The BBC reports that an heroic Muslim girl has stepped in to save another being viciously assaulted by EDL thugs…
A viral photo of a woman smiling at an English Defence League (EDL) protester in Birmingham was snapped after she stepped in to defend a “fellow Brummie”, she has told the BBC.
The image of Saffiyah Khan has been shared thousands of times since it was taken at Saturday’s demonstration. Ms Khan, from Birmingham, said she felt moved to intervene when she saw another woman surrounded by about 25 men.
“I don’t like seeing people getting ganged up on in my town,” she said
She said she had initially been happy “to stay out of the way”, but “stepped forward” when another woman shouted “Islamophobe” at members of the EDL who had gathered in Centenary Square. “A group of 25 quite big-looking EDL lads, they surrounded her,” she said.
“She was 360 surrounded… I stepped forward and identified myself as someone who supported her and contradicted them.”
After that, Ms Khan said, protestors gathered around her instead, which led to the scene captured by a Press Association photographer.
Trouble is none of that is true…the real story is that she and her mates were counter protesting and disrupting a minutes silence for victims of Muslim terror attacks….and the police had to drag her away and kick her out of the area…..
Video of the girl in the pic being dragged out by the police.
— Al Hank (@alhank78) April 9, 2017
And still smiling after the event…
— Matthew Cooper (@MatthewCooperPA) April 9, 2017
I did a search on this girl earlier on, and noticed how the EDL were on their own and out of the way. When I say on their own, there was no mass braying crowd opposite them. So how come 3 Muslim girls just happened to walk up to them, Where they tried to cause an incident. (Hope one of them was attacked) What better time than during a minutes silence. I also looked up the girl on Twitter, found somebody who looks a lot like the girl above and whilst not current it does have a number of anti Israeli tweets.
Finally, the bBC has started promoting hot stories on the twitter verse as Top News. So we have this, the other day it was the rapping Hijab girl. last year we had the (not) submissive Muslim girls
Its just another version of BLM, but replace Black with enlightened Muslim girls who are far superior to white trash. The bBC are simply carrying on with their mission statement in which to excuse intolerant Islam every chance they get by braining washing the young and the impressionable that Islam really is about empowerment for the fairer sex, that Islam is far superior than every other faith going. Think I’m kidding here is what the bBC pushed out today ‘Palm Sunday’ as a a worthy news story in a country where the majority see themselves as..Christians.

Anybody else think that to push out such a story a week before Easter is insensitive. You know that mission statement the bBC claims it abides by which forbids it from referring to Terrorist as it is a loaded term. Ramadan ( I will of course be blogging my usual Ramadan death tollon a daily basis during the Islamic holy month) is next month would the bBC knock out a poll in which to ask Muslims if they thought:
1) Was Mohammed a paedophile
2) Did he really fly over Jerusalem in a winged horse
3) Was he a blood thirsty warlord.
Of course not, anything which shines a light on Islam is forbidden at the bBC, and in order to prevent people from waking up and smelling the coffee about the so called ‘Religion of peace’ the bBC goes well out of its way in which to disparage anything and everything which isn’t …Islamic.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islam paid for by you.
I should learn to proof read. Above replace:
Hope one of them was attacked)
(In the hope that one of them was attacked in the full light of the media.)
That “story” on the website of the BBC is a calculated insult to the Christians of this Nation, (including our own Queen).
Astonishing example of pure bias, they would not even dream of putting out something like that questioning the religious belief of any other religious group.
Truly despicable.
I have always supported your Ramadan death, and publicised it everywhere.
Carry on the good work.
There are quite a few Hindus and non-European Christians, who are thoroughly disgusted at what is happening in Europe.
I had hopes for Donald Trump, when he explicitly named the enemy, and castigated Obama for not doing so. But it seems he has folded. The Deep state has won.
I have also seen a list of numbers of all murdered in terrorist attacks since 9/11 but not for a long time. Speaking of which did anyone see that there was another woman who died as a result of the Westminster terrorist attack? It raises that one to five.
The Guardian, the premier apologist for Islamofascism on the left and BBC bible, had their ‘two-minute hate’ for the EDL.
The photograph was for Suzanne Moore “In dark times, this image has a glorious message – resistance is not futile”
The outpouring of virtue-signalling vitriol, contempt and quite spectacular wishful-thinking below the line, was epitomised in this irony-free comment;
“The English lower classes are an embarrassment to our progressive, tolerant country the sooner they have disappeared for good the better for society.”
The BBC paid for by you, buys 75,000 copies of the Guardian every year.
“Trouble is none of that is true…”
What isn’t true? The BBC aren’t reporting what she said truthfully? Or you don’t think what she’s saying is true?
When the same BBC report you quote says;
“The EDL claimed on Facebook that Ms Khan had been part of a group that had interrupted a minute’s silence in memory of the Stockholm terror attack victims.”
Is that true? Or is the BBC not reporting what the EDL said truthfully?
Curiously, you don’t believe anything Saffiyah Khan says, but believe everything “EssexEDL” says in an anonymous tweet?
Why is that I wonder?
Mmm, let me see…
[Alan, Ed:…yep…let’s see…let’s check Newssniffer Oh look…BBC added that after we posted…good to see we keep them on their toes]
Why would those nice police persons “remove” her by force from the area – as shown on the video?
Item obviously not referred to the fact check department first!
That “muslim girl” would be punished for improper dress in every Sharia compliant state in the world.
I doubt that she would even be admitted to prayers in a single mosque in the UK.
They put you on nights again ?
Have you any Bias to offer, an Al Beeb supporter , or merely a troll ?
Max, think…an EDL rally….surrounded by a police imposed sterile zone to prevent violence.
“muslim girl” allowed to get into the group. The video evidence clearly shows her being subsequently removed.
Now imagine an Islamic demonstration, surrounded by a police cordoned sterile area to prevent violence….try to imagine a Christian girl or two “infiltrating” the group….I can`t imagine that happening, can you? Why is that I wonder?
Mmm, I think we know don’t we?
Yes….Mmmmm, let me see….let’s check Newssniffer...
First two BBC versions that were up as we posted…
1. Ms Khan, from Birmingham, said she felt moved to intervene when she saw another woman surrounded by about 25 men.
Ms Khan, who said she was not part of an organised counter-protest, told the BBC she had been “quite surprised” when the photo was retweeted around the world.
“I don’t like seeing people getting ganged up on in my town,” she said.
2. Ms Khan, from Birmingham, said she felt moved to intervene when she saw another woman surrounded by about 25 men.
Ms Khan, who said she was not part of an organised counter-protest, told the BBC she had been “quite surprised” when the photo was retweeted around the world.
“I don’t like seeing people getting ganged up on in my town,” she said.
Then the edited version…following our post….
Ms Khan, from Birmingham, said she felt moved to intervene when she saw another woman surrounded by about 25 men.
Ms Khan, who said she was not part of an organised counter-protest, told the BBC she had been “quite surprised” when the photo was retweeted around the world.
The EDL said she interrupted a minute’s silence for terror attack victims.
Just as well this site exists to fact check the BBC’s lies…lies, which despite being half corrected on that report [where are the facts that she was shouting abuse such as ‘racist scum’ at the protestors?…why is that missing from the BBC report? And where is it in the report that she was ejected from the area by the police?], are still being spread on their news bulletins where Ms Khan is the new heroic face of Islam.
Anything else about Islam you’d like to defend, maxincony, you know, like:
– gender segregation
– sharia
– the burka
– honour killings
– hate preachers
– Islamic schools
– refusing to integrate
– death sentences for blasphemy eg in Pakistan
– religious cleansing in Muslim countries
The floor is yours…
Yes I saw this leftie shite in their webdite. Also saw this pathetic leftie drivel…
You tell me any other religion that gets this much attention from the London-centric metro BBC? The BBC are utterly pathetic, liars and criminal in their bias. They are the enemies of the British.
Muslim fashion ? Somewhat flies in the face of their assertion that their traditional items of clothing are designed to desexualise and therefore prevent the opposite sex lusting over them.
Yes I saw this leftie shite in their webdite. Also saw this pathetic leftie drivel…
You tell me any other religion that gets this much attention from the London-centric metro BBC? The BBC are utterly pathetic, liars and criminal in their bias. They are the enemies of the British.
I have lately joked that as I get older the face veil seems more like a good idea and saves a fortune in face creams Little did I know my attempt at satire would become reality.It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if the burka and veil becomes the thing to be seen in .Imagine all the red carpet show offs and luvvies.
Be my guest
By the beard of Allah!
This is typical of the BBC ‘truth’. They know the story that they want to report, they just need to choose the right ‘facts’ and put them in the right order.
It follows the pattern of the “Arrests Made at EDL Demonstration” reporting. Factually correct, but linking the bad ‘arrests’ with ‘EDL’ rather than the ‘innocent bystanders’ who were the ones actually arrested.
They play the same game when reporting on Israel – “Israel Soldier Shoots Palestinian”, leaving the alternative ‘headline’ “Palestinian Stabs Israeli/Mows Down Pedestrians” to the final paragraph of the ‘report’.
Sadly this technique is common across the whole of BBC reporting – Value of the pound goes up and down in today’s trading, BBC: “Pound Falls”, French MEP praises Brexit, German MEP damns Brexit, BBC: “Brexit Disaaster Says Euro-MEP” etc. etc.
Name the subject, determine the anti-British line and the BBC will oblige.
As in ” Trump in league with Putin” followed by ” Trump provokes Putin”. Can’t win when you are a Republican. Regan, Bush, Bush junior and Trump all thick, stupid and evil. Clinton, Obama and Hillary Clinton highly intelligent and articulate.
Facts and performance totally disregarded.
I wonder if she can bake a lemon drizzle cake; the BBC might find a job for her
The Mirror have been wanking over this vile creature too.
Shouting insults during a minute’s silence, to try and provoke a reaction, is exactly the sort of stunt which that paper’s sponsee, ‘Hope Not Hate’ would organise though.
Don’t forget though, that a minute’s silence is a blessing when you don’t have to hear some pathetic drivel masquerading as news by the truly awful bbbc, even for just those precious sixty seconds!
We’re getting all our news elsewhere now, the silly presenters, useless reporters, sad plonkers like that russell brand yob and the rest of the miserable crowd have ditched any formality, and are just appalling nowadays.
On the upside, a visit to this site on a regular basis is the perfect antidote to the taxed crap we get dished up. Sorry I can’t be more of a contributor…
But then I’m an old fart and seventy in July, and still remember what the real BBC was like all those years ago!
Yes, like you, and many others, I have given-up on the BBC. Thanks to modern technology I can read, hear and even watch better news from many sources and countries.
The BBC has had it’s day. It’s just that it hasn’t realized yet. A real shame that Cameron gave away a 10 year charter, for nothing really, as was his wont. In 5 years the BBC will be so out of touch and out of date that few would object to it’s being wound-up and restructured. Instead it has another 10 years of bleeding the public.
This is low even for the BBC.
Note the position of the liaison officers hands.
The liaison officer appears to be stage managing the situation, not de-escalating it.
Look at the EDL poster here
The EDL was protesting of the deliberate connivance of the police, and the political authorities, in hiding and refusing to prosecute the brutal gang rapes of tens of thousands of young working class girls by Pakistani Muslims. That is what the protest was about. Instead this girl turns up, and becomes the heroine of “freedom and tolerance”- again with the connivance of the media.
Of course she is smiling. She has the police, the Establishment and the BBC on her side. Of course EDL protesters are angry, justifiably so, as it was young working class girls that were being gang raped in the tens of thousands for decades, with knowledge by the authorities and the imams.
We are so way begone now, that we vilify the relatives and supporters of the victims, while praising the supporters of the gang rapists, beheaders and bombers.
What next. If a Muslim girl came to confront Egyptians Christians in England, to protest at the mass murder of Christians in the Middle East, in the eyes of the BBC, will it be the Egyptian Christians who are bigots? Seems very likely to me.
Advice to Egyptian Christians – don’t protest of the ongoing mass murder of Christians by Muslims. If you do, you will be vilified. Ditto to patriotic Swedes, Germans and French. Smile, plant flowers, light candles, hold hands with Muslims, and sing “Kumbaya”.
No wonder Muslims smile tolerantly. Never in their wildest dreams could they have imagined, that the nation that defeated the Nazis, would fold under pressure from Muslim immigrants, in a coordinated operation of crying “Peace, Tolerance”, while their compatriots in the RoP hacked and bombed their way to the Islamic paradise. Note: Muslims come to preach to us of Tolerance and Peace, but not where to is required – to the “radical” Muslims in their midst.
In 50 years or less, Europe, Britain included, will be an Islamic country with Sharia as the law of the land. Then will start the real persecution. What is happening to all non-Muslims in Muslim countries, will happen here. It is as certain as one can get. That is what this girl, and Muslims are smiling about.
You are right. They know that they have won. All they need to do now is a mopping up operation. The Leftist Elite wankers have sold our heritage for nothing. May they rot in hell.
“…Of course she is smiling. She has the police, the Establishment and the BBC on her side.”
Absolutely spot-on. She also gets to virtue signal – the icing on the cake.
Tommy Robinson, who previously headed up the EDL, has stuck up for Brummie Saffiyah Khan who smiled at protesters in Birmingham city centre on Saturday.
But Robinson, who now heads up another group, Pegida UK, took the unusual step of sticking up for her.
He Tweeted: “Ok, just had In confirmed by a friend who was at edl demo, this lady was defending a woman in a navy hijab as she said to the papers.
“& I don’t care how many people don’t like me saying that , the truth is the truth. & the picture is embarrassing.”
There is an element of BBC bias in the reporting of this image, and it is this. There is always two sides to every story, except that the BBC chooses only to report one side – and that is always the side which favours its brown eyed boys.
Remember the Muslim woman on her mobile ignoring the injured on Westminster Bridge and the media leaping to her defence as the lying tell Mama claimed she had anonymously contacted them?
The BBC were in on that too refuting the viral message of a Muslim who appeared oblivious to the suffering her fellow Muslims caused. Now when it’s the other way around they refuse to tell the other side of the story regardless of whether its right or wrong.
Double standards being applied.
Smug poster girl gets her 15 minutes of fame, with 100% backing of the police, politicians and media.
We’re all racists and that’s the end of it, reminds of the old computer game meme from years ago – ‘All your base are belong to us!’
She claimed to not be a political activist while choosing to wear an anti Israel free Gaza T shirt today – I think that just about says it all.
The New Stockholm Syndrome
To be fair it looks like lies on both sides. This long video
…shows the events in question at around 32m00 onwards. The EDL claim the Muslim girl tried to disrupt a minutes silence but I cannot see or hear any attempt to start a minutes silence.
The video does show the ‘anti-fascist’ causing all the trouble though.
Saffiyah Khan was interviewed by Victoria Derbyshire today
fast forward to 1h44m.
She says it was an unpleasant experience “as I had fingers in my face”. VD then asks “how were you smiling?”. Hmmmm, wasn’t that unpleasant then plus the viral photo has no fingers in anyone’s face – apart from that….
Tabs many thanks for that:
Had a butchers and you are quite correct both sides are guilty of telling porkies.
1) The 2 Hijab girls started the whole shindig by screaming ‘facists’ at the Neanderthals
2) This drew in the knuckle dragging squad, who after a while start to depart
3) Miss Khan who is in the vicinity then ignite passions by being one of the crowd of activists (the Shemagh worn by one of the indian looking guys gives it away) who start to scream nazis scum, which again draws in the thugs.
Where the media is remiss is that Miss Khan isn’t the sole person there, but rather she belongs to a gaggle of anti-EDL crows who arrive as a pack, react as a pack.
Funny enough when the apes unable to find anything to interest themselves with start to return to the middle of the square, those 2 hijab wearing girls return as well.
Tabs many thanks for that:
Had a butchers and you are quite correct both sides are guilty of telling porkies.
1) The 2 Hijab girls started the whole shindig by screaming ‘facists’ at the Neanderthals
2) This drew in the knuckle dragging squad, who after a while start to depart
3) Miss Khan who is in the vicinity then ignite passions by being one of the crowd of activists (the Shemagh worn by one of the indian looking guys gives it away) who start to scream nazis scum, which again draws in the thugs.
Where the media is remiss is that Miss Khan isn’t the sole person there, but rather she belongs to a gaggle of anti-EDL crows who arrive as a pack, react as a pack.
Funny enough when the apes unable to find anything to interest themselves with start to return to the middle of the square, those 2 hijab wearing girls return as well.
New BBC posting about the incident denying the minutes silence allegation.
Always taking the Muslim side.
So, according do that BBC item she has stated she was shouting “racist scum off our streets” at people protesting against islam.
As we all know, islam is not a race.
Looking at the video above the whole “protest” and “counter protest” looks like a staged event. That, or people are a lot gentler with each other than they were in the demonstrations that I attended in the ’70s.
Whatever the truth, the BBC News web site had the initial report on the home page for quite some time, whereas the follow-up report about the woman denying she interrupted a minute’s silence has arrived late in the day and been hidden in regional news. An ever-increasing underhand tactic by the BBC.