One of the BBC’s most active areas is pushing the left wing narrative that the evil uncaring Conservative government is doing all it can to make the poor in our society even poorer. So when a poverty hustling propaganda group such as The Child Poverty Group come out with a new (coughs) “study” that shows hundreds of thousands of little waifs are being driven into poverty by Conservative Policy then you can se sure the BBC will be to the fore in pushing it. The BBC are on a mission – to blacken the Government and advance left wing narrative uber alles.
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Yeah the benefits cap which still leaves many people recieving more in benefits than some people (including me) get for working full time.
And the latest I understand is to cap child benefit to two children, fair enough, it will help discourage people having loads of kids just for more benefits, I had three kids, we could have managed with child benefits for only two, wouldn’t have bothered me.
The bBC looney tunes hour:
Greens on three-day weekend plans: ‘Bold ideas needed’ for UK
The co-leaders of the Green Party have explained their party’s proposals to introduce a three-day weekend. Jonathan Bartley told BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show that people felt “short-changed” by the economy, which he said had brought growing inequality. Caroline Lucas said there was “a lot of evidence” that when people are exhausted their productivity goes down.The proposal was announced at the Greens’ conference in Liverpool this week in a pitch for the youth vote. The party has said it could be included in its 2020 manifesto.
The Greens have less chance of power than the Lib Dems who have less chance than Labour who have no chance.
Ah, the Child Poverty Action Group – the World’s most unsuccessful charity?
Founded in 1965, with a letter to the then Prime Minister that opened with:
“There is evidence that at least half a million children in this country are in homes where there is hardship due to poverty. See
Yet, after more than 50 years of campaigning, legislative changes and vast amounts of money having been spent, their website now reckons that the number of children living in poverty (sic) has increased nearly eight-fold:
“There were 3.9 million children living in poverty in the UK in 2014-15. That’s 28 per cent of children, or 9 in a classroom of 30”. (No, they don’t do maths, do they?). See
By their own measure they have been a dismal failure.
Problem is, the Western definition of poverty ain’t.
When you go places in the world and the only thing a family owns is some blankets and some cooking pots, that’s my definition of ‘poverty’.
Absolutely. I live in Gambia. There is no poverty in the UK.
The CPAG is a very successful charity. You are mistaken if you believe their guff about their mission being to eradicate poverty.
Instead, their real purpose is to continue doing their good works for ever, so they don’t want to eradicate poverty, they want to perpetuate it. After all, where would the pay cheques come from?
Poverty in the UK is not having a 47″ TV, three cars, takeaways each night, and an Ipad for each brat.
Actually, that could apply to quite a lot of the awful bunch in the House of Commons and the House of Lords as well.
Theres no such thing as poverty in the UK. Not having the latest mobile or sky package doesn’t wash!
The Liberals actually think that people are in poverty if they don’t have access to the same things as everyone,and that includes holidays abroad.
Last month a 58 year old man who I know has not worked for at least 40 years was pictured on FB on holiday in Barcelona,he had gone there to a Cannabis festival, it makes me feel like giving up.
Relative poverty in the UK is defined as any household that has an income of 60% or less of the UK’s median household income. This has nothing to do with Absolute poverty.
A simple scenario illustrates the fallacy of the relative measure:
Family A has household income of £500 per week which is 62% of median household income, result NOT in poverty.
Over 2 years, the economy booms, but Family A’s income rises minimally to £530 per week. However, the rise in incomes generally means that family A’s income is now onl 59% of median income, result NOW in poverty EVEN THOUGH INCOME HAS RISEN.
As other commenters have said, there are likely to be very few people in absolute poverty in the UK, except for homeless, addicts etc.
Such a measure ensures that there will always be a large number of households notionally in poverty. It’s like IQ measurements, there will always be 50% of people of below average intelligence, regardless of how many go to “uni” to do underwater gender studies courses (these might actually reduce, rather than increase IQs.)