The BBC et al went to town on the Russians [and by alleged association Trump] for interfering in the democratic process of the US election by hacking, no proof yet that they did, Clinton’s and the Dem’s emails. Apparently this providing to the American electorate of information about Clinton’s and the Dem’s activities and thoughts, often at odds with what they said in public, was anti-democratic…not sure how that can be…maybe illegally obtained but surely the information is relevant..otherwise why all the squealing?
No such outrage about the EU’s interference in the democratic elections of a sovereign nation within Europe, France, as the EU tries to stop Le Pen being elected [Just as Obama came to Britain and told us to vote for the EU and then trotted off to Germany to tell the Germans to vote for Merkel…and no one objected]…
Given that the French election could have vital consequences for the EU, the European Commission is not taking any chances. In an unusual move, it’s getting involved in French politics, albeit indirectly, with a fact-checking campaign to counter the anti-EU narrative coming from Le Pen’s National Front.
The EU-paid fact checkers rebut Le Pen attack lines such as the assertion that France would be better off without the euro or that the EU destroys French purchasing power.
While the EU seeks to counter core Le Pen Euroskeptic messages, the Commission doesn’t endorse any specific candidate in the French race. But there is no doubt that Brussels insiders see a Le Pen win as a threat to the EU.
Shockingly Trump’s team met some Russkies [so did Clinton’s] and Juncker is in talks with Le Pen’s opponents…no fuss about that collaboration then?….
Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is following the French campaign closely, officials say. So far, he has conducted one-on-one meetings with three of the presidential candidates at their behest — the centrist Macron, the conservative François Fillon and the socialist Benoît Hamon.
Once you’re in the EU they don’t want you to leave and will do anything to blackmail you to force you to stay…
Pierre Moscovici, the commissioner for economic and financial affairs, said in a press conference last week that “it’s a mistake” to not to fight anti-EU candidates such as Le Pen. “Europe is France’s future, and we need France to be a driving force,” the French socialist said, adding, in a clear swipe at the National Front leader: “I don’t even talk about those crazy ideas of France leaving Europe, which would both kill Europe and make France choke severely.”
Europe is your future whether you want it or not.
And look at this sneering comment….
One top diplomat likened the vote to Brexit and last year’s U.S. election. The voters who decided the outcome then, he said, were “those who don’t give a damn anymore about politics.”
On the contrary they vote the way they do because they do think politics is important and that we don’t just hand over power without holding the politicians to account as the EU would like…the EU failed Britain…bye bye…Obama failed the US…bye bye.
Vive la France!
Strange that the BBC never seem to say that what the Russians (purportedly) released about the two faced Clinton campaign were incorrect, but it was “not right” that it should be revealed?
By far the worst case of interference in a foreign election in the last decade was committed by Obuma – throwing the full weight of his influence, including numerous briefings, hundreds of thousands of US Dollars, plus full collusion of the MSM against Netanyahu in the last Israeli elections!! “Pot” vs “Kettle”!!
I despise the EU and its self-serving bureaucrats.
I despise the BBC for many reasons, but mainly because they have let us down by betraying our trust in them.
Walt Whitman had some really relevant points to say about liberty in 19th century America (too much to reproduce here) and about the actions of some to denigrate heroic figures in a country’s history in order to further their own agenda and deny liberty to all. Those words still strike a chord today as the actions of the BBC and the left in general reveal time and time again.
The BBC are getting involved and interfering in the French election with this programme.
11am R4 prog about Russia vs West ..historic subversion
Guessing Mike O’L is now back on the naughty step chez W1A? Assuming they are able to drag themselves in…