As David linked to earlier, the BBC’s pro-Remain stance, it continues apace as Laura Kuenssberg warn us on the Today show of the ‘looming threat of Brexit’ and the ‘long and complicated process’ of negotiation. We were also told that the EU was a political project not premised upon economics…so why does the BBC insist on shaping its reporting solely upon the economics…and making those reports inevitably negative about the prospects of Brexit when Brexit is really about sovereignty and immigration and not economics?
We were also told that the UK would keep importing EU laws after Brexit…er no, we’ll keep many EU laws already on the statute book but Brexit gives us the power to choose which ones we want to keep… reason why Brexit will not be ‘so long and complicated’ as the BBC scaremongers….there will be plenty of negotitation but the UK already obviously meets EU legal requirements and therefore having to come up to speed, as say Canada in its free trade negotiations would have had to do, is not necessary…we’re already there.
Then we had an interview with James Dyson, one of our most successful busnessmen who runs a worldwide business and imports into the UK on WTO terms as he manufactures in the Far East…the BBC interviewer said ‘Don’t you understand’ other businesses’ concerns about trade tariffs?…..he probably does as he imports from outside the EU and pays tariffs…does the BBC understand, that’s the question? Patronising berk ‘[Simon Jack, the BBC’s business editor]. A very negative interview…and one that confirms the BBC’s pro-Remain stance…especially when the interviewer reeled off a list of all the pro-EU organisations the BBC had been giving a platform to in the last few days.
Jack comes up with some sly digs…asking if Dyson’s anti-EU stance was based purely on the fact that it supports his competitors more than his company, Dyson says it is about soveriegnty…Jack then asks if Brexiteer Dyson is a patriot or a pragmatist….so the pragmatic approach is to stay in the EU and Dyson’s ‘patriotic’ stance is romantic foolery?
And if this wasn’t enough ‘Country File gave us it’s slanted view on Brexit from an agricultural point of view. No more EU subsidies and the end of British farming as we know it..
The farmer was moaning he wouldn’t be able to manage without his EU subsidy,where do they think this subsidy money comes from, we pay it to the EU in the first place?
And just to remind everyone, NZ abolished subsidies in 1984, I think. I just bought some NZ lamb today in the UK. Cheaper and better tasting than British.
Halal Lamb Grant?
I doubt it, but who knows ?
Grant – I think you will find that virtually all New Zealand lamb is halal as I believe their biggest market is now the Middle East after we shafted most of the Commonwealth when we joined the Common Market.
It looks as though the only supermarket that doesn’t sell halal meat is Fortnum & Mason. We all shop there, don’t we ……
The only meat I buy from supermarkets is pork – beef, lamb and chicken comes from the local butcher.
I’ve investigated this before and have complained to kfc about their introduction of halal chicken. I refuse to be stealthily inducted into a religion, especially that despicable one. I have never seen a halal label. How hard would it be to do that? Clearly the vendors do not want the issue raised as it would reduce sales and profits. More customers need to complain!
We do. We also need to demand clear and accurate labelling. It is scandalous that the government refuses to do this just to appease a noisy minority of barbarians who condone this cruelty.
Some KFC branches are 100% halal so don’t serve bacon burgers
\\The statement says that, due to ‘strict animal welfare standards’, all poultry is stunned before slaughter.//
\\Halal requires that a verse from the Quran is read by an appropriate person at the time of slaughter.//
So that mean a non-Muslim is denied a job ?
Hong Kong : McDonald’s, KFC, and Pizza Hut in Hong Kong have just said no to a request that they offer Islamic-certified halal meat.
See Below
“While there are no official statistics on halal production in New Zealand, nearly all of New Zealand’s red meat export slaughter premises are certified to undertake slaughter in compliance with halal requirements.
This gives the New Zealand red meat industry the flexibility to export different cuts from a single carcass to the best-returning markets. The industry currently serves some 120 markets worldwide.”
That is news to me , but does not really surprise me. My view is that halal slaughter , if done properly, is much more humane than abattoir system. And I have seen both systems in several countries. But I would not like to generalise.
Not on the videos I’ve seen
I’m so glad I’m a vegetarian.
Eid al-Adha (cultural enrichment)

Bastards. Look at the faces .. that is nothing to do with religion it is sadistic cruelty on a par with “traditional” bull fighting. What is with these people? This (UK) is a country that has animal welfare laws… how does this type of cruelty enhance our “religious” spirituality? Torturing animals … some one tell me …. why? Let’s all hope that they all die the same way .. in fear and terror with somebody watching and enjoying it! Sickening!!
“80% of my income comes from EU subsidies” the Countryfile farmer said
And Tom Heap doubled down since last weeks complaints
..but at least they did mention NZ
They didn’t mention all the African farmers who’ll be helped by free trade ..instead of EU tariffs
Some good news in a YouGov survey. Asked for their view on the BBC coverage of Brexit 27% said it was anti Brexit, 9% pro, 30% fair and 34% don’t know. The message appears to be getting across.
Small item in the Daily Mail today quoting News Watch’s balance of guests on the Today financial slot june – December 2016. From memory 190 anti Brexit, 60 pro and 115 neutral.
That is the sort of analysis that is much more difficult to dismiss than individualitems.
Don’t forget the 90 minute Question Time on Brexit tonight. Anyone who can bear to watch it may like to comment on the balance. As Dimblebore is doing it I hope they make sure they show “the moment” he declared we are out, as once pronounced by the BBC that must be it – mustn’t it?
read weep, read top comments and weep some more
I googled that topic and couldn’t find it referenced. Wanted to put it on Fb with a different link.