Here you go, a new open thread to see us all off into the weekend. I don’t know about you but I am finding the BBC unbearable to watch at the moment as it seethes in the aftermath of Theresa May triggering Article 50. It strikes me that we will have two years now of endless bitching and moaning from the BBC (And it’s print wing, The Guardian) about how IMPOSSIBLE Brexit will be to achieve, how it will cost us the earth the moon and the stars, blah blah blah. Excruciating to endure at one level, fun at another. The BBC is desperate to ensure the “hard Brexit” (=no Brexit) narrative prevails. They will fail.
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Not bias , but my 92-year old mum here , who has Alzheimer’s , but is still alert enough to enjoy Portillo’s Railway Journeys and is watching him in Holland now. Michael is wearing a fetching combination of crimson/orange trousers and a yellow jacket . I asked her how she would feel if I dressed like that. She replied ” I would think that you were daft “. I said “not homosexual ? “. She said ” what is a homosexual ? ” !!!
He does mince around, a lot, doesn’t he!
Old Goat,
I could not possibly comment !
I actually quite like his colourful jackets. Pity he looks like a walrus with the size of his nose !
I find him strangely attractive. Do I need help?
Yes Looby – you need help!
Funnily enough years ago I worked for a local authority. And in the office next door was Michaels brother Joe who was the total opposite to Michael – appeared very capable but very quiet.
This was the time when Michael made that rather cringy SAS speech to the Tories and I must say I did feel a bit sorry for Joe who just seemed to want a quiet life.
Still in the end Michael hasnt done too bad out of it all, despite the pastel shirts.
I had no time for him as a politician, but I respect his charity work, and he has a nice line in self-deprecating humour.
I agree RJ, I think he’s quite good as a travelogue presenter, rather than the younger ‘shouty’ types we’re often plagued with.
I am sure Scotty/maxi will help you.
Soon after his marriage, to a senior recruitment advisor iirc, there was a lot of comment about his gay past.
Fascists attack peaceful march in central London.
The bBBC have not ‘noticed’ yet!
I am sure that Tomi will inform them, he’s on duty .
Humour time
An Israeli doctor said, “In Israel, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man’s testicles, put
them on another man, and in 6 weeks, he gave his wife a child and is looking for work.”
The German doctor said, “That’s nothing, in Germany we take part of a brain, put it in another man and in 4 weeks he has joined Mensa and he is
looking for work.”
The Russian doctor said, “Gentlemen, we take half a heart from a man, put it in another man’s chest and in 2 weeks he is part of the olympic squad
and is looking for work.”
The Scottish doctor just laughed and commented, “You are all way behind us.Thirteen months ago, we took a woman with no brains, no heart, and
no balls and made her first minister of Scotland.
So true about Krankie. Rest assured, many of us hate her. Why ? She has no sense of humour !
Grant – She certainly comes across as a totally sterile, bitter and joyless individual. She is a bit like the fairy in Peter Pan except wherever she goes she spreads Krankie dust which sours milk, makes children cry and makes the rest of us lose the will to live!
LOL ! Let’s say some of us cannot fathom how she she became First Minister. She is not the sharpest tool in the box, in the intellectual sense. Mind you I I could say the same about Treezer.
Feel free Grant = I trust both of them about as much as I would trust Jimmy Saville at a Barnardos xmas party.
Wee Nicola has nicer knees.
Shallow? Me?
No, can’t be. I listen to BBC Radio 4.
Shallow ? Toi ? Mais non. Treezer has ” Kitten Heels ” 1
Grant and Snuff you are both fixated with feet and knees. Both of them have donned the hijab. The big question is who looks biggest “fox” in these “liberating” garments.
Grant and Snuff you are both fixated with feet and knees. Both of them have donned the hijab. The big question is who looks biggest “fox” in these “liberating” garments.
We are talking devil and deep blue sea here.
Grant – two “girls” could be twice the fun!
Oak, due to some quirk in this website I cannot reply to your “two girls ” comment. Suffice to say that when I was a boy, I had 5 boys every day.
LOL, Grant.
As you put it like that, then maybe I’ll take a rain check.
Somewhere like Skye or Harris or Lewis when Holyrood & Westminster are both sitting.
Grant, I’m really hoping you are talking about the 5 Boys chocolate bar !
I too am a little worried Grant – One of us is becoming a little confused and I am hoping its me!
Of course I was talking about the chocolate bar. Sadly , I don’t think they make them any more.
Brissles, Fry’s? 🙂
Forget Cameron.
Whatever happened to them?
Yes, and I also remember Fry’s fruit cream bar, Knux bars, liquorice Spangles, Tiffin bar, oh I could go on forever !
She is a sad person. She joined the SNP as a schoolgirl, when any normal child would be interested in ponies or pop stars, or anything but politics. She married an SNP apparatchik. Her whole life has been devoted to the SNP. The only cause she knows is that of Scottish “independence”, by which she means Scotland becoming an economic colony of the EU.
She cannot see any issue unless it is through the lens of Scottish nationalism. So-called indepedence is her answer to any problem. It is the universal solution. She cannot see beyond it in any way. It is why the SNP is so bad at the everyday job of running the government of Scotland. Routine administration is boring compared to the thrill of seeking “Freedom!”.
Sadly for her, it will never happen. Deep down she must know this, especially after 2014. Her whole life has been devoted to one cause, and it will end in failure. Is it any wonder she is such a sad, bitter soul?
Think you’re being a bit harsh there Rob, at least she’s lucky enough to have this man as her mentor
Please consider that some people may have just eaten their breakfast before you post pictures like that. It is surprisingly hard to get barf out of a keyboard.
For someone as clever as Salmond you’d think he’d know the difference between constitution and constipation. Nice to see he’s gentleman enough to dress properly for his toilet, though.
Aah! I know when that photograph was taken.
It was just after an interviewer with brains asked him “What currency will you use after Scotland is granted Independence? Have you asked the EU whether you will remain a Member without a further application if you win the vote? What if they say ‘No’ and Scotland has to apply? Have you asked whether your application will be fast-tracked or will Scotland have to join the back of the queue? Are all Scots happy to give up the £ and join the Euro?”
BBC reports this as the London news, from 3hrs ago
Gang attacks Asylum boy
Nothing else BBC?, are you sure?
… nothing at Trafalgar Sq, this afternoon?
14 arrests, of UAF supporters, massive influx of extra police
Anti Terrorism March?, reporter from Rebel Media boxed in?
… Like erm …
Protesters clash with Britain First and EDL supporters in London Wimbledon Guardian…/uk-police-arrest-12-london-protest-block-clashes-46512151
the BBC,(or the MSM actually) don t want to report what really went on.
It appears that Rebel Media is going to.
Are you suggesting that the violence came from the Fascist Left ? I would be shocked, truly shocked.
You can’t beat a good push-me-pull-you…
“This so called far-right / anti-fascist clash was a London anti terrorism march”
more info on the RT report page
Guardian Narratives
“Far-right demonstration falls flat as only 300 turn up to London march ”
“Police deployed in London as demonstrators from far-right groups clash with anti-fascist protesters”
That language makes it look like the anti-fascists are the aggressors
…… and makes it look like the anti-fascists aren’t the fascists despite their attitude and face masks
Arrests were made. Do we know who was arrested ? I guess the ” Anti-Fascists ” and the BBC will sweep this one under the carpet . All the hate, all the violence comes from the Left.
BF tweeted that no BF were arrested
UAF looked more likely fascist and ready for attacks
No one MEDIA twitter account made it clear it was only/mostly Anti-fascists were were arrested
So they all deliberately misled.
Why would honest people want to hide their faces ? The same happened to Milo and his supporters a few months ago in USA. These are the Gestapo of the Left Fascists. I wonder if any of the Trolls here would like to comment. I bet not !
Sometimes my posts & ideas are being pinched by certain ‘thinkers’ on the right of centre. How do I know this? Because of the time lag of a couple of days and of course I recognise my own thoughts, but also because occasionally I’ll use obscure references which ‘tag’ the posts.
One such was Sturmabteilung in reference to these proto Fascists this term was used in a direct attack against Corbyns thugs only two days after I used it on a different forum.
The Sturmabteilung literally Storm Detachment, functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party (NSDAP).
It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Their primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties, fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties, especially the Red Front Fighters League (Rotfrontkämpferbund) of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).
The chances of coincidence are pretty remote over this, and it’s happened a few times.
They are not as official as the Gestapo (secret Police) definitely more as described as above, and note the fondness to dress in black just like they did around 90 or so years ago.
And the British Police are wearing similar uniforms .
The ‘brownshirts’ surely.
The BUF preferred black though
12 arrests, mostly if not all from the anti fascists.
Supporters of the Government’s policy regarding far right extremists, initially created when Cameron was PM and he was one of their founding members. And Treezer was his Home Secretary.
Watch if any charges are made, and see if the charges are dropped.
The media presentation of this demonstration – blaming those who protested against the Islamic roots of terrorism – emphasizes the narrative expressed by Mark Rowley
I sometimes think, or daydream about a new, seceded Republic of England and the kind of people who I’d allow to live in it.
People like that copper wouldn’t get an invite.
Judging by the ribbons on his chest, the Met Police must now be giving out medals for political correctness, moral cowardice, dhimmitude and for being an all round bell end.
Common Purpose must be so proud of him.
One doesn’t wish to be ‘lookist’ but doesn’t Scotand Yard’s ‘top anti-terror officer’ Mark Rowley’s face tell you everything you never wanted to know about him?
Motto: “Tough on anti-terrorism, useless on the causes of terrorism.”
Do you mean he looks like a weak, ineffectual, careerist yes man by any chance?
I think you may have a point.
Doesn’t look a big march ..300 is a ball park figure.
I note the heavy kettling by police
The ITV coverage of this demonstration was the worst I have ever seen.
The line was that the BF demonstrators, by protesting against muslim terrorism, were in someway sullying the memory of those that were murdered and sowing division in the country. The only thing causing division is muslim terrorism. The ITV pictures clearly showed that the police outnumbered,and had kettled, the BF demonstrators who were calm and peaceful. It was the so-called antifacists who were attacking the police to get to the BF supporters. The ITV explained this away by opining that a peaceful BF demonstration was so intolerable to right thinking people that anyone could understand “things getting heated” on the antifa side.
Croydon is, of course, the location of the Home Office centre for the reception of asylum seekers and the location where, some years ago, civil servants of various non-English ancestry were convicted of having taken bribes to rubber stamp the applications of people who had no right to be in the U.K. at all. Staff were also instructed to give out NInos without checking on eligibility. As you know, a NIno is the basic route to obtaining benefits. Several NInos means…….
BBC London reports a hate crime in London; a young man was set upon when people found out he was an asylum seeker. BBC London news does love to report on hate crimes.
I remember when I went raving in East London when I was younger. People from a certain community were extremely aggressive.
“Give us your fucking wallet white boy!”
They kept shouting pleasant things, like: “Blood! Murder!” All just a joke, no doubt, but they joked in an extremely aggressive manner.
Then in the venue, the Stratford Rex, a team of four went around; two would pin your arms behind your back whilst the other two went through your pockets. I lost my phone, money and passport. I considered myself lucky not to get stabbed. It was a terrifying evening and I understand now why so many cockneys escaped from places like Stratford to live in Essex. You could say it was poverty causing this, but I once visited a poor friend from uni at Newcastle and nobody on his estate treated me badly.
Of course, the Ministry of Truth does not report on such things.
When I lived in Bristol I once went into StPauls by mistake, an extremely ‘vibrant’ area. It was absolutely terrifying. I noticed how the BBC Bristol studios were in the white area of Clifton. Surely they would want to have their studio in the most diverse area of the city? Why not move the studio to StPaul’s? They could sell up the prime real estate in Clifton and buy somewhere cheap in StPaul’s; they would make a huge profit which they could then use to fund the NHS which they moan is so underfunded. Having watched their fawning BBC Black series, you would have thought they would love to have their studios in StPauls.
Would my experience classify as a hate crime? Of course not.
Remember Harlow
..Reality often turns out to be different from the NARRATIVE the media build up
BBC Online News:
“”Is it foolish for a woman to cycle alone across the Middle East?””
“”In Egypt, one randy tuk-tuk driver got his comeuppance following a juicy bum squeeze by being beaten to a pulp by the police convoy on my tail – my horror at their brutality only outdone by my undisguised glee””
“”The Middle East is a risky place, but the risks are primarily political. Beyond the pockets of conflict and terror highlighted daily in the media lies a broader reality: that of warm, compassionate communities living normal, everyday lives””
“”Would I let my daughter do it? Absolutely not in a month of Sundays – are you mad?””
Without a police escort, she would have been raped or worse. I note that she avoided Syria and Libya.
Despite evidence to the contrary, she and the BBC wish to show that the Middle East is just as safe as western Europe used to be prior to Merkel’s drawbridge opening.
I shall believe it if Beeboids support their daughters travelling alone in Arab countries. But they would sacrifice their own children on the altar of political correctness. They are vermin.
1990-91 I travelled the region and as a man was occasionally groped, followed and had to run away from SOME men in some situations ..
If they had been “beaten to a pulp by the police convoy on my tail” I would not have had “glee”, as I understand those idiots are brainwashed prisoners of the culture there.
#2 The rule is you follow local customs
At least she seems properly covered (not etc. shorts)
… BUT She broke that rule by travelling alone ..local women do not do that
The hospitality is great, but you to have to try not to impeach on the people ..and if the people and police were devoting so much time to her that is a problem.
Hey look she was one of them “BBC journalist Rebecca Lowe”
and she did inconvenience the locals :
…. “Yet foreigners are not permitted to stay with locals without permission, and several of my hosts endured an intense grilling by police. Some of those aware of my profession declined any contact at all due to fear of repercussion.”
“Egypt, .. The police were suffocating in their oversight, escorting me 500 miles (800km) down the Nile and aggressively grilling everyone I met.”
Have to laugh. Didn’t the bBC sack the presenter who asked for a non Muslim taxis driver to pick up her daughter.
Have to laugh. Didn’t the bBC sack the presenter who asked for a non Muslim taxis driver to pick up her daughter.
The radio 4 news bulletin now includes the story of the hate crime against the person in London. You can almost feel their delight as they state that he suffered a fractured skull. Finally – some violence that fits our narrative! It must get embarrassing for the BBC how little violence is ever perpetrated by that ‘far- right’ bogey man.
Strange how for 24 hours after the Westminster attack there was huge speculation as to what the attacker’s motive could possibly be, whereas now the facts are all plain to see. We may never know what motivated Masood, but these thugs’ motivations are clear. No doubt they were emboldened by the triggering of Article 50.
Do they really think we are so stupid that we cannot see through this? They treat us with contempt.
Explosion at a bonfire display in France injures many people.
Cause not known says BBC but suggestions of petrol being mishandled during the burning of the guy type figure.
‘The blast occurred at the end of the Yellow Carnaval in Villepinte, north-east of Paris, on Saturday afternoon.
Video posted on social media showed the bonfire blowing up seconds after being ignited, sending debris flying.’
This is a jittery time in France lthough this seems like a genuine accident.
Still, its a peculiar idea – having a bonfire celebration mid afternoon
News via PJW
Shooting at restaurant in #Uppsala, #Sweden, leaves at least 1 killed. gunman on the run.
check his Twitter
Tweets by PrisonPlanet
And yet again, a Katty Kay ‘views her own’…. ‘Report’…
Every day is now “No Fools Day”
… with people seeing how BBC SJW missionary reporters construct false-narratives
Self driving car = Self driving WEAPON
..Isn’t that what the Westminster attack tells us ?
So despite the mesmerised reports of BBC science journalists like Musk-disciple Rory Cellan-Jones*
the public need more scepticism.
* The latest ep of Tech Tent reads as if RCJ has an advertising contract with Musk, yet realises he must address the hype as he does at the end
Web article :
What’s RCJs prediction record ?
“@BBCRoryCJ 11 Jan 2016
Exclusive – Tesla chief Elon Musk tells me Apple will make an electric car ” sign of it 110 days later
BBC feckers covering up another Muslim rape gang story. All day Saturday they have been leading on their homepage and front newspage and UK news page as leading story or second most important story of what they claim to be a 17 year old migrant being beaten up by a gang in Croydon with headline: “Gang brutally attacks asylum boy”.
Buried away with no links on the BBC homepage, no links on the BBC main news page, and a tiny link on the UK news page is something they label: “Oxford child sex abuse raids: Seven men charged”. Click on story & no mention of Islam or Muslims but the names of those charged are: Shabir Dogar, 22; Shabaz Khan, 23; Shohab Dogar, 23; Yasin Hamid, 20; Usman Iddris, 22; Joseph Suraina, 22, Waqas Hussain 24. Police officers carried out arrests on Thursday in connection with various alleged sex offences against females between 2008 & 2015 including rape of an under 16 year old and attempted sexual assault against an under thirteen year old.
So many of these grooming crimes have been uncovered recently, even in the face of institutional fearing seeming racists across authorities. The BBC even did an undercover programme where they went to meetings about the problem and took people to court for inciting racial hatred. Big Brother has long regarded not wanting school girls to get raped and tortured as a thought-crime.
Officially there have been few convictions in Luton yet it is impossible that it has not been going on there.
Imagine what the real numbers of victims must be?
Tommy Robinson lives in Luton. Naturally, police resources are fully taken up with monitoring that dangerous radical. You never know when he might drop a sweet wrapper or park on a yellow line. The muslim rape gangs will just have to wait their turn.
I have just noticed that the BBC are completely hiding another story. On the Oxford Seven story they have a link to the Banbury Ten story which was written on 30 March – but that story is not linked to any news page – it is not even on the BBC England Oxford page – you have to get to it via the Oxford seven story.
The buried Banbury ten contains a lot of Pakistani sounding names:
“Ten men have been charged with 56 offences following police raids related to child sexual exploitation claims. … The men were arrested on suspicion of rape and other offences relating to three females between 2008 and 2015. … Leon Cole, 19; Atiq Hussain, 23; Qamran Hafiz, 24; Abdul Sarfraz, 31; Nasser Younis, 37; Tafail Mohammed, 23, Marcelo Suarez, 20, Ahsan Raza, aged 19, Amir Arfi, aged 23, Atique Akhtar, aged 23”
Note how they put the non-Pakistani sounding name of Leon Cole first, but one can be sure he is some Islamic convert or a sympathiser.
The BBC should be headlining these stories – which is what they would do if it was a non Muslim gang – in order to get other victims to come forward. When the Jimmy Saville story first broke, after the BBC had been protecting him for years, all the other media outlets headline reported on it – so the BBC had to cover the story too … a whole load of unknown victims came forward. Originally what was a few victims turned out to be hundreds.
The BBC by not reporting on this story – or by burying the story so that it is easy to miss – is failing the British public – because research shows only a few victims are brave enough to go to the police to begin with. So what you get initially is about 1 to 10% of the true figures to begin with. So whereas they talk about 3 females related to the Banbury 10, the true figure is probably in the hundreds.
I read on French news a few months ago about missing children from child care homes in Britain. According to them over the years thousands went missing, believed to have been trafficked overseas. I didn’t follow the story up but I saw nothing in the British media.
The BBC are so hypocritical because they usually promote and exaggerate women’s rights when it comes to feminist issues – reporting on stories around the world on it. For example some Peruvian woman who was apparently sterilised without her wish – that story has been heavily promoted on the news main page and elsewhere for ages.
“I have just noticed that the BBC are completely hiding another story”
By linking to it from a related story?
“that story is not linked to any news page – it is not even on the BBC England Oxford page”
Looking at the Oxford news page, all the stories are dated March 31 or April 1. Is it so surprising that a news page prioritises by date?
“Note how they put the non-Pakistani sounding name of Leon Cole first”
Or maybe there was another reason for the ordering. Certainly the local paper used the exact same order, which suggests an external factor. Whether it would have been the order the charges were read out in court, or the order included in a statement by police, or some other reason, it’s clear your determination of some nefarious reason is wide of the mark.
“…but one can be sure he is some Islamic convert.”
As is that. Perhaps you should stick to studying your horoscope? Astrology is about as reliable as a biased Biased BBC commenter who believes that their prejudice makes them always right, despite al the evidence to the contrary.
Wow you are defending the BBC actions in not headlining the story. What does that make you? We here are discussing BBC bias and possibly Police bias in not headlining muslim rape gangs – and you are here defending them. Incredible. Rotherham was a well known example of burying news stories and failing to properly investigate it early on because it involved Muslims.
“possibly Police bias ” ? The Police are a big part of the problem. Just look at the comments by that idiot Rowley above. What a disgrace. Not fit for purpose.
“What does that make you?”
Someone who isn’t so blinded by inchoate prejudicial rage that he feels has to make stuff up? You should try it some time.
It makes you a follower of Islam? You picked on minor points, quibble at the definition of hiding, while missing the plank in your own eye. You clearly did not engage with what was being discussed but nitpicked on your own confused definition of the word to hide. Hide means it can be found, but it requires chance and effort to find it. The comparative was with the headlined, well advertised stories such as the Croydon attack and the women in Peru who was sterilised. What the BBC is doing is so obvious it does not require a research scientist to find it. The more interesting question is how widespread and deeply rooted it is – it is not just the BBC as Grant above alluded to and as the Rotherham case proved.
Broadcasting, I wouldn’t compare the gangs of Pakistani mohamedans with Saville, as after reading through the blog of Anna Racoon (RIP?), whilst there is much ambiguity over Saville’s ‘crimes’ there is none over the Pakistani mohamedans record of rape.
Keep it up because you are the best advert the nation has for ending the oppressive Telly Poll Tax.
The Radio 4 news bulletin is now leading with the attack on the asylum seeker. It has now been upgraded to attempted murder.
Chilleden wrote:
“The Radio 4 news bulletin is now leading with the attack on the asylum seeker. It has now been upgraded to attempted murder.”
The liberals have jumped all over this story in which to allow them to substantiate the so called increase in hatred to all people non-white in the UK after Brexit. Here are a few stories from the Evening standard which are as worthy of as much airtime on the bBC but which haven’t been given as much prominence:
Hackney attack: Charity boss knocked unconscious outside Finsbury Park office in daylight street attack
Police hunt thug after Islington bus passenger punched and attacked on ground
Barbaric’ burglars tied up elderly couple and poured boiling water over them in 2-hour ordeal
Abdifatah Sheikhey murder: Three men charged over fatal shooting of teenager in Ilford
Stratford stabbing: Teenager knifed in ‘targeted’ attack after party in east London
Shocking moment thug repeatedly glasses man in the face at West End bar
Manhunt after man stabbed on Central line train at Snaresbrook
Forest Gate stabbing: Three men knifed as gang storms barber shop
Passenger ‘attacked by machete-wielding man’ after Norbury train argument
Police hunt four men after boy, 16, ambushed and stabbed at Queensbury Tube station
The attack on the asylum seeker is evil, yet the recent incidents above are just as bad or even worse. In a lot of them , video /pictures show the attacker isn’t white, yet the left never bother their arse to mention that fact when it comes to playing the race card.
As someone said from the outset, they have it diametrically wrong. The aboriginal English are renowned as a peaceful, reticent people; the most aggressive act they might commit is writing a letter of complaint to a restaurant.
The lack of oppression from the supposed oppressors forces them to create new crimes such as ‘micro aggressions’ and ‘cultural appropriation’, as opposed to actual violence and robbery.
Seems a bit of watertight oversight may be kicking (my bad, sorry) in. Watch this space, that can on occasion stay blank.
WTO rules for me.EU doesn’t do negotiation in any meaningful way. It just gives more time for undermining of Britain by BBC. They don’t want us to be successful it would flag up the uselessness of the EU gravy train.
I’m not too happy about the Great Repeal Bill either , because it means EU as usual. Nothing is repealed just transferred into British law. Notice the BBC is not making so much of it.
To say I don’t trust our politicians is an understatement.
TotallY agree Deborah – These bastards have absolutely no intention of undertaking taking any sort of serious negotiations. They know that when we go the money stops and the EU fails. Hence all these unreasonable EU demands which last week the BBC smugly informed us “firmly puts the EU back in control of negotiations”.
All they are doing is trying to string the whole process out and hope that internal pressures within the UK. Led by the likes of the Quislingesque politicians/BBC/self interested “business” people and of course our Snowflakes will somehow be able to de-rail the democratic mandate and put us back (to where the think) we belong in the thrall of this corrupt, globalist organisation.
Its is a hard world out there but it will be even harder if we stay within this disintegrating institution. Slowly having the life force sucked out of us by rampant illegal and legal migration, draining of our assets and increasing political interference from an organisation which doesnt know its arse from its elbow!
So for me to the sooner we go back to WTO rules and start negotiating with countries serious about business the better!
(I must stop ranting on this – but it is saving Mrs Oaks ears so I am afraid you lot get it instead!)
Top rant, Oak.
t has been reported that there are still ca. 400,000 Iraqi civilians trapped in Eastern Mosul, where the fighting is heaviest between the US-backed Iraqi Army and the remnants of the IS fighters. In order to dislodge the IS the USAF is heavily bombing the old city of Mosul. As civilians stream out of there, many have been kept behind as civilian shields by the IS forces and many have been killed by them while they were trying to escape. The exact number of casualties are unknown, but it must be in the thousands.
But I see no BBC furor over this, I see no demonstrations in London, Paris, Berlin and Washington, by large numbers of very highly motivated leftist humanitarians and riots by hooded thugs, breaking windows and setting fires. Yet the BBC showed inexcusable bias when the IDF was forced to counter-attack Gaza after thousands (yes thousands) of missiles were shot into Israel before the war of Operation protective Edge in 2012. What hypocrisy, what double standards. No-one cares, least of all the Western humanitarians, when Arabs kill Arabs, even with US help. But should Israel lay a finger on Palestinians, whatever the justification, heaven help us.
There are no UN resolutions calling for the US to be sanctioned for war crimes. Yet the toll of dead in Mosul from USAF bombing is certainly higher than that in Gaza in 2012 for the IAF. It was estimated that excluding Hamas combatants (usually irregulars without uniforms) the total casualty count in Gaza was ca. 1,200. Many more than that have been killed in Iraq, and in Syria the total number of dead is estimated at ca. 450,000 (!) after 5 years of war. Yet the highly motivated liberal BBC, who knew to the minute the latest Hamas casualty figures, couldn’t care less. Let them kill each other, as long as they don’t touch our favorite victims, the Palestinians, and as long as it isn’t those terrible bloodthirsty Jews doing it. If that isn’t anti-Semitism I fail to understand what is.
Well said. Classic example of BBC bias and their institutionalised anti-semitism.
BBC editorial integrity again in operation?
Thank heavens he and his heavyweight colleagues leave their politics at the door.
It’s in their DNA. Apparently.
Well the revolting Lardell knows all about imperial hangovers. What a useless toerag. Typical Beeboid.
The British Empire (a force for good in the world in my opinion) ended in any real sense in the 1960s, when the African colonies were given independence. Since then, the only reason for the Empire to be mentioned is so that leftist agitators such as Lardell can use it to attack Britain. No-one else cares about the Empire, I expect the vast majority of the world’s population were born after it ceased to exist.
Far from having any sort of Imperial superiority complex, my belief is that after Suez in 1956, the British political class developed an huge inferiority complex, and that led to their efforts throughout the 1960s to join the EEC, finally being successful in 1973. It seems to me that we have finally regained the self belief to be a normal, independent nation, taking our place in the world without trying to impose our will on anyone. Obviously, the idea of a free and independent Britain is anathema to the likes of Lardell and his left wing BBC cohort, since it is based on a patriotic feeling for one’s country. Leftists like Lardell are always internationalists. If they can’t subordinate Britain to a supranational government, they are never happier than encouraging the replacement of the hated British people by unrestricted immigration.
As Britain negotiates to leave the EU, we can expect to see many more articles from the likes of Lardell and his left wing colleagues, running down Britain and sneering at our history. Their dream of Britain being broken up into Euro provinces has ended, and they will not take it well. It will take a heart of stone not to laugh.
Rob in Cheshire
“The British Empire (a force for good in the world in my opinion)”
The Commonwealth of Nations – What other empire has this ?
If it was bad would it have 52 Member States ? That is 52 member states that are mostly former territories of the British Empire.
Then lets trade with 52 States that are fond of GB not an United States of an Undemocratic Union.
Yes, but scum like Lardell and his fellow Leftists admire patriotism in any other country, except , perhaps the USA. They really are vermin.
The hate crime in Croydon occurred just as pubs were closing. How many drunken morons are looking for a fight with anyone at this hour? And idiots like that probably only know of Asylum as a night club. This narrative of Brexiteers prowling the streets at midnight with the intention of committing a hate crime does not quite ring true to me. Moronic violence like this is de rigeur at closing time which is why, even as a white Brit, I make sure I am never out when pubs are closing.
You can be sure that the publicity is because the police and MSM know that the “gang” as they call them are not muslims. If they were muslims, we would hear very little about it, certainly not from the BBC.
Well, that’s SML running order sorted, surely?
Grist for the liberal media mill.
Can’t help but notice the ablsolute relish with which the BBC present news this morning that they appear to have found an actual ‘hate crime’
No intensive and lenghty Police investigation will be needed to discover what motivated individuals.
Just wait until Monday. At last the anti-Brexit media forces will have something concrete to work with. See, we told you how horribly racist you little Englanders are. Only EU membership can keep the blackshirt skinhead gangs from roaming the streets.
Totally agree. This was an awful crime, make no mistake, but appears to trump all other crimes reported yesterday by the BBC. I had a quick look at the BBC website yesterday and read about two crimes in Scotland. In one, a man had been pursued into a park, deliberately hit by a car, and then set about by two men with weapons. He is now in a serious condition in hospital. In another, four men were stabbed during what police described as a serious disturbance.
All appear equally as bad to me but one is obviously far worse than the rest.
The thought did occur to me that the Scottish incidents could be the SNP starting campaigning early for IndyRef 2, hence the lack of fuss.
‘appears to trump all other crimes’
For example:
‘A pair of twins who stabbed and beat a 15-year-old outside a south London birthday party in a “brutal and callous” gang attack have been jailed for nearly 10 years. Taylor and Brandon Joseph were part of a masked gang who confronted the teen outside a family party full of young children in Hardel Walk, Brixton.’
If not a ‘hate crime’ presumably a ‘love crime’ ? Shall we call it a ‘crime without sufficient malice to qualify as hate’?
Why no public interest BBC covearge for this one:
‘Ilford attack: Police urgently seek man ‘beaten with baseball bat’ in broad daylight fight in east London… Officers are concerned that he may have sustained a head injury, and are urging him to make contact with police and to attend hospital if the injury has not yet been treated.’
Any hate involved, or was it just a bit of old fashioned English Robin Hood v Little John fighting with staves playfulness?
Yes, they’ll pump this ‘hate crime’ story out relentlessly. But, in typical Beauty Broadcasting Corporation style, they have finished with this very discreetly broadcast snippet of news –
We don’t want the plebs to catch on that muslims, child rape and abuse are synonymous would we? Lets pile it on the illusion that all whites commit all hate crimes against our beloved muslim brothers and sisters.
The left wing focus on narrative over facts is so moronic.
I had to babysit my nephew last night. He was good as gold except for one moment when I asked him to stop playing on the IPad and he got angry.
When my brother asks how he was, should I say that he was fine, or bang on and on about the isolated incident where he shouted? Should I say this episode shows that he is institutionally naughty? Should I bang on and on about the outburst to him until he cries?
Of course not. But you can bet his spoiled little brat of a brother will go on and on about it to his parents so he can try and get his way with everything. And that the liberal media for you: spoiled, whining little brats.
I read online in the ST that Al Beeb is going to close its religious affairs production team. No loss really, they do most of their religious proselytising, invariably for Mohamedism, through ‘drama’, ‘documentaries’ and ‘news’ imo so why would they need a religious affairs team?
So, assuming how very much our continental cousins are sad to see the UK depart the EU we can expect to win the next Eurovision Song Contest, right?
Surely our friends will send a positive we want you back signal and lovebomb our entry (however naff) with douze points…. no?
#Marr show – a 20 second glance
– Mair not Marr (must be sick)
– Topic hate crime on streets*
– Next topic : the Ian Hislop play
… That’s how they killed the BBC, by making every show LibMob propaganda
* When the Muslim revenge mob murdered Kriss Donald the Glasgow school boy, did the BBC do saturation coverage ?
(No, There appear to be lots of later articles about the human rights of the killers)
..Now Ed Milliband is on
I’ve already submitted a complaint to the bBBC, but I know I’ll just get a ‘standard’ reply saying their coverage was reflecting the peoples (ie Lib elite chattering classes) genuine concerns about brexit, and that their output taken as a whole, got the balance ‘just about right’.
Searching for the early reports on the Kriss Donald case
16 Mar 2004 – Body of abducted boy found
17 Mar 2004 – ‘Leads’ in teenager murder probe
18 Mar 2004 – Police find possible getaway car
21 Mar 2004 – Scotland’s week in the news
30 Apr 2004 – Teenager Kriss laid to rest
I suppose the BBC are doing their bit for ‘plurality’ as they present ‘The Boat RaceS’
What next… the FA Cup FinalS… cricket and rugby Test MatcheS
What’s the plural of Grand Prix ? Come to think of it, what’s an acceptable feminine of Prix ?
“Grand Prix” pretty much sums up Beeboids.
Whilst women have every right to participate in sport traditionally considered the preserve of men, have you ever watched any of it? If they had to survive via pay to view or the turnstile take, they would not survive. They need subsidy by large clubs and airtime from the beeb to exist.
And don’t get me started on tennis, if the womens game was not piggy-backed on the mens game, would it be able to support equal pay for 50% less action?
I don’t mind women only sports, netball and ummmmm…..
Why don’t the bBBC show one of my favourite womens sports – mud wrestling, I can’t understand why they don’t, do you?
BBC’s coverage of men’s netball seems pretty small
Top women in sport
Barbara Slater – BBC Director of Sport
Tracey Crouch – Minister for Sport since 2015
Clare Balding – BBC Sport’s Test card
there don’ appear to be many MALE aerobics/exercise instructors on TV
My favorite women’s sports are:
1. Women forming cliques at work
2. Women spending most of the working day calling members of their clique to say how busy they are, and how badly they are being treated at work.
3. Bitching about other women who are not in their gang.
4. When not bitching or sharing repressive tales of their situation in the workplace, forcing Facebook and other pictures of their children/grandchildren on totally uninterested colleagues.
By the way – I love women.
The BBBC should make a documentary on my theory. They could call it ‘Women in the workplace syndrome’.
Feminine form of ‘prix’ must be ‘prat’, surely?
BBC1 ‘The Big Questions’ at 10am starts off by saying they will be discussing “the hard truths of Brexit” – I’ve never hit the off button so quick before!
It will have a loaded and biased audience just like QT.
Go for your ‘off’ button and switch off your standing order to the ‘Telly Poll Tax’if you have the ‘Bottle’.
Don’t worry, next week will be “The hard truths of Remain “. After all, the BBC are impartial and balanced as they keep telling us. Lying bastards.
BBC1 Big Questions :
“Tom_Slater_ completely correct on #bbcbq and next to no applause..typical biased BBC audience”
“Oh God, New European editor going full scale remoaner and has now played the “far right” card. These people are pathetic.”
Now they’re making case for prostitution
I really tried to watch it. There is something about that Nicky that grates on me. He really does not like us common English much. Maybe he was frightened by Morris dancers when small.
Nothing happening in Paris again it seems.
Yep, all peaceful in Paris. Meanwhile this news article from The Sun:
CITY ON THE EDGE Paris riots after police shot and killed Shaoyo Liu…
says “Around 400 members of the Asian community and anti-racism groups gathered outside a police station…”
Now is that the same as the BBCs “Asian” description or do they mean “Oriental” in this case?
UK news reporting needs to include a glossary of terms to help decipher the hidden code within it.
If I got all my news from the bBC I wouldn’t be worried at all about my 10-year-old granddaughter going to Paris on a school trip next weekend. The trouble is I get my news from elsewhere now so I am concerned.
If the BBC was our only news source , we would have no idea what is going on in the real world outside the BBC’s fantasy land. They are not only useless, they are very stupid.
THIS IS QUITE SIMPLY BRILLIANT … The BBC/MSM/No10 cabal ought to drag its rotten,
festering carcass away under some stone somewhere
… and give it up.
This is a REAL report, incisive, illuminated, intellectual and to the point.
(Oh! and Youtube censorship is spreading out its tentacles, I had to get it off of his site)
Superb analysis and particularly good on the symbolic nature of the attack on Westminster Bridge. The Nicky Campbells and Newsnights of this world should be forced to listen to Steyn.
So should Mrs May.
Is Al Beebistan completely ignoring the Anti-islamic Terror Demo on their website, even when you drill all the way down to Regions and London?
Here it is on RT, which on some topics is becoming more reliable than the beebistan – which isn’t saying much, the bar being very, very low.
Trafagar Square London Anti Terrorism March/Protest
Even Ch4 News had to admit who the culprits were, and who was arrested
There are plenty of the now common fascist “Burkhaboys” in the video too 😀
wearing them for exactly the same reason as the females ie. hiding identity/ giving two fingers to our democracy
… at least now getting called “far left” even by Ch4
It seems that a new Power Rangers film has a character with gender identity issues.
The Russians think their youth needn’t be exposed to LGBT publicity under the age of 18.
The Guardian has it’s politically-correct knickers in a twist over this.
How dare those Ruskies give it an 18+ rating in their country? How dare they have their own standards?
What do you think would happen if a straight kid sees someone who isn’t straight represneted on screen? Do you think that teenagers are so malleable that a couple of lines of dialogue are somehow going to convert them?
Or are you just wishing that Russia’s proscriptive laws existed here, so that someone like you had a legal framework backing up your prejudice, and ensuring that future generations would have just as much of a confused attitude to other people’s sexuality as you seem to do?
Ah another Fascist snowflake who deliberately misses the point to drone on about some meaningless drivel!
Let me explain it to you in simple terms Tomi
Russia is a sovereign democratic country where its president enjoys huge popularity, they do not wish their children to see such things, and they are completely within their democratic rights to do so.
I do wonder though about your Fascism, because in the countries of your favourite brown eyed boys such films are outright banned, and anyone even suspected of being Gay is executed in a barbaric manner, yet you have nothing to say.
What’s the matter Tomi? Is attempting to address the issue of Gay people in Muslim countries ‘problematic’? Might it be seen as ‘Islamofauxbik’ if you raise it? Or God forbid, the meaningless ‘racism’?
“Ah another Fascist snowflake”
Fascism is not the only concept you’ve historically had problems understanding, but nice to see that if you can’t be truthful, you’re at least consistent in your ignorant misuse of the term – but go on…
“Russia is a sovereign democratic country where its president enjoys huge popularity”
Nice to see you admire a totalitarian regime who is in control of much of his own country’s media outlets to paint a positive but inaccurate view of himself. Your view of Moscow good from atop that gangrenous high horse of yours, is it?
“I do wonder though about your Fascism”
because it’s not fascism and you don’t understand the term?
“in the countries of your favourite brown eyed boys such films are outright banned, and anyone even suspected of being Gay is executed in a barbaric manner, yet you have nothing to say.”
I have nothing to say to you. Not the same thing, you egocentric nincompoop.
But nice to know that the existence of bad, nay evil, regimes in the world at least allows an incoherent fool on the internet to pretend that their point of view may not be questioned under any circumstances. I’d say you must be proud, but that would presume a level of cognition on your part I’d feel uncomfortable assuming, given the evidence you lay out in front of us.
“Is attempting to address the issue of Gay people in Muslim countries ‘problematic’?”
No. But it’s not worth raising every single bloody time one of Biased BBC’s countless witless morons raises it in connection with the slightest little thing. I see no reason why I or anyone else should feel compelled to respond to your, or anyone else’s, decrepit mania just because it might make you feel a little more like the judgemental prick you’re already proving yourself to be.
And for what it’s worth – thinking someone called “Thoughtful” really ought to think a little more and whine on about their pet peeves a little less is not fascism, you narcissistic little troll. It’s called being an adult in the face of someone who has never, can never and will never grow up. Now do us all a favour, and at least make an effort to try and live up to your name for once in your miserable life.
Tomi, you might like to look up a man called Jurgen Habermas? He was born in 1926 Dusseldorf to a father he describes as a ‘Nazi sympathiser’, post war he rejected the Fascist thinking and went on to found the Frankfurt School of Marxism. Today he is one of the top ten Left Wing thinkers in the world, and it is he who recognised that todays (il)liberal left had fallen into the Fascist thinking of the past.
So I ask you this. Who are you to compare to someone like Habermas or to cast doubt on his observations? Have you won a Nobel prize? were you there in Germany during the rise of Hitler?
I bet you can’t even tell me where Fascism came from, the parties which nurtured it or anything in the Fascist manifesto.
The usual outraged denial without any kind of facts to counter, and the name calling are just typical of todays snowflakes who do not expect their views to be challenged and cannot defend them when they are.
The fact that you are a Fascist is incontrovertible – as you have demonstrated you cannot deny it because you don’t know anything about Fascism save what some warped teaching has told you.
Why don’t you go do some study? Every single Leftie I have shown the 1919 Fascist Manifesto to has been shocked and horrified at how close their thinking has come, and we are talking some long term Labour members here.
I know with absolute certainty that you will not be able to address these questions, save for more name calling which is of course the sign that you lost the argument right from the get go.
Try a reasoned argument (if you can) without the insults and lets see just how credible your beliefs are.
“Who are you to compare to someone like Habermas or to cast doubt on his observations?”
I have done no such thing. You can tell the difference between things you make up in your head and reality, can’t you?
“Have you won a Nobel prize?”
No. Have you?
“were you there in Germany during the rise of Hitler?”
No. Were you?
“The fact that you are a Fascist is incontrovertible”
Sorry, but you saying I’m a fascist is not incontrovertible. It’s just you shouting out names and then claiming you’re right because people don’t think it’s worth engaging with you.
And I know that even this piece of standing up to your insanity will be taken by you as further proof that you’re right. Because you’re so blinded by your own prejudice that reality won’t ever get a look in.
I don’t want to get into an argument with you about the definition of fascism, not because I can’t, but because you’re a lunatic.
I have to agree GWF, not a single fact to back up a position, the left has lost the ability to counter and instead just shouts insults in the hope that they can shut down debate.
I wasn’t saying Tomi was a Fascist in the second post it was the statement of Habermas which is incredibly difficult to counter given his life experiences and achievements.
I don’t believe that Tomi actually knows anything about Fascism other than that is an insult with which to smear opponents who don’t share the leftie views.
Tomi aka scotty aka zero can’t argue; it just writes insults.
Very childish.
Best to reply to its posts likewise.
Tomi tells porkies, Tomi is a totalitarian, Tomi stinks, Tomi was never toilet trained, that is why it cannot complete an argument.
Thoughtful – a very informative & insightful post. I have heard of Habermas but only in passing. I shall put these things on my reading list.
I was particularly interested in your comment “Every single Leftie I have shown the 1919 Fascist Manifesto to has been shocked and horrified at how close their thinking has come, and we are talking some long term Labour members here.”
Which just goes to show how woeful peoples understanding of history is & worse – how biased their own thinking is of the past – assuming the past was populated by people of a lower intellect and ethical concern to themselves of today.
Yes that 1919 Italian Fascist Manifesto is very close to current Labour/Momentum policies.,_1919
The LibMob fascists haven’t even destroyed the Wikipedia version yet.
Tomi, some of us who are old enough remember the BBC when it did not do stuff like transgender issues. It informed, it educated and it entertained. Mostly it did the first two well and the last very well.
I do not feel at all deprived for not having had today’s diet of constant coverage of this transgender one and many other ‘issues’ when I was in my teens, twenties, thirties and forties. They all existed back then. They are not new. There have always been people who have either struggled to conform with the norms of society or meet certain expectations or who have decided not to conform and either passively or actively resist.
The BBC – for they are who we are concerned with here – according to my evaluation are taking certain issues, and ‘dead or long dead issues’ at that eg. feminism, to extreme lengths that go beyond their brief of News & Current Affairs reporting.
I think there are dangers in that. It tends to put a harsh spotlight on people who maybe deserve some peace and quiet to work out their own issues (hopefully with good personal help) to be at a point where they can be comfortable with who they are right now for now. To my way of thinking, it puts them under pressure to be aggressive and/or to fully conform with their part of overall ‘Counter-culture’.
It also creates a feeling among the great majority of people that they are now marginalised and are at odds with ‘the norm’. That has the potential to make people from the great bulk of UK society feel resentful. There are dangers in that, for society as a whole and for the BBC.
Then there is a danger where something is taken too far, against the norm of a society at a particular point in time and the counter-culture and its promotion runs into a swing of society from passive tolerance into counter-counter-cultural revolution. That revolution may encourage extreme responses from a minority of the majority view, if you can follow my poor description. That, I think, would also be bad.
I think the BBC is on a very unhelpful path here by straying very far from their brief to Inform, Educate and Entertain. They are in danger of or are already indulging in disseminating propaganda for minorities that may put those minorities, together with the majorities, at risk.
There is evidence that it creates problems and business is already starting to spot the problems it can create. As far as feminism is concerned, you can judge that by the recent plaintive comment from Matt Davies, Managing Director of Tesco. He was pointing out an unfavourable effect already being felt in UK boardrooms.
Excellent. The aim of the BBC and the Left is to create resentment among minorites and division in society, leading to conflict. It is pretty normal marxist/socialist policy.
Grant, yes. That old divide and conquer routine but who would want to be part of nation that has been hacked apart?
There is a potential disbenefit to the BBC in that a future backlash may be directed at them. From both sides!
All the minority groups will complain when they lose their recent ‘standing’ or, worse, are subject to verbal & physical attacks. Even the peaceful, placid majority, horrified by what is happening will point at the BBC and say “It’s their fault!” and lobby for the BBC to be closed down.
Any Government, even if soft neutral or supportive of the BBC, will realise that ‘bread & circuses’ from the BBC will not bring peace to society in such a situation and will probably use the Corporation as a ‘sacrificial offering’, especially as their audience will continually be dwindling with internet expansion.
I hope it never happens but I cannot see any real good coming out of the BBC’s current minority promotion. They are playing a dangerous game.
Seem to have said that here before.
Yes, very dangerous and stupid. But that is the BBC !
Ah, women. Such a tiresome minority. Who let them into the country anyway. I really feel for the Tesco guy and the horror of unfavourable effects. What is this website about? Oh yes. Bias.
Yes, BRH, bias and its ends. And – from a hopeful point of view – ending it before it creates trouble. Big trouble.
Once again the progressives are upset by Russia. This is not the real issue. The real issue is that Russia and it’s people are set on a course that is diametrically opposed to the current ( if now fading) bodysnatched progressive absurdities of the West of Europe.
Russia once the darling of the left here is now it’s enemy. Ironic really. If our civilisation is to be saved then it is from Russia that the impetus will come. Not only are we culturally weak but in military terms we follow the same fatal weaknesses. Bluster and propaganda with nothing to back it up. The next few years will be interesting.
Yes, you have to laugh at the absurdity of Leftists. Russia was great when the Soviet Union existed. Now that Russia and the former Soviet countries are relatively free, Russia suddenly is demonised. It is quite impossible to fathom the perverted minds of Leftists.
No, that isn’t the issue for the hostility. The real issue is that Russia is rich in oil & gas and it can supply Europe easily via pipelines.
The Saudis and the Arab league want an in to this market and are using their money to ‘influence’ politicians such as the Clintons to become hostile to Russia.
The Syrian war is all over a gas pipeline which Qatar wanted to run through Syria to the coast to supply Europe, Assad chose Iran instead, and the rest is current events.
Once again you are being pedantic. Grant gets it. It is not about a pipeline.
But it’s alright now, in fact it’s a gas…
Just watching a clip of Peter Bone MP on Sky addressing the BBC anti-Brexit bias.
I was struck by the Ofcom stooge making his admission that at some time in the past the BBC had launched a report into its own bias and concluded that there did exist an institutional ‘mindset’ But naturally, that was then, and everything was ok now.
I was instantly reminded of ex-DG Mark Thompson’s evidence to MPs and his vague reference to some time in the past that he had witnessed the BBC had leftist bias – but that now, of course, everything was hunky dory.
MSM Defending the Indefensible.
Biased ? Ask anyone who watches Al Beeb’s QT .
I bet Peter Bone looks at this site .
More BBC knicker waving on the Big Questions, I watched about 8 mins.
No incisive scrutiny, of the “clown car” of May, Davis and Liam Fox
… no scrutiny of these Tory incompetents led by an unelected liability
who can t even sort a budget, forget Gibralter, sort immigration at all apart from lying about better figures. They are hiding behind ambiguity but its utter incompetence that should concern all. Maybe there is a small Tory plan
… for themselves, one that would expose them, that they daren t put out to the public.
They cannot be trusted to put the nations people first over, their short sighted grasping, self serving Party and its cronies.
AND they are all in it together these Tory f-ckwits, those Red Tories across the chamber … they are all perverting the referendum for their own, a neo liberal end.
Our nations people their welfare will be the very last consideration by these bast-rds, and they should be the first. a mandate for Brexit, NO MANDATE to drive down wages, conditions, living standards.
I can tell you what the Tory plan is because it hardly ever changes unless they briefly elect a PM like Margaret Thatcher.
The Tories are the party of vested interest, they will do as little as they possibly can get away with, and the ONLY thing they are interested in is holding onto their wealth, and also by extension helping their friends do the same.
It’s an incredibly negative thing to do, because it rewards those who achieved possibly centuries ago and penalises those who achieve today, making sure it’s a lot more difficult to reach the same level as their Tory betters.
A government which wished to reward enterprise would give tax breaks to those start ups paid for by inheritance tax, which is currently zero in the UK.
It is a policy which does reduce inheritance tax to zero which rather gives the game away about the Tories.
Thoughtful, IHT is not zero at the moment.
Currently, I gather that those with small estates – no house or apartment – ie, ‘the least well-off’, are going to pay MORE via a whopping increase to the Probate Fee (think I heard it is going up to £2000 except for the tiniest estates) despite having paid all their lifetime via Income Tax for Government Services including that of the Probate Office. Our UK Government forcing us to pay twice for things as usual!
The ‘Personal Allowance’ for an estate with realty (a property) is scheduled to be increased IF agreed in Parliament. There has been a consultation on this, I understand.
The idea is to stop clobbering the middle classes and stop increasing the already growing numbers of descendants who may become ‘State dependent’ in future, requiring inefficient State support. < (My description 😉 not in the briefing document.)
For estates above £2million, relief from IHT will disappear on a tapering basis, so the very rich will still pay – if they engage in no 'estate planning' – significant amounts of tax on death.
Effectively it is Zero when you take the time to invest in some IHT planning. Most people can keep it under the threshold regardless of the value of their estates, as witnessed by the probates of Viscount Stansgate and Michael Meacher.
Up2snuff, you missed a nought re probate, it is up to Twenty Thousand Pounds. That means £20,000 each for a married couple, so £40,000 off their estate. And that is after IHT, so on large estates that is £40,000 after tax at 40%, so nearly £80,000.
For the remaining half of a couple, it has to be paid before probate is granted. Few keep that sort of money in cash waiting in case one departs their mortal coil. So it could be a bank loan and you know how banks love to charge a captive client.
Think of a very old couple living in London. They may easily be living in a house they have lived all their married lives. Think a terraced 3 bedroomed house in the ‘wrong part of London’; upwards of £1 million. They have lived frugally on their pensions all their lives but on pensions for 20 years. Where is the remaining spouse to find the money for probate? Nice way for the government to treat the honest tax payer.
And does not apply in Scotland. That stupid bastard Osborne has a lot to answer for.
I meant to post this yesterday, but the BBC is filming a documentary ” Can the EU survive without the UK ? “.
I have watched a number of EU officials (Tusk, Juncker et al) on al beebus and elsewhere, giving speeches and being interviewed about Brexit over that past weeks and months.There is one thing which I think these people should be forced to do: make these speeches and give these interviews in their native tongues and not in English.
The upcoming negotiations are far too important for people who (if not involved with them directly, will be connected with them significantly) are not fluent in our language and shouldn’t be adopting it to discuss these matters; an, albeit amusing, example of this was the Juncker interview with a beeboid, where she used the phrase “elephant in the room” and he responded: “She’s not an elephant”, when he thought the beeboid was referring to Theresa May as an elephant! If he has such an insufficient grasp of the nuances of the English language then he must not try to use that medium in interviews and speeches about Brexit; the UK or our government and its officials
It is illustrative of the arrogance of the Eurocrats and european governments’ officials and politicians, that these non-Anglophones believe that they can use our language, when their knowledge and understanding of it is so deficient, to espouse their views or advance their agendas. The response to our politicians or diplomats attempting to do the same in pidgin versions of their languages can only be guessed at. HM Government and al beebus should insist that they speak in their own languages and what they say is translated properly by an interpreter.
Of course, they all resent the fact that english is the international language of computers, business and , in many cases, law etc.
Also the language of Air Traffic Control.
And , generally, science.
The danger is increasing exponentially –
Give it another few years and we will all be under sharia law, with the blessing, it seems, of our Government.
To those who are convinced that the UK has been on a downward spiral for decades, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
As a Daily Express reader with an IQ of 164, I find that “Just a minute” is one of the last bastions of intellect left on the BBC.
But I think I was insulted by the University educated, Marcus Brigstocke, Drama (fail). Something to do with his inability to communicate with Daily Express readers. In fact, later on, he was buzzed, after repeating his admission of intellectual failings, twice.
Brigstocke is to humour what Jimmy Savile is to child care. No other organisation would let this arrogant and unfunny ‘comedian’ anywhere near a microphone or camera. He is not a comedian, he is a propagandist and that’s why the BBC use him and others like him.
I loved BBC radio comedy and I am genuinely saddened by it’s decline.
On Radio 4 there was a documentary about people who think that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax. The conspiracy theory has been promoted by Alex Jones, who once had Trump on his programme. Good old guilt by association – always useful when you do not have the facts on your side. The presenter speculates about how much influence Alex Jones has on the White House, which is probably massive. We are supposed to think that Trump thinks it is ok to mass murder children.
Just keep digging BBC.
So regards that assault on that Asylum seeker on Shirley Est Croydon. Has anybody else noticed how the media/Police have refrained from calling the attack as…’Racist’. Well 5 mins work on the net and I find the assailants had been drinking at the local pub. Naturally everybody presumes that as they had been on the piss, they can only be white. Here’s a few snippets which isn’t been mentioned:

The Pub is called the ‘The Goat’ it used to be called the St Robert Peel but had a name change a few years back. What culture would change the name of a Pub to the Goat? Here are a few Photos from the Pub:
Here’s a video from the Pubs facebook page regards the Valentines disco:
Here’s a review about the food from 4 months ago:
“A family friendly pub in London that caters to Zambian cuisine. Nshima O’clock!”
Here is an article regards the criminal behaviour at the goat from a year ago
“A Shirley pub could be shut down over a spate of criminal and anti-social behaviour – including a firework being thrown at police….Councillors will decide tonight whether to revoke the licence of The Goat, in Broom Road, after licence-holder Patson Ngoma “reneged on his promises to work with the police to resolve the issues at the premises”…He said that on October 24 last year, a firework was thrown at a police van as officers responded to a call at the pub, with customers acting “hostile” towards officers….On December 2 Croydon Council threatened court action if there was more anti-social behaviour at The Goat.
But at about 10pm on Christmas Day police were called to break up a fight at the pub, later arresting a man at a nearby residential address.
I’ll put money on the table that the thugs who attacked this poor lad weren’t white. Maybe there lies the reason why it isn’t been classed as ‘Racist.’ But from all the coverage, you don’t get that picture but instead get the impression that white scum carried out this attack.
Good research. I suspect that you are right and this will quickly move down the news agenda especially at the BBC.
The BBC absolutely “game” the system – the stories chosen, placement, headlines, the exact wording of the text, images used, are all thought out to fit the narrative and agenda that the BBC push.
I think the bbc bias is far worse and more planned than what most think, even here on this forum. The BBC sometimes make “mistakes” and the story suddenly “disappears” either to be modified, completely pulled, or just “hidden” from the main pages. I have been following the BBC website for about 7 weeks now and am developing an understanding of the “mind” and the agenda behind it all.
So I too noticed the fact that the BBC in this story didn’t mention the gang was white – which they absolutely would have done if the gang were in fact white. But the story involved the victim being what they called an asylum seeker – and that absolutely fits their agenda.
Good work from Pounce.
I am sure you are right. The only news I get from the BBC is their website and there is no doubt it is highly manipulated. It is also interesting how stories change when they are updated and , of course, some disappear more quickly than others.
It’s a pity the BBC research department appears not to be able to compete with the likes of Pounce.
If they think they are world leaders what does that make our Pounce.
The BBC are world leaders…. in Fake News.
Here’s a few of those pictures which didn’t come out the first time. Apologies for the direct links:
I read the reviews in the link and almost all, if not all, the names are of African origin. And I am not meaning white Africans.
Sorry Grant. HIt the wrong button. Bolleaux
Watching Sky News last night, and they had Diana Abbot on live from Paris, giving her view on this attack. Now I mute her on a matter of principle, but I did look at the blackboard she was standing beneath while pontificating on the attack in Croydon according to the subtitle. The blackboard gave a price list for the ‘Cave’ she was in. It may have sold local produce, but the bit she was under appeared to be the price list for glasses of wine. Nice to see her working hard for her Hackney constituents while on a freeby piss up. PS. I make no apologies for the use of the word Blackboard.
Just watching something on the bBBC called ‘The Boat Race” This is a traditional rowing challenge along a stretch of the Thames.
It’s all very jolly.
Just one question.
Do the men get a race too?
It’s not at all clear from the coverage.
Ladies first, don’t you know.
Um, didn’t watch it, but was it ‘hideously white’ ? (come to think of it, I cant ever remember seeing an ethnic/black rower – is it just not one of their sports ?)
“Brexit: Lord Howard accused of ‘sabre-rattling’ over Gibraltar”
“A senior Tory has been criticised for saying Theresa May would show the same support for Gibraltar as Margaret Thatcher did for the Falklands.”
Why shouldn’t she ?
Remind me , just who started the sabre-rattling ?
The Lib Dems are hardly likely to criticise Spain when Prick Clegg’s wife is Spanish.
Clegg, like the Lib Dems are finshed.
If Al Beeb continue their Anti Brexit Bias they will also be finished.
“A Welsh MP has accused the BBC of an inbuilt bias which needed addressing.
Monmouth Conservative David Davies said its staff appeared to have a “certain world view” which was left of centre.
He told MPs there was an anti-Brexit tone to news coverage following the referendum, which he called “an absolute disgrace”.
Will May call for a judicial review?
I think David Davies is one of the few MPs who tells it like it is. Alas, we have no equivalent in Scotland.
“Civil rights activist Darcus Howe dies aged 74”
I know I am posted out in the sticks , but who he ?
Let me enlighten you Taffman.
Darcus Howe was a simple-minded columnist for the New Statesman way back when. At this time black columnists were rare. Lacking anything helpful, intelligent or otherwise useful to mankind, he wrote a lot about race. For which the New Statesman was grateful as it helped them demonstrate their diversity.
His only claim to fame was on BBC Radio 4’s MidWeek when he appeared to be bragging about all the fatherless kids he had left behind. He felt even more amused as he listed the crimes of some, you know drugs, assault, attempted rape, the sort of activities any father would be proud.
At this point, the wonderful Joan Rivers slapped him down about deserting an unknown number of children to feckless women, “shame on you, shame on you” she kept repeating. Not being the brightest spark in the firmament and lost for arguments, he called Joan a racist. As this was the BBC he thought that he had played the trump hand.
Joan brilliantly came back with “ … racist, racist? Listen I was friends with Michael Jackson when he was black!”
Darcus was left poleaxed and silent, which was when he as at his best.
Darcus won’t leave behind an intellectual hole, just a string of criminals. Did they mention this on the BBC?
Yes, a disgusting man. Good riddance.
A bit like Bonnie Greer I suppose ? Foreign, over here, and telling us how bad Great Britain is .
If they thought it so bad one would think that they would go back to the place that they came from ?
very much so, Taffman
Apart from her amazing mellifluous voice it is hard to detect what Bonnie has ever achieved to be allowed to pontificate to the rest of us. The tax payers have kindly paid for a few of her agit prop plays to be performed, but sadly the world inst ready for her writing yet as virtually no one voluntarily goes to see them.
But she is black and despises this country. Wonder why she lives here.
I can remember Darcus Howe and his series of programmes called the Devils Advocate. In one episode he interviewed the boxer Chris Ewbank and basically kept calling Ewbank a traitor to black people because he is a success and is no longer poor. Ewbank stood his ground saying you can be black and rich but Howe preferred the stereotypical view that black people should all be poor and have no future.
Darcus’ “finest” hour?
Its an advantage that we now have the uncensored reports on the internet. Untouched by Al Beeb. Will they show that clip as a tribute to him ?
Al beeb should stick to reporting the news not forming their own opinion and forming the opinions of others .
Using their own words they themselves are “divisive”, while our government does nowt about it .
I think I’ll avoid the next episode of “Last Word”.
Indeed and Eubank has atended the lives of his kids, supported them and kept them away from crime. Darcus could never understand that
Taffman……..but who he ?
You’ve been reading too many of Grant’s replies !!!!
So last month a party of Welsh School kids saw one of their teachers (a muslim) denied entry into the US. How many times do you think the bBC should cover the story.
How about 10. The bBC have just pushed out the latest in ‘I can be only a victim, because I am a Muslim”
Muslim Juhel Miah’s travel fears after US entry denial
Anybody else think that the bBC has an agenda here?
Boat Race coverage continued.
Absolutely brilliant! Absolutely priceless!
The biased BBC have spent all their efforts bigging up the Women’s Boat Race. Running the equality agenda for all it’s worth, trying to pretend there is equity between the Men’s Race (started in1829) and the Women’s race.
Guess what? Within 2 seconds of the start of the Women’s race there was an almightly cock-up in the Oxford boat, which came to a virtual standstill and Cambridge went miles ahead. As a competition it was over in the first 10 seconds leaving the innumerable talking heads commentators with nothing really to commentate on, except for a one-horse race procession and a replay of the start when the race was still running.
I laughed myself silly. A wonderful validation of the moral and intellectual inherent bankruptcy of the politically correct agenda, where equality and diversity is more important than competence, capability, and performance.
Switched on to the men’s race by mistake. Naturally a woman commentator.
I am interested in the emphasis placed on the wimmin’s team. Looking forward to the members of the losing team kissing the Cox of the winning men’s team er..
BBC’s big bird commentator said as the Cambridge men’s team emerged from the boat house, “here is the Cambridge team being led by their cox”. Fnarr, Fnarr!
OMG! Oxford girls catch crabs at start of boatrace.
Sluff, I noticed that the BBC titled this annual event this year as ‘Boat Races Day’.
I laughed. No, even with a separate ladies race, it is still Boat Race Sunday, or Boat Race day.
Unless of course, they ran the races for both genders together. Then it would be correct to call it Boat Races Day. But as you have described it, it would have been shown up to be even more of a disaster.
Perhaps I have another entry for my collection of Frantic Semantics. Wonder where they are? All started, if I remember correctly, thanks to David Cameron.
Now, whatever happened to him?
“And now on bBBC1, after all the action of the Women’s Boat Race, for even more excitement we now go over live to the B and Q store, Walthamstow, for the Women’s Varsity Paint Drying Championships. Your presenter is Claire Balding”
I have just looked at the BBC’s sports page to check up on the Boat Race(s). There are two photos but I can only see female rowers. Was there a race for the men this year?
Surely, in all sports , having separate competitions for men and women is sexist. They should all have to compete together.
Grant, why not separate Cambridge v Oxford Mens & Womens races, starting at the same time together in one direction? Then at the end, Mens boats transfer half their crew into the Womens boats in return for half of their crew. (I did wonder whether a swap over mid-route might be entertaining if rather impractical if one or two rowers are poor swimmers and fell in & got swept away.)
Quick drink of water all round and they can then race back over the same route. Or make it into a real endurance race. At the end of that second race, they could even unmix the crews and race back again over the original route but Cambridge Men v Oxford Women and Oxford Men v Cambridge Women.
Then some follow up races. Mr & Mrs Skulls Pairs? LGBTQi Fours? Chancellors Pairs? Dean & Proctor Paddle Boards?
The bookmakers will make extra profits. Treasury may get an extra tax take out of it. You could be on to something there.
LOL ! Well it is Oxford and Cambridge so they should be able to understand your rules. I think I shall need to re-read them a few times.
Why the Beebistan obsession with this ‘sporting event’?
With the exception of a couple of teams/crews is it really an event worth the overblown coverage it’s granted by our national broadcaster?
Really does anyone care, will the workplace watercoolers and restrooms be buzzing tomorrow over the subject?
I can’t see it myself.
The other strange thing is that I would have thought the BBC would pooh-pooh it as being a competition for toffs.
BBBC clutching at straws. One of the few live sports events they broadcast now. I wonder how much they pay for the privilege.
As you say, it must cause them serious angst because of all the toffs involved.
The chap commentating on the women’s race had the nerve to say that it didn’t have the history of the men’s race. That will not have gone unnoticed. Also, somebody said after Oxford cocked up the start that it was a pity they couldn’t restart the race. A very telling little snowflake moment there of the ‘let’s have another referendum’ kind.
The BBC is now beyond parody.
I had to laugh at the way the BBC now describes the Boat Race as the Boat Races to ensure the Wimmins are included. I myself am a rower, at county level, and these are announced in the fixtures as, for example, ‘2 April: Three Towns Race’. The ‘race’ however, will usually include mens, womens’ and mixed heats, but the collective term is in the singular.
Did someone mention the women’s team having crabs?
I didn’t see it but rumour has it that one of the girls ‘caught a crab’?
Was there any reason why they had to have a wimmin’s race and not simply pick the best rowers whatever gender? Or is each boat designed exclusively for penises and vaginas?
Next year a boat race of persons of colour, of LGTB persons, an intersectional race.
Perhaps our resident troll can enlighten us
Taffman, in my rowing club the jokes usually are something like ‘she’s had a lot of experience with oaring’, jokes about ‘smooth bottoms’, ‘rollocks’ etc.
Cranmer ‘rollocks’ ? what about the crutches ?
Quite frankly I was disgusted with the whole Boat race.
Why were there not any persons of colour in the teams?
Why were there not more wimmin represented in the mens team?
Where was the cisgender representation?
Where were the gender fluid rowers?
Neither did I see any double arm and leg amputees in any of the boats?
And as for the transexuals on the team – I did not see one frock !
This whole set up stank and I for one will be complaining to the BBC.
Hopefully next year Lenny Henry, Diane Fatbot, and Jack Malone will be appointed to both Universities to pick the teams to ensure diversity is placed at the forefront in anY future event.
The teams should in future represent modern day metropolitan society. Not just picked for who can row fastest. All should have prizes when we have finally done away with outdated concepts such as competition. This whole race represented oppression of minorities on so many levels it needs to be banned = NOW!
I hope you will all support me on this and sign my parliamentary petition.
Well there was a be-turbanned man at the prize giving. And Ore Oduba. And Jason Mohammed getting over excited.
That’s a good step on the way to “better” diversity surely?
The white men were doing the rowing. They’re good for something, for the moment at least.
Darcus Howe dead at 74, I expect the BBC to be donning black armbands and going into full scale mourning.
I wonder if they will play that interview with him and Joan Rivers again?
Bet they don’t !
Thoughtful – Do you mean this one?
I remember it. Joan just too smart for that thicko Darcus.
Most people are too smart for him.
Joan was fantastic, I really miss her.
Sad that she had no sooner joked that Obama was gay and Michelle was a tranny than she died during a routine surgery on her vocal chords. I know anyone who crosses the Clintons dies, but I hadn’t known the Obamas were quite so touchy. I mean, Barrack, we all know you’re gay, get over yourself.
Ole “London riots” Darkus,
I remember him going to Walsall, and getting a wake up call.
He soon legged it.
Watch this, and it was 2003!
On a long car journey a couple of days ago I switched on Radio Four. The first thing I heard was some presenter saying ‘I’ve always had a problem with the Union Jack…’
Biased BBC Boat Race commentator, 3 minutes in to the Men’s race
” the crowd have stayed on for the late start…….”(btw it started on time).
Yeah, right. They really all only turned up for the rivetingly exciting Women’s race but magnanimously decided to stay on for the Men’s race.
Agenda. Agenda. Agenda.
Maybe next year the men’s race will be first and we can see how many stay for the women’s race.
Grant, I can see advantages in that for BBC Sports (losing so many exclusive events to other broadcasters, as they have) in that they could then cover an additional race, a third one but taking place before the Womens Race.
‘The Race to the Pub’ would probably even be a (very) mixed event, thereby ticking another ‘box’. Open to male, female, LGBTQi and anyone else for that matter.
LOL ! And I bet there would be lots of women in the third race. Many women follow football and cricket, but I think it is mainly the men’s sport.
Watching sky news and BBC news and switching channels most of the day.
I haven’t noticed a white Brit newsreader yet.
Lazy white Brits don’t work weekends. Now Poles, Estonians, Romanians etc would be in there like a flash.
Tommy Robinson with the Rebel Media cover the EDL Britain First protest and try to speak to the press.
Despite making it clear that they were with the press they are told to move away, and Tommy is warned by Treezer and Amber’s cops that he is likely to be arrested for breach of the peace.
We have to assume that Treezer’s anti extremist masked blackshirts must not be disturbed in their counter demonstration, actually preventing protests against the ideology that got one of the cops murdered last week.
I have said here that it would take the murder of a cop to awaken other cops to the dangers of this government collaboration. But I was wrong.
Well done that man! … with the video
Yep! this is the Trafagar Square London Anti Terrorism March/Protest
that the Al BBC didn t know about even though all other media did.
14 arrests, of fascist “burkhaboys”, massive influx of extra police
Anti Terrorism March?, a reporter from Rebel Media boxed in?
… Like erm …
Protesters clash with Britain First and EDL supporters in London Wimbledon Guardian…/uk-police-arrest-12-london-protest-block-clashes-46512151
ITV did a typical biased one sided MSM report
Even Ch4 News had to admit who the culprits were, and who was arrested
There are plenty of the now common fascist “Burkhaboys” in the video too
wearing them for exactly the same reason as the females
ie. hiding identity/ giving two fingers to our democracy
… at least now getting called “far left” even by Ch4
At least now with social media, the real story gets out, and faster than
the propaganda manipulators, the enemedia actually can spin it.
No wonder Amber Dudd, “tastrophe” Treezer and the rest of the No10 liars want to take away its ability to do so
ITV News
That’s why they don’t like it when Trump tweets.
We hear the truth and they can’t manipulate it.
This internet news is having an effect as people are realising just how much the msm are telling lies and omitting news that doesn’t suit their far left politics.
They must really hate it that people are beginning to get the truth instead of msm manipulated stuff.
In the Welsh News section the BBC have the following story: Muslim Denied US Entry has Travel Fears
That story occupies a more prominent location than the 7 man Muslim rape gang, that occupies a peripheral location on the English news page and is headlined: “Seven Charged After Child Sex Abuse Raids”
Now one story is a nothing story but is featured heavily because it presents a Muslim as a victim and they use the word Muslim in the title.
The other story is an extraordinarily major story but is buried as a small link on the English news page with no mention of Muslim whatsoever.
This is just one example of the many that I have noticed of the BBC’s extremely obvious bias and agenda. And let’s not talk about the hysterical reaction the BBC is having with regard to what they call the “Asylum Boy” attack – that’s been discussed above. One can only imagine how many BBC reporters and staff they have put on that story compared to the more important story of Muslim rape gangs operating in Oxfordshire.
The BBC solo female bicycle tourist is talking to me on Twitter about her Middle East trip .
Is there anything I should ask her ?
Any sexual harassment ?
Stew, Did she really have over 4,000 punctures?
I read the article and for Grant’s benefit the answer is ‘yes’. But she was also shown lots of kindnesses. Which is what I would expect. Scrolling through Rebecca Lowe’s Twitter feed is quite interesting.
Being a Beeboid there are signs of narrative control and contradictions.
She deleted this tweet she sent me
So she first said they are police states and then decided not to say that
My point had been that cos she broke local customs about women not travelling alone; she’d inconvenienced locals and police cos they’d taken special measures to protect her.
#2 She just tweeted about sex threats saying there was only 1 small incident.
Yet her small BBC page mentions 2 incidents.
The BBC news report about the hate attack finishes with the ‘reporting’ of someone who had spray painted ‘REFUGEES WELCOME’ near the scene of the attack. I bet it was a BBC employee who wrote it – a delicious flurry of fakery.
I wonder what our fair and impartial broadcaster’s opinion on the divisive issue of mass immigration could possibly be?