Well, this was always going to be a predictable moment. I refer to the “Mandelisation” of IRA terrorist godfather Martin McGuinness by the BBC on the occasion of his death.
“The BBC has been accused of ‘ despicable fawning’ over ‘terrorist godfather’ and former IRA commander Martin McGuinness in their obituary pieces this morning. On Twitter some furious viewers accused the corporation of having ‘blood on their hands’ and ‘fawning over [him] like he was some sort of misunderstood peacekeeper.’
The family of the former deputy first minister of Northern Ireland announced his death at the age of 66 this morning. But following hours of coverage by the news channel some viewers were left furious and questioned why the BBC was dedicating so much time to McGuinness’s death. One user wrote: ‘BBC showing real bias this morning; no mention that Martin McGuinness was a terrorist just that he was a “peace maker.”‘
The BBC has been central to the process of sanitising this terrorist. On a day like today, I think of his victims and their still grieving families.
Lord Tebbit nailed it with this. I quote “He claimed to be a Roman Catholic. I hope that his beliefs turn out to b e true and he’ll be parked in a particularly hot and unpleasant corner of Hell for the rest of eternity.”
Isn’t it strange, that never made it to the BBC’s report. Although they did quote Tebbit;
“He was a coward, ”
“The reason he suddenly became a man of peace, was that he was desperately afraid that he was going to be arrested and charged with a number of murders.”
“It’s not merely that these creatures crippled my wife, but they also murdered five of my close friends. I only hope that his death will help to bring some sort of closure to those families and friends of those whose murders he accomplished.”
Happy Day !!
I served in Northern Ireland in the early 1970’s. This piece of scum was responsible for multiple murders; tortures; and maimings
One of his favourites was cutting through the knee tendons with a Stanley Knife – and another was to pour wet concrete down the mouth of a victim…
He will rot in Hell and while he is there he will be tortured and abused, but kept alive for eternity
He does not become a “man of peace” simply because he has stopped killing. He was a murderer and a coward, he should have paid for his crimes but instead took his secrets to the grave. And once again we can thank our old chum Mr Blair for letting the fenian snake off the hook and into power.
TB praising him on BBC ( yup ) radio Surrey
Another murderous scumbag who was wrongly and offensively lauded as a peacemaker because he stopped killing people.
No surprise. The BBC always supports everything that is wrong, failed, and evil and denigrates all that is right, successful and good.
It’s what they do.
No need to speculate how they will deal with the presumably proximate passing of Robert Mugabe. It will be a conga line of lionisation and anti-colonialism.
Does anyone know where I can get a ‘Ding Dong the Sh*t is Dead’ tee-shirt?
BBC Merchandising perhaps?
When are the programmes being taken of the air to be replaced with ‘sombre’ music?
To the bBC, terrorists are the real heroes, in their petty little world their victims and the people who stand up to to them are the real evil people out there.
How many times has Tommy Robinson been arrested yet this turd was allowed to roam free?
It sickens me when I see Christian street preachers arrested and thrown in the cells when this murderer was living it up on the taxpayers dime.
Ahhhhh……….the BBC……..did they ever meet a terrorist they didn’t love ?
Thomas Mair. Well, they like to pretend he was a terrorist because it suits their own ends.
Yes, where would the BBC and the left be if it wasn’t for Mair to put up as a counter to the mass killings of the international jihadist movement.
PS. Wonder where Mair is these days?
I don’t generally express joy at the death of a political opponent, however I did make an exception this morning.
It appears that the consensus the BBC tv and radio are trying to portray is that his latter ‘peace’ years counteract his ‘IRA’ years ( note not terrorist years ).
The IRA bombed and killed their way to power sharing. Adams the other filthy terrorist once said with reference to the IRA… ‘they haven’t gone away you know’.
In other words the IRA and the two scumbags never ever gave up the weapons.
Jerry Owen
Well said Lord Tebbit
‘I hope he’ll be parked in an unpleasant corner of hell’: Norman Tebbit, whose wife was paralysed by an IRA bomb, brands Martin McGuinness ‘a coward’ as he dies aged 66
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4334268/Norman-Tebbit-leads-condemnation-Martin-McGuinness.html#ixzz4by6ikiFH
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A very honest reflection from Lord Tebbit . No rose tinted spectacles from him.
As expected the heroic eulogy treatment from the BBC for this vile murderer.
Contrast this with Mrs Thatchers death coverage .Its sick.
A very astute analogy, Lady Thatcher was continually referred to as a ‘divisive’ leader. Muckguinness was the bringer of peace!
I bet you folks diaries will be filling up fast in case invitations to this murderer’s funeral is forthcoming!!
State funeral ? Wonder if the IRA will give a gun salute. Wankers .
McGuinness was a coward , a murderer and a total shit. I am delighted that rat is dead. Would love to hear Maxiboy’s comments or any of the Beeboid terrorist lovers !
Is anybody really surprised by the bBBC’s determination to sanctify the manipulative terrorist McGuiness? The bBBC have been willing and conniving broadcast outlet for IRA propaganda and it’s aims for the last forty-five years so what makes anybody think that is ever going to change.
The bBBC is ever eager to offer support and succour to any and every anti-British organisation wherever they can discover them and have been doing that for the last sixty years at least. They have been engaging in that treacherous behaviour now for so long that it has become a deeply inbred part of their genetic makeup and they will definitely not abandon their chronic incestuous behaviour willingly.
The BBC always support their kind of terrorists. IRA, ISIS, Hamas etc. It is part of their perversion .
Perversion may well be the word for it. All through the day, male media types have been referring to McGuiness as “steely”, “hard” a “hard man”, “scary”, “iron will” “his penetrating blue eyes” “his death stare”, “intimidating” “ice-cold blue eyes” “ruthless”. They seem to be transfixed and enthralled by the manly McGuiness in the same way as those deranged women who write to serial killers in prison.
Listening to the BBC, you almost begin to feel guilty that you were not one of those blown to bits and shovelled into black plastic bags as a contribution to the McGuiness “peace process”. The supposed threat from the Far Right seems almost benign. Don’t murder anyone for political puposes, you are inherently evil. Murder a few dozen, you’re a serial killer in need of therapy. Organise the murder of a few thousand people and then stop, you’re a saint.
I’ve given up reading about McGuinness on social media. Too many people popping up with names like Naimh O’Aobheann McCaoilfhionn calling him a hero and blaming the Troubles on Britain.
Technically I think it was the Dutch, William of Orange was a cloggy.
Spacemonkey, I’m sure somebody with a name like Pádraig Gearóidín O’Éadaoin could explain it better, but I think the Troubles stretch a bit further back, starting with the Anglo-Norman settling of Ireland in the 12th century.
An’ oi’ll fight any man dat disagrees wit me!!
So, it’s all the Frenchies’ fault! Bâtards! But then the Normans were really Vikings! Drittsekker!
The only sane man in England, or at least the only one who has been allowed to speak.
I heard Norman Tebbit (briefly) interviewed on Jezza Swine’s show this lunchtime, which came as beacon of truth after just listening to Peter Hain revealing what a fan of the England cricket team McMurderness had been. FFS!
I fully expect that Claire Balding will do the commentary of the funeral.
The elephant in the room on this is no one mentioned on BBC one of the very real reasons that IRA came to negotiating table is that they had no choice. USA Irish especially areas such as Boston were funding them. eventually and particularly after the Remembrance Day killing, and UK policitcal pressure, the USA funding stopped.
Once the funding ran out and US sentiments turned against the killings, IRA had to turn to politics not terror.
McGuinness was an evil bastard. He hid behind the terrors and never owned up to his guilt.
I hope he rots in hell.
Just a thought, it was a good thing he died after the rugby in Dublin, and also the Cheltenham Gold Cup, otherwise we’d have all been back in the seventies, watching children being pulled from the rubble.
I remember those days and they were terrible, children should never have to endure that. I was working in London and remember the Horseguards and all of those poor innocent horses, plus the Harrods bomb and the terrible casualties. Bad days.
Bet The “Rev” Rev Giles Fraser is already writing his moral prayer for today about how God moved through Mcguiness and how he reached out to all to make the world a better place. Of course we can also look forward to numerous documentaries telling us what a remarkable man he was with many BBC journos all lining up to give us all their personal vignettes about this great man and how he loved kittens.
Makes me want to puke!
(been puking a lot today)
The BBC doing what it does best corrupting accepted morality and telling us those who are wicked are good and those good are wicked. Just another small blow to try and break down what was once one of the most stable societies on earth.
I always wondered when the Queen answered McGuinness’s enquiry after her health with the remark, “Well, I’m still alive,” if she was thinking of all the years she spent being an IRA target. I never knew how McGuinness could look any royal in the eye after the disgusting murders of Mountbatten and the others in his boat.
It must be remembered that this “peacemaker” was only able to do so because the IRA (of which he was a prominent leader) unilaterally declared war on the UK in the first place,
Just a thought. Will millions of taxpayers’ money and hours of police time be spent trying to find out if this murdering swine touched children “inappropriately”? Or will millions of taxpayers’ money and hours of police time be spent on giving him the nearest thing to a state funeral?
Your answer on a donation to the IRA Dependents’ fund please.
Well, this was always going to be a predictable moment indeed.
Particularly given Mr Vance has said himself, he didn’t watch or listen to any BBC coverage:
‘I am fortunate insofar as I have not seen or heard BBC coverage of the death of IRA godfather #martinmcguinness that day. Has it been bad?’