Oh dear, BBC presenters love a bit of left-liberal virtue-signalling – but when they are personally, shall we say, inconvenienced – well, that’s too much like taking the piss
‘Ahmed said. “Women have enough trouble with queues without you imposing your politics. Or just turn the gents into gender-neutral loos. There’s never such a queue there and you know it.”’
Oo-er, get her. Some lefty-minded institution imposing their politics – that will never do.
Still, our Samira thinks it’s ok to let the blokes have all the hassle.
That is the whole problem in microcosm: what sounds and feels good is very difficult in practice.
I would love some of the champagne socialists to send their kids to some of the schools I have worked in. Imagine trying to get any work done when: some pupils refuse to sit near each other and start fights due to religious/ tribal differences; some refuse to sit near females; some have no literacy skills whatsoever; the Romanian girls think it is ok to stand up and walk around whenever they please; some think it is fine to just shout out at the teacher; several cannot speak any English. And throw in the standard hormones etc of teenagers! That renowned socialist Shami Chakrabarti did not send her kids to the local comprehensive.
It is astonishing in spite of all these challenges how much we do manage to muddle through and get stuff done. It would just be great for the liberal elite to appreciate the effects of their pathological altruism.
Trick is to throw the syllabus in the bin then play around teaching the kids something interesting.
Whilst enforcing”I am the adult” discipline.
Later on you can go back to syllabus
I check it and see that someone called “Jane Franscesca Fae” whose tiny Twitter photo looks like a MAN wearing women’s makeup
Wonder if she/he is over compensating ?
Gender neutral toilets! If we let that happen it won’t be long before Muslim men start molesting women & children in public loos. What will be the response to that? I predict..
1. Blame white men.
2. Denial. (it’s fake news)
3. Blame the victims. (they should be appropriately covered while weeing)
4. Accept that it’s a cultural difference. It’s Islamophobic to complain.
bBC breaking News: Barry Manilow opens up about sexuality
Singer Barry Manilow has spoken for the first time about being gay, revealing he kept his sexuality secret for years out of fear of disappointing his fans.
50 Things That Made the Modern Economy.
Radio 4 12.00 Weekdays
The electric light bulb.
We are usually taught that it was Thomas Edison or Joseph Swan who invented the electric filament lamp. We now know that it was, in fact, first made by Abdul a-Bulbul, an Emir of the 4th Caliphate.
It was powered by a gas turbine generator, which had been developed by Saleh Fakir, a nomadic Afghan who had thought of the idea when his hat began to rotate vigorously as he stood behind a flatulent camel. It should, by rights, be called a gas turban, but the name was anglicised by Sir Charles Parsons.
Using burning camel dung, Saleh was able to generate enough power from his turban to illuminate Abdul’s electric light bulb (or bulbulb, as we should really call it.)
This same Saleh Fakir had previously devised a dynamo, subsequently re-discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831 as the homopolar generator. Texts reveal that Saleh, would also have given his dynamo that name had he been working for a non-prophet organization such as the Royal Institution.
Even the humble electrical connectors used in British homes today can be traced back to Islamic Iberia. A Spaniard of Moorish descent, Ferdinand Plug, invented the 13 amp ……
(That’s enough Things; time for You and Yours. Ed.)
Don’t give the Emir of Londonistan ideas for his scheme to ban diesel engines and replace them with modern Islamic camel transport. Non polluting and providers of therapeutic camel urine
I heard ’50 Things That Made the Modern Economy’ today about paper. As the presenter tried to diminish Gutenberg’s achievements by referencing China and Korea I wondered if the Islamic Golden Age would get a mention. Sure enough, while Islam didn’t contribute to printing the presenter still fitted it in. While saying that Gutenberg’s printing increased literacy he said words to the effect ‘.. but literacy had been common and widespread under the Caliphate’. Never let an opportunity go by eh?
It was no wonder it took the simpletons Babbage, Von Neumann and Turing a century of scrabbling around in the dark to re-discover the computing networks that made the 4th Caliph’s power grid function.
So the bBC is reporting how men are holding hands in Holland in solidarity over a homophobic attack on a male Gay couple over the weekend in Arnhem: Dutch men hold hands to protest against homophobia “Dutch men are uploading pictures of themselves holding hands on to social media to stand against homophobia. The trend was sparked by an alleged attack on two gay men on a street in the Netherlands on Sunday.”
Nothing alleged about it bBC, two gay men were set upon by a gang of ferel youths aged between 14-20 at 4am on Sunday morning. GAY COUPLE BEATEN WITH HEAVY BOLT CUTTERS, SERIOUSLY INJURING ONE Gay couple Jasper Vernes-Sewratan and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes were attacked by a group of men while walking home hand in hand from a party in Arnhem during the early hours of Sunday morning. Ronnie lost four teeth and part of a fifth in the attack. Jasper got away with bruised ribs and bruises on his back and knee, RTL Nieuws reports. The two were on their way home from a dance party at Luxor Live in Arnhem. “We’ll almost never show in public that we are in a relationship”, Jasper told the broadcaster. “But we had a few drinks, it was dark on the street and there were almost no people, so we held hands.” When they reached the Nelson Mandela Bridge they were confronted by a group of six to eight young men. “I think they were Moroccans. They began to shout: disgusting, dirty, homo, such things. We shouted something back and walked on, but all of a sudden they came after us.” Jasper said to RTL.
Meanwhile here is how the bBC reports this:
Jasper Vernes-Sewratan, 35, and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes, 31, say they were attacked by a group of men in the early hours of Sunday morning in Arnhem, in the country’s east…
As the Dutch, Germans and Swedes are finding out, you can have a modern, tolerant, liberal society, or you can have a society with a large percentage of muslims. You can’t have both.
Rob – It is amazing a couple of millennia of development, creating a rich, cultured and safe society and our “snowflake generation” Led by a selection of rich, corrupt hypocrites from my generation have given it all away for the price of five minutes of feeling virtuous and humanitarian.
The Barbarians didnt need to conquer the just needed to knock on the door.
No, no. Holding hands will deter those pesky Muslim homophobes so much better than that uncouth Mr Wilders.
More seriously, the BBC seems terribly pleased with this but does it really believe that Muslims will treat this behaviour with anything other than the utmost contempt?
First, we send in British troops, including some now deceased old friends of mine, to rescue Europe from itself – again – and then we allow a corrupt organisation, aided and abetted by our own Quisling politicians, to give away everything those men fought and died for.
Enough, surely enough.
BBC London News. Phase 2 of a multi million £ development at Alexandra Palace has been postponed.
A planned ‘Birth of TV’ museum/showcase/exhibition (no doubt bestowing sainthood on the BBC) is thus shelved .
Apparently phase 1 (the old theatre) is costing too much money.
And why. pray is that, according to our fine intrepid impartial bBBC reporters?
Because of Brexit. of course!
Yes, import costs have gone up and there are now skills shortages (making it harder to renew all that Victorian woodwork) so those evil Brexiteers are denying the state broadcaster a chance of self-aggrandisement.
I think it’s called ‘Dredging the bottom of the barrel’
Working outdoors today, so stuck with Classic FM news.
Seems they are miffed Donald Trump won’t tell him his plans for Syria.
Meanwhile, the ME editor for the world’s most trusted broadcaster leaves his politics, and integrity, and professional standards at home, again. “‘dis is his thee-o-ree; it is his own…”:
Well everybody the fudge is in as Theresa suggests that transitional arrangements will be put in place to allow a further period of EU migration after Article 50 period runs out. I think two years was mooted, so how many extras, do you think disgruntled EU members along with our Liberals will be able to shoehorn into this increasingly crowded Island. Maybe they could empty their prisons too – Thatl show us.
I suppose this will also allow a further period for illegals to also make it across before we tighten border controls – except if Theresa has her way we probably wont have any.
Unfortunately all these jigsaw puzzle pieces are about as challenging as a Mothercare – “My first puzzle” to work out.
1 Theresa maintains a mainly “Remain” cabinet
2 Allows an overlong period before triggering Article 51 (allowing Remainers to organise)
3 The BBC is given a free pass to undermine brexit and spread despondancy at every turn and give excessive platforming to “remain” politicians. Remember in theory we have two more years of this shit to listen to!
4 We meekly accept the EUs demand that we dont develop any other trading agreements with other countries while we are still in.
5 EU wastes no time in punishing Britain about what ostensibly is a non EU issue (Gib). Meanwhile our Navy has been run down to parlous levels. Which all makes us look very weak at the same time, Argentina starts sabre rattling about the Falklands again.
The calculation I reckon is that people will be increasingly worried by all of this and will be more than happy to accept “Our Girls” compromise. Which will be about as convincing as “Daves Big Deal”! Maybe she should call it “Peace in our Time”
I suspect that there will also be some “transitional fishing arrangements” as well!
We will also pay a big bag of money to the EU and guess what, as we will be magnanimously be granted temporary access to the single market which will remain open to us as long as we maintain the transitional EU migration arrangement.
I must say – I thought that Theresa and her Cabinet would have made a much better job of disguising their intentions. I really do hope I am wrong about this but I suspect I am not. I reckon that she is feeling confidant about the outcome now, hence the statement.
And after we have “left the EU” what will things look like? Why I suspect that they will look exactly the same. Except our population will have grown even larger and we will have payed even more money into the EU coffers. How long this “transitional arrangement” will last is still unclear but you can be sure it will grow and grow.
Yes Theresa brexit certainly means brexit – I think you can pull the other one!
Al, Ex Pat John made a similar comment and I share the frustration of both of you. In WW 2 instead of standing alone we could probably have struck some sort of deal with Hitler but instead we did the right thing and consequently million of our countrymen and commonwealth troops died for our freedom.
This was because of our history and culture. To some extent we had learnt from the bloodletting of the past and realised that if you dont stand up for yourself and your values, you gradually become weaker and totally reliant on other nations for support. You certainly do not allow large numbers of potential hostiles into your country to undermine it from within. We also had a shared history and pride in our nation.
But forgetting al that. We also have the BBC And I wouldnt mind betting that it secretly considers its greatest achievement was being its ability to undermine our pride in the achievements of our past and creating a new set of values where common sense, steadfastness and determination is replaced with whining, emoting and a sense of entitlement.
Unfortunately our shallow and weak politicians have also bought into this and appear stuck together with the BBC/MSM in a sticky and needy embrace. Because of this therefore they can see no further than the next election and their jobs.
When I see the likes of Theresa and the remainers selling us all down the river,it is sad to say but I now believe that unless something terrible happens that concentrates every ones minds. We as an independent nation are probably finished and all for what. So that snowflakes can still feel all safe behind the battlements of the EU castle, whos illusionary walls were always built on sand. And now the harsh wind of reality is blowing. Collapse is inevitable.
They say you never really appreciate freedom until you lose it. I think we are now well down that road.
In summary
“Instead of opposing power in Europe, we should have played along and accepted the inconveniences
…. but Chamberlain decided differently
Sometimes you stand up for what’s right, suffer short term consequences for long term well being”
Having watched the debate in the EU parliament, it was fascinating to compare the BBC’s coverage on the BBC1 10’clock News.
Farage’s use of the supposedly offensive word “mafia” was mentioned by the BBC.
However his withdrawal of the word “mafia” and substitution of the word “gangster” immediately after wss cut.
More importantly, at the prompting of a Sinn Fein MEP, it was suggested that the stability of the Northern Ireland Good Friday peace process would be undermined by Brexit and that the EU should intervene in the interests of citizens in Northern Ireland. The Gibraltar machination was turned into a joke by the BBC. The threatened EU intervention in NI, however, was not covered by the BBC. At least, one DUP MEP made it clear that Dublin does not speak for Belfast and that the only reason the Good Friday would break down post Brexit would be if Sinn Finn restarted its bombing campaign.
The various nationalist MEPs from Belgium, Denmark, Bulgaria, etc. who were staunchly Brexit and more pro-British than your average LibLabcon cipher, were also not given a voice on the BBC. The news item show cased the mindless rantings from an Italian MEP whose EU fevour is probably only exceeded by Weber and Verhofstadt.
BBC and Far Left commenting on new film “1984” in the making and relating it to Trump and not themselves, thereby, with total unselfawareness, proving one of Orwell’s points. Incredible that they should claim Orwell as one of their’s.
I am just re-reading 1984 and it is astonishing how much it stinks of the BBC; they were clearly whom he had in mind with ‘The Ministry of Truth’ and he had worked for them previously. I only 20 pages in but the following have resonated deeply:
1. The ‘Two Minutes Hate’ where the thought criminal Goldstein is abused. This is clearly Trump and the Minutes of hate are the more like hours of hate, never ending abuse from every angle, whether it be in comedy, current affairs panels or ‘news.’
2. How relentless the propaganda is – he cannot do anything or go anywhere without having it. Who cares what the sexuality is of Dr Who’s assistant? Does every storyline in every drama have to virtue signal in some way?
3. Newspeak is another word for political correctness. My favourite is ‘undocumented worker’ instead of ‘illegal alien.’
4. The chaste, joyless women’s league i.e. feminists.
5. The thought police ‘disappearing ‘ anyone who has independent ideas. What ever happened to Kilroy? They went for Milo recently and he has had to go underground.
6. The party slogans which have no bearing on reality, such as Ignorance is Strength. We have difference is sameness and intolerance is tolerance. We also ‘celebrate diversity.’
7. Having to watch every word you say in case you stray from the party line; the slightest aberration can be lethal. Look what happened to Tim Peake.
I posted here before, but the BBC today think it all applies to Trump. They are so dim they do not realise that it applies to them. They claim Orwell as one of their own. Unbelievable.
The rewriting of documented history is another good observation in ‘1984’ – indeed, this is Smith’s job. A recent good example is the assault of the ‘asylum seeker’ in Croydon. Several versions of the story appeared on the BBC website with a difference in ‘angle’ as facts which did not fit the narrative became known.
Not sure I should be encouraging rampant vandalism, but certain people have been getting hold of Euro notes and on the side with the map of Europe, putting a large cross through the UK !
I can imagine it driving remainers crazy when they find them!
Thoughtful, I have purchased a small adhesive union flag with the letters ‘GB’ on it to put over the EU flag on the front and rear number plates of my motor car. They can be bought for about £2 on Ebay.
I have always done the same here with the cross of St. Andrew. I would put the Union Flag there if it were not for the fear that some SNP nutter would put a brick through the windscreen.
One day in a galaxy far, far away, the BBC may produce a pro-Brexit feature.
But as Nick Robinson, the BBC’s senior political reporter said, the BBC don’t have to report fairly if they don’t agree with the opposing view.
Do I have to pay the TV Licence? Could I, single mothers and pensioners really go to prison for non-payment? Really? In a free, open and democratic society?
Partly to blame? … there s impartiality for you
Is that the part with Hilary and Obama?
H Clinton Approved Delivering Libya’s Sarin Gas to the Syrian Rebels https://t.co/4BlvlJM6rT
I am seriously sceptical about this so-called gas attack.
President Assad is winning the war, Russia is backing him, and just last week Brtain and America were saying that maybe they would not insist he had to go in any peace deal. Then, suddenly, he decides to use sarin gas on a rebel held area.
Why on earth would he do this? There is no logical reason for it. He would have killed maybe 100 people and in so doing ruined his political chances with the west.
The only people who have anything to gain from this are the rebels, who we know have access to chemical weapons. The sacrifice of 100 people brings them huge political and military adavantage if it can be blamed on Assad, and if the USA is stupid enough to fall for it and begin attacking Assad.
So who carried out this gas attack? The side which stands to gain absolutely nothing from it, or the side which can use it to leverage the USA into entering the war on their side?
I may be cynical, but I can think for myself. I don’t need the BBC to hold my hand. I hope that President Trump will see through this and refuse to be the patsy in a very nasty act of black propaganda.
also, the BBC show “Who do you think you are”, have traced Trump’s family tree all the way back to Pompeii in 79AD, and there is definitive proof, that one of Trump’s ancestors was heard bad mouthing the volcano just before it erupted….FACT!
In breaking news, researchers at the University of Nether Wallop have discovered that the infamous Cain, slayer of his brother Abel, is directly related to Donald Trump.
They also revealed that Cain’s son Enoch was named after Enoch Powell (shome mistake here, surely – Ed)
SJH, and IM (above):
No, he’s not to blame.
These are probably the WMDs that disappeared from Saddam’s Iraq shortly before that regime collapsed.
We know he had them, because the BBC reported the attacks on the Kurds, whilst simultaneously we know that they didn’t exist and that ‘Bush’, as they so politely call him, went to war on a lie, as also reported by the BBC.
The definition of a modern ‘liberal’ seems to include the ability to hold two diametrically opposed positions at the same time.
The same Barbara Plett who wrote in her bBC article that when Yasser Arrafat was taken to hospital the following: “Yet when the helicopter carrying the frail old man rose above his ruined compound, I started to cry… without warning.” http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/3966139.stm
The bBC was taken to task after they stated she had done nothing wrong in expressing her personal feelings BBC governors yesterday upheld a complaint of bias against Radio 4 reporter Barbara Plett for a description of her tearful response to dying Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat’s final departure from the West Bank. The corporation’s head of editorial complaints originally cleared the controversial edition of From Our Own Correspondent of breaching BBC impartiality guidelines, but the governors’ programme complaints committee yesterday overturned the decision. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2005/nov/26/bbc.radio
She and Ken must have blubbed like babies at the ending to ‘Downfall’, when a frail old drug addicted man and his young wife were turned into a bunker BBQ.
The BBC excelled itself today in revealing just how incompetent its news department has become. A news report on R4 had a sudden and unsubtle cut to an announcement that Brian Matthews had died. The clowns then spent the rest of the day stating they had got it wrong and, much to the relief of Mr Matthews’ family I am sure, that he was only critically ill. I did notice the BBC didn’t actually admit to sloppy journalism. They put the blame on members of the family and close friends that had been their source. Another case of relying too much on the old ‘some people are saying’ eh?
That’s dreadful ! Er, if Gina Miller can rustle up a High Court case and appearance in less than a week, surely Brian Matthews can do the same and sue the BBC ! – oh wouldn’t THAT be priceless !
Oh dear, where do I start with Panorama ‘s programme on benefits cap. There is Maria who cannot work because of her bad back, carrying a bag on one shoulder the size of a house; the Dad who spends £40 a week on cigarettes and beer, but not on rent; Colleen who is looking after I think her grandchildren, she receives £29,000 a year on top of other benefits but has been told the money is for the children so uses it for extra curricular activities but is behind with the rent. I feel sorry for them all, but somewhere they are not getting help to make good choices. And all saw benefits as a right not a privilege.
You forgot Sarah, no chairs but a 50in flatscreen TV on posh stand and a very nice line in invective. Bet she’s a favourite with the Social.
And I thought the selfless Collen got £39k, plus extras making it £50k? But perhaps I misunderstood, all too easy under the circumstances.
Beltane, you are no doubt right, I didn’t watch from the beginning and thought it was £29k above other benefits which I forgot to add to the post. But Colleen genuinely thought she was being hard done by. Nobody seemed to have explained to her that paying rent for the children to have somewhere to live was using the money for the children. For someone on £50k not to be able to pay their rent is unforgivable. However the BBC presented this, a little analysis meant these people should have been able to manage on their money. These people were not asked or told that others have to work hard to pay the tax that provides their benefits.
I’m waiting for Panorama, or any BBBC programme to tell us the location of the magic money tree. I’d like some of that tasty sweet fruit please.
The world is increasingly split into “Peters” and Pauls”. The Pauls are paid money by the government who get it by robbing the Peters. There seem to be lots of Pauls about these days.
Mrs S is so fed up of the biased BBC that she insists we watch the ITV news.
So I’m able to report that ITV did show our Nigel retract Mafia and substitute Gangsters.
They also gave him a fair show, showed his Union Jack socks and then covered the self-serving Eurocrats speeches in which they dug big holes for themselves.
It was really all rather pleasant. Credit where due.
I would usually agree that ITV is less biased than the BBC…but not by much.
Any report by Robert Moore, Washington Correspondent is blatantly anti Trump. He makes my blood boil with his condescending demeanour.
All those people at the bbC who promote the line that the UK should do the right thing and take in more asylum seekers are keeping quite on this news story from Germany which apparently did the right thing: Germany: 1/4 Million refugees allowed to bring families in
I wonder why that is?
Of course that’s not mentioned or explained. Except for:
“In some parts of the world, including India and some African countries, men commonly hold hands, taking it as a sign of friendship and respect.”
Why aren’t they showing any then?
Listening to Toady this morning it came as quite a surprise to learn that the BBC obviously really like China.
There was “another beauty” moment at about 6:30 when one of their “experts” claimed that both Trump and Xi Jinping will feel vulnerable on meeting today. Trump because he is volatile and doesn’t really have a coherent plan on how to deal with China, Xi Jinping because Trump is volatile and doesn’t really have a coherent plan on how to deal with China. Yes, really!
I think they are a bit iffy on Saudi when they napalm kindergardens, but then often decide best not to ruffle the feathers of the landlords, especially when Jon Sopel is hoping to score another 6* jolly to ‘review’ a prince’s lifestyle on BBC World.
In response to John in Cheshire:
And indulge in the odd spot of goat shagging.
As the centuries old Arab saying goes “goats for pleasure, boys for cleanliness and women for breeding”. Or something like that. Maybe doesn’t translate perfectly.
Wow Guardian lost against its own commenters
Top comment
“The campaign was ironically its (BBC’s) finest hour.
Amid a deluge of lies from both sides, the corporation kept a clear head.
Nothing and no one was left unchallenged.”
This is an utterly ridiculous assertion. The BBC completely failed in its duty to inform the public of the germane facts about the issues under discussion and of the many inevitable consequences that will follow, let alone to offer adequately detailed analysis.
i fear i agree with much of this. as a ‘guardian liberal elite’ i have grown up with bbc news all my life but as of late i am somewhat jaded. i have listened to the today programme all my adult life but no longer, it has become a bottom feeder to the general bbc news tv output as well as victoria derbyshire on bbc2. you can guarantee after a diet of gender identity, thought for the day, bogus scientific breakthroughs & some silly cow moaning about scallops in the orkneys the same ‘experts’ will populate the news agenda on radio and tv for the entire day ad nausea.
There’s just no way of winning any sort of argument with these people, simply because there IS no argument – they don’t know what they’re there for, and have no idea what’s at stake – or what they’re talking about, for that matter. And the MSM will turn anything to the advantage of the MSM – that, apparently, is what the readers, viewers, and listeners want.
I am not surprised – the ignorance of people is absolutely astounding.
The repeat of the James Randi film showed the incompetence of MSM
The rule is that you TEST evidence , not just ACCEPT it
but MSM was so in awe of the charisma and showmanship of Uri Geller
So when Randi was able multiple times to show Uri was not psychic but a fake one show kicked him off saying he’s not an expert on psychics cos he doesn’t ‘believe’.
… Result Geller continued on the circuit for another 30 years
..until caught on video with a magnetic ring on hi finger
Years ago Randi had a series debunking various psychists’ claims. Except on one show he had a man who was an amateur water-diviner (who made no claims for his own psychic abilities) who passed every test (I once saw it done by an unbelieving novice where it worked as well). However, despite finding the one he could not disprove, he totally ignored the results and pretended that all on that episode had failed. I have never seen him again but I wouldn’t trust him now as a result.
Knowledge is power. Knowledge of local water springs & water wells (present and in the past), geography, geology, geochemistry, ecology – that sort of stuff.
If you mean that the BBC are knowledgeable and use there knowledge of state of the art propaganda techniques to brainwash their audience, while keeping them in ignorance – then I can agree with that.
Actually , I meant that Beeboids are ignorant, but , now I think about it, you are right. That is the one exception. But, apart from brainwashing, they are ignorant.
Randi has part based his entire career on ‘proving’ such things are hokum. For him to find evidence to the contrary would be like the bbc backing Brexit – ain’t gonna happen.
Good comments Demon and Gaxvil. I wouldn’t trust Randi.
I am a sceptical person and once joined the Sceptics society. After going to a conference and hearing them talk about a number of subjects I came to the conclusion that too many of them were fundamentalists by nature and they had no spirit of inquiry. I do agree with a lot of what they say but they are nowhere near as intelligent as they think they are. I am of the opinion that if they did come across something startling that went against their beliefs they would just deny it or explain it away.
As for water divining, I dunno, but I do remember the programme that Demon refers to.
I subscribed to “The Skeptic” and “Sceptical Enquirer ” for many years. Many Sceptics may be fundamentalists, but all believers in the paranormal are fundamentalists. Some are doing it for money , some are just nutters. The funny thing is how some are so selective about what they believe in. Near where I am now, there is a man who believes in ley-lines. I once asked him about water-divining . He said ” that is a load of rubbish ” . As the late Tommy Cooper used to say ” You’ve got to laugh” .
Grant, “…all believers in the paranormal are fundamentalists”
Could I suggest you are being a bit binary there?
The ‘paranormal’ covers a very wide area.
Surely a person doesn’t have to believe it all, or believe nothing?
Christian fundamentalists get very desperate and angry when their literal interpretation of the Bible is questioned.This is because they fear if you break one link in the chain of their tightly held world view and the whole thing will unravel.
The same is true of fundamentalist sceptics when it is suggested that some of the “paranormal” may actually be grounded in reality.
Furthermore I have found that the hard line sceptics talk of people like James Randi as if he is some sort of high priest and to doubt him is blasphemy.
I have been told that the original Skeptics society was more open minded but those with any hint of objectivity were drowned out by the chorus of secular jihadists.
Randi was certainly “sceptical” about US immigration law when it came to his boyfriend, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, who was living in the US using the identity of an American citizen. Then again, laws are only for the little people.
Well, @Demon the Randi $1m Challenge is real
And I can divine so what’s going on ?
A miracle technique that is not in any university textbook that would break the “too wow to be true” rule.
Subjects are consistently unable to replicate success under lab conditions.
The thing is there is always a discovery by chance and diviners don’t average any different.
And that’s the problem in the real world that leads to *confirmation bias* :when you get it right you count I, when you get close you count it, and then when you fail you make an excuse you weren’t doing the technique quite right etc. So you end up telling yourself you have an 80% success rate.
And cos the moving of the rods is an ideomotor effect, when you know ALREADY where the water is the rods will move and you will get a positive.
So in the real world a practiced operator will get positives, not from psychic knowledge but from other effects like from experience they pick up on geographical signs which are likely to coincide with water.
So you know what employing an experienced guy can be worth it, but it’s not the divining rod and pyschic ability that is actually finding the water.
It’s like when Derren Brown replicates a clairvoyant using cold reading (clever guessing and rushing past fails).
So the diviners can’t do the effect in lab conditions and don’t win the money.
Here’s the link for the big Water Divining study Randi did in Australia in 1980 http://www.skeptics.com.au/resources/articles/australian-skeptics-divining-test/
What is amazing is how some believers stick to their guns despite overwhelming odds. Many crop circles have been shown to be man made and the makers freely admit it. The believers still say that the others were made by aliens ! No way of dealing with that !
@Grant that’s cos the human bias towards wanting to believe is so strong
and we come back to what @gaxvil & @Yasser talked about
Skeptics know you don’t just *TRUST* Randi
You don’t divide the world into *trusted* amd *untrusted* sources like the thicko BBC does.
Cos that is the Fallacy of Argument from Authority.
What counts is the Message (The evidence) NOT the messenger.
So when the messenger gives you a claim you don’t just ACCEPT it, you TEST it.
And that the point for 30 years whilst doing great work of exposing frauds, Randi was lying about breaking a significant law, that his boyfriend being an illegal alien. Asserting in his mind that he had no other option, and that there was no harm . As it turned out there was ultimate harm cos the guy whose identity was stolen missed his sister’s wedding.
Now back to what @Yasser said ..Cos pre 2000 skeptic orgs were fantastic, yet by 2005 I find myself at a Humanist meeting , where the leader stands up and says “We’ve done enough work on religious dogmatism, now we have to work for Climate Change action, cos this could be the end of the Earth.”
The idiot had gone from scorning religion cos it provides no proper evidence, to he himself being a firm believer in a doomsday cult, thus throwing all the rules out of going with evidence at each stage.
Then he says “well the authorities say”, and later “97% say”
Doh that is the fallacy of authority !
So as Yasser said the skeptic movement changed just like comedy circuit changed from funny to unfunny ..I started to see people at skeptic meetings who were an insult to skepticism as they sneered at people who believed in psychics etc. cos those believers were going against what authority said.
Likewise much of the skeptic movement started to rot as they started to sneer at people who wouldn’t just roll over and “just accept climate change”
As Yasser new members became like narrow minded fundamentalists who sneered at people instead of going thru the logic/evidence step by step, they kinda said we are with the RIGHT tribe and if you don’t say the same as us you are in the WRONG tribe.
You’ll note that Randi wouldn’t say anything about Global Warming for years until pressured and cajoled ..He surely knows inside that calling someone a “denier” is a wrong thing to do.
Yes , it is funny that no-one has claimed that $1m . Of course the standard excuse when people do agree to properly constructed scientific tests and, inevitably, fail is that they cannot perform under scrutiny, have to be relaxed blah blah. If I had genuine supernatural powers , I would grab that $1m dollars in a flash. But, of course, they do not. They are frauds.
“frauds” not entirely ..there are people who really have conned themselves inside ..and don’t realise they are using cold reading.
..They are genuinely astounded that under lab conditions their ‘magic’ powers disappear.
..Many diviners are like that
Well done Labour Party PR guys
9am news : The most important news today is that Labour is promising free school meals for all school children
..With unicorns providing the money.
…But that policy is already in the LibDem manifesto, so how is it NEWS ? , rather than a policy for the party to spend its own money promoting ?
yesterdays’s news headlines ..was Ken Livingstone, debate
… again another Labour Party internal matter.
But publicised on the ethos , its better to be talked about , than NOT talked about.
I don’t as a rule listen to Radio 5, but mistuning my radio the other day I caught an interesting piece about the plight of British comedy. It was all rather worrying, though they did put my mind to rest assuring their audience that there was no left wing bias at the BBC; it’s just that all comedians these days are anti Brexit and left wing…
They interviewed a shaken Marcus Brigstocke who sounded in quite a bad way. He’s been touring the UK and people have been walking out of his shows! Can you believe it? FFS wild horses couldn’t drag me in to listen to this pompous, opinoinated prig; (did I spell that right?)
Other Radio 4 favourites have also suffered. Jeremy, Sandi, Punt and Dennis…it’s a tragic story.
Apparently once you get away from the chortling left-wing metropolis and out to the sticks, the ill educated yokels are often Brexit supporters who don’t take too kindly to being lectured about their ignorance and racism. Quite often a merry quip about The Donald’s suspect thatch doesn’t bring the house down. Referring to Nigel Farage as a bigot doesn’t have them squealing in the aisles. It’s beyond belief that such narrow minded ignorance still exists in Britain. Poor Marcus sounded close to tears.
It’s the only time he’s made me laugh…
Yes, In the days when we had real comedians they knew that you can make fun of your audience but don’t insult them. Today’s crop have learned nothing from their superiors in the past. Have none of them ever watched Doddy ?
Sadly there is no consumer watchdog to take these ‘comedians’ to task under the Trades Description Act and Consumer Goods Act, when they take our money but fail to make us laugh !
Just because they’ve had the lads down the pub ‘in stitches’ with a few quip remarks, doesn’t mean they cut the mustard in front of a paying audience – but most seem to think they do and can. Relating everyday occurrences can be amusing to a point, but there needs to be more to the act, in the way that the likes of Frank Carson would machine gun the audience with side splitting jokes. Having an accent always helps too, – Liverpool, Yorkshire, Ireland, Manchester, Newcastle – add to the mix and enhances the jokes. Home counties and South East non-descript accents rarely work.
Couldn’t agree more Allen, both were as funny as toothache. However I hadn’t realised they were both ‘northerners’, clearly their accents to my much younger mind didn’t make the connection.
Have to agree with Grant also about Bob Monkhouse. I remember seeing him in cabaret (as I did Ted Ray – groan), the venue was sold out months in advance, and he brought the house down with laughter – a true comedian.
Agreed. Brissles. I only saw Bob in stand-up on DVD. Some of the jokes were so blue I had to get my mum to explain them to me. I noticed it was the ladies who laughed the most, but he got away with it.
I went to the I’m Sorry I havent a Clue show. The warm up guy was the producer, John Naismith and was very funny as he told well rehearsed, old fashioned story-jokes.
He dipped his toe in the water on Brexit and Trump but saw we were part of the ignorant, stupid racists the BBC decries, so he quickly moved on. The BBC ‘comics’ should follow suit. Play the audience , dont read the Guardian at them.
Something I’ve been saying for some time is that the NHS is being used as a vehicle for immigration, and also an excuse to allow more of it.
Labour which hates white British people failed to train UK nationals as doctors and nurses, and the idle greed monger Cameron realised it would cost money to train nurses so decided the steal them from other countries.
The situation is so bad that even the old duffers in the House of Lords have noticed.
The NHS is ‘too reliant’ on foreign staff and has failed to train enough British doctors and nurses, peers warned last night.
Ministers have no strategy to ensure the health service will have the workers it needs over the coming decades, a Lords committee said.
They say this failure is the ‘biggest internal threat to the sustainability of the NHS’.
Peers said Britain could not continue to rely on overseas health and social care workers after it leaves the EU, when tougher immigration controls are expected to be put in place. …
I have no faith that Theresa the Socialist will make any meaningful changes because her mantra appears to be firstly do no harm by doing nothing you don’t really have to do.
“I have no faith that Theresa the Socialist will make any meaningful changes because her mantra appears to be firstly do no harm by doing nothing you don’t really have to do.”
Blair opened the immigration floodgates yet put no plans in place to accommodate their numbers, including who would pay for the massive strain they would inevitably put on the UK’s services and infrastructure.
I think it’s called ‘social justice’ aka re-distribution of wealth, where no wealth is added, just what is there already is spread around more thinly.
Womans hour on Radio 4, always one of the most liberal Leftie programs the BBC puts out (and that’s saying something), has a piece on US gun ownership:
“Gun ownership by women is increasing in the United States. Joyce, an African-American woman who lives in an all-white area in Louisiana, explains why she has chosen to carry a gun for self-defence.”
The BBC turns its usual antipathy to gun ownership on its head, because it is apparently perfectly understandable why a Black woman would need to carry a gun to protect herself from all the wascally waycist whites out there.
An incredible example of the anti white left wing bias of the BBC.
“Why do so many blacks in America, seek to move into white areas as soon as they are financially able? You would almost think there was something wrong with majority black areas, residents flee them in such numbers.”
I assume the bbc thinks it only has to broadcast to the unintelligent and ill educated who are so incredibly undiscerning they’ll believe anything? Yet to ANYONE with a brain, it is blatantly apparent that when they interview anyone they don’t approve of or, report events they don’t like, we get disdain and aggression.
“BBC who trusts the BBC no no no, we always go to channel 135 and filter what it’s saying”
That’s what I heard when I happened to be helping a pensioners club the other day.
and I didn’t provoke them to say that they just came out with it.
Metro-elite think they are ahead of the curve, yet simple people pity the BBC as they know it’s actually behind the curve.
BBC is usually big on anti-bullying yet on Radio 4 yesterday there was no condemnation. I think the programme was Glass Half Full, supposedly a debate on the future of health. The bit I caught participants discussed how people could be encouraged to eat a more healthy diet. The suggestion was that they needed to start with 4 years old’s (brainwashing) as they would then go home and bully their parents! So it is OK to start children on the road to bullying as long as it is for their perceived right reasons.
Is that not what happened in the Soviet Union. The aim is to divide children and their parents so that the loyalty of the children is to the State. Pure Communism.
The destruction of the family and family loyalties remains the biggest obstacle to the leftist project, which is why so much effort goes into it. And added bonus for the pink Marxists of the West is that many of these ‘initiatives’ provide employment for themselves in the form of charities, advisory panels, commissions etc.
If the Soviets failed to do it, what chance have the Far Left in the West ? You cannot fight biology, but they think they are above the Natural World. Idiots.
The Far Left in the West have no chance – eventually nature will kick-in and reassert itself. A century of social engineering is but the blink of an eye in the timeless aeons of evolution. Mankind will survive, the problem being that Western civilisation might not and a World defined by another culture is likely to be a crueller, darker and more impoverished place.
Yes, not implemented yet, but horrifying. The named persons themselves may well be abusers. Certainly paeodophiles will try and get on that bandwagon. It will be interesting to see what Krankie does if muslims resist. Probably exempt them. Thank God, my daughter is in Gambia.
It is surprising and encouraging but at the same time exceedingly sad – the amount of people who say they no longer take BBC News.
Not so long ago only the most off beat people would have admitted such a thing.
It would be interesting to see the viewing figures for the BBBC’s so-called flagship news programmes, especially if they could be analysed by age.
I remember an ex-police acquaintance telling me that he chose to watch, via Sky, the local BBC news from the SouthWest, rather than BBC London where he lived. “i don’t want to hear about black gang members killing each other”
We just can’t do any UK news TV anymore. Radio 4 I listened to for around fifty years but no more. I selectively listen to bbc WS and old stuff on 4 Xtra. TV news – Fox and RT.
Saw that cretinous bitch, on here, interviewing Farage, so I’m not tempted to try Sky.
BBC News – Israeli killed in vehicle attack, “vehicle”?
If we only eliminate “vehicles” … problem solved? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-39513189
41 is the number of Israelis killed in knife, gun and car-ramming attacks since October 2015. In late 2015 and 2016, such attacks by Muslim “Palestinians” or Israeli Muslim Arabs happened with a near-daily frequency.
I was at a well known beauty spot in Yorkshire on Tuesday when a school party of seven or eight year olds arrived, about A 50/50 mix of whites and Asians of Pakistani origin . They set off for a short walk and immediately the whites moved to the front and the Asians took up the rear with two male Asian adults , presumably teachers. By the time the school party walked past me there was a gap of at least fifty yards between the two groups. The Asian teachers were talking to their pupils not in English but in what I assume was Urdu.
So much for school ntegration . So much for multiculturalism. I also note today it is predicted that by 2035 there will be more Muslim babies born in the U.K. Than British babies. And yet our idiotic politicians say there isn’t a problem. On this showing we will be speaking Urdu andnipping down the Mosque by 2050.If that isn’t a problem I don’t know what it.
It is certainly not integration, but it is multi-culturalism in its purest form. That’s exactly what it means: parallel lives and existence, or what was once called apartheid. As the boxer Muhammed Ali/Cassius Clay put it in his interview with Michael Parkinson: “Blue birds fly with blue birds, red birds want to be with red birds — tell me when I’m wrong — pigeons want to be with pigeons… Buzzards are with buzzards… blue birds with blue birds. They all are birds, but they’ve got different cultures. The eagles like to hang out in the mountains, the buzzards like to fly around the desert, the blue bird likes to fly around the trees and the grass…
….. today it is predicted that by 2035 there will be more Muslim babies born in the U.K. Than British babies…….
This is the crux of the matter ! Those calling for more immigration appear only to see it in today’s terms, and not see the bigger future picture. Migrants here now are already breeding and in 20 years time (2037)babies born today will be breeding themselves – an astronomical amount in itself, even if the border doors were shut to all newcomers immediately.
Places like Syria will never be repopulated by those currently fleeing, because once settled into their new European lifestyles – they won’t be going back to rebuild. Anyone know of any Indian/Pakistani doctor who have taken the Queen’s shilling in this country and have gone back to their country of birth to aid medical care there ? no, neither do I, and this is the sodding problem for us. More and more green spaces given over to cramped housing estates, more mixed race children than at anytime in our history, and our culture gradually being eroded away – Cadbury EASTER Egg anyone ?
Back in the early 1970s I knew someone who was an electoral candidate for the National Front. His views at the time were considered too right wing for comfort, and made a profound statement that he could foresee a time within 50 years when the population in the UK would become more and more ‘khaki’ coloured if migration wasn’t controlled. Here we are, not too far off the 50 year time limit, and in all honesty he was closer to the truth than most realised. One can only despair the state of this country within the next 50 years.
Even if they shut the stable door now it is too late. I am lucky that I am older and will not be here to witness the inevitable and have no children here. As soon as the muslims get control of Europe , it will be hell for all non-muslims.
Do these stupid Dhimmis really think the muslims will let them carry on as usual. There won’t be any “multiculturalism” then.
What is the saying, “you reap what you sow”? To anyone thinking that a holiday in, say muslim Tunisia (without shooting on the beaches) doesn’t seem to bad – Wrong! Go to Saudi Arabia for a holiday. That would be more akin to what the muzzies in the UK want to replicate. Sorry, I forgot – no holiday makers welcome in Saudi.
Brissles I hear this a lot and although I agree with the demographic projections, bear in mind these are only projections. It’s possible there will be major socio-economic and political changes down the line.
For example, if unlimited immigration, with attendant rising birth rates continues, even if there is no political will to address the problem, eventually the welfare state will not be able to function, corruption will flourish and daily life will resemble more more that of the third world and near east. This will mean there will be no real reason for immigration to continue – why bother when things are no different in rainy England to sunny Syria.
It’s possible this could happen soon enough that there are still people with British values around willing to reverse the trend and turn things around. Remember that nowadays, immigrants don’t settle in the way they did in, say, the 1930s; they don’t ‘become Englishmen’ because home is just a cheap flight away so why bother. This very rootlessness may be to the advantage of Britain because it will mean people could be more likely to up sticks and leave if the magic money pot dries up.
Beside the point I know but the sun is overrated IMO.
I may be a small minority but I happen to like the British climate.
Rainy, green, pleasant, fertile beautiful England Vs desert wasteland.
I’d stay here even if the Syrians were offering free houses with swimming pools to Brits.
Cranmer, you have put it more succinctly than I. I’ve more or less said that when Africa empties, that will be the time for the whites in Britain to turn the lights out on the migrants and head South !
The UK will then become an apocalypse country likened only to the Sci Fi movies, with decaying cities, animals roaming the streets, gangs with guns (not unlike now actually), and corruption as bad as any African country. Happy days.
I will personally look forward to all the demonstrations and protests to the ex President who bombed, killed and droned his way through 8 years in the middle east.
No doubt a photo opportunity for wee Krankie and Obama will probably say that Scotland would be at the front of any queue that he was in charge of and that he isn’t calling on the PM because he doesn’t think he would be welcome in England. Well he got the last bit right.
Car ramming murder in Israel. Soldier killed.
I suppose the Isreli police and government will be just as baffled regarding the motive of the murderer as they were in the UK over the Westminster attack.
Not reported on the BBC yet.
Know why?
The BBC are writing the story so that the sequence of the attack will follow a report of a Pally killed by the IDF – but it won’t mention why the Pally was killed. Usual BBC inversion of events.
Reports from Syrian Observatory for Human Rights?, White Helmets?, the old favourite
“regime change” for Syria now?.
I mean Assad is winning, having greater and greater success, the concerted plan has been effective
… so obviously you re going to rush out and gas attack civilians eh?
Trump partly to blame eh? … there s impartiality for you
Is that the part with Hilary and Obama?
H Clinton Approved Delivering Libya’s Sarin Gas to the Syrian erm Rebels? https://t.co/4BlvlJM6rT
Box ticking BBC
2:30pm R4 play
“The Man Who Wore Sanitary Pads
Mr Muruga is a builder from Tamil Nadu who wants to send a rather curious love letter to his wife: a low cost sanitary pad. But when his desire to help his countrywomen turns to obsession, his community and even his family turn their backs on him. Can he achieve his taboo-breaking mission? A compelling, real-life story of a great man, told with humour and admiration by Jon Sen.
The sad thing is that Radio 4 does occasionally have some good stuff, it’s just that it’s so hard to find amid the dross and reheated Guardian leftovers. This morning there was a good programme about the poet Edward Thomas followed by another interesting one about the history of insurance. Unfortunately it was interspersed with a report from some correspondent in Hong Kong called Charlotte who sounded like she was in the middle of her A levels and had just discovered to her horror that people in China don’t live in large semi-detached houses like she does.
Dear readers
May I hope to be the first to assume the exceptional honour of announcing to you all that, in a rare and unheralded appearance tonight on BBC Television, the Rt.Hon Diane Abbott MP PVC STD will add her considerable experience and valuable opinions to the panel of experts on Question Time. Chaired by the gifted, urbane and impartial David Dimbleby, this is an event to anticipate with no small level of enthusiasm. Thank you.
Beltane ,
Thank you for this announcement re the appearance of Ms Abbott. I had been wondering what the advantages of owning a wide screen TV were, now I know.
@Beltane I am not worthy enough to be able to watch someone has esteemed as Princess Abbott.
If she were to accidentally appear on my TV, then I would look down and avert my eyes from looking upon her.
I’ve noticed that it’s usually insecure people (like the woman in that clip) who come out with stuff like ‘I’m in charge here, thank you very much’. Confident people, such as Mr Farage, make it clear from how they speak that they do not fear their opponent.
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwynrn0g0lko ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqd1He6cu-w
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
Oh dear, BBC presenters love a bit of left-liberal virtue-signalling – but when they are personally, shall we say, inconvenienced – well, that’s too much like taking the piss
‘Ahmed said. “Women have enough trouble with queues without you imposing your politics. Or just turn the gents into gender-neutral loos. There’s never such a queue there and you know it.”’
Oo-er, get her. Some lefty-minded institution imposing their politics – that will never do.
Still, our Samira thinks it’s ok to let the blokes have all the hassle.
That is the whole problem in microcosm: what sounds and feels good is very difficult in practice.
I would love some of the champagne socialists to send their kids to some of the schools I have worked in. Imagine trying to get any work done when: some pupils refuse to sit near each other and start fights due to religious/ tribal differences; some refuse to sit near females; some have no literacy skills whatsoever; the Romanian girls think it is ok to stand up and walk around whenever they please; some think it is fine to just shout out at the teacher; several cannot speak any English. And throw in the standard hormones etc of teenagers! That renowned socialist Shami Chakrabarti did not send her kids to the local comprehensive.
It is astonishing in spite of all these challenges how much we do manage to muddle through and get stuff done. It would just be great for the liberal elite to appreciate the effects of their pathological altruism.
Trick is to throw the syllabus in the bin then play around teaching the kids something interesting.
Whilst enforcing”I am the adult” discipline.
Later on you can go back to syllabus
Barbican loogate Twitter thread starts here
Samira says No gender neutral “Give us back women’s loos”
I check it and see that someone called “Jane Franscesca Fae” whose tiny Twitter photo looks like a MAN wearing women’s makeup
Wonder if she/he is over compensating ?
Gender neutral toilets! If we let that happen it won’t be long before Muslim men start molesting women & children in public loos. What will be the response to that? I predict..
1. Blame white men.
2. Denial. (it’s fake news)
3. Blame the victims. (they should be appropriately covered while weeing)
4. Accept that it’s a cultural difference. It’s Islamophobic to complain.
I would imagine all four would apply, Lucy
bBC breaking News:
Barry Manilow opens up about sexuality
Singer Barry Manilow has spoken for the first time about being gay, revealing he kept his sexuality secret for years out of fear of disappointing his fans.
Well I was shocked! I’ve always quite fancied him too – so that’s Portillo, Manilow….is there a theme here? Forbidden fruit?
50 Things That Made the Modern Economy.
Radio 4 12.00 Weekdays
The electric light bulb.
We are usually taught that it was Thomas Edison or Joseph Swan who invented the electric filament lamp. We now know that it was, in fact, first made by Abdul a-Bulbul, an Emir of the 4th Caliphate.
It was powered by a gas turbine generator, which had been developed by Saleh Fakir, a nomadic Afghan who had thought of the idea when his hat began to rotate vigorously as he stood behind a flatulent camel. It should, by rights, be called a gas turban, but the name was anglicised by Sir Charles Parsons.
Using burning camel dung, Saleh was able to generate enough power from his turban to illuminate Abdul’s electric light bulb (or bulbulb, as we should really call it.)
This same Saleh Fakir had previously devised a dynamo, subsequently re-discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831 as the homopolar generator. Texts reveal that Saleh, would also have given his dynamo that name had he been working for a non-prophet organization such as the Royal Institution.
Even the humble electrical connectors used in British homes today can be traced back to Islamic Iberia. A Spaniard of Moorish descent, Ferdinand Plug, invented the 13 amp ……
(That’s enough Things; time for You and Yours. Ed.)
Mr. Natural,
LOL ! For God’s, sake don’t give the BBC ideas.
Mr Natural
Don’t give the Emir of Londonistan ideas for his scheme to ban diesel engines and replace them with modern Islamic camel transport. Non polluting and providers of therapeutic camel urine
I heard ’50 Things That Made the Modern Economy’ today about paper. As the presenter tried to diminish Gutenberg’s achievements by referencing China and Korea I wondered if the Islamic Golden Age would get a mention. Sure enough, while Islam didn’t contribute to printing the presenter still fitted it in. While saying that Gutenberg’s printing increased literacy he said words to the effect ‘.. but literacy had been common and widespread under the Caliphate’. Never let an opportunity go by eh?
It was no wonder it took the simpletons Babbage, Von Neumann and Turing a century of scrabbling around in the dark to re-discover the computing networks that made the 4th Caliph’s power grid function.
It was THAT advanced.
As for nuclear fusion…………
Important item on the R4 one o’clock news today.
‘Ugly old socialist hag caught pissing on golf course owned by President Trump.’
She said she was “relieved the case was over “.
So the bBC is reporting how men are holding hands in Holland in solidarity over a homophobic attack on a male Gay couple over the weekend in Arnhem:
Dutch men hold hands to protest against homophobia
“Dutch men are uploading pictures of themselves holding hands on to social media to stand against homophobia. The trend was sparked by an alleged attack on two gay men on a street in the Netherlands on Sunday.”
Nothing alleged about it bBC, two gay men were set upon by a gang of ferel youths aged between 14-20 at 4am on Sunday morning.
Gay couple Jasper Vernes-Sewratan and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes were attacked by a group of men while walking home hand in hand from a party in Arnhem during the early hours of Sunday morning. Ronnie lost four teeth and part of a fifth in the attack. Jasper got away with bruised ribs and bruises on his back and knee, RTL Nieuws reports. The two were on their way home from a dance party at Luxor Live in Arnhem. “We’ll almost never show in public that we are in a relationship”, Jasper told the broadcaster. “But we had a few drinks, it was dark on the street and there were almost no people, so we held hands.” When they reached the Nelson Mandela Bridge they were confronted by a group of six to eight young men. “I think they were Moroccans. They began to shout: disgusting, dirty, homo, such things. We shouted something back and walked on, but all of a sudden they came after us.” Jasper said to RTL.
Meanwhile here is how the bBC reports this:
Jasper Vernes-Sewratan, 35, and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes, 31, say they were attacked by a group of men in the early hours of Sunday morning in Arnhem, in the country’s east…
Gee I wonder???
The irony is that muslim men in general and arab men in particular frequently hold hands in public.
As the Dutch, Germans and Swedes are finding out, you can have a modern, tolerant, liberal society, or you can have a society with a large percentage of muslims. You can’t have both.
The lights are going out all over Europe.
Rob – It is amazing a couple of millennia of development, creating a rich, cultured and safe society and our “snowflake generation” Led by a selection of rich, corrupt hypocrites from my generation have given it all away for the price of five minutes of feeling virtuous and humanitarian.
The Barbarians didnt need to conquer the just needed to knock on the door.
Knock, hell no. They were openly invited and ferried by the likes of save the friggin children and other wonderfull NGO’s.
Mmm..maybe they’ll vote for Geert Wilders and the PVV next time?
No, no. Holding hands will deter those pesky Muslim homophobes so much better than that uncouth Mr Wilders.
More seriously, the BBC seems terribly pleased with this but does it really believe that Muslims will treat this behaviour with anything other than the utmost contempt?
First, we send in British troops, including some now deceased old friends of mine, to rescue Europe from itself – again – and then we allow a corrupt organisation, aided and abetted by our own Quisling politicians, to give away everything those men fought and died for.
Enough, surely enough.
Ah, good old Europe.
Two gay men are strolling by a bridge named after an South African terrorist and are attacked by a gang of feral youths from North Africa.
How idyllic and comforting European society is these days.
I suppose they can be thankfull the bridge wasnt named after his ex wife.
BBC London News. Phase 2 of a multi million £ development at Alexandra Palace has been postponed.
A planned ‘Birth of TV’ museum/showcase/exhibition (no doubt bestowing sainthood on the BBC) is thus shelved .
Apparently phase 1 (the old theatre) is costing too much money.
And why. pray is that, according to our fine intrepid impartial bBBC reporters?
Because of Brexit. of course!
Yes, import costs have gone up and there are now skills shortages (making it harder to renew all that Victorian woodwork) so those evil Brexiteers are denying the state broadcaster a chance of self-aggrandisement.
I think it’s called ‘Dredging the bottom of the barrel’
Working outdoors today, so stuck with Classic FM news.
Seems they are miffed Donald Trump won’t tell him his plans for Syria.
Meanwhile, the ME editor for the world’s most trusted broadcaster leaves his politics, and integrity, and professional standards at home, again. “‘dis is his thee-o-ree; it is his own…”:
Worth a punt Jez, totally.
Guest – Do you think it could be Brexit related “hate crime” Perhaps Fatbot needs to make a statement on this.
Amazingly, by popular demand one is sure, she is on BBC QT tomorrow.
Well everybody the fudge is in as Theresa suggests that transitional arrangements will be put in place to allow a further period of EU migration after Article 50 period runs out. I think two years was mooted, so how many extras, do you think disgruntled EU members along with our Liberals will be able to shoehorn into this increasingly crowded Island. Maybe they could empty their prisons too – Thatl show us.
I suppose this will also allow a further period for illegals to also make it across before we tighten border controls – except if Theresa has her way we probably wont have any.
Unfortunately all these jigsaw puzzle pieces are about as challenging as a Mothercare – “My first puzzle” to work out.
1 Theresa maintains a mainly “Remain” cabinet
2 Allows an overlong period before triggering Article 51 (allowing Remainers to organise)
3 The BBC is given a free pass to undermine brexit and spread despondancy at every turn and give excessive platforming to “remain” politicians. Remember in theory we have two more years of this shit to listen to!
4 We meekly accept the EUs demand that we dont develop any other trading agreements with other countries while we are still in.
5 EU wastes no time in punishing Britain about what ostensibly is a non EU issue (Gib). Meanwhile our Navy has been run down to parlous levels. Which all makes us look very weak at the same time, Argentina starts sabre rattling about the Falklands again.
The calculation I reckon is that people will be increasingly worried by all of this and will be more than happy to accept “Our Girls” compromise. Which will be about as convincing as “Daves Big Deal”! Maybe she should call it “Peace in our Time”
I suspect that there will also be some “transitional fishing arrangements” as well!
We will also pay a big bag of money to the EU and guess what, as we will be magnanimously be granted temporary access to the single market which will remain open to us as long as we maintain the transitional EU migration arrangement.
I must say – I thought that Theresa and her Cabinet would have made a much better job of disguising their intentions. I really do hope I am wrong about this but I suspect I am not. I reckon that she is feeling confidant about the outcome now, hence the statement.
And after we have “left the EU” what will things look like? Why I suspect that they will look exactly the same. Except our population will have grown even larger and we will have payed even more money into the EU coffers. How long this “transitional arrangement” will last is still unclear but you can be sure it will grow and grow.
Yes Theresa brexit certainly means brexit – I think you can pull the other one!
Unbelievable – we may not be allowed a competitive advantage, Gibraltar on the table etc..
Easy to see why we’ve fought so many wars with Europeans.
We should have left the lot of them to the Germans. They’ve ended up dominating the whole place anyway (and us as well) thanks to the f*****g EU!
Al, Ex Pat John made a similar comment and I share the frustration of both of you. In WW 2 instead of standing alone we could probably have struck some sort of deal with Hitler but instead we did the right thing and consequently million of our countrymen and commonwealth troops died for our freedom.
This was because of our history and culture. To some extent we had learnt from the bloodletting of the past and realised that if you dont stand up for yourself and your values, you gradually become weaker and totally reliant on other nations for support. You certainly do not allow large numbers of potential hostiles into your country to undermine it from within. We also had a shared history and pride in our nation.
But forgetting al that. We also have the BBC And I wouldnt mind betting that it secretly considers its greatest achievement was being its ability to undermine our pride in the achievements of our past and creating a new set of values where common sense, steadfastness and determination is replaced with whining, emoting and a sense of entitlement.
Unfortunately our shallow and weak politicians have also bought into this and appear stuck together with the BBC/MSM in a sticky and needy embrace. Because of this therefore they can see no further than the next election and their jobs.
When I see the likes of Theresa and the remainers selling us all down the river,it is sad to say but I now believe that unless something terrible happens that concentrates every ones minds. We as an independent nation are probably finished and all for what. So that snowflakes can still feel all safe behind the battlements of the EU castle, whos illusionary walls were always built on sand. And now the harsh wind of reality is blowing. Collapse is inevitable.
They say you never really appreciate freedom until you lose it. I think we are now well down that road.
Top post ! Sad but true.
In summary
“Instead of opposing power in Europe, we should have played along and accepted the inconveniences
…. but Chamberlain decided differently
Sometimes you stand up for what’s right, suffer short term consequences for long term well being”
Having watched the debate in the EU parliament, it was fascinating to compare the BBC’s coverage on the BBC1 10’clock News.
Farage’s use of the supposedly offensive word “mafia” was mentioned by the BBC.
However his withdrawal of the word “mafia” and substitution of the word “gangster” immediately after wss cut.
More importantly, at the prompting of a Sinn Fein MEP, it was suggested that the stability of the Northern Ireland Good Friday peace process would be undermined by Brexit and that the EU should intervene in the interests of citizens in Northern Ireland. The Gibraltar machination was turned into a joke by the BBC. The threatened EU intervention in NI, however, was not covered by the BBC. At least, one DUP MEP made it clear that Dublin does not speak for Belfast and that the only reason the Good Friday would break down post Brexit would be if Sinn Finn restarted its bombing campaign.
The various nationalist MEPs from Belgium, Denmark, Bulgaria, etc. who were staunchly Brexit and more pro-British than your average LibLabcon cipher, were also not given a voice on the BBC. The news item show cased the mindless rantings from an Italian MEP whose EU fevour is probably only exceeded by Weber and Verhofstadt.
BBC and Far Left commenting on new film “1984” in the making and relating it to Trump and not themselves, thereby, with total unselfawareness, proving one of Orwell’s points. Incredible that they should claim Orwell as one of their’s.
I am just re-reading 1984 and it is astonishing how much it stinks of the BBC; they were clearly whom he had in mind with ‘The Ministry of Truth’ and he had worked for them previously. I only 20 pages in but the following have resonated deeply:
1. The ‘Two Minutes Hate’ where the thought criminal Goldstein is abused. This is clearly Trump and the Minutes of hate are the more like hours of hate, never ending abuse from every angle, whether it be in comedy, current affairs panels or ‘news.’
2. How relentless the propaganda is – he cannot do anything or go anywhere without having it. Who cares what the sexuality is of Dr Who’s assistant? Does every storyline in every drama have to virtue signal in some way?
3. Newspeak is another word for political correctness. My favourite is ‘undocumented worker’ instead of ‘illegal alien.’
4. The chaste, joyless women’s league i.e. feminists.
5. The thought police ‘disappearing ‘ anyone who has independent ideas. What ever happened to Kilroy? They went for Milo recently and he has had to go underground.
6. The party slogans which have no bearing on reality, such as Ignorance is Strength. We have difference is sameness and intolerance is tolerance. We also ‘celebrate diversity.’
7. Having to watch every word you say in case you stray from the party line; the slightest aberration can be lethal. Look what happened to Tim Peake.
I posted here before, but the BBC today think it all applies to Trump. They are so dim they do not realise that it applies to them. They claim Orwell as one of their own. Unbelievable.
The rewriting of documented history is another good observation in ‘1984’ – indeed, this is Smith’s job. A recent good example is the assault of the ‘asylum seeker’ in Croydon. Several versions of the story appeared on the BBC website with a difference in ‘angle’ as facts which did not fit the narrative became known.
” Diversity is our Strength ” ( Justin Trudeau )
Time for serious trade talks with Russia.
Oops I forgot – Russia is evil.
Can’t believe the Obama ‘red line’ (just his usual talk, no action) was way back in 2012 and suddenly it’s news.
And finally on bbc WS – Visiting Kurdish Minister makes plea for BRITISH people not to attack asylum seekers.
Not sure I should be encouraging rampant vandalism, but certain people have been getting hold of Euro notes and on the side with the map of Europe, putting a large cross through the UK !
I can imagine it driving remainers crazy when they find them!
Thoughtful, I have purchased a small adhesive union flag with the letters ‘GB’ on it to put over the EU flag on the front and rear number plates of my motor car. They can be bought for about £2 on Ebay.
I have always done the same here with the cross of St. Andrew. I would put the Union Flag there if it were not for the fear that some SNP nutter would put a brick through the windscreen.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Officials urged to be more ‘savvy’ when hiring consultants””
“”Taxpayers could face being “ripped off” by private consultants hired to help with Brexit talks, the chairwoman of a spending watchdog has warned””
“After all, Brexit is supposed to save us money.”
More anti-Brexit from the BBC.
One day in a galaxy far, far away, the BBC may produce a pro-Brexit feature.
But as Nick Robinson, the BBC’s senior political reporter said, the BBC don’t have to report fairly if they don’t agree with the opposing view.
Do I have to pay the TV Licence? Could I, single mothers and pensioners really go to prison for non-payment? Really? In a free, open and democratic society?
Good Lord; they’ve finally solved the chemical weapons connundrum, it was Trump’s fault all along!
“Syria chemical ‘attack’: Is Trump partly to blame?”
The BBC has an arsenal of dodgy editorial practices it deploys without compunction, but the ‘punt as a question’ headline is one of the most dire.
And they are now using it a lot.
“Here’s another beauty” from the impartial, free and fair Beeb
“Syria chemical ‘attack’: Is Trump partly to blame?”
I partly blame Farage! And Thatcher! And possibly then Enoch.
Isn’t it better to see who Lily Allen blames first? we don’t want to be accused of casting aspersions !!!
Partly to blame? … there s impartiality for you
Is that the part with Hilary and Obama?
H Clinton Approved Delivering Libya’s Sarin Gas to the Syrian Rebels
Using that gas is abhorrent.
Reporting accurately can/should only be expected.
I am seriously sceptical about this so-called gas attack.
President Assad is winning the war, Russia is backing him, and just last week Brtain and America were saying that maybe they would not insist he had to go in any peace deal. Then, suddenly, he decides to use sarin gas on a rebel held area.
Why on earth would he do this? There is no logical reason for it. He would have killed maybe 100 people and in so doing ruined his political chances with the west.
The only people who have anything to gain from this are the rebels, who we know have access to chemical weapons. The sacrifice of 100 people brings them huge political and military adavantage if it can be blamed on Assad, and if the USA is stupid enough to fall for it and begin attacking Assad.
So who carried out this gas attack? The side which stands to gain absolutely nothing from it, or the side which can use it to leverage the USA into entering the war on their side?
I may be cynical, but I can think for myself. I don’t need the BBC to hold my hand. I hope that President Trump will see through this and refuse to be the patsy in a very nasty act of black propaganda.
Whatever anyone may think about Assad, he is not stupid.
Well, my trumps can be unintentionally offensive but seldom if ever life-threatening.
also, the BBC show “Who do you think you are”, have traced Trump’s family tree all the way back to Pompeii in 79AD, and there is definitive proof, that one of Trump’s ancestors was heard bad mouthing the volcano just before it erupted….FACT!
In breaking news, researchers at the University of Nether Wallop have discovered that the infamous Cain, slayer of his brother Abel, is directly related to Donald Trump.
They also revealed that Cain’s son Enoch was named after Enoch Powell (shome mistake here, surely – Ed)
SJH, and IM (above):
No, he’s not to blame.
These are probably the WMDs that disappeared from Saddam’s Iraq shortly before that regime collapsed.
We know he had them, because the BBC reported the attacks on the Kurds, whilst simultaneously we know that they didn’t exist and that ‘Bush’, as they so politely call him, went to war on a lie, as also reported by the BBC.
The definition of a modern ‘liberal’ seems to include the ability to hold two diametrically opposed positions at the same time.
The same Barbara Plett who wrote in her bBC article that when Yasser Arrafat was taken to hospital the following:
“Yet when the helicopter carrying the frail old man rose above his ruined compound, I started to cry… without warning.”
The bBC was taken to task after they stated she had done nothing wrong in expressing her personal feelings
BBC governors yesterday upheld a complaint of bias against Radio 4 reporter Barbara Plett for a description of her tearful response to dying Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat’s final departure from the West Bank. The corporation’s head of editorial complaints originally cleared the controversial edition of From Our Own Correspondent of breaching BBC impartiality guidelines, but the governors’ programme complaints committee yesterday overturned the decision.
The bBC, and its schoolboy leftwing agenda.
She and Ken must have blubbed like babies at the ending to ‘Downfall’, when a frail old drug addicted man and his young wife were turned into a bunker BBQ.
Tragic, Babs. Tragic.
The BBC excelled itself today in revealing just how incompetent its news department has become. A news report on R4 had a sudden and unsubtle cut to an announcement that Brian Matthews had died. The clowns then spent the rest of the day stating they had got it wrong and, much to the relief of Mr Matthews’ family I am sure, that he was only critically ill. I did notice the BBC didn’t actually admit to sloppy journalism. They put the blame on members of the family and close friends that had been their source. Another case of relying too much on the old ‘some people are saying’ eh?
Steve – That, of course, wouldn’t come under the category of “fake news” I suppose.
That’s dreadful ! Er, if Gina Miller can rustle up a High Court case and appearance in less than a week, surely Brian Matthews can do the same and sue the BBC ! – oh wouldn’t THAT be priceless !
Oh dear, where do I start with Panorama ‘s programme on benefits cap. There is Maria who cannot work because of her bad back, carrying a bag on one shoulder the size of a house; the Dad who spends £40 a week on cigarettes and beer, but not on rent; Colleen who is looking after I think her grandchildren, she receives £29,000 a year on top of other benefits but has been told the money is for the children so uses it for extra curricular activities but is behind with the rent. I feel sorry for them all, but somewhere they are not getting help to make good choices. And all saw benefits as a right not a privilege.
You forgot Sarah, no chairs but a 50in flatscreen TV on posh stand and a very nice line in invective. Bet she’s a favourite with the Social.
And I thought the selfless Collen got £39k, plus extras making it £50k? But perhaps I misunderstood, all too easy under the circumstances.
Beltane, you are no doubt right, I didn’t watch from the beginning and thought it was £29k above other benefits which I forgot to add to the post. But Colleen genuinely thought she was being hard done by. Nobody seemed to have explained to her that paying rent for the children to have somewhere to live was using the money for the children. For someone on £50k not to be able to pay their rent is unforgivable. However the BBC presented this, a little analysis meant these people should have been able to manage on their money. These people were not asked or told that others have to work hard to pay the tax that provides their benefits.
Did they ask Colleen, Sarah and Maria if they voted for Brexit ?? Not like the Beeb to miss a trick like that.
Yes they did. All three thought it was a BOGOF breakfast cereal so the Beeb decided not to run with it.
I’m waiting for Panorama, or any BBBC programme to tell us the location of the magic money tree. I’d like some of that tasty sweet fruit please.
The world is increasingly split into “Peters” and Pauls”. The Pauls are paid money by the government who get it by robbing the Peters. There seem to be lots of Pauls about these days.
Paul Mason is now a thesp.
Bet the BBC get a pass to running a review if it is glowing.
Crafty edit of Nige’s speech at the EU on 10 oclock pravda
Said he was cut off mid flow after calling them mafia
But didnt go on to show him caling them gangsters instead
Making it look as if they had cowed him down and shut him up
Low lifes
Mrs S is so fed up of the biased BBC that she insists we watch the ITV news.
So I’m able to report that ITV did show our Nigel retract Mafia and substitute Gangsters.
They also gave him a fair show, showed his Union Jack socks and then covered the self-serving Eurocrats speeches in which they dug big holes for themselves.
It was really all rather pleasant. Credit where due.
I would usually agree that ITV is less biased than the BBC…but not by much.
Any report by Robert Moore, Washington Correspondent is blatantly anti Trump. He makes my blood boil with his condescending demeanour.
It can all be sorted in post.
Sadly for the BBC, access to the Internet means that ‘sorting’ is easily exposed.
Are they still seeking unique funding via ISP tithe?
Farage deserves a gong as big as a frying pan.
It won’t happen of course.
Thanks, Sluff for your post
ITV showed a balanced report because perhaps it relies upon commercial funding.
The BBC showed a biased report on the same topic because it’s funding is guaranteed by us.
All those people at the bbC who promote the line that the UK should do the right thing and take in more asylum seekers are keeping quite on this news story from Germany which apparently did the right thing:
Germany: 1/4 Million refugees allowed to bring families in
I wonder why that is?
More people are noticing the bias !
Some interesting HYS comments running, will our government act or are they complicit ? Check the out the ‘highest rated’ …………
One has to wonder if, as the minority pop their down rating on the highest, they in turn wonder why they are the minority, especially on the BBC.
Could it be a HYS is the only BBC mechanism free of that special BBC filter?
Apologies if it’s been mentioned already, but this is a terribly undiverse article!
Of course that’s not mentioned or explained. Except for:
“In some parts of the world, including India and some African countries, men commonly hold hands, taking it as a sign of friendship and respect.”
Why aren’t they showing any then?
Maybe they are all up on the roof preparing a fairy shower?
Or tying chains to their mopeds?
Bias ?
In the interest of impartiality, are there any posters out there that can point out right wing bias of the nation’s broadcaster ?
We have been asking the Trolls this for months with no response. Just confirms what we already know.
Has Germany woken up? Nothing on Al Beeb about this ………….
Special Assistant to President Bukhari describes the decision as “unfortunate”. That is very interesting !
Hey, drop what you’re doing everyone!
“Tony Blackburn reveals his folk band past at Radio 2 Folk Awards”
Now that’s worth the licence fee!
I was just going to post that !
Listening to Toady this morning it came as quite a surprise to learn that the BBC obviously really like China.
There was “another beauty” moment at about 6:30 when one of their “experts” claimed that both Trump and Xi Jinping will feel vulnerable on meeting today. Trump because he is volatile and doesn’t really have a coherent plan on how to deal with China, Xi Jinping because Trump is volatile and doesn’t really have a coherent plan on how to deal with China. Yes, really!
They liked them even more during the Olympics.
All those Beeboids taking selfies of each other in Tiananmen Square as they looked towards Tibet.
Happy days. Tear to the eye stuff.
Are there any examples of a totalitarian state which the BBC does not like ?
I think they are a bit iffy on Saudi when they napalm kindergardens, but then often decide best not to ruffle the feathers of the landlords, especially when Jon Sopel is hoping to score another 6* jolly to ‘review’ a prince’s lifestyle on BBC World.
Surely not suggesting that the BBC can be “bought ” ? Heaven forbid.
More a ‘professional courtesy’ thing. Like lawyers in a shark tank.
Their boundless love for the EU does make your point . There is nothing democratic about the EU but the BBC loves it to bits.
In response to John in Cheshire:
And indulge in the odd spot of goat shagging.
As the centuries old Arab saying goes “goats for pleasure, boys for cleanliness and women for breeding”. Or something like that. Maybe doesn’t translate perfectly.
Good to see Nick knows when sleeping dogs need a good scratch to shake off more fleas…
Guest, so Prick is saying that he and the BBC fail on both counts. I think he is insane !
Odd, because he looks completely normal.
As my wife would say when she disagrees with me “That’s what you think ” !
Here is an unfair frame capture, as pioneered by the BBC:
I have to disagree again. I think that is very fair. I mean, if it is good enough for Trump, it is good enough for Prick.
Simon Jenkins in The Guardian.
During the Brexit campaign, the BBC drove both sides to distraction with its even-handedness. All was fair. Stopwatches ticked round the clock.
Ah, that’s ok then.
Maybe that is why they have six QT pundits, to ensure total balance, five to one.
Wow Guardian lost against its own commenters
Top comment
Mail Comment on possible BBCprint move
from Metro-elite London to Metro-elite Manchester
BBC didn t know anything, didn t report anything, the Guardian was there and didn t see anything.
There’s just no way of winning any sort of argument with these people, simply because there IS no argument – they don’t know what they’re there for, and have no idea what’s at stake – or what they’re talking about, for that matter. And the MSM will turn anything to the advantage of the MSM – that, apparently, is what the readers, viewers, and listeners want.
I am not surprised – the ignorance of people is absolutely astounding.
Guardian past credibility check
The repeat of the James Randi film showed the incompetence of MSM
The rule is that you TEST evidence , not just ACCEPT it
but MSM was so in awe of the charisma and showmanship of Uri Geller
So when Randi was able multiple times to show Uri was not psychic but a fake one show kicked him off saying he’s not an expert on psychics cos he doesn’t ‘believe’.
… Result Geller continued on the circuit for another 30 years
..until caught on video with a magnetic ring on hi finger
BTW was last nights repeat of the doco film a different edit ?
..It seemed slightly different from what I remember.
Years ago Randi had a series debunking various psychists’ claims. Except on one show he had a man who was an amateur water-diviner (who made no claims for his own psychic abilities) who passed every test (I once saw it done by an unbelieving novice where it worked as well). However, despite finding the one he could not disprove, he totally ignored the results and pretended that all on that episode had failed. I have never seen him again but I wouldn’t trust him now as a result.
Don’t know about that one , but there have been many scientific experiments that show that water-divining is a hoax.
There is also plenty of evidence that it works, perhaps not with everybody. I could do it as a child.
Hope you made some money out of it ! Can you do it now ?
Knowledge is power. Knowledge of local water springs & water wells (present and in the past), geography, geology, geochemistry, ecology – that sort of stuff.
Yes, but in the case of the BBC, ignorance is bliss.
If you mean that the BBC are knowledgeable and use there knowledge of state of the art propaganda techniques to brainwash their audience, while keeping them in ignorance – then I can agree with that.
Actually , I meant that Beeboids are ignorant, but , now I think about it, you are right. That is the one exception. But, apart from brainwashing, they are ignorant.
No – in the case of the BBC Ignorance is strength.
Randi has part based his entire career on ‘proving’ such things are hokum. For him to find evidence to the contrary would be like the bbc backing Brexit – ain’t gonna happen.
Good comments Demon and Gaxvil. I wouldn’t trust Randi.
I am a sceptical person and once joined the Sceptics society. After going to a conference and hearing them talk about a number of subjects I came to the conclusion that too many of them were fundamentalists by nature and they had no spirit of inquiry. I do agree with a lot of what they say but they are nowhere near as intelligent as they think they are. I am of the opinion that if they did come across something startling that went against their beliefs they would just deny it or explain it away.
As for water divining, I dunno, but I do remember the programme that Demon refers to.
I subscribed to “The Skeptic” and “Sceptical Enquirer ” for many years. Many Sceptics may be fundamentalists, but all believers in the paranormal are fundamentalists. Some are doing it for money , some are just nutters. The funny thing is how some are so selective about what they believe in. Near where I am now, there is a man who believes in ley-lines. I once asked him about water-divining . He said ” that is a load of rubbish ” . As the late Tommy Cooper used to say ” You’ve got to laugh” .
Grant, “…all believers in the paranormal are fundamentalists”
Could I suggest you are being a bit binary there?
The ‘paranormal’ covers a very wide area.
Surely a person doesn’t have to believe it all, or believe nothing?
Christian fundamentalists get very desperate and angry when their literal interpretation of the Bible is questioned.This is because they fear if you break one link in the chain of their tightly held world view and the whole thing will unravel.
The same is true of fundamentalist sceptics when it is suggested that some of the “paranormal” may actually be grounded in reality.
Furthermore I have found that the hard line sceptics talk of people like James Randi as if he is some sort of high priest and to doubt him is blasphemy.
I have been told that the original Skeptics society was more open minded but those with any hint of objectivity were drowned out by the chorus of secular jihadists.
Randi was certainly “sceptical” about US immigration law when it came to his boyfriend, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, who was living in the US using the identity of an American citizen. Then again, laws are only for the little people.
@gaxvil @Yasser I’ll explain below
Well, @Demon the Randi $1m Challenge is real
And I can divine so what’s going on ?
A miracle technique that is not in any university textbook that would break the “too wow to be true” rule.
Subjects are consistently unable to replicate success under lab conditions.
The thing is there is always a discovery by chance and diviners don’t average any different.
And that’s the problem in the real world that leads to *confirmation bias* :when you get it right you count I, when you get close you count it, and then when you fail you make an excuse you weren’t doing the technique quite right etc. So you end up telling yourself you have an 80% success rate.
And cos the moving of the rods is an ideomotor effect, when you know ALREADY where the water is the rods will move and you will get a positive.
So in the real world a practiced operator will get positives, not from psychic knowledge but from other effects like from experience they pick up on geographical signs which are likely to coincide with water.
So you know what employing an experienced guy can be worth it, but it’s not the divining rod and pyschic ability that is actually finding the water.
It’s like when Derren Brown replicates a clairvoyant using cold reading (clever guessing and rushing past fails).
So the diviners can’t do the effect in lab conditions and don’t win the money.
Here’s the link for the big Water Divining study Randi did in Australia in 1980
What is amazing is how some believers stick to their guns despite overwhelming odds. Many crop circles have been shown to be man made and the makers freely admit it. The believers still say that the others were made by aliens ! No way of dealing with that !
@Grant that’s cos the human bias towards wanting to believe is so strong
and we come back to what @gaxvil & @Yasser talked about
Skeptics know you don’t just *TRUST* Randi
You don’t divide the world into *trusted* amd *untrusted* sources like the thicko BBC does.
Cos that is the Fallacy of Argument from Authority.
What counts is the Message (The evidence) NOT the messenger.
So when the messenger gives you a claim you don’t just ACCEPT it, you TEST it.
And that the point for 30 years whilst doing great work of exposing frauds, Randi was lying about breaking a significant law, that his boyfriend being an illegal alien. Asserting in his mind that he had no other option, and that there was no harm . As it turned out there was ultimate harm cos the guy whose identity was stolen missed his sister’s wedding.
Now back to what @Yasser said ..Cos pre 2000 skeptic orgs were fantastic, yet by 2005 I find myself at a Humanist meeting , where the leader stands up and says “We’ve done enough work on religious dogmatism, now we have to work for Climate Change action, cos this could be the end of the Earth.”
The idiot had gone from scorning religion cos it provides no proper evidence, to he himself being a firm believer in a doomsday cult, thus throwing all the rules out of going with evidence at each stage.
Then he says “well the authorities say”, and later “97% say”
Doh that is the fallacy of authority !
So as Yasser said the skeptic movement changed just like comedy circuit changed from funny to unfunny ..I started to see people at skeptic meetings who were an insult to skepticism as they sneered at people who believed in psychics etc. cos those believers were going against what authority said.
Likewise much of the skeptic movement started to rot as they started to sneer at people who wouldn’t just roll over and “just accept climate change”
As Yasser new members became like narrow minded fundamentalists who sneered at people instead of going thru the logic/evidence step by step, they kinda said we are with the RIGHT tribe and if you don’t say the same as us you are in the WRONG tribe.
You’ll note that Randi wouldn’t say anything about Global Warming for years until pressured and cajoled ..He surely knows inside that calling someone a “denier” is a wrong thing to do.
Yes , it is funny that no-one has claimed that $1m . Of course the standard excuse when people do agree to properly constructed scientific tests and, inevitably, fail is that they cannot perform under scrutiny, have to be relaxed blah blah. If I had genuine supernatural powers , I would grab that $1m dollars in a flash. But, of course, they do not. They are frauds.
“frauds” not entirely ..there are people who really have conned themselves inside ..and don’t realise they are using cold reading.
..They are genuinely astounded that under lab conditions their ‘magic’ powers disappear.
..Many diviners are like that
Well done Labour Party PR guys
9am news : The most important news today is that Labour is promising free school meals for all school children
..With unicorns providing the money.
…But that policy is already in the LibDem manifesto, so how is it NEWS ? , rather than a policy for the party to spend its own money promoting ?
yesterdays’s news headlines ..was Ken Livingstone, debate
… again another Labour Party internal matter.
But publicised on the ethos , its better to be talked about , than NOT talked about.
I don’t as a rule listen to Radio 5, but mistuning my radio the other day I caught an interesting piece about the plight of British comedy. It was all rather worrying, though they did put my mind to rest assuring their audience that there was no left wing bias at the BBC; it’s just that all comedians these days are anti Brexit and left wing…
They interviewed a shaken Marcus Brigstocke who sounded in quite a bad way. He’s been touring the UK and people have been walking out of his shows! Can you believe it? FFS wild horses couldn’t drag me in to listen to this pompous, opinoinated prig; (did I spell that right?)
Other Radio 4 favourites have also suffered. Jeremy, Sandi, Punt and Dennis…it’s a tragic story.
Apparently once you get away from the chortling left-wing metropolis and out to the sticks, the ill educated yokels are often Brexit supporters who don’t take too kindly to being lectured about their ignorance and racism. Quite often a merry quip about The Donald’s suspect thatch doesn’t bring the house down. Referring to Nigel Farage as a bigot doesn’t have them squealing in the aisles. It’s beyond belief that such narrow minded ignorance still exists in Britain. Poor Marcus sounded close to tears.
It’s the only time he’s made me laugh…
Yes, In the days when we had real comedians they knew that you can make fun of your audience but don’t insult them. Today’s crop have learned nothing from their superiors in the past. Have none of them ever watched Doddy ?
Sadly there is no consumer watchdog to take these ‘comedians’ to task under the Trades Description Act and Consumer Goods Act, when they take our money but fail to make us laugh !
Just because they’ve had the lads down the pub ‘in stitches’ with a few quip remarks, doesn’t mean they cut the mustard in front of a paying audience – but most seem to think they do and can. Relating everyday occurrences can be amusing to a point, but there needs to be more to the act, in the way that the likes of Frank Carson would machine gun the audience with side splitting jokes. Having an accent always helps too, – Liverpool, Yorkshire, Ireland, Manchester, Newcastle – add to the mix and enhances the jokes. Home counties and South East non-descript accents rarely work.
Good points, especially the last one. One notable exception being the late and great Bob Monkhouse, of course.
“Having an accent always helps too, – Liverpool, Yorkshire, Ireland, Manchester, Newcastle – add to the mix and enhances the jokes.”
Maybe. Nothing more painful though, IMO, than a comedian who believes that all he needs is a Scouse accent.
I’ve never met anyone who thought that Arthur Askey was funny. I also thought that Ted Ray was grossly overrated, and unbearably smug.
Couldn’t agree more Allen, both were as funny as toothache. However I hadn’t realised they were both ‘northerners’, clearly their accents to my much younger mind didn’t make the connection.
Have to agree with Grant also about Bob Monkhouse. I remember seeing him in cabaret (as I did Ted Ray – groan), the venue was sold out months in advance, and he brought the house down with laughter – a true comedian.
Agreed. Brissles. I only saw Bob in stand-up on DVD. Some of the jokes were so blue I had to get my mum to explain them to me. I noticed it was the ladies who laughed the most, but he got away with it.
Surely Bob was a ‘man of Kent’, at least that is what he thought people called him.
Yes indeed he was and that is one of his jokes !
I went to the I’m Sorry I havent a Clue show. The warm up guy was the producer, John Naismith and was very funny as he told well rehearsed, old fashioned story-jokes.
He dipped his toe in the water on Brexit and Trump but saw we were part of the ignorant, stupid racists the BBC decries, so he quickly moved on. The BBC ‘comics’ should follow suit. Play the audience , dont read the Guardian at them.
scribbling: ” Play the audience , dont read the Guardian at them.”
That’s a great line. Love it. So true.
Something I’ve been saying for some time is that the NHS is being used as a vehicle for immigration, and also an excuse to allow more of it.
Labour which hates white British people failed to train UK nationals as doctors and nurses, and the idle greed monger Cameron realised it would cost money to train nurses so decided the steal them from other countries.
The situation is so bad that even the old duffers in the House of Lords have noticed.
The NHS is ‘too reliant’ on foreign staff and has failed to train enough British doctors and nurses, peers warned last night.
Ministers have no strategy to ensure the health service will have the workers it needs over the coming decades, a Lords committee said.
They say this failure is the ‘biggest internal threat to the sustainability of the NHS’.
Peers said Britain could not continue to rely on overseas health and social care workers after it leaves the EU, when tougher immigration controls are expected to be put in place. …
I have no faith that Theresa the Socialist will make any meaningful changes because her mantra appears to be firstly do no harm by doing nothing you don’t really have to do.
“I have no faith that Theresa the Socialist will make any meaningful changes because her mantra appears to be firstly do no harm by doing nothing you don’t really have to do.”
Obama in a frock?
Blair opened the immigration floodgates yet put no plans in place to accommodate their numbers, including who would pay for the massive strain they would inevitably put on the UK’s services and infrastructure.
I think it’s called ‘social justice’ aka re-distribution of wealth, where no wealth is added, just what is there already is spread around more thinly.
But no re-distribution of Blair’s wealth.
Womans hour on Radio 4, always one of the most liberal Leftie programs the BBC puts out (and that’s saying something), has a piece on US gun ownership:
“Gun ownership by women is increasing in the United States. Joyce, an African-American woman who lives in an all-white area in Louisiana, explains why she has chosen to carry a gun for self-defence.”
The BBC turns its usual antipathy to gun ownership on its head, because it is apparently perfectly understandable why a Black woman would need to carry a gun to protect herself from all the wascally waycist whites out there.
An incredible example of the anti white left wing bias of the BBC.
That’s correct, damn whitey, whilst completely ignoring all the black-on-black violence. Par for the course.
A more interesting question would be:
“Why do so many blacks in America, seek to move into white areas as soon as they are financially able? You would almost think there was something wrong with majority black areas, residents flee them in such numbers.”
Nail Head Hit.
Extracting money with the obligatory menaces does sound very reminiscent of the Mafia. And after all it’s ok to call Farage a Nazi?
I assume the bbc thinks it only has to broadcast to the unintelligent and ill educated who are so incredibly undiscerning they’ll believe anything? Yet to ANYONE with a brain, it is blatantly apparent that when they interview anyone they don’t approve of or, report events they don’t like, we get disdain and aggression.
‘Arrogant and Conceited – Your BBC’
“BBC who trusts the BBC no no no, we always go to channel 135 and filter what it’s saying”
That’s what I heard when I happened to be helping a pensioners club the other day.
and I didn’t provoke them to say that they just came out with it.
Metro-elite think they are ahead of the curve, yet simple people pity the BBC as they know it’s actually behind the curve.
BBC is usually big on anti-bullying yet on Radio 4 yesterday there was no condemnation. I think the programme was Glass Half Full, supposedly a debate on the future of health. The bit I caught participants discussed how people could be encouraged to eat a more healthy diet. The suggestion was that they needed to start with 4 years old’s (brainwashing) as they would then go home and bully their parents! So it is OK to start children on the road to bullying as long as it is for their perceived right reasons.
Is that not what happened in the Soviet Union. The aim is to divide children and their parents so that the loyalty of the children is to the State. Pure Communism.
The destruction of the family and family loyalties remains the biggest obstacle to the leftist project, which is why so much effort goes into it. And added bonus for the pink Marxists of the West is that many of these ‘initiatives’ provide employment for themselves in the form of charities, advisory panels, commissions etc.
If the Soviets failed to do it, what chance have the Far Left in the West ? You cannot fight biology, but they think they are above the Natural World. Idiots.
The Far Left in the West have no chance – eventually nature will kick-in and reassert itself. A century of social engineering is but the blink of an eye in the timeless aeons of evolution. Mankind will survive, the problem being that Western civilisation might not and a World defined by another culture is likely to be a crueller, darker and more impoverished place.
Yes, point made by Brissles, below.
As seen in Scotland with Named Person scheme
Yes, not implemented yet, but horrifying. The named persons themselves may well be abusers. Certainly paeodophiles will try and get on that bandwagon. It will be interesting to see what Krankie does if muslims resist. Probably exempt them. Thank God, my daughter is in Gambia.
Thanks God my youngest is 15. A probable ‘cultural’ exemption for muzzies and any other minority that doesn’t fancy it sounds about right. Here’s one of our ‘locals’
Thanks God my youngest is 15. A probable ‘cultural’ exemption for muzzies and any other minority that doesn’t fancy it sounds about right. Here’s one of our ‘locals’
Well, he’s a beauty ! Of course , Krankie’s next step will be to have regular home visits by social workers to all families. You heard it here first .
It is surprising and encouraging but at the same time exceedingly sad – the amount of people who say they no longer take BBC News.
Not so long ago only the most off beat people would have admitted such a thing.
It would be interesting to see the viewing figures for the BBBC’s so-called flagship news programmes, especially if they could be analysed by age.
I remember an ex-police acquaintance telling me that he chose to watch, via Sky, the local BBC news from the SouthWest, rather than BBC London where he lived. “i don’t want to hear about black gang members killing each other”
We just can’t do any UK news TV anymore. Radio 4 I listened to for around fifty years but no more. I selectively listen to bbc WS and old stuff on 4 Xtra. TV news – Fox and RT.
Saw that cretinous bitch, on here, interviewing Farage, so I’m not tempted to try Sky.
BBC News – Israeli killed in vehicle attack, “vehicle”?
If we only eliminate “vehicles” … problem solved?
41 is the number of Israelis killed in knife, gun and car-ramming attacks since October 2015. In late 2015 and 2016, such attacks by Muslim “Palestinians” or Israeli Muslim Arabs happened with a near-daily frequency.
Update on Muslim integration in Yorkshire.
I was at a well known beauty spot in Yorkshire on Tuesday when a school party of seven or eight year olds arrived, about A 50/50 mix of whites and Asians of Pakistani origin . They set off for a short walk and immediately the whites moved to the front and the Asians took up the rear with two male Asian adults , presumably teachers. By the time the school party walked past me there was a gap of at least fifty yards between the two groups. The Asian teachers were talking to their pupils not in English but in what I assume was Urdu.
So much for school ntegration . So much for multiculturalism. I also note today it is predicted that by 2035 there will be more Muslim babies born in the U.K. Than British babies. And yet our idiotic politicians say there isn’t a problem. On this showing we will be speaking Urdu andnipping down the Mosque by 2050.If that isn’t a problem I don’t know what it.
It is certainly not integration, but it is multi-culturalism in its purest form. That’s exactly what it means: parallel lives and existence, or what was once called apartheid. As the boxer Muhammed Ali/Cassius Clay put it in his interview with Michael Parkinson:
“Blue birds fly with blue birds, red birds want to be with red birds — tell me when I’m wrong — pigeons want to be with pigeons… Buzzards are with buzzards… blue birds with blue birds. They all are birds, but they’ve got different cultures. The eagles like to hang out in the mountains, the buzzards like to fly around the desert, the blue bird likes to fly around the trees and the grass…
….. today it is predicted that by 2035 there will be more Muslim babies born in the U.K. Than British babies…….
This is the crux of the matter ! Those calling for more immigration appear only to see it in today’s terms, and not see the bigger future picture. Migrants here now are already breeding and in 20 years time (2037)babies born today will be breeding themselves – an astronomical amount in itself, even if the border doors were shut to all newcomers immediately.
Places like Syria will never be repopulated by those currently fleeing, because once settled into their new European lifestyles – they won’t be going back to rebuild. Anyone know of any Indian/Pakistani doctor who have taken the Queen’s shilling in this country and have gone back to their country of birth to aid medical care there ? no, neither do I, and this is the sodding problem for us. More and more green spaces given over to cramped housing estates, more mixed race children than at anytime in our history, and our culture gradually being eroded away – Cadbury EASTER Egg anyone ?
Back in the early 1970s I knew someone who was an electoral candidate for the National Front. His views at the time were considered too right wing for comfort, and made a profound statement that he could foresee a time within 50 years when the population in the UK would become more and more ‘khaki’ coloured if migration wasn’t controlled. Here we are, not too far off the 50 year time limit, and in all honesty he was closer to the truth than most realised. One can only despair the state of this country within the next 50 years.
Even if they shut the stable door now it is too late. I am lucky that I am older and will not be here to witness the inevitable and have no children here. As soon as the muslims get control of Europe , it will be hell for all non-muslims.
Do these stupid Dhimmis really think the muslims will let them carry on as usual. There won’t be any “multiculturalism” then.
What is the saying, “you reap what you sow”? To anyone thinking that a holiday in, say muslim Tunisia (without shooting on the beaches) doesn’t seem to bad – Wrong! Go to Saudi Arabia for a holiday. That would be more akin to what the muzzies in the UK want to replicate. Sorry, I forgot – no holiday makers welcome in Saudi.
Or we all reap what the Dhimmis sow.
Brissles I hear this a lot and although I agree with the demographic projections, bear in mind these are only projections. It’s possible there will be major socio-economic and political changes down the line.
For example, if unlimited immigration, with attendant rising birth rates continues, even if there is no political will to address the problem, eventually the welfare state will not be able to function, corruption will flourish and daily life will resemble more more that of the third world and near east. This will mean there will be no real reason for immigration to continue – why bother when things are no different in rainy England to sunny Syria.
It’s possible this could happen soon enough that there are still people with British values around willing to reverse the trend and turn things around. Remember that nowadays, immigrants don’t settle in the way they did in, say, the 1930s; they don’t ‘become Englishmen’ because home is just a cheap flight away so why bother. This very rootlessness may be to the advantage of Britain because it will mean people could be more likely to up sticks and leave if the magic money pot dries up.
Cranmer “rainy England to sunny Syria”,
Beside the point I know but the sun is overrated IMO.
I may be a small minority but I happen to like the British climate.
Rainy, green, pleasant, fertile beautiful England Vs desert wasteland.
I’d stay here even if the Syrians were offering free houses with swimming pools to Brits.
Cranmer, you have put it more succinctly than I. I’ve more or less said that when Africa empties, that will be the time for the whites in Britain to turn the lights out on the migrants and head South !
The UK will then become an apocalypse country likened only to the Sci Fi movies, with decaying cities, animals roaming the streets, gangs with guns (not unlike now actually), and corruption as bad as any African country. Happy days.
Mugabe will be gone by then, Brissles. Farming opportunities may open up!
BBC Website headline ” Barack Obama to visit Scotland “.
I will personally look forward to all the demonstrations and protests to the ex President who bombed, killed and droned his way through 8 years in the middle east.
Droned his way through endless boring speeches too. Anyway, it will only be about £5000 per seat at the dinner. Think I might go and heckle.
No doubt a photo opportunity for wee Krankie and Obama will probably say that Scotland would be at the front of any queue that he was in charge of and that he isn’t calling on the PM because he doesn’t think he would be welcome in England. Well he got the last bit right.
I can think of one golf course he won’t be visiting.
LOL ! Of course Trump knows Scotland pretty well. I bet Obama’s knowledge is imited to “Braveheart “.
Car ramming murder in Israel. Soldier killed.
I suppose the Isreli police and government will be just as baffled regarding the motive of the murderer as they were in the UK over the Westminster attack.
Not reported on the BBC yet.
Know why?
The BBC are writing the story so that the sequence of the attack will follow a report of a Pally killed by the IDF – but it won’t mention why the Pally was killed. Usual BBC inversion of events.
“Syria chemical ‘attack’: Is Trump partly to blame?”
Reports from Syrian Observatory for Human Rights?, White Helmets?, the old favourite
“regime change” for Syria now?.
I mean Assad is winning, having greater and greater success, the concerted plan has been effective
… so obviously you re going to rush out and gas attack civilians eh?
Trump partly to blame eh? … there s impartiality for you
Is that the part with Hilary and Obama?
H Clinton Approved Delivering Libya’s Sarin Gas to the Syrian erm Rebels?
Using that gas is abhorrent, a wicked crime.
It is so serious reporting accurately can/should only be expected.
Box ticking BBC
2:30pm R4 play
“The Man Who Wore Sanitary Pads
Mr Muruga is a builder from Tamil Nadu who wants to send a rather curious love letter to his wife: a low cost sanitary pad. But when his desire to help his countrywomen turns to obsession, his community and even his family turn their backs on him. Can he achieve his taboo-breaking mission? A compelling, real-life story of a great man, told with humour and admiration by Jon Sen.
Other voices…..the BBC Tamil Service”
Please tell me this is a spoof.
The sad thing is that Radio 4 does occasionally have some good stuff, it’s just that it’s so hard to find amid the dross and reheated Guardian leftovers. This morning there was a good programme about the poet Edward Thomas followed by another interesting one about the history of insurance. Unfortunately it was interspersed with a report from some correspondent in Hong Kong called Charlotte who sounded like she was in the middle of her A levels and had just discovered to her horror that people in China don’t live in large semi-detached houses like she does.
Dear readers
May I hope to be the first to assume the exceptional honour of announcing to you all that, in a rare and unheralded appearance tonight on BBC Television, the Rt.Hon Diane Abbott MP PVC STD will add her considerable experience and valuable opinions to the panel of experts on Question Time. Chaired by the gifted, urbane and impartial David Dimbleby, this is an event to anticipate with no small level of enthusiasm. Thank you.
Unfortunately way past my bedtime.
Beltane ,
Thank you for this announcement re the appearance of Ms Abbott. I had been wondering what the advantages of owning a wide screen TV were, now I know.
@Beltane I am not worthy enough to be able to watch someone has esteemed as Princess Abbott.
If she were to accidentally appear on my TV, then I would look down and avert my eyes from looking upon her.
Brit Muslim, 21, ‘caged by her dad’ in Saudi Arabia drops case against him after he promised she would be free to t…
Why don’t al beebus offer this woman a job? She would fit right in.
What a repulsive, nasty bitch. Yes, perfect for the BBC.
Its her eyes, I never trust anyone with eyes like that. Remember that clip of her throttling a woman up against a wall ? nasty piece of work.
Yes , her first instinct was to try and throttle the woman. Not normal.
I’ve noticed that it’s usually insecure people (like the woman in that clip) who come out with stuff like ‘I’m in charge here, thank you very much’. Confident people, such as Mr Farage, make it clear from how they speak that they do not fear their opponent.
BBC Website headline ” How many pro-Brexit comedians are there ? ” That , in itself is funny.
PS Prickstocke can only think of 2. Bias ? What bias ?