Cunning Remainiacs build a false narrative that the BBC didn’t cover their march
– I’d noticed them lobbying Feedback on March 21st
On the morning of the demo they added more similar tweets
by 5pm 6pm Tweets were flying around saying BBC hadn’t covered it
….but they didn’t bother to check properly.
Cos even people on their own side , said stuff like “but I heard it a few times on the radio”
As commenters above have pointed out there was a lot of BBC coverage of that anti-Brexit march
Yet even on March 21 I spotted people on Twitter building the narrative ..Oh we are the victims the BBC won’t cover out march
Here is the BBC’s coverage
I took the screen shots on Sunday, so those pages time stamps showed they appeared on Saturday around 5-pm
At least the BBC say “Tens of thousands”, which if the 25,000 suggested by the Metropolitan Police is correct, could be said to be right.
Event organisers always overestimate the attendance, for some reason.
I have fun with the local paper from time to time querying the terms they describe such crowds as. They use the word “Hundreds” then publish a photo showing the term “A few score” would be more accurate.
I also like to consider that the police would describe many attendees at “political” protests as “the usual suspects”!
Even Paul Jones is at it! Is there no programme that is ‘agenda free’?
After introducing Eric Bibb’s new album he tells us that ‘we are all immigrants’ and that perhaps the new album will help change our attitudes to the millions of Africans and people from the Middle East that want to come to Europe.
Dear Paul, their is a heck of a difference between a few thousand pioneer families travelling to the ‘new’ countries on paid passages and a few million male ‘children’ breaking in to live on benefits in the ‘old’ world. Please stick to the music.
Paul also struggles with understanding that Shakin’ Stevens mining ancestors left Cornwall for a new life as… miners. He’s obviously been listening to too many songs by non-worker folk song writers about the down-trodden workers, some of whom actually took a pride in doing manly things.
“”Rachel Dolezal – the white US woman who said she was black – says “the idea of race is a lie””
“”Speaking in an interview with Emily Maitlis, she argued that the concept of “transracial” – similar to that of transgender – is useful in describing people such as herself.””
The Al BBC, is all over the
non binary,
racially fluid,
culturally coloured,
white world “foreign” to me,
race “a state of mind”,
self determined “black”,
race is a lie,
trans racial,
I “feel” black,
racial social justice warrior,
… white Rachel Donezal (NCAAP) American former civil rights activist and former Africana studies instructor on Newshite, whose got a book out.
… I mean if she stood next to Malia Bouttia, and Ali G she d look pretty “black”
After which we have to endure a racial equalities consultant, waffling about trans racialism, “white” privilege, and whether race is a construct.
On R4Today after the attack Brendan Cox pitted
1 Islamic Terrorist against Thomas Mair
Em thats false equivalence
Actually, 269 Islamist terrorists have been jailed in the UK
There were 39 from Birmingham alone
“An analysis of terrorism in the UK has found that there have been 269 people convicted of offences or killed as suicide bombers in the UK since 1998.”
And even the Westminster guy left 50 injured never mind the 4 he killed
whereas Mair had 1 targetted victim.
I’ve just watched Newsnight interviewing Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who identifies as black. I actually felt sorry for Rachel who is clearly disturbed and labours under the delusions that race and gender don’t exist and are “social constructs”. I didn’t like the callous black female writer they brought on to spout cruel jibes about Rachel’s white privilege. However, I thought Emily Maitlis’s questions were inadvertently showing up the absurdity and contradictoriness of these modish ideas about race and gender. Newsnight tonight got perilously close to realising that they have been talking garbage all these years and that their propaganda is ridiculous.
This was the funniest interview on Newsshite for ages. Were they all on pharmaceuticals? I’m feeling species-fluid at the moment and since I’ve always fought to save Golden Eagles from mass extermination and sexual exploitation, I’ve decided to identify as a human and Golden Eagle mix and like Jack Munro demand to be referred to as a “they”.This is me – this is what I stand for!
Zelazek, I agree and I think all the ‘trans’ stuff may be close to collapse. The media likes a clear narrative – good v evil. For years in the ‘good’ corner we’ve had all the gay rights/womens rights/trans stuff, and in the ‘bad’ corner we’ve had the forces of conservatism/reaction – religion (Christianity only, of course, or at a pinch, orthodox Judaism), the ‘patriarchy’, unsympathetic governments who won’t fund things, etc.
The clear narrative however is now breaking down – there are now several high profile openly gay conservative men in the media, and even arch-feminist Germaine Greer has come under attack from those supposedly on her ‘side’.
Journalists, in my experience, can’t or don’t want to understand this kind of in-fighting between groups who, in marxist terms, should be showing solidarity with each other.
Douglas Murray has been very amusing at the expense of a group calling itself “Gays for Palestine”, pointing out that if any of those Gays were actually to go to Palestine, they would likely be chucked off the top of tall buildings.
Nogginator / Zalazek – You’re right of course: the whole race / gender fluid nonsense is indeed a streak of yellow fluid or non-binary crap, and it’s hilarious that News-shite waste their time and our money on it, with Emily trying to look serious and keep a straight face. On the plus side, it shows the risible absurdity of where the whole pc race / gender debate is going, and it will soon implode into its own inner contradictions.
Earlier nogginator comments:
The Al BBC, is all over the
non binary,
racially fluid,
culturally coloured,
white world “foreign” to me,
race “a state of mind”,
self determined “black”,
race is a lie,
trans racial,
I “feel” black,
racial social justice warrior,
… white Rachel Donezal (NCAAP) American former civil rights activist and former Africana studies instructor on Newshite, whose got a book out.
… I mean if she stood next to Malia Bouttia, and Ali G she d look pretty “black”
After which we have to endure a racial equalities consultant, waffling about trans racialism, “white” privilege, and whether race is a construct.
They give airtime to this! … utter shite!
“Pakistani cricketer walks free after hitting wife with his bat and making her drink bleach”.
I should hope so, just normal muslim practice back home and to penalise him would have been culturally insensitive, racist and islamophobic.
Oh, and he’s called “Must ‘ave a bash” – who said allah doesn’t have a sense of humour?
Apparently he is still going to be employed by Leicester cricket club despite saying something along the lines of white slags about his wife’s friends. Nice.
Apparently, his lawyer used the argument that he’s to be employed as a professional cricketer by Leicestershire County Cricket Club to get a non-custodial sentence, but the club say they know nothing about this man and have never offered him a contract. If that is true shouldn’t he be brought back to court to receive a more suitable sentence for his disgusting crime and a further charge of misleading the court?
A somewhat overblown introduction for the BBC weather man this morning who delivers a mere 20 degrees celsius as a predicted maximum – in some areas.
Our Louise Minchin was seriously considering a paddle in the Manchester Ship Canal.
One is tempted to imagine the Media City crew flocking like lemmings towards the water, boldly picking their way through serried ranks of SNP protesters and Tori Cutz suppilcants eager to be wafted straight to air, only to dip a toe in the water and quickly retreat shuddering.
Perhaps our excitable Beeb drones have just had another staff seminar on Global Warming.
Inevitably, sooner or later, we will actually get a summer heat wave in this country and this lot are likely to go ballistic.
And when do the BBC announce a white person killed by a black officer.Never. A murder is a murder but the BBC always like to get their little racist digs in.
As John Lennon reminds us – it is hardly a new problem – but the BBC sofa set are pot holing again.
Just pick a subject and the BBC will gladly agitate for more tax payer cash to be spent on it. Why wouldn’t they want the state sector expanded and expanded and expanded – it’s all good, right?
The statistics stuck in Lennon’s LSD addled mind but begin to wash over the BBC viewer.
Multiple millions. One wonders how much has already been spent on those pimpled paving blocks the purpose of which is…
…to virtue-signal local authorities’ care for the blind. And the true value of that costly initiative has been….?
One comment from that article “A Labour grunt trying to suppress the media? You’ll be claiming Putin does the same in Russia next. Surely fake news?!?”
Another one said “Just one more sleep” in regards to Article 50.
Paul Mason, man of the people , runs to his lawyer.
By coincidence yesterday I read of this now largely forgotten case:
Labour leftist Michael Meacher made ‘a decision to sue the journalist Alan Watkins for libel in 1990… The libel case, which he lost and which left him liable for costs of £130,000, brought much gaiety to the nation but exposed him to ridicule. He sued Watkins for having described him as “middle class” in the Observer’
Michael Meacher, the man who latterly espoused green issues, yet somehow managed to acquire several properties.
Becoming a landlord for him was quite compatible with his alleged socialist principles; “all property is theft”
Thank you. It is a pleasure to hear a devout leading UK Muslim openly admitting that the UK is not “Ideal” for Islam but refusing to entertain that Islam is ‘terraforming’ the UK toward becoming, “Ideal”.
I,ll be facing south tomorrow……..thinking of Dame Vera Lynn and the White Cliffs of Dover……..and the Brexit Letter winging its way ( will it be encrypted ?) or should it simply say
Two days and two stories of Muslims and domestic abuse involving men forcing the female partners to dress and behave in a more Islamic way.
Odd because I’ve never heard anything about Muslim men bullying their women over becoming ‘Westernised’, in fact I get the impression that the Fascist Left is rather supportive of them.
The sh*t storm surrounding The Mails’ front page today is off the scale. The offending headline draws attention to the fact that both Treezer and wee Burney have got legs. Phew! The usual suspects have jumped on the bandwagon to scream “SEXISM!”. Comrade Corbyn demonstrates his firm grasp on history by commenting that it is 2017. In a rare show of Labour solidarity, Harriet Harmen and Yvette Cooper do the same. Ed Millerband broke ranks, but kept to a historical theme by plagiarizing a very old joke while Catherine Mayer, co-founder of the Women’s Equality Party, blamed Brexit on this sort of thing. Meanwhile Sky News’ breakfast time ginger skank Sarah-Jane Mee (me-me-me-me) opined that this was precisely the sort of thing which kept wiminz out of politics, thereby defining wiminz as fragile little flowers who cannot take a f*cking joke. Sexist much?
It’s a pity these people were not as quick to criticize islam for last weeks terror attack. #islamits2017
The Daily Mail’s headline is: Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it! Followed by: Sarah Vine’s light-hearted verdict on the big showdown.
Except for the exclamation mark where clearly there should have been a question mark, I see nothing wrong. Readers are told it is going to be a light-hearted story, so what’s the problem? Much ado about nothing.
I despair of my gender. They have lost their sense of humour in the past couple of generations. I regular see snarling faces demanding ‘their rights’ but how much more do we want ? We are everywhere – in charge of countries and economic councils, taken over as sports reporters (mostly rubbish), far more women GPs, we have prominent roles in the Church, and we have senior roles in TV and boardrooms. Yes, womens progression has evolved over the decades, but we’ve lost our ‘niceness’ in our quest for pole positions.
Its good that we are no longer the housewife of the 50’s warming the pipe and slippers, but we are the fairer sex, we’ve been bred that way, and it was ever thus that appreciative banter from the opposite sex since the year dot will continue. Its how we deal with it is the concern. When I started work in 1965 in an office environment, us young girls were fair game for sexist remarks. In the main we joined in and laughed them off, or told them to ‘sod off’, with no harm done, and no more thought about. Where is the humour today, there is none. Many an awkward situation could be dealt with easily by humorous backchat, instead of the screeching ‘feminist’ rally call.
I think there’s a point where modern feminism erupts into man-hate. Only they hate the wrong men. I’ll be pleased if I get to the age of Treezer & Krankie, & my legs are still considered attractive by the opposite sex. Heck! I’ll be pleased if we aren’t forced to cover up with black sheets in order to leave the house. Feminism in 2017 wears a hijab & it certainly doesn’t represent my view. Neither does Jeremy Dustbyn.
It’s actually mostly an article about body language but as ever the ludicrous left don’t let reality get in the way of waging their febrile vendetta against the Daily Mail. And these are the people who go on about “Hope not Hate” Unbelievable!
Totally agree Lucy.
Most of the ‘feminists’ will say they dress in an attractive way for themselves – maybe so in a lot of cases, but subliminally we are engineered to attract the male of the species.
Friends! I’m sure that many of you will be pleased to hear that my good friend Saveed Miliband has – literally – penned a piece in today’s Far-Right Guardian, in which he has lent full support to Our Polly’s passionate advocacy of Our EU, by dint of providing a couple of extremely helpful past quotations from her, one being a piece from 1997 when she was arguing for Britain to join Our EU, and the second being her full-hearted support for Our Gordon when he was busily abolishing Boom and Bust in 2007.
One of the German BBCs has just stated that a survey of the DIHK (German Industrial Chamber of Commerce) has revealed that their members are “filled with horror” at the uncertainties associated with Brexit and that their exports of goods and services to the UK have fallen by 3.5% over the year to date. This just shows the irrelevance of all the BBC’s handwringing about post-Brexit trade deals.
However, putting one’s faith in the enlightened self-interest of the Germans could be risky. Mad Merkel’s CDU won and gained in popularity in the Saarland state elections on Sunday with 40% of the vote. Paradoxically the only other party to gain votes was the AfD and they entered the state parliament for the first time. The Greens and the FDP, the party of Genscher, disappeared without trace. The much heralded and trumpeted Martin Schulz effect seems only to have been negative.
While No 10 Amber Dudd, stands po faced in “Herr Flick” glasses at candle vigils, “we will not be cowed” etc.
On Marr she pushes on with the Tory/MSM cabal intention to take rights away from ordinary people re social media, whilst ignoring the fact that criminals/terrorists already know the “backdoors” to get around them.
Amber Dudd totally unconvincing, once again showing typical Tory incompetence, whilst aiming to hammer ordinary folk(control social media?)
… this liability of a government cannot do any better, and we need to know why.
Please can someone on here send Amber Rudd a copy of I T for Dummies.
I think Amber Rudd hit her natural career peak when she was the “aristocracy coordinator” on “Four Weddings and a Funeral”. Since then, she has proved the basic truth of the Peter Principle, although I think she must have reached the level of her incompetence quite a long time ago.
BBC News – US ‘racist killer’ faces terror charge
White US army veteran charged over black man’s murder
A White Army veteran with a hatred for black people travelled to New York City and confronted a black man before killing him with a sword, police say.
“James Harris Jackson, 28, is said to have taken a bus from Baltimore to New York with the intention of targeting black men”.
An atrocious appalling murder, that poor, poor, man
… How quick the BBC is to report the erm “defining characteristic” of the perp in this murder?.
Pt1 – Hate crime … that’s all about Race AND Religion these days isn t it.
Not very “fluid” of them, not very “trans racialist” BBC, maybe he was distraught at the “culturally coloured” world he was now having to endure, are you not going to spend time “understanding the motivation”…. look at all the things that need to be considered?
NO! he s simply White, wanted to murder Black people motivated by hate, for black people … that is clear reporting.
Pt2 – Flip back … Hate in law – Race AND Religion that’s the definition,(the Al BBC never let you forget it)
The Islamic murderer Masood killed those people for religion, ie they were not Islamic, they were infidel, unbelievers
Quran (2:191-193) – “Unbelievers kill them wherever you find them”
Quran (3:151) – “We must cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers”
Why do we get S Warsi with lots of BBC airtime on radio, on tv, column inches on to say ah … but this guy used to be … not Islamic.
Islamic Grand Mufti T May, oh no he s perverting the great whatever
Why get the one BBC debate program on religion, to have only two people with an objective voice (D Murray/AM Waters)out of about 50 people? massively outnumbered by
adherents to the very “religion”, making excuses for the very “religion” the perpetrator identified as his motivation.
Doesn t the BBC not want to understand, this ex army guy? Can nobody read or understand the passages above?, very clear, don t lie about context the Quran has none.
The BBC is an dangerous absurdity,
Just one more thing BBC, “should we give terrorists the oxygen of publicity?”
keeping it in the news is counter productive etc etc, that was your rap at the weekend.
BBC News 1hr ago – “The wife of Westminster attacker Khalid Masood has said she is “saddened and shocked” by the attack.
“A large part of my work is making elementary distinctions that are repeatedly obscured, and apparently deliberately so, by those who should know better, and probably do. In the first place, there is no evidence as far as I know that Masood was an observant or devout Christian at any time in his life, and testimony from people who knew him that he was a “very religious” Muslim. Moreover, when he was violent before he converted to Islam, this violence had nothing to do with Christianity, as Christianity does not exhort believers to commit acts of violence. When he was violent after he converted to Islam, there is every reason to believe that he may have found justification for his violence in the numerous texts and teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah that exhort believers to commit acts of violence and tell them they will be rewarded by Allah for doing so.
But the next time there is a jihad attack in Britain, Sayeeda Warsi will say the same thing again, and no one will dare contradict her or try to cut through her obfuscations; to do so would be “Islamophobic.”
R Spencer
I don’t think they would last long. Look at the rifleperson on the right against the wall. She’s seems to have the end resting in the earth. This proves that leftists are either suicidal or stupid. No wait, it’s not an either/or situation.
Perhaps she thinks that clogging the barrel of one’s rifle with mud improves it’s performance.
Let’s hope that idea catches on among leftards.
Inflation was due for a rise anyway, interest rates are still ludicrously, artificially low. Savers have had very little incentive for years but mortgage providers have been coining it. Markets will take a hit, nothing new there but for all their fear mongering, something they accused Leave of, life will go on.
BBC Question Time Brexit Special yesterday began with a balanced panel (3 remainers + 3 brexiteers) and David Dimbleby gleefully announcing that the audience had been selected to reflect the result of the referendum (52/48 percent)
Had Question Time changed it’s ways, I could’nt believe it! What could go wrong?
Well the first clue given was when Dimbleby chastised Suzanne Evans for apparently hogging the time (he metaphorically slapped her wrist and briefly lectured her on the importance of other panel members having their say)
I decided to measure the amount of air time taken by members of the panel:
Alex Salmond……….11 minutes
Nick Clegg…………10 minutes
Kier Starmer……….11 minutes 27 seconds
Total time for Remainers…32 minutes 27 seconds
Poor old Suzanne Evans came well last in ‘hogging’ the time and of course the Remainers won the overall time (wasted?) used.
I must say I’m relieved that the BBC did not let us down after all and remained true to type in their bias against Brexit (they just can’t help it!)
The only thing Clegg declared which went unchallenged by the rest, was that since 2000 it was only a quarter of migrants arriving in the UK that originated within the EU. That was, if true, in my view the only constructive statement he made. But nevertheless, in making that assertion, he highlighted the fiction of any political leaders desire to ‘limit migration’ within that 17 years. They’re all in the international conspiracy to raise the living standards of the Third World by dilution with the West, together. The fatal flaw of that covert plan is, of course, that as we already see daily, our infrastructure going South to join the normal expectations of those imported. Expect further noticeable annual deterioration.
Another thing Clegg said that wasn’t challenged was that the “overwhelming majority” of young people voted to remain, whereas in fact the overwhelming majority of young people did not vote at all, so we don’t know what they think, if think is not too strong a word.
The other thing that should be born in mind when one hears this:
“The young didn’t vote for this, yet they are the ones who will have to live with it” cobblers, is that those who are “young” will become older and many of them then, will be very glad that there were enough of the “old” to have outvoted them at the time of the referendum.
What do most 18 – 24 year olds know about anything? It seems that they stay at college or ‘uni’ until they are at least 25 these days – what with gap years and all the other cr@p to put off the day when they’ve got to go to work.
BBC WS snippet – Brits living in Finland very concerned re. their status post Brexit.
One Brit not concerned and would have voted out. We’ve had ties with Finland since the 14th Century and as he said, “I have Indians and Chinese next door and they’re not a bit worried, why should I be?”
The only way Euro Brits might suffer is if the EU want to be spiteful and border on illegality but then we’d expect that wouldn’t we?
So, the EU want to ‘punish’ Britain for wanting out. No wonder they like islam so much – both have very similar views towards those wanting to leave the fascistic cults: DEATH TO THE APOSTATES! STONE THE HERETICS!
And charge a border tax – it might force this country to start making stuff again? Now THAT would be good for OUR economy!
Richard Branson-Pickle mouthing off against Trump. How original, how daring.
Whatever you think about the man, shut the feck up willya? At a time when this country needs good trading relations with the US more than ever before – and has a unique opportunity in the form of the Anglophile President, unlike his Anglophobe Kenyan predecessor – morons like Branson risk souring the relationship with their juvenile posturing.
He can take his boyfriend, Barrack with him. Obama as a pal says an awful lot and I mean awful.
Does anyone care what Branson thinks – a billionaire who started out selling cheap LPs. He lives in various mansions around the world and on the group of islands he owns. You can see him in a new TV programme staying in $7000 per night hotels while he chides us to be charitable.
The scale of “fake research” in the UK appears to have been underestimated, a BBC investigation suggests.
Official data points to about 30 allegations of research misconduct between 2012 and 2015.
However, figures obtained by the BBC under Freedom of Information rules identified hundreds of allegations over a similar time period at 23 universities alone.
“There are growing concerns around the world over research integrity.”
Well it’s not news to us. bbc
– rt
While Facebook are happy to host islamic terrorist material, it’s bowing to Pakistan’s demands to remove what THEY consider ‘blasphemous’. Well done Fb.
Pakistani government: Facebook heeded its demand and has removed 85% of “blasphemous” material
MARCH 27, 2017
Joshua Rozenberg tells us that Scottish prisons have just over two prisoners per officer – ‘What is Scotland doing right?’, he asks.
Who decides what is the right ratio? Three per prisoner so that they can have 24/7 care? Perhaps Scotland doesn’t have the same amount of ‘enrichment’ as England?
Brilliant item on All Out Politics on Sky this morning re Brexit media bias. The presenter Boulton is an arch Remainer and makes no attempt to hide it, he had some other Remainer Ex Channel Four and MP Peter Bone , a strong Leaver. Bone said he thought Sky was reasonable in presenting both sides of the argument, in my view he just can’t have been watching, but then Sky is a full subscription service and can say what it likes and you don’t have to subscribe if you don’t want to. But he then tore into the BBC and their partially state funded little brother Ch 4, he accused them of long standing institutional pro EU bias, which I think means that they are so biased they do it unconsciously. He then rightly went to say that since the referendum they had been very consciously biased in favour of the EU, even though the country was in favour of Leave. He declared that this anti democratic bias in a state funded organisation was totally unacceptable. Boulton was incredulous , he simply couldn’t believe that anyone could possibly say that the BBC was actually plotting against the democratic wishes of the people.
Perhaps Boulton is unconsciously EU biased but I doubt it and I am sure that the BBC is definitely very conscious of its pro EU bias. In my view , and I am sure in the view of people who visit this site, the whole of the MSM , including those which are state funded, are participating in a concerted, planned attempt to derail Brexit. Similarly across the Atlantic the MSM are trying to get rid of President Trump. In France they are putting their weight fully behind Macron and against Le Penn. The Globalist elite and their friends in the MSM, are at war with democracy right across the West. They see the will of the people as being a direct threat to themselves and their cherished looney idea of a World Government .
Of course Boulton is biased – he’s married to Anji Hunter, Blair’s gatekeeper when he was in power.
Interesting titbit from Wilki ……………….
“On 10 May 2010, while covering events on the aftermath of the 2010 general election Boulton lost his composure with former 10 Downing Street Director of Communications, Alastair Campbell defending his impartiality in a live on-air interview after Campbell accused Boulton of political bias in favour of the Conservatives. Boulton shouted at Campbell: “Don’t tell me what I think”…………
So the bBC reports on how Carlos the Jackel, the most notorious Terrorist Militant has been banged up for a few more years for his so called militant behaviour.
To the bBC terrorist apologists, this is what a Militant looks and acts like:
The bBC and how it surreptitiously promotes Islam: South Africa: The Manenberg school which is top of the class Manenberg in Cape Town, South Africa, is infamous for its high crime rate, but it is now being associated with academic excellence, writes the BBC’s Mo Allie.Looking from the outside at The Leadership College (TLC) with its basic structure and its small classrooms, surrounded by sandy waste ground, it is hard to imagine that this is the same school that has managed consistently to deliver top-class results since its inception seven years ago.
Hey a world article from South Africa about a school which is doing great and the bBC pushes out this picture of smiling children in respect to the story:
Nice picture, take another look at it especially the girl with her hand in the air, now look at the girl in front of her, why is her hijab around her shoulders,(could it be she is forced to cover up inside school, if that is so, why does nobody at the bBC contrast that Islamic school uniform diktat when a Muslim child demands to wear such inside a British school which forbids it) now look closely at the girls you can’t see properly. Notice something. Here is a video regards the school, notice anything:
and here is what the schools website has to say about its intake:
The bBC does mention the school is an Islamic school (about 90%) but they don’t mention it until near the end. then there is this bBC trending article: First Muslim Women’s Day celebrated, and Chrissy Teigen hits out at Fox News Muslim Women’s Day
The first Muslim Women’s Day has been hailed a success with large support online, although some voiced their scepticism. The online campaign was launched by MuslimGirl, a website by and for Muslim women, in partnership with several media organisations, centring on the voices and experiences of Muslim women.The state of Florida also proclaimed 27 March as Muslim Women’s Day throughout the state, recognising the “economic, cultural, and social contributions of Muslim women”. And Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb wished everyone around the world a happy Muslim Women’s Day.
Just what is it about Islam is it that the bBC feels it has to continually shove down our throats on an hourly basis?
So, regards the above article about the leadership school in South Africa the bbC has this to say about its intake: About 90% of the students are Muslim but the founders stress it is open to all races and denominations.
and here is what the Schools website has to say on the matter:
Pounce, “The bBC and how it surreptitiously promotes Islam”
Various reasons are suggested for the school’s success; “a safe place, therapy for those who need it, discipline, a sense of community and extra lessons for slow learners.
Fairly universal requirements for “a good school”.
Nowhere does the report say it’s a good school because “Islam”; surreptitiously or otherwise.
“why is her hijab around her shoulders,(could it be she is forced to cover up inside school, if that is so, why does nobody at the bBC contrast that Islamic school uniform diktat when a Muslim child demands to wear such inside a British school which forbids it).
Why is one girl wearing a scarf? Why does one girl have a scarf round her shoulders? Why do two girls not have any scarves at all? Why are some boys wearing hats?? Why are some boys not wearing hats??? What’s going on with that bloke in the red jumper?????
“…now look closely at the girls you can’t see properly.”
Congratulations, Pounce. You win the B-BBC prize for; “Oxymoronic Phrase of the Week”.
Gaxvil, I suspect there is a lot of Saudi and other middle east money coming into the UK and one of the stipulations that comes with it, perhaps not openly said but implied, is the promotion of Islam. One example would be the ‘1001 inventions of Islam’ touring exhibition which has been in the Science Museum. It’s subtle propaganda, and institutionally leftist Britons, dripping with white guilt, will need little persuasion to go along with it. This is why, I believe, any criticism of Islam is hushed up in the media.
What you have to remember is that apart from Christianity, Islam is the only other major proselytising (evangelising) religion in the world. Judaism and Hinduism are inherited religions and Buddhism does not have a simple conversion process. That’s probably why, for example, that Japanese or Indian investment in the UK would not come with ulterior motives of promoting the religions of their countries.
– Ahmed Mansoor: UAE activist wins Martin Ennals Human rights Award
– Qatar announces £5bn UK investment
Nikki Haley at the UN … “The days of Israel bashing are over”
“About time … Now can the Trump administration this focus and decisiveness in its other endeavours?
Or, are we to be sentenced to four years of drift and confusion, followed by the final victory of the global internationalist establishment elites?”
R Spencer.
“There are a lot of threats to peace and security, but you are not going to take our number one Democratic friend in the Middle East and beat up on them,”
Haley said
Amazing new claptrap, garbage coming our way soon no doubt.
From a book, forward by Branson no less.
The all new concept for managers, directors, CEOs of, “Growing Down” i.e.: to behave more like small children. Sounds good huh?
Just arrived home from work and listened to the news. Wee Jimmy has got the ok from Holyrood for a 2nd ref. I turned off the news when I heard her hateful voice.
My knee jerk reaction is ‘eff off Scotland’. Sad as it may be but I can’t stand her.
PYT – I know the feeling, I was walking the dog at the weekend and stepped in a “Wee Jimmy” Which then transferred itself to the interior of my car. Despite having the windows open I could not remove the bad smell.
I think this is why the BBC love her so – She is always there , winging, carping and regurgitating acidic bile on anything that does not agree with her and generally souring the atmosphere.
I have a theory that the BBC/MSM know the toxic effect this revolting creature has on us Brits (and also the fact that we indirectly associate her voice with all Scots). As a result they give her even more coverage using the constant presence of this odious harpy on the airwaves as a means to sow dissent between Scotland and England.
There is nothing these bastards would not do if they thought it would weaken us.
We need to start a petition requiring that the rest of the UK votes in any referendum. I think the majority would vote to jettison Scotland. I’ts going to happen anyway at some point in the future. Lets speed them on their way. What say you?
G – quite right, there should be referendums on whether we want either them or Northern Ireland; I think most English folk would be glad to be rid of the pair of them.
Thanks Oaknash. Plus another rant. I am on a minimum wage. I don’t have much spare cash at the end of the month but, if I need painkillers I buy them in my local supermarket very cheaply. If I want supplements i.e. Omega 3 or sun cream I buy my own. I cannot believe that these items plus gluten free food were on prescription anyway?
Gluten free didn’t exist 100 yrs ago. How mamby pamby. Nanny state.
PYT – I am the same as you – I just buy them. Whilst I have no objection to the state helping a bit with supplements, sayif someone becomes seriously ill with say Coeliacs disease.
I think most working people would not bother trying to bounce the state into paying for this stuff if they are not very poorly. Its called being responsible for yourself.
However many of the self obsessed Islington type liberals generally have a very well developed sense of entitlement. If they think they “need” something they are probably very pushy as well as being very well informed about how to get the state to fund their self-medication.
Mariella Frostrup always comes to mind when she was kicking off because her private health insurance would not pay her menopause bills (I know I am dodgy ground saying this as a bloke) But you can bet your bottom dollar that whatever treatment she sought it was out of reach of the pocket of most working women.
I struggle to understand why people of means (i.e. rich people) cannot just bite the bullet and pay for their own supplements. It’s not rocket science.
Agree with all the above, I too was ‘astounded’ that sun creams, gluten free etc WAS available on prescription. Makes you wonder what else we don’t know !
Its a bigger problem than people realise.There is a culture of its free there fore even if you can afford to buy it go and get it free.
I have prescription BP tabs which I don’t pay for ,but when I needed a dry skin cream I went and purchased it .A friend said I should get it added to my regular prescription and get it free.
I can well afford to buy it and its not related to a medical condition. I know its not actually free. Some hard working tax payer is subsidising me .
Its all become a bit of a free for all.It doesn’t make sense when they are rationing cancer drugs.
“Its all become a bit of a free for all.It doesn’t make sense when they are rationing cancer drugs.”
The NHS has to ration life saving drugs – otherwise it couldn’t keep demanding more money. If it said it needed another billion for sun cream we’d be deafened by the laughter, but another billion for cancer drugs will get a sympathetic hearing.
I heard this nice response to a snowflake today I thought worth re posting here
First mention is made of a snowflake and along comes some offence taker and come out with the usual nonsense that snowflakes are beautiful frozen water, and that water is eternal, and covers most of the earth.
The reply went
Snowflakes on their own are indeed beautiful, even when there are a few they are not much more than an inconvenience, however when there are a lot of them they become a blizzard and drag the country to a standstill.
A typical News Reporters College question for students:
‘Compare and contrast the news reporting style for these current news items and assess the difference between one, released by an extremely biased pro-muslim media reporter of news and one who is less biased. Your answer must identify the media news reporter which you believe to be biased positively toward the muslim faith and give reasons why you think that media broadcaster is biased. You are expected to detail the anomalies between the two and where you think the pro muslim broadcaster could improve’ –
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The BBC haven’t been making much of their beloved EU’s statement of direction – The Rome Declaration.
I liked this bit, (amongst many others!:
” ..a Union which preserves our cultural heritage and promotes cultural diversity.”
Presumably ‘our cultural heritage’ will be ‘preserved’ in a museum for our ‘New Europeans’ to visit, then burn down in thirty years time!
No, there is no way that Saudi blokes would do a job like that
Nah, they’re all down at the local internet caf watching ISIS beheadings.
Is that who he was communicating with via WhatsApp last Thursday?
Remainers play the VICTIM of BBC Bias
Cunning Remainiacs build a false narrative that the BBC didn’t cover their march
– I’d noticed them lobbying Feedback on March 21st
On the morning of the demo they added more similar tweets
by 5pm 6pm Tweets were flying around saying BBC hadn’t covered it
….but they didn’t bother to check properly.
Cos even people on their own side , said stuff like “but I heard it a few times on the radio”
WestMonster have some funny photos of the wackiest placards
As commenters above have pointed out there was a lot of BBC coverage of that anti-Brexit march

Yet even on March 21 I spotted people on Twitter building the narrative ..Oh we are the victims the BBC won’t cover out march
Here is the BBC’s coverage
I took the screen shots on Sunday, so those pages time stamps showed they appeared on Saturday around 5-pm
Eventually their own commenters begin to call them out sayin stuff like
– It’s been on a lot
– I heard it a 2:30pm
At least the BBC say “Tens of thousands”, which if the 25,000 suggested by the Metropolitan Police is correct, could be said to be right.
Event organisers always overestimate the attendance, for some reason.
I have fun with the local paper from time to time querying the terms they describe such crowds as. They use the word “Hundreds” then publish a photo showing the term “A few score” would be more accurate.
I also like to consider that the police would describe many attendees at “political” protests as “the usual suspects”!
Even Paul Jones is at it! Is there no programme that is ‘agenda free’?
After introducing Eric Bibb’s new album he tells us that ‘we are all immigrants’ and that perhaps the new album will help change our attitudes to the millions of Africans and people from the Middle East that want to come to Europe.
Dear Paul, their is a heck of a difference between a few thousand pioneer families travelling to the ‘new’ countries on paid passages and a few million male ‘children’ breaking in to live on benefits in the ‘old’ world. Please stick to the music.
Paul also struggles with understanding that Shakin’ Stevens mining ancestors left Cornwall for a new life as… miners. He’s obviously been listening to too many songs by non-worker folk song writers about the down-trodden workers, some of whom actually took a pride in doing manly things.
Why do the BBC news and its interviewees constantly refer to the Russian government as ‘the regime’? Is it a military junta?
Yes, it is . But the BBC never refer to the EU as a ” regime”.
BBC Online News:
“”Rachel Dolezal: ‘The idea of race is a lie'””
“”Rachel Dolezal – the white US woman who said she was black – says “the idea of race is a lie””
“”Speaking in an interview with Emily Maitlis, she argued that the concept of “transracial” – similar to that of transgender – is useful in describing people such as herself.””
straight onto the university booklist
DS, Someone in need of psychiatric assessment and treatment “is useful in describing people such as herself”
All these nut jobs trying so hard to convince that their beliefs andactions are so right, proper and normal.
… but enough about Emily.
Good to see Newsnight still going where no one else feels it’s worth bothering about.
Must be a unique funding feature.
This is part of a much more interesting interview with Ms Dolezal.
The Al BBC, is all over the
non binary,
racially fluid,
culturally coloured,
white world “foreign” to me,
race “a state of mind”,
self determined “black”,
race is a lie,
trans racial,
I “feel” black,
racial social justice warrior,
… white Rachel Donezal (NCAAP) American former civil rights activist and former Africana studies instructor on Newshite, whose got a book out.
… I mean if she stood next to Malia Bouttia, and Ali G she d look pretty “black”
After which we have to endure a racial equalities consultant, waffling about trans racialism, “white” privilege, and whether race is a construct.
They give airtime to this! … utter shite!
On R4Today after the attack Brendan Cox pitted
1 Islamic Terrorist against Thomas Mair
Em thats false equivalence
Actually, 269 Islamist terrorists have been jailed in the UK
There were 39 from Birmingham alone
“An analysis of terrorism in the UK has found that there have been 269 people convicted of offences or killed as suicide bombers in the UK since 1998.”
And even the Westminster guy left 50 injured never mind the 4 he killed
whereas Mair had 1 targetted victim.
Those 50 injured are in some ways worse off than those who died cos they and their families may suffer years of hassle.
A bit of Trumpism here.
‘Let’s build a wall around Sparkbrook’
Perhaps Doreen Tipton could extend her wall southwards?
I’ve just watched Newsnight interviewing Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who identifies as black. I actually felt sorry for Rachel who is clearly disturbed and labours under the delusions that race and gender don’t exist and are “social constructs”. I didn’t like the callous black female writer they brought on to spout cruel jibes about Rachel’s white privilege. However, I thought Emily Maitlis’s questions were inadvertently showing up the absurdity and contradictoriness of these modish ideas about race and gender. Newsnight tonight got perilously close to realising that they have been talking garbage all these years and that their propaganda is ridiculous.
This was the funniest interview on Newsshite for ages. Were they all on pharmaceuticals? I’m feeling species-fluid at the moment and since I’ve always fought to save Golden Eagles from mass extermination and sexual exploitation, I’ve decided to identify as a human and Golden Eagle mix and like Jack Munro demand to be referred to as a “they”.This is me – this is what I stand for!
Zelazek, I agree and I think all the ‘trans’ stuff may be close to collapse. The media likes a clear narrative – good v evil. For years in the ‘good’ corner we’ve had all the gay rights/womens rights/trans stuff, and in the ‘bad’ corner we’ve had the forces of conservatism/reaction – religion (Christianity only, of course, or at a pinch, orthodox Judaism), the ‘patriarchy’, unsympathetic governments who won’t fund things, etc.
The clear narrative however is now breaking down – there are now several high profile openly gay conservative men in the media, and even arch-feminist Germaine Greer has come under attack from those supposedly on her ‘side’.
Journalists, in my experience, can’t or don’t want to understand this kind of in-fighting between groups who, in marxist terms, should be showing solidarity with each other.
Douglas Murray has been very amusing at the expense of a group calling itself “Gays for Palestine”, pointing out that if any of those Gays were actually to go to Palestine, they would likely be chucked off the top of tall buildings.
As an OT aside. I see the EU ‘negotiator’ is demanding £50 Billion before any negotiations take place.
When I was in business and received such a demand I would then ask for the relevant paperwork.
When was the last time the EU audit was signed off by the auditors?
Nogginator / Zalazek – You’re right of course: the whole race / gender fluid nonsense is indeed a streak of yellow fluid or non-binary crap, and it’s hilarious that News-shite waste their time and our money on it, with Emily trying to look serious and keep a straight face. On the plus side, it shows the risible absurdity of where the whole pc race / gender debate is going, and it will soon implode into its own inner contradictions.
Earlier nogginator comments:
The Al BBC, is all over the
non binary,
racially fluid,
culturally coloured,
white world “foreign” to me,
race “a state of mind”,
self determined “black”,
race is a lie,
trans racial,
I “feel” black,
racial social justice warrior,
… white Rachel Donezal (NCAAP) American former civil rights activist and former Africana studies instructor on Newshite, whose got a book out.
… I mean if she stood next to Malia Bouttia, and Ali G she d look pretty “black”
After which we have to endure a racial equalities consultant, waffling about trans racialism, “white” privilege, and whether race is a construct.
They give airtime to this! … utter shite!
“Pakistani cricketer walks free after hitting wife with his bat and making her drink bleach”.
I should hope so, just normal muslim practice back home and to penalise him would have been culturally insensitive, racist and islamophobic.
Oh, and he’s called “Must ‘ave a bash” – who said allah doesn’t have a sense of humour?
It sounds like they were having what is known as a “domestic” – or should that be a “Domestos”?
I’ll get me coat ……..
Apparently he is still going to be employed by Leicester cricket club despite saying something along the lines of white slags about his wife’s friends. Nice.
Pity she didn’t return the favour, and walloped him in his Googlies ! I would have done.
Apparently, his lawyer used the argument that he’s to be employed as a professional cricketer by Leicestershire County Cricket Club to get a non-custodial sentence, but the club say they know nothing about this man and have never offered him a contract. If that is true shouldn’t he be brought back to court to receive a more suitable sentence for his disgusting crime and a further charge of misleading the court?
“Matt’s talking about HOT weather”
A somewhat overblown introduction for the BBC weather man this morning who delivers a mere 20 degrees celsius as a predicted maximum – in some areas.
Our Louise Minchin was seriously considering a paddle in the Manchester Ship Canal.
One is tempted to imagine the Media City crew flocking like lemmings towards the water, boldly picking their way through serried ranks of SNP protesters and Tori Cutz suppilcants eager to be wafted straight to air, only to dip a toe in the water and quickly retreat shuddering.
Perhaps our excitable Beeb drones have just had another staff seminar on Global Warming.
Inevitably, sooner or later, we will actually get a summer heat wave in this country and this lot are likely to go ballistic.
If they have had another staff seminar on global warming I hope somebody manages to find out who attended by nefarious means. After the last one the BBC fought a very expensive court case to ensure we didn’t know. Happily, an internet warrior exposed them. Read the whole sinister tale here:
BBC Online News:
“”White US army veteran charged over black man’s murder””
“”A white US army veteran accused of stabbing a black man to death has been charged with murder as an act of terrorism in a New York court””
“”He is already charged with the murder as a hate crime””
It appears that Terrorism is being diluted by anti-Trump New York state.
Why doesn’t the BBC challenge this in their report?
Of course not….
And when do the BBC announce a white person killed by a black officer.Never. A murder is a murder but the BBC always like to get their little racist digs in.
“Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire…”
As John Lennon reminds us – it is hardly a new problem – but the BBC sofa set are pot holing again.
Just pick a subject and the BBC will gladly agitate for more tax payer cash to be spent on it. Why wouldn’t they want the state sector expanded and expanded and expanded – it’s all good, right?
The statistics stuck in Lennon’s LSD addled mind but begin to wash over the BBC viewer.
Multiple millions. One wonders how much has already been spent on those pimpled paving blocks the purpose of which is…
…to virtue-signal local authorities’ care for the blind. And the true value of that costly initiative has been….?
8.30am and BBC Business Live naturally headlines with Brexit.
At the top of the show BBC presenter Sally Bundock employs the rather odd funereal-sounding phrase :
“The UK passing from the EU”
We know and can guess where the tone of BBC reporting is going. Switch off.
Long faces at the BBC alumni gathering
One comment from that article “A Labour grunt trying to suppress the media? You’ll be claiming Putin does the same in Russia next. Surely fake news?!?”
Another one said “Just one more sleep” in regards to Article 50.
Paul Mason, man of the people , runs to his lawyer.
By coincidence yesterday I read of this now largely forgotten case:
Labour leftist Michael Meacher made ‘a decision to sue the journalist Alan Watkins for libel in 1990… The libel case, which he lost and which left him liable for costs of £130,000, brought much gaiety to the nation but exposed him to ridicule. He sued Watkins for having described him as “middle class” in the Observer’
Michael Meacher, the man who latterly espoused green issues, yet somehow managed to acquire several properties.
Becoming a landlord for him was quite compatible with his alleged socialist principles; “all property is theft”
Johnny Rotten is Pretty Cogent
On Nigel Farage:
“After that River Thames argument he had with Bob Geldof, I wanted to shake his hand”
On Brexit:
“The working class have spoke”
On Alastair Campbell
“I stopped listening to him years ago”
On The Donald Trump
“What I dislike is the leftwing media in America trying to smear the bloke as a racist – and that is completely not true”
Thank you. It is a pleasure to hear a devout leading UK Muslim openly admitting that the UK is not “Ideal” for Islam but refusing to entertain that Islam is ‘terraforming’ the UK toward becoming, “Ideal”.
I,ll be facing south tomorrow……..thinking of Dame Vera Lynn and the White Cliffs of Dover……..and the Brexit Letter winging its way ( will it be encrypted ?) or should it simply say
Coming to a school or college near you soon (if not already practised) –
Two days and two stories of Muslims and domestic abuse involving men forcing the female partners to dress and behave in a more Islamic way.
Odd because I’ve never heard anything about Muslim men bullying their women over becoming ‘Westernised’, in fact I get the impression that the Fascist Left is rather supportive of them.
The sh*t storm surrounding The Mails’ front page today is off the scale. The offending headline draws attention to the fact that both Treezer and wee Burney have got legs. Phew! The usual suspects have jumped on the bandwagon to scream “SEXISM!”. Comrade Corbyn demonstrates his firm grasp on history by commenting that it is 2017. In a rare show of Labour solidarity, Harriet Harmen and Yvette Cooper do the same. Ed Millerband broke ranks, but kept to a historical theme by plagiarizing a very old joke while Catherine Mayer, co-founder of the Women’s Equality Party, blamed Brexit on this sort of thing. Meanwhile Sky News’ breakfast time ginger skank Sarah-Jane Mee (me-me-me-me) opined that this was precisely the sort of thing which kept wiminz out of politics, thereby defining wiminz as fragile little flowers who cannot take a f*cking joke. Sexist much?
It’s a pity these people were not as quick to criticize islam for last weeks terror attack. #islamits2017
The Daily Mail’s headline is: Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it! Followed by: Sarah Vine’s light-hearted verdict on the big showdown.
Except for the exclamation mark where clearly there should have been a question mark, I see nothing wrong. Readers are told it is going to be a light-hearted story, so what’s the problem? Much ado about nothing.
I despair of my gender. They have lost their sense of humour in the past couple of generations. I regular see snarling faces demanding ‘their rights’ but how much more do we want ? We are everywhere – in charge of countries and economic councils, taken over as sports reporters (mostly rubbish), far more women GPs, we have prominent roles in the Church, and we have senior roles in TV and boardrooms. Yes, womens progression has evolved over the decades, but we’ve lost our ‘niceness’ in our quest for pole positions.
Its good that we are no longer the housewife of the 50’s warming the pipe and slippers, but we are the fairer sex, we’ve been bred that way, and it was ever thus that appreciative banter from the opposite sex since the year dot will continue. Its how we deal with it is the concern. When I started work in 1965 in an office environment, us young girls were fair game for sexist remarks. In the main we joined in and laughed them off, or told them to ‘sod off’, with no harm done, and no more thought about. Where is the humour today, there is none. Many an awkward situation could be dealt with easily by humorous backchat, instead of the screeching ‘feminist’ rally call.
I think there’s a point where modern feminism erupts into man-hate. Only they hate the wrong men. I’ll be pleased if I get to the age of Treezer & Krankie, & my legs are still considered attractive by the opposite sex. Heck! I’ll be pleased if we aren’t forced to cover up with black sheets in order to leave the house. Feminism in 2017 wears a hijab & it certainly doesn’t represent my view. Neither does Jeremy Dustbyn.
It’s actually mostly an article about body language but as ever the ludicrous left don’t let reality get in the way of waging their febrile vendetta against the Daily Mail. And these are the people who go on about “Hope not Hate” Unbelievable!
Totally agree Lucy.
Most of the ‘feminists’ will say they dress in an attractive way for themselves – maybe so in a lot of cases, but subliminally we are engineered to attract the male of the species.
Yet to read the full shocking back story, but have seen the image in question.
Who took it? Who approved it for release and who did that?
I just ask, as the legs in question do seem to be well to the fore, if daintily avoiding man spreading. at least no awkward handshake refusals.
Anyone would think ladies dress to get noticed.
Friends! I’m sure that many of you will be pleased to hear that my good friend Saveed Miliband has – literally – penned a piece in today’s Far-Right Guardian, in which he has lent full support to Our Polly’s passionate advocacy of Our EU, by dint of providing a couple of extremely helpful past quotations from her, one being a piece from 1997 when she was arguing for Britain to join Our EU, and the second being her full-hearted support for Our Gordon when he was busily abolishing Boom and Bust in 2007.
It can be found here:
One of the German BBCs has just stated that a survey of the DIHK (German Industrial Chamber of Commerce) has revealed that their members are “filled with horror” at the uncertainties associated with Brexit and that their exports of goods and services to the UK have fallen by 3.5% over the year to date. This just shows the irrelevance of all the BBC’s handwringing about post-Brexit trade deals.
However, putting one’s faith in the enlightened self-interest of the Germans could be risky. Mad Merkel’s CDU won and gained in popularity in the Saarland state elections on Sunday with 40% of the vote. Paradoxically the only other party to gain votes was the AfD and they entered the state parliament for the first time. The Greens and the FDP, the party of Genscher, disappeared without trace. The much heralded and trumpeted Martin Schulz effect seems only to have been negative.
that sounds suspiciously like tactical voting
but fuck the germans, if they cant even vote to save themselves why should we worry
While No 10 Amber Dudd, stands po faced in “Herr Flick” glasses at candle vigils, “we will not be cowed” etc.
On Marr she pushes on with the Tory/MSM cabal intention to take rights away from ordinary people re social media, whilst ignoring the fact that criminals/terrorists already know the “backdoors” to get around them.
Amber Dudd totally unconvincing, once again showing typical Tory incompetence, whilst aiming to hammer ordinary folk(control social media?)
… this liability of a government cannot do any better, and we need to know why.
Please can someone on here send Amber Rudd a copy of I T for Dummies.
I think Amber Rudd hit her natural career peak when she was the “aristocracy coordinator” on “Four Weddings and a Funeral”. Since then, she has proved the basic truth of the Peter Principle, although I think she must have reached the level of her incompetence quite a long time ago.
Going to get this off my chest…
BBC News – US ‘racist killer’ faces terror charge
White US army veteran charged over black man’s murder
A White Army veteran with a hatred for black people travelled to New York City and confronted a black man before killing him with a sword, police say.
“James Harris Jackson, 28, is said to have taken a bus from Baltimore to New York with the intention of targeting black men”.
An atrocious appalling murder, that poor, poor, man
… How quick the BBC is to report the erm “defining characteristic” of the perp in this murder?.
Pt1 – Hate crime … that’s all about Race AND Religion these days isn t it.
Not very “fluid” of them, not very “trans racialist” BBC, maybe he was distraught at the “culturally coloured” world he was now having to endure, are you not going to spend time “understanding the motivation”…. look at all the things that need to be considered?
NO! he s simply White, wanted to murder Black people motivated by hate, for black people … that is clear reporting.
Pt2 – Flip back … Hate in law – Race AND Religion that’s the definition,(the Al BBC never let you forget it)
The Islamic murderer Masood killed those people for religion, ie they were not Islamic, they were infidel, unbelievers
Quran (2:191-193) – “Unbelievers kill them wherever you find them”
Quran (3:151) – “We must cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers”
Why do we get S Warsi with lots of BBC airtime on radio, on tv, column inches on to say ah … but this guy used to be … not Islamic.
Islamic Grand Mufti T May, oh no he s perverting the great whatever
Why get the one BBC debate program on religion, to have only two people with an objective voice (D Murray/AM Waters)out of about 50 people? massively outnumbered by
adherents to the very “religion”, making excuses for the very “religion” the perpetrator identified as his motivation.
Doesn t the BBC not want to understand, this ex army guy? Can nobody read or understand the passages above?, very clear, don t lie about context the Quran has none.
The BBC is an dangerous absurdity,
“He is already charged with the murder as a hate crime””
Just one more thing BBC, “should we give terrorists the oxygen of publicity?”
keeping it in the news is counter productive etc etc, that was your rap at the weekend.
BBC News 1hr ago – “The wife of Westminster attacker Khalid Masood has said she is “saddened and shocked” by the attack.
“A large part of my work is making elementary distinctions that are repeatedly obscured, and apparently deliberately so, by those who should know better, and probably do. In the first place, there is no evidence as far as I know that Masood was an observant or devout Christian at any time in his life, and testimony from people who knew him that he was a “very religious” Muslim. Moreover, when he was violent before he converted to Islam, this violence had nothing to do with Christianity, as Christianity does not exhort believers to commit acts of violence. When he was violent after he converted to Islam, there is every reason to believe that he may have found justification for his violence in the numerous texts and teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah that exhort believers to commit acts of violence and tell them they will be rewarded by Allah for doing so.
But the next time there is a jihad attack in Britain, Sayeeda Warsi will say the same thing again, and no one will dare contradict her or try to cut through her obfuscations; to do so would be “Islamophobic.”
R Spencer
Would the author be the same Robert Spencer who Treezer, then home secretary, banned from entering UK?
Not an American story the BBC is likely to show an interest in.
Gun toting left-wing anti-Trump activists.
Reckon they’d be at home in Syria.
I don’t think they would last long. Look at the rifleperson on the right against the wall. She’s seems to have the end resting in the earth. This proves that leftists are either suicidal or stupid. No wait, it’s not an either/or situation.
Perhaps she thinks that clogging the barrel of one’s rifle with mud improves it’s performance.
Let’s hope that idea catches on among leftards.
“MPs ‘walk out’ in protest at ‘too gloomy’ Brexit report”
“According to the source, there had been no consultation on the report with the rest of the committee before Mr Benn put it forward to a vote”
Hilary Benn trying to pull a fast one?
Inflation was due for a rise anyway, interest rates are still ludicrously, artificially low. Savers have had very little incentive for years but mortgage providers have been coining it. Markets will take a hit, nothing new there but for all their fear mongering, something they accused Leave of, life will go on.
BBC Question Time Brexit Special yesterday began with a balanced panel (3 remainers + 3 brexiteers) and David Dimbleby gleefully announcing that the audience had been selected to reflect the result of the referendum (52/48 percent)
Had Question Time changed it’s ways, I could’nt believe it! What could go wrong?
Well the first clue given was when Dimbleby chastised Suzanne Evans for apparently hogging the time (he metaphorically slapped her wrist and briefly lectured her on the importance of other panel members having their say)
I decided to measure the amount of air time taken by members of the panel:
David Davies………14 minutes 25 seconds
Melanie Phillips……8 minutes 5 seconds
Suzanne Evans………5 minutes 36 seconds
Total time for Brexiteers..28 minutes 6 seconds
Alex Salmond……….11 minutes
Nick Clegg…………10 minutes
Kier Starmer……….11 minutes 27 seconds
Total time for Remainers…32 minutes 27 seconds
Poor old Suzanne Evans came well last in ‘hogging’ the time and of course the Remainers won the overall time (wasted?) used.
I must say I’m relieved that the BBC did not let us down after all and remained true to type in their bias against Brexit (they just can’t help it!)
Saw this in the small ad’s:-
‘Swap a Nick Clegg for an open, partially defrosted, incomplete bag of fish fingers.
Mrs Clegg is being rather optimistic there. She may have to pay to have him taken away.
The only thing Clegg declared which went unchallenged by the rest, was that since 2000 it was only a quarter of migrants arriving in the UK that originated within the EU. That was, if true, in my view the only constructive statement he made. But nevertheless, in making that assertion, he highlighted the fiction of any political leaders desire to ‘limit migration’ within that 17 years. They’re all in the international conspiracy to raise the living standards of the Third World by dilution with the West, together. The fatal flaw of that covert plan is, of course, that as we already see daily, our infrastructure going South to join the normal expectations of those imported. Expect further noticeable annual deterioration.
Another thing Clegg said that wasn’t challenged was that the “overwhelming majority” of young people voted to remain, whereas in fact the overwhelming majority of young people did not vote at all, so we don’t know what they think, if think is not too strong a word.
The other thing that should be born in mind when one hears this:
“The young didn’t vote for this, yet they are the ones who will have to live with it” cobblers, is that those who are “young” will become older and many of them then, will be very glad that there were enough of the “old” to have outvoted them at the time of the referendum.
What do most 18 – 24 year olds know about anything? It seems that they stay at college or ‘uni’ until they are at least 25 these days – what with gap years and all the other cr@p to put off the day when they’ve got to go to work.
BBC WS snippet – Brits living in Finland very concerned re. their status post Brexit.
One Brit not concerned and would have voted out. We’ve had ties with Finland since the 14th Century and as he said, “I have Indians and Chinese next door and they’re not a bit worried, why should I be?”
The only way Euro Brits might suffer is if the EU want to be spiteful and border on illegality but then we’d expect that wouldn’t we?
BBC “Britain After Brexit” ? – ‘Ground control to Major Tom, your circuit’s dead, something’s wrong. Can you hear ………?
So, the EU want to ‘punish’ Britain for wanting out. No wonder they like islam so much – both have very similar views towards those wanting to leave the fascistic cults: DEATH TO THE APOSTATES! STONE THE HERETICS!
And charge a border tax – it might force this country to start making stuff again? Now THAT would be good for OUR economy!
Richard Branson-Pickle mouthing off against Trump. How original, how daring.
Whatever you think about the man, shut the feck up willya? At a time when this country needs good trading relations with the US more than ever before – and has a unique opportunity in the form of the Anglophile President, unlike his Anglophobe Kenyan predecessor – morons like Branson risk souring the relationship with their juvenile posturing.
I hope Trump cancels any goverment contracts the US may have with the idiot, but far more importantly, that he doesn’t decide, in the face of the ceaseless, hysterical carping: ‘sod the Brits, they’re going to the back of the queue’, like his muslim predecessor threatened.
The sooner Branson blasts off into space in his ridiculous space ship the better. For us that is, not the aliens he hopes to meet.
He can take his boyfriend, Barrack with him. Obama as a pal says an awful lot and I mean awful.
Does anyone care what Branson thinks – a billionaire who started out selling cheap LPs. He lives in various mansions around the world and on the group of islands he owns. You can see him in a new TV programme staying in $7000 per night hotels while he chides us to be charitable.
He was very lucky to avoid going to prison when he started his record selling business and only did so because of family connections.
Tom Bower’s biography (which Branson tried to stop being published) is a real eye opener about him, his life and his businesses.
The scale of “fake research” in the UK appears to have been underestimated, a BBC investigation suggests.
Official data points to about 30 allegations of research misconduct between 2012 and 2015.
However, figures obtained by the BBC under Freedom of Information rules identified hundreds of allegations over a similar time period at 23 universities alone.
“There are growing concerns around the world over research integrity.”
Well it’s not news to us.
– rt
While Facebook are happy to host islamic terrorist material, it’s bowing to Pakistan’s demands to remove what THEY consider ‘blasphemous’. Well done Fb.
Pakistani government: Facebook heeded its demand and has removed 85% of “blasphemous” material
MARCH 27, 2017
Spendthrift BBC!
Joshua Rozenberg tells us that Scottish prisons have just over two prisoners per officer – ‘What is Scotland doing right?’, he asks.
Who decides what is the right ratio? Three per prisoner so that they can have 24/7 care? Perhaps Scotland doesn’t have the same amount of ‘enrichment’ as England?
Its called the Barnett Formula – Free money directly from the English (yes, solely English) taxpayer.
Brilliant item on All Out Politics on Sky this morning re Brexit media bias. The presenter Boulton is an arch Remainer and makes no attempt to hide it, he had some other Remainer Ex Channel Four and MP Peter Bone , a strong Leaver. Bone said he thought Sky was reasonable in presenting both sides of the argument, in my view he just can’t have been watching, but then Sky is a full subscription service and can say what it likes and you don’t have to subscribe if you don’t want to. But he then tore into the BBC and their partially state funded little brother Ch 4, he accused them of long standing institutional pro EU bias, which I think means that they are so biased they do it unconsciously. He then rightly went to say that since the referendum they had been very consciously biased in favour of the EU, even though the country was in favour of Leave. He declared that this anti democratic bias in a state funded organisation was totally unacceptable. Boulton was incredulous , he simply couldn’t believe that anyone could possibly say that the BBC was actually plotting against the democratic wishes of the people.
Perhaps Boulton is unconsciously EU biased but I doubt it and I am sure that the BBC is definitely very conscious of its pro EU bias. In my view , and I am sure in the view of people who visit this site, the whole of the MSM , including those which are state funded, are participating in a concerted, planned attempt to derail Brexit. Similarly across the Atlantic the MSM are trying to get rid of President Trump. In France they are putting their weight fully behind Macron and against Le Penn. The Globalist elite and their friends in the MSM, are at war with democracy right across the West. They see the will of the people as being a direct threat to themselves and their cherished looney idea of a World Government .
I think all broadcast media have a legal duty to be impartial, or they certainly used to have.
Of course Boulton is biased – he’s married to Anji Hunter, Blair’s gatekeeper when he was in power.
Interesting titbit from Wilki ……………….
“On 10 May 2010, while covering events on the aftermath of the 2010 general election Boulton lost his composure with former 10 Downing Street Director of Communications, Alastair Campbell defending his impartiality in a live on-air interview after Campbell accused Boulton of political bias in favour of the Conservatives. Boulton shouted at Campbell: “Don’t tell me what I think”…………
The bBC and its reinventing of the English language:
Carlos the Jackal : Third French life sentence for notorious militant
So the bBC reports on how Carlos the Jackel, the most notorious

TerroristMilitant has been banged up for a few more years for his so called militant behaviour.To the bBC terrorist apologists, this is what a Militant looks and acts like:

The bBC and how it surreptitiously promotes Islam:
South Africa: The Manenberg school which is top of the class
Manenberg in Cape Town, South Africa, is infamous for its high crime rate, but it is now being associated with academic excellence, writes the BBC’s Mo Allie.Looking from the outside at The Leadership College (TLC) with its basic structure and its small classrooms, surrounded by sandy waste ground, it is hard to imagine that this is the same school that has managed consistently to deliver top-class results since its inception seven years ago.
Hey a world article from South Africa about a school which is doing great and the bBC pushes out this picture of smiling children in respect to the story:
Nice picture, take another look at it especially the girl with her hand in the air, now look at the girl in front of her, why is her hijab around her shoulders,(could it be she is forced to cover up inside school, if that is so, why does nobody at the bBC contrast that Islamic school uniform diktat when a Muslim child demands to wear such inside a British school which forbids it) now look closely at the girls you can’t see properly. Notice something. Here is a video regards the school, notice anything:
and here is what the schools website has to say about its intake:
The bBC does mention the school is an Islamic school (about 90%) but they don’t mention it until near the end. then there is this bBC trending article:

First Muslim Women’s Day celebrated, and Chrissy Teigen hits out at Fox News
Muslim Women’s Day
The first Muslim Women’s Day has been hailed a success with large support online, although some voiced their scepticism. The online campaign was launched by MuslimGirl, a website by and for Muslim women, in partnership with several media organisations, centring on the voices and experiences of Muslim women.The state of Florida also proclaimed 27 March as Muslim Women’s Day throughout the state, recognising the “economic, cultural, and social contributions of Muslim women”. And Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb wished everyone around the world a happy Muslim Women’s Day.
Just what is it about Islam is it that the bBC feels it has to continually shove down our throats on an hourly basis?
So, regards the above article about the leadership school in South Africa the bbC has this to say about its intake:
About 90% of the students are Muslim but the founders stress it is open to all races and denominations.
and here is what the Schools website has to say on the matter:

Open to all faiths bBC?
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islam in the UK
I certainly hope feminism takes hold of islam and castrates it the same way it has castrated western society.
Pounce, “The bBC and how it surreptitiously promotes Islam”
Various reasons are suggested for the school’s success; “a safe place, therapy for those who need it, discipline, a sense of community and extra lessons for slow learners.
Fairly universal requirements for “a good school”.
Nowhere does the report say it’s a good school because “Islam”; surreptitiously or otherwise.
“why is her hijab around her shoulders,(could it be she is forced to cover up inside school, if that is so, why does nobody at the bBC contrast that Islamic school uniform diktat when a Muslim child demands to wear such inside a British school which forbids it).
Why is one girl wearing a scarf? Why does one girl have a scarf round her shoulders? Why do two girls not have any scarves at all? Why are some boys wearing hats?? Why are some boys not wearing hats??? What’s going on with that bloke in the red jumper?????
“…now look closely at the girls you can’t see properly.”
Congratulations, Pounce. You win the B-BBC prize for; “Oxymoronic Phrase of the Week”.
But it’s not – it’s financed by majority British none Muslims.
Gaxvil, I suspect there is a lot of Saudi and other middle east money coming into the UK and one of the stipulations that comes with it, perhaps not openly said but implied, is the promotion of Islam. One example would be the ‘1001 inventions of Islam’ touring exhibition which has been in the Science Museum. It’s subtle propaganda, and institutionally leftist Britons, dripping with white guilt, will need little persuasion to go along with it. This is why, I believe, any criticism of Islam is hushed up in the media.
What you have to remember is that apart from Christianity, Islam is the only other major proselytising (evangelising) religion in the world. Judaism and Hinduism are inherited religions and Buddhism does not have a simple conversion process. That’s probably why, for example, that Japanese or Indian investment in the UK would not come with ulterior motives of promoting the religions of their countries.
There is that disconnect though with these people. Promote Islam on one hand but to inevitably be subjugating oneself on the other?
– Ahmed Mansoor: UAE activist wins Martin Ennals Human rights Award
– Qatar announces £5bn UK investment
Nikki Haley at the UN … “The days of Israel bashing are over”
“About time … Now can the Trump administration this focus and decisiveness in its other endeavours?
Or, are we to be sentenced to four years of drift and confusion, followed by the final victory of the global internationalist establishment elites?”
R Spencer.
“There are a lot of threats to peace and security, but you are not going to take our number one Democratic friend in the Middle East and beat up on them,”
Haley said
Yeah, Fight the Power!
Amazing new claptrap, garbage coming our way soon no doubt.
From a book, forward by Branson no less.
The all new concept for managers, directors, CEOs of, “Growing Down” i.e.: to behave more like small children. Sounds good huh?
Just arrived home from work and listened to the news. Wee Jimmy has got the ok from Holyrood for a 2nd ref. I turned off the news when I heard her hateful voice.
My knee jerk reaction is ‘eff off Scotland’. Sad as it may be but I can’t stand her.
PYT – I know the feeling, I was walking the dog at the weekend and stepped in a “Wee Jimmy” Which then transferred itself to the interior of my car. Despite having the windows open I could not remove the bad smell.
I think this is why the BBC love her so – She is always there , winging, carping and regurgitating acidic bile on anything that does not agree with her and generally souring the atmosphere.
I have a theory that the BBC/MSM know the toxic effect this revolting creature has on us Brits (and also the fact that we indirectly associate her voice with all Scots). As a result they give her even more coverage using the constant presence of this odious harpy on the airwaves as a means to sow dissent between Scotland and England.
There is nothing these bastards would not do if they thought it would weaken us.
BBC – Only happy when they are stirring the shit!
We need to start a petition requiring that the rest of the UK votes in any referendum. I think the majority would vote to jettison Scotland. I’ts going to happen anyway at some point in the future. Lets speed them on their way. What say you?
G – quite right, there should be referendums on whether we want either them or Northern Ireland; I think most English folk would be glad to be rid of the pair of them.
The Emir of London on a European tour.
Might be a good time to check his passport and visa when he returns.
Take back control !
Thanks Oaknash. Plus another rant. I am on a minimum wage. I don’t have much spare cash at the end of the month but, if I need painkillers I buy them in my local supermarket very cheaply. If I want supplements i.e. Omega 3 or sun cream I buy my own. I cannot believe that these items plus gluten free food were on prescription anyway?
Gluten free didn’t exist 100 yrs ago. How mamby pamby. Nanny state.
PYT – I am the same as you – I just buy them. Whilst I have no objection to the state helping a bit with supplements, sayif someone becomes seriously ill with say Coeliacs disease.
I think most working people would not bother trying to bounce the state into paying for this stuff if they are not very poorly. Its called being responsible for yourself.
However many of the self obsessed Islington type liberals generally have a very well developed sense of entitlement. If they think they “need” something they are probably very pushy as well as being very well informed about how to get the state to fund their self-medication.
Mariella Frostrup always comes to mind when she was kicking off because her private health insurance would not pay her menopause bills (I know I am dodgy ground saying this as a bloke) But you can bet your bottom dollar that whatever treatment she sought it was out of reach of the pocket of most working women.
I struggle to understand why people of means (i.e. rich people) cannot just bite the bullet and pay for their own supplements. It’s not rocket science.
Agree with all the above, I too was ‘astounded’ that sun creams, gluten free etc WAS available on prescription. Makes you wonder what else we don’t know !
Its a bigger problem than people realise.There is a culture of its free there fore even if you can afford to buy it go and get it free.
I have prescription BP tabs which I don’t pay for ,but when I needed a dry skin cream I went and purchased it .A friend said I should get it added to my regular prescription and get it free.
I can well afford to buy it and its not related to a medical condition. I know its not actually free. Some hard working tax payer is subsidising me .
Its all become a bit of a free for all.It doesn’t make sense when they are rationing cancer drugs.
“Its all become a bit of a free for all.It doesn’t make sense when they are rationing cancer drugs.”
The NHS has to ration life saving drugs – otherwise it couldn’t keep demanding more money. If it said it needed another billion for sun cream we’d be deafened by the laughter, but another billion for cancer drugs will get a sympathetic hearing.
I heard this nice response to a snowflake today I thought worth re posting here
First mention is made of a snowflake and along comes some offence taker and come out with the usual nonsense that snowflakes are beautiful frozen water, and that water is eternal, and covers most of the earth.
The reply went
Snowflakes on their own are indeed beautiful, even when there are a few they are not much more than an inconvenience, however when there are a lot of them they become a blizzard and drag the country to a standstill.
Which is nice..
I honestly was unaware of any other subcategory of day in the faith arena until now.
Wondering what other levels are yet to come.
Good ol’ ‘soft-touch’ UK –
Sturgeon earns more than PM May. Reported in the Guardian.
Don’t expect an expose by the BBC.
A typical News Reporters College question for students:
‘Compare and contrast the news reporting style for these current news items and assess the difference between one, released by an extremely biased pro-muslim media reporter of news and one who is less biased. Your answer must identify the media news reporter which you believe to be biased positively toward the muslim faith and give reasons why you think that media broadcaster is biased. You are expected to detail the anomalies between the two and where you think the pro muslim broadcaster could improve’ –
You have 45 minutes.