Here you go, a new open thread to see us all off into the weekend. I don’t know about you but I am finding the BBC unbearable to watch at the moment as it seethes in the aftermath of Theresa May triggering Article 50. It strikes me that we will have two years now of endless bitching and moaning from the BBC (And it’s print wing, The Guardian) about how IMPOSSIBLE Brexit will be to achieve, how it will cost us the earth the moon and the stars, blah blah blah. Excruciating to endure at one level, fun at another. The BBC is desperate to ensure the “hard Brexit” (=no Brexit) narrative prevails. They will fail.
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I gave up on Dr Who a couple of seasons ago. Gay lizards was just getting too silly. Such a sad end to a show I’d followed since I was 10, but sums up the decline of the BBC quite nicely.
Oops, wrong thread. Got logged out in the middle of posting and somehow logged back in on a different thread.
Roland Deschain
Time Travel?
The BBC really should be on the list of banned organizations.
This latest attempt to corrupt our children and introduce them to the idea that gay love is ‘normal’. Gay love is accepted as a fact of life but it can in no way be described as ‘normal’. Neither can sexual or racial fluidity or any of the other nonsense that the BBC hating Islamists abhor.
Yes, do the BBC really think Muslims approve of their agenda?
Why do the BBC have to sexualise and politicise everything including children’s programmes? They sexualise children’s programmes to push their gay – transgender agenda. They politicise children’s programmes to push their Islamic – International – anti-white men agenda. What feckers the BBC are.
I am excited about the new Dr Who and his side kick. But still disappointed . Just for a bit more diversity couldn’t they give her a head scarf as well. Yes I know this would be an anachronism for a Muslim to be a lesbian as well because she would be executed in many Islamic countries. But for sure it would be diverse. Come on Diversity dept at the BBC you can do it!!
I wonder if they will have a Dr Who Episode where the Daleks run off with her dildo.
After Tom & Tom’s botties for the girlies, maybe the BBC is hoping cries of ‘masturbate, masturbate’ will keep the teen crowd in their bedrooms instead of going out?
Radio 2 twit newsreader: “Flying Scotsman…new line from Seattle to Carlisle…”
“BBC unbearable to watch at the moment as it seethes in the aftermath of Theresa May triggering Article 50”
Really? They can hardly contain their glee, the EU is ‘back in control’. Later reports do seem to have recognised that the EU’s proposal are ‘draft’, i.e., like everything else, still subject to negotiation.
They are indeed seething .The glee they are giving out to disguise their distress is all part of the long road to enlightenment for them.
They are going to be dragged kicking and screaming to the finish line along with ther EU heroes.
It’ll be a warm draft [sic], due to all of the hot air emanating from Brussels.
Hello Angry Losers
Thanks, NCBBC, for that incisive commentary by the irrepressible Pat Condell. One of his best.
I expect Pat will be put on Ambers U tube extremist list (if she gets away with it) Cant have a white, male, middle aged, articulate, focused blogger on the web telling it like it is.
People like this threaten all that nice, concerned liberals like Amber have been working on for all these years.
A big thank you. PC says everything I would wish to say if I had his eloquence.
If Pat and Paul Joseph Watson did not exist, we would need to invent them. Brilliant one from Pat.
Thank you for that video . I guess I won’t be hearing that on “a point of view” on Radio 4 any time soon ….
Slightly off topic but i was musing generally about how many politicians take taxpayers money in the name of governing the UK ( not including councillors ) 800 in the Lords Old People’s Home… 600 MPs… MEPs …. just wondering ….
Part of the problem is the trap all the media fall into. Very prevalent with Sturgeon ( horrible woman on a divisive agenda in my opinion) they always claim that whoever – DEMANDS – this that or the other. Or WARNS us this that or the other. It may just be, that they only asked or suggested.
Similarly watch out for whoever REFUSED to appear on the programme, as opposed to merely DECLINED.
I’m currently on holiday in Italy. Lots of Berlusconi’s crap channels on the (excellent) hotel tv feed and the usual news channels, including the venerated BBC World. I hadn’t realised that they had advertising and the most irritating of them is their puff piece for themselves in which the lying, smug bastards claim, inter alia, to be the most respected news outlet in the world!
Sheer brass balls!!
BBC News – Video footage shows mass brawl at Leeds community centre, as per usual the Al BBC misses out an important fact that all of the perps, have “nothing top do with”
Violent battle with knives, hammers and machetes at community centre, other weapons iron bars, chairs, pool cues and table legs
Yep! … a religion of peace, community meeting,
Every cloud? thankfully due to misogynistic Islamic discrimination, no women were allowed there
And the police ?
Sitting on their arses scanning Twitter for offensive comments about these RoPers.
Keep it up lads – our cities will soon resemble Mosul High Street and when they finish fighting each other they’ll be coming for the rest – especially the BBC who think a mildly critical, polite letter from seventy odd MPs is the worst that can happen.
Never mind the violence, can’t you feel the enrichment?
That’ll be logged as a racist attack caused by BREXIT
BBC News – Xinjiang: Has China’s crackdown on ‘terrorism’ worked?
My outraged Al BBC “uman rights” Religious Freedom senses are a tingling.
China bans burqas and “abnormal beards” in predominantly Muslim province
China’s Xinjiang province, home to around 10 million Muslims, passed legislation Wednesday prohibiting forms of religious expression including wearing veils in public places and growing “abnormal” beards.
Last year, “China’s top leadership….warned the Chinese people to shun the practise of Islam and to stick to China’s state policy of “Marxist Atheism.”
China has long cracked down hard on Muslims. Two years ago it was reported:
“China forced imams from its eastern Muslim majority Xinjiang region to dance in the street and swear to an oath that they would not teach religion to children.
“The Muslim imams were further forced to brandish the slogan that “our income comes from the CKP [Chinese Communist Party] not from Allah.
They also prohibit the “abnormal growing of beards and naming of children to exaggerate religious fervour”, without giving specifics.
It will be forbidden to “reject or refuse radio, television and other public facilities and services”, marrying using religious rather than legal procedures and “using the name of Halal to meddle in the secular life of others”.
Rules published in state-controlled media continue:
“Parents should use good moral conduct to influence their children, educate them to revere science, pursue culture, uphold ethnic unity and refuse and oppose extremism.”
The document also bans not allowing children to attend regular school, not abiding by family planning policies and deliberately damaging legal documents.
Successive bans on select “extremist behaviours” have previously been introduced in in areas of Xinjiang, including stopping people with headscarves, veils and long beards
Bit of a toss up as to who’s more repressive, Islam or China?
Maybe , but I do not feel threatened by China !
I once saw a great picture of a mosque in China, it had a huge Chinese flag emblazoned on the front of it above the door; the implicit message being:
“You can have this place to worship your religion, but don’t ever forget who lets you.”
I believe that the Imams are state appointed too, in the official mosques.
The Chinese have had long practice at handling Muslims, from way before it was Communist.
And there were muslims in China long before there were any in Europe .
From the Chinese Muslim article:
Now that’s a scary thought. Beeby’s dream come true.
I read quite a bit of whining about this story yesterday,
I ll try not to laugh …
most of them were complaints/demands about that, there should be
… freedom of religion and uman rights for Islam in China 😀
Like in Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan or, or ,or etc.
… oh!, the irony
Here s the happy guys dancing, with joy as China tells them they … call the shots not Islam.
It is beyond parody !
Approved Chinese Muslim dance
You put your right foot in
You take your right foot out
You put your right foot in
And you shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about
The BBC only produce stories that present Muslims as victims – throughout the world. Whereas victimisation of Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Christians, Atheists, non-standard Muslims etc in Islamic countries (such as Pakistan), the BBC are more or less totally silent on. There are no Jews left in Islamic countries – so I missed them out. And two weeks ago the BBC ran a gleeful story saying Islam would takeover from Christianity as the worlds most popular religion by 2070.
Exactly. The BBC almost totally silent about the Genocide of christians by muslims in muslim countries. Total bias, total hypocrisy and very evil. That is the BBC.
Gay. Maybe 3% of population (see marriage statistics)
Female. 50%
Black. Going up but say 10% in round numbers.
So- Dr Who’s new assistant is a 1 in 660 chance
Appalling isn’t it? That level of pathetic minorities propogandising.
According to the 2011 Census 1,904,684 people (3.0%) identified themselves as ‘Black or Black British’. That’s about 1 in 30. If more than 1 in 30 news presenters, children’s TV presenters, people in government publications, characters in TV advertising (especially for supermarkets, banks or furniture companies) are black, you are witnessing an agenda – a portrayal of the country that is prescriptive rather than descriptive.
Exactly. Of course minorities deserve respect and airtime, but the BBC is obsessed with them and gives them disproportionate airtime. It makes you feel undervalued and unwanted.
But of course straight white men are the devil. What did they ever do for us?
Personal computers.
The IPhone.
The internet.
The television.
The radio.
The motor car.
Habeas Corpus.
Air travel.
The Common Law.
Are you sure about this? I’m pretty certain that all of these things were invented by effnick minorities or Muslims during ‘The Golden Age of Islam’ (tm and (c) BBC World Enterprises). Plus the moon landing of course
The BBC is also mentioned.
Thanks for that. I had never seen this guy before, but excellent. Zuckerberg is a very evil cnut and really should be forced to face the consequences of his immature actions. Just a nerd who will never grow up. May be clever with computers , but otherwise brain dead.
Great that there was a dig at the BBC towards the end .
Mark Zuckerberg is a shallow, insecure leftie who feels obliged to prove how inclusive and compassionate he is by embracing terrorists and their ideology.
Here’s an example of his cowardly hypocrisy:
There have been a few attempts by the relatives of Israeli and American victims of Islamic terrorism to sue Facebook over its active support for terrorism. I don’t think any of them have been concluded but in any event they seem to have shamed Facebook into at least undertaking to block some terrorist content.
I guess Zuckerberg feel the need to pretend that he has a moral compass.
They should get Gina miller to represent them.
This woman seems to be so important and appears to be the person in charge of how we handle Brexit.
Emmanuel Goldstein,
Dunno. I’m sure they have excellent lawyers representing them.
Quite agree. Brilliant progammer, no doubt, but stupid with everything else. Unfortunately, facebook has a virtual monopoly and I don’t know why. Any ideas ?
The layout and organisation of the site is appalling. Surely there must be a niche in the market ?
Dunno about niches and things. I went onto Facebook years ago to contact a friend but found it trivial and frivolous. So once I’d contacted him and got his email address I went back on to delete my account. Once Facebook registered my intention, it put its collective nose in the air and told me that if I deleted the account I would never be allowed to join Facebook again.
I said, “Fine,” and clicked on ‘delete.’
Yes, they are very dictatorial. I have been harassed by them for posting how awful Zuckerberg is. I just use it to chat with friends who are not on Skype . I wish there was some way you could delete their annoying news feed !
I was on it for about a year and my friend and I got quite a following with our florid and descriptive abuse of each other. In the end though I came to the conclusion that Facebook was at best puerile – (I don’t care what you’re having for tea or if your kid had his first shit) and at worst dangerous. That stuff is there forever. Some off-the-cuff remark when you were pissed up twenty years ago could be presented as ‘proof’ that you are – racist/ sexist/misogynistic/fatist/smurfist/left wing/right wing/a cun t. Whatever.
Irony is, older people who see the dangers are far less likely to get bitten down the road and have far less to lose. Bit like Brexit really………..
Tony H,
Yes. And they track everything and sell your personal details. So minimise personal details. A recent trick is you keep asking for your telephone number ” for security purposes “. Bullshit. Piss off Zuckerberg, you are a crook !
Grant, I’m sure you are right when you say you can ‘minimise personal details’ but if you don’t have an account none of it matters.
That is true. But there are some people round the world that I need to keep in touch with. They are not on Skype or email and telephone calls are expensive. I am talking mainly about Africans who do not know how to set these things up. But most of them manage function on Facebook.
Fair enought mate. We are clearly on the same side.
Actually, you can block the annoying news feed.
If you use Chrome or Android, you can install an extension called the Facebook News Feed Blocker.
I respectfully disagree with the thrust of this vid and comments below.
The reason is that Facebook, Google, Twitter et al are commercial entities whose raison d’etre is to make money for their shareholders by selling advertising. With that in mind, it makes no sense for them to carry content that is likely to upset governments / regulators in certain countries in which they operate.
If you’re not happy with those platforms then don’t use them.
Personally I find all 3 a bit sinister lately, and would happily pay to use ad-free alternatives. An increasing number of people seem to be thinking likewise, which creates a market opportunity for alternatives (as Grant points out).
Alternatives are out there: offers a “free speech” alternative to Twitter and is so popular it has a waiting list. Some “Alt Right” Tweeters include their Gab ID in their Twitter profile in apparent anticipation of being banned by Twitter.
So when Merkel was caught on an open mike telling Zuckerberg that she wanted to silence criticism of her ridiculous policy on Asylum seekers and Zuckerberg was heard to reply “We’re working on it” – how does that sit with you commercial entity theory?
Hi Thoughtful – your example supports my point: by doing Merkel’s bidding Facebook seeks to curry favour with the German authorities, enabling Facebook to maintain and grow its share of the German online advertising market.
Google did similar with the Chinese.
These companies are not in the business of providing a balanced, impartial news service. Quite the opposite: subject to staying on side with local regulators, their algorithms are designed to present the user with content that he / she is likely to find agreeable.
Agreeable content => stay online longer => exposed to more ads => more $$$ for FB.
Nothing on the BBC about this latest enrichment in the name of ‘peace’ !
Just listening to Frankie Goes to Hollywood ‘Two Tribes’ reminds me just how long the attacks on US Republican Presidents has been going on by the Fascist Left in the UK.
It wasn’t just Frankie, Mick Hucknall of simply red (and with a black symbol in a white circle) with moneys too tight as well. There were snide implications that Reagan was senile and had lost his marbles too. Followed by the attacks on Bush which implied he was stupid especially by the BBC, and Dan Quayle too.
And now there’s Trump and the cycle repeats itself.
Yer Man the teller of truths
We have likes of the Al BBC, the MSM in general, clueless, deceitful and indeed complicit government.
The “Keystone Kops” of the, “Social Justice Warrior” Met putting 900 police officers
on the job … not night showing a visible deterrent to “terror”, or to children from gang rapists
No … pandering to those who might feel “triggered”.
To falsify the stats to prove their erm … “figures” are justified,
“another beauty”, straight out of the Tory handbook.
“The statement which New Scotland Yard sent along with its figures suggests the rise may not be due to a genuine increase in Islamophobia, but could instead be due to a “community engagement plan” which sees the authorities actively encourage Muslims to come forward with allegations following what they describe as …“trigger events”
“Where we identify a possible trigger event that could result in more hate crime we instigate a community engagement plan to ensure those in communities who may be victims of hate crime know that we will not tolerate this kind of crime and that we encourage them to report this to the police,” they wrote.
The statement also revealed the sheer scale of the Met’s efforts to boost hate crime recordings – in line with official government policy – with some 900 specialists now focused on this area”.
I tell you, that swamp that needs draining … its an ocean!
“And they now have over 900 police officers working exclusively on investigating claims of hate crimes!.
If those 900 officers had been working on jihad terror, the Westminster jihad attack may never have happened, and there would have been no increase in claimed incidents of “Islamophobia.”
… Voila! Problem solved!” – R Spencer
Please sign this petition:
“Reject all demands from the EU for penalty charges for Brexit”
We have to try our best. In my view, the EU owes us money. This particularly applies to Germany as a result of WW2.
“We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be…”
That great man has something to say:
The great difference between Churchill and the pygmies that now think they know us is that he really did and further more had faith in us.
I will no longer listen to the BBC or it’s followers in the media. It has nothing to say I want to hear. It is the enemy of hope and truth. We are an ancient and fine people and we deserve better than this.
Brand new from PC.
Pat sounds angry and that is just. An excellent speech.
Sorry Mice H. Didn’t see your post.
That’s one of his best, thanks for posting it.
Radio 4 tweeted this about trigger warnings
The News-Watch custom website is still logging BBC anti-Brexit Biad day after day
Terrorist attack on March 23rd and on Mar 24 Bedford Police show their priorities
Yes Stew, our Finest must reassure the terrorists that they’re perfectly safe.
Reassurance to whom?
There can’t be that many French exchange students or American tourists currently visiting Bedford who – in the light of the recent attack in Westminster – now fear being the victim of Islamist terrorism.
Or do the police mean something else?
NCBBC, I’m glad she savaged Merkel, but I don’t know why she demeaned the US in the same breath.
The one reason I can think of, is to cater to the generally anti-American opinion in France. By including America in her attack, she makes it clear that she is not in Trump’s pocket, and asserts France as unique. De gaulle also played to this view.
We may find as the election gets nearer, that Le Pen will distance herself from Brexit Britain and Nigel Farage, for similar reasons.
Interesting. Perhaps it’s also a way of trying to gain French Muslim votes, of which there are a helluvah lot.
I think this is a clip that goes back several months. The Democrats were on the throne in the USA then and didn’t look like being removed.
Perhaps that may explain her remarks.
Despite what the BBC and the other lefties say, Le Penn is far Left, and it is only because their own liberal views on mass migrations are opposed by her that they label her ‘far right’.
I would like to hear the BBC’s definition of right & left wing, and whether this is circulated to correspondents and expected to be adhered to.
Left economics = socialism
Right economics = capitalism
Left policy on immigration = open borders
Right policy on immigration = closed borders
Le Pen and UKIP are both left on economics and right on immigration.
UKIP used to be right on economics but tacked left to pick up votes from working class former Labour voters.
Al Beeb use the term “far right” or “hard right” as a catch-all term to implicitly ascribe 1970s NF-style thuggery to responsible parties who reject Al Beeb’s line on immigration and multiculturalism.
Worth watching for the looks on her audience’ faces. Guy Verhofstadt clearly didn’t go into politics to be subject to the robust expression of views with which he disagrees.
Merkel looks as if someone has let of a stink bomb (which – in a sense – Le Pen has).
The Chamber is supposed to be essentially ceremonial, a cosy club. Le Pen grossly and delightfully breaches that protocol.
Just watched The Pledge on Sky, and whilst debating one of the subjects, they had the usual mantra that its wrong to tar every Muslim with the terrorist tag. This train of thought by those in the media will never change. Where Jews have their Chief Rabbis, Christians have the Archbishop of Canterbury and Catholics the Pope, Islam only have their local Iman to offer guidance, so there is no overriding head of the faith to come out and condemn any atrocity. Islam is a faith of fear, practitioners are afraid to speak, women live in fear of dishonouring the family and the leaders of the white indigenous population live in fear of crossing the political correctness line, which means Islam will never be condemned from the Top, and I find that more worrying than the thread of terrorism !
I never agreed with the thuggish tactics of the EDL, but if we carry on in the same vein, I can see a rise of aggressive groups on the scale of the KKK being formed who can see we are in danger of being steamrolled into submission by a faith that belongs in the desert of the Middle East.
Brissels – “a faith that belongs in the desert of the Middle East”… and IN THE MIDDLE AGES!
The pledge is a strange show.
How on earth does a stupid bimbo like Sarpong get on a grown up discussion show with her blue peter politics. I wonder what it is about her that got her onto the pledge.
Sensible commentators like Dewberry and Malone must be exasperated at the childish outlook of some of the other panellists.
Emm….. Totally agree, most of the time she looks like a lady of the night touting for business, she has a nodding dog demeanour when someone makes a point, and appears to have more camera shots than the rest of the panel. All I can say is she must have a bloody good agent, because like you say, she is totally out of her depth on an adult debating programme; and I’m wondering if she obtained her MBE for hair and make-up (!)
Sorry, but who is Sarpong ? Sounds like an exotic Eastern dress.
Grant, clearly I’ve been stuck in the backwoods also, because until I started watching the Pledge I had no idea of her existence. HOWEVER, this is what it says on her own website…….
“June has enjoyed a 20-year career which has already seen her become one of the most recognizable faces of British television, as well as being one of the UK’s most intelligent and dynamic young hosts. June is a media phenomenon …..”
I think someone was being economical with the truth when using the word ‘intelligent’ !!!
That explains why I had never heard of her. I rarely watch British TV.
no wonder you keep saying……. “????? who ”
I must confess that Japanese tv on Sky 507 has my attention more and more.
Is this June DSarpong
Yep !
Let us consider the hypothetical situation that ALL Muslims at present living in the West, accepted the call to clean up their communities of extremism, and became as moderate as we would like. They even went further and made the changes in their teachings of the Koran and the jihad. Such an outcome would no doubt come as a relief to many on this site, the government, the MSM, and elsewhere. But I counter, that all such changes were being done merely to protect the ummah while it grows at ever-increasing pace in the West. Once a near majority is achieved, that future generation of Muslims will simply revoke any changes, and return to the traditions of the unchanging and unchangeable Koran i.e., the canonical texts of Islam that cannot be changed, but only protected when under duress. That future generation of Muslims, far more numerous then now, will even praise this generation of Muslims for having done what was necessary to protect Islam.
Islamic ideologues take the long view – in several decades or centuries, or more. It is only right that we as well consider options keeping in mind Islam’s long-term goals. Therefore, from a practical viewpoint, a “reformed” Islam sometime in the far future, is meaningless as far as our survival as a historic nation is concerned.
Islamisation of the West is a one-time deal. There is no turning back without a very nasty civil war. Muslims and Islam have no place in the West, which has been formed by Christianity. Our fore-fathers knew that very well. It is only our idiot politicians who seem to think they know better.
Repeat and Rinse.
EDL notwithstanding, Tommy Robinson is a thoroughly good egg.
The Beebyanka’s “Galapagos” documentary really piled on the dark references to “climate change”, without ever (surprise, surprise) justifying any connection. We were told that Pink Iguanas, Marine Iguanas and Giant Tortoises are all, in their various ways, potentially threatened by “climate change”, never referred to as “global warming”, of course.
So the Pink Iguana is at risk, because of you-know-what and may be down to the last two hundred. Actually, the scientists featured seemed to struggle to find even one of them, but I think it’s possible that the species is endangered mainly because its entire known habitat is on the slopes of one very active volcano.
Giant Tortoises are in trouble because of droughts, which must be caused by you-know-what, since it’s not as if droughts ever occurred before 1988. The presenter even pointed out that some species of tortoise can go a full year without eating or drinking anything and are plainly evolved for a harsh environment; also that many parts of the Galapagos Islands are conspicuously not suffering from drought. The inconsistency between these, well, inconvenient truths and her vacuous bleating about “climate change” was pretty glaring, but not to her, apparently.
When she got on to the Marine Iguanas, she came up with a really slippery statistic. Supposedly, during an Eighties El Nino, eighty per cent of Marine Iguanas died out, but, during the 1998 El Nino, ninety-three per cent died out “on certain islands”, which, clearly, is not comparing like with like. She claimed, without providing any evidence, that the impact of El Nino is increasing, because of “climate change”. Since some archaeologists believe the ancient Moche culture of North-western Peru may have been destroyed by a particularly intense El Nino, twelve centuries ago, I suspect she was talking tripe.
Of course, because she only ever referred to “climate change” and never explicitly mentioned “man-made”, she could shelter behind the fig-leaf that the climate is always changing, but I think we all know what the Beebyanka’s agenda invariably is when the term “climate change” is used and especially when it is trotted out so relentlessly.
Owen Morgan.
Did you see the “Who Do You Think You Are?” on the presenter, Liz Bonnin.
It came to pass that her BaME ancestors were slave owners, with a plantation in the West Indies. Whoops!
Not a result the bBBC would have enjoyed.
More merry muslim mayhem the beebistan wo’t be covering…
Hugh Fitzgerald: “Should We Blame Islam For Terrorism?”
But as I’ve posted several times before – Terrorism is not the existential threat. Jihad is simply an indicator of the number of Muslim that are in the country. The more Jihad terror, the more Muslims. And it is the last, the demographic threat, that will destroy Western civilisation for good.
Gilbert Baker, LGBT rainbow flag creator, dies aged 65
Correct me if I’m wrong but even the article itself mentions the rainbow flag was created for the gay community so why has the BBC headlined it as “LGBT”?
Tabs, God should have filed a copyright suit long ago! It’s time barred.
Bit late for a ‘face to face’ meeting with the defendant now.
I have just been reading posts in my paper from Remainers. Immediately after the referendum I was shocked by the arrogance and venom of the Remainers. But I thought that after letting off steam they would calm down and accept the result. But nine months later they are still as arrogant, still as full of hate for their fellow Brits , still determined to overthrow democracy. In my mind there is no doubt that one of the main reasons for their continued refusal to accept the democratic outcome of the referendum is the 24/7 pro Remain propaganda of the BBC. The BBC is fanning the flames ,indeed probably pouring petrol onto the fire. It is actively and vigorously seeking to undermine The referendum result regardless of the damage that this is doing to our country. The role of the BBC in Brexit should be to report the facts impartially and to provide a slightly pro British commentary. Of course those on this site know that the BBC has been undermining our country for decades but their anti British bias has never been so clearly and indisputably displayed as over Brexit. Surely the time has come for British people to tell the government that we have enough of the BBC and its poll tax. We want rid of it.
I’m becoming more convinced that the government is happy for the BBC to continue its efforts to undermine Brexit. Most of them never wanted to leave, remember, and it would suit them just fine if the voters were frightened into saying “We’ve changed our mind”. The fact that there are no provisions to undeclare Article 50 wouldn’t stop the EU: the BBC has already run articles suggesting that it’s possible to prepare the ground.
Government, and state media… together trying to reshape opinion to restore control?
There is a word for that.
I think there is a possibility that you are right. I keep a close eye on what Euro sceptic back benchers such as John Redwood , Peter Bone et al, are saying. I am sure they will be very loud in their protest if they smell a rat.
Interesting thing, DT (re your 8.03am post), is that on the BBC web-site HYSs – Scottish Independence Referendum 2 as well as the EU Leave vote – the posters commenting are still showing solid support against the first and in favour of the second. For Leaving the EU there appear to be occasional but fairly consistent comments from Remain voters who now want Out and Out quick.
I wonder whether if the BBC & Remainers keep this constant post-vote Remain campaign going up whether there will a growing clamour from the public for a very hard and very fast exit from the EU. They will get the opposite to what they hope for.
Until there is an economic upheaval. Then the public concern, possibly, probably even, will be carefully nudged into a panic to overturn the Brexit decision and get us back into the EU.
Enrichment News… Doesn’t seem to have made it to the BBC website yet. If it does, it will be a low profile sanitised article on the Kent regional section – they might even have to delete the article about the moustache competition to make way for it.
Are we the April Fools?
On BBC Breakfast beta male sofa-based presenter Charlie Stayt says with a nod and a wink, “As far as I know we’re not running one”
But let’s face it, the BBC have been taking us for fools on Europe since Panorama brought us the spaghetti harvest.
And if you wanted evidence – the pinch and the punch – just tune into the News Channel at 7.47am on Saturday for soft-soaping Samira Ahmed and witness the BBC Newswatch three-card-trick on viewer complaints.
In a week where 70 MPs (ie those MPs actually representing 52% of the electorate), a few observers of journalism (brave souls swimming against the tide of their profession) and many members of the public have called attention to the BBC’s negativity toward Brexit our Samira employs as her initial headline, at the top of the show setting the tone for what is to follow – moans from EU-philes that their street protest in London did not get enough coverage.
So, round one goes to the pro-EU bias of the BBC. Their show, their rules.
Perhaps we ought to have taken the prior introductory announcement that “Samira Ahmed asks whether Brexit has been covered fairly” as the real joke of the day.
The true business of BBC Newswatch is self-justification. On comes one Ric Bailey, BBC Chief Political Advisor, no less. Two questions spring to mind. What’s with the name ‘Ric’ and does this BBC Chief command lots of BBC Indians in an entire BBC Tribe of Political Advisors? First I’ve heard of them.
Read between the lines and our Ric is telling us in no uncertain terms that the time for balance is over. Now is the time for the BBC to go into opposition, ‘Our job is to scrutinise’, he says. I have to say this is in line with my experience of the BBC’s coverage of the EU. Only during the period of the actual official Referendum campaign did the BBC come anywhere near to balancing In and Out views. For years prior to the event and now following the decision the BBC has reverted to outright anti-Brexit. Our Ric tells us that it is not about ‘mathematical balance’ – so we needn’t bother to measure ‘airtime’ or indeed ‘number of voices’. So there you have it. The BBC is consciously rehearsing the Remainer arguments and feels no sense of duty to show balance or impartiality on the issue.
Ok, he beat embargo by a week, but one of the Beeb’s best since Papa Dimbles:
She’s “picking the brains” of Nick Robinson and Jon Snow? Dunno about Robinson but in Snow’s case that is slim pickings indeed.
AISI, BBC taking us for fools? Spaghetti on trees? Global Warming & Climate Change on every possible occasion?
I laughed when they did an item on this on Radio 4’s TOADY programme this morning. It was notable that the foundation for that brilliant joke was an exceptionally warm winter and a spring that had arrived (in Switzerland!) two weeks early.
In 1957.
After which we had some Global Cooling in 1963 and 1964.
The amount of airtime currently given to Heseltine and Campbell, both proven liars, back-stabbers and very much yesterday’s men, is all the proof required to expose the pathos in any claims of impartiality.
But they are both much hated even by many in their own parties. The BBC are too stupid to realise that it may work in favour of Brexit. If Beeboids had any sense they would keep these two repulsive people off TV !
Papa Dimblebore even used the phrase “home-grown spaghetti” in the Great April Fool’s Day Hoax. Obviously, the inspiration for “home-grown terrorism” in the Great “It’s nothing to do with Islam” Hoax.
I had a hope that once we all got past Budget 2017, BBC News would stop rattling the Collecting Box under the nose of the taxpayer at every possible opportunity.
No chance.
The TOADY programme (BBC R4) from 7am has been at it from the start complaining that the extra £5,000 per annum per Officer granted to some UK prisons where they were having trouble getting sufficient recruits is not going to every Officer at those prisons. At the same time, they appear aggrieved that some people earning more than £100,000 have taken advantage of a Government scheme to help first time buyers. There’s a thing: people cheat!
I wish that the Chancellor of the Exchequer would pass legislation to roll back his predecessor’s freeze on taxes applicable to incomes and immediately put up the top rate of Income Tax every time the TOADY presenters complain that some Department, office or organisation is not getting enough ‘Government money’, which doesn’t of course exist.
I bet the squeals from TOADY presenters (who probably all earn salaries well into the top rate Income Tax band) would be instantaneous and immediately followed by continuous repetition of the ‘FakeNews’ mantra “Increase the top rate of tax and you get less in.”
Or just have a special tax on highly paid Beeboids which would only be scrapped at the same time as the Licence Fee. At least general taxation is spread around. The TV tax is targetted at one organistion, which is poor value for money, biased and loathed by many of us.
Somebody from the treasury or government should tot up the total cost of all the tax rises that labour and their BBC want for everything they are forever complaining about, like the NHS, then say to the public “we can do all these things that labour and the BBC tell us we should do and it will cost ?% more on your tax, maybe instead of paying 20% you would pay 30-40 or maybe 60-70% tax.
If you want to pay that let us know because we can raise the tax levels.
Or, vote labour.”
Grant, funny thing but that thought – taxing Beeboids – crossed my mind, too.
Also the dream of being the CoE and able to ‘phone in and ask – perhaps on air – “Do you want me to tax BBC Broadcasters?” “I know what income levels you operate at. An extra 10% will provide me with £XX million. I could widen it to all terrestrial channels if you think I’m being unfair to just the BBC. That will raise £YYm.”
I realise that that might be seen as undue political influence in independent broadcasting. It would mean that I then would never get a job with, or make programmes for, the BBC like so many politicians like James Purnell and Alan Johnson. 😉
OK, for the undue influence to be the other way round, of course.
Funny, that.
I think that all “public servants” including Beeboids, should have to disclose their income. Their Tax Returns should be published. After all, it is our money that is paying for them .
“symptomatic of the BBC’s occasional forays into political spin when the underlying facts offer very modest support”
Or… Fake news.
I am trying to suss out on the leader page on the BBC website where they have the April 1st fools picture. No it’s not the Paraguay picture. No it’s not the April fools picture itself.
I know what it is !!! Its’s the picture in the middle the Liverpool-Everton football snap.
There are only WHITE faces!! April Fool!!!!!!
“I’m Tired of Celebrities Defending Islam!”
This woman lets the Slebs have it – right between the eyes!
The piano concerto in the background was used in the 1941 Bette Davis melodrama “The Great Lie”. I wonder if it was a deliberate choice.
Its the Warsaw Concerto.
A Religionist of Peace shows her compassion by filming her maid struggle and then fall from 7th floor without helping. She doesn’t care, she’ll just buy another, dime a dozen.
There’s a book to be written about the treatment of migrant slaves – sorry, workers – by Middle Eastern Arabs. I wonder if the beeb will write it? Just kidding.
I think I have posted on this before. It is mainly Filipinas and Black Africans who suffer at the hands of dirty Arab muslims. It is not just slavery, including sexual slavery. Many just simply disappear. I would have thought the BBC would be appalled by this. They can’t plead ignorance as they have many “correspondents” in and out of the Middle East. Imagine what the BBC reaction would be if one of these wretches disappeared. Why the silence , I wonder ?
PS That story of the Ethiopian maid is the tip of the iceberg. I would not even want to post here of some of the atrocities I have heard of and seen video clips of.
As we all know Grant for reasons best know to themselves the BBC has issued the “Religion of Peace” a “Get out of jail free card” on everything.
Knowing the BBC like we do as a totally crooked, politically skewed and culturally vacuous organisation I am totally unsurprised by this.
However what is absolutely outrageous is the deafening silence from our Government (I suspect that Saudi contracts may have something to do with it) and of course our SJW warriors and humanitarians such as the saintly Baroness Chakrabarti, Baroness Warsi and not forgetting the delightful Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. (maybe it was time Yasmin was made a “Baroness too)
I must remember these days that all people are equal but Muslims are obviously more equal than others!
Well said. I see that the Kuwait authorities are investigating. They will probably prosecute the maid for avoiding work. And we fought a war to save them from Saddam !
Grant a couple of weeks ago I was listening to some programme on R4 about “fake news” And of course the BBC is the moral arbiter on this.
However what was interesting (for once) is that they were saying that when a nurse addressed the US congress telling them about a Hospital massacre by Iraqi forces in Kuwait . Apparently the nurse in question was a minor member of the Kuwait Royal Family.
Whether she was a nurse or not was never made clear.
I presume the BBC learned some of their trade from this.
Don’t quite follow. Were they saying that the report of the testimony was fake or that what the nurse said was fake ?
Yes they said it came out as a fake story.
In the talk section there is no dispute.
Thanks. I get Oak’s point now.
I assume it was the story that Iraqi forces threw babies out of incubators. This turned out to be fake news. I don’t know why they bothered, there must have been umpteen real atrocity stories, but this one went the rounds at the time.
Grant – I think that they were suggesting that the nurse gave false testimony. I suppose I saw it in the “propaganda context” in that the majority of what any good propagandist says should be factually correct. This is so the majority trust the broadcaster and therefore they are are less likely to spot the big lie. Which I believe is the BBC to a tee.
And the big lies in the case of the BBC are the EU, migration, Trump and Islam.
Actually thats quite a few – I suppose they better broadcast a few more truthful bits as cover. – May be a bit difficult when you rely on people like Kuenenberg, Robinson and Marr as your anchors.
Sorry I should have been a bit more explicit but its Saturday and I was in a hurry to get to the pub!
Different rules for Muzzies, especially Arabs, from the Foreign Office Camel Corps down.
I was looking for the April Fools item on the BBC website. Trouble is there are too many candidates to choose from..
How about “Orkney tops UK quality of life survey “. Only joking. If any of you have never been there, it is great. Can’t vouch for the weather though !
It’s just one big April Fool neil. But the biggest fools of all are those who pay the extortion fee – sorry license fee.
More enrichment the beeb won’t tell you about: 2 buglers tortured their elderly victims for hours, including pouring boiling water over them.

It must be Fake News because I can’t find it on the BBC website.
‘China bans burqas and “abnormal beards” in predominantly Muslim province’.
So Communist dictatorship not all bad then.
Now what about banning ‘abnormal religions’?
There was an eye wateringly awful interview on the Jeremy Vine Show the other afternoon. This bloke is getting worse, he really is.
It was just after the very welcomed outcome of the Sergeant Blackman case and (thank God) the judges showed a bit of common sense and compassion…for a change.
Taking part was BBC favourite, that perpetual grievance monger, Yasmin (I’m talking utter bolloccks) Brown.
Poor Yasmin had been appalled at the celebrations of the Blackman supporters outside the court, who were understandably jubilant after such an atrocious miscarriage of justice had been overturned.
What was she expecting? A shake of hands….slap on the back…an apologetic thumbs up?
According to Yasmin the whole episode was “triumphalist” and “un-Christian”. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
I’ve got to be totally honest and confess I don’t give a tinker’s toss for the opinions of this ghastly little whinger. Alas, she’s forever on the telly or radio reprimanding us for some perceived imperfections in our nations character. I suppose, if you think about it, it’s really good of her to stay here with us…
In the other corner was Nick Ferrari who has campaigned for Blackman’s release. All honour to him. However, did he need to be quite so obsequious telling Brown, “I really admire you…” and “You’re a wonderful journalist.” FFS! Why? Christ, this bint gets right up my bleedin’ hooter and on my thruppenny bits at the same time! She’s a complete and utter pain in the rectum!
Jeremy Vine entered proceedings with what I thought was an observation that should finish his career. Of course it won’t. He made a comparison between the understandable celebrations of Sergeant Blackman’s friends with those that greeted the Lockerbie bomber (Megrahi) when the old terrorist returned to Libya. It’s incredible! If I hadn’t been driving at the time I’d have kicked the radio.
So there you have it. According to the BBC, relieved veterans cheering because a decent man has been given his freedom is the equivalent to a hate- filled, racist mob shrieking in delight on meeting a mass murderer.
I don’t expect much from the Beeb these days but…
I wonder if Nick Ferrari was being sarcastic with Yasmin. She has certainly had a sense of humour bypass so wouldn’t pick it up if he was. A totally repulsive woman , but there are so many to choose from.
Tells you all you need to know about the Vile Vine. And the even viler Ali Baba Brown. And the viler beebistan. Loathsome, loathsome, loathsome.
Who will rid us of this turbulent corporation?
I find it utterly repulsive that Yasmin Brown, after being chucked out of Uganda and seeking refuge here, can now turn on this country and give her views on what we should and shouldn’t do ! the woman’s a parasite and we’re paying her, via the BBC’s wage office. We’ve got ’em all here, spouting how awful the UK is, – and they’ve all got ethnic heritages – from the West Indies, Africa and India/Pakistan, yet none seem too keen to return to their roots, but are willing to live in this dreadful place in their civilised housing with a Marks and Spencer on the doorstep.
A friend of mine is a social worker in one of the southern ‘shires’, and she and 4 others are the only whites out of a department of 24 ! The others are all ethnic with various language skills; as my friend put it, they have to act as interpreters for the local population of high ethnicity; – interestingly high on the list of issues to be addressed is FGM. This is an indication of the level we have reached as an Anglo Saxon country in the past 40 years – having to deal with problems that are not our culture. I find this abhorrent, and I would so like to have a face to face conversation with Brown on this.
Do cnuts like Yasmin ever think what would have happened to their families, if the British had left them to the tender mercies of Amin ? She truly is one nasty bitch from hell.
I heard that too Jeff, the thing was that Vine is so thick he said that the terrorist returned to “Iraq” not “Libya”. I switched off after that, my tolerance for Yasmin I-dearly-hope-we-can-wish-you-bi-bi-Brown is quite low.
This is the official BBC response to the Comic relief complaints of which there must have been many.
To me this is standard BBC inability to accept they did anything wrong, and the usual sorry if you were disappointed or offended but tough titty.
Have a read of it and see what you think ?
As Mrs Loather wished to watch I was subjected to a few minutes of Anything-But-Comic Relief. I banged in a complaint but I haven’t had a reply yet. To be honest, I’m expecting to be put on the BBC’s Naughty Step (aka Expedited Complaints Handling Process, which basically means “We’re going to ignore you”) for the second time any day now. Anyway, my complaint went like this:
Two things: 1) The programme was described as “Comic Relief”. Relief it may have been, but I struggled to find anything “Comic”. My suggestion is that the programme be renamed “Lefty Anti-Brexit Anti-Trump So-Called Comedians Mutual Appreciation Relief” to reflect more accurately what was broadcast. 2) Why am I, an oppressed-by-the-law TV Licence Tax payer, subsidising this charity in preference to one that I would actually choose to support?
Mrs L gave up with it just as I finished typing.
Islamic Takeover: Why Mass Immigration Signals ‘the End of Britain’
TCW Whistleblower: When it comes to Prevent don’t mention the Islamists
Jeff, I agree totally. The left has succumbed to a sort of mass idiocy. And it appears almost mandatory for these useful idiots – well represented at the BBC – to make absurd and grotesque comparisons between totally different individuals and events. They seem to be driven by an obsession to normalise Islamic terrorists by equating them with everyone else. I guess the hope is that such abject dhimmi submission will have the effect of minimising Islamic terrorism in the eyes of those susceptible to such twisted propaganda.
I would disagree that the Left has succumbed to mass idiocy, rather the reverse.
Look at the number of Islamic areas which vote Labour and you will see that this is their core support. The Left will do nothing which threatens that support and everything to cultivate it. The same is true to a lesser extent of the Black vote.
To this end they invent paper tigers to threaten the minority groups with and then promise them their protection symbolically slaying these fake monsters and seeking the approval & votes of course of the minority groups.
Most of these fake threats are blamed on white people who wouldn’t vote Labour anyway so don’t matter to them in the greater scheme of things.
Labour have always assumed that the useful idiots on the council estates, and in the Northern post industrial wastelands would always vote for them, and indeed many fond & foolish old men still do – alas too stupid to see the truth.
In the rest of the country however Labour lost the white vote after Tony BLiar abandoned them.
It’s being said that UKIPs success was because Labour forgot about their former supporters, the white working class, and there is some truth in that, but the real point is that they have no formula to control this group which they have in reality demonised in order to scare the ethnic vote.
The Tories, too blinded by greed to care about what is going on socially in the country haven’t even realised what game Labour is playing, and have actually joined them in playing it!
I wonder if without this ethnic vote keeping them in positions within the major cities, Labour would have any more than a handful of MPs, given the loss of Scotland.
And therein lies your answer as to why you see “an obsession to normalise Islamic terrorists”
There’s a report on the popularity of Labour on (which I seem to be frozen out of at the moment).
Basically they have lost the white working class, so will lose dozens of seats in the Midlands and the North. They are doing even worse in Scotland than in 2015 – but will only lose the one seat they have left.
And this leaves the BBC in a bind – if they over promote the minority groups so they back Labour then they will lose more of the previously solid Labour support. Basically they want Tony Blair mark 2 to come along, riding on his charger full of platitudes and are desperate that such a hero has not yet manifested.
Well they did have David Cameron who came unto his own & his own received him not.
Never mind “received him not”. I’ll go with the Second Book of Kings; where Jezebel was thrown from a high window and eaten by dogs.
Thoughtful, I don’t disagree that the left has consciously cultivated the Islamic vote – after all, the flooding of the UK with Muslims was partly driven by the lefty political agenda.
I think I can see why you object to my characterisation of the left as mass idiots since their agenda is driven by cunning and the lust for power.
I think they are idiots because they are signing their own death warrants. The longest suicide note in history ?
I think they are idiots because they are signing their own death warrants.
So true, Grant.
The LibMob public seem brainwashed and full of knee jerk hate-not-hope
They are the BNPlike mob they despise.
Oh dear oh dear oh dear !
The nanny state type management of the BBC has turned its attention to the BBC staff, and while they’re quite happy to do unto others, they are not at all happy when it’s done to them!
“Outrage at MediaCity as meat taken off the menu on Mondays at main BBC staff canteen
Workers have hit out over a lack of consultation, but the BBC stressed health and environmental benefits”
“the menu change has sparked an angry backlash, with workers accusing the corporation of ‘forcing its agenda’ on staff ”
I guess they don’t mind so much when they’re forcing their agenda on us the paying public, but it’s also interesting that the staff have disclosed the BBC management do have a leftie agenda !
“I find this totally discriminatory against meat eaters. How dare my employer dictate like this to me. I have a dietary problem, don’t like tofu, have problems with milk and cheese. I have read the menu and quite clearly I will be unable to eat in the canteen on Monday. Oh well. Booths here I come.”
Booths BTW is a kind of independent Waitrose posh supermarket which has opened up very close to media city presumably to cater to the posh BBC types.
All very interesting to read the comments of the employees and a BBC management who appear to be incapable of understand the outrage!
We in Britain should be segregating the Muslim extremist prisoners, and not housing them in jails where they are given better treatment encouraging others to convert in order to receive the same privileges.
This attack was in large part the fault of Theresa May who should have dealt with this years ago when she was Home secretary.
The attacker a Black criminal as he went into prison, came out a ‘radicalised’ Muslim convert. This need not have happened.
Amber Rudd, the Emir, and Cops held a candlelit black mass of sorts to prevent further attacks
Still too many hideousy white people there.
Any sexually or racially fluid people there???
Don’t know, but Amber was certainly “fluid” in her business “career”. How can someone like that be a Government Minister. Or , maybe, dishonesty is a prime qualification ? Guess she learned it from her father.
What Bbc reports and doesn’t report
Times – Fraud Trial Sunk by BBC crew
They’d failed to get proper consent
But here’s a story BBC do report
Using the hidden link headline trick
\\The 17-year-old is fighting for his life after the “hate crime” * assault at a bus stop.//
* The only evidence for that term in the long bbc report is that the victim is foreign
Dog fails to bark in the night?
Sometimes it is not what they say, it is what they don’t say. For instance, what are we to make of this unpleasant event, where an ‘asylum seeker’ was attacked by a gang in what the Metropolitan police are treating as a ‘hate crime’:
Conspicuously absent is any description of the attackers, which might be helpful considering the Met are asking for witnesses. So what is the public supposed to be infer from the item, which has been reproduced in standardised form throughout the MSM? That, say, an Arab or African asylum seeker was assaulted by a gang of white youths? Yet if this was happened, would you not expect it to be front page news? Perhaps it was something quite different – notice the description of a ‘gang in South London’, which is often used by the media as a euphemism meaning black youths. What if it was a black gang attacking, say, a Syrian or an Ethiopian (there is often animosity between Caribbeans and Africans)? Or indeed, any other combination of people. The crime is still equally despicable, but the impression created is different. It is precisely the failure of the media to inform the public of the available facts, where they are known and not prejudical to the enquiry, that ferments suspicion and loathing in this country.
(Sorry, StewGreen, we have overlapped)
If it is not whites, you can bet it will fade from BBC News. I would have thought the BBC would have more to say about the animosity between black Caribbeans and black Africans. The former believing themselves to be superior to their African black brothers. Could be a good topic for a documentary.
After many months of reading this site I’ve just now registered to comment on this thread. The BBC is giving some prominence to this story, putting it on their news homepage, although I note he is “serious but stable” rather than critical as I heard on Radio 2 earlier today. Funny but as I was on my way to work in Luton yesterday, the Police had closed part of Dallow Road, an area that seems to be populated almost entirely by Asians and Eastern Europeans. “Oh no,” I thought,”not another shooting.” Indeed it was:
The second shooting on the same road in five months (The last was in November) but I couldn’t find any reporting by the BBC. Alright, I don’t know the seriousness of these incidents, nor the nationality/ethnicity of those responsible but it does seem to me that as far as the Beeb is concerned crime committed in certain areas of the country is just not worth mentioning.
Welcome !
Thanks! I’ll try to post more in future although I must admit I’m not that much of a news junkie. It’s the bias inherent in the BBC’s soaps/dramas etc. that more often grinds my gears!
So Spain won’t let us leave or negotiate unless we hand over Gibraltar?
Spain is very much up shit creek with many coming here for jobs – it’s all very Latin and reminiscent of Argentina and the Falklands.
So far up shit creek that a threat to stop all holiday flights from the UK could further cripple their economy and bring down their government.
Time to play hardball with these people.
Agreed – we don’t live under the shadow of Obama anymore and it’s about time this country and it’s majority population stood up straight.
Happy for Gib to stay British provided its inhabitants (including companies incorporated there) start paying taxes to HMRC at the same rate as the rest of the UK.
Alternatively the Rock can be handed over to Spain and they can pay tax to the Spanish government at Spanish rates in return for continuing to benefit from Spanish infrastructure and defence spending.
If neither of those appeals then Gib could declare UDI, following which I would expect Spain to close the border.
Spain can’t stop us leaving and they won’t be a part of the negotiations either so I don’t know where you got that from?
May MUST realise that getting the agreement of all 26(?) EU countries to a trade deal is a virtual impossibility, and should refuse to give any further funding to the EU, indeed be demanding that they return some of the enormous sums we have given them over the years.
We will walk away from this in 2 year time with no agreement and the hard Brexit talked about. Once German export interests are threatened the Germans who rule Europe will then sort a trade deal out regardless of what the others think.
Al Beeb is busy stirring the sh*t on this one.
The idea is that Spain and any of the other EU countries will want to include its own particular “gotcha” into the Brexit deal between the EU and the UK, failing which Spain (or whichever country) will veto the deal.
It’s patent b*ll*cks but gives Al Beeb something alarming with which to fill the airwaves.
Tom, Kenny
Someone tell Treezer the appeaser not to appease the Dagos
“It’s patent b*ll*cks but gives Al Beeb something alarming with which to fill the airwaves.”
The BBC has miscalculated on this story. Several of the people I know who voted Remain are taking the view “if this is how the other EU countries want to behave the sooner we’re out the better, and no concessions”.
No one at the BBC seems to have noticed that they are telling us that the EU is setting up the negotiations to fail, so even if May screws up we won’t see the lack of an agreement as her fault. This is CBeebies level of reporting
Spain has a veto – they all do. If we choose to walk away that won’t matter. Remember ALL 27 have to agree terms.
Hmm BBC Muslim Mums doco
At about quarter past two in the morning, last week, I turned on my radio for R4 and was a bit surprised to hear someone with the usual muslim, innit, accent inciting all muslims to kill the kuffar in the Dar al Kufr and to wage war against the ungodly west. This must have been the World Service iteration of this oeuvre. At first, I thought the BBC was coming out to show its true colours, even if was in the middle night. But then Muna started talking to a panel of dim muslim mums who had no idea why their kids suddenly went off to Syria for a bit of beheading. They reckoned that it was that kufr invention the internet that was putting their kids in danger like this – normally they would be at mosque listening to Big Beards giving them the same message. I’m sure the only thing that puzzled the muslim mums was their childrens’ determinination to go to Syria to wage jihad. Why bother!! Stay at home do a bit of “home-grown” terrorism and blame it on islamophobia. Centuries of “cousin love” has its drawbacks. Centuries of inbreeding seems to have affected Prince Charles too. Apparently, he was lobbying for Afghanistan not to be attacked during Ramadan or some othe Muslim taboo time. Where does this death wish come from?
Extremist Islam?
Is there any other kind?
Listening to BBC R4 in the car earlier today.
“The Now Show” was on. It is so execrably poor – trotting out the same tired comedic tropes week after week – that I doubt even its writers and presenters think it is funny.
Listen carefully to the studio laughter next time it’s on. It has a very polite, dutiful quality to it.
By contrast Lord Heseltine was interviewed on a serious news programme earlier in the day, whining about Brexit. Now that was funny. “Who was to blame?” the interviewer asked him. To blame! 😀
Blatant bias. They are so steeped in it that they can’t help themselves.
It’s coached laughter
..and with the production people turning up and down the volume knob
and possibly editing laughter from one take onto the final take
… laughing gets stale on the third take
Over on our LibMob Radio forum they deliberately added a load of BBC staff to the group
and the producers commented they never use “canned laughter”
..then I remebered how in the studio I’ve seen it coached, as I explained.
BBC R4 lunchtime news:
Six men have been charged with rape of a girl under the age of 16. A seventh has been charged with conspiracy to rape.
“The men are all from Oxford,” said the newsreader. End of news item.
So I went online to find out more. The seven Oxford men’s names are: Shabir Dogar, Shabaz Khan, Shohab Dogar, Yasin Hamid, Usman Iddris, Joseph Suraina and Waqas Hussain.
Is there an elephant in the room?
These Oxford Univerity Professors are totally out of control now.
PS I notice BBC website reports that 10 other “men” “from Banbury” have been arrested. Must be something in the air in Oxfordshire ?
Another six ‘men’.
Takudzwa Hova, Mohamed Saleh, Ahmed Hassan-Sule, Said Saleh and Kagiso Manase. The sixth cannot be named for legal reasons.
Smith? Williams? Rothschild? Campbell?
We may never know.
If it is Rothschild, the BBC would be on to it. Maybe the sixth is a policeman , social worker or Labour politician ?
The oldest was 24 and the youngest just 20, so they’re a bit young for professors; they’re more likely to be undergraduates or postgraduates.
I hope none of them were supposed to be rowing in tomorrow’s Varsity Boat Race.
I notice that the offences go back to 2008 !
The number of girls gang raped over the years by Muslims, is likely to be well over 50,000. This is a war crime, for the simple reason that Islam is at war with Infidels, and using rape as an instrument of war, is a war crime.
The authorities allowed this to happen – on their own kith and kin. There is no instance in history anywhere anytime for such an appalling crime.
I can’t believe it.
On Toady R4 this morning there was a pro-Brexit article.
And just a short time later I heard that some white male presenters have been specifically hired in order to redress the recruitment balance as they are ‘currently significantly under-represented’ by the BBC.
April Fool!
UK government says Gibraltar will not be used as a bargaining chip during brexit negotiations.
Labour calls on the government not to allow Gibraltar to be used as a bargaining chip.
You couldn’t make this sh!t up.
Time for some gunboat diplomacy, if we had any gunboats. Nelson is turning in his grave.
F*ck, you mean Camermoron actually left us with some gunboats?
This is the latest virtue signalling trope: “X shouldn’t be used as a bargaining chip”.
I’m not sure if I can stomach a further 2 years of it.
Better get used to it Tom the BBC is only warming to its theme.
Like some giant out of control Locomotive it will be getting shriller and shriller with increasingly dire and warnings of how we are all dooooooomed.
It will revel in every contemptible squeak from that sad old soak Junker and Tusk, Merkel and all these other Euro enthusiasts, who have had their greedy snouts permanently stuck in the Euro trough for the past decades. Every word they utter will be dissected, re-dissected, and re-examined, so that all of us thick prolls will be under no illusions about the terrible thing we have done.
As for brexit what can we expect. I think in truth it will not be easy. The EU is like a dying drug addict. It knows that there is no hope – but if it can get one last fix of smack, and maybe just one more and maybe just……..who knows?
Ultimately we have been bankrolling these bastards for the last few decades and they have become like fat, greedy and lazy children who cannot envisage any sort of future without their tired indulgent parents.
Not only have they spent other peoples money like water on vanity projects and pointless policies. They have also opened the immigration flood gates in an act of political weakness and stupidity and have dressed it up as a humanitarian gesture and expect the rest of us to now help them cope with this flood of mainly hostile males with no end to it in sight.
I think that at the end of the day the EU has no intention to have any sort of meaningful agreement. If they cant agree with themselves how on earth will they be able to come to any sort of understanding with us. No they will just play for time and throw spanners in the works, hoping that internal pressures from our own two faced, scheming politicians/business leaders and the BBC will mean we will eventually just give up. There can only be the abject surrender of one side or the other. The EU will be throwing all their toys out of the pram. But this time we must not pick them up – we must walk away instead.
I suspect that Germans will be quite prepared to see their own car industry damaged to punish us because the stakes are higher than just one industry – when we go – the EU collapses – I suspect it is that simple.
But we have no choice. The EU before Brexit was buckling under the weight of its own greed and stupidity. Even if we had voted Remain, the EU house of cards would have collapsed anyway. All that has happened is that we have bought that date forward and concentrated everyones minds.
Neither will our World class state broadcaster see any of this. Like the EU this organisation has been hooked on “free money” for too many years and perhaps in the demise of the EU the BBC sees a reflection of its own future. Whatever the reason unless the BBC is bought to heel, every time we turn the TV or radio on, we will be harangued, warned and constantly made to feel guilty about voting to take back control of our own destiny.
The inability of the Government to bring the BBC to heel on this issue tells me all I need to know about Theresas brexit commitment.
So whilst expecting things to get pretty difficult in the short term – I say bring it on and lets sign up to WTO rules now rather than wasting any more precious time trying to salvage the un salvageable. And to the snowflakes who say – How could you? -I say well actually quite easily!
Oaknash, sadly I think you’re right. Between 23 June and the triggering of Article 50 we had a ‘phoney war’, and many people (Gina Miller etc) seemed to think they could stop the process. Now that the process of leaving has started , Brexit is going to become a catch-all fear symbol, like man-made climate change – something which is never conclusively proven but is nonetheless believed to be true. So we’ll have never-ending stories like ‘Car sales down 2.5% – is Brexit to blame’ as well as ‘Car sales up 2.5% – is the Brexit effect causing the economy to overheat?’ etc for decades to come.
What is a bargaining chip, does anybody know?
Something to do with gambling, I think ?
McCain make them for Iceland
Is there ANYTHING which Labour wouldn’t object to being used as a “bargaining chip”?