Al BBC 1 The Big Questions, should we give terrorists the oxygen of publicity?
of course the BIGGEST question, why only D Murray and Anne Marie Waters amongst
about 50 people to give one side of the debate?, and why the BBC has done nothing else but oxygenise publicity for terror since it actually happened.
There were more muslim s in just the front row than those to give the objective
opinion … what an enormous part of the problem the BBC/MSM is.
Here’s a thought provoking rant from Aaron Clarey’s blog. I’m generally in agreement with his ‘enjoy the decline’ philosophy but maybe he goes a bit far in places..
Nice to see, for a change, though is it just self-preservation? In the past such manifestations have been organised and attended mostly by Ahmadis, a peaceful offshoot of islam, considered heretical by the mainstream and, you guessed it, persecuted by them.
But get this for false logic, or Taqiyya as it’s known:
Former councillor Salma Yaqoob, who helped organise the demonstration, told the crowds the city did not deserve such a reputation.
She spoke of the fatal stabbing of MP Jo Cox by Thomas Mair, in Birstall, West Yorkshire.
“No one asked the question, ‘What’s wrong with Yorkshire, producing these terrorists? Stop bashing Birmingham, and stop bashing Muslims”.
Lets bury this, not in my name, can t be real Muslims palava.
Because some Islamic adherent goes drinking, nightclubs, maybe drugs even eating pork etc, therefore is not a REAL muslim excuse is simply a ruse, to pull the wool over the eyes of the willing.
These ahem “pious” go to guys, who spout such drivel know full well the highest accolade in the eyes of Islamic scripture, don t want bore people here
but …
It is the striving and motivation to go out and kill or be killed with rewards of booty, the garden (heaven) thus full forgiveness
… Q3:157 And if ye are slain, or die, in the way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy … is the best for you is fighting in the way of Allah.
ie, to further Muhammad’s cause
… Q9.111 They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. … because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain.
Once again it is Islam which is the problem, not someone who drinks, not someone who eats pork, not mental illness (although if so caused by Islam).
‘Not in my name’ from the, so-called, “moderate muslims”? But, non-union labour always benefited from the endeavours of their trade union buddies but with no pain for them to use the analogy. Were they always the first to decry their union counterparts – yes. Did they reject any benefits in their pay-packets resulting from their union counterparts efforts. NO. I see the parallel – its human nature.
Way back in the late nineties Baroness Margaret Thatcher dared to suggest that in her view Islamic clerics had not sufficiently condemned acts of terrorism against America and the West. There were howls of protest from all quarters even from some members of her own party. In fact some of these were more concerned to point out that Islam was a religion of peace rather than to defend Lady Thatcher’s right to express her view whether it be right or wrong. Was this the time when the right to free speech in our country began to erode through the spinelessness of our own politicians?
One huge milestone in that process was the act of throwing Salam Rushdie to the wolves over the Satanic Verses.
Oh, I know he was given a protection squad, but even some of them penned a serialised version of what an awful obnoxious bloke he was to be around ( Sunday Times …from memory)
The literati of this country were delighted he’d been given a fatwa, by folk, of course who were so outraged but whi had no chance of ever reading the English.
The message to the savages of Islam was clear…we are gutless spineless bastards.
And they took it on board.
The unusual death penalty against Rushdie, is termed a ‘hukm’ which (unfortunately for him) doesn’t expire with the death of the imam who issue it, as it does with a fatwa.
Watching BBc Sunday politics some twat on here Nigel ? (script on freesat didn’t clear fast enough for me to read) tells us that “islam is the religion of peace” No qualification to that it just is. Do they really think anyone swallows this any more. At least we didn’t get the “even the name means peace” mantra, which of course it doesn’t.
I love the fact that whilst the terrorist attack was going on at Westminster a courier pulled up on his moped and drove straight through the gates at the Palace of Westminster to deliver his package , probably followed by a Pizza delivery bloke and Curries in a hurry . The MP’s can’t even guard their own workplace I guess defence of the realm is in tip top shape
I wonder have any MP’s lost a wink of sleep wondering what might have been if instead of 1 animal with a knife, It had been 2 of these animals with AK47’s
I hate to say it, but I think it will only take a mass slaughter of politicians to bring them to their senses. So long as they are safe , they do not give a fuck about the rest of us.
We all experience these dark thoughts, I expect. Sometimes, I wonder whether a Charlie Hebdo-style assault on Broadcasting House would, in the long run, be a good or bad thing….
Oh, you can be sure it is now uppermost in their tiny minds. I simply would not have believed security there was almost non-existent.
Even one on his own would have caused carnage with an AK, if there had been two or three we’d be needing a lot of by-elections very soon.
What an absoute bunch of idiots, and still they stand an virtue signal…” would the PM agree with me it’s nothing to do with Islam.”
At times like this I find it difficult to wish them well…they are amongst the root causes of our problems.
No problem with that one Kaiser. First, they would have been asked to produce a valid, signed Firearms Certificate authorising possession of said AK47s, and second they would have been advised, in no uncertain terms, that carrying such loaded and uncovered firearms in a public place is illegal and carries a maximum penalty of 6 months imprisonment. Finally, since the AK47 is capable of sustained continuous automatic fire and is therefore classed as a Section 5 weapon, ownership is in breach of current firearms law and is an arrestable offence.
Further investigation might show that Section 5 firearms entered on to a current FAC is evidence of potential firearm certificate forgery or an example of poor paperwork by the relevant force concerned. In either case, the opportunity for lessons to be learned provides a valuable side issue.
I would relish seeing an interview between Carswell and Kuenssberg. They both have the same list to starboard (or could that be, ‘lisp’?). Just a thought. Sorry about that.
Much has been written about the Protection Officer of Michael Fallon being the only armed officer around at the time of the incident – and that was pure fluke ! Apparently ‘armed officers’ were supposed to be stationed as the second guard after the main gate. So where were they ? having a fag, on their tea break, chatting up the secretaries – we’ve heard nothing about their whereabouts, surely its their heads that must roll for not backing up their colleagues on the main gate. Best police service in the world ? more like keystone cops. And I don’t know about anyone else on here, but I feel far more comforted abroad when I see the police wearing fire-arms, at least you know they mean business should trouble arise.
Where were the cops?
Probably sitting on their fat arses searching Twitter for offences against the ROP
Look at some of the cops standing around Parliament with their guns, posing for selfies with the tourists. Many look beyond retirement age, overweight and unfit. I bet there are no bullets in their guns.
Acting head of Met buggers off in his chauffer driven jag instead of leading from the front
Iain Muir
Sorry I ruffled you feathers. Last time I was outside Parliament I was pleasantly moved to see a police officer posing with a Japanese tourist while her partner took photos – not a selfie but next thing. And the cop was holding a gun.
I have a photo from a dog owner whose dog proudly posed for a photo with an armed cop, same place.
Quite frankly, I thought at the time it was good PR. I should have known better.
I look forward to your evidence regarding the rigorous fitness tests required of cops guarding Parliament, and evidence of their security training, some videos perhaps of them on the shooting range. The kind of stuff US cops frequently demonstrate.
Now piss off and stop accusing people of spreading lies and bullshit.
When I was in the job, in the seventies, on the then “A” Division, the police at the House of Commons were precisely in the category you describe. A sinecure for deadbeats on the cusp of retirement, or otherwise unfit.
What I find interesting Old Goat is the amount of people who are ex job and are now living in France,for us the benefits of great wine,cheese and no face veils plus wonderful locals out weighs the language barriers.
GWF… “Many look beyond retirement age, overweight and unfit”….
Overweight and unfit – exactly my thoughts. In ‘another world’ away the police were as thin as whippets, but there’s no need to bother with fitness now, if a suspect starts running just tazer ‘im, job done. The rare sightings I’ve seen of police in my vicinity (known locally as a Lesser Spotted Copper) would have trouble walking upstairs let alone give chase !
There’s clearly a pattern emerging – obesity appears to be not only affecting National Health staff but also the police
Grant -They sure install confidence mate when you stand next to one. I used to drink with a New Jersey Detective in Jersey City and he had the shoulder holster under his suit. He was more of a psshead then me at time.
I lived in Turkey for some years and visited often. Generally , the Turkish police and military were very disciplined and treated firearms with respect.
I had to laugh last time I was in istanbul airport. The sniffer dog handlers were carrying weapons. The dogs were not armed, but had yellow jackets with the word ” Guvenlik” ( security ) written on them .
Michael who ? But it is funny. In British airports cops are patrolling with firearms very visible. Mind you , they tend to stand too close to each other !
Quite so, Brissles. I was amazed at the total lack of security in such an important place. As someone else remarked, a terrorist with a gun could have killed dozens of people. Really, whoever the senior person responsible for the security of Parliament is, he/she needs to be brought to account for their failings. Anyone know whose responsibility it is? Last year my Wife and I visited Windsor and went to the castle; security police everywhere all armed to the teeth, and searched and bags scanned! As we walked around the castle I think there were one or two plain clothes security mixing with the crowds; at least I noticed a couple of lone males in suits walking round with us but showing little interest in looking at what was on show but looking around constantly. It’s impossible to completely guard against terrorist attacks, especially when their aim is to just kill indiscriminately and run people over in a vehicle, but the security at Parliament was abysmal.
The diet we are being spoon-fed by the MSM today is that Khalid Masood was a dangerous man long before he became a Muslim and therefore we can absolve Islam of any responsibility for his murderous attack last week.
Even if we assume that all the stories being dredged-up by the media are true and we turn a blind eye to the Internet scrubbing undertaken in the 24 hours before his identity was grudgingly revealed, this is a smokescreen of WWII proportions.
The plotters behind the wave of Islamic terrorist attacks which have swept across Europe for the past few years no doubt select psychopaths like Masood and could not care less whether they are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ Muslims. They are, to them, weapons, used just as Hassan i-Sabbah used crazed young men, when he sent forth the original assassins in the 12th century.
The fact that Masood was born in England and only converted recently, the fact that he was a probably a dangerous madman, his past history of decadence and violence – none of it is relevant other than they were his job qualifications for the people who selected and directed him.
Blaming Masood’s character (such as it was) is like blaming an AK47 for being what it is. The real killer is the man who pulls the trigger and, in this case, the ideology which makes such a thing possible.
Not for the first time, we are being lied to and deliberately misled.
You could say that a lot of thugs joined the Nazi Party in Pre-war Germany
They were maybe small time before that, but the Nazi ideology to hide behind and do worse crimes whilst being lauded in their community.
Two comments:
If the travel ban on large electronic gadgets going into the passenger cabins on airplanes doesn’t use the term – muslim countries it’s because all Islamic appeasers claim that terrorists aren’t involved with the muslim religion. Its just one big conspiracy by people who hate muslims, to say they are.
Secondly – Why is the murdering of innocent people not worthy of anger, outrage and public demonstration on the streets.
Why do so-called leaders think they can blatantly boast they are carrying on as if nothing has happened, while filling the streets with armed police officers. Telling Islamics they can carry on killing us if they like, it doesn’t matter. The long string of murder victims and their families can’t carry on as normal and speaking like that is a gross insult to them.
Meanwhile Islamics are blaming us for their behaviour and never once do they show any sympathy or even apologise for people murdering in their name and pledging they will do something about it. If in doubt read their so-called holy book that explains plainly what their plan and attitude to us is, no matter how they or the mis-guided say it isn’t.
Nick Clegg made a speech quoting from an Islamic saying along the lines that Islam is a wonderful religion of peace (or words to that effect) but ommitted the next part of the statement involving – cutting off and hands and feet. This same half truth was quoted in another award ceremony, for the criminally deluded.
For this reason, We made it a law for the children of Israel that the killing of a person for reasons other than legal retaliation or for stopping corruption in the land is as great a sin as murdering all of mankind. However, to save a life would be as great a virtue as to save all of mankind. Our Messengers had come to them with clear authoritative evidence but many of them (Israelites) thereafter started doing wrong in the land.
And the following verse, for context;
The only proper recompense for those who fight against God and His Messenger and try to spread evil in the land is to be killed, crucified, or either to have one of their hands and feet cut from the opposite side or to be sent into exile. These are to disgrace them in this life and they will suffer a great torment in the life hereafter.
“We” in the first verse is the Royal we, this is God speaking.
“We made it a law for the children of Israel” Note the use of past tense, this is something God did in the past and specifically only to the children of israel, i.e. Jews.
There is a get out clause though; “other than legal retaliation or for stopping corruption”
Despite God’s best efforts, the naughty israelites continued to act up.
Verse 33 is in the present tense, this is God giving the law to those who follow islam NOW.
Remember, this is the literal word of God. It is his final word as their will be no other prophets to come.
This morning on the loathsome Sofie Ridge’s program by Sky (fake) News Nigel Farage said the islamic terror attack on londonistan last week was not “directly” linked to immigration.
The terrorist, although British born, was of an immigrant family, he followed an immigrant ideology and he lived in an immigrant community ( Birmingham, 45.6% white British ) How much more directly linked to immigration can it get?
The insidious group think cognitive dissonance has sadly infected the great man himself.
I’ve already posted on the establishment’s attempts to divert us from Islam to the specific background of Masood. To reinforce Stew’s point, the Nazis used a lot of thugs , criminals and psychopaths to do their dirty work but after the war that didn’t stop the allies concentrating on de- Nazification of Germany. The problem was the ideology and much less the unsavoury types low down the chain who pulled triggers or opened cans of Zyklon B. Unfortunately we will always have low life amongst us but we can stop them becoming mass killers by irradicating Islam in the UK. it’s just the same with Islam as it was with Nazism. We cannot distinguish between good and bad Islam . If we continue to do this, as opposed to ridding Britain of this hateful Medieval religion then our culture and freedoms are ultimately doomed.
With all this talk of islam taking over throughout Europe, that steady drip, drip, drip of anti-islam fact (oh sorry, propaganda!), I think I’m being radicalised. Should I report myself to someone? Maybe the police? My MP? Any suggestions anyone? Perhaps I should hire a 4 x 4 and head to my nearest City (with a bridge of course) and mow a few innocents down before stabbing the nearest PC just to demonstrate how ‘radicalised’ I’ve become. Would a local District Councillor be a substitute? Lollipop Lady anyone? Perhaps its all down to being bullied as a child and forced to play Rugby. Or maybe it was upbringing. Maybe I had gender problems over 70 years ago and didn’t realise it at the time. Above all, it was probably all to do with reading classic books like ‘Treasure Island’ and so on. Big sigh. Would have been worse had I got hold of a Quaran……
“How Brigitte Gabriel responded to the claim that the majority of Muslims are not terrorists.”
Basically says that when Nazi Germany attacked Poland we didn’t shout “oh we shouldn’t be German-aphobic”, no we spoke up.
We always knew that there were a lot of non-Nazi Germans almost certainly most, but they were powerless to stop the Nazi Germans
During the war and for many years after we regarded the Germans as the enemy. Some times we called them Jerries. As a child we used to play soldiers and some were British and the others were Germans.
Labels, definitions, moving goalposts and misdirection tricks used by PR people
..all that matters.
So instead of just saying ..”oh you disagree with me” they reframe your position to make it easier to attack; shouting “Racist, phobic, right-winger”
Rubbish those labels have got nothing to do with the point, but do result in many people being forced onto the back foot of defending themself before they deal with the issue.
It’s not anti-German to condemn German Nazis.
Next time someone calls you a racist or bigot, xenophobe or what have you just calmly tell them their argument is an argumentum ad hominem which is a logical fallacy.
Next they will attempt to re-phrase your argument in order to make it easier to attack. This is a straw man, which is also a logical fallacy.
Finally will come the “you can’t critcise X because Y is just as bad” Another logical falacy, this time the fallacy or moral equivalence which is a fallacy of relevance. It is simply irrelevant that Y may be as bad as or even worse than X, X is still bad.
Learn to recognise these 3 very common fallacious arguments and you will win 95% of all political debates.
I feel that there should probably be a proper article taking a lot of CBeebies to task. I’ve got two little boys and fair enough, credit where it’s due, a lot of it is fantastic – even the redone Postman Pat or Clangers are surprisingly good, but that’s largely because it’s a Nick Park stop motion thing and he respects the source.
Nonetheless, I was watching Chuggington today which is sort of like a poor CGI Thomas The Tank Engine with a large town, almost no humans and an almost fetishistic number of trains. The episode I saw recently saw a newly elected Mayor visiting the train shed. And lo and behold the mayor is female, ethnic and has no idea about trains or indeed anything in town. Bizzarely the train offers to take her on a tour of the town where she presumably got half the votes and almost everything in the town is new to her. Then I thought given the way Labour fly in carpet bagging Islington types up to ‘The North’ it’s not that outlandish an idea to whoever wrote the script on the back of a paper bag.
“WhatsApp must not be ‘place for terrorists to hide'”
Amber Rudd ….. “There must be “no place for terrorists to hide” and intelligence services must have access to encrypted messaging services, the home secretary has said.”
Even if the security services have complete access to our messages now she would still have to say that. Our WW2 efforts to keep the fact that we had cracked German codes secret, show how they have to behave.
I know this is not bBBC bias, but it may be false news.
Melksham – Whats App is the least of our worries – The terrorists will hide behind all the new “anti hate” legislation that Amber and all her liberal friends are champing at the bit and looking for an excuse to bring out.
Whilst the state busies itself in in “feeling the collar” of those who voice legitimate concerns about Islam. The true threat to our way of life will be busy carrying on exerting its influence into every area of our life and we will have no say whatsoever because any criticism will be deemed a “hate crime”
It is truly F###ING PATHETIC! and depressing all at the same time.
It is amazing people have been murdered again by Islamic terrorism and yet the media and establishment are more worried about upsetting the feelings of Muslims rather than have an honest debate as to why so many terrorist/violent incidents involve the “Religion of Peace”
I have a suspicion the “Whats App” story may be bulls**t.
I recall a few years back when the security services in the US were saying that Blackberry needed to alter the encryption on their devices, as they couldn’t be hacked and therefore terrorists and criminals using them couldn’t be monitored by agencies that needed to.
Then Edward Snowden revealed that was all cr@p and the NSA etc could access them no problem, they just wanted people to believe that Blackberry devices were beyond the ability of the NSA; CIA; FBI; DIA; GCHQ; MI5; MI6 etc, presumably to encourage them to use them all the more.
When you think about it logically – that just doesn’t stack up.
It’s utter nonsense, isn’t it? On the one hand we are told that communications sent this way are unreadable by the security services, while at the same time the Mail (no doubt being fed stories by those same security services) goes on to tell us exactly what was conatined in them!
Then, just to add insult to injury, this evening the BBC boasts that the security services (again) have said Masood had no links to ISIS.
They are so frantic in their efforts to lull us back to sleep that they cant even tell a consistent story.
1pm news on Radio 4, Sunday. Mark Mardell was asking somebody why there was a problem with terorism with the Irish and militant Islam. I suppose asking a question like that could be seen as making progress – but alas, I can only assume that there had been a pre-interview to ensure the guests gave the right answers. The answer given was ‘internment’. Now my father was interned in 1939, along with many other Jews in the UK. He didn’t go on to carry out terrorist attacks, and nor did anybody else he knew who had been incarcerated on the Isle of Man. These people would today have been classified as ‘vulnerable’ if one considered their circumstances since 1933 and the rise of Nazism and the effect it could have had on them. In fact, my Dad was always grateful for the British for providing him with a safe place to live, and was insistent that the family abided by UK law. Mardell could have asked why there were no terrorist attacks by Jews in the UK following internment – but of course it would have destroyed his guest’s argument in one fell swoop.
Hang on a minute! When a hijab clad woman casually walks past a victim of islamic terror nonchalantly texting something on her phone she is actually a victim of abuse who is being unfairly scapegoated and is in no way representative of islam.
However, when another hijab clad woman in Birmingham twerks in the street she gets death threats for disrespecting islam.
I am pleased to say that I had no idea of what twerking is, so I had to look it up. Apparently it describes a female ‘dancing’ in a sexually provocative manner and originated with young negresses in the United States. So, this girl in Birmingham is also guilty of cultural appropriation – why no outrage on the BBC? Incidentally, the Sun article reads like something out of the Islamabad Times or Lahore Express.
While all the liberals and muslim-lovers eulogise (try to evade the real issues) over the week’s events in Westminster and try to deflect from reality, it might be worth considering that a religion based on instructions like “And kill them wherever you find them” may be a little out of whack. I don’t see where the problem is with this religion – if that’s your starting point then it is no surprise that muslims will kill non-muslims. You have to pretty good at debating to overcome that unfortunate fact.
Corbyn: “anti-terror measures shouldn’t just target muslims”. Apparently it’ll make them feel discriminated against. Quite right Jeremy, let’s spy on all those terrorist Buddhists, Christians, Mormons. And Quakers – they’re the worst of all, bombing and beheading all over the place, bastards.
Oh come on Charlie, you know very well they ve got to target the “far right”
I mean come on!
Just look at all those “far right” terror attacks we ve had to, erm erm
… no wait 😀
Actually, the first rule on prevention is being target specific, then lead from the front ie visibly so.
What is Corbyn on about
Car mows down drinkers outside a pub in Islington at high speed. 4 men run off, knives are found near vehicle.
Now come on, before you all go jumping to conclusions, which of you can honestly say you’ve never accidentally ploughed into a crowd of infidels? Eh? Be honest.
BBC News – “Three people were taken to hospital after a car ploughed into a large group of people outside a north London pub. Witnesses said they saw bodies being thrown “in the air” when the car mounted the pavement outside the Old Queen’s Head in Islington.
Two knives were found at the scene but police said they are not treating the crash as terrorist-related”.
Your right Charlie … I mean I can t recall a car mounting the pavement,
running people down, with guys with knives, in London recently
… nothing to see
The police are saying it is not “terrorist-related”. What fucking planet do they live on ? For how long are the police, politicians, and the Left establishment going to continue being in denial ?
In truth it’s as likely to be gang related in that area of londonistan. However, it makes me smile when they always place “not terror related” front and center. Their haste to deny it generally makes me more suspicious.
Whenever I’m trying to work out what I really think about another terrorist incident involving the Religion of Peace, the first place I always turn to is the BBC.
Whatever the BBC says I know for certain that the right view to take is the exact opposite.
And so it was last night on BBC News.
Basically it’s someone else on another site exposing the left wing liberal bias of the BBC.
MSM are doing a fine job at telling us all to “Keep calm and carry on”. The narrative that the best way to beat terrorism is to just continue as normal, as if nothing had happened is no more sophisticated than our Mothers telling us to ignore the bully and he will eventually get bored and go away. It isn’t going to work. We are fighting a war whether we want to admit it or not and it is a war with an ideology which has, since it’s inception been violent and expansionist. They are not going to get bored and go away. They are going to continue until they have achieved their goal, of a world under islamic rule. If we cannot accept and name the enemy, we are doomed to be beaten by it.
This is the nub of the problem, Spacemonkey. I agree. The stock response – the primary concern – of our masters in Parliament is, and always has been, ‘public order’. It goes right back to the days of the French Revolution, when the government was terrified we too would rise up and chop off their heads.
Since then, the first response to any emergency has always been to ‘reassure the public’ – the monumentally patronising phrase they use, even if the threats we face are deadly serious.
The reality is that successive Western governments have created this situation and are now behaving like ostriches. They are too terrified even to admit there is a problem and they prey that muttering platitudes to us will keep the lid on our anger until the threat somehow magically goes away.
But we know it will not go away, just as Churchill knew the same about the Nazi menace in the 1930s. Sooner or later the boil will have to be lanced. Meanwhile, just as it did in the ’30s, the BBC’s role is to do the bidding of the ‘elite’ and lie to us, terrified that we might take control and power from them.
One day there will be a reckoning and I hope I live to see members of the British political class brought to book for its treachery against the people it rules with arrogance and disdain.
Amber Amber Rudd wants to limit WhatsApp to stop lone wolf terrorists communicating with each other
‘Speaking to BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show, Ms Rudd said: “It is completely unacceptable, there should be no place for terrorists to hide.
“We need to make sure that organisations like WhatsApp, and there are plenty of others like that, don’t provide a secret place for terrorists to communicate with each other’.
Pull the other one you stupid ignorant cow. You and Treezer have told us it was a lone wolf, despite arrest of his pals.
Monitoring the internet is all about your fat arsed lazy cops searching for hurtful comments about the jihadists you are bringing into this country.
Obfuscate and deflect blame, I even saw one guy this morning on the reprehensible Sophie Ridge try to blame Wednesday’s terror attack on “Austerity”. You see, if the government had continued to spend money it did not have then the prison population would not be becoming “radicalised”. Anything but speak the name of the true cause of the terror. Sheer lunacy.
To be frank, I am far less worried about the fat and lazy ones than the Common Purpose trained, steely-eyed fanatics at the top. They are the ones who are causing the real problem by under policing real criminal behaviour while chasing the hares that arch-criminal Blair set running.
Sorry its not the Beeb; usually for pure entertainment I like to watch The Pledge on Sky, but this week was sheer ‘brick through the tele’ stuff. Gamely journalist Carole Malone stood her ground against the opposition of Afua Hirsch (late of the Guardian), Rachel Johnson (brother of guess who), Nick Ferrari (LBC and Express) and the beauty of the lot June Sarponga (a one brain cell MBE and dressed like a hooker). Discussing the attack on Wednesday, well Carole was spot on in her assertions – being the seasoned journalist she is, but the rest of the females were a disgrace to broadcasting. Try to catch it on Sky at 8 pm tonight.
Denial at its greatest! It’s on the Sky website. You do end up feeling like maybe it’s me that’s got it wrong…these turkeys are 100% intent on voting for Christmas (for as long as that still exists). I expected better of Rachel Johnson, what a wet.
June Sarpong is extremely useful. She and her opinions are the exemplar of everything wrong with the liberal londonistan centric media and political elite. A one stop shop for bollocks, if you will.
Spacemonkey, I agree, and when watching her on the Pledge, she nods away like a nodding dog which the camera appears to like ! and as for her responses, well, bollocks is too mild a comment.
I had the misfortune to see her appear in an edition of Ace Ventura’s Conspiracies in the U.S (it was the middle of the night and I couldn’t sleep), and it was so bizarre it was laughable, – she even tried to take the same gravitas tone with her ‘assignments’. It only confirmed to me the level of intelligence that some programmes stoop to, when trying to tick the ethnic gender boxes.
Funny you should post that! I watched that Tommy Robinson clip earlier, it only strengthens my resolve. We must leave & we should be doing it hard, fast & on our own terms. These are the people who deem themselves superior & capable of making a life decision for millions of others?
Notice at 3:27-someone holding a Union Flag placard with BREXSHIT written across it.
And these people are outraged? That is highly offensive to me (& I’m half Irish) It isn’t right to want to debase your own country, your own people like that. I can’t help but feel there is something really broken & twisted in some of these remainers. People like that don’t don’t deserve this country. I’d rather share Britain with some of the immigrants who respect us than people like that. For example, I know some Nigerian Christians who are grateful to have escaped the Islamification of their country & happy to be here. They respect this nation more than those dumb indoctrinated remain sheep! (sorry for the rant but I hate that attitude in people)
Lucy Pevensey
Years and years of an anti-patriotic, multi-culti liberal education brainwashing our kids that to love one’s country is bad – but this only applies to Great Britain.
It also applies to a broadcasting authority that is awash with libtards pushing that agenda and a government full of ‘wets’ afraid to put an end to it .
I don’t think there argument is “We are clever and you are thick, so listen to us” but rather “You are as thick as us so we had better listen to the clever people at the top.” 🙂
The BBBC (and others) are examining what is being called the Great Repeal Bill. The exciting name for the no doubt long drawn out process to enrich lawyers/drag us away from the tentacles of the EU.
Interestingly their stance seems to be (in the above link) that:
“The Great Repeal Bill is likely to be “one of the largest legislative projects ever undertaken in the UK”, a report by the House of Commons library predicts, with “major swathes of the statute book” needing to be examined to see how they will work after Brexit.
This is because picking out EU law is not as simple as it may sound.
In fact, it presents a “unique challenge”, a House of Lords committee warned recently, because “the body of EU law is found in a number of different places, and in a number of different forms”.”
Now I must admit to a slightly failing memory, but didn’t the Remainers, in particular Mr Miriam González Durántez, aka Nicholas Clegg, keep telling us ad nauseam before the referendum that the EU didn’t much interfere with our legislation and that the UK’s sovereignty was in rude health. If so, why is removing EU legislation such a “large legislative project”.
Someone’s telling porkies.
I smell a rat – not just gas ?
“The National Grid said it had found no trace of gas when it investigated the report in Bebington Road, New Ferry – not far from the scene – and in other parts of the area on Friday.”
“Our local gas mains network has been checked and no faults have been found on it,” it also said in a statement.
Brendan Cox pits 1 Islamic Terrorist against Thomas Mair
Em thats false equivalence
269 Islamist terrorists have beenjailed in the UK
There were 39 from Birmingham alone
“An analysis of terrorism in the UK has found that there have been 269 people convicted of offences or killed as suicide bombers in the UK since 1998.”
Cunning Remainiacs build a false narrative that the BBC didn’t cover their march
– I’d noticed them lobbying Feedback on March 21st
On the morning of the demo they added more similar tweets
by 5pm 6pm Tweets were flying around saying BBC hadn’t covered it
….but they didn’t bother to check properly.
Cos even people on their own side , said stuff like “but I heard it a few times on the radio”
I’ll post screenshots tmw
Not BBC, but this was posted on fb with a ‘like’ by a lefty friend. The article is misleading as it says Muslim women gather on bridge, when in the text it goes on to say women, some of whom were Muslim. They are clearly singled out for photos. The quotes of the Muslim women go on to reinforce that we are living in a different world…’to support diversity, plurality’?? Left her feeling ‘overwhelmed’?? Am I the only person who is shocked by this report? I don’t think this was the purpose of the article! I assume the Muslim men will be gathering next week.
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
Al BBC 1 The Big Questions, should we give terrorists the oxygen of publicity?
of course the BIGGEST question, why only D Murray and Anne Marie Waters amongst
about 50 people to give one side of the debate?, and why the BBC has done nothing else but oxygenise publicity for terror since it actually happened.
There were more muslim s in just the front row than those to give the objective
opinion … what an enormous part of the problem the BBC/MSM is.
in fact why were the muzzies there at all nothing bad related to islam has happened in britain ever
Here’s a thought provoking rant from Aaron Clarey’s blog. I’m generally in agreement with his ‘enjoy the decline’ philosophy but maybe he goes a bit far in places..
Muslims protest ‘not in my name’ in Brum.
Nice to see, for a change, though is it just self-preservation? In the past such manifestations have been organised and attended mostly by Ahmadis, a peaceful offshoot of islam, considered heretical by the mainstream and, you guessed it, persecuted by them.
But get this for false logic, or Taqiyya as it’s known:
Former councillor Salma Yaqoob, who helped organise the demonstration, told the crowds the city did not deserve such a reputation.
She spoke of the fatal stabbing of MP Jo Cox by Thomas Mair, in Birstall, West Yorkshire.
“No one asked the question, ‘What’s wrong with Yorkshire, producing these terrorists? Stop bashing Birmingham, and stop bashing Muslims”.
I won’t insult your intelligence spelling out the deliberate falsehoods in the analogy.
Lets bury this, not in my name, can t be real Muslims palava.
Because some Islamic adherent goes drinking, nightclubs, maybe drugs even eating pork etc, therefore is not a REAL muslim excuse is simply a ruse, to pull the wool over the eyes of the willing.
These ahem “pious” go to guys, who spout such drivel know full well the highest accolade in the eyes of Islamic scripture, don t want bore people here
but …
It is the striving and motivation to go out and kill or be killed with rewards of booty, the garden (heaven) thus full forgiveness
… Q3:157 And if ye are slain, or die, in the way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy … is the best for you is fighting in the way of Allah.
ie, to further Muhammad’s cause
… Q9.111 They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. … because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain.
Once again it is Islam which is the problem, not someone who drinks, not someone who eats pork, not mental illness (although if so caused by Islam).
‘Not in my name’ from the, so-called, “moderate muslims”? But, non-union labour always benefited from the endeavours of their trade union buddies but with no pain for them to use the analogy. Were they always the first to decry their union counterparts – yes. Did they reject any benefits in their pay-packets resulting from their union counterparts efforts. NO. I see the parallel – its human nature.
A pitiful turnout given Birmingham’s massive Islamic “community”.
The birmingham Mail said around 200 which is probably less than .1% of the total muslim population.
Way back in the late nineties Baroness Margaret Thatcher dared to suggest that in her view Islamic clerics had not sufficiently condemned acts of terrorism against America and the West. There were howls of protest from all quarters even from some members of her own party. In fact some of these were more concerned to point out that Islam was a religion of peace rather than to defend Lady Thatcher’s right to express her view whether it be right or wrong. Was this the time when the right to free speech in our country began to erode through the spinelessness of our own politicians?
One huge milestone in that process was the act of throwing Salam Rushdie to the wolves over the Satanic Verses.
Oh, I know he was given a protection squad, but even some of them penned a serialised version of what an awful obnoxious bloke he was to be around ( Sunday Times …from memory)
The literati of this country were delighted he’d been given a fatwa, by folk, of course who were so outraged but whi had no chance of ever reading the English.
The message to the savages of Islam was clear…we are gutless spineless bastards.
And they took it on board.
The unusual death penalty against Rushdie, is termed a ‘hukm’ which (unfortunately for him) doesn’t expire with the death of the imam who issue it, as it does with a fatwa.
Watching BBc Sunday politics some twat on here Nigel ? (script on freesat didn’t clear fast enough for me to read) tells us that “islam is the religion of peace” No qualification to that it just is. Do they really think anyone swallows this any more. At least we didn’t get the “even the name means peace” mantra, which of course it doesn’t.
On that very same subject –
I love the fact that whilst the terrorist attack was going on at Westminster a courier pulled up on his moped and drove straight through the gates at the Palace of Westminster to deliver his package , probably followed by a Pizza delivery bloke and Curries in a hurry . The MP’s can’t even guard their own workplace I guess defence of the realm is in tip top shape
I wonder have any MP’s lost a wink of sleep wondering what might have been if instead of 1 animal with a knife, It had been 2 of these animals with AK47’s
Readily availible Islamic resources
I hate to say it, but I think it will only take a mass slaughter of politicians to bring them to their senses. So long as they are safe , they do not give a fuck about the rest of us.
Agreed Grant
As I say, I hate to say it.
That is evident Grant
I was almost afraid to post that because it seems bad and extreme. But I believe it to be true.
We all experience these dark thoughts, I expect. Sometimes, I wonder whether a Charlie Hebdo-style assault on Broadcasting House would, in the long run, be a good or bad thing….
I have posted this before but there has never been a terrorist attack on the BBC. People can draw their own conclusions.
Oh, you can be sure it is now uppermost in their tiny minds. I simply would not have believed security there was almost non-existent.
Even one on his own would have caused carnage with an AK, if there had been two or three we’d be needing a lot of by-elections very soon.
What an absoute bunch of idiots, and still they stand an virtue signal…” would the PM agree with me it’s nothing to do with Islam.”
At times like this I find it difficult to wish them well…they are amongst the root causes of our problems.
DC – not amongst – they are the root cause – Let’s try and protect our Country with virtue signalling
No problem with that one Kaiser. First, they would have been asked to produce a valid, signed Firearms Certificate authorising possession of said AK47s, and second they would have been advised, in no uncertain terms, that carrying such loaded and uncovered firearms in a public place is illegal and carries a maximum penalty of 6 months imprisonment. Finally, since the AK47 is capable of sustained continuous automatic fire and is therefore classed as a Section 5 weapon, ownership is in breach of current firearms law and is an arrestable offence.
Further investigation might show that Section 5 firearms entered on to a current FAC is evidence of potential firearm certificate forgery or an example of poor paperwork by the relevant force concerned. In either case, the opportunity for lessons to be learned provides a valuable side issue.
I would relish seeing an interview between Carswell and Kuenssberg. They both have the same list to starboard (or could that be, ‘lisp’?). Just a thought. Sorry about that.
be wiping spit of each other with handkerchiefs
Much has been written about the Protection Officer of Michael Fallon being the only armed officer around at the time of the incident – and that was pure fluke ! Apparently ‘armed officers’ were supposed to be stationed as the second guard after the main gate. So where were they ? having a fag, on their tea break, chatting up the secretaries – we’ve heard nothing about their whereabouts, surely its their heads that must roll for not backing up their colleagues on the main gate. Best police service in the world ? more like keystone cops. And I don’t know about anyone else on here, but I feel far more comforted abroad when I see the police wearing fire-arms, at least you know they mean business should trouble arise.
Where were the cops?
Probably sitting on their fat arses searching Twitter for offences against the ROP
Look at some of the cops standing around Parliament with their guns, posing for selfies with the tourists. Many look beyond retirement age, overweight and unfit. I bet there are no bullets in their guns.
Acting head of Met buggers off in his chauffer driven jag instead of leading from the front
Keystone cops fall as they climb the fence.
They are mostly totally fucking useless.
Another sweeping generalisation from someone who doesn’t even live here.
And GWF: “Look at some of the cops standing around Parliament with their guns, posing for selfies with the tourists.”
Care to produce some photographic evidence of that? Not with guns they don’t. More lies and bullshit than the BBC.
Iain Muir
Sorry I ruffled you feathers. Last time I was outside Parliament I was pleasantly moved to see a police officer posing with a Japanese tourist while her partner took photos – not a selfie but next thing. And the cop was holding a gun.
I have a photo from a dog owner whose dog proudly posed for a photo with an armed cop, same place.
Quite frankly, I thought at the time it was good PR. I should have known better.
I look forward to your evidence regarding the rigorous fitness tests required of cops guarding Parliament, and evidence of their security training, some videos perhaps of them on the shooting range. The kind of stuff US cops frequently demonstrate.
Now piss off and stop accusing people of spreading lies and bullshit.
When I was in the job, in the seventies, on the then “A” Division, the police at the House of Commons were precisely in the category you describe. A sinecure for deadbeats on the cusp of retirement, or otherwise unfit.
I think the word you are looking for is “expendable”.
What I find interesting Old Goat is the amount of people who are ex job and are now living in France,for us the benefits of great wine,cheese and no face veils plus wonderful locals out weighs the language barriers.
” I bet there are no bullets in their guns.” – That’s cut-backs for you!
GWF… “Many look beyond retirement age, overweight and unfit”….
Overweight and unfit – exactly my thoughts. In ‘another world’ away the police were as thin as whippets, but there’s no need to bother with fitness now, if a suspect starts running just tazer ‘im, job done. The rare sightings I’ve seen of police in my vicinity (known locally as a Lesser Spotted Copper) would have trouble walking upstairs let alone give chase !
There’s clearly a pattern emerging – obesity appears to be not only affecting National Health staff but also the police
They do say no-one ever went broke selling doughnuts to cops.
Would that be these coppers?
B said the same thing yesterday – when I am in New York and I see the NYPD walking around I feel a hell of a lot safer
I have never been to USA but I bet the Cops there know how to use a gun !
Grant -They sure install confidence mate when you stand next to one. I used to drink with a New Jersey Detective in Jersey City and he had the shoulder holster under his suit. He was more of a psshead then me at time.
I lived in Turkey for some years and visited often. Generally , the Turkish police and military were very disciplined and treated firearms with respect.
I had to laugh last time I was in istanbul airport. The sniffer dog handlers were carrying weapons. The dogs were not armed, but had yellow jackets with the word ” Guvenlik” ( security ) written on them .
Michael who ? But it is funny. In British airports cops are patrolling with firearms very visible. Mind you , they tend to stand too close to each other !
Er, Fallon ? or is it Farron ? Two surnames beginning with an F – but I’ve a much better with one starting with F that’s sooooo much better !
F who ?
Been at the Sunday afternoon wine again Grant ?
Quite so, Brissles. I was amazed at the total lack of security in such an important place. As someone else remarked, a terrorist with a gun could have killed dozens of people. Really, whoever the senior person responsible for the security of Parliament is, he/she needs to be brought to account for their failings. Anyone know whose responsibility it is? Last year my Wife and I visited Windsor and went to the castle; security police everywhere all armed to the teeth, and searched and bags scanned! As we walked around the castle I think there were one or two plain clothes security mixing with the crowds; at least I noticed a couple of lone males in suits walking round with us but showing little interest in looking at what was on show but looking around constantly. It’s impossible to completely guard against terrorist attacks, especially when their aim is to just kill indiscriminately and run people over in a vehicle, but the security at Parliament was abysmal.
The diet we are being spoon-fed by the MSM today is that Khalid Masood was a dangerous man long before he became a Muslim and therefore we can absolve Islam of any responsibility for his murderous attack last week.
Even if we assume that all the stories being dredged-up by the media are true and we turn a blind eye to the Internet scrubbing undertaken in the 24 hours before his identity was grudgingly revealed, this is a smokescreen of WWII proportions.
The plotters behind the wave of Islamic terrorist attacks which have swept across Europe for the past few years no doubt select psychopaths like Masood and could not care less whether they are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ Muslims. They are, to them, weapons, used just as Hassan i-Sabbah used crazed young men, when he sent forth the original assassins in the 12th century.
The fact that Masood was born in England and only converted recently, the fact that he was a probably a dangerous madman, his past history of decadence and violence – none of it is relevant other than they were his job qualifications for the people who selected and directed him.
Blaming Masood’s character (such as it was) is like blaming an AK47 for being what it is. The real killer is the man who pulls the trigger and, in this case, the ideology which makes such a thing possible.
Not for the first time, we are being lied to and deliberately misled.
Top post and spot on.
You could say that a lot of thugs joined the Nazi Party in Pre-war Germany
They were maybe small time before that, but the Nazi ideology to hide behind and do worse crimes whilst being lauded in their community.
Two comments:
If the travel ban on large electronic gadgets going into the passenger cabins on airplanes doesn’t use the term – muslim countries it’s because all Islamic appeasers claim that terrorists aren’t involved with the muslim religion. Its just one big conspiracy by people who hate muslims, to say they are.
Secondly – Why is the murdering of innocent people not worthy of anger, outrage and public demonstration on the streets.
Why do so-called leaders think they can blatantly boast they are carrying on as if nothing has happened, while filling the streets with armed police officers. Telling Islamics they can carry on killing us if they like, it doesn’t matter. The long string of murder victims and their families can’t carry on as normal and speaking like that is a gross insult to them.
Meanwhile Islamics are blaming us for their behaviour and never once do they show any sympathy or even apologise for people murdering in their name and pledging they will do something about it. If in doubt read their so-called holy book that explains plainly what their plan and attitude to us is, no matter how they or the mis-guided say it isn’t.
Nick Clegg made a speech quoting from an Islamic saying along the lines that Islam is a wonderful religion of peace (or words to that effect) but ommitted the next part of the statement involving – cutting off and hands and feet. This same half truth was quoted in another award ceremony, for the criminally deluded.
The often misquoted chapter 5 verse 32 in full;
For this reason, We made it a law for the children of Israel that the killing of a person for reasons other than legal retaliation or for stopping corruption in the land is as great a sin as murdering all of mankind. However, to save a life would be as great a virtue as to save all of mankind. Our Messengers had come to them with clear authoritative evidence but many of them (Israelites) thereafter started doing wrong in the land.
And the following verse, for context;
The only proper recompense for those who fight against God and His Messenger and try to spread evil in the land is to be killed, crucified, or either to have one of their hands and feet cut from the opposite side or to be sent into exile. These are to disgrace them in this life and they will suffer a great torment in the life hereafter.
“We” in the first verse is the Royal we, this is God speaking.
“We made it a law for the children of Israel” Note the use of past tense, this is something God did in the past and specifically only to the children of israel, i.e. Jews.
There is a get out clause though; “other than legal retaliation or for stopping corruption”
Despite God’s best efforts, the naughty israelites continued to act up.
Verse 33 is in the present tense, this is God giving the law to those who follow islam NOW.
Remember, this is the literal word of God. It is his final word as their will be no other prophets to come.
Note; All translations by Muhammad Sarwar.
This morning on the loathsome Sofie Ridge’s program by Sky (fake) News Nigel Farage said the islamic terror attack on londonistan last week was not “directly” linked to immigration.
The terrorist, although British born, was of an immigrant family, he followed an immigrant ideology and he lived in an immigrant community ( Birmingham, 45.6% white British ) How much more directly linked to immigration can it get?
The insidious group think cognitive dissonance has sadly infected the great man himself.
I’ve already posted on the establishment’s attempts to divert us from Islam to the specific background of Masood. To reinforce Stew’s point, the Nazis used a lot of thugs , criminals and psychopaths to do their dirty work but after the war that didn’t stop the allies concentrating on de- Nazification of Germany. The problem was the ideology and much less the unsavoury types low down the chain who pulled triggers or opened cans of Zyklon B. Unfortunately we will always have low life amongst us but we can stop them becoming mass killers by irradicating Islam in the UK. it’s just the same with Islam as it was with Nazism. We cannot distinguish between good and bad Islam . If we continue to do this, as opposed to ridding Britain of this hateful Medieval religion then our culture and freedoms are ultimately doomed.
With all this talk of islam taking over throughout Europe, that steady drip, drip, drip of anti-islam fact (oh sorry, propaganda!), I think I’m being radicalised. Should I report myself to someone? Maybe the police? My MP? Any suggestions anyone? Perhaps I should hire a 4 x 4 and head to my nearest City (with a bridge of course) and mow a few innocents down before stabbing the nearest PC just to demonstrate how ‘radicalised’ I’ve become. Would a local District Councillor be a substitute? Lollipop Lady anyone? Perhaps its all down to being bullied as a child and forced to play Rugby. Or maybe it was upbringing. Maybe I had gender problems over 70 years ago and didn’t realise it at the time. Above all, it was probably all to do with reading classic books like ‘Treasure Island’ and so on. Big sigh. Would have been worse had I got hold of a Quaran……
Had you read Little Women in your youth, you could have all sorts of ‘issues’ now !!!
“How Brigitte Gabriel responded to the claim that the majority of Muslims are not terrorists.”
Basically says that when Nazi Germany attacked Poland we didn’t shout “oh we shouldn’t be German-aphobic”, no we spoke up.
We always knew that there were a lot of non-Nazi Germans almost certainly most, but they were powerless to stop the Nazi Germans
During the war and for many years after we regarded the Germans as the enemy. Some times we called them Jerries. As a child we used to play soldiers and some were British and the others were Germans.
My grandparents had a ‘jerry’ under the bed (no outside lavvy) – they said it was called that to p…. on the Germans !
( I stand corrected if they were giving me fake news)
Bloody hell – that is good Stew
Labels, definitions, moving goalposts and misdirection tricks used by PR people
..all that matters.
So instead of just saying ..”oh you disagree with me” they reframe your position to make it easier to attack; shouting “Racist, phobic, right-winger”
Rubbish those labels have got nothing to do with the point, but do result in many people being forced onto the back foot of defending themself before they deal with the issue.
It’s not anti-German to condemn German Nazis.
Next time someone calls you a racist or bigot, xenophobe or what have you just calmly tell them their argument is an argumentum ad hominem which is a logical fallacy.
Next they will attempt to re-phrase your argument in order to make it easier to attack. This is a straw man, which is also a logical fallacy.
Finally will come the “you can’t critcise X because Y is just as bad” Another logical falacy, this time the fallacy or moral equivalence which is a fallacy of relevance. It is simply irrelevant that Y may be as bad as or even worse than X, X is still bad.
Learn to recognise these 3 very common fallacious arguments and you will win 95% of all political debates.
I feel that there should probably be a proper article taking a lot of CBeebies to task. I’ve got two little boys and fair enough, credit where it’s due, a lot of it is fantastic – even the redone Postman Pat or Clangers are surprisingly good, but that’s largely because it’s a Nick Park stop motion thing and he respects the source.
Nonetheless, I was watching Chuggington today which is sort of like a poor CGI Thomas The Tank Engine with a large town, almost no humans and an almost fetishistic number of trains. The episode I saw recently saw a newly elected Mayor visiting the train shed. And lo and behold the mayor is female, ethnic and has no idea about trains or indeed anything in town. Bizzarely the train offers to take her on a tour of the town where she presumably got half the votes and almost everything in the town is new to her. Then I thought given the way Labour fly in carpet bagging Islington types up to ‘The North’ it’s not that outlandish an idea to whoever wrote the script on the back of a paper bag.
It’s Sunday. I need more wine after that.
“WhatsApp must not be ‘place for terrorists to hide'”
Amber Rudd ….. “There must be “no place for terrorists to hide” and intelligence services must have access to encrypted messaging services, the home secretary has said.”
Even if the security services have complete access to our messages now she would still have to say that. Our WW2 efforts to keep the fact that we had cracked German codes secret, show how they have to behave.
I know this is not bBBC bias, but it may be false news.
Melksham – Whats App is the least of our worries – The terrorists will hide behind all the new “anti hate” legislation that Amber and all her liberal friends are champing at the bit and looking for an excuse to bring out.
Whilst the state busies itself in in “feeling the collar” of those who voice legitimate concerns about Islam. The true threat to our way of life will be busy carrying on exerting its influence into every area of our life and we will have no say whatsoever because any criticism will be deemed a “hate crime”
It is truly F###ING PATHETIC! and depressing all at the same time.
It is amazing people have been murdered again by Islamic terrorism and yet the media and establishment are more worried about upsetting the feelings of Muslims rather than have an honest debate as to why so many terrorist/violent incidents involve the “Religion of Peace”
I have a suspicion the “Whats App” story may be bulls**t.
I recall a few years back when the security services in the US were saying that Blackberry needed to alter the encryption on their devices, as they couldn’t be hacked and therefore terrorists and criminals using them couldn’t be monitored by agencies that needed to.
Then Edward Snowden revealed that was all cr@p and the NSA etc could access them no problem, they just wanted people to believe that Blackberry devices were beyond the ability of the NSA; CIA; FBI; DIA; GCHQ; MI5; MI6 etc, presumably to encourage them to use them all the more.
When you think about it logically – that just doesn’t stack up.
It’s utter nonsense, isn’t it? On the one hand we are told that communications sent this way are unreadable by the security services, while at the same time the Mail (no doubt being fed stories by those same security services) goes on to tell us exactly what was conatined in them!
Then, just to add insult to injury, this evening the BBC boasts that the security services (again) have said Masood had no links to ISIS.
They are so frantic in their efforts to lull us back to sleep that they cant even tell a consistent story.
1pm news on Radio 4, Sunday. Mark Mardell was asking somebody why there was a problem with terorism with the Irish and militant Islam. I suppose asking a question like that could be seen as making progress – but alas, I can only assume that there had been a pre-interview to ensure the guests gave the right answers. The answer given was ‘internment’. Now my father was interned in 1939, along with many other Jews in the UK. He didn’t go on to carry out terrorist attacks, and nor did anybody else he knew who had been incarcerated on the Isle of Man. These people would today have been classified as ‘vulnerable’ if one considered their circumstances since 1933 and the rise of Nazism and the effect it could have had on them. In fact, my Dad was always grateful for the British for providing him with a safe place to live, and was insistent that the family abided by UK law. Mardell could have asked why there were no terrorist attacks by Jews in the UK following internment – but of course it would have destroyed his guest’s argument in one fell swoop.
your totally right Deborah
what came first the terrorism or the internment,
did america suffer a wave of japanese terrorism
I cant even imagine the rising wave of angst jewish people worldwide must be feeling
Hang on a minute! When a hijab clad woman casually walks past a victim of islamic terror nonchalantly texting something on her phone she is actually a victim of abuse who is being unfairly scapegoated and is in no way representative of islam.
However, when another hijab clad woman in Birmingham twerks in the street she gets death threats for disrespecting islam.
I am pleased to say that I had no idea of what twerking is, so I had to look it up. Apparently it describes a female ‘dancing’ in a sexually provocative manner and originated with young negresses in the United States. So, this girl in Birmingham is also guilty of cultural appropriation – why no outrage on the BBC? Incidentally, the Sun article reads like something out of the Islamabad Times or Lahore Express.
Twerking is an interpecies thing, or rather the young negresses have culturally appropriated it from cats, dogs and others. Is it waycist to say that?
While all the liberals and muslim-lovers eulogise (try to evade the real issues) over the week’s events in Westminster and try to deflect from reality, it might be worth considering that a religion based on instructions like “And kill them wherever you find them” may be a little out of whack. I don’t see where the problem is with this religion – if that’s your starting point then it is no surprise that muslims will kill non-muslims. You have to pretty good at debating to overcome that unfortunate fact.
Corbyn: “anti-terror measures shouldn’t just target muslims”. Apparently it’ll make them feel discriminated against. Quite right Jeremy, let’s spy on all those terrorist Buddhists, Christians, Mormons. And Quakers – they’re the worst of all, bombing and beheading all over the place, bastards.
To be filed under ‘You couldn’t make it up.’
Oh come on Charlie, you know very well they ve got to target the “far right”
I mean come on!
Just look at all those “far right” terror attacks we ve had to, erm erm
… no wait 😀
Actually, the first rule on prevention is being target specific, then lead from the front ie visibly so.
What is Corbyn on about
Car mows down drinkers outside a pub in Islington at high speed. 4 men run off, knives are found near vehicle.
Now come on, before you all go jumping to conclusions, which of you can honestly say you’ve never accidentally ploughed into a crowd of infidels? Eh? Be honest.
BBC News – “Three people were taken to hospital after a car ploughed into a large group of people outside a north London pub. Witnesses said they saw bodies being thrown “in the air” when the car mounted the pavement outside the Old Queen’s Head in Islington.
Two knives were found at the scene but police said they are not treating the crash as terrorist-related”.
Your right Charlie … I mean I can t recall a car mounting the pavement,
running people down, with guys with knives, in London recently
… nothing to see
The police are saying it is not “terrorist-related”. What fucking planet do they live on ? For how long are the police, politicians, and the Left establishment going to continue being in denial ?
In truth it’s as likely to be gang related in that area of londonistan. However, it makes me smile when they always place “not terror related” front and center. Their haste to deny it generally makes me more suspicious.
“Not terror related ” means it is terrorism. They are completely deranged .
James Delingpole
Whenever I’m trying to work out what I really think about another terrorist incident involving the Religion of Peace, the first place I always turn to is the BBC.
Whatever the BBC says I know for certain that the right view to take is the exact opposite.
And so it was last night on BBC News.
Basically it’s someone else on another site exposing the left wing liberal bias of the BBC.
MSM are doing a fine job at telling us all to “Keep calm and carry on”. The narrative that the best way to beat terrorism is to just continue as normal, as if nothing had happened is no more sophisticated than our Mothers telling us to ignore the bully and he will eventually get bored and go away. It isn’t going to work. We are fighting a war whether we want to admit it or not and it is a war with an ideology which has, since it’s inception been violent and expansionist. They are not going to get bored and go away. They are going to continue until they have achieved their goal, of a world under islamic rule. If we cannot accept and name the enemy, we are doomed to be beaten by it.
This is the nub of the problem, Spacemonkey. I agree. The stock response – the primary concern – of our masters in Parliament is, and always has been, ‘public order’. It goes right back to the days of the French Revolution, when the government was terrified we too would rise up and chop off their heads.
Since then, the first response to any emergency has always been to ‘reassure the public’ – the monumentally patronising phrase they use, even if the threats we face are deadly serious.
The reality is that successive Western governments have created this situation and are now behaving like ostriches. They are too terrified even to admit there is a problem and they prey that muttering platitudes to us will keep the lid on our anger until the threat somehow magically goes away.
But we know it will not go away, just as Churchill knew the same about the Nazi menace in the 1930s. Sooner or later the boil will have to be lanced. Meanwhile, just as it did in the ’30s, the BBC’s role is to do the bidding of the ‘elite’ and lie to us, terrified that we might take control and power from them.
One day there will be a reckoning and I hope I live to see members of the British political class brought to book for its treachery against the people it rules with arrogance and disdain.
Amber Amber Rudd wants to limit WhatsApp to stop lone wolf terrorists communicating with each other
‘Speaking to BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show, Ms Rudd said: “It is completely unacceptable, there should be no place for terrorists to hide.
“We need to make sure that organisations like WhatsApp, and there are plenty of others like that, don’t provide a secret place for terrorists to communicate with each other’.
Pull the other one you stupid ignorant cow. You and Treezer have told us it was a lone wolf, despite arrest of his pals.
Monitoring the internet is all about your fat arsed lazy cops searching for hurtful comments about the jihadists you are bringing into this country.
Obfuscate and deflect blame, I even saw one guy this morning on the reprehensible Sophie Ridge try to blame Wednesday’s terror attack on “Austerity”. You see, if the government had continued to spend money it did not have then the prison population would not be becoming “radicalised”. Anything but speak the name of the true cause of the terror. Sheer lunacy.
To be frank, I am far less worried about the fat and lazy ones than the Common Purpose trained, steely-eyed fanatics at the top. They are the ones who are causing the real problem by under policing real criminal behaviour while chasing the hares that arch-criminal Blair set running.
Sorry its not the Beeb; usually for pure entertainment I like to watch The Pledge on Sky, but this week was sheer ‘brick through the tele’ stuff. Gamely journalist Carole Malone stood her ground against the opposition of Afua Hirsch (late of the Guardian), Rachel Johnson (brother of guess who), Nick Ferrari (LBC and Express) and the beauty of the lot June Sarponga (a one brain cell MBE and dressed like a hooker). Discussing the attack on Wednesday, well Carole was spot on in her assertions – being the seasoned journalist she is, but the rest of the females were a disgrace to broadcasting. Try to catch it on Sky at 8 pm tonight.
Denial at its greatest! It’s on the Sky website. You do end up feeling like maybe it’s me that’s got it wrong…these turkeys are 100% intent on voting for Christmas (for as long as that still exists). I expected better of Rachel Johnson, what a wet.
June Sarpong is extremely useful. She and her opinions are the exemplar of everything wrong with the liberal londonistan centric media and political elite. A one stop shop for bollocks, if you will.
Spacemonkey, I agree, and when watching her on the Pledge, she nods away like a nodding dog which the camera appears to like ! and as for her responses, well, bollocks is too mild a comment.
I had the misfortune to see her appear in an edition of Ace Ventura’s Conspiracies in the U.S (it was the middle of the night and I couldn’t sleep), and it was so bizarre it was laughable, – she even tried to take the same gravitas tone with her ‘assignments’. It only confirmed to me the level of intelligence that some programmes stoop to, when trying to tick the ethnic gender boxes.
Super Woman vows to stop Brexit
BBC – Thousands take to streets in anti-Brexit London march. People joined an anti-Brexit march to call for Britain to remain in the European
Ask anti-Brexit marchers “easy” questions?
Brilliant ! 😀
Funny you should post that! I watched that Tommy Robinson clip earlier, it only strengthens my resolve. We must leave & we should be doing it hard, fast & on our own terms. These are the people who deem themselves superior & capable of making a life decision for millions of others?
Notice at 3:27-someone holding a Union Flag placard with BREXSHIT written across it.
And these people are outraged? That is highly offensive to me (& I’m half Irish) It isn’t right to want to debase your own country, your own people like that. I can’t help but feel there is something really broken & twisted in some of these remainers. People like that don’t don’t deserve this country. I’d rather share Britain with some of the immigrants who respect us than people like that. For example, I know some Nigerian Christians who are grateful to have escaped the Islamification of their country & happy to be here. They respect this nation more than those dumb indoctrinated remain sheep! (sorry for the rant but I hate that attitude in people)
Lucy Pevensey
Years and years of an anti-patriotic, multi-culti liberal education brainwashing our kids that to love one’s country is bad – but this only applies to Great Britain.
It also applies to a broadcasting authority that is awash with libtards pushing that agenda and a government full of ‘wets’ afraid to put an end to it .
I don’t think there argument is “We are clever and you are thick, so listen to us” but rather “You are as thick as us so we had better listen to the clever people at the top.” 🙂
The BBBC (and others) are examining what is being called the Great Repeal Bill. The exciting name for the no doubt long drawn out process to enrich lawyers/drag us away from the tentacles of the EU.
Interestingly their stance seems to be (in the above link) that:
“The Great Repeal Bill is likely to be “one of the largest legislative projects ever undertaken in the UK”, a report by the House of Commons library predicts, with “major swathes of the statute book” needing to be examined to see how they will work after Brexit.
This is because picking out EU law is not as simple as it may sound.
In fact, it presents a “unique challenge”, a House of Lords committee warned recently, because “the body of EU law is found in a number of different places, and in a number of different forms”.”
Now I must admit to a slightly failing memory, but didn’t the Remainers, in particular Mr Miriam González Durántez, aka Nicholas Clegg, keep telling us ad nauseam before the referendum that the EU didn’t much interfere with our legislation and that the UK’s sovereignty was in rude health. If so, why is removing EU legislation such a “large legislative project”.
Someone’s telling porkies.
I smell a rat – not just gas ?
“The National Grid said it had found no trace of gas when it investigated the report in Bebington Road, New Ferry – not far from the scene – and in other parts of the area on Friday.”
“Our local gas mains network has been checked and no faults have been found on it,” it also said in a statement.
I’ve been suspicious about that explosion since I heard about. They said it was gas but……..?
Brendan Cox pits 1 Islamic Terrorist against Thomas Mair
Em thats false equivalence
269 Islamist terrorists have beenjailed in the UK
There were 39 from Birmingham alone
“An analysis of terrorism in the UK has found that there have been 269 people convicted of offences or killed as suicide bombers in the UK since 1998.”
Even the Westminster guy left 50 injured never mind the 4 he killed
Pemainers play the VICTIM of BBC Bias
Cunning Remainiacs build a false narrative that the BBC didn’t cover their march
– I’d noticed them lobbying Feedback on March 21st
On the morning of the demo they added more similar tweets
by 5pm 6pm Tweets were flying around saying BBC hadn’t covered it
….but they didn’t bother to check properly.
Cos even people on their own side , said stuff like “but I heard it a few times on the radio”
I’ll post screenshots tmw
WestMonster have some funny photos of the wackiest placards
Not BBC, but this was posted on fb with a ‘like’ by a lefty friend. The article is misleading as it says Muslim women gather on bridge, when in the text it goes on to say women, some of whom were Muslim. They are clearly singled out for photos. The quotes of the Muslim women go on to reinforce that we are living in a different world…’to support diversity, plurality’?? Left her feeling ‘overwhelmed’?? Am I the only person who is shocked by this report? I don’t think this was the purpose of the article! I assume the Muslim men will be gathering next week.
I have forced myself not to comment on the Fb article because I know I will get the libtard retaliation.