Bit of a train wreck TODAY programme on Radio 4 from 6am onwards. The first hour probably enabled thousands upon thousands to wake up laughing this morning.
If you didn’t listen, it is worth catching up just for the ‘twins’ ages.
Totally agree up2snuff. A true Today Albeeb train wreck . But I’m addicted to the attempts to manipulate events important to the BBC make on the poor old taxpayers .
Bearing in mind it’s the 100th birthday of a True national Treasure -Dame Vera Lynn – i thought they’d do a decent job of celebrating someone who did so much to support morale in the war. If I was editor I’d have done a nice 5 minutes at the end of the programme – ( which Classic FM did) but the 2 lady editors chose a heartwarming story about a little girl saving her sisters life because of illness .
As for My Humphreys talking about caring for the elderly – sounded like he couldn’t care less and had no idea about the difficulties relatives and carers have ( been there).
Just wondering now whether my ears were working correctly this morning. Have just listened again via iPlayer to see if Catherine Stanchesson really did say “a 1 year old boy and a 2 year old girl, believed to be twins” in a report that was telling us not a lot albeit with a maximum amount of words.
Apparently not.
Or has it been ‘adjusted’ or ‘edited’ or ‘corrected’ later on before being put on iPlayer? Would the BBC do that?
I hope no one here at B-BBC minds me inserting this here.
Victoria Derbyshire – 21/03/2017
The Al BBCs daily dose of VD, sinks to the lowest gutter possible.
by getting itself in as a voyeur on the traumatic therapy sessions for the victims (and their families) of the Islamic child gang rapists in Rotherham.
Drearybyshire announces at least 1400(minimize, minimize) victims, of erm “mainly Pakistani men”
… why is a salient piece of information missing VD?
She then trumpets that the BBC Asian Network,(shakes head) had an exclusive.
Exclusive access, to the victims therapy sessions,(beyond belief!)
They then send an “Asian” reporter to get that access in on the session, to ask the parents and victim about it. VD says the “Asian Network” will be reporting on it all day.
They then flip to an Kebab shop to hear about how they are escorting children home? … because they know predatory eyes are watching them (still rampant then).
And … speak to a traumatised girl, raped multiple times by an Islamic gang who was pregnant by 12 and the paedophile’s are all now out, her family say she cannot bare to go into Rotherham through anxiety.
These are Islamic child rape gangs, from towns and cities all over the UK, estimated a million victims. Omitted by the BBC
They do not have the decency, to be sensitive to the victims or the families.
Ms Newton’s mother was a black Rhodesian. How about a period drama from the BBC, showing the way in which that country was developed, civilised and eventually betrayed? Plenty of scope there for black actors in a period drama.
No, no Grant. Being ‘Black’ (or ‘White’) is a state of mind, as race is only a social construct without any biological basis. Although in the case of White people, it is obvious a bad state of mind and one to be eradicated. I’ve read this in both The Guardian and the Idiot’s Guide to Marxism so it must be true.
Silly me. Actually now I recall that some time ago there was a white American who insisted that she felt black. Maybe we should all be allowed to be what we think we are. I was born in Hong Kong and feel that I am Chinese.
If you are talking about Rachel Dolezal, she not only insisted she was black, but was employed as the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter in Spokane, Washington.
I’m thinking of self-identifying as a Trobriand Islander, then I can acquire a string of nubile wives who spend all day pounding yams, and all night …. well, never mind.
Ric Bradford you are not up to date !
I am due to listening to BBC Trending which has a strange choice of what is priority news
“A woman who faked being black until she was outed by her parents has given herself a new Nigerian name Nkechi Diallo”
“Rachel Dolezal is now known as Nkechi Amare Diallo, which means ‘gift of god’ in the west African Igbo language, after she filed legal papers in Washington.”
Mike Wendling is a liberal activist & an idiot I met Rachel Dolezal – and never doubted her black roots
I suppose if a man can “feel” he is really a woman, and be taken seriously, then a white woman can “feel” she is black. The only thing you have to remember is that nothing makes sense any more. Oh, and that everything is the fault of white men. Everything.
I hate to be pedantic, but “Diallo” is a French transcription of the Fula name, which in their language today would be written as ” Jallow “. It is a very common name in West Africa, and not just in that tribe. In Fulani, it means ” Mahogany “. Meaning the tree and also strength. Many other meanings as well.
Nkechi is a short form of ” Nkechinyere” which is Igbo girls name for ” Gift from God ” , but it has nothing to do the Fula tribe or ” Jallow “. The problem with not only “black westerners” but the other Leftist Liberals is that they know absolutely Fuck All about African history, tribes , languages etc but just use Africans for their narrow-minded political purposes. I am going to get my coat now !
“Black” is I believe here being used as shorthand for “Not White”.
It’s not cool to be White.
It’s oppressive to be White
Whites are privileged.
Whites need to be taken down.
Whites have destroyed and subjugated other races.
Only Whites can be racist (and they all are, deep down)
So who would not want to deny their whiteness in this sort of atmosphere?
At junior school I remember the expression “there’s a touch of the tar brush” was pejorative. Now it’s a badge of honour.
Oh, and whatever happened to “of colour”? Was that expression found to be repressive in some way by the thought-police?
At least we have a past which is sufficiently complex, interesting, full of events and achievements and yes, rich in diversity of ideas and attitudes to be worth writing about. A difficult task, I should imagine, when you’ve barely changed in thousands of years.
The comparison with sport is no valid
Sport is a kind of meritocracy..if you are the best (out of a bunch of people who bother to spend their life running round and round a track) then you get to the top.
But if I’m 8 ft tall actor and I choose to specialise in 7 dwarf pantos, it doesn’t matter how good an actor I am ..I’m not going to get a part playing a dwarf.
If you are born fat then you don’t get to play thin parts.
If we brought in genetic engineering to have children with blue faces, then are we supposed to rewrite historical stories so that they too feature characters with blue faces ?
Do you not remember the invasion in 1066 by The Smurfs…
“If we brought in genetic engineering to have children with blue faces, then are we supposed to rewrite historical stories so that they too feature characters with blue faces ?”
The BBBC accept that black athletes at the elite level are better at explosive events (sprints) than whites and thus raise no fuss about the lack of diversity in these events. Natural selection in action.
Yet they display their hypocrisy when they demand that in areas where whites excel, “things must be done” to promote non-whites, saying that whites are holding them back.
What about today’s adverts being racist ?
Cos they contain a disproportionately smaller amount of white faces than exist in the population…due to media corps virtue signalling.
Black actors clearly have an unfair advantage there, yet they want historical dramas to be gerrymandered to correct an advantage whites have.
In a similar vein when R4 talked about male actors earn more than female (due as it turns out to being that action films bring in far more money, and have majority male characters) they failed to contemplate the situation for male models ..where due to the market where 90% of magazine models are female …the largest salaries are always earned by women.
R5 now discussing the topic sounds like black actor playing a general of William the Conqueror is on.
ah no it’s standup @docbrown88 Ben Bailey Smith black actor/musician speaking
“Do you think London is a bubble?”
– “well I rarely meet born and bread Londoners, like me”
Presenter is black and now he mentions when he went to the Apollo, no blacks were there.
.. Well many are often a bit ghetto-ey rather than integrationist
‘…seemed to lay the blame squarely at Brexit with the oil price an aside.’
Ticks the fake news box twice by:
1. Lying about Brexit
2. Being in denial about the stunning success of US oil fracking – remember the BBC’s Greenie 28gatemates telling us not so long ago the Saudis would break the US fracking industry by upping their production and flooding the oil market?
Still, with their 70% coverage the BBC controls the news for a helluva lot of people who will be none the wiser and continue to associate fake news with Trump and the ‘alt-right’. Ignorance is bliss for these BBC addicts until they have their inevitable waking-up moment, which will most likely come when it’s far, far too late…
The BBC do not understand economics and oil prices. But they never say anything about the human rights abuses in Saudi and all Middle East countries, except Israel, that is. Weird perverts !
‘In March 2014 it had an average daily circulation of 292,801, significantly more than The Independent but a drop of nearly 10,000 compared to the same month the previous year which was 302,757. The circulation has continued to drop, falling to 264,067 in December 2016.’
Speaking for the nation, indeed. No wonder a BBC must quote.
They still do the Indy too which, IIRC, is no longer a newspaper.
It is worth remembering and shouting from the rooftops at every possible opportunity that the Guardian is cushioned by a (depleting) cash pile which came from the sale of its stake in AutoTrader magazine.
Why is it worth shouting? Because it’s parent is the Scott Trust, resident in the Caymans, which is ok for the Guardian but not for any other company it identifies doing the same thing. You won’t see any reference to that in this article though.
A BBC Presenter, and her “Hate Crimes” concerns
“Nothing to see here; move along now” seems to be the outlook of some people to the announcement of record levels of reported hate crimes in England and Wales.
Most non-white British citizens will have faced their own personal experiences of violent discrimination.
Oh sister!, somebody won t stand for discrimination or hate … now, who is that?
Oh Its the Al BBCs Shazia Awan …. WOAH! just a cotton pickin minute
Wasn t she on the BBC Asian Network asking …
“what s the right punishment for blasphemy”?
… isn t that discriminatory Shazia?
and on this rising tide of hate crime?
are the fabricators of Tell MAMA involved?
hasn t the way these erm “crimes” are collated changed?
hasn t the criteria for what is a “hate crime” changed?
To save typing, have a look below
“This ‘epidemic’ is a product of the authorities redefining racism and prejudice to such an extent that almost any unpleasant encounter between people of different backgrounds can now be recorded as ‘hatred’. Many of these incidents were reported through True Vision, a police-funded website that allows anyone, anywhere to report something they either experienced or witnessed, anonymously if they like.
No evidence is needed. Everything is instantly logged as a hate incident.
This inevitably presents a warped view of reality.
The police’s ‘Hate Crime Operational Guidance’ now stresses that the victim’s perception is the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime. No evidence is required”
and erm …
I followed through the online registration of a ‘hate crime’ process some months ago. As you indicate (but give no evidence for), every entry appears to count as an actual ‘hate crime’. During the online registration process, it is explained to the registrant that they are under no obligation to give their personal details and if that is the registrants preference, the police can take no further action to investigate the allegations. Common sense, yes but the fatal flaw in the system is that all those who feel aggrieved at being subject to an alleged ‘hate crime’ have their submitted circumstances taken as an ACTUAL hate crime for statistical purposes without providing sufficient information for the police to investigate.
Question: What stops (for example) Islamic charities (of which there are many cashing in on the generosity of the UK Charities system), putting ’employees’ to work, simply registering hate crimes 24/7 but not including names and addresses?
The registration process is the forerunner of some system to trigger Thought Police?
Agree G. This Hate Crime legislation is in reality Justice by denunciation as practised in totalitarian regimes such as Nazi Germany. What next I wonder?
I was just about to post Soviet Union. This is all very frightening and is clearly building up to something very nasty indeed. I never thought I would see anything like this in this country. Or that I could say that there is more freedom in the New Gambia under President Barrow than here under Treezer.
I think what’s next is a system of “human rights commissions”, such as they have in Australia and Canada (I shouldn’t be surprised if Iosef Vissarionovich Sturgeon already has something similar). Basically, the commissions will perform hearings into supposed “hate crimes”. The commissions are packed with Shami-clones, i.e. the sort of people you’d expect to find on a “human rights commission”. As with “hate crimes” in general, standards of evidence are abysmal and the process is resolutely biased against the defendant.
In Canada, Mark Steyn startled the commissions (they have a federal one and one in every province, I believe) by fighting back. He was able to point out that the complainants in his case were not, in fact the true instigators; the originator of the complaint was a notoriously anti-Semitic, jihad-supporting imam. Furthermore, the article which triggered the complaint contained brief extracts from a book of his which had been widely available (and read) for two years by then, not only in Canada, but in the United States, the UK, the Irish Republic, Australia and NZ – all without previously prompting any snowflakes to bleat, “Hate cwime!”
Nobody ever successfully defended himself before a Canadian commission before Steyn, but he did. To rub the complainants’ noses in it, he published a book about the case, called “Lights Out: Free Speech and the Twilight of the West”. Subsequently, part of the worst “human rights” legislation in Canada was repealed, although Justin Trudeau seems hell bent on bringing it back again.
Incidentally, one example of the blinkered arrogance of the commissions was the way that one of the provincial commissions issued a ruling on the case, despite having no connection to it, or authority to interfere.
A recent victim of the Australian version was the cartoonist Bill Leak, who attracted the ire of the human rights industry with a cartoon and was hounded for months. The complainant turned out to be “a white Aborigine living in Germany”, who finally dropped the case. Already living in hiding, on account of muslim death threats, Bill Leak was under huge strain while being investigated for his supposed “hate crime”. He died of a heart attack, earlier this month.
G as I m sure you are aware, there are a plethora of Muslim organisations pushing the Islamofauxbia industry, they are very orchestrated … I fully take your Islamic charity point too, especially as just so many of them are so obviously dubious
its blatant, as I say to anyone immediately jumping up and down
…take your “righteous pants” off, and just scratch beneath the surface.
It’s even worse than you think, as so called ‘hate crime’ doesn’t even need a victim or a perpetrator.
Take the far left University Professor (probably didn’t need to add the ‘far left’ bit there) & self destructive Jew Joshua Silver who reported Amber Rudd for so called ‘hate speech’ over a speech she hadn’t even made & which he hadn’t even attended on the subject of immigration.
Or take the conversation with Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad which was posted a couple of weeks ago concerning a man whose fence had been damaged and who needed a crime number to claim on the insurance.
Him – Hello my fence has been damaged can I please have a crime number for the insurance.
Police – was it a hate crime?
Him – no it was probably just kids kicking a football at it
Police – so you didn’t see who did it?
Him – No I didn’t
Police – So it could have been a hate crime?
Him – It wasn’t a hate crime! Please give me the crime reference number so I can make my claim.
When you have such a concerted and desperate attempt by the PCES to produce so called ‘hate crime’ statistics when there aren’t any grounds, and when no statistics are being kept of the nature of these so called ‘crimes’ which aren’t crimes at all, then it should be obvious to anyone that they are completely valueless. Much worse than that there is no evidence of a link to anything let alone Brexit.
There has been a surge in so called ‘hate crime’ since Bexit.
Oh yeah? Well there’s been a surge in hate crime since Leicester City won the league cup!
“Unlike some far-right parties elsewhere in Europe, the PVV has no neo-Nazi roots. It’s loud in its support for gay and women’s rights. It promotes itself as a strong defender of Holland’s Jewish community. Is its ideology just an opportunistic mishmash? Or does it make some sense in a Dutch context? Searching for Henk and Ingrid, Tim Whewell sets off through Dutch “flyover country” – the totally un-photogenic satellite towns and modern villages that tourists, and Holland’s own elite, rarely see.”
There is certainly very little tolerance shown by the presenter as he virtually screams at interviewees that they can’t ‘say that Dutch culture is better’ or when given the one word ‘Rotherham’ by a very calm left-wing Dutchman bemoaning the lack of (left-wing)female protest marches, shouts back ‘that is racist’.
Later, in his search for the Dutch ‘John & Jane Smith’ he ‘accidently’ finds that the house is now occupied by a “charming” couple of recent immigrants. Perhaps the Wilders household is equally ‘charming’ to a vistor with positive predjudices?
If nothing else it was fascinating to hear these BBC ‘liberal’ views being openly expressed. Personally I don’t start from a basis of hating any peoples. If a tribe on the other side of the world wants to roast unwanted girl children over an open fire then that is for them – I would ‘tolerate’ it but I wouldn’t approve of it. I would also assert that ‘we’ do things better and without apology. Yet the BBC liberal sees nothing wrong in importing an alien culture, the swamping of the local culture and then refuses to state the facts about the new situation because that would be ‘racist’.
As ‘someone’ said: “We must be mad, literally mad,..”
My blood boils when issues worthy of sensible debate and discussion are emasculated by incompetence, whether by accident or design. We had two in quick succession on Toady this morning.
First, and btw news masquerading as a bBBC programme advert, we had an issue about Home Care. Which is care for the elderly in their own homes. But Humphries kept mixing this up with Care Homes and, as usual for the statist BBC, managed to ignore completely those hundreds of thousands of people with assets over £23000 who have to self-fund and so for whom the ensuing discussion was all but irrelevant. Opportunity lost.
Next, we had a rare and welcome short section on the appalling state of the country’s roads. Turns out that over 3 times as much money is spent on rail as roads even though 90% of journeys are by road. Socialist redistribution on an epic scale. But it still isn’t enough. A spokesman for the CPRE seemed to want roads to go back to their state in 1925 and seemed to assume everyone lives right next door to a train station and presumably no-one has families to shop for, visit, take around etc. I guess we are all supposed to go by bus with our kids to do the weekly supermarket shop. Totally unreal, but jovial Humphries was absolutely not going to give the CPRE dinosaur a hard time.
Opportunity lost again.
Totally useless biased BBC.
The Tories need to ask themselves what benefit the BBC is to the country and why should it get preferential treatment. The BBC charter of course requires that the BBC is impartial but it has flagrantly disregarded this requirement for decades. Presently the government is supposedly embarked on Brexit, but I have my doubts about their commitment , otherwise why do they tolerate such naked pro Remain bias from the BBC. My suspicion is that a basically Remain government is trying to find a way of overturning the referendum result that can in some way be sold to the people as being democratic. In other words we are just seeing a long charade by the establishment being played out before our eyes so that we don’t get too upset when we are denied what we voted for.
What else does the BBC do that the government requires? In my view the BBC has been the cornerstone of all governments immigration policies for the past 30 years . All Uk parties, apart from perhaps UKIP, have agreed , perhaps with different degrees of enthusiasm, that mass immigration is here to stay. I cannot understand why they should take this lunatic course of action but they have. They can legislate to force the host population to accept this highly dangerous policy but they can’t change hearts and minds by legislation. So they have used the BBC to attempt to change hearts and mind for them . I think everyone will agree that this has been the main theme running through all BBC output for the last 30 years. This gives the BBC protection from all parts of the political spectrum and why the Tories give them free rein despite their overt leftist bias.
Of course the immigration policy is undemocratic , the hosts were never consulted, and one sided, the hosts make the changes , see their way of life changed, their history and culture trashed, but the immigrants are allowed to carry on as if in their home countries, except they receive tax payers money to fund their lives. This happens right across the West where the lifestyles of host populations are being sacrificed on the alter of mass immigration. Why are our leaders intent on destroying our way of life? The only answer is Globalisation. Our leaders have all agreed that their long term goal is a world without nations , or barriers, a monoculutral world . Tony Blair Said as much on the Marr show yesterday. Us ordinary folks need not be consulted. I am interested how they are going to persuade Muslims that this is a good idea unless of course they see an Islamic world ahead. Grandiose nonsense is all it is but what a price we are having to pay for these false prophets to strut their stuff.
Excellent summary. “an Islamic world ahead “. Which is what it will be. It is a mystery why the Left elite want this , unless they are genuinely too stupid to see the outcome. And why they have such love for a religion which is essentially evil.
Once someone has bought into (or been taught) the notion that “we are all equal”, they are faced with the problem about why some people/societies succeed and others fail. The only answer can be oppression and injustice.
So the Left is completely bound to vilifying Oppressors, that is, anyone who is successful, and trying to promote Victims, that is, anyone who is a failure.
That is why the Left must oppose the British way of life (which has proven very successful over centuries) and must support failed ideologies such as Islam, or any other balkanising influence which will destroy the Oppressors — the Christians, white people, men, capitalists, and anybody who actually does anything for a living.
So very true. The left cannot stand the idea that success in a free society is mostly usually achieved through talent and hard work. The losers in the world have therefore lost because they were oppressed and denied opportunities by the winners.
Hence the fatuous “prizes for all” in schools so that no-one has to feel they are a failure. They might feel good about the token prize but that won’t make them improve, and they’ll still keep losing in the real world.
Your final sentence identifies the problem for the ‘Globalists’ yet they fail to recognise it. Prima facie, the strength of the Islamic movement is, in fact, stronger (and numerically) than the mercenary Globalists cause but the Globalists press on irrespective and continually denying any fault with Islam. I think the two are utterly incompatible. Indeed, the principle goals and pursuance of Globalism is absolutely ‘music’ to the ears of Islam which currently, cadges a lift on the back of to ultimately achieve their own cult aims. Globalism, as a specie of a Mass Movement, will cease thoroughly only when Islam use up all it can offer them. Globalism represents one goal: the complete dilution of all peoples irrespective of race, colour or religion. That is totally alien to the remit of Islam. It is also a Globalists impossible dream. The social experiment will fail at which point, Islam will jump of the free vehicle and, ‘go-it-alone’. By then, compliments of the Globalists, they will have enough power to overwhelm any opposition without a shot having been fired.
‘This happens right across the West..’ and nowhere else oddly enough. Global corporations want cheap labour but rely on native workers to subsidize the minimum wages & dole of immigrants. I’m unclear on why the Corporates think they can quickly turn 3rd world populations into dutiful productive western style citizens. But then they don’t have to worry about the fallout when economies collapse – they just move somewhere else for their labour.
The Religion of Peace countries and other failed nations get to offload surplus bodies (and criminals) and receive hard currency sent back, and of course the Jihad project can keep working away in the background.
Western soft left leaders who grimace at the thought of patriotism think this is a jolly good idea, and are in the pocket of shadowy forces anyway. And the voters, dumbed down by years of leftist propaganda, scolded year on year for being racist – keep voting in the same old shysters who effectively despise their own citizens.
It’s hard to say if this is all a deliberate plan that dates from years ago (Kalergi etc) or whether events just panned out that way, but the Cultural Marxism deconstruction of western societies is very real and still very pernicious.
Globalists want open borders and cheap labour, because if you are (or aspire to be) in the top 1% international super rich class, it doesn’t matter to you how many communities are destabilised or whether welfare systems can cope. You are insulated from it. If they even bother to consult anyone else about it, it will be politicians and NGOs in the thrall of marxism, who will agree with anything that goes against western national identity.
People in general are conservative and stick with what they know – this applies also to so-called ‘progressives’, many of whom are still stuck in a 1960s mindset where welfare is bottomless and immigration consists of a few wide-eyed, grateful refugees who will work hard, pay taxes and vote for left-wing policies, and the EU is a wonderful institution that has prevented war since 1945. This I believe to be a fairly common view amongst the Guardianista/lower ranking BBC/charity/NGO type people. They are not hard-core marxists but they are the rank and file of those who promote open borders immigration and globalism, without really understanding what its effects are.
‘…the hosts make the changes , see their way of life changed, their history and culture trashed, but the immigrants are allowed to carry on as if in their home countries….’
Meanwhile, back in their home countries, life carries on in it’s timeless, immigration-lite, illiberal, monocultural way.
Remind me again, which countries need to be more ‘inclusive’ and ‘tolerant’?
Look at any TV programme showing the teeming masses in Pakistan or India. Where is the diversity?
Where is the wailing of the BBBC about this catastrophe that will surely condemn these xenophobic societies to a non-vibrant un-enriched gruesome death spiral?
Sat down last night to watch the great British Paint-off (or something similar) The winner was a woman and an ethnic. Not a bad artist but in the final she painted her father who was so out of proportion he looked as if he had microcephalis.
The best artist in the final was a white male.
Then caught up with Vera. ITV maybe but the same PC malaise. All her male colleagues come up with stupid suggestions and it is up to the now compulsory “women in a wheelchair” to solve the crime.
Men? Just “rip them off like a plaster” according to Amanda Redman in The Good Karma Hospital.
The compulsory ‘woman in a wheelchair’ I think was also a mainstay in Eastenders, so clearly getting work ! Perhaps she could advise Thandie Newton on what to do !!
Strangely it doesn’t appear to have sunk in with our ethnic actor friends that this is a mainly white country (so far anyway), so there is never going to be an equal share of parts available for that community. Do we ever hear complaints from white actors bemoaning the lack of parts in Bollywood or Nollywood – the Nigerian Film Industry ? It never works the other way does it.
Accidentally switched over to Victoria Derbyshire this morning.
A piece about the failings of the Child Support Agency featured a cartoon of a traditional ‘British’ family – brown/black mother, brownish child, white father. Typically, the white father waved goodbye at the viewer and vanished.
OK, compared to the informative, well-considered contributions on this site it’s a minor gripe, but it’s yet another example of the drip, drip drip…
Major hate crime incident on R4 Start the Week around 9:30 This morning
‘So heart surgery is stressful”
Scunthorpe born heart surgeon Stephen Westaby replied
“Yes it’s tough
…. if you’ll forgive me you don’ get many ladies in this business”
@BBCRadio4 #starttheweek Heart Surgeon suggesting it’s a job women can’t do – NOBODY challenged this statement. Despite 2 women on prog
Listening to @BBCRadio4 and Stephen Westaby #surgeon who announces unchallenged that heart s. is not for women. Brilliant guy but a blocker
Meanwhile Victoria has just reminded us of Jo Cox and says she’ll be talking about death threats to 54 MPs.
…. I suspect Farage gets 54 death threats every day/week
Jeremy Vine told a hypothetical tale last week on his programme about a patient speaking to their consultant and getting a response – “She might say to you…”
Brave Jeremy doesn’t make the ‘error’ of assuming that a doctor at the top of the profession is most likely male so invents a fictitious female to signal his own virtue.
Farming Today this morning was: Germain Greer on Post Brexit Agriculture. Apparently she is passionate about food production and about rural issues. Wonder how this went down outside of “Ambridge”.
They’re doing a week of special as I mentioned previously
“special week of programmes on exploring the environmental and farming opportunities that will come with Brexit”
featuring a line-up of special guests.
Princess Anne, Germaine Greer, Jay Rayner and Sir Tim Smit (Eden Project) (which collects a subsidy of £20/patron)
* Tim Martin (Weatherspoons) Wed 22 March *
Farming Today this morning was: Germain Greer on Post Brexit Agriculture. Apparently she is passionate about food production and about rural issues. Wonder how this went down outside of “Ambridge”. Made me laugh all morning, I say we need more diversity, more bulls should be milked and to ensure diversity on every pasture, we also need to ensure farmers avoid predominantly white cows on the fields.
Ben Thompson is on talking about Facebook now activated a tool which flags up fake stories
– Says it works on the “Irish slaves were taken to the US” story ..hen you post it on your friends wall it gets marked wit a “this is fake tag”
I might take to clipping a tag over BBC shares “This comes from BBC News so is probably misleading”
Hi all
Sorry to be thick but how do I incorporate a photo into a post?
Copy and paste in GIF, BPM, PNG, or JPG formats doesn’t seem to work.
Grateful for assistance.
#1 If Image already exists, then right click it and select copy img URL
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“EU nationals registering as nurses dropped 92% since Brexit.”
Tweets the once great Ben Goldacre nephew of Australia’s #1 Climate Nut the ABC’s Robyn Williams.
Deception by omission surely
If you mention that recent law changes and coming law changes effect the graph.
“EU nurses face new English language checks” BBC News Jan 2016
“Patient safety could improve following Brexit, because European nurses coming to work in the UK may be required to take more skills tests in the same way applicants from the rest of the world do, the head of the nursing regulator has said.” last week
Raedwald makes interesting comments on this story.
“No mention is made of normal staff ‘churn’ – usually 10% a year. Of 21,000 EU NHS nurses, we should expect that 2,100 leave each year; that gives us 600 EU nurses a year over the norm that are quitting. That’s 0.05% of all NHS staff. Worth a headline?”
Breaking : Article 50 to be triggered March 29th Wednesday
T May just appeared on screen making announcement
Sir Tim Barrow has informed the office of Donald Tusk of the UK’s intention to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty on March 29 2017.
(Only 1 tweeter put out this news 2 days ago
@minefornothing Mar 18
UK to trigger Article 50 on March 29 – Sources
Same guy just Predicted
“Rumour: Snap UK election on 4th May”)
Within 10 mins BBC2 carried a clip of a farmer saying “Like Rome, this is the ending of civilisation, and I mean it”*
sure you do luv ..I’ll get you a cup of tea
*video From Farming Today doco (strange cos its a Radio show)
Did the BBC ask him how much he makes personally out of EU subsidies and why agriculture should be subsidised at all ? There have been no subsidies in New Zealand for decades.
Countryfile a few weeks ago had Adam (I think) in NZ. Adam was rebuffed by the NZ farmers when he suggested that losing subsidies would be a terrible problem.
The Kiwis’ attitude was just to knuckle down and work hard to compensate and STOP WHINING!
This is the head of Ofcom, appointed two years ago, and now overseeing the BBC. Although she is clearly very intelligent and capable, she is a Completely politically correct monster, who cannot see that PC is hated by the British people, but will force it through anyway.
Hopefully this kind of approach will lead to the further degradation of the BBC and its eventual demise, as viewers desert its output in ever greater numbers.
In the meantime however we cannot expect Ofcom to uphold any complaints on left wing biased, as it is now terminally compromised, probably worse than the BBC trust was.
One thing every reader is surely aware of, is that government oversight bodies simply don’t work, largely because they like to appoint well meaning but hopelessly ineffective apparatchiks to run them, pay them an enormous salary (White is on close to £300K) and expect them not to rock the boat.
Your URL is not a telegraph URL
I wonder if you’d come off a Google search so ended up with a Google URL
instead of a Telegraph one.
I hope you are not judging that she is a racist cos of the colour of her skin
… cos that would be racist.
That doesn’t stop SJW’s labelling all white people as racist.
“they like to appoint well meaning but hopelessly ineffective apparatchiks to run them”. Actually they are a breed amongst themselves. I have dealt extensively over the years with such as Ofcom, Ofwat and Ofgem and most of the others for business purposes including those involved in so-called, “Consumer Rights” (I’ll tell a story about them another time!).
I’d like a £ for every-time I have called to speak to a named contact only to be told that he/she has taken up another, “appointment” elsewhere but with another, ‘Regulator’. Jobs never advertised as I see it. Jobs for the boys certainly from within their own clique. I always use the analogy that the people’s “Rights” are illusory: if you seriously scratch the surface of any “Regulator”, you find the surface coating is a very thin veneer with nothing beneath it.
I’m afraid the UK has a far more extensive and deep swamp to drain than is immediately apparent.
“Actually they are a breed amongst themselves. I have dealt extensively over the years with such as Ofcom, Ofwat and Ofgem and most of the others for business purposes including those involved in so-called, “Consumer Rights””
You’re right, G, it’s just window dressing to make the consumer feel protected.
In practice there’s only one way to do this – allow people to take their money somewhere else – and I mean somewhere genuinely independent, not part of some cosy cartel.
“One thing every reader is surely aware of, is that government oversight bodies simply don’t work,..”
But they do work – once you realise that their true purpose is to insulate the government minister who used to be responsible in pre-‘Of’ days from any criticism. None of them represent the interests of the public.
For instance it should be obvious that standing charges for energy make price comparison harder so why did Ofgem make them mandatory? It should be equally obvious that nuisance phone calls should be banned but Ofcom just shrugs its shoulders and passes the buck. They all claim to be in favour of competition but it is the competition of apples versus pears, impossible to make a comparison. If they served the public we would have a standard ‘apple’ for each market. We understood these things back in the day when the imperial pint and foot were defined.
We used to call them facades, giving the impression that they were there to do something, but in reality there was nothing behind them.
Much of the time under BLiar it was downright deceit, to meet the requirements of EU or ‘uman rights law while in reality doing nothing.
Despite all the bluster about equalities law Blairs Fascists lost one case where it was found that the UK had ‘no effective anti discrimination legislation’ an almost unbelievable finding when you consider the amount of hate & bile the left spew about this subject.
Why can’t domestic electricity and gas be priced like petrol?
There would be an online “forecourt” displaying each suppliers’ unit price that day. Consumers could order and pre-pay for their desired quantity of units online. When the consumer’s purchased “stock” is running low, he / she could return to the online forecourt and buy more from whichever supplier they fancy on that day.
I don’t have to sign up for an account with Shell to supply petrol for my car. So why should I have to sign up with EDF to supply leccy / gas for my home?
In similar vein, why does my mobile phone company require me to guess in advance which of its baffling abundance of tariffs will work out cheapest for me?
Surely at billing time it could deploy its massive computing power to work out which tariff would give me the lowest bill based on my actual usage during that billing period, then apply that tariff.
And despite its name BBCTrending continues to ignore stories that are trending
…in favour of smaller stories they can build narratives around
eg today Transgender women in Africa .. But a less noticed discussion has been the pained one among gay and transgender Nigerians. BBC Trending has been speaking to the leading voices.
– Adichie, a best-selling Nigerian novelist and outspoken feminist..on Channel 4 News
“I think if you’ve lived in the world as a man with the privileges the world accords to men,..”
– one of Adichie’s most vocal critics is London-based, Nigerian transgender model Miss Sahhara,
“Ahhhhh, I am fuming, these TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) feminists always think they are above all women who don’t fit into their narrative of what a woman should be.”
“What happened to being inclusive and tolerant of all women, no matter their life histories?” telling gay men that the have privilege over lesbians in countries where the police enforce anti-gay laws.
“Ahhhhh, I am fuming, these TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) feminists always think they are above all women who don’t fit into their narrative of what a woman should be.”
Hopefully, they will all soon be lost in their own moral maze, never to be seen or heard from again…
I am a small-time investor in a VCT and have just received the annual report to 30 November 2016. Interesting reading for anoraks like me. The Chairman’s Statement talks about uncertainties over Brexit but markets, including AIMS, have been resilient. His main concern seems to be the dithering of the government although he doesn’t put it like that.
The NAV of my VCT has gone up about 10% , partly through a new issue which took place after the referendum.
I looked at the whole AIMS market and funds raised post-referendum are running at the same level as the year pre-referendum.
So , generally, no sign of panic and good news. Maybe, the BBC should report it , if they had anyone who has a clue what I am talking about !
I suppose we’ll now have to suffer two years of relentless anti-Brexit propaganda from the BBC, CH4 and Sky News UK. *sigh*. These people – who happen to control every lever of culture, media and the arts – are just going to double-down and make life intolerably miserable for everyone. They really don’t want to accept Brexit and they are going to do everything in their power to undermine it – and any chance of success it might have. For them, this is an ideological thing – they saw democracy deliver an answer they didn’t want and because they are only in favour of democracy when it serves their purposes they don’t consider the referendum vote in any way valid.
More than that, the EU was central to their long term political agenda (multiculturalism, immigration, common purpose, the so-called ‘climate change’ panic, a ‘borderless’ Europe, their continued domination of the narrative in media, government and education, etc… the list is pretty exhaustive). For decades, regressives have been building themselves what they considered an impregnable citadel of ‘social democracy’ (Marxism by any other name), with a stranglehold on Western European government, media, education and culture. Brexit is an existential threat to all of this.
Liberal tears, for the next two years. And these people can be pretty vicious. They know how name-calling can be weaponised, how the media can be recruited to foster misdirection and ‘fake news’ to serve their narrative. They are masters at this, so expect a full-on assault every step of the way towards our eventual Brexit.
Top post ! Of course, it does not have to take as long as 2 years ! And who knows what shape the EU will be in even 1 year ? The signs for the EU are not good.
Totally agree. There has been Lots of discussion recently about what constitutes a mandate and what doesn’t, hard or soft Brexit, a second Scottish Independence referendum , Mrs May not being elected etc etc. What is clear beyond all doubt is that the BBC has no mandate to be extreme in its Remain bias. Indeed if anything it should be tilting towards Leave as over half its LF payers voted that way. If ever a government had a reason and justification , indeed a mandate, to clip the wings of the hated corporation , the present government has one now. They won’t use it though for the reasons given in an earlier post today. I hope everyone who voted a Leave is sick to death of being insulted by the supercilious BBC and joins a License Fee payers strike. If the government darent touch the sacred cow of the BBC those of us who fund it will have to do it ourselves.
Today is International Day of Happiness, sponsored by Ken Dodd. BBC website reports that Norway is the happiest place on earth. Well, I can think of one reason why !
Your Britain different from his Britain, and his and his etc.
The BBC is as bad as the f-ckin Tories divide up, divide up.
We need a Westminster clear out, a BBC clear out back to something that
is representative of our nation.
… “drain the swamp!”
So 5Live how did the LIVE vox pop go from the streets of Peterborough ?
2:35 to 3pm
The children of past immigrants basically complained about things changing too fast as modern immigration is out of control.
“Streets where men stare at women” (not Asian men, but some kind of east Europeans)
The ignorance of the people on @bbc5live is astounding. They still blame immigration for all their problems. Radio going off.
I really thinks it’s time for the diversity department at the BBC to go a stage further
in their development. When we need to speak to our bank we get put through to a call centre in India where Aanandamayee tells you that she will be your advisor. You then start a conversation where she finds it difficult to understand you and vica-versa. You cant say
Aanandamayee please repeat this, because you have no idea what her name is.
I think for the sake of increased diversity that this is how all the Asian news readers and reporters should talk. If we can have all the reporters from the Irish Republic speaking in strong Irish brogues and the likes of Steff McGovern trying to make herself as inaudible as possible to us southern softies. Why not those from the sub continent or
Burma or Thailand,The Lebanon, and all points east speaking say like Gupta, the train driver from Kenneth Moore’s film ” North West Frontier. ” Now that is what I would call real diversity. Come on BBC Diversity dept. I know you are up for it!!
The bastards who pose as BT, Talk Talk, et al “technical” depts., who ring you to tell you your broadband, has downloaded a virus, (do I sound 24 hours old?) do not speak better English than the Brits, G. They are not very good at customer service either when told that they are not who they claim to be but thieves and liars and asked if their families know how they make a living. Had three of these calls in one day last week, makes one wonder how they manage to get so much info on users’ accounts. Strange how they all seem to have Anglo Saxon names though.
Yes, this is normal practice. They are usually working for other companies who are working a scam to get your business. The instigators would appear to be other UK based companies.
I had this trouble with fraudulent supposed Talktalk people anxious to help me. Eventually I changed my telephone number and since then have had not one such call. The Talktalk list of subscribers must have been leaked by an employee, but the current list seems safe so far.
Quentin Letts – Daily Mail has written a good article in today’s edition.
He is spot on with this……….
“Millions of youngsters have been left uneducated about Easter. Their teachers are either too indolent to bother or they are in hock to Left-wing multiculturalist dogma which regards Christian teaching as some sort of insult to minorities.
As a result of that mad, culturally suicidal philosophy, Christianity has been repressed and eclipsed while Islam (foreign, ergo good, so far as the self-hating multicultural lobby is concerned) has been encouraged. The BBC’s last two heads of religious broadcasting have been Muslim. Says it all about the Beeb really.
…….One survey of children aged 6 to 10 found that 25% thought Easter was an anniversary of the invention of chocolate. Less than half knew it was a celebration of Christ’s resurrection. !
The whole thing is bizarre. Can anyone imagine any broadcaster in a muslim country, appointing a christian as Head of Religious Broadcasting ? The BBC are mentally deranged.
No – they know exactly what they are doing. They were taught how to do this at university by their Marxist lecturers who, instead of educating them, groomed them into becoming narcissistic, selfish, censorious ‘activists’ (which is what 99% of universities are now doing) for what they call the ‘progressive’ cause (Marxism). We ended up with a muslim running Religious Broadcasting because that was the plan.
True, but do none of them really see the outcome of all of this ? It is self-destruction . The Islamofascists will not spare some BBC, Islington gay boys.
I still find it beyond belief.
I don’t think education these days includes any idea of identity or a sense of the history of the British isles or Christianity in general. The BBC certainly doesnt.
Therefore the average person does not look into the future and relate it to pride in our past.They probably won’t even realise what happened when Islam dominates their lives. BBC Bias at it’s very best Today “impartially” explores the impact of Brexit on Farming. It interviews no farmers but instead finds a dutch born archaeologist turned musician, who founded a EU funded project who says we are facing the “end of civilisation”. BBC Bias at it’s very best Today “impartially” explores the impact of Brexit on Farming. It interviews no farmers but instead finds a dutch born archaeologist turned musician, who founded a EU funded project who says we are facing the “end of civilisation”.
Angus oil accuse BBC of FakeNews
In today’s story about Agus Oil drilling a sidewell in January, which the BBC claimed was a new well which needs new planning perm
1. A BBC Environmental correspondent claimed Angus Energy ‘breached’ planning permission granted by the Surrey County Council (SCC).
2. Did you? Of course not.
3. But the Council told the BBC” ‘We were extremely disappointed to find out that Angus Energy has acted without planning permission and contrary to our advice and guidance so we are meeting with them this week as a matter of urgency to resolve this.” We believe this report was deeply flawed. It violated BBC’s own editorial guidelines. We will have more to say on this after we file our complaint with the BBC Director General and OFCOM.
4. Well is it true, did you act without planning permission? No.
10. Will you ever use Hydraulic Fracturing known as “fracking” at Brockham or in the Weald? No.
Friends! The Far-Right Guardian is obviously getting very rattled by my Progressive Left message!
It has viciously censored the piece I wrote there this afternoon in support of Zoe Williams’ very wise and thoughtful piece, in which she argued that we on the Progressive Left should now back Our Boy George – formerly the widely-hated Far-Right racist neoliberal Gidiot – literally all the way
Fortunately, I kept a copy before it was removed, which can be found, as usual, in my Blog:
Glad you enjoyed that, Grant! Have to admit, I’ve used that line a few times before (including with Polly), but never tire of using it. And so btw I don’t think that’s necessarily the reason why my piece was taken down, though I really don’t know what was, as it wasn’t really any more outrageous than usual …
Just got an update from BBC News saying there has been ‘confirmation of possible links’ between Trump and Russia. A definite possibility, like pretty much anything. I could confirm that it is possible that I will win the lottery. FAKE NEWS.
I read it that Comey has confirmed that there is an investigation on going
but NOT that he has found grounds for investigation.
Do you think BBC is being slippery with words ?
Detail : “FBI director James Comey has confirmed for the first time that the FBI is investigating alleged Russian government interference in the 2016 election.”
Called BBCbreaking cos it breaks the truth to smithereens, so that the narrative can be built up.
It’s weird how Al Beeb continue to obsess about Russia’s supposed interference in the US election without actually describing the nature of that interference e.g. repeatedly on R4 Today this morning.
My understanding is that Russian hackers revealed information about corporate sponsorship of Clinton’s campaign (e.g. by paying absurdly inflated fees for speeches, and donating millions to the Clinton “Foundation”) that she would have preferred to keep quiet.
Is that what Al Beeb is referring to, or do they mean something else? And why won’t they spell it out?
This on the BBC website today:
“Dozens of crimes against MPs reported”
A police team created to handle crimes against MPs has dealt with 53 complaints since the murder of Jo Cox.
The Met’s parliamentary liaison and investigation team saw cases of hate-filled messages, harassment and criminal damage between August and early February.
Rachael Maskell, Labour MP for York Central, received threats from far-right supporters and had a picture of a body with a severed head mailed to her.
She said: “It is the vile views of individuals who at one point indicated that I should be next to be murdered after Jo Cox.
Lib Dem chief whip Tom Brake said MPs had become targets on social media sites such as Twitter.
“I would suspect every single member of Parliament has received this abuse. Perhaps the issue of Brexit will have been the one which will have drawn that out in recent times.
And that is it!
Not a hint, not one word about the elephant herd in the room.
I’ll say no more.
When the media was busy pointing at
London celebs being abused on Twitter
5,000 girls were being physically abused in bedrooms of Rotherham and other towns.
I see that in the Times Correction column of the Times
It says David Aaronovitch accused Steve Howell of raising his fists to fight when they were arguing as students. Steve Howell says the event bevr happened.
That kind of thing happens in the newspaper all the time.
If KThopkins was expected to pay £5K for a tweet that existed for 2 hours then how much do you pay for something left for 1 week ?
BBC1 Yorks 7:30pm
One of the victims of the Rotherham abuse scandal reveals her identity for the first time
channel 957 On Sky I think
Also feautures – brain drain of Olympic-level coaches, + famous photographic hoax – the Cottingley fairies.
Formerly known as victim Jessica @jessicajay1400 : She’s Sammy and the interview is intercut with further comments from her sister.
Befriended at 14 by a 24 year old Asian crook and gave birth to a boy at 15
At their first meeting she claimed to be 16, but he got her to confess to being 14.
Her parents went to police after the first week, but they said they couldn’t do anything. Seemed to claim that sometimes when the police came to arrest him fro crime, she was in bed with him.
She dropped out of school …emjoyed being groomed, but then control and violence came in.
Unable to cope he parents thought the best thing was to place her in care, but she kept running away back to the abuser.
He was sentenced for 35 years for abusing many girls over a 20 yr period.
– She thinks Rotherham can only move forward when the professionals are prosecuted/held accountable.
She was not surprised that there were 1,400 vicitms and thinks today many victims are still walking the streets and will get away with it.
She believes it’s still happening in Rotherham, but way better than before. Thought Operation Clover detectives were the best.
7:30 BBC’s “Inside Out regional variations use Sky 960s to find channels
East : Collapse in contract for older people’s healthcare in 2015
East Midlands
#EmptyHomes @ActionEmpty
London : the man who gave up his life in London to help people in war-torn Syria.
North East
Why has the boss leading the north east’s flagship hospital trust disappeared?
life-saving stocks from running dry?
two fledgling Tyneside medics
drainpipes as prosthetic limbs.
Loneliness Club, Lancaster Canal, see the canal in a different way.
Report on impact of Spice on city centre rough sleepers & beggars
the Shelter Bus on the IOW breaking the circle of homelessness Isle of Wight,
+ WWII air crash mystery in the south, just weeks before D-Day.
South East
Brighton Taxi Drivers Oppose The Arrival Of Uber, problem of Taxi drivers crossing border
Should sex offenders be on the register for life?
+ man from Bexhill who survived breast cancer.
South west
are being adequately protected from offenders on probation, and how the Isles of Scilly cope with a cruise ship invasion.
young man from the West Country who risked his life to travel to Syria to fight Islamic State.
+ investigation into the rise in knife crime in Gloucester
+ remembering Peter Powell, the flamboyant kite inventor who out-sold Lego.
West Mids
long-term impact of head injuries in sport. football authorities of dragging their feet.
Twitter also mentions, but doesn’t give region
– The dogs helping save African animals from poachers
– knife crime.
– mummy_bloggers
– British Medical Cannabis
That SE item : Girl groomed as football trainee by Chelsea youth trainer in Kent.
He send the 12 year old lewd photo of himself, then others
She started to self harm. Left phone photos for parents to find.
No talk of any actual abuse.
Sex offences register is not for life.
Expert made the point that if offender don’t see a path to rehabilitation and having name removed, that can push them into a dark world
Added re-offending rate is only 12%
The coach was given a caution and 2 year registration. He then changed his name.
A few weeks ago, I posted about the BBC’s trigger warnings. The third series of G. F. Newman’s The Corrupted on R4, for example, a tale of political and police misconduct in the ’70s, merited a pre-broadcast announcement that the drama contained ‘attitudes and language prevalent at the time’. Bad, then. A single drama in the same slot a few days later, set in the Black Caribbean diaspora in Britain, one of whose characters referred to another as ‘a retard’, merited no such warning. Not offensive, apparently.
So I was bemused this afternoon to read an article in the Guardian on the introduction of an autistic character in Sesame Street. The author is Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, a social-justice warrior marginally less annoying than Jack Monroe and Laura Penny. Her qualifications for the gig are that her brother had autism, seemingly at the severe end of the spectrum. The other children in the village in which they grew up were unforgiving:
They would imitate the hooting noises he made and flap their hands, and there were frequent slurs of ‘mong’, ‘spaz’ and ‘retard’. Even now, over a decade later, the use of the latter in casual conversation—often by otherwise kindly and affable people—feels like a punch in the gut.
The broadcast arm and the print division at odds, then. Still, at least we can conclude what was obvious at the time about the BBC’s identity-politics league table. Racial and homophobic slurs? Clutch your handbag. Slurs about learning disabilities? Fill your boots.
All this ‘hate/thought’ crime nonsense. Is it not hate crime when they say the judiciary or the Oscars is too white? Imagine saying medicine is too brown, that would be a hate crime of epic proportions.
If the voters of Tatton aren’t happy for Osborne to edit The Standard and advise Blackrock then they can vote him out at the next election. Like Auberon Waugh, I think that MPs should be encouraged to spend as little time as possible at the House of Commons: it’s when they’re legislating that they cause the most trouble.
Osborne’s appointment as editor is a PR stunt and the paper will actually be “ghost edited” on his behalf. Nevertheless, Al Beeb has obligingly given the Standard hours of free advertising by whining about it.
Whatever it might have been in the past, nowadays The Standard is a dreary freesheet, obsessed with celebs and shopping, and riven with “advertorial”. The only commuters who read it are those who can’t get data on their mobile device. It doesn’t matter very much at all who edits it.
Balance? Al Beeb hacks have been obsessing over this because (a) it’s a “media” story and they work in the media; and (b) frankly, they are green with envy: Ozza has landed an ostensibly senior job in the meeja without having had to make the tea in low-paid junior roles or salute the PC Totem Pole. Not to mention his £650K on the side from Blackrock.
BTW if that’s now the “going rate” for “top talent” then Al Beeb’s own James Purnell (on a mere £300K) is surely due a raise…
Osborne always was a sleazebag. I wonder if his new job has anything to do with the owner being Lebedev and Osborne’s ” Russian Connections ” . Nod nod, wink wink.
I see the MSM are today pushing the narrative that Britain is under threat from “far right groups”. ITV news with their secret footage of alleged NA meetings.
Shows secret filming of blokes learning to defend themselves from knife attacks (as opposed to Muslims firing AK 47’s into the air and burning flags!).
When are they going to wake up and realise where the real threat lies?
All msm are similar to the BBC in many respects . Their attempts to portray an equivalence between far right groups and Islamic terrorism are surely not going to convince many people . The look of disgust on the ITV newsreaders face when she closed this item was notable . I’ve never seen such a display when Islamic terrorism is reported on.
The fact is that someone is eventually going to have to confront and defeat Islam in our country. Maybe it will be white working class street groups, especially if those in power won’t take effective action . No one should be surprised . And rather than look disgusted , white middle class newsreaders should think about the prospects for their grandchildren in an Islamist ghettoised Britain where no go areas will close off most cities to them and there will be white flight to gated communities .
The ITN report tried to create a link between a group called National Action , that I have to say I had never heard of, and is banned, and Thomas Mair who shot St Jo Cox. Apparently Mair shouted a National Action slogan at some point.
I don’t think any active link between Mair and Right Wing groups other than having leaflets has ever been shown . Moreover the guys secretly filmed in a Derbyshire Village Hall by ITN being trained in self- defence, were hardly my definition of terrorists . They may have been secret members of National Action but I would repeat, where is the equivalence with say the 7/7 bombers or the murderers of Lee Rigby?
In addition we hear today of the continuing infiltration by obnoxious Islamists of our politics and institutions. I’m thinking of the Birmingham guy behind Trojan Horse who is still active in Labour and is running the campaign of the Labour Birmingham mayoral candidate.
It is incredible that the BBC and the Leftists are trying to create an equivalence. This is playing right into the Islamic terrorists hands. They must be laughing .
I think many of them subscribe to the Hope Not Hate philosophy and “hope” that it will all work out alright in the end.
Apt quote from (leftish ) French philosopher Pascal Bruckner:
“in situations of all-out war, foreseeing the worst is a proof of lucidity”. His book quotes the remark made by the director Billy Wilder in 1945: “The optimists died in the gas chambers, the pessimists have pools in Beverly Hills.”
Today I followed a transit van which as per was rather dirty, on the back doors someone had scrawled in the dirt ‘bongo bongo land’ and ‘Baa baa Black sheep’.
A small act of protest against a growing oppressive government but people do not like the horrible political correctness and are showing their rebellion in little acts.
“Today I drove past a couple of vans outside a Jewish School in London, they were covered with Swastikas. A small act of protest against a growing oppressive government but people do not like the horrible political correctness and are showing their rebellion in little acts.“
Rather than trot out your ‘This is how it started with the Jews’ bit of relativism, you might reflect on the irresponsibility of one-world, open borders ‘liberal’ lefties like yourself in imposing mass immigration, multiculturalism (i.e. separatism) and regressive third world cultures on one of the most liberal (in the true sense of the word), welcoming and tolerant countries in the world.
The blame for any far-Right ‘backlash’ – though there is not much evidence for calling it such, despite the hype of the BBC – lies squarely at your door.
In complete and total agreement.
Who was it said, “Action and reaction are equal and opposite”? Let me see, was it someone famous? A Brit perhaps? (can I distinguish a ‘Brit’ from the rest without being labelled, ‘racist?).
The deluded liberal/lefties will always be arrogant enough to ignore the true Laws of Nature that govern everything.
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Bit of a train wreck TODAY programme on Radio 4 from 6am onwards. The first hour probably enabled thousands upon thousands to wake up laughing this morning.
If you didn’t listen, it is worth catching up just for the ‘twins’ ages.
Totally agree up2snuff. A true Today Albeeb train wreck . But I’m addicted to the attempts to manipulate events important to the BBC make on the poor old taxpayers .
Bearing in mind it’s the 100th birthday of a True national Treasure -Dame Vera Lynn – i thought they’d do a decent job of celebrating someone who did so much to support morale in the war. If I was editor I’d have done a nice 5 minutes at the end of the programme – ( which Classic FM did) but the 2 lady editors chose a heartwarming story about a little girl saving her sisters life because of illness .
As for My Humphreys talking about caring for the elderly – sounded like he couldn’t care less and had no idea about the difficulties relatives and carers have ( been there).
It’s so bad it’s addictive.
Just wondering now whether my ears were working correctly this morning. Have just listened again via iPlayer to see if Catherine Stanchesson really did say “a 1 year old boy and a 2 year old girl, believed to be twins” in a report that was telling us not a lot albeit with a maximum amount of words.
Apparently not.
Or has it been ‘adjusted’ or ‘edited’ or ‘corrected’ later on before being put on iPlayer? Would the BBC do that?
I hope no one here at B-BBC minds me inserting this here.
Victoria Derbyshire – 21/03/2017
The Al BBCs daily dose of VD, sinks to the lowest gutter possible.
by getting itself in as a voyeur on the traumatic therapy sessions for the victims (and their families) of the Islamic child gang rapists in Rotherham.
Drearybyshire announces at least 1400(minimize, minimize) victims, of erm “mainly Pakistani men”
… why is a salient piece of information missing VD?
She then trumpets that the BBC Asian Network,(shakes head) had an exclusive.
Exclusive access, to the victims therapy sessions,(beyond belief!)
They then send an “Asian” reporter to get that access in on the session, to ask the parents and victim about it. VD says the “Asian Network” will be reporting on it all day.
They then flip to an Kebab shop to hear about how they are escorting children home? … because they know predatory eyes are watching them (still rampant then).
And … speak to a traumatised girl, raped multiple times by an Islamic gang who was pregnant by 12 and the paedophile’s are all now out, her family say she cannot bare to go into Rotherham through anxiety.
These are Islamic child rape gangs, from towns and cities all over the UK, estimated a million victims. Omitted by the BBC
They do not have the decency, to be sensitive to the victims or the families.
“British star Thandie Newton has complained there are not enough roles for black actors in the UK, because of our obsession with period dramas.”
The BBC seems to agree with her but can’t the same argument be be said about athletics?
Ms Newton’s mother was a black Rhodesian. How about a period drama from the BBC, showing the way in which that country was developed, civilised and eventually betrayed? Plenty of scope there for black actors in a period drama.
As I posted before and her mother was white. She is no more black than Obama.
No, no Grant. Being ‘Black’ (or ‘White’) is a state of mind, as race is only a social construct without any biological basis. Although in the case of White people, it is obvious a bad state of mind and one to be eradicated. I’ve read this in both The Guardian and the Idiot’s Guide to Marxism so it must be true.
Silly me. Actually now I recall that some time ago there was a white American who insisted that she felt black. Maybe we should all be allowed to be what we think we are. I was born in Hong Kong and feel that I am Chinese.
If you are talking about Rachel Dolezal, she not only insisted she was black, but was employed as the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter in Spokane, Washington.
I’m thinking of self-identifying as a Trobriand Islander, then I can acquire a string of nubile wives who spend all day pounding yams, and all night …. well, never mind.
It may have been her, sounds like it. As for Trobriand, dream on. I don’t think they are allowed to have sex with foreigners !
Ric Bradford you are not up to date !
I am due to listening to BBC Trending which has a strange choice of what is priority news
“A woman who faked being black until she was outed by her parents has given herself a new Nigerian name Nkechi Diallo”
“Rachel Dolezal is now known as Nkechi Amare Diallo, which means ‘gift of god’ in the west African Igbo language, after she filed legal papers in Washington.”
I suppose if a man can “feel” he is really a woman, and be taken seriously, then a white woman can “feel” she is black. The only thing you have to remember is that nothing makes sense any more. Oh, and that everything is the fault of white men. Everything.
I hate to be pedantic, but “Diallo” is a French transcription of the Fula name, which in their language today would be written as ” Jallow “. It is a very common name in West Africa, and not just in that tribe. In Fulani, it means ” Mahogany “. Meaning the tree and also strength. Many other meanings as well.
Nkechi is a short form of ” Nkechinyere” which is Igbo girls name for ” Gift from God ” , but it has nothing to do the Fula tribe or ” Jallow “. The problem with not only “black westerners” but the other Leftist Liberals is that they know absolutely Fuck All about African history, tribes , languages etc but just use Africans for their narrow-minded political purposes. I am going to get my coat now !
Not many comments on these posts !!! Maybe I should Copy to Nkechi !!! She and I can chat about Africa !
@Grant Re the Igbo etc.
it was the £4.5bn/yr BBC that got the translation wrong
Sorry. Just reported this post accidentally.
don’t worry, David and Alan are quite relaxed about it. This is the most least censored website I know . Long may it continue .
“Black” is I believe here being used as shorthand for “Not White”.
It’s not cool to be White.
It’s oppressive to be White
Whites are privileged.
Whites need to be taken down.
Whites have destroyed and subjugated other races.
Only Whites can be racist (and they all are, deep down)
So who would not want to deny their whiteness in this sort of atmosphere?
At junior school I remember the expression “there’s a touch of the tar brush” was pejorative. Now it’s a badge of honour.
Oh, and whatever happened to “of colour”? Was that expression found to be repressive in some way by the thought-police?
Indigenous Brits showing an interest in accurately-portrayed dramas about their own country!?
How dare they!
That was my reaction.
At least we have a past which is sufficiently complex, interesting, full of events and achievements and yes, rich in diversity of ideas and attitudes to be worth writing about. A difficult task, I should imagine, when you’ve barely changed in thousands of years.
I’m sure the BBC could make a series of one hour long documentaries about the construction of single storey mud huts.
Crimewatch is back. Problem solved.
Changed = developed
The comparison with sport is no valid
Sport is a kind of meritocracy..if you are the best (out of a bunch of people who bother to spend their life running round and round a track) then you get to the top.
But if I’m 8 ft tall actor and I choose to specialise in 7 dwarf pantos, it doesn’t matter how good an actor I am ..I’m not going to get a part playing a dwarf.
If you are born fat then you don’t get to play thin parts.
If we brought in genetic engineering to have children with blue faces, then are we supposed to rewrite historical stories so that they too feature characters with blue faces ?
Do you not remember the invasion in 1066 by The Smurfs…
“If we brought in genetic engineering to have children with blue faces, then are we supposed to rewrite historical stories so that they too feature characters with blue faces ?”
Spot on.
The BBBC accept that black athletes at the elite level are better at explosive events (sprints) than whites and thus raise no fuss about the lack of diversity in these events. Natural selection in action.
Yet they display their hypocrisy when they demand that in areas where whites excel, “things must be done” to promote non-whites, saying that whites are holding them back.
What about today’s adverts being racist ?
Cos they contain a disproportionately smaller amount of white faces than exist in the population…due to media corps virtue signalling.
Black actors clearly have an unfair advantage there, yet they want historical dramas to be gerrymandered to correct an advantage whites have.
In a similar vein when R4 talked about male actors earn more than female (due as it turns out to being that action films bring in far more money, and have majority male characters) they failed to contemplate the situation for male models ..where due to the market where 90% of magazine models are female …the largest salaries are always earned by women.
R5 now discussing the topic sounds like black actor playing a general of William the Conqueror is on.
ah no it’s standup @docbrown88 Ben Bailey Smith black actor/musician speaking
“Do you think London is a bubble?”
– “well I rarely meet born and bread Londoners, like me”
Presenter is black and now he mentions when he went to the Apollo, no blacks were there.
.. Well many are often a bit ghetto-ey rather than integrationist
In the middle of this we learn about BBC editorial integrity:
‘The other day I did a pre-interview with the BBC. When they heard what I was going to say, they dropped me’
Mr. Purnell. You don’t deserve to be in any queue, much less heading it.
That’s infuriating, but unsurprising.
Justin Webb gets caught by a contributor on TODAY at 8.15am:
“You are joining a lot of dots, there, Justin.”
Just a couple of observations on Today, around 6.45.
Taking newspaper quotes on the death of Chuck Berry, the BBC used:-
1. The Guardian
2. i
3. The Mirror
4. The Times
Is this indicative of how far right the balanced editorial staff ever go ?
Second item, the economic woes befalling the oil industry in Aberdeen, seemed to lay the blame squarely at Brexit with the oil price an aside.
No big, just saying.
‘…seemed to lay the blame squarely at Brexit with the oil price an aside.’
Ticks the fake news box twice by:
1. Lying about Brexit
2. Being in denial about the stunning success of US oil fracking – remember the BBC’s Greenie 28gatemates telling us not so long ago the Saudis would break the US fracking industry by upping their production and flooding the oil market?
Still, with their 70% coverage the BBC controls the news for a helluva lot of people who will be none the wiser and continue to associate fake news with Trump and the ‘alt-right’. Ignorance is bliss for these BBC addicts until they have their inevitable waking-up moment, which will most likely come when it’s far, far too late…
The BBC do not understand economics and oil prices. But they never say anything about the human rights abuses in Saudi and all Middle East countries, except Israel, that is. Weird perverts !
Just a couple of observations on Today, around 6.45.
Taking newspaper quotes on the death of Chuck Berry, the BBC used:-
1. The Guardian
2. i
3. The Mirror
4. The Times
Is this indicative of how far right the balanced editorial staff ever go ?
Second item, the economic woes befalling the oil industry in Aberdeen, seemed to lay the blame squarely at Brexit with the oil price an aside.
No big deal, just saying.
‘In March 2014 it had an average daily circulation of 292,801, significantly more than The Independent but a drop of nearly 10,000 compared to the same month the previous year which was 302,757. The circulation has continued to drop, falling to 264,067 in December 2016.’
Speaking for the nation, indeed. No wonder a BBC must quote.
They still do the Indy too which, IIRC, is no longer a newspaper.
It is worth remembering and shouting from the rooftops at every possible opportunity that the Guardian is cushioned by a (depleting) cash pile which came from the sale of its stake in AutoTrader magazine.
Why is it worth shouting? Because it’s parent is the Scott Trust, resident in the Caymans, which is ok for the Guardian but not for any other company it identifies doing the same thing. You won’t see any reference to that in this article though.
A BBC Presenter, and her “Hate Crimes” concerns
“Nothing to see here; move along now” seems to be the outlook of some people to the announcement of record levels of reported hate crimes in England and Wales.
Most non-white British citizens will have faced their own personal experiences of violent discrimination.
Oh sister!, somebody won t stand for discrimination or hate … now, who is that?
Oh Its the Al BBCs Shazia Awan …. WOAH! just a cotton pickin minute
Wasn t she on the BBC Asian Network asking …
“what s the right punishment for blasphemy”?
… isn t that discriminatory Shazia?
and on this rising tide of hate crime?
are the fabricators of Tell MAMA involved?
hasn t the way these erm “crimes” are collated changed?
hasn t the criteria for what is a “hate crime” changed?
To save typing, have a look below
“This ‘epidemic’ is a product of the authorities redefining racism and prejudice to such an extent that almost any unpleasant encounter between people of different backgrounds can now be recorded as ‘hatred’. Many of these incidents were reported through True Vision, a police-funded website that allows anyone, anywhere to report something they either experienced or witnessed, anonymously if they like.
No evidence is needed. Everything is instantly logged as a hate incident.
This inevitably presents a warped view of reality.
The police’s ‘Hate Crime Operational Guidance’ now stresses that the victim’s perception is the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime. No evidence is required”
and erm …
Here ssssss the anti “hate”? guys,
I followed through the online registration of a ‘hate crime’ process some months ago. As you indicate (but give no evidence for), every entry appears to count as an actual ‘hate crime’. During the online registration process, it is explained to the registrant that they are under no obligation to give their personal details and if that is the registrants preference, the police can take no further action to investigate the allegations. Common sense, yes but the fatal flaw in the system is that all those who feel aggrieved at being subject to an alleged ‘hate crime’ have their submitted circumstances taken as an ACTUAL hate crime for statistical purposes without providing sufficient information for the police to investigate.
Question: What stops (for example) Islamic charities (of which there are many cashing in on the generosity of the UK Charities system), putting ’employees’ to work, simply registering hate crimes 24/7 but not including names and addresses?
The registration process is the forerunner of some system to trigger Thought Police?
Agree G. This Hate Crime legislation is in reality Justice by denunciation as practised in totalitarian regimes such as Nazi Germany. What next I wonder?
I was just about to post Soviet Union. This is all very frightening and is clearly building up to something very nasty indeed. I never thought I would see anything like this in this country. Or that I could say that there is more freedom in the New Gambia under President Barrow than here under Treezer.
I think what’s next is a system of “human rights commissions”, such as they have in Australia and Canada (I shouldn’t be surprised if Iosef Vissarionovich Sturgeon already has something similar). Basically, the commissions will perform hearings into supposed “hate crimes”. The commissions are packed with Shami-clones, i.e. the sort of people you’d expect to find on a “human rights commission”. As with “hate crimes” in general, standards of evidence are abysmal and the process is resolutely biased against the defendant.
In Canada, Mark Steyn startled the commissions (they have a federal one and one in every province, I believe) by fighting back. He was able to point out that the complainants in his case were not, in fact the true instigators; the originator of the complaint was a notoriously anti-Semitic, jihad-supporting imam. Furthermore, the article which triggered the complaint contained brief extracts from a book of his which had been widely available (and read) for two years by then, not only in Canada, but in the United States, the UK, the Irish Republic, Australia and NZ – all without previously prompting any snowflakes to bleat, “Hate cwime!”
Nobody ever successfully defended himself before a Canadian commission before Steyn, but he did. To rub the complainants’ noses in it, he published a book about the case, called “Lights Out: Free Speech and the Twilight of the West”. Subsequently, part of the worst “human rights” legislation in Canada was repealed, although Justin Trudeau seems hell bent on bringing it back again.
Incidentally, one example of the blinkered arrogance of the commissions was the way that one of the provincial commissions issued a ruling on the case, despite having no connection to it, or authority to interfere.
A recent victim of the Australian version was the cartoonist Bill Leak, who attracted the ire of the human rights industry with a cartoon and was hounded for months. The complainant turned out to be “a white Aborigine living in Germany”, who finally dropped the case. Already living in hiding, on account of muslim death threats, Bill Leak was under huge strain while being investigated for his supposed “hate crime”. He died of a heart attack, earlier this month.
A certain Ms Merkin was rumoured to have connections with the East German Stasi, who had an interesting approach to conformity and freedom.
G as I m sure you are aware, there are a plethora of Muslim organisations pushing the Islamofauxbia industry, they are very orchestrated … I fully take your Islamic charity point too, especially as just so many of them are so obviously dubious
its blatant, as I say to anyone immediately jumping up and down
…take your “righteous pants” off, and just scratch beneath the surface.
Treezer’s cops supporting Treezer’s street thugs.
No debate, just chanting racist, but nevertheless earning their government handouts for opposition to the ‘far right’.
“Remove him”; “Nazi scum”, shout the Nazis… Humanity today, no debate, just shout and chant – no need to use our brains, if we have any.
I think we need another good war, and those of us that are left, might possibly start again.
It’s even worse than you think, as so called ‘hate crime’ doesn’t even need a victim or a perpetrator.
Take the far left University Professor (probably didn’t need to add the ‘far left’ bit there) & self destructive Jew Joshua Silver who reported Amber Rudd for so called ‘hate speech’ over a speech she hadn’t even made & which he hadn’t even attended on the subject of immigration.
Or take the conversation with Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad which was posted a couple of weeks ago concerning a man whose fence had been damaged and who needed a crime number to claim on the insurance.
Him – Hello my fence has been damaged can I please have a crime number for the insurance.
Police – was it a hate crime?
Him – no it was probably just kids kicking a football at it
Police – so you didn’t see who did it?
Him – No I didn’t
Police – So it could have been a hate crime?
Him – It wasn’t a hate crime! Please give me the crime reference number so I can make my claim.
When you have such a concerted and desperate attempt by the PCES to produce so called ‘hate crime’ statistics when there aren’t any grounds, and when no statistics are being kept of the nature of these so called ‘crimes’ which aren’t crimes at all, then it should be obvious to anyone that they are completely valueless. Much worse than that there is no evidence of a link to anything let alone Brexit.
There has been a surge in so called ‘hate crime’ since Bexit.
Oh yeah? Well there’s been a surge in hate crime since Leicester City won the league cup!
It is just as legitimate a conclusion to reach.
A certain minimalist elegance to the highest rated comment:
If a BBC HYS, that would be a closin’.
Totally OT, but as she is a BBC go-to gal on all matters ‘ist’, this tweet to Laurie Penny for me actually does win Twitter today:
I was listening to one of those BBC ‘partial’ programmes last night, (when do the ‘balancing’ programmes get aired?).
Hollands Challenge to Tolerance:
“Unlike some far-right parties elsewhere in Europe, the PVV has no neo-Nazi roots. It’s loud in its support for gay and women’s rights. It promotes itself as a strong defender of Holland’s Jewish community. Is its ideology just an opportunistic mishmash? Or does it make some sense in a Dutch context? Searching for Henk and Ingrid, Tim Whewell sets off through Dutch “flyover country” – the totally un-photogenic satellite towns and modern villages that tourists, and Holland’s own elite, rarely see.”
There is certainly very little tolerance shown by the presenter as he virtually screams at interviewees that they can’t ‘say that Dutch culture is better’ or when given the one word ‘Rotherham’ by a very calm left-wing Dutchman bemoaning the lack of (left-wing)female protest marches, shouts back ‘that is racist’.
Later, in his search for the Dutch ‘John & Jane Smith’ he ‘accidently’ finds that the house is now occupied by a “charming” couple of recent immigrants. Perhaps the Wilders household is equally ‘charming’ to a vistor with positive predjudices?
If nothing else it was fascinating to hear these BBC ‘liberal’ views being openly expressed. Personally I don’t start from a basis of hating any peoples. If a tribe on the other side of the world wants to roast unwanted girl children over an open fire then that is for them – I would ‘tolerate’ it but I wouldn’t approve of it. I would also assert that ‘we’ do things better and without apology. Yet the BBC liberal sees nothing wrong in importing an alien culture, the swamping of the local culture and then refuses to state the facts about the new situation because that would be ‘racist’.
As ‘someone’ said: “We must be mad, literally mad,..”
“screams at interviewees that they can’t ‘say that Dutch culture is better’”
Kay Burley would be so proud.
Has he found any Jewish people to bash over Israel yet?
Maybe Mishal could be flown over to provide rocket cover?
Lefties are fond of saying “you can’t say that”.
My blood boils when issues worthy of sensible debate and discussion are emasculated by incompetence, whether by accident or design. We had two in quick succession on Toady this morning.
First, and btw news masquerading as a bBBC programme advert, we had an issue about Home Care. Which is care for the elderly in their own homes. But Humphries kept mixing this up with Care Homes and, as usual for the statist BBC, managed to ignore completely those hundreds of thousands of people with assets over £23000 who have to self-fund and so for whom the ensuing discussion was all but irrelevant. Opportunity lost.
Next, we had a rare and welcome short section on the appalling state of the country’s roads. Turns out that over 3 times as much money is spent on rail as roads even though 90% of journeys are by road. Socialist redistribution on an epic scale. But it still isn’t enough. A spokesman for the CPRE seemed to want roads to go back to their state in 1925 and seemed to assume everyone lives right next door to a train station and presumably no-one has families to shop for, visit, take around etc. I guess we are all supposed to go by bus with our kids to do the weekly supermarket shop. Totally unreal, but jovial Humphries was absolutely not going to give the CPRE dinosaur a hard time.
Opportunity lost again.
Totally useless biased BBC.
Any mention of the massive increase in UK population ?
The Tories need to ask themselves what benefit the BBC is to the country and why should it get preferential treatment. The BBC charter of course requires that the BBC is impartial but it has flagrantly disregarded this requirement for decades. Presently the government is supposedly embarked on Brexit, but I have my doubts about their commitment , otherwise why do they tolerate such naked pro Remain bias from the BBC. My suspicion is that a basically Remain government is trying to find a way of overturning the referendum result that can in some way be sold to the people as being democratic. In other words we are just seeing a long charade by the establishment being played out before our eyes so that we don’t get too upset when we are denied what we voted for.
What else does the BBC do that the government requires? In my view the BBC has been the cornerstone of all governments immigration policies for the past 30 years . All Uk parties, apart from perhaps UKIP, have agreed , perhaps with different degrees of enthusiasm, that mass immigration is here to stay. I cannot understand why they should take this lunatic course of action but they have. They can legislate to force the host population to accept this highly dangerous policy but they can’t change hearts and minds by legislation. So they have used the BBC to attempt to change hearts and mind for them . I think everyone will agree that this has been the main theme running through all BBC output for the last 30 years. This gives the BBC protection from all parts of the political spectrum and why the Tories give them free rein despite their overt leftist bias.
Of course the immigration policy is undemocratic , the hosts were never consulted, and one sided, the hosts make the changes , see their way of life changed, their history and culture trashed, but the immigrants are allowed to carry on as if in their home countries, except they receive tax payers money to fund their lives. This happens right across the West where the lifestyles of host populations are being sacrificed on the alter of mass immigration. Why are our leaders intent on destroying our way of life? The only answer is Globalisation. Our leaders have all agreed that their long term goal is a world without nations , or barriers, a monoculutral world . Tony Blair Said as much on the Marr show yesterday. Us ordinary folks need not be consulted. I am interested how they are going to persuade Muslims that this is a good idea unless of course they see an Islamic world ahead. Grandiose nonsense is all it is but what a price we are having to pay for these false prophets to strut their stuff.
Excellent summary. “an Islamic world ahead “. Which is what it will be. It is a mystery why the Left elite want this , unless they are genuinely too stupid to see the outcome. And why they have such love for a religion which is essentially evil.
It is no mystery.
Once someone has bought into (or been taught) the notion that “we are all equal”, they are faced with the problem about why some people/societies succeed and others fail. The only answer can be oppression and injustice.
So the Left is completely bound to vilifying Oppressors, that is, anyone who is successful, and trying to promote Victims, that is, anyone who is a failure.
That is why the Left must oppose the British way of life (which has proven very successful over centuries) and must support failed ideologies such as Islam, or any other balkanising influence which will destroy the Oppressors — the Christians, white people, men, capitalists, and anybody who actually does anything for a living.
I hate to agree with you, but it is true.
So very true. The left cannot stand the idea that success in a free society is mostly usually achieved through talent and hard work. The losers in the world have therefore lost because they were oppressed and denied opportunities by the winners.
Hence the fatuous “prizes for all” in schools so that no-one has to feel they are a failure. They might feel good about the token prize but that won’t make them improve, and they’ll still keep losing in the real world.
Your final sentence identifies the problem for the ‘Globalists’ yet they fail to recognise it. Prima facie, the strength of the Islamic movement is, in fact, stronger (and numerically) than the mercenary Globalists cause but the Globalists press on irrespective and continually denying any fault with Islam. I think the two are utterly incompatible. Indeed, the principle goals and pursuance of Globalism is absolutely ‘music’ to the ears of Islam which currently, cadges a lift on the back of to ultimately achieve their own cult aims. Globalism, as a specie of a Mass Movement, will cease thoroughly only when Islam use up all it can offer them. Globalism represents one goal: the complete dilution of all peoples irrespective of race, colour or religion. That is totally alien to the remit of Islam. It is also a Globalists impossible dream. The social experiment will fail at which point, Islam will jump of the free vehicle and, ‘go-it-alone’. By then, compliments of the Globalists, they will have enough power to overwhelm any opposition without a shot having been fired.
A good post DT.
‘This happens right across the West..’ and nowhere else oddly enough. Global corporations want cheap labour but rely on native workers to subsidize the minimum wages & dole of immigrants. I’m unclear on why the Corporates think they can quickly turn 3rd world populations into dutiful productive western style citizens. But then they don’t have to worry about the fallout when economies collapse – they just move somewhere else for their labour.
The Religion of Peace countries and other failed nations get to offload surplus bodies (and criminals) and receive hard currency sent back, and of course the Jihad project can keep working away in the background.
Western soft left leaders who grimace at the thought of patriotism think this is a jolly good idea, and are in the pocket of shadowy forces anyway. And the voters, dumbed down by years of leftist propaganda, scolded year on year for being racist – keep voting in the same old shysters who effectively despise their own citizens.
It’s hard to say if this is all a deliberate plan that dates from years ago (Kalergi etc) or whether events just panned out that way, but the Cultural Marxism deconstruction of western societies is very real and still very pernicious.
Globalists want open borders and cheap labour, because if you are (or aspire to be) in the top 1% international super rich class, it doesn’t matter to you how many communities are destabilised or whether welfare systems can cope. You are insulated from it. If they even bother to consult anyone else about it, it will be politicians and NGOs in the thrall of marxism, who will agree with anything that goes against western national identity.
People in general are conservative and stick with what they know – this applies also to so-called ‘progressives’, many of whom are still stuck in a 1960s mindset where welfare is bottomless and immigration consists of a few wide-eyed, grateful refugees who will work hard, pay taxes and vote for left-wing policies, and the EU is a wonderful institution that has prevented war since 1945. This I believe to be a fairly common view amongst the Guardianista/lower ranking BBC/charity/NGO type people. They are not hard-core marxists but they are the rank and file of those who promote open borders immigration and globalism, without really understanding what its effects are.
‘…the hosts make the changes , see their way of life changed, their history and culture trashed, but the immigrants are allowed to carry on as if in their home countries….’
Meanwhile, back in their home countries, life carries on in it’s timeless, immigration-lite, illiberal, monocultural way.
Remind me again, which countries need to be more ‘inclusive’ and ‘tolerant’?
Look at any TV programme showing the teeming masses in Pakistan or India. Where is the diversity?
Where is the wailing of the BBBC about this catastrophe that will surely condemn these xenophobic societies to a non-vibrant un-enriched gruesome death spiral?
Sat down last night to watch the great British Paint-off (or something similar) The winner was a woman and an ethnic. Not a bad artist but in the final she painted her father who was so out of proportion he looked as if he had microcephalis.
The best artist in the final was a white male.
Then caught up with Vera. ITV maybe but the same PC malaise. All her male colleagues come up with stupid suggestions and it is up to the now compulsory “women in a wheelchair” to solve the crime.
Men? Just “rip them off like a plaster” according to Amanda Redman in The Good Karma Hospital.
The compulsory ‘woman in a wheelchair’ I think was also a mainstay in Eastenders, so clearly getting work ! Perhaps she could advise Thandie Newton on what to do !!
Strangely it doesn’t appear to have sunk in with our ethnic actor friends that this is a mainly white country (so far anyway), so there is never going to be an equal share of parts available for that community. Do we ever hear complaints from white actors bemoaning the lack of parts in Bollywood or Nollywood – the Nigerian Film Industry ? It never works the other way does it.
I didn’t watch the end of the show but I could have predicted the outcome. So obvious.
IMHO, James Purnell’s case needs a bit more work..
I can’t see any merit in his argument right now. Seems to be a case of if you sense you’re losing out, legislate!
Definitely. An organisation starting to panic.
Accidentally switched over to Victoria Derbyshire this morning.
A piece about the failings of the Child Support Agency featured a cartoon of a traditional ‘British’ family – brown/black mother, brownish child, white father. Typically, the white father waved goodbye at the viewer and vanished.
OK, compared to the informative, well-considered contributions on this site it’s a minor gripe, but it’s yet another example of the drip, drip drip…
Major hate crime incident on R4 Start the Week around 9:30 This morning
‘So heart surgery is stressful”
Scunthorpe born heart surgeon Stephen Westaby replied
“Yes it’s tough
…. if you’ll forgive me you don’ get many ladies in this business”
Meanwhile Victoria has just reminded us of Jo Cox and says she’ll be talking about death threats to 54 MPs.
…. I suspect Farage gets 54 death threats every day/week
Jeremy Vine told a hypothetical tale last week on his programme about a patient speaking to their consultant and getting a response – “She might say to you…”
Brave Jeremy doesn’t make the ‘error’ of assuming that a doctor at the top of the profession is most likely male so invents a fictitious female to signal his own virtue.
But he’s only an MEP so that doesn’t matter.
And, of course, these days perception trumps reality.
Well, depending.
Express picked it up
But can you see reporter NEELA DEBNATH is not a regular viewer ?
Throughout she calls Tom Heap, Adam Henson
I guess all them white people look the same.
No wonder the comments are closed.
Farming Today this morning was: Germain Greer on Post Brexit Agriculture. Apparently she is passionate about food production and about rural issues. Wonder how this went down outside of “Ambridge”.
I didn’t know she was an expert on agriculture.
They’re doing a week of special as I mentioned previously
“special week of programmes on exploring the environmental and farming opportunities that will come with Brexit”
featuring a line-up of special guests.
Princess Anne, Germaine Greer, Jay Rayner and Sir Tim Smit (Eden Project) (which collects a subsidy of £20/patron)
* Tim Martin (Weatherspoons) Wed 22 March *
Maybe she’s an expert on bullshit.
Bullshit is a very effective fertiliser in the right circumstances .
Back to the training camp for you. “Bull” is so sexist.
The correct word is “bovineshit”.
Pressed report by mistake, sorry.
Was going to say Greer certainly talks a lot of horseshit.
Farming Today this morning was: Germain Greer on Post Brexit Agriculture. Apparently she is passionate about food production and about rural issues. Wonder how this went down outside of “Ambridge”. Made me laugh all morning, I say we need more diversity, more bulls should be milked and to ensure diversity on every pasture, we also need to ensure farmers avoid predominantly white cows on the fields.
Her contribution to the untrimmed bush in the wild is not to be sneezed at.
Ben Thompson is on talking about Facebook now activated a tool which flags up fake stories
– Says it works on the “Irish slaves were taken to the US” story ..hen you post it on your friends wall it gets marked wit a “this is fake tag”
I might take to clipping a tag over BBC shares “This comes from BBC News so is probably misleading”
If you include a reference to “Irish Slaves” when you share Facebook BBC stories will they get flagged up with the “fake news” tag ?
I wonder what Facebook would flag up if you posted ‘The energy we get from wind turbines is almost for free’?
Because that’s exactly what Roger Harrabin told us on the BBC lunchtime news a few weeks ago.
Hi all
Sorry to be thick but how do I incorporate a photo into a post?
Copy and paste in GIF, BPM, PNG, or JPG formats doesn’t seem to work.
Grateful for assistance.
#1 If Image already exists, then right click it and select copy img URL
Come to this page and just below the white post comment box click
“You can add images to your comment by clicking here.”
Then paste your URL in using Ctrl-V
#2 If image is on your PC/phone
Then tweet or share on FaceBook post
then place mouse over date/time of that post and select copy “link URL”
Come to this page paste it into the white post comment box click using Ctrl-V
Youtube videos show up just by posting the URL
“EU nationals registering as nurses dropped 92% since Brexit.”
Tweets the once great Ben Goldacre nephew of Australia’s #1 Climate Nut the ABC’s Robyn Williams.
Deception by omission surely
If you mention that recent law changes and coming law changes effect the graph.
“EU nurses face new English language checks” BBC News Jan 2016
“Patient safety could improve following Brexit, because European nurses coming to work in the UK may be required to take more skills tests in the same way applicants from the rest of the world do, the head of the nursing regulator has said.” last week
Raedwald makes interesting comments on this story.
“No mention is made of normal staff ‘churn’ – usually 10% a year. Of 21,000 EU NHS nurses, we should expect that 2,100 leave each year; that gives us 600 EU nurses a year over the norm that are quitting. That’s 0.05% of all NHS staff. Worth a headline?”
I wonder as a % how many BBC staff have either offed themselves or quit as result of being cornered in the executive lift by a line manager?
Breaking : Article 50 to be triggered March 29th Wednesday
T May just appeared on screen making announcement
Sir Tim Barrow has informed the office of Donald Tusk of the UK’s intention to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty on March 29 2017.
(Only 1 tweeter put out this news 2 days ago
@minefornothing Mar 18
UK to trigger Article 50 on March 29 – Sources
Same guy just Predicted
“Rumour: Snap UK election on 4th May”)
Within 10 mins BBC2 carried a clip of a farmer saying “Like Rome, this is the ending of civilisation, and I mean it”*
sure you do luv ..I’ll get you a cup of tea
*video From Farming Today doco (strange cos its a Radio show)
Did the BBC ask him how much he makes personally out of EU subsidies and why agriculture should be subsidised at all ? There have been no subsidies in New Zealand for decades.
NO of course not ..played a short clip as part of Narrative Building.
Just the same way in the previous item about Trump/Russia
They played clips of Hilary clean
Then clips of Trump were always talked over.
Very illuminating ! The BBC always shine a light where previously there was darkness.
Or did they ask him if he was a member of Common Purpose? Or was it all done with a nod and a wink?
Countryfile a few weeks ago had Adam (I think) in NZ. Adam was rebuffed by the NZ farmers when he suggested that losing subsidies would be a terrible problem.
The Kiwis’ attitude was just to knuckle down and work hard to compensate and STOP WHINING!
Yes . I saw it. I can go into a supermarket here in Scotland and buy NZ Lamb. And it is cheaper than Scottish lamb and it tastes better.
Almost certainly Halal though.
It’s mine and John Major’s birthday on the 29th. I think I will be celebrating a little bit more than he will on the day 🙂
Not sure I would want to publicise that my birthday is the same as Major’s !
His might be the same as mine, Grant 🙂
Are you twins?
This is the head of Ofcom, appointed two years ago, and now overseeing the BBC. Although she is clearly very intelligent and capable, she is a Completely politically correct monster, who cannot see that PC is hated by the British people, but will force it through anyway.
Hopefully this kind of approach will lead to the further degradation of the BBC and its eventual demise, as viewers desert its output in ever greater numbers.
In the meantime however we cannot expect Ofcom to uphold any complaints on left wing biased, as it is now terminally compromised, probably worse than the BBC trust was.
One thing every reader is surely aware of, is that government oversight bodies simply don’t work, largely because they like to appoint well meaning but hopelessly ineffective apparatchiks to run them, pay them an enormous salary (White is on close to £300K) and expect them not to rock the boat.
Sorry you will have a to look up her image as the site simply won’t accept any URLs this morning.
Your URL is not a telegraph URL
I wonder if you’d come off a Google search so ended up with a Google URL
instead of a Telegraph one.
I hope you are not judging that she is a racist cos of the colour of her skin
… cos that would be racist.
That doesn’t stop SJW’s labelling all white people as racist.
“they like to appoint well meaning but hopelessly ineffective apparatchiks to run them”. Actually they are a breed amongst themselves. I have dealt extensively over the years with such as Ofcom, Ofwat and Ofgem and most of the others for business purposes including those involved in so-called, “Consumer Rights” (I’ll tell a story about them another time!).
I’d like a £ for every-time I have called to speak to a named contact only to be told that he/she has taken up another, “appointment” elsewhere but with another, ‘Regulator’. Jobs never advertised as I see it. Jobs for the boys certainly from within their own clique. I always use the analogy that the people’s “Rights” are illusory: if you seriously scratch the surface of any “Regulator”, you find the surface coating is a very thin veneer with nothing beneath it.
I’m afraid the UK has a far more extensive and deep swamp to drain than is immediately apparent.
“Actually they are a breed amongst themselves. I have dealt extensively over the years with such as Ofcom, Ofwat and Ofgem and most of the others for business purposes including those involved in so-called, “Consumer Rights””
You’re right, G, it’s just window dressing to make the consumer feel protected.
In practice there’s only one way to do this – allow people to take their money somewhere else – and I mean somewhere genuinely independent, not part of some cosy cartel.
“One thing every reader is surely aware of, is that government oversight bodies simply don’t work,..”
But they do work – once you realise that their true purpose is to insulate the government minister who used to be responsible in pre-‘Of’ days from any criticism. None of them represent the interests of the public.
For instance it should be obvious that standing charges for energy make price comparison harder so why did Ofgem make them mandatory? It should be equally obvious that nuisance phone calls should be banned but Ofcom just shrugs its shoulders and passes the buck. They all claim to be in favour of competition but it is the competition of apples versus pears, impossible to make a comparison. If they served the public we would have a standard ‘apple’ for each market. We understood these things back in the day when the imperial pint and foot were defined.
We used to call them facades, giving the impression that they were there to do something, but in reality there was nothing behind them.
Much of the time under BLiar it was downright deceit, to meet the requirements of EU or ‘uman rights law while in reality doing nothing.
Despite all the bluster about equalities law Blairs Fascists lost one case where it was found that the UK had ‘no effective anti discrimination legislation’ an almost unbelievable finding when you consider the amount of hate & bile the left spew about this subject.
Why can’t domestic electricity and gas be priced like petrol?
There would be an online “forecourt” displaying each suppliers’ unit price that day. Consumers could order and pre-pay for their desired quantity of units online. When the consumer’s purchased “stock” is running low, he / she could return to the online forecourt and buy more from whichever supplier they fancy on that day.
I don’t have to sign up for an account with Shell to supply petrol for my car. So why should I have to sign up with EDF to supply leccy / gas for my home?
In similar vein, why does my mobile phone company require me to guess in advance which of its baffling abundance of tariffs will work out cheapest for me?
Surely at billing time it could deploy its massive computing power to work out which tariff would give me the lowest bill based on my actual usage during that billing period, then apply that tariff.
Confirmed : NO early election
Always unlikely, cos overruling Fixed Term Act needs a 2/3 majority
Or a vote of no confidence which is a bit unlikely !
Just watching the Daily Politics.
“Daddy why is that man dressed as a lady?”
“He is ill, darling…..”.
And despite its name BBCTrending continues to ignore stories that are trending
…in favour of smaller stories they can build narratives around
eg today Transgender women in Africa ..
But a less noticed discussion has been the pained one among gay and transgender Nigerians. BBC Trending has been speaking to the leading voices.
– Adichie, a best-selling Nigerian novelist and outspoken feminist..on Channel 4 News
“I think if you’ve lived in the world as a man with the privileges the world accords to men,..”
– one of Adichie’s most vocal critics is London-based, Nigerian transgender model Miss Sahhara,
“Ahhhhh, I am fuming, these TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) feminists always think they are above all women who don’t fit into their narrative of what a woman should be.”
“What happened to being inclusive and tolerant of all women, no matter their life histories?” telling gay men that the have privilege over lesbians in countries where the police enforce anti-gay laws.
Meanwhile, in Africa, most women have more pressing matters to concern them.
“Ahhhhh, I am fuming, these TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) feminists always think they are above all women who don’t fit into their narrative of what a woman should be.”
Hopefully, they will all soon be lost in their own moral maze, never to be seen or heard from again…
The things you find ..BBC promoting upskirting
I am a small-time investor in a VCT and have just received the annual report to 30 November 2016. Interesting reading for anoraks like me. The Chairman’s Statement talks about uncertainties over Brexit but markets, including AIMS, have been resilient. His main concern seems to be the dithering of the government although he doesn’t put it like that.
The NAV of my VCT has gone up about 10% , partly through a new issue which took place after the referendum.
I looked at the whole AIMS market and funds raised post-referendum are running at the same level as the year pre-referendum.
So , generally, no sign of panic and good news. Maybe, the BBC should report it , if they had anyone who has a clue what I am talking about !
Article 50: Theresa May to trigger Brexit process next week
I suppose we’ll now have to suffer two years of relentless anti-Brexit propaganda from the BBC, CH4 and Sky News UK. *sigh*. These people – who happen to control every lever of culture, media and the arts – are just going to double-down and make life intolerably miserable for everyone. They really don’t want to accept Brexit and they are going to do everything in their power to undermine it – and any chance of success it might have. For them, this is an ideological thing – they saw democracy deliver an answer they didn’t want and because they are only in favour of democracy when it serves their purposes they don’t consider the referendum vote in any way valid.
More than that, the EU was central to their long term political agenda (multiculturalism, immigration, common purpose, the so-called ‘climate change’ panic, a ‘borderless’ Europe, their continued domination of the narrative in media, government and education, etc… the list is pretty exhaustive). For decades, regressives have been building themselves what they considered an impregnable citadel of ‘social democracy’ (Marxism by any other name), with a stranglehold on Western European government, media, education and culture. Brexit is an existential threat to all of this.
Liberal tears, for the next two years. And these people can be pretty vicious. They know how name-calling can be weaponised, how the media can be recruited to foster misdirection and ‘fake news’ to serve their narrative. They are masters at this, so expect a full-on assault every step of the way towards our eventual Brexit.
Top post ! Of course, it does not have to take as long as 2 years ! And who knows what shape the EU will be in even 1 year ? The signs for the EU are not good.
Totally agree. There has been Lots of discussion recently about what constitutes a mandate and what doesn’t, hard or soft Brexit, a second Scottish Independence referendum , Mrs May not being elected etc etc. What is clear beyond all doubt is that the BBC has no mandate to be extreme in its Remain bias. Indeed if anything it should be tilting towards Leave as over half its LF payers voted that way. If ever a government had a reason and justification , indeed a mandate, to clip the wings of the hated corporation , the present government has one now. They won’t use it though for the reasons given in an earlier post today. I hope everyone who voted a Leave is sick to death of being insulted by the supercilious BBC and joins a License Fee payers strike. If the government darent touch the sacred cow of the BBC those of us who fund it will have to do it ourselves.
The BBC has no mandate for anything . It is totally unelected and unaccountable. And anti-democracy.
Today is International Day of Happiness, sponsored by Ken Dodd. BBC website reports that Norway is the happiest place on earth. Well, I can think of one reason why !
Yeah even their top band is laughing….Aha!
R5 Now asking about Britain
We want to know: What is your Britain?
My Britain is…………
full of foreigners.
My Britain is my Britain..not theirs!
Your Britain different from his Britain, and his and his etc.
The BBC is as bad as the f-ckin Tories divide up, divide up.
We need a Westminster clear out, a BBC clear out back to something that
is representative of our nation.
… “drain the swamp!”
So 5Live how did the LIVE vox pop go from the streets of Peterborough ?
2:35 to 3pm
The children of past immigrants basically complained about things changing too fast as modern immigration is out of control.
“Streets where men stare at women” (not Asian men, but some kind of east Europeans)
I really thinks it’s time for the diversity department at the BBC to go a stage further
in their development. When we need to speak to our bank we get put through to a call centre in India where Aanandamayee tells you that she will be your advisor. You then start a conversation where she finds it difficult to understand you and vica-versa. You cant say
Aanandamayee please repeat this, because you have no idea what her name is.
I think for the sake of increased diversity that this is how all the Asian news readers and reporters should talk. If we can have all the reporters from the Irish Republic speaking in strong Irish brogues and the likes of Steff McGovern trying to make herself as inaudible as possible to us southern softies. Why not those from the sub continent or
Burma or Thailand,The Lebanon, and all points east speaking say like Gupta, the train driver from Kenneth Moore’s film ” North West Frontier. ” Now that is what I would call real diversity. Come on BBC Diversity dept. I know you are up for it!!
To be fair, I find that most Indians at call centres speak better english than the British !
The bastards who pose as BT, Talk Talk, et al “technical” depts., who ring you to tell you your broadband, has downloaded a virus, (do I sound 24 hours old?) do not speak better English than the Brits, G. They are not very good at customer service either when told that they are not who they claim to be but thieves and liars and asked if their families know how they make a living. Had three of these calls in one day last week, makes one wonder how they manage to get so much info on users’ accounts. Strange how they all seem to have Anglo Saxon names though.
Yes, this is normal practice. They are usually working for other companies who are working a scam to get your business. The instigators would appear to be other UK based companies.
I had this trouble with fraudulent supposed Talktalk people anxious to help me. Eventually I changed my telephone number and since then have had not one such call. The Talktalk list of subscribers must have been leaked by an employee, but the current list seems safe so far.
Probably not representative of India though. Had big big issues with Virgin.
And the people who call me, wherever they are, about my windows problem/telephone problem/recent car accident, probably lie to their grandmothers.
Toobi/ Iain,
Looks like I just deal with higher caste Indians than you do.
Only the call centre is probably not in India, most likely Bradford, Leicester, or Blackburn…
Quentin Letts – Daily Mail has written a good article in today’s edition.
He is spot on with this……….
“Millions of youngsters have been left uneducated about Easter. Their teachers are either too indolent to bother or they are in hock to Left-wing multiculturalist dogma which regards Christian teaching as some sort of insult to minorities.
As a result of that mad, culturally suicidal philosophy, Christianity has been repressed and eclipsed while Islam (foreign, ergo good, so far as the self-hating multicultural lobby is concerned) has been encouraged. The BBC’s last two heads of religious broadcasting have been Muslim. Says it all about the Beeb really.
…….One survey of children aged 6 to 10 found that 25% thought Easter was an anniversary of the invention of chocolate. Less than half knew it was a celebration of Christ’s resurrection. !
The whole thing is bizarre. Can anyone imagine any broadcaster in a muslim country, appointing a christian as Head of Religious Broadcasting ? The BBC are mentally deranged.
“…The BBC are mentally deranged.”
No – they know exactly what they are doing. They were taught how to do this at university by their Marxist lecturers who, instead of educating them, groomed them into becoming narcissistic, selfish, censorious ‘activists’ (which is what 99% of universities are now doing) for what they call the ‘progressive’ cause (Marxism). We ended up with a muslim running Religious Broadcasting because that was the plan.
True, but do none of them really see the outcome of all of this ? It is self-destruction . The Islamofascists will not spare some BBC, Islington gay boys.
I still find it beyond belief.
I don’t think education these days includes any idea of identity or a sense of the history of the British isles or Christianity in general. The BBC certainly doesnt.
Therefore the average person does not look into the future and relate it to pride in our past.They probably won’t even realise what happened when Islam dominates their lives. BBC Bias at it’s very best Today “impartially” explores the impact of Brexit on Farming. It interviews no farmers but instead finds a dutch born archaeologist turned musician, who founded a EU funded project who says we are facing the “end of civilisation”. BBC Bias at it’s very best Today “impartially” explores the impact of Brexit on Farming. It interviews no farmers but instead finds a dutch born archaeologist turned musician, who founded a EU funded project who says we are facing the “end of civilisation”.
Angus oil accuse BBC of FakeNews
In today’s story about Agus Oil drilling a sidewell in January, which the BBC claimed was a new well which needs new planning perm
BBC splits with Branson son’s Sundog Pictures
over accusation he edited the film “in a misleading way”
… ‘Outrageous said BBC, that is our job’ /sarc
Friends! The Far-Right Guardian is obviously getting very rattled by my Progressive Left message!
It has viciously censored the piece I wrote there this afternoon in support of Zoe Williams’ very wise and thoughtful piece, in which she argued that we on the Progressive Left should now back Our Boy George – formerly the widely-hated Far-Right racist neoliberal Gidiot – literally all the way
Fortunately, I kept a copy before it was removed, which can be found, as usual, in my Blog:
“Zoe , I have to agree with everything you have written, whatever it was “. Laugh of the day so far !
Glad you enjoyed that, Grant! Have to admit, I’ve used that line a few times before (including with Polly), but never tire of using it. And so btw I don’t think that’s necessarily the reason why my piece was taken down, though I really don’t know what was, as it wasn’t really any more outrageous than usual …
Does Polly ever reply to you ?
She’s too busy putting the kettle on.
(Duplicate post, in error, now removed by author.)
Just got an update from BBC News saying there has been ‘confirmation of possible links’ between Trump and Russia. A definite possibility, like pretty much anything. I could confirm that it is possible that I will win the lottery. FAKE NEWS.
I read it that Comey has confirmed that there is an investigation on going
but NOT that he has found grounds for investigation.
Do you think BBC is being slippery with words ?
Detail : “FBI director James Comey has confirmed for the first time that the FBI is investigating alleged Russian government interference in the 2016 election.”
Called BBCbreaking cos it breaks the truth to smithereens, so that the narrative can be built up.
It’s weird how Al Beeb continue to obsess about Russia’s supposed interference in the US election without actually describing the nature of that interference e.g. repeatedly on R4 Today this morning.
My understanding is that Russian hackers revealed information about corporate sponsorship of Clinton’s campaign (e.g. by paying absurdly inflated fees for speeches, and donating millions to the Clinton “Foundation”) that she would have preferred to keep quiet.
Is that what Al Beeb is referring to, or do they mean something else? And why won’t they spell it out?
I think there is a definite possibility that the BBC are full of shit
What is your problem ? ” Possibility ” ?
This on the BBC website today:
“Dozens of crimes against MPs reported”
A police team created to handle crimes against MPs has dealt with 53 complaints since the murder of Jo Cox.
The Met’s parliamentary liaison and investigation team saw cases of hate-filled messages, harassment and criminal damage between August and early February.
Rachael Maskell, Labour MP for York Central, received threats from far-right supporters and had a picture of a body with a severed head mailed to her.
She said: “It is the vile views of individuals who at one point indicated that I should be next to be murdered after Jo Cox.
Lib Dem chief whip Tom Brake said MPs had become targets on social media sites such as Twitter.
“I would suspect every single member of Parliament has received this abuse. Perhaps the issue of Brexit will have been the one which will have drawn that out in recent times.
And that is it!
Not a hint, not one word about the elephant herd in the room.
I’ll say no more.
Don’t they all realise the abuse is not due to the fact that they are MP’s but more so because they are tw@ts?
When the media was busy pointing at
London celebs being abused on Twitter
5,000 girls were being physically abused in bedrooms of Rotherham and other towns.
StewGreen March 20, 2017 at 1:13 pm
The things you find ..BBC promoting upskirting.
Anyone fancy an anti-SNP protest outside Holyrood?
Who knows we may catch Alex Salmond in a kilt…. perhaps not!
I see that in the Times Correction column of the Times
It says David Aaronovitch accused Steve Howell of raising his fists to fight when they were arguing as students. Steve Howell says the event bevr happened.
That kind of thing happens in the newspaper all the time.
If KThopkins was expected to pay £5K for a tweet that existed for 2 hours then how much do you pay for something left for 1 week ?
BBC1 Yorks 7:30pm
One of the victims of the Rotherham abuse scandal reveals her identity for the first time
channel 957 On Sky I think
Also feautures – brain drain of Olympic-level coaches, + famous photographic hoax – the Cottingley fairies.
Formerly known as victim Jessica @jessicajay1400 : She’s Sammy and the interview is intercut with further comments from her sister.
Befriended at 14 by a 24 year old Asian crook and gave birth to a boy at 15
At their first meeting she claimed to be 16, but he got her to confess to being 14.
Her parents went to police after the first week, but they said they couldn’t do anything. Seemed to claim that sometimes when the police came to arrest him fro crime, she was in bed with him.
She dropped out of school …emjoyed being groomed, but then control and violence came in.
Unable to cope he parents thought the best thing was to place her in care, but she kept running away back to the abuser.
He was sentenced for 35 years for abusing many girls over a 20 yr period.
– She thinks Rotherham can only move forward when the professionals are prosecuted/held accountable.
She was not surprised that there were 1,400 vicitms and thinks today many victims are still walking the streets and will get away with it.
She believes it’s still happening in Rotherham, but way better than before. Thought Operation Clover detectives were the best.
Rotherham support group @rsg1400
7:30 BBC’s “Inside Out regional variations use Sky 960s to find channels
East : Collapse in contract for older people’s healthcare in 2015
East Midlands
#EmptyHomes @ActionEmpty
London : the man who gave up his life in London to help people in war-torn Syria.
North East
Why has the boss leading the north east’s flagship hospital trust disappeared?
life-saving stocks from running dry?
two fledgling Tyneside medics
drainpipes as prosthetic limbs.
Loneliness Club, Lancaster Canal, see the canal in a different way.
Report on impact of Spice on city centre rough sleepers & beggars
the Shelter Bus on the IOW breaking the circle of homelessness Isle of Wight,
+ WWII air crash mystery in the south, just weeks before D-Day.
South East
Brighton Taxi Drivers Oppose The Arrival Of Uber, problem of Taxi drivers crossing border
Should sex offenders be on the register for life?
+ man from Bexhill who survived breast cancer.
South west
are being adequately protected from offenders on probation, and how the Isles of Scilly cope with a cruise ship invasion.
young man from the West Country who risked his life to travel to Syria to fight Islamic State.
+ investigation into the rise in knife crime in Gloucester
+ remembering Peter Powell, the flamboyant kite inventor who out-sold Lego.
West Mids
long-term impact of head injuries in sport. football authorities of dragging their feet.
Twitter also mentions, but doesn’t give region
– The dogs helping save African animals from poachers
– knife crime.
– mummy_bloggers
– British Medical Cannabis
That SE item : Girl groomed as football trainee by Chelsea youth trainer in Kent.
He send the 12 year old lewd photo of himself, then others
She started to self harm. Left phone photos for parents to find.
No talk of any actual abuse.
Sex offences register is not for life.
Expert made the point that if offender don’t see a path to rehabilitation and having name removed, that can push them into a dark world
Added re-offending rate is only 12%
The coach was given a caution and 2 year registration. He then changed his name.
A few weeks ago, I posted about the BBC’s trigger warnings. The third series of G. F. Newman’s The Corrupted on R4, for example, a tale of political and police misconduct in the ’70s, merited a pre-broadcast announcement that the drama contained ‘attitudes and language prevalent at the time’. Bad, then. A single drama in the same slot a few days later, set in the Black Caribbean diaspora in Britain, one of whose characters referred to another as ‘a retard’, merited no such warning. Not offensive, apparently.
So I was bemused this afternoon to read an article in the Guardian on the introduction of an autistic character in Sesame Street. The author is Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, a social-justice warrior marginally less annoying than Jack Monroe and Laura Penny. Her qualifications for the gig are that her brother had autism, seemingly at the severe end of the spectrum. The other children in the village in which they grew up were unforgiving:
They would imitate the hooting noises he made and flap their hands, and there were frequent slurs of ‘mong’, ‘spaz’ and ‘retard’. Even now, over a decade later, the use of the latter in casual conversation—often by otherwise kindly and affable people—feels like a punch in the gut.
The broadcast arm and the print division at odds, then. Still, at least we can conclude what was obvious at the time about the BBC’s identity-politics league table. Racial and homophobic slurs? Clutch your handbag. Slurs about learning disabilities? Fill your boots.
Talking of triggers I wonder why I haven’t seen this before.
Was it buried in local news ?
All this ‘hate/thought’ crime nonsense. Is it not hate crime when they say the judiciary or the Oscars is too white? Imagine saying medicine is too brown, that would be a hate crime of epic proportions.
If the voters of Tatton aren’t happy for Osborne to edit The Standard and advise Blackrock then they can vote him out at the next election. Like Auberon Waugh, I think that MPs should be encouraged to spend as little time as possible at the House of Commons: it’s when they’re legislating that they cause the most trouble.
Osborne’s appointment as editor is a PR stunt and the paper will actually be “ghost edited” on his behalf. Nevertheless, Al Beeb has obligingly given the Standard hours of free advertising by whining about it.
Whatever it might have been in the past, nowadays The Standard is a dreary freesheet, obsessed with celebs and shopping, and riven with “advertorial”. The only commuters who read it are those who can’t get data on their mobile device. It doesn’t matter very much at all who edits it.
Balance? Al Beeb hacks have been obsessing over this because (a) it’s a “media” story and they work in the media; and (b) frankly, they are green with envy: Ozza has landed an ostensibly senior job in the meeja without having had to make the tea in low-paid junior roles or salute the PC Totem Pole. Not to mention his £650K on the side from Blackrock.
BTW if that’s now the “going rate” for “top talent” then Al Beeb’s own James Purnell (on a mere £300K) is surely due a raise…
Osborne always was a sleazebag. I wonder if his new job has anything to do with the owner being Lebedev and Osborne’s ” Russian Connections ” . Nod nod, wink wink.
Yep! remember him sipping champers on the oligarch’s yacht with … Mandleson?
political establishment … business as usual
Yes, dirty dogs together !
I see the MSM are today pushing the narrative that Britain is under threat from “far right groups”. ITV news with their secret footage of alleged NA meetings.
Shows secret filming of blokes learning to defend themselves from knife attacks (as opposed to Muslims firing AK 47’s into the air and burning flags!).
When are they going to wake up and realise where the real threat lies?
They are in denial and projecting their mindset on other people. Mental illness.
Government failing to silence members of far-right groups
Silence them? … uh oh! no platform? sounding like the nutters of the UAF
It is failing to silence incitement/hatred every damned week in mosques the length of our nation, a REAL threat.
… and there is no equivalence here
All msm are similar to the BBC in many respects . Their attempts to portray an equivalence between far right groups and Islamic terrorism are surely not going to convince many people . The look of disgust on the ITV newsreaders face when she closed this item was notable . I’ve never seen such a display when Islamic terrorism is reported on.
The fact is that someone is eventually going to have to confront and defeat Islam in our country. Maybe it will be white working class street groups, especially if those in power won’t take effective action . No one should be surprised . And rather than look disgusted , white middle class newsreaders should think about the prospects for their grandchildren in an Islamist ghettoised Britain where no go areas will close off most cities to them and there will be white flight to gated communities .
And the terrorist attacks by the ” Far Right ” are what ?
The ITN report tried to create a link between a group called National Action , that I have to say I had never heard of, and is banned, and Thomas Mair who shot St Jo Cox. Apparently Mair shouted a National Action slogan at some point.
I don’t think any active link between Mair and Right Wing groups other than having leaflets has ever been shown . Moreover the guys secretly filmed in a Derbyshire Village Hall by ITN being trained in self- defence, were hardly my definition of terrorists . They may have been secret members of National Action but I would repeat, where is the equivalence with say the 7/7 bombers or the murderers of Lee Rigby?
In addition we hear today of the continuing infiltration by obnoxious Islamists of our politics and institutions. I’m thinking of the Birmingham guy behind Trojan Horse who is still active in Labour and is running the campaign of the Labour Birmingham mayoral candidate.
It is incredible that the BBC and the Leftists are trying to create an equivalence. This is playing right into the Islamic terrorists hands. They must be laughing .
I think many of them subscribe to the Hope Not Hate philosophy and “hope” that it will all work out alright in the end.
Apt quote from (leftish ) French philosopher Pascal Bruckner:
“in situations of all-out war, foreseeing the worst is a proof of lucidity”. His book quotes the remark made by the director Billy Wilder in 1945: “The optimists died in the gas chambers, the pessimists have pools in Beverly Hills.”
Today I followed a transit van which as per was rather dirty, on the back doors someone had scrawled in the dirt ‘bongo bongo land’ and ‘Baa baa Black sheep’.
A small act of protest against a growing oppressive government but people do not like the horrible political correctness and are showing their rebellion in little acts.
Sounds similar to the one where someone writes on a dirty van -“also available in white”
I wonder if the same applies to BBC news reporters….
They might have said “I wish my seven wives are were as dirty as this”!
Totally off topic, but I saw a livestock truck recently with a notice on the back:
“If it shits, we’ll shift it”
“Today I drove past a couple of vans outside a Jewish School in London, they were covered with Swastikas. A small act of protest against a growing oppressive government but people do not like the horrible political correctness and are showing their rebellion in little acts.“
Rather than trot out your ‘This is how it started with the Jews’ bit of relativism, you might reflect on the irresponsibility of one-world, open borders ‘liberal’ lefties like yourself in imposing mass immigration, multiculturalism (i.e. separatism) and regressive third world cultures on one of the most liberal (in the true sense of the word), welcoming and tolerant countries in the world.
The blame for any far-Right ‘backlash’ – though there is not much evidence for calling it such, despite the hype of the BBC – lies squarely at your door.
In complete and total agreement.
Who was it said, “Action and reaction are equal and opposite”? Let me see, was it someone famous? A Brit perhaps? (can I distinguish a ‘Brit’ from the rest without being labelled, ‘racist?).
The deluded liberal/lefties will always be arrogant enough to ignore the true Laws of Nature that govern everything.