Curious how the new ban on electronic devices on aircraft coming to and from a certain six nations is not being described as anti-Muslim, nor is the BBC using the descriptive ‘Mostly Muslim countries’ when reporting which countries are being affected…
The ban affects direct flights to the UK from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.
….unlike of course when Trump banned travel from 7 countries because they were breeding grounds for violence and jihadis, not because they were ‘Muslim’….every BBC report included the ‘Mostly Muslim’ prefix, trying to paint Trump as islamophobic.
The BBC manipulating your thoughts by peddling a news narrative that they have engineered to deceive you.
Donald Trump and his advisers rail against “Islamic terrorism”. Will the … advisers
, who echo the president’s most bellicose anti-Muslim rhetoric. President Trump says his US executive order is “not a Muslim ban” and … from seven mainly Muslim countries from entering the United States.
US President Trump suspends refugee admissions and temporarily bars … And anyone arriving from seven Muslim–majority countries – Iraq.
Google fears employees from seven Muslim–majority countries may not be allowed back into the US.
Difficult one for the BBC Dhimmis because the laptop, ban affects everyone not just their beloved muslims. Personally , I think there should be a worldwide ban on all electronic devices on flights. I mean the passengers, not the pilots !
As I type Scotland Yard have already announced that the incident around Parliament and on Westminster Bridge is a terrorist incident.
All reputable news outlets stating that the assailant is of “Asian” appearance.
And the BBC? Well they’re struggling to come to terms with reality. No mention of “Asians”. No mention of terrorism.
How long before they have to accept the inevitable or are they still desperately scrabbling around for the “Norwegian” connection.
TPO, in a few days they might come up with ‘it was “a man”‘
They really are pathetic.
No doubt it will be someone with mental health issues.
We all know that The BBC et al support Muslim unlimited immigration to the West and propagandise for it endlessly, using tax payers money. This is not a policy with which the majority of indigenous people in virtually any western country support. The dangers of it are obvious . Muslims do not integrate into their host communities but set themselves apart and insist on carrying on their way of life with no concessions to their hosts. They increase their numbers far more quickly than do their Western hosts. Not just by a higher birth rate but also by the lunatic policy Almost every Muslim community creates tensions that severely impact on the way of life of their hosts. Frequently these tensions develop into riots and acts of terrorism . The craven politicians are bullied into making more and more concessions to the Muslims in the hope that they can be bought off. It never works of course and slowly but surely the host country undergoes Islamification.
The process is so well documented that no one can possibly be unaware of it. Therefore we have to assume that most politicians and MSM support the Islamification of Europe.Is there any hope that Islamification can be reversed? One thing for sure is that if the EU continues to allow ever more immigration the answer is certainly not.
If Muslims want to fly they should use a donkey, if it was good enough for Mo…
Or a magic carpet.
Magic prayer mat.
BBC – Trevor Brooks, a British citizen, and deeply religious died shortly after his community was enraged by fascist and right wing extremist Tommy Robinson incited hatred among his peace loving community.