‘The referendum exposed two nations. We need a one-nation figure to restore order.’
The new Today editor coming from the Evening Standard? A Remainder who doesn’t like Trump or immigration control[despite recognising the damage mass immigration has done…see below] No surprise there then. [Let’s hope the new editor of the Evening Standard does not become Today editor in time]. Will she as editor of the Today programme give Humphrys and Co a kick up the arse to make them less pessimistic and start being more positive and unifying? Somehow doubt it judging her by the sum-total of what she says.
Some interesting comments from Sarah Sands in her ES column...
Let’s start with this one….and hope she takes her own advice on board..
Empathy with the public is the key political gift
I particularly admired Gill’s troubadour approach to journalism. He spoke truth to power and liked to bite the hand that fed him, which is apt for a restaurant critic.
Gill regarded himself as a sinner, which is the proper position both for a Christian and a journalist. He was a former alcoholic who never forgot that you can be in the gutter but still looking up at the stars. His compassion was not lofty but based on proper understanding — there but for the grace of God go I.
He always sided with the underdog. It is a Christmas message, of sorts.
Her loyalties and that of her friends and colleagues [in that Bubble]..
The sun has broken through. We are in a strange state of La La politics. Colleagues and friends who were devastated by the Brexit/Trump results have a new devil-may-care approach. They ask: how bad can it be?
My latest mood is one of Elizabethan adventure. I have no idea where Brexit will take us but it will be interesting to see how historians classify the age that we are in.
This sentiment is best expressed as: sod it. It is in keeping with the times that the Gibraltar issue hit us apparently from nowhere. The next years will be full of surprises.
This could be interesting….imigration is bad for jobs…..though not at all ‘unforeseen’, Blair knew what would happen to the working class and he lied, hid that truth and carried on anyway….
How do we learn to become more productive? An unforeseen consequence of immigration — Tony Blair’s Gibraltar, if you like — was the debilitating effect it has had on employment.
A throwaway workforce left us undeveloped apart from the London rocket.
And let’s not forget the BBC also lied and hid the truth not mentioning the bombshell revelations of Andrew Neather that Labour had deliberately set out to ethnically cleanse Britain…imagine if a Tory government had done something similar….headline news, blanket coverage for days, weeks, months until someone resigned.
How long can this non-PC attitude continue as she beds in at the BBC and goes native…
The policing of language is punitive.
When I read about Sunderland manager David Moyes’s remarks to BBC reporter Vicki Sparks — “You might get a slap even though you’re a woman” — I was as indignant as the rest.
Was he threatening her with violence for doing her job? Then watch the video — Moyes and the reporter are laughing (though perhaps there is a hint of anxiety in her laughter?).
He is teasing her about a question.
There is a deeper theme to the language of violence towards women because — as one Scottish woman writer put it — women always dread the sound of footsteps behind them on a dark road.
But intent and tone must be considered.
Perhaps she is already half-way there as she praises Today…
The Today programme is television for grown-ups
I have been reading with pupil’s attention Robin Lustig’s Is Anything Happening? My Life as a Newsman.
The broadcaster, who made his first career in print, is perceptive about Radio 4 and describes radio as TV for grown-ups
Radio 4 needs to be the rock of reason in the babbling ocean.
A young listener told me he had embraced the Today programme because “it was never moronic”. Television for grown-ups.
Still maybe there’s hope…well, not really…
Sarah Sands: Brexiteers and Remainers must learn to get on
When I expressed sadness to a student about Remain losing she answered darkly that now I might understand how she has felt for every election that the Tories have won.
In his report set to be published tomorrow, Sir John Chilcot has brought back memories of mass opposition to the Iraq War. The aftershocks still shudder through our national psyche. What we need is a psychological reassessment. Living among Brexiteers, as most of us are, given the numbers, I am prepared to believe that we can reassemble our relationships, structures and economies in a new spirit of understatement. There is no absolute good or the opposite, outside the spiritual world.
The negative version is that house prices crash and immigrants leave — because there is no growth and no jobs.
The referendum exposed two nations. We need a one-nation figure to restore order.
The ES has become totally far-left – to the point that I refuse to pick it up for free anymore.
(I would have called it ‘left-wing’, but the Libtards call everything ‘far-right’, so now I respond in kind….)
The major difference between the left calling their opponents ‘far-right’ and normal people calling the left ‘far-left’ is that the left call the anyone to the right of left-of-centre the far-right, whereas the left are so far gone that they have almost come back around the other way…
‘We need a one – nation figure to restore order’
Really! I am very ordered as other ‘leavers’ are, probably because we won. The disorder is on the side of those that refuse to accept defeat, a similar phenomenon is going on in America where the left still haven’t accepted defeat.
Still it is hilarious watching them reduced to fake news about the right. One feminist writer in America ( NYT I believe )stating ‘Pence would not be a good female employer because he is only ever seen out to dinner with his wife’. Yup.. a stable loyal marriage is now fair game for an attack by the left as they consider it abnormal.. well, to be normal!
Over here the remainers whip up fear of what the future holds post Brexit, I would say it’s ‘back to the future’.
It must be said that despite A50 being signed, the BBC Blair Campbell Miller et al haven’t given up fighting our leaving, and I do believe the EU is going to make it virtually impossible to leave without some really nasty stuff happening.
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.
“Shifting Sands” . Worthless woman. We don’t need a one nation leader, we need the Remain losers to accept the result. Q. Will Leftists ever grow up or are they permanent teenagers ?
The really annoying thing is if the referendum had gone the other way I think leavers would have been annoyed but would have accepted the democratic vote. For sure there would still be Eurosceptics but the nasty violent name calling and demos would not have happened. Any antagonism seems to be coming from EU fanatics, stirred up by the BBC and Sky.
With the Left it is always hatred and violence .
What we have to remember is that it’s far easier for Bremoaners to keep up the objecting as they have mot of the media and many powerful ppl on their side. It’s very frightening actually.
Two nations? More like half a dozen. I don’t care for London and cities . Never have although I knew them well especially London. All she is really saying is stop Brexit for the sake of unity- her version. Keep it up snowflakes and keep encouraging the Spanish, Germans and whoever to threaten and insult us.
Us country boys thrive on insults and respond really badly to threats. Mrs May please note.
As a country boy myself who suffered in London for 4 years, I could not agree more. There is a saying in my wife’s language, Wolof , “Country boys clever, city boys stupid”. Naturally, the Metropolitan Elite think it is the other way round.