Great clip, thanks. I haven’t finished it yet. It proves that all Swedes are not crazy. I cannot believe the quotes from their previous PM and current one. They are clearly determined to exterminate their own people. Anyone who thinks the UK is bad should watch this.
Back in the 70s, all the biggest political cretins that I knew would fondly hold up Sweden as the Model Socialist Nation of the Future. It only ever gave me the creeps and I was filled with a sense of the underlying awfulness of the place. Frankly, I suspect that the country’s point of no return was reached long before it decided to adopt the entire Middle East and I am not entirely surprised by the thickness of the soup it now appears to be wallowing in.
Brissles, I think any Izzy fundamentals would attack the BBC, because they would not want to risk upsetting their ideological apologists. That said, if they did, I doubt it would change the Beeb’s point of view anyway. They would just go into an orgy of self pity and institutional recriminations, and probably decide it was because they weren’t showing enough Muslims on telly.
Grant – don’t forget those radical lezzers who gatecrashed the nine o’clock news in the 80s! Mind you, nowadays they’re probably producing and directing the programme!
They will. What is that about feeding the crocodile hoping that he won’t eat you.
And when they do the BBC, like our cops, will defend them from far right extremists who object to their killing
No, I won’t be praying for Sweden, thank you. The only thing I pray for now is that whatever latest outrage I’ve heard about will be the one that tips the balance and forces people to do something. I’ve been doing that since Nice. But it never happens.
Nor will it. There will be a lot of sales of cuddly toys and tea-lights, to come, and pointless illuminations of famous buildings and landmarks before anyone actually does anything decisive, if at all.
Exactly so. I think that the current political elite are incapable of taking any action against Islamic terror in Europe. They are paralysed by their own world view of a one world Utopia, to take vigorous action to protect their people from Islam would be contrary to that view. So the killing will and terror will continue and the crazy politicians and the rest of the elite will continue with their vigils, services of reconciliation , concern over Islamophobia ( by the way what is irrational about being scared about Islam after such widespread terror) and appeasement of Islam.
Doublethinker, agreed. It’s rather like the British government in the late 30s who tried to appease Hitler and just hoped the whole thing would go away; at the same time castigating Churchill for saying that we would have to fight these people. At that time, people like Baldwin refused to countenance another major war, just as today’s liberals refuse to countenance any kind of tough action on extremism. But it may come to that.
The difference with the 30s was that for the UK there was little home grown Fascism or Communism, and our government didn’t invite them to immigrate here, nor did we start wars on their lands.
Also in the 30’s no-one strayed very far from where they were born, living and working within the vicinity. Migrants would have to cross the water – either from Ireland or Europe, and few could afford the fare. Africans invariably stayed in Africa, and if the Middle Easterners could get to Turkey, they could have caught the Orient Express !
A much reviled but extraordinarily prescient fellow put it this way almost half a century ago:
“… the discussion of future grave but, with effort now, avoidable evils is the most unpopular and at the same time the most necessary occupation for the politician. Those who knowingly shirk it, deserve, and not infrequently receive, the curses of those who come after.”
I suspect that even as we speak – Dan Snow and Phillip Schofield will be showing defiance to these bastards by walking round their own back gardens and taking pictures of spring flowers.
Thank God we still have a few brave Englishmen left, like this pair to show these continentals how to effectively resist terrorism.
I think we need to up the ante and talk about cultural terrorism because we are losing our own indigenous Western culture to Islam. The liberals are deluded if they think there will be global Utopia. However the problem with liberals is that they never put their cards on the table. They are like the proverbial fifth column. Whether that is because they are too stupid to understand the chaos they cause or whether they intend to bring down Western Civilisation??
Cranmer/OG/Wild Bill/Dt,
And neither will I. More platitudes no doubt to follow. We are all on this downward spiral to islamisation now. Let’s enjoy the control that brings and the support that gets from, inter alia, the islamic broadcasting corporation. I’ll be dead when this islamist Government reach their goal and I have no children so I don’t give a shit. Not that many years ago I would have actively joined in the resistance. But, not sensing any coherent resistance or interest, no longer.
I am in a similar position. It all makes me angry, but it will not affect me personally. I was in a supermarket and there were lots of young children with parents, grandparents or whoever and I was just looking at the kids ( not in a BBC way ) and thinking that they have no idea what is ahead of them. It made me feel sad.
‘I was just looking at the kids ( not in a BBC way )’ LOL Grant that made me laugh. ‘Ows about that then, urgh-urgh-urgh’ etc.
I feel the same but one good sign is that some younger folk (undergraduate and sixth former age) do seem to be questioning the 50 years of received wisdom from the left, hence the popularity of alt.right videos etc on Youtube. It’s not fogies like me that is their main audience, which is heartening.
When conversing with those who have children/grandchildren – (perhaps its just my friends,) – but they don’t seem to worry too much about the future, only the here and now. Most are taken up with babysitting duties and what plans they’ve made for Easter, the holidays etc etc and seem to take a laissez-faire attitude to the future of their grandkids. Yes, they say ‘how terrible’ the terrorist incidents are, but then their eyes glaze over when I try to get deep about migrants and the consequences of Islam. I clearly have friends whose heads are in the sand, – am I alone in this ?
LOL ! I ain’t no Uncle Jim. Agree with your second para. I am sure a lot of youngsters react against received wisdom. Surely, that is the point of being young.
I was a bit of a pain in the backside of my teachers at school. My wife tells me that I still am. And I don’t mean that in a BBC way !
I used to give a shit, but if the snowflake generation ( product of the yoonie ejucashun) dont care about their own future or their offsprings’ future, why the actual fuck should I?
Let them fuck up their own inheritance…I’ll be pushing up daisies before it gets to me.
“Phew!” Think the bBBC editors.
“Thank goodness Trump has attacked Syria. Now we can focus the news on his inconsistency and apparent hypocrisy in changing his mind and we can bury the terrorist attack in Stockholm way down the news agenda”
BBC News at 6. Headline. Russia has condemned the cruise missile attack. I waited and I waited. After 10 minutes they moved on to the Stockholm attack. Not once did they mention all the countries which have supported Trump. Not once. Now I would love anyone to tell me how that is not the most blatant bias ? Where are the bloody Trolls to defend that ?
Will we hear more conjecture about the cosy relationship between Trump and Putin now? We can all put that in the ‘Media Speculation’ and, ‘anti-Trump’ box now.
The BBC are a joke. One minute they are attacking Trump for being close to Putin, next minute they are slagging him for antagonising Putin. Beeboids are total morons.
I don’t think that a day has gone by since the inauguration that a BBC news bulletin has not contained something critical or sneering to say about President Trump. The cruise missile attack caught the BBC seriously off-guard this morning and initially they couldn’t think of a critical line to take. By lunchtime , normal service had been resumed . It was Trump’s inconsistent approach to Assad that was highlighted, followed by the erudite view of the Ducett woman in her strangulated tones that ‘ this would change nothing on the ground’. Perhaps but maybe not . No-one can jump to that conclusion yet .
The BBC , meanwhile, has utilised the missile attack to de- emphasise the Stockholm ‘lorry driver error ‘ rampage . We are told its ‘ terrorism ‘ ( not even international terrorism , Met please note). Of course the words Muslim and Islam are not mentioned.
On BBC News at 6 Jon Sopel was asked “Will there be another attack ? “. How the four X would a mere 3rd rate journalist know ? Didn’t stop him rabbiting on, but I wasn’t listening. BBC, bunch of wankers.
Totally agree, just a ploy to give him more wasted airtime .If Sopel is now banned from news conferences , he’s unlikely to be first to know anything. He should be recalled as a failure.
I was listening to Five Live as the news broke and the presenter just played the announcement from Trump about wanting to save children from a monster and he was all at sea. How could he possibly say something bad about this? He tried to all the same.
They love to play clips of Trump saying one thing then doing another as evidence of his nefariousness. They never think it might be a shrewd tactic to keep his opponents guessing. A good poker player never shows his hand.
So, here we go again. Another “enriched” diverse European city, innocent natives going about their business.
Angry, third world rag head, a truck…we all know the rest. Being Sweden, the most suicidally liberal country known to man, there will be much hand wringing and self blame.
Mounds of rotting vegetation, teddy bears, hearts and tearful teenagers, cliches and excuses.
“Islam is a religion of peace” “perhaps he was bullied by racists” “reaction to Trump” “lone wolf” blah,blah, blah.
So where next? Brussels, Rome, Madrid, Manchester?
Until next time…
I tried to explain to some snowflakes that a parent or grandparent would be irresponsible in taking a child to London or any major European city at the moment. The usual rubbish. Why give in to violence etc?
They just cannnot get it at all. A child has no choice but an adult does and can weigh up the odds. From that it follows that unless and until we root out terror once and for all whatever it takes to do it then no child is safe in London and it is incumbent upon adults to understand this.
Our leaders had better grasp reality soon.
I was born and bred in East London. I now live in the West Country – I fell in love with it back in the 70s.
I worked in London as a young person through the IRA bombing days. Wasn’t very nice at all and innocent people/animals (Horseguards) lost their lives.
Three of my two 20 something children work and live in London now. I visit often and although I desperately worry about them on a daily basis (along with my third in Plymouth), I just tell them all to be extra vigilant and to keep their wits about them.
What else can I say? They have to live/work and I will continue to visit my home city on a regular basis to see my family and friends. People cannot hide at home – just carrying on normally is, I hope, a big message to terrorism.
I was working in London 1978-1985, first near Oxford Street, then Fleet Street. Everyone just carried on as normal when they could. But the IRA were not a threat to a whole civilisation. This Islamic terrorist threat is different.
#0 Trump is in Putin’s pocket
#1 Nothing ever happens in Sweden
#2 Hillary is a shoe-in for the Presidency
#3 Brexit ref vote is to be a sure win for Remain
#4 Brexiteers are all racists
#5 The big loser in the Dutch election was Wilders who increased his seats by 25% whilst the opposing Labour party lost 80% of theirs
#6 The 2015 Election will be close with the main question of who will partner Labour in government
#7 The 2014 Indyref will be a win for independence
#8 A Brexit win will mean the UK economy will fall apart within weeks
#9 A Trump win will mean the US economy will fall apart within weeks
They can spew out the same crap, tell us that we are racist, Islamophobic and talk about diversity and enrichment till hell freezes over but – they are Muslims and this is Islam 2017.
What a mind blowing conflict for lefty liberal and bbc types?
A real duh! moment – Trump slaps Assad with a military strike because Assad used nerve gas on his own people but Assad has been doing that and worse for years(the UN have sent several stiff letters!)
The messiah Obama did NOTHING BUT TALK!
Military is BAD, the West is BAD and most importantly, Trump is BAD?
Does not compute, does not compute!
I see that Frank Gardner has added his usual worthless analysis to the BBC website report on the Stockholm terrorist incident.
“I don’t think Sweden was prepared for something like this,” he usefully observes. As is usually the case with Fearless Frank, he blames the security services – “Insiders have been concerned for quite some time that Sweden has been a bit lax about security.”
And, inevitably, he adds: “It is important at this stage, though, to keep an open mind about the perpetrator. It’s not impossible that it was someone with personal, psychological problems, rather than a political motive.”
Warren Peace
“Insiders have been concerned for quite some time that Sweden has been a bit lax about security.” Who are the ‘insiders’ he is referring to ? Do we really believe he has some information from the Swedish security services ? As I posted earlier today he just states ‘the bleeding obvious’, as he always does.
Wrote my comment before I read yours. All journalists have a hotline to God. If there is a communication breakdown , they just fabricate. They are the only people I can think of who are lower than politicians. Bottom of the dung heap.
So when they were sneering “nothing ever happens in Sweden”
….insiders were telling them “security is too lax” ..cos something terroristy was likely to happen in Sweden
Yes, I have to feel sorry for Frank on many levels. Dare I say “Stockholm syndrome ” is one.
“Insiders have been concerned ” . What the hell does that mean and how would he know ? Who are “insiders ” ? If he means Government security services and intelligence, I imagine they just use journalists to put some story out.
“Someone with personal, psychological problems” sounds like projection to me. Frank went through hell and I would not wish that on anyone. I hope he is still having treatment, but , like so many, he is in denial.
Lovely bit of newspeak there. Along with the words that were ‘believed to have been said’ to the aslylum seeker, now lorries drive themselves and brutal murders are mere ‘deaths’, a word one might associate with passing away peacefully in the night at old age. Words definitely spoken were witnessed by nobody; lorries drive themselves; you are biased in not understanding that you must submit to our bias.
Many media outlets are now reporting 3 arrests have been made in Sweden. Maybe true, maybe not. No reference on the BBC website updated 3 minutes ago.
A lot of detail and photos on the internet now. Of course . it may all be fake news. Where are the BBC ? Of course, it is friday, so after friday prayers , they will either be in the wine bar or en route to their country retreats . Amateurs.
Is it me or is the BBC seeming to change its opinion on Trump following the missile strike on Syrian airbase?
Tonight on radio 4 I was regaled with the news that this had silenced all the rumours of the Kremlin / Putin influence.
There seemed a consensus that this was a good thing despite Big Brother Korbyn claiming otherwise.
There was even criticism of the Obamessiahs failure to act in the past despite his promises to do so.
Poor old Sweden, nice, progressive, liberal, socialist, neutral, pacifist Sweden, we could have warned you… In fact I believe a certain President did, but how you laughed, how you scoffed, at that racist redneck retard, with all the beeboids merrily joining in the mirth. “Problems with muslim immigration? What problems? All is sweetness and light here.”
I’m not saying we told you so… but ffs we told you so.
What’s the excuse going to be this time? Poverty and lack of opportunity? In a country with the most generous welfare system in the world, where they throw money and resources at their migrants, where the men open their arms and the women their legs.
Welcome to the real world, Sweden.
Now let’s all sing Kumbaya while May tells us what a great faith islam is and the Emir tells us we mustn’t let the terrorists divide us.
P.S. Did May say it was a great perverted faith? Got something right for once.
It may have been on this site, or elsewhere that someone reminded me of the H.G. Wells novel, The Time Machine.
In the book, the Eloi live a banal life of ease on the surface of the earth unaware of the evil intentions of the underground dwelling Morlocks.
Could the Swedes be turning into the Eloi?
Who might the Morlocks be?
I have the equally insipid “Stockholm lorry rams crowds, killing ‘at least four people” ,a desperate organisation masking the truth at the expense of what little credibility they have left.
” It’s not impossible that it was someone with personal, psychological problems, rather than a political motive.” bleats Frank Gardner, and its also possible that the reverse is the case, wild speculation to support the narrative.
” It’s not impossible that it was someone with personal, psychological problems, rather than a political motive.” or in other words a Muslim.
Trump is a hero for having the balls to mention what a crisis there is there and other places. Everyone’s default response is to dissemble but the facts speak for themselves. How mad has it got that it is such a revolutionary act to speak the truth?
Can you imagine if Hillary had won? ‘Refugees’ would be flooding in to the states. Along with the other career politicians, she would deny there was any problem whatsoever.
Whatever Trump’s motive was and whether the action was justified or not, whatever that means, he has sent out a powerful message. He has rattled some cages and ruffled some feathers. And , after 8 years of a useless pussycat Obama, it is fine time !
Most terrorism has an objective – the terrorists want something. Maybe they want rid of a government or rid of an occupying power.
Muslims have a really simple want. They want us all dead. Then they can get on with the real battle of killing the ‘other kind’ of Muslims.
Moslem terrorists also want eternal life, guaranteed if you die for Allah. Note how many killers are converts; they realize that the future lies in martyrdom or eternal hell for past sins.
There is much to be wary of, but more than most is the sheer mindlessness of it all.
How do you address a threat like this? There is no tangible strategic aim, no end game, no end benefit, no leadership. Just a blob of irrational hate and a love of killing, that simply does not pause to worry about bad PR.
Andrew Neil has made a good point, backed by logic and undeniable fact. But it is meaningless and as useless as a hashtag, logo, candle vigil and son et lumiere.
The atrocities will be repeated, because the perpetrators are not operating on the wavelength the host countries somehow still naively hope they should be by now.
Sort of relevant after all these years. I am biased , being Scottish , but one of my musical heros is the late and great Jack Bruce. I was just listening , on YouTube, to him playing “Politician ” solo , sitting down as part of an online masterclass. Apart from his brilliant bass playing, the lyrics sum up politicians. I don’t think he liked them much !
Yes one of my heroes too. Not only was he one of the most melodic bass players, he had an almost operatic singing style that was wonderfully distinctive.
I never got to see him in Cream, but I did see him when he was in Tony Williams Lifetime, a short-lived jazz-rock fusion band of the early seventies.
You say it all. Brilliant musician. The only time I saw him live was about 25 years ago. He was playing in a large pub in Edinburgh High St. on a sunday night. God knows why. He played for about 1 hour and was great. Came to the bar and I asked him why ? He said ” I don’t need the money, I just have to play for other people”. Very modest man. As you say, sadly missed.
Yes, fast and superficial . All technique but no depth and no feeling or emotion. A bit like Jeff Beck’s guitar playing. They were made for each other. Yawn !
Bugger off Grant ! I wouldn’t know one end of a needle from the other, more of a Velcro girl meself !
And as I belong to our local Jazz App Soc, I might know just a little more than you realise ! A fav of mine is Chris Brubeck – son of Dave, who is known to have played elec bass in his time !
News being suppressed by the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad (formerly the Police) is that there is a shocking number of forced marriages of very young girls in London, which has been reported on – we’ve just missed it.
Type into Google ” london forced marriages under 10 ” and you will find a whole swathe of reports carried quietly by the MSM never picked up on by the BBC even thought the Grauniad is amongst them
This has grown into a major issue since BLiar and Camoron we never had to even think about such depravity, yet in the wake of all the child rape which has gone on the useless PC PCs are prepared to turn a blind eye to pedophilia providing the brown eyed favourites are responsible – yet again.
The excuse ‘we were scared of being called racist’ is wearing a bit thin, and cops used to hardened criminals frightened of name calling? What ever next ?
You might have thought, what with the BBC being so keen to stress their fairness and impartiality, that the interview with Peter Ward, ex-British Ambassador to Syria, on Breakfast TV would have been repeated throughout the day.
Despite Charlie Stayt’s interruptions, Mr Ward made entirely cogent and valid points about Assad’s use of chemical weapons, at this juncture, being both pointless, fundamentally unnecessary and highly counter-productive, putting forward instead the far more credible suggestion that the rebels had either had a stockpile hit, resulting in the collateral damage so effectively and emotionally filmed, as per usual, or indeed that the whole affair was staged with what has also become the usual and accepted flair for the tragic and dramatic, so well-crafted to pluck at the heartstrings of BBC correspondents.
Instead we got Jeremy Bowen, heartstrings visibly vibrating.
Maybe this is all not what it seems. It is interesting that at the time of the US strike the Chinese were in the US for talks.
I see the major problem of President Trump’s time in office as how to deal with North Korea and Iran. These nuclear states just have to be neutralised one way or another. Maybe the attack was a demonstration of just what power the US really can use and laying down a marker to all the rogue states (and Syria is one of them ) that the US has to impose it’s will now or risk disaster down the line. In other words maybe Assad used these chemical weapons and maybe not. Toe our line or else. It will be interesting to see just how hard the US goes after Isis now. The ME is troublesome but not an existential threat to the world. Iran and N.Korea are .
There are some wreaths on Westminster bridge and now in Stockholm that would suggest that there is an existential threat from the ME. I would suggest that it is far worse as it is an ideology that has been infiltrated into Europe and is now being brought to bear against us. The biggest threat is now the appeasers like the BBC. If the deniers continue to be listened to then the will of a certain deity will almost certainly have its way.
Sleep well Guest Who. It is getting late so Taffman should be along shortly. I’m keen to ask him about a report in Breitbart that The Welsh Assembly is considering making Wales a ‘Refugee Sanctuary’. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of overt opposition to it.
So what is to stop it going ahead?
Simply ?
The Welsh Assembly is completely out of touch with the people of Wales.
Time for another referendum .
Do we need the Welsh Asembly and all its bureaucracy?
According to “Beverley – A Town of Refuge” (Highgate Publications).
The people of Beverley were thankful for Henry VIII ending its sanctuary rights for Refugees in 1540, because of the poor reputation that these criminals and thugs gave to Beverley, and the riots caused by the influx of criminals into the town.
But I imagine that it would be popular in Wales, if the sanctuary rights where limited to property and land under the ownership of members of the Labour party. In fact this could be UK Government policy for all property and land owned by people who want sanctuary for refugees. It would mean that only those left-wing sadists who want refugees, would suffer the consequences.
I’m confused. You say “property and land under the ownership of members of the Labour party.”
I thought Marx , or one of his fellow travellers said “all property is theft”.
Ergo, socialists will for political reasons avoid soiling their hands with property ownership. (Exemptions for DustyByn and Michael Meacher and Millibands are available)
BBC narrative-construction under way
Trump is “flipping on Syria” “U-turn”
They’re busy digging up old tweets and clips
But only got something vague him saying Hillary is a war monger.
R5 Adrian Goldberg heavily pushed that line and had 2 US media people on the phone but they wouldn’t play ball
And then he had one of those coincidental phone line drop offs so ended the segment early
R4 runs with ‘Trump this time relied on experienced military advisers rather than his political advisers’
Yes but the BBC/Guardian has become well known for the censorship of a great deal of factual information on many topics. So non-existent information in the brain of a Guardian reader would always create the perception of “Donald Trump appearing to invent factual information“ in the small brain of an ignorant Guardianista.
Hmmm,there I was becoming slightly concerened that Western Europe may be sliding headlong into an existential crisis when all along it was just those pesky ‘men’.
Thanks BBC, so there was no involvement from an ‘ISIS-supporting’ Uzbeki father-of-four” then?
Phew, thats a relief.
The above quislingesque BBC piece is an absolute magnum opus, if there was a journalistic award for pussyfooting around the bleedin obvious then its a winner. Only at the very end of the article do we get a hint at what might be motivating these ‘men’.
Without the BBC to reassure me and guide me in my thinking I would be lost and frightened. Aunty Beeb ? No, it is Uncle Beeb. What would we do without them ?
Looking at websites on the internet, including newspapers, and what occurs to me is the large numbers of journalists pontificating about the cruise missile strike as if they have some special knowledge of all the circumstances. In my view, generally speaking, journalists are self-important , egotistical nonentities, even lower than politicians.
Just to take one at random. Peter Oborne “I don’t share the Foreign Office Hawk’s joy over the US missile attack “. Firstly, what joy ? Secondly, who gives a flying f… what you or any other journalist thinks or feels about anything ?
Grant the older I get the more I think that morality when it comes to war is just some sort of liberal construct. In most Arab countries when it comes to killing pretty much “anything goes” The sooner we get our heads around this fact then the sooner we will be able to understand what is going on.
I am not saying we should give up on morality but I am saying we should not judge conflict in such countries totally from a western moral perspective. A dead baby is a dead baby whether it has had its throat cut or been poisoned by WMDs.
With western media we live in an age of moral “trumps” where a hand of ten dead babies always outplays a whole tribe of Yazdis – providing we dont have too look at their dead babies and murdered children too. Its a strange world where emotional images beat all, including sometimes common sense. And no one appears as interested in what happens where the camera lens is not present. Maybe its just not such good telly.
We should focus on what is the best way to handle situations from the point of view about what is best for our society and only interfere when we are sure of our outcomes or the survival of our own society is at stake.
Well said. One of the problems with Lefties is that they are totally incapable of understanding cultures and ways of thinking other than their own. Small-minded and narrow-minded.
The presenters start by mentioning there have been “four vehicle attacks” in the last year. Over to the ‘security expert’ in the studio. He says this is the kind of attack we see “from people sympathetic with ISIS”.
About a minute later he says we are more likely to be injured crossing the road. The only practical solution he offered is to pedestrianise certain areas and have physical barriers to stop vehicle (does he mean whole of Europe?)
Why does a ‘security expert’ have to use carefully chosen words like “sympathetic with ISIS” and play down the risk?
It would be funny if it was not so serious. Some prick said that you are more likely to die of obesity than a terrorist attack. These idiots are ostriches.
These ‘small’ attacks are straws in the wind. Before the Twin Towers 9/11 attack killed 3 000 the earlier truck bombing of the Twin Towers in 1993 ‘only’ killed 6.
So by BBC logic in 2011 a terrorist attack on the Twin Towers could not be a serious threat.
Samira Ahmed, and guests on Newswatch baffled as to why Ofcom doesnt regulate the Daily Mail…
Unable to grasp that we dont have to bloody well pay for the Mail if we dont read it.
The problem with regularly reading a newspaper is well documented:
Fail to read one and you’ll be uninformed
Read one and you’ll he misinformed.
Mind you…the bbc can beat both methods and feed you propaganda.
There seems to be a problem with comments on the Daily Express site!
“Comments unavailable ” for articles that many readers who would like to
EXPRESS an opinion !
No explanation given..just a denial of free speech!
Oh how the bien-pensants at the beebistan laughed into their Lattes, how they sneered and sniggered and scoffed into their Skinnies, when Trump had the temerity to suggest that Sweden might have a muslim problem. Well, in the immortal words of Farage, YOU’RE NOT LAUGHING NOW, ARE YOU!
The strike on Assad shows the Russia/Trump links for the nonsense they clearly were. Yet the MSM ran and ran with the Russia stories. Panorama ran that ridiculous ‘Trump: The Kremlin Candidate’ episode, which relied mainly on scary music rather than any facts to stir up fear. They even ran that preposterous pissgate story on the day of his first press conference, timed to cause as much trouble for him as possible; the BBC reporter even asked Trump if he would consider his position if any links were proved.
Nearly anyone without the resources and character of Trump would have been crushed by attacks like these. Think how outrageous that is: they asked him to consider resigning from the post on the basis of nonsense they had just made up. Yet with all their clever tricks they made the whole Trump/Putin connection seem so real to so many. They made 2 plus 2 equal 5,
How many thought criminals have been unpersoned through tactics like this in the past? And how many saw what would happen if they dared challenge the orthodoxies of Big Auntie so just said nothing in the first place?
BBC Parliament are re-running Election Night 1992 today.
They had a vox pop from Manchester in which a small business owner dmitted to voting Tory and he was jeered by the surrounding Labour supporters. Another person who admitted to voting Labour was heard in reverential silence.
After the first two results, both of which showed the Tories holding on better than expected, there was no acknowledgement of the implications.
The inherent institutional left wing bias of the BBC is deeper, more entrenched, and more historic than we sometimes remember.
No doubt by the end Dimbleboid et al with be wearing mourning wear.
Newswatch goes from bad to worse as a couple of BBC-sympathetic toadies join our Samira to tell us that this new Ofcom complaints system is all good. This will remove the idea that for years the BBC ‘has been marking its own homework’. Again the BBCers rehearse Nick Robinson’s argument echoed by Ric Bailey a BBC-employed political advisor that we stop counting minutes airtime or ‘number of heads’ given platform on each side of any debate. One senses the BBC know they look bad when measured. So stop measuring – or so they demand. They hint that the only cloud on the otherwise bright horizon would be that dearly beloved Ofcom might get drawn into ‘politics’. Oh really? Assuming we all broadly agree the BBC is telling us the truth when it says it is politically neutral – then how might these tame house-trained commentators think Ofcom could get so embroiled in politics? The truth is the BBC is only balanced because it says so. This sort of argument – so beloved of five-year-olds, their exasperated parents and of course of Lefties – will ring rather hollow as Ofcom consistently backs the BBC on every claim of Leftist bias and yet will willingly take the BBC to task on behalf of every SJW trumped up diversity charge – like we know it is going to.
The only good news here is the report this this week that our Samira Ahmed spent an uncomfortable evening at the Barbican Theatre hopping from one foot to the other desperately awaiting a free cubicle in the lavatories because…. and this is a gem… this lefty-minded institution had gender-neutralised its toilets. Oh how our Samira berrated the Barbican for imposing their politics. Keep the ladies and make the gents the gender neutral zone – that was our Samira’s solution. I’m alright Jack – I mean, I’m alright Jill.
I believe it’s time Al Beebeera started asking some tough questions of all these lorries that have been attacking people. Are they Secular lorries? Or Agnostic? Or Mormon, or Jehovah’s Witness lorries? One thing we know for sure, they cannot be muslim lorries, as islam is a religion of peace. Even lorries know that. And anyway Treezer and the Emir of London told us so.
Your comment has given me an idea for another excuse for these truckin’ atrocities.
Muslim lorry drivers are disgruntled because they can foresee that their jobs will be lost to self-driving artics. Mortally oppressed and aggrieved by this threat to their livelihoods, they lash out in the only way they know.
Continued ad infinitum.
I wouldn’t be overly concerned. Remember the Russian jet incident over Syrian airspace?
The squaring up of Putin & Erdogan afterwards?
It wasn’t all that long before a kiss & make up session. (on the surface anyway)
FooC now “journalists don’t give equal weight to attacks done by Far-Rights”
OBJ says by quoting “everyone at this Minneapolis debate said”
He then cherry picked ONE local story
” Owen Bennett-Jones finds himself answering, rather than asking, questions as he gets to know the Somali Americans living in Minneapolis.”
Not bBBC but,
Thanks Stew for this link and for publicising it. Thanks to the Daily Mail for featuring this atrocity.
I have been a vegetarian for over thirty years now, although I’m not strict about it – it’s a personal choice. I don’t expect others to do the same as I think it’s impractical, although I believe there are health benefits in eating less meat.
I do, however, feel really strongly about halal meat, and agree that it should be stated on packaging, by law, whether it is halal. I want nothing to do with this cruel and barbaric procedure or the related religion. I expect to be able to easily determine whether a product is halal so that I can avoid it. This is religion by the backdoor, and it enrages me.
Rant over.
I wonder why the bBC isn’t mentioning this black lives story: Freida Pinto emotional over Guerrilla casting controversy
The Slumdog Millionaire star plays an Asian nurse married to a black civil rights leader in 1970s London in the new TV series, and at a recent screening in London, a member of the Black Lives Matter movement, who was in the audience, accused the show’s creators of “black erasure” by casting Freida, an Indian, in the role.
Critics believe the role should have been offered to a black actress.
Pinto was asked about the controversy at the screening and reportedly became distressed while answering. “Black was not just the colour of your skin, it was a political blackness at that point in time,” she said as tears reportedly rolled down her face. “We were all considered outsiders. For me it’s important that the conversation about diversity is inclusive and not just (about) the colour of your skin.” “(It was a) detailed analysis of U.K. culture at the time,” Freida’s co-star Idris Elba added. Producer John Ridley also defended Freida’s casting, insisting it is historically accurate.
Thinking about it, ‘children’ is very apt.
We ascribe opinions to the bbc ‘journalists’ but I’m getting the feeling that their ‘opinions’ aren’t the result of any kind careful study firm beliefs but more on a par with asking a child, “What’s your favourite ice cream?”
“Chocolate, no strawberry, no chocolate, I mean mint.”
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Great clip, thanks. I haven’t finished it yet. It proves that all Swedes are not crazy. I cannot believe the quotes from their previous PM and current one. They are clearly determined to exterminate their own people. Anyone who thinks the UK is bad should watch this.
PS oops, he is not originally Swedish !
Back in the 70s, all the biggest political cretins that I knew would fondly hold up Sweden as the Model Socialist Nation of the Future. It only ever gave me the creeps and I was filled with a sense of the underlying awfulness of the place. Frankly, I suspect that the country’s point of no return was reached long before it decided to adopt the entire Middle East and I am not entirely surprised by the thickness of the soup it now appears to be wallowing in.
Oh for a ‘runaway’ truck to drive itself into the BBC news HQ in London, (while Jon Sopel is taking a pee !)
Brissles, I think any Izzy fundamentals would attack the BBC, because they would not want to risk upsetting their ideological apologists. That said, if they did, I doubt it would change the Beeb’s point of view anyway. They would just go into an orgy of self pity and institutional recriminations, and probably decide it was because they weren’t showing enough Muslims on telly.
Posted before, but so far as I am aware no terrorist group has ever attacked the BBC and that says it all.
Grant – don’t forget those radical lezzers who gatecrashed the nine o’clock news in the 80s! Mind you, nowadays they’re probably producing and directing the programme!
Many a true word !
They will. What is that about feeding the crocodile hoping that he won’t eat you.
And when they do the BBC, like our cops, will defend them from far right extremists who object to their killing
No, I won’t be praying for Sweden, thank you. The only thing I pray for now is that whatever latest outrage I’ve heard about will be the one that tips the balance and forces people to do something. I’ve been doing that since Nice. But it never happens.
Nor will it. There will be a lot of sales of cuddly toys and tea-lights, to come, and pointless illuminations of famous buildings and landmarks before anyone actually does anything decisive, if at all.
Oh no one will do anything about it really, Sweden have sold there once peaceful country down the river for strange Liberal reasons.
Exactly so. I think that the current political elite are incapable of taking any action against Islamic terror in Europe. They are paralysed by their own world view of a one world Utopia, to take vigorous action to protect their people from Islam would be contrary to that view. So the killing will and terror will continue and the crazy politicians and the rest of the elite will continue with their vigils, services of reconciliation , concern over Islamophobia ( by the way what is irrational about being scared about Islam after such widespread terror) and appeasement of Islam.
Doublethinker, agreed. It’s rather like the British government in the late 30s who tried to appease Hitler and just hoped the whole thing would go away; at the same time castigating Churchill for saying that we would have to fight these people. At that time, people like Baldwin refused to countenance another major war, just as today’s liberals refuse to countenance any kind of tough action on extremism. But it may come to that.
The difference with the 30s was that for the UK there was little home grown Fascism or Communism, and our government didn’t invite them to immigrate here, nor did we start wars on their lands.
Also in the 30’s no-one strayed very far from where they were born, living and working within the vicinity. Migrants would have to cross the water – either from Ireland or Europe, and few could afford the fare. Africans invariably stayed in Africa, and if the Middle Easterners could get to Turkey, they could have caught the Orient Express !
A much reviled but extraordinarily prescient fellow put it this way almost half a century ago:
“… the discussion of future grave but, with effort now, avoidable evils is the most unpopular and at the same time the most necessary occupation for the politician. Those who knowingly shirk it, deserve, and not infrequently receive, the curses of those who come after.”
I suspect that even as we speak – Dan Snow and Phillip Schofield will be showing defiance to these bastards by walking round their own back gardens and taking pictures of spring flowers.
Thank God we still have a few brave Englishmen left, like this pair to show these continentals how to effectively resist terrorism.
I think we need to up the ante and talk about cultural terrorism because we are losing our own indigenous Western culture to Islam. The liberals are deluded if they think there will be global Utopia. However the problem with liberals is that they never put their cards on the table. They are like the proverbial fifth column. Whether that is because they are too stupid to understand the chaos they cause or whether they intend to bring down Western Civilisation??
Cranmer/OG/Wild Bill/Dt,
And neither will I. More platitudes no doubt to follow. We are all on this downward spiral to islamisation now. Let’s enjoy the control that brings and the support that gets from, inter alia, the islamic broadcasting corporation. I’ll be dead when this islamist Government reach their goal and I have no children so I don’t give a shit. Not that many years ago I would have actively joined in the resistance. But, not sensing any coherent resistance or interest, no longer.
G ,
I am in a similar position. It all makes me angry, but it will not affect me personally. I was in a supermarket and there were lots of young children with parents, grandparents or whoever and I was just looking at the kids ( not in a BBC way ) and thinking that they have no idea what is ahead of them. It made me feel sad.
‘I was just looking at the kids ( not in a BBC way )’ LOL Grant that made me laugh. ‘Ows about that then, urgh-urgh-urgh’ etc.
I feel the same but one good sign is that some younger folk (undergraduate and sixth former age) do seem to be questioning the 50 years of received wisdom from the left, hence the popularity of alt.right videos etc on Youtube. It’s not fogies like me that is their main audience, which is heartening.
Likewise Cranmer.
When conversing with those who have children/grandchildren – (perhaps its just my friends,) – but they don’t seem to worry too much about the future, only the here and now. Most are taken up with babysitting duties and what plans they’ve made for Easter, the holidays etc etc and seem to take a laissez-faire attitude to the future of their grandkids. Yes, they say ‘how terrible’ the terrorist incidents are, but then their eyes glaze over when I try to get deep about migrants and the consequences of Islam. I clearly have friends whose heads are in the sand, – am I alone in this ?
Ostrich who ? No , you are not alone.
LOL ! I ain’t no Uncle Jim. Agree with your second para. I am sure a lot of youngsters react against received wisdom. Surely, that is the point of being young.
I was a bit of a pain in the backside of my teachers at school. My wife tells me that I still am. And I don’t mean that in a BBC way !
I used to give a shit, but if the snowflake generation ( product of the yoonie ejucashun) dont care about their own future or their offsprings’ future, why the actual fuck should I?
Let them fuck up their own inheritance…I’ll be pushing up daisies before it gets to me.
Me too. I watch, and wonder, in sadness, but I am now of an age where I really don’t give two fucks.
“Phew!” Think the bBBC editors.
“Thank goodness Trump has attacked Syria. Now we can focus the news on his inconsistency and apparent hypocrisy in changing his mind and we can bury the terrorist attack in Stockholm way down the news agenda”
BBC News at 6. Headline. Russia has condemned the cruise missile attack. I waited and I waited. After 10 minutes they moved on to the Stockholm attack. Not once did they mention all the countries which have supported Trump. Not once. Now I would love anyone to tell me how that is not the most blatant bias ? Where are the bloody Trolls to defend that ?
Will we hear more conjecture about the cosy relationship between Trump and Putin now? We can all put that in the ‘Media Speculation’ and, ‘anti-Trump’ box now.
The BBC are a joke. One minute they are attacking Trump for being close to Putin, next minute they are slagging him for antagonising Putin. Beeboids are total morons.
Well, yes, but they also know who they don’t like.
No matter what.
It’s in their DNA.
I don’t think that a day has gone by since the inauguration that a BBC news bulletin has not contained something critical or sneering to say about President Trump. The cruise missile attack caught the BBC seriously off-guard this morning and initially they couldn’t think of a critical line to take. By lunchtime , normal service had been resumed . It was Trump’s inconsistent approach to Assad that was highlighted, followed by the erudite view of the Ducett woman in her strangulated tones that ‘ this would change nothing on the ground’. Perhaps but maybe not . No-one can jump to that conclusion yet .
The BBC , meanwhile, has utilised the missile attack to de- emphasise the Stockholm ‘lorry driver error ‘ rampage . We are told its ‘ terrorism ‘ ( not even international terrorism , Met please note). Of course the words Muslim and Islam are not mentioned.
On BBC News at 6 Jon Sopel was asked “Will there be another attack ? “. How the four X would a mere 3rd rate journalist know ? Didn’t stop him rabbiting on, but I wasn’t listening. BBC, bunch of wankers.
Totally agree, just a ploy to give him more wasted airtime .If Sopel is now banned from news conferences , he’s unlikely to be first to know anything. He should be recalled as a failure.
BBCJonSopel Feb 19 sneering ‘an incident in Sweden is just an art exhibition’
Jon Sopel, another beauty.
I was listening to Five Live as the news broke and the presenter just played the announcement from Trump about wanting to save children from a monster and he was all at sea. How could he possibly say something bad about this? He tried to all the same.
They love to play clips of Trump saying one thing then doing another as evidence of his nefariousness. They never think it might be a shrewd tactic to keep his opponents guessing. A good poker player never shows his hand.
So, here we go again. Another “enriched” diverse European city, innocent natives going about their business.
Angry, third world rag head, a truck…we all know the rest. Being Sweden, the most suicidally liberal country known to man, there will be much hand wringing and self blame.
Mounds of rotting vegetation, teddy bears, hearts and tearful teenagers, cliches and excuses.
“Islam is a religion of peace” “perhaps he was bullied by racists” “reaction to Trump” “lone wolf” blah,blah, blah.
So where next? Brussels, Rome, Madrid, Manchester?
Until next time…
You forgot Brexit.
I tried to explain to some snowflakes that a parent or grandparent would be irresponsible in taking a child to London or any major European city at the moment. The usual rubbish. Why give in to violence etc?
They just cannnot get it at all. A child has no choice but an adult does and can weigh up the odds. From that it follows that unless and until we root out terror once and for all whatever it takes to do it then no child is safe in London and it is incumbent upon adults to understand this.
Our leaders had better grasp reality soon.
Now on : Homage to Darcus Howe
Guess the prog if it’s a virtue signalling prog and it’s 7pm ?
I was born and bred in East London. I now live in the West Country – I fell in love with it back in the 70s.
I worked in London as a young person through the IRA bombing days. Wasn’t very nice at all and innocent people/animals (Horseguards) lost their lives.
Three of my two 20 something children work and live in London now. I visit often and although I desperately worry about them on a daily basis (along with my third in Plymouth), I just tell them all to be extra vigilant and to keep their wits about them.
What else can I say? They have to live/work and I will continue to visit my home city on a regular basis to see my family and friends. People cannot hide at home – just carrying on normally is, I hope, a big message to terrorism.
I was working in London 1978-1985, first near Oxford Street, then Fleet Street. Everyone just carried on as normal when they could. But the IRA were not a threat to a whole civilisation. This Islamic terrorist threat is different.
So the only answer is for us Brits to stop talking about the problem and have a vigilante type group?
Projects of theBBC-Narrative construction team
#0 Trump is in Putin’s pocket
#1 Nothing ever happens in Sweden
#2 Hillary is a shoe-in for the Presidency
#3 Brexit ref vote is to be a sure win for Remain
#4 Brexiteers are all racists
#5 The big loser in the Dutch election was Wilders who increased his seats by 25% whilst the opposing Labour party lost 80% of theirs
#6 The 2015 Election will be close with the main question of who will partner Labour in government
#7 The 2014 Indyref will be a win for independence
#8 A Brexit win will mean the UK economy will fall apart within weeks
#9 A Trump win will mean the US economy will fall apart within weeks
They are good aren’t they ?
Have they got any tips for the Grand National?
They will back any muslim horse which is running. Actually, Beeboids are so stupid they would try and back a muslim horse which is not running.
They can spew out the same crap, tell us that we are racist, Islamophobic and talk about diversity and enrichment till hell freezes over but – they are Muslims and this is Islam 2017.
What a mind blowing conflict for lefty liberal and bbc types?
A real duh! moment – Trump slaps Assad with a military strike because Assad used nerve gas on his own people but Assad has been doing that and worse for years(the UN have sent several stiff letters!)
The messiah Obama did NOTHING BUT TALK!
Military is BAD, the West is BAD and most importantly, Trump is BAD?
Does not compute, does not compute!
You have to admire those White Helmets. Straight in to help the victims of Sarin gas, no time to put their protective gloves on, no fear of death.
I see that Frank Gardner has added his usual worthless analysis to the BBC website report on the Stockholm terrorist incident.
“I don’t think Sweden was prepared for something like this,” he usefully observes. As is usually the case with Fearless Frank, he blames the security services – “Insiders have been concerned for quite some time that Sweden has been a bit lax about security.”
And, inevitably, he adds: “It is important at this stage, though, to keep an open mind about the perpetrator. It’s not impossible that it was someone with personal, psychological problems, rather than a political motive.”
Pathetic and pitiful.
Warren Peace
“Insiders have been concerned for quite some time that Sweden has been a bit lax about security.” Who are the ‘insiders’ he is referring to ? Do we really believe he has some information from the Swedish security services ? As I posted earlier today he just states ‘the bleeding obvious’, as he always does.
Wrote my comment before I read yours. All journalists have a hotline to God. If there is a communication breakdown , they just fabricate. They are the only people I can think of who are lower than politicians. Bottom of the dung heap.
So when they were sneering “nothing ever happens in Sweden”
….insiders were telling them “security is too lax” ..cos something terroristy was likely to happen in Sweden
Yes, I have to feel sorry for Frank on many levels. Dare I say “Stockholm syndrome ” is one.
“Insiders have been concerned ” . What the hell does that mean and how would he know ? Who are “insiders ” ? If he means Government security services and intelligence, I imagine they just use journalists to put some story out.
“Someone with personal, psychological problems” sounds like projection to me. Frank went through hell and I would not wish that on anyone. I hope he is still having treatment, but , like so many, he is in denial.
If you ever read this , any chance of a new weekend thread ?
‘Deaths as lorry rams Swedish store.’
Lovely bit of newspeak there. Along with the words that were ‘believed to have been said’ to the aslylum seeker, now lorries drive themselves and brutal murders are mere ‘deaths’, a word one might associate with passing away peacefully in the night at old age. Words definitely spoken were witnessed by nobody; lorries drive themselves; you are biased in not understanding that you must submit to our bias.
The Big Brother Corporation.
Many media outlets are now reporting 3 arrests have been made in Sweden. Maybe true, maybe not. No reference on the BBC website updated 3 minutes ago.
A lot of detail and photos on the internet now. Of course . it may all be fake news. Where are the BBC ? Of course, it is friday, so after friday prayers , they will either be in the wine bar or en route to their country retreats . Amateurs.
Sky Online News at 21.17 does not mention the Stockholm terrorist attack in any way:
No idea. But it is all over the internet now. Detail, maps, photos. Even the Daily Mail website has a big feature.
Is it me or is the BBC seeming to change its opinion on Trump following the missile strike on Syrian airbase?
Tonight on radio 4 I was regaled with the news that this had silenced all the rumours of the Kremlin / Putin influence.
There seemed a consensus that this was a good thing despite Big Brother Korbyn claiming otherwise.
There was even criticism of the Obamessiahs failure to act in the past despite his promises to do so.
Have things changed a little?
‘They laughed at him then but they are not laughing now ‘
Poor old Sweden, nice, progressive, liberal, socialist, neutral, pacifist Sweden, we could have warned you… In fact I believe a certain President did, but how you laughed, how you scoffed, at that racist redneck retard, with all the beeboids merrily joining in the mirth. “Problems with muslim immigration? What problems? All is sweetness and light here.”
I’m not saying we told you so… but ffs we told you so.
What’s the excuse going to be this time? Poverty and lack of opportunity? In a country with the most generous welfare system in the world, where they throw money and resources at their migrants, where the men open their arms and the women their legs.
Welcome to the real world, Sweden.
Are these really the people of the Vikings and Kievan Rus ? I cannot believe it.
Believe it – look at us we had an Empire and ruled the waves.
Now let’s all sing Kumbaya while May tells us what a great faith islam is and the Emir tells us we mustn’t let the terrorists divide us.
P.S. Did May say it was a great perverted faith? Got something right for once.
It may have been on this site, or elsewhere that someone reminded me of the H.G. Wells novel, The Time Machine.
In the book, the Eloi live a banal life of ease on the surface of the earth unaware of the evil intentions of the underground dwelling Morlocks.
Could the Swedes be turning into the Eloi?
Who might the Morlocks be?
Restroom Mole
What a coincidence my thoughts exactly .
Best I recall, the Morlocks worked.
This lot seem a bit shy on that, but do operate on rooftops too.
BBC Website headline now is amazing ” Stockholm lorry rams crowds ” . The BBC take satire to a different planet !!!
I have the equally insipid “Stockholm lorry rams crowds, killing ‘at least four people” ,a desperate organisation masking the truth at the expense of what little credibility they have left.
” It’s not impossible that it was someone with personal, psychological problems, rather than a political motive.” bleats Frank Gardner, and its also possible that the reverse is the case, wild speculation to support the narrative.
” It’s not impossible that it was someone with personal, psychological problems, rather than a political motive.” or in other words a Muslim.
They are all rats clinging to a sinking ship
Decades of socialism, welfarism and feminism have emasculated them. They’re not just neutral, now they’re neutered.
Trump is a hero for having the balls to mention what a crisis there is there and other places. Everyone’s default response is to dissemble but the facts speak for themselves. How mad has it got that it is such a revolutionary act to speak the truth?
Can you imagine if Hillary had won? ‘Refugees’ would be flooding in to the states. Along with the other career politicians, she would deny there was any problem whatsoever.
Whatever Trump’s motive was and whether the action was justified or not, whatever that means, he has sent out a powerful message. He has rattled some cages and ruffled some feathers. And , after 8 years of a useless pussycat Obama, it is fine time !
Understanding the RoP
One beeboid gets it:
Exactly. Gives the lie to the feeble trope that if only we treated them better they wouldn’t harm us.
Most terrorism has an objective – the terrorists want something. Maybe they want rid of a government or rid of an occupying power.
Muslims have a really simple want. They want us all dead. Then they can get on with the real battle of killing the ‘other kind’ of Muslims.
Moslem terrorists also want eternal life, guaranteed if you die for Allah. Note how many killers are converts; they realize that the future lies in martyrdom or eternal hell for past sins.
One beeboid gets it:
You think? I think he is completely baffled to be honest !
The penultimate sentence is the reason!
There is much to be wary of, but more than most is the sheer mindlessness of it all.
How do you address a threat like this? There is no tangible strategic aim, no end game, no end benefit, no leadership. Just a blob of irrational hate and a love of killing, that simply does not pause to worry about bad PR.
Andrew Neil has made a good point, backed by logic and undeniable fact. But it is meaningless and as useless as a hashtag, logo, candle vigil and son et lumiere.
The atrocities will be repeated, because the perpetrators are not operating on the wavelength the host countries somehow still naively hope they should be by now.
Headlines on BBC News at 10.
1. Attack on Assad.
2. News of Stockholm attack.
3. Victim of Westminster attack has died.
4. Case of man beating his wife with a cricket bat.
Quakers again? Seeking a Quaker caliphate, perhaps?
Is there a connection here? I think we should be told.
Um, was the break ‘bit’ before the News, the dancing turbans ??
BBC Online News:
“”Stockholm lorry rams crowds, killing ‘at least four people'””
No mention in a thousand words of Islam.
If it was the Quakers, it would have been mentioned in the headline.
Sort of relevant after all these years. I am biased , being Scottish , but one of my musical heros is the late and great Jack Bruce. I was just listening , on YouTube, to him playing “Politician ” solo , sitting down as part of an online masterclass. Apart from his brilliant bass playing, the lyrics sum up politicians. I don’t think he liked them much !
Yes one of my heroes too. Not only was he one of the most melodic bass players, he had an almost operatic singing style that was wonderfully distinctive.
I never got to see him in Cream, but I did see him when he was in Tony Williams Lifetime, a short-lived jazz-rock fusion band of the early seventies.
Sadly missed.
You say it all. Brilliant musician. The only time I saw him live was about 25 years ago. He was playing in a large pub in Edinburgh High St. on a sunday night. God knows why. He played for about 1 hour and was great. Came to the bar and I asked him why ? He said ” I don’t need the money, I just have to play for other people”. Very modest man. As you say, sadly missed.
Jack who ? (any relation to ‘Robert the’ ?)
Electric bass playing is a man’s preserve . It is too deep and subtle for the female of the species. Now , run along back to your embroidery .
Jeff Beck’s band has Tal Wilkenfeld on bass.
She’s really not half bad and very nice to look at.
Yes, fast and superficial . All technique but no depth and no feeling or emotion. A bit like Jeff Beck’s guitar playing. They were made for each other. Yawn !
Bugger off Grant ! I wouldn’t know one end of a needle from the other, more of a Velcro girl meself !
And as I belong to our local Jazz App Soc, I might know just a little more than you realise ! A fav of mine is Chris Brubeck – son of Dave, who is known to have played elec bass in his time !
News being suppressed by the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad (formerly the Police) is that there is a shocking number of forced marriages of very young girls in London, which has been reported on – we’ve just missed it.
Type into Google ” london forced marriages under 10 ” and you will find a whole swathe of reports carried quietly by the MSM never picked up on by the BBC even thought the Grauniad is amongst them
This has grown into a major issue since BLiar and Camoron we never had to even think about such depravity, yet in the wake of all the child rape which has gone on the useless PC PCs are prepared to turn a blind eye to pedophilia providing the brown eyed favourites are responsible – yet again.
The excuse ‘we were scared of being called racist’ is wearing a bit thin, and cops used to hardened criminals frightened of name calling? What ever next ?
Sarah Montague – listen to her intro – I was shocked – she spoke the truth!
Maybe the message is getting through that the whole game is up !
You might have thought, what with the BBC being so keen to stress their fairness and impartiality, that the interview with Peter Ward, ex-British Ambassador to Syria, on Breakfast TV would have been repeated throughout the day.
Despite Charlie Stayt’s interruptions, Mr Ward made entirely cogent and valid points about Assad’s use of chemical weapons, at this juncture, being both pointless, fundamentally unnecessary and highly counter-productive, putting forward instead the far more credible suggestion that the rebels had either had a stockpile hit, resulting in the collateral damage so effectively and emotionally filmed, as per usual, or indeed that the whole affair was staged with what has also become the usual and accepted flair for the tragic and dramatic, so well-crafted to pluck at the heartstrings of BBC correspondents.
Instead we got Jeremy Bowen, heartstrings visibly vibrating.
You always know that the BBC are in panic mode when they resurrect Bowen from the Dead. It is their little hat tip to Easter. Bless.
Lol. He’s a bad egg.
Thank you. You can take your coat and go now.
Maybe this is all not what it seems. It is interesting that at the time of the US strike the Chinese were in the US for talks.
I see the major problem of President Trump’s time in office as how to deal with North Korea and Iran. These nuclear states just have to be neutralised one way or another. Maybe the attack was a demonstration of just what power the US really can use and laying down a marker to all the rogue states (and Syria is one of them ) that the US has to impose it’s will now or risk disaster down the line. In other words maybe Assad used these chemical weapons and maybe not. Toe our line or else. It will be interesting to see just how hard the US goes after Isis now. The ME is troublesome but not an existential threat to the world. Iran and N.Korea are .
There are some wreaths on Westminster bridge and now in Stockholm that would suggest that there is an existential threat from the ME. I would suggest that it is far worse as it is an ideology that has been infiltrated into Europe and is now being brought to bear against us. The biggest threat is now the appeasers like the BBC. If the deniers continue to be listened to then the will of a certain deity will almost certainly have its way.
And so to bed.
Honours for the jerkalism of the day award split between the Irish Times and the BBC on the latest Swedish terrorist atrocity.
The first for scooting past the actual victims of the attack to the as yet ill defined ‘far right’ backlash.
The latter for again creating some bizarre sick love child between Stephen King’s ‘Christine’ and an Eddie Stobart artic.
Sleep well Guest Who. It is getting late so Taffman should be along shortly. I’m keen to ask him about a report in Breitbart that The Welsh Assembly is considering making Wales a ‘Refugee Sanctuary’. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of overt opposition to it.
So what is to stop it going ahead?
will people finally realise liblabcon politicians don’t represent their feelings , the choice is coming very soon , vote the same get the same
Simply ?
The Welsh Assembly is completely out of touch with the people of Wales.
Time for another referendum .
Do we need the Welsh Asembly and all its bureaucracy?
According to “Beverley – A Town of Refuge” (Highgate Publications).
The people of Beverley were thankful for Henry VIII ending its sanctuary rights for Refugees in 1540, because of the poor reputation that these criminals and thugs gave to Beverley, and the riots caused by the influx of criminals into the town.
But I imagine that it would be popular in Wales, if the sanctuary rights where limited to property and land under the ownership of members of the Labour party. In fact this could be UK Government policy for all property and land owned by people who want sanctuary for refugees. It would mean that only those left-wing sadists who want refugees, would suffer the consequences.
I’m confused. You say “property and land under the ownership of members of the Labour party.”
I thought Marx , or one of his fellow travellers said “all property is theft”.
Ergo, socialists will for political reasons avoid soiling their hands with property ownership. (Exemptions for DustyByn and Michael Meacher and Millibands are available)
BBC narrative-construction under way
Trump is “flipping on Syria” “U-turn”
They’re busy digging up old tweets and clips
But only got something vague him saying Hillary is a war monger.
R5 Adrian Goldberg heavily pushed that line and had 2 US media people on the phone but they wouldn’t play ball
And then he had one of those coincidental phone line drop offs so ended the segment early
R4 runs with ‘Trump this time relied on experienced military advisers rather than his political advisers’
Vine on Trump Sweden
Not one snowflake supported
Yes but the BBC/Guardian has become well known for the censorship of a great deal of factual information on many topics. So non-existent information in the brain of a Guardian reader would always create the perception of “Donald Trump appearing to invent factual information“ in the small brain of an ignorant Guardianista.
I am shocked! Andrew Neil, then Jeremy Vine…. Are the presenters revolting?!
Went there to show support (of sorts; I may have asked who these mockers were) and it turns out I am blocked.
Ironic 😉
This one is top of the news list ………
“British Columbia ends high heel dress code requirements”
While this one is hidden away………..
“Birmingham and Stoke terror arrests: Pipe bomb ‘found in car”
The Eddie Izzard community is now living in fear of flats.
Hmmm,there I was becoming slightly concerened that Western Europe may be sliding headlong into an existential crisis when all along it was just those pesky ‘men’.
Thanks BBC, so there was no involvement from an ‘ISIS-supporting’ Uzbeki father-of-four” then?
Phew, thats a relief.
The above quislingesque BBC piece is an absolute magnum opus, if there was a journalistic award for pussyfooting around the bleedin obvious then its a winner. Only at the very end of the article do we get a hint at what might be motivating these ‘men’.
“Father-of-four” . Just a normal family man then. Nothing to worry about.
Good to know Grant that under all that mass killing and hate the are really just one of us!
Without the BBC to reassure me and guide me in my thinking I would be lost and frightened. Aunty Beeb ? No, it is Uncle Beeb. What would we do without them ?
Looking at websites on the internet, including newspapers, and what occurs to me is the large numbers of journalists pontificating about the cruise missile strike as if they have some special knowledge of all the circumstances. In my view, generally speaking, journalists are self-important , egotistical nonentities, even lower than politicians.
Just to take one at random. Peter Oborne “I don’t share the Foreign Office Hawk’s joy over the US missile attack “. Firstly, what joy ? Secondly, who gives a flying f… what you or any other journalist thinks or feels about anything ?
PS ” Michael Burleigh answers key questions about Syrian airstrikes ” . What the hell does he know about it ?
Grant the older I get the more I think that morality when it comes to war is just some sort of liberal construct. In most Arab countries when it comes to killing pretty much “anything goes” The sooner we get our heads around this fact then the sooner we will be able to understand what is going on.
I am not saying we should give up on morality but I am saying we should not judge conflict in such countries totally from a western moral perspective. A dead baby is a dead baby whether it has had its throat cut or been poisoned by WMDs.
With western media we live in an age of moral “trumps” where a hand of ten dead babies always outplays a whole tribe of Yazdis – providing we dont have too look at their dead babies and murdered children too. Its a strange world where emotional images beat all, including sometimes common sense. And no one appears as interested in what happens where the camera lens is not present. Maybe its just not such good telly.
We should focus on what is the best way to handle situations from the point of view about what is best for our society and only interfere when we are sure of our outcomes or the survival of our own society is at stake.
Well said. One of the problems with Lefties is that they are totally incapable of understanding cultures and ways of thinking other than their own. Small-minded and narrow-minded.
BBC Breakfast at 7:10am today…
The presenters start by mentioning there have been “four vehicle attacks” in the last year. Over to the ‘security expert’ in the studio. He says this is the kind of attack we see “from people sympathetic with ISIS”.
About a minute later he says we are more likely to be injured crossing the road. The only practical solution he offered is to pedestrianise certain areas and have physical barriers to stop vehicle (does he mean whole of Europe?)
Why does a ‘security expert’ have to use carefully chosen words like “sympathetic with ISIS” and play down the risk?
It would be funny if it was not so serious. Some prick said that you are more likely to die of obesity than a terrorist attack. These idiots are ostriches.
These ‘small’ attacks are straws in the wind. Before the Twin Towers 9/11 attack killed 3 000 the earlier truck bombing of the Twin Towers in 1993 ‘only’ killed 6.
So by BBC logic in 2011 a terrorist attack on the Twin Towers could not be a serious threat.
Samira Ahmed, and guests on Newswatch baffled as to why Ofcom doesnt regulate the Daily Mail…
Unable to grasp that we dont have to bloody well pay for the Mail if we dont read it.
But, but… It is staffed by Mail hating ex colleagues, so who knows?
Also, isn’t that the ipcc’s job?
Just shows how stupid Samira Ahmed is and she works in the industry. Amazing.
“Ofcom’s [2015] annual report has revealed that the BBC dominates both local and national news markets in the UK”
Ofcom has nothing similar to say about the Daily Mail. Well, how many people do you know who regularly read a newspaper?
The problem with regularly reading a newspaper is well documented:
Fail to read one and you’ll be uninformed
Read one and you’ll he misinformed.
Mind you…the bbc can beat both methods and feed you propaganda.
There seems to be a problem with comments on the Daily Express site!
“Comments unavailable ” for articles that many readers who would like to
EXPRESS an opinion !
No explanation given..just a denial of free speech!
“Percentage of LGBT staff at BBC six times higher than in population”
“..11.5 per cent of BBC bosses and 10.6 per cent of staff are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transsexual.”
Who’d ha thunk it?
Has anyone noticed that while all eyes are on Syria, the media has gone a bit quiet regarding the situation in Iraq (Mosul)…..Just sayin’
Oh how the bien-pensants at the beebistan laughed into their Lattes, how they sneered and sniggered and scoffed into their Skinnies, when Trump had the temerity to suggest that Sweden might have a muslim problem. Well, in the immortal words of Farage, YOU’RE NOT LAUGHING NOW, ARE YOU!
The strike on Assad shows the Russia/Trump links for the nonsense they clearly were. Yet the MSM ran and ran with the Russia stories. Panorama ran that ridiculous ‘Trump: The Kremlin Candidate’ episode, which relied mainly on scary music rather than any facts to stir up fear. They even ran that preposterous pissgate story on the day of his first press conference, timed to cause as much trouble for him as possible; the BBC reporter even asked Trump if he would consider his position if any links were proved.
Nearly anyone without the resources and character of Trump would have been crushed by attacks like these. Think how outrageous that is: they asked him to consider resigning from the post on the basis of nonsense they had just made up. Yet with all their clever tricks they made the whole Trump/Putin connection seem so real to so many. They made 2 plus 2 equal 5,
How many thought criminals have been unpersoned through tactics like this in the past? And how many saw what would happen if they dared challenge the orthodoxies of Big Auntie so just said nothing in the first place?
With, still, Sir Cliff to go. Can’t wait to hear the facts of the Beauty Broadcasting Corps. involvement.
Something for OFCOM to play around with?
BBC Parliament are re-running Election Night 1992 today.
They had a vox pop from Manchester in which a small business owner dmitted to voting Tory and he was jeered by the surrounding Labour supporters. Another person who admitted to voting Labour was heard in reverential silence.
After the first two results, both of which showed the Tories holding on better than expected, there was no acknowledgement of the implications.
The inherent institutional left wing bias of the BBC is deeper, more entrenched, and more historic than we sometimes remember.
No doubt by the end Dimbleboid et al with be wearing mourning wear.
Off Switch
Newswatch goes from bad to worse as a couple of BBC-sympathetic toadies join our Samira to tell us that this new Ofcom complaints system is all good. This will remove the idea that for years the BBC ‘has been marking its own homework’. Again the BBCers rehearse Nick Robinson’s argument echoed by Ric Bailey a BBC-employed political advisor that we stop counting minutes airtime or ‘number of heads’ given platform on each side of any debate. One senses the BBC know they look bad when measured. So stop measuring – or so they demand. They hint that the only cloud on the otherwise bright horizon would be that dearly beloved Ofcom might get drawn into ‘politics’. Oh really? Assuming we all broadly agree the BBC is telling us the truth when it says it is politically neutral – then how might these tame house-trained commentators think Ofcom could get so embroiled in politics? The truth is the BBC is only balanced because it says so. This sort of argument – so beloved of five-year-olds, their exasperated parents and of course of Lefties – will ring rather hollow as Ofcom consistently backs the BBC on every claim of Leftist bias and yet will willingly take the BBC to task on behalf of every SJW trumped up diversity charge – like we know it is going to.
The only good news here is the report this this week that our Samira Ahmed spent an uncomfortable evening at the Barbican Theatre hopping from one foot to the other desperately awaiting a free cubicle in the lavatories because…. and this is a gem… this lefty-minded institution had gender-neutralised its toilets. Oh how our Samira berrated the Barbican for imposing their politics. Keep the ladies and make the gents the gender neutral zone – that was our Samira’s solution. I’m alright Jack – I mean, I’m alright Jill.
Booker has a double page in the MAIL
“Every green initiative imposed on us has ended in disaster”
He starts on David King and his push for diesel
I believe it’s time Al Beebeera started asking some tough questions of all these lorries that have been attacking people. Are they Secular lorries? Or Agnostic? Or Mormon, or Jehovah’s Witness lorries? One thing we know for sure, they cannot be muslim lorries, as islam is a religion of peace. Even lorries know that. And anyway Treezer and the Emir of London told us so.
Tests of self driving vehicles going horribly wrong?
Your comment has given me an idea for another excuse for these truckin’ atrocities.
Muslim lorry drivers are disgruntled because they can foresee that their jobs will be lost to self-driving artics. Mortally oppressed and aggrieved by this threat to their livelihoods, they lash out in the only way they know.
Continued ad infinitum.
“I believe it’s time Al Beebeera started asking some tough questions of all these lorries that have been attacking people.”
It’s part of the centuries old lorry feud between Foden and ERF.
So now we’ve had the missile strike are we back to being at war with, rather than colluding with Russia???
I wouldn’t be overly concerned. Remember the Russian jet incident over Syrian airspace?
The squaring up of Putin & Erdogan afterwards?
It wasn’t all that long before a kiss & make up session. (on the surface anyway)
FooC now “journalists don’t give equal weight to attacks done by Far-Rights”
OBJ says by quoting “everyone at this Minneapolis debate said”
He then cherry picked ONE local story
” Owen Bennett-Jones finds himself answering, rather than asking, questions as he gets to know the Somali Americans living in Minneapolis.”
Halal slaughterhouse investigated for animal cruelty
Printed edition doesn’t show the undercover photos
Another good reason why having this Muslim scum in our country is a disaster.
Not bBBC but,
Thanks Stew for this link and for publicising it. Thanks to the Daily Mail for featuring this atrocity.
I have been a vegetarian for over thirty years now, although I’m not strict about it – it’s a personal choice. I don’t expect others to do the same as I think it’s impractical, although I believe there are health benefits in eating less meat.
I do, however, feel really strongly about halal meat, and agree that it should be stated on packaging, by law, whether it is halal. I want nothing to do with this cruel and barbaric procedure or the related religion. I expect to be able to easily determine whether a product is halal so that I can avoid it. This is religion by the backdoor, and it enrages me.
Rant over.
I wonder why the bBC isn’t mentioning this black lives story:
Freida Pinto emotional over Guerrilla casting controversy
The Slumdog Millionaire star plays an Asian nurse married to a black civil rights leader in 1970s London in the new TV series, and at a recent screening in London, a member of the Black Lives Matter movement, who was in the audience, accused the show’s creators of “black erasure” by casting Freida, an Indian, in the role.
Critics believe the role should have been offered to a black actress.
Pinto was asked about the controversy at the screening and reportedly became distressed while answering. “Black was not just the colour of your skin, it was a political blackness at that point in time,” she said as tears reportedly rolled down her face. “We were all considered outsiders. For me it’s important that the conversation about diversity is inclusive and not just (about) the colour of your skin.” “(It was a) detailed analysis of U.K. culture at the time,” Freida’s co-star Idris Elba added. Producer John Ridley also defended Freida’s casting, insisting it is historically accurate.
Funny the bBC did push this effort of a story out the other day:
US ‘transracial’ woman Rachel Dolezal to visit SA
Now its been confirmed !!!
Little snippet in today’s D/Mail has the Beeb’s Roger Bolton (Feedback R4) says…..
Quote: “The BBC has a predominantly young workforce ………”
And only a few years ago, Joan Bakewell also referred to “the children who run the BBC”.
Thinking about it, ‘children’ is very apt.
We ascribe opinions to the bbc ‘journalists’ but I’m getting the feeling that their ‘opinions’ aren’t the result of any kind careful study firm beliefs but more on a par with asking a child, “What’s your favourite ice cream?”
“Chocolate, no strawberry, no chocolate, I mean mint.”