Just listening to Jon Pienaar giving us his EU analysis…apparently the extravagant promises made by the Brexit campaign are now facing the harsh light of reality…er…what ‘promises’ never mind ‘extravagant’ ones? No one promised anything other than to leave the EU in the belief that we could then control our borders and politics…the intent was to control our own borders and who we let into the country.
Pienaar says immigration will actually go up and industry and universities will still be allowed to bring in people #DespiteBrexit….er…no one ever thought there would be a total stop on all immigration….so just one more strawman from Pienaar.
This is pure bunkum from Pienaar, a narrative shaped to paint a picture of Leave voters being betrayed and a ‘realisation’ that Brexit was nothing but a hopelessly unrealistic dream doomed to failure….much the same message that fanatic pro-EU Clegg delivered on Newsnight last night as he was given the keys to the BBC camera cupboard and free rein to produce whatever piece of propaganda he felt the urge to make.
The only promise to be stuck to is to leave .Getting control back will compensate for no deal.We can make our own decisions about anything we want.
Pienaar’s head comes to a point. Sadly, his reporting seldom follows the same course.
Getting control of our borders, and the laws we follow, was and still is, the key requirement of a sovereign nation.
It may well be that we have more immigration – but that will be our decision. And we can change it when we like.
Honestly will the bbc whining ever stop… Another of their reality check bollocks articles “Can UK change its mind” makes my fucking blood boil , straw clutching bastards. …
Virtue signalling at its worst about immigration. It’s almost as if these dimwits are competing with each other to have the most open borders possible. Suicidal idiots.
All the extravagance I recall in the referendum campaign came from the Remain side, summarised as Apocalypse Now. (well in 2 years 9 months time anyway)
Wrong – sun still shines, food in the shops, petrol in the filling stations, electricity in the sockets, gas still flowing, trains running, planes flying, plants growing etc etc. Only fly in the ointment is the BBBC is still broadcasting.
Young people want to leave home and make their way in the world .
Brexit view ; yes , there’s some growing up , pay your own bills , make your own decisions , suffer some knocks , learn from mistakes , no one to blame but yourself , must negotiate with people and organisations , adapt new ways , get freedom and independence .
Remoaner view ; no wrong decision .
Who is open minded ?
Nibor, I spotted that in the TODAY programme this morning before I saw your post. They were talking about ‘The Great Fracture’ (my title) and I remembered how in other BBC News & Current Affairs (including Womens Hour) they are always promoting the leaving of children from family homes in adulthood. The BBC often (especially on WH and You & Yours) mention children having to live with parents as an object of economic scandal & failure or choosing to stay at home while working as people to be pitied or even scorned & shamed.
They favour and appear to even enjoy dividing organic families.
Why not this artificial EU one?
BBC hypocrisy?
Or just incompetence, an inability to join up the dots …
… er, when it suits them?
Let’s not forget the extravagant lies that the remainers were peddling: Impending recession, decimation of GBP, no more incoming foreign investment.
Been waiting since the 23rd of June last year for all these things to happen. They could still happen, but I doubt it. Probably because productivity comes from the private sector.
Tariffs? Blah!
We have nothing to fear as consumers when it comes to tariffs. Goods will not become more expensive. Why? Because we the consumers are in charge now. “Rip-off-Britain” will be no more. We are the people dressed in clothes made outside the EU despite heavy tariffs on non-EU clothes.
Turn your head away, whilst I strip off and report the country of manufacture of my clothing:
Craghoppers fleece – made in Bangladesh
M&S slippers – made in China
Next t-shirt – made in Pakistan
M&S jogging bottoms – made in Bangladesh
F&F boxers – made in China
Next socks – unknown
The HP keyboard I am currently using – made in China
Need I go on? I cannot find anything made in the EU within my immediate vicinity.
Don’t worry, this is Britain. We’re ready for whatever!
Edward – Interesting point you make, but I remember when all of those things would have been made in the U.K.
Perhaps we should start making things again.
Just watched last night’s edition of Newsnight on catchup and surprise surprise another Brexit hatchet job, will they ever give up?
I’m as Brexit as they come, although the one concern I have is that the price of subsidised european wine might go up. Slightly more expensive wine, but in exchange for that we’ll get billions of pounds per year, economic growth, a bonfire of regulatory requirements, controlled immigration and national sovereignty… Actually screw it, South African wine is better anyway these days…
My cartoon on Article 50:
I do get a bit fed up listening to the wealthy smugs such as Ashdow Clegg and that idiot who is in charge of the illiberals – going on about the outers ‘lieing’ during the campaign . There was no promise of £350 mill a week for the NHS – just that we would have freed up our £ which the EU was wasting – to spend on the UK national interest – hopefully not the Department of overseas free gifts.
Also Farage said that our economy could take a hit but there are more important issues the GDP- like freedom from lifelong Eurocrats living on uk taxpayers money .
I -for one – am wondering about life after the exit from the EU -?? Abolish or properly reform the 2 Houses of Parliament ? Less MPs less Peers? Less laws?
Yes, the UK does need to urgently reform the HoL so that it is a proper, democratically accountable reviewing chamber. While we were ruled from Brussels the HoL became even more corrupted that the HoC. It’s overstuffed, full of yesterday’s men, women and cronies. Not just a national disgrace, but a real danger to the health of the nation.
I think the HoL actually knows this. Which is why many were keen to stay in the EU. Outside the EU we can’t afford to continue the sham chamber in it’s present form.
Dear BBC, the alternative to membership of the EU is non membership of the EU,
simple as that. *doffs hat to Lord Nigel Lawson*
After we leave the EU will have 27 members, rather less than there are non members.
please adjust your reportage to reflect these facts.
One lefty journalist, can’t remember her name, was claiming that the Brexiteers had promised the £350 million would all be spent on the NHS. They try to claim that the Brexit side were lieing about it. The lie is theirs as the slogan on the bus was something like “£350 million a day is given to Brussels, it could be used on the NHS”. Those aren’t the exact words but that was the clear inference: money that we waste by propping up the EU hyper-salaries and vanity projects could be better spent on our own priorities e.g. the NHS.
The money was never promised to go just to the NHS. They also claim that we should be spending this money now, despite the fact that we are still paying this absurd, disgusting amount to the conmen in Brussels and will do until we are free. The remoaners are still lieing but claim that it’s the Brexiteers who are the liars. Typical lefty tactics – accuse your opponents of doing what you are doing yourself.
Demon – but that, of course, wouldn’t be the famous “fake news” as we all know only the Right are guilty of that.
Yes, they are being deliberately dim on that one. It would be wonderful if there was a radio or TV presenter who was both sharp enough & brave enough (maybe against employer’s wishes?) with time to really take them to task on that.
I do not know ONE leave voter who was influenced by that poster on the bus.
The only people who appear to have been ‘influenced’ by the so-called ‘lie’ were people who say they voted Remain and want to stay in the EU.
Most peculiar.
If I recall correctly Mr Farage went into this in some detail on breakfast TV a few days before the Brexit vote explaining that the £350m was the amount over which we would have control.
I think most Remoaners either didn’t understand the concept, or didn’t want to. In fact I think a lot of them didn’t even think about it at all, they just parrotted the lie about £350m until it became an established Remainer ‘fact’, ie one that wasn’t actually true but was a point of dogma not to be questioned.
Cranmer, the thing I have found both before and after the Referendum is how little the pro-Remain people know about the EU. They are often the ones who are in reality very uneducated (ignorant!) of the history of both the EU and Europe.
Just the joining date, for example.
It became apparent post-Referendum that many Remainers & Remoaners have no idea when the UK joined the EU, the UK’s economy before and after joining, what the Four Freedoms are and the requirements & variations in the apparent ‘equality of the EU’ and so on. In the internet age, a lot of this information is readily and easily available if you have an interest & desire & time to search.
Up2snuff, since the Brexit debate began, in all the social media posts and I’ve read and all the people I’ve spoken to, I’ve only heard one convincing argument for staying in the EU, from a financial services journalist of my acquaintance, who is concerned about whether workable trade deals can be established.
With the exception of a couple of ‘better the devil you know’ people, EVERYBODY else, bar none, has relied on emotional outbursts and nonsense, like ‘Little Englanders’, ‘racism’ ‘living in the past’ etc.
If I recall correctly Mr Farage went into this in some detail on breakfast TV a few days before the Brexit vote explaining that the £350m was the amount over which we would have control.
I think most Remoaners either didn’t understand the concept, or didn’t want to. In fact I think a lot of them didn’t even think about it at all, they just parrotted the lie about £350m until it became an established Remainer ‘fact’, ie one that wasn’t actually true but was a point of dogma not to be questioned, just like ‘Donald Trump is racist and sexist’ which is parotted all the time yet never supported by facts.
listening to that tw*t farron spouting his shite about voting to leave but not voting for the destination yet again, i often wonder why he is never challenged on the future if we stay, would we by his own logic be calling for a referendum every time the EU passes yet another law or creates a new organisation or arm (or army for that matter) or admits another country as quite clearly we didnt know that was coming and should obviously be given a chance to re-assess.
Just for fun celebrated yesterday on the canal, cracked the beer open at 12:20 moored by someone’s house with a EU flag hanging from it 🙂
Demon, Just to clarify the sign on the side of Vote Leave’s battlebus stated:
‘We send the EU £350 million a week
lets fund our NHS instead’
This does not in my view and many others commit £350 million to the NHS but purely demonstrates an option to use part or all of this sum of money on the NHS.
The remainers conveniently see this as a promise to use the entire amount on the NHS.
The sign in my view was a bit ambiguous (like a lot of UK law) and left Vote Leave open to attack