21:34 RT played the BBC’s Moscow correspondent reporting that the attack was timed to distract from corruption investigations.
The a similar clip from CNN saying it could be a false flag.
Sky clip “They’ll use it as a pretext to crack down further”
We’ll have to wait for the REAL-NEWS to come in from @LouiseMensch
BBC Clip
\\ Yes, very sneaky. “We’re not saying this but some are …”//
Ridiculous. Why would the Russians terrorise there own people ? Putin has no need for an excuse to “crack down further”. He can do what he wants. These people are imbeciles.
Al Jazeera Arabic’s Facebook coverage of the terror attack in St. Petersburg, Russia was flooded with positive comments and happy emoticons as so-called “moderate Muslims” once again celebrated what is likely to have been an Islamic terror attack.
Maybe its Rasputin? the man who came in from the cold
… allah ackbar to that one eh! Vlad
I like your dig at Louise Mensch. I used to like her but now I think her brain appears to have been replaced by a giant pickled walnut with leftist and conspiracy theory implants.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – BBC omitting all of the salient facts again.
Once again Islamic threats & SJW useful idiots in politics and the media, silence what they cannot intellectually counter.
… It’s a consistent pattern, no cogent reason, simply ad homs and orchestrated smear.
The BBC smear this brave woman by reproducing the shit Islamists fling at her. The BBC are beyond contempt. Would they call someone criticising Christianity or Judaism divisive and whatever – phobic. No they would not.
From the BBC Story nogginator provided a link to:
“Was her visit controversial? Nearly 400 people had signed an online petition opposing Ms Hirsi Ali’s visit to Australia and New Zealand. Against a backdrop of increasing global Islamophobia, Hirsi-Ali’s divisive rhetoric simply serves to increase hostility and hatred towards Muslims, the petition said.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-39475462
What absolute feckers the BBC are … and all done using taxpayers money.
I’m seething! The fact that a small group of leftists can shut down a speaking tour like this by simply issuing threats that more than likely they will never have any intention of backing up is a gigantic shame on today’s society. If this increases where will that leave democracy? Geert Wilders had to abandon two of his three meetings in Australia several years ago, if I remember correctly, due to the same sort of intimidation and threats. This is not just an Australian problem. It is a a successful form of bullying that can and has been used elsewhere. It is a vile tactic, but in fairness to the left I don’t blame them for keeping on using it. It works, and there is no comeuppance for them.
Don’t like a speaker? Then make a few phone calls and the timid venue owners will wet their pants and cancel!
And the police follow up in tracking down those who issued the threats of violence and insuring they are brought to justice, what of that? Do we hear who they were or see them in the courts? How many have been arrested and prosecuted for this sort of thing?? My guess is that the total stands somewhere in the region of nil.
And just compare with the resources that would be put into tracking down someone who threw a rasher of bacon at an Islamic building.
I am strongly of the view that people who shut down venues by intimidation should face the full force of the law.
If not, the the organisers of such tours and events should insist on a cowardice clause in the contract by which the venue owners are subject to massive financial penalties should they cave in to threats.
It seems that in the War on Free Speech the enemy is deploying a weapon that we have not been able to counter yet. But what is more worrying is that there doesn’t seem to be any hurry to do so.
The only other alternative I can think of is employing right wing security groups at these events. I don’t want to see this but unless we can get the authorities to act firmly to leftist thuggery then that’s where we are headed.
They must be made to see it.
Guest agreed, all of them, all equally fitting
… non of them good.
What an unelected, arrogant, power obsessed liability we have,
surrounded by self serving, grasping incompetents.
Sharia May
Appeaser May
“tastrophe” Treezer May … take your pick.
‘…events should insist on a cowardice clause in the contract by which the venue owners are subject to massive financial penalties should they cave in to threats.’
Excellent idea. Another idea would be to do what the early dissenting Christians did when barred from the established church – simply meet in the open air. If leftists and Islamists use the tactic of threatening venue owners and staff, then hold the meeting on waste ground – Australia has fine weather after all. Who will they then threaten or intimidate?
I listened to the execrable Kevin Maguire on Jeremy Swine’s show this lunchtime, he was up against a retired admiral, Chris Parry, who was very good.
Kev seemed to think that Spain’s (EU supported) designs for a new relationship re Gibraltar could be sorted: “economically and politically”; that is most likely true, however Michael Howard was quite correct to say the Spanish needed reminding of with whom they are dealing.
I think that this quote says it best:
“The function of the country’s military is to frighten off the potential aggressor with the highest possible price of admission. Every country must at some time or another be able to defend its terrain and air space. The one who can secure order -or destroy it- will be sovereign. Without a strong military, there is no sovereign state.”
BBC still going with the “hate” – scrub, “scum” – scrub, Asylum Boy Assault- scrub
… Asylum teen attack big style
Sky News has reported that a Croydon witness said ‘attack’ was an elevated row over cigarettes, never a hate crime.
BBC News? … England??, Gloucestershire???, MPs shouting scum???? http://www.stroudnewsandjournal.co.uk/news/15188663.FULL_STORY__Stroud_shopkeeper_run_over_in_vicious_gang_attack/
Vicious gang attack …… Perps??
“SHOCKING CCTV footage shows a shopkeeper being attacked with crowbars and run over by a car after trying to defend a teenage boy from a vicious gang attack.
Amo Singh, 33, was brutally assaulted when he tried to defend a Polish boy who was being attacked by teenagers outside his shop, Premier Stores in Queen’s Drive, Cashes Green, at around 10pm on Sunday. He and his wife Sandy had seen six boys and two girls – some of whom were armed with crowbars and baseball bats – arrive in two cars and begin attacking the 15-year-old Polish boy, who was with his girlfriend”
But the BBC does have this important story
BBC Gl – Yellow car owners in support of ‘ugly’ car
That sounds like a normal Sunday night in Stroud – The Greens on the Council tried to ‘twin’ with Mosul but they were rejected by Mosul for too much violence at weekends.
For information – Stroud News is part of Mirror Group.
BBC finally catches up with the “Sharia” May closer to Saud story. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39485083
“Gulf security is our security and Gulf prosperity is our prosperity.”
Yeah! like that (crosses fingers) we are
(shakes head)
… there are literally no words
This creature is not to be trusted, period
… after she s finished selling us out to China, now Saud, next the US
… and with her sparkling catalogue of failure on her CV,
she jumps in the “clown car” with Davis, Fox and Boris to sell out the conditions, living standards and wages of Britain s workers in the Brexit and then subsequent talks.
Drain The Swamp! … start with No10
How foolish we are. May was opposed to Brexit and we knew it but still let her take the leadership. This means that the entire Tory party is colluding in what will be the worst betrayal of us in modern times. Betrayal is our elite’s default behaviour. Always was and always will be.
We should never forget just how close our elite was in giving up in 1940. They will always find a rational reason that satisfies them.
There is no longer a left -right conflict. It is us or them and that simple.
Look at how the elite is handling the latest terror attack in London. How can any of us visit London without worry ever again? How can any of us take our children or grandchildren without that nagging worry that was absent in all previous times.
Does the elite care? No not really. After St Petersburg it is the Russians who will not accept that terror is the new normality whereas our elites? Heads up their arses as usual. .
Golf Course Urination.
Beeby is just desperate aren’t they? Are they obsessed with urine? I think they are making the Prez look good. If this is the kind of trivial stuff they have to seek out to smear him with he must be pretty clean [IMO].
This ‘woman’ who just happened to need a piss on on of President Trump’s courses was ‘out for a stroll’ 48 miles north of her home in Montrose? Also they neglect to mention she was the instigator of an Anti-Trump facebook page. All this was reported on RT & Sky.
John Pienaar tells us that Mrs May is talking down the situation in respect of Spain/Gibraltar, rowing back from the “ridiculous” talk of war. Of course it is only the schoolboy media with their deliberately jaundiced interpretation of Michael Howard’s comments that have introduced & obsessed over the W word.
Oops BBC has these graphics on its news homepage saying
“Elsewhere on the BBC
Corruption and lies”
Here’s a screenshot from BBCNews page (which the proxy server screwed up earlier)
Second one from BBC Leicester
Is Al Beeb feeling vulnerable?
A quick scan of their News Webshite and I can’t find any “HYS” this evening. Is there a reason for this ?
There’s no trolls about either .
Where are you Scotty , Maxi and Tomi, cat got your tongue or is it your rota day off ?
I am sure the Trolls will pop up now the at least 2 of the attackers are white. They must have been wetting themselves that it would turn out to be an all black “gang”.
On Sunday the BBC news ran a report of the hate attack. They interviewed locals who prided themselves on how diverse the area was. They finished with a cringeworthy shot of some graffiti saying REFUGEES WELCOME,
Political correctness has all the intellectual rigour of a nursery rhyme. It is a straitjacket which does not fit a changing and complicated world. How can it possibly be sensible to invite absolutely anyone and everyone to come and live here? Obviously if you come from a violent country where homophobia is rampant, for example, when you are then placed amongst other refugees they are likely to suffer. Vulnerable refugees must suffer most from the wrong sorts of refugees are welcomed, not luvvies in North London. A six year old could understand this. Yet if you even question their reckless altruism you could be damned and accused of having a mental illness.
I wish we could have a grown-up conversation about these difficult problems, rather than saying nothing in case we offend someone. I would rather be offended than in hospital with a fractured skull.
“Have you ever wondered, perhaps, why opinions which the majority of people quite naturally hold are, if anyone dares express them publicly, denounced as ‘controversial’, ‘extremist’, ‘explosive’, ‘disgraceful’, and overwhelmed with a violence and venom quite unknown to debate on mere political issues? It is because the whole power of the aggressor [self-styled elites – Ed.] depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see.”
To prove his own words correct, the man who said that was made the most reviled politician of his time – Enoch Powell.
The BBC’s anti- Brexit story for this morning was so desperate and contrived that it was almost farcical. The Hilary Benn report that was steamrollered through a select committee had been heavily trailed and 6 committee members refused to sign it. The BBC headline was that the Government should prove that ‘no deal ‘ was better than a bad deal. Benn was interviewed and made the stupid demand that the government should do the comparison but not publish the result .
Well no doubt the Government are doing much scenario analysis but we all know that revealing the detail would do our negotiating position no good at all . If this is the best that Benn can come up with we are in for a dismal 2 years from his committee. What a waste of public money and certainly not worth a headline from the BBC.
I find the increasing hysteria and desperation of the Remainers and their cheerleader, the BBC, heartening. It makes them more absurd by the day and I am sure that, the more ridiculous they seem, the more likely it is that any doubters will swing our way. Their whole little world has been turned upside down and they are still in denial. It would be funny if it was not so serious.
Having grabbed my attention at the weekend with screamer headlines concerning a ‘hate crime’ in Croydon imagine my disappointment this Tuesday morning when BBC London drop the story completely from their bulletin. To be fair I’ve missed all news reports during Monday – perhaps there was a concluding news line? BBC London did open their news today with an uncritical supportive report about Sir Keir Starmer MP supporting an illegal immigrant’s campaign to stay in this country. Even so, it is perplexing that the wind has gone right out of the BBC’s sails on the Croydon story – I thought this was going to be the biggest thing since Jo Cox and Lord Hall was about to buy up the movie rights.
Arch Al Beeb prick Toenails Robinson has a new Sunday evening political programme, the Times tells me. Reporting from a Radio Times interview prick Toenails says that Al Beeb should stop worrying about giving equal balance to both sides of the Brexit argument.
‘Toenails says that Al Beeb should stop worrying about giving equal balance to both sides of the Brexit argument’
This new openly anti-Brexit approach was also proposed by BBC Chief Political Advisor, one Ric Bailey, on Newswatch at the weekend. He explained that the corporation was now in ‘scrutiny’ mode (ie rehearsing Remainer arguments and in effect acting as the opposition). Our BBC panjamdrum told us not to count ‘airtime’ or consider the balance of number of ‘voices’ on either side – thus signalling the BBC intention to give more platform to the anti-Brexit side. As if they hadn’t always supported the EU. You have to admire their brass neck.
I was clicking on some sites this morning and up popped a newspaper editorial headline ” A new system of appointment of Judges needed “. My heart leapt. I thought ” I agree, at last “.
Then I checked the paper, ” Foroyaa ” ( Freedom ), one of Gambia’s leading newspapers. Now if only…..
Slightly off topic.
The bBBC are giving space (why today?) to a story from Manchester University who may have an early stage system for using Graphene to desalinate and purify water to make it drinkable.
Now were this discovered in the USA, in a few years a multibillion dollar corporation would have emerged, marketing this innovation worldwide.
Think Google, Apple, Microsoft.
But what is the betting that were this to happen in the UK, all the left wing snowflakes, well-publicised by the self-righteous bBBC would rise up and denounce such a move. You know the argument, ” it is scandalous that big business is making money of of other people’s hardship and misfortune. We demand the patent rights are given away to provide free drinking water to the poor”
Think internet.
It might well become even worse than that. The overpaid Manchester academics might resign and make a personal fortune selling the process to the Sheepshanks anyway.
Nick ‘sources who say’ Robinson again getting to grips with Twitter in classic BBC style:
BBC must be impartial but not same as "balancing" one 'side' reading out 'Iines to take' with other 'side' doing same. Referendum is over https://t.co/BWs2To9bcT
Yes, it appears that they have given up all pretence of reporting the news and being fair and impartial. I wonder if the BBC Trust knows how BBC employees view their role?
I don’t think prick and the BBC have quite adjusted to the new OFCOM regime, which may not be as benign as they think. But then, the BBC are always last with the news !
On @BBCr4today there was a show of hands; only 1 comedy writer was pro-Brexit. Marcus Brigstock admits people walking out during his act. pic.twitter.com/O0QhJoWpHj
— Jonathan Nicholas (@JonathanNichol4) April 4, 2017
If the BBC was impartial, they’d dump one of the alleged comedians (far left propagandists) that infest R4, and give the excellent Andrew Lawrence a regular slot or place on a panel, so we may have some alternative views. Instead, they just ban him.
In these troubled times we live in, couldn't the £147 tax TV owners pay for 24 hour cultural Marxist propaganda be better spent elsewhere?
I posted last week that I intended starting a Government Petition proposing that all the UK should vote in any Referendum for Scottish independence. Having looked at the process I approached a number of “friends” for support: I need five email addresses as sponsors. Three volunteered almost immediately but the rest disappeared up their own asses typifying the general lack of interest in anything constructive and positive. So come the revolution, I suggest that 3 or 4 fifths of the population will yawn and get on with watching their Coronation Street.
Can anyone else take this responsibility on because I clearly cannot without appropriate support? The proposal would be quite short and sweet.
BBC – Decision to drop the word ‘Easter’ from a Cadbury and National Trust egg hunt event as “absolutely ridiculous” saya Sharia May,
and just WHAT? are you going to do about it eh …”appeaser”?, unless its f-cking up
our essential services, hitting the poorest/most vulnerable in our nation, which you break your scrawny neck to do …. the answer will be nothing.
Sharia May who is in the pockets of Saud Arabia
Sharia May who set up an orchestrated report on Sharia loaded with Imams.
Sharia May who is so incompetent, so deliberately ignorant despite a wealth of easily accessible historical fact, she states terrorism is a perversion of Islam, (perhaps she can t read?).
In EVERY way, she s taken the “backhander” sold us out and been subservient to filthy
Meanwhile we all know the BBC preference
BBC Asian network
Should we celebrate Easter?
Tweet @ShaziaAwan with #AsianNetwork
Dr Sentamu told the Daily Telegraph: To drop Easter from Cadbury’s Easter Egg Hunt in my book is tantamount to spitting on the grave of the Cadbury founder
… yes but they are doing it, openly and “appeaser”?, she s all hot air.
“Easter’s very important. It’s important to me. It’s a very important festival for the Christian faith for millions across the world.
So I think what the National Trust is doing is frankly just ridiculous.”
Dr John Sentamu accused the chocolate giant of “spitting on the grave” of its religious founder by removing references to Easter from the the spring event it runs nationwide”.
It must also irk them that black Africans and their descendants tend to be much more devout and traditional christians than their white equivalents. How do they explain that without being racist ? Poor old Lefties, the real world will never fit in with their tiny , bigoted minds. ( my spell-check just underlined the word christians ! )
Goodness … looks like all of the snivelling Eton/Oxbridge toadies in No10
Thwack! oh please, May I have one more,
Thwack! oh please, May I have one more,
Thwack! oh please, May I have etc.
Always good to know that the Beeb can be relied upon, when reporting a contentious (religious) issue, to assign a Muslim reporter for a 3 minute spot – most of which is asking for views of passers-by – all under 35 in London who couldn’t give a stuff one way or the other about Easter !
Some time ago a friend told me that he felt that the manner in which the BBC had conducted business since the Referendum demonstrated that they had the full support of the government. That the majority of politicians, of whatever shade, continue to be Remainers and that they still feel, despite the grudging “Yes” vote in Parliament (“Because it’s the will of the people!”) that the Referendum went against THEIR best “interests” (ha ha!), not suiting their ends in any way.
He thought that there had been tacit agreement between the two factions allowing, nay, encouraging, the BBC to continue its anti stance. The aim being to wear down the Leavers into agreeing a less than satisfactory deal, thus suiting the whole Remainian shooting match, including the hypocritical politicians who voted to leave. Wasn’t it some politico who said, “The people have spoken, the bastards”?
At that time, I felt my chum was of the conspiracy theory school.
Now I ain’t so sure he’s not right.
johnthebridge – something that occurred to me is that the referendum and the triggering of Article 50 are the only two things that were open, straightforward, clear and non-negotiable, and with which the government did not dare meddle. From now on in, everything will be the opposite – muddled, opaque, negotiable – and I believe this is when the Remainers may neuter Brexit, to retain the status quo as much as possible. We’ve already seen signs of this with the BBC’s reporting – treating Gibraltar like some sort of political bartering chip instead of sovereign territory held in perpetuity under the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht.
Posted before, but one of the stupidities of the Remainers is that, if we stay in, our position will be even worse than it was before the Referendum. The EU will have us over a barrel. Maybe that is what the Remainers want.
I think it is worse than mere self interest at work here. I am beginning to believe that many of the Globalist Remainers , and their couple of hundred closet colleagues in the Tory party , genuinely believe that the supra national EU is a good thing for the world. What is good for the UK is a low priority for them, it’s the world that counts.
But I share everyone’s suspicion about the commitment of the government to full Brexit. I too believe that we are being softened up to accept some deal that is as near as dammit the same as staying in and easily reversed in the future. Why else would the BBC be allowed to flagrantly pro EU in its output? I watch very closely the comments made by John Redwood and other back bench eurosceptic MPs, They are like canaries in a mine , early warning that The Government is not going to deliver Brexit.
The mental gymnastics are only formidable if you are a patriot and believe that democratic nation states are the best and most stable form of government for Western countries. If on the other hand you believe in a World government run by unelected technocrats then you don’t have any scruples about betraying democracy or country. Of course you can’t let the silly voters know that because they wouldn’t understand and wouldn’t , like you and me, be able to abandoned their outmoded patriotism and belief in democracy. So you pretend to be doing what is best for your country whilst pursuing policies that are directly counter to its best interests. Just like Blair did.
By the way if Brexit is overturned don’t rule out Blair for a Top EU job. After all the bastard will have had a big part to play in smashing the democratic wishes of his fellow Brits.
The war against men continues with this stupid subject. Maybe they could have had a piece on the Don giving his salary to charity yesterday or maybe having a deeper look into the croydon attack. Nope just sneer at may and have a bullshit topic on whether men should be barred from driving
How can all the ‘yuman rights’ organisations on the one hand proclaim that Islam is the faith of peace, square it with the atrocities and female restrictions that take place in Saudi and other Islamic countries ?
Simple question, but one that’s not been answered fully answered. I remember years ago that Robert Kilroy-Silk raised these questions in a newspaper column, but was castigated from all sides, lost his tv debating show and disappeared into obscurity as a result.
That was so wrong how Kilroy was vilified for telling the truth, we should have known back then what these elites were brewing up for us.
It’s hard to press them on Saudi discrimination issues. They tend to switch on the lefty fact-avoidance procedure. First a display of irrational outrage followed by a complete subject change, an invalid smear and an arrogant pretence they have won some sort of victory.
You can show film, images, read documents, eye witness accounts, the lot. It can all glance off the protective shield of superiority that surrounds a regressive liberal elitist.
The BBC is strangely precise in descibing the origins of the perpetrator of Big Beard terrorism in St. Peterrsburg as ” a native of Kirghizstan with Russian citizenship”, or a “naturalised Russian citizen”. If Big Beard terrorism occurs in Britain, the true cultural affiliations of the Big Beard are never mentioned. It suddendly becomes “home-grown” Big Beard terrorism.
On Newsshite last night, Squark was ” interviewing” the Ex Head Honcho of the CIA.
Apparently, the term “radical islamic terrorism” is taboo because it legitimises radical islamic terror.??????? Squark was simply providing the spook with a series of prompts to denounce Trump as “delusional”. Time will tell in relation to Trump. The spook has essentially opened a window into his own mind with his delusional “It’s nothing to do with islam”. A lot of the perpertrators of non “radical islamic terrorism” seem to have Big Beards. Perhaps the term should be Big Beard terrorism.
Someone would then argue that not all big bearded persons commit big bearded terrorism. All these men merely represent a “perversion of Bigbeardedness”
Who knows? Maybe they are not really terrorists either – merely highly proactive euthanasiaists.
According to the report, he knocked him down then hit him two more times. Don’t know the full facts, but the problem is that I have no faith in British “Justice” so can’t trust the result.
Just been listening to You and Yours mercilessly flogging one of the BBC’s many worthy socialist causes ‘How do you make ends meet if you are disabled?’ – always a good one for bashing the heartless Tories and their unnecessary attempts to bring some kind of sanity to the country’s ongoing ‘living the life of a rock star on a window cleaner’s wages’ spending binge.
One caller – a woman – spoke of how she and her two children suffer from ‘high-functioning something-or-other’ (didn’t quite catch the disability) and how she only eats twice a week in order for them to survive. She claimed her childcare costs amount to more than her ‘housing costs’ (didn’t elaborate).
As the call progressed she let slip that she is a part-time lecturer in Social Something-or Other and has a PhD in law.
Now the mid-point on the salary scale for a qualified lecturer is around £30k a year, so assuming she works 3 days a week that would be an £18k income. She also quickly slipped in that her childcare costs are paid for. Both of these points were ignored by the BBC anchor person.
You also got the impression she was a single mother. Either way, what did her spouse/partner/ex earn? If separated/divorced was she getting maintenance and if not, why not? She wasn’t asked.
And what would the government have to cut instead to pay for any extra benefits these people expect? Where is any extra money to come from? Dunno, neither of those was explored either.
The BBC – keeping its listeners in the dark with its world-beating, ‘non-judgemental’, money-tree mentality investigative journalism.
I heard that as well, JTF and my alarm bells started ringing immediately. In fact her story was so full of holes that I concluded she had been recruited by the programme’s editorial/research team just to score political points.
Her ‘disability’ incidentally was that she claimed to be a ‘high functioning autistic’ as were several of her children. I smell a rat.
Paul Mason left the BBC so who would be filming his new panned show for a TV special ?
“What a waste of our cash”
So there I was, sitting with my back against the wall at the Young Vic, ready to watch Paul Mason in his new play Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere. To my left was a cameraman and a large fixed TV camera. I looked over to the right and saw another camera and then, to my far left, another. Clearly, we were being filmed.
Why? The question became even more perplexing after I sat through the “play”, which is really just Paul Mason and his co-star, his ego, recreating covering the likes of Greece and Occupy Wall Street as an economics reporter, originally for Newsnight. But Mason has been freelance for a while and, with his lefty politics, he could no longer report for the Beeb…
1987 The more you listened to Old-Style-BBC
..The more INFORMED you were
2017 The more you listen to SJW-BBC
..The more DIS-INFORMED you are
Remember ?
– when they used to cater for all, not just pet issues.
– When they you used to have balance instead of just inviting their mates.
– Where merit depended on talent, not virtue signalling.
Has the Croydon story been changed to a mere gang incident now? It was only ‘believed’ to have involved a comment about asylum, mere belief being a get out of jail card now those alternative facts have got in the way of a good story.
So, the drunken yobs see the young man at the bus stop. Which of the two scenarios seems more likely to you?
Scenario A
“Oi mate! Check y fuckin’ self? Give us a fag, bruv. Why you looking at my bird you prick? I’m gonna fuck you up for looking at me like that!”
Scenario B
“Pardon me, chap. My chums and myself were discussing the excessive ambit of the Human Rights Act and our conversation progressed to the parlous state of the immigration system. Perchance, could you inform me of your asylum status? Pending, you say! Right you are in for a damned good thrashing!”
I had a run in with the BBC recently regarding some blatantly unfair prejudice towards the director Mel Gibson and his film, Hacksaw Ridge.
Basically Film 2017 were meant to review the Oscar winning film but decided against doing so and instead used the opportunity to make a Holocaust denial dig at Mel. From claiming to be accurate and impartial, they deliberately chose to not review a film about a staggeringly brave individual just because of their prejudice towards the director.
From my initial complaint through to it being escalated up to the editorial complaints director, the excuse moved from it not being shown due to time constraints on a live programme through to an astonishing level of research to back up Charlie Brooker’s claim that ‘Denial is a film that Mel Gibson needed to see’ and demonstrate to me that the film review had been sidelined just to allow Charlie to ‘land’ his joke.
Now I appreciate that the BBC can review whatever films they want but the principle of this really annoys me.
My grievance isn’t the sleight against Mel Gibson but rather what their problem with him actually led to. The tale of Desmond Doss is amazing and inspirational and one that I feel needs to be seen by many. Clearly some others agree given its Oscar nominations.
The idea that the BBC would hinder the promotion of this real life hero simply because of their negative hostility towards Mel and a desire to tell a juvenile joke is flat out wrong. Why are the BBC, an organisation funded to the tune of £3 billion a year by the British public, the dictatorial arbiters of what we can and cannot see depending on who they have an ‘issue’ with? Should they not be rising above their own personal vendettas when presenting a spread of films for review? Are they even handed with their virtuous moralising? Do they practice this same filtering with other controversial directors like Woody Allen or Roman Polanski?
It really does ask the question that if the BBC are prepared to blatantly ignore their own guidelines on impartiality and accuracy just to gain a cheap laugh, what are they prepared to do when commenting/reporting on an issue, policy or even public decision that they really disagree with?
Happy to provide the actual email thread between myself and the BBC if people wanted to independently review this.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If they had to operate like a normal business and did not rely on the poll tax licence fee they would treat their customers better.
“…Why are the BBC, an organisation funded to the tune of £3 billion a year by the British public, the dictatorial arbiters of what we can and cannot see depending on who they have an ‘issue’ with?”
Politics, or as I wrote in a post to Guido earlier today…
Like many here, I never waste an opportunity to stick the boot right in the face of the hateful BBC. Even though the below was a response to an unrelated matter (I happen to be a fan of Mr Gibson’s film directing, if not his personal views), I felt many here might appreciate my more general sentiments towards to the BBC…
“…The BBC can no longer recognise how out-of-touch and completely irrelevant it is to the vast majority of its license payers; it doesn’t speak their language and it cares even less for their concerns. Gobbling up £billions of free money every year (obtained by demanding it with menaces), why should it care about anyone who doesn’t share their regressive socialist values? It simply doesn’t have to.
Thus, it has become less a broadcaster, much more a political activist. It ceaselessly virtue signals to its narrow regressive audience; it talks to itself and amongst itself, whilst pretending to entertain notions of ‘diversity’ (but absolutely no diversity of opinion allowed) and it thinks nothing of blatantly parading its vicious anti-Brexit stance for all to see. Like it’s daring us to call it out – knowing, all the while, that it is safe from any serious criticism from a spineless media and equally cowardly politicians.
The BBC hates the United Kingdom; it detests all notions of nationhood, it despises white people, it cannot ever – ever – forgive the people of the UK who voted to leave its beloved EU project (and it will punish them at every opportunity), it is aggressively pro-immigration, pro EU, pro ‘climate change’ (whatever that is this week) and it’s a dependable defender of the Religion of Peace, no matter that religion’s outrages, no matter the evidential contradictions of the BBC’s cultural equivalency when it comes to (not) speaking about Islam.
The BBC are a truly hateful, toxic cancer – but they know they control the medium and whoever controls the medium controls the message.
I read in the Guardian that Tammi-Grey Thompson will be in charge of a £100 million budget to increase diversity. A hundred million! She has a degree in politics, how would she know how to manage a budget like that? Or does having a wheelchair suddenly make you qualified to balance a budget on that scale? For all Trump’s offensiveness he sure knows how to balance a budget, and so much comes down to that.
How could it cost that much? I guess all you need is a few expensive ‘consulatants’ to provide their expertise on that rigorous topic of ‘diversity’ and the money will be burned through in no time.
It’s not like the BBC are constantly moaning there is not enough money for the Police, NHS and everything else. Could you not do as good a job on £50 million? I guess you do not need to worry when you have a money tree like the Beeb has.
It is outrageous that the BBC squanders our money in this way. Though I suppose it will be a relief when the Corporation finally implements its fairness policy for real – and we stop seeing minorities hugely overrepresented on our screens!
Well, if the Nigerian born, BBC travel presenter Ade Adepitan can travel the world in a wheelchair and needing special facilities at our expense, then nothing surprises me. Most wheelchair bound users never get the chance to cross the Channel never mind the opportunity to fly around the world, so Adepitan would be far better put to use sussing out the facilities in this country for the disabled than watching the Carnival in Rio !!
3:30 R4 heap is doing another Project Sneer at Brexit prog
..this time about fishing http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08kv4bf
Actual title sounds positive : “Could Brexit save the fishing industry ?”
but you know what he’s like
” will our Brexit negotiators focus on maintaining markets for big businesses like finance and the car industry, offering our fish stocks as sacrificial prawns?” (that’s a leading Qn of course
That was after epsiode2 of the : ‘sneer at the older white males’ drama
11:00pm is “Bridget Christie returns in another series of her multi-award winning series about modern FEMINISM.”
balanced I guess not
“She’s assisted in this by the series’ token man, Fred MacAulay.”
Then 11:30pm more Hippies in Stroud
“the owner of a health food shop opened in 1927 to a New Zealand artist who’s made the town his home, people seem to agree that there’s something rather special about Stroud.”
Mm Le Pen always comes across as highly eloquent. I particularly like the final line in that article: ‘the EU is shining with the light of a dead star.’
Thanks. Marine is a smart cookie. Idiots like Maitlis are stuck in the past. They cannot believe that the world is moving ahead and leaving them behind. They are yesterday’s people .
Scotland Yard is flummoxed. The Metropolitan Police, despite vast resources and some of the world’s best detectives are completely stumped. They have been forced to admit that they ‘may never know what motivated’ Khalid Masood to murder four people and attack Parliament.
If only there were clues as to why a Muslim convert who had lived in Saudia Arabia, stronghold of violently extremist Wahhabi Islamic teaching, who became radicalised in prison, and who copied Islamic terrorist methods used in continental Europe, would murder infidels and attack the seat of democracy. It’s a mystery.
A nice article which fails to explain why the Tories are allowing this insanity to carry on.
A slightly different explanation might be that the Met has a set of conditions which are supposed to be met to confirm this was an Islamic attack, such as shouting Allah hu Akbar or leaving some kind of note / video recording. An inflexible system means that they cannot think outside the box regardless of the evidence.
judging by the comments he will probably be looking for a new job very soon.
So just to recap, its not OK to take the law into your own hands if you don’t like immigrants but it is OK to take the law into your own hands if you do like immigrants.
Gavin Barwell MP is clearly a right-on, virtue signalling tool. It makes no odds whether he identifies as Conservative, Labour, Liberal or trans. He is a pathetic, self-hating member of the left wing establishment.
He also looks like the love child of Ian Hislop and a hamster, but it’s wrong to judge people by their looks. Then again, in this case, I’ll make an exception. He looks like a spineless, snivelling little coward, dressed in grown up clothes which are too big for him. And it turns out… that’s exactly what he is.
Remember, whovever you vote for, the government always gets in.
If Gav is so enamoured with the graffiti perhaps he could cover his house in it, or even reflect his generous sentiment on a few signs in his garden, adding the word ‘here’.
Then sit back and enjoy the enrichment he so dearly craves as it flocks into his living room and starts setting up camp on his lawn.
The so-called Conservative leader of Croydon Council has some choice words about this incident in this article in the Daily Telegraph titled:
“Croydon is a welcoming community – we will not stand idly by while hateful thugs sully our home”.
He seems pleased that some of Croydon’s schools have as many as 40 languages spoken by the children. Call me simple, but how does that amount of diversity do anything for social cohesion.
His comments could come from someone on the left of the LibDems.
Restroom mole
Marxist slogans have gone downhill since the collapse of the Soviet union.
“Workers of the world unite” “All power to the Soviets”. At least they were fulfillable platitudes in a socialist la-la land. But “diversity is unity” and the classic “diversity is our strength” from the Canadian Clown are a strict contradictio in se and utter nonsense. “Let all circles be squares”. These people are supposed to be intellectually sophisticated. How can they produce such crap and be taken seriously by anyone? In the Tower of Babel story, god confounded the speech of man because one people with one language could achieve anything, threatening even god.
I keep hearing the words, but quite frankly where is the evidence?
any evidence at all?
we now have millions of people whose attachment to this country is purely financial, and when the shit finally hits the fan, they will be off to rape some other sucker
I had the misfortune to catch a dose of VD this morning whilst she was encouraging the feminazis to lobby for a football manager to be sacked because of an off-the-cuff comment he made a month ago.
Obviously the bBBC fulfilling its Charter obligations on impartiality.
Any comments about the way muslim men treat women ? It is not ok for a non-muslim man to make a stupid comment about slapping. But it is ok for a muslim man to beat his women and, in some cases murder them. Strange logic.
Grant, it might be easier to make the challenge to find the most negative or obscure brexit story. My money is on that fool on breakfast TV who linked the decline of British hedgerows to brexit.
BBC really making a big thing about Moyes and his comment about giving a BBC reporter a ‘slap’.
Having now heard the clip the pair of them were having a giggle together and it was nothing like the menacing threat which earlier reporting had led me to believe.
Leftie horror VD is apparently agitating for women to pressure the club to get Moyes sacked.
How sad that if every single woman in the UK and asked the BBC to sack VD they would never comply.
I know that the following may be controversial, and even distateful, however I have a family impacted by cancer. All I can say about VD is I hope she is one of the 17% that doesn’t survive 10 years after being diagnosed with breast cancer, as there appear to be plenty more deserving people that should be in the 83% that do survive. To think that she may statistically reduce someone else’s chance just doesn’t seem right.
On the six o’clock news on Radio 4 they report on the hate attack. They mention the name of the victim three times with relish ‘Reike AHMED.’ They named the British sounding names who had been charged with the assault. The detail as to exactly what sparked the assault is not mentioned today, but I somehow think they might be trying to put thoughts in our heads.
Prick Robinson says the BBC “would not represent both sides of an argument if one is wrong in their view”
That’s interesting. It clearly explains why the BBC do not feel the need to put both sides of the argument on Brexit, man-made global warming, mass immigration, the muslim colonization of Britain, or indeed any other topic on which their right-on, left liberal mindset could possibly be challenged.
Working in the left wing echo chamber of the BBC must be the nearest thing to having a lobotomy without going under the knife. We need to save these people. End the BBC now!
I posted that quote above. Also it is a blatant admission of BBC bias. I think the first I have ever seen from a Beeboid. There is no way they could wriggle out of that one. I would love to see the Trolls defend that quote. It must be quoted again and again to Beeboids. It is not even open to interpretation.
Former CIA director John Brennan delivers the Richard Dimpleby Lecture tonight. I suppose the BBC fired off the invite when he became President Trump’s fiercest critic last November.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
21:34 RT played the BBC’s Moscow correspondent reporting that the attack was timed to distract from corruption investigations.
The a similar clip from CNN saying it could be a false flag.
Sky clip “They’ll use it as a pretext to crack down further”
We’ll have to wait for the REAL-NEWS to come in from @LouiseMensch
BBC Clip
\\ Yes, very sneaky. “We’re not saying this but some are …”//
Ridiculous. Why would the Russians terrorise there own people ? Putin has no need for an excuse to “crack down further”. He can do what he wants. These people are imbeciles.
Al Jazeera Arabic’s Facebook coverage of the terror attack in St. Petersburg, Russia was flooded with positive comments and happy emoticons as so-called “moderate Muslims” once again celebrated what is likely to have been an Islamic terror attack.
Maybe its Rasputin? the man who came in from the cold
… allah ackbar to that one eh! Vlad
I like your dig at Louise Mensch. I used to like her but now I think her brain appears to have been replaced by a giant pickled walnut with leftist and conspiracy theory implants.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – BBC omitting all of the salient facts again.
Once again Islamic threats & SJW useful idiots in politics and the media, silence what they cannot intellectually counter.
… It’s a consistent pattern, no cogent reason, simply ad homs and orchestrated smear.
https://www.change.org/p/ayaan-hirsi-ali-does-not-speak-for-us-muslim-women-unite-to-oppose-hirsi-ali-visit … 400? so that’s enough whining and smearing to cancel it all?
Of course its Islam, so you get the knuckle dragging boot boy factor, ahem “security reasons”
… one throwback to run to Allah, and all in the media run to the “safe space”.
political cowardice, spineless … amoeba
Inside the Australian “Super Mosque” (video) where guards fear radical Muslims are plotting terrorist acts
The BBC smear this brave woman by reproducing the shit Islamists fling at her. The BBC are beyond contempt. Would they call someone criticising Christianity or Judaism divisive and whatever – phobic. No they would not.
From the BBC Story nogginator provided a link to:
“Was her visit controversial? Nearly 400 people had signed an online petition opposing Ms Hirsi Ali’s visit to Australia and New Zealand. Against a backdrop of increasing global Islamophobia, Hirsi-Ali’s divisive rhetoric simply serves to increase hostility and hatred towards Muslims, the petition said.”
What absolute feckers the BBC are … and all done using taxpayers money.
I’m seething! The fact that a small group of leftists can shut down a speaking tour like this by simply issuing threats that more than likely they will never have any intention of backing up is a gigantic shame on today’s society. If this increases where will that leave democracy? Geert Wilders had to abandon two of his three meetings in Australia several years ago, if I remember correctly, due to the same sort of intimidation and threats. This is not just an Australian problem. It is a a successful form of bullying that can and has been used elsewhere. It is a vile tactic, but in fairness to the left I don’t blame them for keeping on using it. It works, and there is no comeuppance for them.
Don’t like a speaker? Then make a few phone calls and the timid venue owners will wet their pants and cancel!
And the police follow up in tracking down those who issued the threats of violence and insuring they are brought to justice, what of that? Do we hear who they were or see them in the courts? How many have been arrested and prosecuted for this sort of thing?? My guess is that the total stands somewhere in the region of nil.
And just compare with the resources that would be put into tracking down someone who threw a rasher of bacon at an Islamic building.
I am strongly of the view that people who shut down venues by intimidation should face the full force of the law.
If not, the the organisers of such tours and events should insist on a cowardice clause in the contract by which the venue owners are subject to massive financial penalties should they cave in to threats.
It seems that in the War on Free Speech the enemy is deploying a weapon that we have not been able to counter yet. But what is more worrying is that there doesn’t seem to be any hurry to do so.
The only other alternative I can think of is employing right wing security groups at these events. I don’t want to see this but unless we can get the authorities to act firmly to leftist thuggery then that’s where we are headed.
They must be made to see it.
IIRC it took fewer threatening to kick off for one Ms. May to ban some speakers to our shores.
She is now our PM, if with an interesting nickname.
Guest agreed, all of them, all equally fitting
… non of them good.
What an unelected, arrogant, power obsessed liability we have,
surrounded by self serving, grasping incompetents.
Sharia May
Appeaser May
“tastrophe” Treezer May … take your pick.
… “drain the swamp”
‘…events should insist on a cowardice clause in the contract by which the venue owners are subject to massive financial penalties should they cave in to threats.’
Excellent idea. Another idea would be to do what the early dissenting Christians did when barred from the established church – simply meet in the open air. If leftists and Islamists use the tactic of threatening venue owners and staff, then hold the meeting on waste ground – Australia has fine weather after all. Who will they then threaten or intimidate?
I listened to the execrable Kevin Maguire on Jeremy Swine’s show this lunchtime, he was up against a retired admiral, Chris Parry, who was very good.
Kev seemed to think that Spain’s (EU supported) designs for a new relationship re Gibraltar could be sorted: “economically and politically”; that is most likely true, however Michael Howard was quite correct to say the Spanish needed reminding of with whom they are dealing.
I think that this quote says it best:
“The function of the country’s military is to frighten off the potential aggressor with the highest possible price of admission. Every country must at some time or another be able to defend its terrain and air space. The one who can secure order -or destroy it- will be sovereign. Without a strong military, there is no sovereign state.”
BBC still going with the “hate” – scrub, “scum” – scrub, Asylum Boy Assault- scrub
… Asylum teen attack big style
Sky News has reported that a Croydon witness said ‘attack’ was an elevated row over cigarettes, never a hate crime.
BBC News? … England??, Gloucestershire???, MPs shouting scum????
Vicious gang attack …… Perps??
“SHOCKING CCTV footage shows a shopkeeper being attacked with crowbars and run over by a car after trying to defend a teenage boy from a vicious gang attack.
Amo Singh, 33, was brutally assaulted when he tried to defend a Polish boy who was being attacked by teenagers outside his shop, Premier Stores in Queen’s Drive, Cashes Green, at around 10pm on Sunday. He and his wife Sandy had seen six boys and two girls – some of whom were armed with crowbars and baseball bats – arrive in two cars and begin attacking the 15-year-old Polish boy, who was with his girlfriend”
But the BBC does have this important story
BBC Gl – Yellow car owners in support of ‘ugly’ car
That sounds like a normal Sunday night in Stroud – The Greens on the Council tried to ‘twin’ with Mosul but they were rejected by Mosul for too much violence at weekends.
For information – Stroud News is part of Mirror Group.
BBC finally catches up with the “Sharia” May closer to Saud story.
“Gulf security is our security and Gulf prosperity is our prosperity.”
Yeah! like that (crosses fingers) we are
(shakes head)
… there are literally no words
This creature is not to be trusted, period
… after she s finished selling us out to China, now Saud, next the US
… and with her sparkling catalogue of failure on her CV,
she jumps in the “clown car” with Davis, Fox and Boris to sell out the conditions, living standards and wages of Britain s workers in the Brexit and then subsequent talks.
Drain The Swamp! … start with No10
How foolish we are. May was opposed to Brexit and we knew it but still let her take the leadership. This means that the entire Tory party is colluding in what will be the worst betrayal of us in modern times. Betrayal is our elite’s default behaviour. Always was and always will be.
We should never forget just how close our elite was in giving up in 1940. They will always find a rational reason that satisfies them.
There is no longer a left -right conflict. It is us or them and that simple.
Look at how the elite is handling the latest terror attack in London. How can any of us visit London without worry ever again? How can any of us take our children or grandchildren without that nagging worry that was absent in all previous times.
Does the elite care? No not really. After St Petersburg it is the Russians who will not accept that terror is the new normality whereas our elites? Heads up their arses as usual. .
Dave S
“After St Petersburg it is the Russians who will not accept that terror is the new normality whereas our elites?
Heads up their arses as usual.”
And what did the Mayor of London say about it ?…………
The bbc flagship ‘news’ magazine:
Here the BBC go again:
“”Trump golf course urination case starts””
Golf Course Urination.
Beeby is just desperate aren’t they? Are they obsessed with urine? I think they are making the Prez look good. If this is the kind of trivial stuff they have to seek out to smear him with he must be pretty clean [IMO].
This ‘woman’ who just happened to need a piss on on of President Trump’s courses was ‘out for a stroll’ 48 miles north of her home in Montrose? Also they neglect to mention she was the instigator of an Anti-Trump facebook page. All this was reported on RT & Sky.
It is beyond a joke – there clearly is no effective regulator. They are doing as they please – which is taking the piss, literally.
John Pienaar tells us that Mrs May is talking down the situation in respect of Spain/Gibraltar, rowing back from the “ridiculous” talk of war. Of course it is only the schoolboy media with their deliberately jaundiced interpretation of Michael Howard’s comments that have introduced & obsessed over the W word.
Jobsworths? At the BBC? Well I never…
Oops BBC has these graphics on its news homepage saying

“Elsewhere on the BBC
Corruption and lies”
Here’s a screenshot from BBCNews page (which the proxy server screwed up earlier)
Second one from BBC Leicester
oops what happened to the image I saved

BTW the same list of strange priorities on the BBC Leicester page

ie a pet issue is worth 10 normal ones
Is Al Beeb feeling vulnerable?
A quick scan of their News Webshite and I can’t find any “HYS” this evening. Is there a reason for this ?
There’s no trolls about either .
Where are you Scotty , Maxi and Tomi, cat got your tongue or is it your rota day off ?
I am sure the Trolls will pop up now the at least 2 of the attackers are white. They must have been wetting themselves that it would turn out to be an all black “gang”.
Vlad has done the decent thing & turned up at the site of the attack himself.
On Sunday the BBC news ran a report of the hate attack. They interviewed locals who prided themselves on how diverse the area was. They finished with a cringeworthy shot of some graffiti saying REFUGEES WELCOME,
Political correctness has all the intellectual rigour of a nursery rhyme. It is a straitjacket which does not fit a changing and complicated world. How can it possibly be sensible to invite absolutely anyone and everyone to come and live here? Obviously if you come from a violent country where homophobia is rampant, for example, when you are then placed amongst other refugees they are likely to suffer. Vulnerable refugees must suffer most from the wrong sorts of refugees are welcomed, not luvvies in North London. A six year old could understand this. Yet if you even question their reckless altruism you could be damned and accused of having a mental illness.
I wish we could have a grown-up conversation about these difficult problems, rather than saying nothing in case we offend someone. I would rather be offended than in hospital with a fractured skull.
do u liik fink dat dem fuk in peeples wot live een fuk in croydun can rite ref huj ees on a fuk in wol innit?
Sorry, I don’t speak Dutch.
Its Diversitispeak get used to it
A visionary British politician said 47 years ago:
“Have you ever wondered, perhaps, why opinions which the majority of people quite naturally hold are, if anyone dares express them publicly, denounced as ‘controversial’, ‘extremist’, ‘explosive’, ‘disgraceful’, and overwhelmed with a violence and venom quite unknown to debate on mere political issues? It is because the whole power of the aggressor [self-styled elites – Ed.] depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see.”
To prove his own words correct, the man who said that was made the most reviled politician of his time – Enoch Powell.
Home of the renowned facelift I believe.
The BBC’s anti- Brexit story for this morning was so desperate and contrived that it was almost farcical. The Hilary Benn report that was steamrollered through a select committee had been heavily trailed and 6 committee members refused to sign it. The BBC headline was that the Government should prove that ‘no deal ‘ was better than a bad deal. Benn was interviewed and made the stupid demand that the government should do the comparison but not publish the result .
Well no doubt the Government are doing much scenario analysis but we all know that revealing the detail would do our negotiating position no good at all . If this is the best that Benn can come up with we are in for a dismal 2 years from his committee. What a waste of public money and certainly not worth a headline from the BBC.
I find the increasing hysteria and desperation of the Remainers and their cheerleader, the BBC, heartening. It makes them more absurd by the day and I am sure that, the more ridiculous they seem, the more likely it is that any doubters will swing our way. Their whole little world has been turned upside down and they are still in denial. It would be funny if it was not so serious.
Having grabbed my attention at the weekend with screamer headlines concerning a ‘hate crime’ in Croydon imagine my disappointment this Tuesday morning when BBC London drop the story completely from their bulletin. To be fair I’ve missed all news reports during Monday – perhaps there was a concluding news line? BBC London did open their news today with an uncritical supportive report about Sir Keir Starmer MP supporting an illegal immigrant’s campaign to stay in this country. Even so, it is perplexing that the wind has gone right out of the BBC’s sails on the Croydon story – I thought this was going to be the biggest thing since Jo Cox and Lord Hall was about to buy up the movie rights.
It’s what ‘Baroness’ Abbott would have hoped for.
Arch Al Beeb prick Toenails Robinson has a new Sunday evening political programme, the Times tells me. Reporting from a Radio Times interview prick Toenails says that Al Beeb should stop worrying about giving equal balance to both sides of the Brexit argument.
Carry on as you were then!!
Were they “worrying” ? I doubt it.
‘Toenails says that Al Beeb should stop worrying about giving equal balance to both sides of the Brexit argument’
This new openly anti-Brexit approach was also proposed by BBC Chief Political Advisor, one Ric Bailey, on Newswatch at the weekend. He explained that the corporation was now in ‘scrutiny’ mode (ie rehearsing Remainer arguments and in effect acting as the opposition). Our BBC panjamdrum told us not to count ‘airtime’ or consider the balance of number of ‘voices’ on either side – thus signalling the BBC intention to give more platform to the anti-Brexit side. As if they hadn’t always supported the EU. You have to admire their brass neck.
Clearly this is a sincere attempt to ‘balance’ the BBC’s Sunday efforts with topics and guests, currently provided by Groper Marr and Nicky.
So now they have utterly skewed politics and opinion at the end of the day too.
Apparently the ‘Russian’ terrorist is Akbarzhon Jalilov a.k.a Jalil Akbar.
Enough said.
By the way, does anyone know when negotiations for Brexit are actually going to start, after almost 10 months of bullshit ?
I was clicking on some sites this morning and up popped a newspaper editorial headline ” A new system of appointment of Judges needed “. My heart leapt. I thought ” I agree, at last “.
Then I checked the paper, ” Foroyaa ” ( Freedom ), one of Gambia’s leading newspapers. Now if only…..
Slightly off topic.
The bBBC are giving space (why today?) to a story from Manchester University who may have an early stage system for using Graphene to desalinate and purify water to make it drinkable.
Now were this discovered in the USA, in a few years a multibillion dollar corporation would have emerged, marketing this innovation worldwide.
Think Google, Apple, Microsoft.
But what is the betting that were this to happen in the UK, all the left wing snowflakes, well-publicised by the self-righteous bBBC would rise up and denounce such a move. You know the argument, ” it is scandalous that big business is making money of of other people’s hardship and misfortune. We demand the patent rights are given away to provide free drinking water to the poor”
Think internet.
It might well become even worse than that. The overpaid Manchester academics might resign and make a personal fortune selling the process to the Sheepshanks anyway.
Yes, Lefties would prefer people in poor countries to die. They always put their perverted ideology ahead of human welfare.
Nick ‘sources who say’ Robinson again getting to grips with Twitter in classic BBC style:
Sources close to Nick tell me that he is a total wanker.
Certainly he has a promising future career with JCB.
Sorry, don’t get that one ?
They dig deep holes.
Ha !
For a professional communicator Robinson manages to be completely incomprehensible – translation please.
Yes, it appears that they have given up all pretence of reporting the news and being fair and impartial. I wonder if the BBC Trust knows how BBC employees view their role?
I don’t think prick and the BBC have quite adjusted to the new OFCOM regime, which may not be as benign as they think. But then, the BBC are always last with the news !
But, OFCOM will be up against the Government when criticising (if they do!) the BBC, not to mention the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mate, apparently they have nothing to fear, because OFCOM are all ex-BBBC….. wonder who thought that was a good idea?!
You have to laugh, though…
What!!? Still one not fully onside? Keeel heem!
If the BBC was impartial, they’d dump one of the alleged comedians (far left propagandists) that infest R4, and give the excellent Andrew Lawrence a regular slot or place on a panel, so we may have some alternative views. Instead, they just ban him.
Andrew – that point was reached a while back.
And living in their fantasy World!
I posted last week that I intended starting a Government Petition proposing that all the UK should vote in any Referendum for Scottish independence. Having looked at the process I approached a number of “friends” for support: I need five email addresses as sponsors. Three volunteered almost immediately but the rest disappeared up their own asses typifying the general lack of interest in anything constructive and positive. So come the revolution, I suggest that 3 or 4 fifths of the population will yawn and get on with watching their Coronation Street.
Can anyone else take this responsibility on because I clearly cannot without appropriate support? The proposal would be quite short and sweet.
“MPs ask Theresa May for evidence that no deal is better than a bad deal.” I think my dog could work it out.
MPs ask Theresa May for evidence that The Pope is Catholic.
BBC – Decision to drop the word ‘Easter’ from a Cadbury and National Trust egg hunt event as “absolutely ridiculous” saya Sharia May,
and just WHAT? are you going to do about it eh …”appeaser”?, unless its f-cking up
our essential services, hitting the poorest/most vulnerable in our nation, which you break your scrawny neck to do …. the answer will be nothing.
Sharia May who is in the pockets of Saud Arabia
Sharia May who set up an orchestrated report on Sharia loaded with Imams.
Sharia May who is so incompetent, so deliberately ignorant despite a wealth of easily accessible historical fact, she states terrorism is a perversion of Islam, (perhaps she can t read?).
In EVERY way, she s taken the “backhander” sold us out and been subservient to filthy
Meanwhile we all know the BBC preference
BBC Asian network
Should we celebrate Easter?
Tweet @ShaziaAwan with #AsianNetwork
we know the BBC preference BBC AN is doing something on …wait for it
Should we celebrate Easter? with Shazia Awan on the Asian Network
Yes, lets all think about that eh?, should we? (shakes head)
do you mean what should the punishment be for celebrating easter??
I am dreading a month-long non-stop BBC love-fest for bloody Ramadan. They are truly mentally deranged.
With Treezer’s grovelling Ramadam message to her kind, thanking them for winning WW2 for us.
Treezer is thick as 2 short planks .
Parliament report opens ‘Pandora’s Box’ of EU-funded NGOs @EURACTIV
BTW : PR pofessionals discussing how they will influence Brexit et al using Twitter
Dropping ‘Easter’ like ‘Christmas’ does send a message – You are winning, keep it up.
Any sign of, ‘Diwali’ and ‘Ramadan’ being dropped – think not.
Dr Sentamu told the Daily Telegraph: To drop Easter from Cadbury’s Easter Egg Hunt in my book is tantamount to spitting on the grave of the Cadbury founder
… yes but they are doing it, openly and “appeaser”?, she s all hot air.
“Easter’s very important. It’s important to me. It’s a very important festival for the Christian faith for millions across the world.
So I think what the National Trust is doing is frankly just ridiculous.”
Dr John Sentamu accused the chocolate giant of “spitting on the grave” of its religious founder by removing references to Easter from the the spring event it runs nationwide”.
We ll soon be rolling out “winterval” eh? and saying “season greeting?”
and the bloody bloated National Trust! … don t start me up.
I await the BBCs St Georges day extravaganza with interest
Sentamu creates problems for the twisted-minded Beeboids for obvious reasons !!
It must also irk them that black Africans and their descendants tend to be much more devout and traditional christians than their white equivalents. How do they explain that without being racist ? Poor old Lefties, the real world will never fit in with their tiny , bigoted minds. ( my spell-check just underlined the word christians ! )
Deep in her heart Treezer would prefer to see this example of ‘Britishness’ rather than Easter Egg hunts.
Goodness … looks like all of the snivelling Eton/Oxbridge toadies in No10
Thwack! oh please, May I have one more,
Thwack! oh please, May I have one more,
Thwack! oh please, May I have etc.
Always good to know that the Beeb can be relied upon, when reporting a contentious (religious) issue, to assign a Muslim reporter for a 3 minute spot – most of which is asking for views of passers-by – all under 35 in London who couldn’t give a stuff one way or the other about Easter !
Some time ago a friend told me that he felt that the manner in which the BBC had conducted business since the Referendum demonstrated that they had the full support of the government. That the majority of politicians, of whatever shade, continue to be Remainers and that they still feel, despite the grudging “Yes” vote in Parliament (“Because it’s the will of the people!”) that the Referendum went against THEIR best “interests” (ha ha!), not suiting their ends in any way.
He thought that there had been tacit agreement between the two factions allowing, nay, encouraging, the BBC to continue its anti stance. The aim being to wear down the Leavers into agreeing a less than satisfactory deal, thus suiting the whole Remainian shooting match, including the hypocritical politicians who voted to leave. Wasn’t it some politico who said, “The people have spoken, the bastards”?
At that time, I felt my chum was of the conspiracy theory school.
Now I ain’t so sure he’s not right.
johnthebridge – something that occurred to me is that the referendum and the triggering of Article 50 are the only two things that were open, straightforward, clear and non-negotiable, and with which the government did not dare meddle. From now on in, everything will be the opposite – muddled, opaque, negotiable – and I believe this is when the Remainers may neuter Brexit, to retain the status quo as much as possible. We’ve already seen signs of this with the BBC’s reporting – treating Gibraltar like some sort of political bartering chip instead of sovereign territory held in perpetuity under the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht.
Posted before, but one of the stupidities of the Remainers is that, if we stay in, our position will be even worse than it was before the Referendum. The EU will have us over a barrel. Maybe that is what the Remainers want.
there is NO limit to the amount of “our” money or possessions they are prepared to give away to keep their snouts in the trough
I think it is worse than mere self interest at work here. I am beginning to believe that many of the Globalist Remainers , and their couple of hundred closet colleagues in the Tory party , genuinely believe that the supra national EU is a good thing for the world. What is good for the UK is a low priority for them, it’s the world that counts.
But I share everyone’s suspicion about the commitment of the government to full Brexit. I too believe that we are being softened up to accept some deal that is as near as dammit the same as staying in and easily reversed in the future. Why else would the BBC be allowed to flagrantly pro EU in its output? I watch very closely the comments made by John Redwood and other back bench eurosceptic MPs, They are like canaries in a mine , early warning that The Government is not going to deliver Brexit.
“genuinely believe that the supra national EU is a good thing for the world. What is good for the UK is a low priority for them”
I would like to think that they are driven by higher ideals
but how exactly do the feckers come to that result in their tiny minds, the mental gymnastics must really be quite incredible.
PS how much of our money did BLiar sacrifice to try and buy a job as EU president
The mental gymnastics are only formidable if you are a patriot and believe that democratic nation states are the best and most stable form of government for Western countries. If on the other hand you believe in a World government run by unelected technocrats then you don’t have any scruples about betraying democracy or country. Of course you can’t let the silly voters know that because they wouldn’t understand and wouldn’t , like you and me, be able to abandoned their outmoded patriotism and belief in democracy. So you pretend to be doing what is best for your country whilst pursuing policies that are directly counter to its best interests. Just like Blair did.
By the way if Brexit is overturned don’t rule out Blair for a Top EU job. After all the bastard will have had a big part to play in smashing the democratic wishes of his fellow Brits.
The Prime Minister visits Saudia Arabia where women aren’t allowed to drive.
Does our brave Jeremy Vine want to address this?
No! Let’s make up a silly item about banning male drivers in the UK!
We wouldn’t want to upset our Muslim rulers would we?
The war against men continues with this stupid subject. Maybe they could have had a piece on the Don giving his salary to charity yesterday or maybe having a deeper look into the croydon attack. Nope just sneer at may and have a bullshit topic on whether men should be barred from driving
Would the ban include buses, trains and lorries ?
I think I’d feel much happier if she was visiting Russia. At least they are Western and Judeo Christian.
How can all the ‘yuman rights’ organisations on the one hand proclaim that Islam is the faith of peace, square it with the atrocities and female restrictions that take place in Saudi and other Islamic countries ?
Simple question, but one that’s not been answered fully answered. I remember years ago that Robert Kilroy-Silk raised these questions in a newspaper column, but was castigated from all sides, lost his tv debating show and disappeared into obscurity as a result.
Yes – essential requirement to be a left liberal progressive you just have to lie, cover up, censor – not good traits.
That was so wrong how Kilroy was vilified for telling the truth, we should have known back then what these elites were brewing up for us.
It’s hard to press them on Saudi discrimination issues. They tend to switch on the lefty fact-avoidance procedure. First a display of irrational outrage followed by a complete subject change, an invalid smear and an arrogant pretence they have won some sort of victory.
You can show film, images, read documents, eye witness accounts, the lot. It can all glance off the protective shield of superiority that surrounds a regressive liberal elitist.
The BBC is strangely precise in descibing the origins of the perpetrator of Big Beard terrorism in St. Peterrsburg as ” a native of Kirghizstan with Russian citizenship”, or a “naturalised Russian citizen”. If Big Beard terrorism occurs in Britain, the true cultural affiliations of the Big Beard are never mentioned. It suddendly becomes “home-grown” Big Beard terrorism.
On Newsshite last night, Squark was ” interviewing” the Ex Head Honcho of the CIA.
Apparently, the term “radical islamic terrorism” is taboo because it legitimises radical islamic terror.??????? Squark was simply providing the spook with a series of prompts to denounce Trump as “delusional”. Time will tell in relation to Trump. The spook has essentially opened a window into his own mind with his delusional “It’s nothing to do with islam”. A lot of the perpertrators of non “radical islamic terrorism” seem to have Big Beards. Perhaps the term should be Big Beard terrorism.
Someone would then argue that not all big bearded persons commit big bearded terrorism. All these men merely represent a “perversion of Bigbeardedness”
Who knows? Maybe they are not really terrorists either – merely highly proactive euthanasiaists.
Tweet from September 24
What happened with this Brexit Hate crime?
Just acquitted
Self Defence
According to the report, he knocked him down then hit him two more times. Don’t know the full facts, but the problem is that I have no faith in British “Justice” so can’t trust the result.
Just been listening to You and Yours mercilessly flogging one of the BBC’s many worthy socialist causes ‘How do you make ends meet if you are disabled?’ – always a good one for bashing the heartless Tories and their unnecessary attempts to bring some kind of sanity to the country’s ongoing ‘living the life of a rock star on a window cleaner’s wages’ spending binge.
One caller – a woman – spoke of how she and her two children suffer from ‘high-functioning something-or-other’ (didn’t quite catch the disability) and how she only eats twice a week in order for them to survive. She claimed her childcare costs amount to more than her ‘housing costs’ (didn’t elaborate).
As the call progressed she let slip that she is a part-time lecturer in Social Something-or Other and has a PhD in law.
Now the mid-point on the salary scale for a qualified lecturer is around £30k a year, so assuming she works 3 days a week that would be an £18k income. She also quickly slipped in that her childcare costs are paid for. Both of these points were ignored by the BBC anchor person.
You also got the impression she was a single mother. Either way, what did her spouse/partner/ex earn? If separated/divorced was she getting maintenance and if not, why not? She wasn’t asked.
And what would the government have to cut instead to pay for any extra benefits these people expect? Where is any extra money to come from? Dunno, neither of those was explored either.
The BBC – keeping its listeners in the dark with its world-beating, ‘non-judgemental’, money-tree mentality investigative journalism.
I heard that as well, JTF and my alarm bells started ringing immediately. In fact her story was so full of holes that I concluded she had been recruited by the programme’s editorial/research team just to score political points.
Her ‘disability’ incidentally was that she claimed to be a ‘high functioning autistic’ as were several of her children. I smell a rat.
GC – I think that would be the Common Rat, known for its purposefulness (Rattus Decepticus).
Thing is what the bbc does isn’t clever. Do they think not mentioning and glossing over fools anyone? Really?
“mid point as a qualified lecturer is around £30k a year”
and just how many academics do you think are on the official scale??
if its anything like here the answer is exactly 0
unless shes working at some faux institution of higher education
+ you forgot to add child allowance * 2 + pip * 3 probably/possibly
Paul Mason left the BBC so who would be filming his new panned show for a TV special ?
“What a waste of our cash”
So there I was, sitting with my back against the wall at the Young Vic, ready to watch Paul Mason in his new play Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere. To my left was a cameraman and a large fixed TV camera. I looked over to the right and saw another camera and then, to my far left, another. Clearly, we were being filmed.
Why? The question became even more perplexing after I sat through the “play”, which is really just Paul Mason and his co-star, his ego, recreating covering the likes of Greece and Occupy Wall Street as an economics reporter, originally for Newsnight. But Mason has been freelance for a while and, with his lefty politics, he could no longer report for the Beeb…
Oh and it still seems very quiet on the Assad protest front?
Remember Obama and the, ‘Red Line’?
There are such a lot of hypocritical bastards out there. So selective with their, oh so righteous, indignation. Such brave warriors.
Listening Old style BBC = Better INformed
.. Listening to SJW-BBC = more DIS-informed
1987 The more you listened to Old-Style-BBC
..The more INFORMED you were
2017 The more you listen to SJW-BBC
..The more DIS-INFORMED you are
Remember ?
– when they used to cater for all, not just pet issues.
– When they you used to have balance instead of just inviting their mates.
– Where merit depended on talent, not virtue signalling.
Has the Croydon story been changed to a mere gang incident now? It was only ‘believed’ to have involved a comment about asylum, mere belief being a get out of jail card now those alternative facts have got in the way of a good story.
So, the drunken yobs see the young man at the bus stop. Which of the two scenarios seems more likely to you?
Scenario A
“Oi mate! Check y fuckin’ self? Give us a fag, bruv. Why you looking at my bird you prick? I’m gonna fuck you up for looking at me like that!”
Scenario B
“Pardon me, chap. My chums and myself were discussing the excessive ambit of the Human Rights Act and our conversation progressed to the parlous state of the immigration system. Perchance, could you inform me of your asylum status? Pending, you say! Right you are in for a damned good thrashing!”
I had a run in with the BBC recently regarding some blatantly unfair prejudice towards the director Mel Gibson and his film, Hacksaw Ridge.
Basically Film 2017 were meant to review the Oscar winning film but decided against doing so and instead used the opportunity to make a Holocaust denial dig at Mel. From claiming to be accurate and impartial, they deliberately chose to not review a film about a staggeringly brave individual just because of their prejudice towards the director.
From my initial complaint through to it being escalated up to the editorial complaints director, the excuse moved from it not being shown due to time constraints on a live programme through to an astonishing level of research to back up Charlie Brooker’s claim that ‘Denial is a film that Mel Gibson needed to see’ and demonstrate to me that the film review had been sidelined just to allow Charlie to ‘land’ his joke.
Now I appreciate that the BBC can review whatever films they want but the principle of this really annoys me.
My grievance isn’t the sleight against Mel Gibson but rather what their problem with him actually led to. The tale of Desmond Doss is amazing and inspirational and one that I feel needs to be seen by many. Clearly some others agree given its Oscar nominations.
The idea that the BBC would hinder the promotion of this real life hero simply because of their negative hostility towards Mel and a desire to tell a juvenile joke is flat out wrong. Why are the BBC, an organisation funded to the tune of £3 billion a year by the British public, the dictatorial arbiters of what we can and cannot see depending on who they have an ‘issue’ with? Should they not be rising above their own personal vendettas when presenting a spread of films for review? Are they even handed with their virtuous moralising? Do they practice this same filtering with other controversial directors like Woody Allen or Roman Polanski?
It really does ask the question that if the BBC are prepared to blatantly ignore their own guidelines on impartiality and accuracy just to gain a cheap laugh, what are they prepared to do when commenting/reporting on an issue, policy or even public decision that they really disagree with?
Happy to provide the actual email thread between myself and the BBC if people wanted to independently review this.
Come on OFCOM.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If they had to operate like a normal business and did not rely on the poll tax licence fee they would treat their customers better.
They don’t give a damn what we think. They are totally unaccountable, can do what they like and get their money anyway
“…Why are the BBC, an organisation funded to the tune of £3 billion a year by the British public, the dictatorial arbiters of what we can and cannot see depending on who they have an ‘issue’ with?”
Politics, or as I wrote in a post to Guido earlier today…
Like many here, I never waste an opportunity to stick the boot right in the face of the hateful BBC. Even though the below was a response to an unrelated matter (I happen to be a fan of Mr Gibson’s film directing, if not his personal views), I felt many here might appreciate my more general sentiments towards to the BBC…
“…The BBC can no longer recognise how out-of-touch and completely irrelevant it is to the vast majority of its license payers; it doesn’t speak their language and it cares even less for their concerns. Gobbling up £billions of free money every year (obtained by demanding it with menaces), why should it care about anyone who doesn’t share their regressive socialist values? It simply doesn’t have to.
Thus, it has become less a broadcaster, much more a political activist. It ceaselessly virtue signals to its narrow regressive audience; it talks to itself and amongst itself, whilst pretending to entertain notions of ‘diversity’ (but absolutely no diversity of opinion allowed) and it thinks nothing of blatantly parading its vicious anti-Brexit stance for all to see. Like it’s daring us to call it out – knowing, all the while, that it is safe from any serious criticism from a spineless media and equally cowardly politicians.
The BBC hates the United Kingdom; it detests all notions of nationhood, it despises white people, it cannot ever – ever – forgive the people of the UK who voted to leave its beloved EU project (and it will punish them at every opportunity), it is aggressively pro-immigration, pro EU, pro ‘climate change’ (whatever that is this week) and it’s a dependable defender of the Religion of Peace, no matter that religion’s outrages, no matter the evidential contradictions of the BBC’s cultural equivalency when it comes to (not) speaking about Islam.
The BBC are a truly hateful, toxic cancer – but they know they control the medium and whoever controls the medium controls the message.
I posted that here: https://order-order.com/2017/04/04/neil-coyles-spicy-pricey-spanish-sausage/#disqus_thread
I read in the Guardian that Tammi-Grey Thompson will be in charge of a £100 million budget to increase diversity. A hundred million! She has a degree in politics, how would she know how to manage a budget like that? Or does having a wheelchair suddenly make you qualified to balance a budget on that scale? For all Trump’s offensiveness he sure knows how to balance a budget, and so much comes down to that.
How could it cost that much? I guess all you need is a few expensive ‘consulatants’ to provide their expertise on that rigorous topic of ‘diversity’ and the money will be burned through in no time.
It’s not like the BBC are constantly moaning there is not enough money for the Police, NHS and everything else. Could you not do as good a job on £50 million? I guess you do not need to worry when you have a money tree like the Beeb has.
The tiresome Ms Thompson recently featured in one of David Keighley’s excellent articles on Conservative Woman:
It is outrageous that the BBC squanders our money in this way. Though I suppose it will be a relief when the Corporation finally implements its fairness policy for real – and we stop seeing minorities hugely overrepresented on our screens!
Well, if the Nigerian born, BBC travel presenter Ade Adepitan can travel the world in a wheelchair and needing special facilities at our expense, then nothing surprises me. Most wheelchair bound users never get the chance to cross the Channel never mind the opportunity to fly around the world, so Adepitan would be far better put to use sussing out the facilities in this country for the disabled than watching the Carnival in Rio !!
3:30 R4 heap is doing another Project Sneer at Brexit prog
..this time about fishing http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08kv4bf
Actual title sounds positive : “Could Brexit save the fishing industry ?”
but you know what he’s like
” will our Brexit negotiators focus on maintaining markets for big businesses like finance and the car industry, offering our fish stocks as sacrificial prawns?” (that’s a leading Qn of course
That was after epsiode2 of the : ‘sneer at the older white males’ drama
11:00pm is “Bridget Christie returns in another series of her multi-award winning series about modern FEMINISM.”
balanced I guess not
“She’s assisted in this by the series’ token man, Fred MacAulay.”
Then 11:30pm more Hippies in Stroud
“the owner of a health food shop opened in 1927 to a New Zealand artist who’s made the town his home, people seem to agree that there’s something rather special about Stroud.”
“Marine Le Pen accused Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis of wanting war “at all costs”
Mm Le Pen always comes across as highly eloquent. I particularly like the final line in that article: ‘the EU is shining with the light of a dead star.’
Here’s the interview
Thanks. Marine is a smart cookie. Idiots like Maitlis are stuck in the past. They cannot believe that the world is moving ahead and leaving them behind. They are yesterday’s people .
Fantastic. I especially love her rebuke “Who are you? Do you want to start WW3!” The look on Emilie’s face was priceless ?
Scotland Yard is flummoxed. The Metropolitan Police, despite vast resources and some of the world’s best detectives are completely stumped. They have been forced to admit that they ‘may never know what motivated’ Khalid Masood to murder four people and attack Parliament.
If only there were clues as to why a Muslim convert who had lived in Saudia Arabia, stronghold of violently extremist Wahhabi Islamic teaching, who became radicalised in prison, and who copied Islamic terrorist methods used in continental Europe, would murder infidels and attack the seat of democracy. It’s a mystery.
A nice article which fails to explain why the Tories are allowing this insanity to carry on.
A slightly different explanation might be that the Met has a set of conditions which are supposed to be met to confirm this was an Islamic attack, such as shouting Allah hu Akbar or leaving some kind of note / video recording. An inflexible system means that they cannot think outside the box regardless of the evidence.
Nothing to do with the BBC but its worth a chuckle.
The Tory MP, Gavin Barwell, who called the recent asylum attackers ‘scum’. We don’t know if he called them scum for just being black?!?
Well now he tweeting this
judging by the comments he will probably be looking for a new job very soon.
So just to recap, its not OK to take the law into your own hands if you don’t like immigrants but it is OK to take the law into your own hands if you do like immigrants.
Gavin Barwell MP is clearly a right-on, virtue signalling tool. It makes no odds whether he identifies as Conservative, Labour, Liberal or trans. He is a pathetic, self-hating member of the left wing establishment.
He also looks like the love child of Ian Hislop and a hamster, but it’s wrong to judge people by their looks. Then again, in this case, I’ll make an exception. He looks like a spineless, snivelling little coward, dressed in grown up clothes which are too big for him. And it turns out… that’s exactly what he is.
Remember, whovever you vote for, the government always gets in.
If Gav is so enamoured with the graffiti perhaps he could cover his house in it, or even reflect his generous sentiment on a few signs in his garden, adding the word ‘here’.
Then sit back and enjoy the enrichment he so dearly craves as it flocks into his living room and starts setting up camp on his lawn.
The so-called Conservative leader of Croydon Council has some choice words about this incident in this article in the Daily Telegraph titled:
“Croydon is a welcoming community – we will not stand idly by while hateful thugs sully our home”.
He seems pleased that some of Croydon’s schools have as many as 40 languages spoken by the children. Call me simple, but how does that amount of diversity do anything for social cohesion.
His comments could come from someone on the left of the LibDems.
Restroom mole
Marxist slogans have gone downhill since the collapse of the Soviet union.
“Workers of the world unite” “All power to the Soviets”. At least they were fulfillable platitudes in a socialist la-la land. But “diversity is unity” and the classic “diversity is our strength” from the Canadian Clown are a strict contradictio in se and utter nonsense. “Let all circles be squares”. These people are supposed to be intellectually sophisticated. How can they produce such crap and be taken seriously by anyone? In the Tower of Babel story, god confounded the speech of man because one people with one language could achieve anything, threatening even god.
“diversity is our strength”
I keep hearing the words, but quite frankly where is the evidence?
any evidence at all?
we now have millions of people whose attachment to this country is purely financial, and when the shit finally hits the fan, they will be off to rape some other sucker
I had the misfortune to catch a dose of VD this morning whilst she was encouraging the feminazis to lobby for a football manager to be sacked because of an off-the-cuff comment he made a month ago.
Obviously the bBBC fulfilling its Charter obligations on impartiality.
Any comments about the way muslim men treat women ? It is not ok for a non-muslim man to make a stupid comment about slapping. But it is ok for a muslim man to beat his women and, in some cases murder them. Strange logic.
Sir Arthur
Is there an STI clinic nearby at which you can get treatment? A long term cure is the off-switch.
I wonder if anyone can think of a positive Brexit story or comment from the BBC ?
Sorry, I’ll have to pass on that question. As they say on Eastenders, thinking about it has done my head in.
Judging by the lack of response, you are not the only one !
Grant, it might be easier to make the challenge to find the most negative or obscure brexit story. My money is on that fool on breakfast TV who linked the decline of British hedgerows to brexit.
I didn’t hear about that one. Are you sure you heard right and it wasn’t hedgehogs ? Oops, I have given them an idea now.
Slaphead, and forgetting about “balance”…
“The bias I worry about most is the bias against understanding,” he says.
Ha ha ha.
Oh my aching sides.
Nick, you are such a tease!
We have to rename him “Pompous Prick “. What a patronising tosser.
BBC really making a big thing about Moyes and his comment about giving a BBC reporter a ‘slap’.
Having now heard the clip the pair of them were having a giggle together and it was nothing like the menacing threat which earlier reporting had led me to believe.
Leftie horror VD is apparently agitating for women to pressure the club to get Moyes sacked.
How sad that if every single woman in the UK and asked the BBC to sack VD they would never comply.
I know that the following may be controversial, and even distateful, however I have a family impacted by cancer. All I can say about VD is I hope she is one of the 17% that doesn’t survive 10 years after being diagnosed with breast cancer, as there appear to be plenty more deserving people that should be in the 83% that do survive. To think that she may statistically reduce someone else’s chance just doesn’t seem right.
On the six o’clock news on Radio 4 they report on the hate attack. They mention the name of the victim three times with relish ‘Reike AHMED.’ They named the British sounding names who had been charged with the assault. The detail as to exactly what sparked the assault is not mentioned today, but I somehow think they might be trying to put thoughts in our heads.
Prick Robinson says the BBC “would not represent both sides of an argument if one is wrong in their view “.
It is noticed even closer to home:
“It would be interesting to know who signs off Nick’s thoughts on the BBC’s editorial responsibilities.”
Like too much else, one of the BBC’s little secrets, no doubt, and hence FOI exempted.
Must be nice to basically say or do what you want with zero accountability or challenge. Imagine if other public sector entities did that?
Speaking of the BBC’s unique relationship with accountability, transparency, trust and stuff…
“There’s quite a lot of detail in the BBC’s Publication scheme – but very little publication”
Maybe they exempted themselves? Like they say they got it about right. A lot.
Prick Robinson says the BBC “would not represent both sides of an argument if one is wrong in their view”
That’s interesting. It clearly explains why the BBC do not feel the need to put both sides of the argument on Brexit, man-made global warming, mass immigration, the muslim colonization of Britain, or indeed any other topic on which their right-on, left liberal mindset could possibly be challenged.
Working in the left wing echo chamber of the BBC must be the nearest thing to having a lobotomy without going under the knife. We need to save these people. End the BBC now!
I posted that quote above. Also it is a blatant admission of BBC bias. I think the first I have ever seen from a Beeboid. There is no way they could wriggle out of that one. I would love to see the Trolls defend that quote. It must be quoted again and again to Beeboids. It is not even open to interpretation.
Former CIA director John Brennan delivers the Richard Dimpleby Lecture tonight. I suppose the BBC fired off the invite when he became President Trump’s fiercest critic last November.