinking water.
After pleading no contest to a charge of neglect, Miller also got a year’s probation and 300 hours of community service — essentially a slap on the wrist…..
2. Leftists may be about to suffer their biggest cognitive dissonance seizure yet. Despite being told by the Obamas, the Clintons, Soros, and the mainstream media that Trump “is a racist islamophobe,” none other than Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman proclaimed Trump a “true friend of Muslims,” claiming the leader’s immigration ban does not target Islam.
3. Merkel’s Migrant Deception
As it now turns out, Hungary’s PM Victor Orbán was right about a “secret deal” all along. According to the latest revelations made by the German newspaper Die Welt, Chancellor Merkel, along with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, had agreed to accept 150,000 to 200,000 Syrian migrants from Turkey into the EU without consulting other European member states.
Delingpole : Why I Totally Hate Big Oil – And Why You Should Too…
Yep Mythical-big-oil funds the climate realists
Actual Big Oil is in bed with the greens intimidated by them, but also playing along, cos anything that pushes up prices, pushes up profits ..and they’ll take green gimmick subsidies as well ..but it’s the consumers that pay extra for all that.
(But it’s those little fracking corps that push down prices,
By opening up the market and causing competition.)
Big Oil in the shape of BP had a representative at the infamous 2006 BBC seminar where the BBC shredded the last of its integrity. A good case can be made that AGW was a clever scam to destroy the coal industry.
“Brexit: Donald Tusk warns UK against ‘no deal threat”
Great Britain does not take threats lightly, as Mr Hitler learned. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39277845
Interesting HYS running.
“We will not be intimidated by threats – and I can assure you they simply will not work….”
Ooh, given the never-ending threats the EU has thrown our way since Brexit I can’t wait for the BBC to challenge him on that one next time they have him in the studio!
Good Brexit news !
“UK unemployment fell in the three months to January but there was a sharp slowdown in wage growth.” But, there’s always a “But”.
Also get this …….
“The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the unemployment rate fell to 4.7% – it has not been lower than that since the summer of 1975.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39277539
Yes 1975 !
BBC in full gloat mode this morning-Wilders defeated-Trump ban overturned-Tory U turn and finally Tory election fraud. All their prejudices together a good news day.
Looks like the dutch have chosen to stick their heads in the sand for another four or five years. Lets hope next time around they still have some heads left to poke in the sand!
“Looks like the dutch have chosen to stick their heads in the sand…”
Cor you’re being diplomatic Oaknash!
It was only three weeks ago when large numbers were telling the pollsters they would vote for Wilders in strength and give him a clear win.
What happened? Well in my mind a certain little scene is repeating itself. It’s the one about Brave sir Robin from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I think the words went something along the lines of;
“Brave Sir Robin ran away,
He bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it’s ugly head,
He turned on his tail and bravely fled….etc
I am tempted to suggest that at our end of year award ceremonies the ‘Brave Sir Robin’ medal is awarded to the Dutch electorate.
It was always unlikely that the Dutch would stick to their guns and make Wilders PVV the largest party. It shows how much things have moved in the political world when an increase in the number of seats for Wilders of 60% , from 11 to 19 , or possibly even more, is greated by the liberal left as marvellous news. A few years ago they would have been apoplectic that this Bastion of liberalism , the Netherlands, had made the PVV the second largest party. The BBC would have been flying warning flags about Facism etc etc.
I expect that the French won’t make Le Pen their president though it is likely that she will get close to 40% of the vote. Of course more terrorism in the next few weeks may wake up a few million more French people and carry her to the Elysee. but imagine 40% of French men and women are voting to reverse the Islamification of their country. I’m sure that by 2022 at the latest that 40 will be above 50.
Overthrowing elites is difficult , they hold all the power. They can manipulate events , set the agenda and time table. Those opposing them are asking people to take a chance on change. The elite can claim the known solidity of the status quo. Things have to be seen as really bad by more than half the electorate before change can happen democratically. Brexit was an unusual case. In Europe their history of war and invasion makes them value the EU in ways we don’t. They see the risk of leaving as much higher than we do. Seen in that context Wilders result is a step forward and Le Pen’s will be even bigger step, despite what the BBC will say. As long as they persist in their deranged Islamophilic policies the liberal elite is living on borrowed time right across Europe.
It is a sad day for the Western World. Come to think of it, Europe is really as much a, ‘basket-case’ as Africa but for different reasons. But there, most of Africa will be in Europe soon so that should even things out for the liberal/multiculti followers.
There was a small window of hope for Europe and it now appears the people have roundly rejected common sense albeit just in the Netherlands so there is, perhaps, no hope for them. They’re too far gone already in their love for liberal multiculturalism. I do hope they understand the bills for their beloved liberalism. In Germany it is breaking the bank.
One other point, what has happened (and the disunity that’s to come in the Neterlands parliament), is as a result of proportional representation which dulls the voters ability to see sense because if you are dedicated to any hair brain scheme, chances are you will find one of the 28(?) parties who agree with you. Fortunately the UK rejected PR (‘Alternative Vote’ another specie) on a referendum May 2011, But, as we see post referendum (& post Trump) there is a growing band of malcontents who increasingly will never respect the ‘first past the post’ system. What then? Only anarchy and sedition left and that may not be a bad thing to, pull the plug and ‘re-boot’ the World order.
Thanks G. I am now a malcontent am I? I am a deplorable so I suppose I can be that as well.
Let me point something out, Proportional Representation is neither left nor right, but it can be effective or useless depending on which system you choose. The Dutch, Israeli and Aussie systems are appalling and nobody in the right mind would advocate those. I have posted on this before so won’t harp on about it again. But having been a part of a successful team campaigning for PR one of biggest obstacles was from left and right sceptics who were convinced it was a big plot by the other side to tilt the system in it’s favour.
A system with a five percent cut off point cuts out most of the loonies.
Britain was, I think, the last country in the world to drop the Julian Calendar for the one we have now. I am not aware of any pressure to go back to the old one. The first past the post system
would be as little missed.
Anyway enough from me on this topic for a while. I’m off to bed, very malcontented.
G. I totally agree with you about FPTP. If we’d had PR then the “Labour” and the so-called “Liberal” so-called “Democrat” parties would have been in power for years and we’d be in far worse a mess than we are even now. FPTP has its faults such as not being completely democratic. Bizarrely this lack of democracy in the system gives us a far more democratic result. We can overthrow our governments which fail, in most PR systems the government effectively never changes.
I see the FPTP system as focusing the minds of the voter on the really, really important issues and the particular parties manifesto pledges infilling the blank detail. “Oh but the manifesto doesn’t count and they don’t follow it anyway”, I hear some saying. Well then, what happened to the Budget earlier this week? The system works and FPTP doesn’t create what can only be described as a ‘talking-shop’ what amounts to all the more the merrier on expenses. Endlessly talking and no positive decision making just lurching on and on disputing everything. Soon to be observed in the Netherlands methinks. In a previous life, I skippered large sail training yachts with anything up to nine crew all of varying capability. When the shit hits the fan and ‘difficulties’ present themselves, only one person can make the decisions. That’s life whether the liberals like it or not.
OK Demon you have provoked me to write one further last comment on PR and I promise I will not mention the topic again for six months. (And this time I mean it).
So think about this. If proportional representation would really be so bad for Britain, why aren’t the BBC promoting it furiously?
The BBC did used to promote PR but as the BBC “mind” slithered further to the left, they realised their beloved Labour Party would always have to have the more “moderate” Liberal Party in tow. As the Beeb only want Stalinistic dictatorship that would never do.
I do believe the House of Lords should be made up by representatives from the parties according to their share of votes in the previous General Election. Although their powers would still have to be limited as the HoC would have to be the skipper (to use G’s analogy) ultimately.
barry69 “Full gloat” No that can not be only yesterday the BBc e-mailed me and told me “All BBC staff are expected to put any political views to one side when carrying out their work for the BBC, and they simply try to provide the information and context on the story or issue using their professional insight to allow our viewers, listeners and web users to make up their own minds.” But then of course the BBc lies to me like a lying bastard.
I’m sure the BBC will be concentrating on the PVV “only” finishing second in the Netherlands.
A little deeper thought will show that there has been quite a significant move to the right. The Socilaist Party looks to have lost 30 of its 38 seats, while the melons moved from 4 to 16, obviously picking up some socialist votes. Rutte looks to have lost about 20% of his seats.
Previously Rutte and the Socialists governed – having a majority between the two parties. It may take a little while to sort out a new coalition, which is unlikely to have much (any?) left of centre influence this time.
Wilders may have “lost”, but perhaps actually “won” in moving the centre of gravity of Dutch politics and making it much harder for the liberal elite to continue with their diversity is good etc.
Poor old Roger Haribo.
His feeble report on TOADY this morning really took the biscuit. He thinks that because domestic energy bills haven’t really risen over the last 9 years no-one minds the green subsidy that now forms part of the bill. Apparently the green subsidy is offset by the improved efficiency of lighting, refrigeration etc. So we don’t mind.
Question: if there wasn’t a green subsidy, surely bills would have come down? Presenter (Humphreys, I think) unable to make that enquiry for whatever reason.
They really do have an odd way of looking at finances at the BBC. Comes from having their guaranteed protected revenue stream I suppose.
As reported above, the BBC was triumphant over the Dutch election results. Their European Editor sees this as a backlash against populism across Europe. The left and the greens are staging a counter-revolution, she tells us. Support for multi-culturalism is increasing. Or so the BBC hopes. The role of Turkey in interfering in Dutch affairs has been chilling and shows us a glimpse of a grim future as Muslim populations within Europe expand ever further.Turkey wants to treat Holland as if it were not a sovereign country . Can anyone imagine any European pro- Christian politician being allowed to hold rallies in a predominantly Muslim country? As for calling the Dutch ‘ nazi remnants’. Sheer ignorance of Dutch treatment by the Nazis, by someone who is very much akin to a fascist himself.
The biased BBC are absolutely creaming in their pants and knickers (got to be equality conscious) this morning. And if ever anyone wants a crystal clear view of the BBC’s view on the world, today is a great example. Here are the news headlines.
1. The ruling party (and favourites to win) retain power in the Netherlands general election. Anyone remember the last time this rated first item on the news? No, me neither. I wonder why?
2. Tories fined £75000 for election expenses misconduct. Cue a series of interviews and Sarah Montague very slowly and very deliberately making absolutely sure we know this is wrong.
3. Hammond has to back track on the NI insurance for the self-employed. The glee is palpable. discussion of the merits of the case (or otherwise) are kept to the minimum to allow the maximum negative political impact.
Oh look. Uncle Roger Harrabin banging the drum on behalf of climate change activism for a change: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39278435
‘Low carbon drive ‘cuts household bills”
Subsidies for wind and solar add £9 a month to our bills but energy saving measures reduce it by £20 – net saving £11 per month. So, if those useless unreliable energy sources didn’t require subsidies, we could be saving £20 a month.
The pantomime villain makes an appearance during the second act:
‘”What’s interesting,” said the committee chair Lord Deben, “is that people aren’t having to strive to make these savings. They could save much more energy if they consciously set about it.”‘
Quoting that clown tells you all you need to know.
Edited to add that Restroom Mole beat me to it. Well done that person.
Thanks for the acknowledgement; your post adds detail to mine.
Slightly O/T, but I was going to add that later in TOADY Humphreys held an interview about the teaching of philosophy and creative writing in schools. Humpty was definitely in favour of creative writing, absolutely against the learning of facts. So he probably thinks Haribo’s fact free so-called science is OK?
“Newly elected MPs will no longer be allowed to employ spouses and other relatives using taxpayers’ money.
The new rules will come into force at the next election, expected to take place in 2020, although the 151 MPs who currently employ “connected parties” will be able to continue to do so.” BBC News.
This will be fun to watch in future as Muslims are well known for keeping everything in their famililies.
It should be all of them, this, “gravy training” has to stop
it has been abused for years.
The BBC right now has some MPs spouse, “why are they picking on us”
… poor little victim
These deluded MPs think have the public behind them, the public trust?
Re the Dutch election results, I suspect that many in Holland as elsewhere in Europe are beginning to realise that the situation developing in Europe is close to beyond being resolved by voting. Nice if it could be, but, sadly, less and less likely as the years of mass immigration and the resultant culture clashes continue.
“A Turkish minister has claimed “holy wars will soon begin” in Europe, in spite of the defeat of far-right leader Geert Wilders in the Netherlands elections.
Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkey’s foreign minister, did not welcome the victory for Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s centre-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD).
“Now the election is over in the Netherlands…when you look at the many parties you see there is no difference between the social democrats and fascist Wilders,” he said according to a translation by Hurriyet.
A rather trivial matter but I’m reading the BBC News scroll sport headline-
“Manchester City are knocked out of the Champions League after thrilling 3-1 defeat at the hands of Monaco”
An English club loses and to the BBC that’s “thrilling”
Only two English players on the pitch in that game. “English” club is losing any meaning in the globalised world of elite football.
But yes, the BBBC do delight in denigrating England and the English.
Yes, I’m a United supporter so I’m not losing any sleep. I get that it might have been a thrilling game to watch & Monaco might have been the better side and so forth. But those are the details of the game to be given appropriately in a full report. I think for a sport headline, a “thrilling” Manchester defeat just spells BBC glee at an English club having lost.
Hi Lucy. There’s now at least three of us openly United on this forum. You may be right as the BBC always likes to down England and English things (e.g. they always join in attacks on the current England manager at just the times the team needs national solidarity like going into the World Cup or Euros) but I enjoyed the match and the result.
To be fair, City were good (except defence maybe) particularly at the start of the second half, but Monaco were lovely to watch. Their football could be enjoyed by all except their opponents or their rivals in France. (Through gritted teeth..) – you have some excellent players and now an excellent chance to challenge Chelsea for the league, so chin up.
Our only hope is that – now we all have access to the backwards Islamic material and historical information – we can shed some light on this false religion and its profiteer.
One more,(if it was necessary) red flag, Appeaser May/No10 are too busy waving the white flag to notice.
Ideal opportunity to get rid of sharia all in, in the public sphere, and May
is deliberately throwing away, compromising and orchestrating that opportunity.
We need a No10 clear out … fast
The Far Left bbc have slyly succeeded in a) describing any group they don’t like as ‘Far Right’ b) conflating Brexit with the ‘Far Right’, c) associating in people’s minds the so-called Far Right with fascism/Nazism, and d) labelling as racist or islamophobic any justifiable wariness of an ideology that’s violent, supremacist, anti-western, mysogynistic and homophobic.
So a quadruple deception that’s very useful in beating anyone calling for perfectly reasonable control of immigration, or anyone not enchanted with creeping islamisation.
The beebistan celebrate Rutte’s victory in Holland as a vote against ‘populism’, ignoring the facts that his share of the vote has gone down, Wilders’ has gone up, and Rutte’s victory is at least partly attributable to his tough stance on the Turks, in other words just the sort of policies the ‘far right’ Wilders is advocating. So perhaps a victory for populism after all?
Let me get this straight then.
Rutte loses seats in Holland, Wilders gains them.
Wilders WAS the third-biggest party and now it`s second.
Yet this mornings BBC News on the radio trumpets the “fact” that Wilders was “trounced” by the Liberal Party as led by Rutte,
Funny that-up until now, his party had hitherto-been described as a “Centre Right” party..but how he`s “trounced” Wilders-they label the “triumphant” Rutte as being leader of the “LIBERAL” party,
Final bit-the BBC then goes on to say that the “biggest gains”-the “surprise” was the fivefold increase in the share of the popular vote for the Green/Left ragbag…all the way from 2%-now up to a mighty 10%!!
But funnily enough, they chose the tally of the percentage vote-but in their case, didn`t tell me how many seats they`d won.
See what they did there?
More Or Less and Feedback surely will be doing something on fake stats, selective use of data as well as the endless sleights that we KNOW the BBC do all the time in the cause of the EU. Won`t they?
Ah well-at least we know there`s a “RIGHT” kind of populism now…up to now it`s always been wrong has it not?
“At least we have the English Channel separating us from the European Empire.”
Yes but we need a Royal Navy to guard it and an efficient Border Force to monitor the Euro Tunnel.
The progressive snowflakes will do anything to stop melting and the reaction to the Dutch election is interesting. I did not think it at all possible that Wilders could get a majority. The Dutch system is odd and makes coalitions the norm.
Also the Dutch are more infected with progressivism than most and always seem to be on a par with the Scandinavians for the ability to live in a fantasy in their heads.
If the idiots stopped to think clearly they would be concerned at the increase in Wilder’s support. His platform by our standards was extreme and can you imagine such a platform here at the present time ? No is the answer so something is going on in Holland which should give the snowflakes nightmares.
The real test is France. That country is at the very heart of European civilisation and in many ways it is the spirit of Europe. How Marine le Pen fares will decide the fate of Europe. Holland is interesting but a sideshow.
Sad though, that people should fear the idea of a democratically elected leader, bound by laws and with parliamentary oversight.
But then MSM have been giving it their all.
Dave S I think you are right. France is the key really. Germany is a lost cause I think – they will just obey orders now until the bitter end, like in 1918 and 1945.
I agree. Germany has only a limited and quite recent experience of our style of democracy and seems ready to abandon it rather too rapidly. Hence the distaste many of us feel at being lectured by German politicians about anything.
Once again Germany is a disruptive force in Europe and no doubt it will be us that has to deal with it one way or another.
Friends! My good friend Saveed Miliband has written a typically pithy [I think you may have misspelled that, Lefty! – J.C.Oh Jeremy! Don’t be so literally vulgar! – L.] attack on the literally Fascist Daily Fail, in today’s Far-Right Guardian!
And it can be read in my latest Blog, along with 3 old pieces by Saveed from those far-off days of January 2016, here:
Gaxvil, as I understand it, Scottish nationalism is part of the Romantic Nationalist movement which originated in the nineteenth century and which is also seen in Irish, Welsh, and Indian nationalism – basically, opposition to British imperialism. The same can be seen in Hungarian nationalism which was in opposition to Hapsburg (Austrian) imperialism.
All tied up also, of course, with Marxism which thrives on the perpetual opposition of one identity group against another.
The English have never felt sufficiently oppressed by a colonial power to require a nationalist identity. It’s only become an issue since the EU began to be perceived as an oppressive imperial power, which is relatively recently in historical terms.
We Scots like to pick and choose. We boast about our influence, most of which can probably be linked directly or indirectly to imperialism or the benefits derived from it, but we are victims when it suits. Everything can be twisted into a grievance.
The British Empire – in which all the good bits were Scottish and the bad bits were English. Hate to admit it but some of us need to grow up.
The Scots Nats, like the Sinn Fein and Plaid Cymru have carefully re badged as pro EU, pro Globalisation.
They aren`t “nationalists” in any meaningful sense any more, but they are anti British and, anti English….historically this produced flirtations with German nationalism on the principle “my enemies enemy is my friend”.
I remember the editor of the student union paper at university ‘marxplaining’ (a term I have just invented) this to me. Any nationalism that is in opposition to British imperialism is acceptable. British and by extension English nationalism is imperialism, and therefore not acceptable.
As you can probably guess, my career as an NUS journalist was short-lived.
“Marxsplaining” that’s good, that deserves to catch on!
true too, hence the lefts support for Zionism when it was directed against British mandate Palestine….support that evaporated once Zionism conflicted with third world, Soviet and Arab interests.
The call by the Scots Nats for yet another referendum is merely an attempt to sabotage the will of Great Britain as a whole to get out of the undemocratic European Union. The ‘Nats’ lost the last independence referendum and I really don’t believe that they will win the next one .
The economics don’t add up they get money from the UK under the Barnett Formula and they get money from the EU, but even that it is really from the UK .
I inadvertently caught 5 mins of that Brexit programme last night, and now I can’t get the image out of my head of a smirking Laura Kuntssberg on to the streets with a mocked-up £50billion cheque in a not-very-impartial attempt to scare the public with lies.
So what about the assets that all our money has contributed to? Or are there none?
There are 28 members of the EU, so do the BBC really want us to believe that the EU represents a £1trillion black hole should all the members want to leave? If it’s anything remotely close to that then what better reason could there be for exiting something resembling a Ponzi Scheme?
That image of Laura Kuntssberg sneering at passers by exemplifies the contempt that the BBC holds for Britain and the people that fund it.
I was with a group yesterday of mainly retirees and dear Laura’s silliness with the cheque had got right a few noses. I just said that it was entirely to be expected. The first dose of Project didn’t do the job , only some of the Leavers were scared into submission, so now we must have an increased dose of BBC Remain propaganda to get us ready for the softest of soft Brexits or even another referendum. Even the group members who didn’t share my loathing of the BBC are now saying that they have had enough of being told what to think by Auntie. I’m sure that the constant pro Remain propaganda is pissing everyone off , except of course the hardcore Remainiacs . Eventually constantly telling 52% of your License Fee payers that they are knuckle dragging , facist , racist scum, is bound to have an effect but perhaps not the one the BBC expected. Come on guys lets organise a monster LF strike.
I was with a group yesterday of mainly retirees and dear Laura’s silliness with the cheque had got right a few noses. I just said that it was entirely to be expected. The first dose of Project Fear didn’t do the job , only some of the Leavers were scared into submission, so now we must have an increased dose of BBC Remain propaganda to get us ready for the softest of soft Brexits or even another referendum. Even the group members who didn’t share my loathing of the BBC are now saying that they have had enough of being told what to think by Auntie. I’m sure that the constant pro Remain propaganda is pissing everyone off , except of course the hardcore Remainiacs . Eventually constantly telling 52% of your License Fee payers that they are knuckle dragging , facist , racist scum, is bound to have an effect but perhaps not the one the BBC expected. Come on guys lets organise a monster LF strike.
Oh come back Kate Adie pleeeeease ! The media have ‘breaking news’ stories from France, and I’m listening to a young female voice clearly of the Twitter generation, who is umming and umming and umming between her 140 character reporting. We need professional reporters again who can articulate, (that’s ARTICULATE) when describing a scene or situation. These cub reporters need to ditch the iPhone and get back to journalist school.
I think we can safely say it is going to be a right wing white skinned person that’s why both the BBC and French government are quick to say it’s a terror attack.
I noted that on Talk Radio today it was reported that they had declared a “terror alert” in France due to the shootings.
I then switched over to BBC Radio 4 and heard it reported that “police in France have said it was student related and not considered a terrorist incident!!!
I suggest we take the east coast, before it erodes, and dump it off Cornwall/ Dorset and then, little by little move across the Atlantic and away from Europe.
The BBC website is ‘reporting’ that the soap opera Coronation Street has been ‘praised for child grooming storyline’ (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-39290390). The storyline features a 35 year old man and a 17 year old girl. Yet, a 17 year old girl is not a ‘child’ in sexual matters, as the age of consent in the UK is 16. One might consider such a relationship to be inappropriate or tasteless, but it is not illegal per se if consensual. But perhaps the BBC could go one better and introduce a more realistic, hard-hitting, storyline into its own flagging soap, EastEnders. How about the girl is 14 (i.e. beneath the age of consent) and the perp is a middle-aged disc jockey with a cigar and a silly voice employed by the BBC? Or perhaps the perp owns a kebab shop or works as a taxi driver along with half-a-dozen other men of a certain ‘heritage’? Make it all a bit more diverse, eh?
The BBC waves its knickers, and jumps up and down over a £70,000 fine for “lies incorporated” the Tory party, over electoral irregularities, and expenses, even digging up some “couldn t lie straight in bed” mouthpiece to obfuscate, with a patronising arrogance that only the Tory party could have.
The BBC once again shows how utterly lazy, and incompetent it is.
Our public service broadcaster has once again avoided factually scrutinising the evidence incisively and instead simply regurgitates reports from Ch4.
South Thanet (ought to get ears here pricking up) was one of 29 currently under police investigation after Ch 4 News revealed hundreds of thousands of pounds in Conservative campaign spending may not have been properly declared.
The Sunday Andrew Marr did not challenge Hammond’s answer on this.
Even though the Conservative Party hadn’t been cooperating fully with the Electoral Commission or the police, so for some nose growing MP to say this morning they have been is staggering … they may be now after being forced, this was not the case before if I recall correctly
Is it a deliberate and systematic criminal attempt to defraud the electorate?.
At a time when the rotten funded by hedge funds Tory party, couldn t win the election had to go into coalition, and only scraped in at the next … 70.000
is nothing, small change
… such an abject desperation for power, must have been because all the self serving Tory “gravy trains” were in place, all the grasping get rich quick/short term schemes to screw our nation and its people, for the benefit of a lying, corrupt few, a political elite the “in each others pocket” festering old boy network.
High stakes indeed eh! worrth a few grand of the hedge fund variety
In truth, they have never been higher for our nation or its people
We need a clear out of the poison in No10, to “drain the swamp”
It’s worth contemplating that if the Tories had not allegedly pumped extra money into a number of constituences, in order to ensure victory, then another coalition goverment might have emerged in 2015, giving Cameron a means to avoid the EU referendum.
Just a thought.
Surely the media should be shouting about the fact that all three mainstream political parties, Labour, Lib Dems and Tories, have all now failed to give satisfactory explanations of why they spent more in election expenses than they are entitled to by Law. I think fines in such cases are not enough. The person(s) appointed by the three parties who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that spending rules are adhered to should be facing a jail sentence especially if the overspend is done deliberately and they try to hide it.
#1 The guy is her father
#2 She wanted to go (cos Pakistan is better than UK ?
My Name is…
When Gaby disappeared from her Scottish home, it was assumed that her Pakistani father Farhan, had kidnapped her and the spiralling headlines were only momentarily silenced when it emerged that Gaby may have fled of her own accord, choosing to spend her life with her father in Pakistan. To her Scottish mother Suzy’s distress, Gaby declared, “my name is Ghazala” and turned her back on ‘Gaby’ and seemingly, the West.
Only at the BBC (shakes head)… of all those horrendous stories
they use this one? and erm
Pakistan! 😀 “don t they know what s happening in” … Pakistan
“who would believe this”
BBC – that giant, monopolistic, greedy, publicly-funded behemoth of intransigence and progressive bias – hopes like hell Fox is not permitted to take over Sky UK…
Fox takeover bid for Sky to be reviewed
“..Culture Secretary Karen Bradley has asked regulators to examine Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox’s takeover bid for Sky. In a statement to parliament, she told MPs that media regulator Ofcom and competition regulator, the CMA, would be asked to investigate the deal. 21st Century Fox is offering £11.7bn for the 61% stake in Sky it does not already own. The company said it was “confident” the takeover would be approved.
Critics of the merger, which gives 21st Century Fox access to Sky’s 22 million customers in Europe, fear it will mean Rupert Murdoch has too much control of the UK media.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39292653
Personally, I hope Fox are permitted to take over Sky UK. It would be very, very satisfying to see the progressive smirk wiped off the face of the p*sspoor Sky News (UK) and watch it being turned into a UK version of Fox News (US). How refreshing would that be? – A genuinely right wing news channel in the UK! Pray god, let it happen!
This is what the BBC most fear. Another broadcaster here in the UK to actually question their narrative.
Sorry to have to disappoint you but I think that Fox actually said that as part of the deal they would not broadcast News and Current Affairs . They obviously know that they wouldn’t get the deal through if they tried to replicate Fox News over here. I agee that this is a real shame but the power of the elite depends on them keeping a strangle hold on the news. The truth must not be allowed to be known.
Sir Arthur… I’m sorry to say it, but you’ve been ‘had’. The Transgender Africans article is a spoof article (fairly obviously – Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists indeed!) which was due to be published on April 1st. However, due to a problem with the date and time on one of the BBC’s web servers, the auto-embargo feature failed and it was published accidentally today.
The BBC’s fixation with the estimated 0.3% of the population who are transgender is yet another example of how it is little more than a campaigning medium for the Hard Left.
“the estimated 0.3% of the population who are transgender”
For a group incapable of biological reproduction, they do seem to be increasing their numbers rapidly… 0.3% of the population? Maybe 0.03%, if that.
Interesting to look at the statistics of those who have had ‘gender reassignment surgery’. Almost exclusively middle-aged men.
Having taken the BBC shilling any scientific pretensions he might have had will have gone straight out of the window and melted away in the anthropogenically-warmed atmosphere.
R4 Inside science doing the “oh look science wasn’t invented in Europe”*, “look at this ancient Indian manuscript from Bakhshali ”
.* Yeh but no one really says ancient maths was only invented in Europe
Thanks @JimS for your explanation above.
The news : well they haven’t dated the thing yet
Therefore it’s not news is it ? Rutherford get back to us when you’ve done it.
………. and they are not even talking about the first use of a mathematical operator zero, which facilitates calculations which can’t be done in some systems like Roman numerals ..No they just talking about the first shape that became our zero
..They argue that splodge on the document, later came to have a whole in the middle, then became our zero.
So #FakeNews cos no value as a news story.
pg 19 Times: Irish Tourist went to Goa was raped and murdered by Vikat ..a Hindu boy she met there.
Hmm Goa Police probably not the most trustworthy police ever.
Juvenile journalist gets to have a go on PM and interview a BBC head honcho who gains the record for using the word ‘Nadia’ more times than a Pakistani mother would in a minute.
Why is Geert Wilders always described as “extreme”? When it is him and his wife who have had to leave their home to live for years under round the clock, armed police protection; due to the fact that his Muslims enemies want to murder him – as far as I am aware Wilders hasn’t called for the killing of anybody, but it is he who al beebus & friends call the “extremist”.
Also, why does stating that you don’t want your Western European country to turn into an Islamic one, make you “Far-right”?
Al – he is definitely an extremist because he called for a ban on hijabs and mosque building in Holland. He would be less of a danger to society if he was a “militant” as they only commit the lesser crime of shooting people and decapitation.
It demonstrates how willfully blind & irrational people are about Islam. The fact that Wilders has been under threat for years proves what he says is true. A child could see the logic. If he was lying there would be no threat to his life. But still they vilify him instead of the people who call for his death. It’s upside down, inside out & back to front.
I`m finding that the “news, comment and analysis” by way of BBC current affairs breaks down into endless swathes of process not being done to some arcane, or obtuse or meaningless judgements, laws or guidelines as nebbed on by liberal media headline hunters, It`s not news at all, just bureaucratic fly paper as set down by FoI or quango lounging lawyers.
The other big chunk of non-news is advocacy as Esther Rantzen did-looking for client groups who`ll unload and discharge over slights, poor practice or another indignity. Other filler is chunks of sport-oh, and the occasional atrocity as and when they happen.
So it is that I can now ignore the news-it`s all their value systems ladled all over whatever their cameraman have filmed, what their editors were seeking for that days pointless gripes. Like Leveson this stuff is self-indulgent non news that only lets them jockey for their high horses-wooden, going nowhere and we`re sick of them.
Process, That`s Life and sport-if anybody finds other categories of “Big Fake News”. let me know.
All intended to skewer us for Islam, keep us in the EU and get Trump removed. But they simply can`t be honest about all this.
Yes I noted earlier on the Radio 4 news that someone mentioned the “shock” of a right wing extremist NOT winning “especially after Brexit and Trump”.
Note the suggested link between the latter and the former.
And why the hell is this near the top of the BBC’s ‘News’ homepage? Anyone else noticed that the BBC are advertising their own crappy programmes on their ‘news’ site a lot more these days.
Because they managed to slip a lesbian and an unfunny lefty comedian into the line up. Actually, make that two unfunny lefty comedians. Totally representative of the UK.
That is the new Channel 4 line up, just with the ‘same old’.
The BBC will be doing exciting new programmes:
Baking With Nadia
Newsnight With Nadia
Match Of The Day With Nadia
The Weather With Nadia
Brexit Cliff Edge With Nadia
Nursery Time With Nadia
Painting With Nadia
Strictly Come Nadia
The Lion, The Witch and Nadia
The Shipping Forecast With Nadia
..until they can find a transgender lesbian Muslim.
“Shop well for less” on BBC 1.
BBC luvvies with lavish lifestyles preaching to us how to save money and not worry about projecting a certain image.
Some “poor” couple trying to live like posh n Becks have had to give up their £30000 Range Rover for a £18000 Kia Sportage. Swapping the designer clothes and make up for cheaper brands which are “just as good” if not better.
Forgive me, but all these product “comparisons” and endorsements smacks to me of blatant ADVERTISING!
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – All together now, let’s all bash the President of the USA UK general (sorry, name forgotten)…
Bad News! CNN, Guardian & BBC are gleefully reporting “exit polls show Wilders defeat”
I don’ hear Susan Boyle yet
..I’ll have a look in the morning.
via @Pcar Today’s News not on BBC/MSM
1. A Michigan district court judge ordered that Corinne Miller, the former director of epidemiology at the state’s Department of Health and Human Services, publicly apologize to the residents of Flint for withholding information about the presence of the Legionella bacteria, the microbe that causes Legionnaires’ disease, in the city’s drinking water.
After pleading no contest to a charge of neglect, Miller also got a year’s probation and 300 hours of community service — essentially a slap on the wrist…..
2. Leftists may be about to suffer their biggest cognitive dissonance seizure yet. Despite being told by the Obamas, the Clintons, Soros, and the mainstream media that Trump “is a racist islamophobe,” none other than Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman proclaimed Trump a “true friend of Muslims,” claiming the leader’s immigration ban does not target Islam.
3. Merkel’s Migrant Deception
As it now turns out, Hungary’s PM Victor Orbán was right about a “secret deal” all along. According to the latest revelations made by the German newspaper Die Welt, Chancellor Merkel, along with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, had agreed to accept 150,000 to 200,000 Syrian migrants from Turkey into the EU without consulting other European member states.
Delingpole : Why I Totally Hate Big Oil – And Why You Should Too…
Yep Mythical-big-oil funds the climate realists
Actual Big Oil is in bed with the greens intimidated by them, but also playing along, cos anything that pushes up prices, pushes up profits ..and they’ll take green gimmick subsidies as well ..but it’s the consumers that pay extra for all that.
(But it’s those little fracking corps that push down prices,
By opening up the market and causing competition.)
Big Oil in the shape of BP had a representative at the infamous 2006 BBC seminar where the BBC shredded the last of its integrity. A good case can be made that AGW was a clever scam to destroy the coal industry.
The full cast list is here:
“Brexit: Donald Tusk warns UK against ‘no deal threat”
Great Britain does not take threats lightly, as Mr Hitler learned.
Interesting HYS running.
“We will not be intimidated by threats – and I can assure you they simply will not work….”
Ooh, given the never-ending threats the EU has thrown our way since Brexit I can’t wait for the BBC to challenge him on that one next time they have him in the studio!
And wait, and wait, and….
Good Brexit news !
“UK unemployment fell in the three months to January but there was a sharp slowdown in wage growth.” But, there’s always a “But”.
Also get this …….
“The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the unemployment rate fell to 4.7% – it has not been lower than that since the summer of 1975.”
Yes 1975 !
BBC in full gloat mode this morning-Wilders defeated-Trump ban overturned-Tory U turn and finally Tory election fraud. All their prejudices together a good news day.
Looks like the dutch have chosen to stick their heads in the sand for another four or five years. Lets hope next time around they still have some heads left to poke in the sand!
“Looks like the dutch have chosen to stick their heads in the sand…”
Cor you’re being diplomatic Oaknash!
It was only three weeks ago when large numbers were telling the pollsters they would vote for Wilders in strength and give him a clear win.
What happened? Well in my mind a certain little scene is repeating itself. It’s the one about Brave sir Robin from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I think the words went something along the lines of;
“Brave Sir Robin ran away,
He bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it’s ugly head,
He turned on his tail and bravely fled….etc
I am tempted to suggest that at our end of year award ceremonies the ‘Brave Sir Robin’ medal is awarded to the Dutch electorate.
It was always unlikely that the Dutch would stick to their guns and make Wilders PVV the largest party. It shows how much things have moved in the political world when an increase in the number of seats for Wilders of 60% , from 11 to 19 , or possibly even more, is greated by the liberal left as marvellous news. A few years ago they would have been apoplectic that this Bastion of liberalism , the Netherlands, had made the PVV the second largest party. The BBC would have been flying warning flags about Facism etc etc.
I expect that the French won’t make Le Pen their president though it is likely that she will get close to 40% of the vote. Of course more terrorism in the next few weeks may wake up a few million more French people and carry her to the Elysee. but imagine 40% of French men and women are voting to reverse the Islamification of their country. I’m sure that by 2022 at the latest that 40 will be above 50.
Overthrowing elites is difficult , they hold all the power. They can manipulate events , set the agenda and time table. Those opposing them are asking people to take a chance on change. The elite can claim the known solidity of the status quo. Things have to be seen as really bad by more than half the electorate before change can happen democratically. Brexit was an unusual case. In Europe their history of war and invasion makes them value the EU in ways we don’t. They see the risk of leaving as much higher than we do. Seen in that context Wilders result is a step forward and Le Pen’s will be even bigger step, despite what the BBC will say. As long as they persist in their deranged Islamophilic policies the liberal elite is living on borrowed time right across Europe.
It is a sad day for the Western World. Come to think of it, Europe is really as much a, ‘basket-case’ as Africa but for different reasons. But there, most of Africa will be in Europe soon so that should even things out for the liberal/multiculti followers.
There was a small window of hope for Europe and it now appears the people have roundly rejected common sense albeit just in the Netherlands so there is, perhaps, no hope for them. They’re too far gone already in their love for liberal multiculturalism. I do hope they understand the bills for their beloved liberalism. In Germany it is breaking the bank.
One other point, what has happened (and the disunity that’s to come in the Neterlands parliament), is as a result of proportional representation which dulls the voters ability to see sense because if you are dedicated to any hair brain scheme, chances are you will find one of the 28(?) parties who agree with you. Fortunately the UK rejected PR (‘Alternative Vote’ another specie) on a referendum May 2011, But, as we see post referendum (& post Trump) there is a growing band of malcontents who increasingly will never respect the ‘first past the post’ system. What then? Only anarchy and sedition left and that may not be a bad thing to, pull the plug and ‘re-boot’ the World order.
Thanks G. I am now a malcontent am I? I am a deplorable so I suppose I can be that as well.
Let me point something out, Proportional Representation is neither left nor right, but it can be effective or useless depending on which system you choose. The Dutch, Israeli and Aussie systems are appalling and nobody in the right mind would advocate those. I have posted on this before so won’t harp on about it again. But having been a part of a successful team campaigning for PR one of biggest obstacles was from left and right sceptics who were convinced it was a big plot by the other side to tilt the system in it’s favour.
A system with a five percent cut off point cuts out most of the loonies.
Britain was, I think, the last country in the world to drop the Julian Calendar for the one we have now. I am not aware of any pressure to go back to the old one. The first past the post system
would be as little missed.
Anyway enough from me on this topic for a while. I’m off to bed, very malcontented.
G. I totally agree with you about FPTP. If we’d had PR then the “Labour” and the so-called “Liberal” so-called “Democrat” parties would have been in power for years and we’d be in far worse a mess than we are even now. FPTP has its faults such as not being completely democratic. Bizarrely this lack of democracy in the system gives us a far more democratic result. We can overthrow our governments which fail, in most PR systems the government effectively never changes.
I see the FPTP system as focusing the minds of the voter on the really, really important issues and the particular parties manifesto pledges infilling the blank detail. “Oh but the manifesto doesn’t count and they don’t follow it anyway”, I hear some saying. Well then, what happened to the Budget earlier this week? The system works and FPTP doesn’t create what can only be described as a ‘talking-shop’ what amounts to all the more the merrier on expenses. Endlessly talking and no positive decision making just lurching on and on disputing everything. Soon to be observed in the Netherlands methinks. In a previous life, I skippered large sail training yachts with anything up to nine crew all of varying capability. When the shit hits the fan and ‘difficulties’ present themselves, only one person can make the decisions. That’s life whether the liberals like it or not.
OK Demon you have provoked me to write one further last comment on PR and I promise I will not mention the topic again for six months. (And this time I mean it).
So think about this. If proportional representation would really be so bad for Britain, why aren’t the BBC promoting it furiously?
With that I say goodnight.
The BBC did used to promote PR but as the BBC “mind” slithered further to the left, they realised their beloved Labour Party would always have to have the more “moderate” Liberal Party in tow. As the Beeb only want Stalinistic dictatorship that would never do.
I do believe the House of Lords should be made up by representatives from the parties according to their share of votes in the previous General Election. Although their powers would still have to be limited as the HoC would have to be the skipper (to use G’s analogy) ultimately.
barry69 “Full gloat” No that can not be only yesterday the BBc e-mailed me and told me “All BBC staff are expected to put any political views to one side when carrying out their work for the BBC, and they simply try to provide the information and context on the story or issue using their professional insight to allow our viewers, listeners and web users to make up their own minds.” But then of course the BBc lies to me like a lying bastard.
What I find really worrying is the nagging suspicion that they actually believe that to be true.
I’m sure the BBC will be concentrating on the PVV “only” finishing second in the Netherlands.
A little deeper thought will show that there has been quite a significant move to the right. The Socilaist Party looks to have lost 30 of its 38 seats, while the melons moved from 4 to 16, obviously picking up some socialist votes. Rutte looks to have lost about 20% of his seats.
Previously Rutte and the Socialists governed – having a majority between the two parties. It may take a little while to sort out a new coalition, which is unlikely to have much (any?) left of centre influence this time.
Wilders may have “lost”, but perhaps actually “won” in moving the centre of gravity of Dutch politics and making it much harder for the liberal elite to continue with their diversity is good etc.
Poor old Roger Haribo.
His feeble report on TOADY this morning really took the biscuit. He thinks that because domestic energy bills haven’t really risen over the last 9 years no-one minds the green subsidy that now forms part of the bill. Apparently the green subsidy is offset by the improved efficiency of lighting, refrigeration etc. So we don’t mind.
Question: if there wasn’t a green subsidy, surely bills would have come down? Presenter (Humphreys, I think) unable to make that enquiry for whatever reason.
They really do have an odd way of looking at finances at the BBC. Comes from having their guaranteed protected revenue stream I suppose.
Luckily, the BBC still has time to spot, well, ‘get told’, the crucial news…
BBC Newsbeat
Newsbeat’s also been told financial pressures on the NHS are making it harder for those with acne to get seen by a dermatologist.
Cm’on GW, at least it is now an easy matter to have their FGM reversed compliments of the taxpayer.
As reported above, the BBC was triumphant over the Dutch election results. Their European Editor sees this as a backlash against populism across Europe. The left and the greens are staging a counter-revolution, she tells us. Support for multi-culturalism is increasing. Or so the BBC hopes. The role of Turkey in interfering in Dutch affairs has been chilling and shows us a glimpse of a grim future as Muslim populations within Europe expand ever further.Turkey wants to treat Holland as if it were not a sovereign country . Can anyone imagine any European pro- Christian politician being allowed to hold rallies in a predominantly Muslim country? As for calling the Dutch ‘ nazi remnants’. Sheer ignorance of Dutch treatment by the Nazis, by someone who is very much akin to a fascist himself.
The biased BBC are absolutely creaming in their pants and knickers (got to be equality conscious) this morning. And if ever anyone wants a crystal clear view of the BBC’s view on the world, today is a great example. Here are the news headlines.
1. The ruling party (and favourites to win) retain power in the Netherlands general election. Anyone remember the last time this rated first item on the news? No, me neither. I wonder why?
2. Tories fined £75000 for election expenses misconduct. Cue a series of interviews and Sarah Montague very slowly and very deliberately making absolutely sure we know this is wrong.
3. Hammond has to back track on the NI insurance for the self-employed. The glee is palpable. discussion of the merits of the case (or otherwise) are kept to the minimum to allow the maximum negative political impact.
Just ceaseless, brainwashing bias.
For that much trumpeted BBC love of ‘balance:
Oh look. Uncle Roger Harrabin banging the drum on behalf of climate change activism for a change:
‘Low carbon drive ‘cuts household bills”
Subsidies for wind and solar add £9 a month to our bills but energy saving measures reduce it by £20 – net saving £11 per month. So, if those useless unreliable energy sources didn’t require subsidies, we could be saving £20 a month.
The pantomime villain makes an appearance during the second act:
‘”What’s interesting,” said the committee chair Lord Deben, “is that people aren’t having to strive to make these savings. They could save much more energy if they consciously set about it.”‘
Quoting that clown tells you all you need to know.
Edited to add that Restroom Mole beat me to it. Well done that person.
Thanks for the acknowledgement; your post adds detail to mine.
Slightly O/T, but I was going to add that later in TOADY Humphreys held an interview about the teaching of philosophy and creative writing in schools. Humpty was definitely in favour of creative writing, absolutely against the learning of facts. So he probably thinks Haribo’s fact free so-called science is OK?
It would have been more appropriate to interview Harrabin as part of the creative writing item as he is an Eng Lit graduate.
“Newly elected MPs will no longer be allowed to employ spouses and other relatives using taxpayers’ money.
The new rules will come into force at the next election, expected to take place in 2020, although the 151 MPs who currently employ “connected parties” will be able to continue to do so.” BBC News.
This will be fun to watch in future as Muslims are well known for keeping everything in their famililies.
Except for their “love” interest.
It should be all of them, this, “gravy training” has to stop
it has been abused for years.
The BBC right now has some MPs spouse, “why are they picking on us”
… poor little victim
These deluded MPs think have the public behind them, the public trust?
I think they keep that in the family as well hence all the ahem … mentally challenged
are you referring to their favourite family team sport
Re the Dutch election results, I suspect that many in Holland as elsewhere in Europe are beginning to realise that the situation developing in Europe is close to beyond being resolved by voting. Nice if it could be, but, sadly, less and less likely as the years of mass immigration and the resultant culture clashes continue.
Yes, as Breaker Morant might have put it, we are getting closer and closer to Rule 303.
Those Turks are crazier than we thought!
“A Turkish minister has claimed “holy wars will soon begin” in Europe, in spite of the defeat of far-right leader Geert Wilders in the Netherlands elections.
Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkey’s foreign minister, did not welcome the victory for Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s centre-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD).
“Now the election is over in the Netherlands…when you look at the many parties you see there is no difference between the social democrats and fascist Wilders,” he said according to a translation by Hurriyet.
“All have the same mentality. Where will you go? Where are you taking Europe? You have begun to collapse Europe. You are dragging Europe into the abyss. Holy wars will soon begin in Europe.” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/dutch-elections-netherlands-geert-wilders-freedom-party-turkey-fascist-no-difference-rallies-islam-a7632571.html
Holy wars have been going on for decades.
Not too clever for Turkey’s foreign minister to come out with threats like that though?
A rather trivial matter but I’m reading the BBC News scroll sport headline-
“Manchester City are knocked out of the Champions League after thrilling 3-1 defeat at the hands of Monaco”
An English club loses and to the BBC that’s “thrilling”
Only two English players on the pitch in that game. “English” club is losing any meaning in the globalised world of elite football.
But yes, the BBBC do delight in denigrating England and the English.
Maybe Adam Johnson come return! Ankle tag bracelets are So next season.
To be fair it was a good match and, in its own way, quite thrilling. I don’t like City so I was cheering for Monaco anyway.
Yes, I’m a United supporter so I’m not losing any sleep. I get that it might have been a thrilling game to watch & Monaco might have been the better side and so forth. But those are the details of the game to be given appropriately in a full report. I think for a sport headline, a “thrilling” Manchester defeat just spells BBC glee at an English club having lost.
Hi Lucy. There’s now at least three of us openly United on this forum. You may be right as the BBC always likes to down England and English things (e.g. they always join in attacks on the current England manager at just the times the team needs national solidarity like going into the World Cup or Euros) but I enjoyed the match and the result.
and i was so getting to like you guys … my beloved city were both shit and beaten by a better team
To be fair, City were good (except defence maybe) particularly at the start of the second half, but Monaco were lovely to watch. Their football could be enjoyed by all except their opponents or their rivals in France. (Through gritted teeth..) – you have some excellent players and now an excellent chance to challenge Chelsea for the league, so chin up.
Football !!!!! Yawn ……………………
At last some good news for the BBC to report, Islam will overtake Christianity by 2070: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-39279631
Our only hope is that – now we all have access to the backwards Islamic material and historical information – we can shed some light on this false religion and its profiteer.
One more,(if it was necessary) red flag, Appeaser May/No10 are too busy waving the white flag to notice.
Ideal opportunity to get rid of sharia all in, in the public sphere, and May
is deliberately throwing away, compromising and orchestrating that opportunity.
We need a No10 clear out … fast
I think one day Beeby might choke on it’s own vomit.
Just look at the image the Beeb is using for the “story”!
The triumphant Muslim woman, drapped in her headscarf, standing tall and superior over all the other races and religions of the world. Subtle.
The Far Left bbc have slyly succeeded in a) describing any group they don’t like as ‘Far Right’ b) conflating Brexit with the ‘Far Right’, c) associating in people’s minds the so-called Far Right with fascism/Nazism, and d) labelling as racist or islamophobic any justifiable wariness of an ideology that’s violent, supremacist, anti-western, mysogynistic and homophobic.
So a quadruple deception that’s very useful in beating anyone calling for perfectly reasonable control of immigration, or anyone not enchanted with creeping islamisation.
The beebistan celebrate Rutte’s victory in Holland as a vote against ‘populism’, ignoring the facts that his share of the vote has gone down, Wilders’ has gone up, and Rutte’s victory is at least partly attributable to his tough stance on the Turks, in other words just the sort of policies the ‘far right’ Wilders is advocating. So perhaps a victory for populism after all?
Let me get this straight then.
Rutte loses seats in Holland, Wilders gains them.
Wilders WAS the third-biggest party and now it`s second.
Yet this mornings BBC News on the radio trumpets the “fact” that Wilders was “trounced” by the Liberal Party as led by Rutte,
Funny that-up until now, his party had hitherto-been described as a “Centre Right” party..but how he`s “trounced” Wilders-they label the “triumphant” Rutte as being leader of the “LIBERAL” party,
Final bit-the BBC then goes on to say that the “biggest gains”-the “surprise” was the fivefold increase in the share of the popular vote for the Green/Left ragbag…all the way from 2%-now up to a mighty 10%!!
But funnily enough, they chose the tally of the percentage vote-but in their case, didn`t tell me how many seats they`d won.
See what they did there?
More Or Less and Feedback surely will be doing something on fake stats, selective use of data as well as the endless sleights that we KNOW the BBC do all the time in the cause of the EU. Won`t they?
Ah well-at least we know there`s a “RIGHT” kind of populism now…up to now it`s always been wrong has it not?
At least we have the English Channel separating us from the European Empire.
“At least we have the English Channel separating us from the European Empire.”
Yes but we need a Royal Navy to guard it and an efficient Border Force to monitor the Euro Tunnel.
The tunnel was never a good idea but yes, more on defence and less on ‘good causes’ please.
“Islam will overtake Christianity by 2070” They left out the rest of the story…
Do they mean Sunni Islam or Shia Islam, Ahmadiyya, or Deobandi, Salafist or Sufi?
These heretics and infidels will be fighting it out until Kingdom come.
The progressive snowflakes will do anything to stop melting and the reaction to the Dutch election is interesting. I did not think it at all possible that Wilders could get a majority. The Dutch system is odd and makes coalitions the norm.
Also the Dutch are more infected with progressivism than most and always seem to be on a par with the Scandinavians for the ability to live in a fantasy in their heads.
If the idiots stopped to think clearly they would be concerned at the increase in Wilder’s support. His platform by our standards was extreme and can you imagine such a platform here at the present time ? No is the answer so something is going on in Holland which should give the snowflakes nightmares.
The real test is France. That country is at the very heart of European civilisation and in many ways it is the spirit of Europe. How Marine le Pen fares will decide the fate of Europe. Holland is interesting but a sideshow.
Brilliant obs. Summed up nicely here as well:
Heard an Al Beeb commentator stating that ‘people were worried’ about Widers winning – yes but many weren’t worried .
Sad though, that people should fear the idea of a democratically elected leader, bound by laws and with parliamentary oversight.
But then MSM have been giving it their all.
Dave S I think you are right. France is the key really. Germany is a lost cause I think – they will just obey orders now until the bitter end, like in 1918 and 1945.
I agree. Germany has only a limited and quite recent experience of our style of democracy and seems ready to abandon it rather too rapidly. Hence the distaste many of us feel at being lectured by German politicians about anything.
Once again Germany is a disruptive force in Europe and no doubt it will be us that has to deal with it one way or another.
Good or Bad Brexit news ?
It depends how Al Beeb want to run with it .
HYS is interesting ….
Just heard that HRH has signed the Article 50 Bill !
Bet she sighed a breath of relief.
That Breaking News headline will have been heart-breaking for whichever beeboid had to write it. Shame.
Were they handed a loaded gun to do, ‘the right thing’ though?
(Empty) whisky bottles and packets of sleeping tablets, and revolvers, will be strewn all over Broadcasting House this morning.
Well, one can but hope. 😉
HM, not HRH.
Friends! My good friend Saveed Miliband has written a typically pithy [I think you may have misspelled that, Lefty! – J.C. Oh Jeremy! Don’t be so literally vulgar! – L.] attack on the literally Fascist Daily Fail, in today’s Far-Right Guardian!
And it can be read in my latest Blog, along with 3 old pieces by Saveed from those far-off days of January 2016, here:
Curious though, there’s the Scottish National Party all very respectable but no English equivalent.
Gaxvil, as I understand it, Scottish nationalism is part of the Romantic Nationalist movement which originated in the nineteenth century and which is also seen in Irish, Welsh, and Indian nationalism – basically, opposition to British imperialism. The same can be seen in Hungarian nationalism which was in opposition to Hapsburg (Austrian) imperialism.
All tied up also, of course, with Marxism which thrives on the perpetual opposition of one identity group against another.
The English have never felt sufficiently oppressed by a colonial power to require a nationalist identity. It’s only become an issue since the EU began to be perceived as an oppressive imperial power, which is relatively recently in historical terms.
“British imperialism”
Yes – British imperialism.
We Scots like to pick and choose. We boast about our influence, most of which can probably be linked directly or indirectly to imperialism or the benefits derived from it, but we are victims when it suits. Everything can be twisted into a grievance.
The British Empire – in which all the good bits were Scottish and the bad bits were English. Hate to admit it but some of us need to grow up.
The Scots Nats, like the Sinn Fein and Plaid Cymru have carefully re badged as pro EU, pro Globalisation.
They aren`t “nationalists” in any meaningful sense any more, but they are anti British and, anti English….historically this produced flirtations with German nationalism on the principle “my enemies enemy is my friend”.
Spot on ! They are Fascists.
I remember the editor of the student union paper at university ‘marxplaining’ (a term I have just invented) this to me. Any nationalism that is in opposition to British imperialism is acceptable. British and by extension English nationalism is imperialism, and therefore not acceptable.
As you can probably guess, my career as an NUS journalist was short-lived.
Yes, it is a strange kind of perversion. Self-hatred extended to a whole nation.
“Marxsplaining” that’s good, that deserves to catch on!
true too, hence the lefts support for Zionism when it was directed against British mandate Palestine….support that evaporated once Zionism conflicted with third world, Soviet and Arab interests.
The call by the Scots Nats for yet another referendum is merely an attempt to sabotage the will of Great Britain as a whole to get out of the undemocratic European Union. The ‘Nats’ lost the last independence referendum and I really don’t believe that they will win the next one .
The economics don’t add up they get money from the UK under the Barnett Formula and they get money from the EU, but even that it is really from the UK .
But all megalomaniacs.
I inadvertently caught 5 mins of that Brexit programme last night, and now I can’t get the image out of my head of a smirking Laura Kuntssberg on to the streets with a mocked-up £50billion cheque in a not-very-impartial attempt to scare the public with lies.
So what about the assets that all our money has contributed to? Or are there none?
There are 28 members of the EU, so do the BBC really want us to believe that the EU represents a £1trillion black hole should all the members want to leave? If it’s anything remotely close to that then what better reason could there be for exiting something resembling a Ponzi Scheme?
That image of Laura Kuntssberg sneering at passers by exemplifies the contempt that the BBC holds for Britain and the people that fund it.
Kuenesberg appears to have not absorbed any lesson from her question to President Trump.She is the worst of a bad bunch at the BBC.
Dave S,
Yes, she is revolting even by BBC standards. A bitch from hell.
I was with a group yesterday of mainly retirees and dear Laura’s silliness with the cheque had got right a few noses. I just said that it was entirely to be expected. The first dose of Project didn’t do the job , only some of the Leavers were scared into submission, so now we must have an increased dose of BBC Remain propaganda to get us ready for the softest of soft Brexits or even another referendum. Even the group members who didn’t share my loathing of the BBC are now saying that they have had enough of being told what to think by Auntie. I’m sure that the constant pro Remain propaganda is pissing everyone off , except of course the hardcore Remainiacs . Eventually constantly telling 52% of your License Fee payers that they are knuckle dragging , facist , racist scum, is bound to have an effect but perhaps not the one the BBC expected. Come on guys lets organise a monster LF strike.
I was with a group yesterday of mainly retirees and dear Laura’s silliness with the cheque had got right a few noses. I just said that it was entirely to be expected. The first dose of Project Fear didn’t do the job , only some of the Leavers were scared into submission, so now we must have an increased dose of BBC Remain propaganda to get us ready for the softest of soft Brexits or even another referendum. Even the group members who didn’t share my loathing of the BBC are now saying that they have had enough of being told what to think by Auntie. I’m sure that the constant pro Remain propaganda is pissing everyone off , except of course the hardcore Remainiacs . Eventually constantly telling 52% of your License Fee payers that they are knuckle dragging , facist , racist scum, is bound to have an effect but perhaps not the one the BBC expected. Come on guys lets organise a monster LF strike.
Oh come back Kate Adie pleeeeease ! The media have ‘breaking news’ stories from France, and I’m listening to a young female voice clearly of the Twitter generation, who is umming and umming and umming between her 140 character reporting. We need professional reporters again who can articulate, (that’s ARTICULATE) when describing a scene or situation. These cub reporters need to ditch the iPhone and get back to journalist school.
Kate who ? Actually I am quite nostalgic for her. Just shows how low the BBC has sunk.
You almost made it there, – shame it wasn’t Kate Hoey (whooooey !)
LOL !! Eee ay adio . Yes, Kate Whoeey ( check spelling ) is great.
Breaking news…
French school shooting: ‘Several hurt’ in Grasse attack
The government sent out a warning of a terrorist attack via its mobile app.
I’m shocked the BBC have included the words ‘terrorist attack’ without using quotes around it!
Any hints who the perpetrators may be ?
I think we can safely say it is going to be a right wing white skinned person that’s why both the BBC and French government are quick to say it’s a terror attack.
Good point. The internet is suggesting it may be a “student on student ” attack.
The French state and politicians will now demonstrate a robust response.
That will translate as “Dear electors, you`re safe with us, don’t vote for Le Pen”.
No doubt the BEEB will be all over it now, gunman is son of a far-right politician
I noted that on Talk Radio today it was reported that they had declared a “terror alert” in France due to the shootings.
I then switched over to BBC Radio 4 and heard it reported that “police in France have said it was student related and not considered a terrorist incident!!!
“terror alert”
The same for RT ?
I suggest we take the east coast, before it erodes, and dump it off Cornwall/ Dorset and then, little by little move across the Atlantic and away from Europe.
How will we slip past Pro EU Ireland?
Throw money – that usually works.
The BBC website is ‘reporting’ that the soap opera Coronation Street has been ‘praised for child grooming storyline’ (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-39290390). The storyline features a 35 year old man and a 17 year old girl. Yet, a 17 year old girl is not a ‘child’ in sexual matters, as the age of consent in the UK is 16. One might consider such a relationship to be inappropriate or tasteless, but it is not illegal per se if consensual. But perhaps the BBC could go one better and introduce a more realistic, hard-hitting, storyline into its own flagging soap, EastEnders. How about the girl is 14 (i.e. beneath the age of consent) and the perp is a middle-aged disc jockey with a cigar and a silly voice employed by the BBC? Or perhaps the perp owns a kebab shop or works as a taxi driver along with half-a-dozen other men of a certain ‘heritage’? Make it all a bit more diverse, eh?
Ian ,
LOL !! I can imagine the wankers at the BBC doing a comedy soap opera about muslims having sex with kids. Or, maybe not !!!!
Give it time.
Anyhow, the new Dutch bloke is apparently, “in the mold of Trudeau and Obama …”
Grant – I can just see it now. “The Imam Of Dibley”. Starring Victoria Koran-Mitchell.
This could need some popcorn:
With luck.
The BBC waves its knickers, and jumps up and down over a £70,000 fine for “lies incorporated” the Tory party, over electoral irregularities, and expenses, even digging up some “couldn t lie straight in bed” mouthpiece to obfuscate, with a patronising arrogance that only the Tory party could have.
The BBC once again shows how utterly lazy, and incompetent it is.
Our public service broadcaster has once again avoided factually scrutinising the evidence incisively and instead simply regurgitates reports from Ch4.
South Thanet (ought to get ears here pricking up) was one of 29 currently under police investigation after Ch 4 News revealed hundreds of thousands of pounds in Conservative campaign spending may not have been properly declared.
The Sunday Andrew Marr did not challenge Hammond’s answer on this.
Even though the Conservative Party hadn’t been cooperating fully with the Electoral Commission or the police, so for some nose growing MP to say this morning they have been is staggering … they may be now after being forced, this was not the case before if I recall correctly
Is it a deliberate and systematic criminal attempt to defraud the electorate?.
At a time when the rotten funded by hedge funds Tory party, couldn t win the election had to go into coalition, and only scraped in at the next … 70.000
is nothing, small change
… such an abject desperation for power, must have been because all the self serving Tory “gravy trains” were in place, all the grasping get rich quick/short term schemes to screw our nation and its people, for the benefit of a lying, corrupt few, a political elite the “in each others pocket” festering old boy network.
High stakes indeed eh! worrth a few grand of the hedge fund variety
In truth, they have never been higher for our nation or its people
We need a clear out of the poison in No10, to “drain the swamp”
It’s worth contemplating that if the Tories had not allegedly pumped extra money into a number of constituences, in order to ensure victory, then another coalition goverment might have emerged in 2015, giving Cameron a means to avoid the EU referendum.
Just a thought.
Perhaps in that case Gina Miller will use it to bring a court action to invalidate the referendum.
Surely the media should be shouting about the fact that all three mainstream political parties, Labour, Lib Dems and Tories, have all now failed to give satisfactory explanations of why they spent more in election expenses than they are entitled to by Law. I think fines in such cases are not enough. The person(s) appointed by the three parties who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that spending rules are adhered to should be facing a jail sentence especially if the overspend is done deliberately and they try to hide it.
I recommend that all three parties be wound up on the grounds that they are organised criminal conspiracies against the British people.
March 27 BBC Radio4 will air a play about a guy abducting a girl and taking her to Pakistan
but there is a twist
#1 The guy is her father
#2 She wanted to go (cos Pakistan is better than UK ?
Only at the BBC (shakes head)… of all those horrendous stories
they use this one? and erm
Pakistan! 😀 “don t they know what s happening in” … Pakistan
“who would believe this”
BBC – that giant, monopolistic, greedy, publicly-funded behemoth of intransigence and progressive bias – hopes like hell Fox is not permitted to take over Sky UK…
Fox takeover bid for Sky to be reviewed
“..Culture Secretary Karen Bradley has asked regulators to examine Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox’s takeover bid for Sky. In a statement to parliament, she told MPs that media regulator Ofcom and competition regulator, the CMA, would be asked to investigate the deal. 21st Century Fox is offering £11.7bn for the 61% stake in Sky it does not already own. The company said it was “confident” the takeover would be approved.
Critics of the merger, which gives 21st Century Fox access to Sky’s 22 million customers in Europe, fear it will mean Rupert Murdoch has too much control of the UK media.”
Personally, I hope Fox are permitted to take over Sky UK. It would be very, very satisfying to see the progressive smirk wiped off the face of the p*sspoor Sky News (UK) and watch it being turned into a UK version of Fox News (US). How refreshing would that be? – A genuinely right wing news channel in the UK! Pray god, let it happen!
This is what the BBC most fear. Another broadcaster here in the UK to actually question their narrative.
It couldn’t happen quickly enough.
Sorry to have to disappoint you but I think that Fox actually said that as part of the deal they would not broadcast News and Current Affairs . They obviously know that they wouldn’t get the deal through if they tried to replicate Fox News over here. I agee that this is a real shame but the power of the elite depends on them keeping a strangle hold on the news. The truth must not be allowed to be known.
Those alleged critics of the merger, who worry about Fox having too much control of the media, wouldn’t be the BBC by any chance?
In the bBBC’s weird world, this is ‘trending’: Why transgender Africans turned against a famous feminist
Beware, there is hardly a word of normal English language in this article.
Perhaps Dame Jenni can interpret it for us?
Sir Arthur… I’m sorry to say it, but you’ve been ‘had’. The Transgender Africans article is a spoof article (fairly obviously – Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists indeed!) which was due to be published on April 1st. However, due to a problem with the date and time on one of the BBC’s web servers, the auto-embargo feature failed and it was published accidentally today.
The BBC’s fixation with the estimated 0.3% of the population who are transgender is yet another example of how it is little more than a campaigning medium for the Hard Left.
“the estimated 0.3% of the population who are transgender”
For a group incapable of biological reproduction, they do seem to be increasing their numbers rapidly… 0.3% of the population? Maybe 0.03%, if that.
Interesting to look at the statistics of those who have had ‘gender reassignment surgery’. Almost exclusively middle-aged men.
One mystery of ‘science’ solved; Dr. Adam Rutherford of ‘Climate Change Weekly’ or Inside Science tells us that he is an Anglo-Indian.
Having taken the BBC shilling any scientific pretensions he might have had will have gone straight out of the window and melted away in the anthropogenically-warmed atmosphere.
R4 Inside science doing the “oh look science wasn’t invented in Europe”*, “look at this ancient Indian manuscript from Bakhshali ”
.* Yeh but no one really says ancient maths was only invented in Europe
Thanks @JimS for your explanation above.
The news : well they haven’t dated the thing yet
Therefore it’s not news is it ? Rutherford get back to us when you’ve done it.
………. and they are not even talking about the first use of a mathematical operator zero, which facilitates calculations which can’t be done in some systems like Roman numerals ..No they just talking about the first shape that became our zero
..They argue that splodge on the document, later came to have a whole in the middle, then became our zero.
So #FakeNews cos no value as a news story.
Tonight C4 “Muslims Like US” will feature the Muslim/EDL-supporter brothers
pg 19 Times: Irish Tourist went to Goa was raped and murdered by Vikat ..a Hindu boy she met there.
Hmm Goa Police probably not the most trustworthy police ever.
Educational Jihad. (We knew it of course, but here’s confirmation from an insider)
A former radical Islamist turned Christian evangelist is warning the West of another form of jihad being waged in the education front.
Isik Abla “mentioned four other types of jihad—educational, population, media, and economical jihad” and revealed that “she was recruited to wage educational jihad by her first Muslim husband.”
Juvenile journalist gets to have a go on PM and interview a BBC head honcho who gains the record for using the word ‘Nadia’ more times than a Pakistani mother would in a minute.
Nadia for Doctor Who?
Good news
Sandi Tosspot is to be one of the new presenters of bake off
I can hardly wait!
Why is Geert Wilders always described as “extreme”? When it is him and his wife who have had to leave their home to live for years under round the clock, armed police protection; due to the fact that his Muslims enemies want to murder him – as far as I am aware Wilders hasn’t called for the killing of anybody, but it is he who al beebus & friends call the “extremist”.
Also, why does stating that you don’t want your Western European country to turn into an Islamic one, make you “Far-right”?
Al – he is definitely an extremist because he called for a ban on hijabs and mosque building in Holland. He would be less of a danger to society if he was a “militant” as they only commit the lesser crime of shooting people and decapitation.
It demonstrates how willfully blind & irrational people are about Islam. The fact that Wilders has been under threat for years proves what he says is true. A child could see the logic. If he was lying there would be no threat to his life. But still they vilify him instead of the people who call for his death. It’s upside down, inside out & back to front.
I`m finding that the “news, comment and analysis” by way of BBC current affairs breaks down into endless swathes of process not being done to some arcane, or obtuse or meaningless judgements, laws or guidelines as nebbed on by liberal media headline hunters, It`s not news at all, just bureaucratic fly paper as set down by FoI or quango lounging lawyers.
The other big chunk of non-news is advocacy as Esther Rantzen did-looking for client groups who`ll unload and discharge over slights, poor practice or another indignity. Other filler is chunks of sport-oh, and the occasional atrocity as and when they happen.
So it is that I can now ignore the news-it`s all their value systems ladled all over whatever their cameraman have filmed, what their editors were seeking for that days pointless gripes. Like Leveson this stuff is self-indulgent non news that only lets them jockey for their high horses-wooden, going nowhere and we`re sick of them.
Process, That`s Life and sport-if anybody finds other categories of “Big Fake News”. let me know.
All intended to skewer us for Islam, keep us in the EU and get Trump removed. But they simply can`t be honest about all this.
Radio 4 6 o’ clock news last night, some bird reporting on the elections in Holland.
Would the Dutch people follow in the footsteps of Brexit and Trump and choose ‘Nationalism and protectionism’ she pondered aloud.
Fake news aka BBC hard left bigoted misinformation and relentless determination to shape the public mood.
Somebody shut ’em down, and quick.
Yes I noted earlier on the Radio 4 news that someone mentioned the “shock” of a right wing extremist NOT winning “especially after Brexit and Trump”.
Note the suggested link between the latter and the former.
HM Government “Plan For Britain”,
unfortunately, no mention of scrapping the BBC.
I note the token 50% mixed race photos on the gov.uk plan for Britain….says it all really.
And why the hell is this near the top of the BBC’s ‘News’ homepage? Anyone else noticed that the BBC are advertising their own crappy programmes on their ‘news’ site a lot more these days.
Because they managed to slip a lesbian and an unfunny lefty comedian into the line up. Actually, make that two unfunny lefty comedians. Totally representative of the UK.
That is the new Channel 4 line up, just with the ‘same old’.
The BBC will be doing exciting new programmes:
Baking With Nadia
Newsnight With Nadia
Match Of The Day With Nadia
The Weather With Nadia
Brexit Cliff Edge With Nadia
Nursery Time With Nadia
Painting With Nadia
Strictly Come Nadia
The Lion, The Witch and Nadia
The Shipping Forecast With Nadia
..until they can find a transgender lesbian Muslim.
“until they can find a transgender lesbian Muslim.”
They’ll need to be quick before she is found and murdered by her co-religionists.
Not only is that comment very funny it is also, very sadly, so flaming true.
Can’t the BBC see how pathetic they have become? It’s all so depressing.
But thanks Al, brilliant comment.
“Shop well for less” on BBC 1.
BBC luvvies with lavish lifestyles preaching to us how to save money and not worry about projecting a certain image.
Some “poor” couple trying to live like posh n Becks have had to give up their £30000 Range Rover for a £18000 Kia Sportage. Swapping the designer clothes and make up for cheaper brands which are “just as good” if not better.
Forgive me, but all these product “comparisons” and endorsements smacks to me of blatant ADVERTISING!
BBC Newsbeat still having trouble accepting the latest news.
Here it promotes a small piece of cinema entitled ‘IndyRef 2’:
“A slightly rushed job”
The social media video some are calling the cinematic event of the year…
Impartially, of course.
BBC Headlines You Are Unlikely To See:
1. Why Do We The BBC Oppose Brexit?
2. Why Do We The BBC Oppose Trump?
3. Why Do We The BBC Assume That Trump Is A Racist?
4. Why Do We The BBC Assume That Farage Is A Racist?
5. Why Do We The BBC Support Global Warming Despite Evidence To The Contrary?
6. Why Are We The BBC Not Impartial?
7. Why Do We The BBC Support Islam But No Other Religion?