Did anyone here watch any of red nose day? Daily Mail website full of how awful it was and the comments agreed. I watched about 3 minutes before the 10pm news (and I am not sure why I watched that, as Jon Sopel’s report re Obama Care and Trump was so predictable) – but back to red nose day. In those three minutes I saw Ross and Brand – their slow rehabilitation is obviously taking longer than the BBC anticipated. There was no humour – just the ‘in’ crowd having a good time at our expense. Noticed Lenny Henry painfully trying to be funny – and it just doesn’t work.
I can always remember Bob Hope (when I was a very little girl and he was a very old man) at, I think, a Miss World competition. Things were not going to plan, so he ad libbed. There was a great comic, dealing with what could have been a difficult situation, and handling it like a professional and taking his audience with him. And I was a very little girl but I understood the humour, it was not foul, rude, or anything but funny and appropriate. Not something those left-leaning luvvies maintained by the BBC could even start to do.
Like humour (where we used to laugh) in general in this country, its long past its sell by date.
I’m now seriously wondering when I last even chuckled at the box. Oh yes, its at an advert where the male voice over goes “yum yum yum yum yum yum” for a dog teeth cleaning chewie !!!
I wonder which of these countries of that “Great Faith” Treezer would choose to live in, and how long her vicar father would have lasted before being murdered, maimed, tortured, burned alive, crucified or jailed, assuming he’d even be allowed in to live and practise his faith there.
Syria Iran Iraq Yemen Libya Bangladesh Kuwait Lebanon Oman Pakistan Sudan Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Somalia Eritrea Nigeria Maldives Uzbekistan Qatar Turkmenistan Djibouti Egypt…
Although an atheist, the only one I would recommend for christians would be Gambia, where I live. But it is pretty unique. There are even muslims married to chistians and no-one bats an eyelid. I can even think of one building where one half is a mosque and the other half a church.
But, actually, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau are quite similar. A British friend of mine, living in Gambia, recently said “But Gambians don’t really understand Islam. Thank God for that . “
Interesting, Grant. I was thinking of getting out of Europe and going to Africa before most of Africa comes to Europe. But I was thinking of SA, but Gambia might be an option now you say it is nice.
I have never been to RSA but I would be put off by the high crime rate and black racism. Gambia is low crime ( I am happy to walk anywhere , day or night ) and no racism or tribalism. Lovely saying in my wife’s Wolof language ” Santa amut kerr “. Last names have no homes. I guess the Scots’ equivalent would be ” We are all Jock Tamson’s bairns “.
It is even better now that 22 years of a brutal dictator have ended and he failed to break the spirit of the Gambian people.
Many Gambian exiles are returning now and the country is open for investment and business. The climate is nice and the natives friendly and always laughing and joking.
Note to President Barrow ” May I have a job as Head of The Gambian Government Marketing Department , please ? ” .
Thank you so much. It has been one hell of a long struggle for them. My only contribution was moral support and sometimes putting up exiles in my flat in Edinburgh.
Many of the stories are too horrific to relate. And I do not mean my flat.
At the end of the day, it was President Macky Sall of Senegal, President Ellen Sirleaf- Johnson of Liberia and President Buhari of Nigeria who forced it through. It sticks in my throat, but President Hollande played a key role.
The British Embassy and Ambassador Colin Crorkin and the British intelligence services also did a great job.
But, it was the Nigerian Air Force and ECOWAS , mainly Senegalese , military who actually risked their lives. Unique in African history for a transfer of power to have no violence.
This is my Oscar Speech moment ! And I am going home to Gambia on 25 April. ” Forayaa “, Freedom !
I’d be lying if I said SA doesn’t have a high crime rate, but it is mainly black on black. Take sensible precautions and avoid certain places, like Johannesburg and Durban and you should be OK. I lived there for a year and never saw anything, but that was in Western Cape province.
No doubt. I was tempted to say that Lucky Dube was not so lucky. That crime could never have happened in Gambia. I would hate to live in a country where I have to avoid ” certain places “. As indeed I do when I am in UK .
I can vouch for the Gulf States, particularly Saudi Arabia. There, even small groups of Christians gathering to pray together in private homes are hunted down and incarcerated. Any body displaying a Crucifix will have it forcibly removed irrespective of the public setting of the assault.
Oddly enough, I only visited your link after writing the foregoing. I am therefore confirming totally the view of the Guardian. Brooooh (shake of body thinking about it): does that make me a fan of the Guardian? NO,no (diminishing in font…..).
Turkey used to be very tolerant , before the Islamofascist cnut Erdogan came to power and it will get worse. Will be interesting to see if that bastard targets Sephardic Jews.
Many years ago, I was in a small village near Konya, called Sille. For hundreds of years Greeks and Turks had lived in peace together there. Then the Greeks had to leave in the exchange of populations which took place after the failed invasion of Turkey by Greece and the War of Indendence.
I asked a local if there were any churches left. He showed me a small church which was in good condition. He said they kept it that way in memory of their Greek brothers. Isn’t the world complicated ?
G, Millions of Christians in Nigeria, four million Anglicans in Pakistan and other ‘varieties’ there too. Then there are Christians in Bangladesh, Egypt and Indonesia, the last possibly not mentioned by the Guardian. In the Lebanon, the mix of faiths is incredible, especially among those describable as Christian, and totals toward half the population.
Re the CAR: ““Anti-balaka” defence groups – made up of people claiming to be Christians, though condemned by Christian leaders – have formed in response. While they were originally meant to defend communities, they have been involved in revenge attacks on Muslims in the country.” Is it surprising that Christians have started reprisals against muslims?
The BBC is in a terrible dilemma . They want to show us by using more and more Muslim presenters and reporters that folk who’s origins are from Indian sub continent are just as worthy at doing their jobs as any indigenous Brits. And so they are, with the obvious few who have just got their jobs through positive discrimination and diversity.
The problem is their fascist religion.
Now plenty of religions are fascist in their fundamentalism form. The big difference is that a very high percentage of adherents don’t take their “bibles” literally . The problem with
Islam,it is that a big enough percentage of adherents do, and cause a lot of trouble.
When a 20th century university graduate such as Mehdi Hassan says that he honestly believes that Muhammed went to heaven on a winged horse ,and Mr Hassan is no way a fundamentalist Muslim,we need to start to worry.
What does it take for somebody who is distabled in the first place, violent, takes drugs, converts to Islam , which tells him to kill infidiles. Before he or she takes the word of
the master literally?
Yes there are the same kinds in Christianity, Judaism , the Hindu religion. The big ,big
difference is the much bigger percentage of Muslims who follow this , if you want to call it, extreme Islam.
The BBC’S and the establishment just cover their eyes and tell us that Islam is a religion
of peace. When as many as 20% of Muslims really believe it to be a religion of war. To be fought against everybody else who isn’t a Muslim . Or even many Muslims who live in harmony with ” Infidiles.”
Foscari – Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism do NOT tell their followers to kill and persecute those of other faiths or none. If those religions have been behind the occasional outrage in history, it was in CONTRADICTION of their core teachings, not in CONFORMITY with them. They were aberrations, not the norm. And NONE of the other great faiths promote terrorism now. Islam is qualitatively different from them.
Charlie Martel – Yes I get your point. I really meant there are sections in the Old Testament that very very few would take literally such as Leviticus 19:19
Where as much as 20% of Muslims would take everything in The Koran, literally.
Foscari, there is indeed some gruesome – or plain daft – stuff in the Old Testament, and that’s precisely what Christians believe Christ came to abrogate, from eye-for-an-eye to turn-the-other-cheek, love your neighbour, even your enemy. The exact opposite of islam, which is all about subjugation, forcing conversion or killing those of other faiths or nonbelievers.
Charlie M
Yes, that is the crux of the matter.
The BBC, however, seems to accept that the Koran really is the will of god revealed through the prophet or are unaware of any of the valid criticisms of revealed religion that have been made in the past.
Being pious means subjecting yourself to the will of god. Christians who would say that being good means doing God’s will are shocked when you suggest god could change his mind tomorrow and order them to murder any child they meet. God wouldn’t do that, that’s evil. Of course the point is if god ordered it, it wouldn’t be evil. This shows that christians have a sense of morality that goes beyond blind obedience to a supernatural entity. Muslims can’t get beyond fulfilling god’s will and so Muslims are essentially unthinking slaves of a supernatural Führer and will continue to see Muhammad as a paragon of virtue Inşallah.
I love those ‘stats’ about muslim attitudes e.g. to terrorism; would they shop a muslim they knew was preparing an attack; do they support the death penalty for apostasy, gays, insulters of islam, Charlie hebdo, 9/11 etc.
Do you really think they’ll tell whitie with a clipboard ‘yes I support terrorism, death to unbelievers, jihad etc?’
Course not, the stats are meaningless.
The difference between islam and any other religion is that it makes very big claims for itself. All other holly texts are obviously the work of many generations of authors and have been adapted and reformed over time. Only islam claims that it is the literal word of God, as dictated to Mo, piss be upon him, via the Archangel Gabriel. Not only that, but there shall be no further prophets, this is God’s final word. It cannot be interpreted, it cannot be cherry picked and it cannot be reformed.
The UKIP leadership must have realised that they have Fifth Columnists in their midst. BBC web-site informed this week of a UKIP candidate on trial for fraud. Turns out when reading below the headline, he was another former Conservative.
If UKIP wish to be taken seriously in May, and especially beyond departure from the EU in time for 2020, then they will have to develop some careful, fair but firm, vetting techniques for their candidates and also to train them for their representational duties, should they be elected. Too many have dropped out because it was tough going.
Even the SNP’s Mhairi Black has found it a hard job once the wave of jubilation had subsided.
Reference the comments made by A Neil and suggestions he invokes the spirit of the blitz , there are several things that have happened since the 1940’s that were not touched on. These include the discontinued requirement for National Service and the increase in youth having a “gap year” It was illuminating that Tobias Elwood and his actions have drawn praise from many quarters during the terrorist events near Westminster.
Perhaps it is time to reconsider some form of National Service, not necessarily of the Military kind since there are many fields of activity that could be covered – agricuture and forestry, the environment, public service,health, education etc . I have lived and worked in six FSU countries and five in Africa over the last fifty years and the difference in those that require National Service is striking when compared to those that have no form of National Service.
Those countries requiring youth to engage in some form of National Service tend to have young males and females with positive characteristics such as
-Love of country
-Adherence to discipline
-Strong sense of citizenship
-Skills in first-aid,survival,positive physical and health attributes.
-Knowledge acquired during their service and a strong sense of work ethic.
Engaging for a fixed period of time in some serious activities of value to the Nation may well concentrate the minds of young people and may enable them to become even more valued citizens
Quite agree. One thing which amazes me in the UK is that able-bodied people on benefits are not required to do voluntary work. Even picking up litter would help.
Perhaps the UK should set up GreenForce, a government scheme for employing the out-of-work on environmental improvement. Honourable work, which nobody could criticise.
Of course, some people will be picking up litter and temporarily erasing graffiti, but others may get the chance to contribute in broader ways.
The “progressive” Left, which hates the thought of anyone being forced to work who doesn’t want to, would have to get more creative in order to oppose an Environmental Army.
If someone is to be employed picking up litter then they should be paid the same as someone who is normally employed to do it. It’s OK to sit back in retirement and say ‘make them do voluntary work’ but when schemes like this start to happen people with work at the lower end of the scale suddenly find their meagre paying jobs being taken away by the sudden supply of beneficiaries as employers find they can get a source of labour that is even cheaper.
It is the job of the state to ensure that a reasonable job market exists. In the case of the UK the massive immigration has meant that this is far from the case.
Don’t blame those who can’t find work when the blame clearly on the shoulders of those politicians and businessmen who created the situation and still continue to ignore it.
UNHRC – Israel has used the worst kinds of abuse, ethnic cleansing, Israel continues to exercise apartheid in Palestine, which constitutes a crime against humanity
Id like to ask the members of that commission, that commissioned that report, the Arab states from which we just heard. Egypt, Iraq, and the others:
How many Jews live in your countries? How many Jews live in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco?
… Once upon a time, the Middle East was full of Jews.
Algeria had 140,000 Jews. Algeria, where are your Jews?
Egypt used to have 75,000 Jews. Where are your Jews?
Syria, you had tens of thousands of Jews. Where are your Jews?
Iraq, you had over 135,000 Jews. Where are your Jews?
… Mr. President, where is the apartheid?
Why is there a U.N. commission on the Middle East that does not include Israel? From the 1960s and the ‘70s they refuse to include Israel.
Where is the apartheid, Mr. President? Mr. President, why are we meeting today on an agenda item singling out only one state, the Jewish state, for targeting
… Where is the apartheid, Mr. President?
A quote from that Rod Liddle article
What only 70 MPs signed the letter complaining about anti-Brexit bias !
Do “570 of our Elected representatives, including the vast majority of Tories,
think the BBC and Doing the Bloody good job and the exemplar of impartial Reporting? If so, I Suspect they have been secretly lobotomised”
BTW You can get around the Spectator sign-up screen by using Google translate
commenter : “Wednesday evening on BBC radio a daft bird masquerading as a reporter speculated that the attack at Parliament might have been done by the far right. They have something wrong in their heads.”
I suspect Tory MPs didn’t sign the letter cos they’re frit of the beebistan, frit of the mauling they’d get at the next interview on News-shite or whatever. I suspect that’s why the Appeezer unleashed Kuntsberg on Trump, after a secret deal: “Laura, go easy on me and i’ll give you Trump, ok?”
Thousands of years of building and experimenting with various forms of civil societiey: rule of law, moral standards, human rights etc., and all they’ve come up with is a plan to get to heaven for a shag by killing innocents – brilliant!
I see little Timothy Farron is piping up again at the pro eu march.
He says there is no reason for ukip yet fails to mention that ukip got more votes than his party AND the snp combined.
It’s just our useless voting system that only gave us 1 (now of course 0) seat.
Almost 4 million of us without a voice in parliament.
Yeah, right.
Our democracy is like the NHS (the envy of the world yet strangely, not copied), the BBC, the best in the world they call themselves….puke, our police, best in the world, military, best in the world and so on, everything British is the best in the world….unless you look at the stats for health, education etc.
Yesterday some talking heads were saying we were respecting our MPs more since their ordeal yesterday, that we had recovered from their expenses fiddling for example. NO, we don’t. The MPs were in no danger, unlike the poor copper on a third of the mp wage paying with his life for these gobshites. Oh yes, one of them was farting about around a casualty and is being lauded as if he was a hero…..that’s it. Crocodile tears and lots of our prayers are with them moments in the mass virtue signalling fest yesterday. Does anybody believe they mean any of it or was it just them talking their usual shite and trying to out compassion their fellow MPs.
A pox on the lot of them, apart from a handful of decent ones such as Rees Mogg.
Well said. Most MPs and the PM are garbage. I would not wish anyone to be victim of a terrorist attack, but , maybe if some MPs suffer, things may change, but I doubt it. At the end of the day, most of them just don’t give a shit about anyone except themselves.
Gents, as a teen I saw through what many prominent MPs were and said and would believe and say similar things to you. I used to be told off by my parents and encouraged to show more respect to MPs and Civil Servants.
In ‘old age’ (well, nearly) I have a greater measure of respect for individuals willing to stand up and represent others. The system squeezes them into a mold. That they do not do a better job is down to, I think, a variety of factors.
The first is the power of patronage conferred on a Prime Minister in a Cabinet setting. That would be far worse, by the way, under any form of Proportional Representation, extending into candidate selection and every Constituency Room in the UK. In the same league is the power of the Whips, especially when exercised with a lack of scrupulous integrity.
Then there is the media obsession with power, their own as The Fourth Estate, constantly looking on and reporting on the workings of Westminster and Whitehall, and at times lionising or building up and breaking down individual MPs and Ministers. They even seducing them into their own fold as well.
This all contributes to the hothouse atmosphere of Parliament.
On top of that, any working environment affects those within it. “The Oldest Parliament of All”, the Prime Minster said on Thursday after the terrorist attack. Maybe not strictly, historically correct but that tradition must have an effect on those working there. Many come from ‘school’ backgrounds that influence the working of the place. Not just those schooled at Eton but also those schooled in the Trade Union movement or the public sector or the charity sector.
Finally, there is the bias of the Houses to the Law or Politics, Philosophy & Economics degrees. The narrowness of our representation in the House of Commons (highly influenced by the media, incidentally), I think has a damaging effect of those that are sent there for any length of time.
Then, in addition, is the engagement of the electorate with their representatives and their, often scant, regard of their duty to the voters beyond the weeks of an election campaign. You mention Jacob Rees-Mogg. Excellent though he was during the EU Referendum campaign and since, he demonstrates at times an arrogant disregard for discerning and representing the wishes of his constituents in crucial votes. He is not alone. Many of those who go to Westminster turn from men and women of the people into something quite different. I think of one Baroness, speaking on the subject of Grammar Schools, where I felt a chill of being at a Nuremberg rally run down my back. I have heard similar from other Members of the Houses on other subjects. “We know what is good for you.” can obviously be said without contradiction when we have not bothered to tell them what we think and want and keep a pressure of constant engagement with them.
If we fail to engage with our MPs and Peers, beyond glancing at an Election leaflet before throwing it in the bin and going off to vote on Election day, then we really deserve what we get from Parliament and its inhabitants.
I feel, in a way, that I should apologise to you for lecturing you. But I will not.
Think on this: when we get ourselves out of the EU, there will be no extra place in future for our MPs and Civil Servants to hide from us. They will not be able to point at Brussels and say “They made us do it.” or “We cannot do that because the EU will not allow it.” There will be new opportunities for electorates to engage with their representatives and a measure of new found independence may start to percolate the relationship all the way into the Houses of Parliament.
Hopefully our MPs will feel free to be independent in Westminster and our Civil Servants will feel they must start to serve us rather than Party or EU machinery of the moment.
When that new beginning comes, we need to be ready to participate rather than merely criticise or dismiss MPs as garbage from the sidelines. Some have paid with their lives while representing us. This past week, that might have happened again but for the intervention of a brave policeman.
I don’t suppose many who post here bother with Red Nose Day . I haven’t watched it for years.But I notice several articles appearing this year criticising it and the amount pledged has dropped. Maybe people are finally waking up to what a luvvie fest it is.
I happened to click on BBC 1 ,being a channel hopper,and saw Lenny Henry and had to quickly click off. I used to like him when he was funny ,but since he became a serious thespian he has become totally boring and uninspiring.
Why should the BBC be spending our money on these types of programmes anyway?
And yes I do give to charities ,specifically Cancer research and British heart foundation , but at least I know where the money is going.
I totally agree Deborahanother. We are asked to cough up continually everywhichway, from Ads on the box, telethons, even the supermarkets at the checkout want to know if I am ‘collecting the tokens for school computers/sports equipment/etc etc etc ” NO NO NO – why do the supermarkets bother issuing bits of paper for us to collect, when instead they should just write a sodding cheque for what’s needed and leave us alone !!
I now read that contributions for the family of PC Keith Palmer have reached hundreds of thousands via a website – BUT this was instigated by the Metropolitan Police. I have no problem at all with the families receiving whatever financial help they need, but shouldn’t the Met be shouldering this responsibility ? instead of asking the public for a top up ?
And yes, like thousands of people around the country, I too contribute monthly to my charities of choice – Retired Greyhound Trust, and Guide Dogs for the Blind; on top of a few bob in the rattling cans of the armed forces and Salvation Army at Christmas.
Hi Deborahanother, I think you and I seem to be the only ones admitting to watching any Red Nose and commenting on its awfulness. I posted at 11.57 this morning (see above) but said the very same thing.
D Murray was on R4 – Any Questions being limited down by the Al BBC, he was also on
Sky News.
And …
just as on the BBC notice the amount of time, given to (BBC go to guy) Mansoor.
Yup – Without viewing it, I just know it’s – We must address Global Warming, Poverty, Flood, Famine, Conflict, Corruption and Change the Narrative. Change the record – we’ve done that and keep doing it and clearly it only makes things worse so here’s my carefully considered solution to add to the debate:-
Kill ’em all.
Douglas Murray excellent as usual, not letting the muslim guy get away with sly references to injustice, poverty, democracy, bring in the UN (?!) bla bla. (By implication, It’s all the West’s fault, yawn.)
But by far the best bit is to switch on the subtitles at the beginning and read the muslim guy “Ajmal Masroor, an Imam…” being introduced – I kid you not – as “Animal Manure, an amount at a number of mosques…”
For once Sky get it right.
I’d forgotten what a pompous self centred twa* Thomas Adam Babbington Boulton was having not seen him for a while. The hive has a fixed view on how to shut down true debate and he is a master.
Apologies by mistake I reported Charlie’s comment when I meant to comment on it !! What I wanted to say is that the BBC could itself be held responsible for contributing to the radicalisation of extremists. In the last fifteen years there have been many examples. eg On Radio 4 on an arts programme “Front Row” promoted a CD by an anarchist Rapper that before the Programme went on air had been banned from the UK see http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html There are many other examples.. A particularly nasty documentary against British foreign policy in the Middle East on Channel 5 a Prof Hondrich said ” Civil disobedience ” should be used to change British foreign policy and Ofcom’s comment eventually was “Prof Hondrich meant this “metaphorically”
Personally I think Boulton is getting so gargantuan that his eyes have almost closed, and can barely move his face let alone his mouth – which makes weird sucking noises when he does manage a few words.
“We must stand together and not let them divide us bla bla” is of course code for “don’t blame the muslims”, and whatever you do don’t be unpleasant to them.
But just as a thought experiment, what if people were a teeny weeny bit unpleasant to them, nothing extreme of course, but maybe, say, just a bit of cold shouldering?
The cliché is that would drive more of them to radicalisation – but would it? Or would they start to think, hey we’d better get our house in order. We’d better take a real and visible stand against the radicals. It might even make them wonder what it is about their religion that is so dysfunctional, not just in UK, but EVERYWHERE from North Africa, through the Middle East, to Pakistan. (Not to mention from Malmo to Nice, from Rochdale to Berlin). It might even make them look at reforming it. (If indeed reform is possible.)
As long as there’s no ‘blowback’, where’s the incentive to change?
Treezer’s ‘business as usual’ ain’t gonna do it.
In relation to Charlie’s post above one way of “giving the cold shoulder” is to become much more selective in terms of where one spends one’s money. Not a precision instrument ..but for me now there are certainly firms, restaurants, and countries I will no longer do business with.
We just saw on BBC news followed by the Londonistan programme a 15 minute party political broadcast on behalf of the European Union. Did I spot one male reporter,presenter this evening during the National news followed by the nightly programme for the ethnic community in London? Surely the Londonistan programme should be on the BBC Asian network.
Just a question. The people banging on about how terrorism should not divide us, are they the same people who publicly boasted about shunning Brexiters in the wake of the referendum?
BBC News Channel is on fine form this evening – ticking all the usual boxes.
Great excitement over the Douglas Carswell story – so many opportunities to run the familiar BBC narrative that there’s no point in UKIP. Labour will be pleased that they subcontracted their PR to the Beeb.
Jeremy Bowen is sporting a fine bullet-proof vest with the word “Press” helpfully translated into Arabic script. Nice touch Al-Jezza.
How long before those intrepid BBC weather reporters investigating named-storms have their name-brand anorak logos translated into seven ethnic languages – just like your mobile phone instructions or a London Borough benefits information leaflet?
‘Tens of thousands’ on a pro-EU march apparently. Ok BBC, we’ll take your word for it.
Heard a stonker this morning… BBC chap David Willey was getting all starry-eyed and nostalgic over his reporting 60 years ago on the original signing of the Treaty of Rome. He reckons us Brits were too anti-Catholic to join in with the original fun and games. That’s a new one on me – I seem to recall President Charles de Gaulle putting the block on us joining – but hey ho, blame British prejudice as usual. Our David Willey is now the BBC’s Vatican Correspondent. A nice little sinecure if you can get it.
I see that one of the anti-Brexit marchers today has a placard saying “So where’s the extra £18 billion promised for the NHS?” Er, we haven’t even begun the process of leaving the EU yet. And it’s supposed to be the Brexiteers who are thick!
“Tens of thousands’ on a pro-EU march apparently. Ok BBC, we’ll take your word for it”
Yes, where is the photographic evidence ? lets have some aerial shots showing evidence of “Tens of thousands” Not ‘close ups’ of some colourful demonstrators.
Over to you Maxincony lets have some Al Beeb bias from you ……..
re AsIseeit’s post 3 above..”How long before those intrepid BBC weather reporters investigating named-storms have their name-brand anorak logos translated into seven ethnic languages” above I wondered what the guidelines are on choosing the names for those storms? Re those storms I see we already have Kamil lined up: #https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_storm_naming_in_the_United_Kingdom_and_Ireland..which apparently may mean “perfect” in Arabic..a perfect storm then!..where have I heard that before?
p.s.I think in years to come I shall use the choice of storm names as a barometer of sorts.
A survey was conducted by ICM Research for the Channel 4 documentary, “What British Muslims Really Think,” which aired on April 13 2016. The 615-page survey found that more than 100,000 British Muslims sympathise with suicide bombers and people who commit other terrorist acts. Moreover, only one in three British Muslims (34%) would contact the police if they believed that somebody close to them had become involved with jihadists. In addition, 23% of British Muslims said Islamic Sharia law should replace British law in areas with large Muslim populations.
“[W]e have to adopt a far more muscular approach to integration than ever, replacing the failed policy of multiculturalism… Britain’s liberal Muslims are crying out for this challenge to be confronted. … There is a life-and-death struggle for the soul of British Islam — and this is not a battle that the rest of us can afford to sit out. We need to take sides… We have ‘understood’ too much, and challenged too little — and in doing so are in danger of sacrificing a generation of young British people to values that are antithetical to the beliefs of most of us, including many Muslims.” — Trevor Phillips, former head of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission.
The survey does show that 88% of British Muslims believe Britain is a good place for Muslims to live. According to Philips, this is because the tolerance they enjoy in Britain allows them to do whatever they want.
AS ‘Oh, I know – no-one within the elite gives a damn what we think’….
And this was at its most succinct when listening to Any Answers on Radio 4 today. Anita Anand hosting gave short shrift and took issue with those who telephoned in and dared to criticise Islam, but gave more air time to those who rambled, Muslims who called in, and those who claimed that ‘Terrorism was not Islam’. Bias at its best on the Beeb !
I think it is important that we stop listening and reading the endless articles on this jihadist murderer. None of us should be at all interested in his life and his background .
All we need to know is that he and others like him have murderous intent on us and our society.
From that follows that as a society we have to stop such people however we can and use whatever methods to achieve that end.
We must name the enemy and then declare war on him. This is how a free people survive..
I agree. I’m disgusted at the amount of coverage this murderous bastard has received…front pages on a stretcher being tended to my several medics. Not interested in who he is/was, let the police and intelligence services get on with their job.
ohh come on guys hitler only had to go through the western front, get gassed and live thru the great depression , living in some picturesque southern village must have been hell for a teacher
Yes – who gives a shit. The one and only thing to take from this:- He was Muslim – that’s it.
No amount of factual or verbal tricks will alter the fact – He was a follower of Islam – a toxic, barbaric, death cult.
Addendum to my comment…the bastards (police) are now saying ‘we may never understand why he did this’. Sack ’em! Is that code for ‘we may never be allowed to say in public why he did this’
“Europe: Scotland’s Dilemma”
This evening’s diet of blatant anti Brexit propaganda & bias ?
Biased narrative and sad music ? I hope our Tory MP’s watch it and send Al Beeb more than a ‘letter of complaint’ this time?
Good point on R4 tonight Moral Maze
“stop saying Brexit is a right wing thing it’s just a freedom thing”
Yes LibMob PR try to frame the narrative that way
but Brexit isn’t a left/right thing
Corrupt Greenbiz subsidy grabbers want to stay in for a start.
Justed checked what’s on 5Live Investigates tmw ..didn’t found anything
But the last tweet from the presenter was to Tommy Robinson asking for a private message, so maybe the prog might mention him or maybe it was for an opinion on Westminster attack.
I know this site is dedicated to expose BBC bias, however the MSM in general has it’s moments.
I’ve just been watching Sky News Press review, where they generally attempt to present both sides of the political/social spectrum by the difference of opinion expressed by the guest writers or journalists, exemplified by the sparring between Kevin Mcquire and Andrew Pierce (unlike the BBC press review that rarely has much difference between the reviewers, most being middle ground or left of centre)
Tonight however I had the unfortunate experience (not for the first time) of listening to Christina Paterson who is always paired with Mathew Syed (who I find fairly reasonable and of sound mind)
There is no doubt that this woman is a serious contestent for the title of Queen of the Metropolitan/left/luvie/liberal/privileged/remoaner sect however more to the point she espoused a view that is being put forward (by I believe the establishment that includes the BBC) that terroists such as Masood should be considered as criminals and not as terroists, as this apparently glorifies what they do.
As she was in a ‘safe space’ she was not challenged on this. I for one would have been inclined to ask her to give examples of say the Kray/Richardson gangs and their kind driving a vehicle at innocent pedestrians with a view to kill or maim as many as possible, as in London, Nice, Berlin etc.
The motives of criminals is to generally obtain money not to kill vast numbers of innocent people; the motives of terroists is to do exactly this for purposes of inflicting terror and chaos. If she cannot recognise the difference then she needs to examine her capabilities as a so called writer.
Douglas Murray is the only one who talks any sense to me. And he’s so right that for years there has been so much talk and very little action – and then we hear the stock phrases – ‘praying for everyone’, ‘showing solidatory’. ‘standing shoulder to shoulder’, ‘we will not give in’, etc etc etc after every atrocity. They may just as well fire up the turntable and stick on the record, we hear it so often.
Here is another ‘Douglas’ that’s equally as convincing in being able to talk sense, that’s Jacob William Rees-Mogg.
In fact here is my list of genuine politicians that would put Great Britain first…………
Jacob William Rees-Mogg,
Nigel Farage,
Douglas Murry,
Steven Woolfe
and believe it or not, Dr Kim Howells
Anyone care to add to this list ?
There are many like Cash who battled against the tide for years and I respect them for hanging on in there.Honest and patriotic ,so glad their time has come.
I totally agree with all the above – But I think Gisela Stuart and Kate Hoey in particular deserve a special mention in dispatches as it cant be easy holding moderate, common sense opinions in the Labour party where SJW concerns appear to always hold sway.
Not only do we get Al Beeb’s ‘Gardener’ the ‘so called’ security correspondent speaking the Bleeding Obvious on Security, we get Al Beeb’s weathermen/women telling us the bleeding obvious, that its the “hottest day of the year”
As we approach summer expect more “hottest day of the year”
Bleeding bloody Obviiouse Al Beeb is being run by Blue Peter !
It was jolly chilly in East London .Sunny but strong winds so not the hottest day ,that was a couple of weeks ago. They must be gearing up for their next global warming propaganda.
We live on an island .Extremes of weather are to be expected.I learned that during my grammar school education geography lessons.
The news bulletin on Radio 4 leads with the Westminster attack, saying ‘we may never know what motivated the attacker.’ Yeah, that will always and forever be a mystery.
“At this moment, for example, Oceania was at war with Eastasia. In no public or private utterance was it ever admitted that the three powers had been organised along different lines.”
George Orwell, 1984.
I am old enough , 65, to remember when the BBC news was reliable and when the police were respected by ordinary citizens, when the government of the day was regarded on the whole as being truthful. That was how my parents brought me up, torespect British institutions.
Now that may all have been nativity on the public’s and my parents part but today I don’t believe a word the BBC or the senior police officers say. Every government since Blair’s spin such a web of lies that the truth is obscured. This is definitely the situation as regards Muslim terror. I remember in France and Australia there was a spate of people being killed by rampaging cars but the authorities clImed it wasn’t terror related. So in this Islington case I will only believe it isn’t Islamic terror when the perpetrators are named and they are clearly not Muslims , or converts to the foul faith of a Islam , and they personally testify that their motive were not Islamic. Until then if it looks like a duck and waddles like a duck , it is a duck.
You can tell that BBC news are pleased this morning to be told by authorities that the Westminster terrorist ‘acted alone’ and that ‘we may never know why he did it’
Gosh, what on earth might have attracted this violent missfit to convert to the authoritarian blood-thirsty grievance-mongering infidel-hating male-dominating-woman homophobic ‘religion’ of Islam?
Good god I despair. The BBC ‘news’ this morning reporting that the police have no idea why Westminster Muslim terrorist attacked last week and wonder whether he was encouraged. Well perhaps I can help them in their investigations. There is a religeous book they may want to peruse and religeous buildings they might care to visit where followers of this book congregate. There they may find answers.
I just jeard Roger Johnson read out that line in their 8:30 headlines…
My reaction was ” what the fuck?”
It’s hard to know who are the biggest idiots..the beeb or police.
Yes Alex-The police have no idea why this Islamist terrorist did what he did? We often hear or see on TV Douglas Murray explaining the obvious. Why 51% of Muslims in the UK want homosexuality banned,that’s FIFTY ONE !!!!! Why 20% support or understand ISIS.
What was that song?” What the world needs is a great big melting pot.”
Well just put in it a disturbed, violent drug addict AND the number one ingredient the KORAN. Mix it all up and you will have an Islamic terrorist. That’s for a British born non Muslim.For a born Muslim you can leave out the first three ingredients,that’s all it needs for around 20% to turn out as they do.
THAT Mr policeman and the BBC and the rest of the establishment is the answer !!
And remember Foscari, those stats massively understate the real attitudes of muslims, who obviously won’t tell some whitie researcher that they support terrorism / jihad / homophobia. Heck they’ve been practising Taqiyya (deception) to infidels for 14 centuries, they’re past masters at it.
A new definition of terrorism…
Following the publication of the disgraceful Macpherson report in 1999, a racist incident was defined as “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”. This definition has subsequently been used as the basis of so-called hate crime reporting – a ‘hate crime’ has occured and is recorded by the police if anybody thinks one has occured, even if it did not affect them and they did not even witness it. Anonymous reporting is permitted. No burden of proof is required. So surely the same standards reply to the reporting of terrorism, which truly is hateful. The definition of terrorism should be “any incident which is perceived to be terrorism by the victim or any other person”. Personally, I find the idea of a car running down people to be quite terrifying and I consider it to be an act of terrorism, regardless of what the motive was. I also consider the failure of the BBC to accurately report such incidents – indeed, in some cases not to even report them at all – to constitute an act of supporting terrorism. Time to change the law.
Your definition of terrorism does have the virtue of having some evidence that an incident took place. There would be bodies, wounds etc. Hate crime requires no evidence whatsoever. It is just Justice by denunciation and profoundly un British. Indeed anyone accused of it would surely win their case for unfair prosecution in the Human Rights courts. Oh silly me the court would place the mere possibility that a person of colour could have been upset well above the rights of a white person to a fair trial with evidence and that sort of thing. White people can’t be upset by a POCS , even if they are killed in an attack, so the reverse argument does not apply.
You could not write this shit – because it is so rubbish! And the BBC think they are “creative”
All I can think is that they are practicing the most effective lines which they hope will be effective come Ramadan.
We have already had victim of waycism, drugs, suggestions of mental illness as you said everything but the “bleedin obvious”
If it looks like a duck, Quacks like a duck………………….!
Baroness Warsi on Andrew Marr talking about her book, in which she had a ‘conversation’ with the British Muslim community. She asks: “Are the British Muslim communities in 2017 the best we could possibly be?”
Chille – I think the answer to Warsis question is probably -yes !
While their holiest and most revered book is still Mo ‘s Practical Guide to Conquest, Rape, Misogeny and underage sex – then it aint gonna get a lot better.
Had the misfortune to watch Channel 4 Propaganda – sorry, ‘News’ – recently.
They’re as bad as our dearly be-hated beeb. And who was reading the news? Why, the Veiled One, mostly one muslim atrocity story after another.
Couldn’t help feeling we were having our noses rubbed in islam, a bit like Labour wanted to rub our noses in diversity.
And the sense of calm entitlement: it’s my yuman right to wear the symbol of my oppression (and soon yours) if I choose to, a right which incidentally. wouldn’t be accorded in one single muslim country to those of other faiths.
I would like to think Channel 4s viewing figures nosedive whenever the veiled
Indulge me please. (It’s Sunday) & it sounds as though King Solomon was banging his head against a wall while trying to communicate sense to a regressive liberal type.
[Book of Proverbs Chapter 27 Verse 22
“Though you grind a fool in a mortar,
grinding them like grain with a pestle,
you will not remove their folly from them”
Had the misfortune to watch Channel 4 Propaganda – sorry, ‘News’ – recently.
They’re as bad as our dearly be-hated beeb. And who was reading the news? Why, the Veiled One, mostly one muslim atrocity story after another.
Couldn’t help feeling we were having our noses rubbed in islam, a bit like Labour wanted to rub our noses in diversity.
And the sense of calm entitlement: it’s my yuman right to wear the symbol of my oppression (and soon yours) if I choose to – a right which incidentally wouldn’t be accorded in one single muslim country to those of other faiths.
I would like to think Channel 4’s viewing figures nosedive whenever the Veiled One struggles to read the autocue, but I suspect we’ve been too dhimmified to even react any more, and the bien-pensants who feel so superior of their ‘tolerance’ will lap it up of course.
All part of the process of islamification of the West, or islamocreep.
My, what big teeth you have Fatima – All the better to EAT you, my dim little dhimmis.
Now lie back and surrender – it won’t hurt much.
I just cannot believe the British public have been brainwashed to such an extent that we bumlick and are utterly afraid of followers of a religion. We are in a situation where we are called racist for criticising an intolerant and violent religion… think about that… a bloody religion… I blame the media, education and politicians for the terrible mess we are in.
Alex – “media, education, politicians”: a good start.
Maybe add the Legal profession, the supine police, the limp-wristed hand-wringing Church of England, the stupid intelligentsia and of course, right at the top of the diseased Xmas tree: Al Beebeera, poisoning the whole collective mind of our once great nation, 24/7.
At our expense.
I am offended because Pastafarians are not represented wearing their colander s in the media, despite the fact that we live in a diverse multicultural vibrant society. Pastafarian worshippers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are peaceful and to date have not been associated with terrorism. In several countries Pastafarianism is recognised and members can wear the colander – essential to their religious beliefs – on the their passport and driving licence photos.
So why not have colander wearing newsreaders?
This is clearly RACIST
I see Barrenness Warsi is promoting her autobiography “The Enemy Within” on Marr.
The usual crescendo of “It’s nothing to do with Islam” apologia.
Now we are expected to believe that living amongst white people in Surrey and soft drugs are the cause of muslim terror.
But, “we will never know” what prompted him. Just last week it was, “inspired”. What a difference a media massage makes over a few days and the BBC are good at that. Personally, I’d prefer to stop at, “inspired” because, despite the mans criminal background he converted to islam. I suggest that is enough for the majority of sane, honest people in the UK to understand.
I listened to Tom Shakespeare again this morning on Radio4. His Bias is primitive and undisguised. It would be amusing if…Oh, by the way He has the FACTS. The DATA. He doesn’t use the word, of course, but if you missed the point, that makes him GOOD. He doesn’t like poets; they have a narrative, so they are BAD, he implies. Presumably smokers have no facts either or are too stupid to understand them. He seems to like smoking bans; fact: smoking is BAD.
Similar to smoking and poets are populists: the Left was mentioned only once and we received no further information on them. But oh, the Right: they have no facts an no data like Tom. They include Trump, Farage, Weelders etc. Like poets, smoking and populists, they are all BAD. Tom has no narrative he says but only the FACTS (oh dear). He has the data and the facts. And he tells us we need more fact checkers. Wanna job? Wanna be GOOD? Join Tom.
bBBC Lie Machine news website this morning. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said: “We still believe that Masood acted alone on the day and there is no information or intelligence to suggest there are further attacks planned. “Even if he acted alone in the preparation, we need to establish with absolute clarity why he did these unspeakable acts ………”We must all accept that there is a possibility we will never understand why he did this. That understanding may have died with him.
Well Deputy Assistant Commissioner you’re clearly on message with this one and your promotion is guaranteed. As his motif is such a baffling mystery and enigma to you, can I suggest you bring in extra help. Perhaps youd like to call round to Mr Sherlock Holmes at 221b Baker Street. Its not far from the Met HQ and while youre there pop a copy of the Koran through the letterbox as background reading – perhaps with some post it notes on informative sections Quran (2:191-193)
You might also like to get Morse, Poirot and Tintin on the case as its clearly beyond you and the copious resources of Her Majesties Metropolitan Police. Im sure Snowy would sniff out the answer pretty quickly – oh yes. If that fails perhaps enlist Britain’s top mediums to interrupt Khalid Masood’s rampant sex with 72 virgins. He’s probably exhausted (lucky bugger) so nows a good time to catch him and get his take on why he did this. To be fair very few believers of the one and only true religion are stupid enough to believe the 72 virgins mistranslation.
So ether Neil is too stupid to understand what is a clear and patently obvious motive to all of us, or he’s lying to push the contemptible and laughable liberal media nonsense that this is NTDWI.
Either way, he is clearly unfit to be our esteemed Deputy Assistant Commissioner, and its yet another nail in the public’s respect for the police and justice system.
Martellus – I don’t think they would like Snowy sniffing about, after all they don’t like dogs apparently. Perhaps one of those truffle-hunting pigs instead, perhaps ……
Here they come to the rescue of our esteemed Met, Martellus.
But I hope once Snowy has sniffed out the source of the inspiration of our muslim murderer he doesn’t piss on it, that would be most disrespectful. Perhaps that’s why the prophet decreed all dogs should be killed (Bukhari Vol. 4, #540 et al). http://www.answering-islam.org/Silas/dogs.htm
taffman – as yet, nothing on beeb site. Way too risky: knifemen in a car, car mounts pavement at 50mph, mows down people outside a pub, youths run off… not sounding good, let’s sit on it till the police can categorically confirm it’s not terror related. (Sounds pretty terrifying to me.)
There are lies,damn lies and the BBC, to paraphrase Disraeli. The Metropolitan police are not much better. Our establishment is closing ranks and telling us that we had better get used to attacks like that of Masood.
Marr had left- liberal paper reviewers, closely followed by the Muslim apologist Warsi. The message is clear: the violence is not due Islam, it is even misleading to use the term Islamist. And as for Wahibbism, well any religion has extremists- even Christianity has its evangelicals. So there we have it. Just get used to violence. I think that this will become increasingly the message fed to us . The real problem , we are told, is drug taking, being a violent young criminal, or a black person in a white society. Shouldn’t we really be doing something about these things instead of worrying about Islam? Just because someone converts to Islam and visits Saudi Arabia, we should draw no conclusions.
Meanwhile the Met tell us that they will probably never know what motivated the attacker, unless of course it’s cannabis and the nasty bigots of Northiam.
Give it time WB – there’s lots of lovely space up there, potential for building the biggest Mosque in the country, now that London is running out of space !
A few years ago in Cornwall, Planning was discussed for the building of a Mosque in a region where there were less than 30 Muslims !!! so beware !
They have been trying for 10years to build a super mosque in Newham .It would be the largest in Europe and I believe funded by Saudi Arabia.The council have so far refused it but I can imagine its only a matter of time.
From my local experience when the mosques appear the area tends to decline and become a bit lifeless ,no pubs , western shops or community activities..No inclusiveness that we all keep getting lectured about.
I don’t think Cumbria is on the expansion list yet but it will come eventually.
Mosques are good for estate agents, property developers and bribe taking local Councillors. Approve of a mosque and Moslems will buy nearby houses so they won’t have to travel far to pray five time a day. Our local council (Tory/lib dem) held a meeting with moslems and developers to consider building one. Half a dozen local residents turned up to complain, but the yoonie sent a busload of anti fascists followed by the cops who told the objectors to leave. So now, no one will object to the mosque as it is racist and extremist to do so.
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Did anyone here watch any of red nose day? Daily Mail website full of how awful it was and the comments agreed. I watched about 3 minutes before the 10pm news (and I am not sure why I watched that, as Jon Sopel’s report re Obama Care and Trump was so predictable) – but back to red nose day. In those three minutes I saw Ross and Brand – their slow rehabilitation is obviously taking longer than the BBC anticipated. There was no humour – just the ‘in’ crowd having a good time at our expense. Noticed Lenny Henry painfully trying to be funny – and it just doesn’t work.
I can always remember Bob Hope (when I was a very little girl and he was a very old man) at, I think, a Miss World competition. Things were not going to plan, so he ad libbed. There was a great comic, dealing with what could have been a difficult situation, and handling it like a professional and taking his audience with him. And I was a very little girl but I understood the humour, it was not foul, rude, or anything but funny and appropriate. Not something those left-leaning luvvies maintained by the BBC could even start to do.
I can’t think why anyone would ever watch that crap – I think we all know by now, what utter, unfunny drivel it’s going to be.
Like humour (where we used to laugh) in general in this country, its long past its sell by date.
I’m now seriously wondering when I last even chuckled at the box. Oh yes, its at an advert where the male voice over goes “yum yum yum yum yum yum” for a dog teeth cleaning chewie !!!
Didn’t watch a minute of it.
Abandon Foreign Aid and use it all on the people of Great Britain .
Let ‘Red Nose’ day replace Foreign Aid. Simples
I wonder which of these countries of that “Great Faith” Treezer would choose to live in, and how long her vicar father would have lasted before being murdered, maimed, tortured, burned alive, crucified or jailed, assuming he’d even be allowed in to live and practise his faith there.
Syria Iran Iraq Yemen Libya Bangladesh Kuwait Lebanon Oman Pakistan Sudan Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Somalia Eritrea Nigeria Maldives Uzbekistan Qatar Turkmenistan Djibouti Egypt…
Who says so? Islam-loving Grauniad, for one:
Although an atheist, the only one I would recommend for christians would be Gambia, where I live. But it is pretty unique. There are even muslims married to chistians and no-one bats an eyelid. I can even think of one building where one half is a mosque and the other half a church.
But, actually, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau are quite similar. A British friend of mine, living in Gambia, recently said “But Gambians don’t really understand Islam. Thank God for that . “
Interesting, Grant. I was thinking of getting out of Europe and going to Africa before most of Africa comes to Europe. But I was thinking of SA, but Gambia might be an option now you say it is nice.
I have never been to RSA but I would be put off by the high crime rate and black racism. Gambia is low crime ( I am happy to walk anywhere , day or night ) and no racism or tribalism. Lovely saying in my wife’s Wolof language ” Santa amut kerr “. Last names have no homes. I guess the Scots’ equivalent would be ” We are all Jock Tamson’s bairns “.
It is even better now that 22 years of a brutal dictator have ended and he failed to break the spirit of the Gambian people.
Many Gambian exiles are returning now and the country is open for investment and business. The climate is nice and the natives friendly and always laughing and joking.
Note to President Barrow ” May I have a job as Head of The Gambian Government Marketing Department , please ? ” .
Grant, 🙂
May lots of peace be upon Gambia.
Thank you so much. It has been one hell of a long struggle for them. My only contribution was moral support and sometimes putting up exiles in my flat in Edinburgh.
Many of the stories are too horrific to relate. And I do not mean my flat.
At the end of the day, it was President Macky Sall of Senegal, President Ellen Sirleaf- Johnson of Liberia and President Buhari of Nigeria who forced it through. It sticks in my throat, but President Hollande played a key role.
The British Embassy and Ambassador Colin Crorkin and the British intelligence services also did a great job.
But, it was the Nigerian Air Force and ECOWAS , mainly Senegalese , military who actually risked their lives. Unique in African history for a transfer of power to have no violence.
This is my Oscar Speech moment ! And I am going home to Gambia on 25 April. ” Forayaa “, Freedom !
I’d be lying if I said SA doesn’t have a high crime rate, but it is mainly black on black. Take sensible precautions and avoid certain places, like Johannesburg and Durban and you should be OK. I lived there for a year and never saw anything, but that was in Western Cape province.
No doubt. I was tempted to say that Lucky Dube was not so lucky. That crime could never have happened in Gambia. I would hate to live in a country where I have to avoid ” certain places “. As indeed I do when I am in UK .
I can vouch for the Gulf States, particularly Saudi Arabia. There, even small groups of Christians gathering to pray together in private homes are hunted down and incarcerated. Any body displaying a Crucifix will have it forcibly removed irrespective of the public setting of the assault.
Oddly enough, I only visited your link after writing the foregoing. I am therefore confirming totally the view of the Guardian. Brooooh (shake of body thinking about it): does that make me a fan of the Guardian? NO,no (diminishing in font…..).
Turkey used to be very tolerant , before the Islamofascist cnut Erdogan came to power and it will get worse. Will be interesting to see if that bastard targets Sephardic Jews.
Many years ago, I was in a small village near Konya, called Sille. For hundreds of years Greeks and Turks had lived in peace together there. Then the Greeks had to leave in the exchange of populations which took place after the failed invasion of Turkey by Greece and the War of Indendence.
I asked a local if there were any churches left. He showed me a small church which was in good condition. He said they kept it that way in memory of their Greek brothers. Isn’t the world complicated ?
G, Millions of Christians in Nigeria, four million Anglicans in Pakistan and other ‘varieties’ there too. Then there are Christians in Bangladesh, Egypt and Indonesia, the last possibly not mentioned by the Guardian. In the Lebanon, the mix of faiths is incredible, especially among those describable as Christian, and totals toward half the population.
I share your pain G. After touching the Grauniad I find a long hot shower and plenty of soap helps.
Oman is OK. Well, Muscat is OK.
Re the CAR: ““Anti-balaka” defence groups – made up of people claiming to be Christians, though condemned by Christian leaders – have formed in response. While they were originally meant to defend communities, they have been involved in revenge attacks on Muslims in the country.” Is it surprising that Christians have started reprisals against muslims?
The BBC is in a terrible dilemma . They want to show us by using more and more Muslim presenters and reporters that folk who’s origins are from Indian sub continent are just as worthy at doing their jobs as any indigenous Brits. And so they are, with the obvious few who have just got their jobs through positive discrimination and diversity.
The problem is their fascist religion.
Now plenty of religions are fascist in their fundamentalism form. The big difference is that a very high percentage of adherents don’t take their “bibles” literally . The problem with
Islam,it is that a big enough percentage of adherents do, and cause a lot of trouble.
When a 20th century university graduate such as Mehdi Hassan says that he honestly believes that Muhammed went to heaven on a winged horse ,and Mr Hassan is no way a fundamentalist Muslim,we need to start to worry.
What does it take for somebody who is distabled in the first place, violent, takes drugs, converts to Islam , which tells him to kill infidiles. Before he or she takes the word of
the master literally?
Yes there are the same kinds in Christianity, Judaism , the Hindu religion. The big ,big
difference is the much bigger percentage of Muslims who follow this , if you want to call it, extreme Islam.
The BBC’S and the establishment just cover their eyes and tell us that Islam is a religion
of peace. When as many as 20% of Muslims really believe it to be a religion of war. To be fought against everybody else who isn’t a Muslim . Or even many Muslims who live in harmony with ” Infidiles.”
Foscari – Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism do NOT tell their followers to kill and persecute those of other faiths or none. If those religions have been behind the occasional outrage in history, it was in CONTRADICTION of their core teachings, not in CONFORMITY with them. They were aberrations, not the norm. And NONE of the other great faiths promote terrorism now. Islam is qualitatively different from them.
Charlie Martel – Yes I get your point. I really meant there are sections in the Old Testament that very very few would take literally such as Leviticus 19:19
Where as much as 20% of Muslims would take everything in The Koran, literally.
Foscari, there is indeed some gruesome – or plain daft – stuff in the Old Testament, and that’s precisely what Christians believe Christ came to abrogate, from eye-for-an-eye to turn-the-other-cheek, love your neighbour, even your enemy. The exact opposite of islam, which is all about subjugation, forcing conversion or killing those of other faiths or nonbelievers.
Totally correct, Charlie. The OT Law was a harsh schoolmaster. We are in an age of grace. “Blessed are the peacemakers.”
We could do with loads right now. Especially in Syria, Yemen, Somalia, North Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea and Afghanistan.
Charlie M
Yes, that is the crux of the matter.
The BBC, however, seems to accept that the Koran really is the will of god revealed through the prophet or are unaware of any of the valid criticisms of revealed religion that have been made in the past.
Being pious means subjecting yourself to the will of god. Christians who would say that being good means doing God’s will are shocked when you suggest god could change his mind tomorrow and order them to murder any child they meet. God wouldn’t do that, that’s evil. Of course the point is if god ordered it, it wouldn’t be evil. This shows that christians have a sense of morality that goes beyond blind obedience to a supernatural entity. Muslims can’t get beyond fulfilling god’s will and so Muslims are essentially unthinking slaves of a supernatural Führer and will continue to see Muhammad as a paragon of virtue Inşallah.
I love those ‘stats’ about muslim attitudes e.g. to terrorism; would they shop a muslim they knew was preparing an attack; do they support the death penalty for apostasy, gays, insulters of islam, Charlie hebdo, 9/11 etc.
Do you really think they’ll tell whitie with a clipboard ‘yes I support terrorism, death to unbelievers, jihad etc?’
Course not, the stats are meaningless.
The worrying thing is how many don’t care, and are happy to say that they support sharia, death to the infidels etc etc etc?
For every one who answers honestly, how many practice taqiyya?
Remember Tebbit’s cricket test of loyalty? I suspect the vast majority secretly cheer for ‘their side’, in sport as in religious war.
The difference between islam and any other religion is that it makes very big claims for itself. All other holly texts are obviously the work of many generations of authors and have been adapted and reformed over time. Only islam claims that it is the literal word of God, as dictated to Mo, piss be upon him, via the Archangel Gabriel. Not only that, but there shall be no further prophets, this is God’s final word. It cannot be interpreted, it cannot be cherry picked and it cannot be reformed.
Douglas Carswell quitting UKIP. Now, there’s a surprise !
His work there is finished!
And I am sure Neil “brown envelopes” Hamilton will be able to cope with any further housekeeping issues that pop up.
Will there be a by election, then? People voted for him as a UKIP MP, it certainly wasn’t for his roughish good looks.
LOL ! I shall never understand how, in the UK, an MP can leave a party or join a party without a by-election. Strange .
Perhaps there will be a by-election, leaving the door open for Nigel to jump in ?
The UKIP leadership must have realised that they have Fifth Columnists in their midst. BBC web-site informed this week of a UKIP candidate on trial for fraud. Turns out when reading below the headline, he was another former Conservative.
If UKIP wish to be taken seriously in May, and especially beyond departure from the EU in time for 2020, then they will have to develop some careful, fair but firm, vetting techniques for their candidates and also to train them for their representational duties, should they be elected. Too many have dropped out because it was tough going.
Even the SNP’s Mhairi Black has found it a hard job once the wave of jubilation had subsided.
Reference the comments made by A Neil and suggestions he invokes the spirit of the blitz , there are several things that have happened since the 1940’s that were not touched on. These include the discontinued requirement for National Service and the increase in youth having a “gap year” It was illuminating that Tobias Elwood and his actions have drawn praise from many quarters during the terrorist events near Westminster.
Perhaps it is time to reconsider some form of National Service, not necessarily of the Military kind since there are many fields of activity that could be covered – agricuture and forestry, the environment, public service,health, education etc . I have lived and worked in six FSU countries and five in Africa over the last fifty years and the difference in those that require National Service is striking when compared to those that have no form of National Service.
Those countries requiring youth to engage in some form of National Service tend to have young males and females with positive characteristics such as
-Love of country
-Adherence to discipline
-Strong sense of citizenship
-Skills in first-aid,survival,positive physical and health attributes.
-Knowledge acquired during their service and a strong sense of work ethic.
Engaging for a fixed period of time in some serious activities of value to the Nation may well concentrate the minds of young people and may enable them to become even more valued citizens
Quite agree. One thing which amazes me in the UK is that able-bodied people on benefits are not required to do voluntary work. Even picking up litter would help.
PS. Actually I did not mean voluntary. I meant as a requirement of them being paid benefits.
Perhaps the UK should set up GreenForce, a government scheme for employing the out-of-work on environmental improvement. Honourable work, which nobody could criticise.
Of course, some people will be picking up litter and temporarily erasing graffiti, but others may get the chance to contribute in broader ways.
The “progressive” Left, which hates the thought of anyone being forced to work who doesn’t want to, would have to get more creative in order to oppose an Environmental Army.
If someone is to be employed picking up litter then they should be paid the same as someone who is normally employed to do it. It’s OK to sit back in retirement and say ‘make them do voluntary work’ but when schemes like this start to happen people with work at the lower end of the scale suddenly find their meagre paying jobs being taken away by the sudden supply of beneficiaries as employers find they can get a source of labour that is even cheaper.
It is the job of the state to ensure that a reasonable job market exists. In the case of the UK the massive immigration has meant that this is far from the case.
Don’t blame those who can’t find work when the blame clearly on the shoulders of those politicians and businessmen who created the situation and still continue to ignore it.
BBC land – Pro-settlement hardliner Friedman confirmed as US envoy to Israel
UNHRC – Israel has used the worst kinds of abuse, ethnic cleansing, Israel continues to exercise apartheid in Palestine, which constitutes a crime against humanity
Id like to ask the members of that commission, that commissioned that report, the Arab states from which we just heard. Egypt, Iraq, and the others:
How many Jews live in your countries? How many Jews live in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco?
… Once upon a time, the Middle East was full of Jews.
Algeria had 140,000 Jews. Algeria, where are your Jews?
Egypt used to have 75,000 Jews. Where are your Jews?
Syria, you had tens of thousands of Jews. Where are your Jews?
Iraq, you had over 135,000 Jews. Where are your Jews?
… Mr. President, where is the apartheid?
Why is there a U.N. commission on the Middle East that does not include Israel? From the 1960s and the ‘70s they refuse to include Israel.
Where is the apartheid, Mr. President? Mr. President, why are we meeting today on an agenda item singling out only one state, the Jewish state, for targeting
… Where is the apartheid, Mr. President?
Brilliant ! All the dirty Arab dogs have to go silent because they know he is right and the blood is on their hands. Scum .
The BBC is taking baby steps towards impartiality, says Rod Liddle
A quote from that Rod Liddle article
What only 70 MPs signed the letter complaining about anti-Brexit bias !
Do “570 of our Elected representatives, including the vast majority of Tories,
think the BBC and Doing the Bloody good job and the exemplar of impartial Reporting? If so, I Suspect they have been secretly lobotomised”
BTW You can get around the Spectator sign-up screen by using Google translate
commenter : “Wednesday evening on BBC radio a daft bird masquerading as a reporter speculated that the attack at Parliament might have been done by the far right. They have something wrong in their heads.”
I suspect Tory MPs didn’t sign the letter cos they’re frit of the beebistan, frit of the mauling they’d get at the next interview on News-shite or whatever. I suspect that’s why the Appeezer unleashed Kuntsberg on Trump, after a secret deal: “Laura, go easy on me and i’ll give you Trump, ok?”
missed this 22 FEBRUARY 2017
The ‘Superficial, Arrogant Smugness’ Of BBC News
– Peter Oborne Delivers Some Home Truths On BBC Radio 4 Today
Thousands of years of building and experimenting with various forms of civil societiey: rule of law, moral standards, human rights etc., and all they’ve come up with is a plan to get to heaven for a shag by killing innocents – brilliant!
I see little Timothy Farron is piping up again at the pro eu march.
He says there is no reason for ukip yet fails to mention that ukip got more votes than his party AND the snp combined.
It’s just our useless voting system that only gave us 1 (now of course 0) seat.
Almost 4 million of us without a voice in parliament.
Yeah, right.
Our democracy is like the NHS (the envy of the world yet strangely, not copied), the BBC, the best in the world they call themselves….puke, our police, best in the world, military, best in the world and so on, everything British is the best in the world….unless you look at the stats for health, education etc.
Yesterday some talking heads were saying we were respecting our MPs more since their ordeal yesterday, that we had recovered from their expenses fiddling for example. NO, we don’t. The MPs were in no danger, unlike the poor copper on a third of the mp wage paying with his life for these gobshites. Oh yes, one of them was farting about around a casualty and is being lauded as if he was a hero…..that’s it. Crocodile tears and lots of our prayers are with them moments in the mass virtue signalling fest yesterday. Does anybody believe they mean any of it or was it just them talking their usual shite and trying to out compassion their fellow MPs.
A pox on the lot of them, apart from a handful of decent ones such as Rees Mogg.
Well said. Most MPs and the PM are garbage. I would not wish anyone to be victim of a terrorist attack, but , maybe if some MPs suffer, things may change, but I doubt it. At the end of the day, most of them just don’t give a shit about anyone except themselves.
Gents, as a teen I saw through what many prominent MPs were and said and would believe and say similar things to you. I used to be told off by my parents and encouraged to show more respect to MPs and Civil Servants.
In ‘old age’ (well, nearly) I have a greater measure of respect for individuals willing to stand up and represent others. The system squeezes them into a mold. That they do not do a better job is down to, I think, a variety of factors.
The first is the power of patronage conferred on a Prime Minister in a Cabinet setting. That would be far worse, by the way, under any form of Proportional Representation, extending into candidate selection and every Constituency Room in the UK. In the same league is the power of the Whips, especially when exercised with a lack of scrupulous integrity.
Then there is the media obsession with power, their own as The Fourth Estate, constantly looking on and reporting on the workings of Westminster and Whitehall, and at times lionising or building up and breaking down individual MPs and Ministers. They even seducing them into their own fold as well.
This all contributes to the hothouse atmosphere of Parliament.
On top of that, any working environment affects those within it. “The Oldest Parliament of All”, the Prime Minster said on Thursday after the terrorist attack. Maybe not strictly, historically correct but that tradition must have an effect on those working there. Many come from ‘school’ backgrounds that influence the working of the place. Not just those schooled at Eton but also those schooled in the Trade Union movement or the public sector or the charity sector.
Finally, there is the bias of the Houses to the Law or Politics, Philosophy & Economics degrees. The narrowness of our representation in the House of Commons (highly influenced by the media, incidentally), I think has a damaging effect of those that are sent there for any length of time.
Then, in addition, is the engagement of the electorate with their representatives and their, often scant, regard of their duty to the voters beyond the weeks of an election campaign. You mention Jacob Rees-Mogg. Excellent though he was during the EU Referendum campaign and since, he demonstrates at times an arrogant disregard for discerning and representing the wishes of his constituents in crucial votes. He is not alone. Many of those who go to Westminster turn from men and women of the people into something quite different. I think of one Baroness, speaking on the subject of Grammar Schools, where I felt a chill of being at a Nuremberg rally run down my back. I have heard similar from other Members of the Houses on other subjects. “We know what is good for you.” can obviously be said without contradiction when we have not bothered to tell them what we think and want and keep a pressure of constant engagement with them.
If we fail to engage with our MPs and Peers, beyond glancing at an Election leaflet before throwing it in the bin and going off to vote on Election day, then we really deserve what we get from Parliament and its inhabitants.
I feel, in a way, that I should apologise to you for lecturing you. But I will not.
Think on this: when we get ourselves out of the EU, there will be no extra place in future for our MPs and Civil Servants to hide from us. They will not be able to point at Brussels and say “They made us do it.” or “We cannot do that because the EU will not allow it.” There will be new opportunities for electorates to engage with their representatives and a measure of new found independence may start to percolate the relationship all the way into the Houses of Parliament.
Hopefully our MPs will feel free to be independent in Westminster and our Civil Servants will feel they must start to serve us rather than Party or EU machinery of the moment.
When that new beginning comes, we need to be ready to participate rather than merely criticise or dismiss MPs as garbage from the sidelines. Some have paid with their lives while representing us. This past week, that might have happened again but for the intervention of a brave policeman.
egg.. fukin…lakly
its all down to them and they will have nothing to hide behind
we are all well aware the government can control non-eu migaration but doesnt
the eu has been a happy shield for their ineptitude for too long
Good point. Apart from you mocking of Tobias Ellwood. He was NOT a hero. BUT, he did try to save the officer’s life. For that, he deserves thanks.
I don’t suppose many who post here bother with Red Nose Day . I haven’t watched it for years.But I notice several articles appearing this year criticising it and the amount pledged has dropped. Maybe people are finally waking up to what a luvvie fest it is.
I happened to click on BBC 1 ,being a channel hopper,and saw Lenny Henry and had to quickly click off. I used to like him when he was funny ,but since he became a serious thespian he has become totally boring and uninspiring.
Why should the BBC be spending our money on these types of programmes anyway?
And yes I do give to charities ,specifically Cancer research and British heart foundation , but at least I know where the money is going.
I totally agree Deborahanother. We are asked to cough up continually everywhichway, from Ads on the box, telethons, even the supermarkets at the checkout want to know if I am ‘collecting the tokens for school computers/sports equipment/etc etc etc ” NO NO NO – why do the supermarkets bother issuing bits of paper for us to collect, when instead they should just write a sodding cheque for what’s needed and leave us alone !!
I now read that contributions for the family of PC Keith Palmer have reached hundreds of thousands via a website – BUT this was instigated by the Metropolitan Police. I have no problem at all with the families receiving whatever financial help they need, but shouldn’t the Met be shouldering this responsibility ? instead of asking the public for a top up ?
And yes, like thousands of people around the country, I too contribute monthly to my charities of choice – Retired Greyhound Trust, and Guide Dogs for the Blind; on top of a few bob in the rattling cans of the armed forces and Salvation Army at Christmas.
Deb – I’d rather cut my red nose off than watch that steaming pile of cr*p.
Hi Deborahanother, I think you and I seem to be the only ones admitting to watching any Red Nose and commenting on its awfulness. I posted at 11.57 this morning (see above) but said the very same thing.
Call me a cynic but I’m a bit suspicious of their total. Do you really think they’ve raised twice as much as children in need?
D Murray was on R4 – Any Questions being limited down by the Al BBC, he was also on
Sky News.
And …
just as on the BBC notice the amount of time, given to (BBC go to guy) Mansoor.
Narrative this, narrative that, must address the global problems
Yup – Without viewing it, I just know it’s – We must address Global Warming, Poverty, Flood, Famine, Conflict, Corruption and Change the Narrative. Change the record – we’ve done that and keep doing it and clearly it only makes things worse so here’s my carefully considered solution to add to the debate:-
Kill ’em all.
Here s the R4 – Any Questions stint with Douglas
(for sh-ts and giggles includes C Lucas)
Douglas Murray excellent as usual, not letting the muslim guy get away with sly references to injustice, poverty, democracy, bring in the UN (?!) bla bla. (By implication, It’s all the West’s fault, yawn.)
But by far the best bit is to switch on the subtitles at the beginning and read the muslim guy “Ajmal Masroor, an Imam…” being introduced – I kid you not – as “Animal Manure, an amount at a number of mosques…”
For once Sky get it right.
I’d forgotten what a pompous self centred twa* Thomas Adam Babbington Boulton was having not seen him for a while. The hive has a fixed view on how to shut down true debate and he is a master.
I can never understand what Boulton is saying, he just sort of mumbles under his breath. Speak up, for goodness sake.
Apologies by mistake I reported Charlie’s comment when I meant to comment on it !! What I wanted to say is that the BBC could itself be held responsible for contributing to the radicalisation of extremists. In the last fifteen years there have been many examples. eg On Radio 4 on an arts programme “Front Row” promoted a CD by an anarchist Rapper that before the Programme went on air had been banned from the UK see http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html There are many other examples.. A particularly nasty documentary against British foreign policy in the Middle East on Channel 5 a Prof Hondrich said ” Civil disobedience ” should be used to change British foreign policy and Ofcom’s comment eventually was “Prof Hondrich meant this “metaphorically”
Personally I think Boulton is getting so gargantuan that his eyes have almost closed, and can barely move his face let alone his mouth – which makes weird sucking noises when he does manage a few words.
A little something you won’t be seeing on the BBC today, an anti EU march in Rome.
“We must stand together and not let them divide us bla bla” is of course code for “don’t blame the muslims”, and whatever you do don’t be unpleasant to them.
But just as a thought experiment, what if people were a teeny weeny bit unpleasant to them, nothing extreme of course, but maybe, say, just a bit of cold shouldering?
The cliché is that would drive more of them to radicalisation – but would it? Or would they start to think, hey we’d better get our house in order. We’d better take a real and visible stand against the radicals. It might even make them wonder what it is about their religion that is so dysfunctional, not just in UK, but EVERYWHERE from North Africa, through the Middle East, to Pakistan. (Not to mention from Malmo to Nice, from Rochdale to Berlin). It might even make them look at reforming it. (If indeed reform is possible.)
As long as there’s no ‘blowback’, where’s the incentive to change?
Treezer’s ‘business as usual’ ain’t gonna do it.
In relation to Charlie’s post above one way of “giving the cold shoulder” is to become much more selective in terms of where one spends one’s money. Not a precision instrument ..but for me now there are certainly firms, restaurants, and countries I will no longer do business with.
I’ve already posted on another thread but I’ll post here too:
Here’s a petition for UK residents to back the return of British fishing waters to the UK after Brexit:
I’ve already signed it, please share with friends and family!
Support UK fisherman!
done … till the scots give some of it back
Although not going to to make any difference…. Signed. At 44k now.
We just saw on BBC news followed by the Londonistan programme a 15 minute party political broadcast on behalf of the European Union. Did I spot one male reporter,presenter this evening during the National news followed by the nightly programme for the ethnic community in London? Surely the Londonistan programme should be on the BBC Asian network.
Just a question. The people banging on about how terrorism should not divide us, are they the same people who publicly boasted about shunning Brexiters in the wake of the referendum?
They are same people who go out with Hope-Not-Hate, carrying fireworks, donning black balaclavas and beating people up to “fight against” fascism.
And who shout people down
in the interests of free speech
Crist, just look at the age group doing all the banging, and on the marches of protest.
BBC News Channel is on fine form this evening – ticking all the usual boxes.
Great excitement over the Douglas Carswell story – so many opportunities to run the familiar BBC narrative that there’s no point in UKIP. Labour will be pleased that they subcontracted their PR to the Beeb.
Jeremy Bowen is sporting a fine bullet-proof vest with the word “Press” helpfully translated into Arabic script. Nice touch Al-Jezza.
How long before those intrepid BBC weather reporters investigating named-storms have their name-brand anorak logos translated into seven ethnic languages – just like your mobile phone instructions or a London Borough benefits information leaflet?
‘Tens of thousands’ on a pro-EU march apparently. Ok BBC, we’ll take your word for it.
Heard a stonker this morning… BBC chap David Willey was getting all starry-eyed and nostalgic over his reporting 60 years ago on the original signing of the Treaty of Rome. He reckons us Brits were too anti-Catholic to join in with the original fun and games. That’s a new one on me – I seem to recall President Charles de Gaulle putting the block on us joining – but hey ho, blame British prejudice as usual. Our David Willey is now the BBC’s Vatican Correspondent. A nice little sinecure if you can get it.
I see that one of the anti-Brexit marchers today has a placard saying “So where’s the extra £18 billion promised for the NHS?” Er, we haven’t even begun the process of leaving the EU yet. And it’s supposed to be the Brexiteers who are thick!
“Tens of thousands’ on a pro-EU march apparently. Ok BBC, we’ll take your word for it”
Yes, where is the photographic evidence ? lets have some aerial shots showing evidence of “Tens of thousands” Not ‘close ups’ of some colourful demonstrators.
Over to you Maxincony lets have some Al Beeb bias from you ……..
re AsIseeit’s post 3 above..”How long before those intrepid BBC weather reporters investigating named-storms have their name-brand anorak logos translated into seven ethnic languages” above I wondered what the guidelines are on choosing the names for those storms? Re those storms I see we already have Kamil lined up: #https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_storm_naming_in_the_United_Kingdom_and_Ireland..which apparently may mean “perfect” in Arabic..a perfect storm then!..where have I heard that before?
p.s.I think in years to come I shall use the choice of storm names as a barometer of sorts.
I had thought that this would have been picked up on here, but clearly not as yet:
A survey was conducted by ICM Research for the Channel 4 documentary, “What British Muslims Really Think,” which aired on April 13 2016. The 615-page survey found that more than 100,000 British Muslims sympathise with suicide bombers and people who commit other terrorist acts. Moreover, only one in three British Muslims (34%) would contact the police if they believed that somebody close to them had become involved with jihadists. In addition, 23% of British Muslims said Islamic Sharia law should replace British law in areas with large Muslim populations.
“[W]e have to adopt a far more muscular approach to integration than ever, replacing the failed policy of multiculturalism… Britain’s liberal Muslims are crying out for this challenge to be confronted. … There is a life-and-death struggle for the soul of British Islam — and this is not a battle that the rest of us can afford to sit out. We need to take sides… We have ‘understood’ too much, and challenged too little — and in doing so are in danger of sacrificing a generation of young British people to values that are antithetical to the beliefs of most of us, including many Muslims.” — Trevor Phillips, former head of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission.
The survey does show that 88% of British Muslims believe Britain is a good place for Muslims to live. According to Philips, this is because the tolerance they enjoy in Britain allows them to do whatever they want.
Why are there never any: “What Indigenous Britons Really Think” surveys conducted?
Oh, I know – no-one within the elite gives a damn what we think.
AS ‘Oh, I know – no-one within the elite gives a damn what we think’….
And this was at its most succinct when listening to Any Answers on Radio 4 today. Anita Anand hosting gave short shrift and took issue with those who telephoned in and dared to criticise Islam, but gave more air time to those who rambled, Muslims who called in, and those who claimed that ‘Terrorism was not Islam’. Bias at its best on the Beeb !
and then add the percentage that lied because they dont want islam to be seen in a bad light and what figures have you got now
Surprised? Don’t think so.
I think it is important that we stop listening and reading the endless articles on this jihadist murderer. None of us should be at all interested in his life and his background .
All we need to know is that he and others like him have murderous intent on us and our society.
From that follows that as a society we have to stop such people however we can and use whatever methods to achieve that end.
We must name the enemy and then declare war on him. This is how a free people survive..
Dave S
“We must name the enemy and then declare war on him.”
And the ‘enemy within’ along with the appeasers.
I agree. I’m disgusted at the amount of coverage this murderous bastard has received…front pages on a stretcher being tended to my several medics. Not interested in who he is/was, let the police and intelligence services get on with their job.
ohh come on guys hitler only had to go through the western front, get gassed and live thru the great depression , living in some picturesque southern village must have been hell for a teacher
Yes – who gives a shit. The one and only thing to take from this:- He was Muslim – that’s it.
No amount of factual or verbal tricks will alter the fact – He was a follower of Islam – a toxic, barbaric, death cult.
Addendum to my comment…the bastards (police) are now saying ‘we may never understand why he did this’. Sack ’em! Is that code for ‘we may never be allowed to say in public why he did this’
Will there be any end to this madness?
Yes – if May had said, ‘We must name the enemy and then declare war on him. This is how a free people survive’. I would feel some assurance.
“Europe: Scotland’s Dilemma”
This evening’s diet of blatant anti Brexit propaganda & bias ?
Biased narrative and sad music ? I hope our Tory MP’s watch it and send Al Beeb more than a ‘letter of complaint’ this time?
Top TV stand-up award this week goes to that Scots MP bollocking Sturgeon, up hill and down dale, over the proposed post independence currency etc..
Good point on R4 tonight Moral Maze
“stop saying Brexit is a right wing thing it’s just a freedom thing”
Yes LibMob PR try to frame the narrative that way
but Brexit isn’t a left/right thing
Corrupt Greenbiz subsidy grabbers want to stay in for a start.
Can anyone explain why Al Beeb uses the term ‘shooter’ in lieu of gunman ?
Shooter – Gunman?
Wasn’t a member of the Royal Marines convicted of murder for doing what he was paid for?
As decided by our ‘learned’ Judges, ‘Shooter’ = murderer.
For some reason our superior beings in the BBC cannot join the dots.
Sweet dreams. I will nod off with just the hint of a smile as I chuckle inside still.
What a pair!. High priests of the progressive fanatasists. Truth? Only on their terms and certainly not on mine.
Justed checked what’s on 5Live Investigates tmw ..didn’t found anything
But the last tweet from the presenter was to Tommy Robinson asking for a private message, so maybe the prog might mention him or maybe it was for an opinion on Westminster attack.
R 5Live investigates?, if the conclusion is pre-determined, what s the point?
Much better discussion …
I know this site is dedicated to expose BBC bias, however the MSM in general has it’s moments.
I’ve just been watching Sky News Press review, where they generally attempt to present both sides of the political/social spectrum by the difference of opinion expressed by the guest writers or journalists, exemplified by the sparring between Kevin Mcquire and Andrew Pierce (unlike the BBC press review that rarely has much difference between the reviewers, most being middle ground or left of centre)
Tonight however I had the unfortunate experience (not for the first time) of listening to Christina Paterson who is always paired with Mathew Syed (who I find fairly reasonable and of sound mind)
There is no doubt that this woman is a serious contestent for the title of Queen of the Metropolitan/left/luvie/liberal/privileged/remoaner sect however more to the point she espoused a view that is being put forward (by I believe the establishment that includes the BBC) that terroists such as Masood should be considered as criminals and not as terroists, as this apparently glorifies what they do.
As she was in a ‘safe space’ she was not challenged on this. I for one would have been inclined to ask her to give examples of say the Kray/Richardson gangs and their kind driving a vehicle at innocent pedestrians with a view to kill or maim as many as possible, as in London, Nice, Berlin etc.
The motives of criminals is to generally obtain money not to kill vast numbers of innocent people; the motives of terroists is to do exactly this for purposes of inflicting terror and chaos. If she cannot recognise the difference then she needs to examine her capabilities as a so called writer.
Douglas Murray is the only one who talks any sense to me. And he’s so right that for years there has been so much talk and very little action – and then we hear the stock phrases – ‘praying for everyone’, ‘showing solidatory’. ‘standing shoulder to shoulder’, ‘we will not give in’, etc etc etc after every atrocity. They may just as well fire up the turntable and stick on the record, we hear it so often.
Here is another ‘Douglas’ that’s equally as convincing in being able to talk sense, that’s Jacob William Rees-Mogg.
In fact here is my list of genuine politicians that would put Great Britain first…………
Jacob William Rees-Mogg,
Nigel Farage,
Douglas Murry,
Steven Woolfe
and believe it or not, Dr Kim Howells
Anyone care to add to this list ?
Gisela Stuart,Kate Hoey,Bill Cash.
There are many like Cash who battled against the tide for years and I respect them for hanging on in there.Honest and patriotic ,so glad their time has come.
Taffy and Deborah
I totally agree with all the above – But I think Gisela Stuart and Kate Hoey in particular deserve a special mention in dispatches as it cant be easy holding moderate, common sense opinions in the Labour party where SJW concerns appear to always hold sway.
I agree Oaknash. I would also give Frank field an honourable mention.
I quite like Mr Bone from the Conservatives too. Not much else comes to mind when trying to think of decent, current, MPs.
Not only do we get Al Beeb’s ‘Gardener’ the ‘so called’ security correspondent speaking the Bleeding Obvious on Security, we get Al Beeb’s weathermen/women telling us the bleeding obvious, that its the “hottest day of the year”
As we approach summer expect more “hottest day of the year”
Bleeding bloody Obviiouse Al Beeb is being run by Blue Peter !
It was jolly chilly in East London .Sunny but strong winds so not the hottest day ,that was a couple of weeks ago. They must be gearing up for their next global warming propaganda.
We live on an island .Extremes of weather are to be expected.I learned that during my grammar school education geography lessons.
Give it up BBC.
The news bulletin on Radio 4 leads with the Westminster attack, saying ‘we may never know what motivated the attacker.’ Yeah, that will always and forever be a mystery.
“At this moment, for example, Oceania was at war with Eastasia. In no public or private utterance was it ever admitted that the three powers had been organised along different lines.”
George Orwell, 1984.
Cover up going on? You decide…
I am old enough , 65, to remember when the BBC news was reliable and when the police were respected by ordinary citizens, when the government of the day was regarded on the whole as being truthful. That was how my parents brought me up, torespect British institutions.
Now that may all have been nativity on the public’s and my parents part but today I don’t believe a word the BBC or the senior police officers say. Every government since Blair’s spin such a web of lies that the truth is obscured. This is definitely the situation as regards Muslim terror. I remember in France and Australia there was a spate of people being killed by rampaging cars but the authorities clImed it wasn’t terror related. So in this Islington case I will only believe it isn’t Islamic terror when the perpetrators are named and they are clearly not Muslims , or converts to the foul faith of a Islam , and they personally testify that their motive were not Islamic. Until then if it looks like a duck and waddles like a duck , it is a duck.
You can tell that BBC news are pleased this morning to be told by authorities that the Westminster terrorist ‘acted alone’ and that ‘we may never know why he did it’
Gosh, what on earth might have attracted this violent missfit to convert to the authoritarian blood-thirsty grievance-mongering infidel-hating male-dominating-woman homophobic ‘religion’ of Islam?
Good god I despair. The BBC ‘news’ this morning reporting that the police have no idea why Westminster Muslim terrorist attacked last week and wonder whether he was encouraged. Well perhaps I can help them in their investigations. There is a religeous book they may want to peruse and religeous buildings they might care to visit where followers of this book congregate. There they may find answers.
I just jeard Roger Johnson read out that line in their 8:30 headlines…
My reaction was ” what the fuck?”
It’s hard to know who are the biggest idiots..the beeb or police.
Yes Alex-The police have no idea why this Islamist terrorist did what he did? We often hear or see on TV Douglas Murray explaining the obvious. Why 51% of Muslims in the UK want homosexuality banned,that’s FIFTY ONE !!!!! Why 20% support or understand ISIS.
What was that song?” What the world needs is a great big melting pot.”
Well just put in it a disturbed, violent drug addict AND the number one ingredient the KORAN. Mix it all up and you will have an Islamic terrorist. That’s for a British born non Muslim.For a born Muslim you can leave out the first three ingredients,that’s all it needs for around 20% to turn out as they do.
THAT Mr policeman and the BBC and the rest of the establishment is the answer !!
And remember Foscari, those stats massively understate the real attitudes of muslims, who obviously won’t tell some whitie researcher that they support terrorism / jihad / homophobia. Heck they’ve been practising Taqiyya (deception) to infidels for 14 centuries, they’re past masters at it.
A new definition of terrorism…
Following the publication of the disgraceful Macpherson report in 1999, a racist incident was defined as “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”. This definition has subsequently been used as the basis of so-called hate crime reporting – a ‘hate crime’ has occured and is recorded by the police if anybody thinks one has occured, even if it did not affect them and they did not even witness it. Anonymous reporting is permitted. No burden of proof is required. So surely the same standards reply to the reporting of terrorism, which truly is hateful. The definition of terrorism should be “any incident which is perceived to be terrorism by the victim or any other person”. Personally, I find the idea of a car running down people to be quite terrifying and I consider it to be an act of terrorism, regardless of what the motive was. I also consider the failure of the BBC to accurately report such incidents – indeed, in some cases not to even report them at all – to constitute an act of supporting terrorism. Time to change the law.
Your definition of terrorism does have the virtue of having some evidence that an incident took place. There would be bodies, wounds etc. Hate crime requires no evidence whatsoever. It is just Justice by denunciation and profoundly un British. Indeed anyone accused of it would surely win their case for unfair prosecution in the Human Rights courts. Oh silly me the court would place the mere possibility that a person of colour could have been upset well above the rights of a white person to a fair trial with evidence and that sort of thing. White people can’t be upset by a POCS , even if they are killed in an attack, so the reverse argument does not apply.
Asi and Alex
You could not write this shit – because it is so rubbish! And the BBC think they are “creative”
All I can think is that they are practicing the most effective lines which they hope will be effective come Ramadan.
We have already had victim of waycism, drugs, suggestions of mental illness as you said everything but the “bleedin obvious”
If it looks like a duck, Quacks like a duck………………….!
AN elephant?
Baroness Warsi on Andrew Marr talking about her book, in which she had a ‘conversation’ with the British Muslim community. She asks: “Are the British Muslim communities in 2017 the best we could possibly be?”
Chille – I think the answer to Warsis question is probably -yes !
While their holiest and most revered book is still Mo ‘s Practical Guide to Conquest, Rape, Misogeny and underage sex – then it aint gonna get a lot better.
Had the misfortune to watch Channel 4 Propaganda – sorry, ‘News’ – recently.
They’re as bad as our dearly be-hated beeb. And who was reading the news? Why, the Veiled One, mostly one muslim atrocity story after another.
Couldn’t help feeling we were having our noses rubbed in islam, a bit like Labour wanted to rub our noses in diversity.
And the sense of calm entitlement: it’s my yuman right to wear the symbol of my oppression (and soon yours) if I choose to, a right which incidentally. wouldn’t be accorded in one single muslim country to those of other faiths.
I would like to think Channel 4s viewing figures nosedive whenever the veiled
Monsieur Martel,
I wasn’t aware things had gone that far! Are you saying CH4 actually has a a hijab-wearing news reader?
Indulge me please. (It’s Sunday) & it sounds as though King Solomon was banging his head against a wall while trying to communicate sense to a regressive liberal type.
[Book of Proverbs Chapter 27 Verse 22
“Though you grind a fool in a mortar,
grinding them like grain with a pestle,
you will not remove their folly from them”
Had the misfortune to watch Channel 4 Propaganda – sorry, ‘News’ – recently.
They’re as bad as our dearly be-hated beeb. And who was reading the news? Why, the Veiled One, mostly one muslim atrocity story after another.
Couldn’t help feeling we were having our noses rubbed in islam, a bit like Labour wanted to rub our noses in diversity.
And the sense of calm entitlement: it’s my yuman right to wear the symbol of my oppression (and soon yours) if I choose to – a right which incidentally wouldn’t be accorded in one single muslim country to those of other faiths.
I would like to think Channel 4’s viewing figures nosedive whenever the Veiled One struggles to read the autocue, but I suspect we’ve been too dhimmified to even react any more, and the bien-pensants who feel so superior of their ‘tolerance’ will lap it up of course.
All part of the process of islamification of the West, or islamocreep.
My, what big teeth you have Fatima – All the better to EAT you, my dim little dhimmis.
Now lie back and surrender – it won’t hurt much.
I just cannot believe the British public have been brainwashed to such an extent that we bumlick and are utterly afraid of followers of a religion. We are in a situation where we are called racist for criticising an intolerant and violent religion… think about that… a bloody religion… I blame the media, education and politicians for the terrible mess we are in.
Alex – “media, education, politicians”: a good start.
Maybe add the Legal profession, the supine police, the limp-wristed hand-wringing Church of England, the stupid intelligentsia and of course, right at the top of the diseased Xmas tree: Al Beebeera, poisoning the whole collective mind of our once great nation, 24/7.
At our expense.
Charlie, Alex
The five Ps Police, Press, Politicians, Professors and Prosecutors
But we can add another P – the Priests.
GWF – Yep, Pisse artistes all, pardon mon francais.
Meanwhile, here is Rola Ibrahim from the Arabic version of Al Jazeera. Anyone notice anything?
I am offended because Pastafarians are not represented wearing their colander s in the media, despite the fact that we live in a diverse multicultural vibrant society. Pastafarian worshippers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are peaceful and to date have not been associated with terrorism. In several countries Pastafarianism is recognised and members can wear the colander – essential to their religious beliefs – on the their passport and driving licence photos.
So why not have colander wearing newsreaders?
This is clearly RACIST
link to information about our religion.
PS Hope I have not outed Taffman
That’s my ‘Sunday Best’ 😀 !
Wait a minute! I feel offended! Channel 4, HATE CRIME!!
I see Barrenness Warsi is promoting her autobiography “The Enemy Within” on Marr.
The usual crescendo of “It’s nothing to do with Islam” apologia.
Now we are expected to believe that living amongst white people in Surrey and soft drugs are the cause of muslim terror.
But, “we will never know” what prompted him. Just last week it was, “inspired”. What a difference a media massage makes over a few days and the BBC are good at that. Personally, I’d prefer to stop at, “inspired” because, despite the mans criminal background he converted to islam. I suggest that is enough for the majority of sane, honest people in the UK to understand.
Those who have ‘The facts’ are…
I listened to Tom Shakespeare again this morning on Radio4. His Bias is primitive and undisguised. It would be amusing if…Oh, by the way He has the FACTS. The DATA. He doesn’t use the word, of course, but if you missed the point, that makes him GOOD. He doesn’t like poets; they have a narrative, so they are BAD, he implies. Presumably smokers have no facts either or are too stupid to understand them. He seems to like smoking bans; fact: smoking is BAD.
Similar to smoking and poets are populists: the Left was mentioned only once and we received no further information on them. But oh, the Right: they have no facts an no data like Tom. They include Trump, Farage, Weelders etc. Like poets, smoking and populists, they are all BAD. Tom has no narrative he says but only the FACTS (oh dear). He has the data and the facts. And he tells us we need more fact checkers. Wanna job? Wanna be GOOD? Join Tom.
bBBC Lie Machine news website this morning. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said: “We still believe that Masood acted alone on the day and there is no information or intelligence to suggest there are further attacks planned. “Even if he acted alone in the preparation, we need to establish with absolute clarity why he did these unspeakable acts ………”We must all accept that there is a possibility we will never understand why he did this. That understanding may have died with him.
Well Deputy Assistant Commissioner you’re clearly on message with this one and your promotion is guaranteed. As his motif is such a baffling mystery and enigma to you, can I suggest you bring in extra help. Perhaps youd like to call round to Mr Sherlock Holmes at 221b Baker Street. Its not far from the Met HQ and while youre there pop a copy of the Koran through the letterbox as background reading – perhaps with some post it notes on informative sections Quran (2:191-193)
You might also like to get Morse, Poirot and Tintin on the case as its clearly beyond you and the copious resources of Her Majesties Metropolitan Police. Im sure Snowy would sniff out the answer pretty quickly – oh yes. If that fails perhaps enlist Britain’s top mediums to interrupt Khalid Masood’s rampant sex with 72 virgins. He’s probably exhausted (lucky bugger) so nows a good time to catch him and get his take on why he did this. To be fair very few believers of the one and only true religion are stupid enough to believe the 72 virgins mistranslation.
So ether Neil is too stupid to understand what is a clear and patently obvious motive to all of us, or he’s lying to push the contemptible and laughable liberal media nonsense that this is NTDWI.
Either way, he is clearly unfit to be our esteemed Deputy Assistant Commissioner, and its yet another nail in the public’s respect for the police and justice system.
Martellus – I don’t think they would like Snowy sniffing about, after all they don’t like dogs apparently. Perhaps one of those truffle-hunting pigs instead, perhaps ……
Here they come to the rescue of our esteemed Met, Martellus.
But I hope once Snowy has sniffed out the source of the inspiration of our muslim murderer he doesn’t piss on it, that would be most disrespectful. Perhaps that’s why the prophet decreed all dogs should be killed (Bukhari Vol. 4, #540 et al).
What does Al Beeb say about this ?
taffman – as yet, nothing on beeb site. Way too risky: knifemen in a car, car mounts pavement at 50mph, mows down people outside a pub, youths run off… not sounding good, let’s sit on it till the police can categorically confirm it’s not terror related. (Sounds pretty terrifying to me.)
Ah ! Strangely its there now …………..? 33 minutes ago
“police said they are not treating the crash as terrorist-related.”
Of course not. It’s just Jihadi football supporters having a night out.
There are lies,damn lies and the BBC, to paraphrase Disraeli. The Metropolitan police are not much better. Our establishment is closing ranks and telling us that we had better get used to attacks like that of Masood.
Marr had left- liberal paper reviewers, closely followed by the Muslim apologist Warsi. The message is clear: the violence is not due Islam, it is even misleading to use the term Islamist. And as for Wahibbism, well any religion has extremists- even Christianity has its evangelicals. So there we have it. Just get used to violence. I think that this will become increasingly the message fed to us . The real problem , we are told, is drug taking, being a violent young criminal, or a black person in a white society. Shouldn’t we really be doing something about these things instead of worrying about Islam? Just because someone converts to Islam and visits Saudi Arabia, we should draw no conclusions.
Meanwhile the Met tell us that they will probably never know what motivated the attacker, unless of course it’s cannabis and the nasty bigots of Northiam.
Time to rename the Met: The Sharia Police.
A little treat for all the various ex-pats and others outside of the reach of the wonderous metropolitan boon which is BBC London
Acid Attacks in Newham plus our new improved Sharia Courts, with a bit of local travel information, peace be upon you
Most acid attacks are in Newham eh? What’s special about Newham I wonder?
Mmm, I love the smell of sulphuric acid in the morning.
I am so lucky to live in Cumbria, our Islam population is nearly zero, it’s my children and grandchildren I worry for.
Give it time WB – there’s lots of lovely space up there, potential for building the biggest Mosque in the country, now that London is running out of space !
A few years ago in Cornwall, Planning was discussed for the building of a Mosque in a region where there were less than 30 Muslims !!! so beware !
They have been trying for 10years to build a super mosque in Newham .It would be the largest in Europe and I believe funded by Saudi Arabia.The council have so far refused it but I can imagine its only a matter of time.
From my local experience when the mosques appear the area tends to decline and become a bit lifeless ,no pubs , western shops or community activities..No inclusiveness that we all keep getting lectured about.
I don’t think Cumbria is on the expansion list yet but it will come eventually.
When the Council is controlled by Muslims, the mosque will get permission. They just have to hide their time.
Mosques are good for estate agents, property developers and bribe taking local Councillors. Approve of a mosque and Moslems will buy nearby houses so they won’t have to travel far to pray five time a day. Our local council (Tory/lib dem) held a meeting with moslems and developers to consider building one. Half a dozen local residents turned up to complain, but the yoonie sent a busload of anti fascists followed by the cops who told the objectors to leave. So now, no one will object to the mosque as it is racist and extremist to do so.