This will get the right-on rabble on Twitter twitting…the BBC seems to be giving the ‘Far-Right’ an almost fair hearing in an article on the ‘Alt-Right’ and a profile of Marine Le Pen…and in fact down-playing the so-oft alleged Far-Rightedness of Le Pen and those of the French ‘Alt-Right’….Read them for yourself… a pretty fair look at the various movements that are labelled of the ‘Right’ [mostly due to wanting immigration controls though their economics and social policies are usually left-leaning]…
Patriot power: How France’s alt-right seeks to sway election
It may still the usual BBC hatchet job in many respects [why no such look at the ‘Far Left’ in any other country…such as the US and here in the UK?] but it lets slip many admissions that would not normally see the light of day such as the media works to suppress Right-Wing views and debate as in the UK and that Le Pen is often supported by disillusioned Lefties…..
Spreading the message online
Shut out by traditional media, identitarians have thrived on the web over the past decade.
It also highlights the power of new media. Without the internet, Mr Le Gallou and others would have no mass audience. Their warnings against the “Great Replacement” of locals by immigrants are no-go areas for mainstream journalists.
Various parts of the online alt-right may be firing from different directions, but their target is the same: the political and media establishment.
Such resentment is not the preserve of the identitarian fringe, or of people languishing in neglected provinces.
Opposition to liberal elites and concern about the disappearance of borders are widespread, and increasingly being aired in the heart of Paris.
And from the Le Pen article…
Part of the reason for the alarm is that the FN has always had a terrible press. In France it has suited successive governments, especially on the left, to caricature the party in the worst possible light.
The article also talks of anti-White racism….
Kevin Vercin, another CRE student who supports hard-left presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is as hostile to multiculturalism as the conservatives within the group.
Having lived in an immigrant banlieue (suburb) he says he has often been called “dirty white”, and says the mainstream press denies the reality of “anti-white racism”.
“I have suffered from being white,” says Ugo Iannuzzi, a Sorbonne student.
“I have often cried. I used to go to school with fear in my stomach. You start to feel bad about being white, about being French and loving your origins because you get beaten up, your phone gets stolen and glasses smashed.”
Mr Iannuzzi supports the FN. But his resentment of the political and media elites mirrors that of left-wingers like Mr Vercin.
The article finsishes with this…
Identitarianism feeds on pessimism.
Surely that’s not true….it’s not pessimism but hope for a better future and the resolve to make it work that drives them.
One major quibble…no mention in the long tract about Alain Soral that he has close ties with Muslim anti-Semites…remember the ‘reverse Nazi salute’, the Quenelle?
French Anti-Semites Dieudonné and Alain Soral Announce Formation of New Political Party
And funny how times change as Soral was a valued guest on Newsnight…
Newsnight had a look at this with its now infamously coy description of the Neo-Nazi Alain Soral as merely a ‘writer and film-maker’
And then there is this from Hugh extraordinary profile of Marine Le Pen…extraordinary because it seems entirely even-handed and even sympathetic in many respects….it even denies she is Far-Right….despite the BBC nearly always referring to her as such…as they did yesterday on the news in fact.
Marine Le Pen
Is France’s National Front leader far-right?
Today Marine Le Pen is a nationalist. She is unabashedly opposed to immigration. But there is no hint in her of the far-right ideology that clung to members of her father’s generation.
The influence of her generation is key. “I noticed working with her that when a question came up her first reflex was a reflex of the left,” says the former adviser to Marine, who does not want to be named.“She does not have right-wing reflexes. For me, right-wing people are people who value liberty over equality. And left-wing people are the opposite. Well, Marine always chose equality over liberty.”
But one question keeps coming back. How far-right is the National Front?
In an FN-run France, walls go up. Foreigners and foreign goods are kept out. Brussels is pushed to the margin. The franc returns, and France comes first.
According to veteran commentator Alain Duhamel, it is “a former party of the far right that has become a populist party with instincts that are xenophobic and authoritarian”.
Part of the reason for the alarm is that the FN has always had a terrible press. In France it has suited successive governments, especially on the left, to caricature the party in the worst possible light.
In France people take sides. They believe in ideas. And if the conditions are right they will fight for them. That is why it all feels more real here.
I laughed at this…Le Pen’s niece has different politics…Le Pen’s are based on those of the ideological deconstruction that came out of the 1968 era…in other words she has the same values as so many at the BBC…..
Marion Marechal Le Pen, one of the FN’s two MPs, was born in 1990. One of her closest friends is Madeleine de Jessey, spokeswoman for the pro-Catholic family-values and anti-abortion movement Sens Commun.
Though they love each other deeply – Marine was a second mother, says Marion – their politics are very different.
According to Marion: “I am from the generation of the anti-May 1968. My generation is reacting against all the ideological deconstruction that happened after the student rebellion. We want principles, values, mentors – everything in fact that negates May ’68.
“For Marine the cultural victory of May ’68 dominated her childhood and adolescence. But today things are switching over.”
Schofield finishes with this comment….that a Le Pen victory would lead to violence in the streets…left-wing violence…ala Trump’s opposition..
A Marine Le Pen presidency could well spark violence on a scale far greater than the protests she currently attracts.
Twitter foaming at the mouth yet?
Soral, Soros. A sorry, sordid sort.
We all know that far-left violence is never spontaneous. Anybody rioting wearing a mask should be arrested and their faces published in all news outlets.
It should be illegal for anyone to cover their face in public, with no exceptions.
Exceptions would have to include motorcycle riders (immediately off their bikes), Securicor type workers (Safety). Allowance should also be made for people covering their faces in very harsh winter conditions.
On a normal day, under normal circumstances, it should be clamped down on.
That may be tricky to assess and enforce, given the police are a bit variable already on what they go near and ignore.
Fair point. I could also imagine another exception as well !
What about the Islamic camel in the tent?
The Beeb have HYS (amazing!) open on their article,
France election: Le Pen and Macron clash over Europe in TV debate
and most are quite enlightening – not rabid xenophobes, but just pointing out that the status quo is bust.
There is also under the “features” section
French election: Is online far right a threat to democracy?
Which actually says the rise of new media websites was because MSM was not doing its job and ignoring many issues the people were concerned about, sounds familiar doesn’t it. Sounds to me that the MSM are more of a threat to democracy!
Oh, great, another BBC ‘opinion posed as a question to avoid being called on it by OFCOM’ headline.
There’s a lot of it about. Apparently.
Highest rated going to BBC plan on that HYS. Not.
Since the BBC is balanced and impartial it will follow this up with ” Is the Far Left a threat to democracy ? “. Have no fear !