‘G’ in the comments notes that the BBC corrected an article that stated ‘Thousands of EU laws on everything from workers’ rights to the environment are to be scrapped or replaced with UK equivalents in a new plan.’ and replaced it with this ‘Thousands of EU laws on everything from workers’ rights to the environment are to be transferred into UK law as the country gears up for Brexit. ‘
‘Brexit‘…or the ‘Scrapheap Challenge’ as the BBC prefers to call it.
How the BBC presents the negotiations is important….the BBC and Remainders are pushing the narrative that negotiations and any trade deals will be extraordinarily complex and will take years, perhaps over a decade, to complete. It is all part of their anti-Brexit campaign…keep up a negative barrage of comments about how difficult and complex Brexit will be and how the supposed advantages of it will in fact be almost impossible to negotiate….they are still fighting the referendum whatever Nick Robinson spins about it all being over. He, and the BBC, should actually listen to the Public…as Lord Ashcroft points out…they want to get on with it….
For an event that was supposed to change everything, Brexit has made strikingly little difference to domestic politics. The single biggest reason, according to my latest research, is that most people, however they voted in the referendum, think a democratic decision has been made and needs to be implemented: even among remain voters there is very little appetite for trying to block or delay our departure.
The fact that we are already in the EU and comply fully with all their rules and regulations already would, to an impartial observer, seem to indicate that any deal must be relatively simple and quick to cobble together…but again the BBC seems to want to paint a different picture…that opening line, ‘Thousands of EU laws on everything from workers’ rights to the environment are to be scrapped or replaced with UK equivalents in a new plan.’ was clearly totally wrong as a paragraph later on the BBC itself proves as it quotes David Davis…’It also meant workers’ rights, environmental protection and consumer rights currently enshrined in EU laws would continue when Britain left, he added.’
Interesting of course that the BBC cherrypicks workers rights and the environmental laws to claim they are being ‘scrapped’…..a Remainders’ alarmist theme.
What is remarkable is how many versions of this report there are, it is constantly updated [News sniffer] and many of the updates seem to be designed to put a negative spin on Brexit and a positive spin on the EU’s own stance..and indeed that claim that laws are to be emotively ‘scrapped’ itself was a later addition, the first version being ‘The government will set out how it plans to remove EU law from the statute book later by publishing details of its Great Repeal Bill.’
This was also added…‘Asked if the PM’s comments amounted to “blackmail”, he replied: “I try to be a gentleman, so towards a lady I don’t even use or think about the word ‘blackmail’.”
As was this ‘The prime minister’s words sparked an angry reaction from some EU officials who said security was too important to be used as a bargaining chip in trade negotiations. ‘
This ‘She called for a “deep and special partnership that takes in both economic and security co-operation”, and also warned the failure to reach a deal could weaken the joint fight against crime and terrorism.’ was changed to this more alarmist ‘blackmail’ version ‘ In her letter on Wednesday triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, Mrs May suggested cooperation with the EU on the fight against crime and terror was at risk if Britain did not agree an overall Brexit deal within the two year time limit.’
A bit of positive news about the EU…it won’t ‘punish’ us, they’re lovely really...’He said the “fear” that the EU would punish Britain for leaving, in order to deter other countries from going down the same route, “has reduced” although it had not disappeared altogether.’
Oh and the Public are ‘apprehensive’ about the deal …‘Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson admitted to public “apprehension” over the outcome of a deal, but said Mrs May was “wise” to wait until now to set out her negotiating position.’
And so on…many, many changes as the article is extensively rewritten over the space of a day but don’t forget…‘Get news from the BBC in your inbox, each weekday morning’...and remember to keep checking every hour as the story is rewritten to suit as the agenda changes and they think of new and interesting ways to slip in a few Brexit slanders.
Midweek 5th March 2025
I sometimes wonder whether the poor/weak sort of politicians we have to bear here have any idea about proper negotiation…