The Great Escape is on, watch the BBC goons, the Tristrams, try to stop Tom, Dick and Harry in the bid for freedom….and if you see it report it here on the new open thread…..
When will the BBC realise that we know what they do? In a vox pop item interview 20 or 30 people and pick 2 or 3 interviews with people who agree with the BBC line, are articulate, and look good on camera. Then add 1 or 2 who disagree, are poor speakers and who look bad on camera to provide the much vaunted ‘balance’.
Who are this ‘we’? Most people are completely unaware of the BBC’s bias & antics other than the accusations which are almost always attributed to ravings of extremists, or those with a grudge.
I’m afraid it’s a little like the Matrix, in which there are a few who know what the reality is, but the rest carry on their lives in total ignorance.
Yes, hence why so many useful idiots in their HYS articles still claim the BBC is balanced because leftists criticise it as well. Of course, the left’s criticism is that it should be even more censorial and biased than it already is, so it’s a false argument.
Sometimes there’s a thread where someone reckons the BBC is utterly biased to the right. I chip in to say that while I disagree on the direction, they mostly certainly are failing both of us, so how about jointly calling for their abolition.
It’s a media frenzy! Hysteria everywhere, not just Beeby. Newspapers, Microsoft, Yahoo, nearly all the telly news. You would think the world was coming to an end. This is where by rights -because we pay for it, we should be expecting better from the BBC. They should be a voice of calm & balance. But no.
BBC journalists would better serve the public by litter-picking & dustbin collection. (something useful) They are carrying on as if we have never governed ourselves before. As if we have ALWAYS been integrated with the EU. I think I’m going to leave the telly off for the rest of the day. I feel rather like Catherine Tate’s nan “What a load of old $h!t!
Lucy Pevensey we need ‘Nan’ to tell the BBC some home truths!
‘Ere y’are…ere y’are…BBC…ere’s my chap…David Dimblebum…na-a-a-a-a-a-a! You seen ‘im, Ashley? E goes round the country or to foreign places, like Wales, and then e talks to people with them wossnames, mental needs, in a studio, like wot Jeremy Kyle does, but only without the fighting or anyfink interestin’ ‘appenin. They don’t even give ’em any prizes! Then on the other side they got Children With Greed. There’s a darky bloke, wot looks like that comedian they used to ‘ave, wossname, Lenny Dibley or sumfink,but e don’t tell jokes e just goes to Africa an’ raises money for people wot ave got that illness wot makes your nose go red. BBC – Wot a load of old SH*TTT!’
Look at the picture the BBC has chosen to illustrate pro-Brexit Article 50 celebrations in this article:
Do they really think we believe that is the best picture they could find? They just can’t help themselves the hissy-fitting bunch of w*nkers.
SJ. Yes, pretty poor choice. However, if you look closely at the party picture, it may not have been a good choice on the part of the BBC. Did not quite fit ‘the narrative’.
I was amazed, in view of the BBC’s obvious pro-Remain bias (so obvious it was noticeable when it was put on hold in the aftermath of the House of Lords complaint) that on Radio 4 last evening, on The World Tonight, that they interviewed FOUR + YOUNG + MALE Leave voters.
They came from “nearly-tied-equally-between-Remain-and-Leave-in-Nick-Clegg-territory” of Sheffield. That was ‘hinted at’ in the intro to the segment.
What was amazing was that three of the four were students. I am assuming young because they sounded so. I know that radio can deceive slightly in that respect. The businessman had had two careers already but could have been in his thirties. That’s young as far as the ‘standard created narrative’ of Leave voter as old is concerned. Oh, and uneducated. Leave voters are ALL ignorant to a man or woman.
The businessman was a Chartered Accountant. That had been his first career, it is graduate-entry only and with tough examinations to get qualified. He had obviously had an extensive education while the students were in the middle of theirs. No ‘ignorance’ or old there, then. Amazing!
That certainly didn’t fit the standard BBC shilling for Remain type-broadcast.
Isn’t it sad, that it is so noticeable when the BBC leaves its biases behind these days?
The first paragraph viz – “Thousands of EU laws on everything from workers’ rights to the environment are to be scrapped or replaced with UK equivalents in a new plan.” Is effectively disinformation. There’s no “scrapped”. After integration into UK law, the Government will, as my understanding of what was said, painstakingly work its way through all the EU integrated law and weed out that which is not required. They have already stated that this will not include laws connected with employment. I hope they will ‘weed out’ such patently ridiculous law such as that limiting vacuum cleaners to 1600 Watts.
Needless to say, it is the BBC itself that urgently needs a good ‘weeding’.
I have just posted a Comment on the Pienaar’s Politics Thread about the highly-exercised issue (for the Remainers) of that £350m per week poster on the Leave Campaign bus.
The thought occurs that we should have some opinion polling on this. Is there a Polling Company or organisation that is neutral enough and likely to be willing to go out and ask an equal number of Remain and Leave voters as to whether that £350 million per week ‘lie’ (actually an under-estimate!) really influenced their vote.
It may have already been done. Anyone know? Will try & have a dig around on the internet later.
Of course, the BBC, who are known to carry out or commission research, could do a survey like that.
I think the UK should withhold all contributions to the EU, pending conclusion of negotiations. That should concentrate the bastards’ “minds “. We hold all of the trump cards. The EU’s position is very weak.
I watched the 10:00pm BBC1 news last night. It was 5 minutes of news followed by 50 minutes (including “News where you are”) of speculation and opinion. Now it might be that it was the same on Sky and Channel 4 but, whatever was broadcast last night on BBC News at 10, it wasn’t “news”. Frankly, we already know that there are unknowns and uncertainties concerning the Brexit agreement with the EU. No sentient being in the universe is ignorant of these, particularly since the agreement hasn’t yet been negotiated and accordingly no-one yet knows how the uncertainties will be resolved. More to the point none of the journalists/commentators/”experts” at the BBC know either. Moreover a “news” programme is not the place to analyse or comment on them. The “news” last night was that Article 50 has been triggered + here’s the letter itself + here’s the reaction of the EU spokesmen (as revealed as a news conference). Boring – possibly – but, forgive this piece of unorthodoxy, “news” is not “entertainment” it’s information. I – and the rest of the audience – don’t need a patronising display of waving hands to convey what it really means: the news is what it is.
Unfortunately the BBC couldn’t leave it there. On the contrary, there was no pretence, last night’s news was an opportunity (which was duly taken) for a hatchet job on Brexit on the terms of “Yes: it might work out OK but it’s really doubtful and, if you don’t believe me, here are some unconvincing (not to say, unnecessary) voxpop “interviews” (see we really appreciate opinions from the little people) followed by an endless succession of talking heads from W1A explaining what the voxpoperati really think. Oh and, by the way, while we’re on air, we’ll have a sad item on the commemorations of last week’s . er . incident in Westminster and, look, a loonie rabbi and hundreds of Moslems (?) showing solidarity with the police (it’s nothing to do with Islam after all). Oh and look again – on London “news where you are” – an interview with the Moslem mayor of London weeping over Brexit and how he’s doing so much to rescue London from its incipient destruction due to Brexit”.
It’s actually pathetic – and disgraceful, of course – that the BBC’s political line is so obvious. So obvious, in fact, that I suspect it has less and less effect on the electorate. While I’m on, I note that – yet again – I have yet to see any BBC (or any other) “journalist” baldly ask any SNP representative to square the circle of “independence” for Scotland and, in the event of such “independence”, an “immediate entry into the EU”. All you need to know is that the SNP hates brexit, England and the English. That’s good enough for the BBC: hence no awkward questions – it might create “uncertainty”.
Yes – the same ‘uncertainty’ Krankie said during the EU ref campaign that was damaging the Scottish economy, magically disappears during a Scottish Neverendum campaign.
If it’s any consolation, I’ve heard viewing figures for big network news bulletins are way down. By contrast, classical liberal and conservative Youtube channels (InfoWars etc) are enjoying huge increases in viewers, with consistently high upvotes, and many fans of undergraduate age. I was watching one last night, called the Rubin Report, which had a long interview with Tommy Robinson. The interviewer clearly didn’t agree with everything Mr Robinson said, but stressed that he simply wanted to hear his views and try to see things from his perspective. Such a thing would be unimaginable on the BBC.
That’s interesting, Cranmer, in your choice of words. ” By contrast, classical liberal and conservative Youtube channels (InfoWars etc) are enjoying huge increases in viewers”
It has triggered the recently filed away memory of something for me to check up on. I have come across two references in the last few days to Conservatism or small c conservatism being or, at least, becoming ‘the new rock & roll’ as far as teenagers are concerned.
I’m well aware of the fact that political fashions change among the young (yes, I was once!) but I am also now wondering if it is the consequence of both a variety of ‘campaigns’, including Project Fear and Project Remain Despite The Leave Vote, together with the oppression (and violence, actual or implied via Social Media) from older Snowflakes, those in the 24-35 age bracket that the so-called Referendum voting pattern comprised and events post-EU Referendum and post-Trump election have evidenced.
Up2snuff, there are a number of videos on Youtube referring to conservatism being the new ‘rebellion’ for teens and students.
I’m not sure how true this is – I think it’s still a tiny minority amongst the Snowflake Generation – but it does seem to be on the increase. Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars channel makes the very good observation that the dominant culture cannot also be the counterculture.
Since regressive leftism is now the dominant culture in nearly all areas of life, particularly academia, it can no longer also be the ‘cool’ counterculture and young people will instinctively seek out that which rebels against it.
Mind you, I recall people saying the same thing in the 80s with ‘Thatcher’s Children’ and in the 90s with countercultural movements like ‘Stuckism’, but the Snowflakes have piled up higher than ever since then, so who knows?
I used to think it was my duty to watch/listen to News on the TV so that I would know what was happening in the world. I now prefer to switch off as I prefer not to be bombarded with BBC left-wing propaganda. Wasn’t it with Greg Dyke that the BBC changed from stating facts to giving their opinion? But it is not only those of us who post/read here who have noticed the BBC’s bias. I haven’t seen what the viewing figures are of late – I wonder how many less committed to news as I was have also switched off?
Deborah, I used to feel that way too. Now I just think that anything that I really need to know about will appear on my internet news feed or social media updates. Everything else is mostly waffle and pushing of BBC agendas, particularly the ‘news where you are’ which has articles like (I kid you not) ‘is canal boating racist?’
Many ethnic minorities are too busy with their traditional hobbies of female genital mutilation and gang rape of white children to find time for pastimes such as canal boating. We have to learn to celebrate diversity you know.
I think the question has already been asked by the BBBC. They also gave the answer: “it’s because nasty whitey discourages them and makes them feel unwelcome and uncomfortable.”
So now you know, it’s our fault. One more reason to feel guilty because of white privilege.
That’s all very well but (a bbc type favourite question) “can you guarantee, for the next 1,000 years, that not one person will lose their job because of Brexit?”.
The remoaners were quite specific that it would be the end of the world if we voted go leave with punishment budgets and WW3’s by the end of June (although these events keep getting put back, especially with all the excellent data like ftse and employment)
Still, let’s enjoy ourselves knowing that we have helped our children to a better life (unless the politicians end up surrendering (submission) to Islam)
Al Beeb is nightly telling 52% of those who voted that they got it wrong.
Look on the bright side: when Brexit turns out to be a success, the chickens will come home to roost. The economy is already doing far better than the prophets of doom predicted.
The ‘Frenzy of Brexit’; I couldn’t have put I better myself. Stopped listening to BBC news and current affairs on the tv and radio now because I’m fed up with all the naval gazing (James O’Brien on LBC had me in stitches with his sanctimonious caterwauling on the subject).
Meanwhile I came across a story of a former Jackanory presenter found guilty who has admitted six sexual assaults on a boy six decades ago.
Newsshite last night – if Maitliss ever loses her job there is a career in horror films waiting. It appears it is true perpetual hate starts to affect your external appearance.
Sky are just as bad, they had Gina Miller on yesterday vowing to hold the Government to account every step of the way (I must have missed her getting elected to Parliament) Although they did have the Wetherspoons bloke on, for a bit of balance, he was supremely relaxed about the whole business and seemed to have trouble not laughing in Millers pinched, scowling face.
This Morning on the Beeb they were outside the EU gravy train depot, in Brussels talking to some Euro-bots, one Dutch and one who appeared to be Greek, anyway they were both gloomy about the prospects, unsurprisingly as it dawns on the them that a net contributor is about to remove their stake from the dodgy old Pyramid scheme that is the EU. I’m starting to believe that they really thought up until yesterday, that Article 50 wouldn’t be triggered.
The Beeb also ran a priceless section showing the reaction around European news channels, in Spain, France, Italy and Romania. Sadly the BBC translator must have been having his morning latte as there were no subtitles, so unless you speak any of those languages or know sign language (thank you Romania for the two fingered salute) Then you would be none the wiser as to what they actually said. Top work from the Beeb, its the envy of the World you know.
When the bBC is eventually sold off/privatised or implodes we can look back on this historic week and remember that the bBC did everything in its power to prevent this Brexit moment.
While we await its collapse how about a campaign to shift it out of London…..Sunderland?
It has already decamped to Salford for the most part, perhaps it could have a rolling headquarters between Manchester and it’s beloved Edinburgh, and move there 4 days a Month then back to Manchester.
I wonder – could we encourage the Biased BBC to lead the pack by being the first to “escape” it’s headquarters to Brussels? Because, you know, all the best companies are moving to Europe – allegedly!!
I am considering a letter to the bBC to request their assistance in urging the Football association to have the Scotland v England football international in June titled the McBREXIT CUP….in honour of the 500,000 SNP voters who momentarily woke up from Brigadoonery and voted BREXIT.
Strange how the bBC goes out of its way to disparage ‘Sciencetologists’ for its controlling behaviour, but fawns over the much more repressive ‘Islamic’ faith. Instead they continue to shove cute little Islamic girls down our necks in which to lull Non-Muslims into a false sense of security.
Its as if if the bBC is treating everybody like a lobster , by placing us all in a pot of cold water and then slowly turning up the heat.
The BBC mention the names of the ten (9 of which are Mohammeds or similar). You can guess where the one English sounding name appears in that list? – Yep, right at the start.
And I would guess that he’s changed his name to something more fitting with the others. And that the BBC have changed it back because he’s been caught doing something nasty.
“Its as if if the bBC is treating everybody like a lobster , by placing us all in a pot of cold water and then slowly turning up the heat.”
They’d better not treat me like that!
Someone said, you know you’ve reached adulthood when you realise you can’t order what goes on in the World and it certainly does not revolve around you.
By that measure we are seeing a great deal of infantilism these days.
Check out which portraits the Beeb has shown first in this article about soldiers of the Great War. Go on, have a guess which ones appear first! (This is despite there being no racial angle in the exhibition that the article refers to).
Apart from Bullshit, the BBC do not do anything these days. Although they may do a documentary on the atrocities committed by Germans against Africans in WW1. On the other hand ….
Oh they certainly do ‘History’ BBC’s traitorous history altering publications, see their new mag…
From the makers of BBC History Magazine comes BBC World Histories! It is a brand new title bringing you fresh perspectives on our global past – and how it shapes our lives today.
Headlines from the first 4 editions:
Have empires ever been a force for good?
Africa’s cold war- the battle to control a continent
A history of fake news – How can we combat ‘alternative facts’
China’s fight for dignity
The Islamic Enlightenment – the ideas that shaped today’s Middle East
Syria: Historians predict its future
Exploding the Pharaoh myth: Are our ideas about ancient Egypt wrong?
Trump: Why his win must change our take on history
Chris Bowlby examines the rise of Donald Trump and the resurgence of populism;
Day one of the Brexit negotiations and the BBC is as full of anti Brexit bile as ever , seeking to poison wells and salt fields as widely as possible. Brillo being the honourable exception. Every other BBC contribution is doom ladened and taking the EU side in every point of dispute . They are very clearly still seeking to prevent Brexit and simply don’t care if their opposition causes the UK to get a bad deal and adversely impacts the lives of the people who pay for the BBC. They do this under the guise of honest and fair reporting but more and more people see the truth of what they are up to. Eventually this will surely result in a major backlash from those self same Licence Fee payers. I would fully support an LF payers strike.
More from the BBC on the Westminster Bridge attack.
Thank goodness for the concern expressed by the Moslems ever quoted by the BBC who point out that they are a religion of peace
‘ Police officers, doctors and hundreds of members of a Muslim youth association were among those walking across Westminster Bridge in memory.’
‘Zafir Malik, an imam from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, said his members were “here to show that we are united with our fellow countrymen and remembering those who have fallen, especially PC Keith Palmer”.’
‘Among those paying tribute was Danyal Ahmad, a trainee imam at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in south-west London.
The 21-year-old said his group, Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, wanted to show that Islam was about “love, peace and compassion”.
His brother, Zishan Ahmad, a 25-year-old imam, who also attended the memorial, added: “You can’t divide London – we stand together.
“It doesn’t matter if you are Muslim, Christian or Jew, or black, brown or any other race. London will never be divided.”‘
Worth noting that the Ahmadiyya Muslims are a peaceful branch not reconised by the British Council of Muslims and not allowed into Mecca, not even into Saudi Arabia. The last one killed in the UK was last year, a Glasgow shopkeeper who, said his murderer, had disgraced Islam. Poor bugger had wished his customers a merry Christmas.
But that aside, the BBC have turned the episode into a Moslem circus.
From accounts in the media the murders have united London, done so much good, that one might conclude that a few more murders would make even greater improvements.
But what will make me very angry is if the funeral of the murdered cop is turned into a RoPer fest. I can see it now – hijaps along the route of the funeral. Interviews with cops and Imams.
Did anyone see the bbc breakfast report a few weeks ago? I think a headteacher was complaining about not having enough resources under the current government.
Now, a debate on that is fair enough, however the following shocked me…
Almost half the pupils have a learning disability and 3/4 can’t read at the expected level.
The school is The Burnage Academy for boys. Headteacher is Ian Fenn. It’s a big majority muslim school (pakistani).
Not once was the statistic of nearly half the pupils classed as disabled questioned!
Either… inbreeding common against muslim pakistani families is causing very high levels of disability or a lot of the families are claiming disability when not genuinely entitled to it. Perhaps a mixture of both??
These are the things that can’t be discussed in public for fear of immediately being branded a racist. Facts are facts. They can’t be racist!
Anonjoebloggs, I saw that report and the first thing I thought was, why hasn’t this school been reported for its lack of ‘diversity’? Despite showing large crowds of pupils in the classrooms and corridors, I didn’t see a single white face apart from the teachers.
I do, however, take talk of ‘special needs’ etc in schools with a pinch of salt. I understand schools get more funding the more ‘specials’ they have, so it is in their financial interests to promote these problems, instead of playing them down as would have happened years ago (so as not to stigmatise the pupils).
anonjoebloggs – I’ve had a good google for this but can’t find the source. For a number of different reasons I have an interest in this school. Are you able to assist with the source / URL please?
Stormin Norman, the BBC’s deputy political editor, can always be relied upon to push he left- liberal BBC agenda and be as negative as possible about a conservative government. On the 1 pm News he only talks about the ‘risks’ of the Great Repeal Bill. Clearly there’s nothing to celebrate here. Then some northern guy with funereal tones reports from Brussels. After that there’s a report from Malta about how united the 27 are against Britain. Finally a tail piece about the Bill points out more ‘problems’ from various correspondents. The TUC are interviewed and whinge about workers’ rights. The fact that Lloyds are to
set up a small Brussels office is used as a basis for gloom about the City. As we all say, the bias is relentless. ‘This trickle from the City of London could be the start of a flood’ Herr Gompertz of the Beeb tells us. Jenny Hill, lady Vampira and Merkel worshiper, interviews Germans who tell us what a mistake we are making to leave their Racket. Meanwhile, back in he real world, it’s Day 2 of the E event and let’s all award ourselves another celebratory drink.
EE … its no better on Sky ! they have no-one to interview so they are interviewing each other !! Standing outside (er, why?) is Faisal Islam and Adam Boulton , then Darren (McBeardy) McAffrey joins in with his three penn’th, and not to be left out of the picnic is Mark Stone the voice of Europe. Its laughable.
The bBC and yet another Muslim victim story: ‘You may as well kill us’: Human cost of India’s meat ‘ban’ The government’s crackdown on meat shops in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has left many traders and butchers without much work and money. The BBC’s Vikas Pandey meets them in Allahabad city. “I have no money since my shop shut two weeks ago. I don’t know how to feed my children and aging parents. Is it because I am a Muslim, or a meat trader?” Shakeel Ahmad, 52, asks.
Watch out for Buddhists hurling floral wreaths at people and poking them with red hot incense sticks while chanting ‘om’ at dangerously high volume levels.
There was a full page interview with Juncker in last weekend’s FT, in the form of a “lunch with” piece. The idea is that a journalist has lunch with a mover or shaker of some description, chews the fat and writes it up including a review of the (usually rather upscale) restaurant where the lunch took place.
This one was held in Juncker’s EU presidential dining room. Table set for 2, waitress service, both red & white wine was offered but only one was accepted. Apparently Juncker doesn’t like to mix red and white!
3 courses followed by chocolates. Main course was veal. It sounded very toothsome indeed but I chucked the newspaper away so I can’t provide chapter & verse.
FT recorded the bill as “complimentary”. In other words: on you and me. Tone deaf, aren’t they?
I am given to understand – from sources, you know – that wanking (whatever that is) might sometimes be considered a pleasurable pass-time. What, therefore, has it got to do with dining with Juncker?
The bBC and yet another Muslim victim story: Survival skills for Syria’s girl Scouts
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts has tweeted a photo of girl guides in Syria and a link to an article in Canadian publication Macleans about them. There are about 1,020 girl guides in Syria, Macleans says. They camp in the desert, help clean up poor communities and learn first aid. They also learn survival skills including how to find shelter during bombardments and how to fend off attackers.
There is a good interview with David Goodhart ( The Anywhere v Somewhere chap) on Conservative Women web site. In it Goodhart says that a few years ago he had a discussion with Mark Thomson who was DG of the BBC at the time and Gus ODonnell who was head of the civil service. Goodhart said that they were the two most powerful unelected men in the country and they both said to him that they would put global welfare above the welfare of their country. Now don’t we see the impact of that school of thought on our own country. It explains so much that has happened since arch Globalist Blair was elected. The head of the BBC actually saying that he was more concerned about the global welfare than the welfare of UK citizens is appalling, but it is even worse that the head of the civil service should say also this. Of course they are the tip of the iceberg there will be tens of thousands of others in positions of power who would agree with them. It took along time for us ordinary folks beginning to see what these Global elites were up to, but now that we have Brexit and the election of President Trump are a result. But elites die hard there is along way to go before we have beaten the Globalists.
A late thought on this. Who ,I wonder, were the key movers and shakers who appointed these two globalists? Clearly Blair et al would have been key. The baleful influence of New Labour continues, its like the Hydra. You can see why most revolutions start with a thorough purge of the old regime .
Goodhart said that they were the two most powerful unelected men in the country and they both said to him that they would put global welfare above the welfare of their country.
And the BBC continues to do just that with its one-sided stance on global warming, aka ‘climate change’, aka UN Agenda 21 (where ‘social justice’, code for ‘compensating poorer countries for the impact of climate change’, aka re-distribution of wealth, is writ very large indeed).
Environmentalists – they’re not called Watermelons for nowt.
The difficulty with Goodhart is that he does not address the problem of, say, Polish somewheres wanting to make the British somewhere the Polish somewhere. British somewheres have no interest in havng a Polish somewhere created around them without even being asked.
Merkel and her followers are masochistic global welfarists and constantly claim that the millions who will be migrating out Africa, etc. in the future cannot be stopped by borders. They are dying to spend unlimited sums of German taxpayers’ money to give Africa its Wirtschaftswunder and so bribe Africans to stay in their own countries. Sheer madness
The current top story on the bBC web news: London attack: Khalid Masood ‘died from shot to chest’
Westminster attacker Khalid Masood died from a gunshot wound to the chest, an inquest has heard. Westminster Coroner Fiona Wilcox said she extended her sympathies to Masood’s family “who are also victims”. IPCC investigator Christopher Lovett told the court that no police officers were under criminal or misconduct investigation over Masood’s shooting. Senior investigating officer John Crossley said Masood was challenged by armed police, shot and killed by an officer.
Correct me if I am wrong, but i was under the impression that it was the defence minister’s armed guard who shot this cnut and not armed police.
Reports concerning the PC who was murdered by the mad Islamist indicate that he was stabbed in the neck.
Has anyone suggested that it was an attempted beheading?
How does the coroner know Masood’s family are “victims”?
Firstly, they might have been egging him on for all she knows.
Secondly, by all accounts Masood was a properly nasty piece of work, and both his family and society at large are better off without him in which case they would be “beneficiaries”.
Virtue signalling by the coroner is all of a piece with the trend to break out the tea lights and teddy bears, and start the multi-faith vigil before the corpses have had a chance to cool.
She should settle for establishing the cause of death and leave the wailing and gnashing of teeth to those directly affected.
The person who killed Masood is a hero and should be awarded the George Medal. I am delighted that he killed that evil bastard. Naturally , for the BBC, Masood is their hero. BBC , always vermin.
When I said that Masood was “a properly nasty piece of work”, I was referring to the period before he went far beyond that on his murderous spree in Westminster.
Big on the news is the topic of mental health, and having a family member suffer 3 nervous breakdowns back in the 1960’s, I’m not wishing to criticise the amount of coverage on this subject. However, the media do love ‘fashionable’ issues. We’ve had celebrity bullying, celebrity bi-polar, celebrity eating issues, and now everyone is coming out of the woodwork about their mental health experiences.
Realistically its all very well encouraging more people to ‘open up’ about their own mental state, but the key point is further overloading the already cash scrapped NHS with ever more possible patients. I worked in the mental health unit during my time in the NHS, and it was always the poor relation for any funding, and still is, so as well as telling those with mental issues to get help, they should also be canvassing for extra funding for the potential new influx of sufferers.
All very well having Princes Harry, William and Kate being figureheads, but they should have a whip round amongst their well heeled friends to cough up a few thousand each for their latest ‘in’ project; they would be far more well thought of, instead of ‘highlighting public awareness’ with photo opportunities.
Stunned I was to read a report that suggests the average age of a BBC 1 viewer is 61. Suggests to me that they have a similar problem to the church in this country whose average congregation also seems to be getting older.
If the average age is headed this way, it seems odd the content is aimed ever further to kindergarden level, unless the mucky mucks on the top floor have seen their dementia based inability to recall awkward stuff really take hold across the board.
Stunned I was to read a report that suggests the average age of a BBC 1 viewer is 61. Suggests to me that they have a similar problem to the church in this country whose average congregation also seems to be getting older.
Go to any local theatre productions, craft fairs, and Sounds of the 60’s concerts, and its the same age group of 55+ that turn up. This is the generation that like to be ‘in the experience as it happens’ and not those who hold up bloody phones to take sodding videos and photos that will never be looked at again !!!!!
At the moment anyone , no matter what their past crimes have been , is welcome aboard the anti Brexit movement. Why even Osborne is going to be lauded by the BBC once he starts his Project Fear Part Two editorials in the Evening Standard. City bankers who only a year ago were the spawn of the Devil according to the BBC will be given a platform. You see this is a crisis for the Global elite. All hands on deck to fight HMS Brexit crewed by those thick, racist , knuckledraggers who didn’t do what they were told to and stupidly thought national democracy still had a place in the world. If HMS Brexit isn’t sunk with all hands others may get this democracy bug and then where will the elite be?
How the bBC can get away with racist comments in the name of diversity. Oxford University puts up more portraits of women Oxford University is revealing the identities of more than 20 people whose portraits will be put on display to try to “promote greater diversity”.It wants to redress the balance from the university’s walls being lined with pictures of “dead white males” by adding more women and ethnic minorities.
Now imagine the outcry if we replace ‘Dead white males’ with dead black,Muslim,Chinese or even gay males. Exactly.
When Brexit was inevitable May was planted to ensure that Brexit would be watered down, delayed, immigration maintained and the Islamification of the UK would continue.
She is the BBC’s girl and watch carefully how closely he is monitored by the likes of Laura Kantisberg
Totally agree GWF – I have said this ever since the likes of the Daily Mail and other two faced media outlets were lauding her as the “safe pair of hands”
All you have to do is to look at her statements. Theresa has no commitment to anything except self survival. Pretty much everything she says is couched in terms that can be be interpreted in too many ways. I think she will string the whole process out to such an extent that the remain side will have multiple opportunities to torpedo it at will. With “Our Girl” looking squeaky clean.
I suspect she hopes that the electorate will end up with “brexit fatigue” (probably another reason why we seem to be having wall to wall Clegg), Lose interest in the whole process and we will end up with is some sort of fudge which leaves us no better off than before.
Actions speak louder than words and since she seems to have surrounded herself in Cabinet with remainers – it tells me all I need to know. I dont think brexit by any means will be a “walk in the park” and that is why you need committed people around you not half hearted politicians whos main motivation is short term re-election.
I am sorry but I disagree with you . She was a remainer at heart.
Jacob Rees-Mogg would have been a far better leader and a true Brexiteer .
But then I am not a Tory.
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and the author of “Clinton Cash,” explained on Fox News Tuesday how a Russia connection to the Clinton campaign and Obama presidency is much bigger and more troubling than anything Democrats have accused Team Trump of.
During his appearance on “Fox & Friends,” Schweizer alleged that Clinton campaign chair John Podesta probably violated federal law when he failed to disclose his stock holdings in a Kremlin-funded company.
“In 2011, John Podesta joins the board of this very small energy company called Joule Energy based out based out of Massachusetts,” Schweizer said. “About two months after he joins the board, a Russian entity called Rusnano puts a billion rubles — which is about 35 million dollars — into John Podesta’s company. Now, what is Rusnano? Rusnano is not a private company, Steve. It is a fund directly funded by the Kremlin. In fact, the Russian science minister called Rusnano Putin’s child. So you have the Russian government investing in one of John Podesta’s businesses in 2011, while he is an advisor to Hillary Clinton at the State Department.”
Apparently people were shocked at how divided Brexit left the nation; friends, families – everyone falling out, Maitlis tells us.
Never fear because, as she explains (whilst doggedly keeping a straight face), the BBC’s ‘…public service remit would be meaningless unless we poured oil on troubled waters’.
Yes, she really did say that.
About 45.50 in, just after Heseltine tries in vain to chew and swallow a wasp whilst talking bitter and twisted bollocks.
It must be the end times. The “political undead” seem to have all risen from their graves to shuffle around moaning and wailing to torment the living. But where is Fatso Clark? Has some latter day Van Helsing found his casket and stopped him rising by draping it in the flag of St. George. Eternal torment for Fatso. Anus Robertson from Sporranland seems to look ever paler and bloated. Maybe the Female Vampire-in-Chief, Soubry, has been draining him in one of those rare moments when she is not foghorning everyone with nonsense about Brexit. I can only hope that “angry nativist” peasants with their pitchforks and torches will release Carswill from his political limbo and that he too will find eternal peace.
A sensible American tried to get a few words in on BBC WS – ‘I don’t think Britain can just walk away from Europe BUT German demands and their delusional view of what the EU is may mean they have to.’
He was going on to say what the UK exports best are ‘intangibles’ – he got cut off so we won’t know what he meant. Anyway he was far too upbeat for the CBEEBIES, I mean the BBC.
The Islamic Society of Britain’s Sughra Ahmed offers her thoughts on sexism, having been triggered by the Daily Mail’s recent “Brexit / Legs-it” headline / photo featuring May and Krankie.
Sadly the TFTD slot is too short for Ms Ahmed to be able to include a list of Islamic countries which provide a model of gender equality that the UK might usefully follow.
On Brexit Brillo is excellent. He challenges the lies and hyperbole of the Remainers relentlessly when every other Beeboid gives them a free hit. But beware , I remember reading years ago that the famous BBC presenter Jack DeManio was consigned to the dustbin in the early seventies because the BBC and the pro Common Market Heath government thought he was too anti the EC as it was then. If Brillo keeps on demolishing the likes of Ashdown and Clegg and the Labour chap on the DP today he may well find he is likewise got rid of. I expect that his impartiality has been a problem for the BBC for years already.
I agree Doublethinker, Brillo is the only journalist at the bBBC who questions ALL political viewpoints with fair rigour. I was particularly pleased when he asked the smarmy git Paul Blomfield the shadow brexit minister…. ‘whose side are you on?’, after he had rubbished the governments approach to the negotiations and was sympathetic about perceived threats to the EU negotiators.
The remoaners and the bBBC are doing their best to divide the nation and frustrate brexit with their ‘can’t be done’ and ‘negative’ attitude. They have nailed their blue and gold starred colours to the mast and do not care about fair objective journalism anymore. Looking back at this week so far, I don’t think the bBBC has sunk so low in my opinion, a week to date of putting brexit in the worst possible light at each and every opportunity with selected politicians, ‘professors’, and other assorted bBBC approved ‘experts’ and spooks.
Just because they lack the talent, skills and vision to make brexit work doesn’t give them the right to criticize and condemn those that are determined and positive enough to believe…. ‘YES WE CAN’!
Meanwhile the worldwide jihad continues, unreported, under the radar, unnoticed, unrelenting, inexorably, 24/7.
Sometimes comic – here’s a beauty:
“Sweden: Man charged with assault for eating bacon too close to Muslim women
March 29, 2017 By Christine Williams
Sweden has succumbed to dhimmitude. Muslim migrants raping infidel women is becoming the norm, while eating bacon too close to Muslims can land you in court. It was bad enough that Sweden is the rape capital of the West and that Islamic enclaves and no-go zones terrify police so much that 80 percent of them are considering quitting their jobs. But now, a Swedish man is facing prosecution for eating bacon too close to Muslim women […]”
I do hope he does not get a death sentence like Kevin Crehan who died in prison having been sentenced for tying a bacon sarnie to a mosque door.
Media not interested
BBC Radio4 just continued their Global Warming Jihad
With a total travesty as the presenter just aired his mate the very controversial Micheal Mann who spouted outrageous propaganda without any challenging voice.
Heres the IMPARTIAL tweets ptesenter AdamRutherford sent first
I’m talking to @MichaelEMann in half an hour, fresh out of his heroic House Science Committee hearing. On #bbcinsidescience tomorrow.
“ @AdamRutherford
Fab interview with @MichaelEMann, which in one sense was dynamite, and in another was simply factual. On #bbcinsidescience tomorrow at 1630.”
BH explains the context
\\Over in the US they have had a ‘hearing’ on Climate Science with three of the world’s most eminent climate scientists. Michael Mann was there too. //
The BBC gave us Michael Mann saying the hearing was very controversial ..cos ‘its science versus incredibly stupid Republican politicians’
What a fing disgrace that the BBC failed to represent that other side
That no one explained the 3 Climate science experts above were all speaking against Mann.
In case anyone new to this site is unaware of Mann’s total lack of credibility as a climate scientist, this story gives some details of his past activity.
Nick Clegg tries to blame Brexit on the “right-wing” press. Writing in the New Statesman he says:-
‘To many eyes, the UK is being transformed into two one-party states: an SNP-led Scotland and a Conservative-led England. “The right-wing press have coalesced around Brexit and have transformed themselves from competitors into, in effect, a political cabal, which has such a paralysing effect on the political debate,” Clegg said. “You have a consistent and homogeneous drumbeat from the Telegraph, the Express, the Mail, the Sun, and so on.” ‘
Only problem is he conveniently forgets to mention the left-wing press – The Guardian, The Independent, The Mirror, The Financial Times; and, of course, the hatchet job done by the far-left media of the BBC, C4, and Sky (post Murdoch).
You, Mr Clegg are a lying little toe-rag who has spent his whole life with his snout in the tax-payers trough.
He forgets the 40-plus years of the blue EU party, the yellow EU party and the red EU party. There’s nothing like having a choice and we had nothing like a choice.
BBC defended from bias charge by 85 MPs and MEPs, BBC feel vindicated so more anti Brexit bias is forthcoming
‘They urged the BBC “not to succumb to pressure to skew” coverage.
The letter to director general Tony Hall warned of “an authoritarian attempt to force people to accept a single version of events”.
Labour MP Pat McFadden, who coordinated the response, said: “This letter is a strong statement of support for the BBC to be free to do its job to report fearlessly and impartially.
“The reason the BBC is respected as a news source around the world is precisely because it is independent.
“And at a time when those who ask fair and tough questions are being denounced, that independence and impartiality is more important than ever.”‘
The fact remains that if any government really wanted to take action against the BBC they would be able to do so, admittedly it would not be easy. The fact that successive Tory governments allow the BBC to pursue it leftist Globalist agenda unhindered makes me believe that they are all in cahoots and believe in a Global Government. Consequently I have my doubts as to the real determination of the present government to pursue Brexit to the end.
Yes we need tough questions,no one is under the illusion it will be easy after all it is the EU we are trying to deal with.But there is a sunny upside to Brexit which the BBC completely ignores.Pat McFadden is a doom laden Remainer so he is going to agree with the BBCs coverage.
A Labour MP yesterday referred to Eurosceptics as a Barmy Army .Im totally offended by that .i hope his constituents kick him out but I won’t hold my breath.i didnt see or hear anyone calling out that nastiness.
I’ve just been watching Pointless on BBC1 and the first question asked the contestants to name the countries whose flags look the same when upside down. Amongst the flags shown was the Union Flag. Err…. the Union Flag isn’t the same when it’s upside down you thick bastards! Beyond belief …..
I’m longing for the day when Pointless have editions purely for the over 60’s ! when we can answer questions on films dating back from the 40’s, when the music questions include the Big Band, Sinatra and 60’s eras, and we can show the rest how to answer questions on politics, British authors, Geography and History with ease !!!
The disgusting biased BBC are just the biggest shits imaginable.
Every news report focuses on the uncertainty of (insert narrow or wide subject area) “because of Brexit”.
I’m with Davis Starkey. Back in the day they would be charged with Treason.
What they do would have been treasonable in wartime. The constant drip drip drip of deliberate negativity. On newsshite last night Evan Davis was practically feeding the doom and gloom lines to two carefully chosen MEPs and this morning on Toady they interviewed (for balance?) two more Euro bods, the balance being a cautiously negative French ambassador and an absolute German EuroFanatic who sounded like he would destroy the economics of the EU and the UK just to prove how indivisible politically the EU is.
Burn the bBBC at the stake !!!!!
I heard a caller on the Jezza Swine Show today, a chap from Norwich, who challenged Vine directly about the anti-Brexit bias of al beebus; he was very good and Vine couldn’t really respond effectively to what he said.
I don’t believe this has been posted before, but it is certainly well worth a watch and I think the brazen nature will shock even the readers of these pages:
On the subject of the bBBC like to rub our noses in it: ipad bBBC website has an ‘In Pictures’ article entitled Brexit Walk: images of Londoners as UK begins EU exit. Have a look – tried to screen shot and paste but it wouldn’t work. On the PC website the text is different – doesn’t call them Londoners.
“To mark this moment, Polish photographer Piotr Malecki has flown into London and is making his way from the outskirts of the capital to the centre, capturing the mood and the thoughts of some of those he meets.”
Sorry isn’t London 15% of UK popn only ?
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
When will the BBC realise that we know what they do? In a vox pop item interview 20 or 30 people and pick 2 or 3 interviews with people who agree with the BBC line, are articulate, and look good on camera. Then add 1 or 2 who disagree, are poor speakers and who look bad on camera to provide the much vaunted ‘balance’.
Who are this ‘we’? Most people are completely unaware of the BBC’s bias & antics other than the accusations which are almost always attributed to ravings of extremists, or those with a grudge.
I’m afraid it’s a little like the Matrix, in which there are a few who know what the reality is, but the rest carry on their lives in total ignorance.
Yes, hence why so many useful idiots in their HYS articles still claim the BBC is balanced because leftists criticise it as well. Of course, the left’s criticism is that it should be even more censorial and biased than it already is, so it’s a false argument.
Of course, one must accept the BBC only tells the truth.
Though that is them saying it. When they are not refusing to answer because they can’t remember or enact an exemption.
And also, the McAlpines may beg to differ.
“..championing the truth..”? Absolutely remarkable that the Beauty Broadcasting Corporation should see themselves that way! More disinformation.
I’ve never heard a lefty call for abolition of the TV Licence, that’s the acid test.
Sometimes there’s a thread where someone reckons the BBC is utterly biased to the right. I chip in to say that while I disagree on the direction, they mostly certainly are failing both of us, so how about jointly calling for their abolition.
It’s something I could live with.
To date, no takers.
@PacificRising Very very good point
Oops pressed report cooment by mistake. Sorry
It’s a media frenzy! Hysteria everywhere, not just Beeby. Newspapers, Microsoft, Yahoo, nearly all the telly news. You would think the world was coming to an end. This is where by rights -because we pay for it, we should be expecting better from the BBC. They should be a voice of calm & balance. But no.
BBC journalists would better serve the public by litter-picking & dustbin collection. (something useful) They are carrying on as if we have never governed ourselves before. As if we have ALWAYS been integrated with the EU. I think I’m going to leave the telly off for the rest of the day. I feel rather like Catherine Tate’s nan “What a load of old $h!t!
We should be celebrating.
Lucy Pevensey we need ‘Nan’ to tell the BBC some home truths!
‘Ere y’are…ere y’are…BBC…ere’s my chap…David Dimblebum…na-a-a-a-a-a-a! You seen ‘im, Ashley? E goes round the country or to foreign places, like Wales, and then e talks to people with them wossnames, mental needs, in a studio, like wot Jeremy Kyle does, but only without the fighting or anyfink interestin’ ‘appenin. They don’t even give ’em any prizes! Then on the other side they got Children With Greed. There’s a darky bloke, wot looks like that comedian they used to ‘ave, wossname, Lenny Dibley or sumfink,but e don’t tell jokes e just goes to Africa an’ raises money for people wot ave got that illness wot makes your nose go red. BBC – Wot a load of old SH*TTT!’
What gets me, Lucy, is that REMAINers seem to WANT the economy to go down. They jump on ANY bad news
Joeadam – Exactly, they think that proving their point is more important then the wellbeing of this country and the people who live here.
otherwise they’ll have egg on their faces.
Look at the picture the BBC has chosen to illustrate pro-Brexit Article 50 celebrations in this article:
Do they really think we believe that is the best picture they could find? They just can’t help themselves the hissy-fitting bunch of w*nkers.
SJ. Yes, pretty poor choice. However, if you look closely at the party picture, it may not have been a good choice on the part of the BBC. Did not quite fit ‘the narrative’.
I was amazed, in view of the BBC’s obvious pro-Remain bias (so obvious it was noticeable when it was put on hold in the aftermath of the House of Lords complaint) that on Radio 4 last evening, on The World Tonight, that they interviewed FOUR + YOUNG + MALE Leave voters.
They came from “nearly-tied-equally-between-Remain-and-Leave-in-Nick-Clegg-territory” of Sheffield. That was ‘hinted at’ in the intro to the segment.
What was amazing was that three of the four were students. I am assuming young because they sounded so. I know that radio can deceive slightly in that respect. The businessman had had two careers already but could have been in his thirties. That’s young as far as the ‘standard created narrative’ of Leave voter as old is concerned. Oh, and uneducated. Leave voters are ALL ignorant to a man or woman.
The businessman was a Chartered Accountant. That had been his first career, it is graduate-entry only and with tough examinations to get qualified. He had obviously had an extensive education while the students were in the middle of theirs. No ‘ignorance’ or old there, then. Amazing!
That certainly didn’t fit the standard BBC shilling for Remain type-broadcast.
Isn’t it sad, that it is so noticeable when the BBC leaves its biases behind these days?
The first paragraph viz – “Thousands of EU laws on everything from workers’ rights to the environment are to be scrapped or replaced with UK equivalents in a new plan.” Is effectively disinformation. There’s no “scrapped”. After integration into UK law, the Government will, as my understanding of what was said, painstakingly work its way through all the EU integrated law and weed out that which is not required. They have already stated that this will not include laws connected with employment. I hope they will ‘weed out’ such patently ridiculous law such as that limiting vacuum cleaners to 1600 Watts.
Needless to say, it is the BBC itself that urgently needs a good ‘weeding’.
G I noticed that myself as soon as I saw the article. I just thought ‘same old BBC’. I doubt the person who wrote that was even conscious of any bias.
I have just posted a Comment on the Pienaar’s Politics Thread about the highly-exercised issue (for the Remainers) of that £350m per week poster on the Leave Campaign bus.
The thought occurs that we should have some opinion polling on this. Is there a Polling Company or organisation that is neutral enough and likely to be willing to go out and ask an equal number of Remain and Leave voters as to whether that £350 million per week ‘lie’ (actually an under-estimate!) really influenced their vote.
It may have already been done. Anyone know? Will try & have a dig around on the internet later.
Of course, the BBC, who are known to carry out or commission research, could do a survey like that.
Would they? Will they?
I think I’ll raise a glass to Nigel today and the 52% of us with a big grin.
Meanwhile the 42% folks (and the BBC) seem quite grumpy today. But then that lot always were anyway.
So the letter that took nearly a year to write and only sent yesterday was apparently six pages long. Six words would have been enough.
Dear EU,
We stop paying in one year.
Go Slow Teesa.
I could have condensed it down to two words, the second one being “off”.
Old Timer,
I think the UK should withhold all contributions to the EU, pending conclusion of negotiations. That should concentrate the bastards’ “minds “. We hold all of the trump cards. The EU’s position is very weak.
Grant – I’m certain that there are politicians who would do just that, but I don’t think that Mrs. May is one of them. I hope I am wrong, but …..
I watched the 10:00pm BBC1 news last night. It was 5 minutes of news followed by 50 minutes (including “News where you are”) of speculation and opinion. Now it might be that it was the same on Sky and Channel 4 but, whatever was broadcast last night on BBC News at 10, it wasn’t “news”. Frankly, we already know that there are unknowns and uncertainties concerning the Brexit agreement with the EU. No sentient being in the universe is ignorant of these, particularly since the agreement hasn’t yet been negotiated and accordingly no-one yet knows how the uncertainties will be resolved. More to the point none of the journalists/commentators/”experts” at the BBC know either. Moreover a “news” programme is not the place to analyse or comment on them. The “news” last night was that Article 50 has been triggered + here’s the letter itself + here’s the reaction of the EU spokesmen (as revealed as a news conference). Boring – possibly – but, forgive this piece of unorthodoxy, “news” is not “entertainment” it’s information. I – and the rest of the audience – don’t need a patronising display of waving hands to convey what it really means: the news is what it is.
Unfortunately the BBC couldn’t leave it there. On the contrary, there was no pretence, last night’s news was an opportunity (which was duly taken) for a hatchet job on Brexit on the terms of “Yes: it might work out OK but it’s really doubtful and, if you don’t believe me, here are some unconvincing (not to say, unnecessary) voxpop “interviews” (see we really appreciate opinions from the little people) followed by an endless succession of talking heads from W1A explaining what the voxpoperati really think. Oh and, by the way, while we’re on air, we’ll have a sad item on the commemorations of last week’s . er . incident in Westminster and, look, a loonie rabbi and hundreds of Moslems (?) showing solidarity with the police (it’s nothing to do with Islam after all). Oh and look again – on London “news where you are” – an interview with the Moslem mayor of London weeping over Brexit and how he’s doing so much to rescue London from its incipient destruction due to Brexit”.
It’s actually pathetic – and disgraceful, of course – that the BBC’s political line is so obvious. So obvious, in fact, that I suspect it has less and less effect on the electorate. While I’m on, I note that – yet again – I have yet to see any BBC (or any other) “journalist” baldly ask any SNP representative to square the circle of “independence” for Scotland and, in the event of such “independence”, an “immediate entry into the EU”. All you need to know is that the SNP hates brexit, England and the English. That’s good enough for the BBC: hence no awkward questions – it might create “uncertainty”.
Yes – the same ‘uncertainty’ Krankie said during the EU ref campaign that was damaging the Scottish economy, magically disappears during a Scottish Neverendum campaign.
If it’s any consolation, I’ve heard viewing figures for big network news bulletins are way down. By contrast, classical liberal and conservative Youtube channels (InfoWars etc) are enjoying huge increases in viewers, with consistently high upvotes, and many fans of undergraduate age. I was watching one last night, called the Rubin Report, which had a long interview with Tommy Robinson. The interviewer clearly didn’t agree with everything Mr Robinson said, but stressed that he simply wanted to hear his views and try to see things from his perspective. Such a thing would be unimaginable on the BBC.
That’s interesting, Cranmer, in your choice of words. ” By contrast, classical liberal and conservative Youtube channels (InfoWars etc) are enjoying huge increases in viewers”
It has triggered the recently filed away memory of something for me to check up on. I have come across two references in the last few days to Conservatism or small c conservatism being or, at least, becoming ‘the new rock & roll’ as far as teenagers are concerned.
I’m well aware of the fact that political fashions change among the young (yes, I was once!) but I am also now wondering if it is the consequence of both a variety of ‘campaigns’, including Project Fear and Project Remain Despite The Leave Vote, together with the oppression (and violence, actual or implied via Social Media) from older Snowflakes, those in the 24-35 age bracket that the so-called Referendum voting pattern comprised and events post-EU Referendum and post-Trump election have evidenced.
Up2snuff, there are a number of videos on Youtube referring to conservatism being the new ‘rebellion’ for teens and students.
I’m not sure how true this is – I think it’s still a tiny minority amongst the Snowflake Generation – but it does seem to be on the increase. Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars channel makes the very good observation that the dominant culture cannot also be the counterculture.
Since regressive leftism is now the dominant culture in nearly all areas of life, particularly academia, it can no longer also be the ‘cool’ counterculture and young people will instinctively seek out that which rebels against it.
Mind you, I recall people saying the same thing in the 80s with ‘Thatcher’s Children’ and in the 90s with countercultural movements like ‘Stuckism’, but the Snowflakes have piled up higher than ever since then, so who knows?
I used to think it was my duty to watch/listen to News on the TV so that I would know what was happening in the world. I now prefer to switch off as I prefer not to be bombarded with BBC left-wing propaganda. Wasn’t it with Greg Dyke that the BBC changed from stating facts to giving their opinion? But it is not only those of us who post/read here who have noticed the BBC’s bias. I haven’t seen what the viewing figures are of late – I wonder how many less committed to news as I was have also switched off?
Deborah, I used to feel that way too. Now I just think that anything that I really need to know about will appear on my internet news feed or social media updates. Everything else is mostly waffle and pushing of BBC agendas, particularly the ‘news where you are’ which has articles like (I kid you not) ‘is canal boating racist?’
I couldn’t even begin to bring myself to look up ‘Is canal boating racist?’
It would be typical of the BBC to take this position because, presumably, it’s a pastime that is overwhelmingly white.
But then so is caravanning, rambling, camping, watching Leicester City etc.
So the BBC might ask ‘Why won’t ethnic minorities join in (canal boating, caravanning etc. – name a typical British pastime of your choice)?”
Of course they won’t, as they would consider that a racist question.
And so we wend our merry, separate ways partly, if not mostly, because of the BBC.
Many ethnic minorities are too busy with their traditional hobbies of female genital mutilation and gang rape of white children to find time for pastimes such as canal boating. We have to learn to celebrate diversity you know.
I think the question has already been asked by the BBBC. They also gave the answer: “it’s because nasty whitey discourages them and makes them feel unwelcome and uncomfortable.”
So now you know, it’s our fault. One more reason to feel guilty because of white privilege.
That’s all very well but (a bbc type favourite question) “can you guarantee, for the next 1,000 years, that not one person will lose their job because of Brexit?”.
The remoaners were quite specific that it would be the end of the world if we voted go leave with punishment budgets and WW3’s by the end of June (although these events keep getting put back, especially with all the excellent data like ftse and employment)
Still, let’s enjoy ourselves knowing that we have helped our children to a better life (unless the politicians end up surrendering (submission) to Islam)
Solid post Umbongo.
Al Beeb is nightly telling 52% of those who voted that they got it wrong.
Look on the bright side: when Brexit turns out to be a success, the chickens will come home to roost. The economy is already doing far better than the prophets of doom predicted.
The ‘Frenzy of Brexit’; I couldn’t have put I better myself. Stopped listening to BBC news and current affairs on the tv and radio now because I’m fed up with all the naval gazing (James O’Brien on LBC had me in stitches with his sanctimonious caterwauling on the subject).
Meanwhile I came across a story of a former Jackanory presenter found guilty who has admitted six sexual assaults on a boy six decades ago.
Look out Wee Jimmy, Celebrity Squares is running out of boxes for the stars of the BBC, I can’t see the Hairy Cornflake, Dave Lee Travis!
Newsshite last night – if Maitliss ever loses her job there is a career in horror films waiting. It appears it is true perpetual hate starts to affect your external appearance.
My cartoon for the week
(thought I’d publish a day earlier than normal what with Article 50 being on a Wednesday)
Sky are just as bad, they had Gina Miller on yesterday vowing to hold the Government to account every step of the way (I must have missed her getting elected to Parliament) Although they did have the Wetherspoons bloke on, for a bit of balance, he was supremely relaxed about the whole business and seemed to have trouble not laughing in Millers pinched, scowling face.
This Morning on the Beeb they were outside the EU gravy train depot, in Brussels talking to some Euro-bots, one Dutch and one who appeared to be Greek, anyway they were both gloomy about the prospects, unsurprisingly as it dawns on the them that a net contributor is about to remove their stake from the dodgy old Pyramid scheme that is the EU. I’m starting to believe that they really thought up until yesterday, that Article 50 wouldn’t be triggered.
The Beeb also ran a priceless section showing the reaction around European news channels, in Spain, France, Italy and Romania. Sadly the BBC translator must have been having his morning latte as there were no subtitles, so unless you speak any of those languages or know sign language (thank you Romania for the two fingered salute) Then you would be none the wiser as to what they actually said. Top work from the Beeb, its the envy of the World you know.
When the bBC is eventually sold off/privatised or implodes we can look back on this historic week and remember that the bBC did everything in its power to prevent this Brexit moment.
While we await its collapse how about a campaign to shift it out of London…..Sunderland?
It has already decamped to Salford for the most part, perhaps it could have a rolling headquarters between Manchester and it’s beloved Edinburgh, and move there 4 days a Month then back to Manchester.
A bit like the Brussels/Strasbourg deal.
Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation sounds good to me. There they can be as Islamophile as they please.
We don’t want that shite up here mate.
I wonder – could we encourage the Biased BBC to lead the pack by being the first to “escape” it’s headquarters to Brussels? Because, you know, all the best companies are moving to Europe – allegedly!!
Given the BBC’s love of all things Scottish, may I suggest Gruinard?
I am considering a letter to the bBC to request their assistance in urging the Football association to have the Scotland v England football international in June titled the McBREXIT CUP….in honour of the 500,000 SNP voters who momentarily woke up from Brigadoonery and voted BREXIT.
The bBC and todays pro Islamic promotion.
Why this girl didn’t speak at school until she was seven
Strange how the bBC goes out of its way to disparage ‘Sciencetologists’ for its controlling behaviour, but fawns over the much more repressive ‘Islamic’ faith. Instead they continue to shove cute little Islamic girls down our necks in which to lull Non-Muslims into a false sense of security.
Its as if if the bBC is treating everybody like a lobster , by placing us all in a pot of cold water and then slowly turning up the heat.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for intolerant Islam.
Your last link:
Ten face child sex exploitation claims after Banbury raids
The BBC mention the names of the ten (9 of which are Mohammeds or similar). You can guess where the one English sounding name appears in that list? – Yep, right at the start.
Breathtaking! So, so obvious.
“Leon” Cole i will take a flyer and suggest he may be black
Leon C ….from Essex
And I would guess that he’s changed his name to something more fitting with the others. And that the BBC have changed it back because he’s been caught doing something nasty.
“Its as if if the bBC is treating everybody like a lobster , by placing us all in a pot of cold water and then slowly turning up the heat.”
They’d better not treat me like that!
No surprises here –
Only, of course, the steady, drip, drip, drip. Don’t hear anyone saying, “got to get that leaky tap fixed”.
Someone said, you know you’ve reached adulthood when you realise you can’t order what goes on in the World and it certainly does not revolve around you.
By that measure we are seeing a great deal of infantilism these days.
Check out which portraits the Beeb has shown first in this article about soldiers of the Great War. Go on, have a guess which ones appear first! (This is despite there being no racial angle in the exhibition that the article refers to).
Wait until the Afghanistan War portraits are similarly shown to the public. We can expect the BBC to show the Taliban first.
There’s a surprise! The BBC oblivious to where the early battles in WW1 were actually fought in Africa and elsewhere in the world.
They do not do history or geography at the BBC these days.
Apart from Bullshit, the BBC do not do anything these days. Although they may do a documentary on the atrocities committed by Germans against Africans in WW1. On the other hand ….
Oh they certainly do ‘History’ BBC’s traitorous history altering publications, see their new mag…
From the makers of BBC History Magazine comes BBC World Histories! It is a brand new title bringing you fresh perspectives on our global past – and how it shapes our lives today.
Headlines from the first 4 editions:
Have empires ever been a force for good?
Africa’s cold war- the battle to control a continent
A history of fake news – How can we combat ‘alternative facts’
China’s fight for dignity
The Islamic Enlightenment – the ideas that shaped today’s Middle East
Syria: Historians predict its future
Exploding the Pharaoh myth: Are our ideas about ancient Egypt wrong?
Trump: Why his win must change our take on history
Chris Bowlby examines the rise of Donald Trump and the resurgence of populism;
Drip Drip Drip Piss-Freaks the lot of them.
You and your ridiculous theory that the BBC’s money making divisins also push SJW dogma
Day one of the Brexit negotiations and the BBC is as full of anti Brexit bile as ever , seeking to poison wells and salt fields as widely as possible. Brillo being the honourable exception. Every other BBC contribution is doom ladened and taking the EU side in every point of dispute . They are very clearly still seeking to prevent Brexit and simply don’t care if their opposition causes the UK to get a bad deal and adversely impacts the lives of the people who pay for the BBC. They do this under the guise of honest and fair reporting but more and more people see the truth of what they are up to. Eventually this will surely result in a major backlash from those self same Licence Fee payers. I would fully support an LF payers strike.
More from the BBC on the Westminster Bridge attack.
Thank goodness for the concern expressed by the Moslems ever quoted by the BBC who point out that they are a religion of peace
‘ Police officers, doctors and hundreds of members of a Muslim youth association were among those walking across Westminster Bridge in memory.’
‘Zafir Malik, an imam from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, said his members were “here to show that we are united with our fellow countrymen and remembering those who have fallen, especially PC Keith Palmer”.’
‘Among those paying tribute was Danyal Ahmad, a trainee imam at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in south-west London.
The 21-year-old said his group, Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, wanted to show that Islam was about “love, peace and compassion”.
His brother, Zishan Ahmad, a 25-year-old imam, who also attended the memorial, added: “You can’t divide London – we stand together.
“It doesn’t matter if you are Muslim, Christian or Jew, or black, brown or any other race. London will never be divided.”‘
Worth noting that the Ahmadiyya Muslims are a peaceful branch not reconised by the British Council of Muslims and not allowed into Mecca, not even into Saudi Arabia. The last one killed in the UK was last year, a Glasgow shopkeeper who, said his murderer, had disgraced Islam. Poor bugger had wished his customers a merry Christmas.
But that aside, the BBC have turned the episode into a Moslem circus.
From accounts in the media the murders have united London, done so much good, that one might conclude that a few more murders would make even greater improvements.
But what will make me very angry is if the funeral of the murdered cop is turned into a RoPer fest. I can see it now – hijaps along the route of the funeral. Interviews with cops and Imams.
Did anyone see the bbc breakfast report a few weeks ago? I think a headteacher was complaining about not having enough resources under the current government.
Now, a debate on that is fair enough, however the following shocked me…
Almost half the pupils have a learning disability and 3/4 can’t read at the expected level.
The school is The Burnage Academy for boys. Headteacher is Ian Fenn. It’s a big majority muslim school (pakistani).
Not once was the statistic of nearly half the pupils classed as disabled questioned!
Either… inbreeding common against muslim pakistani families is causing very high levels of disability or a lot of the families are claiming disability when not genuinely entitled to it. Perhaps a mixture of both??
These are the things that can’t be discussed in public for fear of immediately being branded a racist. Facts are facts. They can’t be racist!
And they want to teach Mandarin Chinese in the schools. What a joke.
Anonjoebloggs, I saw that report and the first thing I thought was, why hasn’t this school been reported for its lack of ‘diversity’? Despite showing large crowds of pupils in the classrooms and corridors, I didn’t see a single white face apart from the teachers.
I do, however, take talk of ‘special needs’ etc in schools with a pinch of salt. I understand schools get more funding the more ‘specials’ they have, so it is in their financial interests to promote these problems, instead of playing them down as would have happened years ago (so as not to stigmatise the pupils).
“Lack of diversity” is never an issue for al beebus when whites are the minority.
anonjoebloggs – I’ve had a good google for this but can’t find the source. For a number of different reasons I have an interest in this school. Are you able to assist with the source / URL please?
Stormin Norman, the BBC’s deputy political editor, can always be relied upon to push he left- liberal BBC agenda and be as negative as possible about a conservative government. On the 1 pm News he only talks about the ‘risks’ of the Great Repeal Bill. Clearly there’s nothing to celebrate here. Then some northern guy with funereal tones reports from Brussels. After that there’s a report from Malta about how united the 27 are against Britain. Finally a tail piece about the Bill points out more ‘problems’ from various correspondents. The TUC are interviewed and whinge about workers’ rights. The fact that Lloyds are to
set up a small Brussels office is used as a basis for gloom about the City. As we all say, the bias is relentless. ‘This trickle from the City of London could be the start of a flood’ Herr Gompertz of the Beeb tells us. Jenny Hill, lady Vampira and Merkel worshiper, interviews Germans who tell us what a mistake we are making to leave their Racket. Meanwhile, back in he real world, it’s Day 2 of the E event and let’s all award ourselves another celebratory drink.
EE … its no better on Sky ! they have no-one to interview so they are interviewing each other !! Standing outside (er, why?) is Faisal Islam and Adam Boulton , then Darren (McBeardy) McAffrey joins in with his three penn’th, and not to be left out of the picnic is Mark Stone the voice of Europe. Its laughable.
The bBC and yet another Muslim victim story:
‘You may as well kill us’: Human cost of India’s meat ‘ban’
The government’s crackdown on meat shops in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has left many traders and butchers without much work and money. The BBC’s Vikas Pandey meets them in Allahabad city. “I have no money since my shop shut two weeks ago. I don’t know how to feed my children and aging parents. Is it because I am a Muslim, or a meat trader?” Shakeel Ahmad, 52, asks.
Perhaps he could follow the example of one of his fellow believers.
Is anyone else terrified with Easter coming up? There are bound to be loads of Christian fanatics screaming ‘Christ is Lord!’ and mowing people down.
Passover too don`t forget…. armed Hassidim running amok in cities around the world.
No wonder the mussies are keeping their heads down to avoid annoying anyone.
Watch out for Buddhists hurling floral wreaths at people and poking them with red hot incense sticks while chanting ‘om’ at dangerously high volume levels.
Cranmer, I laughed so much I spilled my wine…. Thanks!
Don’t forget our Friends the Quakers.
Sitting in silence on chairs and scaring everyone rigid!
Another day and another crazy outburst from Junker.
He must have had a very good breakfast (Can I get you another bottle sir?) to be threatening Trump.
There was a full page interview with Juncker in last weekend’s FT, in the form of a “lunch with” piece. The idea is that a journalist has lunch with a mover or shaker of some description, chews the fat and writes it up including a review of the (usually rather upscale) restaurant where the lunch took place.
This one was held in Juncker’s EU presidential dining room. Table set for 2, waitress service, both red & white wine was offered but only one was accepted. Apparently Juncker doesn’t like to mix red and white!
3 courses followed by chocolates. Main course was veal. It sounded very toothsome indeed but I chucked the newspaper away so I can’t provide chapter & verse.
FT recorded the bill as “complimentary”. In other words: on you and me. Tone deaf, aren’t they?
Another Juncker Junket. What a totally worthless wanker.
I am given to understand – from sources, you know – that wanking (whatever that is) might sometimes be considered a pleasurable pass-time. What, therefore, has it got to do with dining with Juncker?
Good job it wasn’t with a BBC hack. They’d have still claimed.
Not like anyone gets to see the accounts.
Number 7.
George Brown springs to mind.
The bBC and yet another Muslim victim story:
Survival skills for Syria’s girl Scouts
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts has tweeted a photo of girl guides in Syria and a link to an article in Canadian publication Macleans about them. There are about 1,020 girl guides in Syria, Macleans says. They camp in the desert, help clean up poor communities and learn first aid. They also learn survival skills including how to find shelter during bombardments and how to fend off attackers.
There is a good interview with David Goodhart ( The Anywhere v Somewhere chap) on Conservative Women web site. In it Goodhart says that a few years ago he had a discussion with Mark Thomson who was DG of the BBC at the time and Gus ODonnell who was head of the civil service. Goodhart said that they were the two most powerful unelected men in the country and they both said to him that they would put global welfare above the welfare of their country. Now don’t we see the impact of that school of thought on our own country. It explains so much that has happened since arch Globalist Blair was elected. The head of the BBC actually saying that he was more concerned about the global welfare than the welfare of UK citizens is appalling, but it is even worse that the head of the civil service should say also this. Of course they are the tip of the iceberg there will be tens of thousands of others in positions of power who would agree with them. It took along time for us ordinary folks beginning to see what these Global elites were up to, but now that we have Brexit and the election of President Trump are a result. But elites die hard there is along way to go before we have beaten the Globalists.
A late thought on this. Who ,I wonder, were the key movers and shakers who appointed these two globalists? Clearly Blair et al would have been key. The baleful influence of New Labour continues, its like the Hydra. You can see why most revolutions start with a thorough purge of the old regime .
Goodhart said that they were the two most powerful unelected men in the country and they both said to him that they would put global welfare above the welfare of their country.
And the BBC continues to do just that with its one-sided stance on global warming, aka ‘climate change’, aka UN Agenda 21 (where ‘social justice’, code for ‘compensating poorer countries for the impact of climate change’, aka re-distribution of wealth, is writ very large indeed).
Environmentalists – they’re not called Watermelons for nowt.
They are free to spend their own money furthering global welfare, as we all are.
But UK taxes (including the TV tax) should be spent improving UK welfare.
I don’t know about draining the swamp, it looks like we’ve got an ocean to drain.
Trying to think how well the globe is doing thanks to the Mark & Gus input.
The difficulty with Goodhart is that he does not address the problem of, say, Polish somewheres wanting to make the British somewhere the Polish somewhere. British somewheres have no interest in havng a Polish somewhere created around them without even being asked.
Merkel and her followers are masochistic global welfarists and constantly claim that the millions who will be migrating out Africa, etc. in the future cannot be stopped by borders. They are dying to spend unlimited sums of German taxpayers’ money to give Africa its Wirtschaftswunder and so bribe Africans to stay in their own countries. Sheer madness
The current top story on the bBC web news:
London attack: Khalid Masood ‘died from shot to chest’
Westminster attacker Khalid Masood died from a gunshot wound to the chest, an inquest has heard. Westminster Coroner Fiona Wilcox said she extended her sympathies to Masood’s family “who are also victims”. IPCC investigator Christopher Lovett told the court that no police officers were under criminal or misconduct investigation over Masood’s shooting. Senior investigating officer John Crossley said Masood was challenged by armed police, shot and killed by an officer.
Correct me if I am wrong, but i was under the impression that it was the defence minister’s armed guard who shot this cnut and not armed police.
I think that members of the PaDP are police officers.
Reports concerning the PC who was murdered by the mad Islamist indicate that he was stabbed in the neck.
Has anyone suggested that it was an attempted beheading?
How does the coroner know Masood’s family are “victims”?
Firstly, they might have been egging him on for all she knows.
Secondly, by all accounts Masood was a properly nasty piece of work, and both his family and society at large are better off without him in which case they would be “beneficiaries”.
Virtue signalling by the coroner is all of a piece with the trend to break out the tea lights and teddy bears, and start the multi-faith vigil before the corpses have had a chance to cool.
She should settle for establishing the cause of death and leave the wailing and gnashing of teeth to those directly affected.
The person who killed Masood is a hero and should be awarded the George Medal. I am delighted that he killed that evil bastard. Naturally , for the BBC, Masood is their hero. BBC , always vermin.
Grant – I agree.
When I said that Masood was “a properly nasty piece of work”, I was referring to the period before he went far beyond that on his murderous spree in Westminster.
Big on the news is the topic of mental health, and having a family member suffer 3 nervous breakdowns back in the 1960’s, I’m not wishing to criticise the amount of coverage on this subject. However, the media do love ‘fashionable’ issues. We’ve had celebrity bullying, celebrity bi-polar, celebrity eating issues, and now everyone is coming out of the woodwork about their mental health experiences.
Realistically its all very well encouraging more people to ‘open up’ about their own mental state, but the key point is further overloading the already cash scrapped NHS with ever more possible patients. I worked in the mental health unit during my time in the NHS, and it was always the poor relation for any funding, and still is, so as well as telling those with mental issues to get help, they should also be canvassing for extra funding for the potential new influx of sufferers.
All very well having Princes Harry, William and Kate being figureheads, but they should have a whip round amongst their well heeled friends to cough up a few thousand each for their latest ‘in’ project; they would be far more well thought of, instead of ‘highlighting public awareness’ with photo opportunities.
Harry , William and Kate who ? Agree with you about mental issues and the NHS . Applies to the UK generally. Most people just don’t want to know.
Stunned I was to read a report that suggests the average age of a BBC 1 viewer is 61. Suggests to me that they have a similar problem to the church in this country whose average congregation also seems to be getting older.
If that really is the average age, then that suggests that the Licence Fee’s days are well and truly numbered.
Sorry, fat finger report by accident.
If the average age is headed this way, it seems odd the content is aimed ever further to kindergarden level, unless the mucky mucks on the top floor have seen their dementia based inability to recall awkward stuff really take hold across the board.
Stunned I was to read a report that suggests the average age of a BBC 1 viewer is 61. Suggests to me that they have a similar problem to the church in this country whose average congregation also seems to be getting older.
If that really is the average age, then that suggests that the Licence Fee’s days are well and truly numbered.
I’d bet the average age of the R4 listener is even higher.
Has a broadcaster ever been out of step with it’s audience?
Go to any local theatre productions, craft fairs, and Sounds of the 60’s concerts, and its the same age group of 55+ that turn up. This is the generation that like to be ‘in the experience as it happens’ and not those who hold up bloody phones to take sodding videos and photos that will never be looked at again !!!!!
Interesting list of BBC stories in the Mail
“the average age of a BBC 1 viewer is 61. Suggests to me that they have a similar problem to the church in this country ”
It rather shows that younger people are not so interested in these lefty SJW organisations. More hope for the future.
Whereas, the average mental age of BBC presenters and program makers is 14.
Where is Eric Blair when we need him?
No not Tony Blair!! God forbid…
George Orwell died 1950.
1984 ….!!!
An Orwellian future
Thankyou BBC
Everything faded into mist. The past was erased. The erasure was forgotten. The lie became the truth.
(Extract from Winston Smith’s diary, and hopefully the BBC’s epitaph.)
As opposed to their operating manual…
Does anyone know if Bill Clinton is attending the London terrorist funeral?
NB Has anyone bothered to invite him?
Also, what in hell is Heseltine’s face (he of no importance whatsoever) doing on the main website BBC newspage this morning.
Only a fool promotes a fool.
At the moment anyone , no matter what their past crimes have been , is welcome aboard the anti Brexit movement. Why even Osborne is going to be lauded by the BBC once he starts his Project Fear Part Two editorials in the Evening Standard. City bankers who only a year ago were the spawn of the Devil according to the BBC will be given a platform. You see this is a crisis for the Global elite. All hands on deck to fight HMS Brexit crewed by those thick, racist , knuckledraggers who didn’t do what they were told to and stupidly thought national democracy still had a place in the world. If HMS Brexit isn’t sunk with all hands others may get this democracy bug and then where will the elite be?
Yet a few short years ago Heseltine was lower than scum to the BBC for being part of the Devil Incarnate’s cabinet.
The enemy of their enemy is the BBC’s friend. Go to guy even.
It seldom lasts.
How the bBC can get away with racist comments in the name of diversity.
Oxford University puts up more portraits of women
Oxford University is revealing the identities of more than 20 people whose portraits will be put on display to try to “promote greater diversity”.It wants to redress the balance from the university’s walls being lined with pictures of “dead white males” by adding more women and ethnic minorities.
Now imagine the outcry if we replace ‘Dead white males’ with dead black,Muslim,Chinese or even gay males. Exactly.
Well the uni are being reasonable to all the other SJW nonsense
“May Not Deliver” –
When Brexit was inevitable May was planted to ensure that Brexit would be watered down, delayed, immigration maintained and the Islamification of the UK would continue.
She is the BBC’s girl and watch carefully how closely he is monitored by the likes of Laura Kantisberg
Totally agree GWF – I have said this ever since the likes of the Daily Mail and other two faced media outlets were lauding her as the “safe pair of hands”
All you have to do is to look at her statements. Theresa has no commitment to anything except self survival. Pretty much everything she says is couched in terms that can be be interpreted in too many ways. I think she will string the whole process out to such an extent that the remain side will have multiple opportunities to torpedo it at will. With “Our Girl” looking squeaky clean.
I suspect she hopes that the electorate will end up with “brexit fatigue” (probably another reason why we seem to be having wall to wall Clegg), Lose interest in the whole process and we will end up with is some sort of fudge which leaves us no better off than before.
Actions speak louder than words and since she seems to have surrounded herself in Cabinet with remainers – it tells me all I need to know. I dont think brexit by any means will be a “walk in the park” and that is why you need committed people around you not half hearted politicians whos main motivation is short term re-election.
I think May is doing a sterling job in difficult circumstances. I don’t see anyone who could do better in delivering Brexit.
I am sorry but I disagree with you . She was a remainer at heart.
Jacob Rees-Mogg would have been a far better leader and a true Brexiteer .
But then I am not a Tory.
Another day & another Democrat/ Clinton bribery scandal is breaking in the US this time involving Russia:
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and the author of “Clinton Cash,” explained on Fox News Tuesday how a Russia connection to the Clinton campaign and Obama presidency is much bigger and more troubling than anything Democrats have accused Team Trump of.
During his appearance on “Fox & Friends,” Schweizer alleged that Clinton campaign chair John Podesta probably violated federal law when he failed to disclose his stock holdings in a Kremlin-funded company.
“In 2011, John Podesta joins the board of this very small energy company called Joule Energy based out based out of Massachusetts,” Schweizer said. “About two months after he joins the board, a Russian entity called Rusnano puts a billion rubles — which is about 35 million dollars — into John Podesta’s company. Now, what is Rusnano? Rusnano is not a private company, Steve. It is a fund directly funded by the Kremlin. In fact, the Russian science minister called Rusnano Putin’s child. So you have the Russian government investing in one of John Podesta’s businesses in 2011, while he is an advisor to Hillary Clinton at the State Department.”
Also Trump is asking about the Uranium deal
Of course it is highly unlikely that any of this will be reported by the Hilary supporting BBC.
Could the BBC could get any more hard-faced?
Prepare to be amazed.
Apparently people were shocked at how divided Brexit left the nation; friends, families – everyone falling out, Maitlis tells us.
Never fear because, as she explains (whilst doggedly keeping a straight face), the BBC’s ‘…public service remit would be meaningless unless we poured oil on troubled waters’.
Yes, she really did say that.
About 45.50 in, just after Heseltine tries in vain to chew and swallow a wasp whilst talking bitter and twisted bollocks.
Heseltine really is vermin. He even looks like a rat !
He’s not even “yesterday’s man” he’s “the day before yesterday’s man”.
He is history.
It must be the end times. The “political undead” seem to have all risen from their graves to shuffle around moaning and wailing to torment the living. But where is Fatso Clark? Has some latter day Van Helsing found his casket and stopped him rising by draping it in the flag of St. George. Eternal torment for Fatso. Anus Robertson from Sporranland seems to look ever paler and bloated. Maybe the Female Vampire-in-Chief, Soubry, has been draining him in one of those rare moments when she is not foghorning everyone with nonsense about Brexit. I can only hope that “angry nativist” peasants with their pitchforks and torches will release Carswill from his political limbo and that he too will find eternal peace.
“..unless we poured oil on troubled waters, (and set fire to it).”
A sensible American tried to get a few words in on BBC WS – ‘I don’t think Britain can just walk away from Europe BUT German demands and their delusional view of what the EU is may mean they have to.’
He was going on to say what the UK exports best are ‘intangibles’ – he got cut off so we won’t know what he meant. Anyway he was far too upbeat for the CBEEBIES, I mean the BBC.
BBC R4 Today this morning. Thought for the Day:
The Islamic Society of Britain’s Sughra Ahmed offers her thoughts on sexism, having been triggered by the Daily Mail’s recent “Brexit / Legs-it” headline / photo featuring May and Krankie.
Sadly the TFTD slot is too short for Ms Ahmed to be able to include a list of Islamic countries which provide a model of gender equality that the UK might usefully follow.
Tom Kenny
Hello Sughra Ahmed
Worried about sexy legs eh.
Here is a piccie of two of your own kind, if you know what I mean
Phwoar! – I think one of them is new head of religious broadcasting Fatima Salaria. Wow I never knew the chocolate diet was so effective!
I imagine that’s what they look like at night.
On Brexit Brillo is excellent. He challenges the lies and hyperbole of the Remainers relentlessly when every other Beeboid gives them a free hit. But beware , I remember reading years ago that the famous BBC presenter Jack DeManio was consigned to the dustbin in the early seventies because the BBC and the pro Common Market Heath government thought he was too anti the EC as it was then. If Brillo keeps on demolishing the likes of Ashdown and Clegg and the Labour chap on the DP today he may well find he is likewise got rid of. I expect that his impartiality has been a problem for the BBC for years already.
I agree Doublethinker, Brillo is the only journalist at the bBBC who questions ALL political viewpoints with fair rigour. I was particularly pleased when he asked the smarmy git Paul Blomfield the shadow brexit minister…. ‘whose side are you on?’, after he had rubbished the governments approach to the negotiations and was sympathetic about perceived threats to the EU negotiators.
The remoaners and the bBBC are doing their best to divide the nation and frustrate brexit with their ‘can’t be done’ and ‘negative’ attitude. They have nailed their blue and gold starred colours to the mast and do not care about fair objective journalism anymore. Looking back at this week so far, I don’t think the bBBC has sunk so low in my opinion, a week to date of putting brexit in the worst possible light at each and every opportunity with selected politicians, ‘professors’, and other assorted bBBC approved ‘experts’ and spooks.
Just because they lack the talent, skills and vision to make brexit work doesn’t give them the right to criticize and condemn those that are determined and positive enough to believe…. ‘YES WE CAN’!
I can’t see Brillo backing off.
Firstly he’s minted and doesn’t need the job.
Secondly he’s hugely talented and would be snapped up by a rival network.
Thirdly it would become clear why he’s been elbowed out and pro-Brexit MPs’ blood is already up about BBC bias on this issue.
Australian licence fee story
Meanwhile the worldwide jihad continues, unreported, under the radar, unnoticed, unrelenting, inexorably, 24/7.
Sometimes comic – here’s a beauty:
“Sweden: Man charged with assault for eating bacon too close to Muslim women
March 29, 2017 By Christine Williams
Sweden has succumbed to dhimmitude. Muslim migrants raping infidel women is becoming the norm, while eating bacon too close to Muslims can land you in court. It was bad enough that Sweden is the rape capital of the West and that Islamic enclaves and no-go zones terrify police so much that 80 percent of them are considering quitting their jobs. But now, a Swedish man is facing prosecution for eating bacon too close to Muslim women […]”
I do hope he does not get a death sentence like Kevin Crehan who died in prison having been sentenced for tying a bacon sarnie to a mosque door.
Media not interested
I knew nothing about that case.
A man gets a year in prison for attacking a Mosque with bacon? That is absurd.
Either we are allowed to challenge and make fun of religion or we are not.
He get’s a year whilst Richard Lee wins praise for portraying Jesus in nappies on a Jerry Springer Show.
For the record, I’m with Stewart Lee taking the piss out of any belief system, all religions should be challenged, with either the pen or with bacon.
BBC Radio4 just continued their Global Warming Jihad
With a total travesty as the presenter just aired his mate the very controversial Micheal Mann who spouted outrageous propaganda without any challenging voice.
Heres the IMPARTIAL tweets ptesenter AdamRutherford sent first
I’m talking to @MichaelEMann in half an hour, fresh out of his heroic House Science Committee hearing. On #bbcinsidescience tomorrow.
“ @AdamRutherford
Fab interview with @MichaelEMann, which in one sense was dynamite, and in another was simply factual. On #bbcinsidescience tomorrow at 1630.”
BH explains the context
\\Over in the US they have had a ‘hearing’ on Climate Science with three of the world’s most eminent climate scientists. Michael Mann was there too. //
The BBC gave us Michael Mann saying the hearing was very controversial ..cos ‘its science versus incredibly stupid Republican politicians’
What a fing disgrace that the BBC failed to represent that other side
That no one explained the 3 Climate science experts above were all speaking against Mann.
M Mann and … SCIENCE?
not in the same cough “hockeystick” cough sentence,
if you don t mind.
About as much to do with science, as “orrible” Harribin.
In case anyone new to this site is unaware of Mann’s total lack of credibility as a climate scientist, this story gives some details of his past activity.
Delingpole on Mann:
Nick Clegg tries to blame Brexit on the “right-wing” press. Writing in the New Statesman he says:-
‘To many eyes, the UK is being transformed into two one-party states: an SNP-led Scotland and a Conservative-led England. “The right-wing press have coalesced around Brexit and have transformed themselves from competitors into, in effect, a political cabal, which has such a paralysing effect on the political debate,” Clegg said. “You have a consistent and homogeneous drumbeat from the Telegraph, the Express, the Mail, the Sun, and so on.” ‘
Only problem is he conveniently forgets to mention the left-wing press – The Guardian, The Independent, The Mirror, The Financial Times; and, of course, the hatchet job done by the far-left media of the BBC, C4, and Sky (post Murdoch).
You, Mr Clegg are a lying little toe-rag who has spent his whole life with his snout in the tax-payers trough.
He forgets the 40-plus years of the blue EU party, the yellow EU party and the red EU party. There’s nothing like having a choice and we had nothing like a choice.
You can add the Economist in the raving pro-EU corner.
BBC defended from bias charge by 85 MPs and MEPs, BBC feel vindicated so more anti Brexit bias is forthcoming
‘They urged the BBC “not to succumb to pressure to skew” coverage.
The letter to director general Tony Hall warned of “an authoritarian attempt to force people to accept a single version of events”.
Labour MP Pat McFadden, who coordinated the response, said: “This letter is a strong statement of support for the BBC to be free to do its job to report fearlessly and impartially.
“The reason the BBC is respected as a news source around the world is precisely because it is independent.
“And at a time when those who ask fair and tough questions are being denounced, that independence and impartiality is more important than ever.”‘
The fact remains that if any government really wanted to take action against the BBC they would be able to do so, admittedly it would not be easy. The fact that successive Tory governments allow the BBC to pursue it leftist Globalist agenda unhindered makes me believe that they are all in cahoots and believe in a Global Government. Consequently I have my doubts as to the real determination of the present government to pursue Brexit to the end.
Guessing majorities are back in favour again at W1A?
They all snorting the same stuff?
Yes we need tough questions,no one is under the illusion it will be easy after all it is the EU we are trying to deal with.But there is a sunny upside to Brexit which the BBC completely ignores.Pat McFadden is a doom laden Remainer so he is going to agree with the BBCs coverage.
A Labour MP yesterday referred to Eurosceptics as a Barmy Army .Im totally offended by that .i hope his constituents kick him out but I won’t hold my breath.i didnt see or hear anyone calling out that nastiness.
I’ve just been watching Pointless on BBC1 and the first question asked the contestants to name the countries whose flags look the same when upside down. Amongst the flags shown was the Union Flag. Err…. the Union Flag isn’t the same when it’s upside down you thick bastards! Beyond belief …..
I’m longing for the day when Pointless have editions purely for the over 60’s ! when we can answer questions on films dating back from the 40’s, when the music questions include the Big Band, Sinatra and 60’s eras, and we can show the rest how to answer questions on politics, British authors, Geography and History with ease !!!
Evan Davis doing a trailer on tonight’s ‘PM’: ‘So join me for a new nuclear Bottom Line….’
Oo-er, no ta Evan.
Fission or fusion?
Sounds toxic.
The disgusting biased BBC are just the biggest shits imaginable.
Every news report focuses on the uncertainty of (insert narrow or wide subject area) “because of Brexit”.
I’m with Davis Starkey. Back in the day they would be charged with Treason.
What they do would have been treasonable in wartime. The constant drip drip drip of deliberate negativity. On newsshite last night Evan Davis was practically feeding the doom and gloom lines to two carefully chosen MEPs and this morning on Toady they interviewed (for balance?) two more Euro bods, the balance being a cautiously negative French ambassador and an absolute German EuroFanatic who sounded like he would destroy the economics of the EU and the UK just to prove how indivisible politically the EU is.
Burn the bBBC at the stake !!!!!
I heard a caller on the Jezza Swine Show today, a chap from Norwich, who challenged Vine directly about the anti-Brexit bias of al beebus; he was very good and Vine couldn’t really respond effectively to what he said.
I don’t believe this has been posted before, but it is certainly well worth a watch and I think the brazen nature will shock even the readers of these pages:
On the subject of the bBBC like to rub our noses in it: ipad bBBC website has an ‘In Pictures’ article entitled Brexit Walk: images of Londoners as UK begins EU exit. Have a look – tried to screen shot and paste but it wouldn’t work. On the PC website the text is different – doesn’t call them Londoners.
“To mark this moment, Polish photographer Piotr Malecki has flown into London and is making his way from the outskirts of the capital to the centre, capturing the mood and the thoughts of some of those he meets.”
Sorry isn’t London 15% of UK popn only ?
Hillary has re-launched and vowed to fight the power etc., having swapped her pastel pant-suits for serious, strong and revolutionary, black leather!