The BBCers and Teachers….brothers in arms….reading this description of how educational ‘progressive trolls’ patroll the internet you’d easily recognise it as a description of the BBC itself…it may not be able to back up an argument but it has the moral highground…and so it is right anyway….and all their opponents are Fascists….
The Rise Of The Progressive Trolls
When I started blogging, it was at the height of the control of policy and institutions in education by educational progressives, and I used to get a lot of personal attacks. It was seen as close to blasphemy to dissent, or even to express opinions like saying INSET is often a bit boring, that you can hear in almost every staffroom. There was very little professionalism or restraint from those who just wanted me to shut up.
As time went on, more classroom teachers joined Twitter, my following grew, and I saw less of that kind of intimidation aimed at myself, although I saw plenty of it aimed at newer voices, like Quirky Teacher. They’d be witch hunts every so often, when the great mass of progressives saw a target, but less in the way of actual abuse, and what there was tended to happen only when somebody lost their temper having already lost the argument. I mainly experienced a lot of tut-tutting from those convinced they had the moral high ground, and that even if they could not show my opinions were wrong, they were at least convinced my tone was not what it should be, and that their own motives, behaviour and compassion were beyond question. Every so often a troll, by which I mean somebody who hurls insults and threats on social media, would pop up and be blocked but it was the exception.
Over the last few months things have changed. Having spent years trying to claim the moral high ground in the debate, a new faction seems to have emerged. The progressive trolls. They have appeared to tell us that traditionalists are evil, selfish fascists up to no good (although they sometimes claim not to be terribly progressive themselves). They congratulate each other on being blocked, and subtweet personal attacks and conspiracy theories about those who have blocked them. They put a lot of time into telling anyone who listen that traditionalists are extremely right-wing.
Clearly James Harding needs more funding to create another special unit.
Unless the BBC already has one. Bless.
It was all going so well until the end when they showed they bought the fake news that if a Black guy had approached the cop they would have shot him and made out the pepsi looked like a gun so they got away with it.
Shows how those lies stick in peoples minds and become truth.
Maybe BBC head of comeedee should watch more YouTube? (Not the bit BBC Trending seems stuck on)