Oh gosh…Pepsi has apparently hijacked the Black Lives Matter ‘iconic’ photo and exploited it to promote its fizzy drink….the BBC naturally were on the case.
First, almost certainly that photo was set up and the girl was not there under her own steam….likely someone trying deliberately to create an ‘iconic’ image. And if anyone hijacked that image it’s BLM….done before and better….
Personally I prefer the real, authentic smack of heroism where life really is in danger…
And the Pepsi ad?
It is extremely corny but fairly typical in sentiment from any other such ad….remember this iconic Coke ad?..
No problem with Pepsi’s hijacking protest movement theme….it has just been done incredibly badly….why use a super model…the very antithesis of what such a protest would be about? And oh so multiculti and right-on…and all those fake protest signs….crass and laughable….never mind the Muslim photographer. LOL. Could have been done so much better.
And this is the real face of the cop-killer BLM movement…
The best Pepsi ad?…cheap and simple….
I am sure that there is an iconic photo of Tariq Ali of the Vietnam protests squaring up to a line of cops.
However I recall reading Trotski’s History of the Russian Revolution where he depicts a demonstration of women protesters squaring eye to eye with Cossack soldiers and he describes how one Cossack winked at the nearest woman thus empowering the workers to victory.
Here is Mark Dyce on the Pepsi ad pointing out that it is becoming impossible to separate parody of the loony Social Justice Warriors from what they really do.
Two things come to mind:
1. I’m so out of touch I haven’t a clue who is Kendall Jenner? I don’t really want to know, mind, otherwise I’m sure there are millions of hits on Google.
2. Are Pepsi ads that influential?
Me too.
Also most advertising in cinemas is of this globalist ‘we are all together’ style. Once you notice that it is a relief to see the openly authoritarian ‘turn off your mobiles’ or ‘stop thieving our films’ adverts. (Is there a secret plan to destroy everyone’s hearing, particulary at the low-frequency end, or is it just our ‘local’ that loves 120dB ‘rumble’ whenever two objects touch or an ‘exciting’ event happens?).
I stopped going to cinemas about 15 years ago. Just buy DVDs and you can watch them many times. Most current films seem to be crap anyway.
Same here, used to go to the cinema all the time but the habit has slowly dwindled away until the last film I saw at the pictures was the heavily promoted and critically well-received Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It was horrible. Haven’t trusted film critics for a long time but that was the final nail in the coffin. As you say, funny how it’s possible to enjoy films from all past eras but current ones are frequently unwatchable.
I would normally say its just a sign of getting old, but my father was attending the cinema at my age. And a younger work colleague stated that he was bored of cinema films. He is only 24.
“2. Are Pepsi ads that influential?”
Always tastes like Vimto to me!
I have always drunk vimto. Love it.
Don’t knock it – it is recommended for Ramadan. Criticism of vimto is Islamophobic and could land you in court.
3. Who gives a flying fizz!
Kendall Jenner is an inspiration to talentless women worldwide. She sells the notion that you can be everything you want to be, no matter how useless and shallow you may be.
We are now told that Kendall Jenner is “devastated” by the reaction to this advertisement. No. Aleppo has been devastated, Aceh was devastated by the 2004 tsunami, Hiroshima was devastated.
Criticism on social media is not “devastation”.
Didn’t her Dad used to be her Mom, or am I getting confused here?
So, it rather blew the taste test then?
The Pepsi CEO must have very understanding shareholders.
BBC Pension Fund heavily invested?
PepsiCo company has its tentacles in many food brands these days,mainly unhealthy junk processed stuff. Very easy to boycott.
Vomit-inducing, and I don’t mean the drink.
It’s not that diverse . There were no Coca Cola drinkers in the ad .
Just like every UK TV advert or BBC production. Straight white people need not apply.
Even better, Pepsi is not only headed by an uber SJW Indian woman (and Hillary backer) but they’re also the ultimate owner of a certain producer of deep-fried fat flakes. So if you’re wondering how come the jug-eared git from Leicester has missed the chance for some top grade virtue signalling, this is why.