The Sultan speaks agian. I can’t find this information on BBC about Caliph Erdogan. (I may be missing it somewhere) but Beeby does have a way of burying news from The Muslim World that is of no use to their own narrative.
Erdogan was a bastard when he was Mayor of istanbul and I was living there. And he is a bastard now. The tragedy for Turkey and the West is that last year’s coup failed and the attempt to kill Erdogan also failed.
I was under the distinct impression that our politicians were both relieved and happy that he stayed.
Don’t forget these are front men and the real power / money lies elsewhere, maybe even in foreign countries.
I believe that was a false flag coup. Erdogan staged the whole thing.
It gave him the excuse to assert more control over pretty much all aspects of Turkish life.
Religious fanatics (Islamic) were ready to support him.
Devout Muslims in the Middle East tend to support him with an eerie enthusiasm. He is adored by Hamas, Muslim Egyptians & in Iran. He’s a worry to the Saudis. A rival. I am not only joking when I refer to him as Sultan/Caliph. I believe he wants to claim that crown & will if he can. I think he has a cunning plan to restore the Ottoman empire. If he (or one of his sons) is successful in this endeavour you can bet Ataturk will be revised right out of the history books. Or transformed into a diabolical villain. An anti-Islamic enemy of the people.
One of the reasons I try to follow events in Turkey is because I believe that region could yet be a major player in world affairs. People tend to think Turkey is just a nice place for a beach holiday but Erdogan has for a long time been possibly the most dangerous man in Europe.
I have family connections to Turkey goin back to the 1960s. Some of my friends who were ( notice “were”) officers in the Turkish Army were involved in the coup. If Erdogan staged the whole thing, he must be a genius ! And whatever he may be, I would never call him that !
@Grant I am surprised you say that.
I lived in Mersin for 6 months after the start of the Syrian war and I share Lucy’s view ..everyone should have known that Turkey needed a coup
and everyone knew that E was likely to tricks like stage a fake coup.
Well I can’t envisage the mechanism by which he could do it. “Everyone knew ” is hardly evidence. What evidence is there , apart from hearsay ?
There are also rumours that is was promoted by the CIA and even more bizarre than that. But no credible evidence for any of these “theories”. Not that I have seen , anyway.
Croydon ‘Hate Crime’ attack has been downgraded now that it appears the gang responsible were ‘100% diverse’.
It’s “Asylum Boy Attack” now, according to the BBC.
Yes … are they still “scum” says MP? – plastered over the BBC yday?
its obvious what the MSM narrative was to be,
Far right FAR RIGHT far right march, London …
horrible racist “hate” attack London (oops Croydon), same day report.
Some Keystone Kop from the Met, alarming rise in “hate” crime, Far Right Far Right, cue Brendan Cox all over the BBC,
Thank you, and good night … exit stage left.
Social Media spoils the party, a REAL report from the march
… and some kind of gang turf thing with the attack.
What did Rebel Media say to the Guardian hack at the march?
Are you going to report objectively on the this march then?
Hack … no answer
Hack … no answer
Your a propaganda machine mate, DO ONE!
BBC? … MPs shouting scum??
Vicious gang attack …… Perps??
“SHOCKING CCTV footage shows a shopkeeper being attacked with crowbars and run over by a car after trying to defend a teenage boy from a vicious gang attack.
Amo Singh, 33, was brutally assaulted when he tried to defend a Polish boy who was being attacked by teenagers outside his shop, Premier Stores in Queen’s Drive, Cashes Green, at around 10pm on Sunday. He and his wife Sandy had seen six boys and two girls – some of whom were armed with crowbars and baseball bats – arrive in two cars and begin attacking the 15-year-old Polish boy, who was with his girlfriend”
His book was at No.3 in the Amazon best sellers, when I looked last night. Everyone’s been pushing for it to reach No.1 to trigger the Regressives and help him fund a case for police harassment.
It’s great to see him on The Rebel (a rapidly growing media platform) and taking it to a Guardian photographer, whose paper is in terminal decline.
“…Croydon ‘Hate Crime’ attack has been downgraded now that it appears the gang responsible were ‘100% diverse’. It’s “Asylum Boy Attack” now, according to the BBC.”
Yes, I held off commenting on this story because, from the start, something seemed a little more than usually ‘vague’ in the reporting. Now we know why. What tight, twisty knots the BBC thought police tie themselves into.
In all fairness to the BBC, they posted a story on their website just a few minutes ago (no pics of wanted) but with a statement from Det Supt Jane Corrigan –
“I haven’t seen a hate crime like this. This was pure hate and there was only one motivation and that was to cause serious damage,”
The BBC News website now says: “The five were charged with violent disorder, while one was also charged with racially aggravated GBH. “Why just one charged with racially aggravated GBH?
…and the BBC also reports: “Det Supt Jane Corrigan said she was confident everyone responsible for the assault would be arrested. “There was no reason for this attack and I believe because of the numbers involved people have just jumped on the back of it and it’s turned into a violent brawl where someone has been viciously beaten and is very lucky to have not lost his life,” she said. “There was only one motivation and that was to cause serious damage.”
Brawl? Cause serious damage? Are these new police terms for unprovoked attack and attempted murder?
Didn’t English law used to be proud to treat everyone the same, with some exceptions for the sexually related crimes and underage victims and criminals? Don’t know Scottish law, but I assume the same.
Be you ever so high, the law is above you.
24 rolling bollox 11:10am More fake news from bBC. Bigging up the Gib issue. The bBC says that the EU has given Spain a veto over the trade agreement and Gib. Spain has a veto, fullstop. The letter from tusk said that after Brexit, Spain will have a special say regarsdless of the EU view about the future of Gib. That assumes that the Gibraltarians and the UK agree anyway.
Fred . Some Spanish Minister has accused Britain of “losing its cool “. Yes, right, the British are fiery, impulsive hotheads. Looks like the Spanish don’t do irony !
The U.K. should just walk away from the EU, begin trading under WTO tariffs and then negotiate with the individual countries in order of mutual importance between us and them.
If the Gibraltar situation is anything to go by, then these Brexit “negotiations” will just be an exercise in frustration and a complete waste of precious time that could be spent far more productively elsewhere.
Oh! And May should pull the trigger on both Labour and Krankie by having a general election and Scottish referendum as soon as possible – to destroy them both; she can they have five years to negotiate what she wants, with whom and with a big majority in the HoC without anymore whining from the SNP.
Any regard or pleasantries we have received from Europeans has only been due to the cash we’ve been sending them. Rather like paying for a prostitute – just business.
Tin pot Spain needs a thump. Gibraltar has around 30,000 inhabitants – very much like the Falklands all over again. If we said, have Gibraltar but no more holidaymakers and no Spanish workers in the UK etc., but again it’s low life politicians with backs against the wall.
Gaxvil, the prostitute analogy isn’t the best one in this case. Someone once said you don’t pay a prossie to have sex with you, you pay her to leave afterwards. In the case of the EU however, we’ve been paying them to screw us but now they’re refusing to let go!
If there had been any real benefits, except for the lawyers and bureaucrats that is, to the UK’s membership of what became the EU, the UK wouldn’t have been allowed anywhere near it, G.
We cannot leave the EU until article 50 expires in 2 years time, May cannot trigger an early election thanks to Camerons fixed term parliament act and she’s already told Krankie that she cannot have the referendum for another 2 years.
Why destroy Krankie though? She’s a great asset for the Tories, keeping Labour from the Scottish seats which are never in a million years going to vote Tory !
We are a sovereign state and if it is damaging to our national interest to comply with their (EU) two year timetable, then we are able to decide on our own preferred method of leaving the Euro asylum and its timing.
Cameron’s Act – repeal it and rid our country of another part of the poisonous legacy that the Etonian vermin smeared over it.
Krankie – a referendum is a win win: SNP prevail, watch your arse on the door handle on your way out; SNP lose, Krankie is history and her party has its wings properly clipped. There is no evidence Labour would gain any seats from the SNP, they are as damaged up there as they are down here.
I do notice that a significant portion of fruit & vegetable produce in Tesco, Waitrose & Sainsbury’s is imported from Spain. Hmmm… What if we don’t buy from them anymore?
I suspect that Gib has been dragged into the negotiations as a tool to get continued access to British fishing grounds.
The Med is empty , apart from turds…. so the Spanish are desperate for continued access… rights traitorously given away by Major,Bliar,and Brown.
Hot news – The BBC now using LGBTQ – The Q referring to ‘Queer’ which encompasses all the dysfunctional deviants not already covered. More letters to be added???
I’ll go for ‘S’. The bBC has taken to using the noun ‘Survivor’ in which to label victims of:
child abuse
which no doubt will soon be used by the ‘militant’ rainbow flag crowd in which to express the hardships they have had to endure in Brexit England.
Manchild: “I am so upset!”
bBC reporter: “Why?”
Manchild: ” I was in Pret, just ordered a dairy free, caffine free and paper carton free skinny latte , And the child behind me with her racist bigoted family said “why didn’t you just order a bottle of water”
bBC reporter: “Outrageous, that’s going on the evening news that you are a survivor of a hate crime”
Manchild: “Oh really, do I have time to get a facial?”
bBC reporter: “No probs, lets just pop into the genderfree toilet””
And notice it happened last october and is only being reported now. Whoever would have thought that Germany would become a totalitarian police state ? Big surprise.
Last week I posted about an article on the Conservative Women web site by David Goodhart the author of Anywhere and Somewhere. He said that former DG of the BBC , Mark Thompson and former Cabinet Secretary, Gus O’Donnel , had both told him when they were in post that they would put global welfare above the welfare of the UK.
I am still coming to terms with the implications of this revelation. Here we have two prominent people in positions of power who were more concerned about the rest of the world than about their own country. I expect that their view was echoed by Blair and the rest of the New Labour Gang , and were shared by Cameron and his cronies. Many other politicians across the West share this Globalist view and agenda, such as Macron in France, Clinton in the US. I had foolishly thought that New Labour and Cameroon pursued ,what to me seemed suicidal policies for the UK , because they somehow genuinely thought these policies were good for the UK, e.g. Mass immigration . I imagined they really did believe that enrichment and all the other rubbish they spouted was a good thing. I could never understand why they believed such an absurd notion. Now I realise that they , like the rest of us, knew all along that such policies were detrimental to the UK but they didn’t care about their own country and fellow Brits, they were pursuing some nebulous concept of Greater Global Good.
I can now see why Treason was removed from the statute book under New Labour. The same will be true of Obama , Merkel etc . It isn’t the draining of the swamp we need . We need a purge of Globalists across the West if we are to survive.
The BBC appear to be enjoying deploying “sabre-rattling” & “jingoistic”in their reporting on the EU v Gibraltar. However I think their report, ending thus, misses some relevant words “Spain has long contested Britain’s 300 year-rule of Gibraltar, which has a population of about 30,000.
i.e. that Spain, by treaty, ceded Gibraltar to the UK, but now wants to welch on the deal.
Always gets up my nose how the bBC never mention how the Plazas de soberanía (Primarily Spanish enclaves of Melilla, and Ceuta) not only hold the same status of Gibraltar. But that the Spanish continue to state that both city states are not up for discussion as they form part of Spain.
The BBC appear to be enjoying deploying “sabre-rattling” & “jingoistic”in their reporting on the EU v Gibraltar.
in 2002, 6 Moroccan soldiers landed on Perejil Island (To the left of Cueta)
Morocco claimed that the occupation was carried out in order to monitor illegal immigration, and to fight drug dealers and smugglers who use the island as a logistic platform. Following protests and calls to the return of the status quo ante bellum from the Spanish government, the soldiers were called off, but were replaced by Moroccan marines, who set up a fixed base on the island, which drew further protests from Spain. Prime minister José María Aznar warned Morocco that Spain will not accept a policy of fait accompli.
On the morning of July 18, 2002, conflict broke out when Spain retook the island by force, code-named Operation Romeo-Sierra. The attack was carried out by Spanish commandos of Grupo de Operaciones Especiales. The commandos landed from four Eurocopter Cougar helicopters that took off from Cádiz. The entire operation was coordinated by the Spanish Navy from the amphibious ship Castilla, on station at the strait of Gibraltar. The Spanish Air Force deployed F-18 and Mirage F-1 fighters to provide air cover. The Spanish patrol boats Izaro and Laya came alongside the gunboat El Lahiq, at anchor off the island, in order to prevent any reaction from the Moroccan vessel The Moroccan Auxiliary Forces members inland did not offer any resistance. Within a matter of minutes, all of the Moroccan servicemen were taken prisoner, and the island was secured. The prisoners were transported by helicopter to the headquarters of Civil Guard in Ceuta, from where they were transported to the Moroccan border. Over the course of the same day, the Spanish commandos on the island were replaced by soldiers of the Spanish Legion.
The Spanish Legion troops on the island remained there after the operation was complete. The United States mediated the situation, that eventually returned to the status quo ante bellum. All Spanish troops were withdrawn, and the island remains unoccupied but claimed by both sides. BBC News interviewed Spanish citizens across Madrid after the conflict, and most people supported this incursion. Opposition politician Gaspar Llamazares of the United Left party (former Communist Party) said that Spain should not fall into the “provocation trap”, so that it does not ruin its image in North Africa
And here is how the Spanish people rejoiced after the Spanish use miltary force to take back their Island 400 metres from Morocco as reported by the bBC Spaniards back Perejil military action
I remember seeing Ceuta in the early 70s when on a road trip from Spain to Morocco. It was even then surrounded by massive wire fences topped with razor wire. Lots of “men” loafing around outside, watched nervously by armed Spanish guards inside the wire. Obviously the Moroccans don’t appreciate the presence of the enclave.
At that time Franco was still in power, and it was not possible for tourists to drive into Gibraltar from Spain. Gibraltar survived that exclusion OK.
I’ve actually been to Ceuta, it’s where a lot of the Spanish are sent during national service, however it does appear to be yet another route into Europe for the Asylum seekers as they are circumventing the fences to gain access.
The past for the progressive is a forgotten land where only bad things happened. We have no past only a progressive future so a thing like a treaty from long ago is irrelevant. It does not exist. It never existed .Much like England itself. A bit of land that has no past and only a future we, the elite, will decide.
This is how they view Brexit. An interruption in their lives.
At the risk of sounding bizarre I overheard an interesting conversation on Saturday. Talking about the EU and it’s attitude towards us. A suggestion that I am sure was in jest but showing how many feel was that we ally with Russia and take over Europe.
One man said that so weak were they that we could be in Berlin in a month tops and that would be the end of that.
In jest I am sure but the military strength of the EU without us is very weak indeed and furthermore lacks any proven effectiveness. Their bluster over us leaving needs to be called out. It is dangerous and counter productive.
It’s an idea though.
We are, I think, more like Russia than many would want to believe. At least old Britain did – not sure about our present BBC reconstructed one.
And we were allies in WW2 and wealthy Russians seem to like the UK. Yes, we need to call the EU’s bluff asap and hit them hard and early. They have much more to lose than we do. But hell hath no fury…… !!!
Unfortunately our own military has been decimated along with most other European countries. The only armies that I give any credence to are Poland Finland and to a certain extent, the baltic states. They have a shared neighbour who keeps them on their toes. The French are quite impressive due to their continued national service. In the space of 5 days Finland and Poland could field impressive armies due to their preparedness. It would take Britain about six to eight months to field anything similar. As for our Navy ?
I know that Victory is still in dry dock at Portsmouth but Warrior is afloat and once Victory rejoins her all will be well. I’m sure we have enough Admirals to crew both ships. If they need a third vessel to make up a fleet Cavalier can come round from Chatham. What could go wrong????
For a better perspective on how dire the situation has become it’s worth looking at the escort vessels required for the Pedestal convoy in August 1942. That one convoy required more ships than the Royal Navy now has in commission.
Another BBC reporter gets comeuppance after annoying Sunderland manager DavidMoyes
“It was getting a wee bit naughty at the end there so just watch yourself,” Moyes told Sparks. “You still might get a slap even though you’re a woman. Careful the next time you come in.
Another BBC reporter gets comeuppance after annoying Sunderland manager David Moyes
“It was getting a wee bit naughty at the end there so just watch yourself,” Moyes told Sparks. “You still might get a slap even though you’re a woman. Careful the next time you come in.
1pm News headlines
#1 The danger of hate crimes against gypsies
#2 Genuine Syrian refugees to come for homestays with Lincolnshire families.
Funny enough as a child growing up I loved reading up on:
Dr Strange
Capt Marvel
Fantastic 4
then 2001 came out and I replaced all of the above for:
Judge Dredd
Rouge Trooper
ABC warriors
With the exception of JD,Superman,Batman all of the above had a disability of some-sort. But even those 3 were all orphans,
Oh the irony.
Pounce’s list has somebody called ‘Rouge Trooper’. Is this an early example of a gay in the armed forces?
Didn’t spell check it should have been Rogue Trooper (he was a blue genetically created super soldier, who contained a chip in his brain which could be inserted into a new body in which to allow him to be re-born. He carried the chips of his dead buddies in his helmet, rucksack and weapon . This allowed them him to continue to communicate with them. (its Sci-Fi)
I’m still waiting for films that include the Girls Crystal, Girl, School Friend, and Bunty !! I’ve been discriminated against – to whom do I protest, I’m offended and its unacceptable !
Pounce, I was only kidding you. I knew who you were referring to. I used to like all those comics myself like 2000AD, Scream, and the war comics like Commando and Battle Action Picture Library. ‘Rouge Trooper’ makes me think of ‘Gloria’ from ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ – although they were ostensibly Royal Artillery so it would be ‘Rouge Bombardier’.
And Spain says it will support an independent Scotland’s re-joining the EU.
Get that aircraft carrier built and check imports from what is the 17th largest economy.
Ah yes our new Queen Elizabeth class carriers. Knowing our MOD by the time they are seaworthy they may be downgraded to two-man coracles, one to do the rowing, the other to chuck paper airplanes at our adversaries!
What isn’t been widly reported is that these 2 carriers are anything but. They have no catapults meaning that they can’t launch heavy planes, so if effect they are really huge helicopter carriers.
No. We are buying the awesome f35b. So good we can only afford about thirty. Enough for .8 of a complement for 1 carrier. Nobody has said whats going on the other one. Oh and the f35 is great because it can information share. Which would be nice if there were a military unit to share information with, but there isn’t because we cant afford it.
I stand corrected. However at 2.4 billion for 14 of them
I can’t wait to see where the money is coming for the rest.
Also found this
Also the cost to fly the things is so prohibitive, that I would be surprised to see more than three in the air at one time. There is a huge amount of negative press about it. The only thing i believe is that it will cost a lot of money.
What isn’t been widly reported is that these 2 carriers are anything but. They have no catapults meaning that they can’t launch heavy planes, so if effect they are really huge helicopter carriers.
“Maybe she can ask them to build a couple of hundred new mosques?” – No need to ask, they’re putting most of the money into mosque building/converting already. They love to convert churches though, it is a token and proves to them that islam is superior to Christianity.
As James O’Brien is Newsnight ” talent, I think it’s only right that we use this site to point out his shortcomings on LBC. Had to laugh this morning when he was talking to one of his sycophant callers who was reinforcing his narrative about Spain and Gibraltar. Somehow he allowed the caller to fall off the script/narrative and advise us that only Spanish nationals can get work in Spain, foreigners don’t get taken on. J O’B very quite, hoped nobody heard that, move on. So there we have it, as we all know, here we offer equal opportunity to all EU citizens but this is not reciprocated in the EU (remember the French stopping British Ski guides).
ThomasR, they always find ways round things. I was in Gibraltar a couple of years ago and got talking to some British expats (not native Gibraltarians, who although nominally British are Spanish speakers, Catholics and have links with Spaniards in the mainland) and they had little but bad words to say about the Spaniards. Although the EU does not allow the border to be closed, one of the tricks the Spanish use is to step up customs controls at the border, causing long tailbacks which effectively close it for hours/days at a time.
Jo’B is clear proof of AlBeeb’s abandonment of impartiality. His “show” on LBC has long since ceased to feature interviews with any politicos – only his “mates”. He is often left rambling incoherently for 20 minutes, waiting in vain for a caller. Wake up LBC and drop the bloke. He does have a face for radio though ……
Well, I hope they sort it out before November; Gib is one of the stopping off ports on my cruise !! I don’t want to be dodging gun-boats and submarines when we dock !
Back to Russians – Seems the average Russian feels demonized. Don’t all countries desire to be rich and powerful? Maybe that’s not lefty liberal or PC but the alternative is what, poor and weak? Russians don’t get it and many feared a hotter war if Hillary had got in. Meanwhile, no one has yet figured out what Russia actually did in the US Election.
Obama interfered in the Referendum campaign. The result of his interference was probably to stiffen the resolve of the Leavers, and may well have tipped the balance. I like to think so, one of the (very) few things I love the black dude for.
gaxvil: ” Don’t all countries desire to be rich and powerful?”
I think the bulk of the UK, especially after the first half of the 20th Century, want to live quiet, normal lives and to work toward prosperity. Unfortunately our political leaders have either been plunged into situations where conflict was necessary (eg. Falklands, Gulf 1 – liberating Kuwait) or have taken incomprehensible political positions (Ted Heath, into the EU & his economic policies in response to conflict) or have sought to self-aggrandise militarily (eg. Serbia, Afghanistan, Gulf 2, Libya) often taking the country where it did not want to go.
It is sobering to realise that the last worthwhile military conflict that had a ‘good’ purpose and outcome, a minor Sierra Leone military excursion notwithstanding, was Gulf 1. Apart from those two, all the UK appears to have done recently is make a bad situation worse, or in the case of Libya, completely disable a functioning but nasty dictatorship and turn it into a failed state.
Up2snuff, if you ask me that’s because today’s generation of politicians (and their counterparts in the BBC etc) have never grown out of being 1960s student revolutionaries, and have romantic ideas about ‘Arab Springs’ and ‘revoloooshun’ in dictatorships.
They don’t seem to understand that arab and Islamic countries need strong secular leaders to keep all the different factions under control. They may be harsh but IMO the alternative is worse.
The pre-1990s politicians still had first hand knowledge of WWII and the subsequent withdrawal from Empire and were probably a bit less eager to meddle in other countries’ concerns.
And back to Spain and the EU – Reckon it will take, even staunch Brexiteers, a while to get used to the fact that we are, or will be, on our own and will have to stand up for ourselves after fourty years of increasing bed wetting. Though it may be too late and we may have fallen through the metaphorical rotten mattress.
I’ve always suspected that part of the aversion to Brexit among our MPs is the fact that they’d actually have to start thinking about proper law-making again. They are so used to rubber-stamping worthless statutes coming from the EU, giving them plenty of free time to consider hate crimes and duck-house purchases.
I’ve always just assumed that they thought of it as a possible future job when they are finally discovered by the people to be rubbish. Very similar to golfers supporting the Seniors tour. They sren’t as good as they used to be but they can still make a crumb. ie Kinnock
The St. Petersburg governor’s office said there were as many as 50 victims in the incident, including 10 fatalities. Two of the injured have been taken for surgery while two others are being prepared for operation.
The city healthcare committee said 25 people have been brought to hospital in the wake of the blast, including one child.
A Love Crime ?
Has the Russian head of police maximised police officers to protect Muslims from bad comments on Twitter ?
… I bet not, shame on him, I bet he doesn’t even stop to think about them.
Just caught ‘Squirrels’, the first, quarter-hour episode of Did the Victorians Ruin the World?, by ‘Helen and Dr Kat Arney’ at 1.45pm on R4. According to Wikipedia, the latter is ‘a strong advocate for involvement of women in Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), but “hates pink”—she considers attempts to make science look more “girlie” to be patronising and unnecessary’.
Fair enough. She’s a pop.-science broadcaster. Nothing wrong with that. Helps if the material you’re broadcasting is of broadcast quality, mind. Looking at the history of red and grey squirrels, the script of the first episode was written in a decidedly faux-cutesy manner (lots of ‘girlie’, anthropomorphising references to ‘Squirrel Nutkin’), which was then self-consciously overperformed (the delivery of both sisters was very arch), and which beat the living daylights out of anything passing as humour (there was a grim running gag over the similarity between the words naturists and naturalists). The series is produced by Hat Trick, though, so it is at the poppier end of pop. science.
My degrees are in literature and history; but that means I’m more interested in intelligent programmes about subjects outwith my own discipline: geology, say, or civil engineering and astronomy. Just like what BBC2 and R4 used to do. What I’m not interested in is the slurry of patronising, sub-Rag Week drivel that’s just been broadcast.
Some foreign (of course) presenter on the World Service, “….. and next week I’ll be interviewing two more amazing women ….”.
Now is it me or is that just a tad patronising?
Yup, that was the title. I spose it’s a reformulation of What Did the Victorians Ever Do for Us? and so on. The pity is that there’s an interesting idea lurking in there—but I can see how a BBC producer would have been delighted by the pitch: two larky women do pop. science by sneering at nineteenth-century white men. As for the content, I had hoped to have suppressed all memory of it, and am disappointed to find I can remember the following [this has become a long post, but it’ll serve as a public-information warning]:
The Victorians discovered the natural world and thus invented natural history. Have the Arneys heard of John Evelyn (1620 – 1706), who wrote books on air pollution; reforestation; horticulture; fructiculture . . . ?
Sister one says naturist; sister two asks her if she means naturalist.
We then moved on to the attitude of those nasty Victorians to red squirrels. One of the sisters blows the dust off the anecdote that squirrels were called ‘tree rats’.
Reference to Squirrel Nutkin.
Greys were brought in by American house guests to Britain’s landed estates. The ecological ethics of this were thankfully avoided, since it could easily have developed into the kind of argument made in the Guardian (natch) by a social theorist a couple of years ago: that wanting to eradicate invasive plants such as Japanese knotweed is racist. (Seriously. Got absolute pelters below-the-line.)
Sister one says naturist; sister two asks her if she means naturalist.
A bit about the areas of the country to which reds are now confined.
It’s starting to get hazy now, but it ended with further reference to Squirrel Nutkin, and squirrels being sent into space for reasons I’ve mercifully forgotten. This piqued the curiosity of one of the gruesome twosome, who excitedly started to imagine spacesuits for squirrels, with a little hole for their bushy tails. I swear I’m not making the last bit up.
The programme wasn’t meant to be taken that seriously, but it’s a concept difficult to do well. And it was duly beyond dismal. Tune in next week for ‘Beards’.
Didn’t expect such a long reply. Many thanks. I didn’t think the BBC did comedy !
The idea that the Victorians discovered Natural History is beyond belief. My first thought was Pliny the Elder.
As for the squirrels, not controversial among biologists, but there are many squirrel deniers who do not believe the Grey has had any effect on the Red. And they tend to be the Squirrel Nutkin brigade. The other issue is that , if we try and eradicate the Greys, it may lead to the eradication of other immigrants.
Where I am staying in Perthshire now, we have Reds but no Greys, so we are lucky.
By the sound of it this was either a children’s programme or a pisstake.
Think I shall give the one about Mary Beard’s family a miss.
Opps BBC has these graphics on its news homepage saying
“Elsewhere on the BBC
Corruption and lies”
screenshot from BBCNews page
On BBC Leicester
oops what happened to the image I saved
On Radio 4 last night the reporter was in ecstasy as he discussed the struggles of Darcus Howe; when he mentioned ‘institutional racism’ I think I actually heard him orgasm. Combined with the aslylum seeker hate crime it must have been a great day at the office.
All that, plus, as ever with the BBC, they’re not sure if it’s fair to call the guy killing people on Westminster Bridge while screaming ‘Allah Ackbar’ a ‘terrorist’, but they’re quite sure that a race-hustling sleazeball, who spent his life pushing deranged anti-white conspiracy theories is best described as a ‘civil rights activist’. Apparently, that’s just a simple, uncontroversial fact.
When did outrage, protest and offence taking become a legitimate career choice? The world does not run on offence. We need people to drive buses, mend computers, harvest food and do countless other mundane but essential things. I have more respect for the man who drives my bus to work than so many useless ‘activists’ as he is actually doing something useful. Maybe protest about something you feel strongly about in your spare time, but it should not be all you ever do.
I have noticed that the facts of the hate crime story seem to have changed. It is no longer ‘believed to have been said’ that the gang asked about the boy being an asylum seeker.
I can just imagine Winston Smith rewriting the story as new facts about the attackers emerged. I reckon this might be one for the memory hole as the narrative is wrong.
Ooh and not bbc this time but in 1906 – Barbadian volunteer workers who were unskilled and went to work on the Panama Canal were not paid as much as the skilled workers. Viewed through the gauze of PC history re written, this was purely racist. There were many white unskilled workers but let’s not mention that.
Just the old, if a none white experiences anything which could possibly be considered disadvantageous – it MUST be racist, it just has to be!
I might add this was on PBS American public service broadcaster – closest they have to our bbc.
gaxvil American PBS-
Americans aren’t required to fund The PBS. It’s funded by voluntary donations.
They have a telethon every 6mos or so to ask for donations. People pledge support by monthly payments or one-off donations. PBS ran quite a few British programs throughout the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s. Back then PBS channels were the only TV channels in The States to run Python, Blackadder, Are You Being Served & the like. They also showed quite a few British TV Dramas & documentaries. Dr Who as well. Anyone with a Telly could receive & watch PBS whether they donated or not, it was all free to air.
Quick update on the Croydon ‘Hate Crime’. Or should that be ‘Attack’?
As readers will now know, white anglo-saxon people seem to be ‘significantly under-represented’ among the suspects. So the usual race/victim/anti-British/shit-stirring gobshites we all know about have suddenly gone all quiet.
But fear not. Our esteemed state broadcaster continues to follow this leading story with its cutting-edge journalism.
As of 1600 hrs Monday you can find it simply by drilling down as follows.
BBC News front page/home or UK/England/Regions/London and South East/London.
I think this is called ‘Burying Inconvenient Truth’
The irony of course is that it quite probably IS a ‘Hate Crime’. Just not the sort that fits the left-wing narrative and agenda, in whose la-la land only white people can commit such a crime.
See, it couldn’t have been a racist attack because there’s no such thing as black-on-black racism, according to the BBC’s cultural relativists. So ‘alcohol induced’ it was, then.
Oh well, Winston’s going to be busy revising and rewriting the news for a while… and down the memory hole it goes!
“Five men have been arrested for the serious assault of an asylum seeker.
Whilst in this case police are still investigating the background of the attackers. Police and Government agencies also expressed concern that this is the level of violence that could well be expected from white racists as a result of the anticipated rise in Hate crimes since the EU referendum”
What do you all think?
I was thinking of applying for a job as a headline writer for BBC news or even get an internship with Diane “Jabba” Fatbot as a speech writer!
As predicted, now that it appears that some or all of the Croydon ‘scum’ who beat up the asylum seeker may be black, it’s suddenly gone way down the beebistan website: you have to drill down to ‘London’ to find it.
And then what does Al Beebeera show you top of page? Not the pic of black suspects issued by the police, but… A BUS-STOP!!
And the absurd headline: “Siblings charged…” SIBLINGS??
Diane – (seems disturbing addressing you as that) I think Fatbot and her race hustling chums are doing an “MCB” in that they are jumping on every little incident in the hopes of pushing the likes of Amber to introduce more anti “hate” legislation or lowering the height of the existing prosecution bar.
We all know who all this “anti hate” legislation is aimed at. It will be unofficially colour sensitive, as no one black can generally be considered racist. I suspect that any “person of colour” will also qualify for the “no crime committed” designation. And I suspect most Chief Plods care more about their careers than the truth (theres Rotherham again).
I suspect what they would really like is to outlaw even the discussion of migration thus allowing for a situation like Scandanavia to develop unchecked.
What enraged me is that even (as in this case) where Fatbot has been found out as the thin skinned, shite stirrer we all know her to be . No one in Government appears to actually have the confidence to call out this disgusting excuse of an MP, for what she really is. And the same goes for Labour cos migrants means votes.
It will be interesting when this case comes to court.If we ever hear about it. Id like to know the actual status of the victim. Not that I condone acts of violence but if BBC is going to stir things up ,a few actual confirmed facts would be good to calm things down.
The BBC will be thanking Allah for the St. Petersburg terror atrocity. The Mail have published a photo of the suspect. He seems to be wearing religious garb and has a silly looking beard. Can anyone guess which religion ?
The BBC will probably float the idea that this attack was a false flag operation by the Russian secret service , to gamer support for further attacks on ISIS , and of course nothing to do with Islam.
BBC trumpeting the university being forced to close by the oppressive Hungarian regime. To be fair bbc does bring up that Soros is behind it all. The fact that the leftist social engineer is behind the protest puts the university protest in the position of being used for Mr Soros’s usual agenda.
BBC London News not giving up on the Croydon attack. In the bulletin the ethnicity of the alleged attackers was completely ignored but we got interviews with a lot of white people and one black guy who was a successful asylum seeker from Sierra Leone who had also, coincidentally, been attacked. Not much bias by omission or subliminal suggestion there then.
I apologise in advance if this has been flagged up already but I’m just relaxing and catching up after a tough day visiting the Duomo and archaeological museum in Naples.
(Just for info, the Piazza Garibaldi and most of the major thoroughfares for several hundred yards around are seething with sub-Saharan Africans selling fake goods.)
Funny you should mention that, I was in Florence last July and we were accosted by a big black bloke trying to sell us crap beads and stuff,there was a heavy military presence in Florence, Rome and Naples.
Tonight on 7:30pm There is not Inside Out so BbcPet Issues except
has special film with Socialist friend Ken Loach looking at how homelessness can affect any of us in the West
Showing mushroom farm would have to close without Lithuanian workers
leading questions ask
– Item #2 Falconry
Just a repeat of – Fishermen to Kings: The Forgotten Photographs of Olive Edis
Not BBC, but Channel 4 news. No hint of ethnicity of the attackers, but lots of subliminal stuff. Then Gibralter. 100% pro-EU and pro-Spain, and anti-Britain. Impression given that we may as well hand over Gib now as we are going to have to eventually. Scum.
More Narrative control progs coming up
8pm Ch4 President Trump: How Scared Should We Be?
Abi Austen investigates what Donald Trump’s Presidency means for global security
8:30pm Panorama Marine Le Pen: Who’s Funding France’s **Far Right?**
Gabriel Gatehouse explores how the FN’s desperate need for money could be undermining this process, meeting fixers and insiders who have helped Le Pen run her campaign and raise money from controversial sources around the world.
If you don’t know of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, you just need to appreciate she is an extraordinary brave woman. She renouced Islam and spoke out about the violence meted out to women, from FGM to incessant rape from the husband within marriage. Obviously she had to go into hiding from Muslims who tried to kill her. She became a Dutch MP and established women’s refuges enabling Muslim women to escape barbaric treatment. Sadly, Mulsims managed to murder a man who made a film from her script and she was forced from Holland. As you can appreciate she is not on the BBC’s speed dial.
She had been blocked by the left from receiving awards in the US and has now been blocked from even speaking in Australia.
The BBC report talks of security concerns, but doesnt say from who.
The BBC says she made a controversial film on the treatment of women under Islam – but doesnt say who found it controversial.
The BBC appears to infer that her tour was stopped due to a petition, yet that petition drew only 400 names – Australia’s population is over 23 million.
Please check the poll and see who actually signed it, no one called Bruce or Shelia.
Fox news have her on though, hurrah! Truly it makes me feel sick and uneasy that this free speech is being so easily eroded. As described so eloquently by Mark Steyn. They should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. I would take a note of these supporters and not use any of their businesses/services. I hope there is a counter petition to allow her to speak. She is very brave.
She’s a very brave woman indeed. The comments on the petition make interesting reading. Those comments supporting her have lots of hearts (likes?) whereas the hearts on those comments against her you could count on one hand. I don’t think one can comment if you don’t sign the petition so perhaps many have signed the petition in order to give support to Ayaan Hirsi Ali. It really worries me though that in the Western nations attempts to ban by law criticism of Islam appear to be bearing fruit. It’s disgraceful that Western politicians do not appear inclined to defend the notion of free speech which took hundreds of years to bring about.
I think I watched her Ayaan Hirsi Ali talk on a TED talk (I cannot find it though) but she is still on you tube. She is rational thinker and we need more like her to speak out about Islamic subjegation. There is no feminist Islam, but there are false values in the media praising it and promoting it as such. Of course they (BBC liberals and lefties) hate her.
BBC and Lefties are such hypocrites on almost everything. It is OK for muslims to subjugate women, but not for anyone else to do the same. Leftie women will not even speak out against muslim men’s appalling treatment of women.
Just had my attention drawn to this jaw dropping BBBC initiative. It’s too long for me to read, but the gist seems to be an enforcement of diversity quotas on anyone that has anything to do with BBBC productions. Explains a lot about the recent direction of travel. Where do they get the money from for all this?
That’s great news, so it specifies that there will a diversity of VIEWPOINTS in the BBC
they are moving in the conservatives, free market thinkers and anti-greens to fully reflect their viewing public are they ?
Or did the page about DIVERSITY of VIEWPOINTS drop off the back of the regulations.
All it means is that the BBC will continue to fail. Crap shows and lost viewers and listeners. So stupid is the progressive that he or she cannot see this, End times for the BBC.
Not a BBC Bias issue but something similar and same left wing liberal agenda.
ITV tonight at 8pm is the ‘Kyle Files’ where Jeremy Kyle looks at hate crime “which spiked after Brexit”.
He started off interviewing a man who is trying to ban a new Mosque as there are already 26 in Bolton. Jeremy Kyle takes the Muslims side 100% saying they have the freedom to practise their religion. The man says Muslims do not integrate and another Mosque will make it worse. Kyle responds “you sound a bit radical” and “there is no evidence of this”.
20 minutes later Kyle is supporting a gay pride march and confronts a Christian church protest group who are saying homosexuality is a sin (according to the Bible). Kyle accuses them of inciting homophobic hate crimes.
It struck me that his views (on ITV) are identical to BBCs (which is depressing) where Muslims can practise their religion but Christians cannot.
I haven’t located an online clip yet but on telly, RT News is accusing (with evidence) CNN & BBC specifically of reporting HEARSAY about the St Petersburg bombing.
Jesus was there another *Control the Narrative* prog on tonight !
People can catch on +1 right now I suppose.
Did you catch the bit where Kyle walked up to a group of Muslims and accused them of being homophobic ?
And the bit showing the extreme Muslims who are shouting obscenities to Gays ?
And the bit where he asked if child grooming/rape gangs contribute towards racial hatred ?
Hey Clever way they saved money by interviewing the Muslim Fundamentalists at the Gay Pride day.
…Or did those clips not make the final prog ?
Kyle, like all left wing media types, is a coward. He knows he can insult and demean Christianity with no risk to himself. He also knows that if he tries any of that with muslims, the best case scenario is that he loses his very cushy job and never works again. Worst case, they kill him.
This is the dirty secret the left wing media will never admit: they are cowards, and the threat of violence works.
Wonderful to see the BBC and the Police at each other’s throats. A curse on both their houses. Great if Cliff wins damages and gives the money to Christian charities and sticks two-fingers up at the BBC and the Police. If any of them have done anything illegal, they should be prosecuted.
Notice that the BBC and Sky News continue their drive-by insinuations in regard of the St Petersburg Metro atrocity from a few hours back.
Since 9/11 and Millie Dowler-these shameless ghouls in liberal liars land have never wasted a chance to pile up the corpses and allocate them to their own sordid causes.
Truly evil-and after Brexit and Trump they have become totally deranged and divorced from any human sympathy , any wish to check the facts before their nasty extrapolations.
Really am shocked at how low they`re going every day at the minute-shouldn`t be though should I?
As we mourn and pray for those who die and who suffer as fellow commuters with yet ANOTHER soft Islamist outrage-the liberal elite prefer to defend Islam and accuse Putin of doing this for the political agenda as imagined by the BBC.
Truly, truly evil.
Is there room for both Martin McGuinness and Darcus Howe in hell I wonder?
Heard Jeremy Vine shut down some bloke who`d been nearly destroyed over fake child abuse allegations about 12.20 this lunchtime-Simon Waugh I think was his name. Vine shut him down for saying that the “right wing papers” had rescued him, whereas the left wing papers, telly and radio were happier for him to stay on bail, in prison or ANYWHERE-just as long as their cause, their precious victims( who are anything but) were not challenged in regard of their allegations. No-Vine did not like that one bit, neither did the PF smoothiechops sent in to calm him down.
Very McMurphy I thought.
Simon turns up on quite a few programs notably the wright stuff on 5. That guy has been through the ringer on those allegations and hes dead right about what the left have done. The same thing is happening over the croydon attack, two days shouting racist and brexit as loud as they can but when pics reveal the identity of the perps they drop it like a hot stone and pretend its nothing.
Russian authorities have released photos of one of those believed responsible for the St. Petersburg atrocity.
The individual concerned is heavily bearded, wearing a dark, slightly shortened version of a dishdasha and a hat predominantly worn by Muslims. The photos are being shown across most media outlets.
But the BBC website does say it is a “bearded man, wearing a black hat and coat “. I reckon it is Rasputin back from the dead. He did have extraordinary powers and was killed in St. Petersburg, or was he ?
The BBC really do think that we are stupid. They are pathetic morons, a sick joke.
A bearded man, wearing a black hat and coat? muttering surah s carrying a Quran? and a time switch, linked to ISIS, cheered on by all at Al Jazeera?
… NO, no idea? … motive? anyone see a motive lying around?
For the first time since the BBC was formed – it has a critic! (as of this Monday 3rd April 2017.) This is memorable as the BBC cannot claim to be (legally) impartial or hold the moral high ground or be exempt from comparison with other UK based broadcaster (such as SKY or Channel 4)..
After years of BBC vocal avoidance OFCOM is making dozens of challenging directives which it has to employ to keep its license. Even worse it not able to LOBBY its insiders in the House of Lords (or claim that its the victim). Nope this is far beyond the BBC virtue signalling and will substantially change the BBC when all else has failed.
For the BBC it cannot claim any more impartial than any other broadcaster (or Newspaper). The media controls that other broadcaster have also apply to the BBC for the first time! More TRANSPARENCY on it financial ‘black holes’ (which NAO has identified as poor value for money in audited accounts
But OFCOM is different. It has the same status as the BBC, and has far more powers than the BBC ever had. The BBC had hoped that OFCOM would be ‘advisory’ only, nope, it’s regime change for the BBC. Oh how they praised the new head of OFCOM (and how they underestimated Ms Sharon White not to be waived by the ‘old boys’ network of old BBC p luggers and wafers. Way back in 2014 Sharon White was an unknown quality, the BBC though she was a leftie progressive (as did the Guardian).
But where John Whittingdale failed (the BBC Charter emerged largely unreformed) to the fury of Patricia Hodge who exposed a number of financial irregularities and huge tax avoidance from Celebrities (claiming self employment), Million pound bungs’ (Mark Thompson) to ‘keep him focussed’ and the the BBC denial that the BBC employed Jimmy Saville (amongst many others) worked openly at the BBC. Over 500 sexual predators where interviewed under operation Yew tree. Few were prosecuted for past crimes as many were ‘too old’ or had died previously. The Links to Labour lobby groups were never questioned. The future of the BBC was thus ensured for another ten years.
So OFCOM bares it teeth… ‘Ofcom chief executive Sharon White warned that it would ‘hold the BBC’s feet to the fire’ if the broadcaster did not do more to reflect the UK, and ensure it ‘shapes and reflects’ Britain’s society and values. he added: ‘We promise to hold the corporation rigorously to account’. Audiences want to see UK stories, and those stories that authentically represent them. The BBC spends 30 per cent less on original UK programmes, in real terms, than it did in 2004.’
And that is not mentioning the small fact that 75% of all BBC TV license fees are lost on ‘expenses’ and produce very little profit as ‘world wide sales’. We all know where TOP GEAR. Top of the Pops is now an embarrassment -as is much of the BBC ‘output’.
Whilst the BBC wants SKY to be blocked from takeover by Murdoch (who also owns The Times). OFCOM will has now included the BBC in the following critic…
OFCOM defines media plurality as “ensuring there is diversity of viewpoints available and consumed across and within media enterprises and preventing any one media owner or voice having too much influence over public opinion and the political agenda.
Think OFCOM will monitor this site – they could do a lot worse.
The out and out arrogance of the bbc, their sense of entitlement and propagandizing will maybe, just maybe, receiving some attention?
We shall see.
On the point of content – apart from agenda pushing we get very little news from around this country and the same goes for World news. Looking at foreign providers, they seem to offer news, both national and World.
I seem to remember that there was something about Hodge’s family company paying very little tax on massive profits. Hodge is very wealthy. I can’t believe that she does not avoid tax. But, I think all MPs should have to publish their tax returns and a statement of how much tax they pay. Then we can be the judges rather than take their words for it.
That’s what Mandleson, Campbell, Watson and the red Tories are working towards, willing to help her out every step of the way.
They d all be drinking champers with Osborne/Cameron on that oligarchs yacht again … hurrah!
I just checked last weeks BBC InsideOut editions
Did anyone watch the bit with the terrorist supporter ?
Some tweeters said the bit was well controlled
BBC West Midlands
The man raising wolves in a secret Shropshire valley.
+ \\Why the hell are @Bbc @InsideOut giving a platform to @Moazzam_Begg who is pro #Jihadism & claims to speak for ALL diverse #Brummie Muslims?//
It was extended onto @BBCTalkback (radio Ulster ?)
– “showing how #extremists have nowhere to hide because of @global_awar”
Hacking suspect with Asperger’s syndrome says he may end his life if his US extradition appeal fails.
– how often raw sewage is released into rivers and estuaries.
– a look at a little-known battle that took place in Suffolk 350 years ago, one of the earliest to feature the English and Dutch marines.
East Mids #BbcPetIssue
BBC Inside out had another trans item
– Gareth Furby meets the activists willing to break the law to protest against Heathrow’s third runway. (isn’t that promoting eco-terrorists ?)
– With eviction rates soaring, we meet the homeless families struggling to survive.
– And Mark Jordan finds out how virtual reality is making dreams come true for hospice patients.
Are predators to driving taxis and private hire cars to target their victims.
– rise in sexual offences associated with online dating apps and asks how safe they are.
– Simon O’Brien delves beneath the streets of Liverpool to explore the mystery of the Williamson tunnels.
An undercover investigation has discovered fake tobacco and cigarettes are being advertised on Facebook and sold door-to-door in our area.
– The police fighting London criminal gangs targeting the south east.
– The campaign to save the Goodwin Sands from dredging.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
The Sultan speaks agian. I can’t find this information on BBC about Caliph Erdogan. (I may be missing it somewhere) but Beeby does have a way of burying news from The Muslim World that is of no use to their own narrative.
The EU is a “Crusader Alliance”
The Sultan wants a referendum!
Erdogan was a bastard when he was Mayor of istanbul and I was living there. And he is a bastard now. The tragedy for Turkey and the West is that last year’s coup failed and the attempt to kill Erdogan also failed.
I was under the distinct impression that our politicians were both relieved and happy that he stayed.
Don’t forget these are front men and the real power / money lies elsewhere, maybe even in foreign countries.
I believe that was a false flag coup. Erdogan staged the whole thing.
It gave him the excuse to assert more control over pretty much all aspects of Turkish life.
Religious fanatics (Islamic) were ready to support him.
Devout Muslims in the Middle East tend to support him with an eerie enthusiasm. He is adored by Hamas, Muslim Egyptians & in Iran. He’s a worry to the Saudis. A rival. I am not only joking when I refer to him as Sultan/Caliph. I believe he wants to claim that crown & will if he can. I think he has a cunning plan to restore the Ottoman empire. If he (or one of his sons) is successful in this endeavour you can bet Ataturk will be revised right out of the history books. Or transformed into a diabolical villain. An anti-Islamic enemy of the people.
One of the reasons I try to follow events in Turkey is because I believe that region could yet be a major player in world affairs. People tend to think Turkey is just a nice place for a beach holiday but Erdogan has for a long time been possibly the most dangerous man in Europe.
I have family connections to Turkey goin back to the 1960s. Some of my friends who were ( notice “were”) officers in the Turkish Army were involved in the coup. If Erdogan staged the whole thing, he must be a genius ! And whatever he may be, I would never call him that !
@Grant I am surprised you say that.
I lived in Mersin for 6 months after the start of the Syrian war and I share Lucy’s view ..everyone should have known that Turkey needed a coup
and everyone knew that E was likely to tricks like stage a fake coup.
Well I can’t envisage the mechanism by which he could do it. “Everyone knew ” is hardly evidence. What evidence is there , apart from hearsay ?
There are also rumours that is was promoted by the CIA and even more bizarre than that. But no credible evidence for any of these “theories”. Not that I have seen , anyway.
Croydon ‘Hate Crime’ attack has been downgraded now that it appears the gang responsible were ‘100% diverse’.
It’s “Asylum Boy Attack” now, according to the BBC.
A little bit of investigative journalism had suggested that this was probably the case, prior to Abbott blaming Brexit –
It is a Zambian pub. You can be sure that the gang will be “100% diverse ” if there is even one non-black there.
Perhaps the local MP, who initially referred to the attackers as “scum”, will now be charged with a hate crime?
Yes … are they still “scum” says MP? – plastered over the BBC yday?
its obvious what the MSM narrative was to be,
Far right FAR RIGHT far right march, London …
horrible racist “hate” attack London (oops Croydon), same day report.
Some Keystone Kop from the Met, alarming rise in “hate” crime, Far Right Far Right, cue Brendan Cox all over the BBC,
Thank you, and good night … exit stage left.
Social Media spoils the party, a REAL report from the march
… and some kind of gang turf thing with the attack.
What did Rebel Media say to the Guardian hack at the march?
Are you going to report objectively on the this march then?
Hack … no answer
Hack … no answer
Your a propaganda machine mate, DO ONE!
BBC? … MPs shouting scum??
Vicious gang attack …… Perps??
“SHOCKING CCTV footage shows a shopkeeper being attacked with crowbars and run over by a car after trying to defend a teenage boy from a vicious gang attack.
Amo Singh, 33, was brutally assaulted when he tried to defend a Polish boy who was being attacked by teenagers outside his shop, Premier Stores in Queen’s Drive, Cashes Green, at around 10pm on Sunday. He and his wife Sandy had seen six boys and two girls – some of whom were armed with crowbars and baseball bats – arrive in two cars and begin attacking the 15-year-old Polish boy, who was with his girlfriend”
New Video From Saturday
Tommy has balls of steel!
His book was at No.3 in the Amazon best sellers, when I looked last night. Everyone’s been pushing for it to reach No.1 to trigger the Regressives and help him fund a case for police harassment.
It’s great to see him on The Rebel (a rapidly growing media platform) and taking it to a Guardian photographer, whose paper is in terminal decline.
“…Croydon ‘Hate Crime’ attack has been downgraded now that it appears the gang responsible were ‘100% diverse’. It’s “Asylum Boy Attack” now, according to the BBC.”
Yes, I held off commenting on this story because, from the start, something seemed a little more than usually ‘vague’ in the reporting. Now we know why. What tight, twisty knots the BBC thought police tie themselves into.
That noise you can hear is a collective sigh of relief from the London Marxists.
At least some of the perpetrators are hideously white.
If these are the only photos published, we can assume all the others are black.
Well there were reports of a mob of about 20 people.
Then there’s this. Sounds like the police could be seeking ‘hate’ when it wasn’t a factor.
I totally agree. The story isn’t headlines any more….
In all fairness to the BBC, they posted a story on their website just a few minutes ago (no pics of wanted) but with a statement from Det Supt Jane Corrigan –
“I haven’t seen a hate crime like this. This was pure hate and there was only one motivation and that was to cause serious damage,”
Yes just seen that. They still fail to mention the attackers were black though.
Serious damage? That would normally refer to property, and when it is occasioned to a person it would be serious harm.
I would therefore question if this DS is talking about the same incident?
The BBC News website now says: “The five were charged with violent disorder, while one was also charged with racially aggravated GBH. “Why just one charged with racially aggravated GBH?
…and the BBC also reports: “Det Supt Jane Corrigan said she was confident everyone responsible for the assault would be arrested. “There was no reason for this attack and I believe because of the numbers involved people have just jumped on the back of it and it’s turned into a violent brawl where someone has been viciously beaten and is very lucky to have not lost his life,” she said. “There was only one motivation and that was to cause serious damage.”
Brawl? Cause serious damage? Are these new police terms for unprovoked attack and attempted murder?
You are not suggesting that the charges would be different if the attackers had been white, surely ?
Didn’t English law used to be proud to treat everyone the same, with some exceptions for the sexually related crimes and underage victims and criminals? Don’t know Scottish law, but I assume the same.
Be you ever so high, the law is above you.
Lord Denning will be turning in his grave. Yes, I think Scots Law has always been similar in that respect.
This incident was already depressing but a senior plod’s verbiage in response makes one despair.
“This was pure hate” is meaningless. Hate is an emotion.
Equally “to cause serious damage” is a consequence or an objective, not a motivation.
24 rolling bollox 11:10am More fake news from bBC. Bigging up the Gib issue. The bBC says that the EU has given Spain a veto over the trade agreement and Gib. Spain has a veto, fullstop. The letter from tusk said that after Brexit, Spain will have a special say regarsdless of the EU view about the future of Gib. That assumes that the Gibraltarians and the UK agree anyway.
Fred . Some Spanish Minister has accused Britain of “losing its cool “. Yes, right, the British are fiery, impulsive hotheads. Looks like the Spanish don’t do irony !
The U.K. should just walk away from the EU, begin trading under WTO tariffs and then negotiate with the individual countries in order of mutual importance between us and them.
If the Gibraltar situation is anything to go by, then these Brexit “negotiations” will just be an exercise in frustration and a complete waste of precious time that could be spent far more productively elsewhere.
Oh! And May should pull the trigger on both Labour and Krankie by having a general election and Scottish referendum as soon as possible – to destroy them both; she can they have five years to negotiate what she wants, with whom and with a big majority in the HoC without anymore whining from the SNP.
Any regard or pleasantries we have received from Europeans has only been due to the cash we’ve been sending them. Rather like paying for a prostitute – just business.
Tin pot Spain needs a thump. Gibraltar has around 30,000 inhabitants – very much like the Falklands all over again. If we said, have Gibraltar but no more holidaymakers and no Spanish workers in the UK etc., but again it’s low life politicians with backs against the wall.
Gaxvil, the prostitute analogy isn’t the best one in this case. Someone once said you don’t pay a prossie to have sex with you, you pay her to leave afterwards. In the case of the EU however, we’ve been paying them to screw us but now they’re refusing to let go!
Indeed – they claim they’re having our baby and require maintenance.
British holiday makers should just boycott Spain and go to Portugal instead. I am sure they would be welcome.
If there had been any real benefits, except for the lawyers and bureaucrats that is, to the UK’s membership of what became the EU, the UK wouldn’t have been allowed anywhere near it, G.
We cannot leave the EU until article 50 expires in 2 years time, May cannot trigger an early election thanks to Camerons fixed term parliament act and she’s already told Krankie that she cannot have the referendum for another 2 years.
Why destroy Krankie though? She’s a great asset for the Tories, keeping Labour from the Scottish seats which are never in a million years going to vote Tory !
Possibility of snap election went some way of keeping parliamentarians on their toes, now they coast along until elections loom.
We are a sovereign state and if it is damaging to our national interest to comply with their (EU) two year timetable, then we are able to decide on our own preferred method of leaving the Euro asylum and its timing.
Cameron’s Act – repeal it and rid our country of another part of the poisonous legacy that the Etonian vermin smeared over it.
Krankie – a referendum is a win win: SNP prevail, watch your arse on the door handle on your way out; SNP lose, Krankie is history and her party has its wings properly clipped. There is no evidence Labour would gain any seats from the SNP, they are as damaged up there as they are down here.
I do notice that a significant portion of fruit & vegetable produce in Tesco, Waitrose & Sainsbury’s is imported from Spain. Hmmm… What if we don’t buy from them anymore?
I suspect that Gib has been dragged into the negotiations as a tool to get continued access to British fishing grounds.
The Med is empty , apart from turds…. so the Spanish are desperate for continued access… rights traitorously given away by Major,Bliar,and Brown.
Hot news – The BBC now using LGBTQ – The Q referring to ‘Queer’ which encompasses all the dysfunctional deviants not already covered. More letters to be added???
Gaxvil wrote:
More letters to be added???
I’ll go for ‘S’. The bBC has taken to using the noun ‘Survivor’ in which to label victims of:
child abuse
which no doubt will soon be used by the ‘militant’ rainbow flag crowd in which to express the hardships they have had to endure in Brexit England.
Manchild: “I am so upset!”
bBC reporter: “Why?”
Manchild: ” I was in Pret, just ordered a dairy free, caffine free and paper carton free skinny latte , And the child behind me with her racist bigoted family said “why didn’t you just order a bottle of water”
bBC reporter: “Outrageous, that’s going on the evening news that you are a survivor of a hate crime”
Manchild: “Oh really, do I have time to get a facial?”
bBC reporter: “No probs, lets just pop into the genderfree toilet””
The BBBC has some catching up to do. LBGTQIA is the current acronym.
B is for Beast.
Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and What The F##k Is That.
But when is H (for heterosexual) to be added?
Wouldn’t it be simpler to say non-H (pronounced Haitch by the way)?
In a way similar to Black History Month which in my experience means non-white.
Toooooo many initials to remember – in my circle and family we just refer to it as the Rainbow Alphabet !
How about a P for pedosexual? Just take a look at this nonce and if you are on twitter feel free to give him some stick.
Tweets by Clive_Martin14
Another story the bBC hasn’t bothered its arse in reporting:
Germany: Somalian rapes two elderly disabled men , then kills 87 year old woman who walked in on him.
And notice it happened last october and is only being reported now. Whoever would have thought that Germany would become a totalitarian police state ? Big surprise.
I assume irony here!
Dave S,
Heaven forbid !
Last week I posted about an article on the Conservative Women web site by David Goodhart the author of Anywhere and Somewhere. He said that former DG of the BBC , Mark Thompson and former Cabinet Secretary, Gus O’Donnel , had both told him when they were in post that they would put global welfare above the welfare of the UK.
I am still coming to terms with the implications of this revelation. Here we have two prominent people in positions of power who were more concerned about the rest of the world than about their own country. I expect that their view was echoed by Blair and the rest of the New Labour Gang , and were shared by Cameron and his cronies. Many other politicians across the West share this Globalist view and agenda, such as Macron in France, Clinton in the US. I had foolishly thought that New Labour and Cameroon pursued ,what to me seemed suicidal policies for the UK , because they somehow genuinely thought these policies were good for the UK, e.g. Mass immigration . I imagined they really did believe that enrichment and all the other rubbish they spouted was a good thing. I could never understand why they believed such an absurd notion. Now I realise that they , like the rest of us, knew all along that such policies were detrimental to the UK but they didn’t care about their own country and fellow Brits, they were pursuing some nebulous concept of Greater Global Good.
I can now see why Treason was removed from the statute book under New Labour. The same will be true of Obama , Merkel etc . It isn’t the draining of the swamp we need . We need a purge of Globalists across the West if we are to survive.
Blair only removed the death penalty for Treason. All legislation and case law (and that’s extensive) remain.
Thank you for your correction.
The BBC appear to be enjoying deploying “sabre-rattling” & “jingoistic”in their reporting on the EU v Gibraltar. However I think their report, ending thus, misses some relevant words “Spain has long contested Britain’s 300 year-rule of Gibraltar, which has a population of about 30,000.
i.e. that Spain, by treaty, ceded Gibraltar to the UK, but now wants to welch on the deal.
Always gets up my nose how the bBC never mention how the Plazas de soberanía (Primarily Spanish enclaves of Melilla, and Ceuta) not only hold the same status of Gibraltar. But that the Spanish continue to state that both city states are not up for discussion as they form part of Spain.

The BBC appear to be enjoying deploying “sabre-rattling” & “jingoistic”in their reporting on the EU v Gibraltar.
in 2002, 6 Moroccan soldiers landed on Perejil Island (To the left of Cueta)
Morocco claimed that the occupation was carried out in order to monitor illegal immigration, and to fight drug dealers and smugglers who use the island as a logistic platform. Following protests and calls to the return of the status quo ante bellum from the Spanish government, the soldiers were called off, but were replaced by Moroccan marines, who set up a fixed base on the island, which drew further protests from Spain. Prime minister José María Aznar warned Morocco that Spain will not accept a policy of fait accompli.
On the morning of July 18, 2002, conflict broke out when Spain retook the island by force, code-named Operation Romeo-Sierra. The attack was carried out by Spanish commandos of Grupo de Operaciones Especiales. The commandos landed from four Eurocopter Cougar helicopters that took off from Cádiz. The entire operation was coordinated by the Spanish Navy from the amphibious ship Castilla, on station at the strait of Gibraltar. The Spanish Air Force deployed F-18 and Mirage F-1 fighters to provide air cover. The Spanish patrol boats Izaro and Laya came alongside the gunboat El Lahiq, at anchor off the island, in order to prevent any reaction from the Moroccan vessel The Moroccan Auxiliary Forces members inland did not offer any resistance. Within a matter of minutes, all of the Moroccan servicemen were taken prisoner, and the island was secured. The prisoners were transported by helicopter to the headquarters of Civil Guard in Ceuta, from where they were transported to the Moroccan border. Over the course of the same day, the Spanish commandos on the island were replaced by soldiers of the Spanish Legion.
The Spanish Legion troops on the island remained there after the operation was complete. The United States mediated the situation, that eventually returned to the status quo ante bellum. All Spanish troops were withdrawn, and the island remains unoccupied but claimed by both sides. BBC News interviewed Spanish citizens across Madrid after the conflict, and most people supported this incursion. Opposition politician Gaspar Llamazares of the United Left party (former Communist Party) said that Spain should not fall into the “provocation trap”, so that it does not ruin its image in North Africa
Here is the EU response to that invasion by Morocco as reported by the bBC
EU tells Morocco to quit island
Here is the Spanish reaction as reported by the bBC
Spain rattles sabre at Morocco
And here is how the Spanish people rejoiced after the Spanish use miltary force to take back their Island 400 metres from Morocco as reported by the bBC
Spaniards back Perejil military action
I remember seeing Ceuta in the early 70s when on a road trip from Spain to Morocco. It was even then surrounded by massive wire fences topped with razor wire. Lots of “men” loafing around outside, watched nervously by armed Spanish guards inside the wire. Obviously the Moroccans don’t appreciate the presence of the enclave.
At that time Franco was still in power, and it was not possible for tourists to drive into Gibraltar from Spain. Gibraltar survived that exclusion OK.
I’ve actually been to Ceuta, it’s where a lot of the Spanish are sent during national service, however it does appear to be yet another route into Europe for the Asylum seekers as they are circumventing the fences to gain access.
No need to guess which side the BBC are on !
The past for the progressive is a forgotten land where only bad things happened. We have no past only a progressive future so a thing like a treaty from long ago is irrelevant. It does not exist. It never existed .Much like England itself. A bit of land that has no past and only a future we, the elite, will decide.
This is how they view Brexit. An interruption in their lives.
Two questions :-
1. Where have all the Trolls gone ?
2. Is hating the BBC and publicising it a “Hate Crime ” ?
@Grant notice how the supporters of tolerance and open borders get raving angry when it becomes apparent you are not one of their tribe.
#Mega #Ironic
re 2. Don’t give them ideas.
Let’s see how the BBC cover this one. Particularly Putin’s response:
At the risk of sounding bizarre I overheard an interesting conversation on Saturday. Talking about the EU and it’s attitude towards us. A suggestion that I am sure was in jest but showing how many feel was that we ally with Russia and take over Europe.
One man said that so weak were they that we could be in Berlin in a month tops and that would be the end of that.
In jest I am sure but the military strength of the EU without us is very weak indeed and furthermore lacks any proven effectiveness. Their bluster over us leaving needs to be called out. It is dangerous and counter productive.
It’s an idea though.
We are, I think, more like Russia than many would want to believe. At least old Britain did – not sure about our present BBC reconstructed one.
And we were allies in WW2 and wealthy Russians seem to like the UK. Yes, we need to call the EU’s bluff asap and hit them hard and early. They have much more to lose than we do. But hell hath no fury…… !!!
Unfortunately our own military has been decimated along with most other European countries. The only armies that I give any credence to are Poland Finland and to a certain extent, the baltic states. They have a shared neighbour who keeps them on their toes. The French are quite impressive due to their continued national service. In the space of 5 days Finland and Poland could field impressive armies due to their preparedness. It would take Britain about six to eight months to field anything similar. As for our Navy ?
“As for our Navy ?”
I know that Victory is still in dry dock at Portsmouth but Warrior is afloat and once Victory rejoins her all will be well. I’m sure we have enough Admirals to crew both ships. If they need a third vessel to make up a fleet Cavalier can come round from Chatham. What could go wrong????
For a better perspective on how dire the situation has become it’s worth looking at the escort vessels required for the Pedestal convoy in August 1942. That one convoy required more ships than the Royal Navy now has in commission.
LOL ! What makes you think today’s Admirals would know how to crew a ship ?
We’ve all heard the ‘Navy Lark’!
Another BBC reporter gets comeuppance after annoying Sunderland manager DavidMoyes
“It was getting a wee bit naughty at the end there so just watch yourself,” Moyes told Sparks. “You still might get a slap even though you’re a woman. Careful the next time you come in.
BBC bosses furious.
Another BBC reporter gets comeuppance after annoying Sunderland manager David Moyes
“It was getting a wee bit naughty at the end there so just watch yourself,” Moyes told Sparks. “You still might get a slap even though you’re a woman. Careful the next time you come in.
BBC bosses furious.
1pm News headlines
#1 The danger of hate crimes against gypsies
#2 Genuine Syrian refugees to come for homestays with Lincolnshire families.
Surprise, surprise as reported by the Guardian:
Marvel’s vice president of sales has blamed declining comic-book sales on the studio’s efforts to increase diversity and female characters, saying that readers were “were turning their noses up” at diversity and “didn’t want female characters out there”.
Funny enough as a child growing up I loved reading up on:
Dr Strange
Capt Marvel
Fantastic 4
then 2001 came out and I replaced all of the above for:
Judge Dredd
Rouge Trooper
ABC warriors
With the exception of JD,Superman,Batman all of the above had a disability of some-sort. But even those 3 were all orphans,
Oh the irony.
Time to introduce the all new Trans-formers!
Pounce’s list has somebody called ‘Rouge Trooper’. Is this an early example of a gay in the armed forces?
Pounce’s list has somebody called ‘Rouge Trooper’. Is this an early example of a gay in the armed forces?
Didn’t spell check it should have been Rogue Trooper (he was a blue genetically created super soldier, who contained a chip in his brain which could be inserted into a new body in which to allow him to be re-born. He carried the chips of his dead buddies in his helmet, rucksack and weapon . This allowed them him to continue to communicate with them. (its Sci-Fi)

I’m still waiting for films that include the Girls Crystal, Girl, School Friend, and Bunty !! I’ve been discriminated against – to whom do I protest, I’m offended and its unacceptable !
Pounce, I was only kidding you. I knew who you were referring to. I used to like all those comics myself like 2000AD, Scream, and the war comics like Commando and Battle Action Picture Library. ‘Rouge Trooper’ makes me think of ‘Gloria’ from ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ – although they were ostensibly Royal Artillery so it would be ‘Rouge Bombardier’.
None of them a patch on “oor Wullie” and “The Broons”.
One of the best characters in 2000AD (IMHO) was “Harry 20” it was set on “The Rock” an orbital prison space station.
I had some really early copies of 2000AD from the seventies which I wish I’d kept now.
Favourite Judge Dredd line (from memory):
Social worker-type, sent to observe Dredd: “Judge Dredd, this man is disturbed! He needs treating with kid gloves!”
Dredd: (Punching the violent perp in the face) “Suck my kid glove, punk!”
Welcome to this site . Croeso from the West!
Thanks! Been reading this site for ages, thought it was time to join!
I am sure that we are all glad to have you aboard, all except a few Al Beeb’s trolls.
Welcome !
And Spain says it will support an independent Scotland’s re-joining the EU.
Get that aircraft carrier built and check imports from what is the 17th largest economy.
How about a blockade of their fishing fleet?
Blockade with what ? Nelson will be turning in his grave.
Those fisheries boats are supposedly being built?
Ah yes our new Queen Elizabeth class carriers. Knowing our MOD by the time they are seaworthy they may be downgraded to two-man coracles, one to do the rowing, the other to chuck paper airplanes at our adversaries!
What isn’t been widly reported is that these 2 carriers are anything but. They have no catapults meaning that they can’t launch heavy planes, so if effect they are really huge helicopter carriers.
No. We are buying the awesome f35b. So good we can only afford about thirty. Enough for .8 of a complement for 1 carrier. Nobody has said whats going on the other one. Oh and the f35 is great because it can information share. Which would be nice if there were a military unit to share information with, but there isn’t because we cant afford it.
No. We are buying the awesome f35b.
Actually we are on the books for over 130
I stand corrected. However at 2.4 billion for 14 of them
I can’t wait to see where the money is coming for the rest.
Also found this
Also the cost to fly the things is so prohibitive, that I would be surprised to see more than three in the air at one time. There is a huge amount of negative press about it. The only thing i believe is that it will cost a lot of money.
What isn’t been widly reported is that these 2 carriers are anything but. They have no catapults meaning that they can’t launch heavy planes, so if effect they are really huge helicopter carriers.
Massive Metro explosion in Russia, meanwhile
“tastrophe” Treezer May calls for closer UK ties with Saudi Arabia
Beneath contempt!.
Three words … dirty, filthy, lucre
Maybe she can ask them to build a couple of hundred new mosques?
Clear out in No10 essential … drain the swamp NOW!
“Maybe she can ask them to build a couple of hundred new mosques?” – No need to ask, they’re putting most of the money into mosque building/converting already. They love to convert churches though, it is a token and proves to them that islam is superior to Christianity.
As James O’Brien is Newsnight ” talent, I think it’s only right that we use this site to point out his shortcomings on LBC. Had to laugh this morning when he was talking to one of his sycophant callers who was reinforcing his narrative about Spain and Gibraltar. Somehow he allowed the caller to fall off the script/narrative and advise us that only Spanish nationals can get work in Spain, foreigners don’t get taken on. J O’B very quite, hoped nobody heard that, move on. So there we have it, as we all know, here we offer equal opportunity to all EU citizens but this is not reciprocated in the EU (remember the French stopping British Ski guides).
Had to laugh !
ThomasR, they always find ways round things. I was in Gibraltar a couple of years ago and got talking to some British expats (not native Gibraltarians, who although nominally British are Spanish speakers, Catholics and have links with Spaniards in the mainland) and they had little but bad words to say about the Spaniards. Although the EU does not allow the border to be closed, one of the tricks the Spanish use is to step up customs controls at the border, causing long tailbacks which effectively close it for hours/days at a time.
Jo’B is clear proof of AlBeeb’s abandonment of impartiality. His “show” on LBC has long since ceased to feature interviews with any politicos – only his “mates”. He is often left rambling incoherently for 20 minutes, waiting in vain for a caller. Wake up LBC and drop the bloke. He does have a face for radio though ……
I turned the radio on this morning with that twat bitching about Gibraltar. I turned it over to Absolute radio.
Well, I hope they sort it out before November; Gib is one of the stopping off ports on my cruise !! I don’t want to be dodging gun-boats and submarines when we dock !
Back to Russians – Seems the average Russian feels demonized. Don’t all countries desire to be rich and powerful? Maybe that’s not lefty liberal or PC but the alternative is what, poor and weak? Russians don’t get it and many feared a hotter war if Hillary had got in. Meanwhile, no one has yet figured out what Russia actually did in the US Election.
Obama interfered in the Referendum campaign. The result of his interference was probably to stiffen the resolve of the Leavers, and may well have tipped the balance. I like to think so, one of the (very) few things I love the black dude for.
He is only half black and he is currently working on the second volume of his memoirs ” Dreams from my mother “.
‘He is only half black’ but significantly Islamic.
gaxvil: ” Don’t all countries desire to be rich and powerful?”
I think the bulk of the UK, especially after the first half of the 20th Century, want to live quiet, normal lives and to work toward prosperity. Unfortunately our political leaders have either been plunged into situations where conflict was necessary (eg. Falklands, Gulf 1 – liberating Kuwait) or have taken incomprehensible political positions (Ted Heath, into the EU & his economic policies in response to conflict) or have sought to self-aggrandise militarily (eg. Serbia, Afghanistan, Gulf 2, Libya) often taking the country where it did not want to go.
It is sobering to realise that the last worthwhile military conflict that had a ‘good’ purpose and outcome, a minor Sierra Leone military excursion notwithstanding, was Gulf 1. Apart from those two, all the UK appears to have done recently is make a bad situation worse, or in the case of Libya, completely disable a functioning but nasty dictatorship and turn it into a failed state.
Up2snuff, if you ask me that’s because today’s generation of politicians (and their counterparts in the BBC etc) have never grown out of being 1960s student revolutionaries, and have romantic ideas about ‘Arab Springs’ and ‘revoloooshun’ in dictatorships.
They don’t seem to understand that arab and Islamic countries need strong secular leaders to keep all the different factions under control. They may be harsh but IMO the alternative is worse.
The pre-1990s politicians still had first hand knowledge of WWII and the subsequent withdrawal from Empire and were probably a bit less eager to meddle in other countries’ concerns.
Just to clarify – by ‘powerful’ I meant economically, though being able to defend oneself without sponging of others is no bad thing.
And back to Spain and the EU – Reckon it will take, even staunch Brexiteers, a while to get used to the fact that we are, or will be, on our own and will have to stand up for ourselves after fourty years of increasing bed wetting. Though it may be too late and we may have fallen through the metaphorical rotten mattress.
I’ve always suspected that part of the aversion to Brexit among our MPs is the fact that they’d actually have to start thinking about proper law-making again. They are so used to rubber-stamping worthless statutes coming from the EU, giving them plenty of free time to consider hate crimes and duck-house purchases.
I’ve always just assumed that they thought of it as a possible future job when they are finally discovered by the people to be rubbish. Very similar to golfers supporting the Seniors tour. They sren’t as good as they used to be but they can still make a crumb. ie Kinnock
Vive Le Pen!
One thing I do admire about the French is the patriotism, even the Lefties.
The St. Petersburg governor’s office said there were as many as 50 victims in the incident, including 10 fatalities. Two of the injured have been taken for surgery while two others are being prepared for operation.
The city healthcare committee said 25 people have been brought to hospital in the wake of the blast, including one child.
A Love Crime ?
Has the Russian head of police maximised police officers to protect Muslims from bad comments on Twitter ?
… I bet not, shame on him, I bet he doesn’t even stop to think about them.
Just caught ‘Squirrels’, the first, quarter-hour episode of Did the Victorians Ruin the World?, by ‘Helen and Dr Kat Arney’ at 1.45pm on R4. According to Wikipedia, the latter is ‘a strong advocate for involvement of women in Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), but “hates pink”—she considers attempts to make science look more “girlie” to be patronising and unnecessary’.
Fair enough. She’s a pop.-science broadcaster. Nothing wrong with that. Helps if the material you’re broadcasting is of broadcast quality, mind. Looking at the history of red and grey squirrels, the script of the first episode was written in a decidedly faux-cutesy manner (lots of ‘girlie’, anthropomorphising references to ‘Squirrel Nutkin’), which was then self-consciously overperformed (the delivery of both sisters was very arch), and which beat the living daylights out of anything passing as humour (there was a grim running gag over the similarity between the words naturists and naturalists). The series is produced by Hat Trick, though, so it is at the poppier end of pop. science.
My degrees are in literature and history; but that means I’m more interested in intelligent programmes about subjects outwith my own discipline: geology, say, or civil engineering and astronomy. Just like what BBC2 and R4 used to do. What I’m not interested in is the slurry of patronising, sub-Rag Week drivel that’s just been broadcast.
Is that really the title ? Anyway, what did they have to say about Red and Grey Squirrels apart from “cute ” ?
Grant BSc (Zool).
Some foreign (of course) presenter on the World Service, “….. and next week I’ll be interviewing two more amazing women ….”.
Now is it me or is that just a tad patronising?
Yes, gaxvil, and/or elitist!
Shouldn’t all women be outstanding at the BBC? And men?
So much for their so-called ‘equality’.
Yup, that was the title. I spose it’s a reformulation of What Did the Victorians Ever Do for Us? and so on. The pity is that there’s an interesting idea lurking in there—but I can see how a BBC producer would have been delighted by the pitch: two larky women do pop. science by sneering at nineteenth-century white men. As for the content, I had hoped to have suppressed all memory of it, and am disappointed to find I can remember the following [this has become a long post, but it’ll serve as a public-information warning]:
The Victorians discovered the natural world and thus invented natural history. Have the Arneys heard of John Evelyn (1620 – 1706), who wrote books on air pollution; reforestation; horticulture; fructiculture . . . ?
Sister one says naturist; sister two asks her if she means naturalist.
We then moved on to the attitude of those nasty Victorians to red squirrels. One of the sisters blows the dust off the anecdote that squirrels were called ‘tree rats’.
Reference to Squirrel Nutkin.
Greys were brought in by American house guests to Britain’s landed estates. The ecological ethics of this were thankfully avoided, since it could easily have developed into the kind of argument made in the Guardian (natch) by a social theorist a couple of years ago: that wanting to eradicate invasive plants such as Japanese knotweed is racist. (Seriously. Got absolute pelters below-the-line.)
Sister one says naturist; sister two asks her if she means naturalist.
A bit about the areas of the country to which reds are now confined.
It’s starting to get hazy now, but it ended with further reference to Squirrel Nutkin, and squirrels being sent into space for reasons I’ve mercifully forgotten. This piqued the curiosity of one of the gruesome twosome, who excitedly started to imagine spacesuits for squirrels, with a little hole for their bushy tails. I swear I’m not making the last bit up.
The programme wasn’t meant to be taken that seriously, but it’s a concept difficult to do well. And it was duly beyond dismal. Tune in next week for ‘Beards’.
Didn’t expect such a long reply. Many thanks. I didn’t think the BBC did comedy !
The idea that the Victorians discovered Natural History is beyond belief. My first thought was Pliny the Elder.
As for the squirrels, not controversial among biologists, but there are many squirrel deniers who do not believe the Grey has had any effect on the Red. And they tend to be the Squirrel Nutkin brigade. The other issue is that , if we try and eradicate the Greys, it may lead to the eradication of other immigrants.
Where I am staying in Perthshire now, we have Reds but no Greys, so we are lucky.
By the sound of it this was either a children’s programme or a pisstake.
Think I shall give the one about Mary Beard’s family a miss.
Opps BBC has these graphics on its news homepage saying

“Elsewhere on the BBC
Corruption and lies”
screenshot from BBCNews page
On BBC Leicester
oops what happened to the image I saved
On Radio 4 last night the reporter was in ecstasy as he discussed the struggles of Darcus Howe; when he mentioned ‘institutional racism’ I think I actually heard him orgasm. Combined with the aslylum seeker hate crime it must have been a great day at the office.
All that, plus, as ever with the BBC, they’re not sure if it’s fair to call the guy killing people on Westminster Bridge while screaming ‘Allah Ackbar’ a ‘terrorist’, but they’re quite sure that a race-hustling sleazeball, who spent his life pushing deranged anti-white conspiracy theories is best described as a ‘civil rights activist’. Apparently, that’s just a simple, uncontroversial fact.
When did outrage, protest and offence taking become a legitimate career choice? The world does not run on offence. We need people to drive buses, mend computers, harvest food and do countless other mundane but essential things. I have more respect for the man who drives my bus to work than so many useless ‘activists’ as he is actually doing something useful. Maybe protest about something you feel strongly about in your spare time, but it should not be all you ever do.
Reckon in the Dark Ages these were the ones who ended up in the peat bogs?
Presumably, they learnt to become activists whilst doing a BA (Hons) in Multi-Culti & Enrichment Studies at the University of Snowflake.
I have noticed that the facts of the hate crime story seem to have changed. It is no longer ‘believed to have been said’ that the gang asked about the boy being an asylum seeker.
I can just imagine Winston Smith rewriting the story as new facts about the attackers emerged. I reckon this might be one for the memory hole as the narrative is wrong.
Can we believe anything politicians, journalists or the police say about anything ?
I think Brexit and Trump have really shown how bad they all are. No we can never trust them.
It is no longer men being charged but siblings according to the BBC interweb news site.
Ooh and not bbc this time but in 1906 – Barbadian volunteer workers who were unskilled and went to work on the Panama Canal were not paid as much as the skilled workers. Viewed through the gauze of PC history re written, this was purely racist. There were many white unskilled workers but let’s not mention that.
That is a weird one. Why should unskilled workers be paid as much as skilled workers ? I doubt if they are in any country today.
Just the old, if a none white experiences anything which could possibly be considered disadvantageous – it MUST be racist, it just has to be!
I might add this was on PBS American public service broadcaster – closest they have to our bbc.
gaxvil American PBS-
Americans aren’t required to fund The PBS. It’s funded by voluntary donations.
They have a telethon every 6mos or so to ask for donations. People pledge support by monthly payments or one-off donations. PBS ran quite a few British programs throughout the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s. Back then PBS channels were the only TV channels in The States to run Python, Blackadder, Are You Being Served & the like. They also showed quite a few British TV Dramas & documentaries. Dr Who as well. Anyone with a Telly could receive & watch PBS whether they donated or not, it was all free to air.
Because in the world of the leftidiot, everyone gets 150k a year, even if they didn’t finish school.
I quote the last sentence of this interesting article –
“What stands in the way of the elite crusade to regain deference is the wisdom of the people.”
Interesting read:
Thanks for that link. Superb essay. Never thought I would agree with everything a communist writes ! Love his dig at Michael Moore.
G, Thank you, that was a good read. Socrates sounds like a right arrogant barsteward. 😉
He might have fit in well with the EU parliament.
Quick update on the Croydon ‘Hate Crime’. Or should that be ‘Attack’?
As readers will now know, white anglo-saxon people seem to be ‘significantly under-represented’ among the suspects. So the usual race/victim/anti-British/shit-stirring gobshites we all know about have suddenly gone all quiet.
But fear not. Our esteemed state broadcaster continues to follow this leading story with its cutting-edge journalism.
As of 1600 hrs Monday you can find it simply by drilling down as follows.
BBC News front page/home or UK/England/Regions/London and South East/London.
I think this is called ‘Burying Inconvenient Truth’
The irony of course is that it quite probably IS a ‘Hate Crime’. Just not the sort that fits the left-wing narrative and agenda, in whose la-la land only white people can commit such a crime.
I think the msm have decided to try and run with the ‘they might have been drunk’ angle.
“…Officers are trying to establish if the attackers had been drinking at a nearby pub prior to the assault.”
See, it couldn’t have been a racist attack because there’s no such thing as black-on-black racism, according to the BBC’s cultural relativists. So ‘alcohol induced’ it was, then.
Oh well, Winston’s going to be busy revising and rewriting the news for a while… and down the memory hole it goes!
Obi – Maybe they should have run the story thus
“Five men have been arrested for the serious assault of an asylum seeker.
Whilst in this case police are still investigating the background of the attackers. Police and Government agencies also expressed concern that this is the level of violence that could well be expected from white racists as a result of the anticipated rise in Hate crimes since the EU referendum”
What do you all think?
I was thinking of applying for a job as a headline writer for BBC news or even get an internship with Diane “Jabba” Fatbot as a speech writer!
I think a non-speech writer would be better.
Grant = I think you are being orrible cos she is black init.
I think you need to reach inside find your inner fluffy man and offer Fatbot a cuddle!
Have a wee dram first if it helps.
Someones got to love her.
As predicted, now that it appears that some or all of the Croydon ‘scum’ who beat up the asylum seeker may be black, it’s suddenly gone way down the beebistan website: you have to drill down to ‘London’ to find it.
And then what does Al Beebeera show you top of page? Not the pic of black suspects issued by the police, but… A BUS-STOP!!
And the absurd headline: “Siblings charged…” SIBLINGS??
(Apologies to Sluff who posted similar above)
“The incident happened in Shrublands Avenue at 23:40 BST on Friday. A white hatchback with a black roof is being sought by officers.”
At least they give us the colour of the car!
Was working Outside with Classic fm on. Which means the odious ‘Global Newx’.
Up to 6pm, anyone listening would only have heard of a supposed ‘hate crime’, and the selected reactions of those reacting to this claim.
Fake from start to finish. Maybe they assume classic music lovers do not also use the Internet?
I notice any reference in the story to ‘hate crime’ is conspicuous by its absence. It’s only a hate crime if perpetrated by white people, it appears.
Diane – (seems disturbing addressing you as that) I think Fatbot and her race hustling chums are doing an “MCB” in that they are jumping on every little incident in the hopes of pushing the likes of Amber to introduce more anti “hate” legislation or lowering the height of the existing prosecution bar.
We all know who all this “anti hate” legislation is aimed at. It will be unofficially colour sensitive, as no one black can generally be considered racist. I suspect that any “person of colour” will also qualify for the “no crime committed” designation. And I suspect most Chief Plods care more about their careers than the truth (theres Rotherham again).
I suspect what they would really like is to outlaw even the discussion of migration thus allowing for a situation like Scandanavia to develop unchecked.
What enraged me is that even (as in this case) where Fatbot has been found out as the thin skinned, shite stirrer we all know her to be . No one in Government appears to actually have the confidence to call out this disgusting excuse of an MP, for what she really is. And the same goes for Labour cos migrants means votes.
All very worrying.
It will be interesting when this case comes to court.If we ever hear about it. Id like to know the actual status of the victim. Not that I condone acts of violence but if BBC is going to stir things up ,a few actual confirmed facts would be good to calm things down.
The BBC will be thanking Allah for the St. Petersburg terror atrocity. The Mail have published a photo of the suspect. He seems to be wearing religious garb and has a silly looking beard. Can anyone guess which religion ?
The BBC will probably float the idea that this attack was a false flag operation by the Russian secret service , to gamer support for further attacks on ISIS , and of course nothing to do with Islam.
Since I started looking for one, I haven’t seen a white man doing news reading for two days now.
Are we extinct yet?
BBC trumpeting the university being forced to close by the oppressive Hungarian regime. To be fair bbc does bring up that Soros is behind it all. The fact that the leftist social engineer is behind the protest puts the university protest in the position of being used for Mr Soros’s usual agenda.
BBC London News not giving up on the Croydon attack. In the bulletin the ethnicity of the alleged attackers was completely ignored but we got interviews with a lot of white people and one black guy who was a successful asylum seeker from Sierra Leone who had also, coincidentally, been attacked. Not much bias by omission or subliminal suggestion there then.
I apologise in advance if this has been flagged up already but I’m just relaxing and catching up after a tough day visiting the Duomo and archaeological museum in Naples.
(Just for info, the Piazza Garibaldi and most of the major thoroughfares for several hundred yards around are seething with sub-Saharan Africans selling fake goods.)
Funny you should mention that, I was in Florence last July and we were accosted by a big black bloke trying to sell us crap beads and stuff,there was a heavy military presence in Florence, Rome and Naples.
Tonight on 7:30pm There is not Inside Out so BbcPet Issues except
has special film with Socialist friend Ken Loach looking at how homelessness can affect any of us in the West
Showing mushroom farm would have to close without Lithuanian workers
leading questions ask
– Item #2 Falconry
Just a repeat of – Fishermen to Kings: The Forgotten Photographs of Olive Edis
Rest of EnglandWales has
Fake Britain repeat ?
Not BBC, but Channel 4 news. No hint of ethnicity of the attackers, but lots of subliminal stuff. Then Gibralter. 100% pro-EU and pro-Spain, and anti-Britain. Impression given that we may as well hand over Gib now as we are going to have to eventually. Scum.
More Narrative control progs coming up
8pm Ch4 President Trump: How Scared Should We Be?
Abi Austen investigates what Donald Trump’s Presidency means for global security
8:30pm Panorama Marine Le Pen: Who’s Funding France’s **Far Right?**
Gabriel Gatehouse explores how the FN’s desperate need for money could be undermining this process, meeting fixers and insiders who have helped Le Pen run her campaign and raise money from controversial sources around the world.
I was just about to post about Panorama. Don’t worry, the BBC are impartial and balanced, so next week’s Panorama is “Who funds the Far Left ?”. LOL !
Just more evidence of the fear gripping the elite. Ignore it. Fake news and total rubbish
I meant to add. If Marine is elected then the EU is history. So anything now goes for our fading elites. Bit like 1789.
If you don’t know of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, you just need to appreciate she is an extraordinary brave woman. She renouced Islam and spoke out about the violence meted out to women, from FGM to incessant rape from the husband within marriage. Obviously she had to go into hiding from Muslims who tried to kill her. She became a Dutch MP and established women’s refuges enabling Muslim women to escape barbaric treatment. Sadly, Mulsims managed to murder a man who made a film from her script and she was forced from Holland. As you can appreciate she is not on the BBC’s speed dial.
She had been blocked by the left from receiving awards in the US and has now been blocked from even speaking in Australia.
The BBC report talks of security concerns, but doesnt say from who.
The BBC says she made a controversial film on the treatment of women under Islam – but doesnt say who found it controversial.
The BBC appears to infer that her tour was stopped due to a petition, yet that petition drew only 400 names – Australia’s population is over 23 million.
Please check the poll and see who actually signed it, no one called Bruce or Shelia.
It is a shame the BBC don’t have the guts to do a doc on her, though sadly, who ever did it would end up like Theo Van Gogh -dead.
What the hell happened to freedom of speech? What the hell happened to the west speaking up for its values?
Fox news have her on though, hurrah! Truly it makes me feel sick and uneasy that this free speech is being so easily eroded. As described so eloquently by Mark Steyn. They should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. I would take a note of these supporters and not use any of their businesses/services. I hope there is a counter petition to allow her to speak. She is very brave.
Amazing woman. The Left will not be satisfied until she is murdered. I amazed that the Aussies have gone so soft.
I have an enormous amount of respect & admiration for Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
A very courageous lady.
She’s a very brave woman indeed. The comments on the petition make interesting reading. Those comments supporting her have lots of hearts (likes?) whereas the hearts on those comments against her you could count on one hand. I don’t think one can comment if you don’t sign the petition so perhaps many have signed the petition in order to give support to Ayaan Hirsi Ali. It really worries me though that in the Western nations attempts to ban by law criticism of Islam appear to be bearing fruit. It’s disgraceful that Western politicians do not appear inclined to defend the notion of free speech which took hundreds of years to bring about.
I think I watched her Ayaan Hirsi Ali talk on a TED talk (I cannot find it though) but she is still on you tube. She is rational thinker and we need more like her to speak out about Islamic subjegation. There is no feminist Islam, but there are false values in the media praising it and promoting it as such. Of course they (BBC liberals and lefties) hate her.
BBC and Lefties are such hypocrites on almost everything. It is OK for muslims to subjugate women, but not for anyone else to do the same. Leftie women will not even speak out against muslim men’s appalling treatment of women.
Just had my attention drawn to this jaw dropping BBBC initiative. It’s too long for me to read, but the gist seems to be an enforcement of diversity quotas on anyone that has anything to do with BBBC productions. Explains a lot about the recent direction of travel. Where do they get the money from for all this?
That’s great news, so it specifies that there will a diversity of VIEWPOINTS in the BBC
they are moving in the conservatives, free market thinkers and anti-greens to fully reflect their viewing public are they ?
Or did the page about DIVERSITY of VIEWPOINTS drop off the back of the regulations.
Diversity? Maybe they could include the occasional indigenous English person?
Us, Mr. Mole. Us.
All it means is that the BBC will continue to fail. Crap shows and lost viewers and listeners. So stupid is the progressive that he or she cannot see this, End times for the BBC.
Not a BBC Bias issue but something similar and same left wing liberal agenda.
ITV tonight at 8pm is the ‘Kyle Files’ where Jeremy Kyle looks at hate crime “which spiked after Brexit”.
He started off interviewing a man who is trying to ban a new Mosque as there are already 26 in Bolton. Jeremy Kyle takes the Muslims side 100% saying they have the freedom to practise their religion. The man says Muslims do not integrate and another Mosque will make it worse. Kyle responds “you sound a bit radical” and “there is no evidence of this”.
20 minutes later Kyle is supporting a gay pride march and confronts a Christian church protest group who are saying homosexuality is a sin (according to the Bible). Kyle accuses them of inciting homophobic hate crimes.
It struck me that his views (on ITV) are identical to BBCs (which is depressing) where Muslims can practise their religion but Christians cannot.
Why are so many people in the media so blinkered?
I haven’t located an online clip yet but on telly, RT News is accusing (with evidence) CNN & BBC specifically of reporting HEARSAY about the St Petersburg bombing.
Jesus was there another *Control the Narrative* prog on tonight !
People can catch on +1 right now I suppose.
Did you catch the bit where Kyle walked up to a group of Muslims and accused them of being homophobic ?
And the bit showing the extreme Muslims who are shouting obscenities to Gays ?
And the bit where he asked if child grooming/rape gangs contribute towards racial hatred ?
Hey Clever way they saved money by interviewing the Muslim Fundamentalists at the Gay Pride day.
…Or did those clips not make the final prog ?
“Why didn’t the #Kylefiles try the gay couple experiment in a Muslim restaurant?”
another tweet
“I’m using the # #nonchristians because when I refer to them as m••••ms twitter keep closing my accounts”
Kyle, like all left wing media types, is a coward. He knows he can insult and demean Christianity with no risk to himself. He also knows that if he tries any of that with muslims, the best case scenario is that he loses his very cushy job and never works again. Worst case, they kill him.
This is the dirty secret the left wing media will never admit: they are cowards, and the threat of violence works.
Yes, they are like a pack of hyenas.
Scotland Yard has been ordered to reveal details of its investigation into the source of the BBC report naming Sir Cliff Richard as a suspected sex offender,14321.msg137698.html?PHPSESSID=v98asuoebm42v8f8qdgb2efmr4#msg137698
Wonderful to see the BBC and the Police at each other’s throats. A curse on both their houses. Great if Cliff wins damages and gives the money to Christian charities and sticks two-fingers up at the BBC and the Police. If any of them have done anything illegal, they should be prosecuted.
Notice that the BBC and Sky News continue their drive-by insinuations in regard of the St Petersburg Metro atrocity from a few hours back.
Since 9/11 and Millie Dowler-these shameless ghouls in liberal liars land have never wasted a chance to pile up the corpses and allocate them to their own sordid causes.
Truly evil-and after Brexit and Trump they have become totally deranged and divorced from any human sympathy , any wish to check the facts before their nasty extrapolations.
Really am shocked at how low they`re going every day at the minute-shouldn`t be though should I?
As we mourn and pray for those who die and who suffer as fellow commuters with yet ANOTHER soft Islamist outrage-the liberal elite prefer to defend Islam and accuse Putin of doing this for the political agenda as imagined by the BBC.
Truly, truly evil.
Is there room for both Martin McGuinness and Darcus Howe in hell I wonder?
Heard Jeremy Vine shut down some bloke who`d been nearly destroyed over fake child abuse allegations about 12.20 this lunchtime-Simon Waugh I think was his name. Vine shut him down for saying that the “right wing papers” had rescued him, whereas the left wing papers, telly and radio were happier for him to stay on bail, in prison or ANYWHERE-just as long as their cause, their precious victims( who are anything but) were not challenged in regard of their allegations. No-Vine did not like that one bit, neither did the PF smoothiechops sent in to calm him down.
Very McMurphy I thought.
Simon turns up on quite a few programs notably the wright stuff on 5. That guy has been through the ringer on those allegations and hes dead right about what the left have done. The same thing is happening over the croydon attack, two days shouting racist and brexit as loud as they can but when pics reveal the identity of the perps they drop it like a hot stone and pretend its nothing.
Russian authorities have released photos of one of those believed responsible for the St. Petersburg atrocity.
The individual concerned is heavily bearded, wearing a dark, slightly shortened version of a dishdasha and a hat predominantly worn by Muslims. The photos are being shown across most media outlets.
I leave you to guess who isn’t showing it.
But the BBC website does say it is a “bearded man, wearing a black hat and coat “. I reckon it is Rasputin back from the dead. He did have extraordinary powers and was killed in St. Petersburg, or was he ?
The BBC really do think that we are stupid. They are pathetic morons, a sick joke.
Grant – ‘a bearded man, wearing a black hat and coat’. Could it be an orthodox Jew from Golders Green perhaps?
A bearded man, wearing a black hat and coat? muttering surah s carrying a Quran? and a time switch, linked to ISIS, cheered on by all at Al Jazeera?
… NO, no idea? … motive? anyone see a motive lying around?
is that right ZZ top have bombed st petersburg
For the first time since the BBC was formed – it has a critic! (as of this Monday 3rd April 2017.) This is memorable as the BBC cannot claim to be (legally) impartial or hold the moral high ground or be exempt from comparison with other UK based broadcaster (such as SKY or Channel 4)..
After years of BBC vocal avoidance OFCOM is making dozens of challenging directives which it has to employ to keep its license. Even worse it not able to LOBBY its insiders in the House of Lords (or claim that its the victim). Nope this is far beyond the BBC virtue signalling and will substantially change the BBC when all else has failed.
For the BBC it cannot claim any more impartial than any other broadcaster (or Newspaper). The media controls that other broadcaster have also apply to the BBC for the first time! More TRANSPARENCY on it financial ‘black holes’ (which NAO has identified as poor value for money in audited accounts
HMRC which the BBC is famous for a long period of tax avoidance
Past failures in its Charter obligations (which are hardly ever challenged by MP’s) , in which case the BBC just ignores any such criticism (in effect a protected species of broadcaster). Last week: Over 70 MPs are critical of the BBC constant bias on BREXIT proclaiming the-end-is-nigh!
But OFCOM is different. It has the same status as the BBC, and has far more powers than the BBC ever had. The BBC had hoped that OFCOM would be ‘advisory’ only, nope, it’s regime change for the BBC. Oh how they praised the new head of OFCOM (and how they underestimated Ms Sharon White not to be waived by the ‘old boys’ network of old BBC p luggers and wafers. Way back in 2014 Sharon White was an unknown quality, the BBC though she was a leftie progressive (as did the Guardian).
But where John Whittingdale failed (the BBC Charter emerged largely unreformed) to the fury of Patricia Hodge who exposed a number of financial irregularities and huge tax avoidance from Celebrities (claiming self employment), Million pound bungs’ (Mark Thompson) to ‘keep him focussed’ and the the BBC denial that the BBC employed Jimmy Saville (amongst many others) worked openly at the BBC. Over 500 sexual predators where interviewed under operation Yew tree. Few were prosecuted for past crimes as many were ‘too old’ or had died previously. The Links to Labour lobby groups were never questioned. The future of the BBC was thus ensured for another ten years.
So OFCOM bares it teeth…
‘Ofcom chief executive Sharon White warned that it would ‘hold the BBC’s feet to the fire’ if the broadcaster did not do more to reflect the UK, and ensure it ‘shapes and reflects’ Britain’s society and values. he added: ‘We promise to hold the corporation rigorously to account’. Audiences want to see UK stories, and those stories that authentically represent them. The BBC spends 30 per cent less on original UK programmes, in real terms, than it did in 2004.’
And that is not mentioning the small fact that 75% of all BBC TV license fees are lost on ‘expenses’ and produce very little profit as ‘world wide sales’. We all know where TOP GEAR. Top of the Pops is now an embarrassment -as is much of the BBC ‘output’.
Whilst the BBC wants SKY to be blocked from takeover by Murdoch (who also owns The Times). OFCOM will has now included the BBC in the following critic…
OFCOM defines media plurality as “ensuring there is diversity of viewpoints available and consumed across and within media enterprises and preventing any one media owner or voice having too much influence over public opinion and the political agenda.
I cannot agree more.
Think OFCOM will monitor this site – they could do a lot worse.
The out and out arrogance of the bbc, their sense of entitlement and propagandizing will maybe, just maybe, receiving some attention?
We shall see.
On the point of content – apart from agenda pushing we get very little news from around this country and the same goes for World news. Looking at foreign providers, they seem to offer news, both national and World.
I hadn’t thought of that. It would certainly save OFCOM a lot of groundwork.
Thanks for that. There is a glimmer of hope.
Patricia Hodge furious about tax avoidance? That’s a good one.
I seem to remember that there was something about Hodge’s family company paying very little tax on massive profits. Hodge is very wealthy. I can’t believe that she does not avoid tax. But, I think all MPs should have to publish their tax returns and a statement of how much tax they pay. Then we can be the judges rather than take their words for it.
The BBC are probably hoping that May will call an early election and win it.
May would then have five years to back-pedal and negotiate a very, very, softy Brexit ‘in the interests of the British people’.
I hope that I’m wrong.
That’s what Mandleson, Campbell, Watson and the red Tories are working towards, willing to help her out every step of the way.
They d all be drinking champers with Osborne/Cameron on that oligarchs yacht again … hurrah!
political establishment … business as usual.
I just checked last weeks BBC InsideOut editions
Did anyone watch the bit with the terrorist supporter ?
Some tweeters said the bit was well controlled
BBC West Midlands
The man raising wolves in a secret Shropshire valley.
+ \\Why the hell are @Bbc @InsideOut giving a platform to @Moazzam_Begg who is pro #Jihadism & claims to speak for ALL diverse #Brummie Muslims?//
It was extended onto @BBCTalkback (radio Ulster ?)
– “showing how #extremists have nowhere to hide because of @global_awar”
Hacking suspect with Asperger’s syndrome says he may end his life if his US extradition appeal fails.
– how often raw sewage is released into rivers and estuaries.
– a look at a little-known battle that took place in Suffolk 350 years ago, one of the earliest to feature the English and Dutch marines.
East Mids #BbcPetIssue
BBC Inside out had another trans item
– Gareth Furby meets the activists willing to break the law to protest against Heathrow’s third runway. (isn’t that promoting eco-terrorists ?)
– With eviction rates soaring, we meet the homeless families struggling to survive.
– And Mark Jordan finds out how virtual reality is making dreams come true for hospice patients.
Are predators to driving taxis and private hire cars to target their victims.
– rise in sexual offences associated with online dating apps and asks how safe they are.
– Simon O’Brien delves beneath the streets of Liverpool to explore the mystery of the Williamson tunnels.
An undercover investigation has discovered fake tobacco and cigarettes are being advertised on Facebook and sold door-to-door in our area.
– The police fighting London criminal gangs targeting the south east.
– The campaign to save the Goodwin Sands from dredging.
“East Mids #BbcPetIssue
BBC Inside out had another trans item”
Surely that should be ‘Outside In’?