Remember when Boris suggested attempts to unify Europe into one poltical union, as tried by the Romans, Napoleon and Hitler, were doomed to failure and he was savagely attacked by people who oviously hadn’t read what he wrote or didn’t care and just wanted to attack him?…
Rejecting Mr Johnson’s analysis, Hilary Benn said: “Leave campaigners have lost the economic argument and now they are losing their moral compass.
“To try and compare Hitler and the Nazis – the millions of people who died in the Second World War, the Holocaust – with the free democracies of Europe coming together to trade and co-operate, and in the process to help to bring peace to the continent of Europe after centuries of war, is frankly deeply offensive.”
Former Labour minister Yvette Cooper, who supports the Remain campaign, has accused Mr Johnson of a “shameful lack of judgement” and a willingness to play “the most divisive, cynical politics”.
Lord Bramall, a former head of the British army, said making a comparison between the EU and Nazi Germany was “absurd”.
“Hitler’s main aim was to create an empire in the East and violently subjugate Europeans. Any connection between that and the EU is simply laughable,” he said.
At a Remain event on Monday, Chancellor George Osborne was asked for his views on Mr Johnson’s comments. He made reference to Lord Bramall and said: “I think he said what needed to be said about Boris Johnson.”
Boris made no assertion that the EU was like the Nazi regime but that was how it was put about by his enemies…the BBC gleefully reporting it, digging out endless negative comments.
Curious then that when Michael Heseltine, a Remainder, actually suggests today’s Germany is the same as the Nazi Germany…nothing…the BBC isn’t outraged and nor is anyone else….or if they are the BBC hasn’t bothered to find them to ask….
The UK is handing control of Europe’s destiny to Germany by leaving the EU, Lord Heseltine has claimed.
The Tory peer, sacked as a government adviser after defying the whip over Brexit, said the Germans had lost World War Two but the UK was now giving them the “opportunity to win the peace”.
“For someone like myself, it was in 1933, the year of my birth, that Hitler was democratically elected in Germany. He unleashed the most horrendous war.
“This country played a unique role in securing his defeat. So Germany lost the war. We have just handed them the opportunity to win the peace.”
Maybe Heseltine hasn’t noticed…Hitler is dead, Germany is a democracy…and anyway….it already rules the EU…just ask Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain and all those who have been adversely affected by Merkel’s unilateral decision to open, not just Germany’s borders, but the whole of the EU’s to millions of Muslims.
There is a Have Your Say on this, to which I have just contributed. I had forgotten the fuss about what Boris said. Unbelievable hypocrisy from the BBC.
I still insist that all those LATIN words written on the outside of our schools/banks/airports/government buildings/scout/girl guide building/old boys clubs etc etc, should be taken down and replaced by our good old ENGLISH language!
What’s all that LATIN about anyway?
And while I’m here, when are we going to revert to “pounds and pence” and miles and furlongs?
Heseltine has always been unhinged. He is a useless idiot. Who ever took anything that prat has ever said seriously ? Not the sharpest tool in the box .
Yes, the Fourth Reich now rules Europe.
Heseltine is a big liar. He wants the UK to stay in the EU so that he and his fellow Fascists can be part of the Fourth Reich. A coward and a liar.
In several forms.
“Muslims shouting Heil Hitler in Germany while Waving Turkish and Palestinian Flags”
Interesting to read the Have Your Say comments on this. Many people describing him as a senile old fool; pointing out the vested interests (apparently his farms receive EU subsidies); his poor attendance record in the Lords; his general hypocrisy; his lack of historical knowledge and so on. But look at one of the things the sly old goat said:
“For someone like myself, it was in 1933, the year of my birth, that Hitler was democratically elected in Germany. He unleashed the most horrendous war.”
See what he did there? He is pushing the Establishment/BBC line that democracy isn’t necessary a good thing. Sometimes the people, whom Heseltine and the BBC and other unelected parasites detest, “get it wrong” and there are “horrendous” consequences. You know, like the democratic majority voting Leave when all the experts (vested interests) were telling them it was going to be a terrible disaster…
As I said, Heseltine is a Fascist.
He is a country member.
You mean a “truculent runt ” to quote Gough Whitlam ?
Yes but I find that phrase a bit of a tongue-twister.
Not to be said after a few glasses of malt !
Yes, I certainly do remember and has been so since his backstabbing treacherous behaviour in the 1980s.
Heseltine has always been an idiot, I was born in the same year but unlike him I know the history of the war. And yes, Hitler was elected but then so was Heseltine who then betrayed the British People by lying about the EEC and the known consequences. Never forget, Heath and his cabal knew the end game for the EEC, slice away a bit at a time and hey presto, the EU, another evil empire!
Suggesting that to unify a disparate continent such as Europe, whether by force or peacefully, will end in tears, is not Nazi talk, but realism.
Ah, yes, but it was to be ruled by all those bureaucrats who we all know are infallible and so must be obeyed! Which explains the German/French axis to a tee.
Boris forgot to include the mass murderer Charlemagne, numerous Kings of France over the centuries, the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II. They all also tried and failed in their determination to take total control of Europe.
Hitler abolished elections once he got power .
His government was also corporatist , anti small business , secretive and against the workers , despite the words Socialist and Workers in his parties name .
Like the EU. Once in, no way out unless via destruction of the Leaving country.
Note the way EU threatens to destroy Britain – very Mafia like. They are threatening to wring Britain’s neck.
They hate us and always have done. It is jealousy, pure and simple.
I would say more to do with ‘pour decourager les autres’.
Here’s a petition for UK residents to back the return of British fishing waters to the UK after Brexit:
I’ve already signed it, please share with friends and family!
Support UK fisherman!
Signed. If you look at the map it is interesting to note some of the strongest support for this petition comes from Scotland. I say interesting but I really mean bizarre as we are told the Scots are all strongly pro EU and anti UK. Could it be we are being lied to? The Scots are just as pro Brexit as the rest of us? Surely not…..
Hitler himself was never elected: in 1932 he ran for president against the incumbent, Hindenburg, and lost.
Although Hitler lost the presidential election in 1932, his Nazi party won in the German legislative election of July 1932 , gaining 37% of the vote and more than doubling their seats from 107 to 230, making the Nazis the single biggest party in the Reichstag. However, no party coalition emerged within the Reichstag with the 293 or more seats needed to form a majority government, so the sitting Chancellor continued to govern, relying on presidential decrees from Hindenburg until a majority coalition could emerge.
Another legislative election was held in November of 1932 , in which the Nazis gained fewer votes (33% and 196 seats) than in July, but still remained the single biggest party in the Reichstag. Again, no coalition of parties emerged with 293 or more seats to form a majority government, but Hitler formed a coalition with another right wing party that got him up to 250 seats. Still short of the absolute majority of 293, but it put him in a strong position to demand the position of Chancellor and the right to form a government – he might not have a Reichstag majority, but he had more seats and support in the Reichstag than the current Chancellor, and no other politician had more legislative seats and support than Hitler’s coalition.
Hitler was appointed (not elected) to Kanzler office on January 30, 1933, by the president, Hindenburg following a behind-the-scenes deal among German political elite.
All this was taking place against a backdrop of increasing violence and intimidation by both the Nazis and Communists, threatening to plunge Germany into a civil war.
Versagog ,
Furlongs are still used in Racing . Seems everybody is happy , even the professional gamblers who have to make complicated calculations .
Sorry Grant ,
Accidentally hit report button and can’t get reply button .