From the Spectator…shame the BBC joined in the anti-Boris outrage…
A few weeks ago, Boris Johnson made a point about the EU negotiations and the futility of the idea of punishing Britain for the sake of it. ‘If Monsieur Hollande wants to administer punishment beatings to anybody who chooses to escape’, he said, ‘rather in the manner of some World War II movie, then I don’t think that is the way forward, and actually it’s not in the interests of our friends and partners’. Cue howls of outrage. ‘Abhorrent and deeply unhelpful’, said Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s chief Brexit negotiator. But was Boris really so wide of the mark?
Yesterday Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, gave an interview to Bild on Sunday where he boasted that no other EU country would consider leaving the union once they see how harshly Britain will be treated by his in negotiations. ‘The remaining member states will fall in love with each other again and renew their vows with the European Union,’ he said. ‘They will all see from Britain’s example that leaving the EU is a bad idea.’
This is precisely the mentality that the Foreign Secretary held up to ridicule – the idea that the EU is held together by fear of what happens if you leave.
Like some latter-day Basil Fawlty, Boris Johnson mentioned the War and didn’t get away with it.
The foreign secretary urged the French president not to “administer punishment beatings” on Britain for choosing to escape the EU “rather in the manner of some World War Two movie”.
Not surprisingly, uproar has ensued. Former Labour leader Ed Miliband said Mr Johnson had shown once again that he could be “supremely clever and yet immensely stupid”.
The foreign secretary has form on this. During the referendum campaign last year he compared the EU to Nazi Germany, telling the Daily Telegraph both were attempting to unify Europe: “Napoleon, Hitler, various people tried this out, and it ends tragically.”
This caused a flurry of headlines and a social media storm that passed quickly. Yet the impact on EU politicians was lasting.
One EU diplomat explained it to me like this: “You Brits don’t understand us when we talk about European values. To us they are important because they are not Nazi values, they are not Vichy values, they are not fascist values, not the values of the Greek junta. They are the values of a different Europe.
“So for that clown to compare us to the Nazis, well, that hurts and will not be forgotten.”
“that Boris compared the EU to the Nazi regime ”
What’s wrong with that anyway, even if that is what he implied (and he clearly didn’t)? With the major exception of the camps, the EU is becoming a totalitarian regime (like the nazis). It’s trying to force all of Europe into one empire with Germany at the head (like the nazis). It pushes its lying propaganda on a daily basis (like the nazis). Anyone who voices objections to certain EU diktats is potentially going to be arrested (like guess who… yep, you’ve guessed it). The Fourth Reich is already upon us with Merkel as the new Leader.
I do firmly believe that what the Germans failed to do by force they have now accomplished by stealth.
Would the EU junta rather be likened to Stalinist Soviet Union? Because that’s possibly a more apposite comparison; even Mr Gorbachev thought so.
Everyone seems to have had a sense of humour bypass lately .Come on BBC and EU ,this is Boris doing what he does pretty effectively most of the time ,injecting some humour into things.But no the BEEB love their doom and gloom Brexit theme.
No wonder there are no comedies or comedians at the BEEB these days,Mrs Browns Boys is only on because it can send up the despised white working class.
The extreme Left have absolutely no sense of humour.
If you don’t believe me, just listen to The Now Show or The News Quiz.
Yes they do MH.
All you need to do is say either Donald Trump, Brexit or Nigel Farage and then look at the audience.
They will then whoop and clap like demented seals as if you had just said the funniest thing ever.
If you can stand it, watch HIGNFY for a half hours worth of this.
Perhaps the EU, created initially by the Treaty of Rome, would prefer to be likened to the Roman Empire where those determined to leave were treated to a massive dose of genocide in order to force the rest of those people trapped under it’s control enslaved under it’s vicious domination.
If it costs £50 billion for us to pay to leave, logically, if the rest started to pay to leave then the last one in the EU will have something like £1 trillion for itself plus £billions worth of assets.
This perfectly sums up the Fascist nature of the EU and why we must get out. They have learned nothing from their own history. Very wicked people. Boris is a bit of a loose cannon but for once he got it right.