Comedy and current affairs have always had a close relationship – but Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidency have posed new challenges for comics. Politics has long been a part of Marcus Brigstocke’s comedy routine. He’s used to people not always agreeing with what he says, but this year it’s been different.
Nice. Plant that little seed of misdirection and off we go. Who disagrees with Brigstocke, ever, when he’s on the radio or TV? I’ve never heard anyone call him out for his inappropriate remarks – because he doesn’t have any. Classic BBC misreporting. One might almost be tempted to call it fake news.
But it gets better, as our intrepid – and entirely impartial – reporter struggles on…
“…Brigstocke is furious about the decision to leave the EU. The topic touches him more deeply than almost any other but he has doubts about this political passion.
Yeah, we know Brickstocke’s a passionate Remainer. He’s part of the pro-EU lefties club, so tell us something we don’t already know.
“…The passions aroused by Brexit are, it appears, challenging for satire. Britain is deeply divided and that poses problems.
But don’t expect the BBC even attempt to address those ‘divisions’ in anything approximating a fair or even-handed fashion. That’s not the agenda the BBC wants to follow. That’s not the narrative.
“…In a room of more than a hundred writers, producers and performers – we asked if any would come forward and admit to being pro-Brexit. Only one person put their hand up. One or two others approached me quietly afterwards but didn’t want to be interviewed.
Don’t worry – the BBC is ‘impartial’, folks!
Still, never too late to put a barb in the tale, eh, BBC..?
“…The one person that agreed to speak was James Cary, a writer of sitcoms. He’s also an evangelical Christian and used to being in a minority in the comedy world. He’s happy to be contrary. “I think it’s because Brexit is associated with conservatism and patriotism and nationalism and these are things comedians like to play against,” he says. “I think it’s led to a really interesting discussion. I think you’ve got to be very careful about impugning anyone’s motives… England and London are very different places” He adds: “We have to be wary of describing one as a metropolitan elite and likewise seeing people in England backward, nationalistic and patriotic and racist.”
Classy. Message the fact the one guy not drinking the progressive kool-aid is one of ‘dem kooky Christians’ and then subtly tie that into notions of nationalism, patriotism and racism.
This is why the BBC is way beyond saving. It’s a textbook example.
I no longer watch the BBC , C4 , ITV or any other Guardian Outpost.
I have a vote , I have purchasing power , and a will to complain (by letter see R.T .Fishalls book Bureaucrats and how to annoy them(Patrick Moore).
My money will not be saved in Spanish banks or spent on Spanish goods , Or French , German ,Dutch , Swedish, or the bird killers of Malta … actually I’m down to just the visigrads. I now seek out and buy British.
And I will no longer listen to diatribalshite from the lefty footsoldiers of the Guardian. Their DVDs can rot in the £1 bin.
The generation of comedians that emerged during and after the Second World War, many of them ex-servicemen, seldom revealed their politics. Those that did (Arthur Askey, Bob Monkhouse, Ken Dodd, for example) tended to be on the right; Spike Milligan poked fun at just about everyone, especially the BBC.
This current lot never knew what it was like not to have two ha’pennies to scratch their arses with, or to live through times of genuine austerity, such as the winter of 1947; neither would they have survived a performance at the Glasgow Empire.
Mr Natural – you beat me to it. Stand up comedians in the old days had to go through the baptism of fire that was the Glasgow Empire and similar places such as working mens’ clubs. This required an ability to adjust your act according to your audience and to stand up to heckling (and in some cases missiles thrown at the stage). You also had to appeal to a broad range of people (old, young, left wing and right wing, etc) so the comedy had to be about funny things in life in general that everyone could identify with. Censorship also bred creativity, such as Max Miller’s innuendos and so on.
Modern stand up, by contrast, comes from the tradition of Oxford and Cambridge revues, originated in the 60s by for example the Pythons, which filtered down through the redbrick and white-tile universities down to the polys in the 70s.
This played to a very homogenous audience, where it could be assumed that most people shared similar views (middle class, metropolitan and left wing). This killed comedy, because it essentially became a form of preaching to the choir. There was no intellectual opposition or diversity (in the true sense, not the leftist meaning of the word). The removal of any kind of sexual censorship also made it possible to get cheap laughs simply from swearing and abuse.
Stand up comedy routines therefore just became a sort of ‘credo in unum deum’ of the left. By the 80s and 90s comedians knew all they had to do was to shout ‘Thatcher’ or ‘George Bush’ and they would get a laugh.
The real problem is that nearly all of them are dire and just not funny people. And they know it and it really must depress them. Which makes them even more useless and dislike their audiences even more.
The old timers knew who gave them a good living and just how far to go with the audience.
Isn’t this exactly what the authorities want, the host community integrating with the ‘new’ Swedes?
Can’t be long before it will be the universal girls’ school uniform and, what with all this BBC-approved ‘gender fluidity’, the boys too, (and variants inbetween)!
“But.. but…” stutters the BBC editor, spilling his skinny soya latte into his free-range, organic, recycled lentil muesli and onto his sandals: “Isn’t that, er, er, Islamophobic or something?”
An important conference on the future of Syria is about to begin. The Syrian government, backed by the Russians, has been gaining the upper hand. Now, what shall we do?
1. Have an affiliated operative plant a bomb in St Petersburg, just to remind the Russians that they are not safe in their own backyard.
2. Dispatch the Prime Minister off to Saudi Arabia to receive their instructions about what they want to happen.
3. The Syrian airforce has been regularly bombing towns held by the rebels. Create an ‘event’ around it and claim it was a chemical weapons attack. Yes, none of the alleged previous ones have been proven but the public are stupid and have short memories.
4. Use that reputable world class media outlet – one man in a flat in Coventry, aka The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights – and publish his reports throughout the world without any questions.
5. Make sure the AP and BBC produce lots of photos of suffering children. Just don’t mention the ones we’ve been blowing up in Mosul, okay?
6. Get Boris, retired generals, the UN, anyone… to declare it is all true and that a ‘war crime’ has been committed, even though nobody qualified from outside has investigated any of it.
7. Whip up as much Russophobia as possible.
8. Tell Trump that the boys in Langley will go easier on him if he says something nasty about the Russians and Syrians.
That ought to do it. Give us a chance to get some more hardware in there – good for the companies selling weapons. Keep the Russians tied up as much as possible. Maintain the conditions for the ongoing ‘refugee crisis’. Give Turkey something to think about. Support our Saudi allies/benefactors by having third parties fight their proxy war with Iran. Everyone’s a winner.
Some of the above is speculation, fantasy and conspiracy nonsense. But, unfortunately, not all of it.
Assad has no need to go and use chemical weapons because he is winning.
He only needs to wait until it’s cleared up by all those fighting Isis and whoever else.
He would know there would be a huge backlash so even for an Arab it’s a stupid thing to do.
It must be a set up and the likes of the BBC are swallowing it hook, line and sinker.
Yes. I posted before that , whatever anyone thinks of Assad, he is not stupid. BBC will always believe what they hope to be true, irrespective of any evidence. That is one of the many reasons that they are crap.
It must be a set up and the likes of the BBC are swallowing it hook, line and sinker.
I think you’re too generous. I believe it is a very conscious agenda by the BBC to be the Islamists friend. Just the same way the BBC promote Hamas in Gaza even knowing they use human shields.
Grant – I know you know for me that is a rhetorical question 😉
Besides having followed for many years the way the BBC have skewed facts showing their pro-(terrorist) Palestinian/anti-Israel agenda, after seeing how they covered the Saddam regime, their real motive was clear.
If so, it is only because the BBC feared the IRA more.
Their psychotic insidious mentality, with cowardice and inferiority complex at its root, shows they will always sidle up to those they fear, regardless of the lack of morals and values contained. To escape their inner demons they seek power in the belief that this makes them superior.
Real psychopaths, not unlike the very jihadists they support.
Good spot CL
I too had my suspicions about this when the media et al were already jumping on Assad without any real proof – and it seemed illogical – and I’m no fan of Assad, but I trust these radical Islamists even less.
We should be more worried about our politicians who reach conclusions without proper proof, especially where taqqiya is well known to be one of the weapons of jihad 🙁
BBC Radio 4 …….
Comedy programmes dire!
No humour! Cringe worthy….
BBC agenda politics…
Are they trying to introduce us to the Teutonic sense of humour!!
Aka no sense of humour at all
“We have ways of making you laugh!!”!!
I told some Tommy Cooper jokes to a German once. For example, ” I only drink whisky for medicinal purposes. I am sick of being sober “. The German looked at me and said ” But it is unhealthy to drink too much alcohol “. FFS. I tried a few more then gave up.
Try this one:
A German went into a beer hall and asked for a stein. The barman said: “I’m sorry, we only sell camel milk and fruit juice now Mrs Merkel has turned us into a Sharia state”. The man replied: “Ach, das is gut. We are all diverse and multi-kultural now, ja?”.
Fritz certainly won’t be laughing at that one. For you, Fritz, the war is over.
BBC feckers with their subliminal fake news messages directed at British kids and youth on their newsbeat channel, claiming subliminally that Islam and Muslims support lesbians, and transgender rights, while Christianity doesn’t. Subliminal message: Christianity is the enemy. Islam / Muslims is progressive and happy.
It is part of a video clip they have embedded in the following piece of propaganda purporting to be news: Gay couple become first official same-sex foster parents in Japan. Focus on the images they put up on quick succession in the clip. It really is a nasty piece of work directed at brainwashing British kids and youth – newsbeat is for the 14 – 24 age group.
The clip can also be found on youtube. It is at around 0.32s into the clip where they have their “MUSLIM & LESBIAN & HAPPY” & “MUSLIM & TRANSGENDER …”& “GAY MUSLIMS UNVEILED” piece of fake news messaging.
BBC, the world leaders in Fake News. Peddling this stuff to kids is a form of child abuse but then the BBC know all about that. Did they cover muslim attitudes to same sex marriages ? Why are Beeboids so obsessed with sex ? It is not normal.
The BBC really have gone to town on the NEWSBEAT channel (14 – 24 age group) with stories on trangenderism (the pepsi – Kendall Jenner “story”), wife beating (the Mel B “story”), the rights of gays to adopt kids (the Japanese story …)
I can’t keep up with the BBC’s 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year propaganda – on their website, news, sport, newsbeat, CBBC, cbeebies channels it’s all in there, let alone their radio and television broadcasting, world news, BBC affiliated news world wide … it is a juggernaut – and all paid for by the British taxpayer.
It can be best understood as a series of agendas and campaigns. In sport the BBC have a “wenger out” campaign a “smash british cycling” campaign amongst others. Here is one non-story on the “wenger out” agenda – which required a lot of effort to put together and includes fake news.
By following different activist agendas the BBC push, we can learn about the methods used, the thinking process behind it all etc. But I have other things to do. So might drop it all and come back later to it – to maybe write something on it. But it needs solid evidence because all this stuff – the BBC and media simply deny it. I like this site because it catches things I miss and adds interesting detail. But I don’t really have the time for it at the moment.
To prove that I do not follow football, I thought he was German ! Had a look at your link. I assume that some , if not all, of the photos are photo-shopped. Also , it seems that the majority are “out”. Beyond that, I cannot comment.
Most kids aged 6-18 do not think the BBC is cool; they get most of their content from YouTube. That is why there is a concerted effort from the MSM to take on Youtubers – many have recently been demonetised up to 90%. The genie will not go back in the bottle though.
Should make it easier to recuit staff from non-EU countries, especially Commonwealth countries where most speak english. So Brexit is very positive for the NHS.
“The NHS has relied on staff from overseas all its life. Will Brexit change this?”
Which plonker came out with THAT statement ? Um, in the early 50’s when only the very rich climbed aboard aeroplanes, where did all these overseas staff come from ? certainly not the Philippines because they’d still be on the high seas if they came by boat !!! Ferry services to Europe were far and few between and expensive, so I’d be interested to know where all these people came from and how they got here. Yes there was the well publicised Windrush migrants from the West Indies, employed to work on mainly London Transport, and a few nurses seconded into the NHS, but right up until the 70’s the NHS certainly did not rely on overseas staff because doctors and nurses were home grown trained and employed.
Doubting Thomas’s have only to watch the films depicting our NHS at the time – Doctor in the House, Carry on films, etc to see that our hospitals were run by hideously white staff with ‘terribly awfully old chap’ accents !!!
Anyone looking at ‘Doctor In The House’ now might find them ‘whiter’ than when they were made.
There was a running gag about one of the doctors who was very good at chatting up the nurses. A bit to much drink at Christmas has him crossing the line and actually proposing to a nurse on night duty!
What to do? The solution is a frantic tour all the wards and proposing to anyone in a skirt. Originally the punch line is set in the nurses common room when the first nurse announces her engagement only to find that all the others have been proposed to too. Because the final nurse to be shown is black and ‘obviously’ not a suitable candidate for a white doctor’s wife this scene has been cut by the BBC. As a result anyone who missed the original has no idea how this major gag line is resolved. A bit like dropping the final movement of Beethoven’s ninth.
Maybe the BBC should go into the waiting room of a large inner city hospital and require all the patients to hold up a placard showing which country they all originated from. It might put all this ridiculous emoting about the need for extra foreign NHS staff in perspective.
I remember back in the 1980s we were meant to have a declining population. This all seemed to change almost overnight. Either the water companies have been putting viagra in the water supply or the libtards had been busy rubbing all of our faces in diversity!
in BBBC world, immigrants:
1 – never grow old
2 – never get ill
3 – never claim child benefit
4 – are always fully employed
5 – comply with all laws
6 – never use schools
7 – never use public transport
8 – never contribute to traffic congestion
9 – never abuse the hospitality shown them
10 -never need housing
11 – never eat food
12 – never drink water
Wonderfully un-PC. I saw Spike live back in the 70s , just stand-up. He was superb. Of course, he was another one who went through WW2, hence the titles of his memoirs “Adolf Hitler, my part in his downfall ” and ” Rommel, Gunner who ? “. Not sure if true, but the epitaph on his headstone is said to be ” I told you I was ill “. One of the greats.
Brilliant Grant – but a bit too close to the truth for comfort though, and there did not seem to be enough of them for a credible depiction of taharrush!
It looks as though things have turned out disastrously for Tim Burton (LibertyGB not Beetlejuice) and he may well be going to prison; I just hope he isn’t thrown to the wolves like the chap who put the rasher on the door handle and that he survives the ordeal.
Freedom of speech has gone completely in this country, when it comes to certain protected groups.
This has to be the worst liberal left audience ever. As the panellists were being introduced a few in the audience started clapping at the mere mention of “Tim Farron”.
David Vance is on RT now 22:21 A 2 minute item probably recorded earlier)
vs Peter Tatchell
About turning a passion play into a show where people pay £750 to be the one that’s crucified
.. “Clergy say that is blasphemous”
The Archers currently has a magnificently daft story line about the village cricket team deciding to admit women players as there are insufficient men to make up the XI. High dudgeon from the elderly feminazis who are turned away because they are are basically no good. They have no ball skills – boom boom!
They scream that it’s ageist and sexist to exclude them.
The response of the (male) team captain is to wring his hands and apologise for the offence he has caused to the old bats (ha-ha) and to ask how he can put it right. The captain is the local village bobby for goodness sake. I thought the motto of the police was “never explain, never apologise”.
I can’t decide if this is self parody, or if it’s deadly serious.
I really do resent being treated like an idiot by idiots who believe they are clever.
So many times the answer is just a, duh!
Like, hey NHS staffing? Well hey, if you’d had the intelligence to train some British folks then you wouldn’t have the problem. The cost? Maybe you could stop paying the likes of Trust Chief Executives £300,000 to run hospitals into Special Measures?
Like so many ‘problems’, it ain’t rocket science – it’s not even science – it’s just painfully obvious.
“Eta: Basque separatists plan to unilaterally disarm on Saturday”
Does this mean that Spain along with Al Beeb, will press harder now for the end of Gibraltar as a British Territory ?
I seriously think with the mind-set being displayed by our European friends – we should up our military spending.
Oh and in the meantime Hyundai and Kia make very good cars.
So Obama draws a red line in the sand. Assad sticks two fingers up at him and then he embarrasses the US and especially himself by doing sweet FA.
Then we come to ISIS. I have heard that 80% of US sorties failed to drop their ordnance because of the strict rules of engagement imposed on them by the White House. So much so that the 1000 tankers that ISIS used to ferry petroleum across the border into Turkey went unmolested because there might be “civilian drivers” moving them.
Then come the Russians and in 48 hours obliterate virtually all of the tankers leaving Obama’s spin team desperately scrabbling to claim that really they took most of them out, which every one knows is a blatant Obama lie.
No red lines this time, no talk, just action. Over 50 cruise Missiles hit an air base near Homs.
As I type the BBC are desperately scouring the area to find any non combatant who sustained a wood splinter in his finger to blame on Trump.
Great to see Trump has launched missiles at that war criminal Assad. It sends a strong messsge that the US will not stand by whilst terrible things like this happen. All this appeasement gets us nowhere.
Maybe now the left will understand the difference between words and actions. All this talk of violent words, micro-aggressions and gender pronouns; as Fouglas Murray says, we will be discussing gender pronouns as the mullahs nuke us. Certain groups only respect strength. How they must laugh at us worrying about ‘hate crimes’ when we face an unprecedented terror threat.
It was nauseating how Obama sucked up to the Islamic world – it was like they had elected him. And he was terribly indecisive. It shows how dangerous identity politics is. The liberal elite drooled over him because he looked and sounded right, though they ought to have been more worried about his ability to do the job. He dithered then did nothing when Assad used chemical weapons on his people in 2013; perhaps an academic with little real-world experience was not right for the job? Of course that could never be a consideration for these lunatic leftists who are more interested in the colour of your skin than the content of your character.
Obama actually told everyone when he would withdraw from Iraq. He set the exact date! Surely that was a clever bluff? Of course if they knew the date the US would withdraw the bad guys would just go away for a while then regroup when the forces had left. The exact date was not a bluff, the bad guys returned and created Isis! How much terror and misery have they wrought? If you did any other job that badly you would get the sack for gross negligence/incompetence.
The presenter on Five Live is trying to get a dig in but is struggling. Who can oppose someone who stops someone from gassing women and children?
This also kind of shows up the whole Trump/Russia connection for the nonsense it clearly is, as Assad is Putin’s ally. These actions speak louder than all their whining words and innuendo.
Great to see Trump has launched missiles at that war criminal Assad. It sends a strong messsge that the US will not stand by whilst terrible things like this happen. All this appeasement gets us nowhere.
Maybe now the left will understand the difference between words and actions. All this talk of violent words, micro-aggressions and gender pronouns; as Fouglas Murray says, we will be discussing gender pronouns as the mullahs nuke us. Certain groups only respect strength. How they must laugh at us worrying about ‘hate crimes’ when we face an unprecedented terror threat.
It was nauseating how Obama sucked up to the Islamic world – it was like they had elected him. And he was terribly indecisive. It shows how dangerous identity politics is. The liberal elite drooled over him because he looked and sounded right, though they ought to have been more worried about his ability to do the job. He dithered then did nothing when Assad used chemical weapons on his people in 2013; perhaps an academic with little real-world experience was not right for the job? Of course that could never be a consideration for these lunatic leftists who are more interested in the colour of your skin than the content of your character.
Obama actually told everyone when he would withdraw from Iraq. He set the exact date! Surely that was a clever bluff? Of course if they knew the date the US would withdraw the bad guys would just go away for a while then regroup when the forces had left. The exact date was not a bluff, the bad guys returned and created Isis! How much terror and misery have they wrought? If you did any other job that badly you would get the sack for gross negligence/incompetence.
The presenter on Five Live is trying to get a dig in but is struggling. Who can oppose someone who stops someone from gassing women and children?
This also kind of shows up the whole Trump/Russia connection for the nonsense it clearly is, as Assad is Putin’s ally. These actions speak louder than all their whining words and innuendo.
Valid point.
At a stroke Trump has sent the message to all those countries who have grown cocky whilst Obama was in the chair:
That this president isnt one to mess about with.
And at its most polite, she gets called a ‘dingbat’ for her troubles.
I now need to unravel the background to this. I recall Bill lobbing a few cruise misslrs around and it didn”t end well. And he could do no wrong.
The US zapping stuff at the beck and call of NGOs based on that world renowned US grasp of Intel has a poor history.
For now I err on ‘careful what you wish for’. The BBC may need to reflect on that too as it collates footage from certain areas to represent other areas to influence other areas.
The US tracked the Syrian aircraft during the bombing mission.
The Syrian FM has admitted to the air strike, but claims that they struck an arms depot which contained CW .
The actual strike only targeted one airbase and so militarily was more of a slap, Yes a 50 missile slap, but something which won’t really affect the miltary caperbility of the Assad government against the terrorists.
Just hope the provenance chain of proof is better than it has been in the past. Given who is now cheering from the world of Politics and media I still feel the need to check the proven facts.
Speaking of which, here is the BBC’s finest dissembler Nick ‘sources who say’ Robinson doing what he does best, ‘interpreting events’:
No 10 say PM was informed of strikes. Implies not consulted or given chance to participate cf Obama in 2013.
Wars these days are often fought, and lost, on propaganda as much as anything else.
Arrogance and lack of accountability can lead to pushing beyond a line best not crossed, but using CW blatantly to score a minor tactical advantage at the expense of a massive PR fail seems odd strategy, especial with a conventional death dealing arsenal that seems to be grinding down the opposition effectively.
On Toady they are discussing what Facebook is doing to stop the spread of fake news. The haughty tone of Nick Robinson is comical. Apparently there are ten points a reader should consider, one being if the story sounds ridiculous.
Trump, known for his fear of germs, paying Russian prostitutes to urinate on a mattress to spite Obama. Sound fishy to you? All based on one extremely dubious source who had been paid by the Democrats to get dirt on Trump; it was like getting a Liverpool supporter to compile a dossier on Manchester United and saying that is credible. How many news bulletins did they lead with that?
A drunken mob suddenly interested in the asylum status of a boy at a bus stop, having obviously just spent the evening discussing immigration law?
Countless spurious stories about Trump being ‘The Kremlin Candidate’, even though he just blew the crap out of their ally Assad?
Chille – I love it when the BBC reports on fake news. It gets all tutty and chaste and adopts a moralistic “How could they” type air.
I used to think that BBC clones like Robinson were just unaware of the lies they were disseminating because they were so totally up their own arseholes. I now think that they must be aware of the sheer level of news manipulation the BBC undertakes, but they just choose to ignore this as it is all just part of the necessary process in nudging us little people towards the libtard nirvana.
I am not sure he even realises he is doing it; just like doctors become desensitised to blood and death, you could not do his job without being a compulsive liar. Orwell called it doublethink, the ability to simultaneously hold contradictory beliefs and genuinely believe both of them as your life depends on it. For them to admit how dishonest they are would be like turkeys voting for Christmas. “Bias against understanding.” What a condescending wanker he is.
It is interesting that they (BBC) cite ‘Hilary Clinton arming ISIS’ as an example of FakeNews in the UK.
In the UK, we KNOW, thanks to Cameron & colleagues speaking on microphone, that our Government was considering arming anti-Assad rebels which would have included ISIS. Whether US weapons actually reached ISIS we know not, but the UK & US were certainly considering it. Fortunately, our sovereign Westminster Parliament (pre-Gina Miller) decided against that action.
Weirdly, in upside-down BBC-Land, democratic-voting in a ‘supreme’ Westminster Parliament to not proceed with arming rebels is now spoken of with a strong dose of disapproval in the voice.
This in a week when the PM was on a trip to Saudi Arabia, possibly endeavouring to keep a UK military industry customer happy and on-side. That visit was a target for sneering disapproval or outright condemnation from the mainstream media. They, and especially the BBC, are getting twisted absolutely tightly in knots now that they have started to take political positions.
As I write, John Humphrys is now standing on his head while turning somersaults and condemning action, complaining about inaction, calling for more war, talking of the horror of longstanding conflict, complaining about acts of war against sovereign States, a lack of stopping Civil War, condemning Assad, complaining about a lack of peacemaking, saying the UK should not be supporting Trump, should be supporting the US, should be wary of Moscow, should be consulting Parliament, killing innocent (Syrian) soldiers, risking exploding stocks of chemical weapons and poisoning everyone in Syria …
Thinking about the campaign against FakeNews, I’d like an end to FakeBroadcasting.
A political neutral BBC, seeking out news or examining current affairs purely with the aim of informing and educating, that’s what I want.
Now Nick Robinson is having a sneer about the ‘unchanged’ US policy toward Syria. I’m seriously considering utilising a cruise mitt on the OFF-switch.
Grant, don’t think I’ve seen them quite this knotted ever before. Now NR is looking at FakeNews v. FalseNews immediately after examining the Tweets of politicians about the US attack on Syrian military assets.
BBC Website ” Labia stretching. Why some British girls are told to do it “. That’s right, it is a centuries old British tradition. The British really are animals.
Grant, the BBC are completely sex-obssessed. They are fast becoming the broadcast equivalent of The Sun and The Sport newspapers and Cosmopolitan magazine combined.
BBC celebrating now Trump appears to have abandoned Isolationism. Trump joins the international community and bombs Assad.
Funny why Assad used gas on babies when he was winning. When you see dead children on TV the MSM are calling for war.
As for the bombing — who benefits?
Trump is now a BBC hero and backed by UK Government.
Trump is wrong.
GWF, the BBC and others on the Left have been campaigning for war on Assad and conflict with Russia for a couple of years now, even while complaining that Trump as US President would make the world a more dangerous place. Now they have got some US military action, they do not appear to like it.
What has happened to good old-fashioned diplomacy and peace-making? Why are Foreign Ministers and Secretaries of States not flying around the globe, meeting face to face, and doing what we pay them for(!), that is, something significant on the diplomatic front to bring this awful Syrian Civil War to an end.
The sarin attack and Trump’s response has not been good for the Vladimir- lovers, of which there are some on here .
It’s been equally bad for the Trump- denigrators, not least the BBC. Are we still to believe that Trump is in the pocket of Putin, as the BBC and its imitators on C4 news would have us believe ?
Last but not least , the ineptitude of the sainted Obama has been put into sharp relief . His failure to act in 2012 helped prolong conflict and cost countless lives.
There are no good guys and bad guys in the Syrian conflict, just bad guys The best of a variety of messy outcomes would be a stalemate that reduces violence, neuters Assad and his Russian/Iranian backers and sees off ISIS. But that’s no long term solution to the Sunni -Shia conflict that casts its shadow over the whole region.
Not sure I’m a Vlad-lover, EE, but I was and am in favour of bringing the Syrian Civil War to an end. Also conflicts in Yemen and greater Sudan. Putin appeared to be the only leader willing to take some steps, both diplomatically as well as directly militarily – in exchange for a guarantee of a Russian base on the Mediterranean – to end that conflict. Meanwhile Obama & Cameron alternately sat on their hands or considered arming rebels and terrorists, and then repeated that same cycle all over again.
‘Guest Who’ 7:44 am expresses his hope that the Intel is incontrovertible. I hope so, too, but remain uneasy about the swift assignment of blame for the truly shocking death and injuries caused by the release of ‘warfare chemicals’. Perhaps it was Assad, though there seems to be no gain for him whatsoever, so why would he do it? Nevertheless, the BBC and other media blithely dismiss the other possibility that the chemicals originated from jihadist groups. The highly experienced former ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, on the Today programme, expressed his misgivings over the knee-jerk judgement that Assad was to blame but, scandalously, was more or less shouted down by N. Robinson.
There is something very strange and odd about the whole Syrian conflict. I don’t think it is just nervousness or guilt over the obfuscations and misfeasances of the 2003 Iraq war or Libya in 2010/11 or a determination to avoid making similar mistakes in future. Can’t put a finger on what it might be though.
Similar, in a way, to Merkel throwing open the borders of the EU to all and sundry.
Are leaders deliberately trying to crash systems around the world, the EU, the UN, various conventions, etc.
Or are they merely being partly or occasionally incompetent as in the normal run of things but, in these cases, rather serious matters have attracted their incompetence.
I am old enough to remember the war between East Pakistan and West Pakistan. World leaders were all over that within weeks of its starting, anxious to prevent loss of life and a spreading conflict in the region. To be fair, the UN still had some credibility back then and debates there carried a great deal of weight. Where has the ‘shuttle diplomacy’ been over Libya or Syria or Yemen?
I am old enough to remember the war between East Pakistan and West Pakistan. World leaders were all over that within weeks of its starting, anxious to prevent loss of life and a spreading conflict in the region.
You may need to re-read the history of that event.
West Pakistan bothered by the rise in nationalism in east Pakistan launched Operation Searchlight on the night of 25 March 1971. It started the elimination of nationalist Bengali civilians, students, intelligentsia, religious minorities and armed personnel. it annulled the results of the 1970 elections and arrested Prime Minister-elect Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
From March till Dec 71 West Pakistan engaged in mass murder, deportation and genocidal rape. An estimated 10 million Bengali refugees fled to neighbouring India, while 30 million were internally displaced and between 1.5-3 million were murdered. Over 200,000 East Pakistani females were raped by the Pakistan Army
On the 3rd of Dec, Pakistan carried out a pre-emptive strike on India hoping to knock its much bigger neighbour out of the picture before it could get involved. Within 14 days Indian forces fought back and defeated West Pakistani forces inside East Pakistan .
Until that time the UN and the world did nothing, Once India got involved, the US under Nixon sent a carrier task fleet into the Bay of Bengal in which to support their ally..Pakistan. Russia in turn sent in 2 fleets which shadowed the carrier. Nixon also tried to get China to mobilise its troops on the Indian/China border. What brought everybody back to sanity was how India treated West Pakistan at the surrender table India released more than 90,000 war prisoners 7 months later India gave back more than 13,000 km² of land that Indian Army had seized in Pakistan .
Agree, Pounce, I should have used the word ‘further’ between prevent and loss of life. My mistake.
However, compare 9 months (months, yes, nine months) to six years!
Your roll call of terror on the Indian sub-continent was bad enough but it pales into insignificance alongside what has happened in Syria. Add the ramifications for Europe, the possibility of near endless terrorism, and the inactivity of the international community and the UN over Syria is inexplicable and amazing.
That nine months, if I recall correctly, of conflict on the Indian sub-continent contained a fair bit of ‘shuttle diplomacy’ and politicking at the UN and elsewhere. Politicians, diplomats and high level Generals criss-crossing the globe when international travel was not quite as it is now. How much has happened over Syria? How many times did Hague, Hammond and Johnson go to Damascus, Moscow, Washington and New York. They were just our Foreign Secretaries. What about the others, those in the EU and MiddleEast and USA?
So-called world leaders have been twiddling their thumbs while Syria has crumbled, people have been killed or displaced and armies suffered losses and we will now bear the risk of extra terrorism.
The people of the world have been badly served in the Syrian conflict.
So this morning the BBC sits back to admire for a moment the firework display it has been busy cheerleading for – calling for this bonfire as though western civiliasation depended on it. They even toss a penny for the ugly scary misshapen guy in the pram they have consistently villified as US President in an unprecedented and most bitter fashion.
Peacenik little Timbo Farron tells us he loves the smell of Tomahawks at dawn – it smells of Liberal Democracy.
The only positive from this – I suspect somewhere in a bunker in North Korea someone is redoing their calculations. “Mmmmm…. Obama, him not Plesident anymore?!”
As a footnote BBC news informs us that the price of oil has nudged up a notch or two. Unable to blame Brexit, can we look forward to future news of UK price inflation due to BBC-advocated ‘Bomb-it’
Surely any rise in the price of oil will be due to the skilled and forceful diplomacy together with the deft bargaining of Scotland’s ‘First Minister’?
“The only positive from this – I suspect somewhere in a bunker in North Korea someone is redoing their calculations. “Mmmmm…. Obama, him not Plesident anymore?!”
this is it in one, plus Xi Jinping….who is actually in the USA meeting President Trump….a loud message to them both.
There has been a weak supply teacher trying and failing to control the class. Instead of disciplining disruptive children, he just tried to be cool and be their friend and it only made things worse; others saw they could get away with murder and soon there was mayhem.
Now daddy is back, the badass headmaster whom everyone fears and respects. One kid dares to throw something at another kid. Daddy is instantly on him like a tonne of bricks: he is yelled at, humiliated and given hours of detention.
The class is silent once again and gets back to work. Now nobody dares to talk out of turn or mess around.
Peter Ford the ex Ambassador to Syria speaks sense in saying that Assad would be mad when winning the war to use chemical weapons, and that Assad is not mad. The relevant question is did the Syrian military know that the munitions warehouse stored chemical weapons, if that was the fact?
From the serious to the ridiculous. The BBC sent up a women to report on the eighty hot air
balloons crossing the channel. The fact that she was a women bears no consequence as I suspect that at least 75% of the newsreaders, reporters etc at the BBC are now women. The crazy part was when she said ” I cant look down” when describing the scene . We were then told by one of the presenters in the studio ,that she had no head for heights. I expect that the editor who picked her must of been a feminist masochist!! Anyway we can look forward to Eilidh Barbour taking over from Hazel Irvine as the front for Golf. I bet she ticked all the right boxes. Gary Lineker , your days are numbered.
“Peter Ford the ex Ambassador to Syria speaks sense in saying that Assad would be mad when winning the war to use chemical weapons, and that Assad is not mad. The relevant question is did the Syrian military know that the munitions warehouse stored chemical weapons, if that was the fact?
If I may beg to differ, courage is surely going into the face of danger knowing you will die when you have everything to live for. Like too many in our security and armed services here have to do.
Committing suicide because you believe an old fart when he (or your Mum) tells you a sky fairy will hand you an odd reward set to commit murder of innocents and yet you still want to… really isn’t. Like way too many all around the globe from communities living in derangement manage daily, sadly.
A quick corollary on the actress Natalie Emmanuel story which came from the Evening Standard a week or two ago. If you will remember this rather good-looking light-skinned black actress was moaning about not being offered enough parts – basically because she is black and the industry is racist. Which is odd because she currently has a role in the much vaunted tv show Game of Thrones. Her arguments were garbled – something about minorities being in a minority at auditions which was unfair or somesuch. Anyway I pointed out here that in the world of the BBC and like-minded media and especially of tv advertising and billboards we were positively awash with her ‘type’
And I’m correct. Because, sure enough, we now have news that our Natalie has landed a modelling gig with Speedo.
And….calling all feminists – it’s all fine and dandy about getting this job just because of the shape of your body (and by the way, in case you were wondering, the nude scenes in Game of Thrones are ‘relevant to the storyline’) because… ‘it has taken years to feel comfortable with her body’ and she ‘struggled with the way her body looked during her teens’
Ok, now that I’ve proved I was was right that this woman is simply manipulating lefty issues through PR so as to further her own career… now I will link to the pictures for all you racialist misogynists.
Most ‘news’ these days is just PR, which is someone selling something or promoting themselves. At least this is obviously just PR. The really insidious stuff is that which you think is actually news by is just a PR stunt.
I read an excellent book about PR called Flat Earth News. After that I see it everywhere.
Yep I watch watch I wanna watch, not what THEY want me to watch
..That’s why I waste little time on news
…If it has any truth in it , that will make it’s way onto the long form progs days o/ weeks months later.
There’s no need to waste time on daily news tittle tattle.
Isn’t she the girl who does the banking adverts? And the adverts for the furniture shops? And the supermarkets? And appears in all in the government publications and websites?
No? You mean there’s hundreds of different girls but ‘they all look the same’? Well I never. No wonder the poor luvee finds it hard to get a job with all that competition. Does look in her Speedo’s, though.
(To reinforce your earlier point, AsISeeIt)
There is sooo much mis, or maybe disinformation, being slung around on the MSM
over this Syria business this morning, its hard to know where to start.
One thing is clear, Assad would have no advantage by using chemical weapons, while
he is in the ascendancy, he is winning and having concerted success.
No advantage, politically either, and only last week US and indeed UK were even contemplating not needing a “peace deal” with the terrorist rebels.
There is one thing he is not, and that s stupid.
The Hague chemical weapons observatory, stated his chemical weapons and capability had been shipped out and destroyed June 23 last year.
Soooo who are the other actors in this drama.
The rebels have them, supplied not the least by Hilary Clinton as they cleared out Libya, an ordinary bomb striking a stash or dump a distinct possibility.
An advantageous turn of events?, for them yes destabilising the area again yes.
I note the excuse book is out from the No10 imbeciles on this, but they are not credible.
Also this Obama narrative of “regime change” is right back, leaving a vacuum, a disaster for a battered weakened Syrian people … the same as has been seen elsewhere, these rebel groups are every bit as insane as ISIS!… why carry on with “Hilary style”?
didn t the people vote against that?.
Trump … for the first time since POTUS, looks cajoled his body language looks unsure.
There are forces at work here behind the scenes, I smell a rat OPEC are happy the oil price spike again … that pipeline issue should be kept in mind.
… No 10 Tory f-ckwit Fallon, has got his rushed, “back of a fag packet” policy excuses out already,
Britain ‘would be ready for war against Russia in two years’
“War with Russia not likely next year”, says Defence Secretary
Britain could “carry out cyber attacks to defend itself against Russia”
Yep! … remember all these? from this incompetent buffoon subservient.
This stinks of a pretext … a pre-planned behind the scenes narrative
again, I believe from before Trump.
Like I said before … I smell a rat!
Salafist Jihadist group Ahrar al-Sham welcoming the strikes.
… Thanks America!
People praising the Syria attack:
-Lindsay Graham
-Paul Ryan
– May
– Fallon
in fact, all the Neo Liberal Establishment
“One thing is clear, Assad would have no advantage by using chemical weapons, while
he is in the ascendancy, he is winning and having concerted success.”
Winning! Here is a map of the situation inside Syria as of last week:
Anything Pink is Syrian Government, and he still has a very long way to go.
Well Pounce, OK not winning, but how does the use of chemical weapons advance his cause? He upsets his Russian allies & causes Trump to divert from his previously stated priority of ISIS.
The chemical weapon issue is one only Assad and his cronies can answer. But I do know his senior military were all trained in the Soviet Union and it is a well known fact that the Soviets planned to use NBC attacks on strategic points. Currently in the Hama theatre (Around 10 miles from the Chemical attack) there is a huge bunfight after 17 rebel grounds launched an attack on the Syrians, the Syrians supported by Iran,Hezb-allah and Russia are fighting back Syria: Chemical weapons used on a rebel held town
If you have time, watch the 2 videos (around 5 mins in total)
Yes, Syrian government forces are winning. Although they only hold the pink portion of the map, this is the region where most of the major cities and resources lie. The Kurds, in the purple area have a similar amount of geographical area but fewer major cities and besides the Kurds are not fighting the Syrian army, they are fighting ISIS. Rebel forces only hold the yellow portion, and now that Aleppo has fallen they are being squeezed on all fronts by forces from Aleppo, Latakia and Hama. ISIS is losing, however now they have the USA on their side things will change.
Trumps actions yesterday have offered ISIS a lifeline. It is well known that ISIS has chemical weapons, the Saudis sold them to them. They have also weaponised the chemical agents for use in the field, so they are perfectly capable of carrying out their own chemical weapon strikes, and if, when they do, it will be blamed on Assad and the yanks will have no choice but to call further cruise missile strikes against Assad.
The fact is no one knows for sure what happened in Idlib concerning chemical weapons. The Syrians story that they hit an IS weapons dump has legs, it has eye witness accounts backing it up. On the other side we have white helmet propaganda videos and a struck off British doctor with terror links. Hmm. Who to believe? Until a full independent investigation gives a verdict then we have to say we just don’t know what happened for sure, either way.
However, what is for sure is that the Yanks have blundered in like a bull in a china shop and seriously hampered the fight against ISIS.
Hrar Al-Sham, Tahrir Al-Sham (Al Qaeda) and ISIS private Telegram channels praising United States attack tonight.
as ISIS used US missile strike to launch new offensive near Palmyra
The governor of Homs
Is this reminiscent of the rush into Libya?, or what led to ISIS?
Sheesh! Chem Weapons? remember WMDs in Iraq?
I thought D Trump said it was a no to regime change,
and did he get congressional approval on this escalation?
So its always America first Don? a President who simply enforces immigration laws and doesn’t start pointless wars?
Syrian rebels used Sarin nerve gas, not Assad’s regime: U.N. Official UN prosecutor for Rwanda and Serbia genocide tribunals says it was probably the Syrian rebels that used nerve gas
John Kerry and Susan Rice told the media all the chemical weapons were gone from Assad
July 2014: “With respect to Syria, we struck a deal where we got 100% of the chemical weapons out.”
April 2017: Assad uses chemical weapons?.
The map has been produced by the ISW (Institute for the Study of War), a think tank setup by Dr Kimberly Kagan. According to Wikipedia, one of its analysts, Elizabeth O’Bagy, had her position terminated for job fraud. Turns out she had an unrevealed affiliation with the Syrian Emergency Task Force, a US group advocating the armed overthrow of the Syrian Government. Another member of the SETF included British lawyer Toby Cadman, who had served as defense attorney to members of Jamaat-e-Islami, a Bangladesh militant group whose leaders were convicted of war crimes. Two weeks after Ms O’Bagy lost her job, she got a new one… with Senator John McCain.
One of the organisations that helps finance the ISW is weapons supplier, Raytheon. Can anyone guess what they make and what has just been used on the Syrians? Here’s a clue:
Any BBC editors looking to make a Panaroma special, feel free.
BBC 5Live – Stanbrook Abbey Nrth Yorks pre Easter program, up to the most important Christian festival.
2hrs 08mins
Up pops Sister Agnes who s doing a Phd in … well any guesses?
See the BBC on the Jeremy Vine show criticising Trumps bombing of Syria military airfield, and Corbyn has condemned it.
Comments on Radio 2 Facebook seem to be closed for some reason.
The global stateofhim genius that is Jezza on Jezza seems to feel ISIS could be won over by a nice pot of Darjeeling and a currant bun. I have my doubts.
BBC in a spot of bother on this one. UK,France, Germany, Japan, Israel, EU,Turkey, NATO all support it. China ambivalent. Russia, Iran and Jeremy Corbyn condemn it. Thank God I do not have to live in the twisted mind of a Beeboid !
2. “What is their official opinion?” – They support it.
Result – “We must condemn it” Which has the added bonuses of being against Trump at the same time and being in line with Corbyn.
However, the BBC’s cognitive dissonance regarding Putin’s position is incredibly difficult to solve as they keep claiming that Trump is Putin’s poodle, but now Trump is condemning him and bombing his allies. Some BBC heads about to explode on this one.
Exactly ! This is what happens when someone’s opinions are not based on any principles or logic but just on who they hate or love. Naturally, Orwell summed it up in Animal Farm ” Four legs good, two legs bad “. Not that I am comparing Beeboids to pigs, of course. I have a lot of respect for pigs.
Grant. Totally agree, especially about the pigs. They go nicely with egg and mushrooms too.
Did you see the Rebel Media thing where the film 1984 has been shown again at cinemas in Canada. The stupid leftists think it’s about Trump rather than themselves.
Orwell was an unselfconscious socialist but he hated the excesses that socialist government sometimes (nowadays seemingly always) brings. His attack was on the Russian Revolution in Animal Farm but some think him a Trotskyite as the escaping pig (Snowball? I often get mixed up which was which as I read it decades ago) is not given as bad a character as the others.
In 1984 he was attacking dictatorships which he had seen at first hand with the Nazi and Fascist ones of Germany and Italy having just come to an end, as well as Stalin’s ongoing USSR. He could see that the USSR was gradually swallowing up the East European countries, which by 1948 was almost to the point it remained up to 1989, so I think he was actually thinking more about the USSR than the dead fascist ones. He could see, or managed to predict, how the left’s obsession with identity politics would lead to the thought police and all the ways the left has completely taken over the establishment. He might have been a lefty but he was the rare, honest one.
I posted about your 1984 point here a few days ago. It is quite hilarious that Lefties and the BBC are so unselfaware that they do not realise that the book is about them.
I was on the Isle of Jura (which totally by coincidence has a distillery) many years ago and visited Barnhill where Orwell wrote 1984. My goodness , he must have been pretty tough to live there.
I think , as a socialist, the scales fell from his eyes during the Spanish Civil War when he witnessed socialists and communists killing each other just as much as they were killing fascists.
As an aside , Animal Farm, is required reading at some Upper Basic Schools ( High Schools ) in Gambia. I doubt if it is read in British state schools. How would the teachers explain to the pupils that the book is attacking everything they stand for ?
Orwell was genius who will never be surpassed and I would say the same about the simple beauty of his english prose.
Grant: “As an aside , Animal Farm, is required reading at some Upper Basic Schools ( High Schools ) in Gambia. I doubt if it is read in British state schools.”
It used to be.
Forgot. That was when we had Grammar Schools and Secondary Moderns and kids in both improved their reading and vocabulary on classics like that.
I am of the opinion that it is often a useless exercise to speculate what is really happening in a situation like the one we see in Syria. I mean behind the scenes. That we are lied to by our media & politicians is a fact. But sometimes that is a good thing. When it comes to wars & diplomacy Why SHOULD we (the public) know everything? There are always going to be things they keep secret. Whoever THEY are. As the public we don’t have all the details & so-called intelligence. And we aren’t supposed to. Do we think our governments are stupid? Of course. ? Do we think they are THAT stupid? I hope not. Can’t ISIS & the Iranians & Saudi’s watch telly & read the internet as well as us? So why let out all the correct information? Why broadcast to your enemies what you are up to? Maybe Assad is behind the chemical attack (probably not IMO) Maybe it was a set up by ISIS fighters.
A far-fetched scenario I know but I wouldn’t die of shock if the truth turned out to be that there was no chemical attack at all and no retaliatory missile strike by the US either & it’s all a ruse to distract someone from the really important events that are playing out somewhere else. (Like I said far-fetched but that aside the truth may not be quite the shape we expect it to be)
Totally agree with you. If British and US intelligence sometimes get things wrong , what chance have politicians and the rest of us ? As for thick, self-important journalists pretending they have special knowledge of anything and pontificating about everything, don’t make me laugh. They are the bottom of the dung-heap. Especially the BBC.
Lucy, you make some valid points but “Why SHOULD we (the public) know everything?” overlooks the world changing events of VietNam and the second Gulf War, in my view. Add the Berlin Wall and its collapse, decades later, largely via People Power to that mix and Governments of nations that assume or presume they are ‘world players’ had jolly well better keep their people informed and should not act in a way that does not carry substantial public approval.
Are Governments really that stupid, you ask? Difficult one, that.
This morning and again after reading your post I find myself thinking of Hilary Benn and his impassioned grandstanding leadership bid, sorry, ‘speech’ in the House in December 2015 when the UK bombing of Syria was last debated. I am certain that I was not the only one who lobbied their MP and Secretary of State before the previous Syria debate in 2013 to put my view that arming rebels and therefore IS/ISIS/Daesh in Syria was really not a good idea.
Had the public not done so, then I am equally certain that left unhindered our Government would have armed all the wrong people in Syria. Assad may well have been deposed, but Syria and Lebanon (and possibly Jordan, too, although I think Israel may/would have gone to their aid) would now likely be ‘total basket cases’ just like Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran may well have joined in, using the opportunity to attack Israel or Saudi Arabia or both.
Governments not completely stupid? In reply: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Dodgy Dossiers.
“A far-fetched scenario I know but I wouldn’t die of shock if the truth turned out to be that there was no chemical attack at all and no retaliatory missile strike by the US either & it’s all a ruse to distract someone from the really important events that are playing out somewhere else. (Like I said far-fetched but that aside the truth may not be quite the shape we expect it to be)”
The first one, the gas attack, yes, I could believe that, too. Some of the photographs are rather suspicious for the claimed chemical agents supposedly used. However, we do know from both the Iranian and North Korean missile tests and warhead tests that these things can be tracked. On that last one, no way. Trump has plenty of people hostile to him inside the US and outside among US allies who would know if there had been no attack by the US and would use it against him. The Russians are there on the ground, Turkey and Lebanon alongside, and they are all monitoring carefully as well. )
A load of Africans will have died TODAY in unmentioned African wars.
Media news is not a true reflection of what is going on in our complex world.
It’s a bit of a soap opera ..and waste of time
..Cos while you are preoccupied with Syria PR people are pushing thru other projects like getting huge subsidies for their mates.
The bBBC’s take on the ‘incident’.
“A lorry has driven into a store in the centre of the Swedish capital Stockholm, killing at least three people, local media say.
Shots have also reportedly been fired.”
“I am very impressed by the number of armchair Generals on this site. Personally, I haven’t a clue what is going on in Stria.
Grant… I think the folks in Stria are trying to change the name of their country to Syria?
I was just trying to complicate matters !
PS Or even Syria !”
The rest of us, some of whom were on Typo Patrol Duty [we’re not all Generals here – us lower ranks have lesser duties 😉 ], were thinking ‘Austria? Missing a ‘y’? Austrian Elections? That was over ages ago.’
Thank God for you proof-readers. For heaven’s sake , don’t give Trump ideas to bomb Austria, or is it stralia ? Many non-Europeans confuse the two countries. That could be an expensive mistake.
As President Trump famously said ‘You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden’ …mmm.
It is so sad what is happening in Europe and around the world as we mourn today the death of another victim of the Westminster Bridge atrocity.
I am sure Al Beeb will be pushing the ‘we shall not be divided’ narrative and the clarion call to bring the ‘communities’ together will be louder than ever.
Why are we even entertaining Muslim, et al , ‘communities’ in the UK.
Does that not imply that particular ‘community’ is already separate to the British way of life and therefore not interested in integrating with us in the first place.
Dover Sentry
Half the time Al Beeb’s researchers get their news ‘alerts’ from this website site .
Quick fetch the ‘Gardener’ for him to tell us the ‘bleeding obvious’ about ‘intelligence’ .
As the Emir of London pointed out, it is all just part and parcel of living in a big city these days, just a small price to pay for all the cultural enrichment I suppose.
I can’t believe it has happened again! Did this person not see everyone holding hands along the Westminster Bridge, proclaiming that only love can defeat hate? We showed SO much love this time that I thought the terrorists would back down. Incredibly, they continue to run amok.
Although many people “joined in solidarity” after 9/11, 7/7, Paris, Westminster etc the few that didn’t join in are the ones doing this on a regular basis
jeez guys why cant you understand, the swedes oppressed so many people 1000 years ago, this is just blowback for the vikings, well deserved i would say.
If it wasnt for the viking foreign policy everything would be lovely
The narrative has started to be re-written today, Tr, probably due to sharp-eyed folk looking at the photos put up by the BBC on the web-site and asking awkward questions*. Probably not Sarin but we will not know unless it is properly investigated.
Likelihood of that happening?
Not much.
Likelihood of considerable hand-wringing, endless talking, spinning and jumping somersaults by politicians and the media?
* I think the BBC quickly took one down. Am I right in thinking they showed the photo of two naked children huddled on the ground while being hosed and washed by ‘rescuers’ with bare hands? Is my memory defective? I have seen it elsewhere. If you know that it was briefly on the BBC web-site or have screen grab evidence, please post.
Well, well, the sneering Sopel and left-liberal politicians around tbe dorks were right a few weeks ago. Nothing happening in Sweden! How could Trump have got is do wrong ? And even if something dies happen I’m sure that rhe Swedish Lutheran church can sort it all out with a Service of Hope and Reconciliation.
I’d better not say anymore in case Baroness Warsi of Yorkshire Ghettoland is offended .
A few hours ago Sopel was claiming to have predicted the Syria bombing
But half a day earlier Trump had been dropping heavy hints like “I’ve changed my mind on Syria”
C4 7:30pm Doco about Syrian refugee CHILDREN in Lebanon.
Apparently the horrible western countries are refusing to take the sickest kiddies and are instead only accepting refugees who make a health standard.
Well I guess you could blow the whole budget on 40 kids or provide asylum for 1000 healthy ones.
We should be taking in the Gay Syrians who face a very real threat of death, but equally tend to be much less religious, keep their heads down, get a job, and critically don’t have a dozen kids to carry out Jihad further down the line!
4:30 R4 Feedback
Jenny Murray after Midweek axed
– praise for kids edition of Moral Maze
– started with Nick Robinson Brexit issue
“Our listeners split from both sides complain of bias”
Since Feedback has massive pro-Libmob bias That means that 90% of complaints were from Brexiteers
When oh when is the biased BBC going to run an in-depth investigation into the standards of lorry driving in European cities, which seem to have slipped so much in the last couple of years?
Surely there is a scandal here that needs full publicity. Poor training, inadequate maintenance, excessive speed limits, the need for more speed cameras, poor security of lorry parks, the mental health of overworked drivers, lack of familiarity with road networks and signage.
The possibilities are endless.
Nah, can’t see it happening somehow. Cos then the BBC would unpatriotically have to consider the many British lorry drivers who over the last couple of years have ruthlessly driven their forty-ton vehicles straight at the refugee doctors, engineers and architects taking a post-prandial stroll along the Calais promenade. (And reports suggest that surgeons and lecturers have recently been returning to leafy Calais Lower Parva.)
It’s a strange pedestrianisation scheme that’s laid to tarmac, fenced by crash barriers and lit with motorway-standard street lighting, true, and even stranger that you’d go for your evening constitutional armed with metal pipes and baulks of timber—but who are licence-fee payers to question the world’s most trusted broadcaster about its complete lack of curiosity over any kind of vehicular mayhem?
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MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
The BBC attempts to answer a tricky question…
How many pro-Brexit comedians are there?
Comedy and current affairs have always had a close relationship – but Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidency have posed new challenges for comics. Politics has long been a part of Marcus Brigstocke’s comedy routine. He’s used to people not always agreeing with what he says, but this year it’s been different.
Nice. Plant that little seed of misdirection and off we go. Who disagrees with Brigstocke, ever, when he’s on the radio or TV? I’ve never heard anyone call him out for his inappropriate remarks – because he doesn’t have any. Classic BBC misreporting. One might almost be tempted to call it fake news.
But it gets better, as our intrepid – and entirely impartial – reporter struggles on…
“…Brigstocke is furious about the decision to leave the EU. The topic touches him more deeply than almost any other but he has doubts about this political passion.
Yeah, we know Brickstocke’s a passionate Remainer. He’s part of the pro-EU lefties club, so tell us something we don’t already know.
“…The passions aroused by Brexit are, it appears, challenging for satire. Britain is deeply divided and that poses problems.
But don’t expect the BBC even attempt to address those ‘divisions’ in anything approximating a fair or even-handed fashion. That’s not the agenda the BBC wants to follow. That’s not the narrative.
“…In a room of more than a hundred writers, producers and performers – we asked if any would come forward and admit to being pro-Brexit. Only one person put their hand up. One or two others approached me quietly afterwards but didn’t want to be interviewed.
Don’t worry – the BBC is ‘impartial’, folks!
Still, never too late to put a barb in the tale, eh, BBC..?
“…The one person that agreed to speak was James Cary, a writer of sitcoms. He’s also an evangelical Christian and used to being in a minority in the comedy world. He’s happy to be contrary. “I think it’s because Brexit is associated with conservatism and patriotism and nationalism and these are things comedians like to play against,” he says. “I think it’s led to a really interesting discussion. I think you’ve got to be very careful about impugning anyone’s motives… England and London are very different places” He adds: “We have to be wary of describing one as a metropolitan elite and likewise seeing people in England backward, nationalistic and patriotic and racist.”
Classy. Message the fact the one guy not drinking the progressive kool-aid is one of ‘dem kooky Christians’ and then subtly tie that into notions of nationalism, patriotism and racism.
This is why the BBC is way beyond saving. It’s a textbook example.
I no longer listen to Radio 4.
I no longer watch the BBC , C4 , ITV or any other Guardian Outpost.
I have a vote , I have purchasing power , and a will to complain (by letter see R.T .Fishalls book Bureaucrats and how to annoy them(Patrick Moore).
My money will not be saved in Spanish banks or spent on Spanish goods , Or French , German ,Dutch , Swedish, or the bird killers of Malta … actually I’m down to just the visigrads. I now seek out and buy British.
And I will no longer listen to diatribalshite from the lefty footsoldiers of the Guardian. Their DVDs can rot in the £1 bin.
The generation of comedians that emerged during and after the Second World War, many of them ex-servicemen, seldom revealed their politics. Those that did (Arthur Askey, Bob Monkhouse, Ken Dodd, for example) tended to be on the right; Spike Milligan poked fun at just about everyone, especially the BBC.
This current lot never knew what it was like not to have two ha’pennies to scratch their arses with, or to live through times of genuine austerity, such as the winter of 1947; neither would they have survived a performance at the Glasgow Empire.
Mr Natural – you beat me to it. Stand up comedians in the old days had to go through the baptism of fire that was the Glasgow Empire and similar places such as working mens’ clubs. This required an ability to adjust your act according to your audience and to stand up to heckling (and in some cases missiles thrown at the stage). You also had to appeal to a broad range of people (old, young, left wing and right wing, etc) so the comedy had to be about funny things in life in general that everyone could identify with. Censorship also bred creativity, such as Max Miller’s innuendos and so on.
Modern stand up, by contrast, comes from the tradition of Oxford and Cambridge revues, originated in the 60s by for example the Pythons, which filtered down through the redbrick and white-tile universities down to the polys in the 70s.
This played to a very homogenous audience, where it could be assumed that most people shared similar views (middle class, metropolitan and left wing). This killed comedy, because it essentially became a form of preaching to the choir. There was no intellectual opposition or diversity (in the true sense, not the leftist meaning of the word). The removal of any kind of sexual censorship also made it possible to get cheap laughs simply from swearing and abuse.
Stand up comedy routines therefore just became a sort of ‘credo in unum deum’ of the left. By the 80s and 90s comedians knew all they had to do was to shout ‘Thatcher’ or ‘George Bush’ and they would get a laugh.
How many pro-Brexit BBC employees are there ?
The real problem is that nearly all of them are dire and just not funny people. And they know it and it really must depress them. Which makes them even more useless and dislike their audiences even more.
The old timers knew who gave them a good living and just how far to go with the audience.
And most of the Old Timers did not have a sinecure with the BBC.
Mass conversion to islam by Swedish football Ultras.
“Swedish football ultras wear niqabs to get around anti-hooligan law banning face masks”
Isn’t this exactly what the authorities want, the host community integrating with the ‘new’ Swedes?
Can’t be long before it will be the universal girls’ school uniform and, what with all this BBC-approved ‘gender fluidity’, the boys too, (and variants inbetween)!
Deal or No Deal? Brexit Britain: Tonight
Today on ITV from 7:30pm to 8:00pm
I expect anti-Brexit thon again
Germany finally moves to ban child marriages after finding 1500 cases among refugees
“But.. but…” stutters the BBC editor, spilling his skinny soya latte into his free-range, organic, recycled lentil muesli and onto his sandals: “Isn’t that, er, er, Islamophobic or something?”
361 under the age of 14. Does this mean that , before the ban, these marriages were legal ?
I was suspicious about this Chemical Weapons Attack from the start. At the very least there’s a few things that don’t add up, mentioned on this site. I suspect it’s part of the hate Russia campaign of the MSM.
An important conference on the future of Syria is about to begin. The Syrian government, backed by the Russians, has been gaining the upper hand. Now, what shall we do?
1. Have an affiliated operative plant a bomb in St Petersburg, just to remind the Russians that they are not safe in their own backyard.
2. Dispatch the Prime Minister off to Saudi Arabia to receive their instructions about what they want to happen.
3. The Syrian airforce has been regularly bombing towns held by the rebels. Create an ‘event’ around it and claim it was a chemical weapons attack. Yes, none of the alleged previous ones have been proven but the public are stupid and have short memories.
4. Use that reputable world class media outlet – one man in a flat in Coventry, aka The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights – and publish his reports throughout the world without any questions.
5. Make sure the AP and BBC produce lots of photos of suffering children. Just don’t mention the ones we’ve been blowing up in Mosul, okay?
6. Get Boris, retired generals, the UN, anyone… to declare it is all true and that a ‘war crime’ has been committed, even though nobody qualified from outside has investigated any of it.
7. Whip up as much Russophobia as possible.
8. Tell Trump that the boys in Langley will go easier on him if he says something nasty about the Russians and Syrians.
That ought to do it. Give us a chance to get some more hardware in there – good for the companies selling weapons. Keep the Russians tied up as much as possible. Maintain the conditions for the ongoing ‘refugee crisis’. Give Turkey something to think about. Support our Saudi allies/benefactors by having third parties fight their proxy war with Iran. Everyone’s a winner.
Some of the above is speculation, fantasy and conspiracy nonsense. But, unfortunately, not all of it.
Well put Ian
For God’s sake, don’t give them ideas.
One thing stands out from everything else.
Assad has no need to go and use chemical weapons because he is winning.
He only needs to wait until it’s cleared up by all those fighting Isis and whoever else.
He would know there would be a huge backlash so even for an Arab it’s a stupid thing to do.
It must be a set up and the likes of the BBC are swallowing it hook, line and sinker.
Yes. I posted before that , whatever anyone thinks of Assad, he is not stupid. BBC will always believe what they hope to be true, irrespective of any evidence. That is one of the many reasons that they are crap.
It must be a set up and the likes of the BBC are swallowing it hook, line and sinker.
I think you’re too generous. I believe it is a very conscious agenda by the BBC to be the Islamists friend. Just the same way the BBC promote Hamas in Gaza even knowing they use human shields.
The BBC are pure scum – completely evil and vile.
Can you, or anyone, think of a terrorist group ever who have not been supported by the BBC or, at least, given an easy ride ?
Grant – I know you know for me that is a rhetorical question 😉
Besides having followed for many years the way the BBC have skewed facts showing their pro-(terrorist) Palestinian/anti-Israel agenda, after seeing how they covered the Saddam regime, their real motive was clear.
At least Eason Jordan of CNN admitted to have been biased pro-Saddam, after Saddam was executed, but the BBC have never owned up to it.
Pure traitorous evil.
Yes, although I think the UDA is the only one I can think of.
If so, it is only because the BBC feared the IRA more.
Their psychotic insidious mentality, with cowardice and inferiority complex at its root, shows they will always sidle up to those they fear, regardless of the lack of morals and values contained. To escape their inner demons they seek power in the belief that this makes them superior.
Real psychopaths, not unlike the very jihadists they support.
Yes, I think that is why they identify with terrorists. It is a mental illness.
Assad is NOT winning, he is merely not losing. He still controls less than a third of the country.
Good spot CL
I too had my suspicions about this when the media et al were already jumping on Assad without any real proof – and it seemed illogical – and I’m no fan of Assad, but I trust these radical Islamists even less.
We should be more worried about our politicians who reach conclusions without proper proof, especially where taqqiya is well known to be one of the weapons of jihad 🙁
BBC Radio 4 …….
Comedy programmes dire!
No humour! Cringe worthy….
BBC agenda politics…
Are they trying to introduce us to the Teutonic sense of humour!!
Aka no sense of humour at all
“We have ways of making you laugh!!”!!
I told some Tommy Cooper jokes to a German once. For example, ” I only drink whisky for medicinal purposes. I am sick of being sober “. The German looked at me and said ” But it is unhealthy to drink too much alcohol “. FFS. I tried a few more then gave up.
Try this one:
A German went into a beer hall and asked for a stein. The barman said: “I’m sorry, we only sell camel milk and fruit juice now Mrs Merkel has turned us into a Sharia state”. The man replied: “Ach, das is gut. We are all diverse and multi-kultural now, ja?”.
Fritz certainly won’t be laughing at that one. For you, Fritz, the war is over.
David Sedaris is an exception !
Worth listening to.
He is American…
Yes he’s great. No PC, conformist lazy anti-Trump bullshit, just acutely observed social observations.
BBC feckers with their subliminal fake news messages directed at British kids and youth on their newsbeat channel, claiming subliminally that Islam and Muslims support lesbians, and transgender rights, while Christianity doesn’t. Subliminal message: Christianity is the enemy. Islam / Muslims is progressive and happy.
It is part of a video clip they have embedded in the following piece of propaganda purporting to be news: Gay couple become first official same-sex foster parents in Japan. Focus on the images they put up on quick succession in the clip. It really is a nasty piece of work directed at brainwashing British kids and youth – newsbeat is for the 14 – 24 age group.
The clip can also be found on youtube. It is at around 0.32s into the clip where they have their “MUSLIM & LESBIAN & HAPPY” & “MUSLIM & TRANSGENDER …”& “GAY MUSLIMS UNVEILED” piece of fake news messaging.
BBC, the world leaders in Fake News. Peddling this stuff to kids is a form of child abuse but then the BBC know all about that. Did they cover muslim attitudes to same sex marriages ? Why are Beeboids so obsessed with sex ? It is not normal.
The BBC really have gone to town on the NEWSBEAT channel (14 – 24 age group) with stories on trangenderism (the pepsi – Kendall Jenner “story”), wife beating (the Mel B “story”), the rights of gays to adopt kids (the Japanese story …)
I can’t keep up with the BBC’s 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year propaganda – on their website, news, sport, newsbeat, CBBC, cbeebies channels it’s all in there, let alone their radio and television broadcasting, world news, BBC affiliated news world wide … it is a juggernaut – and all paid for by the British taxpayer.
Do they ever cover anything which is not sex-related ?
It can be best understood as a series of agendas and campaigns. In sport the BBC have a “wenger out” campaign a “smash british cycling” campaign amongst others. Here is one non-story on the “wenger out” agenda – which required a lot of effort to put together and includes fake news.
By following different activist agendas the BBC push, we can learn about the methods used, the thinking process behind it all etc. But I have other things to do. So might drop it all and come back later to it – to maybe write something on it. But it needs solid evidence because all this stuff – the BBC and media simply deny it. I like this site because it catches things I miss and adds interesting detail. But I don’t really have the time for it at the moment.
To prove that I do not follow football, I thought he was German ! Had a look at your link. I assume that some , if not all, of the photos are photo-shopped. Also , it seems that the majority are “out”. Beyond that, I cannot comment.
Most kids aged 6-18 do not think the BBC is cool; they get most of their content from YouTube. That is why there is a concerted effort from the MSM to take on Youtubers – many have recently been demonetised up to 90%. The genie will not go back in the bottle though.
the comments are open and going against them.
Any progs on BBC Pet Issues ? Yep 8pm R4
BBC Radio 4’s The Briefing Room: Can the NHS Survive?
and a few days ago they had
“The NHS has relied on staff from overseas all its life. Will Brexit change this?”
Only if we are stupid enough to implement our own post-Brexit immigration policy that excludes those skilled immigrants that we actually need.
Wilful scaremongering: vote leave and die on a trolley in a hospital corridor.
Should make it easier to recuit staff from non-EU countries, especially Commonwealth countries where most speak english. So Brexit is very positive for the NHS.
“The NHS has relied on staff from overseas all its life. Will Brexit change this?”
Which plonker came out with THAT statement ? Um, in the early 50’s when only the very rich climbed aboard aeroplanes, where did all these overseas staff come from ? certainly not the Philippines because they’d still be on the high seas if they came by boat !!! Ferry services to Europe were far and few between and expensive, so I’d be interested to know where all these people came from and how they got here. Yes there was the well publicised Windrush migrants from the West Indies, employed to work on mainly London Transport, and a few nurses seconded into the NHS, but right up until the 70’s the NHS certainly did not rely on overseas staff because doctors and nurses were home grown trained and employed.
Doubting Thomas’s have only to watch the films depicting our NHS at the time – Doctor in the House, Carry on films, etc to see that our hospitals were run by hideously white staff with ‘terribly awfully old chap’ accents !!!
Anyone looking at ‘Doctor In The House’ now might find them ‘whiter’ than when they were made.
There was a running gag about one of the doctors who was very good at chatting up the nurses. A bit to much drink at Christmas has him crossing the line and actually proposing to a nurse on night duty!
What to do? The solution is a frantic tour all the wards and proposing to anyone in a skirt. Originally the punch line is set in the nurses common room when the first nurse announces her engagement only to find that all the others have been proposed to too. Because the final nurse to be shown is black and ‘obviously’ not a suitable candidate for a white doctor’s wife this scene has been cut by the BBC. As a result anyone who missed the original has no idea how this major gag line is resolved. A bit like dropping the final movement of Beethoven’s ninth.
Maybe the BBC should go into the waiting room of a large inner city hospital and require all the patients to hold up a placard showing which country they all originated from. It might put all this ridiculous emoting about the need for extra foreign NHS staff in perspective.
I remember back in the 1980s we were meant to have a declining population. This all seemed to change almost overnight. Either the water companies have been putting viagra in the water supply or the libtards had been busy rubbing all of our faces in diversity!
in BBBC world, immigrants:
1 – never grow old
2 – never get ill
3 – never claim child benefit
4 – are always fully employed
5 – comply with all laws
6 – never use schools
7 – never use public transport
8 – never contribute to traffic congestion
9 – never abuse the hospitality shown them
10 -never need housing
11 – never eat food
12 – never drink water
etc etc, you get the picture
13 never commit crime
14 never go to prison
15 never take a job a brit could do
Mole and Kaiser -well said
16 never want to replace our culture with theirs
So that explains the queues for NHS treatment; the staff are outside with their posters, when they are not marching behind socialist worker banners
Would comedians get away with something like this now?
Wonderfully un-PC. I saw Spike live back in the 70s , just stand-up. He was superb. Of course, he was another one who went through WW2, hence the titles of his memoirs “Adolf Hitler, my part in his downfall ” and ” Rommel, Gunner who ? “. Not sure if true, but the epitaph on his headstone is said to be ” I told you I was ill “. One of the greats.
Brilliant Grant – but a bit too close to the truth for comfort though, and there did not seem to be enough of them for a credible depiction of taharrush!
It looks as though things have turned out disastrously for Tim Burton (LibertyGB not Beetlejuice) and he may well be going to prison; I just hope he isn’t thrown to the wolves like the chap who put the rasher on the door handle and that he survives the ordeal.
Freedom of speech has gone completely in this country, when it comes to certain protected groups.
The UK is already a police state, backed up by the judiciary.
Tim Wins?
Fire up the popcorn machine, this should be hilarious viewing.
So , including Dimblebore, that makes at least 5 Lefties .
This has to be the worst liberal left audience ever. As the panellists were being introduced a few in the audience started clapping at the mere mention of “Tim Farron”.
Are they seals, or is it sea lions who are trained to clap to get food?
David Vance is on RT now 22:21 A 2 minute item probably recorded earlier)
vs Peter Tatchell
About turning a passion play into a show where people pay £750 to be the one that’s crucified
.. “Clergy say that is blasphemous”
The Archers currently has a magnificently daft story line about the village cricket team deciding to admit women players as there are insufficient men to make up the XI. High dudgeon from the elderly feminazis who are turned away because they are are basically no good. They have no ball skills – boom boom!
They scream that it’s ageist and sexist to exclude them.
The response of the (male) team captain is to wring his hands and apologise for the offence he has caused to the old bats (ha-ha) and to ask how he can put it right. The captain is the local village bobby for goodness sake. I thought the motto of the police was “never explain, never apologise”.
I can’t decide if this is self parody, or if it’s deadly serious.
Could be deadly serious if a woman has to face up to a bouncer. But I don’t think any gentleman would do that. So it is not a level playing field.
The email you get when renewing your TV tax:-
‘Thanks again. Your licence fee helps keep your old favourites on air, and bring new favourites to life.’
flabbot just blamed croydon on brexit, lovely lmao
Kasier wrote:
flabbot just blamed croydon on brexit, lovely lmao
And she got it so wrong. She stated
“The Kurdish killing”
Err no.
I really do resent being treated like an idiot by idiots who believe they are clever.
So many times the answer is just a, duh!
Like, hey NHS staffing? Well hey, if you’d had the intelligence to train some British folks then you wouldn’t have the problem. The cost? Maybe you could stop paying the likes of Trust Chief Executives £300,000 to run hospitals into Special Measures?
Like so many ‘problems’, it ain’t rocket science – it’s not even science – it’s just painfully obvious.
“Eta: Basque separatists plan to unilaterally disarm on Saturday”
Does this mean that Spain along with Al Beeb, will press harder now for the end of Gibraltar as a British Territory ?
I seriously think with the mind-set being displayed by our European friends – we should up our military spending.
Oh and in the meantime Hyundai and Kia make very good cars.
So Obama draws a red line in the sand. Assad sticks two fingers up at him and then he embarrasses the US and especially himself by doing sweet FA.
Then we come to ISIS. I have heard that 80% of US sorties failed to drop their ordnance because of the strict rules of engagement imposed on them by the White House. So much so that the 1000 tankers that ISIS used to ferry petroleum across the border into Turkey went unmolested because there might be “civilian drivers” moving them.
Then come the Russians and in 48 hours obliterate virtually all of the tankers leaving Obama’s spin team desperately scrabbling to claim that really they took most of them out, which every one knows is a blatant Obama lie.
No red lines this time, no talk, just action. Over 50 cruise Missiles hit an air base near Homs.
As I type the BBC are desperately scouring the area to find any non combatant who sustained a wood splinter in his finger to blame on Trump.
Labia stretching: Why some British girls are told to do it
Oh dear, feel the enrichment. BBC titillating tale. Ironic cos some ladies, probably mostly white, get theirs reduced.
Posted below before I read yours .
Oh dear, I think I’m going to be sick.
Great to see Trump has launched missiles at that war criminal Assad. It sends a strong messsge that the US will not stand by whilst terrible things like this happen. All this appeasement gets us nowhere.
Maybe now the left will understand the difference between words and actions. All this talk of violent words, micro-aggressions and gender pronouns; as Fouglas Murray says, we will be discussing gender pronouns as the mullahs nuke us. Certain groups only respect strength. How they must laugh at us worrying about ‘hate crimes’ when we face an unprecedented terror threat.
It was nauseating how Obama sucked up to the Islamic world – it was like they had elected him. And he was terribly indecisive. It shows how dangerous identity politics is. The liberal elite drooled over him because he looked and sounded right, though they ought to have been more worried about his ability to do the job. He dithered then did nothing when Assad used chemical weapons on his people in 2013; perhaps an academic with little real-world experience was not right for the job? Of course that could never be a consideration for these lunatic leftists who are more interested in the colour of your skin than the content of your character.
Obama actually told everyone when he would withdraw from Iraq. He set the exact date! Surely that was a clever bluff? Of course if they knew the date the US would withdraw the bad guys would just go away for a while then regroup when the forces had left. The exact date was not a bluff, the bad guys returned and created Isis! How much terror and misery have they wrought? If you did any other job that badly you would get the sack for gross negligence/incompetence.
The presenter on Five Live is trying to get a dig in but is struggling. Who can oppose someone who stops someone from gassing women and children?
This also kind of shows up the whole Trump/Russia connection for the nonsense it clearly is, as Assad is Putin’s ally. These actions speak louder than all their whining words and innuendo.
God bless America.
Great to see Trump has launched missiles at that war criminal Assad. It sends a strong messsge that the US will not stand by whilst terrible things like this happen. All this appeasement gets us nowhere.
Maybe now the left will understand the difference between words and actions. All this talk of violent words, micro-aggressions and gender pronouns; as Fouglas Murray says, we will be discussing gender pronouns as the mullahs nuke us. Certain groups only respect strength. How they must laugh at us worrying about ‘hate crimes’ when we face an unprecedented terror threat.
It was nauseating how Obama sucked up to the Islamic world – it was like they had elected him. And he was terribly indecisive. It shows how dangerous identity politics is. The liberal elite drooled over him because he looked and sounded right, though they ought to have been more worried about his ability to do the job. He dithered then did nothing when Assad used chemical weapons on his people in 2013; perhaps an academic with little real-world experience was not right for the job? Of course that could never be a consideration for these lunatic leftists who are more interested in the colour of your skin than the content of your character.
Obama actually told everyone when he would withdraw from Iraq. He set the exact date! Surely that was a clever bluff? Of course if they knew the date the US would withdraw the bad guys would just go away for a while then regroup when the forces had left. The exact date was not a bluff, the bad guys returned and created Isis! How much terror and misery have they wrought? If you did any other job that badly you would get the sack for gross negligence/incompetence.
The presenter on Five Live is trying to get a dig in but is struggling. Who can oppose someone who stops someone from gassing women and children?
This also kind of shows up the whole Trump/Russia connection for the nonsense it clearly is, as Assad is Putin’s ally. These actions speak louder than all their whining words and innuendo.
God bless America.
Valid point.
At a stroke Trump has sent the message to all those countries who have grown cocky whilst Obama was in the chair:
That this president isnt one to mess about with.
Expect the left to start protesting soon
Well, there’s a turn up for the books:
And at its most polite, she gets called a ‘dingbat’ for her troubles.
I now need to unravel the background to this. I recall Bill lobbing a few cruise misslrs around and it didn”t end well. And he could do no wrong.
The US zapping stuff at the beck and call of NGOs based on that world renowned US grasp of Intel has a poor history.
For now I err on ‘careful what you wish for’. The BBC may need to reflect on that too as it collates footage from certain areas to represent other areas to influence other areas.
The US tracked the Syrian aircraft during the bombing mission.
The Syrian FM has admitted to the air strike, but claims that they struck an arms depot which contained CW .
The actual strike only targeted one airbase and so militarily was more of a slap, Yes a 50 missile slap, but something which won’t really affect the miltary caperbility of the Assad government against the terrorists.
Just hope the provenance chain of proof is better than it has been in the past. Given who is now cheering from the world of Politics and media I still feel the need to check the proven facts.
Speaking of which, here is the BBC’s finest dissembler Nick ‘sources who say’ Robinson doing what he does best, ‘interpreting events’:
Wars these days are often fought, and lost, on propaganda as much as anything else.
Arrogance and lack of accountability can lead to pushing beyond a line best not crossed, but using CW blatantly to score a minor tactical advantage at the expense of a massive PR fail seems odd strategy, especial with a conventional death dealing arsenal that seems to be grinding down the opposition effectively.
Prick Robinson really is a total wanker. Surely it was better that the UK was not dragged into participating ? Where do the BBC find these assholes ?
Maybe he was ‘inspired’ by his copy of the house journal:
‘Assad’s atrocity’ is the headline. The copy seems… thinner… on detail.
To repeat, I hope the Intel is incontrovertible. It can often not be.
Well said. Obama was a disaster for all civilised countries. He made the world a more dangerous place. Thank God that bastard has gone.
On Toady they are discussing what Facebook is doing to stop the spread of fake news. The haughty tone of Nick Robinson is comical. Apparently there are ten points a reader should consider, one being if the story sounds ridiculous.
Trump, known for his fear of germs, paying Russian prostitutes to urinate on a mattress to spite Obama. Sound fishy to you? All based on one extremely dubious source who had been paid by the Democrats to get dirt on Trump; it was like getting a Liverpool supporter to compile a dossier on Manchester United and saying that is credible. How many news bulletins did they lead with that?
A drunken mob suddenly interested in the asylum status of a boy at a bus stop, having obviously just spent the evening discussing immigration law?
Countless spurious stories about Trump being ‘The Kremlin Candidate’, even though he just blew the crap out of their ally Assad?
Did Prick discuss what the BBC are doing to stop the spread of Fake News in the BBC ?
Chille – I love it when the BBC reports on fake news. It gets all tutty and chaste and adopts a moralistic “How could they” type air.
I used to think that BBC clones like Robinson were just unaware of the lies they were disseminating because they were so totally up their own arseholes. I now think that they must be aware of the sheer level of news manipulation the BBC undertakes, but they just choose to ignore this as it is all just part of the necessary process in nudging us little people towards the libtard nirvana.
The BBC probably think they should have a monopoly on Fake News. They don’t much like competition in anything.
I am not sure he even realises he is doing it; just like doctors become desensitised to blood and death, you could not do his job without being a compulsive liar. Orwell called it doublethink, the ability to simultaneously hold contradictory beliefs and genuinely believe both of them as your life depends on it. For them to admit how dishonest they are would be like turkeys voting for Christmas. “Bias against understanding.” What a condescending wanker he is.
It is interesting that they (BBC) cite ‘Hilary Clinton arming ISIS’ as an example of FakeNews in the UK.
In the UK, we KNOW, thanks to Cameron & colleagues speaking on microphone, that our Government was considering arming anti-Assad rebels which would have included ISIS. Whether US weapons actually reached ISIS we know not, but the UK & US were certainly considering it. Fortunately, our sovereign Westminster Parliament (pre-Gina Miller) decided against that action.
Weirdly, in upside-down BBC-Land, democratic-voting in a ‘supreme’ Westminster Parliament to not proceed with arming rebels is now spoken of with a strong dose of disapproval in the voice.
This in a week when the PM was on a trip to Saudi Arabia, possibly endeavouring to keep a UK military industry customer happy and on-side. That visit was a target for sneering disapproval or outright condemnation from the mainstream media. They, and especially the BBC, are getting twisted absolutely tightly in knots now that they have started to take political positions.
As I write, John Humphrys is now standing on his head while turning somersaults and condemning action, complaining about inaction, calling for more war, talking of the horror of longstanding conflict, complaining about acts of war against sovereign States, a lack of stopping Civil War, condemning Assad, complaining about a lack of peacemaking, saying the UK should not be supporting Trump, should be supporting the US, should be wary of Moscow, should be consulting Parliament, killing innocent (Syrian) soldiers, risking exploding stocks of chemical weapons and poisoning everyone in Syria …
Thinking about the campaign against FakeNews, I’d like an end to FakeBroadcasting.
A political neutral BBC, seeking out news or examining current affairs purely with the aim of informing and educating, that’s what I want.
Now Nick Robinson is having a sneer about the ‘unchanged’ US policy toward Syria. I’m seriously considering utilising a cruise mitt on the OFF-switch.
The world is too complicated for the BBC and fellow Leftists to understand. That is why they are always getting their knickers in a twist.
Grant, don’t think I’ve seen them quite this knotted ever before. Now NR is looking at FakeNews v. FalseNews immediately after examining the Tweets of politicians about the US attack on Syrian military assets.
You couldn’t make it up!
Their whole cosy little world has been turned upside down. Let’s hope they disappear up their own fundamentals.
Unlike some here, Grant, I do not want the BBC to be closed down or subside into complete failure.
I think we need the BBC to be what they ought to be, a neutral Public Service broadcaster free of Government and other political interference.
BBC Website ” Labia stretching. Why some British girls are told to do it “. That’s right, it is a centuries old British tradition. The British really are animals.
Grant, the BBC are completely sex-obssessed. They are fast becoming the broadcast equivalent of The Sun and The Sport newspapers and Cosmopolitan magazine combined.
Especially Newsbeat. But then it is aimed at the younger audience.
Here they are on gas attacks (Nick, Jez and the Ed Crew will approve of that ‘suspected’ in BBC quotes):
This Dad lost his “sweetheart” baby twins, wife and 20 other relatives in the suspected chemical attack in Syria.
BBC celebrating now Trump appears to have abandoned Isolationism. Trump joins the international community and bombs Assad.
Funny why Assad used gas on babies when he was winning. When you see dead children on TV the MSM are calling for war.
As for the bombing — who benefits?
Trump is now a BBC hero and backed by UK Government.
Trump is wrong.
I don’t care for his speaking style, but Molyneux raises some important points arguing that the gassing story was a convenient set up to remove Assad
GWF, the BBC and others on the Left have been campaigning for war on Assad and conflict with Russia for a couple of years now, even while complaining that Trump as US President would make the world a more dangerous place. Now they have got some US military action, they do not appear to like it.
What has happened to good old-fashioned diplomacy and peace-making? Why are Foreign Ministers and Secretaries of States not flying around the globe, meeting face to face, and doing what we pay them for(!), that is, something significant on the diplomatic front to bring this awful Syrian Civil War to an end.
The BBC are describing Trump as a ‘globalist’. Revealing that they consider military intervention in other people’s countries as a ‘positive’.
Trump will never be a BBC hero .They will find a way to denigrate him over this even if it turns out to be right.
The sarin attack and Trump’s response has not been good for the Vladimir- lovers, of which there are some on here .
It’s been equally bad for the Trump- denigrators, not least the BBC. Are we still to believe that Trump is in the pocket of Putin, as the BBC and its imitators on C4 news would have us believe ?
Last but not least , the ineptitude of the sainted Obama has been put into sharp relief . His failure to act in 2012 helped prolong conflict and cost countless lives.
There are no good guys and bad guys in the Syrian conflict, just bad guys The best of a variety of messy outcomes would be a stalemate that reduces violence, neuters Assad and his Russian/Iranian backers and sees off ISIS. But that’s no long term solution to the Sunni -Shia conflict that casts its shadow over the whole region.
Not sure I’m a Vlad-lover, EE, but I was and am in favour of bringing the Syrian Civil War to an end. Also conflicts in Yemen and greater Sudan. Putin appeared to be the only leader willing to take some steps, both diplomatically as well as directly militarily – in exchange for a guarantee of a Russian base on the Mediterranean – to end that conflict. Meanwhile Obama & Cameron alternately sat on their hands or considered arming rebels and terrorists, and then repeated that same cycle all over again.
Compare and contrast.
‘Guest Who’ 7:44 am expresses his hope that the Intel is incontrovertible. I hope so, too, but remain uneasy about the swift assignment of blame for the truly shocking death and injuries caused by the release of ‘warfare chemicals’. Perhaps it was Assad, though there seems to be no gain for him whatsoever, so why would he do it? Nevertheless, the BBC and other media blithely dismiss the other possibility that the chemicals originated from jihadist groups. The highly experienced former ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, on the Today programme, expressed his misgivings over the knee-jerk judgement that Assad was to blame but, scandalously, was more or less shouted down by N. Robinson.
Don’t be surprised. The BBC support Isis. Prick Robinson is becoming increasingly mentally unstable.
I’m not surprised! How could anyone who listens for even a short time to the present-day BBC be so? Anyone who is, is not paying attention.
N. Robinson rather famously an advocate of ‘anonymous sources’, which the BBC if challenged will exempt itself from substantiating.
Not optimal. Especially when state and state media are as one on an issue.
Especially when state and state media are as one on an issue.
Not ‘as one’ – they are ‘one’.
There is something very strange and odd about the whole Syrian conflict. I don’t think it is just nervousness or guilt over the obfuscations and misfeasances of the 2003 Iraq war or Libya in 2010/11 or a determination to avoid making similar mistakes in future. Can’t put a finger on what it might be though.
Similar, in a way, to Merkel throwing open the borders of the EU to all and sundry.
Are leaders deliberately trying to crash systems around the world, the EU, the UN, various conventions, etc.
Or are they merely being partly or occasionally incompetent as in the normal run of things but, in these cases, rather serious matters have attracted their incompetence.
I am old enough to remember the war between East Pakistan and West Pakistan. World leaders were all over that within weeks of its starting, anxious to prevent loss of life and a spreading conflict in the region. To be fair, the UN still had some credibility back then and debates there carried a great deal of weight. Where has the ‘shuttle diplomacy’ been over Libya or Syria or Yemen?
Deliberately grounded?
Or refuelling accidents?
I am old enough to remember the war between East Pakistan and West Pakistan. World leaders were all over that within weeks of its starting, anxious to prevent loss of life and a spreading conflict in the region.
You may need to re-read the history of that event.
West Pakistan bothered by the rise in nationalism in east Pakistan launched Operation Searchlight on the night of 25 March 1971. It started the elimination of nationalist Bengali civilians, students, intelligentsia, religious minorities and armed personnel. it annulled the results of the 1970 elections and arrested Prime Minister-elect Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
From March till Dec 71 West Pakistan engaged in mass murder, deportation and genocidal rape. An estimated 10 million Bengali refugees fled to neighbouring India, while 30 million were internally displaced and between 1.5-3 million were murdered. Over 200,000 East Pakistani females were raped by the Pakistan Army
On the 3rd of Dec, Pakistan carried out a pre-emptive strike on India hoping to knock its much bigger neighbour out of the picture before it could get involved. Within 14 days Indian forces fought back and defeated West Pakistani forces inside East Pakistan .
Until that time the UN and the world did nothing, Once India got involved, the US under Nixon sent a carrier task fleet into the Bay of Bengal in which to support their ally..Pakistan. Russia in turn sent in 2 fleets which shadowed the carrier. Nixon also tried to get China to mobilise its troops on the Indian/China border. What brought everybody back to sanity was how India treated West Pakistan at the surrender table India released more than 90,000 war prisoners 7 months later India gave back more than 13,000 km² of land that Indian Army had seized in Pakistan .
Agree, Pounce, I should have used the word ‘further’ between prevent and loss of life. My mistake.
However, compare 9 months (months, yes, nine months) to six years!
Your roll call of terror on the Indian sub-continent was bad enough but it pales into insignificance alongside what has happened in Syria. Add the ramifications for Europe, the possibility of near endless terrorism, and the inactivity of the international community and the UN over Syria is inexplicable and amazing.
That nine months, if I recall correctly, of conflict on the Indian sub-continent contained a fair bit of ‘shuttle diplomacy’ and politicking at the UN and elsewhere. Politicians, diplomats and high level Generals criss-crossing the globe when international travel was not quite as it is now. How much has happened over Syria? How many times did Hague, Hammond and Johnson go to Damascus, Moscow, Washington and New York. They were just our Foreign Secretaries. What about the others, those in the EU and MiddleEast and USA?
So-called world leaders have been twiddling their thumbs while Syria has crumbled, people have been killed or displaced and armies suffered losses and we will now bear the risk of extra terrorism.
The people of the world have been badly served in the Syrian conflict.
The looking glass war
So this morning the BBC sits back to admire for a moment the firework display it has been busy cheerleading for – calling for this bonfire as though western civiliasation depended on it. They even toss a penny for the ugly scary misshapen guy in the pram they have consistently villified as US President in an unprecedented and most bitter fashion.
Peacenik little Timbo Farron tells us he loves the smell of Tomahawks at dawn – it smells of Liberal Democracy.
The only positive from this – I suspect somewhere in a bunker in North Korea someone is redoing their calculations. “Mmmmm…. Obama, him not Plesident anymore?!”
As a footnote BBC news informs us that the price of oil has nudged up a notch or two. Unable to blame Brexit, can we look forward to future news of UK price inflation due to BBC-advocated ‘Bomb-it’
Surely any rise in the price of oil will be due to the skilled and forceful diplomacy together with the deft bargaining of Scotland’s ‘First Minister’?
Now, BBC Radio4 TOADY programme owning up to FakeNews it broadcast just yesterday.
Moth and rust has corrupted the BBC!
Only yesterday? What about the rest of it?
A specific item, Old Goat*: ‘Moths’ attacking Eltham Palace and chemical weapons, weapons of (too much) mass destruction, being used against them.
[* I know what you meant but the scriptwriter in me could not resist. 😉 ]
“The only positive from this – I suspect somewhere in a bunker in North Korea someone is redoing their calculations. “Mmmmm…. Obama, him not Plesident anymore?!”
this is it in one, plus Xi Jinping….who is actually in the USA meeting President Trump….a loud message to them both.
There has been a weak supply teacher trying and failing to control the class. Instead of disciplining disruptive children, he just tried to be cool and be their friend and it only made things worse; others saw they could get away with murder and soon there was mayhem.
Now daddy is back, the badass headmaster whom everyone fears and respects. One kid dares to throw something at another kid. Daddy is instantly on him like a tonne of bricks: he is yelled at, humiliated and given hours of detention.
The class is silent once again and gets back to work. Now nobody dares to talk out of turn or mess around.
Peter Ford the ex Ambassador to Syria speaks sense in saying that Assad would be mad when winning the war to use chemical weapons, and that Assad is not mad. The relevant question is did the Syrian military know that the munitions warehouse stored chemical weapons, if that was the fact?
From the serious to the ridiculous. The BBC sent up a women to report on the eighty hot air
balloons crossing the channel. The fact that she was a women bears no consequence as I suspect that at least 75% of the newsreaders, reporters etc at the BBC are now women. The crazy part was when she said ” I cant look down” when describing the scene . We were then told by one of the presenters in the studio ,that she had no head for heights. I expect that the editor who picked her must of been a feminist masochist!! Anyway we can look forward to Eilidh Barbour taking over from Hazel Irvine as the front for Golf. I bet she ticked all the right boxes. Gary Lineker , your days are numbered.
“Peter Ford the ex Ambassador to Syria speaks sense in saying that Assad would be mad when winning the war to use chemical weapons, and that Assad is not mad. The relevant question is did the Syrian military know that the munitions warehouse stored chemical weapons, if that was the fact?
The site of the weapon strikes are on open roads
“Banal and indiscriminate attack”…..
…this is how a reporter on the BBC Today programme this morning described the murder of 5 people by an Islamic jihadist in London.
“Indiscriminate”….how many muslims (other than the terrorist) were killed?
“Banal”….really? adjective meaning…”so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring”
On the day they announce the death of Andreea Christea RIP.
They really are unbelievable at the BBC.
Unbelievable ? They are vermin.
At least they held back on calling it ‘daring’.
This time.
“Cowardly” is another popular word, whereas to go out murdering people, knowing you will be killed yourself, actually requires courage.
If I may beg to differ, courage is surely going into the face of danger knowing you will die when you have everything to live for. Like too many in our security and armed services here have to do.
Committing suicide because you believe an old fart when he (or your Mum) tells you a sky fairy will hand you an odd reward set to commit murder of innocents and yet you still want to… really isn’t. Like way too many all around the globe from communities living in derangement manage daily, sadly.
A quick corollary on the actress Natalie Emmanuel story which came from the Evening Standard a week or two ago. If you will remember this rather good-looking light-skinned black actress was moaning about not being offered enough parts – basically because she is black and the industry is racist. Which is odd because she currently has a role in the much vaunted tv show Game of Thrones. Her arguments were garbled – something about minorities being in a minority at auditions which was unfair or somesuch. Anyway I pointed out here that in the world of the BBC and like-minded media and especially of tv advertising and billboards we were positively awash with her ‘type’
And I’m correct. Because, sure enough, we now have news that our Natalie has landed a modelling gig with Speedo.
And….calling all feminists – it’s all fine and dandy about getting this job just because of the shape of your body (and by the way, in case you were wondering, the nude scenes in Game of Thrones are ‘relevant to the storyline’) because… ‘it has taken years to feel comfortable with her body’ and she ‘struggled with the way her body looked during her teens’
Ok, now that I’ve proved I was was right that this woman is simply manipulating lefty issues through PR so as to further her own career… now I will link to the pictures for all you racialist misogynists.
Agree, though one suspects our Nat has ‘people’ who know what media ‘people’ respond to.
Most ‘news’ these days is just PR, which is someone selling something or promoting themselves. At least this is obviously just PR. The really insidious stuff is that which you think is actually news by is just a PR stunt.
I read an excellent book about PR called Flat Earth News. After that I see it everywhere.
Yep I watch watch I wanna watch, not what THEY want me to watch
..That’s why I waste little time on news
…If it has any truth in it , that will make it’s way onto the long form progs days o/ weeks months later.
There’s no need to waste time on daily news tittle tattle.
Isn’t she the girl who does the banking adverts? And the adverts for the furniture shops? And the supermarkets? And appears in all in the government publications and websites?
No? You mean there’s hundreds of different girls but ‘they all look the same’? Well I never. No wonder the poor luvee finds it hard to get a job with all that competition. Does look in her Speedo’s, though.
(To reinforce your earlier point, AsISeeIt)
Also a real shot at getting the Sideshow Bobbette gig in the new Simpsdaughters.
There is sooo much mis, or maybe disinformation, being slung around on the MSM
over this Syria business this morning, its hard to know where to start.
One thing is clear, Assad would have no advantage by using chemical weapons, while
he is in the ascendancy, he is winning and having concerted success.
No advantage, politically either, and only last week US and indeed UK were even contemplating not needing a “peace deal” with the terrorist rebels.
There is one thing he is not, and that s stupid.
The Hague chemical weapons observatory, stated his chemical weapons and capability had been shipped out and destroyed June 23 last year.
Soooo who are the other actors in this drama.
The rebels have them, supplied not the least by Hilary Clinton as they cleared out Libya, an ordinary bomb striking a stash or dump a distinct possibility.
An advantageous turn of events?, for them yes destabilising the area again yes.
I note the excuse book is out from the No10 imbeciles on this, but they are not credible.
Also this Obama narrative of “regime change” is right back, leaving a vacuum, a disaster for a battered weakened Syrian people … the same as has been seen elsewhere, these rebel groups are every bit as insane as ISIS!… why carry on with “Hilary style”?
didn t the people vote against that?.
Trump … for the first time since POTUS, looks cajoled his body language looks unsure.
There are forces at work here behind the scenes, I smell a rat OPEC are happy the oil price spike again … that pipeline issue should be kept in mind.
… No 10 Tory f-ckwit Fallon, has got his rushed, “back of a fag packet” policy excuses out already,
Britain ‘would be ready for war against Russia in two years’
“War with Russia not likely next year”, says Defence Secretary
Britain could “carry out cyber attacks to defend itself against Russia”
Yep! … remember all these? from this incompetent buffoon subservient.
This stinks of a pretext … a pre-planned behind the scenes narrative
again, I believe from before Trump.
Like I said before … I smell a rat!
Salafist Jihadist group Ahrar al-Sham welcoming the strikes.
… Thanks America!
People praising the Syria attack:
-Lindsay Graham
-Paul Ryan
– May
– Fallon
in fact, all the Neo Liberal Establishment
Political Establishment … Business As Usual
“One thing is clear, Assad would have no advantage by using chemical weapons, while
he is in the ascendancy, he is winning and having concerted success.”
Winning! Here is a map of the situation inside Syria as of last week:

Anything Pink is Syrian Government, and he still has a very long way to go.
Well Pounce, OK not winning, but how does the use of chemical weapons advance his cause? He upsets his Russian allies & causes Trump to divert from his previously stated priority of ISIS.
The chemical weapon issue is one only Assad and his cronies can answer. But I do know his senior military were all trained in the Soviet Union and it is a well known fact that the Soviets planned to use NBC attacks on strategic points. Currently in the Hama theatre (Around 10 miles from the Chemical attack) there is a huge bunfight after 17 rebel grounds launched an attack on the Syrians, the Syrians supported by Iran,Hezb-allah and Russia are fighting back
Syria: Chemical weapons used on a rebel held town
If you have time, watch the 2 videos (around 5 mins in total)
Currently Syrian forces are converging from both sides of the town are around 10 miles a way
If they take the town they will completely encircle a load of rebels in a pocket,
Yes, Syrian government forces are winning. Although they only hold the pink portion of the map, this is the region where most of the major cities and resources lie. The Kurds, in the purple area have a similar amount of geographical area but fewer major cities and besides the Kurds are not fighting the Syrian army, they are fighting ISIS. Rebel forces only hold the yellow portion, and now that Aleppo has fallen they are being squeezed on all fronts by forces from Aleppo, Latakia and Hama. ISIS is losing, however now they have the USA on their side things will change.
Trumps actions yesterday have offered ISIS a lifeline. It is well known that ISIS has chemical weapons, the Saudis sold them to them. They have also weaponised the chemical agents for use in the field, so they are perfectly capable of carrying out their own chemical weapon strikes, and if, when they do, it will be blamed on Assad and the yanks will have no choice but to call further cruise missile strikes against Assad.
The fact is no one knows for sure what happened in Idlib concerning chemical weapons. The Syrians story that they hit an IS weapons dump has legs, it has eye witness accounts backing it up. On the other side we have white helmet propaganda videos and a struck off British doctor with terror links. Hmm. Who to believe? Until a full independent investigation gives a verdict then we have to say we just don’t know what happened for sure, either way.
However, what is for sure is that the Yanks have blundered in like a bull in a china shop and seriously hampered the fight against ISIS.
Hrar Al-Sham, Tahrir Al-Sham (Al Qaeda) and ISIS private Telegram channels praising United States attack tonight.
as ISIS used US missile strike to launch new offensive near Palmyra
The governor of Homs
Is this reminiscent of the rush into Libya?, or what led to ISIS?
Sheesh! Chem Weapons? remember WMDs in Iraq?
I thought D Trump said it was a no to regime change,
and did he get congressional approval on this escalation?
So its always America first Don? a President who simply enforces immigration laws and doesn’t start pointless wars?
Syrian rebels used Sarin nerve gas, not Assad’s regime: U.N. Official UN prosecutor for Rwanda and Serbia genocide tribunals says it was probably the Syrian rebels that used nerve gas
John Kerry and Susan Rice told the media all the chemical weapons were gone from Assad
July 2014: “With respect to Syria, we struck a deal where we got 100% of the chemical weapons out.”
April 2017: Assad uses chemical weapons?.
Now here’s a little tidbit for you.
The map has been produced by the ISW (Institute for the Study of War), a think tank setup by Dr Kimberly Kagan. According to Wikipedia, one of its analysts, Elizabeth O’Bagy, had her position terminated for job fraud. Turns out she had an unrevealed affiliation with the Syrian Emergency Task Force, a US group advocating the armed overthrow of the Syrian Government. Another member of the SETF included British lawyer Toby Cadman, who had served as defense attorney to members of Jamaat-e-Islami, a Bangladesh militant group whose leaders were convicted of war crimes. Two weeks after Ms O’Bagy lost her job, she got a new one… with Senator John McCain.
One of the organisations that helps finance the ISW is weapons supplier, Raytheon. Can anyone guess what they make and what has just been used on the Syrians? Here’s a clue:
Any BBC editors looking to make a Panaroma special, feel free.
Sorry Nog but I have to say the post on Syria is full of misinformation and merely contributes to the problem you complain about .
BBC 5Live – Stanbrook Abbey Nrth Yorks pre Easter program, up to the most important Christian festival.
2hrs 08mins
Up pops Sister Agnes who s doing a Phd in … well any guesses?
Islamic studies?
How about the correct ( humane) way to beat your wife.
“PhD in Muslim Christian dialogue”
Direct link
It’s all the rage :
Today : “Pope Francis Meets 4 Imams To Open A Christian-Muslim Dialogue”
Well, they believe in the same God so that should be ok .
See the BBC on the Jeremy Vine show criticising Trumps bombing of Syria military airfield, and Corbyn has condemned it.
Comments on Radio 2 Facebook seem to be closed for some reason.
The global stateofhim genius that is Jezza on Jezza seems to feel ISIS could be won over by a nice pot of Darjeeling and a currant bun. I have my doubts.
BBC in a spot of bother on this one. UK,France, Germany, Japan, Israel, EU,Turkey, NATO all support it. China ambivalent. Russia, Iran and Jeremy Corbyn condemn it. Thank God I do not have to live in the twisted mind of a Beeboid !
No problem for a Beeboid:
1. “Does Israel have an official opinion?” – Yes
2. “What is their official opinion?” – They support it.
Result – “We must condemn it” Which has the added bonuses of being against Trump at the same time and being in line with Corbyn.
However, the BBC’s cognitive dissonance regarding Putin’s position is incredibly difficult to solve as they keep claiming that Trump is Putin’s poodle, but now Trump is condemning him and bombing his allies. Some BBC heads about to explode on this one.
Exactly ! This is what happens when someone’s opinions are not based on any principles or logic but just on who they hate or love. Naturally, Orwell summed it up in Animal Farm ” Four legs good, two legs bad “. Not that I am comparing Beeboids to pigs, of course. I have a lot of respect for pigs.
Grant. Totally agree, especially about the pigs. They go nicely with egg and mushrooms too.
Did you see the Rebel Media thing where the film 1984 has been shown again at cinemas in Canada. The stupid leftists think it’s about Trump rather than themselves.
Orwell was an unselfconscious socialist but he hated the excesses that socialist government sometimes (nowadays seemingly always) brings. His attack was on the Russian Revolution in Animal Farm but some think him a Trotskyite as the escaping pig (Snowball? I often get mixed up which was which as I read it decades ago) is not given as bad a character as the others.
In 1984 he was attacking dictatorships which he had seen at first hand with the Nazi and Fascist ones of Germany and Italy having just come to an end, as well as Stalin’s ongoing USSR. He could see that the USSR was gradually swallowing up the East European countries, which by 1948 was almost to the point it remained up to 1989, so I think he was actually thinking more about the USSR than the dead fascist ones. He could see, or managed to predict, how the left’s obsession with identity politics would lead to the thought police and all the ways the left has completely taken over the establishment. He might have been a lefty but he was the rare, honest one.
I posted about your 1984 point here a few days ago. It is quite hilarious that Lefties and the BBC are so unselfaware that they do not realise that the book is about them.
I was on the Isle of Jura (which totally by coincidence has a distillery) many years ago and visited Barnhill where Orwell wrote 1984. My goodness , he must have been pretty tough to live there.
I think , as a socialist, the scales fell from his eyes during the Spanish Civil War when he witnessed socialists and communists killing each other just as much as they were killing fascists.
As an aside , Animal Farm, is required reading at some Upper Basic Schools ( High Schools ) in Gambia. I doubt if it is read in British state schools. How would the teachers explain to the pupils that the book is attacking everything they stand for ?
Orwell was genius who will never be surpassed and I would say the same about the simple beauty of his english prose.
Grant: “As an aside , Animal Farm, is required reading at some Upper Basic Schools ( High Schools ) in Gambia. I doubt if it is read in British state schools.”
It used to be.
Forgot. That was when we had Grammar Schools and Secondary Moderns and kids in both improved their reading and vocabulary on classics like that.
I am very impressed by the number of armchair Generals on this site. Personally, I haven’t a clue what is going on in Stria.
Grant… I think the folks in Stria are trying to change the name of their country to Syria?
I was just trying to complicate matters !
PS Or even Syria !
Its easy.. listen to the BBC ..believe the opposite.
Which always seems to agree with Eva Bartletts first hand opinion.
Yep, #1 Failure to say “I don’t know”
and #2 having certainty beyond the available evidence.
Those are the common characteristics of LibMob
eg shouting “97% of scientists say”
Anyone with a bit of nous would know that’s a suspicious thing to say
I wonder down which black hole BBC CECUTT and DPA will deep six any follow up on Nick’s ‘views’.
I am of the opinion that it is often a useless exercise to speculate what is really happening in a situation like the one we see in Syria. I mean behind the scenes. That we are lied to by our media & politicians is a fact. But sometimes that is a good thing. When it comes to wars & diplomacy Why SHOULD we (the public) know everything? There are always going to be things they keep secret. Whoever THEY are. As the public we don’t have all the details & so-called intelligence. And we aren’t supposed to. Do we think our governments are stupid? Of course. ? Do we think they are THAT stupid? I hope not. Can’t ISIS & the Iranians & Saudi’s watch telly & read the internet as well as us? So why let out all the correct information? Why broadcast to your enemies what you are up to? Maybe Assad is behind the chemical attack (probably not IMO) Maybe it was a set up by ISIS fighters.
A far-fetched scenario I know but I wouldn’t die of shock if the truth turned out to be that there was no chemical attack at all and no retaliatory missile strike by the US either & it’s all a ruse to distract someone from the really important events that are playing out somewhere else. (Like I said far-fetched but that aside the truth may not be quite the shape we expect it to be)
Totally agree with you. If British and US intelligence sometimes get things wrong , what chance have politicians and the rest of us ? As for thick, self-important journalists pretending they have special knowledge of anything and pontificating about everything, don’t make me laugh. They are the bottom of the dung-heap. Especially the BBC.
Lucy, you make some valid points but “Why SHOULD we (the public) know everything?” overlooks the world changing events of VietNam and the second Gulf War, in my view. Add the Berlin Wall and its collapse, decades later, largely via People Power to that mix and Governments of nations that assume or presume they are ‘world players’ had jolly well better keep their people informed and should not act in a way that does not carry substantial public approval.
Are Governments really that stupid, you ask? Difficult one, that.
This morning and again after reading your post I find myself thinking of Hilary Benn and his impassioned grandstanding leadership bid, sorry, ‘speech’ in the House in December 2015 when the UK bombing of Syria was last debated. I am certain that I was not the only one who lobbied their MP and Secretary of State before the previous Syria debate in 2013 to put my view that arming rebels and therefore IS/ISIS/Daesh in Syria was really not a good idea.
Had the public not done so, then I am equally certain that left unhindered our Government would have armed all the wrong people in Syria. Assad may well have been deposed, but Syria and Lebanon (and possibly Jordan, too, although I think Israel may/would have gone to their aid) would now likely be ‘total basket cases’ just like Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran may well have joined in, using the opportunity to attack Israel or Saudi Arabia or both.
Governments not completely stupid? In reply: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Dodgy Dossiers.
“A far-fetched scenario I know but I wouldn’t die of shock if the truth turned out to be that there was no chemical attack at all and no retaliatory missile strike by the US either & it’s all a ruse to distract someone from the really important events that are playing out somewhere else. (Like I said far-fetched but that aside the truth may not be quite the shape we expect it to be)”
The first one, the gas attack, yes, I could believe that, too. Some of the photographs are rather suspicious for the claimed chemical agents supposedly used. However, we do know from both the Iranian and North Korean missile tests and warhead tests that these things can be tracked. On that last one, no way. Trump has plenty of people hostile to him inside the US and outside among US allies who would know if there had been no attack by the US and would use it against him. The Russians are there on the ground, Turkey and Lebanon alongside, and they are all monitoring carefully as well. )
A load of Africans will have died TODAY in unmentioned African wars.
Media news is not a true reflection of what is going on in our complex world.
It’s a bit of a soap opera ..and waste of time
..Cos while you are preoccupied with Syria PR people are pushing thru other projects like getting huge subsidies for their mates.
A man has driven a lorry into pedestrians in Stockholm !
I am sure you are wrong. It will turn out to be a “Lorry attack”.
Pedestrians have stepped in front of a lorry…
Clearly, Vladimir Putin did it & it’s Donald Trump’s fault. We must make sure no Mussies are offended.
Any suggestion of mental health issues yet?
No prizes for guessing how this story will run.
The bBBC’s take on the ‘incident’.
“A lorry has driven into a store in the centre of the Swedish capital Stockholm, killing at least three people, local media say.
Shots have also reportedly been fired.”
Lorries, they just do as they like!
Driverless lorries.
Must be, what else could it be?
Better coverage on rt.
“I am very impressed by the number of armchair Generals on this site. Personally, I haven’t a clue what is going on in Stria.
Grant… I think the folks in Stria are trying to change the name of their country to Syria?
I was just trying to complicate matters !
PS Or even Syria !”
The rest of us, some of whom were on Typo Patrol Duty [we’re not all Generals here – us lower ranks have lesser duties 😉 ], were thinking ‘Austria? Missing a ‘y’? Austrian Elections? That was over ages ago.’
Thank God for you proof-readers. For heaven’s sake , don’t give Trump ideas to bomb Austria, or is it stralia ? Many non-Europeans confuse the two countries. That could be an expensive mistake.
Strylia, mate? Mebbe. Certainly Strine is spoken there – and increasingly here, sport – if BBC R4 1.45-2pm today is anything to go by.
What a load of ‘old Thomas’ that was, too!
Good on yer!
Not on BBC online News:
Deaths in Stockholm from a lorry attack.
(Russian News media faster than the BBC and it’s free).
Dover sentry
Nothing to do with Islam, police are baffled at the driver’s motive. Perhaps we shall never know why he did it. Hashtags and candles
….and a vigil to stop terrorism.
All news media is faster than the BBC.
As President Trump famously said ‘You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden’ …mmm.
It is so sad what is happening in Europe and around the world as we mourn today the death of another victim of the Westminster Bridge atrocity.
I am sure Al Beeb will be pushing the ‘we shall not be divided’ narrative and the clarion call to bring the ‘communities’ together will be louder than ever.
Why are we even entertaining Muslim, et al , ‘communities’ in the UK.
Does that not imply that particular ‘community’ is already separate to the British way of life and therefore not interested in integrating with us in the first place.
Dover Sentry
Half the time Al Beeb’s researchers get their news ‘alerts’ from this website site .
Quick fetch the ‘Gardener’ for him to tell us the ‘bleeding obvious’ about ‘intelligence’ .
At least the UK do the best vigils.
Terrible about Stockholm. Just got to hope we have not used up our arsenal of hash tags and candles.
As the Emir of London pointed out, it is all just part and parcel of living in a big city these days, just a small price to pay for all the cultural enrichment I suppose.
I can’t believe it has happened again! Did this person not see everyone holding hands along the Westminster Bridge, proclaiming that only love can defeat hate? We showed SO much love this time that I thought the terrorists would back down. Incredibly, they continue to run amok.
Although many people “joined in solidarity” after 9/11, 7/7, Paris, Westminster etc the few that didn’t join in are the ones doing this on a regular basis
Has the bloke with a piano turned up to play Imagine?
He’s gonna do a reworking of SOS, by Abba
Phew! #prayforstockholm is up and running already. There is even a nice animation of candles.
Someone is calling for no racist propaganda “it’s not the time to do that” – ffs when is it the right time?!?
They are still so stupid. It is not “racist” it is religious. How many times do these blockheads need to be told. Islam is not a race .
I guess it doesn’t occur to Helgrem that identifying the killer/s & the motive correctly might be “showing respect” for the victims.
jeez guys why cant you understand, the swedes oppressed so many people 1000 years ago, this is just blowback for the vikings, well deserved i would say.
If it wasnt for the viking foreign policy everything would be lovely
Suspect the most likely scenario in Syria was the Jihadi Laddies were holding the Sarin in their area and it was bombed by the Syrian Air Force.
The narrative has started to be re-written today, Tr, probably due to sharp-eyed folk looking at the photos put up by the BBC on the web-site and asking awkward questions*. Probably not Sarin but we will not know unless it is properly investigated.
Likelihood of that happening?
Not much.
Likelihood of considerable hand-wringing, endless talking, spinning and jumping somersaults by politicians and the media?
* I think the BBC quickly took one down. Am I right in thinking they showed the photo of two naked children huddled on the ground while being hosed and washed by ‘rescuers’ with bare hands? Is my memory defective? I have seen it elsewhere. If you know that it was briefly on the BBC web-site or have screen grab evidence, please post.
Soros-funded university in Hungary facing closure following parliament vote .
The Times editorial complains aboutthis
Well, well, the sneering Sopel and left-liberal politicians around tbe dorks were right a few weeks ago. Nothing happening in Sweden! How could Trump have got is do wrong ? And even if something dies happen I’m sure that rhe Swedish Lutheran church can sort it all out with a Service of Hope and Reconciliation.
I’d better not say anymore in case Baroness Warsi of Yorkshire Ghettoland is offended .
A few hours ago Sopel was claiming to have predicted the Syria bombing
But half a day earlier Trump had been dropping heavy hints like “I’ve changed my mind on Syria”
My view is that is Trump is entirely right not to have a 100% clear policy, that way powers do’t take the p*ss.
C4 7:30pm Doco about Syrian refugee CHILDREN in Lebanon.
Apparently the horrible western countries are refusing to take the sickest kiddies and are instead only accepting refugees who make a health standard.
Well I guess you could blow the whole budget on 40 kids or provide asylum for 1000 healthy ones.
I’m sure that if they concentrated on children over 25 then the health problem would be much less!
We should be taking in the Gay Syrians who face a very real threat of death, but equally tend to be much less religious, keep their heads down, get a job, and critically don’t have a dozen kids to carry out Jihad further down the line!
4:30 R4 Feedback
Jenny Murray after Midweek axed
– praise for kids edition of Moral Maze
– started with Nick Robinson Brexit issue
“Our listeners split from both sides complain of bias”
Since Feedback has massive pro-Libmob bias That means that 90% of complaints were from Brexiteers
Listeners blog about Sopel’s antiTrump bias.
They basically praised that edition of Moral Maze for not being Melanie Phillips and Portillo.
They forgot to mention the 10 kids were all posh kids from a home counties public school and all white.
When oh when is the biased BBC going to run an in-depth investigation into the standards of lorry driving in European cities, which seem to have slipped so much in the last couple of years?
Surely there is a scandal here that needs full publicity. Poor training, inadequate maintenance, excessive speed limits, the need for more speed cameras, poor security of lorry parks, the mental health of overworked drivers, lack of familiarity with road networks and signage.
The possibilities are endless.
Nah, can’t see it happening somehow. Cos then the BBC would unpatriotically have to consider the many British lorry drivers who over the last couple of years have ruthlessly driven their forty-ton vehicles straight at the refugee doctors, engineers and architects taking a post-prandial stroll along the Calais promenade. (And reports suggest that surgeons and lecturers have recently been returning to leafy Calais Lower Parva.)
It’s a strange pedestrianisation scheme that’s laid to tarmac, fenced by crash barriers and lit with motorway-standard street lighting, true, and even stranger that you’d go for your evening constitutional armed with metal pipes and baulks of timber—but who are licence-fee payers to question the world’s most trusted broadcaster about its complete lack of curiosity over any kind of vehicular mayhem?