Another terrorist attack, motive unknown, but Sweden is determined that the values that it treasures, freedom, democracy and human rights, will not be undermined by Islam…er…I mean by ‘hate’….whatever that means…
Stockholm attack: Sweden ‘will not be undermined by hate’
Swedish values of democracy and freedom will not be “undermined by hatred”, the country’s prime minister has said.
The Swedes are so obviously in denial. I reckon you’re more likely to go to gaol in Sweden for accurately describing the muslim culprit of a terrorist atrocity than for actually being the terrorist.
At least it would be a nice jail.
Unless they have double tracked these too.
Sweden is a write-off. It is finished.
Didn’t Donald Trump tell everyone this a few days ago?
Perhaps a U.S. travel ban on Swedes might concentrate Stefan Lofven’s mind and stimulate some effective action. I wouldn’t want a “Swede” having a fly drive holiday in Florida at the wheel of a Winnebago.
Can anyone even bear to listen to the vapid platitudes this cuckold will come out with? They say the same rubbish every time, from Paris to Nice to Berlin to London to Stockholm, and nothing ever changes. There are only two words which matter: “allahu akbar”.
Face up to the reality of those words or prepare for the end of western civilization.
Hatred is described as intense dislike. Until recently, Civilization lasted for one thousand years, after Paganism in Sweden was defeated by Christians, who defeated the hatred of Christianity, by forgiving those who hated Christians, and therefore civilising Sweden.
Today, Sweden has returned to the more uncivilised and primitive ideologies of Paganism, Humanism and Islam, by outlawing the hatred of these uncivilised and therefore justifiably hated ideologies.
It would mean that it would be an Islamophobic crime for Swedes to fear being killed by Islamic terrorism, or hate refuges who kill Swedes, because of the very unislamic immoral and perverted lifestyle of these very indecently dressed Swedes, especially, those liberal left-wing Swedish women who support mass immigration from the Middle East, but don’t wear a big Black Bin bag, over their heads. Naughty Girls.
It is also a crime for Swedes to hate Islamic terrorists who have killed friends, acquaintances and relatives.
Sorry Sweden, I’m not listening. I have as much sympathy for you as I would for a farmer who left his hen house door open deliberately and then complained that there was blood and feathers everywhere the next day.
It is very sad , but I have to agree with you. There is no hope for Sweden now. The first domino has fallen .
It’s a shame that the raw emotion people feel after these horrors are diluted by the time elections come. Germany France Belgium Sweden and others . Allowing people in large from the Middle East into your country without vetting or proper control or the consent of the electorate should be punished but the msm manipulates by blame transfer e.g. Security / police failure – failure to treat mental condition – that sort of thing.
When will Sweden and the BBC describe attacks using vehicles in Israel as terrorism or even include the word in reports? Israeli killed in West Bank car-ramming attack
The answer to your question is ” never “.
if i have a boil on my arse and wont go to the doctor to get it lanced then i forfeit my right to complain about the discomfort to my partner and friends and expect any sympathy
After Dunblane pistol shooters and others had their weapons confiscated to stop a repetition.
Surely time for cars to be removed from the possibility of falling into the hands of murderers?
And Islamic terrorist organisations are laughing their heads off!