The Great Escape is on, watch the BBC goons, the Tristrams, try to stop Tom, Dick and Harry in the bid for freedom….and if you see it report it here on the new open thread…..
Had the voting cards for West Mid’s regional Mayor. Must say we’d forgotten all about it – sounds like expensive, beaurocratic nonsense but maybe we’ll be surprised?
Apparently the stoning was AFTER he was hurled off the roof of a building.
But……Mosul. Isn’t this the place where the Iraqi Army are trying to remove IS.
Which begs the question, which side of the front line did this happen?
Was this the side that supports the Religion of Peace?
Why do they feel so special that it should be just a law about offending Muslims – what about other denominations? What’s that I hear? The sound of freedom of speech going down the drain.
As you say, why so special?
Because, I might venture, the BBC and the buddies spent vast amounts of time, effort and our money making them feel so.
Added to which if we offend them they tend to murder us.
Having said that, they do that anyway, so screw the lot of them with Islamic style knobs on.
A law on blasphemy may have unintended consequences. Don’t Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and those who deny it are blasphemers? And Muslims deny it. We may need some pretty big prisons. But then any law drafted would almost certainly state that only Christians can be blasphemers, just like only whites can be racist
Polish MP Krystyna Pawłowicz has written to Jean-Claude Juncker complaining that his “obvious alcohol dependency” has become a “problem of the entire European community”. Pawłowicz claims Juncker’s drinking was “particularly distasteful and out of place” during the visit of Pope Francis and accuses him of “offensive” behaviour towards “women who were certainly too polite to ask you to take a rest”.
The text of the letter is on the link.
Isn’t this one of the reasons why Cameron was one of 28 to object to Juncker’s appointment? Perhaps he was right – and this guy is i/c the Commission’s part in Brexit negotiations?
I’ve never liked him. I hope this makes further news!
Oh, I forgot, the BBC doesn’t do stuff like this!!!
Juncker summarises for me why the EU is not for Britain. Un unelected President. An obvious drunkard who is nothing short of an embarrassment in his appearances and utterances. A man who sneers at Britain and today announces he may work to break up the USA. No doubt after a good lunch. Worse of all, this creature’s credentials for the job were endless years as prime minister of a pathetic little country called Luxembourg whose record for encouraging international tax evasion increased markedly under his tenure. A drunk and a crook.
Speaking as a gay man, this type of bollocks really makes me want to blow my brains out. As far as I am concerned there are only two genders – male and female. Anything else is pure fantasy land. I’m sorry if it offends anybody but that’s my honest opinion.
Well said.
Have you ever thought how archaeologists determine the gender of mummies?
They choose one of two sexes.
‘A male skeletal structure is different than a female. This is due to pelvic shape. A male’s narrow pelvis results more linear origin and insertion of muscle. The force a human can generate will always be more efficient in a straight line.’
An inconvenient truth but the chromosomes don’t lie no matter what you are allowed to put on your birth certificate.
Actually I have no problem with the few people who sincerely believe they want to be the other gender.But the feeling of the BEEB and others jumping on the latest trendy cause is distasteful Especially where children are concerned. V B seems to love interviewing them about their perceived transgender issues.
The 90 year old coming out was on ITV news but at least he’s of age.
BBC1 News at Ten tonight has almost gone 100% Islam. We all joke about it here but it’s happening.
The news started with a bit of Brexit for about 5 minutes. Then a long piece about I.S. Boko Haram and his exploding followers seeking Paradise. Then a piece about the inquiry into the death of the Islamic Westminster terrorist. This was followed by a 10 minute piece about a BBC reporter meeting up with a Syrian family she met some years ago.
A good 20-25 minutes out of the total 30 minutes was dedicated to reporting Islam. Then it was over to the weather….. I was getting ready for the weather report to start with the middle east but the BBC decided to just show a map of the UK instead.
Edit: I checked the times on iPlayer. It was actually more like 10-15 minutes reporting Islam but still far too much!
Good post from Beavo on the latest Brexit HYS. I quote:
‘Brussels base’
‘Historic loss of power’
‘Brexit: what are we doing?!
‘The divorce papers’
‘Tusk: we already miss you’
‘Fragile unity of Brexit committee dissolves’
‘How will Port of Dover cope?’
‘Dover boss warns of Brexit backlog’
‘Article 50 a leap in the dark’
‘Is May fooling herself with Brexit deal?’
These are ALL on the BBC website right now. ‘We report in a neutral way’.
What a great idea to collect all the headlines and put them together. I’d like to see those who signed the moronic letter in favour of the BBC bias squirm to justify the above.
‘Inside Science’ on R4 finds it “troubling” and “disturbing” that the Trump administration is questioning the hypothesis that man is the main driver behind climate change.
In true, balanced BBC style, they gave Michael Mann one third of the programme (ten minutes) to peddle his alarmist narrative, before moving on to the next topic.
@Mice see my comment at the bottom of the previous page.
..where I show the presenters tweets indicate Mann is the presenters special friend.
Then head over to the BishopHill link for the discussion featuring incrdible revealations including Mann’s direct lie.
Thanks, Stew.
I didn’t look through previous posts before typing.
They claim to read all listener’s e mails, even if they don’t reply, so I’d urge you to drop them a line detailing bias, with tweets and link to BH included.
I did last year, just after the Referendum vote when they were being hysterical about Britain’s future scientific influence and funding, seemingly unaware of the far smaller return the UK gets on it’s funding of the EU, or the fact that 16 non-EU nations are associate members of Horizon 20/20.
Rutherford just tweeted
Dr Adam Rutherford
Due to the unique way the BBC is funded emails come directly to me: do write in I’m directly soliciting contact.
(make sure you make to his boss as well)
he gave a pathetic response to Barry Woods points
“Inside Science. We were primarily interviewing Mann on the new paper. It was coincidental that he was just out of the hearing.
Here is a 17 second clip of the bit referred to in Josh’s caption, where Mann denies having called anyone a denier, and Curry points out that he did exactly that in his written testimony.
I sometimes wonder whether this ‘big plan’ for the world is real, and how many are involved. It seems so convincing…they are all, including the BBC, getting so desperate. Hence:
‘The lawmakers also suggested Russian influence may have affected Britain’s Brexit vote last year, and warned that forthcoming elections in France and Germany were the Kremlin’s next targets.’
So the big baddy is Russia, meddling and influencing everything. How the f… can they have influenced the Brexit vote?
I don’t know about anyone else on here, but in my normal day to day life of being with people, Brexit is never discussed ! I see friends, acquaintances, family and past work colleagues, and its something that’s never touched on. Perhaps we have far more going on in our lives than the media. Mostly, people where I live are just getting on with their lives regardless, unlike all those in London who love nothing but a good protest march. But its only on the tele where Brexit is discussed, otherwise we wouldn’t know anything about it because its not talked about anywhere else, and most that I talk to have no firm views one way or t’other about it.
Al beeb is ‘keeping it on the boil’ in order to reverse the democratic decision taken by the majority of the British people, while our incumbent government allow them to to do it .
Strange , Very Strange?
“Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May has signed the letter that will formally begin the UK’s departure from the European Union
To mark this moment, Polish photographer Piotr Malecki has flown into London and is making his way from the outskirts of the capital to the centre, capturing the mood and the thoughts of some of those he meets.”
Before long one of these will be presenting the Londonistan Programme and not long after the 6PM National News on the BBC in the name of diversity and positive
discrimination. Actually it wont be for positive discrimination in London in the too near distant future.
And finally, from Al Beeb’s weatherman “February was the warmest day since – wait for it ……………
Since 2012 !”
And tomorrow will be ‘cooler’ – in real world speak, Colder.
I still maintain that Al Beeb is now run by Blue Peter.
I watched our local news shows on Wednesday to see how they approached Brexit Day. Central News had quite a few items showing a 50/50 share of views and was quite interesting and informative.
I then switched over to Midlands Today and it was completely different. They had a couple of minutes interview with the MD of a company saying that Brexit may not be that bad and that he had plenty of new orders. The reporter basically cut him off and then said that there were many companies in the West Midlands who were suffering and then went to a long interview with another MD about having to lay people off.
I used to believe and look up to the BBC news, I now hardly watch it as I’ve noticed just how much bias is in their reporting.
“I used to believe and look up to the BBC news…”
So did I and many of the posters and readers on this site, but it appears that we have all become institutionalised.
“Signatories include former Conservative culture secretary Ed Vaizey, the Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron, and the Labour chair of the home affairs select committee, Yvette Cooper.”
They would sign it wouldn’t they ? Its an attempt to undermine the democratic will of the people of Great Britain.
Vaizey is Portillos understudy as the tame Tory at the BBC and this letter will no doubt add to his CV . It will reassure the corporation that he will follow the their line on any and all topics. A thoroughly PC person who they can claim demonstrates their impartiality whilst relying on him to say the right thing with only the tiniest hint of Toryism.
BBC spending British tax payers money to support Islam (hijab and the veil) in the workplace and claim that secularisation is not progress (they call that a myth) equating secularisation with Islam as signs of diversity. Here is the link. Initially it talks about “religion” rather than Islam but switches to a view of white Europe discriminating against Muslims:
BBC – As usual the BBC totally miss the point about the Hijab. Maybe I am too much of a thick “Sun” reader at heart but what this woman seemed to be spouting is another load of top heavy “overwordy bollocks” to both declare her SJW credentials and show what a clever girl she is.
The problem with the hijab is that it does not represents religious “diversity” but represents a challenge to some of the fundamental rights in our society. The statement that the hijab makes is basically you are someones property and do not have the right to go out in public unless you are wearing a piece of clothing that declares this. In strict muslim countries if you do not do this you risk arrest, assault or even worse.
We had many people give up their lives in wars in the last century to retain simple freedoms in our society so why do these dhimmi campaigners take on this particular cause and value their freedom so lightly – Why?
I think the reason is threefold
1 The whole SJW movement has formed an unholy alliance with Islam in this country. With SJWs enjoying their anti “right wing” campaigning too much to look beyond the obvious (ie the hijab is just a piece of cloth and therefore wearing it is exercising choice) – It may be exercising choice wearing one at a London “Fashion Week” party but I would tentatively suggest this does not represent the real world.
2 I am sure they would not admit this – but I would not be surprised that a little bit of these “wimmen” almost seek to be dominated. But in truth when the reality hits home the glamour of the “exotic and exciting clothes” and having to dress in public and walk around like a multi layered bin bag rack for the rest of your life may not make up for the loss of personal freedom.
2 The media and particularly the BBC seems to be fascinated by all things Islamic. Whether it is because this organisation has recruited too many muslims into influential positions. Or whether it because the BBC is still enjoying rubbing everyones nose in diversity – I know not. But what is obvious is that they are dead set on promoting a “religion” which flies in the face of everything you expect in a free society.
To say the hijab represents freedom of choice to women is a bit like saying wearing a Star of David armband represented freedom of choice to Jews in the occupied territories in WW2. Can people really be this thick!
I freely admit I am old fashioned and definitely a bit sexist in how I think and act. But I do think women like this, let down their sex far more than they could EVER possibly imagine.
So darling my advice to you is open your eyes more, keep your gob shut and stick to selling silly “right on” T shirts and maybe a few frocks – And I also recommend you stay in the city because when you get away from it – many more people start to think for themselves. Do this and life will be far more rewarding.
Talking about full body covering for our muzzie wimmin, does that also mean Klu Klux Klan outfits (full body covering, white) are also to be fully accepted.
Chubby Brown made a joke about this yet it’s perfectly logical.
It seems to be part of a series of doctrinaire pieces the BBC is producing as part of what it calls “Viewsnight” which it defines as BBC Newsnight’s place for ideas and debate.
My own view is that Oaknash doesn’t go far enough in his criticism of this piece. The “viewsnight” piece is actually supporting the full Islamic face veil in the workplace as part of “diversity”. It raises the stereotype of Europe as white racists that need to be fought against. It says that secularism and Islam should be considered as equivalent valued personal identities within the workplace. You need to view the clip and work out the clear messages it is sending out.
Oaknash…………Whether it is because this organisation has recruited too many muslims into influential positions.
I think this sentence of yours has hit the nail on the head ! slowly but surely it will soon become an all out takeover. Parliament, the Judiciary, NHS, the media, education, are all main components for our way of life which is becoming seriously under threat. How would it be if us Brexiteers marched along the streets of London protesting, in the same way we’ve had to put up with the Remainers doing the same for their own cause ? it wouldn’t be liked at all, and denigrated by all at the BBC, Sky and Ch4.
I think there is push by international Islam to get muslims into influential positions within Western politics, media, judiciary, police force, education etc. With regard the BBC the Asian Network provides one training ground and entry point. Also the meme of diversity and positive discrimination to “right the past wrongs of evil white racist heterosexual Englishmen”, is providing another entry point.
On The Toady programme they are discussing ‘neuro diversity’ which is employing people with autism.
“Autistic people have photographic memories and excellent mathematical ability, don’t they?”
No – you moron, that is just eidetic autism, a tiny minority which ignorant people who have watched Rain Man think. She probably imagines hundreds of Rain Men running finance departments across government and saving billions thanks to their numerical brilliance.
The presenter and an employer virtue signal about employing people with autism, mentioning how the workplace is such a stressful environment for them so many adaptations have to be made. I used to support people with autism and most of them would find a working environment extremely stressful and distressing; it would be cruel to expect them to get a job. But who cares about facts or even doing the most basic research about the condition when you get to sound so fantastically tolerant and right-on? Neuro diversity – how cool does that sound?
The BBC’s solution for everything is more money, but do they ever consider how much all this ultra-progressive nonsense must cost companies? Having to record the race, religion, sexuality and disability of every applicant then put schemes in place to right and perceived disparities? God knows why your sexuality or ethnicity has any bearing on your ability to do a job. Will they be saying next that workplaces must adapt to fit the needs of autistic employees? Speaking from experience, that could be very costly and difficult indeed.
Also – how much does it cost having to employ and promote certain people who are incompetent but happen to be members of a designated victim group? It is so hard having to work with someone incompetent; it is even worse when you are not allowed to criticise them lest that be construed as racial or sexual discrimination. The BBC rail against isms, but what about plain incompetence? That is the biggest problem.
My father suffered terribly at work as women kept getting promoted ahead of him although he was so much better st the job than they were and had real leadership qualities. He eventually lost his job as he felt so undermined having incompetent people telling him what to do. Of course there were other issues and I am not claiming my father was as blameless as the pure white snow, but there are real pain and consequences resulting from all this PC fascism. Though as a straight white male the BBC assume my father is incapable of ever suffering. I can assure you that he did.
Chilly -In some ways things are becoming similar to the days of Poll Pot in Cambodia – where on day zero anyone who was deemed to be a threat to the “Great Leap Forward” was imprisoned to be re-educated.
However these days the “threat” seems to be anyone who holds traditional values – especially if they are male. Whilst no one is actually being killed this insidious process still undermines our society and values, and will eventually leave a vacuum to be filled by who knows what ?
I suppose at this point the likes of Jeremy Whine, Victoria Derbyshire, Billy Bragg, Bob Geldoff, Lilly Allen, Gary Lineacre, Timmy Farron, Cleggy will all be able step into the fore to lead us and share their Wisdom
search Youtube for ‘Yuri Bezmenov- Deception Was My Job’.
Bezmenov was a Soviet propoganda master ,who defected to America in the 80s.
In the video , (quite chilling by the way) he explains how Marxism/Communism uses useful idiots to cause chaos until a point where the Marxists/Communists are seen as the solution and not the cause.
The useful idiots you mention are the first ones to get a bullet in the head when the takeover happens.
The most chilling part of the interview is Bezmenovs amazement that soviet propoganda had worked so well infecting US and EU acedemia and politics , and how the process he mentions is playing out right now (see the Frankfurt School list/plan).
I don’t even know where to start on the havoc wrought by PC in the workplace Chilly.
1. Neurodiversity; ran my own shop for a decade, long story how I got there, but the relevant point was that I was once persuaded to employ an ‘autistic’ lad (of 26). I’ll call him Dave, seemed like a decent enough sort, if: immature, innumerate (bit of a liability at the till), rude (bit of a liability with customers), and completely devoid of any time sense (bit of a liability with… err… coming to work). Then he stole cash out of the till to buy his girlfriend emerald earrings, and showed off photos of her wearing them on Facebook (God I love social media). So I sacked him, except he refused to go, and when I literally put him out the door he got a solicitor involved who threatened to sue me, with the added leverage that I was a ‘monster’ for ‘bullying’ someone with ‘autism’. I got a (very expensive) solicitor of my own, and discovered that you’re not ‘allowed’ to sack someone merely for stealing, unless you have a criminal report from the police… have you ever tried to get one of those? In the end I had to pay the bastard off… end result, decided I’d had enough of employing anyone and now go it alone (best all round). Autism ‘boy’ has decided to go into the baby making business with emerald earring girl, was told they take over £2K a month in various benefits between them and are now on to the ‘accident’ claims scam too.
2. Fathers and diverity at work; my father was a College Lecturer for many years, his area was Applied Science and Engineering, got a great many people (mostly men, but also a number of women) trained/retrained and into jobs with local industry in the 80s and early 90s. He got promoted to Dept. Head and, using sponsorship from local business, had a building with lecture theatres upstairs and workshops downstairs filled with machinery donated by these same businesses (who were extremely keen to get students trained there). He won national awards for what he achieved with unemployed people, and for the number of foreign and mature students he attracted. Then the college got a new lady Deputy Principal, and she decided his dept. wasn’t ‘diverse’ enough, that there weren’t enough female students, enough female toilets etc… Dad had always taken on a minority of women students, and was never sexist, he just thought girls that wanted to work in industry should be prepared to ‘rough it out’ with the boys, no special treatment… which they generally did with out any problems at all, of course. End result, this woman hated my Dad and drove him to take early retirement due to stress, damn near killed him. Dept. folded, and she turned his much loved workshops into ‘Drama Studios’… the college closed down recently, because they couldn’t attract enough students, and the local industry is all gone anyway.
3. ‘Positive Discrimination’; hate this term! Absolutely loathe it! There is no ‘positive’ discrimination, just discrimination. Before I worked for myself, I was employed as a Research Scientist, and one of the posts I held was for a big Government Organisation I won’t name. This organisation was extremely PC when I worked there in the mid 90s, and started a policy of ‘positive discrimination’. One of my colleagues was an English girl of Pakistani origin, very nice girl actually, we worked closely together on a lot of projects and she was extremely able, hard working, and ambitious. A chance for promotion came up and a number of us were encouraged to go for it, I didn’t, but my colleague did, and she got offered the post. We (her friends) all congratulated her, went down the pub for drinks (she was not exactly a pious Muslim, note), and it all seemed hunky dory until she broke down in tears one day at work. Turns out she was getting a lot of bullying because one of the Directors had let slip that she ‘might, have been promoted due to positive discrimination’ as she ‘ticked a number of boxes’. Had she, or hadn’t she, who knows? She was more than capable of doing the job, and deserved it as much as the next person, BUT the wonderful policy of ‘positive discrimination’ ended up destroying her self confidence and, long story short, she quit because of it. Wonderful policy.
sorry to hear of your problems with Dave , but as the father of an autistic boy, Dave doesn’t actually sound autistic, sounds like you were mugged into taking on a “problem person” by tugging at your heartstrings, i know who few people who now claim to be dyslexic, whilst omitting to mention they wagged most of school and are basically just thick wasters.
Sad to hear that. Sounds like such a shame about your father. There are so many decent, hard-working people the BBC would never report about as they are not ‘diverse’ enough.
Often it is the ostensible beneficiaries of the progressive agenda suffer from it as well. Why should women feel bad if they just want to raise a family and have no desire to be a CEO and work 80 hour weeks? And there must be so many ethnic minority people who feel bad knowing they got the promotion because of the colour of their skin, when maybe a male white friend deserved it more. It really is all bonkers.
The apotheosis of this lunacy for me is Moonlight winning Best Picture at the Oscars after SJWs complained how white it was. The film is dreadful and we all know why it won.
Can we reverse our addiction to sugar? New guidelines for the amount of sugar that should be in our food have been published by @PHE_uk .
Sod the prohibition on sugar, if the school playing fields hadn’t all been sold off for housing estates for the increase in population as a result of migration, THEN we may still have ‘Games’ lessons for the kids; and don’t get me started on parents who still drive their overweight 15 year olds to school ! why won’t anyone state the bleedin’ obvious ? and have parents lost the power to say NO when their kids ask for sweets ?
The Defence Secretary is given a hostile grilling by the House Muslim on R4 Today. Ostensibly the interview is about a rumour that the marines may be cut back due to overspending of the overall defence budget. One might fall into the trap that the BBC is concerned about this! However the interrogation soon turns to other NATO countries’ not spending 2 per cent pa on defence. Husain doesn’t seem to think it reasonable to ask NATO members to do this. After all she says, Britain nearly missed the target in one year ( Fallon has to remind her that the outcome was that we didn’t miss it). Is denuding NATO part of the Lancaster Plan, and has defence spending by the Kuffirs become another Muslim grievance?
If you were hostile to a country – and its people, i.e. the UK and you were a member of the ‘Fifth Column’ awaiting your opportunity to impose your law – Sharia – you would not want Royal Marines intervening when the time comes to do so. So, I’ll bet the Muslim Brotherhood and all those groupings of shadowy mussie charities in the UK financed by Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States would agree with having a say. Let’s face it, they believe they are entitled to have a say in most other things at present. I repeat, ‘At present’.
Quirky London weathergirl Elizabeth Rizzini may have a more winning personality than most of the BBC herd but she still reads from the relentless BBC weather script. Viewers who require little more than a tip as to whether to pack an umbrella are regaled with the useless statistic that yesterday was the ‘warmest of the year so far’ with the further irrelevance that it was ‘the warmest March day for five years’ (I note it was not the warmest March month as a whole during this somehow important five year time frame – or else the BBC weather folk would surely have been oblidged to have shouted this minor factoid from the rooftops).
Give the Global Warming narrative a rest and just warn me if a frost is expected or if it is likely to rain. Oddly enough, viewers can interpret temperatures for ourselves to the extent that we can judge whether to wear an overcoat or not. And as for retrospective weather forecasting statistics – leave them for the classroom.
I watched the movie “Patriots Day” with fascination. It tells in dramatic fashion the story of the actual events relating to the bombing of the Boston Marathon on Patriots Day, April 15, 2013. We all now know that the Tsarnaev brothers from Chechnya cold-bloodedly planned and carried out the deed. Their IEDs (informal explosive devices) consisted of pressure cookers crammed with explosives and like other Islamist terrorists they included ball bearings and nails to cause maximum tissue damage.
These bombs were of course carried in back-packs. If only the police had blocked off all access routes to the marathon and checked all bags going in, as they do in Israel for any public event. I hope they do that now. After the ramming attacks in Nice, Berlin and London, it will clearly be necessary for the British and others to install concrete or metal barriers wherever crowds gather. This can be expensive, but it can save lives. This is what has been done in Jerusalem and around Israel.
How strange that all these Muslim terrorists turn out to be deranged or insane, is it Islam that does that to them. Just because they are disillusioned or resentful of western society doesn’t mean they have to go out and kill people. Just because there is a war going on in Iraq or Syria, is that the fault of the USA, UK or other Western countries. Does killing and maiming innocent people make up the balance – this kind of primitive revenge. In the Boston bombings there were three dead and several hundred injured, including 16 who lost limbs, as well as one policeman shot dead and several injured. Suppose someone decided to blow-up the elder Tsarnaev brother’s wife and daughter, would that also be just. Suppose they lost limbs, would he have accepted that as Allah’s will?
What is most worrying about these types of attacks is that they are basically dismissed by the BBC and MSM as “lone wolf attacks,” some deranged Muslim is self-radicalized and goes out and kills people. And the perpetrators turn out to be on the police watch list of dangerous individuals. The Tsarnaev brothers should never have been allowed into the USA. Wouldn’t it be better if they arrested them before they struck, yes arrest innocent men and if necessary deport them on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack. It might reduce the freedom of some people, but it might also save 16 people from losing a limb, maybe you or someone you hold dear from being murdered.
That salmon pink newspaper – the form sheet for the investing classes – has dutifully towed the status quo Europhile line. Perhaps it judges that so long as its readers are doing well enough to need to track the markets then they are unlikely to want to rock the crony corporate globalist boat. I was always amused that even the buttoned-up staid FT felt its readers might acknowledge the need to open their wallet once in a while to the extent that it ran a weekly feature titled ‘How to spend it’ (Something for the ladies?)
In reverse proportion to the FT providing reams of data for the investor the BBC news machine cranks out an over-load of pro-public sector demands for extra government spending. Once in while even the BBC has to ponder for a moment the yin to their seemingly interminable yang. And so this morning we spend a minute or two on car tax. It is going up, of course. You can tell at once that BBC reporters are like fish out of water on this subject. You see talking about paying tax is something somehow impolite. This from a broadcaster that recently banged on about pot holes in our roads for seemingly hours of airtime. Raising taxes – how brutal that sounds. It is akin to boldly stating where babies come from. Not the right sort of subject for civilised indeed humanitarian BBC discussion. So, back now to those NHS cuts – what we really need is more spending on the NHS.
Here is something for the BBC to report..but wont!!
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre sharply criticized social media giants for not doing enough to degrade online marketing of terrorists and hate groups.
The Centre unveiled its annual Social Media Report Card, in New York City and Chicago. The launch focused on the recent deadly attack in London and the online emergence of extremists
“Google/YouTube are under fierce criticism for placing digital ads from major international brands like AT&T and Johnson & Johnson next to extremist videos celebrating terrorist attacks that should never have been allowed on its platform in the first place. They earned a grade of a ‘C-‘ on the digital report card for allowing the proliferation of “how to” videos that instruct people on how to build and deploy explosives from materials found in the home. They also earned a ‘D’ for their failure to remove thousands of hate group postings,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, SWC Associate Dean and Founder of Digital Terrorism & Hate Project.
Other social media giants did not fare much better. Social media apps that provide encryption for users received the lowest grades of all, with terrorists – including the London attacker – using encryption (in this case WhatsApp) to hide their activities from law enforcement and intelligence.
For a few moments on Toady this morning (about 0740) we had some proper journalism.
After only 4 years of trying (and that’s another thing), the NHS in Nottingham have found a new and better way to treat osteoporosis- in people’s homes. Better for patients and on the whole cheaper for the NHS. In other words service innovation is hugely difficult and time consuming ( the bureaucracy of large statist slow-moving organisations, about which the bBBC clearly do not want to comment) but improvements are identifiable and, with enough strength of will, can be implemented. Well done Nottingham.
But by 0800 it was back to normal. The headline was “Waiting Times to Increase” . A deliberate choice of words to undermine what is a huge set of proposals for the next NHS planning period. At 0810 they interviewed the NHS Head Honcho who gave a pretty reasonable all-round account of the situation. At one point the useless interviewer complained about the reduction in hospital beds. Was she not listening at 0740? Better care in the community means by definition fewer beds are needed. Doh! And anyway, who wants to be stuck in a boring, faceless hospital bed if recuperation can be done at home?
Two examples which prove beyond doubt that the biased BBC just continually look for the most eye-catching negative slant on anything and everything solely in order to undermine the current government that they hate so much.
On the sports section of Toady they discuss an epidemic of ‘bullying’ in sport. Is there anywhere these Social Justice Wankers do not spread their tentacles?
There is a fine line between tough love and bullying. Of course being abusive or violent is not on but I strongly suspect that most of these ‘bullying’ problems being investigated do not amount to that. To achieve the dream of an Olympic gold medal coaches often have to put their charges through hell, but it is all worth it in the end. Alex Ferguson was a terrifying boss and ‘bully’ and that is why he is the most successful football manager in history.
Bullying is often in the eye of the beholder. If opinion-formers like the BBC tell you it is a problem, you may start to see it everywhere. Was I bullying the brilliant forward in year 9 when I kept yelling at him to track back? I was furious – emotions run so so high during a match. But how can he ever hope to make his dream of becoming a professional footballer if I am not harsh on him?
So will yet another citadel fall to the left wing warriors? We cannot make jokes at work anymore in case someone gets offended. Many children leave school barely literate as actually doing the hard work does not suit their ‘learning style.’ Now should we be afraid to yell at the kid who keeps straying offside and letting the whole team down in case it is ‘bullying’ him?
In my day, it was called getting ‘told off’, but now its more socially acceptable to call it bullying. Perhaps I should have sued my parents and teachers when they were clearly ‘bullying’ me when caught doing wrong.
The University Boat Race is coming up soon. Usually the TV has to apologise when the Coxes’ decidedly fruity and abusive language, aimed at the oarsmen, is picked up on the microphones by accident.
Maybe all those rowers should be marching down to the Met Police after the race to complain of threatening behaviour, harassment and bullying, and then on to their GPs. I’m sure the NHS has enough money to,provide for some psychological counselling.
as a qualified coach in another sport, we have to know the individuals and learn what they respond to, if you’ve tried all the avenues up to the tough love one, and they still dont respond they are just not cut out to make it, totally self motivated individuals are quite rare, and if you’ve got 30 kids, many of them working really hard you just need to let some individuals fail if they cant/wont/dont keep up.
BBC News – Westminster attacker ‘was family man’
“former employer describes Masood as the “antithesis of a violent radical”.
BBC whitewashes Islamic motivation of Westminster jihad attack
“Farasat knew Masood five years ago. A lot can happen in five years. Farasat’s description of a quiet, pious family man conflicts with Masood’s history of violence. Above all, Farasat says nothing about the fact that Masood was once investigated for “violent extremism,” and of course the BBC interviewer doesn’t ask him about that. Farasat and the BBC have a common interest in making Islam look good and exonerating it of responsibility for the crimes done in its name and in accord with its teachings.
If Masood had been a conservative supporter of Brexit, would the BBC have featured his old employer saying he was really quite a grand fellow and insisting that he didn’t commit the crime because he supported Brexit?
To ask the question … is to answer it”
With the doom and gloom remoaners continuing in full swing, and the biased BBC as their eager and willing publicity arm, here’s a glass half full thought.
The remoaners are awaiting the ‘large bill’ we may have to pay for Brexit, hoping to gloat.
But wait. Suppose we DO get a large bill. It will be for our future liabilities, such as to pay for all those ludicrously generous final salary pension schemes they voted for themselves, so beloved by the Mandelsons and the Kinnocks and the Cleggs et al.
In other words, Brexit will not add to our costs, it will merely make absolutely visible that which the Euro fanatics have all along preferred to keep hidden. Thus proving the true costs of the EU have always been far more even than the billions we know about.
So far from being a reason to stay, a large bill, if it does indeed arrive, simply provides further justification as to why we should leave the failed, self-serving squanderthon that is the EU.
And a small bill, if it arrives, will be no problem anyway.
It’s a win-win for Brexit !
Why should we pay any bill ? Just refuse to pay. What can the EU do apart from huff and puff ? We can make life much more difficult for them than they can for us. I do not understand all this pussy-footing. We should have gone in hard and fast as soon as the referendum result was know. HMG has wasted almost a year.
It is interesting how the EU, and hence BBC, are very serious and concerned about the honouring of certain bills and less so about others.
It’s almost like their integrity can vary depending on ideology and self interest.
Still, one looks forward to a signed off set of books so how their case is set out can at least be studied in the interests of assessing what is ‘fair’, ‘reasonable’ and/or ‘proportionate’, maybe using the Mishal scale?
Quite right, Grant! But we never hear this on the news, do we?
Perhaps all the ex-Euro bigwigs like Kinnock et all should have their pensions at least halved; even then they’d be on a nice little earner. It’s outrageous.
And now I believe, the EU are using Gibraltar as a “bargaining” chip?
I hope all this ridiculous posturing and hissy fits from the EU just shows any remainers how right we were to vote to leave.
They are just babies throwing their toys out of the pram. They have everything to lose and we have everything to gain. I have had more grown up , intelligent negociations with street vendors in Africa over the price of CDs !
Europhiliacs will never grow up. As I say, spoilt babies.
I think we should pay our “exit bill” so long as the EU returns all the bridges, motorways and airports we paid for from Spain to Poland. Our roads are full of potholes, a nice bit of Polish motorway would be just the job.
I believe we are still waiting for an explanation of how a man convicted and sentenced to prison for a ‘bacon outrage’ happened to die while in custody, aren’t we?
Any broadcaster with a claim to journalistic integrity would have been gnawing at this story like a hungry dog with a bone. So that’s the BBC excluded, of course…
Imagine if the murderer of Lee Rigby was to die in prison – how the BBC would investigate.
Instead, all we had regarding Kevin Crehan was press reports of his racist activity (Islam a race according to the court and the press) and a Facebook Page mocking his death from the state funded anti fascists.
The ability to mount this kind of news blanket increases my suspicions regarding the Glasgow bin lorry incident.
Police stations have been gradually closed down all over here in Cumbria, which is a large and mainly rural county, if I was a younger man I would consider taking up burglary of the expensive houses out in the sticks, Police response time must be measured in days.
I would advise householders to keep a shotgun and a spade. No need to report any burglaries then, the crime stats are kept down, and everyone is happy.
I am watching a recording of This Week and enjoying Brillo’s demolition of Alistair Campbell who seems to think he can disregard the truth as blatantly now as he did when he hid under Blair’s skirts. Brillo put him right about that in short order. But I still fear for Brillo’s job. The BBC can’t have him as a one man demolition ball of the whole anti democratic Remain case that they are so carefully building across the rest of their voluminous output. They will sack him.
Another moment of fun in the programme was when Liz Kendal complained that anyone who raised questions about Brexit was being howled down! Well if she thinks being howled down is when 90% plus of the MSM is on your side ,she is hyper sensitive and rediculous. The liberal left just can’t get used to not having their own way. What about those of us who never supported mass immigration. We never ever got any air time and were attacked non stop by 90%+ of the MSM and intimidated by threats of physical violence. Liberal lefties are pathetic .
Doublethinker, I too saw that programme. Campbell worringly gave out a confident air that Brexit would be defeated, by him and presumably unamed (shadowy colleagues)
I think we can look forward to some interesting times ahead. One of the Green Party characters (whose name escapes me) is already mounting some sort of legal challenge from the Dublin Court, possibly with some affect as we are still members of the EU.
Alister Campbell on the other hand gives the impression that he has a lot of powerful backers. One can speculate that Blair, Major, Heseltine, Soros, Goldman Sachs, Gina Miller, Cleggy and Little Timmy are involved.
In a parallel universe this might be considered as treason. Hang, drawing and quartering would be the order of the day, excuse me while I fantazize!
I agree there are shadowy and sinister forces at work to undermine Brexit. It ought to be the job of the BBC to expose this but in reality the corporation is one of the major elements of these forces. All those who believe that the BBC has been undermining the U.K. For years should join forces and protest in the only way we can, A License Fee payers strike.
They will not stop their treason & so will carry on as they are for however long the negotiations last. And you keep on paying for it., DT.
Don’t go on strike.
Stop paying now. Permanently.
When you open your door to the TVL parasite, don’t say anything and close it in his face.
If enough stop paying the whole UK-hating edifice can collapse.
We do know that he is a recovering alcoholic. In normal circumstances personal attacks and exploitation of others weaknesses are to be deplored. However , As the anti Brexit battle gets dirtier and dirtier we all know that Campbell will be practising his black arts in the attempt to crush the democratic spring and restore rule by Globalist leftists , like Blair , and oligarchs, like Branson . In these circumstances a few vodkas in Campbell’s orange juice would not upset me too much.
Alastair Campbell is a business associate of Tim Allen, who was formerly a senior aide to Blair and latterly founder of the Portland lobbying firm.
Portland’s clients include Google, MacDonalds, Coca Cola and numerous other global corporations. None wants Brexit and all have millions to spend on lobbying.
Even if Campbell and his cronies are ultimately unsuccessful in derailing Brexit, you can be sure that they will make plenty of money out of fighting the rearguard action. No wonder Campbell always looks so “confident”.
I think maybe the reason the BBC Lefty Liberals are so very supportive of extreme Islam is that they identify with that same over riding trait – mindless fanaticism.
Interesting snippet I caught on the Jezza Swine call in.
Should Lorries be banned from overtaking?
One hysterical but eloquent female wanted them all banned, just get em off our roads, on the ‘M1’ the other day it took 6 miles for an HGV to pass another HGV and the congestion was horrendous, we use the trains or something.
Personally not quite sure of the logistics of this as you’d still need some form of transport from the station to destination…
In the interests of balance a Lorry driver was also interviewed. Sounded a little bit slow but said the callers comments were nuts and she could stay at home and get her home delivery…..!?!?
Now my point is, it’s not the fault of Lorries overtaking, they are a pain yes, but it’s not the end of the world and perhaps we should all need to slow down a little when driving.
Perhaps just perhaps the horrendous congestion is actually being caused by the amount of traffic all trying to be in the same place at the same time, perhaps with a population circa 70 million the country’s road infrastructure just can’t cope.
I can sort of see the rationale for this suggestion, maybe even for having a ‘lorries only’ lane on some motorways. But your point about congestion is very well made: there seem to be an enormous number of lorries involved in the non-essential transportation of non-essential items. Many of them are foreign owned, I believe a figure of 25% has been quoted elsewhere. You do not see this phenomenon in other European countries: they are noticeably absent and the ones you do see are largely en-route to here. As a Polish friend of mine put it so eloquently: Polish trucks bringing Polish food for the benefit of the Poles living in Britain!
All pretty academic since the police seem to prefer busting Volvo drivers doing 77mph on the M4 between Reading and Swindon at 3am using camera snaps, rather than a Nissan with no licence, insurance or MOT as the guys inside look like they are on their way somewhere tasty.
Have to say it is a bolshie driver who knows he can’t get past for several miles who tries, and worse the one riding along who speeds up downhill to stop them.
Round here it is tractors. Most pull over once the queue builds up, but I have been in a convoy or two when Jethro decides to visit his favourite cow the other side of the county. And that is when the local paper has its head-on fatality cover stories.
So runs the BBC tv news headline today. I have a word of caution too for the BBC and their pro-EU political allies in Labour, LibDems, Greens, SNP, Sinn Fein etc….
If you keep backing foreign interests against those of the British people you will soon become associated in the public mind as being traitors.
HMG should cease all payments to the EU now. Let’s see what the bastards do then. They can’t start a trade war because they would lose. They are bluffing and they are idiots.
Yes – 50 billion seems a awfully round number, like it was just plucked from the air? We will, of course, be getting a detailed invoice of how that figure was arrived at?
They have little concept of loyalty to a people or a country so cannot understand why so many of us loathe the BBC and the rest . I hope we will respond to threats and the rest in the same old British way. F off.
Soon they will have to choose . Between treachery and loyalty. Most of us in the shires will never have to make that choice. We never have and I hope never will.
At number 5 on the “Most Popular Stories” is the bizarrely titled “The Internet Ridicules Trump’s Latest Tweet”. That’s a bit like coming here or to Guido and claiming the internet says the BBC is biased. Clearly whoever wrote that headline has an agenda and is indulging in wish fulfilment.
Click on the link and you get an entirely different headline, on a story which is standard anti-Trump crap from those masters of impartial reporting.
The implication here is that ALL women are not happy which is far from the case, and the BBC should have been a lot more specific – A few women, some women, as it is, it’s another Harry Bosco job where the real truth has been slightly manipulated to give the meaning the BBC wanted.
It shows that her views are now mainstream with academia and the progressive media. Just another attempt to delegitimize Israel. Come on President Trump move that embassy .
By contrast, not all Muhammads are created equal.
‘Bedouin man who served in IDF tours US to show how little anti-Israel Jews know about the Jewish state.’
It’s a subject which the BBC believes we should all know about, and itself gives a level of prominence wholly disproportionate to numbers.
We are talking about the problems LGBT people have across the world and dealing with them.
The UN in January held a meeting to discuss LGBT right in countries which do not have any LGBT rights with the first U.N. expert on anti-gay violence and discrimination.
Islamic and African nations, where violence and discrimination against the LGBT community are most prevalent, boycotted the session.
No country from the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) or the 54-member African Group took the floor, and barely a handful were even in the room.
A reasonable person would think that with the social justice warriors pushing for equality would be shouting from the rooftops (if it wasn’t full of gays being pushed off) about this clear and obvious anti gay stand by Islamic and African countries.
They’ve never said a peep.
What conclusion can we draw from this? Massive hypocrisy for a start, and the proof that the social justice warriors are in fact nothing more than a bunch of anti white racists prepared to take the speck out of our eye while ignoring the log in the eye of other races / religions, who they favour.
No reports what so ever about this important issue on the BBC speaks volumes.
I’m looking forward to the first episode of the dramatization of Evelyn Waugh’s “Decline and Fall” on BBC 1 tonight at 9 pm. I shall be interested to observe Margot Beste-Chetwynde’s companion “Chokey”, said to have been inspired by the Grenadan cabaret star “Hutch”. On the one hand, this character should do something to pacify those who complain there is not enough “diversity” in English period drama, on the other, Waugh’s portrayal is enough to make it almost certain no English teacher these days would risk using this work as a set text in schools.
Then there’s the arrival of the Welsh Silver Band, which, when I read the novel 50 years ago, left me breathless with laughter. If the performance faithfully reflects the writing, it will make Anne Robinson’s remarks about the Welsh some years ago seem quite innocuous and will likely trigger apoplexy throughout The Valleys.
I read “Decline and Fall” in a different era and enjoyed it very much; perhaps if I did so again I should find it, as did Simon Heffer (writing in the Telegraph last year) “an orgy of bad taste”. This dramatization will cause me to suspend my self-imposed boycott of BBC TV, so I hope it’s worth seeing. (Yes, I still have a TV licence: my wife refuses to give up Casualty.)
I wouldn’t raise your hopes too high MrN. Hutch will no doubt be joined by many more diverse and gifted members of the cast, to add realism, and the band will be from Chipping Sodbury.
In judging any bill to be paid by the UK to the EU for Brexit, clearly any decent accountant would require as a source of basic information a full set of signed off accounts for the institution in question, so that fair calculations can be worked out.
The German BBCs are telling their viewers that the triggering of Brexit has rallied the support of all true Europeans for the EU, its Three Presidents and its Four Pillars.
Yesterday, however, Bavarian TV was revisting a “EU burocracy gone mad” story that started in 2004. In 2004, the EU had wanted to standardise the regulations for dispensing drinks in pubs etc. Things proceded at their usual glacial pace. In 2014, there was uproar in Bavaria because it looked like the traditional Steinkrug would be banned because it was opaque making it impossible for the drinker to see any calibration mark so contravening the new EU regulations. This was dismissed as a pernicious anti-EU myth at the time by the EU and the German authorities. Recently a Bavarian landlord ordered a hundred new Steinkrug in preparation for the Biergarten season. To his surprise and annoyance he found the bases of the Steinkrugs had been stamped with the “CE” mark and the warning “Not for use with foaming drinks”. He has not been able to find out definitively whether or not he would be liable for prosecution if he used the Steinkrug. As a precaucation he gives everyone who uses a Steinkrug a glass glass so the correctness of the measure can be checked. You couldn’t make it up.
Major annoyance coming our way will be, speeches, demands and arrant nonsense from 27 countries worth of toss pots all wanting to be seen as in charge of the European Disunion.
£50 billion bill? I wonder what it’s actually cost due to pathetic EU regulations? The food waste alone must be phenomenal?
4:30 R4 Feedback items
#1 Something about a 3second mention of Brut Aftershave on R4Today
cos presenter mentioned the cricketer’s sponsor
\\Since when were interviewees credited w/being “ambassadors” for products?!//
#2 “now referring accurately to man who killed 4, dropping the attack at heart of democracy hype. We need an apology”
#3 The mega-tedious “Homefront drama”
#4 “Do you have a question for the new @BBCTheArchers editor Huw Kennair-Jones?”
oh and they just did “Why so little coverage of the saturday anti-Brexit march” in response to an orchestrated campaign, that allows LibMob to claim victim status
Ivanka is the grownup daughter
despite the link title the page is titled
“Ivanka Trump steps into White House ethics minefield”
(looking at the page html , shows its set to give a different link title to the page title..this is a common BBC trick)
That video leads to 2 other videos
– US first daughter Ivanka Trump’s new job 30 March 2017
– The wrong Ivanka 17 January 2017
– Motherhood key theme of Ivanka speech 22 July 2016
Will the BBC ask “What did Michelle Obama do at The White House ? “. “What did Chelsea Clinton do ? “. The BBC are utterly, totally pathetic. Real morons.
With these guys around the Neo Liberal Paradigm can move over.
‘Labour Party Marxists supporters attended workshops that were run by The World Transformed, Talk Socialism and even Hope Not Hate. They were clearly based on ‘training sessions’ that these organisations run on a relatively frequent basis – utterly devoid of any real politics, focusing only on ‘method’ and run by young, overly eager people who reminded me of Duracell bunnies.
They included icebreakers like telling the person sitting next to you what you had for breakfast, shouting “one-word answers” about what you liked or disliked about the European Union ‘leave’ or ‘remain’ campaigns and writing “objectives” on paper plates, then sticking post-it notes onto a flipchart grid. You get the drift. It was really, really grim. Worst of all, any of these workshops could just as easily have been presented to Progress or Labour First.’
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Had the voting cards for West Mid’s regional Mayor. Must say we’d forgotten all about it – sounds like expensive, beaurocratic nonsense but maybe we’ll be surprised?
How many cards were you given?
Remember to vote early, and vote often.
Same here Gaxvil. They interviewed the Labour candidate on the BBC Midlands News this evening, but for some strange reason none of the others ……
Religion of peace eh?
Where are all the human rights protesters over this?
Ah well – ‘Not the true islam’, only ‘so called islamic state’. The ‘great faith’ wouldn’t do that.
I feel sick
Apparently the stoning was AFTER he was hurled off the roof of a building.
But……Mosul. Isn’t this the place where the Iraqi Army are trying to remove IS.
Which begs the question, which side of the front line did this happen?
Was this the side that supports the Religion of Peace?
That’s both sides isn’t it?
One side is Islamic fundamentalist, the other is fundamental islamist.
It won’t be long before it happens here…
Why do they feel so special that it should be just a law about offending Muslims – what about other denominations? What’s that I hear? The sound of freedom of speech going down the drain.
As you say, why so special?
Because, I might venture, the BBC and the buddies spent vast amounts of time, effort and our money making them feel so.
Added to which if we offend them they tend to murder us.
Having said that, they do that anyway, so screw the lot of them with Islamic style knobs on.
A law on blasphemy may have unintended consequences. Don’t Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and those who deny it are blasphemers? And Muslims deny it. We may need some pretty big prisons. But then any law drafted would almost certainly state that only Christians can be blasphemers, just like only whites can be racist
Very interesting piece on Guido this afternoon.
Polish MP Krystyna Pawłowicz has written to Jean-Claude Juncker complaining that his “obvious alcohol dependency” has become a “problem of the entire European community”. Pawłowicz claims Juncker’s drinking was “particularly distasteful and out of place” during the visit of Pope Francis and accuses him of “offensive” behaviour towards “women who were certainly too polite to ask you to take a rest”.
The text of the letter is on the link.
Isn’t this one of the reasons why Cameron was one of 28 to object to Juncker’s appointment? Perhaps he was right – and this guy is i/c the Commission’s part in Brexit negotiations?
I’ve never liked him. I hope this makes further news!
Oh, I forgot, the BBC doesn’t do stuff like this!!!
Juncker summarises for me why the EU is not for Britain. Un unelected President. An obvious drunkard who is nothing short of an embarrassment in his appearances and utterances. A man who sneers at Britain and today announces he may work to break up the USA. No doubt after a good lunch. Worse of all, this creature’s credentials for the job were endless years as prime minister of a pathetic little country called Luxembourg whose record for encouraging international tax evasion increased markedly under his tenure. A drunk and a crook.
At least he is balanced by Beatrix von Storch,the deputy leader of AfD, who wept tears of joy when Brexit was triggered.
This is great, Ezra Levant on the state of the MSM both here and Canada
… the BBC gets a few dishonourable mentions
‘Politicians abroad could make us suffer’. A nice way for the BBCs political editor to start off the 10pm news.
Didn’t Hitler try that once? Look where that got him.
Sorry to trigger Godwin’s law.
Meanwhile, in beebland, the really important stuff:
Speaking as a gay man, this type of bollocks really makes me want to blow my brains out. As far as I am concerned there are only two genders – male and female. Anything else is pure fantasy land. I’m sorry if it offends anybody but that’s my honest opinion.
The BBC will tire of trans issues eventually and move onto something else. They don’t give a fcuk about the actual people.
“The BBC will tire of trans issues eventually and move onto something else. ”
Perhaps they will start to try and normalise paedophiles by turning a blind eye to BBC abusers as well as Muslim rapists……..oh sorry too late
Well said.
Have you ever thought how archaeologists determine the gender of mummies?
They choose one of two sexes.
‘A male skeletal structure is different than a female. This is due to pelvic shape. A male’s narrow pelvis results more linear origin and insertion of muscle. The force a human can generate will always be more efficient in a straight line.’
An inconvenient truth but the chromosomes don’t lie no matter what you are allowed to put on your birth certificate.
Actually I have no problem with the few people who sincerely believe they want to be the other gender.But the feeling of the BEEB and others jumping on the latest trendy cause is distasteful Especially where children are concerned. V B seems to love interviewing them about their perceived transgender issues.
The 90 year old coming out was on ITV news but at least he’s of age.
BBC1 News at Ten tonight has almost gone 100% Islam. We all joke about it here but it’s happening.
The news started with a bit of Brexit for about 5 minutes. Then a long piece about I.S. Boko Haram and his exploding followers seeking Paradise. Then a piece about the inquiry into the death of the Islamic Westminster terrorist. This was followed by a 10 minute piece about a BBC reporter meeting up with a Syrian family she met some years ago.
A good 20-25 minutes out of the total 30 minutes was dedicated to reporting Islam. Then it was over to the weather….. I was getting ready for the weather report to start with the middle east but the BBC decided to just show a map of the UK instead.
Edit: I checked the times on iPlayer. It was actually more like 10-15 minutes reporting Islam but still far too much!
Meanwhile, on BBC Facebook (amazing who they found to say what):
What ONE word best describes how you feel about Brexit? David Davis took a bit of a liberty with the length of his choice…
Listen to more ?
Good post from Beavo on the latest Brexit HYS. I quote:
‘Brussels base’
‘Historic loss of power’
‘Brexit: what are we doing?!
‘The divorce papers’
‘Tusk: we already miss you’
‘Fragile unity of Brexit committee dissolves’
‘How will Port of Dover cope?’
‘Dover boss warns of Brexit backlog’
‘Article 50 a leap in the dark’
‘Is May fooling herself with Brexit deal?’
These are ALL on the BBC website right now. ‘We report in a neutral way’.
What a great idea to collect all the headlines and put them together. I’d like to see those who signed the moronic letter in favour of the BBC bias squirm to justify the above.
And our government lets it continue to broadcast, strange, very Strange ?
‘Inside Science’ on R4 finds it “troubling” and “disturbing” that the Trump administration is questioning the hypothesis that man is the main driver behind climate change.
In true, balanced BBC style, they gave Michael Mann one third of the programme (ten minutes) to peddle his alarmist narrative, before moving on to the next topic.
@Mice see my comment at the bottom of the previous page.
..where I show the presenters tweets indicate Mann is the presenters special friend.
Then head over to the BishopHill link for the discussion featuring incrdible revealations including Mann’s direct lie.
Thanks, Stew.
I didn’t look through previous posts before typing.
They claim to read all listener’s e mails, even if they don’t reply, so I’d urge you to drop them a line detailing bias, with tweets and link to BH included.
I did last year, just after the Referendum vote when they were being hysterical about Britain’s future scientific influence and funding, seemingly unaware of the far smaller return the UK gets on it’s funding of the EU, or the fact that 16 non-EU nations are associate members of Horizon 20/20.
Rutherford just tweeted
Dr Adam Rutherford
Due to the unique way the BBC is funded emails come directly to me: do write in I’m directly soliciting contact.
(make sure you make to his boss as well)
he gave a pathetic response to Barry Woods points
“Inside Science. We were primarily interviewing Mann on the new paper. It was coincidental that he was just out of the hearing.
Here is a 17 second clip of the bit referred to in Josh’s caption, where Mann denies having called anyone a denier, and Curry points out that he did exactly that in his written testimony.
I sometimes wonder whether this ‘big plan’ for the world is real, and how many are involved. It seems so convincing…they are all, including the BBC, getting so desperate. Hence:
‘The lawmakers also suggested Russian influence may have affected Britain’s Brexit vote last year, and warned that forthcoming elections in France and Germany were the Kremlin’s next targets.’
So the big baddy is Russia, meddling and influencing everything. How the f… can they have influenced the Brexit vote?
by Putin being the only leader in the world not coming out un-equivocally to remain
I voted Leave.
Still waiting for my Russian gold.
I don’t know about anyone else on here, but in my normal day to day life of being with people, Brexit is never discussed ! I see friends, acquaintances, family and past work colleagues, and its something that’s never touched on. Perhaps we have far more going on in our lives than the media. Mostly, people where I live are just getting on with their lives regardless, unlike all those in London who love nothing but a good protest march. But its only on the tele where Brexit is discussed, otherwise we wouldn’t know anything about it because its not talked about anywhere else, and most that I talk to have no firm views one way or t’other about it.
Al beeb is ‘keeping it on the boil’ in order to reverse the democratic decision taken by the majority of the British people, while our incumbent government allow them to to do it .
Strange , Very Strange?
“Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May has signed the letter that will formally begin the UK’s departure from the European Union
To mark this moment, Polish photographer Piotr Malecki has flown into London and is making his way from the outskirts of the capital to the centre, capturing the mood and the thoughts of some of those he meets.”
In pictures: Brexit walk
Well, that was a waste of a plane ticket.
Propaganda, expect more of it in the next two years.
It suits the government.
he didnt meet a single white brit???
“London attack: Khalid Masood was a ‘very dark person”
Where are they going with this one ? 😀
Down bullshit alley, I think
And, currently two articles about that bastard grace the website! Two too many.
WAYCIST – You can’t describe a ‘person’ (feminism rules – OK) by the colour/hue of their skin or gender.
Oh, hang on a minute. This was from the BBC? It must be true then.
Definitely not racist then, inshallah.
Lucy – Is this what you call a “lucky dip?”
Why do you think they allow up to four wives (as well as unlimited concubines)?
” Are you sure this is the day the dustman comes?”
Before long one of these will be presenting the Londonistan Programme and not long after the 6PM National News on the BBC in the name of diversity and positive
discrimination. Actually it wont be for positive discrimination in London in the too near distant future.
And finally, from Al Beeb’s weatherman “February was the warmest day since – wait for it ……………
Since 2012 !”
And tomorrow will be ‘cooler’ – in real world speak, Colder.
I still maintain that Al Beeb is now run by Blue Peter.
I watched our local news shows on Wednesday to see how they approached Brexit Day. Central News had quite a few items showing a 50/50 share of views and was quite interesting and informative.
I then switched over to Midlands Today and it was completely different. They had a couple of minutes interview with the MD of a company saying that Brexit may not be that bad and that he had plenty of new orders. The reporter basically cut him off and then said that there were many companies in the West Midlands who were suffering and then went to a long interview with another MD about having to lay people off.
I used to believe and look up to the BBC news, I now hardly watch it as I’ve noticed just how much bias is in their reporting.
“I used to believe and look up to the BBC news…”
So did I and many of the posters and readers on this site, but it appears that we have all become institutionalised.
“Signatories include former Conservative culture secretary Ed Vaizey, the Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron, and the Labour chair of the home affairs select committee, Yvette Cooper.”
They would sign it wouldn’t they ? Its an attempt to undermine the democratic will of the people of Great Britain.
I’ll bet my local MP signed it as well. He was doing his Mr Angry impression in Parliament today WRT D. Davis.
He’s becoming more of a ‘banker’ by the day.
Vaizey is Portillos understudy as the tame Tory at the BBC and this letter will no doubt add to his CV . It will reassure the corporation that he will follow the their line on any and all topics. A thoroughly PC person who they can claim demonstrates their impartiality whilst relying on him to say the right thing with only the tiniest hint of Toryism.
If somebody would be kind enough to print a list of those names, I think some letter writing is in order.
Spider, Doublethinker
And what had the BBC got on them?
Easy ladies, rent boys, children, drugs, financial fiddles
“BBC urged to stand firm against accusations of Brexit bias” – and continue being so?
Norm goes full Braveheart. Never go full Braveheart, Norm.
I see that all the expected names are there.
Fully agree,Lobster.
Make a tower from their names and it’ll lean very heavily to the Left.
In fact, the one I’ve now built immediately fell over.
BBC spending British tax payers money to support Islam (hijab and the veil) in the workplace and claim that secularisation is not progress (they call that a myth) equating secularisation with Islam as signs of diversity. Here is the link. Initially it talks about “religion” rather than Islam but switches to a view of white Europe discriminating against Muslims:
BBC – As usual the BBC totally miss the point about the Hijab. Maybe I am too much of a thick “Sun” reader at heart but what this woman seemed to be spouting is another load of top heavy “overwordy bollocks” to both declare her SJW credentials and show what a clever girl she is.
The problem with the hijab is that it does not represents religious “diversity” but represents a challenge to some of the fundamental rights in our society. The statement that the hijab makes is basically you are someones property and do not have the right to go out in public unless you are wearing a piece of clothing that declares this. In strict muslim countries if you do not do this you risk arrest, assault or even worse.
We had many people give up their lives in wars in the last century to retain simple freedoms in our society so why do these dhimmi campaigners take on this particular cause and value their freedom so lightly – Why?
I think the reason is threefold
1 The whole SJW movement has formed an unholy alliance with Islam in this country. With SJWs enjoying their anti “right wing” campaigning too much to look beyond the obvious (ie the hijab is just a piece of cloth and therefore wearing it is exercising choice) – It may be exercising choice wearing one at a London “Fashion Week” party but I would tentatively suggest this does not represent the real world.
2 I am sure they would not admit this – but I would not be surprised that a little bit of these “wimmen” almost seek to be dominated. But in truth when the reality hits home the glamour of the “exotic and exciting clothes” and having to dress in public and walk around like a multi layered bin bag rack for the rest of your life may not make up for the loss of personal freedom.
2 The media and particularly the BBC seems to be fascinated by all things Islamic. Whether it is because this organisation has recruited too many muslims into influential positions. Or whether it because the BBC is still enjoying rubbing everyones nose in diversity – I know not. But what is obvious is that they are dead set on promoting a “religion” which flies in the face of everything you expect in a free society.
To say the hijab represents freedom of choice to women is a bit like saying wearing a Star of David armband represented freedom of choice to Jews in the occupied territories in WW2. Can people really be this thick!
I freely admit I am old fashioned and definitely a bit sexist in how I think and act. But I do think women like this, let down their sex far more than they could EVER possibly imagine.
So darling my advice to you is open your eyes more, keep your gob shut and stick to selling silly “right on” T shirts and maybe a few frocks – And I also recommend you stay in the city because when you get away from it – many more people start to think for themselves. Do this and life will be far more rewarding.
Talking about full body covering for our muzzie wimmin, does that also mean Klu Klux Klan outfits (full body covering, white) are also to be fully accepted.
Chubby Brown made a joke about this yet it’s perfectly logical.
I find this very difficult to understand as there is no context what so ever.
“BBC – As usual the BBC totally miss the point about the Hijab”
How do they miss the point? What have they said and what was the program they said it on? Was it TV radio or the internet?
The tone of your post seems to suggest that you are actually meaning the Jilbab and not the hijab.
Please can you clarify this post as it makes little sense in its current format.
Thoughtful, he is responding to my post and specifically to the BBC clip I provided a link to:
It seems to be part of a series of doctrinaire pieces the BBC is producing as part of what it calls “Viewsnight” which it defines as BBC Newsnight’s place for ideas and debate.
My own view is that Oaknash doesn’t go far enough in his criticism of this piece. The “viewsnight” piece is actually supporting the full Islamic face veil in the workplace as part of “diversity”. It raises the stereotype of Europe as white racists that need to be fought against. It says that secularism and Islam should be considered as equivalent valued personal identities within the workplace. You need to view the clip and work out the clear messages it is sending out.
Oaknash…………Whether it is because this organisation has recruited too many muslims into influential positions.
I think this sentence of yours has hit the nail on the head ! slowly but surely it will soon become an all out takeover. Parliament, the Judiciary, NHS, the media, education, are all main components for our way of life which is becoming seriously under threat. How would it be if us Brexiteers marched along the streets of London protesting, in the same way we’ve had to put up with the Remainers doing the same for their own cause ? it wouldn’t be liked at all, and denigrated by all at the BBC, Sky and Ch4.
I think there is push by international Islam to get muslims into influential positions within Western politics, media, judiciary, police force, education etc. With regard the BBC the Asian Network provides one training ground and entry point. Also the meme of diversity and positive discrimination to “right the past wrongs of evil white racist heterosexual Englishmen”, is providing another entry point.
On The Toady programme they are discussing ‘neuro diversity’ which is employing people with autism.
“Autistic people have photographic memories and excellent mathematical ability, don’t they?”
No – you moron, that is just eidetic autism, a tiny minority which ignorant people who have watched Rain Man think. She probably imagines hundreds of Rain Men running finance departments across government and saving billions thanks to their numerical brilliance.
The presenter and an employer virtue signal about employing people with autism, mentioning how the workplace is such a stressful environment for them so many adaptations have to be made. I used to support people with autism and most of them would find a working environment extremely stressful and distressing; it would be cruel to expect them to get a job. But who cares about facts or even doing the most basic research about the condition when you get to sound so fantastically tolerant and right-on? Neuro diversity – how cool does that sound?
The BBC’s solution for everything is more money, but do they ever consider how much all this ultra-progressive nonsense must cost companies? Having to record the race, religion, sexuality and disability of every applicant then put schemes in place to right and perceived disparities? God knows why your sexuality or ethnicity has any bearing on your ability to do a job. Will they be saying next that workplaces must adapt to fit the needs of autistic employees? Speaking from experience, that could be very costly and difficult indeed.
Also – how much does it cost having to employ and promote certain people who are incompetent but happen to be members of a designated victim group? It is so hard having to work with someone incompetent; it is even worse when you are not allowed to criticise them lest that be construed as racial or sexual discrimination. The BBC rail against isms, but what about plain incompetence? That is the biggest problem.
My father suffered terribly at work as women kept getting promoted ahead of him although he was so much better st the job than they were and had real leadership qualities. He eventually lost his job as he felt so undermined having incompetent people telling him what to do. Of course there were other issues and I am not claiming my father was as blameless as the pure white snow, but there are real pain and consequences resulting from all this PC fascism. Though as a straight white male the BBC assume my father is incapable of ever suffering. I can assure you that he did.
Chilly -In some ways things are becoming similar to the days of Poll Pot in Cambodia – where on day zero anyone who was deemed to be a threat to the “Great Leap Forward” was imprisoned to be re-educated.
However these days the “threat” seems to be anyone who holds traditional values – especially if they are male. Whilst no one is actually being killed this insidious process still undermines our society and values, and will eventually leave a vacuum to be filled by who knows what ?
I suppose at this point the likes of Jeremy Whine, Victoria Derbyshire, Billy Bragg, Bob Geldoff, Lilly Allen, Gary Lineacre, Timmy Farron, Cleggy will all be able step into the fore to lead us and share their Wisdom
Excellent post, Oaknash re the Hijab. (Sorry, accidentaly pressed the ‘report’ button for that one).
Not quite…
search Youtube for ‘Yuri Bezmenov- Deception Was My Job’.
Bezmenov was a Soviet propoganda master ,who defected to America in the 80s.
In the video , (quite chilling by the way) he explains how Marxism/Communism uses useful idiots to cause chaos until a point where the Marxists/Communists are seen as the solution and not the cause.
The useful idiots you mention are the first ones to get a bullet in the head when the takeover happens.
The most chilling part of the interview is Bezmenovs amazement that soviet propoganda had worked so well infecting US and EU acedemia and politics , and how the process he mentions is playing out right now (see the Frankfurt School list/plan).
An excellent comment and I’d second that recommendation. Once you find out how the plan was put into action, an awful lot falls into place.
I don’t even know where to start on the havoc wrought by PC in the workplace Chilly.
1. Neurodiversity; ran my own shop for a decade, long story how I got there, but the relevant point was that I was once persuaded to employ an ‘autistic’ lad (of 26). I’ll call him Dave, seemed like a decent enough sort, if: immature, innumerate (bit of a liability at the till), rude (bit of a liability with customers), and completely devoid of any time sense (bit of a liability with… err… coming to work). Then he stole cash out of the till to buy his girlfriend emerald earrings, and showed off photos of her wearing them on Facebook (God I love social media). So I sacked him, except he refused to go, and when I literally put him out the door he got a solicitor involved who threatened to sue me, with the added leverage that I was a ‘monster’ for ‘bullying’ someone with ‘autism’. I got a (very expensive) solicitor of my own, and discovered that you’re not ‘allowed’ to sack someone merely for stealing, unless you have a criminal report from the police… have you ever tried to get one of those? In the end I had to pay the bastard off… end result, decided I’d had enough of employing anyone and now go it alone (best all round). Autism ‘boy’ has decided to go into the baby making business with emerald earring girl, was told they take over £2K a month in various benefits between them and are now on to the ‘accident’ claims scam too.
2. Fathers and diverity at work; my father was a College Lecturer for many years, his area was Applied Science and Engineering, got a great many people (mostly men, but also a number of women) trained/retrained and into jobs with local industry in the 80s and early 90s. He got promoted to Dept. Head and, using sponsorship from local business, had a building with lecture theatres upstairs and workshops downstairs filled with machinery donated by these same businesses (who were extremely keen to get students trained there). He won national awards for what he achieved with unemployed people, and for the number of foreign and mature students he attracted. Then the college got a new lady Deputy Principal, and she decided his dept. wasn’t ‘diverse’ enough, that there weren’t enough female students, enough female toilets etc… Dad had always taken on a minority of women students, and was never sexist, he just thought girls that wanted to work in industry should be prepared to ‘rough it out’ with the boys, no special treatment… which they generally did with out any problems at all, of course. End result, this woman hated my Dad and drove him to take early retirement due to stress, damn near killed him. Dept. folded, and she turned his much loved workshops into ‘Drama Studios’… the college closed down recently, because they couldn’t attract enough students, and the local industry is all gone anyway.
3. ‘Positive Discrimination’; hate this term! Absolutely loathe it! There is no ‘positive’ discrimination, just discrimination. Before I worked for myself, I was employed as a Research Scientist, and one of the posts I held was for a big Government Organisation I won’t name. This organisation was extremely PC when I worked there in the mid 90s, and started a policy of ‘positive discrimination’. One of my colleagues was an English girl of Pakistani origin, very nice girl actually, we worked closely together on a lot of projects and she was extremely able, hard working, and ambitious. A chance for promotion came up and a number of us were encouraged to go for it, I didn’t, but my colleague did, and she got offered the post. We (her friends) all congratulated her, went down the pub for drinks (she was not exactly a pious Muslim, note), and it all seemed hunky dory until she broke down in tears one day at work. Turns out she was getting a lot of bullying because one of the Directors had let slip that she ‘might, have been promoted due to positive discrimination’ as she ‘ticked a number of boxes’. Had she, or hadn’t she, who knows? She was more than capable of doing the job, and deserved it as much as the next person, BUT the wonderful policy of ‘positive discrimination’ ended up destroying her self confidence and, long story short, she quit because of it. Wonderful policy.
sorry to hear of your problems with Dave , but as the father of an autistic boy, Dave doesn’t actually sound autistic, sounds like you were mugged into taking on a “problem person” by tugging at your heartstrings, i know who few people who now claim to be dyslexic, whilst omitting to mention they wagged most of school and are basically just thick wasters.
Sad to hear that. Sounds like such a shame about your father. There are so many decent, hard-working people the BBC would never report about as they are not ‘diverse’ enough.
Often it is the ostensible beneficiaries of the progressive agenda suffer from it as well. Why should women feel bad if they just want to raise a family and have no desire to be a CEO and work 80 hour weeks? And there must be so many ethnic minority people who feel bad knowing they got the promotion because of the colour of their skin, when maybe a male white friend deserved it more. It really is all bonkers.
The apotheosis of this lunacy for me is Moonlight winning Best Picture at the Oscars after SJWs complained how white it was. The film is dreadful and we all know why it won.
BBC hits twitter
The public response could be better for their credibility, frankly
Sod the prohibition on sugar, if the school playing fields hadn’t all been sold off for housing estates for the increase in population as a result of migration, THEN we may still have ‘Games’ lessons for the kids; and don’t get me started on parents who still drive their overweight 15 year olds to school ! why won’t anyone state the bleedin’ obvious ? and have parents lost the power to say NO when their kids ask for sweets ?
The Defence Secretary is given a hostile grilling by the House Muslim on R4 Today. Ostensibly the interview is about a rumour that the marines may be cut back due to overspending of the overall defence budget. One might fall into the trap that the BBC is concerned about this! However the interrogation soon turns to other NATO countries’ not spending 2 per cent pa on defence. Husain doesn’t seem to think it reasonable to ask NATO members to do this. After all she says, Britain nearly missed the target in one year ( Fallon has to remind her that the outcome was that we didn’t miss it). Is denuding NATO part of the Lancaster Plan, and has defence spending by the Kuffirs become another Muslim grievance?
If you were hostile to a country – and its people, i.e. the UK and you were a member of the ‘Fifth Column’ awaiting your opportunity to impose your law – Sharia – you would not want Royal Marines intervening when the time comes to do so. So, I’ll bet the Muslim Brotherhood and all those groupings of shadowy mussie charities in the UK financed by Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States would agree with having a say. Let’s face it, they believe they are entitled to have a say in most other things at present. I repeat, ‘At present’.
Quirky London weathergirl Elizabeth Rizzini may have a more winning personality than most of the BBC herd but she still reads from the relentless BBC weather script. Viewers who require little more than a tip as to whether to pack an umbrella are regaled with the useless statistic that yesterday was the ‘warmest of the year so far’ with the further irrelevance that it was ‘the warmest March day for five years’ (I note it was not the warmest March month as a whole during this somehow important five year time frame – or else the BBC weather folk would surely have been oblidged to have shouted this minor factoid from the rooftops).
Give the Global Warming narrative a rest and just warn me if a frost is expected or if it is likely to rain. Oddly enough, viewers can interpret temperatures for ourselves to the extent that we can judge whether to wear an overcoat or not. And as for retrospective weather forecasting statistics – leave them for the classroom.
I watched the movie “Patriots Day” with fascination. It tells in dramatic fashion the story of the actual events relating to the bombing of the Boston Marathon on Patriots Day, April 15, 2013. We all now know that the Tsarnaev brothers from Chechnya cold-bloodedly planned and carried out the deed. Their IEDs (informal explosive devices) consisted of pressure cookers crammed with explosives and like other Islamist terrorists they included ball bearings and nails to cause maximum tissue damage.
These bombs were of course carried in back-packs. If only the police had blocked off all access routes to the marathon and checked all bags going in, as they do in Israel for any public event. I hope they do that now. After the ramming attacks in Nice, Berlin and London, it will clearly be necessary for the British and others to install concrete or metal barriers wherever crowds gather. This can be expensive, but it can save lives. This is what has been done in Jerusalem and around Israel.
How strange that all these Muslim terrorists turn out to be deranged or insane, is it Islam that does that to them. Just because they are disillusioned or resentful of western society doesn’t mean they have to go out and kill people. Just because there is a war going on in Iraq or Syria, is that the fault of the USA, UK or other Western countries. Does killing and maiming innocent people make up the balance – this kind of primitive revenge. In the Boston bombings there were three dead and several hundred injured, including 16 who lost limbs, as well as one policeman shot dead and several injured. Suppose someone decided to blow-up the elder Tsarnaev brother’s wife and daughter, would that also be just. Suppose they lost limbs, would he have accepted that as Allah’s will?
What is most worrying about these types of attacks is that they are basically dismissed by the BBC and MSM as “lone wolf attacks,” some deranged Muslim is self-radicalized and goes out and kills people. And the perpetrators turn out to be on the police watch list of dangerous individuals. The Tsarnaev brothers should never have been allowed into the USA. Wouldn’t it be better if they arrested them before they struck, yes arrest innocent men and if necessary deport them on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack. It might reduce the freedom of some people, but it might also save 16 people from losing a limb, maybe you or someone you hold dear from being murdered.
The inverse FT
That salmon pink newspaper – the form sheet for the investing classes – has dutifully towed the status quo Europhile line. Perhaps it judges that so long as its readers are doing well enough to need to track the markets then they are unlikely to want to rock the crony corporate globalist boat. I was always amused that even the buttoned-up staid FT felt its readers might acknowledge the need to open their wallet once in a while to the extent that it ran a weekly feature titled ‘How to spend it’ (Something for the ladies?)
In reverse proportion to the FT providing reams of data for the investor the BBC news machine cranks out an over-load of pro-public sector demands for extra government spending. Once in while even the BBC has to ponder for a moment the yin to their seemingly interminable yang. And so this morning we spend a minute or two on car tax. It is going up, of course. You can tell at once that BBC reporters are like fish out of water on this subject. You see talking about paying tax is something somehow impolite. This from a broadcaster that recently banged on about pot holes in our roads for seemingly hours of airtime. Raising taxes – how brutal that sounds. It is akin to boldly stating where babies come from. Not the right sort of subject for civilised indeed humanitarian BBC discussion. So, back now to those NHS cuts – what we really need is more spending on the NHS.
Here is something for the BBC to report..but wont!!
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre sharply criticized social media giants for not doing enough to degrade online marketing of terrorists and hate groups.
The Centre unveiled its annual Social Media Report Card, in New York City and Chicago. The launch focused on the recent deadly attack in London and the online emergence of extremists
“Google/YouTube are under fierce criticism for placing digital ads from major international brands like AT&T and Johnson & Johnson next to extremist videos celebrating terrorist attacks that should never have been allowed on its platform in the first place. They earned a grade of a ‘C-‘ on the digital report card for allowing the proliferation of “how to” videos that instruct people on how to build and deploy explosives from materials found in the home. They also earned a ‘D’ for their failure to remove thousands of hate group postings,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, SWC Associate Dean and Founder of Digital Terrorism & Hate Project.
Other social media giants did not fare much better. Social media apps that provide encryption for users received the lowest grades of all, with terrorists – including the London attacker – using encryption (in this case WhatsApp) to hide their activities from law enforcement and intelligence.
Friday fun:
The man the BBC felt was suitable to act as Newsnight economics editor.
Bet the review from Will Gobstopper will be glowing, mind.
Once vetted. Seems Paul has learned much from his BBC days.
What does the team think?
Jack is just another bodysnatched progressive. Pointless to complain.
Or, maybe not?…..
Well done Rene.
‘Clumsy’ is the new ‘views my own’ when dead to rights?
For a few moments on Toady this morning (about 0740) we had some proper journalism.
After only 4 years of trying (and that’s another thing), the NHS in Nottingham have found a new and better way to treat osteoporosis- in people’s homes. Better for patients and on the whole cheaper for the NHS. In other words service innovation is hugely difficult and time consuming ( the bureaucracy of large statist slow-moving organisations, about which the bBBC clearly do not want to comment) but improvements are identifiable and, with enough strength of will, can be implemented. Well done Nottingham.
But by 0800 it was back to normal. The headline was “Waiting Times to Increase” . A deliberate choice of words to undermine what is a huge set of proposals for the next NHS planning period. At 0810 they interviewed the NHS Head Honcho who gave a pretty reasonable all-round account of the situation. At one point the useless interviewer complained about the reduction in hospital beds. Was she not listening at 0740? Better care in the community means by definition fewer beds are needed. Doh! And anyway, who wants to be stuck in a boring, faceless hospital bed if recuperation can be done at home?
Two examples which prove beyond doubt that the biased BBC just continually look for the most eye-catching negative slant on anything and everything solely in order to undermine the current government that they hate so much.
On the sports section of Toady they discuss an epidemic of ‘bullying’ in sport. Is there anywhere these Social Justice Wankers do not spread their tentacles?
There is a fine line between tough love and bullying. Of course being abusive or violent is not on but I strongly suspect that most of these ‘bullying’ problems being investigated do not amount to that. To achieve the dream of an Olympic gold medal coaches often have to put their charges through hell, but it is all worth it in the end. Alex Ferguson was a terrifying boss and ‘bully’ and that is why he is the most successful football manager in history.
Bullying is often in the eye of the beholder. If opinion-formers like the BBC tell you it is a problem, you may start to see it everywhere. Was I bullying the brilliant forward in year 9 when I kept yelling at him to track back? I was furious – emotions run so so high during a match. But how can he ever hope to make his dream of becoming a professional footballer if I am not harsh on him?
So will yet another citadel fall to the left wing warriors? We cannot make jokes at work anymore in case someone gets offended. Many children leave school barely literate as actually doing the hard work does not suit their ‘learning style.’ Now should we be afraid to yell at the kid who keeps straying offside and letting the whole team down in case it is ‘bullying’ him?
In my day, it was called getting ‘told off’, but now its more socially acceptable to call it bullying. Perhaps I should have sued my parents and teachers when they were clearly ‘bullying’ me when caught doing wrong.
The University Boat Race is coming up soon. Usually the TV has to apologise when the Coxes’ decidedly fruity and abusive language, aimed at the oarsmen, is picked up on the microphones by accident.
Maybe all those rowers should be marching down to the Met Police after the race to complain of threatening behaviour, harassment and bullying, and then on to their GPs. I’m sure the NHS has enough money to,provide for some psychological counselling.
I am looking forward to the BBC commentator at the boat race kissing the cox of the winning crew
LOL ! It is strange if the BBC complain about bad language, when there output is full of it .
as a qualified coach in another sport, we have to know the individuals and learn what they respond to, if you’ve tried all the avenues up to the tough love one, and they still dont respond they are just not cut out to make it, totally self motivated individuals are quite rare, and if you’ve got 30 kids, many of them working really hard you just need to let some individuals fail if they cant/wont/dont keep up.
BBC News – Westminster attacker ‘was family man’
“former employer describes Masood as the “antithesis of a violent radical”.
BBC whitewashes Islamic motivation of Westminster jihad attack
“Farasat knew Masood five years ago. A lot can happen in five years. Farasat’s description of a quiet, pious family man conflicts with Masood’s history of violence. Above all, Farasat says nothing about the fact that Masood was once investigated for “violent extremism,” and of course the BBC interviewer doesn’t ask him about that. Farasat and the BBC have a common interest in making Islam look good and exonerating it of responsibility for the crimes done in its name and in accord with its teachings.
If Masood had been a conservative supporter of Brexit, would the BBC have featured his old employer saying he was really quite a grand fellow and insisting that he didn’t commit the crime because he supported Brexit?
To ask the question … is to answer it”
With the doom and gloom remoaners continuing in full swing, and the biased BBC as their eager and willing publicity arm, here’s a glass half full thought.
The remoaners are awaiting the ‘large bill’ we may have to pay for Brexit, hoping to gloat.
But wait. Suppose we DO get a large bill. It will be for our future liabilities, such as to pay for all those ludicrously generous final salary pension schemes they voted for themselves, so beloved by the Mandelsons and the Kinnocks and the Cleggs et al.
In other words, Brexit will not add to our costs, it will merely make absolutely visible that which the Euro fanatics have all along preferred to keep hidden. Thus proving the true costs of the EU have always been far more even than the billions we know about.
So far from being a reason to stay, a large bill, if it does indeed arrive, simply provides further justification as to why we should leave the failed, self-serving squanderthon that is the EU.
And a small bill, if it arrives, will be no problem anyway.
It’s a win-win for Brexit !
Why should we pay any bill ? Just refuse to pay. What can the EU do apart from huff and puff ? We can make life much more difficult for them than they can for us. I do not understand all this pussy-footing. We should have gone in hard and fast as soon as the referendum result was know. HMG has wasted almost a year.
It is interesting how the EU, and hence BBC, are very serious and concerned about the honouring of certain bills and less so about others.
It’s almost like their integrity can vary depending on ideology and self interest.
Still, one looks forward to a signed off set of books so how their case is set out can at least be studied in the interests of assessing what is ‘fair’, ‘reasonable’ and/or ‘proportionate’, maybe using the Mishal scale?
LOL ! Yes. How can you negotiate with an organisation which has no audited accounts ?
Quite right, Grant! But we never hear this on the news, do we?
Perhaps all the ex-Euro bigwigs like Kinnock et all should have their pensions at least halved; even then they’d be on a nice little earner. It’s outrageous.
And now I believe, the EU are using Gibraltar as a “bargaining” chip?
I hope all this ridiculous posturing and hissy fits from the EU just shows any remainers how right we were to vote to leave.
They are just babies throwing their toys out of the pram. They have everything to lose and we have everything to gain. I have had more grown up , intelligent negociations with street vendors in Africa over the price of CDs !
Europhiliacs will never grow up. As I say, spoilt babies.
I think we should pay our “exit bill” so long as the EU returns all the bridges, motorways and airports we paid for from Spain to Poland. Our roads are full of potholes, a nice bit of Polish motorway would be just the job.
“Cash-strapped police ignore burglaries and pickpocketing”
Too busy investigating bacon-related crime and imaginary far-right terrorism, I guess.
I believe we are still waiting for an explanation of how a man convicted and sentenced to prison for a ‘bacon outrage’ happened to die while in custody, aren’t we?
Any broadcaster with a claim to journalistic integrity would have been gnawing at this story like a hungry dog with a bone. So that’s the BBC excluded, of course…
Imagine if the murderer of Lee Rigby was to die in prison – how the BBC would investigate.
Instead, all we had regarding Kevin Crehan was press reports of his racist activity (Islam a race according to the court and the press) and a Facebook Page mocking his death from the state funded anti fascists.
The ability to mount this kind of news blanket increases my suspicions regarding the Glasgow bin lorry incident.
Police stations have been gradually closed down all over here in Cumbria, which is a large and mainly rural county, if I was a younger man I would consider taking up burglary of the expensive houses out in the sticks, Police response time must be measured in days.
I would advise householders to keep a shotgun and a spade. No need to report any burglaries then, the crime stats are kept down, and everyone is happy.
Want the police to come quickly?
Tell the 999 operator that a crime is in progress and the suspect appears to be carrying a firearm.
Or tell them it’s a hate crime
No, tell them you’ve got a gun, and you’ll sort it out yourself. The helicopter will be overhead in minutes.
I am watching a recording of This Week and enjoying Brillo’s demolition of Alistair Campbell who seems to think he can disregard the truth as blatantly now as he did when he hid under Blair’s skirts. Brillo put him right about that in short order. But I still fear for Brillo’s job. The BBC can’t have him as a one man demolition ball of the whole anti democratic Remain case that they are so carefully building across the rest of their voluminous output. They will sack him.
Another moment of fun in the programme was when Liz Kendal complained that anyone who raised questions about Brexit was being howled down! Well if she thinks being howled down is when 90% plus of the MSM is on your side ,she is hyper sensitive and rediculous. The liberal left just can’t get used to not having their own way. What about those of us who never supported mass immigration. We never ever got any air time and were attacked non stop by 90%+ of the MSM and intimidated by threats of physical violence. Liberal lefties are pathetic .
Doublethinker, I too saw that programme. Campbell worringly gave out a confident air that Brexit would be defeated, by him and presumably unamed (shadowy colleagues)
I think we can look forward to some interesting times ahead. One of the Green Party characters (whose name escapes me) is already mounting some sort of legal challenge from the Dublin Court, possibly with some affect as we are still members of the EU.
Alister Campbell on the other hand gives the impression that he has a lot of powerful backers. One can speculate that Blair, Major, Heseltine, Soros, Goldman Sachs, Gina Miller, Cleggy and Little Timmy are involved.
In a parallel universe this might be considered as treason. Hang, drawing and quartering would be the order of the day, excuse me while I fantazize!
I agree there are shadowy and sinister forces at work to undermine Brexit. It ought to be the job of the BBC to expose this but in reality the corporation is one of the major elements of these forces. All those who believe that the BBC has been undermining the U.K. For years should join forces and protest in the only way we can, A License Fee payers strike.
I’m up for it!
Already done.
They will not stop their treason & so will carry on as they are for however long the negotiations last. And you keep on paying for it., DT.
Don’t go on strike.
Stop paying now. Permanently.
When you open your door to the TVL parasite, don’t say anything and close it in his face.
If enough stop paying the whole UK-hating edifice can collapse.
Fortunately Campbell is a sociopath who believes his own lies. His days as Bliar’s liar-in-chief amply proved that.
Who elected Campbell ? A very nasty, stupid and probably mentally ill creep. Vermin.
We do know that he is a recovering alcoholic. In normal circumstances personal attacks and exploitation of others weaknesses are to be deplored. However , As the anti Brexit battle gets dirtier and dirtier we all know that Campbell will be practising his black arts in the attempt to crush the democratic spring and restore rule by Globalist leftists , like Blair , and oligarchs, like Branson . In these circumstances a few vodkas in Campbell’s orange juice would not upset me too much.
Alastair Campbell is a business associate of Tim Allen, who was formerly a senior aide to Blair and latterly founder of the Portland lobbying firm.
Portland’s clients include Google, MacDonalds, Coca Cola and numerous other global corporations. None wants Brexit and all have millions to spend on lobbying.
Even if Campbell and his cronies are ultimately unsuccessful in derailing Brexit, you can be sure that they will make plenty of money out of fighting the rearguard action. No wonder Campbell always looks so “confident”.
I think maybe the reason the BBC Lefty Liberals are so very supportive of extreme Islam is that they identify with that same over riding trait – mindless fanaticism.
Interesting snippet I caught on the Jezza Swine call in.
Should Lorries be banned from overtaking?
One hysterical but eloquent female wanted them all banned, just get em off our roads, on the ‘M1’ the other day it took 6 miles for an HGV to pass another HGV and the congestion was horrendous, we use the trains or something.
Personally not quite sure of the logistics of this as you’d still need some form of transport from the station to destination…
In the interests of balance a Lorry driver was also interviewed. Sounded a little bit slow but said the callers comments were nuts and she could stay at home and get her home delivery…..!?!?
Now my point is, it’s not the fault of Lorries overtaking, they are a pain yes, but it’s not the end of the world and perhaps we should all need to slow down a little when driving.
Perhaps just perhaps the horrendous congestion is actually being caused by the amount of traffic all trying to be in the same place at the same time, perhaps with a population circa 70 million the country’s road infrastructure just can’t cope.
Cmon Beebistan let’s hear it like is…
I can sort of see the rationale for this suggestion, maybe even for having a ‘lorries only’ lane on some motorways. But your point about congestion is very well made: there seem to be an enormous number of lorries involved in the non-essential transportation of non-essential items. Many of them are foreign owned, I believe a figure of 25% has been quoted elsewhere. You do not see this phenomenon in other European countries: they are noticeably absent and the ones you do see are largely en-route to here. As a Polish friend of mine put it so eloquently: Polish trucks bringing Polish food for the benefit of the Poles living in Britain!
Given the total shambles of the UK rail system, the whole country would grind to a halt if all goods had to travel by rail.
All pretty academic since the police seem to prefer busting Volvo drivers doing 77mph on the M4 between Reading and Swindon at 3am using camera snaps, rather than a Nissan with no licence, insurance or MOT as the guys inside look like they are on their way somewhere tasty.
Have to say it is a bolshie driver who knows he can’t get past for several miles who tries, and worse the one riding along who speeds up downhill to stop them.
Round here it is tractors. Most pull over once the queue builds up, but I have been in a convoy or two when Jethro decides to visit his favourite cow the other side of the county. And that is when the local paper has its head-on fatality cover stories.
“visit his favourite cow “. What could you possibly have in mind ?
“horrendous congestion”…
Ah, I remember that. None of that nonsense where I live, in France – driving is generally a dream.
“The EU warns Britain…”
So runs the BBC tv news headline today. I have a word of caution too for the BBC and their pro-EU political allies in Labour, LibDems, Greens, SNP, Sinn Fein etc….
If you keep backing foreign interests against those of the British people you will soon become associated in the public mind as being traitors.
If it is not that it is a threat.
Keep ’em coming, I say.
They really seem to work well.
HMG should cease all payments to the EU now. Let’s see what the bastards do then. They can’t start a trade war because they would lose. They are bluffing and they are idiots.
Yes – 50 billion seems a awfully round number, like it was just plucked from the air? We will, of course, be getting a detailed invoice of how that figure was arrived at?
They have little concept of loyalty to a people or a country so cannot understand why so many of us loathe the BBC and the rest . I hope we will respond to threats and the rest in the same old British way. F off.
Soon they will have to choose . Between treachery and loyalty. Most of us in the shires will never have to make that choice. We never have and I hope never will.
On the BBC News page at present is the following:
At number 5 on the “Most Popular Stories” is the bizarrely titled “The Internet Ridicules Trump’s Latest Tweet”. That’s a bit like coming here or to Guido and claiming the internet says the BBC is biased. Clearly whoever wrote that headline has an agenda and is indulging in wish fulfilment.
Click on the link and you get an entirely different headline, on a story which is standard anti-Trump crap from those masters of impartial reporting.
I had no idea that women were The Internet.
Meanwhile, so lucky this could not happen here, because of DNA, or something…
The implication here is that ALL women are not happy which is far from the case, and the BBC should have been a lot more specific – A few women, some women, as it is, it’s another Harry Bosco job where the real truth has been slightly manipulated to give the meaning the BBC wanted.
Speaking of women. And daft ones, She’s at it again.
Warsi is one hypocritical bitch from hell.
It shows that her views are now mainstream with academia and the progressive media. Just another attempt to delegitimize Israel. Come on President Trump move that embassy .
By contrast, not all Muhammads are created equal.
‘Bedouin man who served in IDF tours US to show how little anti-Israel Jews know about the Jewish state.’
I have checked the BBC for this and I can’t find any information at all about it.
It’s a subject which the BBC believes we should all know about, and itself gives a level of prominence wholly disproportionate to numbers.
We are talking about the problems LGBT people have across the world and dealing with them.
The UN in January held a meeting to discuss LGBT right in countries which do not have any LGBT rights with the first U.N. expert on anti-gay violence and discrimination.
Islamic and African nations, where violence and discrimination against the LGBT community are most prevalent, boycotted the session.
No country from the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) or the 54-member African Group took the floor, and barely a handful were even in the room.
A reasonable person would think that with the social justice warriors pushing for equality would be shouting from the rooftops (if it wasn’t full of gays being pushed off) about this clear and obvious anti gay stand by Islamic and African countries.
They’ve never said a peep.
What conclusion can we draw from this? Massive hypocrisy for a start, and the proof that the social justice warriors are in fact nothing more than a bunch of anti white racists prepared to take the speck out of our eye while ignoring the log in the eye of other races / religions, who they favour.
No reports what so ever about this important issue on the BBC speaks volumes.
I’m looking forward to the first episode of the dramatization of Evelyn Waugh’s “Decline and Fall” on BBC 1 tonight at 9 pm. I shall be interested to observe Margot Beste-Chetwynde’s companion “Chokey”, said to have been inspired by the Grenadan cabaret star “Hutch”. On the one hand, this character should do something to pacify those who complain there is not enough “diversity” in English period drama, on the other, Waugh’s portrayal is enough to make it almost certain no English teacher these days would risk using this work as a set text in schools.
Then there’s the arrival of the Welsh Silver Band, which, when I read the novel 50 years ago, left me breathless with laughter. If the performance faithfully reflects the writing, it will make Anne Robinson’s remarks about the Welsh some years ago seem quite innocuous and will likely trigger apoplexy throughout The Valleys.
I read “Decline and Fall” in a different era and enjoyed it very much; perhaps if I did so again I should find it, as did Simon Heffer (writing in the Telegraph last year) “an orgy of bad taste”. This dramatization will cause me to suspend my self-imposed boycott of BBC TV, so I hope it’s worth seeing. (Yes, I still have a TV licence: my wife refuses to give up Casualty.)
Surely the 77 MPs critical of the BBC should fight the 85 who support it?
Pickaxe handles?
I wouldn’t raise your hopes too high MrN. Hutch will no doubt be joined by many more diverse and gifted members of the cast, to add realism, and the band will be from Chipping Sodbury.
In judging any bill to be paid by the UK to the EU for Brexit, clearly any decent accountant would require as a source of basic information a full set of signed off accounts for the institution in question, so that fair calculations can be worked out.
The German BBCs are telling their viewers that the triggering of Brexit has rallied the support of all true Europeans for the EU, its Three Presidents and its Four Pillars.
Yesterday, however, Bavarian TV was revisting a “EU burocracy gone mad” story that started in 2004. In 2004, the EU had wanted to standardise the regulations for dispensing drinks in pubs etc. Things proceded at their usual glacial pace. In 2014, there was uproar in Bavaria because it looked like the traditional Steinkrug would be banned because it was opaque making it impossible for the drinker to see any calibration mark so contravening the new EU regulations. This was dismissed as a pernicious anti-EU myth at the time by the EU and the German authorities. Recently a Bavarian landlord ordered a hundred new Steinkrug in preparation for the Biergarten season. To his surprise and annoyance he found the bases of the Steinkrugs had been stamped with the “CE” mark and the warning “Not for use with foaming drinks”. He has not been able to find out definitively whether or not he would be liable for prosecution if he used the Steinkrug. As a precaucation he gives everyone who uses a Steinkrug a glass glass so the correctness of the measure can be checked. You couldn’t make it up.
Major annoyance coming our way will be, speeches, demands and arrant nonsense from 27 countries worth of toss pots all wanting to be seen as in charge of the European Disunion.
£50 billion bill? I wonder what it’s actually cost due to pathetic EU regulations? The food waste alone must be phenomenal?
4:30 R4 Feedback items
#1 Something about a 3second mention of Brut Aftershave on R4Today
cos presenter mentioned the cricketer’s sponsor
\\Since when were interviewees credited w/being “ambassadors” for products?!//
#2 “now referring accurately to man who killed 4, dropping the attack at heart of democracy hype. We need an apology”
#3 The mega-tedious “Homefront drama”
#4 “Do you have a question for the new @BBCTheArchers editor Huw Kennair-Jones?”
oh and they just did “Why so little coverage of the saturday anti-Brexit march” in response to an orchestrated campaign, that allows LibMob to claim victim status
Apparently the UK imports four times as much stuff from China than does Europe.
Just noticed around the edge of this article
is a video clip labelled “What exactly does Ivanka do at White House?”.
The tone the BBC takes implies she is a dumb blonde who shouldn’t be there.
I’m now waiting for the follow up videos “What exactly do all the BBC staff do at Broadcasting House?”
What did Cherie do at No. 10? Apart from making a bloody fortune from the laws her dearly beloved introduced.
Ivanka is the grownup daughter
despite the link title the page is titled
“Ivanka Trump steps into White House ethics minefield”
(looking at the page html , shows its set to give a different link title to the page title..this is a common BBC trick)
That video leads to 2 other videos
– US first daughter Ivanka Trump’s new job 30 March 2017
– The wrong Ivanka 17 January 2017
– Motherhood key theme of Ivanka speech 22 July 2016
Will the BBC ask “What did Michelle Obama do at The White House ? “. “What did Chelsea Clinton do ? “. The BBC are utterly, totally pathetic. Real morons.
For some reason a BBC reporter did not attend the Momentum Inaugural Conference.
Here is a report.
With these guys around the Neo Liberal Paradigm can move over.
‘Labour Party Marxists supporters attended workshops that were run by The World Transformed, Talk Socialism and even Hope Not Hate. They were clearly based on ‘training sessions’ that these organisations run on a relatively frequent basis – utterly devoid of any real politics, focusing only on ‘method’ and run by young, overly eager people who reminded me of Duracell bunnies.
They included icebreakers like telling the person sitting next to you what you had for breakfast, shouting “one-word answers” about what you liked or disliked about the European Union ‘leave’ or ‘remain’ campaigns and writing “objectives” on paper plates, then sticking post-it notes onto a flipchart grid. You get the drift. It was really, really grim. Worst of all, any of these workshops could just as easily have been presented to Progress or Labour First.’
‘Worst of all, any of these workshops could just as easily have been presented to Progress or Labour First’ – or indeed, Blue Peter.
And all probably financed by Soros.