The BBC made a secret film, never seen before but we can reveal it here now…Hitler was allowed to make a film about his concentration camps asking the Jewish inmates why they were so frantic to leave…after all weren’t the camps just like Butlins? Why leave?
In fact the BBC has quite extraordinarily allowed the fanatical pro-EU Nick Clegg, married to the fanatical pro-EU Mrs Clegg [always welcome on the BBC], to make a film questioning the votes of people who want to exit the EU….[H/T GuestWho]..
Bias? Inappropriate? Corrupt? Not half…Clegg’s a poisonous little herbert…he tells us he has a sense of foreboding…..Brexit will fail and lead to dissatisfied voters flocking to the far-right parties who will seize upon that rage and offer instead a divisive and angry vision for the future…..
Almost instantly we had the first porky…..Clegg tells us the EU has invested a whopping £1.8 billion pounds in regeneration of Wales since 2014….er…a huge lie…..that is money that came from the UK to start with and has been returned only after huge amounts have been skimmed off as the EU pays itself enormous wages and hands out expenses like confetti….still the ungrateful and ignorant Welsh voted out…bastards.
Then onto immigration…it’s all the fault of ignorant, misinformed older, prejudiced voters who aren’t used to foreigners. Clegg tells us the youngsters all love the EU and admire what it does for them….so where did the Guardian find this one?….
“What’s the EU ever done for us?” Zak Kelly, 21, asks me this standing next to a brand new complex of buildings and facilities that wouldn’t look out of place in Canary Wharf. It’s not Canary Wharf, though, it’s Ebbw Vale, a former steel town of 18,000 people in the heart of the Welsh valleys, where 62% of the population – the highest proportion in Wales – voted Leave.
To go there – along a new dual carriageway – and stand next to the town’s new sixth form and training college, a glass and steel architectural showpiece next to its new leisure centre, a few hundred yards away from a new train station, is to stare into the abyss of the UK’s failed Remain campaign.
Even Kelly, who has just finished a training session on a brand new football pitch, backtracks slightly after asking that question. “Well, I know … they built all this,” he says, and motions his head at the impressive facilities that are all around us. “But we put in more money than we get out, don’t we?”… “we get out £7m a year from the EU and we put in £19m”. Anyway, he says, “it was time for a change”.
And of course we have the usual dig that it is voters harking back to some non-existent golden age that will never return….they just don’t live in the real world.
Talk about bias. Gold plated, copper bottomed, iron clad bias there. BBC should be hauled over the coals for that.
That snapshot above should be captioned “Face of a Loser”.
A modern-day Lord Haw-Haw. His role model met his end a few miles down the road in Wandsworth.
Unsurprisingly, comments are disabled. It happens so often that they’ll qualify for a blue badge.
Rick – I prefer tosser!
Clegg the Europolitician, with his snout in the EU trough, the trough we paid to fill. Clegg the UK politician, with more than one hat. And multi-snouted, with each snout in a separate taxpayer funded trough.
The BBC, not satisfied with £4,500,000:00 of Anti White, Pro Marxist funding, extorted from UK taxpayers, to fill the airwaves with Eurobollox. The BBC gratefully accepting some more, back door, bribes, to peddle the EU line, funded by the the Eurozillions which disappeared from the EU petty cash before it could be “audited”.
Clegg and IslamicAlBeeb, a marriage made in heaven, strange that the voters are not buying this PerpetualLeftieKrap. Without the BBC, remain votes in the referendum would have been in single figures.
Did I mention that I hate the BBC? Well I will try to remember next time.
Article 50, yippee.
“Prejudiced voters who aren’t used to foreigners…”
That’s laughable. The only foreigners he will be “used to” will be his cook, cleaner and gardener.
I’ll tell you why the people voted to leave the EU. The same reason why the Welsh assembly doesn’t give a fuck about them!
Fact The Welsh Government have been dragging their heels for years over the building of the Circuit Of Wales … This would bring thousands of jobs into one of the more deprived areas of not only Wales but the UK If the EU and in particularly the Welsh Government wanted to regenerate this area the Circuit of Wales would have been built long ago. The people of Ebbw Vale if they have any sense should tell Nick Clegg to fuck off and to stick his head where the sun don’t shine.
That git Clegg gets a pension from the EU I think- correct me if I lie- so every word he utters is tainted.
What does this man of privilege and wealth know about our lives? Sweet FA. They make me sick and one day we will make them account for their crimes. Ebbw Vale? Once a high wage prosperous town but now? A few fancy buildings and then what in the way of real decent work. Sweet FA again. Voting out is just part of it. We want this ruling elite gone. To be history for what they have allowed to happen. Neo liberal economics and globalisation sold to us as inevitable but it never was. Who has profited from this? The Cleggs and the Blairs and the rest of the entitled high salary parasites and that includes all the BBc’s so called execs and commentators. All those journalists in London drawing high wages and spitting on us. The Guardian is a cess pool of them.
Time for a real change and Mrs May better start to deliver or there is going to be trouble down the line. President Trump knows that the world is turning and thank God for him and that. The old split between left and right is gone. The split is much harsher now. Between us the majority and them- those who would have us slaves again. Clegg deserves nothing but contempt and any decent man or woman should turn their back on him and his like.
Where are our failed politicians like Clegg going to congregate and enrich themselves at other peoples expense now article 50 has been triggered? No wonder he is down. The gravy train has reached the end of the line for the likes of him.
“Where are our failed politicians like Clegg going to congregate and enrich themselves at other peoples expense now article 50 has been triggered?”
There’s always the House of Lords.
A few years ago the Lib Dems were promising an EU referendum just as all the parties were, to win votes, now
they have hardly any MPs they have jumped on the Remain bandwagon, they will do anything to try and get in power.
The BBC are appalling giving him so much airtime.
A seriously sick company employing seriously sick people to make a seriously sick programme.
Shussssh! Heseltine/s on’t telly!!
The bBBC excels itself, a day of full on anti-brexit propaganda. Clegg, Ashdown, Farron on stand-by to rubbish brexit, ensuring lib-dems get a fair hearing. Ashdown tells an astonished AN on the DP that the type of brexit he could support is one where things remain exactly as they are now, and that the thicko Leave voters didn’t know they were voting to leave the single market. Heseltine is wheeled on, inbetween taking his medication, to rubbish brexit, claiming it is the biggest loss of our sovereignty ever. Gina Miller is conveniently on hand to rubbish the legal process of brexit, she will not hesitate to take the process back to the courts. A Guardian journalist helps to balance up the remain viewpoint. The bBBC probably thinks it’s got its coverage ‘about right’.
The trouble with the likes of Mr Miriam Gonsalez is that the rules of the game have changed but no-one has told her.
For years we would always do as we were told to like the good little prolls we are. We would always vote in a way that maintained the liberal consensus as both parties were clearly signed up to it, to a greater or lesser extent
However the Brexit vote broke all the rules for the first time for years as a nation we were able to vote in a way that went directly against what these globalist had advised us to do and vote for something that we thought was good for the country not the elite and they are still in shock.
Despite his “liberal” credentials The fact that Little lost Nick thinks that we “did not know what we were voting for” shows the supreme arrogance of this patrician arsehole and illustrates well the truly closed mind these individuals have.
Like dealing with bereavement he is still in the denial and anger phase, Denial because he cant believe what we have done and anger because he probably had another nice little EU job lined up for the future – Whether he possesses the mental agility to move onto the bargaining, depression and eventual acceptance frankly I care not. But I must say he is becoming very much like a female version of Wee Jimmy Krankie, earnest, always angry, and ultimately bloody irritating.
I think Mr Clegg is one of the most untrustworthy politicians of a generation. Quite why the beeb give him any air time beggars belief, ( or maybe not considering his obsession with trying to portray anyone who voted leave as some sort of uninformed imbecile).
He’s clearly looking for adoration since desperately grabbing power at all costs and sending his party into the political wilderness.
Pete – Please be a little considerate he is probably a bit pre – menopausal
He is the very epitome of a useless parasite politician .He should be drummed out of public life for ever.
Maybe they wonder in Ebbw Vale why the disappearance of the mighty steelworks on which the town depended utterly seems to have coincided so precisely with membership of the bountiful, benevolent and all-giving EU?
QT the other night painted the real picture of xenophobia.
Nick Clegg; my mother is Dutch and been here forever and my wife is Spanish and been here forever and now feel frightened they might have to leave. Sorry Nick the easy solution is both qualify to become British citizens.
Then we had the German NHS worker who has been here 20 years. When asked why he didn’t become a British citizen tapped his chest and said his heart is German.
There you have the answer. They live here, enjoy the benefits of living here BUT they regard their culture to be superior to ours. You’re a xenophobe in all respects. Here to enjoy the economic and cultural benefits as and when it suits.
Totally agree Tiger – a really good point – Trouble is the MSM and the BBC in particular have their heads shoved so far up their progressive, anti British posteriors they could never see this.
Loyalty and commitment to ones country is important
Their lazy default position is always to shout waycist first as soon as the word patriotism is raised in any debate – To close down any argument and lay the normal nazi/skinhead guilt trip on us so we dont open our mouths again.
JFK said – My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. It would be interesting to ask a similar question to Nicks missus – Miriam Gonzales compresas para la incontinencia – I think she may well find giving a clear answer to where her true loyalties lay – a little difficult.
Bit weird how Trump goes to similar towns in the US with a different attitude and thus gets a different more positive response than Cleggy gets.
Cleggy = “the Last Of The Summer Whiner”
Sturgeon = “Nora saggy legs Batty”
The best pieces of the broadcast were the comments about dragon sculptures and the destruction of technical education in the college.
Having now just watched the piece, I dont think it puts Brexit in a bad light. Clegg comes and asks why did the people vote leave, the answers he gets and we hear are crystal clear, even if he is not able to hear them: The EU largesse was just a shiny bad aid on a gaping sore – perfectly illustrated by the pointless slag heap lift. And because the area is mono cultural, they want to keep it that way – they see the results of failed multiculturalism. And the report is right in one conclusion; if Government doesnt properly get a grip on immigration then there will be real post Brexit rage.
So, just scrolling the morning FB feed, and what do I get from The Today Programme?:
“From me to EU… Letters to the European Union from some British people who’ll miss being a member, and others who won’t.”
Yes! They have been out, carefully invited, edited and broadcast some thoughts on Brexit.
And to capture one’s attention? No less than the all too pervasive image of our Gina, speaker for the nation (private sector division).
Of course, Nick is in there too.
And an entrepreneur, who is a laydee… also not keen.
Of course, the BBC should keep them on screen as long as possible:
I notice Clegg never mentions the thousands of Roma who live in South Yorkshire and most seem to have no visible means of income.
On the contrary many appear to be quite visible selling the Big Issue. How wonderfully diverse.
As this thread refers to Hitler, I couldn’t resist this
Anyway, by the time we are next asked to be a part of the EU, we will already be part of the caliphate. So its a moot point.
Clegg fly doesn’t even understand why a majority of his own constituents in Sheffield voted Leave.