I see that the BBC opened up the MEPs voting on the Brexit negotiations for comments. I guess because Nigel had had a grumble about stuff but then remarkably it’s now unavailable to view.
The BBC’s SJW Richard Bilton is given free reign on a degraded Panorama to peddle the beebs views on scandals of capitalism and the conservative government . His latest target is the benefits cap. Families are worse off by being subject to the cap. Well, it is intended to cut the benefits bill, which is a major reason the Government borrows £60 billion in a year. These people have had children they cannot afford . Why should others pay for their house and life? Sure anyone should be sorry for the kids but incentives to have kids and get others to pay must be reduced. Not even a modest targeif of 16 hours a week of work to restore benefits will incentivise some parents.
BBC4 7 pm News, called “100 days”, partly from Washington, scrutinisng Trump’s first 100 days and relentlessly anti-Trump of course. Did they do the same with Obama ? Rhetorical question , I suppose.
PS “Nigel Farage, rather undiplomatically, compared the EU with gangsters “. Who the hell are the BBC to add “rather undiplomatically” ? Let the viewer decide. The BBC make me sicker every day.
Actually, Grant he compared them to the mafia. Since this observation was uncomfortably close to the truth – no accounts signed off for the past couple of decades, which might expose a small part of the level of fraud and illegality within the EU – they had to pretend outrage.
So the bBC is reporting how men are holding hands in Holland in solidarity over a homophobic attack on a male Gay couple over the weekend in Arnhem: Dutch men hold hands to protest against homophobia “Dutch men are uploading pictures of themselves holding hands on to social media to stand against homophobia. The trend was sparked by an alleged attack on two gay men on a street in the Netherlands on Sunday.”
Nothing alleged about it bBC, two gay men were set upon by a gang of ferel youths aged between 14-20 at 4am on Sunday morning. GAY COUPLE BEATEN WITH HEAVY BOLT CUTTERS, SERIOUSLY INJURING ONE
Whilst the bBC reports this:
Jasper Vernes-Sewratan, 35, and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes, 31, say they were attacked by a group of men in the early hours of Sunday morning in Arnhem, in the country’s east…
They leave out this: “There was a boy with blond hair and blue eyes, someone with a Moroccan and someone with a Turkish background.”
So the bBC is reporting how men are holding hands in Holland in solidarity over a homophobic attack on a male Gay couple over the weekend in Arnhem: Dutch men hold hands to protest against homophobia “Dutch men are uploading pictures of themselves holding hands on to social media to stand against homophobia. The trend was sparked by an alleged attack on two gay men on a street in the Netherlands on Sunday.”
Nothing alleged about it bBC, two gay men were set upon by a gang of ferel youths aged between 14-20 at 4am on Sunday morning. GAY COUPLE BEATEN WITH HEAVY BOLT CUTTERS, SERIOUSLY INJURING ONE
Whilst the bBC reports this:
Jasper Vernes-Sewratan, 35, and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes, 31, say they were attacked by a group of men in the early hours of Sunday morning in Arnhem, in the country’s east…
They leave out this: “There was a boy with blond hair and blue eyes, someone with a Moroccan and someone with a Turkish background.”
StewGreenJan 22, 21:57 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Telegraph : One in 12 in London is an illegal migrant https://archive.is/wY80k London is home to as many as 585,000…
Up2snuffJan 22, 21:56 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Scrobie, think they were called ‘Teddy Boys’ with DA hairdos and drainpipe trousers pre-beatniks & hippies although ‘Teddy Boys’ were…
Eddy BoothJan 22, 21:53 Midweek 22nd January 2025 New government licence revealed: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/bvrKWJxh/1737578146729444.jpg[/img]
StewGreenJan 22, 21:42 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Why would libmob want Twitter banned ? [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gh1IDQeWkAMlYfr?format=jpg&name=small[/img]
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiJan 22, 21:37 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Whosoever refuses to obey the General Will shall be constrained to do so by all the others; which means nothing…
Fedup2Jan 22, 21:34 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Seems that president trump is going to refuse mandelson as ambassador …. Meaning – presumably milliband senior will get the…
StewGreenJan 22, 21:32 Midweek 22nd January 2025 James O’Brien the genius [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gh616gnXAAEa5CR?format=jpg&name=small[/img] .. https://x.com/LBC/status/1882078982121615535
LoobylooJan 22, 21:31 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Male models used to be handsome – now they look like crime watch mugshots. As the Don would say, shame!
Lefty WrightJan 22, 21:13 Midweek 22nd January 2025 JohnC The BBC believes that white Britons need to have their noses rubbed in diversity as prescribed by the Bliar…
I see that the BBC opened up the MEPs voting on the Brexit negotiations for comments. I guess because Nigel had had a grumble about stuff but then remarkably it’s now unavailable to view.
“Comedians claim anti-Brexit jokes are damaging their careers as audiences outside London walk out in offence.” Ah, People Power at last! If only we could do the same to the beebeestan: just walk out! (of the licence racket)
20,000 Islamophobic bees attack an Arizona mosque.
It has to be a hate crime
“The bees were said to have been disturbed by the mosque’s speakers “. At least bees will attack hate preachers.
The Lord will not be mocked.
Feel the enrichment:
The Malaysian MP says “Child marriages are part of Islamic Law “.
The BBC’s SJW Richard Bilton is given free reign on a degraded Panorama to peddle the beebs views on scandals of capitalism and the conservative government . His latest target is the benefits cap. Families are worse off by being subject to the cap. Well, it is intended to cut the benefits bill, which is a major reason the Government borrows £60 billion in a year. These people have had children they cannot afford . Why should others pay for their house and life? Sure anyone should be sorry for the kids but incentives to have kids and get others to pay must be reduced. Not even a modest targeif of 16 hours a week of work to restore benefits will incentivise some parents.
BBC4 7 pm News, called “100 days”, partly from Washington, scrutinisng Trump’s first 100 days and relentlessly anti-Trump of course. Did they do the same with Obama ? Rhetorical question , I suppose.
PS “Nigel Farage, rather undiplomatically, compared the EU with gangsters “. Who the hell are the BBC to add “rather undiplomatically” ? Let the viewer decide. The BBC make me sicker every day.
Actually, Grant he compared them to the mafia. Since this observation was uncomfortably close to the truth – no accounts signed off for the past couple of decades, which might expose a small part of the level of fraud and illegality within the EU – they had to pretend outrage.
Yes, I saw the uncensored clip on Youtube. I was just pointing out how BBC4 reported it and added their gratuitously unwelcome opinion !
So the bBC is reporting how men are holding hands in Holland in solidarity over a homophobic attack on a male Gay couple over the weekend in Arnhem:
Dutch men hold hands to protest against homophobia
“Dutch men are uploading pictures of themselves holding hands on to social media to stand against homophobia. The trend was sparked by an alleged attack on two gay men on a street in the Netherlands on Sunday.”
Nothing alleged about it bBC, two gay men were set upon by a gang of ferel youths aged between 14-20 at 4am on Sunday morning.
Whilst the bBC reports this:
Jasper Vernes-Sewratan, 35, and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes, 31, say they were attacked by a group of men in the early hours of Sunday morning in Arnhem, in the country’s east…
They leave out this:
“There was a boy with blond hair and blue eyes, someone with a Moroccan and someone with a Turkish background.”
Gee I wonder???
So the bBC is reporting how men are holding hands in Holland in solidarity over a homophobic attack on a male Gay couple over the weekend in Arnhem:
Dutch men hold hands to protest against homophobia
“Dutch men are uploading pictures of themselves holding hands on to social media to stand against homophobia. The trend was sparked by an alleged attack on two gay men on a street in the Netherlands on Sunday.”
Nothing alleged about it bBC, two gay men were set upon by a gang of ferel youths aged between 14-20 at 4am on Sunday morning.
Whilst the bBC reports this:
Jasper Vernes-Sewratan, 35, and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes, 31, say they were attacked by a group of men in the early hours of Sunday morning in Arnhem, in the country’s east…
They leave out this:
“There was a boy with blond hair and blue eyes, someone with a Moroccan and someone with a Turkish background.”
Gee I wonder???
Steve Bannon, who an affinity for his own race and thinks the welfare of his own countrymen comes first ……….
Wait – I’ll press the ‘bbc translate’ key:-
Steve Bannon, the racist xenophobe ………..