I’ve just been watching an item on the BBC news about the introduction of the new Pound coin, and several people were interviewed in the street – two Asian men and about half a dozen white women.They really have a thing about white men, don’t they?
To be fair, Lobby, it must be difficult holding down a job when your book of fairy stories require you to headbut the carpet and stick your arse in the air five times a day.
‘headbut the carpet and stick your arse in the air five times a day’
Does anyone remember an item on Not the Nine O’Clock News about the Ayatollah Khomeini? A quick search of YouTube brought nothing. Over a clip of worshippers in a mosque abasing themselves in prayer, the voiceover gag was something like ‘The search goes on for the Ayatollah’s lost contact lens.’
Dunno what part Rowan Atkinson had in it, if any, but he’s long been a vocal defender of comedy’s capacity to provoke and offend. Chances of getting anything remotely like that approved by the BBC’s script editors and comedy producers now?
About 20 years ago a viewer complained, in Radio Times I think, about a sketch by Lee and Herring mocking Christianity. ‘I look forward,’ said the complainant, ‘to seeing a similar sketch about Muslims.’ The reply was something like ‘We may be comedians, but we’re not stupid.’
In a week’s time the BBC will be showing a programme about Marine Le Pen.
Just in case you were thinking ‘Good! About time we had a grown-up look at what has been happening in our nearest neighbouring country, who this woman is and what her political ideas are’ I’m afraid I have to disappoint you. The BBC is billing it as an investigation into the ‘Far Right’ party, who is funding it and how that undermines her efforts to ‘detoxify’ the party.
It’s funny In all my years I don’t think I have ever seen a BBC programme investigating a Left wing party’s finances. Nor, come to that, can I recall one ever being called ‘far’ anything.
Looks like we’re in for another mindless hatchet job from the far Left BBC, doesn’t it?
@GCooper: it won’t be mindless because the BBC considers putting its boot to the face of anyone or anything even marginally white (but especially male and English) and even a bit to the right of centre to be its job these days. As the entitled, censorious shrieking of an increasingly vocal but tiny minority of triggered SJWs, EU Remainers, socialist race-baiters, pro-climate change zealots, etc etc, grows ever more shrill, so the BBC sees its role as Facilitator-in-Chief for their myriad petty grievances.
The BBC views itself first and foremost not as an impartial public broadcaster but as a heavy politicised left wing ‘activist’ group whose moral duty is to virtue signal on behalf of every ‘disadvantaged’ minority whilst barely concealing its utter contempt for the average white, heterosexual English male.
The BBC sees its chartered mandate to ‘impartiality’ as a moveable feast – something it has called ‘due impartiality’ (‘impartiality’ is what the BBC decides it is, in other words). This is a slippery, dishonest and breathtaking sleight-of-hand which, to my knowledge, has gone completely unchallenged by anyone in government to this day.
Now that we live in a time of Brexit and Trump everything the BBC has spent the past thirty years propagating (a borderless Europe, climate change hysteria, multikulti ‘diversity’ and political correctness) is coming under attack. It’s entire ‘progressive’ agenda faces an existential threat from growing numbers of ‘red pilled’ viewers who – thanks to right-of-centre commentators on YouTube and elsewhere online – have been shaken awake from their slumber and can see for themselves the real point of organisations like the BBC and their ‘common purpose’ agenda.
I’m starting to see more and more right-of-centre commentators demanding that we ‘push back’ against the bullying left; that we no longer cave-in to their vicious public shaming tactics; that we actively resist, that we never apologise, that we never let them gain any ground, no moral authority, no fake kudos, ever, for their vile fascist tactics. We fight against ‘no-platforming’, we defend our opinions wholeheartedly, we call them out as the black-shirted, masked (and often armed) bullies and thugs that they are.
I’m starting to see more and more right-of-centre commentators demanding that we ‘push back’ against the bullying left….
The only snag is, OW, they inhabit a press that is dwarfed by the BBC in terms of news and current affairs coverage. What’s worse, Those Who Know what’s Best For Us (i.e. The Left, including the BBC) won’t stop until they have brought about full censorship of every right-of-centre opinion on the internet so the likes of Breitbart, Joseph Watson, Milo and Co. will no longer have any reach, starting with You Tube. Our only hope of any kind of balance could then be a UK equivalent of Fox News, though you know somehow Parliament will prevent that from happening on grounds of Murdoch having too much control of UK media (whilst ignoring the big fat BBC elephant in the room shitting over anything and everything).
I’ve noticed that the only complaints to the BBC that get an actual reply (I’m never correct, of course, but still) are those written in the style of an outraged SJW. If you stick in an accusation of racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc, then the replies take an age. I think they must run around like headless chickens convening meetings and drafting ever more ludicrous internal editorial policies.
Give it a try, it’s great fun!
My recent complaint was a website article that appeared to suggest somebody had ‘decided’ to ‘transition’. Imagine my outrage at such a proposition.
Yeah, just imagine if we had Communist organisations in this country, subverting the democratic process using violence, misinformation and intimidation, yet disguising their true agenda by using names such as ‘Hope Not Hate, or ‘Unite Against Fascism’. Surely the BBC would be all over them, exposing them for what they really are!??
Its de rigueur for large companies (and the NHS), to have photographs of employees in authority, displayed with their title in a prominent place within their building. In the same vein I would love to see the age, sex and gender of those at the BBC who are responsible for the reporting and programming of the left-wing bias. Clearly the Commissioning Editors are given a ‘brief’ by someone higher up the food chain, and someone must be in charge for the ‘around the table’ conference meetings for what we eventually see on the box. As a tax payer I want to put a face to those in my employ !
BBC R4 Today interviewed a Professor of Cyber communications and security…name escapes me and funnily enough she`s not on Todays running order.
Discussion of Whats App and the communication sent out by the (lone) terrorist just before he started mowing down innocent people for a motive “we will probably never know” the conversation soon became a game of pat-a-cake about Russian interference with communications…which is the BIGGEST threat in the world today.
There then followed another discussion the line of which appeared to be that we can have EITHER privacy OR security but not both…the idea that surveillance might be targeted…say as a minimum, against people who had been “of interest” to MI5 whilst leaving the rest of us alone seemed to pass everyone by.
Reading between the lines, targeting surveillance against threats would be “racist” or “discriminatory”, but of course we`re not going to let terrorists change our way of life are we?
If the threat of terrorism had not existed, E, they would have had to have invented it to justify the amount of surveillance, snooping, loss of freedoms, speech, et al , civil liberties, etc., we have lost (and a great deal of people, especially the young will never know just what we have lost) during the last twenty years. All the above are sfa to do with “keeping us safe”, it’s just the governments way of ensuring we don’t get up to anything that they would “disapprove” of.
This is why one particular section of society seem to be to do what the hell they want with impunity but should anyone from (at the, moment) the majority have the temerity to show their displeasure at such biased treatment, out come the night sticks and pepper spray!
I think the excessive surveillance is there as a precursor to outlawing opposing views to the BBC and MSM. Soon they will lock us all up and throw away the key for the crime of having an opinion.
It’s the same sickness that pervades the ruling elite throughout this country including the media and in particular the BBC. – https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/03/uk-muslim-rape-gang-victim-whose-life-was-destroyed-slams-rotherham-authorities
What a state of affairs when you cannot turn to the local authority or police for any assistance. I presume this included the family’s MP.
All this goes to demonstrate conclusively that the muslim population is actively shielded from the law. The reason for their arrogance? What more goes on which is known to local authorities and the police?
I remember about 12 years ago or maybe longer ,the then Labour MP Ann Cryer spoke out about what was going on up North.She wrote an article about it ,published in the mail I think.She specifically wrote about white girls being targeted by Pakinstanis.
Needless to say no one really took it up and she was mercilessly pilloried and called all sorts of names.She was told it couldnt possibly be happening.
She didnt put her head above the parapet again. The whole thing was swept under the carpet and no one has really been brought to justice over it .Some of the perpetrators yes,but state paid workers should also be in prison.
Even today taxpayer funded employees are terrified of rocking the multicultural boat.
Muslim apologist Warsi is on the BBC for the third time in as many days. This time it’s Radio 4 Start the Week. It’s all part of the BBC’s attempt to shore up its narrative following the Westminster attack. Disturbed guy, nothing to do with Islam, we mustn’t offend our Muslim ‘community’ who are mistakenly seen as ‘the enemy within’ etc etc no doubt all fully supported by the Met who have no idea what motivated Masood. Maybe he was using whatsapp to chat to his therapist as his vehicle approached Westminster Bridge.
As I commented here yesterday, it is perfectly clear what motivated Masood. Which particular Muslim terrorist organisation actually planned this operation and controlled him is either unknown or (more likely) being withheld by the government but the plain fact is that it was yet another attack on our society by an Islamic terrorist.
Meanwhile we are being sold a lie by the BBC and the rest of the media in a pathetic attempt to quell our perfectly rational anger. Were the government doing anything effective to ease the situation that might be acceptable. But they are not. Instead they treat the public with contempt.
The politico media establishment is doing a p*ss poor job of coordinating their ‘no more to think about here, moving on’ responses so far.
All we need next is The Met Twitter squad dangling from a BBC helicopter piloted by Paul Mason, oddly on station over a pre-booked ‘gas explosion’ at a solar farm.
Is that the same Baroness Warsi who unconvincingly announced she had moved across from Brexit to Remain, in the last stages of the referendum campaign last June? I think she claimed it was because she had come to realise what nasty, inward looking people the brexiteers were.
Yeah right, love. Pull the other one, its got bells on it.
Ligging it on Marr yesterday too, new book “the enemy within” apt title, she is, she s with the IOC for goodness sake.
Remember Warsi arch purveyor of the “islamofauxbia industry” called on MPs to lead by example and recognise state of Palestine??
… WHY? Its refused its own statehood on at least 10 occasions, she s pushing political Islam for a bloody terrorist entity that wants spineless suckers like No10 to impose it on Israel without safeguards.
Her Barrenness seems to be doing the rounds plugging her book “The Enemy Within”. It’s not an autobiographical exposé of her rôle as a Muslim Mole undermining the British establishment. Presumably, that’s her next best seller.
The title is ironic and refers to her hurt when someone accused her of actually being an “enemy within”.How could such base aspersions cross anyone’s mind?
On Start the Week, the programme layed out its propaganda wares at the outset, so I did not listen any further. The line was “how wrong we have all been about people we have “demonised” as fifth columnists in the past” Catholics, Germans living in Britain during WW1, Irish republicans, British Blackshirts (maybe not), etc, etc.,The analogy between Catholocs in the time of Elizabeth I and Muslim Mischief today is a bit of an own goal. I can’t imagine Walsingham, who personally witnessed the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, jumping for joy if tens of thousands of catholics and their priests were allowed to settle in Britain or “home grown” British catholics who had been fighting for the Pope abroad were allowed to return home without consequence.
No doubt there was more waffle about a Muslim reformation and removing the “nasty bits” from the Koran. No muslim will ever agree to removal or marginalisation of any part of the Koran, precisely because they are the words of god. No muslim will ever condemn anyone performing an act, however repugnant to nonmuslims, sanctioned in the koran as that would be heresy for the same reason. Revealed truth can only be overturned by further revealed truth. Who knows maybe Rev Giles will have a visitation.
I’m guessing that the prog was not arranged in reaction to the terrorist attack since that was on Wednesday and this prog followed 5 days later.
More likely it was already scheduled as part of the BBC’s normal disproportionate favouritism and virtue signalling towards Islam.
No you’re right ..it was not in the schedule before according to Google
and indeed there is an extra Islam show tonight :
The BBC needs to break out of its institutional culture of Brexit negativity. http://brexitcentral.com/bbc-culture-brexit-negativity/
………….Beginning every good news story, of which there have been many since June, with the words “despite Brexit” and every bad news story with “following Brexit”, doesn’t sound like unbiased reporting, let alone talking up………
Anger over NUS statement on Westminster terror outrage that fails to mention the murdered PC and instead focuses on Muslims ‘who will be especially fearful of racism’
The president of the National Union of Students has caused fury among many after laying out her concerns on Islamophobia in the UK without mentioning the policeman who was murdered in the Westminster attack, in a statement on Wednesday’s bloodshed.
In a press release on Friday Malia Bouattia, who was elected as the NUS leader in 2016, paid a brief tribute to the four victims of the terror raid at the beginning of the statement.
However she used the bulk of the letter to urge students to ‘be aware of the concerns of Muslim, migrant and racialised students in the days and weeks ahead.’
The children in charge of the nursery proving once again what fools they are with outrageous comment.
Odd how the Fascist left want a law to prevent people causing outrage, but it did not extend to anyone outside their narrow predefined group.
I m not surprised Bouattia vetoed a motion condemning the terrorist acts of ISIS as she considered it “Islamophobic”. After some jiggery pokery, she later supported a second motion condeming both the atrocities committed by ISIS and Islamophobia?.
Shariamour! one s a committing rape, mass murder and terror … and one s an invented vehicle to silence anyone talking about them doing it.
Malia Bouttia NUS has in the past described the University of Birmingham as a “Zionist outpost” Ms Bouattia’s campaigns have included “Why Is My Curriculum White? and she has opposed the government’s Prevent counter-extremism strategy.
Ms Bouattia is the NUS’s first “black” female Muslim president. She was born in Algeria and came to the UK at age seven.”
So … Muslim Arabs from Algeria are black now? Emperor wears no clothes? Have you seen her picture? This seemingly dubious racial identification appears to be an attempt to buttress this black lives matter nonsense.
oh, and while she s so keen on getting down with the kids … she s 28
… More dangerous university subversion, allowing an adherent to a blatantly racist ideology into an advantageous position.
Here she is with Ch4 s pale and pasty news interviewer
Loathsome Cathy Newman gives loathsome Nadia an easy ride and plenty of airtime for pro-islamic anti-Jewish propaganda.
Marriage made in hell.
Another step in our islamification.
And she’s the NUS President? God help us.
She identifies as black because she sees whites as devils and fair game for extinction.
Honestly, if she went for a job in the Black & White Minstrels, into which tribe would she be allocated?
We all know what the BBC does – denigrate Britain and the British, promote failed and and violent ideologies like Islam, support all forms of balkanising identity politics, attack anything that might seem to have ‘values’.
As Evan Sayet would say, they support everything that is wrong, failed and bad, and put down everything that is right, successful and good. The question is: Why? These are not conventionally stupid people; most of them have some sort of degree, and can argue a case quite cogently.
I wonder if there’s a clue in what TS Eliot once wrote:
“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm — but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.”
In other words, they have no interest in doing good, only in feeling good. How did the West become so emotionally stunted?
R4 now a big push back on the Islamaphobia meme from Roger Scruton and Paul Collier
– ‘We need to speak about the problematic aggressive verses of the Koran’
– ‘The Muslims should not be moaning about the Prevent Strategy; they should have started it in the first place’
Prog actually opened with Baroness Warsi
– economist Paul Collier in his latest book he focuses on the Syrian refugee crisis and argues for the establishment of special economic zones where displaced Syrians could work. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08k19m6
Her word twisting, on Islam is sadly par for the course .
… all Al BBC muslim “go to guys” keep pushing this delusion
… pneumatically pumped at every level on the BBC and No10 (like being in the madrassa)
Mein Quranf in all of its most problematic areas is clear.
Warsi, stop lying about it.
A few good points by Scruton and Collier but they’re so eager not to cause ‘offensive’ to ghastly Warsi and the ever highly-offendable muslims that they qualify and dilute all their statements into anodyne platitudes.
We will NEVER know what the motives of Khalid Masood were . And of course everybody knows because the BBC is always telling us that Islam is the religion of peace. Because of demographics
the UK will be part of a greater Caliphate in by the most four generations. It is as sure as night follows day. 4 times 4 times 5 times 4= 320. Then for indigenous Brits 1 times 2 times 1 times 2 = 4. It is as simple as that.
I expect that one of Sadik Khan’s grandsons will be prime minister. Of course none of us will be here. It would be “interesting” the hear the BBC starting their programmes with the
Adhan. But I expect that it wont take four generations for that to happen.
No , what I really would like the BBC to do is really prepare our descendants for this.
Yes I know we already have the Londononistan programme twice a day, and Asad Ahmed and his Asian team do a splendid job showing us what the Muslim population of the South East are doing. It’s just a shame that you don’t have this type of programme in the rest of the country.
What I want to see is an evening programme five times a week , say between 8 PM and 10Pm
where presenters such as Asad Ahmed and Nadiya Hussain or in fact any of the plethora of Ahmeds and Hussains on the BBC books,to teach us to understand Islam. WE could have explanations from the Koran on what the best ways to “treat” infidels in a peaceful way.
I reiterate we will NEVER know why Khalid Masood acted the way he did. But I reckon in around four generations there will be a statue of him on Westminster Bridge.
Awful defeatism Foscari, our civilisation doesn’t have to end in the way you suggest, and I think it won`t.
It`s difficult to speak openly about what needs to be done due to the plethora of laws and the supporting media that re-label free speech as “hate speech”, “racism”, “prejudice”, “far right extremism” etc. etc.
But the mood is changing, people around Europe and the world are now voting for parties and individuals who are prepared to state that there is a problem with unlimited Islamic migration flows into the West.
The days will come when legislators will have to create a legislative environment that is unfavourable to the Islamisation of Western societies, if they don`t, then we can expect real extra-parliamentary resistance to emerge.
I think those days may be closer than many of us realise.
Monday morning and LBC’s usually fair-minded Nick Ferrari asks what should we call the Westminster killer – his birth name or his chosen muslim name?
Cue loads of calls from muslims saying he did not represent their peaceful religion but he chose to be a muslim so he “was” a muslim.
Ferrari, however, is adamant that he was not really a muslim because he only used his muslim name for a few years before he died. Talk about bending over backwards to change the narrative.
Pity Ferrari doesn’t use his show to highlight more news about the poor innocent victims of this filth – the only name I can think of as a description.
LBC, possibly reflecting a changing listener demographic, is getting almost unlisten-able.
I used to have it on throughout the day as I am in a workshop but I now have to turn it off at ten when James O’Bigot (who, since Brexit, seems unhinged) comes on followed by BBC-clone Fogerty spouting feminism and anti-Trump bile behind her pleasant veneer.
They now have Nigel Farage for an hour a few days a week and a couple of hours of Katie Hopkins on Sunday so they can say they are “balanced” but that nowhere near makes up for the massive 24-hour left-liberal stance of their Global news bulletins and presenter bias.
I’m fast becoming an ex listener (apart from Nigel and Katie).
According to the DE article on today’s BBC bias, the Brexit question time special tonight has an unbiased panel of one brexiter and three remainers.
That’s about par for the course with the unbiased BBC, 3:1
As Guido points out the Rudd attack on Whatsappp is irrelevant to the Masood case. They weren’t monitoring him in realtime. Meanwhile if the police retrospectively want to know who Masood was in contact with immediately prior to the murders they now have his phone. One end of the end to end encryption is in their hands. The real issue is will the authorities tell us who he was in contact with? After all it may upset their lone wolf, disturbed man, motivation unknown narrative.
Marr’s interview with Rudd was the blind leading the blind technologically.
This is a complete distraction imho… if the police REALLY want to find out what the contact was, surely they can identify who the connected number belonged to from the phone company, poodle along to the person’s house and arrest him/ her? Have a look at their phone whilst they’re at it?
How many anti-terrorism laws have been appropriated by other government agencies for purposes that weren’t intended?
The No10/MSM/political elite as close as close could be.
The Media Reform Coalition published a report in 2015 entitled:
“Who owns the UK media?” And
… researchers found that just three corporations own 71% of national newspaper circulation. These owners decide who to hire, what stories to cover, and ultimately shape the public opinion of the country.
The head of the BBC (our nation’s supposedly impartial public broadcaster) is the former HSBC bank chief Rona Fairhead. And her Head of News and Politics is former Murdoch hack, James Harding.
Little surprise then, that numerous independent studies have found the BBC guilty of bias towards business and conservative sources.
That is despite its knicker waving veneer, its hostile to factual genuine guests that incisively question government policy, that could benefit the majority of our nations people.
Our public service broadcaster consistently avoids factually scrutinising Tory policy, so called reforms and instead simply regurgitates government spin, peddles myths, and creates moronic headlines … and even presents pro-privatisation think tanks as if they were independent
The BBC is getting virtually joined at the hip to any current UK government via ‘follow the money’ and any governance ‘arrangement’ that has only ever included the perceived “great & good”, ‘captains of industry’ and banking, the political elite etc. etc. not Fred Sue, Tracy and Kevin who have to risk prison for bloody unpaid TV licences and only sometimes watch it.
Obscene salaries for the so called ‘talent’, waste such as the Digital Media Initiative, “golden” handshakes, eye watering redundancy pay.
They are all well looked after indeed, they are all in the neoliberal elite nest together, don t pretend otherwise.
Nigel farage and mad al campbell on itv this morning. The amount of venom coming off campbell and susannah trying to back him up. The beeb are waiting for you luv just say the word.
Campbell, noun, def. a turd that will not flush.
example “Oh look, someone has left a Campbell down the toilet, the dirty barsteward!
synonoms, Blair, Farron, Clegg, Cameron, Corbyn, etc., etc.
He looked like he was spoiling for a fight even before the interview started. Who would believe a word Campbell says anyway? Not as if his integrity is still intact is it?
Even a moron like Campbell would not be stupid enough to have hit Nigel on camera and , I suspect that like most bullies, Campbell is a coward. A totally worthless piece of garbage. But , what do you expect from that clan ? Woops, sorry to bring clannism into it ( could be the next hate crime ). Proud to be a Robertson !!!!
Indeed he is…but I also thought he did not look well, actually. That’s not meant as an excuse or an apology for him…just what I thought since I’d last seen him on screen.
Mr Farage comes across much better in that interview – he manages to at least retain a semblance of good humour, unlike Campbell who just comes across as a nasty, arrogant bully.Just look at the contempt on his face when he hears Farage talk about national pride. I suspect what people like Campbell are afraid of is not leaving the EU, but their loss of political influence to people like Farage, who they probably view as some sort of ‘petit caporal’ who should know his place and bow before the might of the Globalists.
Goodness me, that AC creature must be one of the most odious, corrupt, bullying, mendacious, disgusting, loathsome creatures on the planet. How did a lizard such as he get into a position of power (not now)…….I truly believe that he and bliar should be in jail.
Well done Nigel for not punching the twat in the face.
AC and TB should be thrown out of this country and live somewhere in the EU,along with all those who don’t want brexit. When the money starts rolling in they will be the first to cream it off, and say I’m alright jack. Just keep saying the Iraq war and the lies to AC and TB,they don’t like it up ’em.
Campbell is the puffed up commuter desperately trying to catch the last gravy train up to Brussels, but Farage is the guard at the gate who won’t let him in because the train’s already pulling away!
BBC – Thousands take to streets in anti-Brexit London march. People joined an anti-Brexit march to call for Britain to remain in the European
– Cheerleader? BBC? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-39392584
– If you caught any of Al BBC breakfast, you only need the chime of doom
Mind you, dragging it all out covers up a veritable catalogue of Tory incompetence, how very convenient, everything is manipulation
We need a Westminster clear out, “drain the swamp”
Excellent proof that the political activist leftoids are actually suffering from an illness. That “man”? speaking at about 4:00 “I want MORE immigrants not less. Brits not loving it should get out” (That’s what it sounded like to me)
More immigrants? Brits should leave. Is he Tony Blair in disguise?
Amoral, sick, warped & ruthlessly subversive. These people should be deported to a desert somewhere & left to get on with it.
Demos in London after the Westminster attack should have been about demanding that our government DO something about Islamic terror in Britain, nothing else.
Exiting the EU was decided 9 month ago.
They really are an intolerant lot though, but even though he was well outnumbered none of them had the bottle to really take on Robinson. That bloke who said he might get angry…Ooh I could crush a grape.
Robinson should have asked a few of them what they think of the Common agricultural policy, or the £928 million over seven years, wasted, moving the EU to Strasbourg for 4 days each Month.
The feeble incoherent responses to Tommy’s questions prove to me that EUphilia is a religion. You need faith to believe in it.
Reminds me of a time at university when I shared a house with two Catholics. It was impossible for them to see past their faith when discussing anything to do with religion. Utterly irrational.
I am glad that Tommy is with the Rebel Media – there is less chance that the UK Government will be able to facilitate his murder while he is working as a journo. His street confrontations are getting better, and he is having more influence.
Have to laugh at the left – they still think that labeling people is a form of argument.
Shame that brave men like Andrew Neil could not give him an honest interview.
After @AFNeil’s disgraceful treatment of Tommy in that infamous excuse for an interview, Brillopad came in for a savaging on twitter.
His twitter defence was that he would give an identical interview to an islamist.
Hmmm….brave talk eh?
We are, by the way, still waiting for that interview.
Talk is cheap eh?
I don’t think there are any brave men or women at the BBC. Rather than risk muslim violence they refused to show cartoons that were at the heart of a news story.
Geert Wilders, however is a brave man.
In the interests of “fairness” the German BBCs did briefly mention Wilders before and after the recent Dutch elections. After Wilders party came second, a German reporter asked a Wilders opponent if Wilders would now leave Dutch politics. The reply was that he couldn’t leave Dutch politics. A puzzled reporter asked what he meant. He can’t leave Dutch poltics. If he does he’ll lose his bodyguard. Then he’ll be dead.
More importantly why was Keir Starmer ever DPP? Someone who is so keen to be a law-maker should never have been a law prosecutor, especially when that prosecutor gets to choose which cases go to trial. There is no ‘equality under law’ when some crimes get the ‘blind eye’ and others are put under the spotlight and ‘performance indicators’ are monitored.
Daily politics today, some snp whinging on about leaving the union again.
If we are being asked for around £50 billion to leave the eu, how much will Scotland have to pay to leave our union?
How much will Scotland have to pay into the eu if they ever get in?
How much will we save by not having to send all this money to Scotland because of the Barnett formula.?
All questions I would have liked to have heard asked.
I rather think the SNP are assuming that Scotland would be a recipient of the EU’s largesse if it joined as an independent country. They’re going to be sorely disappointed if independence comes to pass, going from recipient of UK funds to having to pay into the EU.
On the Daily Politics Joke O’Burn again failed to correct a nonsensical SNP claim that a ghost Scottish state would remain in the EU if the UK left. Scotland is no more a member of the EU, legally speaking, than I am. If the UK left the UN there would be no spook Scottish state left behind if this had been done “against the wishes of the Scottish people”.
I suppose Scots think they are also travelling on a supernatural Scottish passport, visible only to them, when they leave Sporranland.
He explains in his first few sentences the core thinking of multiculturalism – put the conservative community leaders in charge, run your own communities, and they work for you. Meanwhile the state funds and protects the traditional customs.
Over thirty year ago I published research showing how this was the policy of the Colonial Office during the interwar years. It was known as the ‘Woad Policy’ – back the conservative tribal leaders, feather their nests and they will rule the natives for us maintaining their traditional cultures.
Key tips on How Not to Blame Islam for the Jihad in London, offering a simple and easy-to-understand how-to video for leftists on how and why to maintain Jihad-Denial. Vid by Jamie Glazov.
[Beebistan ticks all his boxes. “Asian”: tick. Poverty: tick. Mental illness: tick. Racism: tick. Islamophobia: tick. Well done beebistan, you have learnt your lessons well. Your reward will be an eternity of dhimmitude in muslim heaven, pleasuring the faithful. Enjoy.]
On The World at One on Radio 4 we are given a preview of tonight’s Panorama about the Westminster attacker. They have done some in-depth investigative journalism by speaking to someone from his home town he once spoke to about feeling he was in the wrong skin. That’s right – he has been a victim of racism! All this based on what he might have said to someone in a pub one time.
Who does not feel like they are in the wrong skin half the time? You don’t like your job; you miss your friends; you wish you had married someone and you didn’t. That is the nature of life. You just have to get on with it and do your best. If you feel bad, maybe it is because of how you behave. Become a more effective person and you might feel better. It is not always someone else’s fault. And even if it is someone else’s fault, violence is never an appropriate response: mass-murder certainly is not.
“He was a lone wolf. He moved around a lot – we know he lived in Luton, Birmingham and East London – but he acted alone.”
Hmmmmmmm – what might all those locations have in common?
It sounds like an episode of Brass Eye. We will have to watch tonight for the comedy value.
Also apparently the family of the American who was killed have no bad feelings towards the killer. They are idiots. If someone killed my dad like that I would hate them. And I would hate the wooly-minded liberals who had aided and abetted him by allowing poisonous narratives and ideologies to go unchallenged.
The BBC must think the viewers are stupid. Women wearing hijabs hold hands on Westminster bridge to honour victims.
Says al beeb
‘The event was organised by Women’s March On London group which took part in an international campaign to highlight women’s rights on the first full day of Donald Trump’s US presidency.
Another woman who was there, Sarah Waseem, said the Islam faith “totally condemns violence of any sort”.
She said: “When an attack happens in London, it is an attack on me. It is an attack on all of us.
“This is abhorrent to us.”
So there you have it – anti Trumpers, wearing hijabs, exonerate Islam.
Lenin once spoke of ‘useful idiots’. I prefer to call these Islam supporting women ‘useful eggs’.
The original Metro article has more info
“Many of those present were Muslim, wearing blue as a symbol of hope and peace.”
(ie highlighting the fact the photos are misleading as they focus on a group of 10 Muslim women, when the group was probably not mostly Muslim)
A woman rape victim now campaigning against rape. Right up the beebistan’s street, you would have thought. But hang on, wrong sort of rape by wrong sort of people, and wrong sort of campaign. Ignore! Bury! Quick!
Rotherham grooming victim Sammy Woodhouse has said she was “betrayed” by authorities in the town, who failed to act on the violent child rapist for fear of “being perceived as racist”.
Now campaigning for other victims of sexual abuse, she said she was “just one of dozens of girls… exploited and viewed as white trash” in Rotherham by Arshid Hussain, a drug dealer ten years her senior from a notorious family of criminals.
Over the last few days the BBC have been suggesting (or pushing the idea) that a real Muslim cannot be a criminal or a bad person therefore the above criminals cannot be Muslim by definition.
It’s a classic example of the “no true Scotsman” fallacy.
Christianity has no responsibity for mass murders during the Crusades, because no true christian would commit murder. If murders were committed it was by madmen calling themselves christian.
Many readers will be only two well aware of the two tier justice system operating in our country where Muslim criminals are given far lighter sentences than any other group/
Check out this story from the Manchester evening News, and make sure there’s something soft on the floor when your jaw hits it!
Not sure whether to thank you for that link. I am comforted by the comments which were 99.9% horrified by that story.
Again, I like to compare to Adam Johnson, another sportsman, who kissed/groped a nearly sixteen year old…6 year sentence, no repeal.
Cricketer admits to trying to kill wife, beats and abuses her…suspended sentence.
Never mind, I’m sure the anti-domestic abuse associations will be onto it…oh, wait a minute, Islam trumps female issues..
Beeby news this morning, I noticed a lack of reporting on the Wirral “gas” explosion. They covered it. Eventually. After a story about “sexism” in which 2 girls were denied to board a plane because of their leggings. I’m sure I remember a time when an explosion that took out half of the Wirral on a Saturday night would have been a lead story, maybe for a few days. I suppose a few dead/injured Scousers are insignificant now. As long as no Korans were damaged.
Just in case you were thinking there has been a bit of a lull in islamic terror recently, there were 122 islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 902 people were killed and 1053 injured in the last 30 days. 30 DAYS!
More than 150 people have complained to TV watchdog Ofcom about the Comic Relief telethon.
Most took issue with the content of Friday’s show. Ofcom is now considering whether to launch an investigation.
Language used before the watershed by Steve Coogan, a game of Innuendo Bingo and a sketch by Reeves and Mortimer have come in for particular criticism.
Press reviews described the show as being “dreadful and unfunny” – with the Love Actually special accused of having “lousy jokes” and “texted-in performances”.
Ofcom said: “We have received 151 complaints about Comic Relief 2017 on the BBC. We will assess these complaints before deciding whether or not to investigate.”
The BBC declined to say how many people had complained directly to the corporation.
Why am I not surprised the BBCs idea of comedy is described as “dreadful & Unfunny”? Especially when the only idea appears to be 30 minutes hate against someone like Donald Trump which the self selecting leftie audience giggles in an embarrassed way at?
And if the BBC is prepared to admit that it has been so badly reviewed why aren’t they asking themselves why that was? Why are they trying to cover up the number of complaints? They would only do that if there had been an embarrassing number of them.
I made the mistake of watching a few minutes of the highlight show yesterday afternoon. Let’s just say it was the BBC’s self-selected Professional Luvvies furiously virtue signalling all the way…
Absolutely abysmal. Unfunny and embarrassing. Comic Relief really needs to be put out of our misery.
I was at a friends house on friday and had to endure the crapfest that was comic relief. comic relief on friday night was a complete disaster from start to finish with has been hampstead champagne socialist luvvies and right on political activist/comedians smugly making idiots of themselves all at our exspense. Trades descriptions should be called in and comic removed from the title. It was just one long luvvie smugfest with the commander in chief Lenny Henry. The biggest laugh for me was when graham norton trooped on. I was expecting big named stars to be interviewed but alas no we just got him interviewing all the twats that were all there in the studio doing the unfunny routines. The highlight for me was when mr comic relief with a god complex lenny henry lost it with the audience who were at the bar bored out of their skulls probably. He got up and started shouting and walking towards the bar but was pulled back. Maybe they were taking attention away from his ‘performance’. it was just pathetic. With all the hullabaloo about luv actually it was a complete waste of time. I suppose they had to get good old richard ‘climate change’ curtis some airtime so that we dont forget about him.
There was no comic and it was a relief to see it end. Lots of people are waking up to the shite that the beeb are forcing on them which is the only good thing to come out of friday.
I only saw the Graham Norton segment at some point after 11pm and didn’t realise there was an audience. I did wonder but concluded there wasn’t one. He seemed to be dying on his arse.
My somewhat astute son suggested there were simply too many people on the sofa, and that none of them are funny anyway
Classic example of BBC bias on DP today. Jo Coburn presented a discussion on the theory presented by a David Goodhart of society being divided into two groups he terms Anywheres and Somewheres, the latter outnumbering the former by about 3 to 1. Anywheres are basically Globalists and Somewheres are more comfortable in a nation state. Anyway during the discussion Coburn said that Goodhart seemed to think that the ‘passage of progress ‘ should be slowed so that Somewheres could catch up. Typical BBC arrogance. Goodhart slapped her down immediately saying her view of progress was very narrow. Goodhart’s theory clearly upsets Coburn and the BBC because it so succinctly shows that the BBC with their relentless anti Brexit pro Globalisation agenda are supporting the elite against the majority of Brits.
I posted about this last week and it’s clear that he is now invited on the BBC because his book was book of the week for the Guardian !
He has been largely ostracised by the Fascist Left for his views on immigration and ‘diversity’. No doubt the BBC decided they were also going to give him a hard time too.
So you are saying that Muslims have the right idea. Women should be suppressed, subordinate and have to stay confined to the home with no aspirations. Funny that, because isn’t this one of the arguments that their values are inconsistent with those of western cultures?
I believe that rights won by women in the west are one of its proudest achievements. However, young women today who call themselves feminists are not so at all. When I saw that the non-Muslim guest female representative of the NSU at the LSE annual Muslim student dinner was content to sit hidden behind a screen with the other women while the men sat unscreened, I was appalled. She justified it by saying that other cultures have to be respected. If you think this, you are not a feminist, you are an apologist with absolutely no guts.
As for the Weldon woman, who would have thought a fiction writer would lack the imagination to imagine the plight of a widow trying to raise a family on the proceeds of “pin money”. At 85, she also probably hasn’t heard the facts about the effects of globalization on the heavy industry that used to employ men and the jobs upheaval this has caused. Nor has she heard about incoming migrants driving wages down. In any case I believe the UK lags well behind many other western countries in equal pay for equal work so Weldon is living within one of her works of fiction.
Author Fay Wheldon says #Feminism is BAD for two-thirds of women & helped drive DOWN men’s wages
“Welcome attention”
Is now called sexual harassment
Men’s wages are no longer enough to support a family… forces women to work instead of caring for own children.
Very true. Feminism is a poisonous ideology which has taught women they are victims and that men are to blame for everything. Which is probably why 93% of British women reject it.
This piece doesn’t go far enough, in my opinion. It still makes the distinction between religion and extremism in an abstract sort of way, as if we could be talking about Buddhism. We are not, we are talking about islam and there is no distinction between islam and extremism, islam is a very extreme ideology in the same way as the Khmer Rouge were extreme. There is no moderate way of saying you should remove a head from the shoulders of the kafir. And yet, there the commandment is, hiding in plain sight, verse 8/12
Your Lord inspired the angels saying, “I am with you. Encourage the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers and you will strike their heads and limbs”
What is moderate about that?
The article goes onto say that islam is being reformed from within, and in truth some are attempting to reform islam from within. But I think they will be doomed to failure. You see, islam is different to every other religion because it claims to be the literal word of god, and not only god’s literal word but god’s last word too. This makes reform improbable, because you would have to persuade some very pious people that god didn’t actually mean that bit, he mis-spoke, he got that bit wrong. This makes god fallible, which is a tough theological nut to crack.
“The family of an American tourist who was killed in the Westminster terror attack that left his wife badly injured have said they bear no ill will over the incident.”
This is the line that BBC have been spouting off all day and appear tho be gloating over this fact.
However they conveniently omit this part of the family statement.
Speaking at Scotland Yard, just a few hundred yards from the devastating attack, Mrs Cochran’s sister-in-law, Shantell Payne, said it was “awful, horrible, (and) gut-wrenching” that the attack was carried out in the name of religion.
Why the epiphany eh?
There are those among the youth, and within my own family, those with fancy degrees, high-flying jobs, who regard my attitudes, policies, thoughts, as so far right they are off the scale of decency.
These are people who obviously swallow the bullshit fed to them by the MSM and the bbc in particular.
My own granddaughter had to unfriend me on facebook as she couldnt handle or disprove what I posted, and I’m guessing was ashamed for her contemporaries to see that stuff appearing on her wall.
I used to worry about the future of those like her, until I read that blog above.
Suddenly, the scales fell from my eyes, and I see the situation in a different light.
If those people of the ‘left’ as he puts it in the blog, wish to continue selling out their cosy world, something their ancestors fought and died for, why the actual fuck should I care one jot.
At my age I’ll most likely be brown bread before the filth infesting our country have a direct effect on me.
So…bollocks to them all…let the idiots commit hari kiri if they want,….Me?…need to chill more and never worry again.
There is something to be said for the “don’t give a damn” mentality. But then again there is much to be said for religion, heavy drinking, narcotics and lobotomies.
Have heart brother … steel yourself how does the saying go
“keep your head, while all around you are losing theirs”
did I just double entendre 😀
… Ill get me coat!
D_C, It was me who posted the link. I can’t say I’m as completely cynical as Captain Capitalism, but the tides of Idiocracy do seem beyond our abilities to hold back. Perhaps Trump in America will make some difference, we will see.
But in the UK, in Europe- well it doesn’t bode well when a senior copper baldly says ‘No idea why he done it, but go back to your homes, nothing to see..’
It’s like they are taunting us, saying look we can say any old rubbish we like and we’ll arrest you if you don’t agree.
Even if you could drain the swamp it would take something akin to a 20 year de-nazification program to remove the Left’s pernicious influence throughout society.
We can live in hope for the youth to wake up eventually but I’m not putting any money on them!.
Many thanks……I will continue posting to a ( mainly, not entirely, unconcerned ) facebook audience, but wont feel bothered when most ignore it.
Much of what I share on there are pearls of wisdom from here.
And yes….the youth are doomed.
“why should I or anybody else with self-respect and a life to tend to, give a flying fuck about this or the scores of attacks that are going to happen in the future? … Nothing is going to be done about it.
The people who are attacked don’t care and even think they deserve it. Nobody has the courage to speak up about limiting immigration to cultures that don’t have irreconcilable differences. And the people getting attacked are unconsciously the ones who brought it upon themselves.
A culture without self-respect will not survive. Not in as much that it doesn’t “deserve” it, but the reality is that other cultures with self-respect are superior to it and will overtake and conquer it. Ergo, bar being armed to the hilt to protect my loved ones and myself, I just cannot muster up the care for the self-inflicted problems of self-loathing others”
‘it would take something akin to a 20 year de-nazification program to remove the Left’s pernicious influence throughout society.’
The Nazi party were in power for only 12 years. Granted their social influence probably began in the mid 1920s, but that is still only 20 years of influence.
The left began its ‘long march through the institutions’ in earnest almost fifty years ago, but had a hold long before that, from the time of the Russian revolution at least, and in many ways as far back as the French revolution.
It’s going to take an awful long time to undo over 200 years’ worth of propaganda! That said, economic marxism collapsed pretty quickly around 1990 when it became clear it wasn’t working.Cultural marxism in the west may experience a similar collapse when it becomes unsustainable in the face of new geo-political/social realities.
Both Fascism and Euthanasia were seen as ‘progressive’ at the time, and very much from the Socialist wing of politics, and was allowed nay promoted because of the very real threat of the Communists taking over Germany.
Expediency is what far too many politicians do when faced with a difficult choice they pick what they consider the lesser of two evils hoping for a failure which happens off their watch, for someone else to deal with.
Imagine though if Communism had taken over Germany in the 1930s ? What might have happened to Europe then?
Tempting as it is to give up hope of change, if it were really impossible to turn the ship around, in the first instance we would be writing our comments in German and in the second, we would not be about to leave the EU (offering a hostage to fortune there, I admit).
Personally, I am of the ‘we will never surrender’ mentality.
I share your mentality. You have cheered me up I was beginning to think I was the last man standing with that attitude. There has been a lot of doom mongering and defeatism on this blog recently. Much as I enjoyed Captain Capitalism’s article I didn’t take it as a serious guide for future behaviour.
D_C – That is a good article and deserves to be widely shared. I’m not sure that I agree with him 100% as I think that there is still (some) remaining strength in the West, but thanks for linking it on here.
The main thing I took from it was that those taking most of the consequences are beyond help and victims of their own stupidity.
Yes, I know it’s a gross generalisation, but it gives me food for thought, and a whole new approach when discussing with said people.
Thanks whoever posted that link about the women holding hands on Westminster Bridge. I have not laughed so much in a long time. They say the glory days of BBC comedy are gone, but look to their news coverage and you are guaranteed to laugh out loud.
Doesn’t the site of women of all faiths and races holding hands in solidarity really get your spirits soar? You can almost sense Churchill rising from his grave to stand there with them. Some even wore blue head scarves to symbolise hope! It makes the hairs on the back of your neck tingle. We hall never surrender! We will even wear a hopeful colour – don’t mess with us!
We are told of all the Muslim women saying how abhorrent the attack was to them. Methinks the lady doth protest too much; you should not need to keep saying that. The more you say it the more one doubts it. If I kept telling my wife over and over how I do not fancy the hot intern at work, she would only doubt me more.
One of the Muslim women is a women’s rights activist! Awful luck being a women’s rights activist born into that faith. It is like a paraplegic wanting to be a star footballer. Girls love having fun with their hair – how can you make them cover it up? Most must hate it.
The article then talks of ‘silent resistance’, a lovely bit of doublespeak from the Ministry of Truth. How can you resist something if you say and do nothing?
The article finishes with stirring quotations from snowflake morons saying how only love can defeat hate, and unity will defeat the darkness. I can’t believe this is not a spoof article.
When did hate become such a dirty word? I hate it when people do not arrive on time. I hate people who use the logic of power rather than the power of logic. I hate a lot of things, and all with good reason. You have to have standards and high expectations of people or you never achieve anything.
Apparently this event sent out a strong message at a hard time. The message is that we are in an abject mess.
…..”Girls love having fun with their hair – how can you make them cover it up?”…..
I spoke to a male (and very good) hairdresser in N.London, and he told me that when a Hijab lady wants her hair attending to, she is taken into a private room out of sight of other customers. He laughably was told on one occasion not to look at the lady’s face while he was dressing her hair – he told her to go elsewhere, as it was impossible to do his job properly if he didn’t look at her !
These are incidents that never get reported, and how many thousands more do we not hear about that has to kow tow to this insidious religion.
Comment piece in the Times that dares to begin to tackle some of the issues of islamic terrorism – “Stand up for our right to criticise islam” – by Matt Ridley.
Facebook are keeping it quiet but they’ve agreed to remove any posts considered blasphemous in Pakistan. Amazing what Facebook can do when it puts it’s mind to it!
And Trump has presented Merkel with a $374 billion NATO bill – too funny!
Taffman, this paragraph in the article caught my eye:
I asked him (the Qatari official) whether the UK economy outside the EU was likely to be stronger or weaker.
“It is a lot to do with the policy the UK will take, but I think, knowing the UK market, I am very confident they will have a good future,” Mr Al Emadi answered, saying that it was important that Britain was welcoming to high skilled foreign workers and students from Qatar and elsewhere. End quote.
Mustn’t stop those ‘highly skilled’ immigrants, must we?
I agree wholeheartedly taffman. A bBBC stitch up, aided and abetted by Dumbledore. I’ve had to stop watching to save my tv set from destruction.
David Davis not convincing unfortunately, ‘Losers’ Clegg and Salmond resurrecting project fear, Labour shadow Brexit guy has no faith in the UK to make a success of Brexit. Lady from the Times excellent, UKIP’er not allowed to respond by Dumbledore to gross mis-representation of UKIP position by Salmond. Rigged audience…..panel not balanced either, but we are not surprised are we.
QT Now
‘Smoked’ Salmon wants all our immigrants – let him and the Scotland have em.
See how many of my Scots friends will like that ?
If they don’t like the English, I am pretty sure they wont be happy with the any immigrants .
Why is there an obsession with guaranteeing the rights of EU nationals without reciprocal guarantees for UK citizens in the EU? We can’t even deport illegal immigrant criminals and hate preachers, what chance of deporting a surgeon, nurse, or care-worker already working here….and seriously, we wouldn’t want to deport anyone already here IF THEY CONTRIBUTE and we need those skills.
From personal experience, I know there was no problem working
in Germany before UK EU membership. There were obviously lots of ex-service men from UK and the USA who married Germans after the war and remained permanently without any fuss.
You have the paradoxical situation of EU nationals threatening to deport themselves because they feel their situation is uncertain. This is the same kind of moral suasion as someone threatening “Give me £ 1,000 or I’ll blow my brains out”
The “bargaining chip” mantra is parrotted so often, you can’t help thinking no independent mental effort is involved.
Sayeeda Warsi is ubiquitous on the BBC at the moment. She was criticised when in cabinet for constantly making copious notes which many suspected were nothing to do with her ministerial brief but were likely to be for book she planned to publish about her time in the cabinet.
Lo and behold she has indeed written a book which she is plugging all over the BBC. She gleefully plays the victim, saying in cabinet someone once referred to her as ‘the enemy within.’ Well it is fucking rude when you are in an important meeting and you are clearly not focussed on the job like everyone else and instead making copious notes on what everyone is saying and doing. Cabinet is supposed to be confidential. And obviously she is not going to be noting down anything positive – it will be something negative and controversial which she can use to sell her book, which is of course exactly what happened.
But obviously as a Muslim woman she is incapable of any wrong according to the BBC.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
I’ve just been watching an item on the BBC news about the introduction of the new Pound coin, and several people were interviewed in the street – two Asian men and about half a dozen white women.They really have a thing about white men, don’t they?
All the white men were probably at work, Lobby.
Toobi – I hadn’t thought of that! I wonder why the two Asian men aren’t also at work doing the jobs that we lazy Brits won’t do?
To be fair, Lobby, it must be difficult holding down a job when your book of fairy stories require you to headbut the carpet and stick your arse in the air five times a day.
Toobi, – an apt description that cant be bettered !!! I’m still chuckling.
Best way to start a Monday, Briss. 🙂
‘headbut the carpet and stick your arse in the air five times a day’
Does anyone remember an item on Not the Nine O’Clock News about the Ayatollah Khomeini? A quick search of YouTube brought nothing. Over a clip of worshippers in a mosque abasing themselves in prayer, the voiceover gag was something like ‘The search goes on for the Ayatollah’s lost contact lens.’
Dunno what part Rowan Atkinson had in it, if any, but he’s long been a vocal defender of comedy’s capacity to provoke and offend. Chances of getting anything remotely like that approved by the BBC’s script editors and comedy producers now?
“Chances of getting anything remotely like that approved by the BBC’s script editors and comedy producers now?”
Less than zero I would think.
About 20 years ago a viewer complained, in Radio Times I think, about a sketch by Lee and Herring mocking Christianity. ‘I look forward,’ said the complainant, ‘to seeing a similar sketch about Muslims.’ The reply was something like ‘We may be comedians, but we’re not stupid.’
In a week’s time the BBC will be showing a programme about Marine Le Pen.
Just in case you were thinking ‘Good! About time we had a grown-up look at what has been happening in our nearest neighbouring country, who this woman is and what her political ideas are’ I’m afraid I have to disappoint you. The BBC is billing it as an investigation into the ‘Far Right’ party, who is funding it and how that undermines her efforts to ‘detoxify’ the party.
It’s funny In all my years I don’t think I have ever seen a BBC programme investigating a Left wing party’s finances. Nor, come to that, can I recall one ever being called ‘far’ anything.
Looks like we’re in for another mindless hatchet job from the far Left BBC, doesn’t it?
@GCooper: it won’t be mindless because the BBC considers putting its boot to the face of anyone or anything even marginally white (but especially male and English) and even a bit to the right of centre to be its job these days. As the entitled, censorious shrieking of an increasingly vocal but tiny minority of triggered SJWs, EU Remainers, socialist race-baiters, pro-climate change zealots, etc etc, grows ever more shrill, so the BBC sees its role as Facilitator-in-Chief for their myriad petty grievances.
The BBC views itself first and foremost not as an impartial public broadcaster but as a heavy politicised left wing ‘activist’ group whose moral duty is to virtue signal on behalf of every ‘disadvantaged’ minority whilst barely concealing its utter contempt for the average white, heterosexual English male.
The BBC sees its chartered mandate to ‘impartiality’ as a moveable feast – something it has called ‘due impartiality’ (‘impartiality’ is what the BBC decides it is, in other words). This is a slippery, dishonest and breathtaking sleight-of-hand which, to my knowledge, has gone completely unchallenged by anyone in government to this day.
Now that we live in a time of Brexit and Trump everything the BBC has spent the past thirty years propagating (a borderless Europe, climate change hysteria, multikulti ‘diversity’ and political correctness) is coming under attack. It’s entire ‘progressive’ agenda faces an existential threat from growing numbers of ‘red pilled’ viewers who – thanks to right-of-centre commentators on YouTube and elsewhere online – have been shaken awake from their slumber and can see for themselves the real point of organisations like the BBC and their ‘common purpose’ agenda.
I’m starting to see more and more right-of-centre commentators demanding that we ‘push back’ against the bullying left; that we no longer cave-in to their vicious public shaming tactics; that we actively resist, that we never apologise, that we never let them gain any ground, no moral authority, no fake kudos, ever, for their vile fascist tactics. We fight against ‘no-platforming’, we defend our opinions wholeheartedly, we call them out as the black-shirted, masked (and often armed) bullies and thugs that they are.
I’m very inclined to agree with all of the above.
I’m starting to see more and more right-of-centre commentators demanding that we ‘push back’ against the bullying left….
The only snag is, OW, they inhabit a press that is dwarfed by the BBC in terms of news and current affairs coverage. What’s worse, Those Who Know what’s Best For Us (i.e. The Left, including the BBC) won’t stop until they have brought about full censorship of every right-of-centre opinion on the internet so the likes of Breitbart, Joseph Watson, Milo and Co. will no longer have any reach, starting with You Tube. Our only hope of any kind of balance could then be a UK equivalent of Fox News, though you know somehow Parliament will prevent that from happening on grounds of Murdoch having too much control of UK media (whilst ignoring the big fat BBC elephant in the room shitting over anything and everything).
Totalitarianism – it’s what The Left do best.
I’ve noticed that the only complaints to the BBC that get an actual reply (I’m never correct, of course, but still) are those written in the style of an outraged SJW. If you stick in an accusation of racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc, then the replies take an age. I think they must run around like headless chickens convening meetings and drafting ever more ludicrous internal editorial policies.
Give it a try, it’s great fun!
My recent complaint was a website article that appeared to suggest somebody had ‘decided’ to ‘transition’. Imagine my outrage at such a proposition.
Yeah, just imagine if we had Communist organisations in this country, subverting the democratic process using violence, misinformation and intimidation, yet disguising their true agenda by using names such as ‘Hope Not Hate, or ‘Unite Against Fascism’. Surely the BBC would be all over them, exposing them for what they really are!??
Has the BBC organized an investigation into who is financing Gina Miller?
Its de rigueur for large companies (and the NHS), to have photographs of employees in authority, displayed with their title in a prominent place within their building. In the same vein I would love to see the age, sex and gender of those at the BBC who are responsible for the reporting and programming of the left-wing bias. Clearly the Commissioning Editors are given a ‘brief’ by someone higher up the food chain, and someone must be in charge for the ‘around the table’ conference meetings for what we eventually see on the box. As a tax payer I want to put a face to those in my employ !
They don’t need to, they know already. It’s just that they won’t tell us.
Rumour has it Gina Miller’s backer is somebody with the initials G and S, and I’m not referring to Gilbert and Sullivan.
BBC R4 Today interviewed a Professor of Cyber communications and security…name escapes me and funnily enough she`s not on Todays running order.
Discussion of Whats App and the communication sent out by the (lone) terrorist just before he started mowing down innocent people for a motive “we will probably never know” the conversation soon became a game of pat-a-cake about Russian interference with communications…which is the BIGGEST threat in the world today.
There then followed another discussion the line of which appeared to be that we can have EITHER privacy OR security but not both…the idea that surveillance might be targeted…say as a minimum, against people who had been “of interest” to MI5 whilst leaving the rest of us alone seemed to pass everyone by.
Reading between the lines, targeting surveillance against threats would be “racist” or “discriminatory”, but of course we`re not going to let terrorists change our way of life are we?
If the threat of terrorism had not existed, E, they would have had to have invented it to justify the amount of surveillance, snooping, loss of freedoms, speech, et al , civil liberties, etc., we have lost (and a great deal of people, especially the young will never know just what we have lost) during the last twenty years. All the above are sfa to do with “keeping us safe”, it’s just the governments way of ensuring we don’t get up to anything that they would “disapprove” of.
This is why one particular section of society seem to be to do what the hell they want with impunity but should anyone from (at the, moment) the majority have the temerity to show their displeasure at such biased treatment, out come the night sticks and pepper spray!
I think the excessive surveillance is there as a precursor to outlawing opposing views to the BBC and MSM. Soon they will lock us all up and throw away the key for the crime of having an opinion.
It’s the same sickness that pervades the ruling elite throughout this country including the media and in particular the BBC. –
What a state of affairs when you cannot turn to the local authority or police for any assistance. I presume this included the family’s MP.
All this goes to demonstrate conclusively that the muslim population is actively shielded from the law. The reason for their arrogance? What more goes on which is known to local authorities and the police?
Meanwhile, in Germany, the same sickness manifests itself………
I remember about 12 years ago or maybe longer ,the then Labour MP Ann Cryer spoke out about what was going on up North.She wrote an article about it ,published in the mail I think.She specifically wrote about white girls being targeted by Pakinstanis.
Needless to say no one really took it up and she was mercilessly pilloried and called all sorts of names.She was told it couldnt possibly be happening.
She didnt put her head above the parapet again. The whole thing was swept under the carpet and no one has really been brought to justice over it .Some of the perpetrators yes,but state paid workers should also be in prison.
Even today taxpayer funded employees are terrified of rocking the multicultural boat.
Muslim apologist Warsi is on the BBC for the third time in as many days. This time it’s Radio 4 Start the Week. It’s all part of the BBC’s attempt to shore up its narrative following the Westminster attack. Disturbed guy, nothing to do with Islam, we mustn’t offend our Muslim ‘community’ who are mistakenly seen as ‘the enemy within’ etc etc no doubt all fully supported by the Met who have no idea what motivated Masood. Maybe he was using whatsapp to chat to his therapist as his vehicle approached Westminster Bridge.
As I commented here yesterday, it is perfectly clear what motivated Masood. Which particular Muslim terrorist organisation actually planned this operation and controlled him is either unknown or (more likely) being withheld by the government but the plain fact is that it was yet another attack on our society by an Islamic terrorist.
Meanwhile we are being sold a lie by the BBC and the rest of the media in a pathetic attempt to quell our perfectly rational anger. Were the government doing anything effective to ease the situation that might be acceptable. But they are not. Instead they treat the public with contempt.
The politico media establishment is doing a p*ss poor job of coordinating their ‘no more to think about here, moving on’ responses so far.
All we need next is The Met Twitter squad dangling from a BBC helicopter piloted by Paul Mason, oddly on station over a pre-booked ‘gas explosion’ at a solar farm.
“Nothing to do with spin”
She does get about a bit. Well around the BBC, anyway.
They clearly know ‘calm and clever’.
Is that the same Baroness Warsi who unconvincingly announced she had moved across from Brexit to Remain, in the last stages of the referendum campaign last June? I think she claimed it was because she had come to realise what nasty, inward looking people the brexiteers were.
Yeah right, love. Pull the other one, its got bells on it.
Ligging it on Marr yesterday too, new book “the enemy within” apt title, she is, she s with the IOC for goodness sake.
Remember Warsi arch purveyor of the “islamofauxbia industry” called on MPs to lead by example and recognise state of Palestine??
… WHY? Its refused its own statehood on at least 10 occasions, she s pushing political Islam for a bloody terrorist entity that wants spineless suckers like No10 to impose it on Israel without safeguards.
Her Barrenness seems to be doing the rounds plugging her book “The Enemy Within”. It’s not an autobiographical exposé of her rôle as a Muslim Mole undermining the British establishment. Presumably, that’s her next best seller.
The title is ironic and refers to her hurt when someone accused her of actually being an “enemy within”.How could such base aspersions cross anyone’s mind?
On Start the Week, the programme layed out its propaganda wares at the outset, so I did not listen any further. The line was “how wrong we have all been about people we have “demonised” as fifth columnists in the past” Catholics, Germans living in Britain during WW1, Irish republicans, British Blackshirts (maybe not), etc, etc.,The analogy between Catholocs in the time of Elizabeth I and Muslim Mischief today is a bit of an own goal. I can’t imagine Walsingham, who personally witnessed the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, jumping for joy if tens of thousands of catholics and their priests were allowed to settle in Britain or “home grown” British catholics who had been fighting for the Pope abroad were allowed to return home without consequence.
No doubt there was more waffle about a Muslim reformation and removing the “nasty bits” from the Koran. No muslim will ever agree to removal or marginalisation of any part of the Koran, precisely because they are the words of god. No muslim will ever condemn anyone performing an act, however repugnant to nonmuslims, sanctioned in the koran as that would be heresy for the same reason. Revealed truth can only be overturned by further revealed truth. Who knows maybe Rev Giles will have a visitation.
I’m guessing that the prog was not arranged in reaction to the terrorist attack since that was on Wednesday and this prog followed 5 days later.
More likely it was already scheduled as part of the BBC’s normal disproportionate favouritism and virtue signalling towards Islam.
No you’re right ..it was not in the schedule before according to Google
and indeed there is an extra Islam show tonight :
Salam to Queen and Country
Actually both progs are in the Radio Times and I’m pretty sure it was printed before the terrorist attack.
The BBC needs to break out of its institutional culture of Brexit negativity.
………….Beginning every good news story, of which there have been many since June, with the words “despite Brexit” and every bad news story with “following Brexit”, doesn’t sound like unbiased reporting, let alone talking up………
Time for the BBC to commission one of their own?
You know, the ones that get the results the BBC can report.
Anger over NUS statement on Westminster terror outrage that fails to mention the murdered PC and instead focuses on Muslims ‘who will be especially fearful of racism’
The president of the National Union of Students has caused fury among many after laying out her concerns on Islamophobia in the UK without mentioning the policeman who was murdered in the Westminster attack, in a statement on Wednesday’s bloodshed.
In a press release on Friday Malia Bouattia, who was elected as the NUS leader in 2016, paid a brief tribute to the four victims of the terror raid at the beginning of the statement.
However she used the bulk of the letter to urge students to ‘be aware of the concerns of Muslim, migrant and racialised students in the days and weeks ahead.’
The children in charge of the nursery proving once again what fools they are with outrageous comment.
Odd how the Fascist left want a law to prevent people causing outrage, but it did not extend to anyone outside their narrow predefined group.
I m not surprised Bouattia vetoed a motion condemning the terrorist acts of ISIS as she considered it “Islamophobic”. After some jiggery pokery, she later supported a second motion condeming both the atrocities committed by ISIS and Islamophobia?.
Shariamour! one s a committing rape, mass murder and terror … and one s an invented vehicle to silence anyone talking about them doing it.
Malia Bouttia NUS has in the past described the University of Birmingham as a “Zionist outpost” Ms Bouattia’s campaigns have included “Why Is My Curriculum White? and she has opposed the government’s Prevent counter-extremism strategy.
Ms Bouattia is the NUS’s first “black” female Muslim president. She was born in Algeria and came to the UK at age seven.”
So … Muslim Arabs from Algeria are black now? Emperor wears no clothes? Have you seen her picture? This seemingly dubious racial identification appears to be an attempt to buttress this black lives matter nonsense.
oh, and while she s so keen on getting down with the kids … she s 28
… More dangerous university subversion, allowing an adherent to a blatantly racist ideology into an advantageous position.
Here she is with Ch4 s pale and pasty news interviewer
Loathsome Cathy Newman gives loathsome Nadia an easy ride and plenty of airtime for pro-islamic anti-Jewish propaganda.
Marriage made in hell.
Another step in our islamification.
And she’s the NUS President? God help us.
She identifies as black because she sees whites as devils and fair game for extinction.
Honestly, if she went for a job in the Black & White Minstrels, into which tribe would she be allocated?
Not muslim related, apparently, so far. Just the MO………
We don’t know the familial background of the four yet but, a safe bet would be…..
“Mental Health Issues”. There, I’ve said it!
No silly. Just children, so… hormones or attention deficit disorder caused by Tory cuts.
They haven’t said they were white men, which they would have done if they were, so we can safely assume they are possibly a shade of brown.
We all know what the BBC does – denigrate Britain and the British, promote failed and and violent ideologies like Islam, support all forms of balkanising identity politics, attack anything that might seem to have ‘values’.
As Evan Sayet would say, they support everything that is wrong, failed and bad, and put down everything that is right, successful and good. The question is: Why? These are not conventionally stupid people; most of them have some sort of degree, and can argue a case quite cogently.
I wonder if there’s a clue in what TS Eliot once wrote:
“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm — but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.”
In other words, they have no interest in doing good, only in feeling good. How did the West become so emotionally stunted?
Narcissistic virtue signalling on steroids
R4 now a big push back on the Islamaphobia meme from Roger Scruton and Paul Collier
– ‘We need to speak about the problematic aggressive verses of the Koran’
– ‘The Muslims should not be moaning about the Prevent Strategy; they should have started it in the first place’
Prog actually opened with Baroness Warsi
– economist Paul Collier in his latest book he focuses on the Syrian refugee crisis and argues for the establishment of special economic zones where displaced Syrians could work.
Her word twisting, on Islam is sadly par for the course .
… all Al BBC muslim “go to guys” keep pushing this delusion
… pneumatically pumped at every level on the BBC and No10 (like being in the madrassa)
Mein Quranf in all of its most problematic areas is clear.
Warsi, stop lying about it.
A few good points by Scruton and Collier but they’re so eager not to cause ‘offensive’ to ghastly Warsi and the ever highly-offendable muslims that they qualify and dilute all their statements into anodyne platitudes.
We will NEVER know what the motives of Khalid Masood were . And of course everybody knows because the BBC is always telling us that Islam is the religion of peace. Because of demographics
the UK will be part of a greater Caliphate in by the most four generations. It is as sure as night follows day. 4 times 4 times 5 times 4= 320. Then for indigenous Brits 1 times 2 times 1 times 2 = 4. It is as simple as that.
I expect that one of Sadik Khan’s grandsons will be prime minister. Of course none of us will be here. It would be “interesting” the hear the BBC starting their programmes with the
Adhan. But I expect that it wont take four generations for that to happen.
No , what I really would like the BBC to do is really prepare our descendants for this.
Yes I know we already have the Londononistan programme twice a day, and Asad Ahmed and his Asian team do a splendid job showing us what the Muslim population of the South East are doing. It’s just a shame that you don’t have this type of programme in the rest of the country.
What I want to see is an evening programme five times a week , say between 8 PM and 10Pm
where presenters such as Asad Ahmed and Nadiya Hussain or in fact any of the plethora of Ahmeds and Hussains on the BBC books,to teach us to understand Islam. WE could have explanations from the Koran on what the best ways to “treat” infidels in a peaceful way.
I reiterate we will NEVER know why Khalid Masood acted the way he did. But I reckon in around four generations there will be a statue of him on Westminster Bridge.
Awful defeatism Foscari, our civilisation doesn’t have to end in the way you suggest, and I think it won`t.
It`s difficult to speak openly about what needs to be done due to the plethora of laws and the supporting media that re-label free speech as “hate speech”, “racism”, “prejudice”, “far right extremism” etc. etc.
But the mood is changing, people around Europe and the world are now voting for parties and individuals who are prepared to state that there is a problem with unlimited Islamic migration flows into the West.
The days will come when legislators will have to create a legislative environment that is unfavourable to the Islamisation of Western societies, if they don`t, then we can expect real extra-parliamentary resistance to emerge.
I think those days may be closer than many of us realise.
I hope you’re right.
Monday morning and LBC’s usually fair-minded Nick Ferrari asks what should we call the Westminster killer – his birth name or his chosen muslim name?
Cue loads of calls from muslims saying he did not represent their peaceful religion but he chose to be a muslim so he “was” a muslim.
Ferrari, however, is adamant that he was not really a muslim because he only used his muslim name for a few years before he died. Talk about bending over backwards to change the narrative.
Pity Ferrari doesn’t use his show to highlight more news about the poor innocent victims of this filth – the only name I can think of as a description.
LBC, possibly reflecting a changing listener demographic, is getting almost unlisten-able.
I used to have it on throughout the day as I am in a workshop but I now have to turn it off at ten when James O’Bigot (who, since Brexit, seems unhinged) comes on followed by BBC-clone Fogerty spouting feminism and anti-Trump bile behind her pleasant veneer.
They now have Nigel Farage for an hour a few days a week and a couple of hours of Katie Hopkins on Sunday so they can say they are “balanced” but that nowhere near makes up for the massive 24-hour left-liberal stance of their Global news bulletins and presenter bias.
I’m fast becoming an ex listener (apart from Nigel and Katie).
According to the DE article on today’s BBC bias, the Brexit question time special tonight has an unbiased panel of one brexiter and three remainers.
That’s about par for the course with the unbiased BBC, 3:1
I’ve now seen the panel and it’s 3:2 in favour of the minority who voted remain and not 3:1 as I was earlier led to believe.
My mistake again.
This is an interesting article about al beebus generally and one of its (former) over-indulged favourites.
As Guido points out the Rudd attack on Whatsappp is irrelevant to the Masood case. They weren’t monitoring him in realtime. Meanwhile if the police retrospectively want to know who Masood was in contact with immediately prior to the murders they now have his phone. One end of the end to end encryption is in their hands. The real issue is will the authorities tell us who he was in contact with? After all it may upset their lone wolf, disturbed man, motivation unknown narrative.
Marr’s interview with Rudd was the blind leading the blind technologically.
This is a complete distraction imho… if the police REALLY want to find out what the contact was, surely they can identify who the connected number belonged to from the phone company, poodle along to the person’s house and arrest him/ her? Have a look at their phone whilst they’re at it?
How many anti-terrorism laws have been appropriated by other government agencies for purposes that weren’t intended?
Where have all the Tory MPs gone?
Up the BBC’s bum nearly every one
Excellent article here from Conservative Woman.
The No10/MSM/political elite as close as close could be.
The Media Reform Coalition published a report in 2015 entitled:
“Who owns the UK media?” And
… researchers found that just three corporations own 71% of national newspaper circulation. These owners decide who to hire, what stories to cover, and ultimately shape the public opinion of the country.
The head of the BBC (our nation’s supposedly impartial public broadcaster) is the former HSBC bank chief Rona Fairhead. And her Head of News and Politics is former Murdoch hack, James Harding.
Little surprise then, that numerous independent studies have found the BBC guilty of bias towards business and conservative sources.
That is despite its knicker waving veneer, its hostile to factual genuine guests that incisively question government policy, that could benefit the majority of our nations people.
Our public service broadcaster consistently avoids factually scrutinising Tory policy, so called reforms and instead simply regurgitates government spin, peddles myths, and creates moronic headlines … and even presents pro-privatisation think tanks as if they were independent
“Little surprise then, that numerous independent studies have found the BBC guilty of bias towards business and conservative sources.”
Oh, please! ‘independent studies’ by whom? These people are just plain bonkers.
The BBC is getting virtually joined at the hip to any current UK government via ‘follow the money’ and any governance ‘arrangement’ that has only ever included the perceived “great & good”, ‘captains of industry’ and banking, the political elite etc. etc. not Fred Sue, Tracy and Kevin who have to risk prison for bloody unpaid TV licences and only sometimes watch it.
Obscene salaries for the so called ‘talent’, waste such as the Digital Media Initiative, “golden” handshakes, eye watering redundancy pay.
They are all well looked after indeed, they are all in the neoliberal elite nest together, don t pretend otherwise.
Nigel farage and mad al campbell on itv this morning. The amount of venom coming off campbell and susannah trying to back him up. The beeb are waiting for you luv just say the word.
Campbell is a nasty piece of shit.
Campbell, noun, def. a turd that will not flush.
example “Oh look, someone has left a Campbell down the toilet, the dirty barsteward!
synonoms, Blair, Farron, Clegg, Cameron, Corbyn, etc., etc.
He looked like he was spoiling for a fight even before the interview started. Who would believe a word Campbell says anyway? Not as if his integrity is still intact is it?
Even a moron like Campbell would not be stupid enough to have hit Nigel on camera and , I suspect that like most bullies, Campbell is a coward. A totally worthless piece of garbage. But , what do you expect from that clan ? Woops, sorry to bring clannism into it ( could be the next hate crime ). Proud to be a Robertson !!!!
I thought you were a Grant .. Grant!!! .. ahhhh now I see …it’s the whisky … being a barmaid in a pub that sold 100 ish whiskeys x
Indeed he is…but I also thought he did not look well, actually. That’s not meant as an excuse or an apology for him…just what I thought since I’d last seen him on screen.
He shouldn’t be well considering he has a man’s life on his conscience … !!
Mr Farage comes across much better in that interview – he manages to at least retain a semblance of good humour, unlike Campbell who just comes across as a nasty, arrogant bully.Just look at the contempt on his face when he hears Farage talk about national pride. I suspect what people like Campbell are afraid of is not leaving the EU, but their loss of political influence to people like Farage, who they probably view as some sort of ‘petit caporal’ who should know his place and bow before the might of the Globalists.
Cranmer … spot on!!! Hit right on the head as far as the nasty hatred filled Campbell is concerned.
Goodness me, that AC creature must be one of the most odious, corrupt, bullying, mendacious, disgusting, loathsome creatures on the planet. How did a lizard such as he get into a position of power (not now)…….I truly believe that he and bliar should be in jail.
Well done Nigel for not punching the twat in the face.
Of course, Piers Morgan enjoyed every moment.
Thanks Katie for the excellent post.
AC and TB should be thrown out of this country and live somewhere in the EU,along with all those who don’t want brexit. When the money starts rolling in they will be the first to cream it off, and say I’m alright jack. Just keep saying the Iraq war and the lies to AC and TB,they don’t like it up ’em.
Campbell is the puffed up commuter desperately trying to catch the last gravy train up to Brussels, but Farage is the guard at the gate who won’t let him in because the train’s already pulling away!
Boy, if Campbell is like this in public what on earth is Blair like in private?
Nigel Farage “We’re on a lifeboat..we’ve left the Titanic..we’re in a great place!”
Question time looks like fun tonight
salmond clegg and starmer. The last stand to whine about wednesday. expect a packed audience of remainers.
BBC – Thousands take to streets in anti-Brexit London march. People joined an anti-Brexit march to call for Britain to remain in the European
– Cheerleader? BBC?
– If you caught any of Al BBC breakfast, you only need the chime of doom
Mind you, dragging it all out covers up a veritable catalogue of Tory incompetence, how very convenient, everything is manipulation
We need a Westminster clear out, “drain the swamp”
Ask anti-Brexit marchers “easy” questions?
Thanks for posting that. What a laugh. Tommy is brilliant. The rest are thick as two short planks.
Excellent proof that the political activist leftoids are actually suffering from an illness. That “man”? speaking at about 4:00 “I want MORE immigrants not less. Brits not loving it should get out” (That’s what it sounded like to me)
More immigrants? Brits should leave. Is he Tony Blair in disguise?
Amoral, sick, warped & ruthlessly subversive. These people should be deported to a desert somewhere & left to get on with it.
Demos in London after the Westminster attack should have been about demanding that our government DO something about Islamic terror in Britain, nothing else.
Exiting the EU was decided 9 month ago.
They really are an intolerant lot though, but even though he was well outnumbered none of them had the bottle to really take on Robinson. That bloke who said he might get angry…Ooh I could crush a grape.
Robinson should have asked a few of them what they think of the Common agricultural policy, or the £928 million over seven years, wasted, moving the EU to Strasbourg for 4 days each Month.
Blank stares all round I’m guessing.
The feeble incoherent responses to Tommy’s questions prove to me that EUphilia is a religion. You need faith to believe in it.
Reminds me of a time at university when I shared a house with two Catholics. It was impossible for them to see past their faith when discussing anything to do with religion. Utterly irrational.
God he’s got balls!! You’ve gotta luv him whether you agree with him or not x
Excellent…and they call us Brexit voters thick!?
Not biased towards the Left then ?
I am glad that Tommy is with the Rebel Media – there is less chance that the UK Government will be able to facilitate his murder while he is working as a journo. His street confrontations are getting better, and he is having more influence.
Have to laugh at the left – they still think that labeling people is a form of argument.
Shame that brave men like Andrew Neil could not give him an honest interview.
After @AFNeil’s disgraceful treatment of Tommy in that infamous excuse for an interview, Brillopad came in for a savaging on twitter.
His twitter defence was that he would give an identical interview to an islamist.
Hmmm….brave talk eh?
We are, by the way, still waiting for that interview.
Talk is cheap eh?
Equivalence where there is non (Mr Robinson/islamist) … Brillo?
The flaw in Brillos argument is that there is no equivalence between a British patriot opposed to Islamic extremism and an Islamist.
The taxpayer funded BBC are not there to play neutral in arguments presented by islamists committed to the islamisation of Western civilisation.
I don’t think there are any brave men or women at the BBC. Rather than risk muslim violence they refused to show cartoons that were at the heart of a news story.
Geert Wilders, however is a brave man.
In the interests of “fairness” the German BBCs did briefly mention Wilders before and after the recent Dutch elections. After Wilders party came second, a German reporter asked a Wilders opponent if Wilders would now leave Dutch politics. The reply was that he couldn’t leave Dutch politics. A puzzled reporter asked what he meant. He can’t leave Dutch poltics. If he does he’ll lose his bodyguard. Then he’ll be dead.
I can never understand how it seems to have been perfectly acceptable to everyone for Keir Starmer to waltz from DPP directly to a safe Labour seat.
More importantly why was Keir Starmer ever DPP? Someone who is so keen to be a law-maker should never have been a law prosecutor, especially when that prosecutor gets to choose which cases go to trial. There is no ‘equality under law’ when some crimes get the ‘blind eye’ and others are put under the spotlight and ‘performance indicators’ are monitored.
Daily politics today, some snp whinging on about leaving the union again.
If we are being asked for around £50 billion to leave the eu, how much will Scotland have to pay to leave our union?
How much will Scotland have to pay into the eu if they ever get in?
How much will we save by not having to send all this money to Scotland because of the Barnett formula.?
All questions I would have liked to have heard asked.
I rather think the SNP are assuming that Scotland would be a recipient of the EU’s largesse if it joined as an independent country. They’re going to be sorely disappointed if independence comes to pass, going from recipient of UK funds to having to pay into the EU.
They live in total fantasy land. Scotland would be severely impoverished.
On the Daily Politics Joke O’Burn again failed to correct a nonsensical SNP claim that a ghost Scottish state would remain in the EU if the UK left. Scotland is no more a member of the EU, legally speaking, than I am. If the UK left the UN there would be no spook Scottish state left behind if this had been done “against the wishes of the Scottish people”.
I suppose Scots think they are also travelling on a supernatural Scottish passport, visible only to them, when they leave Sporranland.
Give them the referendum. If Sturgeon thinks she can win she is delusional.
Mosques get half their funding from Gov.
UK mosques get HALF their income from Govt, EU
He explains in his first few sentences the core thinking of multiculturalism – put the conservative community leaders in charge, run your own communities, and they work for you. Meanwhile the state funds and protects the traditional customs.
Over thirty year ago I published research showing how this was the policy of the Colonial Office during the interwar years. It was known as the ‘Woad Policy’ – back the conservative tribal leaders, feather their nests and they will rule the natives for us maintaining their traditional cultures.
Key tips on How Not to Blame Islam for the Jihad in London, offering a simple and easy-to-understand how-to video for leftists on how and why to maintain Jihad-Denial. Vid by Jamie Glazov.
[Beebistan ticks all his boxes. “Asian”: tick. Poverty: tick. Mental illness: tick. Racism: tick. Islamophobia: tick. Well done beebistan, you have learnt your lessons well. Your reward will be an eternity of dhimmitude in muslim heaven, pleasuring the faithful. Enjoy.]
On The World at One on Radio 4 we are given a preview of tonight’s Panorama about the Westminster attacker. They have done some in-depth investigative journalism by speaking to someone from his home town he once spoke to about feeling he was in the wrong skin. That’s right – he has been a victim of racism! All this based on what he might have said to someone in a pub one time.
Who does not feel like they are in the wrong skin half the time? You don’t like your job; you miss your friends; you wish you had married someone and you didn’t. That is the nature of life. You just have to get on with it and do your best. If you feel bad, maybe it is because of how you behave. Become a more effective person and you might feel better. It is not always someone else’s fault. And even if it is someone else’s fault, violence is never an appropriate response: mass-murder certainly is not.
“He was a lone wolf. He moved around a lot – we know he lived in Luton, Birmingham and East London – but he acted alone.”
Hmmmmmmm – what might all those locations have in common?
It sounds like an episode of Brass Eye. We will have to watch tonight for the comedy value.
Also apparently the family of the American who was killed have no bad feelings towards the killer. They are idiots. If someone killed my dad like that I would hate them. And I would hate the wooly-minded liberals who had aided and abetted him by allowing poisonous narratives and ideologies to go unchallenged.
YES Chilleden, YES!
The BBC must think the viewers are stupid. Women wearing hijabs hold hands on Westminster bridge to honour victims.
Says al beeb
‘The event was organised by Women’s March On London group which took part in an international campaign to highlight women’s rights on the first full day of Donald Trump’s US presidency.
Another woman who was there, Sarah Waseem, said the Islam faith “totally condemns violence of any sort”.
She said: “When an attack happens in London, it is an attack on me. It is an attack on all of us.
“This is abhorrent to us.”
So there you have it – anti Trumpers, wearing hijabs, exonerate Islam.
Lenin once spoke of ‘useful idiots’. I prefer to call these Islam supporting women ‘useful eggs’.
‘Women’s rights activist, Akeela Ahmed, who helped organise Sunday’s event said it had been “powerful and sent a clear message”.’
I recommend a little bit of research regarding this lady. The BBC knows full well who she is.
The original Metro article has more info
“Many of those present were Muslim, wearing blue as a symbol of hope and peace.”
(ie highlighting the fact the photos are misleading as they focus on a group of 10 Muslim women, when the group was probably not mostly Muslim)
“Ahmadiyya Muslims said they wanted to add to the condemnation of the violent attack and stand defiant in the face of terrorism.
(Highlighting as ever peace initiatives come from the oppressed Ahmadiyya sect, rather than general Muslim)
The number one best-selling book in Japan 2067 will be…..
‘How Western Feminists Returned Women to Chattel-Status in Only One Generation’
A woman rape victim now campaigning against rape. Right up the beebistan’s street, you would have thought. But hang on, wrong sort of rape by wrong sort of people, and wrong sort of campaign. Ignore! Bury! Quick!
Rotherham grooming victim Sammy Woodhouse has said she was “betrayed” by authorities in the town, who failed to act on the violent child rapist for fear of “being perceived as racist”.
Now campaigning for other victims of sexual abuse, she said she was “just one of dozens of girls… exploited and viewed as white trash” in Rotherham by Arshid Hussain, a drug dealer ten years her senior from a notorious family of criminals.
Over the last few days the BBC have been suggesting (or pushing the idea) that a real Muslim cannot be a criminal or a bad person therefore the above criminals cannot be Muslim by definition.
The sacred instruction manual says in effect that anything done by a Muslim to a non-believer cannot be a crime.
Therefore real Muslims cannot be criminals in a non-muslim country.
It’s a classic example of the “no true Scotsman” fallacy.
Christianity has no responsibity for mass murders during the Crusades, because no true christian would commit murder. If murders were committed it was by madmen calling themselves christian.
Disgusting subhuman vermin.
(Not you, Charlie. The charmers in the photo.)
Many readers will be only two well aware of the two tier justice system operating in our country where Muslim criminals are given far lighter sentences than any other group/
Check out this story from the Manchester evening News, and make sure there’s something soft on the floor when your jaw hits it!
Not sure whether to thank you for that link. I am comforted by the comments which were 99.9% horrified by that story.
Again, I like to compare to Adam Johnson, another sportsman, who kissed/groped a nearly sixteen year old…6 year sentence, no repeal.
Cricketer admits to trying to kill wife, beats and abuses her…suspended sentence.
Never mind, I’m sure the anti-domestic abuse associations will be onto it…oh, wait a minute, Islam trumps female issues..
“Musthaveabashhere” with a name like that what do you expect!
Strangely not reported much on the BBC .
Beeby news this morning, I noticed a lack of reporting on the Wirral “gas” explosion. They covered it. Eventually. After a story about “sexism” in which 2 girls were denied to board a plane because of their leggings. I’m sure I remember a time when an explosion that took out half of the Wirral on a Saturday night would have been a lead story, maybe for a few days. I suppose a few dead/injured Scousers are insignificant now. As long as no Korans were damaged.
If it’s not in Metro-land it doesn’t count
Just in case you were thinking there has been a bit of a lull in islamic terror recently, there were 122 islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 902 people were killed and 1053 injured in the last 30 days. 30 DAYS!
More details here;
…all that and still two months to go until the Annual Ramadan-Bomb-A-Thon kicks off (late May).
BBC will no doubt release a study into the effects of starvation upon a persons mental wellbeing in the event of any “non terror related incidents”.
Interesting !
More than 150 people have complained to TV watchdog Ofcom about the Comic Relief telethon.
Most took issue with the content of Friday’s show. Ofcom is now considering whether to launch an investigation.
Language used before the watershed by Steve Coogan, a game of Innuendo Bingo and a sketch by Reeves and Mortimer have come in for particular criticism.
Press reviews described the show as being “dreadful and unfunny” – with the Love Actually special accused of having “lousy jokes” and “texted-in performances”.
Ofcom said: “We have received 151 complaints about Comic Relief 2017 on the BBC. We will assess these complaints before deciding whether or not to investigate.”
The BBC declined to say how many people had complained directly to the corporation.
Why am I not surprised the BBCs idea of comedy is described as “dreadful & Unfunny”? Especially when the only idea appears to be 30 minutes hate against someone like Donald Trump which the self selecting leftie audience giggles in an embarrassed way at?
And if the BBC is prepared to admit that it has been so badly reviewed why aren’t they asking themselves why that was? Why are they trying to cover up the number of complaints? They would only do that if there had been an embarrassing number of them.
I made the mistake of watching a few minutes of the highlight show yesterday afternoon. Let’s just say it was the BBC’s self-selected Professional Luvvies furiously virtue signalling all the way…
Absolutely abysmal. Unfunny and embarrassing. Comic Relief really needs to be put out of our misery.
How could the highlights last a few minutes? For me the only highlight was the closing credits.
I was at a friends house on friday and had to endure the crapfest that was comic relief. comic relief on friday night was a complete disaster from start to finish with has been hampstead champagne socialist luvvies and right on political activist/comedians smugly making idiots of themselves all at our exspense. Trades descriptions should be called in and comic removed from the title. It was just one long luvvie smugfest with the commander in chief Lenny Henry. The biggest laugh for me was when graham norton trooped on. I was expecting big named stars to be interviewed but alas no we just got him interviewing all the twats that were all there in the studio doing the unfunny routines. The highlight for me was when mr comic relief with a god complex lenny henry lost it with the audience who were at the bar bored out of their skulls probably. He got up and started shouting and walking towards the bar but was pulled back. Maybe they were taking attention away from his ‘performance’. it was just pathetic. With all the hullabaloo about luv actually it was a complete waste of time. I suppose they had to get good old richard ‘climate change’ curtis some airtime so that we dont forget about him.
There was no comic and it was a relief to see it end. Lots of people are waking up to the shite that the beeb are forcing on them which is the only good thing to come out of friday.
I only saw the Graham Norton segment at some point after 11pm and didn’t realise there was an audience. I did wonder but concluded there wasn’t one. He seemed to be dying on his arse.
My somewhat astute son suggested there were simply too many people on the sofa, and that none of them are funny anyway
Classic example of BBC bias on DP today. Jo Coburn presented a discussion on the theory presented by a David Goodhart of society being divided into two groups he terms Anywheres and Somewheres, the latter outnumbering the former by about 3 to 1. Anywheres are basically Globalists and Somewheres are more comfortable in a nation state. Anyway during the discussion Coburn said that Goodhart seemed to think that the ‘passage of progress ‘ should be slowed so that Somewheres could catch up. Typical BBC arrogance. Goodhart slapped her down immediately saying her view of progress was very narrow. Goodhart’s theory clearly upsets Coburn and the BBC because it so succinctly shows that the BBC with their relentless anti Brexit pro Globalisation agenda are supporting the elite against the majority of Brits.
I posted about this last week and it’s clear that he is now invited on the BBC because his book was book of the week for the Guardian !
He has been largely ostracised by the Fascist Left for his views on immigration and ‘diversity’. No doubt the BBC decided they were also going to give him a hard time too.
So you are saying that Muslims have the right idea. Women should be suppressed, subordinate and have to stay confined to the home with no aspirations. Funny that, because isn’t this one of the arguments that their values are inconsistent with those of western cultures?
I believe that rights won by women in the west are one of its proudest achievements. However, young women today who call themselves feminists are not so at all. When I saw that the non-Muslim guest female representative of the NSU at the LSE annual Muslim student dinner was content to sit hidden behind a screen with the other women while the men sat unscreened, I was appalled. She justified it by saying that other cultures have to be respected. If you think this, you are not a feminist, you are an apologist with absolutely no guts.
As for the Weldon woman, who would have thought a fiction writer would lack the imagination to imagine the plight of a widow trying to raise a family on the proceeds of “pin money”. At 85, she also probably hasn’t heard the facts about the effects of globalization on the heavy industry that used to employ men and the jobs upheaval this has caused. Nor has she heard about incoming migrants driving wages down. In any case I believe the UK lags well behind many other western countries in equal pay for equal work so Weldon is living within one of her works of fiction.
Have you posted this in the right thread because it makes no sense in this one!
Author Fay Wheldon says #Feminism is BAD for two-thirds of women & helped drive DOWN men’s wages
“Welcome attention”
Is now called sexual harassment
Men’s wages are no longer enough to support a family… forces women to work instead of caring for own children.
Very true. Feminism is a poisonous ideology which has taught women they are victims and that men are to blame for everything. Which is probably why 93% of British women reject it.
Read the Conservative Woman, for some very persuasive arguments against feminism, made by real women.
“The ideology to which Khalid Masood was converted may indeed be a perversion of Islam, but it is a version of it.” MR in the Times
Free version of same article
This piece doesn’t go far enough, in my opinion. It still makes the distinction between religion and extremism in an abstract sort of way, as if we could be talking about Buddhism. We are not, we are talking about islam and there is no distinction between islam and extremism, islam is a very extreme ideology in the same way as the Khmer Rouge were extreme. There is no moderate way of saying you should remove a head from the shoulders of the kafir. And yet, there the commandment is, hiding in plain sight, verse 8/12
Your Lord inspired the angels saying, “I am with you. Encourage the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers and you will strike their heads and limbs”
What is moderate about that?
The article goes onto say that islam is being reformed from within, and in truth some are attempting to reform islam from within. But I think they will be doomed to failure. You see, islam is different to every other religion because it claims to be the literal word of god, and not only god’s literal word but god’s last word too. This makes reform improbable, because you would have to persuade some very pious people that god didn’t actually mean that bit, he mis-spoke, he got that bit wrong. This makes god fallible, which is a tough theological nut to crack.
“The family of an American tourist who was killed in the Westminster terror attack that left his wife badly injured have said they bear no ill will over the incident.”
This is the line that BBC have been spouting off all day and appear tho be gloating over this fact.
However they conveniently omit this part of the family statement.
Speaking at Scotland Yard, just a few hundred yards from the devastating attack, Mrs Cochran’s sister-in-law, Shantell Payne, said it was “awful, horrible, (and) gut-wrenching” that the attack was carried out in the name of religion.
I would imagine that the identity of the religion determined whether it was reported by the BBC or not.
I have lost track of the original poster of this blog item, but would like to thank whoever it was for providing an epiphany moment for me personally.
Here is the link,
Why the epiphany eh?
There are those among the youth, and within my own family, those with fancy degrees, high-flying jobs, who regard my attitudes, policies, thoughts, as so far right they are off the scale of decency.
These are people who obviously swallow the bullshit fed to them by the MSM and the bbc in particular.
My own granddaughter had to unfriend me on facebook as she couldnt handle or disprove what I posted, and I’m guessing was ashamed for her contemporaries to see that stuff appearing on her wall.
I used to worry about the future of those like her, until I read that blog above.
Suddenly, the scales fell from my eyes, and I see the situation in a different light.
If those people of the ‘left’ as he puts it in the blog, wish to continue selling out their cosy world, something their ancestors fought and died for, why the actual fuck should I care one jot.
At my age I’ll most likely be brown bread before the filth infesting our country have a direct effect on me.
So…bollocks to them all…let the idiots commit hari kiri if they want,….Me?…need to chill more and never worry again.
There is something to be said for the “don’t give a damn” mentality. But then again there is much to be said for religion, heavy drinking, narcotics and lobotomies.
I’ll take the second one on your list…
Very wise choice, that’s my preferred option too.
Have heart brother … steel yourself how does the saying go
“keep your head, while all around you are losing theirs”
did I just double entendre 😀
… Ill get me coat!
I’ll get yer coat for yer…!
D_C, It was me who posted the link. I can’t say I’m as completely cynical as Captain Capitalism, but the tides of Idiocracy do seem beyond our abilities to hold back. Perhaps Trump in America will make some difference, we will see.
But in the UK, in Europe- well it doesn’t bode well when a senior copper baldly says ‘No idea why he done it, but go back to your homes, nothing to see..’
It’s like they are taunting us, saying look we can say any old rubbish we like and we’ll arrest you if you don’t agree.
Even if you could drain the swamp it would take something akin to a 20 year de-nazification program to remove the Left’s pernicious influence throughout society.
We can live in hope for the youth to wake up eventually but I’m not putting any money on them!.
Many thanks……I will continue posting to a ( mainly, not entirely, unconcerned ) facebook audience, but wont feel bothered when most ignore it.
Much of what I share on there are pearls of wisdom from here.
And yes….the youth are doomed.
“why should I or anybody else with self-respect and a life to tend to, give a flying fuck about this or the scores of attacks that are going to happen in the future? … Nothing is going to be done about it.
The people who are attacked don’t care and even think they deserve it. Nobody has the courage to speak up about limiting immigration to cultures that don’t have irreconcilable differences. And the people getting attacked are unconsciously the ones who brought it upon themselves.
A culture without self-respect will not survive. Not in as much that it doesn’t “deserve” it, but the reality is that other cultures with self-respect are superior to it and will overtake and conquer it. Ergo, bar being armed to the hilt to protect my loved ones and myself, I just cannot muster up the care for the self-inflicted problems of self-loathing others”
‘it would take something akin to a 20 year de-nazification program to remove the Left’s pernicious influence throughout society.’
The Nazi party were in power for only 12 years. Granted their social influence probably began in the mid 1920s, but that is still only 20 years of influence.
The left began its ‘long march through the institutions’ in earnest almost fifty years ago, but had a hold long before that, from the time of the Russian revolution at least, and in many ways as far back as the French revolution.
It’s going to take an awful long time to undo over 200 years’ worth of propaganda! That said, economic marxism collapsed pretty quickly around 1990 when it became clear it wasn’t working.Cultural marxism in the west may experience a similar collapse when it becomes unsustainable in the face of new geo-political/social realities.
Both Fascism and Euthanasia were seen as ‘progressive’ at the time, and very much from the Socialist wing of politics, and was allowed nay promoted because of the very real threat of the Communists taking over Germany.
Expediency is what far too many politicians do when faced with a difficult choice they pick what they consider the lesser of two evils hoping for a failure which happens off their watch, for someone else to deal with.
Imagine though if Communism had taken over Germany in the 1930s ? What might have happened to Europe then?
Tempting as it is to give up hope of change, if it were really impossible to turn the ship around, in the first instance we would be writing our comments in German and in the second, we would not be about to leave the EU (offering a hostage to fortune there, I admit).
Personally, I am of the ‘we will never surrender’ mentality.
GCooper, ‘we will never surrender’
I share your mentality. You have cheered me up I was beginning to think I was the last man standing with that attitude. There has been a lot of doom mongering and defeatism on this blog recently. Much as I enjoyed Captain Capitalism’s article I didn’t take it as a serious guide for future behaviour.
D_C – That is a good article and deserves to be widely shared. I’m not sure that I agree with him 100% as I think that there is still (some) remaining strength in the West, but thanks for linking it on here.
The main thing I took from it was that those taking most of the consequences are beyond help and victims of their own stupidity.
Yes, I know it’s a gross generalisation, but it gives me food for thought, and a whole new approach when discussing with said people.
Thanks whoever posted that link about the women holding hands on Westminster Bridge. I have not laughed so much in a long time. They say the glory days of BBC comedy are gone, but look to their news coverage and you are guaranteed to laugh out loud.
Doesn’t the site of women of all faiths and races holding hands in solidarity really get your spirits soar? You can almost sense Churchill rising from his grave to stand there with them. Some even wore blue head scarves to symbolise hope! It makes the hairs on the back of your neck tingle. We hall never surrender! We will even wear a hopeful colour – don’t mess with us!
We are told of all the Muslim women saying how abhorrent the attack was to them. Methinks the lady doth protest too much; you should not need to keep saying that. The more you say it the more one doubts it. If I kept telling my wife over and over how I do not fancy the hot intern at work, she would only doubt me more.
One of the Muslim women is a women’s rights activist! Awful luck being a women’s rights activist born into that faith. It is like a paraplegic wanting to be a star footballer. Girls love having fun with their hair – how can you make them cover it up? Most must hate it.
The article then talks of ‘silent resistance’, a lovely bit of doublespeak from the Ministry of Truth. How can you resist something if you say and do nothing?
The article finishes with stirring quotations from snowflake morons saying how only love can defeat hate, and unity will defeat the darkness. I can’t believe this is not a spoof article.
When did hate become such a dirty word? I hate it when people do not arrive on time. I hate people who use the logic of power rather than the power of logic. I hate a lot of things, and all with good reason. You have to have standards and high expectations of people or you never achieve anything.
Apparently this event sent out a strong message at a hard time. The message is that we are in an abject mess.
…..”Girls love having fun with their hair – how can you make them cover it up?”…..
I spoke to a male (and very good) hairdresser in N.London, and he told me that when a Hijab lady wants her hair attending to, she is taken into a private room out of sight of other customers. He laughably was told on one occasion not to look at the lady’s face while he was dressing her hair – he told her to go elsewhere, as it was impossible to do his job properly if he didn’t look at her !
These are incidents that never get reported, and how many thousands more do we not hear about that has to kow tow to this insidious religion.
Comment piece in the Times that dares to begin to tackle some of the issues of islamic terrorism – “Stand up for our right to criticise islam” – by Matt Ridley.
BBC Website ” Massood’s mother shocked and saddened “. FFS !
Facebook are keeping it quiet but they’ve agreed to remove any posts considered blasphemous in Pakistan. Amazing what Facebook can do when it puts it’s mind to it!
And Trump has presented Merkel with a $374 billion NATO bill – too funny!
Hitler, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun – We can only guess at their motives and those of other lone wolves?
Quite right. And no doubt they all suffered from terrible bullying when they were young…
I was bullied at school when I was young. Just going out now to kill some muslims.
Yet more good Brexit news !………
A HYS running.
Taffman, this paragraph in the article caught my eye:
I asked him (the Qatari official) whether the UK economy outside the EU was likely to be stronger or weaker.
“It is a lot to do with the policy the UK will take, but I think, knowing the UK market, I am very confident they will have a good future,” Mr Al Emadi answered, saying that it was important that Britain was welcoming to high skilled foreign workers and students from Qatar and elsewhere. End quote.
Mustn’t stop those ‘highly skilled’ immigrants, must we?
Genuinely, and only genuinely, highly skilled and if there are vacancies for them ?
Washing cars and delivering pizzas is highly skilled work dontchaknow….
and not taking a brits job or undercutting their wages
Anyone get the feeling that the QT audience is rigged and that the ‘Presenter’ is BIASED ?
I agree wholeheartedly taffman. A bBBC stitch up, aided and abetted by Dumbledore. I’ve had to stop watching to save my tv set from destruction.
David Davis not convincing unfortunately, ‘Losers’ Clegg and Salmond resurrecting project fear, Labour shadow Brexit guy has no faith in the UK to make a success of Brexit. Lady from the Times excellent, UKIP’er not allowed to respond by Dumbledore to gross mis-representation of UKIP position by Salmond. Rigged audience…..panel not balanced either, but we are not surprised are we.
QT Now
‘Smoked’ Salmon wants all our immigrants – let him and the Scotland have em.
See how many of my Scots friends will like that ?
If they don’t like the English, I am pretty sure they wont be happy with the any immigrants .
Question Time ?
Al Beeb’s attempt to rerun the Referendum – Simples
Why is there an obsession with guaranteeing the rights of EU nationals without reciprocal guarantees for UK citizens in the EU? We can’t even deport illegal immigrant criminals and hate preachers, what chance of deporting a surgeon, nurse, or care-worker already working here….and seriously, we wouldn’t want to deport anyone already here IF THEY CONTRIBUTE and we need those skills.
Precisely Northern Dreamer
From personal experience, I know there was no problem working
in Germany before UK EU membership. There were obviously lots of ex-service men from UK and the USA who married Germans after the war and remained permanently without any fuss.
You have the paradoxical situation of EU nationals threatening to deport themselves because they feel their situation is uncertain. This is the same kind of moral suasion as someone threatening “Give me £ 1,000 or I’ll blow my brains out”
The “bargaining chip” mantra is parrotted so often, you can’t help thinking no independent mental effort is involved.
Sayeeda Warsi is ubiquitous on the BBC at the moment. She was criticised when in cabinet for constantly making copious notes which many suspected were nothing to do with her ministerial brief but were likely to be for book she planned to publish about her time in the cabinet.
Lo and behold she has indeed written a book which she is plugging all over the BBC. She gleefully plays the victim, saying in cabinet someone once referred to her as ‘the enemy within.’ Well it is fucking rude when you are in an important meeting and you are clearly not focussed on the job like everyone else and instead making copious notes on what everyone is saying and doing. Cabinet is supposed to be confidential. And obviously she is not going to be noting down anything positive – it will be something negative and controversial which she can use to sell her book, which is of course exactly what happened.
But obviously as a Muslim woman she is incapable of any wrong according to the BBC.
If Islamics were all white Europeans, Islam would have been banned by now.
Breaking news! International terrorist instruction manual found!
GCHQ and NSA stumped! Home Secretary Amber ‘Alert’ Rudd demands WhatsApp, Facebook and Google help break the code!