Here you go, a new open thread to see us all off into the weekend. I don’t know about you but I am finding the BBC unbearable to watch at the moment as it seethes in the aftermath of Theresa May triggering Article 50. It strikes me that we will have two years now of endless bitching and moaning from the BBC (And it’s print wing, The Guardian) about how IMPOSSIBLE Brexit will be to achieve, how it will cost us the earth the moon and the stars, blah blah blah. Excruciating to endure at one level, fun at another. The BBC is desperate to ensure the “hard Brexit” (=no Brexit) narrative prevails. They will fail.
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The “Asylum Boy” that the BBC have made their headline story is being described as an Iranian Kurd seeking asylum. Now Iran is an Islamic state with Sharia Law. Given that the BBC heavily promotes Islam what are the chances the BBC will investigate what this “asylum boy” is running away from?
What are the chances of this ‘boy’ actually being 17 either ?
Hmmm – interview with Somalians in the US, BBC WS: “What makes a refugee fleeing for his life and ending up in the, land of opportunity, choose to join IS or Al Shebab?”
Answer from Somalian: “Abuse by Kenyan police and being called names at school leads young people to this action.”
Well, there you have it, the deranged, death cult, killer was just another victim.
BBC News England Headline Story
BBC Croydon asylum boy assault
BBC Teenage asylum seeker brutally attacked in Croydon
BBC Asylum Boy Attack: Attackers Scum, says MP
Scum eh? well … get that fact out there immediately BBC eh!
No doubt a horrible attack, on that 17 year old … “boy”, 17?
After all those recent reports who knows the age
… lots of attacks going on every week too BBC,
some attacks by Asylum “boys” too BBC … bias?
Hope they re “scum “as well
I wonder whether the MP will continue to call them scum if it turns out they aren’t white?
Just for a bit of fun here are 5 questions.
See how you get on.
Is the BBC a. Pro EU or b. Pro Brexit.
Is the BBC a. Pro Clinton or b. Pro Trump.
Is the BBC a. Pro immigration as it is or b. For reducing immigration.
Is the BBC a. Supportive of the various man made global warming lobbies or b. Open minded about man made global warming.
Is the BBC a. Fully supportive of Islam or b. Supportive of ANY of all the rest of the religions in the world.
I suspect everyone got 5 x a’s Congratulations, you’ve all passed (with 100%)
I wonder if any BBC supporter can claim any of the above to be anything other than an ‘a’
“The BBC should strive to be inclusive, impartial and representative of all strands of society……….”
Just a minor part of what the BBC fails to do.
Paris. And this was 7 years ago.
The dreadful attack in Croydon on the asylum seeking lad has caused something of a stir amongst the Twitterati. There’s no doubt it was a gruesome and unprovoked assault. However I’m intrigued where the finger of blame is being pointed.
In no particular order it’s; Brexit, Nigel Farage, The Daily Mail. anyone that reads the Daily Mail, Brexit, The Daily Express, Katie Hopkins, neo Nazis (Croydon’s well known for them apparently!) oh, and Brexit.
People have said “I’m ashamed to be English” (they always are) and Diane Abbot said “…..” Oh, who gives a fxxx?
Now, by comparison, after the horrendous murders in Westminster last week we heard; “This has nothing to do with Islam” “He was born in Kent” “Perhaps he was subjected to racism as a lad” “Lone wolf” “Islam is a religion of peace”
and my particular favourite, “Let’s not jump to conclusions”.
Sound advice…
Jeff – solid post.
About 10 pm I picked up some woman being unchallenged on Radio 5 warning of an impending Article 50 spike in hate crime. But she assured the gormless interviewer that she was working with the police and the communities.
Again with the, ‘hate crime’, which is what? Violent assault? Beheading? Harsh words or funny looks?
An old British lady being beaten senseless might be bad but a foreigner receiving a suspicious look is so immeasurably worse.
Foreigners! The backlash has begun, Kristal Nacht is immanent! Flee for your lives! Oh and take those BBC parasites with you.
Dear God, you’d think this was Westminster times a thousand.
Champagne might be flowing in BBC studios tonight. Local reports suggest that the Croydon attackers were white.
Vigils planned, Socialist Worker Party calls for a demo, Diane Abbott wants more done to stop hate crime.
Its the far right, anti immigration, Brexit, Farage, Trump, Britain First and many Tories who are to blame
‘Eye witnesses have told Inside Croydon that the attackers they saw were all white. It was suggested that the mob may have been made up of as many as eight people.’
They seem sure it was a “racist” attack.
There couldn’t have been any other motivating factor?
Well the Insidecroydon publication seems rather gungho in the way it slants its report. It includes an advert for a Stand Up To Racism vigil in Croydon. It seems it would prefer the perps to be white to fit its own bias?
It describes itself as:
News, views and analysis about the people of Croydon, their lives and political times in the diverse and most-populated borough in London.
Diverse as in good.
From the Beeb website “Croydon Central MP Gavin Barwell used Twitter to appeal to anyone with information “about the scum” responsible for the attack to contact the police”. Just as, if the Beeb don’t mention colour or ethnicity we can assume that they are black/muslim etc, it appears that if they don’t mention political parties we can assume, if report is positive, they are Tory; but if report is negative they must be Lib/Lab
From the Beeb website “Croydon Central MP Gavin Barwell used Twitter to appeal to anyone with information “about the scum” responsible for the attack to contact the police”. Just as, if the Beeb don’t mention colour or ethnicity we can assume that they are black/muslim etc, it appears that if they don’t mention political parties we can assume, if report is positive, they are Tory; but if report is negative they must be Lib/Lab
If I can just go back to the boat-race(s) for a minute. I didn’t watch it, so can someone tell me if there was an Isis boat this year? Perhaps it was called Daesh to really put our enrichers in their place?
The BBC ‘journalism’ on the hate attack is somewhat lacking.
“The local MP has said it is a disgusting crime. So has the London mayor. They called the Police once the attack began.”
Of course it is disgusting. Of course someone would call the Police. They are just wallowing in the narrative without adding any facts or analysis.
How many other people were beaten up by drunken thugs at the weekend? Thousands probably – I saw two fights just in my own town centre.
“He is believed to have asked if the boy was an asylum seeker. . .”
He is believed? Believed by whom? Who witnessed it? The neutral passive voice absolves any responsibility for truthfulness. The tenuous ‘belief’ is not even attributed to a source. They could at least wheel out some dodgy witness who said he definitely heard words to those effect being said. Plus ‘belief’ is entirely subjective. I believe I will win the lottery.
Of course it is this comment about being an asylum seeker upon which the entire story is based. They do not give a shit about the bloke I saw getting battered at my local Wetherspoons on Saturday. Yet their use of the passive voice combined with the subjective ‘believed’ suggests that the hook of the story is entirely questionable. It certainly would not be admissible evidence in a court of law as it is mere hearsay.
Fake news!
Once these images get circulated I think the news item will go down the list a bit.
Can we look forward to a correction in the media, in which they correctly describe the Croydon event as ‘a diverse multi-racial attack’? Along with apologies from Khan, Abbott, the BBC, the Daily Mail and the Keystone Cops?
Where’s Diane Abbott. Blame the Tories.
Frankly, when Ms. Abbott opens her mouth, what comes out is usually good reason to head elsewhere.
Especially if afforded the BBC pulpit to do so.
This looks like it might become one of the biggest Fake News stories ever.
There is also footage of other ‘suggestions’ from the ShadHo Sec. Should be shared widely. She loves coverage.
Any good lawyer would eviscerate a witness who used language like that. The BBC are a law unto themselves though which is why we are in such a mess.
I agree.Wouldnt mind betting he’s not a recent Asylum seeker.Looks more like street gang warfare to me.
Looks like a black on black crime. Is there any evidence any white people were involved ?
Maybe the BBC will try ‘nurses from Finland’?
Did Abbott ever apologise for her racist remark about Finns ?
She is a leading hole of colour in the ‘tell it often enough’ movement pioneered by the BBC. Refusing to budge comes naturally to her.
A Little thought before I bugger off to work. Not BBC but I thought I would say it anyway.
Now we are starting to look more at overseas trade again. It is good to see that HM Government are taking protecting our trade routes more seriously.
With Spain saber rattling over Gib and the Argentines making further noises. I was particularly impressed with suggested cuts in the Royal Marines which have recently been suggested.
This shows great foresight by our Tory Government as everyone knows the best way to project power abroad is to cut your armed forces whilst maintaining a bloated aid budget so that despots can buy more gold plated taps and increase the size of their personal jet fleets.
To ensure Theresa maintains this eminently sensible policy – I will be starting a new pressure Group through this site. It will be called “Swords into Onsies” I am sure the BBC would approve.
I suppose the Liberals call it soft power. I think the other words are weakness and stupidity. Definitely sends the right message!
Sometimes you have to feel sorry for the beebistan (almost): just when they were licking their lips at a nice juicy Brexit / ‘far-right’ / ‘islamophobic’ / ‘racist’ / migrant story in Croydon, that they could spin out for weeks and milk for all it’s worth…
Oh dear, the narrative’s going pear-shaped.
No doubt we’ll be hearing less about the attack, unless it can somehow be blamed on institutional racism / deprivation / under-privilege. No doubt they’re re-working it as we speak.
“Images released over Croydon asylum boy attack”
The BBC’s efforts to mould the story to fit their propaganda aspirations to “white racists” has failed. Just so predictable BBC – the whole incident is now referred to as an, “attack”. Apparently no racial motivation. Perhaps it was the fact that as the story developed it was realised that Blacks carried out the “attack”. But, what stops that being, “racially motivated”?
G – Blacks are never, ever, racist. Only wicked whitie.
Likely not what Di would have wanted.
Still, she got to gob off earlier, with massive coverage, so all good.
Yes, I couldn’t help noticing these suspects don’t quite fit the profile of white, racist hate crime perps. I suspect we will now see this story put into the ‘doesn’t fit narrative/ideology’ tray and it will never be heard of again.
Presumebly, the ones in custody have to be charged fairly soon or released. Should be interesting ! Assuming they are not white, the BBC cannot avoid publishing their names, but then they will drop the story.
Yes … are they still “scum” says MP? – plastered over the BBC yday?
its obvious what the MSM narrative was to be,
Far right FAR RIGHT far right march, London … horrible racist “hate” attack London (oops Croydon), same day report.
Some Keystone Kop from the Met, alarming rise in “hate” crime, Far Right Far Right, cue Brendan Cox all over the BBC,
Thank you, and good night … exit stage left.
Social Media spoils the party, a REAL report from the march
… and some kind of gang turf thing with the attack.
What did Rebel Media say to the Guardian hack at the march?
Are you going to report objectively on the this march then?
Hack … no answer
Hack … no answer
Your a propaganda machine mate, DO ONE!
I think the plan with the attack is too plant in the public mind that it was whites. If it turns out to be blacks who are charged, drop the story. When it comes to court, hide any reports on P.94. Leaving the impression that it was a white on black crime.
BBC now has the pictures and is leading with a violent attack.No hate crime mentioned.
So annoying when I live in an area where black on black youth gang crime continues unabated,murders stabbings executions none of it makes the BBC headlines.
I’m sure these people will turn out to be “disadvantaged ” in some way ,you can write the narrative.
It is racist, because the BBC are really saying that you can’t expect anything better from blacks. Very patronising and insulting to the many good black people.
Deborah there must be something wrong with your eyesight: blacks never commit crimes, it’s a well known fact in beebland.
It looks like a heavily managed story. The police will have been aware of the ethnicity of the gang within a very short time; the lack of a description by any of the media suggests that the government may have issued a ‘D Notice’ to prevent reporting. That same absence alerted most readers of this site to the likely nature of the culprits.
Look at the positives. Every time the media colludes and lies in this manner, a few more eyes are opened as to what they are up to. The awareness and consciousness of the general public are raised. It will be a long process. Imagine speaking to an ordinary Russian 30-odd years ago and telling him or her that the all-encompassing, totalitarian system in which they lived will have vanished like the morning mist inside a decade. They would have thought you quite mad, but history tells us otherwise. So too will it be with liberalism.
Good points. I doubt if most Russians in the Soviet Union were fooled. Let’s hope you are right about the UK which is beginning to resemble a totalitarian state more each day.
If you look at the BBC online news reports of the crime, the first report states in the first paragraph that police are calling it a ‘hate crime’. In the latest report, where pictures released by the police clearly show two out of three attackers to be black, the term ‘hate crime’ has been dropped, and ‘hate’ is only mentioned right at the bottom of the article in a quote from the police.
While I am on, I was at Saracens on Sunday to watch the game against Glasgow Warriors. The Scots were a great crowd and, as always in rugby, well behaved. It was great to see so many kilts although I would have preferred the piper to have been a little bit further away from my seat.
Anyway, I digress – in the pub beforehand I got my first new pound coin in my change. The royal mint must be feeling lucky printing the thistle alongside the rose, clover etc.
Time will tell.
After independence, it will be the thistle alone on one side and Krankie on the other. If we have a currency, that is.
Daily Mail reports that Britain’s youngest orchestral conductor is prodigy, age 11. He is black, and good luck to him. When the BBC eventually hear about him, they will have their new Nadiya. One good outcome may be more classical music on TV.
PS Had to laugh at the Mail reporter saying the boy gave a “faultless performance” of the overture to Die Fledermaus !
I wouldn’t bank on it.The BBC will focus on his ethnicity above all else. I think its great someone that young can play an instrument and has an nterest in something other than the stereotypical hip hop stuff.
To the BBC he will have struggled against the white society and got there despite being black .Or despite Brexit even ………
Of course, for all I know, he may have got where is is because he is black.
But whites playing the Blues is cultural appropriation. Is this not the same in reverse?
Good point. The Gambian Police had a Pipe band , complete with bagpipes and kilts . I do not know if it still exists. I once heard them play scottish music , with an African rhythm. I didn’t feel culturally appropriated. If fact, I felt quite flattered. Didn’t stop me laughing at them though !
More cultural appropriation!
Hope the BBC condemn it and the shouty people get out into the streets.
But hang on, didn’t the MP for Croydon call the attackers ‘scum’?
And doesn’t that now make him a retroactive WAYCIST? (Gasp!)
Or can only whities be scum?
So,the great cover up is out about the so called hate crime. So,looking around the net and the Guardian has reordered the pictures of the three wanted suspects with the white kid first. On checking with the. London met police site, it appears the guardian is race hustling.
I wonder when the bBC will report that the local black community is scared of reprisal attacks
Well spotted again. I am not sure if he is white, may be mixed race. Very unusual for white boys to hang out with black gangs.
I a surprised that the BBC is even covering the story now. Let’s see how
Liz Rateef or Asad Ahmad’s editors handle it for them on the Londonostan
Programme this evening. Should be interesting
One of the memes of Hollywood is the ‘multi-racial’ gang: street gangs are always portrayed as black and white, plus a token Hispanic or Oriental. Pure propaganda – US gangs for the most part are strictly organised along racial lines. London is following the trend – here’s a report from as far back as 2006:
Scotland Yard has identified 180 crime gangs, speaking 24 languages, who are thought to be responsible for a third of murders in London. Almost half, 47 per cent, are classed as “cultural networks” whose members are bound by a common language or homeland.
You don’t suppose a little bit of Photoshop crept in to the middle pic? Just for balance, of course. That’s not the most difficult image to tweak, even ‘accidentally’.
Opps BBC has these graphics on its news homepage saying

“Elsewhere on the BBC
Corruption and lies”
screenshot from BBCNews page
On BBC Leicester
oops what happened to the image I saved
BTW the same list of strange priorities on the BBC Leicester page
ie a pet issue is worth 10 normal ones
BBC? … MPs shouting scum??
Vicious gang attack …… Perps??
SHOCKING CCTV footage shows a shopkeeper being attacked with crowbars and run over by a car after trying to defend a teenage boy from a vicious gang attack.
Amo Singh, 33, was brutally assaulted when he tried to defend a Polish boy who was being attacked by teenagers outside his shop, Premier Stores in Queen’s Drive, Cashes Green, at around 10pm on Sunday. He and his wife Sandy had seen six boys and two girls – some of whom were armed with crowbars and baseball bats – arrive in two cars and begin attacking the 15-year-old Polish boy, who was with his girlfriend.