BBC Website describes the Orly terrorist as “radicalised”. Radicalised christian perhaps. All other news outlets call him muslim. The BBC is beyond a joke.
Grant, just wait until Ramadan kicks off in late May. By the then BBC coverage will be approaching Peak Dissemble, even as the bombs go off around Europe,
What about a ramadanathon Red Nose Day from Mecca to celebrate the religious Diversity of our wonderful nations.
On the 7 million scots front – if crankie holds her pseudo referendum before the Brexit negotions are finished – and loses – does she resign and give Salmon another go at a one in a generation vote? I guess the snp will figure out a way to fix the vote though….
Hi Grant, it is my belief that they are now broadcasting on behalf of the Caliphate. Ahem. Just looking at the Erdogen coverage this past week – it seems to me that Erdogen is going to make a play for the European Caliphate, and the BBC are already on side broadcasting for him.
The BBC are the propaganda machine of Islam. When a Minister in the Government of a large muslim country, with a military which could destroy Europe, predicts a religious war in Europe, people should take note and the BBC should report it. Cavasoglu and Erdogan and all of his thugs are not joking. They are serious. Ataturk would turn in his grave. I hate to see what has happened to a country which I love.
As mentioned by Grant, no mention of the words muslim, islamic or even terrorist.
Just a ‘man’ – huh, one of those again! – who was ‘radicalised’.
And of course ‘His motivation is not yet known.’
Here’s a wild guess al beebeera: he was a muslim terrorist and his motivation was to kill infidels as part of jihad as instructed by his terrorist manual known as the koran in order to cause terror.
A man has been shot dead after trying to seize a soldier’s weapon at Orly airport in Paris, French officials say.
He was killed by the security forces in a shop after the attack in the airport’s southern terminal.
The airport has been shut after what the authorities described as an extremely serious incident.
The man was on a watch-list of radicalised individuals and had been involved in a shooting hours earlier in the north of Paris, officials say.
The sequence of events
Early on Saturday morning the suspect was stopped at a checkpoint in northern Paris and fired at police with a pellet gun before escaping in a car that was later found abandoned in the southern suburbs.
He is then believed to have stolen another car that was found at Orly airport. The timing of the sequence of events fits, says the BBC’s Hugh Schofield in Paris.
At the airport 90 minutes later the man approached a military patrol and tried to seize a weapon from one of the soldiers, French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said.
She managed to keep hold of the gun, and two other soldiers opened fire on the attacker, killing him.
His motivation is not yet known.
A new hobby
Seeing how long ( if ever) the al Beeb admits! That the terrorist ( alleged ) was motivated by Islamic fundamentalism. No mention on the lunchtime BBC ‘news’ but the guardian has fessed up to it.
I’ve set a timer to see whether it gets mentioned. No doubt the French police will be under pressure to play it down too because the powers that be don’t want to give Le Pen more votes.
I suspect the Beeb news managers will come up with a bigger story to take the French terrorist attack away.
I enjoy the way the Beeb described the result of the Dutch as a defeat for populism ( i.e. The views of ordinary people) despite getting second place . I’m finding it difficult to find actual voter numbers as opposed to seats… can anyone help please?
Jesus Look at % changes
Labour LOST 80% of their vote
FreedomPart GAIN 25% on theirs, likewise other small righties
story is “FreedomParty fail” is BBC Narrative
..they are tripping
Left numbers : today’s % of total vote pool
Right numbers : difference in terms of total vote pool
ie Labour got 25% of votes last time now they have about 5.7%
I enjoyed that video about the woman who dressed as a man and wrote about how you are treated differently.
What whining feminists never mention is how extreme the sex drive is in men and what obscene power this gives attractive women. As Chris Rock says, “It is easy for women to turn down dick because ever since you were fourteen every guy you meet has been trying to have sex with you.” Girls learn from a young age that they can use their sexuality to wrap men round their little finger. They say men earn more overall (because they work longer hours), but how much of their earnings are spent on women? As another stand-up said:
“I appreciate you coming out as tickets for this show are expensive. For men. For women it’s the same they have always been: free. Paid for by your bloke.”
Islamofascist Turkish Minister, Mevlut Cavasoglu, says ” Wars of religion will start in Europe “. I would have thought this would be a big story on the BBC. Can’t seem to find it on their useless website though.
This headline BBC story that Trump refused to shake Merkel’s hand is just another piece of BBC fake news and distortion. Trump shook hands when they met, patted her on the back as he does. He offered his hand at the end of their news conference and they shook hands again. He then patted her on the back as he does to everyone. Even the BBC video clip reveals this.
The only thing he did was to ignore a journalist’s demand for him to shake hands with Merkel on demand so that the journalist could get a photograph of it. Big deal, yet the BBC feckers turn it into a sensationalist headline of Trump refusing to shake hands.
Weirdly in the BBC video clip the BBC have a strange sideswipe at Ivanka Trump mentioning her when there was no need to – with the inference being Ivanka Trump shouldn’t have been present when the US business team met with the German business team to discuss trade. What hypocritical feckers the BBC are. They are all for women’s rights etc but when it comes to Ivanka Trump they often present her as a money grabbing interfering slapper.
Only the BBC could report the POTUS refusing to perform like a seal in a bad light. Maybe if they had asked him to grab her by the pussy he would have obliged.
I bet an Arts Council grant paid for this political statement
“Resettled refugees with a refugee shelter which has been built at #Yorkshire #Sculpture Park today.”
Bastards! I used to like walking round there. It’s funny, the YSP is in the grounds of Bretton hall which used to be part of The University of Leeds and has many buildings in the grounds, teaching facilities and also halls of residence for the students. I guess putting the pan handling chancers, sorry refugees in one of the buildings wouldn’t make the same statement as putting them in a shanty hut covered in plastic sheeting.
If they are Christians who have escaped from extreme persecution in a muslim thugocracy (Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia), then my sympathies are with them, and they have the potential to benefit Britain. If muslim, we have learned over several decades that they will not assimilate and will not be satisfied until they dominate (even though politician and the chatterati refuse to acknowledge the fact). For myself, I would block all future muslim immigration and force those here illegally to leave immediately.
If they are Christians why the need to cross several countries to get to Yorkshire ? What has Yorkshire done to deserve that pile of c…p? and has Christianity disappeared in Italy then ?
If that sounds harsh, then I’m afraid it is. I’m fresh out of sympathy anymore and becoming less tolerant the older I get – as I suspect most people are.
You note the car tyre on the roof. Now that’s not to hold the roof down. Comes from South Africa and is a warning to any potential criminal that they are ready to “necklace” anyone that tries.
bBBC Web site “Claims GCHQ wiretapped Trump ‘nonsense’ – NSA’s Ledgett”
“Each side, he said, was prohibited from asking the other partner to carry out acts that they were prohibited from doing.”
Who would have suspected that they would respect the law! It must make their job very hard, if not impossible.
Accusing Britain’s GCHQ spying facility of spying is a shocking allegation which is only backed up by 3 independent intelligence sources. Not at all like the Trump piddle-gate scandal which although completely uncorroborated was non the less completely credible.
The apparent tactic of today’s terrorist was to try to wrestle away a firearm from a soldier (selecting a female Poilu [literally ‘hairy one’ – gosh things have changed – French soldiers need a new nickname] she was the potentially softer target?) this is immediately reminiscent of the Louvre attack. Not that the BBC yet seems to recall that. Seems these half-crazed lone wolves are all using the same playbook. Odd, that.
Grant, this is hardly a prankster knocking off a policeman’s helmet. I assume that when a terrorist does get hold of a gun in a crowded public place he won’t just slink away to hide it in his bedroom as a souvenir of a good night out – despite his loud protestations on the virtues of Ali Bongo’s Old Snackbar.
LOL ! It reminds me of the “Jeeves and Wooster ” episode where Bertie ends up in Court having stolen a PC’s helmet. Maybe for the BBC muslim terrorism is just another comedy show.
According to the Telegraph today’s man with mental health issues is called Ziyed Ben Belgacem, a French national of North African origins. According to the BBC, he is simply a man, no name.
The Old Bailey? Near the BBC so no doubt the BBC would keep a close watch on this court particularly in view of the fact that it deals with many terrorist cases. But, needless to say, no mention of this one either –
Thank goodness we have more reliable sources of news elsewhere otherwise, just as the regular viewer, we would all share in the BBC view of a Liberal/multiculti Utopia
Unfortunately, if you look at some of the “lefterati” responses you would see a reverse of how the Merkel Trump meeting went. I have been sent comments, which I will change a little, to avoid identifying the people. One said Merkel was the leader of the free world, Trump was owned, and she was relaxed and in control.
We really need unbiased reporting and a view of all sides of an argument like never before.
I think if he had dragged her off the podium and thrown her out of the country on a donkey they would manage to make that an invasion of the US and a total victory for Merkel.
This story has I believe gone “viral”, video s too now of the insanity of guys scrabbling about in a skip – Bradford? (was I right both times?)
Now is that over
1/. Offence
2/. Unbelievably Islamophillic reaction from the police, and local press,
(shakes head)
BBC? … a cold wind blows, empty hallway, sound of crickets etc
3pm BBC News TV Channel had an interview with some expert about the Paris shooting today. Granted the BBC started the article saying the shooter was a radicalised Muslim (be it 6 hours later than other news outlets).
The expert said something like “we can develop theories such as ISIS want to attack France to make people vote Front National which would cause division between the population which is what they want…. but I don’t think that is the case here”
I wouldn’t take Eddie Butler’s word for anything. Soon the bbc will be stripped of their 3 nations rugby and bbc sport rugby will be consigned to the history books along with EB, JD, JG and BM. A bigger collection of flakes you are unlikely to find in my opinion.
Why was a Welshman allowed to commentate on a match involving Wales? I thought the BBC had a rule that commentators had to be from a “neutral” country so that they would not be biased towards their country.
Oh wait, just had an email from the BBBC anti-English policy unit: “dispensation from this rule is available for all nationalities except the English owing to their inherent racism, sub-conscious bias and history of creating a huge empire that pillaged and destroyed the third world, with no help whatsoever from Scots Welsh and Irish”
I have just quickly scanned through the far left bbbc news website (I can’t read bbbc thoroughly any more as I usually feel the urge to vomit at the screen after a short time). I didn’t see anywhere the mention that this was an islamic fundamentalist attack….
I just read that a ‘man’ tried to steal a gun from a female soldier (Is the gender of the soldier relevant?) and another soldier shot him…. so what was the incident, an attempted theft? I was left with the impression that the ‘man’ was the victim
I just hope the french public know which way to vote
Stand by whilst the bbbc try desperately to ‘move on’ and by tomorrow afternoon we will be hearing pro Independence scottish accents all day
I hate to bring everyone down with what some might call trivia. However, I have just been watching the first half of France vs Wales from Paris on the bbc (I do wish they would just give the whole thing to ITV and be done with it). The usual pro-wales bias is clear to see but John Inverdale gave us a quite beautiful sound bite when he said to Martyn Williams “Wales were not very good at the beginning of the match but only 10-9 down at half time – we’ll take that”
Who exactly is this we he refers to ?
Poor old Thomas Castaignede (also on the panel) must have thought he was playing again as the studio appeared to be dividing “a la patrie”
So much for European camaraderie? LOL.
In the bigger picture, it is trivial, but it rankles with me because it is yet another indication that BBBC adopt the Anyone But England approach.
They are not alone in this: ITV and printed press are guilty to a lesser extent. Nothing new though, as George Orwell wrote in 1932 in his essay The Lion and the Unicorn:
“England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution, from horse racing to suet puddings. It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during “God Save the King” than of stealing from a poor box.”
Earlier, Grant made the observation that anyone getting their news from the BBC alone would have a strange view of the world. Anyone doubting that should take a look at the Corporation’s ‘news’ website today! A major puff of McMental’s latest barking idea for Scotland, a repeat of the barefaced lies about President Trump not shaking Frau Merkel’s paw, ‘attacker killed at Orly airport’ (carefully written to conceal the true succession of events that has been unfolding in France this week), the obligatory anti-Brexit stories which make up so much of the BBC’s coverage every day, rounded off with the usual mess of ‘progressive’ faux caring codswallop designed to virtue signal to the muesli eating classes.
No one in his or her right mind could look at this parade of half-baked polemic and describe it as unbiased. They know it is and they lie through their teeth when they pretend otherwise.
Perfect summing up. “muesli-eating classes “. ChrisH would be proud of you.
As for McMental, don’t get me started. Just when I thought he had gone away. Outdated, but the book “Gordon is a Moron” by Vernon Coleman had him sussed. And the great pop son by Jilted John ” Gordon is a Moron “. Not written about him but could have been.
He certainly is, Grant. An unstable economy wrecker who, like his partner in grime, Bliar, deserves to be on trial for so many crimes against the people of this country.
Listening to today’s news – I know it is the SNP Conference at the moment and wee Jimmy has been bleating on about independence. I can’t see why Scotland can’t have a referendum now please? I can’t bear wee Jimmy’s face popping up on the news forever and a day until she gets her wish. Which of course is the SNP’s remit anyway.
Just please for all of our sakes give her the referendum so that we can put this thing to bed. Either Scotland vote to stay as part of the UK which would make a lot of sense for them economically or vote to leave and then go with a begging bowl to the EU who probably would not want them anyway but would relieve everyone else in the UK a bit of light relief so we don’t have to see ‘her’ and ‘her’ party anymore trying to dictate to the rest of us.
I personally would hate the UK to split up anymore than it has already but I just cannot stand that Sturgeon woman and all that she stands for. Can I as an English person have the vote to get rid??
Sturgeon is an out and out racist she is more anti British than the BBC.
The argument used to be that they shouldn’t be governed by a Westminster approx 330 miles away from Edinburgh…but she would much rather now be governed by Brussels approx 470 miles away!
She would gladly cling onto the sinking ship that is Eurasia and take her fellow countrymen (and women) down with her rather than remain a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Silly bitch.
It’s a tartan-flavoured jamboree on the BBC tv 6 o’clock news. Off we skip to magical Brigadoon as the Scotty dog tail of 8% of the UK population wags the BBC dog. Give it a shortbread biscuit in the form of the Barnet formula. Nutty Gordon McMental says give them this, give them that, give them the other. So no change there – that’s all he did for years as an MP. As far as I’m concerned now Sturgeon and her sword-dancers can take the high road. Go on – GO! SNP Bravehearts can then be hung drawn and quartered when they next dare to venture south of the border to pillage us. I hear the Scots once planned to invade Wales – until they found out they would have to buy their own drinks.
Actually, I have always found the English more stingy than the Scots when it comes to their round. Maybe I mixed with the right kind of Scots and the wrong kind of English !
Grant, fair point. But there is a fiscal side to this issue and Scotland has got the best of the present deal. Seriously, Scots politics can’t forever be based on holding the UK to rasom over the threat of independence. How often can you expect to bully your partner into concessions by donning your hat and coat, packing your bags and wavering by the front door? The English need to call their bluff and put an end to this once and for all. If I recall my history correctly the previous Scots Parliament got themselves bankcrupt and came into the Union cap in hand begging for their debts to be paid by London.
Quite right. It was the crazy Darien escapade which screwed Scotland and the English bailed us out. But Krankie and most SNP people do not even know the history of my country. And they accuse people like me of being unpatriotic. Perfidy !
Grant, on my many trips to Aberdeen I have always found the Scots more than generous. The stingy thing is a myth as far as I’m concerned. I always thought the love/hate relationship between England/Scotland was, nowadays, in the 21st century, ‘tongue in cheek’ rather than actually meaning it. I hope the majority of Scots can see Sturgeon for what she is. If the referendum is called now then that will be the end of it and we’ll all know one way or the other.
I am from Perth originally , but went to Aberdeen University. It took me about 1 month to learn ” Doric” but I really liked the folk up there. Krankie is fostering racist hatred against the english and many of us do not like it. Some of my best friends are english and have even bought me a drink. I am still tempted to vote for independence to prove that I am right. However, I do not think it will come to that. The world will have moved on by 2018 and I suspect Krankie will not keep up.
I hope you and my Scottish friends are right. They are usually first in the door but last at the bar but feel the same as you re Krankie and hopefully she will indeed be unable to keep up.
I used to like The Grill on Union Street, great selection of whisky, but it went down hill after they installed a ladies toilet. But for a decent pint the Prince of Wales is the first choice.
The problem is that the SNP is overwhelmingly successful in electing MPs to Westminster. That domination is all but total.
Given that the main aim of the SNP is independence one has to assume, in a democracy, that this is the majority will of the Scottish people. The parallel with Brexit is clear. Quite why the vote is SNP for Westminster and against independence 2 years ago is illogical.
That said it means that there will be no solution until
1, The SNP loses Westminster seats or
2- the vote is for leaving the UK.
The Scottish people have to get their act together and vote the MPs out of Westminster. WE in the rest of the UK can do nothing. It is a bad situation caused by Blair’s stupidity .The SNP’s policy is clear. To disrupt the union at every turn. There is a limit to what the rest of the UK will stand.
The best way to get the SNP out of Westminster is to get Scotland out of the union, and the sooner the better. Let them have their referendum a month next Tuesday and get them out the door sharpish if they vote to leave. Result, no SNP in Westminster. If they loose and Scots decide they want to stay in GB after all it will be the end of the SNP anyway so its a win win either way.
In the early seventies, I used to visit Scotland once a month on business. Oil industry and heavy industry was my interest. I worked for a Midlands based engineering firm and on my very first visit to Scotland I had a early Monday morning appointment with the Chief Electrical Engineer at the (ex.) BSC Ravenscraig steelworks. On time I met that Scot and the normal preliminary greetings over, he asked me immediately, (and I will never forget), “what right do you Southerners have to come to Scotland touting for business?”. He was not joking. I’ll now go no further.
For some reason on Google page, the bbc site with Orly story appears under a pic of crazed Kim Jong-un (or Wrong-un as he’s known to his friends). Might be just a mistake by the picture ed, or a mad attempt to blur the tracks to islam?
And look who’s in the forefront of pic about Orly. There’s an idiotic meme doing the rounds that terrorists can’t be islamic cos “look, they harm muslims too.”
Only beeboids stupid enough to swallow that non-sequitur.
LBC now talking about Trump taking gov funding away from PBS NPR and other arts
with PippaMalgren a Bush advisor ..presenter is a little Metro-lander
The sky is falling, and President Trump is proposing an end to federal funding for public broadcasting. Receiving $445 million in recent years, PBS, NPR, and a plethora of local stations benefit from federal subsidies at the taxpayers’ expense.
You know Stewgreen I often ask myself why we in the UK are funding third sector bodies too. Powerful political lobbying groups like Friends of the Earth, charities with their directors on salaries few outside the state sector can even dream about. Why are we funding absurd pensions for state workers who already earn more than private sector workers …and finally, why are we funding the BBC.
We should have a Trump styled clean sweep of all spending and then start again.
LBC presenter @BeverlyTurner is refusing to believe that Trump draws no salary
and googling it right now
“Everything he says is all lies”
“everything is all fake”
If Ofcom hear the rant she doing right now she’d be in court
The African caller Simon (from Sweden) with the heavy accent is walking all over her
“She switches to another caller “Trump is a psychopath we are heading for war with North Korea”
Shes happy
But she’s a complete nutter she keeps saying he’s been in power for 100 days’s 58 thicko
“@LBC Is there any news story that @beverleyturner can’t spin through her anti-men glasses?!So tiring and predictable”
@LBC Hi Bev, would b nice if u came out of political closet & ull look nice & professional without Mick Mouse on desktop like Farage
Just out of interest I watched both Sky news and the far left bbbc news at 1900….
As I thought on Sky news we had the usual reports about the terrorist incident in Paris today but lo and behold, guess what we had 9 minutes of nicola krankie on bbbc as 1st headlines before they begrudgingly reported on the incident today and, after a few minutes we were treated to a muslim ‘expert’ telling us that we shouldn’t be too quick to attribute today’s incident to ‘radical islam’ and there wasn’t too much evidence of terrorist activity here.
If it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable.
So, as usual the far left bbbc strategy is ‘move on – nothing to see here’….to be forgotten at the latest by monday
AEG – Nobody pays any attention to the BBC anymore – used to be quite good when I was a kid in the ’70’s It was great to see that gigantic brain of Steph McGovern yesterday night telling me how to save thrupence on my yearly shampoo spend . Dumb Dumb Dumb
I listened to “Any Questions” this lunchtime and I was struck by the absurdity of listening to a female; German; Labour; MP (Gisela Stuart) who was more patriotic about her (adopted) country, than a male; British; Conservative; peer (Michael Hezelswine) was about his own.
What an absolute shower that man is! He deserves to be put firmly into the same s**t pile as: Clegg; Farron; Fatty Clark and Soubry; what an awful; awful b@st@rd.
The only problem for the story is that there was not a single actual reason why the couple (she is German) is moving to Germany, other than they didnt like the result!!! According to the husband “there are racist undertones to the people behind the Brexit campaign” – truly pathetic stuff.
I just saw clip of Krankie’s speech to the SNP conference. Jesus, she looks terrible. And spitting venom. Looking very ill. She certainly is not King Robert !
I am concerned about Newsround brainwashing kids
I see when they talk about migrants they bring on Lord Dubs
but there seem to be afraid to bring on non-Lib counterpoints , so no Geert Wilders interview etc
I expect its the same on most issues.
I have just watched a 1-hour TV programme to mark Dame Vera Lynn’s 100th birthday on 20 March. Amazingly, it was on the bBBC but no lefties, no swearing, no black people, and plenty of people saying what a great country we used to be. The beeboids must have been looking the other way when the programme-maker commissioned it.
‘The BBC news have just actually reported the shooting in France by a radical Islamist’. Not so much on the BBC World Service, Dystopian. In fact, sitting in the middle of China, as I am at the moment, you’d be damned hard-pushed to determine any information of that nature about ‘the man’ which the BBC describes in its morning news bulletins broadcast here. The only clue amongst all the information that he had been known to the French authorities, etc., etc., was that he had been ‘radicalised’ at some point.
Ofsted report certainly shows almost 0% of inmates identify as Asian origin
“White – British (English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish) 16 (34%)
White – Irish 2 (4%) White – Other 3 (6%)”
47% identify as black or mixed heritage source
More proof that the BBC and their left wing Fascist backers have been lying about the rise of the so called ‘far right’ and the tidal wave of so called hate crime post brexit.
Anti-racists have attacked the BBC for “culturally appropriating white culture” for casting a black actor as Robert de Beaumont in the documentary drama series, 1066: A year to conquer England.
De Beaumont, one of the few proven Companions of William the Conqueror, lived almost a thousand years before the Germans constructed the Empire Windrush and was about as white as they came.
What the feck has happened to Britain? The BBC are flagging up on its homepage the non-whitey sportspeople award. You win an award based on being the best British non-whitey in a sporting category. The article is headlined: “Mo Farah & Kadeena Cox win British Ethnic Diversity Sports Awards awards”
Can you imagine the outrage if there was an award for being the best British whiteperson in a sporting category?
Despite the Daily Mail’s general ‘shock, horror’ tone at the rantings of this old woman and her repellant views, note the BBC-style use of photographs. There are two of a pregnant woman being examined: a White woman, when the issue of gender-based termination as discussed in the article is largely one about South Asians. The language of Wendy Savage is very revealing into the liberal left/BBC mindset – how about this gem: Prof Savage said: ‘Because of this sort of anxiety some places won’t tell the woman the sex of the foetus, which is outrageous. It’s her body and her foetus, so she should have that information… If a woman does not want to have a foetus who is one sex or the other…’
She cannot even bear to use the word ‘baby’. When have you ever heard normal people speak like this? Have you ever heard a conversation along the lines of: “I am pregnant! We are having a foetus!” “Congratulations! Do you want a boy foetus or a girl foetus, or are you not bothered?”. The technique is analogous to that used by the Nazis to de-humanise people, by classifying them as sub-human or untermenschen. Terminating a foetus (untermensch) sounds so much more acceptable than killing a baby (political opponent/Jew/disabled person).
I had my baby just at the time when Wendy Savage was in the news when she was trying to force women to have babies without pain relief. To say that she added to my apprehension about giving birth is an understatement. I notice her Wiki page has under emphasised the detrimental effect she had on women in those days.
Crankie has got about as much chance as a one legged man in an ‘ass kicking contest’.
Scotland is about to surrender its sovereignty to the undemocratic EU if they win the referendum. Let em have it !
I feel sorry for the true Brit Scots, some of whom I know very well – salt of the earth . The mainstay of the British Army .
You re getting world wide exposure BBC today … … for all the wrong reasons
“The BBC has since backtracked and apologized, but if there had been no uproar, the question would have stood unchallenged. It shows how Sharia principles are slowly being mainstreamed in Britain. One critic wrote: “If today @BBC talking about punishments for #blasphemy in Britain with 6% of population #Muslim what’s our future in 30 years?”
A petition is needed to bloody remove the second consecutive Islamic head of religious programs … IMMEDIATELY!
and then BBC …”learn the lessons” of your disgraceful actions
The key is in the question that was asked about blasphemy by the BBC. Not the responses which were totally predictable. Like: “When did you stop beating your wife?” It sets the presumption that you’re a wife beater but in this case the BBC is saying that blasphemy is a crime that needs to be punished!!.
Clear message is that the BBC does not believe in free speech.
I see that Craig over at Is the BBC Biased has reproduced a very telling admission by Asmah Mir , from Saturday Live on Radio 4;
It is an excerpt from an interview with Jimmy Osmond.
AASMAH MIR: I’m really interested to ask you, because I think you’re probably the first Republican that we’ve had in the studio about how you feel about how things are going right now in America. Obviously you have a Republican back in the White House. From your point of view, what’s the mood in America? Are people hopeful? Excited? What?
JIMMY OSMOND: I’m here promoting a tour…No, I’m just trying to change the subject actually.
AASMAH MIR: I know. I am genuinely interested because it’s so rare for us to have someone who’s a Republican.
We held a dinner party last night with some of our newer friends.
We’ve not discussed politics with them before but at an appropriate moment I very gently suggested that the BBC are rather biased on the left-of-centre.
To my surprise but even more delight, they ALL strongly agreed !!!!!!
Turns out one of them tunes in occassionally to Al Jazeera to get some balance!
Another, a christian, turns out to be well-attuned to the pro-Islam bias.
Another, though holding down a senior European position, is a strong Brexit supporter.
Another, now wheelchair bound through illness but with a private sector work background, doesn’t trust the BBC at all. Even though that person is in one of the BBC’s favoured minorities. Ouch !!!!
All in all, a most heartening evening.
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
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Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
BBC Website describes the Orly terrorist as “radicalised”. Radicalised christian perhaps. All other news outlets call him muslim. The BBC is beyond a joke.
Grant, just wait until Ramadan kicks off in late May. By the then BBC coverage will be approaching Peak Dissemble, even as the bombs go off around Europe,
Ramadan is a nightmare and I shall probably be back in Gambia then. At least there is no muslim terrorism there, yet.
On the other hand , the BBC could show solidarity in Ramadan by refusing to broadcast during daylight hours.
What about a ramadanathon Red Nose Day from Mecca to celebrate the religious Diversity of our wonderful nations.
On the 7 million scots front – if crankie holds her pseudo referendum before the Brexit negotions are finished – and loses – does she resign and give Salmon another go at a one in a generation vote? I guess the snp will figure out a way to fix the vote though….
Whatever happens the English will get the blame .
Picture in the BBC ‘news’ website report shows disrupted passengers. Prominent in the photo is a headscarf.
Hi Grant, it is my belief that they are now broadcasting on behalf of the Caliphate. Ahem. Just looking at the Erdogen coverage this past week – it seems to me that Erdogen is going to make a play for the European Caliphate, and the BBC are already on side broadcasting for him.
I also tracked down a reference for your comment below of the Turkish minister predicting a soon to be religious war in Europe. It is already happening in the law courts and in the media:
The BBC are the propaganda machine of Islam. When a Minister in the Government of a large muslim country, with a military which could destroy Europe, predicts a religious war in Europe, people should take note and the BBC should report it. Cavasoglu and Erdogan and all of his thugs are not joking. They are serious. Ataturk would turn in his grave. I hate to see what has happened to a country which I love.
As mentioned by Grant, no mention of the words muslim, islamic or even terrorist.
Just a ‘man’ – huh, one of those again! – who was ‘radicalised’.
And of course ‘His motivation is not yet known.’
Here’s a wild guess al beebeera: he was a muslim terrorist and his motivation was to kill infidels as part of jihad as instructed by his terrorist manual known as the koran in order to cause terror.
A man has been shot dead after trying to seize a soldier’s weapon at Orly airport in Paris, French officials say.
He was killed by the security forces in a shop after the attack in the airport’s southern terminal.
The airport has been shut after what the authorities described as an extremely serious incident.
The man was on a watch-list of radicalised individuals and had been involved in a shooting hours earlier in the north of Paris, officials say.
The sequence of events
Early on Saturday morning the suspect was stopped at a checkpoint in northern Paris and fired at police with a pellet gun before escaping in a car that was later found abandoned in the southern suburbs.
He is then believed to have stolen another car that was found at Orly airport. The timing of the sequence of events fits, says the BBC’s Hugh Schofield in Paris.
At the airport 90 minutes later the man approached a military patrol and tried to seize a weapon from one of the soldiers, French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said.
She managed to keep hold of the gun, and two other soldiers opened fire on the attacker, killing him.
His motivation is not yet known.
BBC ‘ News by Omission’
1 O’Clock news is a joke – bit of a kerfuffle in Paris
Now onto Gordon Brown – who?
.Now onto Gordon Brown – who?…
Ask Grant, he’ll tell you. he! he ! he !
A new hobby
Seeing how long ( if ever) the al Beeb admits! That the terrorist ( alleged ) was motivated by Islamic fundamentalism. No mention on the lunchtime BBC ‘news’ but the guardian has fessed up to it.
I’ve set a timer to see whether it gets mentioned. No doubt the French police will be under pressure to play it down too because the powers that be don’t want to give Le Pen more votes.
I suspect the Beeb news managers will come up with a bigger story to take the French terrorist attack away.
I enjoy the way the Beeb described the result of the Dutch as a defeat for populism ( i.e. The views of ordinary people) despite getting second place . I’m finding it difficult to find actual voter numbers as opposed to seats… can anyone help please?,_2017
Big loser in seats and popular vote was Labour.
Cheers -Restroom – I noticed that the incumbent benefited from the spat with Johnnie Turk . Roll on the next popular election eh??
I notice al Beeb had to admit the Orly Islam terrorism connection at 1300 news but no doubt will try for the ‘ mental problems’ insult .
Jesus Look at % changes
Labour LOST 80% of their vote
FreedomPart GAIN 25% on theirs, likewise other small righties
story is “FreedomParty fail” is BBC Narrative
..they are tripping
Left numbers : today’s % of total vote pool

Right numbers : difference in terms of total vote pool
ie Labour got 25% of votes last time now they have about 5.7%
Must highlight this gem from the BBC online ‘report’:
“The attacker’s motivation is not yet known.”
Yeah, not a clue.
The BBC and Left Liberal elite are in total denial. Surely even they are not so stupid as to not realise what is happening ?
BBC 12pm tv news appears to let slip via a vox pop with an eyewitness that the armed soldier attacked in the airport was female.
C) Plot twist- wearing a pink beret.
Warning: coverage may be smaller than it appears elsewhere:
I enjoyed that video about the woman who dressed as a man and wrote about how you are treated differently.
What whining feminists never mention is how extreme the sex drive is in men and what obscene power this gives attractive women. As Chris Rock says, “It is easy for women to turn down dick because ever since you were fourteen every guy you meet has been trying to have sex with you.” Girls learn from a young age that they can use their sexuality to wrap men round their little finger. They say men earn more overall (because they work longer hours), but how much of their earnings are spent on women? As another stand-up said:
“I appreciate you coming out as tickets for this show are expensive. For men. For women it’s the same they have always been: free. Paid for by your bloke.”
If that was Frankie Boyle, he’d never rework on BBC again.
Islamofascist Turkish Minister, Mevlut Cavasoglu, says ” Wars of religion will start in Europe “. I would have thought this would be a big story on the BBC. Can’t seem to find it on their useless website though.
“Teach pupils to spot fake news, says education expert,and what about sky’s,bbc’s BS”
Telegraph :
This headline BBC story that Trump refused to shake Merkel’s hand is just another piece of BBC fake news and distortion. Trump shook hands when they met, patted her on the back as he does. He offered his hand at the end of their news conference and they shook hands again. He then patted her on the back as he does to everyone. Even the BBC video clip reveals this.
The only thing he did was to ignore a journalist’s demand for him to shake hands with Merkel on demand so that the journalist could get a photograph of it. Big deal, yet the BBC feckers turn it into a sensationalist headline of Trump refusing to shake hands.
Weirdly in the BBC video clip the BBC have a strange sideswipe at Ivanka Trump mentioning her when there was no need to – with the inference being Ivanka Trump shouldn’t have been present when the US business team met with the German business team to discuss trade. What hypocritical feckers the BBC are. They are all for women’s rights etc but when it comes to Ivanka Trump they often present her as a money grabbing interfering slapper.
There is one thing which the BBC are world leaders in and that is Fake News. Never believe anything they say about anything.
Only the BBC could report the POTUS refusing to perform like a seal in a bad light. Maybe if they had asked him to grab her by the pussy he would have obliged.
LOL ! That is a horrible thought.
RE: Trump-Merkel handshake. You mean he didn’t grab her crotch & say the ‘p’ word?
I’m well gutted 😉
I bet an Arts Council grant paid for this political statement
“Resettled refugees with a refugee shelter which has been built at #Yorkshire #Sculpture Park today.”
Bastards! I used to like walking round there. It’s funny, the YSP is in the grounds of Bretton hall which used to be part of The University of Leeds and has many buildings in the grounds, teaching facilities and also halls of residence for the students. I guess putting the pan handling chancers, sorry refugees in one of the buildings wouldn’t make the same statement as putting them in a shanty hut covered in plastic sheeting.
If they are Christians who have escaped from extreme persecution in a muslim thugocracy (Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia), then my sympathies are with them, and they have the potential to benefit Britain. If muslim, we have learned over several decades that they will not assimilate and will not be satisfied until they dominate (even though politician and the chatterati refuse to acknowledge the fact). For myself, I would block all future muslim immigration and force those here illegally to leave immediately.
If they are Christians why the need to cross several countries to get to Yorkshire ? What has Yorkshire done to deserve that pile of c…p? and has Christianity disappeared in Italy then ?
If that sounds harsh, then I’m afraid it is. I’m fresh out of sympathy anymore and becoming less tolerant the older I get – as I suspect most people are.
You note the car tyre on the roof. Now that’s not to hold the roof down. Comes from South Africa and is a warning to any potential criminal that they are ready to “necklace” anyone that tries.
bBBC Web site “Claims GCHQ wiretapped Trump ‘nonsense’ – NSA’s Ledgett”
“Each side, he said, was prohibited from asking the other partner to carry out acts that they were prohibited from doing.”
Who would have suspected that they would respect the law! It must make their job very hard, if not impossible.
Pull the other one Ledgett, it has bells on.
Accusing Britain’s GCHQ spying facility of spying is a shocking allegation which is only backed up by 3 independent intelligence sources. Not at all like the Trump piddle-gate scandal which although completely uncorroborated was non the less completely credible.
Mandy R-D comes to mind.
The apparent tactic of today’s terrorist was to try to wrestle away a firearm from a soldier (selecting a female Poilu [literally ‘hairy one’ – gosh things have changed – French soldiers need a new nickname] she was the potentially softer target?) this is immediately reminiscent of the Louvre attack. Not that the BBC yet seems to recall that. Seems these half-crazed lone wolves are all using the same playbook. Odd, that.
Don’t! Don’t! Al – don’t get the macho female, “we are as good and capable as men” brigade started off.
I would have thought that for a soldier to give up their weapon should lead to a Court Martial.
Grant, this is hardly a prankster knocking off a policeman’s helmet. I assume that when a terrorist does get hold of a gun in a crowded public place he won’t just slink away to hide it in his bedroom as a souvenir of a good night out – despite his loud protestations on the virtues of Ali Bongo’s Old Snackbar.
LOL ! It reminds me of the “Jeeves and Wooster ” episode where Bertie ends up in Court having stolen a PC’s helmet. Maybe for the BBC muslim terrorism is just another comedy show.
A soldier to be prosecuted for giving up his weapon…? shush… you’ll get the BBC transgender news squad on high alert.
According to the Telegraph today’s man with mental health issues is called Ziyed Ben Belgacem, a French national of North African origins. According to the BBC, he is simply a man, no name.
He’s “preaching” to the converted here. –
No doubt there was rapturous cheers in the Newsroom of the BBC and in Number 10 Downing Street when they heard the rallying call from their next leader.
Here’s another one that will also equally warm the cockles of their hearts……
I bet that was not reported by the BBC.
The Old Bailey? Near the BBC so no doubt the BBC would keep a close watch on this court particularly in view of the fact that it deals with many terrorist cases. But, needless to say, no mention of this one either –
Thank goodness we have more reliable sources of news elsewhere otherwise, just as the regular viewer, we would all share in the BBC view of a Liberal/multiculti Utopia
Absolutely. Anyone getting their news only from the BBC would have a strange view of the world. The BBC is just Fake News and unreality.
Trump to stoney-faced Merkel re Obama’s wire tapping:
“At least we have something in common”
Mad Merkel is so used to European “leaders” crawling to her that I bet she got quite a shock with Trump. She is a totally vile woman.
Unfortunately, if you look at some of the “lefterati” responses you would see a reverse of how the Merkel Trump meeting went. I have been sent comments, which I will change a little, to avoid identifying the people. One said Merkel was the leader of the free world, Trump was owned, and she was relaxed and in control.
We really need unbiased reporting and a view of all sides of an argument like never before.
I think if he had dragged her off the podium and thrown her out of the country on a donkey they would manage to make that an invasion of the US and a total victory for Merkel.
The totally humourless Merkel would fail to see the irony of a German being “leader of the free world”. As indeed would Leftists.
This is who Merkel thought she would meeting. With fond memories!
This story has I believe gone “viral”, video s too now of the insanity of guys scrabbling about in a skip – Bradford? (was I right both times?)
Now is that over
1/. Offence
2/. Unbelievably Islamophillic reaction from the police, and local press,
(shakes head)
BBC? … a cold wind blows, empty hallway, sound of crickets etc
Remember police getting scrambled to get divers to get Qurans out of a canal? acting like that … that is Sharia law … NOT ours
“Police dived into an east London canal to rescue 150 Islamic books dive after misunderstanding the rules for proper disposal of the Koran”
Deja Vu?
Police Scrambled to Bradford UK as Quran in Skip Sparks Hysteria & Violent Threats from moderate Muslims
If you check out this T&A article? … its almost beyond belief
Well since then, its grown, onto Asia, US viral on social media
US News
Asian News
I wonder how much petrol it would take to burn a certain book given that you has pissed on it first? Hypothetically speaking, of course.
3pm BBC News TV Channel had an interview with some expert about the Paris shooting today. Granted the BBC started the article saying the shooter was a radicalised Muslim (be it 6 hours later than other news outlets).
The expert said something like “we can develop theories such as ISIS want to attack France to make people vote Front National which would cause division between the population which is what they want…. but I don’t think that is the case here”
Like you said, it took them 6 hours to find the guy who’ll give “the right narrative”
Eddie Butler, BBC rugby commentator, during France v Wales just said “and across Europe, there has been a surge of interest in women’s rugby.”
Hmmm. Not really, Eddie. No.
I wouldn’t take Eddie Butler’s word for anything. Soon the bbc will be stripped of their 3 nations rugby and bbc sport rugby will be consigned to the history books along with EB, JD, JG and BM. A bigger collection of flakes you are unlikely to find in my opinion.
Why was a Welshman allowed to commentate on a match involving Wales? I thought the BBC had a rule that commentators had to be from a “neutral” country so that they would not be biased towards their country.
Oh wait, just had an email from the BBBC anti-English policy unit: “dispensation from this rule is available for all nationalities except the English owing to their inherent racism, sub-conscious bias and history of creating a huge empire that pillaged and destroyed the third world, with no help whatsoever from Scots Welsh and Irish”
Viewing figures surged from 1000 to 1001.
I have just quickly scanned through the far left bbbc news website (I can’t read bbbc thoroughly any more as I usually feel the urge to vomit at the screen after a short time). I didn’t see anywhere the mention that this was an islamic fundamentalist attack….
I just read that a ‘man’ tried to steal a gun from a female soldier (Is the gender of the soldier relevant?) and another soldier shot him…. so what was the incident, an attempted theft? I was left with the impression that the ‘man’ was the victim
I just hope the french public know which way to vote
Stand by whilst the bbbc try desperately to ‘move on’ and by tomorrow afternoon we will be hearing pro Independence scottish accents all day
I hate to bring everyone down with what some might call trivia. However, I have just been watching the first half of France vs Wales from Paris on the bbc (I do wish they would just give the whole thing to ITV and be done with it). The usual pro-wales bias is clear to see but John Inverdale gave us a quite beautiful sound bite when he said to Martyn Williams “Wales were not very good at the beginning of the match but only 10-9 down at half time – we’ll take that”
Who exactly is this we he refers to ?
Poor old Thomas Castaignede (also on the panel) must have thought he was playing again as the studio appeared to be dividing “a la patrie”
So much for European camaraderie? LOL.
In the bigger picture, it is trivial, but it rankles with me because it is yet another indication that BBBC adopt the Anyone But England approach.
They are not alone in this: ITV and printed press are guilty to a lesser extent. Nothing new though, as George Orwell wrote in 1932 in his essay The Lion and the Unicorn:
“England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution, from horse racing to suet puddings. It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during “God Save the King” than of stealing from a poor box.”
Jeremy Dustbyn springs to mind.
Brilliant essay and some things never change.
Earlier, Grant made the observation that anyone getting their news from the BBC alone would have a strange view of the world. Anyone doubting that should take a look at the Corporation’s ‘news’ website today! A major puff of McMental’s latest barking idea for Scotland, a repeat of the barefaced lies about President Trump not shaking Frau Merkel’s paw, ‘attacker killed at Orly airport’ (carefully written to conceal the true succession of events that has been unfolding in France this week), the obligatory anti-Brexit stories which make up so much of the BBC’s coverage every day, rounded off with the usual mess of ‘progressive’ faux caring codswallop designed to virtue signal to the muesli eating classes.
No one in his or her right mind could look at this parade of half-baked polemic and describe it as unbiased. They know it is and they lie through their teeth when they pretend otherwise.
It has to go.
Perfect summing up. “muesli-eating classes “. ChrisH would be proud of you.
As for McMental, don’t get me started. Just when I thought he had gone away. Outdated, but the book “Gordon is a Moron” by Vernon Coleman had him sussed. And the great pop son by Jilted John ” Gordon is a Moron “. Not written about him but could have been.
He certainly is, Grant. An unstable economy wrecker who, like his partner in grime, Bliar, deserves to be on trial for so many crimes against the people of this country.
No wonder the BBC treats him so kindly.
I was a student at Aberdeen University at the same time he was at Edinburgh. He had big psychological issues even then.
Listening to today’s news – I know it is the SNP Conference at the moment and wee Jimmy has been bleating on about independence. I can’t see why Scotland can’t have a referendum now please? I can’t bear wee Jimmy’s face popping up on the news forever and a day until she gets her wish. Which of course is the SNP’s remit anyway.
Just please for all of our sakes give her the referendum so that we can put this thing to bed. Either Scotland vote to stay as part of the UK which would make a lot of sense for them economically or vote to leave and then go with a begging bowl to the EU who probably would not want them anyway but would relieve everyone else in the UK a bit of light relief so we don’t have to see ‘her’ and ‘her’ party anymore trying to dictate to the rest of us.
I personally would hate the UK to split up anymore than it has already but I just cannot stand that Sturgeon woman and all that she stands for. Can I as an English person have the vote to get rid??
Sturgeon is an out and out racist she is more anti British than the BBC.
The argument used to be that they shouldn’t be governed by a Westminster approx 330 miles away from Edinburgh…but she would much rather now be governed by Brussels approx 470 miles away!
She would gladly cling onto the sinking ship that is Eurasia and take her fellow countrymen (and women) down with her rather than remain a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Silly bitch.
Krankie is the bitch from hell. She is a racist. She thinks that the EU will finance Scotland. They won’t. Cnuts like her make me ashamed .
Yes I totally agree with you Dystopian. She really is a silly, stupid bitch.
It’s a tartan-flavoured jamboree on the BBC tv 6 o’clock news. Off we skip to magical Brigadoon as the Scotty dog tail of 8% of the UK population wags the BBC dog. Give it a shortbread biscuit in the form of the Barnet formula. Nutty Gordon McMental says give them this, give them that, give them the other. So no change there – that’s all he did for years as an MP. As far as I’m concerned now Sturgeon and her sword-dancers can take the high road. Go on – GO! SNP Bravehearts can then be hung drawn and quartered when they next dare to venture south of the border to pillage us. I hear the Scots once planned to invade Wales – until they found out they would have to buy their own drinks.
Actually, I have always found the English more stingy than the Scots when it comes to their round. Maybe I mixed with the right kind of Scots and the wrong kind of English !
Grant, fair point. But there is a fiscal side to this issue and Scotland has got the best of the present deal. Seriously, Scots politics can’t forever be based on holding the UK to rasom over the threat of independence. How often can you expect to bully your partner into concessions by donning your hat and coat, packing your bags and wavering by the front door? The English need to call their bluff and put an end to this once and for all. If I recall my history correctly the previous Scots Parliament got themselves bankcrupt and came into the Union cap in hand begging for their debts to be paid by London.
Quite right. It was the crazy Darien escapade which screwed Scotland and the English bailed us out. But Krankie and most SNP people do not even know the history of my country. And they accuse people like me of being unpatriotic. Perfidy !
Grant, on my many trips to Aberdeen I have always found the Scots more than generous. The stingy thing is a myth as far as I’m concerned. I always thought the love/hate relationship between England/Scotland was, nowadays, in the 21st century, ‘tongue in cheek’ rather than actually meaning it. I hope the majority of Scots can see Sturgeon for what she is. If the referendum is called now then that will be the end of it and we’ll all know one way or the other.
I am from Perth originally , but went to Aberdeen University. It took me about 1 month to learn ” Doric” but I really liked the folk up there. Krankie is fostering racist hatred against the english and many of us do not like it. Some of my best friends are english and have even bought me a drink. I am still tempted to vote for independence to prove that I am right. However, I do not think it will come to that. The world will have moved on by 2018 and I suspect Krankie will not keep up.
I hope you and my Scottish friends are right. They are usually first in the door but last at the bar but feel the same as you re Krankie and hopefully she will indeed be unable to keep up.
I used to like The Grill on Union Street, great selection of whisky, but it went down hill after they installed a ladies toilet. But for a decent pint the Prince of Wales is the first choice.
I am old enough to remember when there were “Men only ” bars in Aberdeen !
I used to stay in a flat above the off licence in Rosemount. Down the road was a ‘men only’ bar if I remember?
I spent 4 years in that bar without spending a penny !
Yes – I get your drift! Absolutely ha ha
The problem is that the SNP is overwhelmingly successful in electing MPs to Westminster. That domination is all but total.
Given that the main aim of the SNP is independence one has to assume, in a democracy, that this is the majority will of the Scottish people. The parallel with Brexit is clear. Quite why the vote is SNP for Westminster and against independence 2 years ago is illogical.
That said it means that there will be no solution until
1, The SNP loses Westminster seats or
2- the vote is for leaving the UK.
The Scottish people have to get their act together and vote the MPs out of Westminster. WE in the rest of the UK can do nothing. It is a bad situation caused by Blair’s stupidity .The SNP’s policy is clear. To disrupt the union at every turn. There is a limit to what the rest of the UK will stand.
The best way to get the SNP out of Westminster is to get Scotland out of the union, and the sooner the better. Let them have their referendum a month next Tuesday and get them out the door sharpish if they vote to leave. Result, no SNP in Westminster. If they loose and Scots decide they want to stay in GB after all it will be the end of the SNP anyway so its a win win either way.
I agree with you. If the English call the SNP bluff, they will collapse. At the end of they day, they are blusterers and cowards.
In the early seventies, I used to visit Scotland once a month on business. Oil industry and heavy industry was my interest. I worked for a Midlands based engineering firm and on my very first visit to Scotland I had a early Monday morning appointment with the Chief Electrical Engineer at the (ex.) BSC Ravenscraig steelworks. On time I met that Scot and the normal preliminary greetings over, he asked me immediately, (and I will never forget), “what right do you Southerners have to come to Scotland touting for business?”. He was not joking. I’ll now go no further.
For some reason on Google page, the bbc site with Orly story appears under a pic of crazed Kim Jong-un (or Wrong-un as he’s known to his friends). Might be just a mistake by the picture ed, or a mad attempt to blur the tracks to islam?
And look who’s in the forefront of pic about Orly. There’s an idiotic meme doing the rounds that terrorists can’t be islamic cos “look, they harm muslims too.”
Only beeboids stupid enough to swallow that non-sequitur.
But don’t Muslims frequently blow up and kill Muslims who are from a different sect?
Anyway, what’s a bit of collateral damage in the cause of true enlightenment/suppression.
Omelettes don’t make themsolves
LBC now talking about Trump taking gov funding away from PBS NPR and other arts
with PippaMalgren a Bush advisor ..presenter is a little Metro-lander
You know Stewgreen I often ask myself why we in the UK are funding third sector bodies too. Powerful political lobbying groups like Friends of the Earth, charities with their directors on salaries few outside the state sector can even dream about. Why are we funding absurd pensions for state workers who already earn more than private sector workers …and finally, why are we funding the BBC.
We should have a Trump styled clean sweep of all spending and then start again.
LBC presenter @BeverlyTurner is refusing to believe that Trump draws no salary
and googling it right now
“Everything he says is all lies”
“everything is all fake”
If Ofcom hear the rant she doing right now she’d be in court
The African caller Simon (from Sweden) with the heavy accent is walking all over her
“She switches to another caller “Trump is a psychopath we are heading for war with North Korea”
Shes happy
But she’s a complete nutter she keeps saying he’s been in power for 100 days’s 58 thicko
“@LBC Is there any news story that @beverleyturner can’t spin through her anti-men glasses?!So tiring and predictable”
Seems to me that, given Trump’s tax return, his Presidential salary is peanuts .
Someone just listed the LBC presenters
Angelina Jolly-stupid, as usual: angelina-jolie-attacks-nationalism-masquerading-as-patriotism
Beebistan lapping it up, as usual.
Who is she ? Some dim actress ?
That’s sexist, it’s an actor, or was it once a wife?
Not my wife , thank God !
Definitely a dim actress Grant, and a monstrous narcissistic old witch to boot.
Ageing/failing dim actress…Got to set up the retirement job y’know!
Just out of interest I watched both Sky news and the far left bbbc news at 1900….
As I thought on Sky news we had the usual reports about the terrorist incident in Paris today but lo and behold, guess what we had 9 minutes of nicola krankie on bbbc as 1st headlines before they begrudgingly reported on the incident today and, after a few minutes we were treated to a muslim ‘expert’ telling us that we shouldn’t be too quick to attribute today’s incident to ‘radical islam’ and there wasn’t too much evidence of terrorist activity here.
If it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable.
So, as usual the far left bbbc strategy is ‘move on – nothing to see here’….to be forgotten at the latest by monday
AEG – Nobody pays any attention to the BBC anymore – used to be quite good when I was a kid in the ’70’s It was great to see that gigantic brain of Steph McGovern yesterday night telling me how to save thrupence on my yearly shampoo spend . Dumb Dumb Dumb
Mediausa – the raving monster with a 100 Lefty heads
eg JamesBob, JonOld Snow, Nicky Campbell, Marr, the Woman’s Hour Crew
I listened to “Any Questions” this lunchtime and I was struck by the absurdity of listening to a female; German; Labour; MP (Gisela Stuart) who was more patriotic about her (adopted) country, than a male; British; Conservative; peer (Michael Hezelswine) was about his own.
What an absolute shower that man is! He deserves to be put firmly into the same s**t pile as: Clegg; Farron; Fatty Clark and Soubry; what an awful; awful b@st@rd.
Heseltine is one of the most revolting. Totally useless and full of shit.
Brilliantine from the old days. He’s a complete Gordon Banker. He stabbed Thatcher in the back and is completely untrustworthy.
Has no integrity or honour. Dogshit.
Just watching Dad’s Army. Makes me feel so wonderfully invigorated that the great UK are leaving the EU which is predominantly run by Germany!
Apologies if someone else has picked this up. BBC “stories” on the website
“The family leaving the UK because of Brexit”
The only problem for the story is that there was not a single actual reason why the couple (she is German) is moving to Germany, other than they didnt like the result!!! According to the husband “there are racist undertones to the people behind the Brexit campaign” – truly pathetic stuff.
And who gives a monkey’s toss about them anyway ? Good riddance .
Are we supposed to be bothered? Don’t think so.
“Look at the narrative, not the details”
Is the BBC equivalent of
“Never mind the quality, feel the width !”
Well folks here’s something I never knew before tonight & I’ve never read on these pages either.
Ever wondered why the BBC is so interested in trannys?
Turns out old Mohammed was a tranny and liked to dress in his child bride A’ishas clothes while he ‘meditated’
I just saw clip of Krankie’s speech to the SNP conference. Jesus, she looks terrible. And spitting venom. Looking very ill. She certainly is not King Robert !
I am concerned about Newsround brainwashing kids
I see when they talk about migrants they bring on Lord Dubs
but there seem to be afraid to bring on non-Lib counterpoints , so no Geert Wilders interview etc
I expect its the same on most issues.
The BBC’s Simon Wilson* is giving a talk – How BBC’s Newsround explains Fake News to children
The European Federation of Journalists has a special meeting How is Europe’s Media fighting fake news and disinformation?
March 29 Brussels
*BBC News Editor, Europe Bureau
Wilson has form
He the key player in the team that planned BBC’s presidential election coverage (BiasedBBC page)
When 100 days of Trump are up it will interesting to compare their feelings to the awe and reverence they treated Obama
Simon Wilson’s take
His sneer at Brexit sneer at Trump twitterfeed
Snowflakes can only exist in a bubble.
‘Need we banish the BBC?’
“They will consider whether the BBC is capable of living up to its renewed Charter requirements for impartiality and balance”
that shouldn’t take long!
I have just watched a 1-hour TV programme to mark Dame Vera Lynn’s 100th birthday on 20 March. Amazingly, it was on the bBBC but no lefties, no swearing, no black people, and plenty of people saying what a great country we used to be. The beeboids must have been looking the other way when the programme-maker commissioned it.
BBC Trending were very excited about this in December
So now someone has been arrested they’ll be banging on some more
Man arrested after sending tweet ‘attack’ that caused Ant-Trump journalist to have epilepsy seizure
Shock horror!
The BBC news have just actually reported the shooting in France by a radical Islamist
‘The BBC news have just actually reported the shooting in France by a radical Islamist’. Not so much on the BBC World Service, Dystopian. In fact, sitting in the middle of China, as I am at the moment, you’d be damned hard-pushed to determine any information of that nature about ‘the man’ which the BBC describes in its morning news bulletins broadcast here. The only clue amongst all the information that he had been known to the French authorities, etc., etc., was that he had been ‘radicalised’ at some point.
The BBC – Bias By Omission, across the world.
Just covered on R5
21-year-old guard left in coma ‘after being attacked at youth detention centre by kids as young as 14’
BBC kept it as “LOCAL news“
Ofsted report certainly shows almost 0% of inmates identify as Asian origin
“White – British (English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish) 16 (34%)
White – Irish 2 (4%) White – Other 3 (6%)”
47% identify as black or mixed heritage
Where is Maxiboy when I need him ?
“Where is Maxiboy when I need him ?”
He is still looking for some evidence of Al Beeb’s bias.
Over to you Maxiconey 😀 …………
What is the Welsh for ” pissing in the wind ” ?
piso yn y gwynt 😀
Number7 will have to check – different dialects in different parts of Wales.
😀 !
cael eich cefn eich hun
or ‘getting your own back’
Mae hynny’n torri bit taffman.
Clearly hasn’t run out of tissues yet.
More proof that the BBC and their left wing Fascist backers have been lying about the rise of the so called ‘far right’ and the tidal wave of so called hate crime post brexit.
Anti-racists have attacked the BBC for “culturally appropriating white culture” for casting a black actor as Robert de Beaumont in the documentary drama series, 1066: A year to conquer England.
De Beaumont, one of the few proven Companions of William the Conqueror, lived almost a thousand years before the Germans constructed the Empire Windrush and was about as white as they came.
What the feck has happened to Britain? The BBC are flagging up on its homepage the non-whitey sportspeople award. You win an award based on being the best British non-whitey in a sporting category. The article is headlined: “Mo Farah & Kadeena Cox win British Ethnic Diversity Sports Awards awards”
Can you imagine the outrage if there was an award for being the best British whiteperson in a sporting category?
Its almost beyond parody, …..Sir Lenny the host, perfect.
Can anyone tell me what the “Mind wellbeing award” is?
Here is an interesting one for our ethnics – more boys anyone ?
How will A Beeb run with this one …………….
Despite the Daily Mail’s general ‘shock, horror’ tone at the rantings of this old woman and her repellant views, note the BBC-style use of photographs. There are two of a pregnant woman being examined: a White woman, when the issue of gender-based termination as discussed in the article is largely one about South Asians. The language of Wendy Savage is very revealing into the liberal left/BBC mindset – how about this gem:
Prof Savage said: ‘Because of this sort of anxiety some places won’t tell the woman the sex of the foetus, which is outrageous. It’s her body and her foetus, so she should have that information… If a woman does not want to have a foetus who is one sex or the other…’
She cannot even bear to use the word ‘baby’. When have you ever heard normal people speak like this? Have you ever heard a conversation along the lines of: “I am pregnant! We are having a foetus!” “Congratulations! Do you want a boy foetus or a girl foetus, or are you not bothered?”. The technique is analogous to that used by the Nazis to de-humanise people, by classifying them as sub-human or untermenschen. Terminating a foetus (untermensch) sounds so much more acceptable than killing a baby (political opponent/Jew/disabled person).
I had my baby just at the time when Wendy Savage was in the news when she was trying to force women to have babies without pain relief. To say that she added to my apprehension about giving birth is an understatement. I notice her Wiki page has under emphasised the detrimental effect she had on women in those days.
Crankie has got about as much chance as a one legged man in an ‘ass kicking contest’.
Scotland is about to surrender its sovereignty to the undemocratic EU if they win the referendum. Let em have it !
I feel sorry for the true Brit Scots, some of whom I know very well – salt of the earth . The mainstay of the British Army .
You re getting world wide exposure BBC today … … for all the wrong reasons
“The BBC has since backtracked and apologized, but if there had been no uproar, the question would have stood unchallenged. It shows how Sharia principles are slowly being mainstreamed in Britain. One critic wrote: “If today @BBC talking about punishments for #blasphemy in Britain with 6% of population #Muslim what’s our future in 30 years?”
A petition is needed to bloody remove the second consecutive Islamic head of religious programs … IMMEDIATELY!
and then BBC …”learn the lessons” of your disgraceful actions
The key is in the question that was asked about blasphemy by the BBC. Not the responses which were totally predictable. Like: “When did you stop beating your wife?” It sets the presumption that you’re a wife beater but in this case the BBC is saying that blasphemy is a crime that needs to be punished!!.
Clear message is that the BBC does not believe in free speech.
Alas! thrice Alas ! Is there no one out there that can post an example of Al Beeb’s right wing bias? 🙁
I have given up asking Maxiboy who obviously can’t give a single example.
Right Andrew Marr is on – time to walk the dog
I see that Craig over at Is the BBC Biased has reproduced a very telling admission by Asmah Mir , from Saturday Live on Radio 4;
It is an excerpt from an interview with Jimmy Osmond.
AASMAH MIR: I’m really interested to ask you, because I think you’re probably the first Republican that we’ve had in the studio about how you feel about how things are going right now in America. Obviously you have a Republican back in the White House. From your point of view, what’s the mood in America? Are people hopeful? Excited? What?
JIMMY OSMOND: I’m here promoting a tour…No, I’m just trying to change the subject actually.
AASMAH MIR: I know. I am genuinely interested because it’s so rare for us to have someone who’s a Republican.
We held a dinner party last night with some of our newer friends.
We’ve not discussed politics with them before but at an appropriate moment I very gently suggested that the BBC are rather biased on the left-of-centre.
To my surprise but even more delight, they ALL strongly agreed !!!!!!
Turns out one of them tunes in occassionally to Al Jazeera to get some balance!
Another, a christian, turns out to be well-attuned to the pro-Islam bias.
Another, though holding down a senior European position, is a strong Brexit supporter.
Another, now wheelchair bound through illness but with a private sector work background, doesn’t trust the BBC at all. Even though that person is in one of the BBC’s favoured minorities. Ouch !!!!
All in all, a most heartening evening.