It pains me to post this but I think that Andrew Neil has lost it. Last night on This Week he gave an opening speech in which he claimed that the terrorists had no chance of cowing the British people. He conjured up the spirit of the blitz as an example of what the Brits can endure and still resist. He was right in saying British resistance to the Luftwaffe was truly magnificent but he was wrong to think that such spirit and determination remains a characteristic of The a British people in the 21st century. For a start we were a much more homogenous society then and people were used to much harder lives. Now our society is fractured with all manner of different ethnic groups and special interest groups vying for power and influence. Most of them are granted a platform by the BBC unless of course they happen to be patriotic Brits in which case the state funded broadcaster vilifies and derides them. I am sure that many Muslims will have felt disgust at the latest attack in London but I am equally sure that many Muslims would have cheered and felt solidarity with the terrorist. How can you possibly invoke the spirit of 1940 when we have such a large 5th column in our midst and one which our leaders dare do nothing about. In 21st century British people rush to get out their candles, their teddy bears, thumb their hash tags , link arms and wonder why people do such nasty things. The spirit of fighting back is frowned upon by the BBC, the police, the government , almost all commentators and millions of gullible , naive middle class fools. I am sorry Mr Neil but your analogy with 1940 does not work. We lack the guts of past generations and a great deal of the responsibility for that lies with the organisation that Mr Neil works for, the BBC, who have been sapping the Blitz Spirit out of our country for decades.
We keep hearing about how well we Brits are responding to this latest atrocity.
“We’ll have a cup of tea and then get back to work”
That’s the British spirit showing them that we will carry on and let them know we’re not beaten.
What other option is there?
Do the BBC think that we would all stay at home, not go to work and in general, hide away in safe spaces because some murderer killed four people.
How many of you were thinking of giving up and staying at home because of the latest muzzy outrage.
It’s NOT the British way of life of the blitz spirit, it’s what everybody does, just gets on with it.
In some of the hell holes around the world they have far worse to contend with yet they get on with life.
Doublethinker is right though, we’ve been diluted. We are the minority in our capital city and are losing more and more each year. We have little in common with our grandparents time in our land, it’s been given away.
By the way, question time was crap last night. Full of lefties and virtue signallers coming out with the usual cheap applause triggers like our police are the best in the world.
Also, there’s not much being made of the fact that the murderer was shot by a plain clothes protection officer who, VERY LUCKILY, happened to be there as his minister was thereabouts. If he had not been there the murderer would have probably gotten inside and then there might have been some serious numbers killed.
Excellent post Doublethinker. We are constantly told that we are living in a ‘different world’ now when it comes to technology, jobs, migration and demographics, music and our daily life, compared to 50 years ago, AND YET commentators start bleating about how us Brits have ‘the spirit of the Blitz’ when faced with an atrocity – er, no – didn’t you get the memo? we are living in a different world !!! — where people thumb their phone and look the other way when passing by someone lying on the ground clearly in need of help ! We are at the stage where migrants (and a lot of indigenous youngsters) don’t even know what the Blitz was !
Neil’s “stiff upper lip” speech seemed highly incongruous even ridiculous on the BBC because such manly,if not imperial virtues, have been derided and sneered at on the BBC for decades. This is why May’s exhortations to stoic forbearance in the face of knife-wielding muslim assassins ring so hollow. Especially, as the Sun revealed May and her bodyguards running around like frightened chickens at the slightest hint that a “big beard” might be in close proximity. Gordon of Khartoum fighting off the fuzzy wuzzy with his cane and dying with noble sang-froid as he is finally hacked to death is just Boys Own rubbish to the BBC.
Neil still seemed to be “on something” on the Daily Poltics. He mused that the “attack on Westminster, the heart of our democracy” would somehow rally the troops and make Westminster politicians the heroes of the hoi polloi. I don’t think so. One good thing about Brexit is that it has opened my eyes to the utter contempt these people feel towards, literally, the majority of the population.
The idea that ordinary peopls should meekly accept muslim mayhem and murder as the way of the world just because Westminster politicians made a catastrophic strategic blunder decades ago and now do not have the will or inclination to rectify it is abhorrent.
Andrew Neill referred many times to ‘jihad’ and ‘islamist’ during the This Week programme yesterday. He is the only BBC journalist even prepared to use such words. I felt he seriously showed up the rest of the BBC’s coverage of the London attack.
Agree completely. The commentariat is in full flow about this is an attack on democracy and how it will redeem Westminster in the eyes of the people. It will nothing of the kind. We know that the most immediate threat to our democracy comes from many of those in the Palace of Westminster who are doing everything they can to subvert the will of the people as expressed in the refererendum. We also know that these same members of the Palace of Westminster are slowly but surely selling out to Islam. They may not realise it but their pro Islamic policies have already created a divided society.
Andrew Neil also returned to reality when he said that French resilience had been stretched to breaking point by the massive attacks that they have suffered. Well , at least they have a leader in waiting who will do something about the tyranny of Islam. All the French have to do is to vote or her. We have no one who dare even say that we even have a problem with Muslims.
Agree completely. The commentariat is in full flow about this is an attack on democracy and how it will redeem Westminster in the eyes of the people. It will nothing of the kind. We know that the most immediate threat to our democracy comes from many of those in the Palace of Westminster who are doing everything they can to subvert the will of the people as expressed in the refererendum. We also know that these same members of the Palace of Westminster are slowly but surely selling out to Islam. They may not realise it but their pro Islamic policies have already created a divided society.
Andrew Neil also returned to reality when he said that French resilience had been stretched to breaking point by the massive attacks that they have suffered. Well , at least they have a leader in waiting who will do something about the tyranny of Islam. All the French have to do is to vote or her. We have no one who dare even say that we even have a problem with Muslims.
I think Doublethinker is talking rubbish. Brillo is spot on as a nation we know how to stand up to these bastards and teach them all a good ol lesson in Bulldog Brit resilience.
These days we have some really effective weapons against this sort of violence such as #tags, candlelit vigils, flowers, teddy bears, politicaly/Islamically correct establishment and media, and most devastating of all Phillip Schofield defiantly walking across Westminster Bridge.
These far more up to date measures have replaced all the old fashioned inefficient measures such as effective policing, strict border controls, honest open debate and effective deportation.
Thank God our leaders were wise enough to update all these old measures and bring us into the 21st century – Who knows where we would have been if things had not moved on!
Nice bit of satire, Oaknash, sadly of a type never to be heard on those BBC satirical classics ‘The News Quiz’, ‘The Now Show’ and ‘Have I Got news For You’. If they had any semblance of balance they’d be taking the blind p*** out of the self-congratulatory declarations of stoicism gushing out of our politicians and media who in the very same week were mourning and praising mass murderer McGuiness, about whose IRA we allegedly showed similar stoicism and determination not to be cowed back in the 70s and 80s.
Wow, what a great talk with some interesting ideas. Good to hear someone actually suggest a solution to this problem. It would be interesting to hear what Muslim ‘authorities’ would say about the use of pork products…they claim to be against such terrorist atrocities, so this method should therefore be acceptable? I think I’ll wear a pig-hide suit and carry some ham around with me from now on.
The ‘Porcine option’ was used extensively in 19th Century British India. Muslim insurgents/terrorists were frequently sown into pig skins and then strapped to the muzzles of cannons. Arguably that is where General Pershing got his idea from. Interesting to compare with today, where the childish act of placing a strip of bacon outside a Mosque in Britain can get you imprisoned and killed, re Kevin Crehan.
Very interesting. It needs restating that the real enemy of the West is within ourselves. Those who have determind to destroy it for reasons that are solely to do with a fantasy need to recreate the world of their desires. Hence the progressive belief that the end justifies the means ( a vice of the intellectual Westerner since the French Revolution) so that alliances and accomodations with fanatics then make sense to them.
So we , the Western majority, find ourselves in what is really a pre revolutionary situation, where the ancien regime is our leaders and our real adversary.
Realising this we can understand why President Trump is so hated by the BBC elites and why Marine le Pen is so feared. The old divisions of left and right make no sense now. The division is much harder and potentially much more divisive. It is between those who will eventually want to do what is necessary to ensure the survival of their children and grandchildren and those who care little for this but place importance on peer approval and the pleasures of the moment. There is no possibility of compromise.
I am inclined to question the prevailing narrative that the primary goal of terrorist organisations is to ‘divide us’. Of course this narrative is employed so as to castigate any commentary which attempts to critique our ruling multicultural open border diversity-minded politics and policies.
Islamic terrorist organisations seek to assert the power of their own factions within existing Muslims countries and also to spread the influence of Islam beyond those borders so as to ultimately conquer the West.
Within Western Europe mass immigration and demographics will deliver Sharia Law to our major cities within a couple of decades without a shot being fired or a bomb exploded – although the fear of such among our liberal elite will ease the way.
In reality Islamic Terrorism at a medium level of intensity is all that is required alongside the reverse-colonisation of the West. High profile enough that new recruits are gathered and that the existing Muslim populations have something to relate to – but not so intense that Western nations are moved to actually act to curb Muslim immigration. This medium level intensity is being achieved. Just read between the lines of the platitudes of the Mayor of London – he suggests we must do nothing about these apparently insigificant events. Liberal media such as the BBC aid this with a short-lived publicity splurge and then within days a complete resignation to business as usual.
We are divided. These commentators do not live in Northern cities or Muslim dominated parts of East London.
We did not seek these divisions ,the Religion of Peace preaches these divisions and nothing we “unbelievers ” do will make it any different. I’m afraid Brillo is only stating the official line .They will not win ,we will not be defeated etc .Words are cheap.
Where is the plan that doesn’t include labelling us as Islamaphobes and racists?
” Softly, softly catchee monkey “. The Islamic terrorists know that if they go too far too quickly it will be counter-productive. The dim Leftists and appeasers fall for this. Idiots.
2hrs 19mins
Jahan Mahmood anti-rad guy, gets loads of taqiya time on the BBC, he was on Al BBC1 earlier here he s on 5live, the HJS Report is all wrong, other reports are wrong Bham is not a problem nobody knows this guy etc etc … he s on for quite a while, and he s spoken to 10,000s of susceptible men.
10, 000s !!! UH OH!
Neighbour says he knew London jihadi from mosque, mosque says they didn’t know him
The neighbor said: “I don’t know him personally but I believe he belongs to a mosque on Leyton High Road. I’ve seen his face many times. I saw him on the news at around 7pm last night and thought ‘this is the guy I know from the mosque.”
However, “worshippers at the Al-Tawhid mosque in Leyton were surprised to learn Masood had alleged links with the mosque.”
Although Doublethink addresses this Brillo piece from This Week above…….Just for the record I have got to say that the introduction speech Brillo gives before asking Portillo what his moment of the week was, is definitely by far the best I have heard on the BBC EVER from one of it’s own on the Islamic Jihadist Scumbags:
I agree that it was great rhetoric from Brillo and also that no one else at The BBC would have the balls to be so blunt about Jihadiis. But great rhetoric is often a fantasy. I’m afraid that last night Andrew Neil was in fantasy land.
4:30pm @BbcR4Feedback ..guessing the items, by spotting what they are fishing for on Twitter
#1 Views on the BBC’s terrorism coverage
… They are fishing for comments from people who have tweeted positively about “Brendan Cox eloquent on @BBCr4today
#2 ”world’s longest running jazz radio show (confirmed)
#3 also fishing around for Remain people who have tweeted negatively about Brexit economics. As they talk about MP’s anti-Brexit complaints ..(confirmed)
#4 Tim Samuels’ Sleepover doc (Israel’s Ziv hospital, where they treat wounded Syrians)
#5 what might happen at the BBC in the event of a royal death.
#6 “why are the BBC paying so much attention to the terrorist Martin McGuiness?”
Probably not doing an item about that, cos they didn’t reply to the questioner
Re #6 They’ve opened by airing view that the Westminster attack got too much coverage !
They played a stunt by playing a listener saying “see the Channel4 named the attacker and BBC didn’t”,
… in fact C4 withdrew that name by the end of the prog they’d first aired it.
..BBC News dept voice just said “the attack was the first since 7/7 2005”
em Lee Rigby beheaded 22 May 2013
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
“The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem. Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! Be honest.”
The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem. Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! Be honest.
That’s why we love his approach! Pity not one of these jelly-livered, muslim loving politicians in the UK will find their support vanishing soon. But don’t you wish a politico would step forward to take up the mantle? What overwhelming support they would receive.
G – We have one BLOKE who conducts himself with dignity and is fully in command of his brief.
His name is Nigel Farrage.
Unfortunately with a combination of naivety and amateurism from his own party and the fact that we have a liberal media and establishment conspiring against him. Until things get a lot worse he will always be sidelined.
Regarding Islamisisation of our society the media and especially BBC both use the boiling frog theory. The political changes needed to enable this to happen are introduced very slowly in the hopes that the mass of the population will not notice until it is too late.
Fortunately the brexit vote shows that people have caught on to what is happening so I suspect that eventually the proponents of this islamisisation will be forced to overplay their hand in the near future and hopefully at this point as a nation we will all say enough is enough. And with luck it may well be mean bye to impotent “kitten heels” forever!
Farage isn’t tough enough on Islam; and I’m not convinced anymore that democracy is the system of government which will allow the problems we’re facing to even begin to be remedied.
The only thing that politicians (the vast majority of them) care about is being re-elected.
Most of them know what a growing threat Islam is in the U.K. but they don’t want to have to be the ones who have to deal with it, they’ll just leave it for whoever comes later.
“I still cannot foresee how a country can be peaceably governed in which the composition of the population is progressively going to change, in the way the population of great parts of England is certainly going to change. I am talking about violence on a scale which can only be described as civil war. I cannot see there can be any other outcome.”
J. Enoch Powell.
Al I suspect that Farage is similar to us in that he is fully aware of the implications of Islam but is also politically canny enough to realise that now is not the time to say publically what we all think.
Whilst the alternative media is growing stronger, the BBC is still listened to by many and as we all know its media manipulation techniques can still be quite subtle and effective.
I suspect that as things continue to escalate he will eventually come out with opinions regarding Islam similar to ours. However until the political landscape changes (which it will) The likes of Farage will have to keep their heads down a bit longer.
If not he risks being portrayed as an upper crust Tommy Robinson and though people may well agree with the message their class and “intellectual” prejudices would mean that many would still much rather shoot the messenger than listen to the truth.
Unfortunately we have to wait a bit longer – but these jihadi bastards will eventually up the ante and overplay their hand at which time politicians such as Farage (and even Robinson) will be able to show their leadership leaving the likes of Theresa weeping into her hijab.
Let’s just gloss over that only ‘evil’ Trump and ‘evil’ Putin are doing anything to fight Jihadis shall we?
Ah but wait, I hear UK candle production has been boosted with emergency stockpiles being placed in readiness.
An excellent piece from Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs at
Lessons from Israel’s Response to Terrorism….
Is the Terror Against Europe Different from the Terror Against Israel?
Long but well worth studying.
Andrew Neil doesn’t have to – he could resign, join a website like Breitbart, write for the Spectator or do any number of things to oppose the corrupt BBC. But he doesn’t – he stays and takes the BBC shilling (or thirty pieces of silver).
At least there is one ray of sunshine in the doom and gloom of the Westminster attack. As Norman Tebbitt said, “The world is a cleaner nicer place” than it was last week.
Apparently our muslim murderer had a sense of (gallows) humour. If The Sun is to be believed, his last words to hotel staff were: ‘I’m off to London today… it isn’t what it used to be’. The one thing we agree on.
Not at all sure I’m prepared to accept this as the new ‘normal’ with just a candle as my only defence?
With a future to contemplate of atrocities becoming bigger and better and being just ‘okay’ with the thought that the people I love may not return from that bit of shopping or cinema visit. And that I dare not express my concern for fear of the consequences.
Bollox we will beat them gents – give them a heads start . We will feed them BBC sofa monkeys as we get our Country back . Charlie will be first I will enjoy watching that total wker Stayt growing up – roofer my arse
There was an astounding revelation on the Jezza Swine Show today by a former prison warder: he said that under the Human Rights Act, Muslim prisoners were entitled to refuse to allow Kaffir prison officers to sit in when they were receiving a sermon from the imam, so the staff had no idea what was being preached to them.
He also said that the imam who worked in the prison where he was, had been banned from two other prisons because of what he’d incited there; when this chap asked the governor why he was allowed to be in their prison, he was told it was because he hadn’t done anything wrong in this prison!
You really would struggle to make this s**t up!
The Human Rights Act was, yet another, action by Blair which has had catastrophic consequences for our country and our society. He must be in the running as one of the very worst prime ministers we’ve ever had, and he’s got some stiff competition – Heath for one.
I am a fan of Mr. Neil and if you Monitor twitter he sure takes some stick from the Left/SNP types. He is treated as a token free spirit by albeeb and makes up for a lot of the biased poison we have to suffer .
Some one has to say what he said on This Week . In context what happened at Westminster this week does not rank with the blitz – except for those poor souls directly affected bless them.
There is a British spirit though – unfortunately if it kills an enemy terrorist – such as a certain Royal Marine – well paid lawyers lock them up. I’m waiting for the “independent” Police Complaints authority to investigate the Westminster shooting!!
Looks like that the vain and naive “Prime Minister” of Canada has managed to push his country down the slippery slope of Islamic appeasement that will only end one way.
It never ceases to amaze me that countries such as this and Sweden, both of whom appear to have enviable lifestyles. Seem almost in a hurry to exchange their freedoms and culture for a more medieval one where savagery and ignorance are valued far above freedom and tolerance.
RIP the Canada we all know. It will be another slow and unpleasant death (like Swedens) but hopefully the rest of us will be able to learn from your mistakes and the vanity of your politicians!
I think a nice epitath for Justin could be
Melanie Phillips
“Denying that Islamic terror is Islamic also underwrites the disturbing refusal by the Muslim community to acknowledge any responsibility at all for what is being perpetrated in the name of their religion.”
Met spokeman’s Mike Rowley appeasement last night at the press conference
Wasn’t that the police capitulating and sending a message ?
– “Please Mr Muslim terrorist we police, we love Muslims and Islam,
…. so don’t kill any more of us”
It would be funny if not so sad…’they won’t change our way of life’. WRONG. Look at the pics! Central Rome on lock down, armed military guarding major landmarks. ‘In a complex security operation, cars have been banned from the city centre and some museums and other tourist attractions have been closed.’
So that is a lie too – we all know our life has changed.
BBC News at Ten wetting itself over Trump not getting his Obamacare repeal through. I’m not sure why it’s of such importance this side of the Atlantic. Other than they hate the President.
It seems to me that Trump has been very quick to throw in the towel and is happy for Obamacare to stew in its own juice while he’s been seen to have tried. Time will tell, but I think the Beeb is celebrating prematurely.
BBC Newsnight has that slippery MCB guy deftly obfuscating away concerns from REAL debate on Islams erm “radicalised” adherents
They had J Mahmood on BBC Breakfast later on 5Live as some “guru” on radicalisation
The much lauded HJS Report is all wrong, other reports are wrong, Bham is not a problem, nobody knows this Westminster Islamic murderer etc etc
… and he s on for quite a while too, (and apparently he s spoken to 10,000s of susceptible men).
yep! that s 10,000s all men
2hrs 19mins
Oh he doesn t like D Murray … he doesn t like K Mahmood, one of the very few
MPs to really speak plain and openly about this issue and in Bham.
What he does like? well who knows? … apart from the BBC 😀
Actually Mr Mahmood the MP has been clear about this for years.
…“There are certainly over 10,000 people being monitored nationally.
… Labour MP Khalid Mahmood says 2,000 jihadists have travelled to Syria and Iraq from the UK – a fourfold increase on what are official estimates
… Up to 300 British jihadis ahave returned from fighting in Syria and Iraq
… My experience in Birmingham says is it is a huge, huge problem – There are growing fears that the authorities remain unable to detect extremists leaving UK ports on their way to terrorist training camps.
Justin Webb, in Stoke on Trent for the TODAY Programme (BBC Radio4 7-9am) faced another accusation between 7.09am and 7.15am. This time it was for ‘editing’, showing a selective picture of Stoke during the recent By-Election campaign.
It is always interesting to note those lines of news which the BBC reports – because they have been widely reported in the press – but in which BBC news editors noticeably show no curiousity in following so as to enlighten the audience.
A case in point this morning: BBC TV news informs us that the Westminster Islamic murderer in some reports described as a ‘teacher’ had indeed previously worked as a ‘teacher at the Saudi Embassy’
There would have been interest here because earlier in this story BBC reporters insisted – presumably so as to reassure the public – that this man ‘had never worked in the English State School system’
This is one of those code-worded inuendo situations – what is being hinted at here by the BBC yet not spoken out loud? The issue the BBC is reluctant to get into is the largely underground system of Islamic Madrassas that exists here in Britain.
So the BBC Informs but is reluctant to Entertain the further Education of viewers on this issue.
I switched on the TV at 7:20am to see BBC Breakfast and within seconds I hear… “the London terror attack was done by Adrian Russell.” [BBC using his English name again no surprise] “He was a recent Muslim convert.” [I nearly spat out my coffee, the BBC are telling the truth for once].
They then continued… “A new study reports that up to 16% of terror attacks in the UK are by converts.”
They then listed a few Muslim converts who have turned to terror including the shoe bomber and Lee Rigby killers.
So the BBC have finally accepted the Muslims are turning to terrorism? Yes, but it appears to be a lot less than I thought. Heck it’s only 16% of all terror attacks barely not worth mentioning!
Shame they didn’t list the other 84% isn’t it? Nothing like a bit of FAKE STATISTICS to wake up to.
Trust Al Beebeestan to slip this little nugget into their ‘bio’ of the latest muslim murderer: “While living there in 2000, Adrian Elms became embroiled in a serious pub attack following what may have been racist provocation and ostracisation or arguments in his village.”
Yep, it’s all the fault of nasty white racists!
Note “MAY HAVE BEEN racist provocation”… “or ostracisation”… “or arguments”… or something. In other words they haven’t a clue, probably just made it up, or that was his lame defence in court. Because of course if it was waycism, then that explains, excuses and justifies his subsequent descent into violence, prison, ‘radicalisation’ and terrorism. Now it all make sense to the beeboid mind that believes all evil is traceable back to whitie, and cannot understand that his ‘motivation’ was simple: islam.
Charlie – This is where I despise the BBC the most. A hint there, a nudge somewhere else all in the hopes that someone else picks it up and they can then “truthfully” say “Many people say!” or “It has been said by some”
It’s the BBC, it’s Saturday, it’s 7.47am and it’s “Smack-A-Critic” !!
Seriously, BBC current affairs may now often be presented by a male-female combo from a sofa in the style of Blue Peter but the show where Licence Payers are supposed to be allowed to have their say on the BBC news presentation makes it childsplay for BBC news managers to shrug away criticism.
Did you think it ridiculous for BBC presenters to decamp from the studio to empty Westminster streets for the next 24 hours following the terrorist act on Wednesday afternoon?
Did you consider the BBC obituary coverage of Martin McGuinness somewhat underplayed his murderous background in the IRA?
You silly viewers. Soft-soaper Samira Ahmed and the BBC Controller of Day Time News Programmes one Gavin Allen are here to show how very wrong you are. Our Gavin has the look of square-jawed David Coultard with a severe Marine Corps crew-cut up top – an ensemble image which belies his liberal corporate – we got it about right – outlook.
I was half-watching Tony Robinson “walking” coast to coast on Channel 5, last night – you, know – the leftie Tony Robinson, that one…
He was intrigued by the story of the grey squirrels invading the Former UK from North America, and thus almost wiping out the indigenous red squirrels, so that the greys are the dominant species, now.
It occurred to me that there was a clear similarity to what the Islamics and other non-European races are doing to the ethnic white British people, who are a disappearing feature from our towns, and cities, and wondered if leftie Mr. Robinson had ever considered that what he espouses, will result in the same situation in which the red squirrels found themselves?
At least the red squirrels are being encouraged to multiply, and prosper whilst the greys are being trapped, and exterminated to facilitate this.
“It occurred to me that there was a clear similarity to what the Islamics and other non-European races are doing to the ethnic white British people”
“Islamics”? Is that a race? Once again; islam is an ideology, not a race. The people who follow islam are called muslims, and that isn’t a race either. Many muslims live in countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Egypt. The people of said countries are not a race either.
Red and grey squirrels are a different species,( Sciurus vulgaris and Sciurus carolinensis respectively ) those humans which follow a certain ideology are not a different species to those who do not. They are both Homo sapiens.
Until we can be a bit more precise about what the problem is, the ideology of islam, we are never going to be able to defeat it.
BBC Breakfast of course invites the Muslim “expert” on the concept of “radicalisation” to tell us dimwits that converts to ANY religion can be a bit iffy.
Funny, I must have missed the news reports on British-born young chaps from Kent causing murder and mayhem whilst yelling “Hare Krishna” – although to be fair they have been known to cause a minor traffic jam on Oxford Street.
Come to think of it a Salvation Army convert did once offer me a Warcry.
Having besmearched every other religion and their converts our Muslim friend did bristle a little when the BBC sofa bunnies made the incautious observation that recent converts often go to the more “Orthodox” extreme of a religion.
One could almost imagine Father Ted mutter ‘Careful, now’
Anyway, the overall message of this BBC item was a resounding: ‘Down with this sort of thing’
It’s amazing isn’t it? A “religion” founded by a man who raped and murdered tends to lead to his followers raping and murdering wherever they may be found.
That’s a real head scratcher isn’t it? I think I may have to call Dame Nikki Campbell for some advice on this one.
The Beauty Broadcasting Corp. in full anti-Trump mode this morning on the Today programme. Now making President Trump out to be a “failure”,”again” if the listener (by BBC suggestion) includes his “failed” Travel Ban. Mr Jon Sopel in full vituperative flow. This BBC reporter is a failure himself since he, himself, engineered the White House’s detestation and isolation of him, ably assisted by Kuenssberg, and clearly he is smarting in the knowledge that, in due course, the BBC will have to replace him for one more amenable to President Trumps working style. But there, Sopel can always reflect upon better times – like when he was filmed shaking hands with Obama on the Whitehouse porch. The illusion created by this excerpt as, ‘the BBC at the centre of things’ is no longer the case and it now is a long-overdue case of, ‘get off my porch BBC’. Long may that continue I say!!
Don’t know if is the same Jack Monroe but in Toady’s little puff-piece for the 9am programme hosted by the gay reverend who was the stage sidekick of the 80’s gay ‘singer’ Jimmy Somerville, she is described as a ‘social architect’. Presumably this is how the lawn-munching former Guardian food blogger (cheap meals have made her a millionaire) and Al Beeb sleb now describes herself!
And they say there is no upward mobility nowadays!
Nick was still trying to “join up the dots” in relation to the Khalid enigma on the Today programme R4.
This time he was talking to a school friend.
What was the reason for this atrocity?
Nick must have immense self-control or they edited out the orgasmic groans of ecstasy when the school friend mused “I don’t know what effect being the sole black man in a white environment had on him”. Game, set and match. BBC propaganda being regurgitated on the BBC for the benefit of all.
Could it really have been that conversion to Islam that led to all the unpleasnatness?
Nick muses how different the early life of Khalid is from that of the classic stereotype of a big beard. Was his beard that big anyway?
Did anyone else catch Jonny Dymond’s weekly U.S rant on The World At One, yesterday?
He seems to become even more childish each week, but this one was pathetic.
This was then followed by what was essentially a far-left opinion piece from someone called Heather Cox-Richardson, who told us that Republicans actually like big government, but don’t like money being spent on “Blacks and Feminists”.
The BBC are gloating over Trump’s failure to pass through the health care reforms, gleefully playing over and over times he claimed he would sort it.
It is easier to destroy than to create. So many liberals have never made or done anything yet preach to everyone else how they ought to behave. I would like to see that smug wanker Sopel try and pass healthcare reform, he would retreat to a safe space and weep the second he did not get everything his own way.
Politics is the art of the possible. News is just making anything you like.
Yep why not report the facts BBC without the anti-Trump spin?. The Trump team thinks Obamacare will implode and is a right mess. They want to try and make Healthcare better for everyone. They have said to the Democrats ok have it your way but we are ready when you want to talk about it again. Next
I suspect that Pres. Trump will publicly identify those renegade Republicans when the time suits him, along with the the accompanying statement: ‘these were the individuals who thwarted the will of the majority of the voters in the US – you know what to do in just under four years time…….’
Have no doubt Trump is playing them and its not going to be business as usual.Democrats and republicans are as one party they both owned by their lobbyists and paymasters.Its all a game but Trump will find a way I think.
The scandalous Ted Heath affair seems to have largely dropped from the BBC’s agenda, the only news being that the so-called enquiry is to be closed and the police report will not be made public. This is a monstrous end to a monstrous injustice. The secrecy must not be allowed to stand, and the Wiltshire police and Chief Constable Mike Veale should be made to publicly account for his and their actions. There should be prosecutions of ‘witnesses’, especially the egregious ‘Nick’, and all who have contributed to this scandal. Will I hold my breath that Amber Rudd will do the right thing? No! It was clear from the start that the Wiltshire Police and had compromised itself, and the whole matter should have been taken from them. But a consistently weak and ineffective Home Secretary (who was that, I wonder?) didn’t have the strength of will to do it.
Well I never thought he had a sense of humour. More likely he thought Katya was meaning it literally. Great stuff. Very proud that the UK will not be represented at Juncker’s junket.
The BBC message regarding ISIS ran Mosul is clear. Once again the US is raining bombs on babies.
Down with the US, down with capitalism, long live the heroic Moslem freedom fighters.
The subtle mind games have already begun on the BBC. I was listening to The Today programme this morning and Nick Robertson was interviewing a childhood friend of Khalid Masood. We discovered that he’d been a good pupil at a good school and had been good at sport. “Did you notice anything about him?” asked an increasingly desperate Nick, “No” came the firm reply. Then Robertson started busking (and I don’t mean playing the mouth organ!) and started suggesting reasons for this “nice lad’s” conversion to Islam and murder. “He was pretty much the only black boy in a white middle class area, it wouldn’t be unusual if he’d been bullied.” suggested Nick. Eh?? Says who? Who the bloody hell are the BBC to make this racist assumption? Would they ever say the same thing about a white pupil attending a Muslim dominated school? You betcha they bloody wouldn’t! We’d have the usual bollocks about diversity and enrichment and how lucky they are.
This seems to be the avenue the Beeb are going to take; affluent, white, middle class area, black boy must have been racially abused. Clearly they can’t fall back on the old favourites like he was born into poverty, into a deprived area, never given a chance…
Thankfully the bloke who actually knew him had no recollection of him being picked on or abused in any way.. “I got bullied” he told old Nick, “I was a skinny little kid, but I don’t ever remember it happening to him.”
I just know that by the end of the week, that by hook or by crook, somehow or other…
This is going to turn out to be our fault…
The skinny little kid got bullied but did not go on to become a terrorist. Prick Robinson and the Beeboids really insult our intelligence. We all know that Islam is the biggest cause of terrorism. Beeboids are in denial. They are really thick as 2 short planks, just like Treezer.
Jeff – I dont know why the BBC dont just come out with the “truth” as they see it.
We are all hideously white, vile racist bigots and deserve to have our culture and way of life ripped away to be replaced with the Islamic culture and its “colourful” practices.
These new conquerors will rule in a pious and just fashion hand in hand with the deserving creative liberal “elite” who have been loyally supporting the cause of these oppressed brown people.
The BBC seem to spin some weird, left wing, masochistic fantasy where in truth they know that what they are encouraging in the end will hurt and destroy them – Yet they cant resist playing with it even if ends up “blowing up” in their faces.
Jeff, Beebistan are way ahead of you: “While living there in 2000, Adrian Elms became embroiled in a serious pub attack following what may have been racist provocation and ostracisation or arguments in his village.”
Note “MAY HAVE BEEN racist provocation”… “or ostracisation”… “or arguments”… or something… anything. In other words they haven’t a clue, probably just made it up, or else that was his lame defence in court. Because of course if it was waycism, then that explains, excuses and justifies his subsequent descent into violence, prison, ‘radicalisation’ and terrorism. Now it all make sense to the beeboid mind that believes all evil is traceable back to whitie, and cannot understand that his ‘motivation’ was simple: islam.
I conducted an interesting little experiment regarding the BBC’s HYS this morning. As a regular HYS contributor who frequently gets ‘moderated’ (censored in old money), very often when trying to access comments I get a message apologising that they can’t be loaded. This morning I realised that this only happens when using my laptop which is the only device I use to post on the BBC. Having got the message that the comments couldn’t be accessed I tried looking at them on my phone, desktop and a different laptop. Guess what, all of them happily displayed comments whilst I simultaneously tried to get them on my laptop without success.
Before drawing the obvious conclusion about another sneaky form of BBC censorship in operation, I would be interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar experience.
I have a slightly different problem where my computer only loads the comments during office hours. After 6pm they never load at all but during the working day it works 100% of the time.
I’d guess once the moderators go home certain persons on their banned list are restricted from even accessing the comments.
Who, pray (forgive me!) are these islamic Reformationists? Does anybody see them stepping forward. No we don’t. Probably, they’re more scared of retribution than any of the rest of us.
According to that Islamic luminary Mehdi Hasan (piss be upon him) beloved of the BBC and the Guardian, the Islamic reformation has already happened in the form of Wahabiism. The Mad Mehdi argues that just as Martin Luther expunged unbiblical accretions from Christianity, the Saudi Arabiaans have arrived at a pure form of Islam, free of cultural distortion. I suppose the Thirty Years War is meant to be the analogue of all the current unpleasantness in the muslim world. A hundred years from now the Muslim Enlightenment will be shining forth.
Will there be anyone left alive by then?
I can’t remember any politician getting the treatment that the BBC are dishing out to Trump. Even Maggie, George W. Bush and Sarah Palin got off more lightly than this. It is totally paranoid and hysterical.
On one level they hate him for not being black, female or ‘liberal’. Beyond that they hate him because they sense he is their nemesis, that he won’t play their games any more, that he despises them and all they represent. And beyond that because they sense he just might be right, a living rebuke to all they believe in, their self identity. They hate him because they fear him.
Charlie, I think they hate him because they know – deep down – that they, those that work in and for television, ‘made him’. He is their creation and he has now used the celebrity that their medium afforded him and built into him to gain power and bite back at them.
He is a modern Frankenstein’s Monster.
The BBC (and other TV channels) are Dr Frankenstein.
Problem is that Trump may not be the only monster out there. There may be others that are works in progress back there in the shadows. Some have the spotlight starting to swing onto them, the EU, for example.
Dr Frankenstein is starting to smash up his ‘laboratory’, right now by attacking the new media. Only weeks ago the BBC and others were stroking the latest burettes, test-tubes & Bunsen’s burners to see if their chemistries could be merged or mixed to advantage.
Today there is talk of prosecuting ISPs, should a single unfavourable or unacceptable video makes its way onto the internet and the public domain. I wonder when the attacks will really swing toward the TV and Radio Stations in the US that support President Trump. There have been some comments on BBC Radio 4, some weeks ago, about the so-called ‘alt-Right media’. Other comments made on R4, I think this week, about the UK newspapers.
The EU and Europe may not be the battleground that some people expect. It could be the media world. Expect casualties.
Acres of speculation as to the ‘motives’ of the murderous muslim, on Al Beebistan and in the press. Allow me to save a forest or two from the paper mills: Motive? He was a muslim doing what his unholy book commands him to do, namely kill unbelievers / pagans / infidels / Christians / Jews / kafirs. *(1)
Mad Mo of course set the example himself by having many killed, directly and indirectly. *(2)
Was the Westminster murderer bonkers? Of course.
Was he radicalised and egged on by the ravings of some equally deranged puppet master in the Mddle East, and/or in some god-awful local mosque, and/or in our criminally weak, unsupervised, ‘liberal’ prisons? Probably.
Times Letters page
Terrorist attack baffling ?
“No killing and be killed are the very words which appear in the ninth sura of the Koran”
S9V111 universally known to jihadists and suicide bombers
Yes University of Leeds translations
Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah’s Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed.
Alternative Translation:
Surely Allah has bought from the believers their persons and their property — theirs (in return) is the Garden. They fight in Allah’s way, so they slay and are slain.
I am not a lawyer, but on the face of it the Judge is interpreting the law correctly. If the Lib Dems are unhappy, they should change the law through Parliament.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
It pains me to post this but I think that Andrew Neil has lost it. Last night on This Week he gave an opening speech in which he claimed that the terrorists had no chance of cowing the British people. He conjured up the spirit of the blitz as an example of what the Brits can endure and still resist. He was right in saying British resistance to the Luftwaffe was truly magnificent but he was wrong to think that such spirit and determination remains a characteristic of The a British people in the 21st century. For a start we were a much more homogenous society then and people were used to much harder lives. Now our society is fractured with all manner of different ethnic groups and special interest groups vying for power and influence. Most of them are granted a platform by the BBC unless of course they happen to be patriotic Brits in which case the state funded broadcaster vilifies and derides them. I am sure that many Muslims will have felt disgust at the latest attack in London but I am equally sure that many Muslims would have cheered and felt solidarity with the terrorist. How can you possibly invoke the spirit of 1940 when we have such a large 5th column in our midst and one which our leaders dare do nothing about. In 21st century British people rush to get out their candles, their teddy bears, thumb their hash tags , link arms and wonder why people do such nasty things. The spirit of fighting back is frowned upon by the BBC, the police, the government , almost all commentators and millions of gullible , naive middle class fools. I am sorry Mr Neil but your analogy with 1940 does not work. We lack the guts of past generations and a great deal of the responsibility for that lies with the organisation that Mr Neil works for, the BBC, who have been sapping the Blitz Spirit out of our country for decades.
Excellent post Doublethinker agree with every word.
Quite right. In one generation most British have gone from heroes to zeros.
I hope Brillo has plenty more of those speeches at hand – he is going to need them while we have a Government in denial about the threat
You must know one hell of a lot of people then.
We keep hearing about how well we Brits are responding to this latest atrocity.
“We’ll have a cup of tea and then get back to work”
That’s the British spirit showing them that we will carry on and let them know we’re not beaten.
What other option is there?
Do the BBC think that we would all stay at home, not go to work and in general, hide away in safe spaces because some murderer killed four people.
How many of you were thinking of giving up and staying at home because of the latest muzzy outrage.
It’s NOT the British way of life of the blitz spirit, it’s what everybody does, just gets on with it.
In some of the hell holes around the world they have far worse to contend with yet they get on with life.
Doublethinker is right though, we’ve been diluted. We are the minority in our capital city and are losing more and more each year. We have little in common with our grandparents time in our land, it’s been given away.
By the way, question time was crap last night. Full of lefties and virtue signallers coming out with the usual cheap applause triggers like our police are the best in the world.
Also, there’s not much being made of the fact that the murderer was shot by a plain clothes protection officer who, VERY LUCKILY, happened to be there as his minister was thereabouts. If he had not been there the murderer would have probably gotten inside and then there might have been some serious numbers killed.
Your last sentence gives food for thought !
Excellent post Doublethinker. We are constantly told that we are living in a ‘different world’ now when it comes to technology, jobs, migration and demographics, music and our daily life, compared to 50 years ago, AND YET commentators start bleating about how us Brits have ‘the spirit of the Blitz’ when faced with an atrocity – er, no – didn’t you get the memo? we are living in a different world !!! — where people thumb their phone and look the other way when passing by someone lying on the ground clearly in need of help ! We are at the stage where migrants (and a lot of indigenous youngsters) don’t even know what the Blitz was !
Well that did not last long – Trump #1 on 10 News slot, their hatred of the Donald is more important than terrorism on home soil.
A.N made an uplifting speech after the Bataclan attack
..I guess that’s where he’s coming from
Neil’s “stiff upper lip” speech seemed highly incongruous even ridiculous on the BBC because such manly,if not imperial virtues, have been derided and sneered at on the BBC for decades. This is why May’s exhortations to stoic forbearance in the face of knife-wielding muslim assassins ring so hollow. Especially, as the Sun revealed May and her bodyguards running around like frightened chickens at the slightest hint that a “big beard” might be in close proximity. Gordon of Khartoum fighting off the fuzzy wuzzy with his cane and dying with noble sang-froid as he is finally hacked to death is just Boys Own rubbish to the BBC.
Neil still seemed to be “on something” on the Daily Poltics. He mused that the “attack on Westminster, the heart of our democracy” would somehow rally the troops and make Westminster politicians the heroes of the hoi polloi. I don’t think so. One good thing about Brexit is that it has opened my eyes to the utter contempt these people feel towards, literally, the majority of the population.
The idea that ordinary peopls should meekly accept muslim mayhem and murder as the way of the world just because Westminster politicians made a catastrophic strategic blunder decades ago and now do not have the will or inclination to rectify it is abhorrent.
Andrew Neill referred many times to ‘jihad’ and ‘islamist’ during the This Week programme yesterday. He is the only BBC journalist even prepared to use such words. I felt he seriously showed up the rest of the BBC’s coverage of the London attack.
Agree completely. The commentariat is in full flow about this is an attack on democracy and how it will redeem Westminster in the eyes of the people. It will nothing of the kind. We know that the most immediate threat to our democracy comes from many of those in the Palace of Westminster who are doing everything they can to subvert the will of the people as expressed in the refererendum. We also know that these same members of the Palace of Westminster are slowly but surely selling out to Islam. They may not realise it but their pro Islamic policies have already created a divided society.
Andrew Neil also returned to reality when he said that French resilience had been stretched to breaking point by the massive attacks that they have suffered. Well , at least they have a leader in waiting who will do something about the tyranny of Islam. All the French have to do is to vote or her. We have no one who dare even say that we even have a problem with Muslims.
Agree completely. The commentariat is in full flow about this is an attack on democracy and how it will redeem Westminster in the eyes of the people. It will nothing of the kind. We know that the most immediate threat to our democracy comes from many of those in the Palace of Westminster who are doing everything they can to subvert the will of the people as expressed in the refererendum. We also know that these same members of the Palace of Westminster are slowly but surely selling out to Islam. They may not realise it but their pro Islamic policies have already created a divided society.
Andrew Neil also returned to reality when he said that French resilience had been stretched to breaking point by the massive attacks that they have suffered. Well , at least they have a leader in waiting who will do something about the tyranny of Islam. All the French have to do is to vote or her. We have no one who dare even say that we even have a problem with Muslims.
I think Doublethinker is talking rubbish. Brillo is spot on as a nation we know how to stand up to these bastards and teach them all a good ol lesson in Bulldog Brit resilience.
These days we have some really effective weapons against this sort of violence such as #tags, candlelit vigils, flowers, teddy bears, politicaly/Islamically correct establishment and media, and most devastating of all Phillip Schofield defiantly walking across Westminster Bridge.
These far more up to date measures have replaced all the old fashioned inefficient measures such as effective policing, strict border controls, honest open debate and effective deportation.
Thank God our leaders were wise enough to update all these old measures and bring us into the 21st century – Who knows where we would have been if things had not moved on!
Nice bit of satire, Oaknash, sadly of a type never to be heard on those BBC satirical classics ‘The News Quiz’, ‘The Now Show’ and ‘Have I Got news For You’. If they had any semblance of balance they’d be taking the blind p*** out of the self-congratulatory declarations of stoicism gushing out of our politicians and media who in the very same week were mourning and praising mass murderer McGuiness, about whose IRA we allegedly showed similar stoicism and determination not to be cowed back in the 70s and 80s.
Hypocritical and spineless, the lot of ’em.
This is the BBC – It Will Kill Us All – amazing – A Must see:
Nothing more needs to be said!!!
Now where did I put my pig grease…
Wow, what a great talk with some interesting ideas. Good to hear someone actually suggest a solution to this problem. It would be interesting to hear what Muslim ‘authorities’ would say about the use of pork products…they claim to be against such terrorist atrocities, so this method should therefore be acceptable? I think I’ll wear a pig-hide suit and carry some ham around with me from now on.
The ‘Porcine option’ was used extensively in 19th Century British India. Muslim insurgents/terrorists were frequently sown into pig skins and then strapped to the muzzles of cannons. Arguably that is where General Pershing got his idea from. Interesting to compare with today, where the childish act of placing a strip of bacon outside a Mosque in Britain can get you imprisoned and killed, re Kevin Crehan.
“Suicidal death cult that is the BBC “. Sums it up. Why does it take Americans to tell it like it is ?
Very interesting. It needs restating that the real enemy of the West is within ourselves. Those who have determind to destroy it for reasons that are solely to do with a fantasy need to recreate the world of their desires. Hence the progressive belief that the end justifies the means ( a vice of the intellectual Westerner since the French Revolution) so that alliances and accomodations with fanatics then make sense to them.
So we , the Western majority, find ourselves in what is really a pre revolutionary situation, where the ancien regime is our leaders and our real adversary.
Realising this we can understand why President Trump is so hated by the BBC elites and why Marine le Pen is so feared. The old divisions of left and right make no sense now. The division is much harder and potentially much more divisive. It is between those who will eventually want to do what is necessary to ensure the survival of their children and grandchildren and those who care little for this but place importance on peer approval and the pleasures of the moment. There is no possibility of compromise.
I am inclined to question the prevailing narrative that the primary goal of terrorist organisations is to ‘divide us’. Of course this narrative is employed so as to castigate any commentary which attempts to critique our ruling multicultural open border diversity-minded politics and policies.
Islamic terrorist organisations seek to assert the power of their own factions within existing Muslims countries and also to spread the influence of Islam beyond those borders so as to ultimately conquer the West.
Within Western Europe mass immigration and demographics will deliver Sharia Law to our major cities within a couple of decades without a shot being fired or a bomb exploded – although the fear of such among our liberal elite will ease the way.
In reality Islamic Terrorism at a medium level of intensity is all that is required alongside the reverse-colonisation of the West. High profile enough that new recruits are gathered and that the existing Muslim populations have something to relate to – but not so intense that Western nations are moved to actually act to curb Muslim immigration. This medium level intensity is being achieved. Just read between the lines of the platitudes of the Mayor of London – he suggests we must do nothing about these apparently insigificant events. Liberal media such as the BBC aid this with a short-lived publicity splurge and then within days a complete resignation to business as usual.
We are divided. These commentators do not live in Northern cities or Muslim dominated parts of East London.
We did not seek these divisions ,the Religion of Peace preaches these divisions and nothing we “unbelievers ” do will make it any different. I’m afraid Brillo is only stating the official line .They will not win ,we will not be defeated etc .Words are cheap.
Where is the plan that doesn’t include labelling us as Islamaphobes and racists?
” Softly, softly catchee monkey “. The Islamic terrorists know that if they go too far too quickly it will be counter-productive. The dim Leftists and appeasers fall for this. Idiots.
2hrs 19mins
Jahan Mahmood anti-rad guy, gets loads of taqiya time on the BBC, he was on Al BBC1 earlier here he s on 5live, the HJS Report is all wrong, other reports are wrong Bham is not a problem nobody knows this guy etc etc … he s on for quite a while, and he s spoken to 10,000s of susceptible men.
10, 000s !!! UH OH!
Neighbour says he knew London jihadi from mosque, mosque says they didn’t know him
The neighbor said: “I don’t know him personally but I believe he belongs to a mosque on Leyton High Road. I’ve seen his face many times. I saw him on the news at around 7pm last night and thought ‘this is the guy I know from the mosque.”
However, “worshippers at the Al-Tawhid mosque in Leyton were surprised to learn Masood had alleged links with the mosque.”
You have invented a new phrase BBC ” Taqiya Time ” ! The morons at the BBC are so thick that they think the rest of us are stupid. Assholes.
BBC Taqiyavision Centre.
Although Doublethink addresses this Brillo piece from This Week above…….Just for the record I have got to say that the introduction speech Brillo gives before asking Portillo what his moment of the week was, is definitely by far the best I have heard on the BBC EVER from one of it’s own on the Islamic Jihadist Scumbags:
Brillo speech from about 2 mins in:
I agree that it was great rhetoric from Brillo and also that no one else at The BBC would have the balls to be so blunt about Jihadiis. But great rhetoric is often a fantasy. I’m afraid that last night Andrew Neil was in fantasy land.
4:30pm @BbcR4Feedback ..guessing the items, by spotting what they are fishing for on Twitter
#1 Views on the BBC’s terrorism coverage
… They are fishing for comments from people who have tweeted positively about “Brendan Cox eloquent on @BBCr4today
#2 ”world’s longest running jazz radio show (confirmed)
#3 also fishing around for Remain people who have tweeted negatively about Brexit economics. As they talk about MP’s anti-Brexit complaints ..(confirmed)
#4 Tim Samuels’ Sleepover doc (Israel’s Ziv hospital, where they treat wounded Syrians)
#5 what might happen at the BBC in the event of a royal death.
#6 “why are the BBC paying so much attention to the terrorist Martin McGuiness?”
Probably not doing an item about that, cos they didn’t reply to the questioner
Re #6 They’ve opened by airing view that the Westminster attack got too much coverage !
They played a stunt by playing a listener saying “see the Channel4 named the attacker and BBC didn’t”,
… in fact C4 withdrew that name by the end of the prog they’d first aired it.
..BBC News dept voice just said “the attack was the first since 7/7 2005”
em Lee Rigby beheaded 22 May 2013
So they didn’t mention Brendan Cox, or #6
and kept #5 for another week I guess
So they didn’t mention Brendan Cox, or #6
and kept #5 for another week I guess
If Islam comprised white Europeans, it would have been banned by now for it’s Terrorism.
Political Correctness prevents this banning.
I didn’t hear this discussed on the BBC.
Good point Dover Sentry. Imagine a church or chapel with a congregation of EDL supporters – it would be closed down in five minutes!
Excellent point.
@realDonaldTrump tweeted
“The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem. Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! Be honest.”
Blimey! A politico telling it like it is?! Quick, arrest that man for hate crime.
That’s why we love his approach! Pity not one of these jelly-livered, muslim loving politicians in the UK will find their support vanishing soon. But don’t you wish a politico would step forward to take up the mantle? What overwhelming support they would receive.
G – We have one BLOKE who conducts himself with dignity and is fully in command of his brief.
His name is Nigel Farrage.
Unfortunately with a combination of naivety and amateurism from his own party and the fact that we have a liberal media and establishment conspiring against him. Until things get a lot worse he will always be sidelined.
Regarding Islamisisation of our society the media and especially BBC both use the boiling frog theory. The political changes needed to enable this to happen are introduced very slowly in the hopes that the mass of the population will not notice until it is too late.
Fortunately the brexit vote shows that people have caught on to what is happening so I suspect that eventually the proponents of this islamisisation will be forced to overplay their hand in the near future and hopefully at this point as a nation we will all say enough is enough. And with luck it may well be mean bye to impotent “kitten heels” forever!
Farage isn’t tough enough on Islam; and I’m not convinced anymore that democracy is the system of government which will allow the problems we’re facing to even begin to be remedied.
The only thing that politicians (the vast majority of them) care about is being re-elected.
Most of them know what a growing threat Islam is in the U.K. but they don’t want to have to be the ones who have to deal with it, they’ll just leave it for whoever comes later.
“I still cannot foresee how a country can be peaceably governed in which the composition of the population is progressively going to change, in the way the population of great parts of England is certainly going to change. I am talking about violence on a scale which can only be described as civil war. I cannot see there can be any other outcome.”
J. Enoch Powell.
Al I suspect that Farage is similar to us in that he is fully aware of the implications of Islam but is also politically canny enough to realise that now is not the time to say publically what we all think.
Whilst the alternative media is growing stronger, the BBC is still listened to by many and as we all know its media manipulation techniques can still be quite subtle and effective.
I suspect that as things continue to escalate he will eventually come out with opinions regarding Islam similar to ours. However until the political landscape changes (which it will) The likes of Farage will have to keep their heads down a bit longer.
If not he risks being portrayed as an upper crust Tommy Robinson and though people may well agree with the message their class and “intellectual” prejudices would mean that many would still much rather shoot the messenger than listen to the truth.
Unfortunately we have to wait a bit longer – but these jihadi bastards will eventually up the ante and overplay their hand at which time politicians such as Farage (and even Robinson) will be able to show their leadership leaving the likes of Theresa weeping into her hijab.
Let’s just gloss over that only ‘evil’ Trump and ‘evil’ Putin are doing anything to fight Jihadis shall we?
Ah but wait, I hear UK candle production has been boosted with emergency stockpiles being placed in readiness.
Another complains about ABC NBC
An excellent piece from Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs at
Lessons from Israel’s Response to Terrorism….
Is the Terror Against Europe Different from the Terror Against Israel?
Long but well worth studying.
Yesterday’s muslim Driving attack in Belgium – “his motives are not clear”.
Crystal clear to me guv’nor.
Erosion of Teachers’ pensions?
I suspect Andrew Neil despises the bbc leftie muslim apoplogists but has to work within the permissible parameters of the evil organisation.
Andrew Neil doesn’t have to – he could resign, join a website like Breitbart, write for the Spectator or do any number of things to oppose the corrupt BBC. But he doesn’t – he stays and takes the BBC shilling (or thirty pieces of silver).
The strange thing is that I doubt if he needs the money .
At least there is one ray of sunshine in the doom and gloom of the Westminster attack. As Norman Tebbitt said, “The world is a cleaner nicer place” than it was last week.
Apparently our muslim murderer had a sense of (gallows) humour. If The Sun is to be believed, his last words to hotel staff were: ‘I’m off to London today… it isn’t what it used to be’. The one thing we agree on.
#BbcPetIssues :”The British Writer and the Refugee”
Is the topic for this weeks Radio3 daily Essay
Not at all sure I’m prepared to accept this as the new ‘normal’ with just a candle as my only defence?
With a future to contemplate of atrocities becoming bigger and better and being just ‘okay’ with the thought that the people I love may not return from that bit of shopping or cinema visit. And that I dare not express my concern for fear of the consequences.
Churchill: “Hitler knows he will have to break us in our island fortress …..”
Well now, the new Nazis are in our island fortress – we invited them, we defend them, we kneel before them.
Barring a miracle, they have all but won.
Bollox we will beat them gents – give them a heads start . We will feed them BBC sofa monkeys as we get our Country back . Charlie will be first I will enjoy watching that total wker Stayt growing up – roofer my arse
There was an astounding revelation on the Jezza Swine Show today by a former prison warder: he said that under the Human Rights Act, Muslim prisoners were entitled to refuse to allow Kaffir prison officers to sit in when they were receiving a sermon from the imam, so the staff had no idea what was being preached to them.
He also said that the imam who worked in the prison where he was, had been banned from two other prisons because of what he’d incited there; when this chap asked the governor why he was allowed to be in their prison, he was told it was because he hadn’t done anything wrong in this prison!
You really would struggle to make this s**t up!
The Human Rights Act was, yet another, action by Blair which has had catastrophic consequences for our country and our society. He must be in the running as one of the very worst prime ministers we’ve ever had, and he’s got some stiff competition – Heath for one.
I am a fan of Mr. Neil and if you Monitor twitter he sure takes some stick from the Left/SNP types. He is treated as a token free spirit by albeeb and makes up for a lot of the biased poison we have to suffer .
Some one has to say what he said on This Week . In context what happened at Westminster this week does not rank with the blitz – except for those poor souls directly affected bless them.
There is a British spirit though – unfortunately if it kills an enemy terrorist – such as a certain Royal Marine – well paid lawyers lock them up. I’m waiting for the “independent” Police Complaints authority to investigate the Westminster shooting!!
Looks like that the vain and naive “Prime Minister” of Canada has managed to push his country down the slippery slope of Islamic appeasement that will only end one way.
It never ceases to amaze me that countries such as this and Sweden, both of whom appear to have enviable lifestyles. Seem almost in a hurry to exchange their freedoms and culture for a more medieval one where savagery and ignorance are valued far above freedom and tolerance.
RIP the Canada we all know. It will be another slow and unpleasant death (like Swedens) but hopefully the rest of us will be able to learn from your mistakes and the vanity of your politicians!
I think a nice epitath for Justin could be
As a great man once said, “shuffle off this mortal coil, you cunt”.
Rob ,
Subtle !
Melanie Phillips
“Denying that Islamic terror is Islamic also underwrites the disturbing refusal by the Muslim community to acknowledge any responsibility at all for what is being perpetrated in the name of their religion.”
Met spokeman’s Mike Rowley appeasement last night at the press conference
Wasn’t that the police capitulating and sending a message ?
– “Please Mr Muslim terrorist we police, we love Muslims and Islam,
…. so don’t kill any more of us”
No Brexit bias ?
R4 10pm News is half presented from Brussels tonight,
…. where they are celebrating 60 years of the European Union.
I couldn’t find it mentioned on bBBC, but here on Sky:
It would be funny if not so sad…’they won’t change our way of life’. WRONG. Look at the pics! Central Rome on lock down, armed military guarding major landmarks. ‘In a complex security operation, cars have been banned from the city centre and some museums and other tourist attractions have been closed.’
So that is a lie too – we all know our life has changed.
BBC News at Ten wetting itself over Trump not getting his Obamacare repeal through. I’m not sure why it’s of such importance this side of the Atlantic. Other than they hate the President.
It seems to me that Trump has been very quick to throw in the towel and is happy for Obamacare to stew in its own juice while he’s been seen to have tried. Time will tell, but I think the Beeb is celebrating prematurely.
It has been registered elsewhere…
Perhaps this may be of interest:
The Hard Brexit Petition
It’s only got 4,129 sigs so far
“Brexit ‘clears way’ for German domination claims Heseltine”
This idiot should have retired long ago …………
BBC Newsnight has that slippery MCB guy deftly obfuscating away concerns from REAL debate on Islams erm “radicalised” adherents
They had J Mahmood on BBC Breakfast later on 5Live as some “guru” on radicalisation
The much lauded HJS Report is all wrong, other reports are wrong, Bham is not a problem, nobody knows this Westminster Islamic murderer etc etc
… and he s on for quite a while too, (and apparently he s spoken to 10,000s of susceptible men).
yep! that s 10,000s all men
2hrs 19mins
Oh he doesn t like D Murray … he doesn t like K Mahmood, one of the very few
MPs to really speak plain and openly about this issue and in Bham.
What he does like? well who knows? … apart from the BBC 😀
Actually Mr Mahmood the MP has been clear about this for years.
…“There are certainly over 10,000 people being monitored nationally.
… Labour MP Khalid Mahmood says 2,000 jihadists have travelled to Syria and Iraq from the UK – a fourfold increase on what are official estimates
… Up to 300 British jihadis ahave returned from fighting in Syria and Iraq
… My experience in Birmingham says is it is a huge, huge problem – There are growing fears that the authorities remain unable to detect extremists leaving UK ports on their way to terrorist training camps.
Oh ho ho!
Justin Webb, in Stoke on Trent for the TODAY Programme (BBC Radio4 7-9am) faced another accusation between 7.09am and 7.15am. This time it was for ‘editing’, showing a selective picture of Stoke during the recent By-Election campaign.
It was a beautiful moment.
It has not been a good week for Justin Webb.
BBC editorial integrity under challenge live?
Oh dear.
At least it can all be sorted in post.
Yes, I am no longer certain I can believe my ears!
It is always interesting to note those lines of news which the BBC reports – because they have been widely reported in the press – but in which BBC news editors noticeably show no curiousity in following so as to enlighten the audience.
A case in point this morning: BBC TV news informs us that the Westminster Islamic murderer in some reports described as a ‘teacher’ had indeed previously worked as a ‘teacher at the Saudi Embassy’
There would have been interest here because earlier in this story BBC reporters insisted – presumably so as to reassure the public – that this man ‘had never worked in the English State School system’
This is one of those code-worded inuendo situations – what is being hinted at here by the BBC yet not spoken out loud? The issue the BBC is reluctant to get into is the largely underground system of Islamic Madrassas that exists here in Britain.
So the BBC Informs but is reluctant to Entertain the further Education of viewers on this issue.
I switched on the TV at 7:20am to see BBC Breakfast and within seconds I hear… “the London terror attack was done by Adrian Russell.” [BBC using his English name again no surprise] “He was a recent Muslim convert.” [I nearly spat out my coffee, the BBC are telling the truth for once].
They then continued… “A new study reports that up to 16% of terror attacks in the UK are by converts.”
They then listed a few Muslim converts who have turned to terror including the shoe bomber and Lee Rigby killers.
So the BBC have finally accepted the Muslims are turning to terrorism? Yes, but it appears to be a lot less than I thought. Heck it’s only 16% of all terror attacks barely not worth mentioning!
Shame they didn’t list the other 84% isn’t it? Nothing like a bit of FAKE STATISTICS to wake up to.
Trust Al Beebeestan to slip this little nugget into their ‘bio’ of the latest muslim murderer: “While living there in 2000, Adrian Elms became embroiled in a serious pub attack following what may have been racist provocation and ostracisation or arguments in his village.”
Yep, it’s all the fault of nasty white racists!
Note “MAY HAVE BEEN racist provocation”… “or ostracisation”… “or arguments”… or something. In other words they haven’t a clue, probably just made it up, or that was his lame defence in court. Because of course if it was waycism, then that explains, excuses and justifies his subsequent descent into violence, prison, ‘radicalisation’ and terrorism. Now it all make sense to the beeboid mind that believes all evil is traceable back to whitie, and cannot understand that his ‘motivation’ was simple: islam.
Charlie – This is where I despise the BBC the most. A hint there, a nudge somewhere else all in the hopes that someone else picks it up and they can then “truthfully” say “Many people say!” or “It has been said by some”
Goebbels would be proud!
‘May’ for the BBC being the new ‘could’, of course.
It’s the BBC, it’s Saturday, it’s 7.47am and it’s “Smack-A-Critic” !!
Seriously, BBC current affairs may now often be presented by a male-female combo from a sofa in the style of Blue Peter but the show where Licence Payers are supposed to be allowed to have their say on the BBC news presentation makes it childsplay for BBC news managers to shrug away criticism.
Did you think it ridiculous for BBC presenters to decamp from the studio to empty Westminster streets for the next 24 hours following the terrorist act on Wednesday afternoon?
Did you consider the BBC obituary coverage of Martin McGuinness somewhat underplayed his murderous background in the IRA?
You silly viewers. Soft-soaper Samira Ahmed and the BBC Controller of Day Time News Programmes one Gavin Allen are here to show how very wrong you are. Our Gavin has the look of square-jawed David Coultard with a severe Marine Corps crew-cut up top – an ensemble image which belies his liberal corporate – we got it about right – outlook.
“We tried to be as balanced as we could”
To which there is no answer.
Tried and failed. As if they really did try !
‘Could’ is the new BBC ‘news’.
From editorial to justification of it.
I was half-watching Tony Robinson “walking” coast to coast on Channel 5, last night – you, know – the leftie Tony Robinson, that one…
He was intrigued by the story of the grey squirrels invading the Former UK from North America, and thus almost wiping out the indigenous red squirrels, so that the greys are the dominant species, now.
It occurred to me that there was a clear similarity to what the Islamics and other non-European races are doing to the ethnic white British people, who are a disappearing feature from our towns, and cities, and wondered if leftie Mr. Robinson had ever considered that what he espouses, will result in the same situation in which the red squirrels found themselves?
At least the red squirrels are being encouraged to multiply, and prosper whilst the greys are being trapped, and exterminated to facilitate this.
Some lessons to be learned, here, perhaps…
“It occurred to me that there was a clear similarity to what the Islamics and other non-European races are doing to the ethnic white British people”
“Islamics”? Is that a race? Once again; islam is an ideology, not a race. The people who follow islam are called muslims, and that isn’t a race either. Many muslims live in countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Egypt. The people of said countries are not a race either.
Red and grey squirrels are a different species,( Sciurus vulgaris and Sciurus carolinensis respectively ) those humans which follow a certain ideology are not a different species to those who do not. They are both Homo sapiens.
Until we can be a bit more precise about what the problem is, the ideology of islam, we are never going to be able to defeat it.
BBC Breakfast of course invites the Muslim “expert” on the concept of “radicalisation” to tell us dimwits that converts to ANY religion can be a bit iffy.
Funny, I must have missed the news reports on British-born young chaps from Kent causing murder and mayhem whilst yelling “Hare Krishna” – although to be fair they have been known to cause a minor traffic jam on Oxford Street.
Come to think of it a Salvation Army convert did once offer me a Warcry.
Having besmearched every other religion and their converts our Muslim friend did bristle a little when the BBC sofa bunnies made the incautious observation that recent converts often go to the more “Orthodox” extreme of a religion.
One could almost imagine Father Ted mutter ‘Careful, now’
Anyway, the overall message of this BBC item was a resounding: ‘Down with this sort of thing’
It’s amazing isn’t it? A “religion” founded by a man who raped and murdered tends to lead to his followers raping and murdering wherever they may be found.
That’s a real head scratcher isn’t it? I think I may have to call Dame Nikki Campbell for some advice on this one.
The Beauty Broadcasting Corp. in full anti-Trump mode this morning on the Today programme. Now making President Trump out to be a “failure”,”again” if the listener (by BBC suggestion) includes his “failed” Travel Ban. Mr Jon Sopel in full vituperative flow. This BBC reporter is a failure himself since he, himself, engineered the White House’s detestation and isolation of him, ably assisted by Kuenssberg, and clearly he is smarting in the knowledge that, in due course, the BBC will have to replace him for one more amenable to President Trumps working style. But there, Sopel can always reflect upon better times – like when he was filmed shaking hands with Obama on the Whitehouse porch. The illusion created by this excerpt as, ‘the BBC at the centre of things’ is no longer the case and it now is a long-overdue case of, ‘get off my porch BBC’. Long may that continue I say!!
Good old Jon Sopel, the unbiased reporter who fearlessly asked President Obama the killer question “what went right?”.
Don’t know if is the same Jack Monroe but in Toady’s little puff-piece for the 9am programme hosted by the gay reverend who was the stage sidekick of the 80’s gay ‘singer’ Jimmy Somerville, she is described as a ‘social architect’. Presumably this is how the lawn-munching former Guardian food blogger (cheap meals have made her a millionaire) and Al Beeb sleb now describes herself!
And they say there is no upward mobility nowadays!
Nick was still trying to “join up the dots” in relation to the Khalid enigma on the Today programme R4.
This time he was talking to a school friend.
What was the reason for this atrocity?
Nick must have immense self-control or they edited out the orgasmic groans of ecstasy when the school friend mused “I don’t know what effect being the sole black man in a white environment had on him”. Game, set and match. BBC propaganda being regurgitated on the BBC for the benefit of all.
Could it really have been that conversion to Islam that led to all the unpleasnatness?
Nick muses how different the early life of Khalid is from that of the classic stereotype of a big beard. Was his beard that big anyway?
Did anyone else catch Jonny Dymond’s weekly U.S rant on The World At One, yesterday?
He seems to become even more childish each week, but this one was pathetic.
This was then followed by what was essentially a far-left opinion piece from someone called Heather Cox-Richardson, who told us that Republicans actually like big government, but don’t like money being spent on “Blacks and Feminists”.
The BBC are gloating over Trump’s failure to pass through the health care reforms, gleefully playing over and over times he claimed he would sort it.
It is easier to destroy than to create. So many liberals have never made or done anything yet preach to everyone else how they ought to behave. I would like to see that smug wanker Sopel try and pass healthcare reform, he would retreat to a safe space and weep the second he did not get everything his own way.
Politics is the art of the possible. News is just making anything you like.
Yep why not report the facts BBC without the anti-Trump spin?. The Trump team thinks Obamacare will implode and is a right mess. They want to try and make Healthcare better for everyone. They have said to the Democrats ok have it your way but we are ready when you want to talk about it again. Next
The BBC reporting facts without spin. Steady on.
I suspect that Pres. Trump will publicly identify those renegade Republicans when the time suits him, along with the the accompanying statement: ‘these were the individuals who thwarted the will of the majority of the voters in the US – you know what to do in just under four years time…….’
Have no doubt Trump is playing them and its not going to be business as usual.Democrats and republicans are as one party they both owned by their lobbyists and paymasters.Its all a game but Trump will find a way I think.
The scandalous Ted Heath affair seems to have largely dropped from the BBC’s agenda, the only news being that the so-called enquiry is to be closed and the police report will not be made public. This is a monstrous end to a monstrous injustice. The secrecy must not be allowed to stand, and the Wiltshire police and Chief Constable Mike Veale should be made to publicly account for his and their actions. There should be prosecutions of ‘witnesses’, especially the egregious ‘Nick’, and all who have contributed to this scandal. Will I hold my breath that Amber Rudd will do the right thing? No! It was clear from the start that the Wiltshire Police and had compromised itself, and the whole matter should have been taken from them. But a consistently weak and ineffective Home Secretary (who was that, I wonder?) didn’t have the strength of will to do it.
Well said. And why has Nick’s identity been protected ? If someone is making extreme accusations, the public have a right to know who it is.
Guest ,
Well I never thought he had a sense of humour. More likely he thought Katya was meaning it literally. Great stuff. Very proud that the UK will not be represented at Juncker’s junket.
It all depends on how much vodka Juncker had had on his cornflakes that morning.
Surely that must be Schrödinger’s Elephant, the elephant that is in the room but then again isn’t?
I am still trying to come to terms with Treezer’s denial that the London bomber was connected to Islam.
I hope someone reported the suspicious looking gang of white racists in that photograph. There is not a black face to be seen amongst them.
Yes multicultural London – not.
And where are the young men of military age?
Probably fled as refugees. Or fighting the enemy.
The BBC message regarding ISIS ran Mosul is clear. Once again the US is raining bombs on babies.
Down with the US, down with capitalism, long live the heroic Moslem freedom fighters.
The subtle mind games have already begun on the BBC. I was listening to The Today programme this morning and Nick Robertson was interviewing a childhood friend of Khalid Masood. We discovered that he’d been a good pupil at a good school and had been good at sport. “Did you notice anything about him?” asked an increasingly desperate Nick, “No” came the firm reply. Then Robertson started busking (and I don’t mean playing the mouth organ!) and started suggesting reasons for this “nice lad’s” conversion to Islam and murder. “He was pretty much the only black boy in a white middle class area, it wouldn’t be unusual if he’d been bullied.” suggested Nick. Eh?? Says who? Who the bloody hell are the BBC to make this racist assumption? Would they ever say the same thing about a white pupil attending a Muslim dominated school? You betcha they bloody wouldn’t! We’d have the usual bollocks about diversity and enrichment and how lucky they are.
This seems to be the avenue the Beeb are going to take; affluent, white, middle class area, black boy must have been racially abused. Clearly they can’t fall back on the old favourites like he was born into poverty, into a deprived area, never given a chance…
Thankfully the bloke who actually knew him had no recollection of him being picked on or abused in any way.. “I got bullied” he told old Nick, “I was a skinny little kid, but I don’t ever remember it happening to him.”
I just know that by the end of the week, that by hook or by crook, somehow or other…
This is going to turn out to be our fault…
As a recall, “simply another ‘middle-class’ youngster from Tunbridge Wells……..”
The skinny little kid got bullied but did not go on to become a terrorist. Prick Robinson and the Beeboids really insult our intelligence. We all know that Islam is the biggest cause of terrorism. Beeboids are in denial. They are really thick as 2 short planks, just like Treezer.
Jeff – I dont know why the BBC dont just come out with the “truth” as they see it.
We are all hideously white, vile racist bigots and deserve to have our culture and way of life ripped away to be replaced with the Islamic culture and its “colourful” practices.
These new conquerors will rule in a pious and just fashion hand in hand with the deserving creative liberal “elite” who have been loyally supporting the cause of these oppressed brown people.
The BBC seem to spin some weird, left wing, masochistic fantasy where in truth they know that what they are encouraging in the end will hurt and destroy them – Yet they cant resist playing with it even if ends up “blowing up” in their faces.
Go on tie me up (Im creative) – I trust you!
Jeff, Beebistan are way ahead of you: “While living there in 2000, Adrian Elms became embroiled in a serious pub attack following what may have been racist provocation and ostracisation or arguments in his village.”
Note “MAY HAVE BEEN racist provocation”… “or ostracisation”… “or arguments”… or something… anything. In other words they haven’t a clue, probably just made it up, or else that was his lame defence in court. Because of course if it was waycism, then that explains, excuses and justifies his subsequent descent into violence, prison, ‘radicalisation’ and terrorism. Now it all make sense to the beeboid mind that believes all evil is traceable back to whitie, and cannot understand that his ‘motivation’ was simple: islam.
(From earlier post but seemed relevant to yours)
I conducted an interesting little experiment regarding the BBC’s HYS this morning. As a regular HYS contributor who frequently gets ‘moderated’ (censored in old money), very often when trying to access comments I get a message apologising that they can’t be loaded. This morning I realised that this only happens when using my laptop which is the only device I use to post on the BBC. Having got the message that the comments couldn’t be accessed I tried looking at them on my phone, desktop and a different laptop. Guess what, all of them happily displayed comments whilst I simultaneously tried to get them on my laptop without success.
Before drawing the obvious conclusion about another sneaky form of BBC censorship in operation, I would be interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar experience.
Interesting what their filters can pick up from any source who has to sign up first.
CECUTT has a knack of ‘dropping out’ on occasion too.
May just be the volume of folk less certain of their 103% rectitude.
I have a slightly different problem where my computer only loads the comments during office hours. After 6pm they never load at all but during the working day it works 100% of the time.
I’d guess once the moderators go home certain persons on their banned list are restricted from even accessing the comments.
Who, pray (forgive me!) are these islamic Reformationists? Does anybody see them stepping forward. No we don’t. Probably, they’re more scared of retribution than any of the rest of us.
According to that Islamic luminary Mehdi Hasan (piss be upon him) beloved of the BBC and the Guardian, the Islamic reformation has already happened in the form of Wahabiism. The Mad Mehdi argues that just as Martin Luther expunged unbiblical accretions from Christianity, the Saudi Arabiaans have arrived at a pure form of Islam, free of cultural distortion. I suppose the Thirty Years War is meant to be the analogue of all the current unpleasantness in the muslim world. A hundred years from now the Muslim Enlightenment will be shining forth.
Will there be anyone left alive by then?
I can’t remember any politician getting the treatment that the BBC are dishing out to Trump. Even Maggie, George W. Bush and Sarah Palin got off more lightly than this. It is totally paranoid and hysterical.
On one level they hate him for not being black, female or ‘liberal’. Beyond that they hate him because they sense he is their nemesis, that he won’t play their games any more, that he despises them and all they represent. And beyond that because they sense he just might be right, a living rebuke to all they believe in, their self identity. They hate him because they fear him.
I suspect that you are right. Wise words.
Charlie, I think they hate him because they know – deep down – that they, those that work in and for television, ‘made him’. He is their creation and he has now used the celebrity that their medium afforded him and built into him to gain power and bite back at them.
He is a modern Frankenstein’s Monster.
The BBC (and other TV channels) are Dr Frankenstein.
Problem is that Trump may not be the only monster out there. There may be others that are works in progress back there in the shadows. Some have the spotlight starting to swing onto them, the EU, for example.
Dr Frankenstein is starting to smash up his ‘laboratory’, right now by attacking the new media. Only weeks ago the BBC and others were stroking the latest burettes, test-tubes & Bunsen’s burners to see if their chemistries could be merged or mixed to advantage.
Today there is talk of prosecuting ISPs, should a single unfavourable or unacceptable video makes its way onto the internet and the public domain. I wonder when the attacks will really swing toward the TV and Radio Stations in the US that support President Trump. There have been some comments on BBC Radio 4, some weeks ago, about the so-called ‘alt-Right media’. Other comments made on R4, I think this week, about the UK newspapers.
The EU and Europe may not be the battleground that some people expect. It could be the media world. Expect casualties.
Acres of speculation as to the ‘motives’ of the murderous muslim, on Al Beebistan and in the press. Allow me to save a forest or two from the paper mills: Motive? He was a muslim doing what his unholy book commands him to do, namely kill unbelievers / pagans / infidels / Christians / Jews / kafirs. *(1)
Mad Mo of course set the example himself by having many killed, directly and indirectly. *(2)
Was the Westminster murderer bonkers? Of course.
Was he radicalised and egged on by the ravings of some equally deranged puppet master in the Mddle East, and/or in some god-awful local mosque, and/or in our criminally weak, unsupervised, ‘liberal’ prisons? Probably.
*(1) See hundreds of Sura and Hadith, e.g.
Well, fortunately, we have the Guardian putting this story to bed.
“Motive may never be known”…
Nor their motives for blocking comments I guess?
Times Letters page
Terrorist attack baffling ?
“No killing and be killed are the very words which appear in the ninth sura of the Koran”
S9V111 universally known to jihadists and suicide bombers
Yes University of Leeds translations
I see LibMob are again breaking their rule about criticising judges
Re The refusal to grant a divorce in the Mrs Owens case
I am not a lawyer, but on the face of it the Judge is interpreting the law correctly. If the Lib Dems are unhappy, they should change the law through Parliament.
If only the judges could have found a way to blame it on Brexit, all would have been well.