Steve Bannon is moved from his temporary position on the National Security Council and. – bang – in goes the BBC. The comrades prefer to characterise this as as Bannon “losing” his seat and adds for good value…”Critics have branded Mr Bannon – who once managed populist, right-wing Breitbart News – as a white nationalist.” A bit like critics branded Obama a Kenyan, eh BBC?
Meanwhile, on the substantive issue of the unmasking of Susan Rice…….NOTHING.
The BBC is Fake News.
Agree David plus I watched on Breibart Nigel Farage at the EU this evening and they showed all his speech then I watched same on the BBC 6 news which cut and edited the item to show our Nigel in a bad light – manipulation of the news at its worse – Goebbals would be proud of the Beeb.
I have reached the stage where I think anyone demonised by the BBC can’t be all that bad. Perversely being criticised improves their image in my eyes, and contra likewise.
And now the BBC is suggesting that Trump is responsible for the Syrian chemical attack.
“Syria chemical ‘attack’: Is Trump partly to blame?”
By Barbara Plett Usher
BBC State Department correspondent
Does the BBC have any credibility left?
The BBC take us all as complete guilable idiots – the tragic events of the gas attack is immediately put down to Assad without any proof and quote “a rebel commander” stating it was not them. I cannot see him putting his hand up and saying it was their munitions dump which was the cause – get real BBC.
Well BBC how about stating which faction of the so called rebels (AKA terrorists in other conflicts) was this commander from, we have seen this BBC bias reporting before from Aleppo. BTW how many civilians were killed this week in Mosul?
One of the problems with the Far Left, including the BBC, is that these simpletons like to think of the world in black and white, good guys and bad guys, and fit reality into their perverted ideology. Mostly, the world is more complex than that so, inevitably, their tiny little brains get confused.