Someone has already mentioned the atrocious BBC docu-drama, 1066: A year to conquer England.
It was presented by military historian, Dan Snow and did indeed feature the incongruous introduction of a black lieutenant of William the Conqueror. WTF??? Can’t the BBC just tell the true story of this momentous event as it actually happened? No, of course they can’t! With the BBC there is always an agenda.
They’ve been tinkering with English legends for years now; casting black and mixed race actors in kids prog’s like Merlin and Robin Hood. I mean who the hell had the bright idea to show Friar Tuck as a 6 ft plus West Indian?
At the time, though I was bemused by this depiction, I wasn’t overly concerned. After all these were legendary figures with little real historical validity.
Now, having got away with these distortions, they have been bold enough to lie about a real and important part of our history.
I’m sure they feel they can get away with it because it all happened such a long time ago. But it’s not right; it’s not true and it’s not real. It’s deliberate and it’s dangerous.
Perhaps some of us will look at this and shrug our shoulders and say, “well, so what?…” But our history is important. This is the left’s version of book burning. They are creating a multi-cultural illusion, like some magician performing a cultural conjuring trick; “Before your very eyes”.
If they can do it with the Norman invasion then they can do it almost anything that we hold precious. Ypres, the Somme, the invention of the steam engine or The Battle of Britain.
You really can’t trust them.
And from the Blitz. These hideously white racist oppressors in London ought to be replaced with people of diversity and vibrancy . Note the absence of young white men. They had probably fled to Canada and the US to find new families…and do a bit of raping, or maybe they were gathering to combat the enemy on the Normandy beaches
“If they can do it with the Norman invasion then they can do it almost anything that we hold precious. Ypres, the Somme, the invention of the steam engine or The Battle of Britain.”
Well………..the steam engine was invented by Newcomen, and with that name he must have been an immigrant (BBC logic). I am assuming that as his Christian name (un-PC term there) was Thomas “he” was a “he”, but with our modern understanding of transgender issues “he” might have been a “she”, an “it” or a “WTF”. It will be interesting to see who the BBC cast in the role.
When they remake the Battle of Britain they won’t have a problem. As you pointed out they’ve cast a black actor as Friar Tuck so they can use him again for Wing Commander Stanford Tuck – unless they write him out of the story because his parents were Jewish – after all he only won a DSO, DFC with two bars and an AFC.
The BBC will REALLY be wetting themselves if P.Harry marries the soap star/humanitarian Meghan whatshername – mixed race rules ! We’ll have hours and hours no doubt of the AfroAmerican heritage and how it suits 21st Century Britain; and then the ‘talking heads’ will be interviewed constantly about how wonderful it is that the Royal Family has ’embraced’ this modern ideal for a progressive country. I’m almost sending myself to sleep here !!!
I’m going to disagree. I don’t care who acts man/woman blackwhite gay/trans as long as they are a good actor.
The past is a different country, you have to source actors from today’s pool where-ever you are. When Chinese TV do Shakespeare , there is no need for them to source European actors, just use local actors.
Similarly when Australian TV is making a drama based on an ancient Aboriginal Tale, then I’d be perfectly happy to have good white/Asian actors playing parts alongside skilled Aborigine actors , instead of just using random people cos their skin colour is black.
Currently enjoying Ruth Davidson deal robustly with that big, snowflake wimp Andrew Marr who is doing his best to constantly interrupt her; his anti-tory bias is clear to see. Note, however, how he always behaves when he ‘interviews’ SNP members… he is a useless big jessie.
But then we had another appearance of Blair trying to drum up recruits for a pro globalisation anti Brexit party. The BBC is close to abandoning the Corbynistas and is anxious to help with the creation of Blairs new party. They are also presently keen on Sturgeon because she is trying to throw spanners in the Brexit process. Finally I suspect that they will hold their collective noses and become very favourable towards Osborne at the Evening Standard from where he will do his best to impede Brexit. No doubt tiny Tim Farron will be given plenty of air time.
As we all expected the Remoaners are getting their act together and fighting back. The BBC being central in all of this. It is very obvious to all of us that they oppose Brexit tooth and nail and that they are determined to overturn it despite the fact that the majority of those who pay the License Fee voted for it. What right does the state funded broadcaster have to take such an overtly political position in direct opposition to the democratic majority and why is a government committed to Brexit ( or is it) allowing them to do it? The longer the BBC is allowed to flagrantly breach its charter the more suspicious I become over the governments true intentions. Are we Leavers merely being set up to be told that despite the best efforts of the Government Brexit is just too difficult and that we will have to stay in?
Did anyone else notice Krankie Sturgeon’s dreadful new hair do at the SNP conference yesterday? Bloody hell!
She had either just got out of bed, been rushed to the conference on a motorbike and worn an ill fitting crash helmet or she’d been dragged backward through a privet hedge.
Christ, she looked like Clare Balding in drag…
Ha ha yes that’s what I thought. She needs a stylist and quick! Although they’d better be good. That would be a job and a half to make her look ‘nice’ even.
Sorry, accidentally pressed report without meaning to. (mouse getting old).
I sae the hair and it emphasizes something else. For someone with such a big mouth she has a very small mouth. How does all the bull manage to get out?
Is anyone else having trouble accessing this site through google? It’s been like this since late last night. Are google trying to stop people reading the truth or am I creating a conspiracy theory? nervous.
Thanks Grant. It went for me late last night. Thankfully I can still access it through other means. My computer is getting elderly so I’ll put it down to that.
KT Hopkins now, already 2 things came up
#1 Opened by telling about her visit to BBC Radio4 and being told by the receptionist “I love your show”
#2 Ha KT had to operate the delayed transmission cut off button
..She appealed for Female callers
A caller called Lizzie came on shouting ..”I’m a girl, I’m a girl”
We hear KT “Welcome what’s your point”
But next thing we hear is KT saying…”Thankyou for your call Lizzie”
then a break
Then KT explains “People are tweeting why I cut her of ?
..well Ofcom are listening and we can’t have words with genitalia that’s why I cut her off
I read that BBC article about ‘micro aggressions’ in food. What sort of thought crime is a micro-aggression anyway? If it is tiny then why worry about it?
Anyway, after I read the article I went to a Portuguese cafe and they were serving fish and chips but the fish was grilled in a Portuguese style! How dare they not batter the fish? Cultural appropriation! I was absolutely disgusted and told the waitress. She said I was being aggressive, but can you blame me after her micro-aggression nearly triggered me to death? Grilled fish and chips! O the offence!
What is the best way to recover when you are the victim of a micro-aggression? Should I stay in bed with the curtains closed for a week and weep? Spend money on an expensive therapist? Grilled fish! O the racism! Woe is me! I might as well just hang myself.
Remind me how many magnitudes more votes did SNP get over UKIP ?
One party got 12.7% votes 3.9 million votes
One got 4.7% 1.5 million
So one party got 3 times as many votes , yet now the media is giving masses of free PR to that smaller one
and the 12.7% of voters won 1 seat, but the 4.7% of voters won 56 seats.
Odd the BBC is so upset at the US election college giving Trump victory with less voters than the saintly Hillary, yet not a dickie bird about a serious failure of democracy.
60% of French people no longer feel safe anywhere in their country. 71 per cent feel the security situation in France has got worse over the last five years.
The survey found Marine Le Pen was judged the candidate with the best policies in both keeping property and people safe (32 per cent) and in the fight against terror (35 per cent).
Strange thing happened on Al Beeb fake news website early this morning.
Clicked on a link to Chuck the Duck Berry video obit and watched quite an educating two mins of his iconic playing with the usual titbits of information of when he was sent to prison twice because of his inappropriate liaisons with 14 old girls etc. Also an interesting clip of a bug eyed Keith Richards having a hissy fit with Berry.
Clicked again just now and there is only a 57 second anodyne ‘what you need to know’ clip which had obviously been white washed of any his nasty bits…
We now have a genuflecting tribute online from Mr Jagger, interesting.
Chuck Berry was far from alone, there was Charlie Chaplin, Andre Previn, Jerry Lee Lewis to name a few. And given the age that Jerry Lee is now, we’ll be hearing it all over again when he kicks the bucket that he married his 13 year old cousin !
All that aside, I remember seeing Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee and Little Richard on the same bill at Wembley, and no pop star / group in the last 30 years comes anywhere near the calibre of those three giants. of rock.
Meanwhile … this feature from the Al BBC
‘Whatever he says is right’ An afternoon in President Erdogan’s heartland
and on BBC News a small piece on German Kurds holding a anti Erdi Gurdy protest
Hey Erdi! … as they say in the movie, “NEVER go full retard”,
(bit hard considering your Achilles heel … cough Islam cough)
Hey BBC! … SCRAP the BBC.
That pretty much sums it up. I would love to ask Lefties and Beeboids if they think he is lying ? If telling the truth, then do they agree with what he is saying ?
I think the standard of BBC journalism is moving beyond parody. This is an interesting enough story about darts player Jocky Wilson whose life is undoubtedly good material for a play:
The bit that made me laugh was the interview with Gary Anderson who said he was disappointed never to have met Jocky Wilson. Always a good way to gain insight into the character of somebody, ask someone who never met them.
Earlier this morning BBC tv news were in full Tiny Tim Farron mode.
Following the obviously proiritised headline about a very elderly celebrity demise the BBC were full of what Tiny Tim was about to tell us later in the day.
And then a live link to the little twerp in person. Cue a couple of softball questions from the BBC sofa Beta Male to the Limp Dim Theta Male.
There was one question that made me smile – just about the only thing in the interview which did!
BBC Beta to Limp Dim Theta: “How can you claim to be the ‘Real Opposition’ when you only have 9 MPs?”
There was a challenge – I thought for a moment the BBC eunuch might shout:
‘I’ll see your 9 MPs Timbo, and raise you 9 BBC TV channels plus countless national and local radio channels, so the BBC is the only Real Opposition to this Tory Brexit, mate!’
Looks like someone here, just waiting for any … ANY, READ ANY! opportunity to report something
has just done so on yours truly
… maybe “we few, we happy few, this band of brothers”
all of us, we should have just stuck with the
… “blue pill” eh!
Not bias – just the utter dross that our license pays for.
Last night, whilst waiting for Mr D getting ready for us to go out, I switched on the tv, went down the first 40 channels on free to view, and there was nothing, absolutely nothing to watch. In desperation I thought I would watch a few minutes of BBC1 Sing and Dance for Commic Relief. I stayed viewing whilst I tried to decided whether Mel Giedroyc had changed her face as well as having lost weight (OK, I was bored) and left the tv on for Mr D to give his opinion when he came into the room.
It was awful, it was dross, there are no words to describe its inanity. The people performing could not sing a single note in tune – Madame Edith singing in her cafe in Allo Allo looked like Covent Garden standard compared to these people. Dom from the One Show, in a dress, looked as though he wanted to be anywhere but where he was.
The judges filled the usual quotas. Jennifer Saunders, is now I assume old enough to represent older women, Julian Clary the gay, Tenika (I think that is her name) is the black lady who was thrown off Strictly to allow Annastasia to continue her journey to prove that after cancer surgery she could resume life and obviously the BBC still owe her, and Miranda – not sure if she was the older woman too, or the tall one or just to make up numbers (no white straight males on this panel). The judges appeared not to understand their role, was it to give constructive criticism or to be funny? They were given props – but really cheap orange plastic glasses with louvred lens are not funny, nor is the red nose (just passe) or indeed the bouncing red balls on a headband are not in themselves amusing.
Well Mr D came in, we decided that possibly or possibly not had Mel had her face pulled about or perhaps botoxed and we could then switch off and go out.
I read that the Voice has lost half its viewers since it went to ITV. Perhaps this programme put on to raise the profile of second rate comics should just disappear. Voting programmes are really so yesterday.
Amazing the lengths the BBC will go to in order to try and find an excuse for the atrocious acts committed by the RoP. This article is unbelievable:
Perpetrator to victim in 5 minutes of a warped journalist’s output.
I sincerely apologise to Grant and others on here, that I would love to reply to their excellent posts.
Sadly as of this morning I am unable to … looks like erm “Mr Nobody” been doing some reporting 😀
Now this is just an excellent report it truly is. Sums up the turncoats of the MSM perfectly, the BBC right at the front of the cue, and the grinding issue that may still yet bury us.
As of this very second … I must have been a very good boy
whatever issue there was, is resolved.
I simply couldn t reply to any post at all, I could however post myself
glitch?, gremlin? or maybe, just maybe
(cue twilight zone music) … the hand of Allah … ROFL!
There do seem to be some glitches here now and again. I have never reported anyone here, or anywhere, but I think David, Alan or whoever, look at it without blocking . Not sure what their system is.
“Actress Thandie Newton has said she “can’t work” in the UK because there are no roles for black and minority ethnic actors in historical dramas.
London-born Newton said the number of costume dramas had led to “slim pickings for people of colour”.”
What a load of Bull! If Thandie Newton hadn’t claimed Black victim status no one would have known, and lets face it the BBC isn’t particularly shy of planting incongruous token ethnics in any kind of drama it pleases. Strikes me that they are running this purely because of past criticism, and to carry on revisionism with free abandon.
Worse still they then go and use a shot of rival channels ‘Downton Abbey’ to show an all white cast !
Perhaps it hasn’t dawned on Ms Newton that she cant act her way out of a paper bag !! Do any of her performances come to mind ? oh yes, she once appeared as the glamour interest with Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible; nevertheless she appears to have made a career of non-acting. Others (in my opinion) in the same category are Lysette Anthony, Jenny Seagrove, Emma Watson, Natalie Portman….. I could go on til midnight.
Yes, Downton Abbey doesn’t have enough black actors apparently. Such a period in history was clearly blessed with those of colour hob nobbing in high society…..
Odd. BBC seems to tick as many boxes for “diversity” in every show I see 5 minutes of. Even ITV is the same. Most of the adverts have mixed couples, races genders etc. One show I saw last night as I couldn’t be bothered to change channels was Vera on ITV. We had (using PC terminology) an English S Asian, English Caribbean, a physically challenged small person in a wheelchair, an apparent member of the LGBT community with English Caribbean heritage, and a mock Geordie in the leading role. There were probably more, but most shows on all channels seem to be like this.
Beautiful, young, pale-skinned black actress in smash hit TV series reckons she has been oppressed:
‘growing up seeing no one like her on tv was hard’
That’s odd, her doppelgängers seem to pop up in every furniture store, supermarket, mobile phone and banking advert on tv and on billboards everywhere – and that’s been the case for some years now and at her age she wouldn’t have seen tv until the 1990s !?
‘roles for ethnic minority actors have improved since her childhood… she was worried that progress could be reversed’
Not if the BBC have anything to do with it. Blimey, according to the Beeb even William the Conqueror’s Normans are black.
‘If you go up for anything, you know there is always a cast of people and a small number of them are [from] a minority’
Er, that’s because black people are a still a minority – at least in the UK.
“The majority of the cast will be white with a few roles from a different ethnicity. Ultimately that’s not the world we live in.”
Perhaps she should make tv in Africa ? But wait, whites are the minority there – so that won’t work for her. So she wants the minority ethnicity in a country to make up the majority of faces on tv?
Can anyone understand what this foolish young women with a silly victim fetish is actually banging on about?
Come to think of it, this interview reminds me of a press piece about Keira Knightley from some years ago in which she bemoaned her schoolgirl experiences, complaining of bullying or dyslexia or somesuch. Shortly thereafter her former headmistress declared that she hardly recognised the story – Keira had in fact been headgirl.
Mind you, if this Evening Standard article is simply a PR job for a megabucks actress attempting to reconnect with the humble audience, she should be a little more wary of overplaying the race card.
Then again, as we learned with Clare Balding’s ‘partner’ coming out in print complaining about this and that discrimation, it did have the desired effect of making her mate bullet-proof in terms of career prospects – certainly at the BBC.
Countryfile now. On a fruit farm. The boss says that without seasonal workers from Europe the business would not survive. Beeboid presenter fails to ask him 3 questions :-
1. How much money do you make out of the business ?
2. How much money do you pay your workers ?
3. Why can you not get British people to do this work ?
Sorry Grant – I have just hit ‘report’ by accident, mea culpa…
Meanwhile, in case the farmer still feels he needs to hire seasonal workers, what’s to say he won’t be able to post-Brexit? The difference being that they will have to be genuinely seasonal workers and not try to stay here and claim housing and medical benefits the moment they have finished picking blackberries!
Beeboids don’t ask these questions. It would be very easy to issue temporary work visas, post-brexit. I think that the OK was self-sufficient in basic foodstuffs before joining the EU. So why not again ?
We have always imported some food (not too many banana plantations in the UK) and we have often had to employ seasonal workers, long before Heath’s act of treason. We can easily do so again if we so choose. Similarly, British kids used to go to France and pick grapes.
Yes, it is an anti-Brexit campaign. But, generally, I do not think starvation was widespread in the UK for many hundreds of years. As for bananas, I grow my own in my garden in Gambia ! Far better than the imported ones here !
I think that Countryfile is generally a good programme, but the BBC cannot resist inserting their political propaganda even into that. And there is never anything about the appalling damage that the EU has done to British farming, fishing and the countryside.
So @TomHeap @AdamHenson @bbcCountryfile #MetroBubbleworld SJW missionaries
How did the Brexit-bashing #countryfile edition go down ? pic 2, pic 3 there were lots more
See they also celebrated there’d be no Cliffe Airport, on the Thames estuary
I only watched the first 10 minutes today and then switched off. It used to be a good programme, one of the few I still watched on the BBC. But no longer.
I knew I should have put money on Suman on ‘The Big Painting Challenge’ on Beeb1. Personally, I thought David’s paintings in the final swung it. The thing is, maybe she deserved to win – art is subjective, of course – but the Pavlovian response/pre-emptive position is (with a Beeb programme of this nature) to assume positive discrimination is at work. And that’s the sad consequence of where we’ve got to. The ‘old me’ would assume she won on merit; after more years than I care to count of BBCPC indoctrination I have come to the point where I doubt the validity of a result such as this. Shame on me?
Meanwhile, I am watching Robotwars on 2 rather than Countryfile on BBC1. Short interview with the Emirutus Professor between fights. He tells of robots being used to fight climate change, sorry cannot remember his argument to support his theory. Probably I was just so cross thinking how the BBC brings CC into everything and thinking the esteemed Prof knows that his pay as a judge depends on toeing the BBC line.
Suspect he was talking about DRONES to monitor cliamte.
Didn’t set Twitter alight only 1 mention, and that was by a bot scannining keywords
(Emeritus Prof just means retired prof who sometimes comes to the office)
Seems it was Prof. Noel Sharkey
and on twitter he mentioned drones for monitoring climate, but that was once and 2 years ago.
Someone earlier on here said that the past was another country !
Well, here’s something else to chew on. Londoners would flock to Kent for the hop, cherry and apple picking seasons, bringing their families with them and making a holiday of it. Of course it wouldn’t happen now, – just ask a typical London family i.e. a Somalian family in Tower Hamlets what an orchard is, and my point is proved.
#1 1970s Tax offices stopped people signing off for 2-3 weeks seasonal work, so people stopped.
#2 Surely we already have enough immigrants here to harvest Europe.
Already immigrants here, go off to estuaries to illegally collect cockles and mussels
“Nothing to see here; move along now” seems to be the outlook of some people to the announcement of record levels of reported hate crimes in England and Wales.
Most non-white British citizens will have faced their own personal experiences of violent discrimination.
Oh sister!, somebody won t stand for discrimination or hate … now, who is that?
Oh Its the Al BBCs Shazia Awan …. WOAH! just a cotton pickin minute
Wasn t she on the BBC Asian Network asking …
“what s the right punishment for blasphemy”?
… isn t that discriminatory Shazia?
and on this rising tide of hate crime?
are the fabricators of Tell MAMA involved?
hasn t the way these erm “crimes” are collated changed?
hasn t the criteria for what is a “hate crime” changed?
To save typing, have a look below
“This ‘epidemic’ is a product of the authorities redefining racism and prejudice to such an extent that almost any unpleasant encounter between people of different backgrounds can now be recorded as ‘hatred’. Many of these incidents were reported through True Vision, a police-funded website that allows anyone, anywhere to report something they either experienced or witnessed, anonymously if they like.
No evidence is needed. Everything is instantly logged as a hate incident.
This inevitably presents a warped view of reality.
The police’s ‘Hate Crime Operational Guidance’ now stresses that the victim’s perception is the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime. No evidence is required”.
BBC Website. I had to laugh at that idiot Nick Clegg saying about another idiot , George Osborne , “He wants to continue being an MP in the North of England “. His constituency is in Cheshire !!!
My old man has the misfortune to drive trains that that slime clegg travels on. However, the man of the people that he is insists on travelling first class and kicking everyone else out of the carriage for ‘security reasons’. The man is an odious little toad.
Our Chuck had problems with the police in his earlier career namely a sexual relationship with a 14 year old girl. Jimmy Saville must be feeling hard done by although his crime was on a massive scale compared to Chuck plus Jimmy had the protection of the BBC as well.
BBC – Bristol named best place to live in Britain
With lots of “glamorous, creative, hi-tech and professional” jobs on offer and “great” food and drink – this city “crams in all the culture you could wish for”.
“Historical dramas ‘limit UK black actors”
When the facts get in the way of fiction?
Ok lets remake the film ZULU, or The Battle of Waterloo , two of my favourite films. This woman is completely out of touch with reality. Perhaps she should get a real job, say as a NHS nurse, there’s plenty of diversity there ?
“A gay clergyman has accused the Anglican Church in Wales of homophobia after he was rejected for a job as a bishop.”
He’s obviously not ticking the ‘right box’. 😀
Funny how the BBC fills its anti-Christian agenda by pumping out stories of homophobia and paedophilia and misogyny in the Christian church – while remaining absolutely silent of the more rampant homophobia, misogyny and possibly paedophilia within British Mosques and Mosques elsewhere.
“Blair: Labour should reconsider Brexit stance”
What part of ‘we have voted out’ doesn’t he understand ?
He must have a vested interest in the EU?
BBC London News throws out with a splash headline the news that the hateful crime of Acid Attacks are up by 70% and that a third of the increase in this horrible phenomenon is concentarted in one borough – Newham.
In contrast with the apparent increase in Hate Crimes per se the BBC seems to look for no causal factors. Perhaps BBC local news is pushed for time? Hate Crime is consistently and firmly associated with Brexit by the BBC. The lack of interest in the reasons behind the outbreak of so many Acid Attacks is odd since, unlike the figures for reported Hate Crimes which have a somewhat amorphous provenance, these Acid Attacks must be pretty straight forward to analyse. Ho hum.
Anyway, there is good news in BBC London’s second headline – seems Sharia law which was a bit… sort of sexist. Well it’s now going to be all modern and better for women who wanted a divorce and didn’t want to be forced back into their unhappy marriages. So that’s nice.
Better have a word with the BBCs Shazia “punishment for blasphemy” Awan,
she wants to highlight these hate/discrimination crimes, apparently everyone
is ignoring them.
Throwing acid in faces, holding children down and sexually mutilating them,
violently attacking Jewish people/children just because they are Jewish, should be right at the top of the list. It makes pulling a scarf, or punishing laughing at a fairy story disappear into insignificance.
Come on Shazia, get your buddies in the newspapers, radio and tv
to do a lot more, get your propaganda on Asian Network to expose this
… AND WHO the perpetrators are
Nothing to see here; move along now” seems to be the outlook of some people to the announcement of record levels of reported hate crimes in England and Wales. Most non-white British citizens will have faced their own personal experiences of violent discrimination.
Oh sister!, somebody won t stand for discrimination or hate … now then, who is that?
“This ‘epidemic’ is a product of the authorities redefining racism and prejudice to such an extent that almost any unpleasant encounter between people of different backgrounds can now be recorded as ‘hatred’. Many of these incidents were reported through True Vision, a police-funded website that allows anyone, anywhere to report something they either experienced or witnessed, anonymously if they like.
No evidence is needed. Everything is instantly logged as a hate incident.
This inevitably presents a warped view of reality.
The police’s ‘Hate Crime Operational Guidance’ now stresses that the victim’s perception is the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime. No evidence is required”.
Oh goody … talking of increase in “hate”, race hate/hate crime
Here ssssss … the anti hate guys
BBC, oops don t be silly, (can there be bias by omission?)
What a shower of fascists in the UAF (which I always delight in telling my lefty friends stands for Unite All Fascists)
This is my experience as well, the left cannot debate the issues. They are either totally ignorant of them (for this type of leftist the only point in being there is they want to be accepted as part of the ‘right on’ crowd), or will just shout “racist” at me as the ‘organiser’ did to Tommy here. No attempt to debate the issues, it’s all about bullying people to conform with their warped version of what is right.
As usual, the left has morality completely inverted.
How can we ever debate the issues with these indoctrinated bigots? It is very depressing how successful their programming has been.
7.40 radio 4 Justin Webb: ‘ the question is whether the Umuted States is a functioning liberal democracy .’
More BBC nonsense from a programme that once carried serious and reliable news and analysis .
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
I hope Craig doesn’t mind me lifting that across. Just thought we’d all be interested.
Anything to say, Maxicony?
Ha refers to comment back over the page : DownBoy March 19, 2017 at 9:20 am
I see that Craig over at Is the BBC Biased has reproduced a very telling admission by Asmah Mir , from Saturday Live on Radio 4;
Someone has already mentioned the atrocious BBC docu-drama, 1066: A year to conquer England.
It was presented by military historian, Dan Snow and did indeed feature the incongruous introduction of a black lieutenant of William the Conqueror. WTF??? Can’t the BBC just tell the true story of this momentous event as it actually happened? No, of course they can’t! With the BBC there is always an agenda.
They’ve been tinkering with English legends for years now; casting black and mixed race actors in kids prog’s like Merlin and Robin Hood. I mean who the hell had the bright idea to show Friar Tuck as a 6 ft plus West Indian?
At the time, though I was bemused by this depiction, I wasn’t overly concerned. After all these were legendary figures with little real historical validity.
Now, having got away with these distortions, they have been bold enough to lie about a real and important part of our history.
I’m sure they feel they can get away with it because it all happened such a long time ago. But it’s not right; it’s not true and it’s not real. It’s deliberate and it’s dangerous.
Perhaps some of us will look at this and shrug our shoulders and say, “well, so what?…” But our history is important. This is the left’s version of book burning. They are creating a multi-cultural illusion, like some magician performing a cultural conjuring trick; “Before your very eyes”.
If they can do it with the Norman invasion then they can do it almost anything that we hold precious. Ypres, the Somme, the invention of the steam engine or The Battle of Britain.
You really can’t trust them.
Just wait for their re-make of The Battle of Britain.
And from the Blitz. These hideously white racist oppressors in London ought to be replaced with people of diversity and vibrancy . Note the absence of young white men. They had probably fled to Canada and the US to find new families…and do a bit of raping, or maybe they were gathering to combat the enemy on the Normandy beaches
At first glance I thought it was a still from The Dam Busters remake, showing Guy Gibson with
Its simply dishonesty from a dishonest Beauty Broadcasting Corporation.
“If they can do it with the Norman invasion then they can do it almost anything that we hold precious. Ypres, the Somme, the invention of the steam engine or The Battle of Britain.”
Well………..the steam engine was invented by Newcomen, and with that name he must have been an immigrant (BBC logic). I am assuming that as his Christian name (un-PC term there) was Thomas “he” was a “he”, but with our modern understanding of transgender issues “he” might have been a “she”, an “it” or a “WTF”. It will be interesting to see who the BBC cast in the role.
When they remake the Battle of Britain they won’t have a problem. As you pointed out they’ve cast a black actor as Friar Tuck so they can use him again for Wing Commander Stanford Tuck – unless they write him out of the story because his parents were Jewish – after all he only won a DSO, DFC with two bars and an AFC.
The BBC will REALLY be wetting themselves if P.Harry marries the soap star/humanitarian Meghan whatshername – mixed race rules ! We’ll have hours and hours no doubt of the AfroAmerican heritage and how it suits 21st Century Britain; and then the ‘talking heads’ will be interviewed constantly about how wonderful it is that the Royal Family has ’embraced’ this modern ideal for a progressive country. I’m almost sending myself to sleep here !!!
P.Harry who ?
I’m going to disagree. I don’t care who acts man/woman blackwhite gay/trans as long as they are a good actor.
The past is a different country, you have to source actors from today’s pool where-ever you are. When Chinese TV do Shakespeare , there is no need for them to source European actors, just use local actors.
Similarly when Australian TV is making a drama based on an ancient Aboriginal Tale, then I’d be perfectly happy to have good white/Asian actors playing parts alongside skilled Aborigine actors , instead of just using random people cos their skin colour is black.
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984.
Re writing history – history then becomes fact. Its called Propaganda.
Currently enjoying Ruth Davidson deal robustly with that big, snowflake wimp Andrew Marr who is doing his best to constantly interrupt her; his anti-tory bias is clear to see. Note, however, how he always behaves when he ‘interviews’ SNP members… he is a useless big jessie.
Yes Ruth Davidson made a right mess of Marr. I switched off when Bliar’s ‘slot’ came on mind. That monster should be behind bars.
But then we had another appearance of Blair trying to drum up recruits for a pro globalisation anti Brexit party. The BBC is close to abandoning the Corbynistas and is anxious to help with the creation of Blairs new party. They are also presently keen on Sturgeon because she is trying to throw spanners in the Brexit process. Finally I suspect that they will hold their collective noses and become very favourable towards Osborne at the Evening Standard from where he will do his best to impede Brexit. No doubt tiny Tim Farron will be given plenty of air time.
As we all expected the Remoaners are getting their act together and fighting back. The BBC being central in all of this. It is very obvious to all of us that they oppose Brexit tooth and nail and that they are determined to overturn it despite the fact that the majority of those who pay the License Fee voted for it. What right does the state funded broadcaster have to take such an overtly political position in direct opposition to the democratic majority and why is a government committed to Brexit ( or is it) allowing them to do it? The longer the BBC is allowed to flagrantly breach its charter the more suspicious I become over the governments true intentions. Are we Leavers merely being set up to be told that despite the best efforts of the Government Brexit is just too difficult and that we will have to stay in?
This argument in support of Trump’s budget proposals for defunding the US Public Broadcasting Service applies equally to the BBC
Did anyone else notice Krankie Sturgeon’s dreadful new hair do at the SNP conference yesterday? Bloody hell!
She had either just got out of bed, been rushed to the conference on a motorbike and worn an ill fitting crash helmet or she’d been dragged backward through a privet hedge.
Christ, she looked like Clare Balding in drag…
Ha ha yes that’s what I thought. She needs a stylist and quick! Although they’d better be good. That would be a job and a half to make her look ‘nice’ even.
Posted before but she looked ill to me as well. Yes, she needs to get advice from Angela Merkel’s stylist.
The Dulux Dog style would suit.
Sorry, accidentally pressed report without meaning to. (mouse getting old).
I sae the hair and it emphasizes something else. For someone with such a big mouth she has a very small mouth. How does all the bull manage to get out?
“How does all the bull manage to get out?”
Lured by the china shop no doubt……….
Reminded me of Eddie Izzard!
I think she is trying to shake off the wee Jimmy Crankie look
I suppose the exception to prove the rule applies here when arguing against the full face veil.
Maybe the muzzies have a point in some cases.
Is anyone else having trouble accessing this site through google? It’s been like this since late last night. Are google trying to stop people reading the truth or am I creating a conspiracy theory? nervous.
It has been ok with me. But there have been periods in the past when I have not been able to get on for hours.
Thanks Grant. It went for me late last night. Thankfully I can still access it through other means. My computer is getting elderly so I’ll put it down to that.
No it’s YOU The Russians (based in Cheltenham) are monitoring.
Here Google, Bing, Twitters, are not “doing throttling” against Biasedbbc
GCHQ – the only part of the government that’s listening to you.
LOL ! Classic.
KT Hopkins now, already 2 things came up
#1 Opened by telling about her visit to BBC Radio4 and being told by the receptionist “I love your show”
#2 Ha KT had to operate the delayed transmission cut off button
..She appealed for Female callers
A caller called Lizzie came on shouting ..”I’m a girl, I’m a girl”
We hear KT “Welcome what’s your point”
But next thing we hear is KT saying…”Thankyou for your call Lizzie”
then a break
Then KT explains “People are tweeting why I cut her of ?
..well Ofcom are listening and we can’t have words with genitalia that’s why I cut her off
I read that BBC article about ‘micro aggressions’ in food. What sort of thought crime is a micro-aggression anyway? If it is tiny then why worry about it?
Anyway, after I read the article I went to a Portuguese cafe and they were serving fish and chips but the fish was grilled in a Portuguese style! How dare they not batter the fish? Cultural appropriation! I was absolutely disgusted and told the waitress. She said I was being aggressive, but can you blame me after her micro-aggression nearly triggered me to death? Grilled fish and chips! O the offence!
What is the best way to recover when you are the victim of a micro-aggression? Should I stay in bed with the curtains closed for a week and weep? Spend money on an expensive therapist? Grilled fish! O the racism! Woe is me! I might as well just hang myself.
If, like me, you love fish, Tilapia is better than therapy any day.
In many places in London when you ask for “a pot of tea” or where’s the nearest “fish and chip shop” is, you are met with blank stares.
The BBC of course has multiple channels and endless ‘news’ shows all on its own.
Remind me how many magnitudes more votes did SNP get over UKIP ?
One party got 12.7% votes 3.9 million votes
One got 4.7% 1.5 million
So one party got 3 times as many votes , yet now the media is giving masses of free PR to that smaller one
and the 12.7% of voters won 1 seat, but the 4.7% of voters won 56 seats.
Odd the BBC is so upset at the US election college giving Trump victory with less voters than the saintly Hillary, yet not a dickie bird about a serious failure of democracy.
60% of French people no longer feel safe anywhere in their country. 71 per cent feel the security situation in France has got worse over the last five years.
The survey found Marine Le Pen was judged the candidate with the best policies in both keeping property and people safe (32 per cent) and in the fight against terror (35 per cent).
Click to access 3691-1-study_file.pdf
Strange thing happened on Al Beeb fake news website early this morning.
Clicked on a link to Chuck the Duck Berry video obit and watched quite an educating two mins of his iconic playing with the usual titbits of information of when he was sent to prison twice because of his inappropriate liaisons with 14 old girls etc. Also an interesting clip of a bug eyed Keith Richards having a hissy fit with Berry.
Clicked again just now and there is only a 57 second anodyne ‘what you need to know’ clip which had obviously been white washed of any his nasty bits…
We now have a genuflecting tribute online from Mr Jagger, interesting.
Tributes to Chuck Berry is still the lead story on the BBC Website.
PS. I would have thought the BBC would have given more prominence to his paedophilia given their own history of it.
Chuck Berry was far from alone, there was Charlie Chaplin, Andre Previn, Jerry Lee Lewis to name a few. And given the age that Jerry Lee is now, we’ll be hearing it all over again when he kicks the bucket that he married his 13 year old cousin !
All that aside, I remember seeing Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee and Little Richard on the same bill at Wembley, and no pop star / group in the last 30 years comes anywhere near the calibre of those three giants. of rock.
Some one says MSM and politicians are trying to stop free-speech by calling it hate-speech
How the hell is this balanced?
CBeebies “I can cook” 5 kids…2 White 3 Asian.
Discrimination AGAINST white people right there on kids channel.
Brainwashing from the cradle ….to the grave?!!
So cynical..
That’s all we can expect from the BBC.
One offs are OK ..its not like it happens all the time ..does it ?
NO protests here allowed, I m the President (Turkey),
no protests here allowed (Holland) … a disgrace, you re all fascists 😀
The Erdi gurdy man from Turkey as they say in “Tropic Thunder”
… goes “full retard”
Erdogan – That EU ruling on a headscarf bans starts “clash between Islam and Christianity”
His foreign minister Mr Cavusoglu,(have I got that right?), has already said “holy wars will soon begin” … yep! that s in Europe.
… Thank Allah the Dutch political elite managed to angle out Wilders eh!
Meanwhile … this feature from the Al BBC
‘Whatever he says is right’ An afternoon in President Erdogan’s heartland
and on BBC News a small piece on German Kurds holding a anti Erdi Gurdy protest
Hey Erdi! … as they say in the movie, “NEVER go full retard”,
(bit hard considering your Achilles heel … cough Islam cough)
Hey BBC! … SCRAP the BBC.
I am too lazy to switch to a Turkish keyboard but, Cavusoglu means, amusingly, ” Son of a Sergeant ” ! These people are all thugs.
Oh sorry am I permitted to point that out or is it hate speech?
Spot the difference:

One is a beautiful, stylish, well-dressed Chancellor of Germany. The other is Angela Merkel.
Good immigration is integration
..Bad immigration is Dis-integration
Don t know Dys, following on from the Turkish Gov stance … you could always ask this guy
From one day ago
That pretty much sums it up. I would love to ask Lefties and Beeboids if they think he is lying ? If telling the truth, then do they agree with what he is saying ?
I think the standard of BBC journalism is moving beyond parody. This is an interesting enough story about darts player Jocky Wilson whose life is undoubtedly good material for a play:
The bit that made me laugh was the interview with Gary Anderson who said he was disappointed never to have met Jocky Wilson. Always a good way to gain insight into the character of somebody, ask someone who never met them.
Limp toe rags and man bags at dawn
Earlier this morning BBC tv news were in full Tiny Tim Farron mode.
Following the obviously proiritised headline about a very elderly celebrity demise the BBC were full of what Tiny Tim was about to tell us later in the day.
And then a live link to the little twerp in person. Cue a couple of softball questions from the BBC sofa Beta Male to the Limp Dim Theta Male.
There was one question that made me smile – just about the only thing in the interview which did!
BBC Beta to Limp Dim Theta: “How can you claim to be the ‘Real Opposition’ when you only have 9 MPs?”
There was a challenge – I thought for a moment the BBC eunuch might shout:
‘I’ll see your 9 MPs Timbo, and raise you 9 BBC TV channels plus countless national and local radio channels, so the BBC is the only Real Opposition to this Tory Brexit, mate!’
Looks like someone here, just waiting for any … ANY, READ ANY! opportunity to report something
has just done so on yours truly
… maybe “we few, we happy few, this band of brothers”
all of us, we should have just stuck with the
… “blue pill” eh!
News on the small media. Lauren Southern has gone solo having left Rebel Media. She reports on a meeting with the White House Press Corps.
Very revealing. Follow this girl. She is on track
Now that is my kinda girl ! Go for it, Lauren !
Not bias – just the utter dross that our license pays for.
Last night, whilst waiting for Mr D getting ready for us to go out, I switched on the tv, went down the first 40 channels on free to view, and there was nothing, absolutely nothing to watch. In desperation I thought I would watch a few minutes of BBC1 Sing and Dance for Commic Relief. I stayed viewing whilst I tried to decided whether Mel Giedroyc had changed her face as well as having lost weight (OK, I was bored) and left the tv on for Mr D to give his opinion when he came into the room.
It was awful, it was dross, there are no words to describe its inanity. The people performing could not sing a single note in tune – Madame Edith singing in her cafe in Allo Allo looked like Covent Garden standard compared to these people. Dom from the One Show, in a dress, looked as though he wanted to be anywhere but where he was.
The judges filled the usual quotas. Jennifer Saunders, is now I assume old enough to represent older women, Julian Clary the gay, Tenika (I think that is her name) is the black lady who was thrown off Strictly to allow Annastasia to continue her journey to prove that after cancer surgery she could resume life and obviously the BBC still owe her, and Miranda – not sure if she was the older woman too, or the tall one or just to make up numbers (no white straight males on this panel). The judges appeared not to understand their role, was it to give constructive criticism or to be funny? They were given props – but really cheap orange plastic glasses with louvred lens are not funny, nor is the red nose (just passe) or indeed the bouncing red balls on a headband are not in themselves amusing.
Well Mr D came in, we decided that possibly or possibly not had Mel had her face pulled about or perhaps botoxed and we could then switch off and go out.
I read that the Voice has lost half its viewers since it went to ITV. Perhaps this programme put on to raise the profile of second rate comics should just disappear. Voting programmes are really so yesterday.
Even in desperation, I wouldn’t bring myself to watch that…
More bBBC bias by omission. leads with Tiny Tim slurring Mrs May by association with Trump and Putin, but doesn’t seem to have found space to include the report in their print version (Guardian/ Observer) that the Marxist supporters of Jeremy Corbyn are secretly plotting to take over the Labour Party.
Amazing the lengths the BBC will go to in order to try and find an excuse for the atrocious acts committed by the RoP. This article is unbelievable:
Perpetrator to victim in 5 minutes of a warped journalist’s output.
I sincerely apologise to Grant and others on here, that I would love to reply to their excellent posts.
Sadly as of this morning I am unable to … looks like erm “Mr Nobody” been doing some reporting 😀
Now this is just an excellent report it truly is. Sums up the turncoats of the MSM perfectly, the BBC right at the front of the cue, and the grinding issue that may still yet bury us.
The maligning of Myanmar
Mr Hugh Fitzgerald
What do you mean ?
As of this very second … I must have been a very good boy
whatever issue there was, is resolved.
I simply couldn t reply to any post at all, I could however post myself
glitch?, gremlin? or maybe, just maybe
(cue twilight zone music) … the hand of Allah … ROFL!
That report is a cracker G
There do seem to be some glitches here now and again. I have never reported anyone here, or anywhere, but I think David, Alan or whoever, look at it without blocking . Not sure what their system is.
“Actress Thandie Newton has said she “can’t work” in the UK because there are no roles for black and minority ethnic actors in historical dramas.
London-born Newton said the number of costume dramas had led to “slim pickings for people of colour”.”
What a load of Bull! If Thandie Newton hadn’t claimed Black victim status no one would have known, and lets face it the BBC isn’t particularly shy of planting incongruous token ethnics in any kind of drama it pleases. Strikes me that they are running this purely because of past criticism, and to carry on revisionism with free abandon.
Worse still they then go and use a shot of rival channels ‘Downton Abbey’ to show an all white cast !
Is it because you doesn’t look black ?
Perhaps it hasn’t dawned on Ms Newton that she cant act her way out of a paper bag !! Do any of her performances come to mind ? oh yes, she once appeared as the glamour interest with Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible; nevertheless she appears to have made a career of non-acting. Others (in my opinion) in the same category are Lysette Anthony, Jenny Seagrove, Emma Watson, Natalie Portman….. I could go on til midnight.
Yes, Downton Abbey doesn’t have enough black actors apparently. Such a period in history was clearly blessed with those of colour hob nobbing in high society…..
I’m sure Downton had a Turkish character, but he didn’t come to a good end – or perhaps it was a good way to go?
Odd. BBC seems to tick as many boxes for “diversity” in every show I see 5 minutes of. Even ITV is the same. Most of the adverts have mixed couples, races genders etc. One show I saw last night as I couldn’t be bothered to change channels was Vera on ITV. We had (using PC terminology) an English S Asian, English Caribbean, a physically challenged small person in a wheelchair, an apparent member of the LGBT community with English Caribbean heritage, and a mock Geordie in the leading role. There were probably more, but most shows on all channels seem to be like this.
Newsbeatthemonkey back in its happy place:
“The things sex workers are tired of hearing”
The youth of the UK both informed and educated. Again
Beautiful, young, pale-skinned black actress in smash hit TV series reckons she has been oppressed:
‘growing up seeing no one like her on tv was hard’
That’s odd, her doppelgängers seem to pop up in every furniture store, supermarket, mobile phone and banking advert on tv and on billboards everywhere – and that’s been the case for some years now and at her age she wouldn’t have seen tv until the 1990s !?
‘roles for ethnic minority actors have improved since her childhood… she was worried that progress could be reversed’
Not if the BBC have anything to do with it. Blimey, according to the Beeb even William the Conqueror’s Normans are black.
‘If you go up for anything, you know there is always a cast of people and a small number of them are [from] a minority’
Er, that’s because black people are a still a minority – at least in the UK.
“The majority of the cast will be white with a few roles from a different ethnicity. Ultimately that’s not the world we live in.”
Perhaps she should make tv in Africa ? But wait, whites are the minority there – so that won’t work for her. So she wants the minority ethnicity in a country to make up the majority of faces on tv?
Can anyone understand what this foolish young women with a silly victim fetish is actually banging on about?
Come to think of it, this interview reminds me of a press piece about Keira Knightley from some years ago in which she bemoaned her schoolgirl experiences, complaining of bullying or dyslexia or somesuch. Shortly thereafter her former headmistress declared that she hardly recognised the story – Keira had in fact been headgirl.
Mind you, if this Evening Standard article is simply a PR job for a megabucks actress attempting to reconnect with the humble audience, she should be a little more wary of overplaying the race card.
Then again, as we learned with Clare Balding’s ‘partner’ coming out in print complaining about this and that discrimation, it did have the desired effect of making her mate bullet-proof in terms of career prospects – certainly at the BBC.
Countryfile now. On a fruit farm. The boss says that without seasonal workers from Europe the business would not survive. Beeboid presenter fails to ask him 3 questions :-
1. How much money do you make out of the business ?
2. How much money do you pay your workers ?
3. Why can you not get British people to do this work ?
BBC agenda ? What agenda ?
Sorry Grant – I have just hit ‘report’ by accident, mea culpa…
Meanwhile, in case the farmer still feels he needs to hire seasonal workers, what’s to say he won’t be able to post-Brexit? The difference being that they will have to be genuinely seasonal workers and not try to stay here and claim housing and medical benefits the moment they have finished picking blackberries!
Beeboids don’t ask these questions. It would be very easy to issue temporary work visas, post-brexit. I think that the OK was self-sufficient in basic foodstuffs before joining the EU. So why not again ?
We have always imported some food (not too many banana plantations in the UK) and we have often had to employ seasonal workers, long before Heath’s act of treason. We can easily do so again if we so choose. Similarly, British kids used to go to France and pick grapes.
This is just the BBC waging war on Brexit.
Yes, it is an anti-Brexit campaign. But, generally, I do not think starvation was widespread in the UK for many hundreds of years. As for bananas, I grow my own in my garden in Gambia ! Far better than the imported ones here !
The Countryfile lectures
Part 1 Sulky Heap ..”believe my anti-Brexit/Greenpeace propaganda or I’ll cry”
Part 2 Dawn French : “Look at me I’m doing Comic relief against suicide”
I think that Countryfile is generally a good programme, but the BBC cannot resist inserting their political propaganda even into that. And there is never anything about the appalling damage that the EU has done to British farming, fishing and the countryside.
So @TomHeap @AdamHenson @bbcCountryfile #MetroBubbleworld SJW missionaries

How did the Brexit-bashing #countryfile edition go down ?
pic 2, pic 3 there were lots more
See they also celebrated there’d be no Cliffe Airport, on the Thames estuary
I only watched the first 10 minutes today and then switched off. It used to be a good programme, one of the few I still watched on the BBC. But no longer.
I knew I should have put money on Suman on ‘The Big Painting Challenge’ on Beeb1. Personally, I thought David’s paintings in the final swung it. The thing is, maybe she deserved to win – art is subjective, of course – but the Pavlovian response/pre-emptive position is (with a Beeb programme of this nature) to assume positive discrimination is at work. And that’s the sad consequence of where we’ve got to. The ‘old me’ would assume she won on merit; after more years than I care to count of BBCPC indoctrination I have come to the point where I doubt the validity of a result such as this. Shame on me?
All I have to say to you is ” Bake off ” !
Meanwhile, I am watching Robotwars on 2 rather than Countryfile on BBC1. Short interview with the Emirutus Professor between fights. He tells of robots being used to fight climate change, sorry cannot remember his argument to support his theory. Probably I was just so cross thinking how the BBC brings CC into everything and thinking the esteemed Prof knows that his pay as a judge depends on toeing the BBC line.
Suspect he was talking about DRONES to monitor cliamte.
Didn’t set Twitter alight only 1 mention, and that was by a bot scannining keywords
(Emeritus Prof just means retired prof who sometimes comes to the office)
Seems it was Prof. Noel Sharkey
and on twitter he mentioned drones for monitoring climate, but that was once and 2 years ago.
He mentioned using robots to take readings in the artic to measure ice melting.
Global warming dont you know.
Someone earlier on here said that the past was another country !
Well, here’s something else to chew on. Londoners would flock to Kent for the hop, cherry and apple picking seasons, bringing their families with them and making a holiday of it. Of course it wouldn’t happen now, – just ask a typical London family i.e. a Somalian family in Tower Hamlets what an orchard is, and my point is proved.
#1 1970s Tax offices stopped people signing off for 2-3 weeks seasonal work, so people stopped.
#2 Surely we already have enough immigrants here to harvest Europe.
Already immigrants here, go off to estuaries to illegally collect cockles and mussels
“Nothing to see here; move along now” seems to be the outlook of some people to the announcement of record levels of reported hate crimes in England and Wales.
Most non-white British citizens will have faced their own personal experiences of violent discrimination.
Oh sister!, somebody won t stand for discrimination or hate … now, who is that?
Oh Its the Al BBCs Shazia Awan …. WOAH! just a cotton pickin minute
Wasn t she on the BBC Asian Network asking …
“what s the right punishment for blasphemy”?
… isn t that discriminatory Shazia?
and on this rising tide of hate crime?
are the fabricators of Tell MAMA involved?
hasn t the way these erm “crimes” are collated changed?
hasn t the criteria for what is a “hate crime” changed?
To save typing, have a look below
“This ‘epidemic’ is a product of the authorities redefining racism and prejudice to such an extent that almost any unpleasant encounter between people of different backgrounds can now be recorded as ‘hatred’. Many of these incidents were reported through True Vision, a police-funded website that allows anyone, anywhere to report something they either experienced or witnessed, anonymously if they like.
No evidence is needed. Everything is instantly logged as a hate incident.
This inevitably presents a warped view of reality.
The police’s ‘Hate Crime Operational Guidance’ now stresses that the victim’s perception is the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime. No evidence is required”.
don’t forget the LSE blog mentioned earlier,
which contradicts the “everyone hates immigrants” narrative
BBC Website. I had to laugh at that idiot Nick Clegg saying about another idiot , George Osborne , “He wants to continue being an MP in the North of England “. His constituency is in Cheshire !!!
Anything outside the M25 is the North to these cretins.
Yes , but they feel no shame about their ignorance !
My old man has the misfortune to drive trains that that slime clegg travels on. However, the man of the people that he is insists on travelling first class and kicking everyone else out of the carriage for ‘security reasons’. The man is an odious little toad.
That does not surprise me at all !
Do you not know the man can lie in five lanuages. 🙂
Not BBC but STV weeping over Chuck Berry. Seems that he had problems with “the law ” but no details given !
Our Chuck had problems with the police in his earlier career namely a sexual relationship with a 14 year old girl. Jimmy Saville must be feeling hard done by although his crime was on a massive scale compared to Chuck plus Jimmy had the protection of the BBC as well.
a qoute from the BBC News room “He give the kids what they wanted”
BBC – Bristol named best place to live in Britain
With lots of “glamorous, creative, hi-tech and professional” jobs on offer and “great” food and drink – this city “crams in all the culture you could wish for”.
“Neighbourhoods and high streets that suffer the most from crime and anti-social behaviour … in Bristol, Brighton and Derby featured in a top 10 of crime hot spots”
Bristol Post 2016 – Crime in Bristol is at a five year high with violent offences increasing the most
… ? …
“Survey says”
usually equals “PR company has something to promote”, usually real estate
I have never been to Bristol but everything I have heard about it is that it is a crap city.
Clifton is OK. Some areas make Bootle look civilised.
Does Amazon sell a ‘Sturgeon Screen Filter’?
“Historical dramas ‘limit UK black actors”
When the facts get in the way of fiction?
Ok lets remake the film ZULU, or The Battle of Waterloo , two of my favourite films. This woman is completely out of touch with reality. Perhaps she should get a real job, say as a NHS nurse, there’s plenty of diversity there ?
“Why us Sergeant?”
“Because we’re ‘ere lad.”
“Allahu Akbar!”
“A gay clergyman has accused the Anglican Church in Wales of homophobia after he was rejected for a job as a bishop.”
He’s obviously not ticking the ‘right box’. 😀
Funny how the BBC fills its anti-Christian agenda by pumping out stories of homophobia and paedophilia and misogyny in the Christian church – while remaining absolutely silent of the more rampant homophobia, misogyny and possibly paedophilia within British Mosques and Mosques elsewhere.
“Blair: Labour should reconsider Brexit stance”
What part of ‘we have voted out’ doesn’t he understand ?
He must have a vested interest in the EU?
What a plonker.
BBC London News throws out with a splash headline the news that the hateful crime of Acid Attacks are up by 70% and that a third of the increase in this horrible phenomenon is concentarted in one borough – Newham.
In contrast with the apparent increase in Hate Crimes per se the BBC seems to look for no causal factors. Perhaps BBC local news is pushed for time? Hate Crime is consistently and firmly associated with Brexit by the BBC. The lack of interest in the reasons behind the outbreak of so many Acid Attacks is odd since, unlike the figures for reported Hate Crimes which have a somewhat amorphous provenance, these Acid Attacks must be pretty straight forward to analyse. Ho hum.
Anyway, there is good news in BBC London’s second headline – seems Sharia law which was a bit… sort of sexist. Well it’s now going to be all modern and better for women who wanted a divorce and didn’t want to be forced back into their unhappy marriages. So that’s nice.
Better have a word with the BBCs Shazia “punishment for blasphemy” Awan,
she wants to highlight these hate/discrimination crimes, apparently everyone
is ignoring them.
Throwing acid in faces, holding children down and sexually mutilating them,
violently attacking Jewish people/children just because they are Jewish, should be right at the top of the list. It makes pulling a scarf, or punishing laughing at a fairy story disappear into insignificance.
Come on Shazia, get your buddies in the newspapers, radio and tv
to do a lot more, get your propaganda on Asian Network to expose this
… AND WHO the perpetrators are
Nothing to see here; move along now” seems to be the outlook of some people to the announcement of record levels of reported hate crimes in England and Wales. Most non-white British citizens will have faced their own personal experiences of violent discrimination.
Oh sister!, somebody won t stand for discrimination or hate … now then, who is that?
“This ‘epidemic’ is a product of the authorities redefining racism and prejudice to such an extent that almost any unpleasant encounter between people of different backgrounds can now be recorded as ‘hatred’. Many of these incidents were reported through True Vision, a police-funded website that allows anyone, anywhere to report something they either experienced or witnessed, anonymously if they like.
No evidence is needed. Everything is instantly logged as a hate incident.
This inevitably presents a warped view of reality.
The police’s ‘Hate Crime Operational Guidance’ now stresses that the victim’s perception is the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime. No evidence is required”.
Oh goody … talking of increase in “hate”, race hate/hate crime
Here ssssss … the anti hate guys
BBC, oops don t be silly, (can there be bias by omission?)
What a shower of fascists in the UAF (which I always delight in telling my lefty friends stands for Unite All Fascists)
This is my experience as well, the left cannot debate the issues. They are either totally ignorant of them (for this type of leftist the only point in being there is they want to be accepted as part of the ‘right on’ crowd), or will just shout “racist” at me as the ‘organiser’ did to Tommy here. No attempt to debate the issues, it’s all about bullying people to conform with their warped version of what is right.
As usual, the left has morality completely inverted.
How can we ever debate the issues with these indoctrinated bigots? It is very depressing how successful their programming has been.
7.40 radio 4 Justin Webb: ‘ the question is whether the Umuted States is a functioning liberal democracy .’
More BBC nonsense from a programme that once carried serious and reliable news and analysis .