Guest Who
Mr Clegg” I visit South Wales town that receives £millions of EU subsidies & ask why majority voted to Leave ”
Its £millions of our money – yes our bloody money ! not really the EU’s money it never was – wise up Mr Clegg and get a real job!
Clegg’s wife is Spanish and his mother is Dutch, if he is so besotted with the EU why doesn’t he just f**k off to live in Spain or Holland? I’m sure we’ll cope without him, somehow.
Delusions: irrational beliefs, held with a high level of conviction, even when exposed to proof that contradicts the belief.#Brexiteve
Student suspended for challenging prof
“in Florida, claims his Middle Eastern Humanities professor, Areeje Zufari, made multiple anti-Christian comments in class, forcing him to openly challenge her.
Other assertions alleged to have been made by the professor include her insistence that Jesus’s disciples never thought of him as God.”
Alex – All the media are at it on this particular bag of shite. And in particular I did not expect anything less from the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation. Personally I believe Massood loved children and animals, was a great intellectual and it could even be said he was a “beautiful” man!
The BBC have been pedaling this shite for years. Though admittedly since the followers of the “Religion of Peace” have been flexing their muscles it has got a lot worse. Fortunately now they have lost all credibility and the harder they try the stupider they look.
These days the BBC is so predictable. If it is against our national interest they will always embrace it. They call it giving an alternative view – I call it treachery! Hence their love of all things Islamic at the expense of our Christianity based culture and hence their love of the EU.
I would not be surprised that if they had just shut the F### up in the EU referendum and let people make their own minds up – who knows? the result may have been even closer. However the cat is now out of the bag and more people than ever now realise that the BBC can never be trusted again. Which is why of course they hate alternative media sites.
It is just a pity that the public as a whole are still apathetic enough to pay for this crap. As personally most of the “talent” they seem to have would not be fit to run a cottage hospital radio. Still as people increasingly start switching off eventually the hard questions will have to start being asked – The one I really want to know is – The BBC Just what is the point?
This “interview” by someone who doesnt want to face the camera or be named is being peddled by the Beeb as evidence that it was nothing to do with the killers religion. The man though let slip that he hadnt spoken with the killer for the last four years, mmmmmm so he obviously is in a good position to make such judgements. What a joke.
Englands – The MSM Clutching at straws methinks.
My mate Ginger down the pub says he was abducted by sexy alien virgins (called The Mujeradeenerons) and raped by 72 of them so that he will be the wellspring of the new “master race”
They also told him that all kufars are related to pigs and that the 72 virgins were originally meant to breed with deceased Jihadis who were beamed up to the mother ship after their physical deaths in battle. However they changed their mind when they realised that they all smelled of stale sweat and demanded too many gummy bears. Ginger told me that this therefore proves that the Koran is based on fact.
Gingers strange tale is only released after twenty pints of special brew and half a dozen diazopan. The BBC are sending round a news crew tonight so expect to see it on the 9 oclock news.
Yes, I wish they would stop calling him Masood as if he’s a household name like the guy on Eastenders and start calling him what he really is and that is a murdering terrorist lowlife.
I don’t care what his wife says.
I don’t care what his mother says.
I don’t care if his former employer says he was a family man.
It’s turd-polishing journalism.
AIS – What could be better to help you digest your Frosties – An interview with “Ever so earnest” Nick. The gorgeous pouting wife of Maria Gonzales papel de bano copos de maiz.
Nick one of the great intellectuals of Remain. If he did well in his interview, Maria may even let him stand up next time he has a wee wee.
Well, I have been listening to the BBC Today since 7am. I have yet to hear 1 positive opinion on Brexit, but the “same old”. If not gloomy enough the interviewer will make sure the questions will lead to something negative. And now they interviewing Brexiters from Sunderland, more working class uneducated “waycists” conveniently unable to discuss their decision to vote leave. Grrr…on another note “Happy Independence Day”.
Yeah, and project fear tactic 427 was in full swing.
“Over to the public for their questions”
” How will the Sunderrland Arts Budget get funded when there are no more EU grants”
(Substitute ‘Sunderland Arts Budget’ for any other cause of any description and repeat on bBBC repeatedly)
The answer ” it will become our own decision” has either not penetrated the bBBC thickos grey matter or, more likely, they just cannot bear the concept of self-determination and are in total self-denial.
The above is the place for them. A willing population (110), and a project in line with their remit.
“Our overall role is to champion innovation in TV, film & digital – nurturing and growing new ideas, formats, views and voices, faces, talent, audiences and production companies”
This is totally NON BBC, I would be amazed if it gets featured.(or HOW if it did?)
Can those here recall an art exhibit, featuring historical and modern images of Muhammad, some created by Muslims. It was only provocative to Muslims who believe in Islam’s death penalty for blasphemy … it was held in Texas (Garland) and Obama and co did everything to uphold Sharia, and nothing to uphold US law.
I believe 2 Islamic adherents were eventually shot dead, as they launched a Jihadi attack.
A M Waters wanted to have a similar exhibit right here, likewise the police and politicians double teamed to ensure it didn t happen. Most here are aware of the Stephen Lennon (Tommy Robinson) on going situation regards the police and the political too, what could have easily have occurred during his jail time etc.
Him going to Rebel Media is as much insurance as exposure.
How far have the termites got? here and the US?
It ALL comes out eventually, we say the enemedia here … and the rest?
Here’s something the BBC will be sure to report without criticism or comment over the next few days:
Praising Merkel’s Approach, UN Demands Europe Punish ‘Delinquent’ Poland, Hungary for Refusing Migrants
Calling for harsh sanctions on European Union (EU) nations refusing to welcome migrants, UN Human Rights Council Advisor Jean Ziegler said Germany’s open borders response to the crisis set a ‘great example’.
Ziegler, who sits on the UN Human Rights Council’s Advisory Committee, argued that EU countries with restrictive policies on migrants are “violently trampling on refugees’ human rights”, Der Tagesspiegel reports.
He called on the European Commission to suspend payments to countries trying to minimise the migrant influx, highlighting Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, and Slovakia as “delinquents”. …
“Germany has been exemplary on refugee issues”, he said, referring to the nation’s acceptance of and massive public spending on well over a million asylum seekers – two-thirds of whom are estimated to be illiterate. …
A survey last week showed that a large majority of young people in the Visegrad group nations, the four countries upon which the Swiss former MP demands punitive measures be imposed, are totally opposed to the idea of being forced by Brussels to take migrants. …
So who is this loon that the UN has appointed to the Saudi led ‘uman rights council?
Like most ‘experts’ the UN appoints he has no experience or expertise in his field, and in one of his former posts as Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food the BBC interviewed him – again without reference to the criticisms:
He has been criticised for being far to close to such lovely people as Mengistu Haile Mariam, Robert Mugabe, Muammar Ghaddafi, and other dictators. He has supported Roger Garaudy a known Marxist anti Semitic holocaust denier, and Muslim convert (how can you support an ideology which demands atheism at its core & convert to Islam?)
Ros-Lehtinen also accused Ziegler of ignoring various famine emergencies using “his platform to consistently attack America and Israel”.
No surprise to find that this man is very close to Saudi and other Arab league countries who are probably controlling him.
Ziegler has praised Cuba; Ziegler criticized Israel; Ziegler proposed that Saddam Hussein be granted a Swiss exile;
This man should not be in any position of power and responsibility as he clearly lacks adequate judgement over those whose appalling views he supports, to find that he is a UN human rights representative comes therefore as no surprise.
UN watch appear to have a huge file on this mans antics:
However he saying what the BBC want to broadcast & I feel there is an inevitability that they will at some point in the future want to interview him again, and will do so without any reference to the huge amount of ‘controversy’ (for want of a better word) surrounding him.
The bBC reporting on that Meningitis outbreak in Nigeria (and Niger) and half the story:
Meningitis outbreak kills at least 140 in Nigeria “An outbreak of meningitis in several states of Nigeria has killed at least 140 people, officials say. It has been reported over the last week in six states and has so far infected more than 1,000 people, the Abuja Centre for Disease Control says. Meningitis causes an acute inflammation of the outer layers of the brain and spinal cord. The current outbreak is the worst in Nigeria since 2009 when it killed at least 156 people. The disease is spreading amidst fears it could be out of control if refugee camps, prisons and police cells become affected through crowds, the BBC’s Chris Ewokor in Abuja says. However, a new strain, which may have been imported from a neighbouring country is now prevalent in Nigeria and requires a different type of vaccine, Nigerian Minister of Health Isaac Adewole said.”
So the bbC reports on a meningitis outbreak in Nigeria, which has sadly claimed 140 people. Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you.
Nigeria is a country of 2 halves . With the top half Islamic and the bottom half predominately Christian. As seen below:
All the Islamic states are run under Sharia law. The Christians ones are not. However that said the top half is in a lot worse state than the bottom half when it comes to wealth and health and one thing they have form in is refusing to let their children be vaccinated against anything like Polio for example usually by saying things such as,the polio vaccine contained the AIDS virus or represented a Western plot to sterilize Muslim girls. All of this isn’t helped by the fact that in 1996 11 children died during drug trails in Northern Nigeria against Meningitis.
Instead of western Medicine the locals resort to witchcraft as quoted by local newspapers this week: “The commissioner said there were some “imported cases” from Koko in Kebbi State, which compounded the epidemic. He also lamented that traditional belief in witchcraft was making fighting the disease difficult, with some families refusing to take their suspected patients to the hospitals. “You will see suspected cases having symptoms of meningitis like vomiting, high fever, headache and steepness of the neck, but they will not be conveyed to the health facilities. “The people of the state should disregard rumours of witchcraft and take all suspected persons to the hospitals early. “Keeping them at home will only make the disease worse and cause transmission to other members of the family.”
The states with the worse outbreaks border Niger which is reported on as follows: “The commissioner of health Dr. Mustapha Jibril at a press briefing on the development yesterday said the victims were between the ages of one and 20, and that the high casualty was as a result of the people’s tendency to blame the disease on witchcraft instead of seeking medical attention immediately they developed the symptoms.”
Instead of stating the truth about the reasons behind this deadly outbreak, the bBC offers a sanitised version of events: “The disease is spreading amidst fears it could be out of control if refugee camps, prisons and police cells become affected through crowds, the BBC’s Chris Ewokor in Abuja says.The seasonal outbreak has been attributed to cold nights, dusty winds and dry weather, which were aggravated by traditional beliefs, poor hygiene, and overpopulation, our reporter says.”
The biased bBC news service, we reinvent the news in which to support our leftwing (snowflake) agenda.
I wonder how the BBC will handle President Trump’s signing of the Vietnam War Veterans Act, so that the flag will fly to honour veterans of this war on March 29th.
Perhaps the comrades at the BBC will ignore it.
Clegg and probably his family, embody all that is rotten about the EU’s attempts at social engineering. These attempts embrace the dilution of a people by stealth. All good European peoples ‘mixed-up’ was the goal. To achieve a uniform (and predictable) ‘thinking’
The UK, has historically been a self-thinking nation of people that make their mind up irrespective of influences from elsewhere or indeed the difficulty in achieving their goal. Our history is littered with examples. 23rd June 2016 but one example.
Clegg and his family as non British, represent the aspirations, not just of the EU, but the way of European “thinking”. True Brits don’t share that view, never have, never will. So, to Clegg and his admiration of all things EU, we should simply say, ‘Clegg, your time of campaigning for deeper integration is over, now go live in Europe’.
By the way, please, please, can you take Tiny Tim with you?
I see they are having some sort of peace gathering on Westminster bridge today, I wonder what would happen if I walked about on my own with a placard saying ‘STOP ISLAMIC TERRORISM FOR THE SAKE OF PEACE’?
R5 had a phone in for Remoaners
and then quickly follower that up with a loaded FB discussion
* Will Brexit mean Brexiteers stop beating their wives ? *
well the actual leading question was
…..Will Brexit make Britain a more tolerant country?
Will Brexit make Britain a more tolerant country?
I certainly hope so. One that is more tolerant of its own history, customs, traditions and native peoples. One that is more tolerant of different opinions, rather than the globalist dialogue of the Establishment. One that is more tolerant to the idea of trading with the World at large, rather than taking the petty ‘Little European’ view of things. One that is tolerant to looking at other ways of funding the BBC and indeed, tolerant to a debate on whether it should even exist. Yes, I definitely look forward to a more tolerant country.
Had a rare chuckle listening to the fag end of the Today prog….Dr David Starkey , my favourite stroppy old man was on…he was comparing Brexit to our break with Rome under Henry VIII….he was slagging Clegg for his views and intimated that Cleggy would have lost his head back in those days, told the interviewer to shut-up and let me speak, and finally, asked if Clegg should lose his head, he replied, ‘ No, i’d cut him in four’……lol…
It is beyond embarrassment how our supposed National Broadcaster acts on such a great day. They don’t even care that many people see this as a great day! Sovereign States will prevail.
“We enter the most difficult period since the last war”.
Did someone actually say that on the BBC?
Presumably they’ve never heard of the near collapse of the economy in the winter of 1947, the Korean War, the Malayan Emergency, the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya, the Suez crisis, the Cyprus war, Aden, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Northern Ireland Troubles, the Three Day Week, the crisis of ’79, the Falklands War and the war in former Yugoslavia, the migrant crisis, the Belgian and French Islamic terror campaigns.
I’d say these were all, individually, of more threat to Britain and Europe in general than leaving the frigging EU! Bunch of twots.
These challenging events came when Britain had actual or recent experience of running a third of the world and had the inner self confidence that this brought. It had a self- belief and a clear understanding of its values that our rulers reflected rather than denigrated. In addition the country was far more homogeneous than it is now . No multiculturalism and no phoney assertions about ‘communities’ being united when they clearly aren’t . Except for a tiny minority of Stalinists , the left was patriotic and was in the business of supporting the working class as a whole and not a mish mash of groups that care little for Britain. There were no snowflakes or millenials who are self obsessed and gutless .
That’s why previous generations would have seen Brexit as cause for celebration at independence from a malign supranational power that largely rejects British values .
Yes. I had to chuckle when Brillo made his rousing speech about the spirit of the Blitz after last week’s terror attack in London. The London that stood up to ‘the might of the Luftwaffe’ is not the same London of today, which is comprised mainly of immigrants and expat foreigners with little or no historical ties to the nation. There are about 400,000 French citizens alone in London, FFS!
This is such a dreadful country, the BBC tells us at every,I mean EVERY, opportunity. So I wonder why we have more resident Europeans in the UK than any of the other 27?
Resident Europeans afraid they may be booted out? Now why would they fear such a thing? Could it be that they are very well aware of how spiteful and petulant their countries and glorious EU tend to be?
Gaxvil, I understand that in the case of French people, and those of some other countries, the attraction of the UK is the lack of bureaucracy involved in setting up and running a business. I have heard this first hand from French, Italian and Hungarian persons.
By this logic, leaving the EU should make us even more attractive because we will be able to streamline our business laws yet more once free from EU shackles. This assumes that it will not be too difficult for EU citizens to settle in the UK, but there is no reason why we should not allow this if it can be proved they are a benefit to the country and creating wealth and employment instead of draining it.
I have never heard this suggested on the BBC or any mainstream media. All we hear is how we will be ‘cut off’ and cast out into the wilderness.
Well the arch Remainers on Sky conducted their own poll On how people felt about the triggering of Article 50. Fifty % of people were pleased, thirty six % were sad and fourteen % weren’t bothered. So of those who had a view , i.e. Removing the not bothered, only 42% were unhappy about firing the starting gun on us Leaving the EU. So far from people regretting voting Leave it seems more Remainers are now happy with the decision to leave . Democracy is winning against the globalist elite.
While the Euro Panjandrums lord it about and break metaphorical wind in our general direction. Manufacturers have to work for a living and are urging that agreements be reached and reached soon.
There was a very strange interview with Mrs Blackmann on the Today programme this morning.
Whoever the woman interviewer was, she seemed very keen to bring up the consequences of “messing with muslims” in any way. The indirect threat, or in fact the rather direct threat, the interviewer wanted to convey was that Mr and Mrs Blackmann would now, like Wilders,Rushdie and many, many others, be subject to an ongoing death threat from the ROP. The BBC also makes it clear to its listeners that, at an everyday level, anyone who objects to the further islamification of Britain is entering into dangerous territory. Will a dispute about teaching evolution/halal food, etc. etc. lead to escalating violence or even murder?. This is why the constant “They will not divide us” mantra is so nonsensical. The unbridled violence and brutality of Muslim atrocities is a clear message to all nonmuslims to think very, very carefully when questioning anything all those “moderate” muslims may require of nonmuslims. No “moderate” muslim ever needs to issue direct or indirect threats to achieve the desired concessions. What might happen is clear in everyone’s mind. No one except the BBC takes the “plausible deniability” of “moderate” muslims seriously.
“Salam to Queen and Country” was also on R4 this morning. I shudder to think what mindless garbage was being promoted there. Probably, puzzlement as to why trusty, loyal, stauch British-born muslims are not signing up to fight jihadistts, i.e. brother co-religionists in sacred muslim lands.
ID ,
A truly disturbing post. I have no doubt that the threat of Muslim violence is in part the reason why Islam is given an easy ride in political and media circles. So much for the politicians claim that terrorism and violence never succeeding in cowing the British. We are already on our knees before Islam , shortly we will be prostrate.
Around ten plus years ago on the Now Show, I used to listen back then, a Marcus Brigstocke Muslim piece. Along the lines of, we mean you no harm so please do not kill us.
Supposed comedy but presaging the future and the now.
Yes, you are absolutely right.
The various cartoon incidents showed the lie of the land.
Smaller publications risked death for their principles, yet the national broadcaster, always twittering on about the high moral ground, capitulated unconditionally to muslim threats.
The jihadist/islamist/ moderate muslim categorisation is really just an incarnation of the old INLA/IRA/Sinn Fein mythology. Everyone seems to have forgotten that Sinn Fein was all peace and ballot boxes, the IRA had turned to violence but Unionist intrangience had driven then to it and the INLA were the ultra violent renegades. There was supposed to be no overlap between the factions. They were all nationalists. Maybe some Sinn Fein were sincerely against violence, but they would not say no to any concession from the Unionists or the British government obtained through violence. They were not overly concerned when a British soldier was murdered. Even the BBC now accepts McGuinness was an important IRA member. The BBC are now pushing the same nonsense in relation to muslim terrorism. Sinn Fein would never condemn the IRA. Moderate muslims will never condemn jihadists for doing something unislamic. Under the Caliphate no crime or ungodly act would have been committed. McGuiness knew what he was doing was illegal, but did not repudiate it as immoral, he thought he was following a higher purpose.
‘So what’s Welby’s hidden agenda? The bishops are desperate to have fresh bums on rotting pews. They’ve done everything possible to lure in the white bums—dumbed-down Messy Church, circus-like Family Services, ‘wimmin’ vicars with pudding basin haircuts—they have tried every brand of tomfoolery. The fish are not biting. Just down the road, the black church is full. The Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar, which is technically in full communion with the C of E, quietly ignores the organ-grinding Anglican monkeys and goes ahead full-steam planting new and thriving churches full of bright doctors, nurses and computer programmers from Kerala. They don’t need the C of E! The C of E needs them!’ Spot on!
Please can BBC tax payers have a few minutes of this faith leader on the TV/ Radio rather than the effete and incurably bland, politically correct, The Reverend Richard Coles, who seems to endlessly clog up the airwaves, recently turning up, brandishing his dog collar on ‘The Big Painting Challenge’.
I’m throwing this open to all contributors here to comment. I propose submitting this proposal for a Petition to Parliament –
‘To create legislation which enables ALL UK residents (not EU nationals or those holding foreign passports or dual nationality) to participate fully in any future referendum for Scottish Independence.’
Yes – it is that important. If it’s considered so momentous to leave the EU after only 40 years, then the destruction of the United Kingdom, which has stood for over 300 years, deserves far more participation.
Many thanks Gax.
I have not investigated the application process in any detail yet but if it is required that any supporting claims be submitted, I’ll certainly make that point. Cheers.
The trouble is,if the English are allowed to vote in a Scottish independence referendum and the vote goes for Scotland to remain in the UK,we will never hear the last of it,they will call it English interference and want yet another referendum.
Scotland should first have its independence referendum. If it votes to leave – fine, that it is the democratic right of the Scottish people. However, if it chooses to remain there should then be a referendum in England, Wales and Northern Ireland only. This would be along the lines of ‘Should Scotland be allowed to remain part of the United Kingdom, Yes or No?’. If the majority of the UK vote ‘no’, then sorry Scotland, you’ve got your independence anyway. Or more accurately, you’ll be replacing domination by London with domination by Brussels.
Last night on BBC Newsnight Nick(Fred Fibber)Clegg visited Ebbw Vale seemingly puzzled by why the locals mainly voted for Brexit, when according to him the EU had poured money into the area. He quickly got the picture that the money was mispent on things cosmetic (statues of dragons, shiny buildings etc.) rather than investing in industry/jobs etc. He was surprised to learn that mass immigration was also of concern, even though the area had hardly been affected by it (well an area with no jobs would hardly be attractive to marauding immigrants would it?) and the Welsh are fairly concerned with keeping their identity intact (are they not Leanne?) I would have been inclined to give Fred, sorry I mean Nick, full marks except for the fact that he kept saying the EU had donated to the area and convenientally forgot to mention that it was UK money that the EU was wasting on irrelevancies in the area.
P.S. today on BBC Daily Politics we had Nick’s dad, Paddy ‘Pantsdown’ Fibber coming up with a few anti Brexit lies which were destroyed by Andrew Neil. Last but not least we can look forward to little Timmy Fibber appearing on a special Andrew Neil show tonight at 7pm on BBC. What a luvly family, I can’t wait!
Ah. Pantsdown. Allegedly taught Clegg all he knew on Europe. To be fair back in the day when he was the local MP he could wax lyrical in the house on the troubles in Bosnia and Hertzegovina, but could not offer a dime on the local issues affecting his constituency. To this day he is still given air to spout his pro euro bile.
As for little TImmy Far Wrong the Beebistan Broadcasting Caliphate have played his second referendum whine he squeaked in the house at lunchtime on every hourly radio bulletin since 14.00.
Was it possible to listen to listen to Sir Nigel of Farrage views of a positive future on the Beebistan? Was it heck, one local commercial station at midday then radio silence. Shameful.
Ah, he is only expressing ‘a personal opinion’, absolutely nothing to do with the BBC or any other former World Class Broadcaster. No way that his personal anger and bile affects his professionalism, no sirree.
Sergeant Blackman’s conviction had been downgraded from murder to manslaughter. Al Beeb’s reporter concludes that the incident could have been used to propagate the view that Britain’s values are no better than anyone else’s. Are they really saying that Blackman’s action in the heat of combat (against an enemy who minutes earlier was trying to kill him and his colleagues) was on a par with – say – driving a vehicle into a crowd of civilians, burning a downed pilot in a cage, cutting off a bound captive’s head with a knife, polygamy and FGM?
Another item: civilians are fleeing war-torn Mosul. A hijab-clad woman about to board a bus speaks to camera. What she says is translated for the viewer as: “Don’t call Dayesh Muslim. They are not Muslim.”
Of all the hundreds of things that those refugees might have said, that just happens to be the clip Al Beeb selected! Naturally Al Beeb neglects to point out the inconvenient truth that – whatever that unnamed woman’s view – Dayesh do actually think of themselves as Muslim. Neither is it specified what exactly Dayesh have been getting up to that isn’t condoned by the ROPers’ instruction manual.
And then there was the overt bias: an extended whine about Brexit from la Kuennsberg.
Frederick Forsyth was on the tv supporting Blackman. He was brilliant, saying things about the trial being a joke with lots of defence witnesses not allowed to testify and that the judges had never been in any type of combat situation and they couldn’t imagine how Blackman could have felt.
The judges were just another bunch of liberal snowflakes virtue signalling away to show how ‘decent’ they were.
They were not fit to lick Blackman’s boots.
Great news about the soldier. All most of us need to know that he was and is loyal to our country and his men. Nothing else matters. When young I worked with men who served in the war. By the standards of the progressives of today many of them should have been tried and put in prison. We were a different people then and had no time for such indulgences.
Some things are complicated. Many things appear complicated but are not.
If someone’s avowed aim is your death – the only uncomplicated solution is to kill them before they attain their goal. Oh and by the way, it’s an uncomplicated precaution not to invite such people into your home or your country.
I am watching BBC News re Article 50. Even by the deplorable standards of BBC Remain bias this programme was exceptional. Every BBC interviewer started from the position that Brexit created great uncertainty ( true) and was impossibly difficult ( not true) When those who they interviewed demonstrated optimism the interviewer challenged their optimism and kept coming back with pessimistic questions. Contrast this with interviews with Brexit pessimists , the interviewers never once challenged their pessimism , never once raised any optimistic questions.
The BBC is a travesty of a balanced , impartial broadcaster. We can expect the BBC to continue to seek to undermine Brexit throughout the negotiations. Why the government allows them to take such a biased position on such a vital issue , makes me doubt the governments intentions. Do they really want to leave , or are they hoping that Remainers ,aided and abetted by the BBC , will soften up the public and enable a soft or a non existent Brexit.
My view is that if the government will not rein in the BBC , then the Licence Fee payers , 52% of whom voted Leave, need to take matters into their own hands and mount a massive License Fee payers strike until the BBC is cut down to size and respects the views of the majority and operates within its charter.
The flabby, bumptious Angus Robertson excelled himself in Parliament today in responding to Teresa May’s balanced and conciliatory statement to the House.
‘If she does not give Scotland a choice about its future then Scottish Independence is inevitable .’
This encapsulates in one sentence the internal contradictions of the SNP in their public statements . They simply don’t accept our constitution which gives the UK primacy over foreign policy . There is no point in pandering to them . Sooner or later more Scots must look to other political parties to vote for if they are to make any sense of their 2014 vote to stay in the UK .
1. Scotland had the choice to stay in or leave the UK club. It chose to remain in the UK.
2. The UK, (and by virtue of [1], Scotland), had the choice to stay in or leave the EU club. It chose to leave.
Sturgeon and Robertson are like the Morecombe and Wise sketch, we had the right referenda, but not necessarily in the right order!
BBC News – Reality Check – Can UK change its mind
“The claim: Prime Minister Theresa May says there is no turning back from the triggering of Article 50, which starts the process of leaving the EU.
Reality Check verdict: The government is clear that it respects the result of the referendum, so it argues that any debate is theoretical. However, the question of whether Article 50 is irrevocable is the subject of legal dispute.
Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty was written with a deliberate lack of clarity – it DOES NOT say whether it can be revoked once it has been triggered.
As a result, the UK government has been unable to make any definitive legal statements on the issue”.
“Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty was written with a deliberate lack of clarity – it DOES NOT say whether it can be revoked once it has been triggered.”
If the last 40 years have taught us anything, it is that in the EU words mean whatever the politicians want them to mean. If the UK government wants to reverse today’s decision on article 50 and Merkel agrees then the wording will be interpreted to allow it, but if Merkel wants us “out” then the wording will be interpreted to prevent it. The words themselves are irrelevant, what counts is political power, and that’s another reason to celebrate our escape.
BBC Radio 4 has ‘The Media Show’ interviewing an apparatchik about the Westminster attack, a little window into the mind set of the BBC news operators, and it’s quite shocking.
They see this attack as a terrorist attack, in a similar way to any other terrorist attack. In holding this false view it sends them off in completely the wrong direction.
They tell us that that motives are not clear, and indeed that is because they are looking for a conventional terrorist group with a clear set of demands and motivations. With Islam there is no demands or goals other than to slaughter as many Khuffar as possible.
They seem to believe that there are terrorist cells as per the IRA hiding in the Islamic ghettos in the UK, and that these are unconnected to the main populace (as per the IRA).
The question that this is as a direct consequence of Islam and its teachings seems never to have entered into their minds, and anyone who tells them this is treated with the contempt they reserve for the shadowy non existent far right.
It has been said that Americas security organisations have been far too slow to enter the new age, and have been stuck with a cold war mentality for far too long. I would suggest that something similar exists at the BBC and they are still trying to report Islamic Jihad as if it were the IRA.
I believe that this might go a long way to explaining the way the BBC reports these incidents.
Some truth in what you write but overriding all these points is one simple fact. The progressives are ashamed of our civilisation and of our country . They have no will or desire to defend it or us. In fact they seem to welcome our troubles as a sign of virtue. They are going to lose now but the fight is going to be bitter as we are seeing over Brexit.
Have they ever considered that some followers of the religion of perpetual offence may simply have a blood-lust and their perverted doctrine gives them free-rein to murder non-believers, and ‘whitey’ in particular.
I don’t believe the thought has ever crossed their minds Jagman. They simply accept the liberal political narrative that Islam is a religion of peace and there is nothing in the Koran to justify violence.
They regard anyone who wants to explain Islam to them as some kind of right wing islamophobic extremist and to be avoided, so they never get to hear the truth & to be honest I think they would find it too difficult to deal with.
Suppose one of them did find out the truth, what would happen to them if they tried to tell the others, or God forbid broadcast it?
Too true. I explained to a rather strange leftish man that I know, the truth as I saw it about Islam. His devastating put-down was to call me a Sun reader.
Pompous and patronising as well as suicidally thick.
Top 5 most normal places in England
1. Didcot, Oxfordshire
2. Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire
3. Bath Road area, Worcester
4. Southwick, West Sussex
5. East Leake, Nottinghamshire
Is this a major change the BBC? Surely the most “normal” English town, according to the BBC, would be the likes of London, Birmingham, Bradford, Luton etc.
I just watched Rasta Mouse on CBeebies with my nephews. I bet the commissioner creamed himself when this show came up.
The characters talk in Jamaican patois .
“Me gwan get dat ting.”
Of course it is absolutely fantastic to bathe in such luscious hues of rainbow diversity, but young children copy the language used on television. Who wants their children to speak pidgin English? Is it now racist to have any sort of standards and expectations? Anything goes!
Never mind my nephews sounding like Ali G, imagine the glow this must have given the show’s producers. West Indian characters talking in patois! Aren’t we fantastic?!
Chilleden – The BBC so bloody right on and so bloody wrong.
What could be cooler than basing a carton character on a rasta mouse. And the joke here kids is that most rastas smoke ganja for “spiritual” reasons and I bet your mums and dads would not approve – Oh BBC your just sooooo subversive!
Personally I think kids have a right to be bought up without having to prove themselves cool by aping a cartoon character who if he was real would spend most of his life totally bombed out of his head.
To increase the referendums legitimacy and now that Brexit is underway , I suggest that no action to change the status quo of our constitution can be taken on a referendum vote until a 66.7% threshold has been achieved. If part of the union wishes to secede , all the union should a vote. This would mean the Scots couldn’t leave unless we English wanted them to, and I for one don’t want them to, as I hope that the SNP will soon lose its hold over the Scots and all thought of independence will vanish for another 300 years. As to the Barnet formula , which does annoy English folks, there are some valid reasons why it’s more expensive to run the sparsely populated Highlands and Islands than a conurbation . Even so the result of Barnet does seem enormous. Although to those readers who live in the north of England, like I do, we should remember that we also get large tax transfer from the wealthy south.
One other benefit of the 66.7% rule would be that the Lib Dem plan of a second Brexit referendum would be emasculated, although I’m not sure Lib Dems have anything worth emasculating if Clegg and Farron are any guide.
Since we sent our three ancient Tornado jet bombers to fight ISIS a while back, we’ve heard no more. Afraid to upset the Religion of Peaceniks I guess or are we not in the coalition or is it just Russia and the USA?
I understand that the serious work, winning the hearts and minds of the Syrians, was done by St Jo and the White Helmets. The Russians and Americans, as the BBC photos show, concentrated on targeting their sophisticated bombs on hospitals and children
The Tonka has admittedly proved itself to be a fair to middling bomber during its lifetime but the few still left are definitely on their last legs. I reckon we should have bought F-15s and upgraded them rather than go down the route of another Euro committee fighter, or more recently the JSF – which many think may turn out to be a crock.
Are we still building those aircraft carriers by the way – or is it only one now? The welfare bill always seems to be more important than defence.
So article 50 has been signed today and the 6 o’clock news has the horrific Laura Kuensberg (sp) in black, black nail polish the whole 9 yards. Mostly gnashing of teeth and no balance between Remoaners and the Winners.
I don’t think Dustybin cares too much about us leaving the EU. He only seems interested about workers rights, conditions, abuses and practices. Does he really think that from today we will be sending children up chimneys?
Before making a comment I need to make a declaration- i am not Scottish and if I get my facts wrong i am happy to be corrected. The thing is this – Why does the BBC spend so much time covering Scotland and the SNP?? I understand the population of the UK is about 60 million including 7 million scots – which is less than the population of London . Yet the coverage is overwhelming . Have a referendum – if the SNP win they can leave the UK, join the EU, accept the Euro build a border . If they lose the referendum have a best out of three attempt in another couple of years. Oil will probably stil be 50-60$ a barrel – less than half the snp cited as needed to fund their welfare system. No Barnett subsidy from England .
Yet the Beeb seems to just giving time to the Nationalist SNP – without the views of ordinary English people (50 million).. why??
Every time “Wee Jimmie” opens her mouth it is bad news for the Scottish economy.
Scottish GDP is growing at one third the rate of the rest of the UK( the fault of Brexit apparently). Extra taxes are now being implemented using the extra tax raising powers they have been given. Unsurprisingly for a national socialist party it is businesses and the better off paying more.
Scotland “exports” 4 times more to the rest of the UK than the whole of the EU.
Now if you were a businessman looking to invest, would you be risking your cash in Scotland as it is today? if so, you are a braver person than me.
Do you think that the BBC will ever mark the Scot’s card for them? No chance.
I’m looking forward to the May local government elections to help judge if the Scottish Nazi Party has actually passed its peak.
I saw Brian Cox was in Australia to film Stargazing. Isn’t physics everywhere? He always seems to have to jet off to all these exotic places for his programmes. Why can’t he just go to Stoke and tell us about something scientific there?
You just have to laugh. Or cry.
They spend all that money of ours jetting off to Australia on a massive jolly and go to the top of a mountain for great views of the stars, and…………it pisses down with rain and they can’t see a damn thing.
A lot more entertaining that would-be lefty comedian Cox, a lot more informative and mainly filmed in ad hoc scrap yards! The ‘props’ budget for the series was probably less than Cox’s caffè latte bill!
Like families who for generations have enjoyed a guaranteed income and have a well cultivated sense of entitlement. They provide no positive contribution to society and very often have a derogatory effect on the people whose sweat finances their useless existence – Your BBC.
Newsnight came close to screaming panic tonight. Maitlis is so opposed to brexit that it shows her desperation to all of us. I am sick of them . Sick and tired of their preening condescension. They have never had to worry about next month’s mortgage or a broken car or hard times coming and now they are fearful because we have rumbled them. They have never worried about the crops or the weather but felt entitled to their six figure plus wages for doing F All. No wonder we loathe London. It is full of them and they think it is so wonderful ,inclusive and so progressive. But it is sucking the life out of the shires and depends on cheap immigrant semi slave labour to service it.
Nearly every day I pass a very old lady struggling on her way to town and back. No matter what the weather. A proud old woman who wants no help. Worth a hundred Maitlis types and a real part of old England. And we are supposed to be grateful for what the Eu offers us.
I was sickened by the EU spokesmen. If this country had not defied Germany in 1940 there would never have been what they laughingly call the progressive Europe. It would have been a slave state.
The EU needs to watch it’s words. They might just make enough of us mad.
I listened to Nick Clegg reading his version of the notification letter Donald Tusk received from Theresa May, on the Jezza Swine Show this lunchtime; it was quite incredible – like something which had been written by a 15 year old.
To think that, for five years, this fool was the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; it almost defies belief.
Clegg’s letter was 50% anti-Trump, did he read out his audition piece to become a Radio 4 ‘comedian’ by mistake? Perhaps he hoped their commissioning editor was listening?
Later he expressed surprise that Nigel Farrage sounded diplomatic. Was that the first time that he had listened to Mr Farrage or did he just believe the labels that the BBC and others put on him?
I don’t think I have ever heard Mr Farrage ‘lose his cool’ in public, he is always calm and polite but his wit can be quite sharp at times! He is certainly more personable than the sometimes near-hysterical Clegg.
Why the fuck not? We bankrupted ourselves putting you fuckers back in your box, then spent millions rebuilding your country and providing security. Maybe we should send you the bill?
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
Well, here’s a thing, Nick Clegg in his little BBC filmy-wilmy…this day of all days..
Impartially of course, no doubt. What were the odds?
Guest Who
Mr Clegg” I visit South Wales town that receives £millions of EU subsidies & ask why majority voted to Leave ”
Its £millions of our money – yes our bloody money ! not really the EU’s money it never was – wise up Mr Clegg and get a real job!
Now you Brexiteers stick your name here and mark this day of freedom with a holiday 🙂
Clegg’s wife is Spanish and his mother is Dutch, if he is so besotted with the EU why doesn’t he just f**k off to live in Spain or Holland? I’m sure we’ll cope without him, somehow.
Al Shubtill
Yes he would make a good Spanish waiter or clog dancer.
Draught excluder maybe?
See the hashtag #BrexitEve
19 mins to day of #Brexit JOY
Yet the #BBC don’t see it that way
& continue spouting their tidal wave of HATE
Student suspended for challenging prof
“in Florida, claims his Middle Eastern Humanities professor, Areeje Zufari, made multiple anti-Christian comments in class, forcing him to openly challenge her.
Other assertions alleged to have been made by the professor include her insistence that Jesus’s disciples never thought of him as God.”
and another one
The benefits of a Multi Cult nation
“Paris clashes after French police kill Chinese man”
I am sick of the BBC’S pro-Islam propaganda and sanitisation of this evil scum. The BBC are a disgrace.
Alex – All the media are at it on this particular bag of shite. And in particular I did not expect anything less from the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation. Personally I believe Massood loved children and animals, was a great intellectual and it could even be said he was a “beautiful” man!
The BBC have been pedaling this shite for years. Though admittedly since the followers of the “Religion of Peace” have been flexing their muscles it has got a lot worse. Fortunately now they have lost all credibility and the harder they try the stupider they look.
These days the BBC is so predictable. If it is against our national interest they will always embrace it. They call it giving an alternative view – I call it treachery! Hence their love of all things Islamic at the expense of our Christianity based culture and hence their love of the EU.
I would not be surprised that if they had just shut the F### up in the EU referendum and let people make their own minds up – who knows? the result may have been even closer. However the cat is now out of the bag and more people than ever now realise that the BBC can never be trusted again. Which is why of course they hate alternative media sites.
It is just a pity that the public as a whole are still apathetic enough to pay for this crap. As personally most of the “talent” they seem to have would not be fit to run a cottage hospital radio. Still as people increasingly start switching off eventually the hard questions will have to start being asked – The one I really want to know is – The BBC Just what is the point?
This “interview” by someone who doesnt want to face the camera or be named is being peddled by the Beeb as evidence that it was nothing to do with the killers religion. The man though let slip that he hadnt spoken with the killer for the last four years, mmmmmm so he obviously is in a good position to make such judgements. What a joke.
Englands – The MSM Clutching at straws methinks.
My mate Ginger down the pub says he was abducted by sexy alien virgins (called The Mujeradeenerons) and raped by 72 of them so that he will be the wellspring of the new “master race”
They also told him that all kufars are related to pigs and that the 72 virgins were originally meant to breed with deceased Jihadis who were beamed up to the mother ship after their physical deaths in battle. However they changed their mind when they realised that they all smelled of stale sweat and demanded too many gummy bears. Ginger told me that this therefore proves that the Koran is based on fact.
Gingers strange tale is only released after twenty pints of special brew and half a dozen diazopan. The BBC are sending round a news crew tonight so expect to see it on the 9 oclock news.
Yes, I wish they would stop calling him Masood as if he’s a household name like the guy on Eastenders and start calling him what he really is and that is a murdering terrorist lowlife.
I don’t care what his wife says.
I don’t care what his mother says.
I don’t care if his former employer says he was a family man.
It’s turd-polishing journalism.
BBC Breakfast can’t help but wear its pro-EU heart on its sleave:
“We’ll be hearing from both those who want to Leave and those who wanted to Remain and the first of these is NICK CLEGG”
AIS – What could be better to help you digest your Frosties – An interview with “Ever so earnest” Nick. The gorgeous pouting wife of Maria Gonzales papel de bano copos de maiz.
Nick one of the great intellectuals of Remain. If he did well in his interview, Maria may even let him stand up next time he has a wee wee.
Brilliant last sentence. A hilarious image. And so accurate.
Bloody hell, have they got him hot bunking with Diane Abbott in her dedicated Green Room?
At least Michael Heseltine is splitting his efforts over on Ch4… oh, Nick’s there too.
Seems the two state lefty broadcasters agree with Nick, in speaking at the nation versus representing it.
Well, I have been listening to the BBC Today since 7am. I have yet to hear 1 positive opinion on Brexit, but the “same old”. If not gloomy enough the interviewer will make sure the questions will lead to something negative. And now they interviewing Brexiters from Sunderland, more working class uneducated “waycists” conveniently unable to discuss their decision to vote leave. Grrr…on another note “Happy Independence Day”.
Well, the state of comedy has already improved:
Yeah, and project fear tactic 427 was in full swing.
“Over to the public for their questions”
” How will the Sunderrland Arts Budget get funded when there are no more EU grants”
(Substitute ‘Sunderland Arts Budget’ for any other cause of any description and repeat on bBBC repeatedly)
The answer ” it will become our own decision” has either not penetrated the bBBC thickos grey matter or, more likely, they just cannot bear the concept of self-determination and are in total self-denial.
Channel 4 ‘could move out of London’, know it all estate agent not happy!
Admittedly, I’m not an estate agent, but I would’ve thought the multicultural utopia that is Bradford, would be the perfect new location for it.
Yep! the Islamic State of Dewsbury does come to mind, of course with its overseas branch in Snow/Numan s beloved Palestine.
Re: Channel 4 ‘could move out of London’
The above is the place for them. A willing population (110), and a project in line with their remit.
“Our overall role is to champion innovation in TV, film & digital – nurturing and growing new ideas, formats, views and voices, faces, talent, audiences and production companies”
As an added bonus it would take days for them to get back to London.
This is totally NON BBC, I would be amazed if it gets featured.(or HOW if it did?)
Can those here recall an art exhibit, featuring historical and modern images of Muhammad, some created by Muslims. It was only provocative to Muslims who believe in Islam’s death penalty for blasphemy … it was held in Texas (Garland) and Obama and co did everything to uphold Sharia, and nothing to uphold US law.
I believe 2 Islamic adherents were eventually shot dead, as they launched a Jihadi attack.
A M Waters wanted to have a similar exhibit right here, likewise the police and politicians double teamed to ensure it didn t happen. Most here are aware of the Stephen Lennon (Tommy Robinson) on going situation regards the police and the political too, what could have easily have occurred during his jail time etc.
Him going to Rebel Media is as much insurance as exposure.
How far have the termites got? here and the US?
It ALL comes out eventually, we say the enemedia here … and the rest?
BBC World Service Radio
BBC News
Didn t think this would be on Youtube, look who hosts 😀
the ex BBC anchor Shelagh Foglegity
Here’s something the BBC will be sure to report without criticism or comment over the next few days:
Praising Merkel’s Approach, UN Demands Europe Punish ‘Delinquent’ Poland, Hungary for Refusing Migrants
Calling for harsh sanctions on European Union (EU) nations refusing to welcome migrants, UN Human Rights Council Advisor Jean Ziegler said Germany’s open borders response to the crisis set a ‘great example’.
Ziegler, who sits on the UN Human Rights Council’s Advisory Committee, argued that EU countries with restrictive policies on migrants are “violently trampling on refugees’ human rights”, Der Tagesspiegel reports.
He called on the European Commission to suspend payments to countries trying to minimise the migrant influx, highlighting Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, and Slovakia as “delinquents”. …
“Germany has been exemplary on refugee issues”, he said, referring to the nation’s acceptance of and massive public spending on well over a million asylum seekers – two-thirds of whom are estimated to be illiterate. …
A survey last week showed that a large majority of young people in the Visegrad group nations, the four countries upon which the Swiss former MP demands punitive measures be imposed, are totally opposed to the idea of being forced by Brussels to take migrants. …
So who is this loon that the UN has appointed to the Saudi led ‘uman rights council?
Like most ‘experts’ the UN appoints he has no experience or expertise in his field, and in one of his former posts as Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food the BBC interviewed him – again without reference to the criticisms:
He has been criticised for being far to close to such lovely people as Mengistu Haile Mariam, Robert Mugabe, Muammar Ghaddafi, and other dictators. He has supported Roger Garaudy a known Marxist anti Semitic holocaust denier, and Muslim convert (how can you support an ideology which demands atheism at its core & convert to Islam?)
Ros-Lehtinen also accused Ziegler of ignoring various famine emergencies using “his platform to consistently attack America and Israel”.
No surprise to find that this man is very close to Saudi and other Arab league countries who are probably controlling him.
Ziegler has praised Cuba; Ziegler criticized Israel; Ziegler proposed that Saddam Hussein be granted a Swiss exile;
This man should not be in any position of power and responsibility as he clearly lacks adequate judgement over those whose appalling views he supports, to find that he is a UN human rights representative comes therefore as no surprise.
UN watch appear to have a huge file on this mans antics:
However he saying what the BBC want to broadcast & I feel there is an inevitability that they will at some point in the future want to interview him again, and will do so without any reference to the huge amount of ‘controversy’ (for want of a better word) surrounding him.
The bBC reporting on that Meningitis outbreak in Nigeria (and Niger) and half the story:
Meningitis outbreak kills at least 140 in Nigeria
“An outbreak of meningitis in several states of Nigeria has killed at least 140 people, officials say. It has been reported over the last week in six states and has so far infected more than 1,000 people, the Abuja Centre for Disease Control says. Meningitis causes an acute inflammation of the outer layers of the brain and spinal cord. The current outbreak is the worst in Nigeria since 2009 when it killed at least 156 people. The disease is spreading amidst fears it could be out of control if refugee camps, prisons and police cells become affected through crowds, the BBC’s Chris Ewokor in Abuja says. However, a new strain, which may have been imported from a neighbouring country is now prevalent in Nigeria and requires a different type of vaccine, Nigerian Minister of Health Isaac Adewole said.”
So the bbC reports on a meningitis outbreak in Nigeria, which has sadly claimed 140 people. Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you.
Nigeria is a country of 2 halves . With the top half Islamic and the bottom half predominately Christian. As seen below:
All the Islamic states are run under Sharia law. The Christians ones are not. However that said the top half is in a lot worse state than the bottom half when it comes to wealth and health and one thing they have form in is refusing to let their children be vaccinated against anything like Polio for example usually by saying things such as,the polio vaccine contained the AIDS virus or represented a Western plot to sterilize Muslim girls. All of this isn’t helped by the fact that in 1996 11 children died during drug trails in Northern Nigeria against Meningitis.
Instead of western Medicine the locals resort to witchcraft as quoted by local newspapers this week:
“The commissioner said there were some “imported cases” from Koko in Kebbi State, which compounded the epidemic. He also lamented that traditional belief in witchcraft was making fighting the disease difficult, with some families refusing to take their suspected patients to the hospitals. “You will see suspected cases having symptoms of meningitis like vomiting, high fever, headache and steepness of the neck, but they will not be conveyed to the health facilities. “The people of the state should disregard rumours of witchcraft and take all suspected persons to the hospitals early. “Keeping them at home will only make the disease worse and cause transmission to other members of the family.”
The states with the worse outbreaks border Niger which is reported on as follows:
“The commissioner of health Dr. Mustapha Jibril at a press briefing on the development yesterday said the victims were between the ages of one and 20, and that the high casualty was as a result of the people’s tendency to blame the disease on witchcraft instead of seeking medical attention immediately they developed the symptoms.”
Instead of stating the truth about the reasons behind this deadly outbreak, the bBC offers a sanitised version of events:
“The disease is spreading amidst fears it could be out of control if refugee camps, prisons and police cells become affected through crowds, the BBC’s Chris Ewokor in Abuja says.The seasonal outbreak has been attributed to cold nights, dusty winds and dry weather, which were aggravated by traditional beliefs, poor hygiene, and overpopulation, our reporter says.”
The biased bBC news service, we reinvent the news in which to support our leftwing (snowflake) agenda.
Allah’s will.
I wonder how the BBC will handle President Trump’s signing of the Vietnam War Veterans Act, so that the flag will fly to honour veterans of this war on March 29th.
Perhaps the comrades at the BBC will ignore it.
Clegg and probably his family, embody all that is rotten about the EU’s attempts at social engineering. These attempts embrace the dilution of a people by stealth. All good European peoples ‘mixed-up’ was the goal. To achieve a uniform (and predictable) ‘thinking’
The UK, has historically been a self-thinking nation of people that make their mind up irrespective of influences from elsewhere or indeed the difficulty in achieving their goal. Our history is littered with examples. 23rd June 2016 but one example.
Clegg and his family as non British, represent the aspirations, not just of the EU, but the way of European “thinking”. True Brits don’t share that view, never have, never will. So, to Clegg and his admiration of all things EU, we should simply say, ‘Clegg, your time of campaigning for deeper integration is over, now go live in Europe’.
By the way, please, please, can you take Tiny Tim with you?
G, solid post.
A shame duty calls, as social media this morning is a hoot.
Not sure wall to wall Nick Clegg has served the BBC’s DNA* integrity well.
I see they are having some sort of peace gathering on Westminster bridge today, I wonder what would happen if I walked about on my own with a placard saying ‘STOP ISLAMIC TERRORISM FOR THE SAKE OF PEACE’?
Wild Bill
Put some strips of bacon on the bridge and keep the moslems away
R5 had a phone in for Remoaners
and then quickly follower that up with a loaded FB discussion
* Will Brexit mean Brexiteers stop beating their wives ? *
well the actual leading question was
…..Will Brexit make Britain a more tolerant country?
Will Brexit make Britain a more tolerant country?
I certainly hope so. One that is more tolerant of its own history, customs, traditions and native peoples. One that is more tolerant of different opinions, rather than the globalist dialogue of the Establishment. One that is more tolerant to the idea of trading with the World at large, rather than taking the petty ‘Little European’ view of things. One that is tolerant to looking at other ways of funding the BBC and indeed, tolerant to a debate on whether it should even exist. Yes, I definitely look forward to a more tolerant country.
Had a rare chuckle listening to the fag end of the Today prog….Dr David Starkey , my favourite stroppy old man was on…he was comparing Brexit to our break with Rome under Henry VIII….he was slagging Clegg for his views and intimated that Cleggy would have lost his head back in those days, told the interviewer to shut-up and let me speak, and finally, asked if Clegg should lose his head, he replied, ‘ No, i’d cut him in four’……lol…
At the very least that is surely a #nothelpful from Nihal and posse, plus BBC Tower Hamlets?
Or, better yet, an outrage bus tour from a drawn and quartered community living in four.
It is beyond embarrassment how our supposed National Broadcaster acts on such a great day. They don’t even care that many people see this as a great day! Sovereign States will prevail.
“The eyes of history are upon us” AND “We enter the most difficult period since the last war” AND “We embark on ten years of instability”.
‘Bringing You Defeatism Over Positivity Every Day While Seeking To Destroy Everything Britain Was or Ever Could Be – Your BBC’
“We enter the most difficult period since the last war”.
Did someone actually say that on the BBC?
Presumably they’ve never heard of the near collapse of the economy in the winter of 1947, the Korean War, the Malayan Emergency, the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya, the Suez crisis, the Cyprus war, Aden, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Northern Ireland Troubles, the Three Day Week, the crisis of ’79, the Falklands War and the war in former Yugoslavia, the migrant crisis, the Belgian and French Islamic terror campaigns.
I’d say these were all, individually, of more threat to Britain and Europe in general than leaving the frigging EU! Bunch of twots.
These challenging events came when Britain had actual or recent experience of running a third of the world and had the inner self confidence that this brought. It had a self- belief and a clear understanding of its values that our rulers reflected rather than denigrated. In addition the country was far more homogeneous than it is now . No multiculturalism and no phoney assertions about ‘communities’ being united when they clearly aren’t . Except for a tiny minority of Stalinists , the left was patriotic and was in the business of supporting the working class as a whole and not a mish mash of groups that care little for Britain. There were no snowflakes or millenials who are self obsessed and gutless .
That’s why previous generations would have seen Brexit as cause for celebration at independence from a malign supranational power that largely rejects British values .
Yes. I had to chuckle when Brillo made his rousing speech about the spirit of the Blitz after last week’s terror attack in London. The London that stood up to ‘the might of the Luftwaffe’ is not the same London of today, which is comprised mainly of immigrants and expat foreigners with little or no historical ties to the nation. There are about 400,000 French citizens alone in London, FFS!
This is such a dreadful country, the BBC tells us at every,I mean EVERY, opportunity. So I wonder why we have more resident Europeans in the UK than any of the other 27?
Resident Europeans afraid they may be booted out? Now why would they fear such a thing? Could it be that they are very well aware of how spiteful and petulant their countries and glorious EU tend to be?
Gaxvil, I understand that in the case of French people, and those of some other countries, the attraction of the UK is the lack of bureaucracy involved in setting up and running a business. I have heard this first hand from French, Italian and Hungarian persons.
By this logic, leaving the EU should make us even more attractive because we will be able to streamline our business laws yet more once free from EU shackles. This assumes that it will not be too difficult for EU citizens to settle in the UK, but there is no reason why we should not allow this if it can be proved they are a benefit to the country and creating wealth and employment instead of draining it.
I have never heard this suggested on the BBC or any mainstream media. All we hear is how we will be ‘cut off’ and cast out into the wilderness.
Well said.
Thanks again for saving me writing a post. You are spot on.
They sure don’t want us getting into Street Parties.
How does 48 become 42?
Well the arch Remainers on Sky conducted their own poll On how people felt about the triggering of Article 50. Fifty % of people were pleased, thirty six % were sad and fourteen % weren’t bothered. So of those who had a view , i.e. Removing the not bothered, only 42% were unhappy about firing the starting gun on us Leaving the EU. So far from people regretting voting Leave it seems more Remainers are now happy with the decision to leave . Democracy is winning against the globalist elite.
May I suggest that we know charge the Europeans for using the ENGLISH language?
It is ours, after all and subject to copyright.
Also, using it counts as cultural appropriation, for which they should be heavily fined.
Perhaps we should charge the Scottish for their use of English as well eh?
I mean if they insist on breaking up the Union.
The ones I listen to on politics programmes can’t speak it anyway.
While the Euro Panjandrums lord it about and break metaphorical wind in our general direction. Manufacturers have to work for a living and are urging that agreements be reached and reached soon.
There was a very strange interview with Mrs Blackmann on the Today programme this morning.
Whoever the woman interviewer was, she seemed very keen to bring up the consequences of “messing with muslims” in any way. The indirect threat, or in fact the rather direct threat, the interviewer wanted to convey was that Mr and Mrs Blackmann would now, like Wilders,Rushdie and many, many others, be subject to an ongoing death threat from the ROP. The BBC also makes it clear to its listeners that, at an everyday level, anyone who objects to the further islamification of Britain is entering into dangerous territory. Will a dispute about teaching evolution/halal food, etc. etc. lead to escalating violence or even murder?. This is why the constant “They will not divide us” mantra is so nonsensical. The unbridled violence and brutality of Muslim atrocities is a clear message to all nonmuslims to think very, very carefully when questioning anything all those “moderate” muslims may require of nonmuslims. No “moderate” muslim ever needs to issue direct or indirect threats to achieve the desired concessions. What might happen is clear in everyone’s mind. No one except the BBC takes the “plausible deniability” of “moderate” muslims seriously.
“Salam to Queen and Country” was also on R4 this morning. I shudder to think what mindless garbage was being promoted there. Probably, puzzlement as to why trusty, loyal, stauch British-born muslims are not signing up to fight jihadistts, i.e. brother co-religionists in sacred muslim lands.
ID ,
A truly disturbing post. I have no doubt that the threat of Muslim violence is in part the reason why Islam is given an easy ride in political and media circles. So much for the politicians claim that terrorism and violence never succeeding in cowing the British. We are already on our knees before Islam , shortly we will be prostrate.
Around ten plus years ago on the Now Show, I used to listen back then, a Marcus Brigstocke Muslim piece. Along the lines of, we mean you no harm so please do not kill us.
Supposed comedy but presaging the future and the now.
There is no doubt in my mind that most politicians and journalists are licking the muslim ass out of fear. It is cowardice, pure and simple.
Can’t say this approach suggests a great appreciation of history, or if learned a level of memory to rival BBC senior staff at inquiries.
Yes, you are absolutely right.
The various cartoon incidents showed the lie of the land.
Smaller publications risked death for their principles, yet the national broadcaster, always twittering on about the high moral ground, capitulated unconditionally to muslim threats.
The jihadist/islamist/ moderate muslim categorisation is really just an incarnation of the old INLA/IRA/Sinn Fein mythology. Everyone seems to have forgotten that Sinn Fein was all peace and ballot boxes, the IRA had turned to violence but Unionist intrangience had driven then to it and the INLA were the ultra violent renegades. There was supposed to be no overlap between the factions. They were all nationalists. Maybe some Sinn Fein were sincerely against violence, but they would not say no to any concession from the Unionists or the British government obtained through violence. They were not overly concerned when a British soldier was murdered. Even the BBC now accepts McGuinness was an important IRA member. The BBC are now pushing the same nonsense in relation to muslim terrorism. Sinn Fein would never condemn the IRA. Moderate muslims will never condemn jihadists for doing something unislamic. Under the Caliphate no crime or ungodly act would have been committed. McGuiness knew what he was doing was illegal, but did not repudiate it as immoral, he thought he was following a higher purpose.
Not AL Beeb related but I have just discovered a gentleman named Reverend Jules Gomes on
‘The Conservative Woman’ website (always worth a visit) who has just pontificated in a most erudite way what is wrong with the Church of England under the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
A must read.
Here is a snippet :-
‘So what’s Welby’s hidden agenda? The bishops are desperate to have fresh bums on rotting pews. They’ve done everything possible to lure in the white bums—dumbed-down Messy Church, circus-like Family Services, ‘wimmin’ vicars with pudding basin haircuts—they have tried every brand of tomfoolery. The fish are not biting. Just down the road, the black church is full. The Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar, which is technically in full communion with the C of E, quietly ignores the organ-grinding Anglican monkeys and goes ahead full-steam planting new and thriving churches full of bright doctors, nurses and computer programmers from Kerala. They don’t need the C of E! The C of E needs them!’ Spot on!
Please can BBC tax payers have a few minutes of this faith leader on the TV/ Radio rather than the effete and incurably bland, politically correct, The Reverend Richard Coles, who seems to endlessly clog up the airwaves, recently turning up, brandishing his dog collar on ‘The Big Painting Challenge’.
Thank you – it is reassuring to hear that there are, at least a few, clued in people out there.
I’m throwing this open to all contributors here to comment. I propose submitting this proposal for a Petition to Parliament –
‘To create legislation which enables ALL UK residents (not EU nationals or those holding foreign passports or dual nationality) to participate fully in any future referendum for Scottish Independence.’
Constructive comments please.
Yes – it is that important. If it’s considered so momentous to leave the EU after only 40 years, then the destruction of the United Kingdom, which has stood for over 300 years, deserves far more participation.
How much will Scotland have to pay us?
If the eu want £50 billion for 44 years, what’s the cost of 300 years?
Many thanks Gax.
I have not investigated the application process in any detail yet but if it is required that any supporting claims be submitted, I’ll certainly make that point. Cheers.
Very simple process – you require five sponsors to start but the Petitions Team have to approve it also.
The trouble is,if the English are allowed to vote in a Scottish independence referendum and the vote goes for Scotland to remain in the UK,we will never hear the last of it,they will call it English interference and want yet another referendum.
Scotland should first have its independence referendum. If it votes to leave – fine, that it is the democratic right of the Scottish people. However, if it chooses to remain there should then be a referendum in England, Wales and Northern Ireland only. This would be along the lines of ‘Should Scotland be allowed to remain part of the United Kingdom, Yes or No?’. If the majority of the UK vote ‘no’, then sorry Scotland, you’ve got your independence anyway. Or more accurately, you’ll be replacing domination by London with domination by Brussels.
Last night on BBC Newsnight Nick(Fred Fibber)Clegg visited Ebbw Vale seemingly puzzled by why the locals mainly voted for Brexit, when according to him the EU had poured money into the area. He quickly got the picture that the money was mispent on things cosmetic (statues of dragons, shiny buildings etc.) rather than investing in industry/jobs etc. He was surprised to learn that mass immigration was also of concern, even though the area had hardly been affected by it (well an area with no jobs would hardly be attractive to marauding immigrants would it?) and the Welsh are fairly concerned with keeping their identity intact (are they not Leanne?) I would have been inclined to give Fred, sorry I mean Nick, full marks except for the fact that he kept saying the EU had donated to the area and convenientally forgot to mention that it was UK money that the EU was wasting on irrelevancies in the area.
P.S. today on BBC Daily Politics we had Nick’s dad, Paddy ‘Pantsdown’ Fibber coming up with a few anti Brexit lies which were destroyed by Andrew Neil. Last but not least we can look forward to little Timmy Fibber appearing on a special Andrew Neil show tonight at 7pm on BBC. What a luvly family, I can’t wait!
What a bunch of beauties !
Ah. Pantsdown. Allegedly taught Clegg all he knew on Europe. To be fair back in the day when he was the local MP he could wax lyrical in the house on the troubles in Bosnia and Hertzegovina, but could not offer a dime on the local issues affecting his constituency. To this day he is still given air to spout his pro euro bile.
As for little TImmy Far Wrong the Beebistan Broadcasting Caliphate have played his second referendum whine he squeaked in the house at lunchtime on every hourly radio bulletin since 14.00.
Was it possible to listen to listen to Sir Nigel of Farrage views of a positive future on the Beebistan? Was it heck, one local commercial station at midday then radio silence. Shameful.
BBC’s New York correspondent is a full on SJW missionary.
Take a look what he puts out on Twitter output
Ah, he is only expressing ‘a personal opinion’, absolutely nothing to do with the BBC or any other former World Class Broadcaster. No way that his personal anger and bile affects his professionalism, no sirree.
Subliminal bias on BBC News at Ten last night:
Sergeant Blackman’s conviction had been downgraded from murder to manslaughter. Al Beeb’s reporter concludes that the incident could have been used to propagate the view that Britain’s values are no better than anyone else’s. Are they really saying that Blackman’s action in the heat of combat (against an enemy who minutes earlier was trying to kill him and his colleagues) was on a par with – say – driving a vehicle into a crowd of civilians, burning a downed pilot in a cage, cutting off a bound captive’s head with a knife, polygamy and FGM?
Another item: civilians are fleeing war-torn Mosul. A hijab-clad woman about to board a bus speaks to camera. What she says is translated for the viewer as: “Don’t call Dayesh Muslim. They are not Muslim.”
Of all the hundreds of things that those refugees might have said, that just happens to be the clip Al Beeb selected! Naturally Al Beeb neglects to point out the inconvenient truth that – whatever that unnamed woman’s view – Dayesh do actually think of themselves as Muslim. Neither is it specified what exactly Dayesh have been getting up to that isn’t condoned by the ROPers’ instruction manual.
And then there was the overt bias: an extended whine about Brexit from la Kuennsberg.
Typo Tom, you mean Kuntsberg surely. We must beware of sloppy spelling.
Frederick Forsyth was on the tv supporting Blackman. He was brilliant, saying things about the trial being a joke with lots of defence witnesses not allowed to testify and that the judges had never been in any type of combat situation and they couldn’t imagine how Blackman could have felt.
The judges were just another bunch of liberal snowflakes virtue signalling away to show how ‘decent’ they were.
They were not fit to lick Blackman’s boots.
Maybe if British troops were issued cricket bats?
Great news about the soldier. All most of us need to know that he was and is loyal to our country and his men. Nothing else matters. When young I worked with men who served in the war. By the standards of the progressives of today many of them should have been tried and put in prison. We were a different people then and had no time for such indulgences.
Spot the Muslim women in the undivided against terrorism photo
Just who were THEY paying tribute to?
BBC Multifaith = Shia, Sunni, Hanbali Ismali, Deobandi Wahabi,and Sufi.
Was there a police escort?
And is there a #TellPorkies, which works on a variety of levels, and maybe doesn’t on a few too.
How many cops have to die before they stop batting for the jihadists?
Look at the obsequious look on her face as she grovels and submits herself to the Muslim men who obviously hate her and want her covered up.
Some things are complicated. Many things appear complicated but are not.
If someone’s avowed aim is your death – the only uncomplicated solution is to kill them before they attain their goal. Oh and by the way, it’s an uncomplicated precaution not to invite such people into your home or your country.
I am watching BBC News re Article 50. Even by the deplorable standards of BBC Remain bias this programme was exceptional. Every BBC interviewer started from the position that Brexit created great uncertainty ( true) and was impossibly difficult ( not true) When those who they interviewed demonstrated optimism the interviewer challenged their optimism and kept coming back with pessimistic questions. Contrast this with interviews with Brexit pessimists , the interviewers never once challenged their pessimism , never once raised any optimistic questions.
The BBC is a travesty of a balanced , impartial broadcaster. We can expect the BBC to continue to seek to undermine Brexit throughout the negotiations. Why the government allows them to take such a biased position on such a vital issue , makes me doubt the governments intentions. Do they really want to leave , or are they hoping that Remainers ,aided and abetted by the BBC , will soften up the public and enable a soft or a non existent Brexit.
My view is that if the government will not rein in the BBC , then the Licence Fee payers , 52% of whom voted Leave, need to take matters into their own hands and mount a massive License Fee payers strike until the BBC is cut down to size and respects the views of the majority and operates within its charter.
True – it remains one of life’s greatest mysteries: The BBC? Why?
R4 4:30pm how media handled the Westminster attacks
‘Handled’ being the operative word.
The flabby, bumptious Angus Robertson excelled himself in Parliament today in responding to Teresa May’s balanced and conciliatory statement to the House.
‘If she does not give Scotland a choice about its future then Scottish Independence is inevitable .’
This encapsulates in one sentence the internal contradictions of the SNP in their public statements . They simply don’t accept our constitution which gives the UK primacy over foreign policy . There is no point in pandering to them . Sooner or later more Scots must look to other political parties to vote for if they are to make any sense of their 2014 vote to stay in the UK .
1. Scotland had the choice to stay in or leave the UK club. It chose to remain in the UK.
2. The UK, (and by virtue of [1], Scotland), had the choice to stay in or leave the EU club. It chose to leave.
Sturgeon and Robertson are like the Morecombe and Wise sketch, we had the right referenda, but not necessarily in the right order!
BBC News – Reality Check – Can UK change its mind
“The claim: Prime Minister Theresa May says there is no turning back from the triggering of Article 50, which starts the process of leaving the EU.
Reality Check verdict: The government is clear that it respects the result of the referendum, so it argues that any debate is theoretical. However, the question of whether Article 50 is irrevocable is the subject of legal dispute.
Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty was written with a deliberate lack of clarity – it DOES NOT say whether it can be revoked once it has been triggered.
As a result, the UK government has been unable to make any definitive legal statements on the issue”.
Next week: BBC delusion check – the UK simply MUST change its mind!!!!! We want our weasel!
“Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty was written with a deliberate lack of clarity – it DOES NOT say whether it can be revoked once it has been triggered.”
If the last 40 years have taught us anything, it is that in the EU words mean whatever the politicians want them to mean. If the UK government wants to reverse today’s decision on article 50 and Merkel agrees then the wording will be interpreted to allow it, but if Merkel wants us “out” then the wording will be interpreted to prevent it. The words themselves are irrelevant, what counts is political power, and that’s another reason to celebrate our escape.
BBC Radio 4 has ‘The Media Show’ interviewing an apparatchik about the Westminster attack, a little window into the mind set of the BBC news operators, and it’s quite shocking.
They see this attack as a terrorist attack, in a similar way to any other terrorist attack. In holding this false view it sends them off in completely the wrong direction.
They tell us that that motives are not clear, and indeed that is because they are looking for a conventional terrorist group with a clear set of demands and motivations. With Islam there is no demands or goals other than to slaughter as many Khuffar as possible.
They seem to believe that there are terrorist cells as per the IRA hiding in the Islamic ghettos in the UK, and that these are unconnected to the main populace (as per the IRA).
The question that this is as a direct consequence of Islam and its teachings seems never to have entered into their minds, and anyone who tells them this is treated with the contempt they reserve for the shadowy non existent far right.
It has been said that Americas security organisations have been far too slow to enter the new age, and have been stuck with a cold war mentality for far too long. I would suggest that something similar exists at the BBC and they are still trying to report Islamic Jihad as if it were the IRA.
I believe that this might go a long way to explaining the way the BBC reports these incidents.
Some truth in what you write but overriding all these points is one simple fact. The progressives are ashamed of our civilisation and of our country . They have no will or desire to defend it or us. In fact they seem to welcome our troubles as a sign of virtue. They are going to lose now but the fight is going to be bitter as we are seeing over Brexit.
Have they ever considered that some followers of the religion of perpetual offence may simply have a blood-lust and their perverted doctrine gives them free-rein to murder non-believers, and ‘whitey’ in particular.
I don’t believe the thought has ever crossed their minds Jagman. They simply accept the liberal political narrative that Islam is a religion of peace and there is nothing in the Koran to justify violence.
They regard anyone who wants to explain Islam to them as some kind of right wing islamophobic extremist and to be avoided, so they never get to hear the truth & to be honest I think they would find it too difficult to deal with.
Suppose one of them did find out the truth, what would happen to them if they tried to tell the others, or God forbid broadcast it?
Could they be confusing islam with islington, T?
Too true. I explained to a rather strange leftish man that I know, the truth as I saw it about Islam. His devastating put-down was to call me a Sun reader.
Pompous and patronising as well as suicidally thick.
Didcot is ‘most normal town in England’, researchers claim
Top 5 most normal places in England
1. Didcot, Oxfordshire
2. Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire
3. Bath Road area, Worcester
4. Southwick, West Sussex
5. East Leake, Nottinghamshire
Is this a major change the BBC? Surely the most “normal” English town, according to the BBC, would be the likes of London, Birmingham, Bradford, Luton etc.
I just watched Rasta Mouse on CBeebies with my nephews. I bet the commissioner creamed himself when this show came up.
The characters talk in Jamaican patois .
“Me gwan get dat ting.”
Of course it is absolutely fantastic to bathe in such luscious hues of rainbow diversity, but young children copy the language used on television. Who wants their children to speak pidgin English? Is it now racist to have any sort of standards and expectations? Anything goes!
Never mind my nephews sounding like Ali G, imagine the glow this must have given the show’s producers. West Indian characters talking in patois! Aren’t we fantastic?!
Chilleden – The BBC so bloody right on and so bloody wrong.
What could be cooler than basing a carton character on a rasta mouse. And the joke here kids is that most rastas smoke ganja for “spiritual” reasons and I bet your mums and dads would not approve – Oh BBC your just sooooo subversive!
Personally I think kids have a right to be bought up without having to prove themselves cool by aping a cartoon character who if he was real would spend most of his life totally bombed out of his head.
BBC please just F##K OFF!
To increase the referendums legitimacy and now that Brexit is underway , I suggest that no action to change the status quo of our constitution can be taken on a referendum vote until a 66.7% threshold has been achieved. If part of the union wishes to secede , all the union should a vote. This would mean the Scots couldn’t leave unless we English wanted them to, and I for one don’t want them to, as I hope that the SNP will soon lose its hold over the Scots and all thought of independence will vanish for another 300 years. As to the Barnet formula , which does annoy English folks, there are some valid reasons why it’s more expensive to run the sparsely populated Highlands and Islands than a conurbation . Even so the result of Barnet does seem enormous. Although to those readers who live in the north of England, like I do, we should remember that we also get large tax transfer from the wealthy south.
One other benefit of the 66.7% rule would be that the Lib Dem plan of a second Brexit referendum would be emasculated, although I’m not sure Lib Dems have anything worth emasculating if Clegg and Farron are any guide.
Since we sent our three ancient Tornado jet bombers to fight ISIS a while back, we’ve heard no more. Afraid to upset the Religion of Peaceniks I guess or are we not in the coalition or is it just Russia and the USA?
Tornado? Like going into battle in a Morris Marina.
gaxvil, Ricks assessment,
I understand that the serious work, winning the hearts and minds of the Syrians, was done by St Jo and the White Helmets. The Russians and Americans, as the BBC photos show, concentrated on targeting their sophisticated bombs on hospitals and children
The Tonka has admittedly proved itself to be a fair to middling bomber during its lifetime but the few still left are definitely on their last legs. I reckon we should have bought F-15s and upgraded them rather than go down the route of another Euro committee fighter, or more recently the JSF – which many think may turn out to be a crock.
Are we still building those aircraft carriers by the way – or is it only one now? The welfare bill always seems to be more important than defence.
So article 50 has been signed today and the 6 o’clock news has the horrific Laura Kuensberg (sp) in black, black nail polish the whole 9 yards. Mostly gnashing of teeth and no balance between Remoaners and the Winners.
I don’t think Dustybin cares too much about us leaving the EU. He only seems interested about workers rights, conditions, abuses and practices. Does he really think that from today we will be sending children up chimneys?
He really wants out but is a prisoner of the progressive liberal tendency.
The Who’s Roger Daltrey: Brexit the ‘Right Thing for this Country’
I should have said to forward the Who video (above) to 5:27 mins, couldn’t be more relevant.
Excellent. Hopefully They’ll do ‘Who Are EU?’ at their next gig.
Before making a comment I need to make a declaration- i am not Scottish and if I get my facts wrong i am happy to be corrected. The thing is this – Why does the BBC spend so much time covering Scotland and the SNP?? I understand the population of the UK is about 60 million including 7 million scots – which is less than the population of London . Yet the coverage is overwhelming . Have a referendum – if the SNP win they can leave the UK, join the EU, accept the Euro build a border . If they lose the referendum have a best out of three attempt in another couple of years. Oil will probably stil be 50-60$ a barrel – less than half the snp cited as needed to fund their welfare system. No Barnett subsidy from England .
Yet the Beeb seems to just giving time to the Nationalist SNP – without the views of ordinary English people (50 million).. why??
2 day two votes
one standalone for scotland
one for england wales and NI
if either votes for scotland out then scotlands out
Every time “Wee Jimmie” opens her mouth it is bad news for the Scottish economy.
Scottish GDP is growing at one third the rate of the rest of the UK( the fault of Brexit apparently). Extra taxes are now being implemented using the extra tax raising powers they have been given. Unsurprisingly for a national socialist party it is businesses and the better off paying more.
Scotland “exports” 4 times more to the rest of the UK than the whole of the EU.
Now if you were a businessman looking to invest, would you be risking your cash in Scotland as it is today? if so, you are a braver person than me.
Do you think that the BBC will ever mark the Scot’s card for them? No chance.
I’m looking forward to the May local government elections to help judge if the Scottish Nazi Party has actually passed its peak.
Another person speaks out about freedom of speech, about Islam
… once again regular as clockwork
Masterchef with a ‘transgender’ called Maria ????
‘How do you solve a problem like Maria?’
He was called Mario until an unfortunate Large Cooks knife malfunction
now he wear s a frock and flips his pancake both ways
… I ll get me coat!
I assume the BBC will have a failed, ‘Leave’ politician going about the country asking why Remainers voted as they did? Just for balance.
I saw Brian Cox was in Australia to film Stargazing. Isn’t physics everywhere? He always seems to have to jet off to all these exotic places for his programmes. Why can’t he just go to Stoke and tell us about something scientific there?
man the silly fucker had to go to the arctic to talk about ice, all those brains and he forgot he had a fridge
You just have to laugh. Or cry.
They spend all that money of ours jetting off to Australia on a massive jolly and go to the top of a mountain for great views of the stars, and…………it pisses down with rain and they can’t see a damn thing.
Its run like just the EU – one hell of a Gravy Train all funded by us .
I’ve been watching some of the ‘Secret Life Of’ series.
A lot more entertaining that would-be lefty comedian Cox, a lot more informative and mainly filmed in ad hoc scrap yards! The ‘props’ budget for the series was probably less than Cox’s caffè latte bill!
Like families who for generations have enjoyed a guaranteed income and have a well cultivated sense of entitlement. They provide no positive contribution to society and very often have a derogatory effect on the people whose sweat finances their useless existence – Your BBC.
Newsnight came close to screaming panic tonight. Maitlis is so opposed to brexit that it shows her desperation to all of us. I am sick of them . Sick and tired of their preening condescension. They have never had to worry about next month’s mortgage or a broken car or hard times coming and now they are fearful because we have rumbled them. They have never worried about the crops or the weather but felt entitled to their six figure plus wages for doing F All. No wonder we loathe London. It is full of them and they think it is so wonderful ,inclusive and so progressive. But it is sucking the life out of the shires and depends on cheap immigrant semi slave labour to service it.
Nearly every day I pass a very old lady struggling on her way to town and back. No matter what the weather. A proud old woman who wants no help. Worth a hundred Maitlis types and a real part of old England. And we are supposed to be grateful for what the Eu offers us.
I was sickened by the EU spokesmen. If this country had not defied Germany in 1940 there would never have been what they laughingly call the progressive Europe. It would have been a slave state.
The EU needs to watch it’s words. They might just make enough of us mad.
“Apparently” Britain lost the war at Dunkirk.
How did that work out Guy Verhofstadt???????????????
The BBC have prepared a pro-Brexit documentary to be shown later next week.
I know this to be true because an honest looking chap called Bob Gerldoff (or something similar) told me so in absolute confidence.
I listened to Nick Clegg reading his version of the notification letter Donald Tusk received from Theresa May, on the Jezza Swine Show this lunchtime; it was quite incredible – like something which had been written by a 15 year old.
To think that, for five years, this fool was the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; it almost defies belief.
Then again, so was John Prescott.
Everything is relative.
Clegg’s letter was 50% anti-Trump, did he read out his audition piece to become a Radio 4 ‘comedian’ by mistake? Perhaps he hoped their commissioning editor was listening?
Later he expressed surprise that Nigel Farrage sounded diplomatic. Was that the first time that he had listened to Mr Farrage or did he just believe the labels that the BBC and others put on him?
I don’t think I have ever heard Mr Farrage ‘lose his cool’ in public, he is always calm and polite but his wit can be quite sharp at times! He is certainly more personable than the sometimes near-hysterical Clegg.
Newsnight’s editor again does the BBC proud:
Why the fuck not? We bankrupted ourselves putting you fuckers back in your box, then spent millions rebuilding your country and providing security. Maybe we should send you the bill?