Hate Brexit, think it is a car crash on the road to disaster?… then call ze Germans on the emergency stop number…. nein, nein, nein…The Fourth [Reich] emergency service…according to Herr Heseltine.
The BBC up to its old tricks again, still fighting the EU referendum trying to sow discontent and division.
Campbell, or Mr Impartiality as he knowingly called himself, is having another of those ‘debates’ that ask ‘Have we done the right thing?’….you know, did we get it all wrong voting for Brexit.
Just asking the question is ensuring that the pot is kept stirred never mind the actual framing of the question in that negative tone.
Does the BBC ask similar questions after every election? Nearly a year on from the referendum and the BBC is still trying to suggest the country is divided and angry…and yet surely it is the same after any election. More so in fact with voters divided several ways not just between two factions as in the referendum. Why does the BBC keep framing this as a deeply divided and angry nation? Why does the BBC keep re-fighting the referendum?
What we keep hearing, and did this morning, from the Remainders, is that Leave voters didn’t know what they were voting for….Campbell said nothing, in fact it was he who fed the question to the Remainder….why did he not challenge that claim which is patently false…everyone knew what they were voting for…to leave the EU…it was on the ballot paper…leave or stay. Why does the BBC want to push that narrative of voters taking a leap in the dark? Because they want to delegitimise the vote and suggest voters were misled or misinformed and voted without knowing the consequences…thus we need another vote….or at the very least May must keep us in the Single Market…and thus be forced to keep the borders wide open and in effect still be in the EU…end of Brexit.
You could equally say voters didn’t know what they would have voted for if they had voted Remain…it wouldn’t have been remain in the EU as it is now but a future EU that you would have had no idea of what it would morph into….such as a superstate that ripped open your borders, took complete control of your taxes, made all your laws and granted you regional status…and EU citizenry.
At least Leave voters knew what they were definitely getting out of and could make a good guess at that future EU empire building…so no, they didn’t vote out of ignorance…they escaped.
Shame the BBC seeks to encourage that so-called division instead of pulling the country together and making a far more positive case for Brexit than the continual outpouring of doom and gloom that they serve up to us now.
The BBC version of the Great Escape from Michael Heseltine’s Germans…
The Brexit version…
Yes, Quite. I was on my way to pick up my Grandsons this morning to take them to school since my Daughter is poorly so I put Radio 4 on (wouldn’t listen to BBC radio normally) to hear about Ms May signing Article 50. Firstly, Hammond was being interviewed by someone whose name I don’t know. Now I don’t like Hammond – he’s a remainer and I don’t think he should be in the Government, but nevertheless he is, and should be questioned very closely but in a respectful manner. The interviewer’s voice was full of scorn and derision. If I was treated like that I would demand respect or end the interview. Then Emily Thornberry came on so I switched it off because she didn’t seem to know what day it was. Now, we have taken the democratic decision to leave the EU so all politicians should support the Government in getting the best possible deal, but the likes of Blair, Clegg, Farron, Sturgeon and Corbyn – to an extent – are making a difficult task even more difficult and should be told in no uncertain manner by Ms May to bloody-well pipe down as should the treacherous beggars at the BBC.
This is the grammar police.
Spelling mistake – Beggars is misspelt.
Number 7, in case anybody is wondering what you are getting at I suspect you mean beggars should have one letter altered to make the description far more appropriate to them. I must admit that it took me a second or so to catch on.
Dis you mean ‘u’?
Did the BBC ever say that the Warsaw Pact countries didn’t know what they were doing when they threw out the Communists ?
I think you could argue that the public was better informed for the Brexit referendum than in any General Election prior to that.
How many people in GEs vote automatically because of historical reasons (‘my Dad voted Labour, and his Dad voted Labour before him – we’re a Labour house’) without reading a line of the party manifesto.
The issue in the referendum was crystal clear (In/Out) and there was no ancient party baggage involved. Information was available from the widest number of sources ever, and if there was misinformation, it would be the height of folly to pretend that it came from only one side.
The height of folly, of course, is where the BBC lives.
Its relentlessly dour and downbeat on all channels this morning .LBC first interview after the 7am News Gina Miller.Off it goes.
Kay Burley waxing lyrical from Clacton about the cool breeze blowing from the continent.Switch off.
On and On.
V D show ,don’t even bother.
I only wish this was the day we were actually leaving the whole thing which is what I voted for.Most people understand what they voted for and two years of this constant doom mongering is too much.
I was working from home a couple of weeks ago and turned on the Victoria Derbyshire programme during a tea-break. Unbelievable left wing bias. I knew the BBC were biased but this was shocking. I think current affairs programming should be separated from the rest of the Corporation. The well made though biased drama and the sometimes very good movies and sports coverage act as a sort of cloak to cover the prejudices of CA journalists. The Broadcasting Arm of the Guardian? Or is the Guardian the house journal of the BBC?
The remain side had been living off Glittering Generalities ( the EU has brought us peace , prosperity etc) for 45years . An example of misleading information the BBC often gave is about funding from the EU , as though we don’t put a penny into the pot .
I can’t think of any misleading information from the leave side .
Nibor, the one (the only one I can think of) thing that the remoaners keep trotting out is “where is the £350 million each week for the NHS” even though 1, we’re still in the eu and 2, the slogan said this money COULD be spent on something better like the NHS (or something very similar)
No matter how many times they are told this they keep bringing it up.
Now, if you want lies and scaremongering, think of what the remoaners were forecasting.
Also, had anyone noticed (of course you ((we))all have) the language used by the remoaners. They certainly go for the dramatic and emotional don’t they.
I keep hearing cliff edges, abyss, brutal, screeching U turn and lots of other colourful language coming from them.
We are far superior with our words. I bet ‘snowflake’ really gets them angry. Mind, they seem to get angry very very easily. You can play games with them. Say Trump to one and they might have a Connery.
We are much easier going. All our marches are peaceful until the hate not soap lot turn up.
We are much happier even though we are told we didn’t know what we were voting for unlike every remoaner who knew everything there is to know about everything.
We are also better looking.
Also, we have Rees-Mogg and Starkey, and they have Geldof and Lily Allen..
The latter two? A bit like taking a catapult to the OK Corral.
I have to say I’m pleased that May has finally popped the Article 50 letter in the post, albeit she did it without any enthusiasm.
I’m more pleased by the grief it is causing assorted leftist remainers in the BBC, Islington luvvies and Guardianista twats.
I’m not normally one to feast on the misfortunes of others, and most assuredly they will continually try to ensure that the UK have the worst deal possible – but it’s so refreshing, for once that all the posturing, EU flag-waving marches and toddler tantrums did not work for them this time.
They will still be marching and posturing right to the bitter end and the two years gives them time to do it.
However, I am going to celebrate this day.
Ive been listening to Talk Sport and people are actually ringing in and saying happy Independence day.
Expect the Londononistan Programme to be in a state of shock today as the Mark Duggan
appeal was turned down. To be honest I am surprised that there is not a statue of Duggan in
the studio.
It’s what Mark would have wanted ……
Lots of somber coloured clothing today on & off the shitefast sofa: Bint outside No.10 dressed for a funeral with a face to rival the corpse. I am definitely gorging on the misfortunes of others, filling my fat English belly to the gunwales, burping loudly the word Brexit.
I have just phoned 5Live to tell them about QMV Quality Majority Voting which EU brings in 1st April 2017, and probably a very good reason the Article 50 was bought before that date. QMV means any decision on the 43 areas in the 2014 Nice agreement have to comply with QMV, the 43rd area was ‘any member wishing to leave the EU’!! So voting has to be inagreement with 65% of EU population, Germany has 10 votes, Malta 3 etc etc, so in other words won’t be allowed to leave. QMV not mentioned on BBC so I have informed them. Also asked them to come to Yorkshire, our MP of Indian heritance and worked in the city before coming a MP, obviously educated, our farmers, landowners, fisherman know exactly where the majority here voted leave. Also they do not correct guests when they say leaving Europe, we are not leaving Europe, we are leaving the EU. I do not expect a call back to air my reasonable views, the interesting and more troubling part of phoning them is that the researcher answered with my name! I have phoned 5Live in the past some time ago. I am going to have to pursue this through feedback. Wish me luck.
What I find infuriating is all the talk about other members not agreeing for us to leave,even if a deal is reached they can still vote it down leaving us in.
That is why we are not a free country and never will be until we get completely out.
Remainers keep on about democracy but even an idiot can see the democratic deficit.Sorry to use the I word but it makes me so cross.
Woke up this morning feeling happy that today we finally begin to leave the EU. Then gradually became a bit cast down listening to the usual bbbc anti-Brexit rhetoric with the near hysteric rantings of Clegg and Thornberry with their thinly-veiled threats to sabotage the whole process. To cheer myself up and against my usual sunny nature decided to indulge in a bit of Shadenfreude I.e. a feeling of joy in other people’s misery. So to all the remoaners and especially Clegg and Thornberry the fact is that we Brexiteers WON and to use the words of one of your favourite politicians Donald Trump we are going to win BIGLY. There I feel better now.
1 :57 radio 5 presenter to small stall holder ‘what are your concerns/ hopes when we are outside Europe’!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are not outside Europe, outside the EU.
It’s lunchtime now at work so thought I would log onto this website for some sanity. Thank goodness for you all and the voices of reason. It will be 2 years of hell so I think I might abstain from certain newspapers/TV and Radio programmes for the foreseeable future. I dont want an early heart attack reading and listening to the doom and gloom.
1 :57 radio 5 presenter to small stall holder
If the presenter was a woman (Emma Barnett?), I think I might have heard the same package. She was interviewing a cross-section of business interests in The Provinces. One exchange particularly caught my ear:
Presenter: Have the [wholesale] prices you have to pay gone up after the referendum?
Stallholder: Mmm, not particularly . . . some prices have gone down, actually.
Presenter: Ah, the ups and downs of business.
Or, in summary form. Encouraging, we-told-you-so wholesale price rises after the referendum? Brexit! Disappointing, does-not-compute decrease in wholesale prices after the referendum? ‘The ups and downs of business’.
I have done that for months only tuning in when something important happens like today.It feels better and I don’t get so wound up.i go to various websites to find out what’s going on.
R5 phone in discussion
One word to describe Brexit
R5 quickly followed that up with a loaded FB discussion
* Will Brexit mean Brexiteers stop beating their wives ? *
well the actual leading question was
…..”Will Brexit make Britain a more tolerant country?”
Knowing the Beeb they can manage to find 50 remainers in the most Anti EU parts of Britain. I’m very upbeat and even the BBC cannot take that away today.
I feel it will be a huge success and they will have to grovel and eat humble pie.i was especially apply to hear no single market,No ECJ and no EU charter on human rights.
Deborah, whatever you do, don’t read the Guardian today. (you know what they are like)
Who do you think EU are kidding Mrs Merkel?
I listened to LBC this morning before switching off at precisely 10 am the time at which that odious little marxist slime O’Brien turns up!
The vast majority of callers were celebrating today and LBC struggled to get any one negative to ring in, a truly remarkable feat.
However they had a rehearsed edited interview with some Frenchies complete with Frenchist music, of about six interviewed only one thought we were doing the right thing. It says all you need to know from LBC that the general mood from callers was positive yet a pre produced interview was negative.
The speaker for the nation is here for da kidz too:
What is Article 50? When will Brexit happen? Why should we care?!
Laura Kuenssberg and the BBC Brexit Bot are here to help.
Click this link to subscribe: m.me/BBCPolitics
Complete with inevitable royal ‘we’.
Also interesting the BBC is now moving to troll programs to… er… ‘help’.
That horrible Mr Campbell chap and that Leader of the SNP in parliament are spitting out their usual bile/hatred towards all those who voted Leave in a way that is quite worrying for peace in our great nation!
It only takes one illogical person ranting on about hatred towards others to start riots on the streets of London!
Oh! and may I add – I’m absolutely overjoyed for Mrs May herself! “play the man” Mrs May!
How do we go about ensuring that the day we actually leave in 2019 is marked by celebrations every year in perpetuity; a National Holiday in fact. ?
Good idea but the transgender benders will find a devious way to usurp it!