Martin McGuinness is dead, dying from a rare heart condition….many might think it odd that he was found to have had one after a career murdering and torturing so many, and so many of the murdered being women and children.
Still, the BBC’s John Simpson thought he could be compared to Nelson Mandela, oh maybe not quite exactly like him but you’d have to see him on the same side of the ledger….Simpson must drink the same stuff Mark Easton does, the man who compared Islamist extremists to Mandela, Churchill and Gandhi…and then tried to deny it.
Then we had Blair and his obedient attack dog, Campbell, on to glorify the terrorist, not to mention the odious Peter Hain…apparently we wouldn’t have had the peace if it weren’t for McGuinness…which kind of misses the fact that we wouldn’t have had the terrorism if it hadn’t been for the likes of McGuinness…this was a one sided-war that the IRA chose to impose upon Britain. Campbell, ever his pro-EU master’s loyal lapdog, linked McGuinness to Brexit and told us how worried he had been about this…how it might result in a breakdown of the Peace and the imposition of a hard border by an intransigent May. So on message on so many things our Campbell.
Norman Tebbit was allowed on later in the day [12:09] to put a stop to the nonsense as he pointed out that the IRA were beaten and knew they could never win, that’s why McGuinness and Adams jumped ship….McGuinness knew he could be arrested at any time and fled for his life. McGuinness never apologised, he felt no remorse and would have done exacly the same again and indeed would not have stopped the murders and torture if he thought it could have brought victory.
Tebbit said we should never have negotiated and just arrested McGuinness….he went on to say that if we had negotiated with Hitler as we did with the IRA Hitler would have been in control. Adrian Chiles immediately jumped in declaring that ‘It’s a hell of a comparison to draw…Hitler and McGuinness’. Obviously Tebbit wasn’t making uch a personal comparison, he was comparing the process of negotiation and the outcome. However we can compare Chiles’ reaction here with his own stance on Farage, UKIP and the Brexiteers….whom he likes to link to the Nazis and the Far Right and racism. Hell of a comparison no?
Oh, here’s the IRA still celebrating one of their great battles…
I wonder if he spent his last days dictating the truth about his (mis)deeds for release after his death.
But then again truth and the IRA is an oxymoron, so probably not.
May he rot in hell.
i saw a bit of the funeral on the bbc. it’s a shame nobody slipped a nice little bomb in the casket. just enough to take out some of his mourners.
Just remind me, what happened to those soldiers who mistakenly drove into the middle of a mob who were at the funeral of one of their murdering thug mates? The soldiers didn’t try to defend themselves as I recall and they were still slaughtered. At a funeral, for goodness’ sake, that epitomises what Mr McGuinness was responsible for. Cowards as Lord Tebbit described them, and lowest form of human life.
It is almost beyond belief that the biased BBC could celebrate this murderer and his life. One brief report would have been more than enough. Those maimed and suffering from that creatures actions must feel further hurt today and i feel for them . Lord tebbit got it right today but BBC are in mourning. Disgraceful.
John Simpson was right to compare him to Nelson Mandela. They were both murderous terrorists who should have been shot decades ago.
And Mandela’s first wife accused him of beating her, threatening her with an axe and having affairs.
To be fair, that is pretty much standard behavior from a Xhosa. Zulus on the other hand are more into shootings, rape and black magic.
Also, and I’m not defending the savage little git, Mandela did do 27 years in stir for this crimes. McGuinness never spent a day in jail nor did he ever admit or apologize for his murderous ways.
Wasn’t he in prison briefly in the Irish Republic?
Never ever reckoned much of John Simpson – his ego is larger than himself although that was punctured by Putin at a news conference a few years back
We shall have to see if the BBC goes with ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’ in their gushing Euologies, for yet another whose honour in combat seems at best to have been mostly directed at the innocent and unaware.
They do have a knack for picking ’em.
More and more, a bulb goes on in the bubble…
This cage-liner for the sanctimonious, metro, trendy twat, makes the BBC look moderate.
McGuinness even in his dying days still managed to sabotage the power sharing assembly of NI with his contant attacks on the leader and then withdrawing his support forcing new elections.I think he knew he didn’t have long left and threw a spanner in the works even at the last.
NI politics is currently in chaos and may need to revert to direct rule again. The divide is still there under the surface bubbling away.
The BBC is beyond a sick joke .As Campbell said ,McGuinness had a great sense of humour .Im sure his victims families havent seen the funny side.
In fact, Mc Guinness was very much like Nelson Mandela – a convicted terrorist. The only difference being that McGuinness did not have a wife who murdered young boys and encouraged the barbarous “necklacing” of others. Not that you ever hear much about this on the BBC which sees both the late Nelson and the ghastly and murderous but sadly-still-with-us Winnie as almost saint like.
Amnesty International would not campaign for Mandela’s release from prison because he was convicted of offences involving violence.
“Mr McGuinness’ words are spoken by an actor” – if anyone needs a reminder of the actions of the BBC.
James Harding’s new unit is based in Room 731.
You could write a book about it.
I expect the BBC will treat the funeral of Martin McGuinness as if it was a state funeral.
Without doubt Parliament should be represented by the IRA’S top supporters from today’s
A newspaper which Jeremy Corbyn was heavily involved in wrote at the time of the Brighton bombing ” Try riding your bike now Norman” referring to Norman Tebbit. A letter was published in which the question was asked ” What do you call four dead Tories? A start”
Yes BBC you can make the funeral of Martin McGuinness a very special day. Get Tony Blair to front the show.
Saw 6 seconds of last night’s BBC1 News (it was enough). Sophie Rayworth in a black dress by chance? We didn’t even have a black tie for a male newsreader when the Queen Mother died.
Maybe the BBC girls, and some of the women too, will be so moved as to enact a unique form of McSuttee?
Probably worth giving the casket a wide berth, just in case.
Too many people now think that the troubles were decades ago in the 70s or hundreds of miles away in Northern Island.
Here’s Livepool Street back in the 90s
And Tower 42 with half it’s windows blown out.
Next time you see the Gherkin, remember that it’s only there because Guinness and his friends decided to blow up the old building (the sadly missed Baltic Exchange)
Jon Snow almost in tears on C4 news.
Is there any really evil person these lefties don’t love?
Also, is there any decent and honest person they don’t despise?
You have hit the nail on the head. Their whole world view is perverted. For them Good is evil and evil is good. That, in my book makes them evil themselves.
All very Irish – being praised as a great peace maker and eulogised for ceasing to commit evil.
Perhaps the Hospital should hide Martin McGuiness’s body and refuse to let his family know where it is?
See how they like it.
I’m willing to bet that McGuiness turned from murderous violence to politics for calculated reasons. No-one who rapidly responded to undoubted discrimination in his community in such a violient way could be described as normal. He probably had psychopathic tendencies. Hence his alleged bonhomie and chuckle brother act after his ‘conversion’.. This is where the BBC and its ‘ledger calculations ‘ is entirely wrong. The BBCs fawning response to the death of this man was uncalled for, even if one has to acknowledge that ending this conflict by definition saved lives .
I think anyone who murders innocent people indiscriminately,except in times of war is, by definition, a psychopath. I would extend that to those who support terrorists and that includes the BBC.
Norman Tebbit was the only person on yesterday’s blanket BBC coverage of McGuinness’s death to reveal why he had the big change of mind. The IRA had been infiltrated and the truth about McG et al was soon to out. The opportunist saw his chance and took the path to peace, thereby avoiding his otherwise inevitable trial.
Actually this thing originates in BBC Virtue Signalling ..It’s a tribal thing.
In the real world old people die, a lot of them, every day, it’s hardly news.*
But BBC-metro-bubbleworld divides its world up down tribal lines : friends and enemies.
So when a “friend” dies it’s not enough to keep their nose out and leave it to the relatives.
No Virtue must be signalled, hence the deceased is put into #BbcOperationBangingOn.
…Had the deceased been a person who is not a friend say cos like Farage, KTHopkins they once sent a tweet we didn’t like then of course Virtue would not be signalled at their death.
But McGuiness isn’t one of our outgroup who sent a tweet we don’t like, he just used to order the murder of dozens of people.
One thing is sure enemies of the BBC don’t like McGuiness, So BBC thinking is McGuiness is not from their anti-tribe so he must be like a friend
So for the BBC Celebrating the enemies of their enemies is part of narrative building.
* In news it’s just cheap padding instead of real news.. they get some old clips and a few talking heads and use then to fill hours on TV time at minimal cost.)
It’s like the industry term “boy in a well”, a cheap story for live coverage cos you get hours of coverage by saying “over to the well, yes the boys still there, back to the studio”
Some people may be worthy of national coverage on an obituary show, where an hour or more could be given to them.
News shows are not about news
but rather about PR pushing, and narrative building.
From my favourite joke site:
Martin McGuinness arrives at the Pearly Gates.
St Peter: What are you doing here? There’s no room in here for you…
MM: I don’t want to come in. I’m giving you lot a 5 minute warning to get out
I am particularly glad that he is dead…… My family hails from Claudy in County Derry.. It is six miles from the city of Derry, where Martin Macguiness was Regional Commander of the IRA..
Because of Claudy’s small population, it has one of Northern Ireland’s higher Troubles-related fatality rates. The 13 people killed there in the Troubles are equivalent to one percent of the village’s 2001 population; in comparison, the death rate in Belfast was equivalent to just over half a percent of the city’s 2001 population, and that in Derry a quarter of a percent….
We have people such as Macguiness to thank for Claudy holding such a record…
My Grandfather died six months after the Claudy Bombings (31 July 1972), he couldn`t come to terms with the death of one of the victims, a small girl who lived up the raod who used to help him in his garden and was well liked by everyone who knew her.. He stopped eating meals on a regular basis, he stopped gardening and more or less gave up on life…. This was a man who had fought in the british Army and survived both Somme offensives, he had seen death, he had seen senseless waste of lives yet this little girls death affected him more than what he had been through in the First World War…
Apparently the reason Claudy was targetted was due to the fact that the IRA did not like the fact that the population wanted no part of Sectarian violence, its` refusal to create conflict with the minority Protestant population didn`t sit well with those in the IRA…
Here is a link to the monument in Claudy…
I hope that people such as Macguiness suffer an eternity of pain for what they did to the people of N.Ireland… Until all terrorists and enablers of terrorism are removed from Storemont, there will never be a true lasting peace for the people of the six counties.. He was never a man of peace, he was a murderer of innocents, he preyed on his own community and behind the smile was a person who had blood on his hands…. The BBC make me sick…. My sentiments are the same for anyone who actively support or have supported Sectarian violence on either side in N.Ireland…. They should all be back in Longkesh and shouldn`t be allowed any type of Political influence or freedom ever again…
Here is an example of Macguiness (man of peace) in action…
The Claudy bombing occurred on 31 July 1972, when three car bombs exploded mid-morning on the Main Street of Claudy in County Londonderry, Northern Ireland. The attack killed nine civilians, and became known as “Bloody Monday”. Those who planted the bombs had attempted to send a warning before the explosions took place. The warning was delayed, however, because the telephones were out of order due to an earlier bomb attack. The Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) issued an immediate denial of responsibility,and later claimed that “an internal court of inquiry” had found that its local unit did not carry out the attack.
On the 40th anniversary of the bombing, former Provisional IRA leader Martin McGuinness described the events of that day as “appalling and indefensible” and “inflicted on totally innocent people”
For all his words this man was directly responsible for the deaths and forty years later, he insulted thier memory yet again…. he can rot in hell…
Further reading….
That is a very moving statement and I fully share your sentiments. The BBC’s support for evil all round the world makes me sick too. Let’s hope that bastard Gerry Adams dies soon too. I would love to hear the views of Maxiboy and his fellow teenage trolls on this. But I think they will keep their heads down.
I also blame successive weak British Governments for the Troubles. If the IRA call themselves an “Army” and the fight a “war”, then the scum should have been shot on sight, whether wearing uniform or not.
I have been a lurker for a while, but had to join after the coverage of that scumbags death yesterday.
I don’t live far from Birmingham and remember well the night of November 21st 1974 and the carnage the IRA inflicted on our city, on innocent young people having a Thursday night drink.
The BBC had Julie Hambleton on the news last night, both the national news and our local news, she is currently fighting along with other relatives of the 21 people who lost their lives that night for legal aid for the inquests that are currently taking place, something that was granted to Hillsborough families, but Birmingham families have been denied this by our caring government. She was understandably glad that McGuiness had died, but just wanted to know why he couldn’t have given the families some closure by naming the scumbag who had set the bombs.
It was on Twitter last night, she had been invited to be on News night, but after her interviews (the BBC using 2 reporters, one for the national news, one for our local news, yet constantly whining that they have no money), she was not going to be on the programme – her crime? She said she was glad that McGuiness was dead.
I used to watch BBC news, it’s about the only thing on there I watched, but after yesterday which truly sickened me, I will not watch any more.
I raised a glass last night, not to that murdering scumbag, but to the 21 people who died and the people whose lives were changed that November night in Birmingham.
Justice for the 21.
BCW that is disgusting, but sadly not surprising.
Lets hope MMG’s fellow murderer, Gerry Adams suffers a particularly horrible slow and painful death, along with his pervert of a Brother.
Disgusting excuses for Human beings, the lot of them.
Just a thought. Will millions of taxpayers’ money and hours of police time be spent trying to find out if this murdering swine touched children “inappropriately”? Or will millions of taxpayers’ money and hours of police time be spent on giving him the nearest thing to a state funeral?
Your answer on a donation to the IRA Dependents’ fund please.
Alastair Campbell said “A great guy, a good guy, I liked him a lot” The same Alastair Campbell who said people who voted democratically to leave the European Union were “Thick, fascist, racist, xenophobic c*nts”
Campbell ? Now there’s a beauty !
Guess which high profile Remainiac deceiver has just becomes a Newspaper editor
“@campbellclaret joins The New European as editor-at-large ”