e.g. Peter Gunter, a North Texas State University professor, wrote in 1970, “Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.”
Paul Ehrlich’s name features a lot – a helluva lot. Funny, but it was only a few weeks ago he was being quoted by the BBC like he was some kind of eco-guru.
Not exactly the most accurate predictions of all time. As for that clown Ehrlich, the BBC do not give a damn about anyone’s track record. All that matters is if the person tells them what they want to hear.
\\Even a national treasure like Nick Robinson has no authority to make up — sorry, ‘interpret’ BBC policy on the hoof. Still, given that a recent News Watch study of items focusing on the EU referendum in 40 editions of Newsnight (between January and March) found that producers gave twice as much space to pro-EU supporters than Leave supporters, it’s probably for the best that they don’t claim an attempt at balance.//
About 90% of the comments are highly critical of Robinson and the BBC. The most popular theme being that if the BBC no longer has the duty to remain impartial why should people have the duty to pay the License Fee. A hard argument to combat unless you are the supercilious, arrogant BBC.
Here we go again
The headline on the six o’clock news was the gas attack by the regime in north west Syria.
As always, showing mainly children affected.
Of course, the Beeb took the story from the Syrian Observatory Of Human Rights based in Coventry which we all know is another beauty. Quote, “One could not fathom a more unreliable, compromised, biased source of information, yet the “Observatory” has served as the sole source of information for the endless torrent of propaganda emanating from the Western media.”
The white helmets (part time terrorist ) also giving the media their unbiased view of the attack. Which of course every word is swallowed hook line and sinker by the BBC, MSM and the UN
“Ofcom…. is a New Labour cabal. Presumably that’s why it wants to meddle with Radio 2, Middle Britain’s favourite station.
The self-styled ‘elite’ don’t really like the people of Middle Britain, who resolutely refuse to do as they are told and insist on supporting a Tory Government and voting to leave the EU.
Perhaps Ofcom believes that by forcing Radio 2’s 15 million-strong weekly audience to consume more ‘news’ they will become better educated and embrace ‘progressive’ political views.”
Maybe that’s why so many in the BBC agree with Nick?
I have successfully weaned myself off all BBBC TV news, seven days a week unless under duress.
However there is plenty of bias to enjoy (?!) in most of their other output.
The BBC News broadcast of this story, “Graphene-based sieve turns seawater into drinking water includes the claim that the provision of clean drinking water is a “human right”. If that is the case how is it to be ensured that it is available to all? Whose responsibility? Who to pay, at whatever cost? Irrespective of the behaviour/actions of those short of that right?
Another demand upon the magic money tree, I suppose.
It would appear that BBC favourite and professional snowflake, Prickstock, is surprised that his view from inside the ‘bubble’ isn’t appreciated outside the M25.
Thanks for that Number 7. Some good comments I agree, particularly those that point out comedy should see the funny side of everything. Sadly most ‘comedians’ nowadays are simply leftist lay preachers, using stand-up as a secular pulpit.
The BBC/Guardian has a daft argument running on loop. They roll it out when ever they can’t think of anything disparaging about Trump or Brexit.
It runs along the lines of, ‘more people die every morning from cycling around their bathrooms than are killed by Muslim terrorists.’
To which Guardian writers and BBC producers will nod sagely and say see, it doesn’t matter if Muslim terrorists kill anyone, or drive our countries into Sharia law.
The latest is Yuval Noah Harari, a Jewish gentleman on Newsnight. He tells us that we should be worried about obesity more than terrorism, as it kills more people. Well yes, Yuval, it does indeed, but you know what? We want both to stop. So how does ignoring either threat help stop it?
In addition: we are prevented (by the government) from taking personal action against the cause of this terrorism, as a reaction to the cowardice of that self same government; which allows Muslims to act with impunity in the UK yet comes down like falling masonry on Britons who display even the merest inkling publicly, of not signing up to their programme for the future of this country and its society.
BBC Hard Talk, where Stephen Sackur gives prominent people a grilling. Tough questioning to expose the truth. Tonight Hard Talk celebrates its 20th anniversary. In the spotlight is Sir Ian McKellan, actor and homosexual activist. Hard Talk suddenly becomes sycophantic Soft Talk.
Does Sackur challenge McKellan that most people around the world disagree with the promotion of homosexuality? Or the restrictions to our freedom of speech imposed by the LBGT movement? Of course not! Rather he eggs him on: “82 of the top 100 Hollywood films in 2015 did not have a LBGT character. Do we need a hashtag ‘Oscars so straight’?”
The half hour of sycophancy ends thus: McKellan says he goes into a school and, speaking to teenagers about being gay, they say “we don’t want labels, we don’t know whether we are gay or not, we may be straight one day, gay the next”. And I said “That’s the future”.
Sackur: “That’s a wonderful way to end”
Gender dysphoria for our kids, what a beautiful prospect, in the eyes of the BBC.
bBBC gleeful over the possibility that a right wing journalist has been shot down….otherwise why is it covered on a uk website homepage? Is the uk really that interested in Fox News?
Sadly, I think he will be exiting stage left. Hope Tucker has no skeletons in his closet cos the vermin will be rooting around for it.
Further to my comment….the bBBC must wet their collective pants over the free and fluent way in which Fox presenters express their views, grill politicians and activists and other news channels and criticise liberals and Obama. I just wish they would have someone from the bbc on as a guest!
I shameful the BBC trying to get Moyes in trouble over his slap comments. He was clearly joking if you listen to the clip – everyone laughed at it.
I am sick to death of professional offence takers stopping anyone from making a joke. Life is hard, how can you get through it without humour? Political correctness is tyranny with manners.
“Man suffers the most of all the animals as he has invented laughter.” Nietzsche.
I am afraid most of you with tellies will have to suffer more of this bollocks as sports reporting becomes increasingly feminised.
If a female reporter is truly interested in a sport and has gone to the trouble of educating herself about it then more power to her elbow. But I think this whole process is more about making diversity points rather than a serious attempt at sports journalism.
I expect the reason why this policy has been pushed so far is because sport is one of the last bastions of “maleness” within western societies. The libs and sisters have broken and subdued everything else so I suppose once football and rugby has been cowed it is job done.
Islam is the last bastion of maleness in Western Society. ooops, sorry, I forgot, it is not part of Western Society so the spineless Lefties and sistas have an excuse. My God , they are pathetic.
By the way, when are we having the first female manager of a men’s football team ?
Oaknash-I expect that the real last bastion of sports male supremacy Gary Lineker’s ” Match of the Day” will come under more and more attack from the feminist, diversity ,positive discrimination department from the BBC. I give Gary one more season before he is replaced by a women.
Grant and Foscari – I expect that once the sistas and their poisonous, limp wristed, BBC loving libtard friends have totally emasculated the existing male population of the West it will be a stand off between the Religion of peace armed with their (sharia approved) wife beating rods and the Sistas armed with hard back copies of the The Female Eunuch – I know where I will be putting my money!
Oaknash – feminism has always had a libertarian/authoritarian split. My guess is the libertarian side, which argues for ‘slut walks’, abortion on demand, casual sex etc will gradually become frowned on (this could be done by implying that they are male ideas to turn women into sex objects) and the authoritarian side will take over, and promote ideas such as wearing the veil and having a large family, not going out to work etc are all perfectly in keeping with feminist values.
It’s bad enough as it is for us long suffering Sunderland supporters without having the pc lot getting themselves terribly distressed at a mild poor attempt at some sort of workplace banter.
The BBC, being institutionally anti-semitic, are bound to support Ken’s hate crime.
Meanwhile, BBC Website ” Is David Moyes in trouble ? “. I was expecting “Are muslim men in trouble ? “. Can’t find it. Just another day in the wacky world of the perverts at the BBC.
Think your talking rubbish Deborah. The ermine loving humanitarian and socialist Barones Chakrabarti CBE – gave Labour a full bill of health on just this issue. Funny how she got her ennoblement so soon after publishing her report.
I heard that there used to be a character in Germany a few years ago called Heinrich Himmler. I understand he was good fun too!
S.J.H yes the heat has risen, one might almost think there is an election coming up and the bbc want to steer the result towards their political stance? But, of course, the bbc doesn’t have a political stance so what am I saying?
Amidst all the fuss over Ken Livingston’s racism and yet another Labour party whitewash we have the ever reliable Baroness Shami Chakrabarti being asked to comment and she said “Labour is the party of both equality and natural justice”
Ha ha ha, ha ha ha
P.S. Sorry Oaknash, just spotted your similar post made earlier
The headline from today’s BBC’s website business pages: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39500525
“McCarthy & Stone blames Brexit for tumbling profits”.
But when you actually read the story, M&S actually blames the uncertainty caused by the Referendum and not Brexit, which of course will only happen in two years from now.
Moreover, the company now reports a strong order book and expects to meet sales targets in 2017 and 2018!
You can expect a lot of companies blaming Brexit for management failure and other factors. Sophisticated and institutional investors will not fall for it
Don’t fall for any of that guff. Every failing company will play the Brexit get out of jail free card from now on.
Just do what anyone can do, and it’s free: go to Companies House website and do a company check. You don’t even need to sign in. You can see the directors, the accounts, any filed paperwork.
If us plebs can do such a thing, why not any so-called journalists? Are they too busy checking their Twatter feed and posting selfies?
Here is today’s Hijib story.
This one is a bit unusual for the BBC because they also include ‘sex’ into the article many times (which they are obsessed about) but this is showing Muslim woman being oppressed by the Muslim men. As the article was released at 2am so I guess this slipped past the pro-Muslim editors.
Muslim women who are coerced to sleep with a Muslim stranger to remarry??, but “talaq” 3 times gets you out kicked out anyway??.
“Marriage”?? just like everything else in Islam … fake
We should outlaw this cult of sharia, a perfect opportunity to do so right now … its under review the facts alone should get it expanded.
One problem … Imams on the review, and their “captive of the right hand” – Sharia “Saud prosperity is our prosperity” May
Some actual opera on the BBC would be nice.Like they used to do.I saw the Ring cycle live act by act over many weeks and Jessye Norman live from the Met and my love of opera was ignited .Just a poor cockney Eastender .Whod have thought it. BBC2 in those days was fantastic.
I heard Jessye Norman at the Proms; the prommers absolutely loved her. In those days colour didn’t matter (I know that the snowflakes would say that it did) but Jessye was judged on her performance and not the colour of her skin, and it was fantastic.
“a small minority of Muslims who subscribe to the concept of a triple talaq.
They believe halala is the only way a couple who have been divorced, and wish to reconcile, can remarry.
Halala involves the woman marrying someone else, consummating the marriage and then getting a divorce – after which she is able to remarry her first husband.
But in some cases, women who seek halala services are at risk of being financially exploited, blackmailed and even sexually abused.”
“They went to the mosque, there was apparently a designated room where they did this stuff and the imam or whoever offers these services, slept with her and then allowed other men to sleep with her too.”
I see where this is going. Islamic sharia courts investigated by Treezer’s Imams will be told to clean up their act. The Moslem Council will support this and Treezers inquiry will conclude that sharia is OK now it is willing to clean itself up a bit
Strikes me like the soldier who’s out of step and expects the rest to drop a step for him.
If Muslims want Sharia – there is a simple answer. Can you guess what it is?
Muslim women who are coerced to sleep with a Muslim stranger to remarry??, but “talaq” 3 times gets you out kicked out anyway??.
“Marriage”?? just like everything else in Islam … fake
We should outlaw this cult of sharia, a perfect opportunity to do so right now … its under review the facts alone should get it expanded.
One problem … Imams on the review, and their “captive of the right hand” – Sharia “Saud prosperity is our prosperity” May,
R5 Special interview with David Milliband
He’s ranting against Brexit.
I switch to BBC2
…there a Labour peer barones Hollis is ranting against Brexit.
It’s LibMob’s BBC
BBC chair stunt
They ended item by thanking the Labour, Liberal guest, and empty chair with a huge”vacant” sign
They said the government had declined to come.
Funny cos at the start of the item they’d had a livefeed interview with a Conservative peer who is raising the issue in the Lords tomorrow.
Isn’t it right the government speaks to the parliament first rather than usurp that peers question on TV ?
Ironic really cos on the issue of BBC complaints on their own complaints progs frequently have the line “the BBC declined to supply someone to comment”
Actually found a bit of balance on bbc WS.
A ‘leaver’ economist and one from Open Britain, he argued that a bad deal is better than no deal. The ‘lever’ successfully argued that having a bad deal was nonsense and suggested that the other was motivated by Remain doctrine. The presenter kept out of it – SHOCKING!
Well !
I just watched an Al Beeb News censored version of Farage’s input at the EU Parliament, just now at the pub.
Some cropping and sound problems . You just cant make it up – very amature .
Anyone who has access to the original will see the difference .
I do ‘hope’ that our Government has spotted the difference ?
Ministers, who’s side is Al Beeb on Great Britain or the EU ?
Alas, not in the pub with you and didn’t see it, but saw the uncut version on YouTube. Nigel on good form. Love it when he gets called the order for comparing the EU to the mafia and then changes it to “gangsters”. Great stuff, he is too smart for these plodding dimwits.
They cut his ‘retort’ at the end.
One should consider what has been censored in the past by the so called ‘impartial’ broadcaster before the advent of the internet?
Anyway there is a good HYS running here ………. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39501876
Anybody notice Treezer’s meeting with the rulers of Saudi Arabia? Headscarfless! Perhaps she reserves use of the headscarf only for developing islamic states and such meetings in the UK.
She`s put a finger in the air and/or has been advised how well it played in France when Marine Le Pen refused to see the Grand Mufti of Lebanon during a visit to Beirut due to an insistence on her wearing the rag of submission.
It appears she`s actually stood up for her own culture and as a Christian refused to submit to Islamic custom (be interesting to see if it was just for the cameras)
Number 7 posted this above and, having read the linked article and some of the comments, I find myself musing on the Liberal Left Nervous Breakdown:
“On a less serious note.
It would appear that BBC favourite and professional snowflake, Prickstock, is surprised that his view from inside the ‘bubble’ isn’t appreciated outside the M25.
Firstly, the Liberal Left know they are under attack from their own side, which they label as ‘the Right’ because that is traditionally what the opponents of ‘the Left’ have lazily been labelled as. They also label ‘the Middle’ as ‘the Right’ either from ignorance or a deliberate desire to obfuscate or because, simplistically, take everyone who is ‘Left’ within a people group must leave the rest of the population as ‘Right’.
Secondly, ‘the Middle’ – a lazy label from me for those who refuse or do not fit a label of Left or Right, are very much in recovery and with some control in the UK at present after decades of decline. In addition, there is a chance (risk, as far as the Left are concerned) that a growing number of the bulk of the population might join this ‘Middle’ and take overwhelming and possible long-term control.
Thirdly, thanks to the Internet, computers, tablets and cell-phones individuals in the world can communicate on a relatively cheap and unedited basis with other individuals around the world, mostly in total freedom. Not in every country, but even where totalitarian rule holds power over the Internet, there is the likelihood of leakage and a growth of increasing awareness.
What is the likely response?
Well in the case of the Internet, there seems to be a subtle campaign via broadcast hints as well as statements from politicians and others about controls or shut-downs or restrictions, such as self-censorship. For evidence, just listen or re-listen to the final two hours of the TODAY programme from this morning (BBC Radio 4, 7-9am) and listen for a reference to the Internet and/or on-line.
Elsewhere, there is a high likelihood of increasing physical violence as evidenced by the news from around the country but especially in London, over the last two weeks.
The Left claims that there is a growing crisis: that has been a constant feature of BBC broadcasting since late summer 2016. They are trying to label the other ‘the Right’ as the cause of this. It strikes me now that their responses such as attacking others verbally via comedy or via restrictions or penalties (eg. the Mayor of London’s sudden and irrational attack on diesel cars) may be down to one thing.
People being people, human nature and attention spans being what they are – it’s inevitable that rather than obey the constant and increasingly tiresome calls to storm the Winter Palace, people will opt to go for an ice cream instead.
Seeing what is now being said by the countries of Europe, people, I think, are seeing that the EU Emperor isn’t naked but wearing an S&M gimp suit.
Yep. Brigstock et al could provide a recycling route for rotten eggs and fruit and veg. Don’t leave his show, take direct action and pelt him with rotten eggs etc. Show these liberal left pricks that we sick of their arrogance. Take action and fight back.
Brigstocke et al, on air and in person have spread the bbc’s toxic, anti British philosophy far and wide. Made it positively compulsory to laugh and sneer at anything vaguely supportive of this country, it’s people and it’s values.
Anyone can do their comedy. Try this.
I say I say, what rhymes with pint of beer? – Roars of laughter.
Nigel Farage – hysterical laughter.
And Brexit – uncontrollable laughter.
Farage’s wife is not English- Howls of laughter.
Funny how they cannot squeeze a joke about the clever people of London who voted for a Mayor whose religion informs him that the Earth is flat and the sun sets in a muddy pool each night
Anti-Brexit jokes are killing their careers ????? perhaps they should stop telling them then, and try being funny instead ! its not sodding rocket science.
Can you imagine Bernard Manning whingeing on this level ? no, me neither.
But Bernard Manning was grown up. Why can’t all these Leftie BBC “comedians” be more like Harry Hill. I suppose it is because they do not have the talent.
Top post. The Left are in shock at what is happening. They are nervous and panicky and increasingly desperate. So they are lashing out in all directions. In some ways it is funny to watch them throwing their toys out of the pram. But it is dangerous too. Luckily , they are too stupid to realise that the more extreme they become, the more they alienate the “undecided”. The Left learn nothing from history which is why they try and re-write it.
Hidden punishments for TV licence abstainers.
If you get fined.
.. And later get raped or abused you’ll be excluded from the Criminal Injuries Compensation scheme
As having a minor criminal conviction is used as an exclude people.
BTW school holiday fines judgement comes up in Supreme Court tmw.
The BBC is very keen on analysing the Brexit referendum by category: young v old, higher education v lower education, with the tiresome intent of showing Brexit supporters to be old, white, stupid, racist bigots.
I’d be interested in the voting patterns of: People who Do Things – build stuff, run small businesses, make things, vs those who people who Do Nothing but leach off the public teat – civil servants, politicians, journalists, academics.
Your experiences in West Africa may mirror mine in rural South-East Asia — the vast majority of the people here are busy Doing Things – growing stuff, making stuff, building stuff, moving stuff, buying and selling in markets, and they are wary of anything that smacks of ‘government’ or ‘big business’ and would rather be left alone.
In the West, the people who Do Nothing represent a huge proportion of society, and regard themselves above the people who Do Things both intellectually and morally, which is why, for example, they are in such an unglued panic about Brexit.
Yes, exactly. And , certainly in Gambia and Senegal, Government has a light touch, so far as ordinary people are concerned. Even during the 22 years of Jammeh’s dictatorship in Gambia (I was there on and off for 14 ), the “little people” were relatively unmolested.
Here in the UK, the Government and other bodies stick their noses into all aspects of people’s lives. It is very oppressive. I have an english friend ( yes, I do have some ), who lives in Casamance ( S. Senegal ) and he describes all the Government, bureaucracy, money laundering requirements and all the rest of it as ” the buggeration of living in the UK ” ! Will be meeting him in Gambia after Easter for a few beers and not to discuss the UK !
The BBC has gone overboard to publicise a ‘service of hope and reconciliation ‘ at Westminster Cathedral. A memorial service is understandably too early but what are the liberal- elite trying to tell us by having this service? People died and nothing suggests that this will not happen again. Who or what are Christians reconciling with? Where is the rational evidence for hope? It’s all implicit because no rational or clear explanation is given. The Dean of Westminster repeats the standard lie – ‘we will never know what motivated the attacker’. Well, most sentient Britons who are not Muslims know exactly what motivated the attacker/ murderer. We also see little hope of reconciliation with Islam. Submission yes, reconciliation, no. When will the elite learn and stop this lunacy? We aren’t fooled.
Its all theatre now as soon as a tragedy occurs. Flowers, candles, teddies, memorial services with members of the Royal Family on a 3 line whip to attend, everyone of all faiths determined to link arms and stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ etc etc it never ends. Realistically we all have a date marked out when we each leave this mortal coil, some sooner than others – Aberfan and Lockerbie come to mind; and the rest of us mourn and move on. Families will never forget their deceased loved ones, but is it really necessary to have a public ‘event’, it doesn’t bring them back, and who benefits anyway ?
How can anyone reconcile with islam, why would they even want or need to… since the elites repeated story is that these events are NTDWI?
We are in a strange looking glass world in which events happen, people are killed, there`s always a common thread associated with fundamentalist islam yet no one, but no one can explain this, can draw the inferences, can even acknowledge what`s happening…until the next time…when the avoidance starts all over again.
These services have been high jacked by the liberal left to help with their failing multicultural social engineering. They will try and claim that all those who practise a faith are , in the final analysis , united in God.
The COf E and, now under this Pope , the Catholic Church both face declining adherents and loss of influence so they are keen to participate. If both churches were strong with growing congregations they wouldn’t be so accommodating of multiculturalism nor of Islam.
The steady drift of the Christian churches overhe past fifty or sixty years is a reflection of their growing weakness and irrelevance in Western society. Any attempt to reconcile with Islam will only succeed under terms which are favourable to Islam and will be ditched by Islam as soon as it is expedient to do so.
Mass immigration and multiculturalism are highly likely to be the cause of the decline of the west and of Christianity later this century.
Climate Change – just a thought. Does anyone think that North Korea’s nuclear tests (another immanent) have any effect on the planet?
BTW Dreadful, repressive regime, run by a psychopath – come on you ‘Warriors for Social Justice’, you know who you are. Oh too busy with Brexit and Islamophobia?
Treezer says she will do something to help diesel car owners. Sir David King, the scientist who advised the Blair Government admits they knew of the problems at the time. What a shambles. These useless people could not organise a piss-up in a brewery. It is the Establishment like them who are running our lives.
They knew there was a problem?….can “they” be sued for giving consumer advice that’s turned into another potential “scrappage scheme” at yet more cost to the taxpayers and owners of diesel vehicles.
Yes and what’s more they know there is a problem with speed bumps & tables, other road changes and bad surfaces together with the 20mph limits but they (Government, Local & National together with scientific advisers) are deliberately ignoring all of them.
Recent measures of pollution outside schools has highlighted the fact that speed bumps & tables are a major cause of emissions. If I recall correctly, Liverpool have removed a lot of them in that city and Barnet Council in north London have proposed getting rid of some of theirs.
There is no incentive in the UK to reduce fuel consumption and hence pollution from vehicles because it reduces the tax take.
They knew there was a problem?….can “they” be sued for giving consumer advice that’s turned into another potential “scrappage scheme” at yet more cost to the taxpayers and owners of diesel vehicles.
The reason diesel cars were recommended by the labour government was because of the low co2 emission. All other pollutants didn’t matter.
Everything else was ignored because they wanted to appear to be doing something for the supposed global warming/cooling or whatever it is today.
It’s like the NHS prioritising ingrown toenail operations over heart operations because they give better numbers for their targets, more operations done and waiting lists improve.
These are the types of things that happen with target driven managers. You get all the Arthur Daleys and spivs fiddling figures to make themselves look good.
Right, now they’ve sorted out the diesel from petrol, can we next concentrate on that next biggest con, – semi skimmed milk !
There has never been such an increase in osteoporosis since they started tampering with and watering down the milk ! A big U turn was done on butter, and so it should be with proper milk, we all need calcium and lack of it in semi and skimmed milk has shown an increase in Osteoporosis, an unheard of problem back in my granny’s day.
Has anyone come across a semi skimmed cow ? if so do tell.
Legal and General starting to act as a union bully. You hold a pension scheme with them, or an OEIC or unit trust and they gather your voting rights along with every other member of Joe Public to become one powerful vote. Looks like they have a political agenda. With an EU fawner as their recent new chief to boot.
These are the things they are using your vote for.
Not going to bang on too much about Gambia , but tomorrow is the first free elections to the National Assembly for 22 years. Naturally , I turned to S. 70 of the Elections Act and thought that bbbc readers may feel the UK has something to learn from it. These are excerpts and paraphrased.
The following are prohibited :
Drumming or singing in a public place
Ringing a bell or making a noise resembling it within 500 metres of a polling station
Ditto riding a bicycle
Arriving at a polling station in a state of inebriation
Entering a polling station armed
Wearing a party symbol in the vicinity of a polling station
The last two mean that you don’t get creepy politicians and their hangers-on with their fake smiles spoiling your day out.
Tweet Conversation
Tina Galliadi @galliadi
Replying to @MailOnline
Wow. This is outrageous. As a mom, as a woman. If men think this is ok that are Muslim they really don’t understand their own religion
UKlPvoter @UKlPVoter
Replying to @galliadi and @MailOnline
I think you will find they understand it far better than you ever will.
Tikkun_Timebomb @TikkunTimebomb
Replying to @MailOnline
why the outrage???? this is what you get w/islam and the Muzz… no one should be shocked by this
Muffty @nirbagi
Replying to @MailOnline
Well, it’s the way so why complain now.??
UKlPvoter @UKlPVoter
Replying to @MailOnline
Libtards will bend over backwards to defend this outrageous situation. All their posturing about equal rights will go out of the window.
Jim Chancellor @Chancellorsview
Replying to @MailOnline
What were you expecting? They treat all women as trash.
BanjoBilly @53roop
Replying to @MailOnline
Enjoying your diversity?
Marcus Brigstocke is the archetypal champagne socialist. I can see why his work would go down badly north of the M25.
Much of the best comedy has been subversive. The seminal That Wad The Week That Was bravely lampooned the establishment in an unprecedented manner during the satire boom. Private Eye has no sacred cows and takes on anyone: Tescos stopped stocking the magazine when they kept reporting on their tax-dodging, as did WH Smith’s when they mocked people for blaming paparazzi for Diana’s death whilst salivating over every last detail of her life; the vile James Goldsmith almost bankrupted them when he sued them for defamation. South Park is so admired as it takes on anyone and everyone.
What can you do when you ARE the establishment? You can’t rebel against the oppressors when you are the oppressor. And how properly funny can you be if you have to be politically correct, which puts so many sacred cows off-limits? Satire ought to question those sacred cows in a spirit of anarchy. So instead it all just feels like a sneering in-joke, and the overwhelming majority of people are not in the ‘in’ crowd.
I used to think the same as you about Private Eye, but since Brexit and Trump, it has become much like the rest of the MSM. In particular, Trump was relentlessly slaughtered in every issue from the start of his candidacy to the present. In complete contrast to how Obama was treated (I have an archive going back 15 years).
Ian Hislop has become infected with staphylococcus bbbceus from his time on HIGNFY.
I am reading the current Eye. It is relentlessy anti-Trump and anti-Brexit apart from one small cartoon of a pub called the “Sour Grapes ” with a sign at the door saying “Remainers Welcome “. No doubt Eye can claim it is “balanced” by pointing at that. Just like the BBC. Unfortunately I recently renewed my subscription but wish I hadn’t.
Now #R4MediaShow
Will cricket return to @BBCSport ? @theanalyst Simon Hughes and Alan Lamb join me
@markdamazer talks distinctiveness at the BBC and offers Ofcom a friendly warning
What’s next for @BBCRadio2 ?We look at Ofcom’s proposed to give commercial radio a chance with DJ @therealbrunoB and @Matt
ie R2 ordered to be more newsy so less like a commercial radio station.
with 3 hours/week at peak time
BBC news “One question on everyone’s lips? Why! Hello! Everyone knows why all except the BBC it would seem… A service of hope! More like a service of denial!
“However, Mrs May said the government would still be in charge 😀 of its immigration policy. “What is crucial for the British public, what was part of the vote that they took last year, was that they want to ensure that we have control of our borders and control of our immigration,” she said 😀 😀 😀
“Cameron has given his backing to the new creation of Police Commissioners”
another sparkling Tory er “success”?
“South Yorkshire’s former police and crime commissioner could face a criminal investigation over matters relating to the fallout from the Rotherham child abuse
scandal. The issue centres on claims that Shaun Wright misled MPs about what he knew about the extent of child sexual exploitation in the town when giving evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee in 2015.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission received a referral from the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel in December 2015.
But the IPCC sent it back to the panel on the basis that ‘misleading a select committee would be a contempt of parliament rather than a criminal offence.’ However, the police watchdog has now accepted they ‘misunderstood the extent of Parliamentary immunity’ and the Home Affairs Select Committee has now referred the matter back to the Metropolitan Police Service”
Can t be straighter than that eh?
Its a wicked, wicked web they weave
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
What the BBC would have been reporting back in 1970, under the direction of its 28gatemates.
Go on, ‘ave a good larf….
e.g. Peter Gunter, a North Texas State University professor, wrote in 1970, “Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.”
Paul Ehrlich’s name features a lot – a helluva lot. Funny, but it was only a few weeks ago he was being quoted by the BBC like he was some kind of eco-guru.
Not exactly the most accurate predictions of all time. As for that clown Ehrlich, the BBC do not give a damn about anyone’s track record. All that matters is if the person tells them what they want to hear.
Melanie’s Latest post “Coerced virtue” lies at the heart of all contemporary ideologies
The Spectator article has open comments
I can get past the subscribe popups in Internet explorer but not in Chrome
\\Even a national treasure like Nick Robinson has no authority to make up — sorry, ‘interpret’ BBC policy on the hoof. Still, given that a recent News Watch study of items focusing on the EU referendum in 40 editions of Newsnight (between January and March) found that producers gave twice as much space to pro-EU supporters than Leave supporters, it’s probably for the best that they don’t claim an attempt at balance.//
About 90% of the comments are highly critical of Robinson and the BBC. The most popular theme being that if the BBC no longer has the duty to remain impartial why should people have the duty to pay the License Fee. A hard argument to combat unless you are the supercilious, arrogant BBC.
Here we go again
The headline on the six o’clock news was the gas attack by the regime in north west Syria.
As always, showing mainly children affected.
Of course, the Beeb took the story from the Syrian Observatory Of Human Rights based in Coventry which we all know is another beauty. Quote, “One could not fathom a more unreliable, compromised, biased source of information, yet the “Observatory” has served as the sole source of information for the endless torrent of propaganda emanating from the Western media.”
The white helmets (part time terrorist ) also giving the media their unbiased view of the attack. Which of course every word is swallowed hook line and sinker by the BBC, MSM and the UN
The seam rich within the Farce is…
‘..presumably Ofcom ain’t bovvered that the BBC ain’t ready’
Note the comment on ‘security’. The bunker seems secure. Explains a lot. Excuses little.
Get the feeling they know they are still Teflon?
But wait… more there is…
“Ofcom…. is a New Labour cabal. Presumably that’s why it wants to meddle with Radio 2, Middle Britain’s favourite station.
The self-styled ‘elite’ don’t really like the people of Middle Britain, who resolutely refuse to do as they are told and insist on supporting a Tory Government and voting to leave the EU.
Perhaps Ofcom believes that by forcing Radio 2’s 15 million-strong weekly audience to consume more ‘news’ they will become better educated and embrace ‘progressive’ political views.”
Maybe that’s why so many in the BBC agree with Nick?
“The big cheese at Ofcom writing the new rubric for the BBC is smouldering Kevin Bakhurst, former boss of the BBC News channel (nee News 24).”
I wonder which cabal he owes fealty to?
As I wrote upon my own small site:-
Good site Grandpa, I shall visit regularly.
I have successfully weaned myself off all BBBC TV news, seven days a week unless under duress.
However there is plenty of bias to enjoy (?!) in most of their other output.
Me, too, ages ago. It was surprisingly easy, and I’ve never looked back.
The BBC News broadcast of this story, “Graphene-based sieve turns seawater into drinking water includes the claim that the provision of clean drinking water is a “human right”. If that is the case how is it to be ensured that it is available to all? Whose responsibility? Who to pay, at whatever cost? Irrespective of the behaviour/actions of those short of that right?
Another demand upon the magic money tree, I suppose.
T May refuses to wear hijab in Saud,
meanwhile … in Tipton
BBC Ramping up the innuendo over Assad and Syria.
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights , White Helmets
and the BBC … paragons of honesty
Bit late, Assad crossed their Messianic Obama’s ‘red line’ but nothing happened.
That’s the thing – you’ve got doers and you’ve got talkers.
A little info (more than the bbC gives) behind why that town got gassed inside Syria today:
Syria: Chemical weapons used on a rebel held town
On a less serious note.
It would appear that BBC favourite and professional snowflake, Prickstock, is surprised that his view from inside the ‘bubble’ isn’t appreciated outside the M25.
It’s a shame he hasn’t managed to find West Wales – He’d go down like a bucket of sick at a Furnace RFC Dinner.
Go on Marcus, I dare you.
PS. Some of the comments are good
Thanks for that Number 7. Some good comments I agree, particularly those that point out comedy should see the funny side of everything. Sadly most ‘comedians’ nowadays are simply leftist lay preachers, using stand-up as a secular pulpit.
The BBC/Guardian has a daft argument running on loop. They roll it out when ever they can’t think of anything disparaging about Trump or Brexit.
It runs along the lines of, ‘more people die every morning from cycling around their bathrooms than are killed by Muslim terrorists.’
To which Guardian writers and BBC producers will nod sagely and say see, it doesn’t matter if Muslim terrorists kill anyone, or drive our countries into Sharia law.
The latest is Yuval Noah Harari, a Jewish gentleman on Newsnight. He tells us that we should be worried about obesity more than terrorism, as it kills more people. Well yes, Yuval, it does indeed, but you know what? We want both to stop. So how does ignoring either threat help stop it?
The usual nonsense theories
obesity is personal choice and can be avoided by personal action, islamic terrorism is forced upon us by government inaction
In addition: we are prevented (by the government) from taking personal action against the cause of this terrorism, as a reaction to the cowardice of that self same government; which allows Muslims to act with impunity in the UK yet comes down like falling masonry on Britons who display even the merest inkling publicly, of not signing up to their programme for the future of this country and its society.
BBC Hard Talk, where Stephen Sackur gives prominent people a grilling. Tough questioning to expose the truth. Tonight Hard Talk celebrates its 20th anniversary. In the spotlight is Sir Ian McKellan, actor and homosexual activist. Hard Talk suddenly becomes sycophantic Soft Talk.
Does Sackur challenge McKellan that most people around the world disagree with the promotion of homosexuality? Or the restrictions to our freedom of speech imposed by the LBGT movement? Of course not! Rather he eggs him on: “82 of the top 100 Hollywood films in 2015 did not have a LBGT character. Do we need a hashtag ‘Oscars so straight’?”
The half hour of sycophancy ends thus: McKellan says he goes into a school and, speaking to teenagers about being gay, they say “we don’t want labels, we don’t know whether we are gay or not, we may be straight one day, gay the next”. And I said “That’s the future”.
Sackur: “That’s a wonderful way to end”
Gender dysphoria for our kids, what a beautiful prospect, in the eyes of the BBC.
Did he ask him his opinion of muslims’ attitudes to gays ?
Do you think he will be invited into the Trojan Horse type schools ?
Only on School Stoning Day.
Mercedes, BMW and Hyundai dump O’Reilly Factor amid lawsuits
bBBC gleeful over the possibility that a right wing journalist has been shot down….otherwise why is it covered on a uk website homepage? Is the uk really that interested in Fox News?
Sadly, I think he will be exiting stage left. Hope Tucker has no skeletons in his closet cos the vermin will be rooting around for it.
Further to my comment….the bBBC must wet their collective pants over the free and fluent way in which Fox presenters express their views, grill politicians and activists and other news channels and criticise liberals and Obama. I just wish they would have someone from the bbc on as a guest!
I shameful the BBC trying to get Moyes in trouble over his slap comments. He was clearly joking if you listen to the clip – everyone laughed at it.
I am sick to death of professional offence takers stopping anyone from making a joke. Life is hard, how can you get through it without humour? Political correctness is tyranny with manners.
“Man suffers the most of all the animals as he has invented laughter.” Nietzsche.
I am afraid most of you with tellies will have to suffer more of this bollocks as sports reporting becomes increasingly feminised.
If a female reporter is truly interested in a sport and has gone to the trouble of educating herself about it then more power to her elbow. But I think this whole process is more about making diversity points rather than a serious attempt at sports journalism.
I expect the reason why this policy has been pushed so far is because sport is one of the last bastions of “maleness” within western societies. The libs and sisters have broken and subdued everything else so I suppose once football and rugby has been cowed it is job done.
Islam is the last bastion of maleness in Western Society. ooops, sorry, I forgot, it is not part of Western Society so the spineless Lefties and sistas have an excuse. My God , they are pathetic.
By the way, when are we having the first female manager of a men’s football team ?
Oaknash-I expect that the real last bastion of sports male supremacy Gary Lineker’s ” Match of the Day” will come under more and more attack from the feminist, diversity ,positive discrimination department from the BBC. I give Gary one more season before he is replaced by a women.
Grant and Foscari – I expect that once the sistas and their poisonous, limp wristed, BBC loving libtard friends have totally emasculated the existing male population of the West it will be a stand off between the Religion of peace armed with their (sharia approved) wife beating rods and the Sistas armed with hard back copies of the The Female Eunuch – I know where I will be putting my money!
The Sistas are more likely to be armed with a Koran and convert. They are ridiculous.
To paraphrase Lenin, the sistas are useful eggs
They will increase the birthrate, encouraging the brothers to rape as in Sweden
Oaknash – feminism has always had a libertarian/authoritarian split. My guess is the libertarian side, which argues for ‘slut walks’, abortion on demand, casual sex etc will gradually become frowned on (this could be done by implying that they are male ideas to turn women into sex objects) and the authoritarian side will take over, and promote ideas such as wearing the veil and having a large family, not going out to work etc are all perfectly in keeping with feminist values.
Let’s just replace Gary Lineker period and with a real man.
…. I give Gary one more season before he is replaced by a women….
I’d rather watch Foxy Bingo present MoD than the increasingly big-headed Lineker !
It’s bad enough as it is for us long suffering Sunderland supporters without having the pc lot getting themselves terribly distressed at a mild poor attempt at some sort of workplace banter.
So the Labour Party didnt expel the serial Anti Semite Ken Livingstone. What a surprise.
The BBC all jolly this morning describes Ken as a ” colourful character” all good fun ,nothing to see no Jews were offended.
Meanwhile they viciously attack a football manager for making a joke to woman.
“Oh, that’s just Ken being Adolph”.
The BBC, being institutionally anti-semitic, are bound to support Ken’s hate crime.
Meanwhile, BBC Website ” Is David Moyes in trouble ? “. I was expecting “Are muslim men in trouble ? “. Can’t find it. Just another day in the wacky world of the perverts at the BBC.
Think your talking rubbish Deborah. The ermine loving humanitarian and socialist Barones Chakrabarti CBE – gave Labour a full bill of health on just this issue. Funny how she got her ennoblement so soon after publishing her report.
I heard that there used to be a character in Germany a few years ago called Heinrich Himmler. I understand he was good fun too!
And they ‘quote’, sorry… ‘we’ quote…
The Beebs new obsession with French politics, and their quest to discredit Marine Le Pen, goes into overdrive
“France election: Le Pen and Macron clash over Europe in TV debate”
“Is France’s online far right a threat to democracy?”
“Patriot power: How France’s alt-right seeks to sway election”
Anyone would think the BBC is biased .
S.J.H yes the heat has risen, one might almost think there is an election coming up and the bbc want to steer the result towards their political stance? But, of course, the bbc doesn’t have a political stance so what am I saying?
Amidst all the fuss over Ken Livingston’s racism and yet another Labour party whitewash we have the ever reliable Baroness Shami Chakrabarti being asked to comment and she said “Labour is the party of both equality and natural justice”
Ha ha ha, ha ha ha
P.S. Sorry Oaknash, just spotted your similar post made earlier
The headline from today’s BBC’s website business pages:
“McCarthy & Stone blames Brexit for tumbling profits”.
But when you actually read the story, M&S actually blames the uncertainty caused by the Referendum and not Brexit, which of course will only happen in two years from now.
Moreover, the company now reports a strong order book and expects to meet sales targets in 2017 and 2018!
Lol, from the article “It said forward orders for homes were constrained because of market uncertainty following the Brexit vote.”
Does Brexit make less people become older?
The Sage,
You can expect a lot of companies blaming Brexit for management failure and other factors. Sophisticated and institutional investors will not fall for it
Don’t fall for any of that guff. Every failing company will play the Brexit get out of jail free card from now on.
Just do what anyone can do, and it’s free: go to Companies House website and do a company check. You don’t even need to sign in. You can see the directors, the accounts, any filed paperwork.
If us plebs can do such a thing, why not any so-called journalists? Are they too busy checking their Twatter feed and posting selfies?
Here is today’s Hijib story.
This one is a bit unusual for the BBC because they also include ‘sex’ into the article many times (which they are obsessed about) but this is showing Muslim woman being oppressed by the Muslim men. As the article was released at 2am so I guess this slipped past the pro-Muslim editors.
The women who sleep with a stranger to save their marriage
‘BBC investigates’?
I’ll bet.
Muslim women who are coerced to sleep with a Muslim stranger to remarry??, but “talaq” 3 times gets you out kicked out anyway??.
“Marriage”?? just like everything else in Islam … fake
We should outlaw this cult of sharia, a perfect opportunity to do so right now … its under review the facts alone should get it expanded.
One problem … Imams on the review, and their “captive of the right hand” – Sharia “Saud prosperity is our prosperity” May
A BBC Brexit play?
I wonder how this may pan out… given BBC ‘culture’?
Some actual opera on the BBC would be nice.Like they used to do.I saw the Ring cycle live act by act over many weeks and Jessye Norman live from the Met and my love of opera was ignited .Just a poor cockney Eastender .Whod have thought it. BBC2 in those days was fantastic.
I heard Jessye Norman at the Proms; the prommers absolutely loved her. In those days colour didn’t matter (I know that the snowflakes would say that it did) but Jessye was judged on her performance and not the colour of her skin, and it was fantastic.
VictoriaLive doing’sham Islamic marriage divorce thing’
Before that they did domestic violence
Portrayed as a white persons thing.
“#VictoriaLIVE you piece on domestic violence rings hollow while your silence condones this Quran 4:34, Quran 38:44, Sahih Bukhari 72:715,etc”
@GuessWho Here’s their promoj
“a small minority of Muslims who subscribe to the concept of a triple talaq.
They believe halala is the only way a couple who have been divorced, and wish to reconcile, can remarry.
Halala involves the woman marrying someone else, consummating the marriage and then getting a divorce – after which she is able to remarry her first husband.
But in some cases, women who seek halala services are at risk of being financially exploited, blackmailed and even sexually abused.”
“They went to the mosque, there was apparently a designated room where they did this stuff and the imam or whoever offers these services, slept with her and then allowed other men to sleep with her too.”
I see where this is going. Islamic sharia courts investigated by Treezer’s Imams will be told to clean up their act. The Moslem Council will support this and Treezers inquiry will conclude that sharia is OK now it is willing to clean itself up a bit
Jesus I only just noticed that end bit
” then allowed other men to sleep with her too.”
Strikes me like the soldier who’s out of step and expects the rest to drop a step for him.
If Muslims want Sharia – there is a simple answer. Can you guess what it is?
Muslim women who are coerced to sleep with a Muslim stranger to remarry??, but “talaq” 3 times gets you out kicked out anyway??.
“Marriage”?? just like everything else in Islam … fake
We should outlaw this cult of sharia, a perfect opportunity to do so right now … its under review the facts alone should get it expanded.
One problem … Imams on the review, and their “captive of the right hand” – Sharia “Saud prosperity is our prosperity” May,
R5 Special interview with David Milliband
He’s ranting against Brexit.
I switch to BBC2
…there a Labour peer barones Hollis is ranting against Brexit.
It’s LibMob’s BBC
BBC chair stunt
They ended item by thanking the Labour, Liberal guest, and empty chair with a huge”vacant” sign
They said the government had declined to come.
Funny cos at the start of the item they’d had a livefeed interview with a Conservative peer who is raising the issue in the Lords tomorrow.
Isn’t it right the government speaks to the parliament first rather than usurp that peers question on TV ?
Ironic really cos on the issue of BBC complaints on their own complaints progs frequently have the line “the BBC declined to supply someone to comment”
Actually found a bit of balance on bbc WS.
A ‘leaver’ economist and one from Open Britain, he argued that a bad deal is better than no deal. The ‘lever’ successfully argued that having a bad deal was nonsense and suggested that the other was motivated by Remain doctrine. The presenter kept out of it – SHOCKING!
Victoria’s just about to start discussion about Islamic arranged sex divorces
Lasted few mins only
“Nigel Farage says EU ‘behaving like the mafia’ and ‘holding Britain hostage’ in bitter Strasbourg parliament debate”
How will Al Beeb run with this ?………
We shall see as soon as their researchers read this website and catch up ?
Farage for PM, Rees-Mogg for deputy !
Well !
I just watched an Al Beeb News censored version of Farage’s input at the EU Parliament, just now at the pub.
Some cropping and sound problems . You just cant make it up – very amature .
Anyone who has access to the original will see the difference .
I do ‘hope’ that our Government has spotted the difference ?
Ministers, who’s side is Al Beeb on Great Britain or the EU ?
Alas, not in the pub with you and didn’t see it, but saw the uncut version on YouTube. Nigel on good form. Love it when he gets called the order for comparing the EU to the mafia and then changes it to “gangsters”. Great stuff, he is too smart for these plodding dimwits.
They cut his ‘retort’ at the end.
One should consider what has been censored in the past by the so called ‘impartial’ broadcaster before the advent of the internet?
Anyway there is a good HYS running here ……….
Thank God for the internet and YouTube. No wonder the BBC hate the internet.
Anybody notice Treezer’s meeting with the rulers of Saudi Arabia? Headscarfless! Perhaps she reserves use of the headscarf only for developing islamic states and such meetings in the UK.
G, sending ‘messages’?
Wasn’t her dad a Vicar and she regularly attends CoE Church?
She`s put a finger in the air and/or has been advised how well it played in France when Marine Le Pen refused to see the Grand Mufti of Lebanon during a visit to Beirut due to an insistence on her wearing the rag of submission.
It appears she`s actually stood up for her own culture and as a Christian refused to submit to Islamic custom (be interesting to see if it was just for the cameras)
Treezer is a feminist and wears feminist slogans on her jumper
Number 7 posted this above and, having read the linked article and some of the comments, I find myself musing on the Liberal Left Nervous Breakdown:
“On a less serious note.
It would appear that BBC favourite and professional snowflake, Prickstock, is surprised that his view from inside the ‘bubble’ isn’t appreciated outside the M25.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/04/comedians-tell-anti-brexit-jokes-damaging-careersas-audiences/ ”
Several thoughts have struck me.
Firstly, the Liberal Left know they are under attack from their own side, which they label as ‘the Right’ because that is traditionally what the opponents of ‘the Left’ have lazily been labelled as. They also label ‘the Middle’ as ‘the Right’ either from ignorance or a deliberate desire to obfuscate or because, simplistically, take everyone who is ‘Left’ within a people group must leave the rest of the population as ‘Right’.
Secondly, ‘the Middle’ – a lazy label from me for those who refuse or do not fit a label of Left or Right, are very much in recovery and with some control in the UK at present after decades of decline. In addition, there is a chance (risk, as far as the Left are concerned) that a growing number of the bulk of the population might join this ‘Middle’ and take overwhelming and possible long-term control.
Thirdly, thanks to the Internet, computers, tablets and cell-phones individuals in the world can communicate on a relatively cheap and unedited basis with other individuals around the world, mostly in total freedom. Not in every country, but even where totalitarian rule holds power over the Internet, there is the likelihood of leakage and a growth of increasing awareness.
What is the likely response?
Well in the case of the Internet, there seems to be a subtle campaign via broadcast hints as well as statements from politicians and others about controls or shut-downs or restrictions, such as self-censorship. For evidence, just listen or re-listen to the final two hours of the TODAY programme from this morning (BBC Radio 4, 7-9am) and listen for a reference to the Internet and/or on-line.
Elsewhere, there is a high likelihood of increasing physical violence as evidenced by the news from around the country but especially in London, over the last two weeks.
The Left claims that there is a growing crisis: that has been a constant feature of BBC broadcasting since late summer 2016. They are trying to label the other ‘the Right’ as the cause of this. It strikes me now that their responses such as attacking others verbally via comedy or via restrictions or penalties (eg. the Mayor of London’s sudden and irrational attack on diesel cars) may be down to one thing.
Or two. Confusion and guilt.
That can be a potent combination.
People being people, human nature and attention spans being what they are – it’s inevitable that rather than obey the constant and increasingly tiresome calls to storm the Winter Palace, people will opt to go for an ice cream instead.
Seeing what is now being said by the countries of Europe, people, I think, are seeing that the EU Emperor isn’t naked but wearing an S&M gimp suit.
Saw this earlier, via Guido:
Had to chuckle.
Maybe audiences could be forced to pay them all if they really just want to watch Chubby Brown?
Scratch that. That’s just for TVs.
Obi Wan, Phew! 🙂
That looks as though it’s some time ago – Dara O’Briain has some hair!
Yep. Brigstock et al could provide a recycling route for rotten eggs and fruit and veg. Don’t leave his show, take direct action and pelt him with rotten eggs etc. Show these liberal left pricks that we sick of their arrogance. Take action and fight back.
Brigstocke et al, on air and in person have spread the bbc’s toxic, anti British philosophy far and wide. Made it positively compulsory to laugh and sneer at anything vaguely supportive of this country, it’s people and it’s values.
Vermin and very unfunny.
Anyone can do their comedy. Try this.
I say I say, what rhymes with pint of beer? – Roars of laughter.
Nigel Farage – hysterical laughter.
And Brexit – uncontrollable laughter.
Farage’s wife is not English- Howls of laughter.
Funny how they cannot squeeze a joke about the clever people of London who voted for a Mayor whose religion informs him that the Earth is flat and the sun sets in a muddy pool each night
Anti-Brexit jokes are killing their careers ????? perhaps they should stop telling them then, and try being funny instead ! its not sodding rocket science.
Can you imagine Bernard Manning whingeing on this level ? no, me neither.
But Bernard Manning was grown up. Why can’t all these Leftie BBC “comedians” be more like Harry Hill. I suppose it is because they do not have the talent.
Top post. The Left are in shock at what is happening. They are nervous and panicky and increasingly desperate. So they are lashing out in all directions. In some ways it is funny to watch them throwing their toys out of the pram. But it is dangerous too. Luckily , they are too stupid to realise that the more extreme they become, the more they alienate the “undecided”. The Left learn nothing from history which is why they try and re-write it.
Hidden punishments for TV licence abstainers.
If you get fined.
.. And later get raped or abused you’ll be excluded from the Criminal Injuries Compensation scheme
As having a minor criminal conviction is used as an exclude people.
BTW school holiday fines judgement comes up in Supreme Court tmw.
“Brexit: Central Banks Abandoning Unstable Euro, Display Confidence in Long-Term Stability of the Pound”
Waiting to see this on the bBBC, and no I will not be holding my breath.
The BBC is very keen on analysing the Brexit referendum by category: young v old, higher education v lower education, with the tiresome intent of showing Brexit supporters to be old, white, stupid, racist bigots.
I’d be interested in the voting patterns of: People who Do Things – build stuff, run small businesses, make things, vs those who people who Do Nothing but leach off the public teat – civil servants, politicians, journalists, academics.
Good point.
Your experiences in West Africa may mirror mine in rural South-East Asia — the vast majority of the people here are busy Doing Things – growing stuff, making stuff, building stuff, moving stuff, buying and selling in markets, and they are wary of anything that smacks of ‘government’ or ‘big business’ and would rather be left alone.
In the West, the people who Do Nothing represent a huge proportion of society, and regard themselves above the people who Do Things both intellectually and morally, which is why, for example, they are in such an unglued panic about Brexit.
Yes, exactly. And , certainly in Gambia and Senegal, Government has a light touch, so far as ordinary people are concerned. Even during the 22 years of Jammeh’s dictatorship in Gambia (I was there on and off for 14 ), the “little people” were relatively unmolested.
Here in the UK, the Government and other bodies stick their noses into all aspects of people’s lives. It is very oppressive. I have an english friend ( yes, I do have some ), who lives in Casamance ( S. Senegal ) and he describes all the Government, bureaucracy, money laundering requirements and all the rest of it as ” the buggeration of living in the UK ” ! Will be meeting him in Gambia after Easter for a few beers and not to discuss the UK !
The BBC has gone overboard to publicise a ‘service of hope and reconciliation ‘ at Westminster Cathedral. A memorial service is understandably too early but what are the liberal- elite trying to tell us by having this service? People died and nothing suggests that this will not happen again. Who or what are Christians reconciling with? Where is the rational evidence for hope? It’s all implicit because no rational or clear explanation is given. The Dean of Westminster repeats the standard lie – ‘we will never know what motivated the attacker’. Well, most sentient Britons who are not Muslims know exactly what motivated the attacker/ murderer. We also see little hope of reconciliation with Islam. Submission yes, reconciliation, no. When will the elite learn and stop this lunacy? We aren’t fooled.
Well said.
Its all theatre now as soon as a tragedy occurs. Flowers, candles, teddies, memorial services with members of the Royal Family on a 3 line whip to attend, everyone of all faiths determined to link arms and stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ etc etc it never ends. Realistically we all have a date marked out when we each leave this mortal coil, some sooner than others – Aberfan and Lockerbie come to mind; and the rest of us mourn and move on. Families will never forget their deceased loved ones, but is it really necessary to have a public ‘event’, it doesn’t bring them back, and who benefits anyway ?
My hopes include the running over of Sadiq Khan, preferably by the driver of a diesel vehicle – a bus would be the icing on the cake.
How can anyone reconcile with islam, why would they even want or need to… since the elites repeated story is that these events are NTDWI?
We are in a strange looking glass world in which events happen, people are killed, there`s always a common thread associated with fundamentalist islam yet no one, but no one can explain this, can draw the inferences, can even acknowledge what`s happening…until the next time…when the avoidance starts all over again.
These services have been high jacked by the liberal left to help with their failing multicultural social engineering. They will try and claim that all those who practise a faith are , in the final analysis , united in God.
The COf E and, now under this Pope , the Catholic Church both face declining adherents and loss of influence so they are keen to participate. If both churches were strong with growing congregations they wouldn’t be so accommodating of multiculturalism nor of Islam.
The steady drift of the Christian churches overhe past fifty or sixty years is a reflection of their growing weakness and irrelevance in Western society. Any attempt to reconcile with Islam will only succeed under terms which are favourable to Islam and will be ditched by Islam as soon as it is expedient to do so.
Mass immigration and multiculturalism are highly likely to be the cause of the decline of the west and of Christianity later this century.
Were there any muslims at the Service ?
Of course they were Grant, wouldn’t miss a chance like this to look pious would they, and then everyone would think what good guys they are.
Germany : Jewish schoolboy forced to leave by Muslim Bullies.
The Sun chose to leave the word Muslim out of the headline.
Climate Change – just a thought. Does anyone think that North Korea’s nuclear tests (another immanent) have any effect on the planet?
BTW Dreadful, repressive regime, run by a psychopath – come on you ‘Warriors for Social Justice’, you know who you are. Oh too busy with Brexit and Islamophobia?
Nah, just the odd big splash in the sea, that’s all.
Toady programme and BBC bias takes up a whole comment page in the Express today, and well worth reading.
Can anyone link it?
Daily Telegraph editorial on the same subject.
Good to see that the BC continues to be the news, rather than just deciding the news it wants you to see.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Hopefully it is getting like water torture for them.
This one?
Treezer says she will do something to help diesel car owners. Sir David King, the scientist who advised the Blair Government admits they knew of the problems at the time. What a shambles. These useless people could not organise a piss-up in a brewery. It is the Establishment like them who are running our lives.
They knew there was a problem?….can “they” be sued for giving consumer advice that’s turned into another potential “scrappage scheme” at yet more cost to the taxpayers and owners of diesel vehicles.
Yes and what’s more they know there is a problem with speed bumps & tables, other road changes and bad surfaces together with the 20mph limits but they (Government, Local & National together with scientific advisers) are deliberately ignoring all of them.
Recent measures of pollution outside schools has highlighted the fact that speed bumps & tables are a major cause of emissions. If I recall correctly, Liverpool have removed a lot of them in that city and Barnet Council in north London have proposed getting rid of some of theirs.
There is no incentive in the UK to reduce fuel consumption and hence pollution from vehicles because it reduces the tax take.
They knew there was a problem?….can “they” be sued for giving consumer advice that’s turned into another potential “scrappage scheme” at yet more cost to the taxpayers and owners of diesel vehicles.
The reason diesel cars were recommended by the labour government was because of the low co2 emission. All other pollutants didn’t matter.
Everything else was ignored because they wanted to appear to be doing something for the supposed global warming/cooling or whatever it is today.
It’s like the NHS prioritising ingrown toenail operations over heart operations because they give better numbers for their targets, more operations done and waiting lists improve.
These are the types of things that happen with target driven managers. You get all the Arthur Daleys and spivs fiddling figures to make themselves look good.
Theresa May: I’ll protect diesel drivers after blunder by government’s top scientist
Right, now they’ve sorted out the diesel from petrol, can we next concentrate on that next biggest con, – semi skimmed milk !
There has never been such an increase in osteoporosis since they started tampering with and watering down the milk ! A big U turn was done on butter, and so it should be with proper milk, we all need calcium and lack of it in semi and skimmed milk has shown an increase in Osteoporosis, an unheard of problem back in my granny’s day.
Has anyone come across a semi skimmed cow ? if so do tell.
The fact that Nicola Sturgeon prefers short hair is no justification for abuse.
Legal and General starting to act as a union bully. You hold a pension scheme with them, or an OEIC or unit trust and they gather your voting rights along with every other member of Joe Public to become one powerful vote. Looks like they have a political agenda. With an EU fawner as their recent new chief to boot.
These are the things they are using your vote for.
They are becoming Social Justice Warrior bullies and bear this in mind the next time you give them your custom.
““Complete Gobbledegook”: British Gas Says Sorry to 92-year-old Wartime Heroine over Gibberish Letter”
Husband says
“I thought it was a scam from the third world”
Well was it written by a “third worlder” living in the UK ?
They even have the wrong date on the letter. Should be 1 April.
R2 Apologises Brian Matthews not dead.
Another language error ?
More BBC fake news…
If they don’t even know whether one of their own is alive or dead ……..
It’s wishful thinking on their part. They have been trying to get rid of the old boy for years.
Not going to bang on too much about Gambia , but tomorrow is the first free elections to the National Assembly for 22 years. Naturally , I turned to S. 70 of the Elections Act and thought that bbbc readers may feel the UK has something to learn from it. These are excerpts and paraphrased.
The following are prohibited :
Drumming or singing in a public place
Ringing a bell or making a noise resembling it within 500 metres of a polling station
Ditto riding a bicycle
Arriving at a polling station in a state of inebriation
Entering a polling station armed
Wearing a party symbol in the vicinity of a polling station
The last two mean that you don’t get creepy politicians and their hangers-on with their fake smiles spoiling your day out.
Outrage as Muslim girls in Sweden are forced to use the back door of school buses
Swedish PM brands ‘segregating’ Islamic school ‘disgusting’
Tweet Conversation
Tina Galliadi @galliadi
Replying to @MailOnline
Wow. This is outrageous. As a mom, as a woman. If men think this is ok that are Muslim they really don’t understand their own religion
UKlPvoter @UKlPVoter
Replying to @galliadi and @MailOnline
I think you will find they understand it far better than you ever will.
Tikkun_Timebomb @TikkunTimebomb
Replying to @MailOnline
why the outrage???? this is what you get w/islam and the Muzz… no one should be shocked by this
Muffty @nirbagi
Replying to @MailOnline
Well, it’s the way so why complain now.??
UKlPvoter @UKlPVoter
Replying to @MailOnline
Libtards will bend over backwards to defend this outrageous situation. All their posturing about equal rights will go out of the window.
Jim Chancellor @Chancellorsview
Replying to @MailOnline
What were you expecting? They treat all women as trash.
BanjoBilly @53roop
Replying to @MailOnline
Enjoying your diversity?
The penny is dropping for the Swedes. That old saying – ‘don’t piss on my shoes then tell me it’s raining’ seems quite apt.
Swedes, put up with it or fight back
Marcus Brigstocke is the archetypal champagne socialist. I can see why his work would go down badly north of the M25.
Much of the best comedy has been subversive. The seminal That Wad The Week That Was bravely lampooned the establishment in an unprecedented manner during the satire boom. Private Eye has no sacred cows and takes on anyone: Tescos stopped stocking the magazine when they kept reporting on their tax-dodging, as did WH Smith’s when they mocked people for blaming paparazzi for Diana’s death whilst salivating over every last detail of her life; the vile James Goldsmith almost bankrupted them when he sued them for defamation. South Park is so admired as it takes on anyone and everyone.
What can you do when you ARE the establishment? You can’t rebel against the oppressors when you are the oppressor. And how properly funny can you be if you have to be politically correct, which puts so many sacred cows off-limits? Satire ought to question those sacred cows in a spirit of anarchy. So instead it all just feels like a sneering in-joke, and the overwhelming majority of people are not in the ‘in’ crowd.
I used to think the same as you about Private Eye, but since Brexit and Trump, it has become much like the rest of the MSM. In particular, Trump was relentlessly slaughtered in every issue from the start of his candidacy to the present. In complete contrast to how Obama was treated (I have an archive going back 15 years).
Ian Hislop has become infected with staphylococcus bbbceus from his time on HIGNFY.
I am reading the current Eye. It is relentlessy anti-Trump and anti-Brexit apart from one small cartoon of a pub called the “Sour Grapes ” with a sign at the door saying “Remainers Welcome “. No doubt Eye can claim it is “balanced” by pointing at that. Just like the BBC. Unfortunately I recently renewed my subscription but wish I hadn’t.
Now #R4MediaShow
Will cricket return to @BBCSport ? @theanalyst Simon Hughes and Alan Lamb join me
@markdamazer talks distinctiveness at the BBC and offers Ofcom a friendly warning
What’s next for @BBCRadio2 ?We look at Ofcom’s proposed to give commercial radio a chance with DJ @therealbrunoB and @Matt
ie R2 ordered to be more newsy so less like a commercial radio station.
with 3 hours/week at peak time
BBC news “One question on everyone’s lips? Why! Hello! Everyone knows why all except the BBC it would seem… A service of hope! More like a service of denial!
Green Conservatives get thrashed by commenters on their essay.
“Free movement of people from the EU could continue for five more years, Theresa May warned yesterday”.
ROFL, a previous total failure on border force, total failure on immigration so
… what s new?
The abject catalogue of failure continues
Perhaps the “5 years” are to give the No10 liars the chance to totally eliminate, workers rights, living conditions and flatline real wages.
“However, Mrs May said the government would still be in charge 😀 of its immigration policy. “What is crucial for the British public, what was part of the vote that they took last year, was that they want to ensure that we have control of our borders and control of our immigration,” she said 😀 😀 😀
drain the swamp … start with No10
Anti Terrorism March London
The Al BBC didn t know anything, didn t report anything … “The Guardian” who were actually THERE, didn t see anything.
“Cameron has given his backing to the new creation of Police Commissioners”
another sparkling Tory er “success”?
“South Yorkshire’s former police and crime commissioner could face a criminal investigation over matters relating to the fallout from the Rotherham child abuse
scandal. The issue centres on claims that Shaun Wright misled MPs about what he knew about the extent of child sexual exploitation in the town when giving evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee in 2015.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission received a referral from the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel in December 2015.
But the IPCC sent it back to the panel on the basis that ‘misleading a select committee would be a contempt of parliament rather than a criminal offence.’ However, the police watchdog has now accepted they ‘misunderstood the extent of Parliamentary immunity’ and the Home Affairs Select Committee has now referred the matter back to the Metropolitan Police Service”
Can t be straighter than that eh?
Its a wicked, wicked web they weave
There are a lot of top plods who should be investigated for many things. But will anything happen ?
BBC Website “EU’s Barnier twiddles on phone in Brexit debate “. Short clip,well worth watching. Barnier showing total contempt for the Parliament.