The London attacker has been named as Khalid Masood, the BBC tells us lots about him except of course his religion…they even tell us that he, presumably, posed as a teacher when hiring the vehicle that he used in the attack…no doubt the BBC would portray this as the cause of the disaffected was he by government ‘cuts’ to the education budget that it drove him to attack Parliament….pretty sure the BBC will find something in his life to explain away his terror attack and pass the blame onto ‘society’.
Still, the BBC is on a bit of a Jihad of its own against the government….did you notice that in the couple of weeks before the by-elections in Copeland and Stoke, in which Labour campaigned hard on the NHS, the BBC was pushing out lots of bad news stories about the NHS and its budget….just before the last PMQs before the by-election vote the BBC released its latest research…subsequently quoted in PMQs by Corbyn. Was the BBC trying to support Labour in the by-election? Similarly you may have noted the BBC going in hard on education….referring constantly to ‘budget cuts’ when in fact no cuts have been made, more money put in in fact… the NAO reports…‘government increased the schools budget by 7.7%‘. What is different is pupil numbers…they have shot up…due to migrant mothers having so many kids…another reason the NHS is under so much pressure. The BBC didn’t once make that connection in my hearing during all the discussions that flooded the airwaves.
Yesterday the BBC released another piece of its research on education, again just in time for PMQs and funnily enough Corbyn’s subject was education. Coincidence?
School governors have pointed to a “catastrophic” squeeze on budgets, as the government prepares to introduce a new funding formula for schools.
A snapshot survey of 4,000 governors by the BBC sheds light on the existing funding pressure in England’s schools.
National Governors Association head Emma Knights does however back the principle of the new funding formula.
Ministers say schools are funded at record levels and that the budgets rethink will end inconsistencies.
But the dramatic impact on already stretched budgets – even before the funding formula kicks in – has left ministers under pressure from Conservative backbenchers and head teachers in all areas of England.
Note nowhere does the BBC mention the actual cause of the ‘crisis’….
The difficulties being faced by schools across England were spelled out by the governors who responded to the BBC questionnaire.
“Diabolical”, “devastating” and “catastrophic” were among the words used to describe prospects for schools.
So…where exactly do the governors ‘spell out the difficulties faced by schools’? The BBC has merely produced a list of reactions not causes. Where are the causes of these dramatic impacts, the funding pressures, the catastrophic squeeze on budgets?
Oh hang on is this the explanation?…
The underlying financial problems faced by state schools in England were highlighted in a National Audit Office report in December last year.
The spending watchdog said schools would have to find £3bn in savings by 2019-20, amounting to budget cuts of 8%.
No…nowhere do we get the root cause of the ‘underlying financial problems’ ….some of the so-called cuts are in response to higher wage, pension and NIC costs…the BBC misses off the last bit of the quote…‘by 2019-20 to counteract cumulative cost pressures, such as pay rises and higher employer contributions to national insurance and the teachers’ pension scheme.’...the budget isn’t cut, it’s costs going up that mean efficiencies have to be made…..the schools have to choose between these and pupils’ education…but the real cost is more pupils…note the BBC’s report fails to mention this quote from the NAO…
Mainstream schools have to make £3.0 billion in efficiency savings by 2019-20 against a background of growing pupil numbers and a real-terms reduction in funding per pupil.
The Department’s overall schools budget is protected in real terms but does not provide for funding per pupil to increase in line with inflation. In the 2015 Spending Review, the government increased the schools budget by 7.7% from £39.6 billion in 2015-16 to £42.6 billion in 2019-20. While this increase protects the total budget from forecast inflation, the Department estimates that the number of pupils will rise over the same period, by 3.9% (174,000) in primary schools and by 10.3% (284,000) in secondary schools. Therefore, funding per pupil will, on average, rise only from £5,447 in 2015-16 to £5,519 in 2019-20, a real-terms reduction once inflation is taken into account.
Only in the BBC’s ‘reality check’ do we get a mention of pupil numbers…and no mention of immigration as the cause…a ‘baby boom’ but whose ‘baby boom’?…..
Reality Check verdict: The absolute amount of money in the pot for schools in England is at record levels but once you factor in rising pupil numbers, inflation and running costs, schools will have to cut approximately 8% from budgets by 2020.
It is true that this is the biggest pot in cash terms, but, of course, how generous the pot is depends on how many pupils there are in the system.
There was a baby boom in the early 2000s, which has been hitting primary schools for several years and is now moving up through the secondary system.
Between 2009 and 2016, the school system expanded to take in an extra 470,000 pupils.
The Department for Education says that between 2016 and 2025 there will be a further increase in the state school system, up from about 7.4 million pupils to about 8.1 million.
So there is a crisis in school funding, despite record levels of spending….and the BBC is not keen to spell out the real cause…mass immigration…and its costs. Immigration remember is beneficial and economically virtuous….as long as we ignore the extra billions we have to pump into the NHS, schools and housing, not to mention prisons, to keep the infrastructure going in order to cope with all these new people.
Record spending and wes till can’t cope…guess the answer must be more immigration as it’s so economically beneficial and pays for itself…no?
The Islamic presence in Europe is foreign in every way – racial, cultural and religious. It needs be turned back.
It has come about due to a serious lack of education, and ignorance of Islam by the political elite.
Lets look at what we are up against. With Islam there will be no compromise. Not because of us, but Islam will not accept a compromise, unless they are losing. Every canonical text of Islam forbids an abiding peace with the Infidel. A compromise treaty (Hudna), can hold for a maximum ten years, with the specific purpose for Muslims to re-organise and re-arm, and start the war again. This will not end until Islam is victorious, and Sharia is established throughout Christendom – the long term goal of Islam, or it is pushed back out of Europe, as it was at the Gates of Vienna in 1684.
These days Muslims don’t even have to wage war. All they have to do is to sit tight on Benefits, and let demography do the rest. Once Muslims are more then 30% of the population, its sharia legally, implemented by parliament. Goodbye Western civilisation. Lost due to the stupendous ignorance of our political elite. No parallel in history of such blind stupidity.
And blind idiot dhimmis like Treezer and all the morons go along with it. Beyond belief .
The Prime Minister has said the “Islamist” attack on Parliament was not “Islamic” and Islam is a “great faith”.
Taking on the role of a theologian, Theresa May insisted: “It is wrong to describe this as Islamic terrorism. It is Islamist terrorism. It is a perversion of a great faith.”
I suppose she feels she has to say it. But its time to stop being PC and state the truth.
Alright “Islamist terrorism”. Now where does it emanate from – Koran, Hadiths or Putin.
Some friends of mine have a seven year old daughter. In her class at primary school, there are two pupils who do not speak any English, and their daughter has been given one of these to mentor! That seems to me like a cheap way to teach the foreign child English, but I am not so sure it is very fair on the little girl who has to mentor the foreign child.
Still, diversity makes us stronger… doesn’t it?
When I was at a ‘progressive’ school in the early 80s the fashion was to pair up the bright, well behaved kids with the stupid, naughty ones. That worked out well didn’t it? I still recall the terror of sitting next to ‘poor Craig from the broken home’ while he stabbed me all day long with whatever sharp implement he could find.
Shouldn’t the seven year old girl be getting on with her own education instead of doing the teacher’s job?
Khalid Masood…a name that mandates that he slaughters the infidels…and in the eyes of his fellow muslims, he has gone to paradise for dying a warriors death in the name of Allah.
Watching the Islamic Al Shabeebs coverage of the death of Khalid (I think they have been a few token kafir deaths too, but these are accepted as necessary by the British hating bastards in Al Beebistan) is like watching a junkie wrecked on crystal meths…3 sheets to the wind, crazy and living in a parallel universe.
Take this perfect example….
What do we know so far about the killer?
Well, he is man who has utterly denounced the country he was born in, as instructed by the child raping serial killer Mo, and given his life for the muslims duty, jihad. He has used the very same method numerous other perfect Muslims have used in Berlin and Nice, to slaughter infidels, to enter paradise, and all set out in the Islamic instruction manual ‘inspire’.
Let’s have a look at how the lying, devious, conniving bastards at Al Shabeeb answer that very simple question…
It’s a sick, victim creating propaganda shit fest, designed to create the back story to the bullshit excuses and lies the traitors in government and media will use to excuse, justify and forget this truly Islamic event.
“His last conviction came when he was 38 or 39. In general terms, that’s quite late on in life for your average angry young man stuck in a world of petty criminality, violence and robbing”……same old lies and deadly bullshit from Al Beebistan! Angry. Criminal. Nothing at all to do with his religion?? Why would an angry criminal want to kill people and take his own fucking life you morons, unless it was because he believed this act would lead to a place in paradise!!!
This is the most deluded, psychotic and utterly spinless piece of journalism you will ever see in your entire life…..
“Did he go straight because, like many criminals, he had started a family and settled down? Or was there something deeper in his personality driving that violence – and the possibility that he would return to it?
And that raises the final question: what was the trigger for this attack?”…… this braindead piece of shit taking the piss here, does he actually have an epiphany and stops writing, or is he that far up his own self righteous arsehole that he has completely lost the plot??…because the answer to this question is simple….Islam
A precise and tothepoint critique of the idiot BBC. The politicos and the BBC are daily looking for what it is that radicalising Muslim youth. They are now convinced it is the Internet. So it must be Putin. Of course, as “it has nothing to do with Islam”, the Koran and Hadiths have nothing to do with radicalisation
From the link
Masood was not the subject of any current investigations and there was no prior intelligence about his intent to mount a terrorist attack,” Scotland Yard said.
This can be said for all Muslims. Anyone of them can get the call from allah to kill anytime, as it is time for him to join his virgins.
This is our future, and even worse for the next generation, as Muslims will soon outnumber them. It will be for them what it is now for Christians in Islamic oountries – to be treated with contempt, hit and kicked and even killed, girls raped and converted to Islam, and our culture treated with disdain, as it has been defeated.
This is the future. My contempt for the politicians who have made this, as they sang “Kumbaya, Kumbaya, tolerance, tolerance, Diversity is our strength”, is total.
A Muslim has to support Sharia, and its global enforcement, or he is an apostate. Period.
Which makes all Muslims the enemy.
“ it is time for him to join his virgins.”
Except there probably aren’t any virgins left as they have all been raped by Muslim gangs.
I believe a part of the “problem” is that presently the funding per child varies hugely around the country, but the correlation between input and output does not align with the amount spent.
We all know areas of the country receive extra input, but never seem able to catch up.
If the government more equalises the spending per head I think you may find that the perpetual begging bowl areas will be the hardest hit.
BBC has already started reaching for the “mental illness” card for Masood. This evening, security correspondent Frank Gardner started laying the foundations by claiming that Masood was known to be “a loner” and “rather detached”. Gardner went on to hint that Masood was vampire-like in that that he “only went out at night and was rarely seen during daytime”, and “preferred to wear black”. Here we go again….
“preferred to wear black”. You mean like the “so-called” (@TM BBC) Islamist State. He must be nutters
Is anyone else getting SICK AND F**KING TIRED of hearing about Jo cox??!!
Thomas Mair was suffering from a mental illness, his massive hoard of NAZI propaganda related films and DVDs can be seen below in the picture…..

Two BBC Documentary DVDs, Schindlers List, a Tom Beringer film that nobody has heard of, and a joint HBO and BBC film called `Conspiracy` .. A dramatic recreation of the Wannsee Conference where the Nazi Final Solution phase of the Holocaust was devised.
Starring Kenneth Branagh!!!!
Oh and he had a Roman Eagle Statue, it wasn`t a Nazi one as it wasn`t mounted atop a Swastika emblem….. As for his books etc…. all of them are available via any Public Library in the U.K. or you can order them via amazon etc….
It`s not like he had a lampshade made from human skin is it???
He offered no defence at his trial… If he was a NAZI supremecist surely he would have made his views known in Court??…
I`m sick and tired of the libtards peddling the myth of `Saint Jo of Damascus`… she was married to a sex pest and she never gave a f**k about all those young girls who were victims of peadophiles just up the road in Rotherham!!!!
she was married to a sex pest and she never gave a f**k about all those young girls who were victims of peadophiles just up the road in Rotherham!!!!
Exactly. In fact she was all for importing more Muslims to the UK. If she had succeeded, I dont know how many more young girls would have been gang raped, and how many more Jihadis would have entered the UK, and killed how many more.
She was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Just like those in Westminster.
Both perpetrators had mental issues.
Cox’s killer was a true lone wolf.
Yesterdays killer belongs to a huge, organized, well funded and defended, pro active group – that is the undeniable difference.
“Exactly. In fact she was all for importing more Muslims to the UK. If she had succeeded, I dont know how many more young girls would have been gang raped, and how many more Jihadis would have entered the UK, and killed how many more.”
Oh look, another post on B-BBC justifying murder.
That film Conspiracy is very well made, and incredibly chilling….do watch it….to see evil in action…excellent acting…but leaves you angry and shaken.
That DVD collection has a very high BBC content! It was probably a major factor in his radicalization.
We have to protect our left liberals.
So, there’s no alternative, we must close down the BBC.
“Thomas Mair was suffering from a mental illness…”
There were media reports (including from BBC) that he was, by all accounts, “a bit lonely and depressed”.
His mental state was assessed before the trial. He was found to be “of sound mind”.
He was NOT mentally ill.
“his massive hoard of NAZI propaganda related films and DVDs can be seen below in the picture”
Why do you pretend that’s all that was found?
“When detectives searched Mair’s home, they found it as methodically organised as his attack – but also a library of extreme nationalist and racist material…
In drawers, there were books about the SS and pamphlets about white supremacy.
He had a vast collection of literature from the National Alliance, an American neo-Nazi group.”
“As for his books etc…. all of them are available via any Public Library in the U.K. or you can order them via amazon etc….”
Erm no, Public Libraries don’t have a “White Supremacist” section. But yes you can buy all sorts of Neo-Nazi shit online; and when your house is full of it, it kind of points towards a particular way of thinking.
“It`s not like he had a lampshade made from human skin is it???”
Yes Justin, not having a human skin lampshade is definitely a plus point when assessing someone’s character.
“He offered no defence at his trial… If he was a NAZI supremecist surely he would have made his views known in Court??…
He requested to make a statement after sentencing. The Judge denied his request for reasons that should be obvious to you.
“I`m sick and tired of the libtards peddling the myth of `Saint Jo of Damascus`…
Oh you poor thing.
So you’ve decided to take the opportunity to slag off someone who was stabbed multiple times and shot in the face; attack her husband; disregard her two children (aged three and five); and then defend her murderer.
Must be difficult being you, Justin.
maxincony …………. Those are books you pedant…
Jo Cox was married to a NONCE!!! Three women made formal complaints about his aggressive sexual advances towards them and that is why he had to resign from his six figure salaried position as a `CHARITY WORKER` (Yea right!!)
Islam is more of a danger to te UK population than an imagined resurgent Neo-Nazi terror group!!!
Also there is a difference between a statement made by a defendant prior to a verdict and a statement made `post` conviction … If Thomas Mair had indeed wished to make any statement in his defence duringproceedings then the Judge by LAW is not allowed to intervene!!
Learn your facts before you go spouting s**t in future…
Smug little pr**k…
Justin Casey,
“Jo Cox was married to a NONCE!!!”
Keep on digging Justin. You might want to look up the definition of Libel sometime soon.
“Islam is more of a danger to te UK population than an imagined resurgent Neo-Nazi terror group!!!”
That might be your opinion, but unfortunately for Jo Cox’s children their mother was murdered by a Neo-Nazi.
“If Thomas Mair had indeed wished to make any statement in his defence duringproceedings then the Judge by LAW is not allowed to intervene!!”
Yes, so? Thomas Mair decided to wait until after sentencing to make a statement. And then discovered too late that he wasn’t going to be allowed to.
Because he was a dumb idiot.
Which part of; Neo-Nazi = Dumb Idiot, is too difficult for you to understand?
Mair appears to be a loner mental health patient with an attraction to the cult of nazism.No one is disputing that.What lead him to that no one knows because the BBC and Mr Cox decided it was the fault of Brexiteers.
But the BBC were not excusing him as they like to do with Islamic killers .No highlighting his poor and defective upbringing and generally making excuses as to why he should do such a thing.
No. They and Mr Cox demonise the Leave campaign and continue to do so.No Human Rights lawyers coming out the woodwork for him or hand wringing about his deprivation and isolation .In fact they locked him up and threw away the key.
How about an investigation as to why he was failed by the Mental health services where he sought help.
That is why people get annoyed and upset. The BBC and others are not even handed.They are so wrapped up in their diversity they can’t even see what they are doing.
Am I the only one fed up with the #WeAreNotAfraid drivel?
I am afraid. Afraid that our crooked politicians have given away our Great British culture and, because only politically-correct views are allowed, I am not allowed to state my unhappiness at the destruction of our once-great country. I am afraid that parts of my country are unrecognisable as millions of foreigners have been encouraged to come here – and even to call themselves British – without bothering to speak English or to comply with our laws. I am afraid that in only one generation my capital (London) has become a foreign city. I am afraid that many areas of our towns have gangs of foreign men roaming, attacking each other and sometimes assaulting English people. I am afraid that most of our schools and universities teach gullible youngsters that all of this is ‘normal’ and must not be questioned. I am afraid that online mobs think they have a right not to feel offended, and have convinced some Police forces that it is more important to protect their sensibilities than to deal with real crimes. And I am afraid that, our security services tell us, there are thousands of people living here, pretending to be British but actually holding allegiance to foreign countries and cultures and hating us so much that they are plotting to murder us. Yes, I am afraid.
Sir Arthur
I’m very much afraid that you are right.
Sir Arthur, Mr. Mole,
Be ye not afraid.
In the history of our island lie many examples of extreme tolerance, of willing acceptance of the ‘other’, of turning the other cheek, of giving the benefit of the doubt.
Up to a point.
Push us too far, and all hell will break loose. Summon up, if you will, the shades of Napoleon, of Hitler. Throughout our history we have assimilated the good, and dealt – sometimes with extreme measures – with the bad.
Our one great problem – and perhaps one of the nicest things about us – is that we so often allow ourselves to endure extreme provocation before we react.
But when we do, we have never, ever, lost.
Some reality is long overdue. The killer was a British citizen that makes his acts treason. An attack upon parliament is exactly that and Isis have claimed him as theirs. . It follows then that all those who went to fight for Isis are also by definition guilty of treason and must face trial. No return without consequences.
Sadly our leaders are not worthy of that word. They are fearful. Of the future and the terrorist. But also of the people like us. In every situation like this it cannot hold without either chaos or somebody arising who imposes his or her will and order returns. Which it will be for us I have no idea.
Candle vigils are not going to change anything . Only a harsh look at reality does that and Mrs May and the rest cannot, I repeat cannot do that.
I rather fear that the state will panic and using the powers it has try to suppress reality by various means. It will not work. It never does.
Nobody who values freedom can accept living with terror like this. it is an insult to us personally and an insult to our ancestors and to our descendants.
Bravo, Mr. S.
Perhaps that is why a certain Mr. T. Blair changed the statutory punishment for treason.
In no way am I afraid of the Terrorists. I’m just very sad for what the politicians have done to this wonderful country aided and abetted by the BBC.
But I am afraid for my children and their children because their lives are likely to be very different as the years go by.
I don’t even mind immigration ,but allowing cultures to carry on their medieval wars and practices such as sharia courts in Britain has been a disaster for our future.