Can somebody please explain why the bBC has a news service.
3 earthquakes hit the Philippines at 7am (6 hours ago) everybody has been reporting on this story but from the bBC, nothing. Their current breaking story is how an explosive device has been found on that truck in Sweden.The daily mail reported that 5 hours ago.
Yes – they can’t even cover these islands never mind the World.
Viewing French and Russian TV I was amazed how much goes on in the World but it’s not, Trump, Brexit or London so to the bbc it ain’t news.
State of the Art News Service more like State of the Arse.
And in a moment of madness I had a bit of a listen to PM – like I’d never been away – Brexit, Syria, immigrants, Russia.
At least I’ve not missed anything.
‘Thousands of people, some carrying signs reading “No to dictatorship!” and “Capriles for President,” took part in marches against the unpopular leftist government of President Nicolas Maduro’.
”Socialist paradise’ verges on COLLAPSE: Venezuela dictator holds onto power amid protests
A GROWING number of protests have rocked the South American socialist state which has been edging towards complete disorder’
First of all….. I do not post very often AND I live a l’etranger. BUT this Wnkr Beeb headline about North Korea real takes the biscuit. How long are you going to wait, to form some sort of pressure group to get rid of this Anti British organisation?
Social Media IS exposing ITV, Ch4, BBC, in fact the whole of the MSM.
only 18 mths ago, you would have never have heard this.
This is not about the BBC, well maybe it is, they were even worse than ITV because they refused to cover this at all.
… Told you there were 14 arrests
8pm Just starting on R4 a LibMob prog about Protest and Social Media
With Guardian churnalist Zoe Williams
It’s a new prog made up of material from the R4 archive
“In an age when technology has made organising protest movements easier than ever before, journalist Zoe Williams asks why we aren’t seeing long-term results. She looks back on the global history of activism to discover the pre-conditions needed for concrete change.
Recent years have seen an explosion of protest movements to secure equality, protect immigrants, and demand justice. But often these movements are doomed to short-term impact. Does today’s activism overlook the benefits of doing things the hard way?”
Every protest covered has been Lefty
except now she just mentioned the Countryside Alliance march
And airing a bloke saying the march failed “cos it wasn’t radical enough, we should have had rolling road blocks”
Just watching the BBCs continual coverage of the 1992 General election , ssing as it`s 25 years since Major got elected.
Despite the medias clear bias at that time, which is so obvious even as we watch in 2017.
So this is not a recent problem-the BBC even then were totally biased, sneering at Tories and conniving and commiserating with all their Prescotts, Ashdowns and Livingstons.
Racist, sexist and full of Oxbridge blowhards pouring bile and scorn on the likes of Ridley and Redwood.
Onanistic class warriors even then, getting their polls all wrong, full of arrogance, pretensions and condescension….and blaming the Mail and thick white van self-employed for the death of Kinnocks Dream,
Any chance of us sloughing off this parasitic class who “mediate” for us?
To hear Peter Sissons shamelessly re-inventing his polls as the Tories turned out to be victorious (despite his assuming that the Tories had lost)-well, only reminds me of 2010, 2015 and both votes in 2016.
Left wingers should be overjoyed to hear what an influential ally they have in the BBC but I suspect most will cringing at been rumbled by the woeful tales of bias, political spin, eco-zealotry, anti-human, anti-Jewish, pro-big government/big tax/big legislation, anti-freedom propaganda been spewed forth from the BBC. It’s worth noting that the traits Sissons refers to of the BBC in this book, go against the BBC’s remit as the licence fee funded state broadcaster and is sure to send sock-waves throughout the organisation.”
“”Ms Sturgeon said Mrs Clinton had blazed a trail and made it easier for others to follow.Both politicians spoke out against misogyny when they appeared on stage””
“”Ms Sturgeon’s harshest words were reserved for the UK tax policy that has become known as the “rape clause”.
“”The plan to restrict tax credits for any new claimants to a maximum of two children was announced in the 2015 budget and came into force this month””
“”It means women who have had a third or subsequent child as a result of rape will still be able to claim tax credits, but will have to demonstrate their exceptional circumstances to qualify””
“”Ms Sturgeon told the audience: “It is a disgusting and disgraceful policy but that policy has been introduced by a woman prime minister””
“”Sturgeon said she was inspired by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and praised her for standing up to Donald Trump immediately after his electoral victory last year””
Exclusive: British journalist destroys MSM lies on Syria
interview with British Journalist Tom Duggan in Damascus at the French Hospital tells us about the chemical attacks accusations.
Interview conducted by Hanin Elias
Of course Sturgeon’s ire has nothing to do with rape (a convoluted and ludicrous argument) and everything to do with her opposition to any cuts in benefits.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali cancels Australia tour over ‘security concerns’
Nearly 400 people had signed an online petition opposing Ms Hirsi Ali’s visit to Australia and New Zealand. “Against a backdrop of increasing global Islamophobia, Hirsi-Ali’s divisive rhetoric simply serves to increase hostility and hatred towards Muslims,” the petition said.
(New Paywalled Newspaper article)
They’re lining up to abuse this refugee
AYAAN Hirsi Ali’s persecution by the Australian Left and the Muslim right is something that should shame a supposedly free nation, writes Andrew Bolt.
Bolt also wrote a column about the Left being new Facists
EXCUSE me: are you of the Left? Then aren’t you ashamed by the moron movement that the Left now represents?
I’m sure you once thought being of the Left meant you were against fascists. But aren’t you embarrassed to find you are now exactly what you condemn?
How does it feel to be in a mob now burning books, torching cartoons, censoring videos, threatening companies, suing students and shutting debates with violence?
Al BBC Alert – BBC1 The Big Questions
Would gender-neutral language be better for mankind? … see what we did there? oh we are clever.
… Another BBC politically driven agenda, see video below
Have we lost the real meaning of Easter?
… Has the BBC Asian Network eh?
Asian Network’s Debate Shazia show asked, Should we celebrate Easter
Does the BBC want to ask Aquil Ahmed, or how about Fatima Salaria?
Yep!, Despicable BBC … UK religion for the 4% eh!.
The 96% is obviously of no concern, BBC a traitorous 5th column.
Should we trade with countries that abuse human rights?
… Should the BBC protect, promote and appease an ideology that does?
Lost the meaning of Easter!, the BBC no integrity, no scruples and no shame.
look how it engineers the minds of children … no words
I just #Prayed4Oslo and it worked
“Police in Norway say a “bomb-like device” has been found in central Oslo and a suspect is being held in custody”
@Nogginator dunno wh but your images didn’t show up for me
In the garden and hearing loud voices, constantly jabbering – I didn’t really have much of a feeling of oneness, enrichment or appreciate the diversity.
Swedish man says, “We are wise enough to realise these people do not represent the whole of Islam”.
I guess that’s okay then and he can sleep soundly in the knowledge that this time it’s not him or his that have been killed or maimed – not this time. And we have no choice, we are required to accept this as a fact of life and shut up. Not sure how long the populous can remain subdued.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Can somebody please explain why the bBC has a news service.
3 earthquakes hit the Philippines at 7am (6 hours ago) everybody has been reporting on this story but from the bBC, nothing. Their current breaking story is how an explosive device has been found on that truck in Sweden.The daily mail reported that 5 hours ago.
Yes – they can’t even cover these islands never mind the World.
Viewing French and Russian TV I was amazed how much goes on in the World but it’s not, Trump, Brexit or London so to the bbc it ain’t news.
State of the Art News Service more like State of the Arse.
And in a moment of madness I had a bit of a listen to PM – like I’d never been away – Brexit, Syria, immigrants, Russia.
At least I’ve not missed anything.
LOL ! You should lie down in a darkened room in Nirvana .
Grant, I’d been out in the hot sun. Do you have sun in Scotland?
Our BBC, slow with the news, what could possibly be going on in the world that the BBC are missing?
‘Thousands of people, some carrying signs reading “No to dictatorship!” and “Capriles for President,” took part in marches against the unpopular leftist government of President Nicolas Maduro’.
”Socialist paradise’ verges on COLLAPSE: Venezuela dictator holds onto power amid protests
A GROWING number of protests have rocked the South American socialist state which has been edging towards complete disorder’
No comment yet from Jeremy Corbyn?
Venezuela is one of his role models for a socialist paradise.
First of all….. I do not post very often AND I live a l’etranger. BUT this Wnkr Beeb headline about North Korea real takes the biscuit. How long are you going to wait, to form some sort of pressure group to get rid of this Anti British organisation?
Social Media IS exposing ITV, Ch4, BBC, in fact the whole of the MSM.
only 18 mths ago, you would have never have heard this.
This is not about the BBC, well maybe it is, they were even worse than ITV because they refused to cover this at all.
… Told you there were 14 arrests
8pm Just starting on R4 a LibMob prog about Protest and Social Media
With Guardian churnalist Zoe Williams
It’s a new prog made up of material from the R4 archive
“In an age when technology has made organising protest movements easier than ever before, journalist Zoe Williams asks why we aren’t seeing long-term results. She looks back on the global history of activism to discover the pre-conditions needed for concrete change.
Recent years have seen an explosion of protest movements to secure equality, protect immigrants, and demand justice. But often these movements are doomed to short-term impact. Does today’s activism overlook the benefits of doing things the hard way?”
It’s all about the occupy movement and all that jazz.
I would have thought we just had a revolution caused by a grass roots movement.
But I guess Zoey doesn’t count Ukip and Brexit
She just talked about “Trump’s Muslim ban”
which of course is fake news
Every protest covered has been Lefty
except now she just mentioned the Countryside Alliance march
And airing a bloke saying the march failed “cos it wasn’t radical enough, we should have had rolling road blocks”
Just watching the BBCs continual coverage of the 1992 General election , ssing as it`s 25 years since Major got elected.
Despite the medias clear bias at that time, which is so obvious even as we watch in 2017.
So this is not a recent problem-the BBC even then were totally biased, sneering at Tories and conniving and commiserating with all their Prescotts, Ashdowns and Livingstons.
Racist, sexist and full of Oxbridge blowhards pouring bile and scorn on the likes of Ridley and Redwood.
Onanistic class warriors even then, getting their polls all wrong, full of arrogance, pretensions and condescension….and blaming the Mail and thick white van self-employed for the death of Kinnocks Dream,
Any chance of us sloughing off this parasitic class who “mediate” for us?
To hear Peter Sissons shamelessly re-inventing his polls as the Tories turned out to be victorious (despite his assuming that the Tories had lost)-well, only reminds me of 2010, 2015 and both votes in 2016.
“Peter Sissons” is one of our heroes for exposing the truth about BBC in his Daily Mail article
and book
“He has left no stone unturned in his forensic account of life as a journalist at ITN and the BBC and there’s no going back to the BBC after this book – I would say all bridges have been well and truly burned.
Left wingers should be overjoyed to hear what an influential ally they have in the BBC but I suspect most will cringing at been rumbled by the woeful tales of bias, political spin, eco-zealotry, anti-human, anti-Jewish, pro-big government/big tax/big legislation, anti-freedom propaganda been spewed forth from the BBC. It’s worth noting that the traits Sissons refers to of the BBC in this book, go against the BBC’s remit as the licence fee funded state broadcaster and is sure to send sock-waves throughout the organisation.”
BBC Online News:
“”Sturgeon praises Clinton in New York””
“”Ms Sturgeon said Mrs Clinton had blazed a trail and made it easier for others to follow.Both politicians spoke out against misogyny when they appeared on stage””
“”Ms Sturgeon’s harshest words were reserved for the UK tax policy that has become known as the “rape clause”.
“”The plan to restrict tax credits for any new claimants to a maximum of two children was announced in the 2015 budget and came into force this month””
“”It means women who have had a third or subsequent child as a result of rape will still be able to claim tax credits, but will have to demonstrate their exceptional circumstances to qualify””
“”Ms Sturgeon told the audience: “It is a disgusting and disgraceful policy but that policy has been introduced by a woman prime minister””
“”Sturgeon said she was inspired by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and praised her for standing up to Donald Trump immediately after his electoral victory last year””
No counter view by the BBC, of course. How could they when faced with their two left wing idols?
And both women have done very well in their careers. Misogyny?
Exclusive: British journalist destroys MSM lies on Syria
interview with British Journalist Tom Duggan in Damascus at the French Hospital tells us about the chemical attacks accusations.
Interview conducted by Hanin Elias
Of course Sturgeon’s ire has nothing to do with rape (a convoluted and ludicrous argument) and everything to do with her opposition to any cuts in benefits.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali cancels Australia tour over ‘security concerns’
Nearly 400 people had signed an online petition opposing Ms Hirsi Ali’s visit to Australia and New Zealand. “Against a backdrop of increasing global Islamophobia, Hirsi-Ali’s divisive rhetoric simply serves to increase hostility and hatred towards Muslims,” the petition said.
On Australian issues always check Andrew Bolt for the sensible take
April 3
They’ll be video of her appearance on his Sky TV show
April 7
I have received the most astonishing questions from an Age reporter in that paper’s continuing jihad against Ayaan Hirsi Ali. They are the sort only a logic-challenged witch hunter could dream up.
(New Paywalled Newspaper article)
They’re lining up to abuse this refugee
AYAAN Hirsi Ali’s persecution by the Australian Left and the Muslim right is something that should shame a supposedly free nation, writes Andrew Bolt.
“Nearly 400 people” 400 from a population of 23 million Australians?
Democracy in action.
Bolt mentioned Thai bombings testerday
“HAT YAI, Thailand – Suspected Muslim insurgents have set off dozens of bombs in southern Thailand, bringing down power lines and setting tires on fire to block roads. Security officials said there were no reports of deaths or injuries”
Bolt also wrote a column about the Left being new Facists
reproduced here with Australian examples
Brian Matthew dies again.
Are you sure this time bBBC?
I know the BBC likes repeats, but honestly ………
We can’t complain that the BBC were late with this story. They were really, really early.
They were also very early when they reported the collapse of building 7 in the 9/11 attack 😉
Al BBC Alert – BBC1 The Big Questions
Would gender-neutral language be better for mankind? … see what we did there? oh we are clever.
… Another BBC politically driven agenda, see video below
Have we lost the real meaning of Easter?
… Has the BBC Asian Network eh?
Asian Network’s Debate Shazia show asked, Should we celebrate Easter
Does the BBC want to ask Aquil Ahmed, or how about Fatima Salaria?
Yep!, Despicable BBC … UK religion for the 4% eh!.
The 96% is obviously of no concern, BBC a traitorous 5th column.
Should we trade with countries that abuse human rights?
… Should the BBC protect, promote and appease an ideology that does?
Lost the meaning of Easter!, the BBC no integrity, no scruples and no shame.
look how it engineers the minds of children … no words
Here you go BBC, can your head of religion and ethics, explain this for us,
how about the previous, one Mr Ahmed?
I just #Prayed4Oslo and it worked
“Police in Norway say a “bomb-like device” has been found in central Oslo and a suspect is being held in custody”
@Nogginator dunno wh but your images didn’t show up for me
No prayers for St Petersburg of course.
Russia!!! reds under the bed boo hiss!,
Trump is literally, oops he s helped the terrorists, so not anymore
… Its Putin HE is literally Hitler
well noticed crist
Oh what’s with the Indians jumping up and down banghra dancing on the BBC in between programmes to the caption “ONEness” FFS!
In the garden and hearing loud voices, constantly jabbering – I didn’t really have much of a feeling of oneness, enrichment or appreciate the diversity.
Swedish man says, “We are wise enough to realise these people do not represent the whole of Islam”.
I guess that’s okay then and he can sleep soundly in the knowledge that this time it’s not him or his that have been killed or maimed – not this time. And we have no choice, we are required to accept this as a fact of life and shut up. Not sure how long the populous can remain subdued.