Acts of violence against ANY person are to be condemned without reservation. However the BBC went into overdrive when a young “Asylum seeker” was brutally attacked by a gang a few days ago. At one point this led their UK news agenda. The comrades were doing all they could to slyly suggest that this defenceless young man was attacked by white supremacists on a way to a Brexiteer meeting.
Today, the Police have realised an image of some of the suspects….bit awkward, eh?
What the Boko Haram have done to 250 girls, mostly Christian, has been happening on a far greater scale in the UK. Tens of thousands of young girls brutally gang raped by Muslims for years.
I’m sure that the girls were also beaten by these Muslim invaders.
But I suppose its OK as far as the BBC is concerned, as Muslim invaders were doing what is expected of any normal self respecting invader.
BBC Website reports 5 charged but no names yet.
In richly diverse Croydon? Yesterday I thought, I bet these “attackers” are not who the BBC wants them to be. And, hey presto and surprise, surprise we get today’s images.
Any betting this story will quickly drop way down the BBC’s news agenda and there will be no more suggestions these people are “scum”?
The problem with the BBC and other “Hate Crime” hustlers is that they are believing their own twisted propaganda.
Hi David
You beat me to it in posting this one. Yes, the anti-British BBC and Guardian Alliance even wheeled out that vile pile of bile, Diane Abbopotamus, to go on about how racism and bigotry have become the norm after Brexit. However, I thought it strange that descriptions of the attackers were not being released in reports: was this because of the police and politicians were doing all they could to ensure that the ethnicity of the perpetrators remained concealed for as long as possible?
As I sat watching the news last night with my elderly father, he turned to me and said: ‘Son, I bet you anything that this horrific attack was carried out by a black gang of youths.’ The photos suggest he might not have been completely wide of the mark. Diane Flabbot will be gutted that she cannot blame white Brexit voters for this. This type of cowardly and vile attack is bad enough, but for the left to try and smear Brexit voters as somehow responsible is revolting. They did same with the Jo Cox murder.
Wasn’t it Abbott who said only whites could be guilty of racism?
If 5 have been charged , why have their names not been released ? I think , apart from the Trolls (who have suddenly gone quiet ), we all know the answer.
Maybe this wasn’t a hate crime, but a racially motivated attack..
Grant. Same type of attack in Glasgow area with less numbers though and a hammer – this did not warrant same national coverage as Croydon – does this mean that attacks by/on weegies are less important or because there is no possible race card and Brexit card to play by the BBC?
If it is white on white crime and there is no political angle, the BBC and Left are not interested. Contrast with the Jo Cox murder. White on white but Jo Cox was a Far Left Labour MP and the BBC and Left were able to make political capital out of it. The heartless cynicism of these wretches beggars belief.
One plus of the Glasgow incident is that the police issued the description of one of the attackers immediately which the Croydon plod failed to do and there were plenty of witnesses there. Rule of thumb down south with plod is don’t issue a description of suspects if coloured until you have to / forced to – all very pc.
The selective compassion of the Left.They have to be able to fit the crime to their agenda. Otherwise they are not interested.
Echos of the Harlow incident – you know the attack on a Polish bloke on a Friday night. Instant brexit based hate crime right??? No it wasn’t. Bunch of local kids . No evidence of racial motivation. The politicians went quiet and the tax payers money wasted bringing Polish coppers over to patrol Harlow ?? Forget it. Waiting for the spin of the alleged attackers are not white here or even worse for al beeb – the incident had nothing to do with asylum seeking …
If this doesn’t mean the rozzers, SJW pols and media have to find a new version of ‘hate crime’ in the same progression as globalwarming>AGW>climate change>climate wierding what will?
‘Colour on colour’ attack? Neatly leaves any they can pin of white as another as it isn’t a colour.
Hope not #TellaRainbow isn’t inundated by calls from multihued communities sharpening their parangs.
On R5 creepy Stephen Nolan was linking this attack to Brexit. Is Nolan the most annoying of all BBC presenters/journalists? Left wing, ultra sentimentalist & probably a bear of very little brain.
Sky have now published the names of the 5 charged on Sky website . Not immediately obvious what their origin is. Not African names anyway, I don’t think. I would plump for West Indian.
This cannot be a hate crime. There is no evidence of bacon or any other form of pork at the scene of the attack.
Before release of photographs:
“Hate crime has no place in London, Britain or anywhere else. Six people have been arrested in an ongoing investigation and the perpetrators will be bought to justice.” Sadiq Khan (ITV)
After release of photographs:
“There was no reason for this attack and I believe because of the numbers involved people have just jumped on the back of it and it’s turned into a violent brawl where someone has been viciously beaten and is very lucky to have not lost his life.There was only one motivation and that was to cause serious damage.” Det Supt Jane Corrigan (BBC)
Move along, please; move along.
An update on my earlier post and as predicted, the story has gone from the BBC front page and not even noted below in the secondary items.
Whereas, it was lead story a couple of hours ago.
In fact, I can’t find it anywhere now not even on the UK or England pages!
Truly amazing.
The BBC are busily composing an alternative explanation. For instance the migrant could have attacked by a group going to the Black and White Minstrel nostalgia evening. Or perhaps the gang were high on drugs and thought this chap looked whitish. If they did think this then it can’t be a hate crime bacause white people cannot be victims of hate crimes because D Abbott says so. Another possibility would be that the victim looked at the black youths disrespectfully and we all know how serious a provocation this is. Anyway ,one way or another , the whole thing will pass of as another piece of cultural enrichment and the victim will be awarded €10 million compensation and residency for life plus a cuddle from Lilly Alle who is already crafting her speech of apology on behalf of black Briton. Ms Abbott can’t attend because she is going to have another migraine attack on that day.
LOL ! I think you will find that the attackers all have mental illnesses.
So just read up on the latest on this awful racist hate crime, oh hang on, it no longer is being reported as such. Anyway on reading the names I notice the bBC leads with an obvious white sounding name. I quote:
Five charged over asylum teen attack in Croydon
Two sets of siblings were among five people who have appeared in court charged over an attack on a teenage asylum speaker in south London…Barry Potts, 20, and siblings Daryl Davis, 20 and Danyelle Davis, 24, were released on conditional bail after appearing at Croydon Magistrates’ Court. George Walder, 20, who was also charged with racially aggravated grievous bodily harm, was remanded in custody. His brother Jack Walder, 24, was granted conditional bail.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t good practice to list things numerically or in this case alphabetically. Something the bBC hasn’t done here. Here is how the Guardian reports on the same story:
Daryl Davis, 20, Danyelle Davis, 24, Barry Potts, 20, George Walder, 20, and Jack Walder, 24, were charged on Monday after Reker Ahmed was attacked near a bus stop in Croydon.Daryl and Danyelle Davis – who are siblings – and Potts, her partner, are to be released on bail. George Walder was remanded in custody while his brother, Jack Walder, was bailed.
Not only does the Guardian subscribe to proper grammer, they even inform you where Potts fit into the scheme of things.
The bBC, we can be racist , because it serves our purpose of being enlightened
With the BBC you have to read between the lines. I assume this means Potts is white and all the others black.
“Not only does the Guardian subscribe to proper grammer…”
Well, I suggest you stop reading it then. 🙂
Meanwhile, death to the BBC. Just saying.
It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Nobody cares about the victim now because he didn’t get his head kicked in by a shaven headed white gang with knuckle tattoos.
This country is truly in the toilet.
This one rule for one race and one for another BBC style of reporting looks so ridiculous in the internet age as well as being immoral. It’s almost a spectator sport to see the headline changes now. You could do some kind of graph to correlate victim, perpetrator race and language used in headline.
Immoral and racist.
Comp Leave. Agree. I do treat it as a spectator sport.,it’s sad that when i was a kid and read 1984 I never could have believed that the taxpayer funded state broadcaster and other msm would manipulate the news to fit their narrative. This incident is a case study in deceit. Nice to see that the victim of this terrible (racist / not racist ) attack will now get at least £4000 from people making online donations . …..
Is it any wonder people are so cynical about politicians, the media, senior police officers and judges?
Here we have a young lad who was viciously attacked and who suffered serious injuries; but the crime is regarded as outrageous, newsworthy, meriting serious investigation and deserving an exemplary sentence only if the modifying prefix “hate” is attached.
Mr Natural – exactly. I sympathise for the victim – if indeed he was innocent and not caught up in some sort of gang war – but how many people across the UK are regularly beaten senseless for spilling a pint, looking at someone’s ‘bird’ or just looking the wrong way? I’ve seen it happen several times so it can’t be that unusual. This special treatment of cases based on race has been going on since at least the time of the Stephen Lawrence murder, and it just makes an already depressing situation worse.
When is a violent crime not a hate crime?
Answer’s on a postcard please.
That’s an easy one. Whenever the perpetrator is not white.
As far as I can tell, those charged today are white pikey chavs, including siblings Wayne and Waynetta Slob, whilst the black members of their gang are more used to avoiding the Police and are still on the run. But the bBBC won’t tell us.
Danyelle Davis and George Walder went to Edenham High School which is in the area of the attack.
Im sure the only thing that stopped the bbc going for the whole ant brexit narrative today was that Croydon voted Remain. Must have caused some head scratching in the bbc bubble.