Anti-mass immigration campaigner Tommy Robinson was verbally and physically abused by demonstrators on an anti-Islamophobia march on Saturday, after approaching them and attempting to engage in conversation. Police detained him and ordered him off the streets, saying this was “easier” than “taking on” the aggressive protestors.
Tommy Robinson was forced off the streets by police as he was attacked by protestors…the police saying…
When Robinson asks why he is the one being manhandled by the authorities despite the demonstrators being aggressive, the officer explained bluntly that “it’s easier to remove you” than to “take on” the angry crowd.
She also claimed Robinson is the one causing the violence “by his sheer presence”.
Just as with Rotherham where the police blamed the girls and refused to tackle the abusers it seems that threats of disorder and community ‘anger’, ie blackmail, will make the police run for cover and stitch up the innocent….just as the BBC protrayed Robinson as a racist thug when he did no more than campaign against funamentalist Islam…just as the ‘respected’ ‘One Law for all’ does….
Sharia Law in Britain: A Threat to One Law for All and Equal Rights”
A report by One Law for All has found Sharia Councils and Muslim Arbitration Tribunals to be in violation of UK law, public policy and human rights (see report here).
The report is being launched to coincide with a 20 June 2010 rally on the issue of Sharia law.
The police are following Home Office policy.
We need a few Owen Shroyers over here. to confront these protesters.
Exactly GWF. The ghost of Theresa May’s stint at the Home Office still lingers when she found it more convenient to bar right wing radio hosts from America from coming here instead of barring Islamic extremists.
Why do we need an ‘ anti-Islamophobia march’, that is just causing trouble?
Wild Bill
Why do we need an ‘ anti-Islamophobia march?
Good question. Ask Dianne Abbott, Owen Jones, two leading speakers and supporters, and ask the Government who have been supporting UAF who are the instigators of this event
More & more we see our police rendered ineffective on our streets. They are afraid to act & they don’t have the backing of the government. We are we paying for a police [force?] that can’t/won’t use force. A police force that can’t protect the law-abiding citizens of this country. The more this happens, the more the left mob are encouraged to harass anyone & everyone they don’t like. People in positions of power need to grow a pair & quickly!
Not only that, how far does it go before people take their protection into their own hands because the authorities are indifferent to the safety of the public?
Yes. If they want policing by consent to survive (assuming it still exists, which is debatable), they need to reconsider.
There is no such thing as policing by consent. If you do not do what they say, they hit you. There is no consent, it is a myth.
And to follow this to it’s logical conclusion …
When the mob decide to declare an area to be ‘sharia’ and somebody is threatened for doing something legal like wearing a short skirt, or eating a bacon sandwich, it will be the innocent victim that is subject to police action and not the mob.
That is undoubtedly what will happen. We know that muslims stick together. They like being in a mob. The police do not have the mentality to take them on, it is easier to move on the victim in the cause of “public order”.
The muslims recognise weakness, and they despise it.
As a follow on from Lucy’s comments, if a so-called “right-wing” mob decided to go on a march to protest sharia and a Muslim confronted them, would the police force the Muslim off the street or would they arrest some marchers? We know the answer to that one I’m afraid
The police are close to complete irrelevance, such a shame because they used to be a body that could be and, generally, was respected. Not any more.
‘We are we paying for a police [force?] that can’t/won’t use force’
Damn right. Trace it back to this event in 2009 and many more
As I was originally intending to say, to follow on from Lucy, is that the police action (aka inaction) encourages the left-wing mob to be violent. We need the police to come in hard with truncheons, water cannons and even rubber bullets if necessary.
We (that is The People) need to have our streets, our properties, our bodies and our families to be safe and the only way is for the police to counter the left’s violence with the appropriate response. If not, the anti-left mobs will take it upon themselves and the streets will become a bloodbath. Act NOW politicians and police before it is too late – it’s already five to midnight.
” it seems that threats of disorder and community ‘anger’, ie blackmail, will make the police run for cover and stitch up the innocent”
The last time the police didn’t run for cover was at Orgreave and the BBC still cry floods of tears over that. Back then police officers knew that they wouldn’t be abandoned by ministers, but it was a long time ago.
The key lesson for the police was the Macpherson report which labeled colour-blind policing as “institutionally racist”. In effect the police were told to back away from any confrontation with anyone who wasn’t white – or to quote a Guardian report from 1999:
“The Government will establish performance indicators to monitor the handling of racist incidents, levels of satisfaction with the police service among ethnic minorities, training of family and witness liaison officers, racial awareness training, stop and search procedures, recruitment of ethnic minorities and complaints about racism in police forces.”
Police officers aren’t stupid. If their career prospects depend on “levels of satisfaction…among ethnic minorities”, a lack of complaints about racism and their performance on racial awareness training then we end up with the “police service” we have now. The new Commissioner for the Met might be called Dick, but the Met, along with the county forces, has been emasculated.