The new series of Doctor Who will see the Time Lord joined by his first openly gay companion. Bill Potts’s sexuality will be revealed pretty much straightaway in her second line of dialogue when the show returns to BBC One on 15 April. “It shouldn’t be a big deal in the 21st Century. It’s about time isn’t it?” Pearl Mackie, who plays Bill, told the BBC. “That representation is important, especially on a mainstream show.”
Ain’t that the truth? The BBC is not interested in entertainment, it is interested in driving a narrative, creating a PC “equality” at all costs. I don’t know why it doesn’t go the full nine yards and make the Doctor a black transgender Muslim. That would give the Daleks something to think about.
“I don’t know why it doesn’t go the full nine yards and make the Doctor a black transgender Muslim.”
FGM with its sonic screwdriver would be an interesting scene, with the director in the background shouting “Cut”.
RJ – The metrosexuals who manage the BBC just cant help themselves can they? I can I can see the TARDIS now being changed to a closet with people constantly coming out of it, and the Cybermen will be shouting “chase me” rather than doing the chasing. And only God knows what the BBC will replace the Daleks feared plunger with.
The rot set in years ago when most of the male figures were portrayed as ineffectual and most of the authority figures were portraed by females (especially good if they were black as in the case of the head of UNIT)
I expect the BBC cares not whether it does ill or not as they will still get large amounts of public money.
Basically the BBC have signed Dr Whos death warrant. Failure is assured in an entertainment show, when making political points becomes more important than entertaining.
I expect it will dwindle away eventually only to be watched by the likes of Stephen Fry and Grayson Perry and Sandy Toksprigg
A sad end for a once great show!
I was a fan but switched off a couple of years ago. It got very tedious and some of the episodes were indecipherable.
Dr Who should be good versus evil and fighting monsters .A bit of escapism .i couldn’t care less about the characters sexual preferences .It was never meant to be high drama .
The ratings have been dropping and I can only see it continuing.
Inrcedible to think at one time Dr Who was a British Institution.
…much like Al Beeb.
Paddy power must be evens that the next doctor ( who cares?) is a woman. I hope the muslims are not too upset by a gay sidekick in this sad meaningless twaddle . Bring back Tom Baker
Talking of the muzzas, a long time ago, I used to think a good sinister monster would be a load of creatures in full length black costumes with just a slit for the eyes and the eyes would light up just before they kill people. But I doubt that would ever make it onto the screen now. It might offend someone.
Forgot to add- if al been policy is now for a declaration of sexual orientation – perhaps all appearing could do so – as well as religion, political affiliation and whether a remainer or a brexiter.
I’ve seen this coming for ages. Dr Who has become more & more political propaganda. A female Silurian married to an human female & the possibility of a black Doctor at the last change plus all the little things in the stories. I haven’t watched it for years.
It’s interesting to note however that Dr Who did actually have a homosexual companion for a short time a few years ago in the form of John Barrowman.
“…A female Silurian married to an human female…”
Bestiality; “Who cares…”
Two females; “Disgusting, shouldn’t be allowed…”
And when the female Silurian (or Lesbian lizard as I prefer to call it) was on there with the human female, the couple had a Sontaran assistant reduced to the status of house gimp who performed the obligatory weak-male-character role so necessary in modern BBC output.
In the old days of Jon Pertwee,the small, pretty, fair-haired assistant Jo Grant used to have “a thing” going with The Master which involved chains and whips – some 50 years before 50 Shades Of Grey. That was in the days when the BBC used to be inventive rather than just so predictable.
Nobody in my house watches this rubbish anymore. We are all genuinely sad at having this pleasure taken from us.
Can you imagine William Hartnell with a black lesbian sidekick? Actually, that might have been worth watching.
They used to have some right crackers on Dr Who which made it great to watch. Some memories include Zoe draped over the Tardis console floating in space, Polly’s legs, Liz Shaw’s legs, all of Jo Grant and the “top halfs” of Perry and Tegan. When the PC police took over, all that stopped and it has been rubbish ever since. They did however dabble with the dreary theme of feminism in the mid-seventies with Sarah Jane Smith but fortunately this didn’t last forever and they eventually ditched that for the skin-tight outfitted, pertly toned Leila “to get the dads watching”. Now, many years later, I’m a dad and we could do with some of that attitude coming back.
The problem with British TV drama – and the BBC are the very worst for it -is that everyone involved in the production is 99% guaranteed to be left-wing. The writer, screenwriters, directors and actors, nearly all Labour or Green voters. Nobody in media-land employs openly conservative ‘artistes’.
It’s so boring because we’ve had this state of affairs for as long as I can remember. They try to paint reality as they wish it to be, with their childish, patronising and insulting ‘message’. And the message is some animals are more equal than others. Yes, BBC I get it.
No wonder so many of our black actors have buggered off to America (Samuel L Jackson whinged about this the other week), perhaps they finally got embarrassed and fed up with being offered ‘Token BME Number 4’ in something like – er Dr Who.
I am disgusted. The BBBC need to ditch the outdated and patriarchal term “cyberman” immediately and replace it with “cyberfemalemaletransgenderquestioningqueergaylesbianlikestodoitwithdalekswhatever”.
In the time it takes his gay, black assistant to warn The Doctor that there is one of them creeping up behind him, it will have already bummed him senseless. Kind of ruins the spontaneity does that.
I want the Darleks to win now . They make more sense . They’re only obsessed with global domination , not PC ness .
I agree. I think we’ve been observing the daleks through the prism of libtard pc puritanism for too long which has warped our perception. They are the good guys now. Let them off the Doctor and his black, gay companion, nick the Tardis and set up some great adventures. Those boys could take on the muzzas – no sweat.
“The new series of Doctor Who will see the Time Lord joined by his first openly gay companion.”
Yes, and “so what”?
Ah; “…creating a PC ‘equality’…”
We are all born equal, David. It’s your prejudice that is created.
“ …at all costs.”
Which ‘costs’ would those be?
I genuinely don’t want to offend anyone – Is the correct term “black, gay companion” or “gay, black companion” ? Please advise, the distinction is no doubt important.
The style of maxicony’s writing reminds me of a previous poster from way back who never failed to post snotty, abusive comments whenever anyone complained about gratuitous homosexuality being written into BBC scripts and the way the Corporation pushed the Gay agenda. According to this poster any complaint about the shoehorning in of homosexuals, usually when irrelevant to the story, was usually followed by the hysterical accusation of “homophobia”, much like the above comment.
I suspect maxicony is a new name for our old friend and professional homosexual Scott. It’s unfortunate that he’s so blinded by his heterophobic bigotry that he can’t see the point that’s being made – that the BBC is using its drama output, including children’s programmes, as left wing agitprop in order to push its tired old world view and pet subjects. We are all forced to pay for this crap being foisted on us. It’s not entertainment but propaganda of the most puerile kind.
Andy, well said.
I do find it fascinating how absolutely desperate some Biased BBC commenters are to claim that every dissenting voice belongs to the same person. I myself have, wrongly, been accused by GWF of much the same.
I suspect it’s down to insecurity of the accusers, who are desperate to convince themselves that their view is held by the majority, despite the gnawing realisation that the opposite is true.
And here, after other threads where one of the contributors above previously replied “who cares” in yet another case where the media had the temerity to acknowledge that not everybody is heterosexual, we see exactly who does care: a group of people who are incrwasingly frustrated that it’s getting harder for them to indoctrinate future generations with the same fear, lies and hatred that fuels their own prejudice.
Never mind, you overgrown kids. Vance will forever provide a little safe space for you snowflakes who can’t accept reality. Just as well, really: the more rancid little homophobes have to resort to staying at home, spewing their hatred on sites like this, the more the rest of us can be spared from your participation in the real world you fear so much.
Do you keep a list?
Hi Tomi,
Thanks for your input. I was the one you cited as saying “who cares” in the context of Dr Who – a once loved simple programme which sometimes had profound messages built into it such as ‘freedom’ and ‘conservation’.-you know when Terry Nation and other good script writers had the job. Now it is a flagship for minority groups and tokenism to demonstrate the BBC doctrine of ‘diversity ‘ . I don’t think a programme like this should be used for the sexual agenda industry. My view. We ll disagree.
I noticed you got into the insult game calling others “snowflakes ” . This is a lively place for those who disagree about paying for a state broadcaster being used as a propaganda instrument by the left or other minority groups- like homo sexuals.
I guess I’m saying this is a place to vent as it is unlikely to change the minds of people such as yourself .
“I was the one you cited as saying “who cares” in the context of Dr Who”
No you weren’t – I was citing another who had said “who cares” in a completely different thread. Sorry to dent your ego.
“I don’t think a programme like this should be used for the sexual agenda industry.”
A fictional “industry” which is a strawman used by prejudiced people who want to suppress any talk that is different from their own opinions.
“I noticed you got into the insult game calling others “snowflakes ” .”
You’re quite right, it’s only right-wing intellectually challenged arsewipes who are allowed to use the term “snowflakes”, isn’t it?
“This is a lively place for those who disagree about paying for a state broadcaster being used as a propaganda instrument by the left or other minority groups- like homo sexuals.”
I’m laughing at the thought that having a character onscreen who isn’t like you must be some sort of propaganda. I’m guessing you won’t be happy until every single drama is populated by nothing but sweaty weirdos who don’t understand the world and so behave like doofuses online.
You think a lot about yourself, don’t you Tomi? We try to post opinions in an adult fashion, trying desperately not to deliberately offend the thought police who lurk around sites such as Biased BBC. The only contributors who go out of their way to be abusive and insulting are the SJWs like yourself. You like to pose as the one with the moral superiority but then resort to hurling abuse and labelling others who dare to have a different opinion. The world doesn’t revolve around militant homosexuals and their lifestyles. I’m ambivalent about the private lives of others and what they do behind closed doors. What I don’t like are those belonging to special interest groups who FLAUNT their sexuality in order to provoke a reaction. Gay people are nothing special and the militants among them feel they have to keep pushing the envelope and demands. The LGBT movement has nothing to do with equality – the original Gay Libbers seem to have achieved all their aims in that respect – it’s more about attention seeking and control of parts of society they hate. Much as post-modern Feminism is more about oppressing white males than seeking equality that the original feminists of the 1960s and 70s fought for.
Your post tells us more about you and your prejudices than the opinions of those you insult and denigrate on this site.
Andy S,
Well said. Especially your last sentence.
Little teenage attention seekers, like Tomi and his clones, are purely interested in their selfish, narrow -minded agendas.
Don’t even respond to the oxygen thief, It’s not worth it.
I’m sure tomi/maxitwat will be along shortly to tell me what a Cnut I am.
I was going to suggest to Andy that he was wasting his time with that post. But it is such a good post. I am sure Tomi and his boys will dissect it. Mind you , way past their bedtime !
No, just to point out that you were the one who previously stated that nobody cared about gay people or trans people.
And yet here you are, getting yourself all worked up yet again.
Why, it’s almost like you lack the basic comprehension to understand your own hypocrisy.
“We try to post opinions in an adult fashion”
You either don’t, or you’re very bad at it. Which is it – are you a liar, or just incompetent?
Tomi, whoever you are.
I will try to put the message about BBC agitprop another way.
Imagine if the BBC was taken over by the kind of people it currently despises: white heteros, patriotic, family oriented, sort of people, all condemning rock n roll, punk,rap, and so on. And every show they filled with these characters who were so bloody obvious and self conscious about promoting these values, and constantly looking over their shoulders for approval.And every time they re-cast someone in a role, they announced it as a piece of news that this was a type they were giving the role to. Their comedians likewise cracking jokes about anyone who deviated from these values. Now I might even share some of the values portrayed by this BBC. But God, having it rammed down my throat in such an obvious way would piss me right off.
Basically, I don’t have to disapprove of the life style projected by the BBC to be thoroughly irritated by the BBC’s presentation of it.
As it happens I am very strongly pro gay, loyal to my gay friends and family members. But I object to the BBC’s predictable approach to specific identities.
And to end – as you do sweetie – with an insult. How is the fisting going these days?
It’s not just the BBC is it. I don’t watch TV except at other people’s houses but it seems that there is an increasing number of gay characters in all the TV soaps, rather more than the actual percentage in the general population.
I do watch DVD box sets, and one of my favourites ‘Supernatural’ (ok I know it’s daft but it entertaining and escapist and brilliantly done) now has the obligatory gays pointedly referring to their husband or wife.
The point is that it’s so obviously deliberate, the quotas are directed from above.
I suspect it’s down to insecurity of the accusers….
‘Scuse me…
Bring on The Gay Green Sharia Daleks, I say, as proof that the LGBT, Islamic and AGW movements are universal and united.
Andy S,
It is just part of the BBC’s boringly predicable political agenda. If it was subscription only, people who want BBC crap can pay for it and the rest of us don’t have to. It only seems fair to me and , surely the BBC believe in fairness ? LOL !
maxicony aka zero
Do you remember when I called you out as zero, who was interested in fisting?
Never mind, perhaps you would like to see a fisting episode in Dr Who.
Just responding to your mindless posts in kind.
But seriously, it is not recognition of gays that is the problem; it is the very obvious way the BBC is using its entertainment programmes to project its peculiar and selective social justice policies on us. In fact most people can read the BBC mind – the scope for the new partner was limited to persons of colour, gays, lesbian and /or Moslim.
But why not an onanist or a fister? Or a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
It is funny how all the trolls write the same way and with the same tone.
Either it is all the same person, they are clones or different people who have been through the same ideological sheep dip and come out identical.
“Do you remember when I called you out as zero, who was interested in fisting?”
When you wrongly called me out as Zero, you mean.
I have no interest in fisting, as it happens. You, on the other hand… Why is it that you’re so obsessed with imaginging other people’s sexual activity? Has Mrs GWF kicked you to the kerb once too often because she’s realised you’re an immature little man who’s never developed beyond the sniggering of the adolescent?
Always assuming there is a Mrs GWF, of course. I’d like to think there isn’t a woman stupid enough to hook up with you, but you never know, do you?
Tomi aka zero
Oooh you are a bitch.
Meeeoww !
“Tomi aka zero”
GWF, you have been wrong every time you have come out with this nonsense, and repeating it once again won’t make it right this time.
But you carry on lying, you deluded little man. It clearly gives your dreary, lonely little life a little crumb of comfort to tell everyone that two different people are one and the same, even though they’re not.
You have my pity, you pathetic worm.
Tomi, Zero and Scott
Were you very young when you started to appreciate the BBC and defend it? Were you ever interfered with by anyone who worked for the BBC?
Over many years I have examined undergraduate essays and examination scripts. You get to recognise styles of argument, which can identify a person as accurate as fingerprints or DNA.
Understand Zero/Scott
First you fantasise about fisting, now you are getting excited by thoughts of child sexual abuse. Have you considered seeking help?
“Over many years I have examined undergraduate essays and examination scripts. You get to recognise styles of argument, which can identify a person as accurate as fingerprints or DNA.”
Apparently not, as you continue to get it wrong over and over and over again.
Still, never mind. I’ll let you get on with getting sexually excited by all your base thoughts and blaming that on everyone else.
Tomi aka zero and scott
Its your final sentences which do the trick.
End on an insult -never fails
Not much excites me, certainly not your history of perversion BBC style, but I have a snigger when I imagine someone from the BBC reading your posts. Even the BBC must realize that their defender on this site has not refuted one post here, not one depiction of BBC bias.
But you are a bit of a bitch
You can repeat your lies until you are blue in the face, dear – you won’t suddenly turn into an honest, truthful man with one more repetition.
Tomi aka zero et al
Facts, you have to accept them. Like fingerprints and DNA people can be identified by their speech patterns and you are identified as our troll with many names.
“Tomi aka zero”
Still a lie. Always has been, always will be. Poor, poor, GWF: reduced to repeating a lie in the hope that the act of repetition will somehow miraculously make it true.
Never mind, eh. Biased BBC welcomes liars, idiots and deluded halfwits. Take your pick: you’re eligible.
It IS Scott! Too much of a coward to post under his own name. The names change but the vitriolic hate for anyone who doesn’t share his beliefs and dares to challenge his odious bigotry remains the same. Scott is too set in his hatred for the rest of the world. In his twisted world anyone who calls him out on his hatred – yes, HATRED – for straight people who think differently is either a liar or a homophobe. He obviously spends his sad life trolling Internet sites in the hope he will find something which offends him and his warped idea of self righteousness. You’ll also find he’ll try to have the last word, usually with a great dollop of abuse liberally thrown at his target. He’s a sad little man with a God complex. I’m sure he’s been blocked on this site a number of times for his disruptive and abusive posts. For some reason he seems to have a particular dislike of David Vance. Best to ignore the jug eared little troll in future.
“We try to post opinions in an adult fashion” said Andy. If you think that post is adult, Andy, have you ever met anybody over the age of twelve?
One more reason why Andy S – who seems to think it’s acceptable for him to decide who is who, and to decide that what spurs them is hatred, yet thinks it’s others who have a god complex – shouldn’t ever be believed.
The same Andy S who once claimed that Alan Turing was arrested for gross indecency, despite that being a verifiably false statement, for no reason other than he couldn’t bear to see an important figure in British history’s sexuality being celebrated. Just one in a long line of wild inaccuracies from a twisted man for whom being anti-gay is far more important than telling the truth.
It is Andy, I would suggest, who is driven by hatred. It is Andy who is projecting that aspect of his personality on others.
Have pity for him. He’s clearly not well.
“The same Andy S who once claimed that Alan Turing was arrested for gross indecency”
That must have been some time ago, well before the appearance of the alias “Tomi”. Therefore you are either a long-standing Beeboid troll with a new name (as many here claim) or you work in the same part of the Beebian Empire and have been told that he said that once upon a time. You can’t be both new and knowing that he said that a long time ago.
Even if you are a newbie your writing “styles” are so similar you must have been indoctrinated the same way.
Made the point before. Identical writing styles, identical opinions.
PS. Can anyone remember any of the Trolls saying anything even vaguely funny ?
Grant, in answer to your last question: they never intentionally been funny. A bit like the BBC’s comedy output for the last 30 years or so.
Yes, many have made the point about the writing styles, but the other point I was making is proving that he either can’t be new as he talks about something that happened a long time ago, or he has been told about it by the likes of Scotty etc. It proves he is a liar!
….because she’s realised you’re an immature little man who’s never developed beyond the sniggering of the adolescent….
Tediously familiar.
I won’t be watching it the trailer was enough to convince me it’ll be crash bang wallop &Pc all CGI and no storyline. I used to enjoy Dr Who I even have several DVDs all of course from the original series. But I stopped watching the new agenda driven re-imagination some time ago on the basis it was rubbish.
If the BBC make the next Doctor a Muslim then he/she can ditch their sonic screwdriver and carry the Quran instead.
Then when the Daleks try and attack the Doctor will hold the Quran up in front of themselves and the Daleks will refuse to kill the Doctor in case the Quran is destroyed. The Daleks can then say a set piece of dialogue about how the Quran is the words of Allah and must be respected.
I think it more likely the Daleks would be sued for hate speech for yelling exterminate to the doctors new companion.
The Daleks would quickly become extinct. Praying five times a day with their arses stuck up in the air would leave them very vulnerable to, er, attack.
So not just goats then ?
Does anyone remember that years back Victor Lewis Smith used to have a sketch about gay Daleks? Back then it was a joke, but now I’m not so sure. It’s going to happen, isn’t it?
Gay daleks – for Tomi and Maxicony aka Zero and Scotty
Gloriously puerile.
I’m trying to profile your educational level through your comments for my own interest – or ego as you might put it.
Anyway I think you miss my point and have assumed – on no evidence – that I am not a homosexual and am anti homosexual . I post wasn’t about that. It is the issue that BBC employees taking taxpayers money push their preferred view of the world – such as anti Christianity pro Islam – anti trump pro Clinton and pro gay in the guise of a science fiction programme aimed at kids .if you think that kind of bias is okay then fair enough.
You can reply if you want and refer to arsewipes or whatever abuse it was but try a bit of empathy without a bit of second year under grad abuse eh?
So far as I am concerned Beeboids can push their narrow-minded agenda, so long as I do not have to pay for it. Imagine if Beeboids had to pay an annual tax to , let’s say the Conservative Party or UKIP, on pain of imprisonment. They would be mewling, howling and throwing their toys out of their prams. . What total selfish hypocrites !
grant – yes I’m with you up to a point mate. It’s just that over the years albeeb has undermined Blighty – rubbishing the national identity ( I know – difficult to define ) in favour of lefty permissive multiculturalism.
I remember when “immigration” wasn’t even mentioned by the BBC and anyone who commented on it would be assumed to be a little englander ( don’t know what that means ) or the standard “racist” – this built up the frustration -rightly – to voters going for brexit as it was the first time people could truly comment on how they have been governed by labour and Tory alike .
Beeboids are stupid . They hang themselves by their own petard !
I have only been away for two days and we have been infested with Beeboids, Hemorrhoids and Al Beeb Trolls – Whats going on ?
Double-barreled trolls with not a post of an example of Al Beeb’s bias between them just continuous defence of the biased channel.
I wonder what could be their motivation?
Please enlighten us Tomi/Maxincony.
Don’t know. They seem to come in spurts, so to speak !
Trolls .
It’s just that over the years albeeb has undermined Blighty – rubbishing the national identity ( I know – difficult to define )…
Why is it difficult? Hate to say it, but that one is straight out of the BBC’s Big Lefty Book of Self Hate, always trotted out whenever they want to push their mass immigration, multiculti agenda (‘always been a nation of immigrants….how do you define Britishness?’ etc etc.)
Don’t let the bastards brainwash you – we can define ourselves by our character and culture just as easily as any other nation on earth.
I am proud of British culture and proud to be British. Leftists are ashamed of British culture and to be British. They are sick.
And we can choose to define ourselves by our Britishness OR Scottishness, Englishness etc.
Aren’t we lucky?
“I’m trying to profile your educational level through your comments for my own interest – or ego as you might put it.”
How wonderful for you. Have you ever considered devoting such time to making your posts grammatically correct instead?
Tomi/Maxi, still no Al Beeb bias from you ?
What’s your motive ? Just insults .
Same old, same old , just like “Scotty” .
And the same writing style and the same lack of humour. Amazing coincidence !
Oh no, I find GWF and Andy S’s supposed moral outrage absolutely hilarious. Anybody who gets that worked up and doesn’t realise that they’re competing with taffman for idiot of the year can’t help but raise a smile.
Same old, same old, just insults, no offer of Bias.
So why do you really post here ?
I note that you don’t object when Andy S or GWF go off on their little ad hominem tempter tantrums, taffman. So forgive me if I don’t take much stock by your self-appointed “we’re only here to talk about bias” whining.
So why do you really post here ? After all this is a website for posting examples of Al Beeb’s bias .
Why dont you post some meaningless trivia on an ‘Impartial Al Beeb website’ if there is one ? Or better still, set one up yourself ?
Then see how much support you get.
You are a troll, an employee of Al Beeb , or even both .
Grant, also amazing is how quickly they raise their heads (no pun intended) when a gay ‘issue’ (ditto) crops up on this website.
The Gaystapo must have it under constant surveillance.
A bit spooky, eh?
Just a coincidence , I am sure, but they do seem to come in spurts, so to speak.
Libtard in the house! Firing shots from behind the flimsy shield of leftist double-standards.
Crying that his monopoly on the ‘outrage’ market is threatened. That’s funny.
LOL ! But the posts are worth reading for all the cracking jokes. Well,at least for the unintentional humour.
“Libtard in the house!”
I’m not sure who you’re referring to, especially as your description doesn’t really sum up anyone who’s posted on here.
However, if you replace “leftist” with “rightist” in the rest of it, it certainly explains Andy S, GWF or any number of idiotic hypocrites who are too busy projecting their own prejudices on others. Such as your good self.
Post up some “rightist” evidence of Al Beeb’s Bias if you have any .
‘Pearl Mackie, who plays Bill, told the BBC. “That representation is important, especially on a mainstream show.”’
Oh silly me, there I was thinking Doctor Who was entertainment.
The next logical step of course would to change Dr Who s identity to “Dr Ali” But I expect even the most “right on” BBC progressive script writers will baulk at making Dr Ali the first openly Gay Doctor.
SJW/progressive types are always very brave when they know they are dealing with reasonable people, but I expect their progressive valour would soon evaporate leaving just soiled underpants if they thought they might be payed a visit from some adherents with sharp knives from the “Religion of Peace”
Je suis – not Charlie – he is over there!
For God’s sake , don’t give them ideas.
Grant – Im sure they would if they could. Or even maybe Dr Mohammed – that should get the fatwas flying!